HomeMy WebLinkAbout0026 OJ /;; 8':~02f:~ 3 ~' ji ' 69 , , .1 r~. I " ,I' l ,_ ,j'Lui,&1 i~ DEVF.LOPNF.NT 11 (,Ji[,l.'t'.!n(ll :_, : ~5.71ILn 9 2509 ~94 L & G \; ~ It ,A TillS IJio'V;':'(/)PNENT I1GIIEENENT, (as provided 1>ll para']raph D, Development Il'fr",'"lt.'i1~, ~'li thin SECTION SEVEN: VARIANCES, of the SUBDIVISION REGU- IJt'J'[O,,', or the crTY Of" ['/fIE/iT RlDGE, p,lssrd, approved and adopted Feb- rUilJ:1j 7, 1972, as ilmended) entered into this ..~__, day of _August 191fJ.__' bettvecn The city of Nheat Ridge, iI Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as City, dnd ~Q.8_,S<3._,,-aleri llf...' l'c'_i Il~lftf'r referred to a:.] O;-;ner. , ( ri i TiiL'SSFTlI : 1. f'lIIF.IIEl1S, the Owner ,is the ti tled O'VIler of a tract of .I and in the city of wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, des- cribed as follows: Part of N~~ NE~ of Section 26, T3S, R69W of 6th P.M. County of Jefferson, State of Colorado described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of W. 38th Avenue, which is 1642.6 feet West and 30 feet South of the NE corner of said Section 26; thence West along the South line of W~ 38th Avenue a distance of 66.6 feet; thence at a right angle & parrallel with the North-South centerline of said Section~.6, a distance of 208.0 feet; thence East a distance of 66 .6 feet; thence North a distance of 208.0 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. 2. [ilIEREAS, the Owner has developed that tract of .land as described 1 n l'arilgraph No.1, and in fact, has been issued a Building Permi t to do so: and 3. [mEREAS, Street ImRrovements fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No. 1 and the neighboring tracts of land are incomplete and beJow those standards as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION FIVE: IMPRn\lE- I1UITS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS: and 4. fvHEREAS, to be consistant with the existing heighboring improvements and completion or non-completion of those improvements as required by SECTION FIVE: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS will make no significant change at the present in those streets fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No.1, and the neigh- boring tract of lands; and 5. WHEREAS, in order to conform to those requirements as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN S2'ANDARDS and SECTION FIVE: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS this agreement is hereby determined to be applicable. [lorv, '1'f1EREFORE, BE IT HEREBY AGREED, THAT A. Property responsibili ty for meeting and conforming to t.hose require- ments as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION FIVE: IMPROVEI1F:NTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS is hereby recognized and affirmed. n. The Director of Publi9 Works, upon the advice and consent of the Mayor, shall direct the Owner or his assigns and successors to meet those re- quirements as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STllNDl\RDS and SHCTION FIVE: IMPROVEMEN2~ of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS. C. In the event an improvement district is created by the City to implement those requirements as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS, and SECTr01J FIVE: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS for those streets or streets fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No. 1 and the neighboring tract of lands, the Or,mer or his assi~rns and successions will not oppose its creation. 2909 294 2909 Z95 D. In U". event <in improvement distnct is creJU>d by the City to accomp.u sh the intent of seCTION FOUR: DeSIGN STAND',RDS and SECTION FIVE: INPROVENF:NTS or the! SUBDIVISION RL'GUL/U'I(JNS, the CDS L5 dccf'ssabl e shall be of direct benefi t to that property as dcScr.ib"d in Paragrarh No. I and slnl I not be cosls theil: are disproportionate with costs acccssalJ7n to other nearby and like [Jlo[1C!rtius. E. Upon I 'xccutiolJ of this DEI; EI,OPJ.1ENT ACRF:E'nE111' by the Ci tll and O,.mers, the Ci ty \-li 11 t-1aive the qUiJrantees for pl1b1ic improvements as set Ol1t in SECTION THREE: PROCEDURE (SubsC'cL,ion C., Paragraph 5.) of the SUBDIVISION REGUU1TIONS F. This agreement is executed by the Olmer pursuant to the SUBDIVISION REC;UIJI1'IONS of the CITY OF ,meAT RIDGE, passed, approved and adopted FebruanJ 7, 1972, as amended. G. The Parties hereto agree that this DEVEWPMENT AGREENENT, by its terms, shall be binding upon the City and the Ovmer, and upon the assigns and successors thereof; and shall constitute covenants running with the described property. 1~is DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT shall be recorded with the County Clerk and Recorder. II! r-/TTNESSTl! [VllEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals on the dutc first shown. RECOMMENDED BY: ';'~7:':'" , , Pub(ic [yorks Department "-..- :' ,I I_~ t. . L .; /~ (. " i \ \ ' " . ~, ,)...s.~\.. \ \(~' ft ,-' , \ ,,;~w L'\:\~..L'-v... . \ , \l' 1 r: APPROVED AS TO FORM: \~V ,t-C~ 7 COMnunity Deve.(,pment Department APPROVED AS TO INTENT: I ( .~ _/ (/ /i(;/--/ . /- '. ~ \_....?~<>- \,..._ ~ " <. C ( _ '- f. _____ F ,/ I '1//7/7( I City Attorney City Administrator t EXECUTED B1::.- CITY: / , ~ j;--f 0'/ 17 ''"?k- ~:~t~ r!..-I:L.~LM~. '/1 Mayor \,,'0~iiG)> ' -. ,*!O..1;>O-.Q- 0"", .~ ~l .,.,..'" ..~:..# - . . ATTESTED TO BY: :' ". , : ~ '" ~: , , . ~ . ,..... : ",'" ..4~" Y ;-.<".. (f/: ! ' ~, State of Colorado County of Jefferson ss The foregoing instrument ~'as executed before me this _ S~?TEM en\... , 19 70, by Jc::t: CAVA\....EB..J q.i~ _ ,t' (H("tf!a.y of """~:1e 1,// ~ ,\,\",:";' -.. ~ "'''~ '7""'~- '-I .,.~ '\'" :';:. MY Commission expires April 26, 1980 ~ -~c.i~:~!~~:. ,~ r /',_. '(j .' My commisssion expires: Notary Public 2909 295 ~ ~ 1=> t..> B L\' c:: Lu~ ~':t)~ .~n..e.e.~ 2909 2S6 'I " " I.' I' II' (')' \ / .' '.' ..,' ,l,/ ,: /:',' " f \' . i "f , .(,,(//\/,(//, to:) u r~ C) t (".: ;'<': ':<) I \ 'i i ~_~ :-:r f : .) I : r .5 - 1 : '; 2 ',~ ,<I ..? " -;' _),:; I ,I) 1 , ')' \ : J .') "j / f , , I, 'J / , , . , " I, , I / / " / , . / , / / ) ( I Ii is _ r " ,_ r .) I" J r ' I L.';' " / ) :.~ ~..J C'" ii'.J:4 :'-..;( I> I C:J '\ ,- .~ c_- 4' .---^ :. , I ,," ,...,/ ')) I , " 't-~ .. 'I ,. li~ I I '~I :11 I 1r1-"'/ j/ /< ~~. ) II " , " j ( / , ( / ,I J I '> /' /~7' ~I r n I , . 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