HomeMy WebLinkAbout0052 ~~.rll U, \. n (} A/ 78015601 IsrFL\22 AMI! 'j'S JUur,,/ III "e, I '" .,un _ ate (Jl c~ Kecorded IN DEVELOPMEN.LLIGRUMENT ,-- 8..c-:-'J ,. --..1:J', ~ THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, as authorized by the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the CITY OF \-IHEAT RIDGE, is entered into thi s 4 day of _ January " 19-1.8, between the City of Wheat ~idqea a nunic'~-pal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as City, and Consolldate Industrles, Inc. hereinafter referred to as Owner. ,- J- f WITNESSETH: 1. WHEREAS, the Owner is the titled Owner of a tract of land in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A 2. WHEREAS, the Owner desires to develop that tract of land as described in Paragraph No.1, and in fact, has been issued a Building Permit to do so; and 3. WHEREAS, Curbs, gutter. sidewalk on W.45th Place. boarding that tract of land as descri be<Tln-Pari1qra\:ihNo-'-,-and--the- neighboring tracts of land are incomplete and below those standards as set out in the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City; and 4. WHEREAS, to be uniform and consistant with the existing neighboring improve- ments and completion Or non-completion of those ill\provements as required by SECTION FIVE' IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS will make no significant change at the'present in those streets fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No.1, and the neighboring tracts of land; and 5. \mEREAS, 1n order to ronfor!'l to those l'equirer;lents as set out in the SUS- DIVISION REGULATIONS of the City, this agreement is hereby determined to be proper. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED, THAT. A. The responsibility for meetinq, conforminq to and providing those requlre- ments as set out in the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City is hereby recognized by Owner. B. The Director of Public Works, upon the advice and consent of the Mayor, shall direct the Owner Or his assigns and successors to meet those require- ments as set out in the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City. C. Upon receipt of such notice to furnish or construct the public improvement as required under the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City, Owner hereby agrees to construct and furnish at Owner's cost, such improvements as are required by the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City, and to do so in con- formance with the jesign standards of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City. D. In the event an impl'ovement district is creiltcd by the City to improve or provide those requirements as set out in the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS fur those streets or streets fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No.1 above and the neighboring tracts of lands, the Owner or his assigns and successors agree not to oppose its creation. E. In the event an improvement district is crpated by the City to provide the improvements as provided by the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS. the costs accessable against the property as described ill Para(]raph ~:o. 1 shall not be disproportionate with costs accessable to otfler nearby and like properties. J 78015601 . ~ F. Upon execution of this DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT by the City dnd Owners, the City will waive the immediate quarantees for publ-ic improvements as set out in the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City. G. This agreement is executed by the Owner pursuant to the SUBDIVISION REGULA- TIONS of the CITY OF WHE~T RIDGE. H. The Parties hereto agree that this DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, by its terms, shall be binding upon the City and the Owner, and upon the assigns and successors thereof, and shall constitute covenants running with the described property. Thi s DEVELOPMENT AGREEr~ENT shall be recorded wi th the County Cl erk and Recordet'. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals on the date first shown. RECOMf~ENDED BY: ,.-- ~, ',--<-' ~. -;1/, /- -_~ / _ ..., L" I' 'jC(~" Ie -- ~","'<..' -<:: J /11 PUbtrc Works Department (; ~ a~, <d - ;~,~~~~~~ APPROVED AS T INTENT: (~"7o ,J< '- I bf ;; '; City ~rator EXECUTED BY CITY: afZ-~~/~~ ayor ,kllV>'~\j;("'''LATTESTED TO BY: --'" <<,<4 pi rth;7f/1 City Cl erk STATE OF COLORADO ) )S5. ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON The, foregoi ng instrument was executed before me !hi s . 24:!h--__ q . "_, ?ay of ~f\ ~o G-= ' 19~, by Gj(:nr~y' ~~~ """.c\. ~~~~~~~~r,V\. ~ ~I~' ,. ~~"_ -.:.' ~-ELt' '.'. My C"',"i,;ioo bpimJ. . I ZIa I~O._'Y~"bliC. ., ~1;Li ~ r . ; :1 \~\. 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