HomeMy WebLinkAbout0015 , - 1. .~.I ; .~ ,\ jv S I 7""(6857 776Sr ;.1 l:.il J2fier:-Lil ~,~ DEVL r[)P. L j),T ./r{.Hf-t'[.-",l!~tJT :; 1 i" 2837 554_ i'f1 I~~ 1J;~'VFJ()P':L'tIT 1-i.GPr'r;nf::Ni', (as p1'o'Vidr:cl hy pardgraph v, [)(~v~-.!,lO[){.1~nt /~!l/-,-'r:'\nf-, ~,'i.thi,n SL't' ICy) Sf::VP';'\f: FAr..lj;r~Cr:S, of thn SUi:PJVJSIOt} RE(;U- r.,..\'C'[(l/'-; o!." th-' CITY ()':".' r'If/GIlT UTDC;F;, pdsc-;cd, apPTO.h'(] iJnd clcoptC'cl Fea- IILie'] 7,1977, a.'; di!'''nded) eIlten:cI into thi:i _~~E!3_, chy of __Marc:12._____ !'!~?6_m" bt~'t~'iC'C'n 'j,h'-~ City c{ riJJr:aL E_id~J';.;, it nunicira] CorpuLation, }],"I (!JI! IrLc!l.' n~fcrr{.'l1' to DS ci ty, and Lee Kunz /,. '.r("irlatter ? c[(l[.rell to a5 O~':n,--'r. J 7/ j 1/ j',~~ ',L j'1!: 1, :'/fli:.iU:7il::-', tll(~ (J:.;n0r is the titled O;.;ncr of a tract of lanel III the {'ity of ~!heat Ridge, COIJl1tV of Jefferson, State of C010~ildo, des- cc.ibcJ 25 fol1ot~.;: '0. Legal Description on "Exhibit "A" Attached: 2 fll-lEPI'.il,S, f- !l(-! Ovln(-?F j 5 clt-?vc.loping a truc:t oflanrl ilS c1n,sc y.}1Jerl in PdragYdph f'.Jo, 1( dlVJ in fact is bc'_ing i ~sued the foJ.}rnvi.l1rJ jJl-'.crili ts tu do so: a n17 J. fmJ::lIEhS, L & Y Industrial Park (mut: i nC] fv. 49~I~~Pl. -&__O~K__~ s.E=~=-:-saFdtTa(;toTTll1(r;isaesu:Tbc J,LT, l'cC!r,.l(Ud!Jh No, 1 and the neJqhhoring LEDet of Janrl arc incuIliplr't-(' and n(dol<J t]ju..,c ,c; tanu,J.rds as :-;,L't Ou. L iil :JLC''l'T[}'v' T":][jr;; DL~..:;IC!,T 51' :..1[1_7\ T?L\'--;' L: nrl C:!~C'!'I 1)[,1 1"1 Vt'~; IMfJROVL'Mf:N'I'S or the SU13IJTVrSTON Rt:GUL:'lrCTONS: and <'J r/Htl-U~'.LlS, to be cons_i.stant. v/Jth the ex.i.:;tinu np_ighborjng impcoverneut-s and cnmpletion or non-comp lot ion of those improvements ,"S requ.ireo by SiXl'ION FIVE: J[.JPRuVENJ::NTS of the SUI3DIVTSl nil PCGUIN, iONS Fi.71 nuk2 no significant change at the present in those E-treets flontinq that tract of land as described _in Para,7t'c;ph N~. I, and the neigh- borinC[ tract of .lands; and 'i f"HI:'R~:AS, ~n oru'er to conform to those lcquireITi2,'tE as [,-,t O'Jt in SEC'rION '~)UFl: DESIGN S2'ANDARDS and SECTION I'H't:: .T/JPROVENtWTS of the; SUL0IVISIOfl REGUIJlTTONS this a<]reement is h('u",by determined to be applicab]~. 110;" TIlEREFoc:r-;, BE IT HEREBY AGREED, THAT ,1. Property responsibLIity for meeting and conforming to those requirc- mconts ,is set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIC}; S'J'1ND..iIWS and SECTIOll FIn,,: INPROVENENTS of the SUBDJ \lISION REGULATIO"S _; s hc.r:ely.J Tccogni zed and i1ffi.IT;k~d.. B. The Director of Publi.c Perks, upon the advice a;ld consent of the Mayor, shall direct the O,.mc" oc his assigns and S'Jcres[:ors to Ji,eet those re- quircmi'nt.'; as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STAdDARDS and SECTIon FIVE: n;PIWVEf.i1WTS of the SUBDIVISION REGUUiTIONS. C. In the L't'ent an improvement district is ct-eated by the city to implement those requirements as set out in SECTION FOUR: DE5IGN STAND,~DS, and SECTION FI\lE: INPROVEJl1E:NTS of the SUBDIVISION j,[;GULiI'l'JOnS for those streets or streets fronting that tract of land as described in Parag:aph No, 1 ancl the ne.igl1bor i nC] t rc:ct of lands, the (J\.'ner or his assi gns ann successions will not oppose its creatiun. Zt33'; ~54 2837 555 J), In 1.711-' C'\<'11! JJJ I.mJl1'ln'L'Illt-'Tlt (lJ ;t:rlr't j~; (l'c'.Jh'r7 hr; [lIe' C_i.tIJ tu aLl~'_)IlIp!I.';h th,. _inL-l'nt~ ()[ L,[,'CTJO;"} FOUR: Vl~.tJf(d.J '~'TAr''}J)'^:lT)lt (:111(] c;L,'C't[()/ F/V/7. Tl,lTI-{()l1]~j'j'l':?,i'1',lJ' o.t th, ,';[,'n])TVISr()~\ Rlj'GUL~ 'i]()' :::, th0 cue;t; 1(( I'~S !fde <;hd!.? hl of djrl:( t ])("'lh!Fit to rh-lt U]().!.h'r'Ly J,'"-; rlC'Sll.ihl- u' ] lJ r,i1>a }.LI/J:I No 1 dINl S};,l L 7 n_JL h(' L 0 ;t~.; t,...ll dTC rli<;IJrr'[l'l{'f ic) liil \"7/-1-, C()-.;!-c:: ilC'{'l",,:-:;,11)7e t(J (ILlll'I nr'JY'})[/ (fl'"'(1 J.ikt-:; /llOj)(),rL. ie::; I,'. [lPrlll "'<L', uf-'Ole "I tiJi'; lJLV/.:LUP1]DNT let,ReE,.]],',"'']' bl] th Citl] ,ine! ()c.ill,'rs, -l h( C) t.1~ 1'.'7 17 W,j j Vi tlH' tfl-/c.'! an t-er!,r; J ()] !l1./{)lir IflI,nr(l' I' ilt ni- '-- a,s set uut In t,l:('ri'f()',' 'j'[!r:.r::;.,': l)/~()l'HnUj{L (.')ulJ.~;(:',-- t l()Il C" raic19rd~:J7) S.) ()f /'lil' <'(/i';j)[f11 :;'rr)'~ rnj('[lT,l'J'Ir),VS !-' ~L'11J:.'.: dl!?"t.'en, 'fJt" j'; (')1'( Ilh'cJ lnl till" C:\'/I7cT pur ;]'lll{: t.o thr' '--!U3U1TlI!J]()N l\Fit'JLdTJ()f'!c; of L-h(' C'17"{ Of.' l'.'j1"6' ,1 '1' HJf)CIF, p<1 s(_'c1, ,lp"'I,)1'-I~ ,-iJh] id()ph.~c7 Z;'( {J[{]'lry 7, J9/1, ,c's ~i{':'[jdL'd, (" 'l'J I l.' Pdrl:.le:-'s h "'rctu ar.-JrC;'t' t h!t t 117~; Di,>'VHLj)PdFl\"(' ltGl-:E_L:'1J::~,7T, hlf ire; teTUl.'-;, shdlJ. bl' h_iJ1(7?'n~r UT1')11 tile' CitlJ dnc.l t:j!~: (l~.Tnl_r, and U,DUl1 i-hi' d's:';.'i(}n.3 Lind .~u(;c( .';'-;C)].<; t:h:.Ti:n.Fi dIle] ~hd17 CUllSL LtutL C'()~l 'nants rUllllInCI [~'_ith tht' (lL'sL-L~i})c(i propc!ct!J. 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