HomeMy WebLinkAboutR 114 ~ pDI'\1arL or S4th: 4ftllUe 1& not 'Within th. 11m1t.a of a:l1 cU.J or 't.CNr\ au.... .......- ..-- a 01", t._ .. c.....,,; and .... lam ~, be e Y&Cet.10ll or aaid portlOll or 54th Avenu," b<I left without an estobli it. 1I1t.11 ...ol....r ..hblhhed public rood; and \lie ~effv..... C....." I'l.&anJ.nc C~.s1on haa approved the aald propoaod vacoUOIl or po -. . IT II8OI.VID . the Boe.rd or Count7 C~..101'\er8 or JerrersOI'\ Count" Colo lID, .Iftie1a 1, CIIll '5.3, tbat. tho rollowln& ".acribed portlOll or 54t.h Avenu. aituate 1n . MIll a&\e of Colondo" be and it. 1. herebJ yaeat<<l, subject to a re..rv'st1on Qf e of ~ ~. IU" _t.v 01' 1tjaU&..1;" pipe U..... and appurtenaneelf, ex15tin& ditches and ~, t.al.,...... _ o1lo1l&r lines _ appurtenanceo, if _, . Gdt. C1&1a DeC, o.t... Ilq 'Z'I. 1957, recordod 1ra ?rat Book lot) at Page 370 of tho . oerta1a ...l"Mt., annueeand alleys shown therem--vere dedic_ted to th~ put-li~, and I <:: " I I (~ ~,Th~y' .1 '1.. ~i 'l'Ile JOI'th 39 teet 01 that port1on ot the_ Sout.h ~ a.ncl t.he South 11 teet of the - t o! Ule Hort.h t Stluthwellt l Horth.oat.. ; or ~octiOll 1.4, TJS, R69W of th 6t.II P. M., ~ bam& and oltuato ~ot. or th~.Eaat.rl.1 right-of-1<a1 Uno or st." HicInooJ 10. l2l, all, knOllll u the lrYlllla {l1-Paao and Stato HJ.ghlfq Pro 110. S-sG007 (2); except. the MlIl. 175 root thereot... A!ID THAT portion of the Ho Sout.hw8t.i Iort.h...lrt t of Sec_ 14, 1'3s, R69W, vh1c~ 1s inClll.led, in the roll area: That aNa 11tuate within the '1rcuate.renCzt .. circle h&"f'in& & radius 4' teet ... haYinC 1t. center point aituate 14 reet South of the South line 0 H6lft :III; ME; and 175 teet .....t of tho Ea.t lino or aid N~ N! ~..~ NE~. -"10-4-6) \IH f~ l'~l 14 (bL .-) }' '.", I I J ~ .,- MllaD. ot C~aa1(G.1' JUIij), second. bJ Ccamiesioner Lewis and majori ty "f'ote the 1d.~ ~C1Dar8 .hap and IAw18 voting "qen; Ccma1ssic;:t'ler Ho*1nson absent \be roU.aw:lD& d..crlb<<1 portiCft. Qr street is no longer necess4l')' tor use t::y the public; ea1d portj... of street 1s not vith1n the lindts or an.7 city or tovn and does not .'Ol"!l , _01'0-'1011<I DO laa::l ..u.d.. be a v&Cation or said portion of street be left withoi.l.t an >4t.11 -.. _abUahed public ro.d; and the .retteram COUJlt7ri C<an1ets1on has approved the said pro})O:!!ed vacatioo of a It~ !"~, . IT BlSOL the Board. or Count7 Camn1slliioners of Jefferson Countr Cclorad l2O, Ar\1cle I, CItS , that t.he tollovi.ng descrihed. portion of street s1t\4&te in the C of Colondo. be ua 1"-" hereb7 Yacated, subject to a reservation ot easement". for U:e c ....,1'. _, _\.1' OJ" a1a1lar pipe lines IInl1 appurtenances, existin8 ditches and '1p;::urte c, te.t.epbcDe ud 81a1lu- lines and appurtenances, it B.r/3: _--"-=~~r~~~~~!-.t ot the SC1,Jth 25 teet or all that part of the ~c'J.th l~ acres of Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson C.o~'!.~, ~lor~~o. MAl 20, 196) . 196) Di:t.-UI Ut.....,u.._.-....-........ t1UlIi the limits of ~ city or town and do not ;'Ol"l':". tLe rc..md,tlI1. Line c: :i ci ~y J tOW1 DO l&Ad WClUld, be a y&catioo or sa.id street:!!, te left withoat an est...t-lished p.:t"lL rc'i I ..;t,nne~:..ir.g i.t ~u-. en&b118Md public road, and the J.tteraon Coun.t7 Planning COD:'".lssion has a.,proved t.he sa.id propcsed \L'lcatinn v~ str'~et:". I . TIIIIIInIl:E" BE rr RESOLVED h1 the Board of CO.lt1t;r Car.m1sfi1oner5 cf Jeffersc.n CO.l.'1ty, l.~lorg,do, F.J.rsu.Vlt t l2O. Article 1, CBS 153, that the folloving described streets situate in the "o-mt.J' (f Jetfer:nn, iUld. ~ t'1te ColGr'lldo, be aDd th.,- &re herel'l vacated, sur jed to a reserva.t~on of €-1.sencnt.s f".rl' the C~Un'.led l3C ',[ eY..isting , ..., wat.r or ata1lar pipe lines and aFPurtonances, existing ditches ~d ~tP~rten~~cesJ ~ P4Usting electric, ~ ud da1lu line. and .p~enancQs, if anT: Loc:ated - Between Kend&ll and Pierce Streets East to West (Shown ae !8Jlor and Garfield A.ven'J.es :Jr. !'...t Located - I<etWteh. 'Jl:eet 20th AVen"le and '"est Colru AVen\les ~.crt" U f4&ewater Blvd. and Coltu. A.venue on Plat Fdgevatt::I") ;].,'11 t.h. following streets : FJ.iew.~tcr) ~~0 r:..>..t~, (.chi.,Wrl .:::..;n.,istir.g (':1 !ll:'ri K.:T.'ll AS ;.~IC...; .:_.;;-",,\::-;.. ,,-. .est l6t!". Ii..t 17t.h Wen l'lt.h I..a&r ~ t . Maf'at.&li ~t _I...., 'to Otis St. ].. ,:l ;: _. r;~ r~ ~ :;.:v _. ~ L rc :f_~ce ..-. ._r,.' ;.:: ['i.'l~ ~ Ilt(.,.. st.~t.l! U'e _~C&tflC. ~et_c."l !.:;e ~ :~..-..::lt, 'ld~'")'(:':!1._ :- _...,::i'~, 1-2-J-4-5-2I!-29-JC-:l-}2-)'-J4-J)-J!-J"-'~0--'" _~_?_~ J i\nl1 . ... Jk work or isp..""'O'Y__n-. lB.S (!oyer -ACe en $4::' 5:'r,:-~ti!l a.n~ . ") =r U-.. p;a.t11c ,t UXT t.i!-e 5in.:e tt:.<t ~:.).t V3.3 fi_ed :..n l'v. tOIlC r....t.' 1, ra,:e )7. r.].,'l. QQ ['.l", to~';. ~ ~,' _n .< - ,.u...~} -A' ~;.::.. '" '. '" ~ ,C!; l:..:t.:;. n w,:; I I 'l..'W~1 Q.Uj \ J.Q 1..L\, ~~h ~c::;~~::r J Zump, ;.?~ '~. Comn1:ssioner :Awis and I y naj -'r1 1.y vote ., e f ump lln """"...s voting "Aye"; Co :missioner' oskl.lsnn ",,, sent 11owinl' r<!501.lti .n W1l3 ~ .~- ~"'==--=-= ~~"'.,- ..",. =---""'~--, y",. 114 . . J Journal of the CommIssIOners of Jefferson County,_ Colorado~-==___ ___ _ _~".AY=-~=~~t,L us -19~ of the sw~, Sec. 29. ns, R69W, 6th P.M., described as follows: Bagi.zming at a point on the South line of said Section 29, which point of 845. '7 fee' !a~ of the Southwest corner of said Section 29; thence North 20 4l.' 30" West 496.6 feet to the Korth Boundary line of said 15 acres; thence East along the North Boundary line of said 15 acre tract 271.8 feet; the!1ce South along a line parallel with the East boundary line at said 15 acre tract 200 feet; thence East along a line parallel ~th the ~orth baundar,r line of Aid 15 acre tract to the East line of the SW~ SW~ of !laid Section 29; thence South to the South line of said Section 29; thence West to point of beginning. EXCEPT' the following described tract--The North 210 feet of the South 225 feet of the East 150 feet of the 'lIest 995.7 feet of the swl of ~ection 29, T3~, R69W. \. \ '~ lCCIPl'ANCE OF DEEDS - IlDI7-3-63 Upcll'lllot1on of CaumiBsioner Jump, second by COIlDIlissioner Lewis and toy majority vote the following re8<llution _. Mopted with C<XIIIIissioners Jump and Lewis voting "Aye"; 9ommissioner Hoskinson !ltsent: III IT RESOLVED that the Quit Clam, Deed ,fl"tllf'Don(Ud L. 'Leddy and LO:Jcille E. Leddy :onveying to Jefferson Count)' the following descrihd parcel of l&l)d"1e and he~ is approved IUld accepted for recording: A 44-foot wide strip land, situated ~"the NW~ Si\'e NE~ ;,'I, of ~ection 15, T~. R69'f, of the 6th P.M., said rip of land. lYing 22 !t to eacr side of a centerline which tegin8 at a point which lies 15 feet I)Pl'th of the sou line and 20 feet east of the Wst line of said NW~ swk NEk NE..ion 15, which po of teginning also lies on the east side 0;: ~outh Fetes Street; thence East and parallel wi'P the South line of said NW~ swk NE, NEt of ~ection 15 a distance of 215 feet to a point whiCh is the center point of a 45-footradius cul-de-sac, the lands within said cul-de-sac t eing~lso conve;red with this i:1strument. To te used for road purposes only. '. BE IT FtJRTEER ~Or.Vl'D that said deed is accepted for road purposes suI- jet:t to the con:1ition tr.at. the ,CO'.U\ty shall a88lJl!1e maintenance '-'nly after construction thereon in accordance wit" the su\xiivision regula-,ions of "efferson County as said regulations appl- to roads. ACCEPT~~l OF DEED - 116-3-63 ,- . -... - --" ,'.. ~Q In..' t.V vote H.e fullowing resclut1un v&8 ~ ~ t