HomeMy WebLinkAboutP 327 I _ ~llo , I ~ J-cffL.. _ ___.1 :0__ '" be 3.... )'" J,~s~_ __ '~~, :-_ _r_rt~' J' .... .il~. CJ:..c:' , UL 1 'i~ion T'nat tl.ac:" or par2cl of 131':_: iC'li:v~a-:".::l 3.S ~ pur-' the re':o~::';~d plat L:tc:"cof', '.rhi"i'l rro~c!".J....:r :-:hn.ll 1- _~'."):. :}.J..:' ::. to\.' :, 1.~,' - ...L--:JC~ L_ -_2.:) ~L'''O:,"(it!l ~ -' , "2.. 4 -3-.bj "B 1.4-.610 .\CCEr~fJICS OF Jt:...:J - Roc ~o . \\~nut.~ 3..,.. ',:"l'2-'~n<.~ ~). l~n"J~.o The motion OJaE mde ~;)" C'ocr.li::3io;1~::" Csbo:"T1r-', :>0"onJ.e'-~ by ;o:rli:J~i. '):1.(':' 3f~'.1...... Xi bJr :.;::;.:;j l:.... rPJ'" "'J;;'~ ,I'C!3olution ',19.S a,lopt',"d: !BE rr RESOLVED that the .uit Claim Jeed. fron ~:occo '. Venuto a11-.1 .::-,clcn.; D. l,-~:1U',,':J ')' v Ji~_ ,parccl of p,-operty to Jeffe!'30:1 :OU11ty bee an" :lereby i~ 3.PP"OV' ~ :!.r,cl """"';0" fo" "" ':L i"" I The iest JO feet of t:,,~ South 90 feet of the :;ortll ::3.lf of ",10:'" _, Ln::e':ic',; Subii':ision. ! pt:"''"Poses only. l ~ ACC::?~AllCE OF IIOAOO , r'~ll'"1',.1.!' '-' .~ :,it, .. folC.0vin:' ~:)!" ~oad . Upon motion of :OttI:lisnioner Osborne, second by Cor.n::is~ione::" Bane::" n...'1~~ b:;. tm:mit'1o'.~:J 'f,):', t"~c follo\ling r _:solu1..iQ:~ \.,'110 adopted. wi tl'l all three cOlmlissioners votinc "Aye": \IHE:REAS thf' County of Jefferson, :3tate of ~oloardo, r'cquircs 821 str'""ts Xl' :'0"'" '..0 0" ;3.'Ci:;far-to:"il;: cO'1pl<: ,,1 berore the SaQC will be accepted for maint~n~~ce by toe ;our.ty of Jefferso:1, nnd \IHE:REAS the street5 and rooda an '::cGctib~,-: b,-lm~- h8.,,'~ be,:n sn.tiai'a-.:lo.i:'.' ~8:-11)1 t<...~ .].:,' f1:t~ :OUllty :1ood Superr1.'ior {JJ bas inspected ':he SB-"'1e a..'1d rccomcended t;1C ;;:..1.i: str~~ts a..'1,: ::''''la,~:_; to I,-,:~C :~o::1~iS:::;~CH:'_'~'"s ::>f J'.;~f ':,son'ou;ILy ror '7'\, acceptance for maintenance purposes, ...T~ffc".:O:1 :c)',.ln-:~; -'om::lis~i()nc::'s that -:'1;; f"o:lC)'.1.;~C f,t~e'-" q a.-;.l "")M:\ arc ~l~::"eb:.; ,:l~c'" 3.:::"'_: t.o b... ~'o:m.;-.:..'y "0D..~., ~:1 a ~~3.,.t of l:h. CO'"Ulty roo.J. ROW, 'l'HJ:;..~'U~, BS IT RESOLVED b:i ";h" Bo=l ::If are hereby acccptea for County maintenanCe ~~~ system: Said roads end/o,- 3tr'''CtS arc: Road :nmninc north off State P..iG~1...;ay ')35 o.ppro::i~.at~2.y 1 m:!.le dClS'.. :)f "h~ de::. Jl:f:-'erson .)'~ho01. Tb: road is appro..xitlatel:>-" 1/4 mile in lcn:;:h an.1 i:-1C'lu'ies a --:.u--~ :)'~~O.l:l.l. (:15 rC"'Ol":C"~ 8:; f::l:.: l;~~, book ""93, JeffC!rson :ounty C:ourt ;!octSe) Joyc~ 3tr."e-'c. :frOr:1 ~1est --9th /."renue to ?oothill .103,-; ,est: 29t~1 ~,:.~cr!ue fro:] I:1j.ia.."1B. to . ~~~,iri' "' ~re ~t Jnn1pe:- ;ourt fron JoyC) .strc.~t to Junipe~ J.oa.l Juniper Roaa froc Jlmiper :o=t t:l '"est :':1,,11 'v,":,u" ZONING, RE"mm'IG !\ND RECLI\.SSIFICit'i'ICn 36')-1':1 G'~orbe rul'l ~.:.::u.~~ :..~;!S Upon ':'lX)tion of ~otm:l1Gs1oner Osborr~c, Gcco:1,i b:l ~o~lissio~c." "l .: _ adopted with all thrC'" comrnission'"'-~ va','!.:];:: "tI;;,,": 'oJ'o".rin r_sG._u~iC>~-l U3 'n:" '';';''.J..t1_,J)' ,:; r,:., WHEREAS th~ proposed rezoning is th~ 8xtc~si:m of '",.'1':0 :.:r:, ~"'~cr:: .:~"'~:~_ _1. ;::)r','': .:hi '"'~: ;:ar:....:._ Is '0:::' :"'0.:0: \'/ ':1U(_', a..-._; WHER..~ the propo5c,1 rezoning is "':8 ~on~o~ "...0 ;:"2':~.:' ',IS'':: .::... -- "J:) _ ,- .J ~ "lIER;;:',~' there in nc oppasi tion present, '.~ ~ <.::P W N ...J ~ - r-.l --- ll"- l:)