HomeMy WebLinkAboutP 053 II L., 'rllEL ..U:, L _r RII 'ED t thel n1o1 -'''''1 rd (I IUlt I ;;1t'J! 'rs " Mr. rella Lepore. 4~ C,iJ Balsam, W11 Mr. Robert Ma..aro, ~'ilO HigJ "ourt to t.twI Board for t:1fl Wheat Ridge Recreation D1l1trlct for a term of two ,ear", :;aid t","1lI to b,,~= -,ff"ct:/" ac; of iSepteaer 1, 1959 and ..id teMl to expire Septee.r 1, 19')1. , lAC'3P'l'AJ(CE or mam - EJg1l T. and Elvie H. Jensen \alId Pearl r.. Ver:11ecy. ~ .ot1en of Coamissioner Bauer, second b. C~ss1oner Osborne and b, maJorit; vote t~e foll~n~ resolution was ~ted: . , ~ IT RESOLVED that the ~C~[); ~l T. and Elvie fr. Jeneen and Pearl A. Verd1eck to Jefferecm ~OUlJt.' '.:::mveying ttwl follov1ng d..~r1bed parcel at rty be and Mreby 11 accepted. for record1Dg: -', 5 Of'.lllock 2, ':rovn !lill He1ghb Subdlvi81oo. ~CE OF IZIm - ElMr H. and W:l.llene S. Clubb ppon .oticm of C~ssioaer llauer,8econd by C~..ioner Osborne and bJ _Jorlty vote the ;adopted : ~ ) ~,IT IT RESOLVE'l that the~r=,~ tl'OII El.IIIer H. Clubb and WilleN! S. Clubb ~ !cemeyanee of the foll parcel ot p be and hereby 11 accepted for recording: , " , / ''-., , The \lest 25 feet of ~CII'l l', T5S, R)9W of the "th P.M. \ - folloving resolution ~8 .TeN'erace :::ount:. for I ,- ~CE OF IZED - Melro.e W. DaYis and C. Mll4red Davis 1 ~1ca of ec-1ss1oaer ~r, ..c0D4 by ~..lODer o.borne and by _Jorlty Yote the following re80lutiOl1 -- ~ IT RBSOLVID that the Quit Cla1a Deed fro. Melroee W. Davis and G. Mildred Davis to .TeN'enoo COtmty conTeying the 'ollov1ng parcel of property be and hereby is aeeepted for record1n6: \ , r ~""1..g at a po1Dt 30 teet lIorth aDd 7ll. 25 t..t Eut of the S\I' comer of t.'oe svt of ~.le of SeeUOII 23, T3S, R69W of the 6th P.M.; thanee Eaat 1 toot to the West l1n~ or llalsu Street .. abow on the plat of Melroee ~r; Tbenc:e North alClll8 the Wast l1ne of 1la1_ Street ~7.95 t~} thanee Wut 1 toot to the SE corner ot Lot 9, Block 2, Melrose Manor; thence South al.OIIc the But liDe of CrMe SubdiY1e1oo, and parallel to the 'Jest line of BalIUl SU'eet, 547.95 teet to the po1nt ot beg1nn1Dg. The above descrl~ parcel of land 18 coaveyed tor street purpoM. to widen Bal... Street. \)) '"- ~IVISICM - Col\lllb1ne Hills Upon .o:;lon of C~.doner Bauer, secood by C~1..1oner Osborne and b: mJor1t:; vote t~e following resolu:;ion _s adopted : :BE rr RESOLVED t'-t the Plat of Columb1ne Hills Subdlvhlon be and it is hereby approved ror tiling L'ld t'~at tc,e cODYeyaDce of the public ways, ~s and streets 8hovn thereon be and it is hereby accepted, subject to t\,e folc..ovin.; -..,~~ ~_ _~~"""_ ,~..,,_,.--~...c=--_,---_...,. - -.."----~..--- -- " --... (/1 ...j)