HomeMy WebLinkAboutP 203 I I Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson C()unty,_9_~I~~~~_o, ~o;) ~" '1 19" ''; _....~ .... , Q\/'t Will nfQ..a.n.~ ~ uaa.atl 1"02: ..""rc deeded to Jeffersc..n ~ounty for u.sc in wideninG of E=lru: c~t:'e"t. ,'he <LO,"~,.}er:.ion"d ,ie'>,j ;ms duly acce~ted by the Board of County :~01lllll1s"ior.e:'G of J,,:'fc:'Gor. ~OU!lt~., 'olo:,rdo on elle first day of June, 1959. > ft'''O~I: Aana L. '~lum to Jefferson COt:Ilty '"'he ea.st 10 feet of the folloving described property beginning a~ a point ,.e, fee~ "orn., feet ~t of the Northeast comer of the 30utheast ,'uarter of the 30uth"",,s: uartcr of ~' Section 24, T33, R69W of the 6th ?!I..; thence West 1'30 feet, then<:c North r'c, feet.; :]",no," L' 1-> ::ast 1.'.\0 feet; thence South 75 feet to the point of beginninG, for road purposes ::lnly. This S, 'ui t Glail:! Deed is to correct a.lother quit claim <iced recorded in the office 0: ".hc ;ler a::d .;'" Recorder, Jefferson County, Colorado in Book 1197, rage 26: \/herein certain parceU of lard 1""1 btt' were deeded to Jefferson COtmty for use in wideninG of F.a1"lc.n Street. ':'hc aforemen'Cioneli ~ :teed '01'81I duly accepted by the Board of County :::olllDissionerG of Jefferson ;ounty, ,.010rado en the first day of JUne, 1959. r ,'1".', . ~' \))J\) 'Z. 4-. e>4-s S ffiC*l: Rex C. Duncan and Helen L. Duncan to Jefferson County The East 10 feet of the East hall' of Lot ::, Karen .3ubdivision, for road purposes onLY. ':'his (~uit Claim Deed is to correct another ;"uit Claim deed recorded in the office of the Cler.. Mil Recorder, Jefferson County, COlorado in Boo,!.; 1197, ?age 260 ...hercin certain parcels of land were deeded to Jefferson County for use in widening of Harlan Street. The aroremet'tioned 'le~(j vas duly ~cepted by the Board of County COIlDlIissiollers of Jefferoon County, ColoradO on the first day of June, 1959. ".aNDIG, RB:'.ONTI1C, AND RECLASSIFICATION CASE BoO-::9 Leonard S. 7all oner Bauer, second by ::OIlIrlissioner 3chacch and by IllaJority vot,e t.he 1'o110....1n" ,,"s01utlc"1 ....no ssioners voting "A;Je"; and, ':OImlissioner Osborne absent: -?) eJl zoning of Jefferson:::ounty ;icst Colfo.. \JUS ctrip zoned :':'IJ :'ee. on "dch :;i<1." ...~ thout. ,",,=,.\ operty line in this area, and .1 this application will help the econooic 'ltili~ation 0:' the c=.c,'ciG.l .. 7.one.J ;-rU~" 1 "on:> ",olci.en Fill '".:emetery; HOl..h, 'laC'a.nt; ~_n8.':' '-o1.n~i f)U' r, ~ South, .~=_; 3.r.d '~st" "., llh>~ tee ap~licat:!.on of' :.eor.a1*. .al.l, :~e ?..:) -<- -~, .."-,, [':'r.lf':!1 R-2 Dist.rict the follo'.r1.r:i:: l~~~cribcd 'J..."1i.l~o~orU.t.' _~ ar'~~[1 r.1U.i _ .0 l.r of ,It-!":'.::":')on OIlT'..J' ,," ....J.Y.i..__s ~ar i";.5 ?lo'. A --- "" --- ..... CJ