HomeMy WebLinkAboutO 089 ,.." O'\ch r" roa;''''~ atl;i'''t ohllJ.l bll""~ o.',e:\ brOtgi,t ll"lt'J COUn;J 51' ii1 Ci'. "I "'~ CUtl'~""t'^'''' , I I . f ' Sardene .eying Norti, o~ 1 8 d that portion of 9-10-11 0 ,'amona ti A resubdi viaion of Lot.s -2' an T25 Rag.;' together '0'1 th protecti v',, covenants and a va.ca on , TynOl'l Lat.ereJ., in Section 0, , ' Ui of roada. ., ice L. Spencer , "C(H(ISSIOttERS DEED - to Donald A. and ...... ti maJorit.y vote the following resolu ~ } Upon IIOtion of c~aaioner Osborne, aecOI'Id by C~iss1oner Schoech and by , " >l8lI adopted: Board of Jefreraon I , hereb and here'o'1 th approved and the ute Deed I BE rr RESOLVED that. the following c~aa1onera De~ ~bert AY schoech COIIIlIisllioner to Convey an4 to EXec ec-1asiooers bereby /lAd herewith appolnta. . ~ OIl bebalf' of' the County of' Jefferson, State of Colorado. I COMMISSIOBERS IEED 20tb ~ of February one thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine THIS .uuJamJRE ~ this f C~ore.dD acting by and t.hrough its duly ! bet_en the County c~ Jefferson, state: bert A &hoech to convey and t.o execute deed, conatituted and appointed cQllll1ssioner ,~_..-:===~.=..~,,==-= =-=- Jefferson Coun Journal of the Commi!isioners of . Coloradot-.~ M!lrch 2 19-.5.9_ ...,._.,=:::-::=-=:.=:~~.~ firet party, aad Dcnald A. and Alice L. Spencer parties of the second part, 'wJ.'J.'DIlClOIliDl , THAT VBZRBAS, the Board of County COIIIIi88100ers of the county or Jefferson, State of Colorado, did at 0. relUlar llleeting of said Board held at the Court House in said Count.y on the 2nd da.y of' I4u'ch, A. D. 1959, duly adopt and pus a rellOlu'tion authorizing the conveyance of the bere1aatter dBaerlbecl real property to second parties, and II1d by said resolution appoint and c:CDBt1 tute the UDder8ipd .. C~.sioner to convey and execute deed for said real estate to IMlCOI1d pal'tiv8 tor and OIl bebalt of the sai4 County of Jefferson, State or Colorado, and did furtber authorize the under8igned to execute this deed and to ai'fix the seal of said County heret<.., l'lOW, ~, ]lOR AID IJI COI'fSImRATIOI'f of the aUII of One Dollar and other good and valuable corsidBrat.1ons, 1n hand ,~4 by second parties, to said County of Jefferson, state of Colorado. receipt of lIhich is hereby con1'essed and aeknovledged, the undersi~ed, acting as 'o_i~s~or.er aforesaid, does by these presents I'e1IIise, release, well, convey and quit claim unto second parties not as tenants in COlllllOrl but as Joint tenants, the Burv! VOl' them a."."i their he! r5 and assigns of such survivor forever, all the right, title, iuterest, daim und demal..d whi:-L tn" sald COlD'lty of Jeffersoo, State of Colorado, rAS 1n and to thea fnll()vi'1.~ -~~<1.......nv~,.l ,..v,~ nH......-.'...... r' f .........._ I 1 i , I ! I- I ~ <='" I ~ I 1"- ~ , , """ -L