HomeMy WebLinkAboutR 142 VHIIJA8 L.b1a 8Dud ..sa Mdltlanal t.1M ,"0 eheck the ..n-1eiaa 01 the u.a ciu. t.o tone xact. ~n.t. ~n.,.. .I.. - ~.- U~ 1___ cUlm the ana but. then 1. . queat1c:a. .. to _ether the lie... 111 J.a u..., Journal of the CommIssioners of _._ ___JefJerso!l Qo'!!l.ty, Colorado. .IIILT a, 1963 19 63 "."f _Of r....... ......."'~ ____,._ t~ . &....,.... . :rt ID)L'1ID \.ha.t. u.. appUeat.ie I. . 3.~ I.~" II&lt ~n.se lic.".., b7 .rohn~11S rood , :1M., 2IDl0 ICIIIII&l1ald, be _ ......117 10 ._l.Doaod to ./ul1' 15, 1963 at 9:00 A. M. L.- -...... _ 3.211, J__ J. _ 1Iar1_ Rhod. (be _ Rooner lat_1... ot !!>or. 12S5-1l2b, P1M _, P1M, Coloredo .u.. of ec-1..1-.r HNIda.ca, .-c... bJ ec-1N1G1Mr Juap aDd b7 UDAn1aou:. vote the tollowi.Dc "801ut.lon ... ld.'" all \Jone ec-1N1-. -1D& "A7e": ..,.110.. .. t\al.lJ" ....n.. aa too t.b.e He.nq cla:t.. aDd t.1a., and. aa1.d Hearin& d.ate was s.t tor Jul7 8, 1963; \be t_ .. 10:00 A.II., _ tIl1. IloonI -.itod tor .ppl1.oat ""tU 10:20 A.II., and \be appl1oatl~ 1_ DOt c~.. aad Ute letten ot NC~.t.1oa are not attach" thereto, , . _, . l'f ~lID "'"" "... appllcaU... tor. 3.211 t....-od Il&lt l1e.... 117 Jack_ 1:. and lIarl.oaa Rhod. lot ......., __ #1, _ 141, (lat.r...U... ot 12S5 - 1126, P1M Rood> Pin., Coloredo, be and hel'OII7 1. d..uod. - C ot 0, _ ~ and II. Stanl07 _raIlS (be Jlal4 LauII&o, 9500 lIoot Coltax A_.. .-.l.a 01 ec-1..1oaer HOak1nIiOll, secODli UJ C~aalon.r Jump <lJld bl unaniJDoue vot. the 1I1tJl all thJ'ee C~..lOM1r. .,.ot.1nc "-'7.": rr IIIOL'fID UL&t. t.h. pl.&t. of Thra.-oor W..t. M and it. 1a hereb7 approTed for . .,., roe4a and atreet.a Ute..... be anc1 it b M"bJ accept.., wbj.ct to c:..t7 ot Jelleracn lIIIall u.ndert.&ke ..1nt.enance ot azt7 such public: n.y, road or street onll a.rt.er construet1on ot ." I"'OM or ....... ah&ll han been broucht up t.o CClWltT specit1cations h7 the subd.iYlder: South t pt Sectlon ~, T45. R69W ot the 6th P.M., J.rterson County, Colando, u.1 .0" part1eul..r~ aet. forth ()t'l. t.n~ retorded plat.. _ ............. .&ll~ r.atat.e. -.ua 01 C~"r JIoaIdAaClD, MCond b7 C...l..i'....r J1ap and b7 UD&l\UlOUe vote the follovin<< reeolution wae II1Ul ell Ulroo C~..1__" -u.a .~. IT BIOUID t.bat \.be pl..:!\- oll'ftrcr- 1alle7 &tat.. Subdl-.i.im be and it is hereby approyC!d tor fil1J\& uw1 that _.,,_ 01 \be pabl1c ~, ,..,.a and at.reet.. aOlll1 thereon be and it is hllNb7 ac.;ept.:l., .ubJect to the _ti....: c-t7 01 Jeff...... -..u. '*"~. aa1Dt.......e. ot UQ' such p.abl1c 1IAIJ', road or st.reet only after con.t.ructlon of .,. .... .. .,.. IIb&ll .." ~ broucnt up to Countl apec:lf1c&t.lons b7 tr.e 1IUbd.1y1d.er; ~ t 01 Section 20, TSS, R71W of the bth P.M., J.tter&"n County, Colorado ... ~re pu1.1cw.a.r17 set forth on the record,td pla.t. 1IlIhiet: c--.1A. at 2 .a..t.a. _...... ~ .at. !:&rl v. _ vu.. -'>..... ~ ., "'-4_",....,. ~__, ~ bJ c-1Mlaaer J.-p &lid bJ UNAJ.aous vote tn. fol.low1n<< "~lutj.on ... II1Ul 01.1 _ c-1..1__ -,"- .,.", ft' -... \.MI. \&1. ..... .... ...... ... _nw1U1 .a.ppI"On' of the -.0....... ~ w1.u t.&:-l. IWocdh(1l.,\.. ud _ aU. ~ \-' $I.M.e ~ Project- 1PO)6-l(2). 1IIad..-ort.b~,o.at.h; and, '26.200.00 is tc ~ taken t~ c-ft ~ .. U. ---4 a1_ .&1\.. I I' I