HomeMy WebLinkAboutO 086 Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson County, Colorado._ 19_59 'O!If'..qr:"",'!.~~_'1!Il!!!!f~~ FebrUSr'J ;04, the left of . 15 too~ ~u~ curve to a point ot reverse curvature; thence on a curve t!J the right ot . 15 toot red1ua curve to its intersect,ion With the West rljb~-ot-1iIIQ" line of Hoyt Street; theDce North along the extended West r1~nt-ot-'0/8.i line of ~ Street to a point ot curvature ot a curve whose center lies 25 teet South IIIId 15 teet West of the NortlNest corner ot Lot 10; thence along said curve to the point of beSinning. Also, Block "An u shown on the plat of Fernvood Subdivision. Also, that portion at West 39th Avenue lying bet1lOeen Lot 10, ~t 11, LOt 22 and Lot 23 IIIId ~ bet.wen tbe extended We8t rlght-ot-_y line of Holland Street IIIId the But exteDded rlght-ot-~ line ot Hoyt. Street. TO HAVE AIm TO HOLD the _, together With all and singular appurtenances and privileges t"ereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest ana claim \/'hatlloever, of the said County of Jefferson, State ot Colorado, either in 18\/' or equity, to the 001.)" proper use, benent and behoof of the said parties of the second part, the survivor of tr.eo and the heirs SlId usIgns 01' such 8urvt vor forever. IN WI'l'ftESS WHEREOF the undersigned, acting by Md tor t:,e County of Jefferson, state of Colorado, all af'oreaa1d, has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year fi rst above vr1 tten, and has nereunto affixed the seal of the aaid County of Jetferson. State 'Jf nolorado. SEAL COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF BY (si COlIIlL ss for Md on behalf of state of Colorado. STATE OF COLORAOO ss: ::aUNT'/' OF JEIl'FERSON The foregoing instnnnent vas acknowledged before me this 24th day or February, A. :)avid R. Braden, COlIIIl1ssiOl.er to convey and execute deed for and on ber.alf of the Jefferson, State of Colo!'Bdc.. Wi tnesB my hand and seal. (Signed) County Clerk a~d ;..' ~::?C...-X;: .~: 07' ROAOC I~. r: ;c.-o:.....~--':-[ of ';Jtmliss1oner Bauer, SE:c.ond by (;onrniBs1on'~r S\~boech aild b:.' Nl. ;crity <- ~ ...-, '.,..,{,.......a"" no...."'........" 'hn"?"!", f1J~a.nf'. ~. "-.. ~ <:J I ~ ;- ~ .