HomeMy WebLinkAboutQ 011 - i I TIIf- HE, '"1' R lED~' . - thl" 'ego bid is taken under advisement. to May 15, 1961. Iii 1] , e tc' sttt" - by ~. " Bar....... __ _L ~igu BID - Sheriff Dept. Car (replace vrecked Ford) Upon OIOtion of 20l11l1lissioner Levis, second oy COlllIllissioner Hoskinson, and by unanilllOUll vote tbe was adopted ...i th Commissioners Levis, H skinson and Bauer voting "Aye": WHEREAS the Sheriff's Department ha3 suffered a total loss on a 1960 Ford, License RS 1120, and WBKR&~ the Sheriff has called for bids on ne... car to replace the wrecked Ford, and said bids are .. ~ol1ovB: Jo~~ie Harper Motors, Inc. 3765 Wads\lOrth, ..'bea tridge '~th Trade-in: $1,613.00 plus $1)5.00 for automatic tra.'1smission 1961 Ford Fairlane 2 dr., V8-22OHP Red ~1Ute ~he 'rolet ~303 West 201fax With 1'rade-in: ,~1,376.,)() l~~l Shev, Biscayne 2 Dr.-v8-23OHP Golden Motors, Inc. ....015 ;"ashing:.on, Gclden With TTade-in: $1,674.00 1 '10~ C'ord F'airlane 2 Dr. 8 ~yl 220 lIP :;:",;. ,'I'.L.~..':F0!li:, BE IT ;BSCLVED that this Board approves 0:- the Ie... bid from Johnnie Harper Mc.tors, Inc., and ~erecy W'l herewith authorizes the Sheriff to make such purchase. JEE: ?A-!'R~L - da.mA.~ei VUt-, ~ ~ that was damaged at the same tillle the of his insurance by the Coun1;y, since be the Sherifr's Department. It JaS :nutua.....ly agreed by :l1e Board that the driver of the Jeep Patrol Sheriff's Patrol Car was, be rei"lbursed the ,$100.00 deductible portion ,..was using his Jee;: in line of duty, pursuing a fleeing aut.omobile, for 7-3-3-(,,1 VACA'!'ION - 42nd A""nue Dr, Plumb appeared before the Board ami explained ths. t Mr, Roy McVicker, att.orney at lav, was not reprellen1;1n8 hi. at the bearing of the ..'acation on 42nd P,venue, adjacent the '/: lmore.,i)av1s School, and that be felt be bad. no1; been g1',en an opportunity to present his case. The CO!:l!l1issioners fe, +, that Dr. Plumb should be given tba ~ t.ur.d~ to present his ~ase and agreed to reopen the vacation, and instructed the secretary to so notify Mr. Harold Lutz. ttorney for the sc~ool, and Mr. Roy McVicker, attorney for Mr. Graul of Graul florists. GRAVEL Ar,P~MENT - ~illiam 9. West A gravel agreement had been prepared by the County and forwarded to Mr. William D. West tor aigna1;ure. appeared Defore the Board to discuss the said agreement. It was agreed by and between 1;he Board and Mr. that if the agreement _s made to, read as follovs it vould be satisfactory and both parties vould a18Di Mr. Wen lien GRAVEL AGREE.'MENT TIfI.~ AGREEME:rrr made this day of May, 1901, betveen the Board of COImty COaIlIIisaionera o~ .nt~raClO CClUD'-:. ~olorado (hereinafter called the 'ount;;), and ,1111am D. West, whose address is Route 1, Box 577, Golden, Colorado,