HomeMy WebLinkAbout0010 (I , II , 751796 , , ~ i ': I., ~..t I . ~ 'Jot "l';,~' DL'VELOP .~r,NT iir:!<.EE. fi'flT 1'7 r)~~~Tt. !/i.:-' " T /' ~J'!-'.if:""C, (1'; [J!'.J:/iclec.l b~ !':![cl'jI-i1!J!l D, D-::velop-'T1ent J,,' ! :.~i;1 , ,(' r)' SCr ;.:';: V.<1.-qIr~ Ct:,~l, OF th-=: 2:,3DIVISIO.: Rr:C;U- --.J Ul ~ of ~ _ c'i.< (F ~ 'J L'i~.I' H [!J'...rE, fJ...!.'';,';'-<, 1!",!.JrovC:'1 and ac;opte:1 Fcb- II 1'-,7,1';72, as ,,0/.0;1,7,--,,1) cntererl into this 31!.d ,c7a'd pI' OctobVt I :;)____!..~, but"'CCfl The C.1 ty of f'/ncat Ridgc1 a .iu~icipa 1 C~rp0rc3.tion, h ,.,'.c i!llftcr r,-,[erred to ilS City, and Al1l1a L. Clwn hc''-cincJ..itcr [("ferrer] to as O:~'ner. , -.J <.D en 1/1'i' ,'[';SSf.,"Til: 1. ,.iIiEF1EflS, the O;nwris the ti tIed Ovmer of a tract; of land in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State oE Colorado, des- cribed as follows: =- The east 80.00 feet of Lot 14, Daniels subdivision; a tract of land situated in the NE~, NW~, Section 28, Township 3 South, Range 69 West; of the 6th Principal Meridian; Jefferson County, Colorado. N ~ '" (Xi a'J ;.. N =-: c_ - ~- More particularly described as follows; beginning at the south east corner of Daniels Subdivision; such point being the true point of beginning; thence north 80.00 feet; thence west 136.22; thence south 80.00 feet; thence east 136.17 feet to the true point of beginning. SEE "EXHIBIT A" ATTACHED. 2, ~HEREAS, the Owner has developed that tract of land as described in paragraph No.1, and in fact, has been issued a Building Permit to do so: and 3. WHEREAS, 3535 Parfet, Lot 14, Daniels subdivision fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No. 1 and the neighboring tracts of land are incomplete and below those standards as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION FIVE: IlJPROVE- MENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS: and 4. fVHEREflS, to be consistant I"ith the existing heighboring improvements and completion or non-completion of those improvements as required by SECTION FIVE: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS will make no significant change at the present in those streets fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No.1, and the neigh- boring tract of lands; and 5. &HEREAS, in order to conform to those requirements as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION FIVE: Il,:PROVENENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS this agreement is hereby determined to be applicable. rim!, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY AGREED, THAT A. Property responsibility for meeting and conforming to those require- ments as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION FIVE: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS is hereby recognized and affirmed. B. The Director of Public f/orks, upon the advice and consent of the Mayor, shall direct the Owner or his assigns ano successors to ~eet those re- quirements as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION FIVE: IMPROVEUENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS. C. In the event an improvement district is created by the City to implement those requirements as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS, and SECTION FIVE: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS for those streets or streets fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No. 1 and the nei']hboring tract of lands, the OtmCJ: or his assi gr.s and successions will not oppose its creation. 27q8 612 IJ_ [n tlll..' eUL'nt dn imprOFL'rnc:nt rlistrl.c.t iD credted by thf:~ City to ace o "?!:'l i S'l the' i ,,(('nt 0 f SF:CTIO:: FOUr:: D,.;SICfl Sr/1,'iD:1I<D5 and Si,,~'.I'{(J! FIVi,': I,.;2,,;()"!::'.ii,':.T5 of th", SUBDIVISIO.I RE:CULilTIO'iS, the (\)-.,~- c..', '_(}-;~;<I])1___, ~~jull h.~ of di:-._~::t: v:..-'ncfiL to th~!t prop~rty (;1" ,c:-'h i 1. ' r':!!'(-!~,! ph ' ). 1. ~nd s}J3.1! not bc.' c-osts tr:at arc -.;n -, ,~U')>l}t L;th L ;-tc; lCCt'!_{C;;'lh?rc' t:J oth"-.:'L TF3aTb"j and like TJ! jp--':-t 1 t'_;, 27qa 613 [IXJ[l c>.c~_ution o[ t~_is LJCllL'LOP,.;:,;;'IT liGf.~EE.~E~'IT b;; tho City and Of/ners, t-ilC' City .'i]1 .'/di1.'t_' ~he Cjuarantces for public J:mproi,cments as set (Jut in SFCTIO',' TifREE: PROCEDURE (Subsection C" Paragraph 5.) of the SUBDIVISIO,'1 RECULI,TIO::S F, This agreem'O'nt is executed by the O,mer pursuant to the SUBDIVISION REGULl'i TIONS of the CITY OF' ['IHEf1T RIDGE, passed, approved and adopted February 7, 1972, as amended. G. '['he Parties hereto agree that this DE:VELOP:.IE:NT 1'1GREE,'IENT, by its terms, shall be binding upon the Ci ty and the O;mer, and upon the assigns and successors thereof; and shall constitute covenants running with the described property. This DEVELOPMENT AGRE:E0ENT shall be recorded with the County Clerk and Recorder. IN WITNESSTH WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals on the date first shown. RECO!1MENDED BY: \ , \ I \::".\^'''''''i~~j \w~\ \ "\~'.\ \\ \ llJ ') I, ~. \ . . \ Communlty Davelo mant Department \ , ~_",r-<j~;'" ~-t~ / Puolic Works Department ,//{ -3 7 S- INTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: lll-/ /- ~_ (,,/ hr Ci ty Attorney ," \-~ EXECUTED BY OWNER: /-:~ -:/ ~~ ~ ~ ,/ C::hc-~./ .", ~ I . \ . :, ) , , Ci ty Clerk ;.1- f_, .. r . ' .- , ......' .. ,."'. -.. ~ . . ,/;:,... ~ I r, 11 ,;.( I ... .,.'7 ~~ .. ~,,'" "\ i' .:~\ ,I \ J I ; t II \ I' , \ State', of Colorado County of Jefferson ss The foregoing instrument was executed O/"'~''/eJ _, 19 7.5, by before me this ~..J1f/.~,- ;IJ7?'/.JY {J /, -:? day of My commisssion expires: y/. /,:::{ /cJ??' '-.~, ,'.,_~bA'ry'l Notary Public 27QS 613 ~"~~}~' ~;~~;~~~~. ..... ~,joo.",;""'~..;~~~~~~~~~." .~ :\'~~-~ ~'IC~'" ~ .:....._ d. ~ _ . --- - .. .-.-.---~~.c__-.-~ .~ It /(/ 27qs 614 '~ )-->/ ~ ~ L-...._~ re-'~ . -~Q /0 ~b(U /S>=/{J ~: '.' 'F " ;"-' r!.:; () . ~ . , .-- - ~ ----- -- - -- -.- - -- --...... - - -- -~. , , - . . - - - - - - / -, , " !N fg - - .'.'>T RACT 14" S ROO k 51 DE 1-<'--__ -soo,o~-__. w Eosl!..,n;c ClT$ovlr l' ~""rlc:o';-fVeS'tsoo *.or Tract' /4 /0' r -eo o' - . - ao?;' r- BO 0" '1-ec o' -, -'eo.O' J.iP. 80,0-;-' r -IIO~ ~ '- , I.... ;_ f" "-1/.1 I ' c.. r.. _ '. '""" ., ,W - J vJ 'ev ;(lJ ~/il(,j 'cu cr\ -p.. G'\ W 91 f\J:Ql l'j) ~illG\ '(l) , l\) f\) It.) (JJ 0 'TJ (.!I {. l..O . ':.--( l\) " :.'" !"oJ ~lj"lr\) .J:. '\I . <:) I . 'VI ..:> . i ~ ! ~lil , /' BOO' eoo' i aoe' e~,]' 80:)" BOO' 1./ euO ~~:.v.'-:"'- - , PA.("') r- E -r .,:>'-?,L /~-:,"~:~_,.: , 7-C5---.------_.___.__ - ~--r- _,______ ~=-_ / . < ( .~ , BOO' .) i ' ,), ... f;J 0- U1 , ... :. I\j i' .- o 10 ~ o o 'oJ) " w 0 . ' I 0 ' , U1 ... l \1 l~ Cj, r ' " p '" < ~ m ~ I -'I r ~', 1 ._-~-------- -"--'- ---'--,- '---..-. .. .' :'./ ;...~; f ~..... '..::r~..: ..::...,.i. .. "EXHIBIT A" (;\j '1 Q K ~ C" ~ ::J Q f) I \t ~ U) ~ ~ ~ 2 C./) ~ 0\ , '(-C) ;::::: \0 'r ~ CD {'}. C> r--.o ...... ~ 0R ~ -- ('i.. ~ ..... ........C) ~ 0, ~ ...... )> -f I /-1 to I in & ~ ~ -- Cf)':b, ~ . ~.("-; 27qa 614 ~ '-' '.. -....: 8' C) ....... ........