HomeMy WebLinkAbout0009 \10'( 7S1795 DEVEU:Jp;rE:NT l\GRE:E..iE/lT TillS DEVELO?,':t:i!T ;.CREC:;.jE:NT, (as provided by parilgraph D, Devi!Jo,pr.?cnt ;~grcQ,71.~nt, t.!i thin see roc! Sf.'VEN: Vf1RIiINCES, oE th'2 SUBDIVISIO:: RtGU- r"I7'TO;':S of the. CllT or rmEAT RIDGE, passtcd, approved and adopted Feb- /lury 7, 1972, as ar.J~nded) entered into this 7th, day t:?f Octob8r 19 75 , bett.,een The City of r/heat P.idge, a Nunicipa1 Corporation, hereinafter r~fcrred to as City, and E. George Graul h"reinafter ref<:!rred to as Odner. [if T:t ESS ETll : 1. ~HEREAS, the ~'lner is the titled Owner of a tract of land in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, des- cribed as fo110t./s: -.J c.n '\ >e;--., That portion of the NE~ NE~ SWu of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Jefferson County, Colorado, which begins at a point which is the intersection of the south line of West 44th Avenue with the east line of Yarrow Street which point of beginning lies 30 feet south of the north , 1 1 ~ 1 f line, and 25 feet east of the west line of said NE~ NE~ S1~ 0 Section 23; thence south along the east line of said Yarrow Street and parallel with the west line of said NE~ NE~ SW~ a distance of 581.25 feet to a point; thence east and parallel with the south line of said NE~ NE~ SW~ a distance of 184,5 feet to a point; thence at an angle left of 830 01', and along the arc of a 45 foot radius curve to the right (Central Angle = 1730 01') a distance of 135.8 feet to a point which lies 25 feet north of the south line of said NE~ NE~ SW~ of section 23; thence north in a straight line a distance of 586.2 feet, more or less, to a point on the south line of said West 44th Avenue, which point lies 274.36 feet east of the point of beginning; thence west along the south line of said West 44th Avenue a distance of 274.36 feet to the point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, together with the improvements situated thereon. c.o en l-,~ ,-j N --:E '~ (2l a') o al;l. :: r"_ '2.'! r.;. :2. flHEREAS, the Owner is developing a tract of land as described in Paragraph No.1, and in fact is being issued the following permits to do so: and 3. flHEREAS, fronting said tract of land as descrJbea~1:l Paragraph No. 1 and the neighboring tract of land are incomplete and below those standards as set out in SECTION FOUR:-DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION FIVE: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS: and 7700 W. 44th Avenue 4. WHEREAS, to be consistant with the existing neighboring improvements and completion or non-completion of those improvements as required by SECTION FIVE: IMPROVENENTS of the SUBDIVISIOtl REGfJI.IJ'i'IONS ~till make no significant change at the present in those streets fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No.1, and the neigh- boring tract of lands; and 5. f.JHEREAS, in order to conform to those J.'equirem2nts as set out in SECTION ""UR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTIOU l"IVE: I1JPROVEi-fENTS (J[ the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS this agreement is hereby determined to be applicable. lIOr." THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY AGREED, THAT A. Property responsibility for meeting and conforming to those requir.e- ments as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS ana SECTION 1";:1.11':: INPROVENENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULAT_rO~T$ is hereby recogni zed ilnd affirmed. B. The Director of Public Works, upon ~he advice and consent of the Mayor, shall direct the Ownet: or his assigns and S'JCCeSSOTS to meet: t},ODr< r.e~ quirements as se~ out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS ana 8ECT:rOIl PIll};: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGUL1JTIONS. L. In the event an improvement district is created by the City to implement those requirements as set out in SECTION FOUR: DEsrr.N STAND~Y.DS, ~nd SECTION FIVE. INPROv'ENf::iTS of Lne $UBU1VI~lON l<EGULllTIONS for tho!';e 2798 604 streets or streets frontina t-hrir t-r:u"'''' .-.F 7:=.r...:f -;:- rl--..........~:.'h~..:J ~- ~. . - -,----.~....'-..... --.~ ~ .--t.,l <... ';1..1. O)"'J No. 1 2nd the nei:!hboring t rar~ of lands, the O~.mer or his aBsi gns ona successions will not oppose its crAation. 27QS 605 D. In the event an impr:ovcmccnt district is creatpd by the Cit'! to accomp7 i oil the' 7 ntl.'nt of SfJTIO') FOUII: DESIGN STi1NDARDS dnd !:JECTl, I F rvL' [,';PP )TfF,"'7E~VT: of t'l~_ srjBDI"ISI()N RE(;ULi~TIO~'lS, the c~..sts ~,-L'rs.:--; d ]t' 2~: z.z lx_' of di!-(~ct berH~fit to '-hat orop,-jrty as rlc';;c rJb:'d in P,"1~'aCJTd[Jh Vo, 1. and stlall nut be custs that are disproportionj!'C! ~v'ith costs (Jc(~cs::,ah](? to other ni:~arby Jno' like properti€'s. E. Ul'on e.'cecut.ion n{ this Df,'I'ELOPlJE.'.'T ,1(;REE:.IENT by the City and Owners, th(? Cit~l t.nll waive th,"} :!_llrdnt~' s fnr publ.ic Jli,nrovements as set out in SECT rOil THREE: PROCEDUkE (Subsection C., Poragra,'Jh 5.) o.f the SUDDIVISION REGUL~TIONS F. This !]r:eement is eyecuti'd J;] I'h,~ (Jlyner purc:urJnt to the SUBDTVISIOV REGflU1TIONS of the CITY OF rlHE!1T RiDGE, passed, approved and adop~ed February 7, 1972, as amended. G. The Parties hereto agree that this DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, by its terms, shall be b.inding upon the Ci ty and the Owner, and upon the assigns and successors thereof; and shall constitute covenants running with the described property, This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT shall be recorded with the County Clerk and Recorder. IN WITNESSTH WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals on the date first shown. RECOMMENDED BY: l" <iLL < I I , Public (. <-- -~ ) <,f.- ( < '- L II t: /,)- \~.i~~~ \, . \, \'l1\\.lf'';''\!J. AL<"___ \ Development Department Works Department Community /1 / APPROVED INTENT: ~. "~1 7r ! 1 1- ~- .... t, (\/ City APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney "Utl!I", -i '(' f, ~I - ',\~~~.'\','II:."':'. .< . /,- ~~~ ~ /.,~ --;:.. \:. ~L "'~1i( _t\?.\.._c~( jt:#~.~ Mayor _ ?/.t() -~....~..:u..:; ,,' -;; 1?9(c , ~*'.. ... f-;' .. , . 6 'r . .. "'- - . .4" , " r', " eric ...... ..' ",/ -1". ~" "\ v _"71," ; EXECUTED BY OrVNER: '>\'--,'1,-rr-' , %>'Q ,,~ tl, ,J D', , '. ...., ",St\!tce of Colorado County of Jefferson ss Thc_fo~egoing instrument was executed {/t:ltjL iJ , 19 '/..' ")', by before me this {A~~~0~~ '/!:7(i z ~ J :3>(<" /J/ll , day of My commisssion expires: My CJ;n~1i:SiO~ c;::::r~~.j fl:"c-;!'Er 13, 1977 --~,J i. h~1 . (;/i'A, ...'> r'/,).,-.' Notary Public 2798 605 1)' .\ ~ I': '= i ,(""V . Ii 454364 Reception No...... ._...h.h..n....umnm.... . f' " ..m...._.nu.mm.. '-'HJ3-' .~:.Rl>corder c....;_ . ..J . a J . 0 ~:5 0 ';i'J CA " ~.~ TillS INDENTURE, Made this 5th 1971 ,between E. George Graul day of November ., ~ ~.; I. , '= '~.'~'~ ., .f"'; -....--. , ' whoseadd~essi5 7640 W. 44th Ave., Wheat Ridge Cuunty of Jefferson and State of Co lor ado part y ,of the first part, and the Public Trustee of the County of., Jefferson in the State of Colorado, party of the second part, Witnesseth: 'fHA T WHEREAS, the said E. George Graul t I, be. S executed I principal sum of Five Hundre d Twenty Five Thousand and no/l 00 I I I I his promissory note bearing even <late herewith for the ~'- REC01WER'S STAMP 2798 6C6 ~ ;;, z: ... -< ::0 " " J --..-- -- --- --- --- --- ----____ ___ _..Dollars, payable to the order of Lakeside National Bank whose address is P. O. Box 500, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 ., ';"", t J :::;: -:./)0 ~ 'T1 _.c= _.--=>z r, _~--- oJ' -i~-. c:;,;, --=m-< :. .~~=::;~ after the date thereof, with interest thereon from the date thereof at the rate of8 3/4per cent per annum, payable --C ;- CJ '" "Nc:::: ~'N' \oolL-lJ:) ~ ~ SE,. '" ." -, => " . l N- ...:l .~ --.......... in 240 equal consecutive monthly instalments of $4, 639.96 principal and interest beginning November 5, 1972, and on the same day of each successive month thereafter until paid in full. _'J' I . AND WHEREAS, The said party of the first part is desirous of securing the payment of the I principal an~ interest of said promissory note in whose hands soever the said note or any of them may be, I II II 11 'I I: il I Ii II NOW THEREFORE, The said part y of the first part, in consideration of the premises, and for the purpose aforesdd, do es hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part, in trust forever, the following.described property,. situate in. the County of. Je1ferson and State of - y.-~ - Colorado, to wJt: Legal Description.' ;. , '; ~'$ '.~ ml (\ , , ,.!::... J: ~ .'i. j '. " I:' ''. \ ( ; , \ J_ -.i That portion of the NE~ NE~ SW~ of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P. M., Jefferson County, Colorado, which begins at a Point which is the intersection of the South line of West 44th Avenue with the East line of Yarrow Street, which Point of Beginning lies 30 feet South of the North line, and 25 feet East of t~e West line of said NE~ NE~ swk of Section 23; thence South ~long the East line of said Yarrow Street and parallel with the West line of said NE~ NE~ SW~ a distance of 581.25 feet to a Point; thence East and parallel with the South line of said NEk NE~ SW~ a distance of 184.5 feet to a point; thence at an angle left of 830 01', and along the arc of a 45-foot radius curve to the right (central Angle = 1730 01') a distance of 135.8 feet to a point which lies 25 feet North of the South line of said HE~ NE~ SW~ of Section 23; then~e Horth in a st~aight ljn~ a distance of 586.2 feet, more or less: to a point on the South line of said West 44th Avenue, which point lies 274.36 feet East of the Point of Beginning; thence West along the South line of said West 44th Avenue a distance of 274.36 feet to the Point of Beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorf-dof together with the iffiprovements situated thereon. 1 \ , I In the event the real property herein described, I or any portion hereof, is sold or transferred, the entire unpaid balance of the note may, at the option and election of the Bank or holder, becorre due and I payable. If the Bank or assigns agrees in writing ~hat loan secured hereby may be assurre d by third Ipersons, a reasonable fee,nct to exceed one per cent of the ~P] illclpctI u.11.:ul(:e;----n,J:~SC;;3<..'dlOl 3U~ttt No. 840A. DEED OF TRUST -Poblie Trullue.-R~ceinNl Clau~~.-Att'Jl"ner'lI Fr... -Drl\dford P..JbH~hing Co., 1824.46 Stc'.1t Stre-et,. DfOnvCT. CoJorado-8-70 2798 6C6 '" .. . 2315 227 ';' .., ~ ~ . .- . J -.-.- -_.,_._"'~ ~'fOVldC'd~ bow ever, that tal lure to notIfy ~hall In no CiJse prejudIce the claim of Jny In:<.urea unl~ the Company shall be actually prejudiced by such failure :lnd thpr..only to the extent of such prejudice. (1'\ -r"--_ :-' :: -'---'" '---- ---'-- --- - ~ - -- -. '--~- -- ,~quired to be furnished the Compdny shall be dddles-"'>ed to It at P ~" Box f 2029, Houston, Texas 77001, and identify this policy by its printed POLICY I SERIAL NUMBER which appears at the bottom of the front of this polir;y_ -'- --- ~ - - -,. It:.. ...........-.- - ., -,,- -~J"- Attached to and made a part of Stewart Title Guaranty Company Policy No. M 210182 Continuation of Schedule A 27q8 607 Legal Description That portion of the NE~ NE~ SW~ of section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6~ P.M., Jefferson County, Colorado, which begins at a Point whiAh is the intersection of the South line of West 44~h Avenue with the East line of Yarrow Street, which Point of Beginning lies 30 feet South of the North line, and 25 feet East of the West line of said NE~ NE~ SW~ of Section 23; thence South along the East line of said Yarrow Street and parallel with the West line of said NE~ NE~ SW~ a distance of 581.25 feet to a Point; thence East and Parallel with the South line of said NE~ NE~ SW~ a distance of 184.5 feet to a point; thence at an angle left of 830 01' and along the arc of a 45 foot radius curve to the right (central Ang1e81730 01') <i-:aistance of 135.8 feet to a poi n t w h i c h 1 i e s 2 5 f e ~'t/ Nor tho f t h et Sou t h 1 i n e 0 f s aid NE~ NE~ SW~ of Section 23; thence North in a straight line a distance of 586.2 feet, more ~r less, to ~ point on the South line o f s aid We s t 44th A v en u e, w hi c It\. poi n t 1 i e s 12 7 4 . 3 6 fee tEa s t 0 f the Point of Beginning; thence Wes~a1ong the So~th line of said West 44tt. Avenue a distance of 274.36 f,ee!= to th~.})oint',f Beginning, County of Jefferson, State o:~.':.G~)9,r,,~}f/?,.';" " J ... ......, ..... .{f .ft.l.' '~~. .~ ~....!~...~,_ ~..,:t-~ ;ro: ,jlr~~~~:~~~f~(-~ t' \ "". ,...-." ~ ~ ....;.....~- ~,J.iF~~~-}: ~~.-; _ <' ~E~~~: '-' -~~'?::-- '~~i~;~J/ .r:"" ':- or _'j.':-"';: f .... r " .j: , .~/l :-' (:t t ,. ~c. ~c i. _ ~ c~ ~~"-== ;.'(.:--;' ~ _.,.., ',_. ,.'_.., t ,,_~:.i S<.!ncluy oj C()::frljr:l 27<<)8 607 Page __ S'l'E'\'"AUT TITLE I ~T A R " :>I r Y r n '{ p A ~ Y ~~:~~:~~~~~t;~;~-:~~.'~;~.~" " ,"~]:'T~:JE: ~-r. ~", " ., ',t --:.. ~~~ " ~~Jkn . f" '., l ,~ .- ... '1... ~ \.J J U - ~-\- . . ~ .. . ..-~~~ r:;.~.~~ }~~~:~":"""''".ot; ~,'-t",:,-~,=,; ~__;~~~?!:'~~ ~.:'-"~""'~IOL~~_=,,:;l ;';-;. "lR....... -: " . . ; ~ . . Certificate t)f Survey' 7010-04 .' . ~. _ :,' ~~~ i .. ;: !. r ' 1; " j ~~ , : ....J.. -~ ~r - I 00;. "" , .b ,-' "" S v: !~4 \[ l/4f o.E ~c;): <):1 \. est c tne MERSHON & GI~ENO SHEET 1 of 2 SHEETS 27q8 608 A "v'E. . - N. Ll 141:.-0 F 5 W X~. 0\7 SEe. 2.3 tJol~lI'lHp.", ... sUfiUiflOA.. ./'515 Wf."T T'JIr'ENTY.nWlD ^"f"vt I-U.l'ffCOQ 15 C-OlOJit.AOO ~\.MOHT )1111' I . ~~~RTH1 !~ 0.. W. 44-'n-l ~(1l ~ ~ ' 1.U7 [' ~i I r~ f- I ~ ~~-o J to u I ) G ~ I JJ ~ l. I J ~o ~ z '1 JJ , SeAL"- ,.Jso' t z i f ~ O! f- 1 ~ i p 1 I I I I I j 1 , .J I I I ~ :'1 't ~,l :1 ~ _ LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS FOR THE' T"'O SIlO~~~ T'7ACTS 0'; SHEET 2 . ~.~,...-:"i'-It'"'.x"'::""''::I..=-~.'''':'.r~~-'I'V.a. -.-..o...,;,>~..... """"Y~!"~."J'!~~l.JC~~.'::-;'~-'!:;"':~~ '~~~~~~:"'~<ff~~"'"~:""'.( ~'':i:;.~;~'~ 2. (4 ~iD NORTH TR.ACT o o o rf] o o o r{j lIJ t'J 2.74. \7 QI lil t1J <\I ..s cuTH TRACT nJ \S <fJ <'J (Q (Ij \2.4. 5 30 ~ ~.sOUT"" 2:" LlNE... OF ~ NE-:l.<1 NE.:'>' SWY4 of SE.C 2.~ Plat showing a portion of the West part of the ~[ the SW 1/4 of Section 23, Township 3 South, "anFe 6th P. 'I., Jefferson County, Colorado. 27q8 -.608 . ' :,"',c.. "', ' ";.'1 ; .d I , \ N '.9 Q] 1J] ". _. '" ,-": I '. ..~~~~i!f.j"!,":;'~~. .i::.,) , rr.., ;:';'::",i:;:.; l1::;;'~Z.H,h.''';;'t.:r;.- \..~,. . .] . , ~~ _ ~ .' I ,~,-, ! ~b f"~''''f:€Pv J.. SUR.lo'fYOA... .//7575 WE~T TWENTY-nOlU) A'tENU<<- l..AJ(f.'\IIfC.OD t5j/COLOIU.OO '\l'OCL/"kJNT ~17t NORTH ,. 11 I i -6- I I I I I I A j. j :1 :1 'j 1 1 . '--'l'\..-...J '"---' T :';! ..",:,.",;.:;;:::. :J.t.,~ ~',...}',:,..~f~ ',:,~&:'''''''~:..~, .".f.1. ~-i, v~~ ;:~...,$...~.. - , Ce'rtificate ~f Survey a 701:0-04 MERSHON & GHIENO 27fJ8 609 SHEET 2 of 2 SHEETS Legal Descriptions of Tracts shown on SHEET 1 SOUTH TPACT: That portion of the ~E 1/4 NE 1-/4 SW 1/4 of Section 23, Township 3 South, Dange 69 West of the 6th P. M.) Jefferson County, Colorado. which begins at a Point which IS the intersection of the South line of West 44th ^venue with the East line of Yarrow Street. which Point of Becinning lies 30 feet South of the North line. and 25 feet Fast of the ~est line of said NE 1/4 NE l/~ SW 1/4 of Section 23; thence South along the East line of said Yarrow Street and parallel with the West line of said NE 1/4 NE 1/4 SW 1/4 a distance of 581.25 feet to a Point; thence East and parallel with the South line of said 1'iE 1/4 ~JE 1/4 SW 1/4 a distance of 184.5 feet to il poir,:; trence at an angle LE~T of 830 01' j and along the arc of a 45-foct radius curve to the RIGIIT (Central Angle = 173001') a dist"nce or 135.8 feet to a point which lies 25 feet ::orth 0+ the Sout:1 1 ine of said ~E 1/4 ~E 1/4 sw l/~ of Section 23: thence ~orth i~ a straight line .' f a distance of 586.2 feet. more or less. tn a point on the South line of SC1.id West 44th Avenue, which point lies 274,36 Feet F;lst of the Point of 3eginnine; thence West ;JIang the )ill: South line of said West 44th ~venue a distance of 274.36 reet to the Point of 3erinning. EXCEPTInG THE!?EFRO~! the \1orth 300... 0 feet thereof. :.lOHH TR^CT: The North 300.0 feet 0+ the full description recited above, but oQittinB the EXCEPTIn:\ . / I / ,/ ,-. i' -~ '/'.z.f,t; Ii ,L <..-.1 KIIPT y'. L j-.,. - ), '4 . '_L,_.('~...., (1. L I'. " J - ~' October 8, 1970 , .j "'~~ i?~tn;."."U.11:X~.rl_~?;rr~~'=I...~,:..:r.:'~"5!\_~.~~~'-o''''''i1'~~~~...Ll'~J~~~:r-~;'P"Z'Vi-1}~~~..:..~..:,~~,~ 27C}8 609 , I ~ 25! r lJ lJ j ri Q') Il, L .ilJ rt(('l IJ) " ill (l1 tl1 tl1 f- 3 ~ o ~ rJ. iJ) rt. ~I} <!\I) )-~ ~ ,,~ '<J ~ ~ , ~ 1/ I I + I , I I \ \ _...!:!...;invc Sw ~.,.. .<77 CEATlrlCATE O~ SUAVEY #7310-59 ~R. GEORGE GRAUL, c ~ '"' 5$0::::, r \ \ ~ i' C\l < o <:i ., 274 Ie;,' Q ~ P4RK~N~ ~ ~ 39 -, " ~ 19 G, ~ I\j 18~' 18 ~ 'It ~ '~ ~ , NORTH iii I'< 40.2.' ~ ~ , 39.~- ". ::! ~ N 4' ~ Q ~ 19,;z N <J) ~ "' .5' . , , ~ '" 20 , 20' , , ~ '!.' 0 " .s ~ Ii' ~ < " , " " ~ , 5 ~ tfO ~(> l V ?D 15'3' /97 VI 312' <J) , ~ .8 N Ir , ~I li\r ~~ , \J' < , \: ~ ~ -l ~ \9 ~ " Il.l CI( , S' " a, " .32. ' o ri) '01 Q 'l- << 193' 202.' :2/8' 25' -9 ~ ~ <:i " 'rl1 () 'l- .~ '" 20.3 40 :2./' W -.I <1 \J ill 'l ~ 18.('#': '<i <l " /9' 197' ~ ~ '"' ell a" i' N 39.s t<) << N o " /9.7' P4RH//l../C:;: /84 S' I ! \ i V) "l ~ or w. 4 Z. ~ D A-\fE;-to.JU.E o I/) 't / \ i<1 N DEDI C~TE.D) ( NOT 273 58' J.O -L .5 L ",,~~------!.v'1C!' /',!:,__~~.c::::. c...4 _ ~~ ~,2~____ ~O _ ---1 ._~_ CERT IrlCATE SURVEYED THE IM~ROVEMENTS 3 SOUTH, RNAGE 69 WEST or I CERTlnTHAT I HAVE THE swt or SECTION 23, TOWNSHI~ DESCRIBED AS ~OLLOWSI COMMENCING AT THE NE COANEA O~ SAIC swt I THENCE WESTEALY 'LONG THE NORTH LINE O~ SAIC swt A DISTANCE O~ 359.70 rEET, THENCE ON AN ANGLE TO THE LErT O~ 89'54'36' A DISTANCE O~ 30.00 rEiT TO THE TAut pOINT or 8EGINNING) THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE ArORMENTIONED COUASE A DIST^NCE or 611.06 rEET TO A POINT 20.00 rEET NORTH or THE SOUTH LINE or THt NO o~ THE Net O~ Tit swt; THENCt ON 'N ANGLE TO THE AIGHT O~ 89' 52'03' AND PARALLEL TO THE SAID SOUTH LINE A DISHNCE or 2\18.98 ~EET TO THE WEST LINE or THE NOATHEAST t O~ THE NEt O~ THE swt) THENCE ON .. ANGLE TO T It ~I GHT or 90'05'50' AND 'LONG Tit WEST LINE A DISHNCE or 611.28 ~EET TO A POINT 30.no FEET SOUTH O~ Tit NOATH LINE O~ S~ID SOUTHWEST t; THENCE ON AN ANGLE TO THE RIGHT or 89 56'43' AND PAAALLEL TO 5'10 NOATH LIN[ A DISTANCE or 299.35 r[ET TO THE TRUE POINT or 8EGINNING, EXCePTING THERErRO~ THE NORTH 280000 rEET THE~EDr, AND EXCEPTING THERErROI>' THE: WEST 25.00 rEET THEAEO~. IN USE AS T>i: EAST ONE- HAL~ or YARROW STREET. '-0 EXCEPT ING THEREfRO~ THAT PORT ION IN USE AS W[ST 42ND_AVENI.E:. I FUATHEA CEATlry THAT I ~OUN& THE UASON~Y ANO ~AAME, TWO-STOAY TOWNHOUSE--APAATMENT& BUILDINGS WITH BASEMENTS TO BE Loc.no ENTI~nY WITHIN THE: BOUNOAAV LINES or THE GIVEN DESCIIIPTION, AS IHOWN ABOVE. THE LOCATIONS AND 01"'ENSION5 or ALL BUILDINGS, IMPROVEl.l(NTS, EnEMENTS OA RIGHTS O~ WAY IN [VIDENCE OA MNOWN TO UE, AND ENCAOACHMENTS BY OR ON THE PREMISES ARE SHOWN. ON THAT PART or THE NEi O~ THE NEt O~ TH [ 6TH P,\A" JErrERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, OCTOBEA 2., 1973. J - (~ \kvO. h:~^~ KURT O. LINN, RLS #1512 1// ~~;):"'.,,".\ "/"., C" / ~l: ,_, . " ~' "(. ~..... \ ~'1'~ /.,. c 'c' \ I ~ ~ ,--. /:) Z I~ \ rr CJ """ \~,j'(.. / '\.\ C >?1'rYc~j ~O(OR,,:?~0// .~ . IMP. c:..,...,":"R ROSE. TOv-J"-.lHOV'SC. /..:0 P /'.. R T t-l '==- \"~ -r s seAL&:; I" = 30' I "PPROVJ:D BY DRAWN BY I~\ DATE; Oc.. T Z~, 731 RILVI8i:O =-01<. TO~1 5''''''/.>. RTS \;;~;; :"'59 , '-.....