HomeMy WebLinkAbout0028 l'C..J 001_ . 8,:.8847 /;: d 0 82881:'( DL'VE LOP;'iEN'l' 1--;.~ Iln\.: _!, l '"JI . I C , , V ", '" . ~ v-' r J 3 i ; .& : ~ i ~ ~\~\ ~ ~ .. b ~, ~ : \ l fA /IGRt'E:-ICNT \ lIe ,'Co\1 Q3.616~-~ 1 \..,~ f ",;. J,' l ~ ' 11'1 2923 83 'I'll rs nL;VEWPNENT llGREENENT, (as provided by pa rag rdph D, Dc,re-IV[JIllcent llurel'll1cnt, v/ithin SECT TO 'I SEVEN: VARIANCES, of the SUBDIvISION REGU- L/Ij'lO~'"; of tho CITY 01' IvlIEAT RIDGE, passed, approved and adopt,'d Feb- ruary 7, 1972, as amended) cJltcred into this 7th , day of October , 19 76, between The Ci ty of fvheat Ridge, a Nu~icTpal Corporation :~~._-- he~einafter referred to as city, and ~lorado ~teel, Inc. hereinafter referred to as O\-1ner. /(;' D fiITNESSETH: ,l. fvllEREAS, the Owner is the titled Owner of a tract of land in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, des- cribed as follows: All of Tract 6, "Nicholas Gardens", County of Jefferson State of Colorado, excepting therefrom the West 10 feet thereof. Also Known As 4836 Van Gordon I " i?,..J~" k "i-l,c/i 0 c I '- \ ,;' 1:;;, I I) 2. flHEREAS, the Owner has developed that tract of land as described in Paragraph No.1, and in fact, has been issued a Building Permit to do so: and 3. f>/HEREAS" All Street Improvements .. fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No. 1 and the neighboring tracts of land are incomplete and below those standards as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION FIVE: IMPROVE- MENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS: and 4. WHEREAS, to be consistant with the existing he~ghboring inprovements and completion or non-completion of those improvements as requircd by SECTION FIVE: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS will make no significant change at the present in those streets fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No.1, and the neigh- boring tract of lands; and 5. r"lIEREAS, in order to conform to those requirements as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION FrVE; IIJPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS this agreement is hereby determined to be applicable. nOfv, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY AGREED, THAT A. Property responsibility for meeting and conforming to those require- ments as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION FIVE: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS is hereby recognized 2nd affirmed. B. The Director of Public florks, upon the advice and consent of the Mayor, shall direct the OWner or his assigns and successors to meet those re- quirements as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION FIVE: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS. C. In the event an improvement district is created by the City to implement those requirements as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS, and SECTIDN FIVE: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS for those streets or streets fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No. 1 and the nei<;hboring tract of lands, the O,.:ner or his assi gns and successions will not oppose its creation. 2923 83 D. In the event an impIovC'ment district is created by the City to accomplish the intent of SECTION FOUR: DLSIGN STMJUIlIWS and SECTION FIVE: IHPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULllTIONS, the costs accessable shall be of direct benefit to that property as described in PiJragraph No. 1 iJnd sha.l1 not be costs that are disproportionate with costs accessable to other nearby and like propercies. 2923 84 E. Ul~n execution of this DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT by the City and O~ners, the City will waive the guarantees for public improvements as set out in SECTION THREE: PROCEDURE (Subsection C., Paragraph 5.) of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS F. This agreement is executed by the O,mer pursuant to the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, passed, approved and adopted February 7, 1972, as amended. G. The Parties hereto agree that this DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, by its terms, shall be binding upon the City and the Owner, and upon the ass.igns and successors thereof; and shall consti tute covenants run.1ing with the described property. This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT shall be recorded with the County Clerk and Recorder. IN WITNESSTH WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals on the date first shown. RECOMMENDED BY: (J 'r'-- :(-:,~Ld~C /;ir;fc. Public Works Department \ , \ , , \",< I ,I '1" '~-';>\I~~ Ie ~,r, v f " Community Development Department , APPROVED AS TO FORM: '---- 1 L~ i-~~ __~ ,.____ APPROVED AS TO INtENT: , .f /u / '---~~~--. Izy'6, City Attorney City Administrator EXECUTED ~: ~ -2~;if-( ~~'l-~-_ EXECUTED BY CITY: /" ~,Z'1."A A!~ /~/ /t: :':ayor , , I ~ 1-.1,-/ ,. " Af!:S)TE~ T~ ~:&. _ ':; /} . } !C;2 ~." ,,(fi/J:P~b- J L~ Y Clerk '. "". .' ) ~ -, , ~ ~,; " - ' .~tace of Colorado County of Jefferson ss The f~~Oing instrument was ::ecuted before me this ~~/~ (l/:. yt) , 19X, by .__~J~ ~ day of My cOmmUsssion expires: L;j'dLfr7.J'tL /~, /;777 ~~/'~~('h~ Notary Public 2923 84 \ I \ <- o );) ~ 1 heft /:;, -I- 'A" Z923 85 ~-r------- --- - ----- . .... ~,,~ .;..". - L_ ' 61 N Cl <: ~ () :r: CJ ['- '1 :t> ~ \)) j" " -\ Gi ~ ()1 v "" ~ \J) if 330' 2923 85