HomeMy WebLinkAbout0027 "t .; ~ j0 \j ~ Sr'fl,'" ~-8 ~"'-.Vf"".,.c;; DL'VFI/JI'/tr'N'[' llGRt'!;!.fE:NT j Lli 1.0 Q ,~ 1~?7 3't129 I'll r [! ~'VELOPi-;L'Nl' AGReE,'IENT, (as prov iced by paragraph D, Dcvdopcncnt (cfl"',';::,:nL, (-!ithin SEC:'[O'I SF.'VEN: VARIi1NCES, oE the SUfJJJIV1SIO:': REGU- I"'TI{);',',:> of the' CITY OC' fmt:AT RIDGr;, passed, approved and adopted Feb- tll'I["'J 7,1972, as am'?ndecl) entered .into this 31 , daY"C}l .---8.w.J;just_, 1')_76, bcttlC'cn The City of r'lh::at Ridg~1 a trllnicipal Corporation, f1i,'r'-'I11,fLc'r n:fc:rr2d to as city, and Ron<:!Jd Shimpa h0[L,illaEt'-'l"" rcfC[Ted to as O:'Incr. 4 ,,i , . " l. It GI fn7"IESSi-:TI! : .1. ('!i!U~EAS, the ~'rner is the ti tled O;mcr of c1 tract of land in the C,itIJ of [;'heat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State oE Colorado, des- cribed as fo110;"s: , '>. A parcel of land situate in the West one-h~lf. (~) of Lot.fourteen (14), Lee Subdivision described as follows: Beglnnlng at a pOlnt on the North lot line of the said Lot fourteen (14) which point is located 496.16 feet West of the Northeast corner of the said lot fourteen (14), thence, West along the North lot line of the said lot fourteen (14), a distance of 143.84 feet to a point; thence, South on an angle of 90 degree to the left a distance of 85 feet to a point; thence, East on an angle of 90 d~grees to the left, a distance of 143.84 feet to-a point; thence North on an angle of 90 degrees to the left, a distance of 85 feet to the true point of beginning. 870',68 ~ I) , I,i I , , r 1,.1, . _II : 2. f'/HERE1.S, the Otmer is developing a tract of land as described in Parilgraph No.1, and in fact is be,ing issued the follo~,.ing perm,its to do so: and ,I I" 2909 292 3. rmEREliS, Street Improvements fronting 11780 W. 46th Avenue said tract of land as descr~beaTfJ Paragraph No. 1 and the neighboring tract of land aTe incomplete and belot., those standards as set out in SECTION FOUR,"DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION FIVP.: IMPROVEI,WNTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, and 4. flfIERD/lS, to be consistant ~l.ith the existing neighboring improvements and completion or non-completion of those impr.ovements as required by SECTION FIVE: lI-IPROVENf::NTS of the SUBDIVISION REGfJI.Il~'lONS [.,ill make no siqnificdnt change at the present in those streets fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No.1, and the neigh- boring tract of lands; and 5. WHEREAS, in order to conform to those requirements as set out in SECTION POUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION f1VE: IUPROVE~ENTS of the SU3DIVISION REGUUITIONS this agreement is hf'1:eby determined to be applicable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY AGREED, THAT A. Property responsibility for meeting and conforming to those require- ments as set out in SEC2'ION FOUR: DESICN STANDiJRDS and SECTION FIVE: INPNOVENEllTS of the SUBD.l VISION REGULATIO~TS is here}):} recognized Dnd affirmed. . B. The Director of Public [Jorks, upon the advice and consent of the Mayor, shall direct the O:mc:: or his assigns and S'Jccessors to ));2et those re- quirements as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTIOn FIVE: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS. C. In the event an improvement district is created by the City to implement those requirements as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS, and SECTION FIVE: IN?ROVENE,VTS of the SUBDIVISION J?EGUL712'IOllS for those streets or streets fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No. 1 and the neighboring tract of lands, the O~.'ner or his assigns and successions will not oppose its creation. 2909 ZS2 2909 293 lJ. .In tl,C event, an improvement di.st:dct .is cTeatcd hy the City to accvmp1i sh the intrnt of SF:CTrON FOUR: DESIGN STAN J),1RDS and SECTION FIVE: INPROVEMi;;NTS of the SUBDI V 1S TON m.;GU[JiTIONS, the costs ilcccssoble shaU be of direc.t beneFit to thut property 2S dCSlTibod in Paragraph No. ] and shall not be costs that are dispIof!',ntionate with costs acc,ossab.lc to other nearby and like prope.'rticcs. L. Upon C'xecution of this DEVELOPNL'NT AGREEf.1EiIT by the Ci t'l and O~meTs, the.' City ~lj11 wa.ive the quarantf'es for public improvements as set out: in SECTION TllREE: PROCEDUFiE (Sllbscct ion c., Paragraph 5.) of the SUJWIVISION REGUI,A TrONS f. This ZlgH'!cment is executed by the Owner pUTSlwnt to the SUBDTVISTON REGUJ~TIONS of the CITY OF WllEAT RIDGE, passed, appToved and adopted February 7, 1972, as amended. G. The PZlrties hereto agree that this DEVEI'oPMENT AGREEMENT, by its ter'l1s, shall be b,inding upon the Ci ty and the Oomer, and upon the assigns and successors thereof; and shall constitute covenants running with the described property. This DEVELOPMf:NT AGREEMENT shall be recul'ded ~,ith the County Clerk aJJd Recorder. IN WITNESSTH WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals on the date first shown. RECOMMENDED BY, , \,i , I ~ ~ I \.. '" j ~ ... ,- l , \'~ , \ floo. \ """It. 7 " "-'/" .ANv......... J.,) \ I \, -\lIlt; I I \ ft,~ ,.. I. , ii Com7Jllni ty Dev/Clfpment: Department / ~\7,~:,P:;,:D AS r INTENT: ,C~:' 2, < ll. i" L7/Y/7L PJblic r10rks Department APPROVED AS TO FORM: , I lc r ~- '" ~ t' l~" -" ----- City Attorney City Administrat:or ~ EXECUTED BY CITY: , / ' ~.\, ;".~~..!" " 6 ~/ A. a ,J.-c J :<.f::W,,-~~~A/ , ~ ... o(l~ ~ . ~ ~ . , . ~.~ ~ " ." ATTESTED TO BY",: :,> ~:-, " , . 7 ;~.) ~{j1~ !,;~"'/~'c.- . ! t" ~ , EXECUTED BY Of'/NER: i) (r. I I 'I \ , \1 I , \- , ,: \ ' , , L" ,I" , I i~ "i I (".. "'- . Mayor \ , , i ....'<. ,. \ Ci ty Clerk State of Colorado County of Jefferson ss The fOTcgoing instrument was executed before me this ~---- (~-:--- [t 7- v( I.---t L__ _,19 .~J~., by /1 t"?,-,)...( L-{ ,\1~' IlH"""",,~ //... -r-/_ ,'\ "_~......, -II'< :r-?~.. I ' ~,' , qfJY#~.J:Jf ",--c.:/~\~~__~,~'~: . ~ - My cOmrrUsssion expires: LtC.LCI.{(t... ~ -:'J .' : :..,L-- -;'0'-I.'-.c-..,:.~b~"~~L (- ' ....... " ,-....; "l -: " Notary Public " ~" 2909 293