HomeMy WebLinkAbout0047 9t~6561: f' f " :.: '( h i l'!i t nH'1 9D6t:,6' \ ' ?:~ 3: I G 9 ~ 4 3<.1 ,'.1 ~ ~O 3051 312 I ; ELl) ?'UfF-frt'jin.:tt.1tN:- Count; (,i ,ie.,eesr il :;\atidJIlJ~1~11 S::~c:)r~~UC P'I {( !~ '1 l.,,' rHl:, D[Vll,OPt~[NT AbRL' "'-'J: , dS JuthonzL' DV the SI'l~r,;\' lsrrm '("i~: l.ATICNS of thl' eITI 'Jr' >JHF:AT RIDGE. ,c "nUTi',j int ,thi< 18 'Iil" UT July lCV?" betwI'prl t'e CiLy Oi Ijh0,~t '~rci(le. il ,'1Urljcf;1~11 C0"[1,)(ation, f-;e,:einafter referred tn ,s C i tj, i1' 'r1 James Malouff herei nafter t~cfet~red to 2.S "l}.~jt1er~- ~---_._- -.--- - \~ITr'E,)SET['1 1. \~H[R[!\'~, 1.';,' (1wner is the tit 1 ec! Owner ':1' a. t ra" t c 4' i 3rid i II the Ci ty of WhedL RiJl~. Cc~nt'( o~ Jeffe"~on, State of Colorado, dlseribed dS follo~' 5045 - 55 Swadley Street Also known as: Lot #22 Vista Ridge Subdivision Book 15 Page 25 Jefferson County Records 2 , J. ':!'jFf.'" ',I;, the Uvifler ii'" j rps to ,jevc'l 'J11 tria t trc\ct of ilnd <is dpscri beri in '\lra.qnph No.i, ifr(j Ii', filet, has been issuecJ a Suil inq Permit to:Jo so; /' In WH[p[,r,S. 115' More or Less along Ridge Road (Curb, Gutt:Z, & Sidewalk) ,'Joa rd i nJ 1Jiii':-(l'~C Co'rlarirr'cis-cfesC'i;,Fed' -1(-\ [);:, r'~lr'iiph !.'6'~ T a; rr-u,' -- neiqh:Jc,'):l'l tracts of lilnri are in' olTi[1'kte awl below 'cno,>p standards ii': set out in the 5"[','JIVI,);ON ~,rh,ILATI,)NS nf the Ci'V; and ;;. ~- n 0") \.iWFt!I';, LJ or} Ulitor'''l ,j1'j conslsLl'lt ,lith the ("stillq neijt:I)Q,'j',q 'mr-rove- me'lts ,;nd COTD'II~',ion ()( i,On-COI"~ ~et'ion otthoo'- improverlcnt.s as required by SE~TlON Fi\[ Ii,1f'1'(J'!Ef.1ENT::- of the ~',J!3ri:JIS1'1i~ P[C;UL,~,TlONS win Plake no siqnif,l.cHlt efwn'10 at the prf"'dit ,i, ,"use streeL trontinn that truct oj' land ii ce-;cribPrj 1'1 :'arilqra:1h :'~O I. ,1"c[ :~,e neiqhborinq lTdCts uf limd; imrj s \mERU\':>, 'n orcie:" to ,onfo"!,) _', tno.,c 'p":Jirer!l0rts as cpt out in the SUL- OIVI~I~J\l k~i~U~ L\.~ L\;j ; t.he C i ~'\I t'\ i) r-1;"PCiilent is herF~by deterrr;int:d to hp rwnp'l' NOH, THtOEc/~tlL, '!~- l'_ rd:(}~~S'i i~,;RE , ih.~I' r~. Thp re3ponsit'iliLy tOr' r:H".:~..tinq, Cf_ ;;'" 'll1rif_l it) and rrcviJinq those tequire- d'O ' , ac, set 'JUt. in triP ':UPDIVISlnl' REGUI_!\'TjQl'S nT ti12 City jo, iler,.bv r ~( Jon ~ ;.:.ed bv (i\4nl-~\ E. The Director of Pu~lil Wor~~. upon tile dvicL anj ~cnsent of the Mayor, shdl1 direct the i1."j\leY' ll, his dssi'lns ad suect:.sors to l1;eet those require- ments as set ou~_ in th'o! SU[lDIVISIL:"l ~':J~I!LATIONS ot th~ rity r Upon receipt of sue'l r,,)tice to furnish rJl' COI1~h'!Jet tLe [".:~!'Iic improvement as requireoJ under t!!e SU30['IISIIJi, REGUU'TlON" of the Cltj, (i..!(\2r hereby ~qrees to cOllstrucr and funli sh ,-'L Ol';":c,), , r cost. such ii11pr"vernents as i,re i'e,uir'ed bv the SUEiDI\ISION f\I,GdL,eT'f1r'JS of tllP e,t'!, .irld to do so in con- fu,:l!IilnCe \./ith the d~!si,l!: stilndard'; of tr'E SU8Dl'iIS'ION i{[GULATIONS of the City. U. In the ,'vent ,1;1 jjiiDro'!f'::I'~ 11' d strict. ,'; '''fOaled by trle Ci t.y to improve or pruvile thoc." reo,ui re:l'f'f!t,; dS set (j!lt 'r cr" S:WDIVISlliil REGULATIO' 1'(')1' those \o.('('t'; or strrrlS frollt'n<i t.hat t"dct (t 1jnd ",S descnbec 1'1 Pal ~']r)ph N,) ; abnve and the ne I gh"'Jri r , t,'Je ts uf 'I -'!nds, the iJvifl;:' or ~i~) 1ssigp'; i\1d :)U\_"J;r,S0r~ 0:1reF noi +'G ()PPI-)~~~ it~ r('€'iJ.tion L. In the t:,jUnt an ;'~jl)Y'n~'C:l1~it d i'jt.rictis cr~t'otr:1 ! j the Cl ~y t 1 provide thp i1fjJr0 '~mepts1~ IJrovid[:,J L}~i he ~~J3[)IVl',1C'i\ PFf1ULrfTIOnS, the C05t~ ilccessaiJ 1 e <~' I' n~~t tl12 rJrop,'r',. -'!s 'Jescr1 bed' Ie f"lr;;qraph No. 1 Shill 1 :lot be (ji{;Dru;)rJd-,;o'I;.!t(~ Ii"Jith (" ~)i: '=~ss;')lF "f"::-) lith::;;" 1;.10.1 ;-,v 2'lG lire proper..tier 3051 312 3051 313 F Upon C(e~utlon uf tnis DEVlL0r~FNT AGREEMENT hy the City anJ Owners. the C~ty \Iill w~ive rh'=, ir:mediclte 'luarant:e':''' for DubllC iri;1rovements a~; Sf~'; nut i nth '0 : U G U I \, I ,; I 'I H R t :; \ I LI\ T I Ofl S (1t U' e C i t Y . G. This i:Hjreeiilent is t'"E'cuted by the O\Vner pursuant to rill ,UbDIVISIDN REGULA- TIONS of the CTTY OF ~~E~l RIDGE. H. The Parties hereto aaree th~t this D~JELOPMENT AGREF~ENT, by its terms, shall be binding upon the Clty and the Owner. d1d upon the assilns and successors thereuc. and shall constitute Lu~enarts runninu wjt~ the described property, Trris DEJEUW~lErn AGREUfE'H shall te rec:ordeJ wi tn th!~ COlinty Clerk and Record:?r. IN WITNES; WHE9EOF. thE: Jdrties hay!::, set their hallds and seals on the date first- shown. REW'\i~ENU[ 0 J'{ - , G L .L" C;-'" . ~)L(, ;..e~~ 7 - rl -- -'yf:-- _L '- .-'--c' .. .-, ... -- . rub 1 i i1 iJ:J,'k 5 Dcp lrtiii,JI , ,... APPROVED f\ S Tll F 1}:;;'1 Ir_~~tY tiy ~1:torne.Y ( , EXECUTED 3Y OWNEP' I /1~ ~1?1 (~~.0~. '~...___,_ __.. I " t1 f~)~".:-. ~-.._-----._-'j- '-' - --. ""'" '0. ~..~ . ,~; f-J :" ----.'r--. ..... . ., ':i'" _-'--~=-_ ___---.-~ _u _ _ _ .__ .. \. - ". ~-r '"~:~ f3' , " , .., STATE OF/{0UJRA.DO . ,~ ..... , , iF~:;:, ,', COtJNT'i"n F J E F F [J S:Jr~ \ I \ 'C / :J_' _ ____on? ~~7 Depa rtmen{(ll"l eXECUTED 8~ 'v!, I i~iiyor- ,.c._ ..6. , / ~~_. - -- ~-t- .~-- .." ~ ~.. -, -, '1.;! r )" ..,," 1'-"" ~.; ~ " ", " J!)",<:.._ f,HlSiLl TO [J,,' \ ~.-' ~~2-?Z,('d'i-Z;_I'&k/ '~~4~ C 1 ty (, I er~/, ,:' , .' ,~", ~ ~ ..'O <""\ "~I ' \,. r \ Tr1u:'eqoi n'.j ins 'rurnent It.'.1S 2".::rut.~. I eiOr'e me th.1 S _ /cf~'/I .... _.__._____. dal' of ...... /Vr~/.' ,. n.. ._.__,' 1 S7) , by,. :,./:J.'2JU.)J:1 ~) ~;, /7..___. ..________'.._. __ __ / ~ ~-~ ~7 t I L / j ~.~ ../ c~tfJ2....:__/&02.L.._ ..... +';frtlry Publ i( [1 V COlmT! i S s i () n E, pi I ('" . My .~omm~ss~on eX?i!8S Novem!e!'.J3, 1971 3051 313