HomeMy WebLinkAbout0019 !l,' 1)( ."[! J' !.;. " " ,'t !, I; J" t 786209 'J l~3H';1:, Tf [~; V '\,Lr,n!'['il-:tl'l' lIGI\L'LI'.lCN'f, (a:; prov.ic1c'd hy par'agriJIJfl D, [)....'!VC-171[ll..1<2nt '~!n"' ;1I,::nl:, ~,i Utili 5r:(;':'lD." Sf:VEN: VAliI,lNCf:S, of the SUElDIVISIO\' l<t:GU- ',iWJ(Xh or the CITY 0:" lmL'IlT UID,';}-:, passed, ilpprovcd and adopted Fe:b- lll,ll") 7, .1972, ClS c~m?lIc1cd) entered into this lCth , d<:y of A[Jril lCj..~LfL_' J,et,,,.!'>[) 'rhe> City or f/hcc!t Ridue, d If,,;'ici;;i' CorpQ~iltT;n, hCJ'uj (1,1 fter rc[(:rr,:d to c1S ci ty, and _ J .E., Turre ~! f{a.'lda G. Turre IV'l'c.inaftur referred to ilS O:mcr. ,I fIT7'!lESSE:Tl! : .1. !-!FlE::I1E:/tS, the O;mcr is the titled O;mcr of a tract of land in the Ci ty o[ ~/hec1:: .'<1 dge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, des- cr.ibed a<; [0110(':5: SEE ATTACHED SHEET FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION. 786209 \:1L 11AY 14 i':'lll: 39 vvU<itj 0 f Jefferson S II ~ e G f (' ileccrned IN 2852 742 2. 11flEREJIS, the O~vner is deve,Zoping a tract of land as described in Paragraph No.1, and in fact is being issued the following pern/its to do so: and 3. mU;REli5, St.r.8Ct Tr,nrGV81T18nh; fronUllg lln l~(~~;!; 44.:tJJ AvefliJ8 said tract of land as CIeScr~beCfJ.n Paragraph No. .1 and the neighboring tract of land are incomplete and belm... those standard:; as set out in SECTION FOUR'f"DESIGN STANDARDS and SEC'l'ION FIVE: .Tf.1PROVEI.:,;;NTS of the SUBDIVISION ReeULATIONS: and 4. iiiiEr(!:-ilS, to be cpnsistant ~,ith the existing neighboring improvements and completion or non-completion of those improvements iJS required by SECTION rIVE: INPROVEt1ENTS of the SU13DIVISlO,,T r,EGUI.Il'i'IONS I"ill make 110 significant change at the p.l:esent in those streets fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No.1, and the neigh- boring tract of lands; and 5. r.,IlEREllS, in order to conform to those .r:equirem~mts as !;et out in SECTION f:JUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION rIVE: I1JPROVENENTS of tIle SUBDIVISION REGUI.J,TICNS this agreement is heL eby determined to be applicab.le. liar", THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY AGREED, THAT A. Property responsibility for meeting and conforming to those require- ments as set au t in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STAND!JRDS and SECTION FIT/F:: Il.IPHOVEt.iSClTS of the SUBDn'ISION RRGULll'1'IQI,'S is hereby )'ecog17; zed Wid affirmed. . D. 'i'he Director of Public r'lorks, upon the advice <lnd consent of the Nayo::., shz:l1 direct the O;:me, or his assigns and S'Jccessors to meet those ):e- guiz'cwelJts as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and DECTIOl! rIVE: INPIWVl::t.JENTS of the SUBDlVISION REGUU17'IONS. C. In tIle event an improvement district is created by the City to irnplc,menL those requirements as set out in SECTION F~UR: DE5IGN STANDARDS, and SECTION rIVE: JnT'RO\'Ellf::/TS of the SUBDl \'ISION Rf:GUUi1'IONS for those stz'ccts or sti:ed;::; fronting th:It tract of .land as described in Paragraph No. 1 and the nei 'yhbor illg tract of 1 andc;, th:! G,"lIer or his a!;si yns i;j',J successions ~,il1 not oppose its crcati(,n. Z85~ 742 .) ~ J , \ . 17 ... .,;. '. I ~ t It f. Iii . " ,; t , f t r t f D. In the, evont all iwprovement. rlisU'ict is creiltC'c1 l)y the City to accompJi:;!I the ird.ent of STC1'ION FOU[(: LJE'SLGN S~'MlD,~RDS ilnd Sf;O'ION FIVE': INPROVElif.WTS of the SUHmVISION m:GUJ,llTIONS, the COS(S ilcccssable shall be of direct benefit to that property as dc,;cribcd in Paragraph No. 1 <1nd .shull not be costs that arc displ"oportionatc ldth costs aecessilblc to other nearby and like properties. 2852 743 ~.,1 .~ " ;j I:. Upon execution of this DEVELOPMENT llGllf:EI,1l:.'NT by the! City and O;.mers, the City t./ill waive the guarantees for public improvements as set out i II SECTION TlIRt:E: PROCEDURE (Subsection C., Paragraph 5.) of the SUHUIVISION REGULl!TIONS /1 '. ~~ . F. This agreement is executed by the Owner pursuant to the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the CITY OF WilEAT RIDGE, passed, approved and adopted February 7, 1972, as a,;;ended. G. The Parties hereto agree tlJat this DEVEWPI1ENT AGREEMENT, by its terms, shall be bindiJlg upon the City ai]~ the O;n1er, and upon the assJ.gns and successors thereof; and shall constitute covenants running ~/i th the described property. f H ~ .~ r. , 7'his DEVFLOPI1ENT AGREEI1ENT shall be recorded with tile County Clerk and Recorder. ,'; '~~ o~ (Rcr,?:.d,-iJ-,j <,(".r, /1- 11- Public Works Department Department '-~ , , '1 "'. t'~ ~.~ ~; f roo t- IN WITNESSTH WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals on the date first shown. RECOMMENDED BY: APPROVED AS TO FOHN: __<>IC/~ --/17(, City Attorney City Administrator EXECU~ED BY OWNER: EXECUTED BY CITY: .. > l' - , ~'-- ,-- I /, .~ - --{ \..._- ~ J~'fj, I,I'-~ '- ,/ - ~:::._ I.., _\ <:/7--", ,", Mayor \.\I~\i;} O'>D' ", !l'illl$... I'J,.' ATTE:STED '1'0 BY: .. "..... ....'-'... -AJ /)... J'7 ". ' ,/ ~.~ 'f, C!.(j " ..~ ." - : ~~ . '. I!"'r-...- . ::.- . '" ~ ,. I(jl . Ci ty Clerk ':'-:'.' J> ...-8" ""l... ",., ...,""'; -Iy..... ....~ t ~!, II ,) " State of Colorado County or Jefferson ss The foregoing instrument ~'as executed before me this 4th Hay _, 19 .:L~, by J .E. Turre & lIanda G. Turre day of Ny commisssion expires: Oct. 2.7, 1978 t"" ~~~ ,4~-~~~- Notary J'llblic ,'.' , . , ", "'-: <: ~ 4. (.. [.... ~ f' .J' , ',"-...( ....' ~"..-' " " ~3 ~ \ "\ 285Z 743 ~ '. ' . /. I '-. 2852 744 f LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land located in the 5E% NE% of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th principal meridan, in Wheat Ridge, :efferson County, Colorado, Being more particularly described as follmb: Beginning at a point on the West line of Kipling St. which is 417.5 feet north and 40 feet West of th8 South8ast corner of said SE14 NEJi. of said Section 21; Thence Wcst, at right angles to the West line of Kipling St. a distance of 110. O,J feet. Thence ~orth, parallel with the West line of Kipling St. a distance of 125.0 feet to a point on the South line of West 44th Avenue; Thence Esst, along the South line of West 44th Avenue a distBnce of 117.0 fed; Thence Southeasterly along thc Southwesterly line of W. 44 Avenue at an angle of 450 a di~tance o~ 11.3 fect to a point on the West line of Kipling St. Then South, along the West line of Kipling St. a distance of 117.0 feet to the point of beginning. '-.. 2852 744 """1 I /1' I I I I I I ! i