HomeMy WebLinkAbout0078 79089386 13jj Cd ,;-1 r;,1 2: 5 ~ @\-3 OU ~' ~::unticf .Jeff ...:~:-' :~";'2 s' :" rj' lELV~ITI'T r r'n~T'/EN', ~~~_ __,~~:..l _ ~~~..:.:--_~_I._~-.:... f'lil \' ': i ~,'r liT \i~\-(~~~l.'~:qr oS (Jul.:, I, lze:J [)'i !~'ne ~/E~DI\;lS:;)" F,<~GL_J.\T1CI'..) cT' ; r ,) 'l, c '-',,' : ::~ ~. ' ," '>:..,"" : '. "I ,;,.. I' C' 8 '- f ""^ Y 1, 79 ~)~:,~ (':1r' (It" ','i'I~_lll ;.IUi1LI 1'.) C~nl...~tt:~C In,~i.J tl!l~) ._____~ 1..l(tY 0 ____,~_"___, 11 _____~_, : o.! I, ,"\ ':1 r'l'~' <iF :,~Lr'lt [)'id('t' d r,1un;I'iDa1 Curi",)Urdtl(;l~, r~er(l;njft(::r )'I~i ) leu I t. '.., _ II i.' i., \ I',' ...... ... \, ) l . ~ f tl' :\:; Ci t'!, d!icl _B.~~L f1.1cCO_OKA.NQ_nNO}l1A.N_BUTT__,._ ' hereinafter l'I?fel,'fe', ',C ~'~ rl',on \ ,\ " . ~,>- 11: 'I ~-_i~~ \'~1 !.fi~_ ()',','ii'_l jr- til'-' Llt~lr'd (,,'/!H~r uf i1 tract of l~nd in the: C~L, .-' \',lht~~\t P,i:iqe) ~uur;t.'1 ur J(~ff('r'::un) jttJ~~ of Co~oradu) descri!v2G uS foli 'dS' SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALSO KNOWN AS 10935 WEST 45TH AVENUE & 10965-75 WEST 45TH AVENUE AND 4498 PARFET STREET. , I,\ii[l,::":\:;, the (1\'10'121' desires\to develop that tract of land as descriL,eJ in i'al'i1SP'dph No 1, and in fact_.__!:lA~__ been issued a Building Permit ( has/has not) as L,f '\ MAY 8, 1979 to do so and ., J \:i![PE/\S, CURBS, GUTTERS AND SIDEWALKS h 0 a ,'d i n q t riiift y;il-a no ( ra-ri-d--a-srJe -s -c db d Tril>ar a 9 I' c ph t1o~-ra-ridthe-- neiq;I~CJ;'inC] CI'ilCts or lanrl al' incomplete and below those standards as s,~t out in t\k 'l'~UI\/lSlON PEGULt,TIOtlS of the City; and 4 \':ii[[~[,~=-,. to he unifunn and cUI1sIstcnt with the existinq neighboring improvements illl,j curnpletion or non-cCHDCJletlon of thuse improvements ,,$ nequil-f'd 11'/ ',fl rIe,,; FIVE; H'1PI,UVEI'iENTS uf the SUBDIVISION m::CUU\T:OI;~ ','Iill ::u~,e nr) si<;liificant chunl;" elt the present in those ~;treets frontlnq Lliat t.r:l,~t of 1,}nr! as clescrilJI'd in Pi:l'anric;-Jh :10 1, and tho neiqhi1ol'il1Cj tl';h::ts ut l}n.!~ _~t\d '), \,:;ILI~L,\~;, in O)"~r t(J CGIlfonll tG those I-"quin:rnents as set out in the C,'i:'lll':l~I()N Pc(';'JU\TIJllS of the City. tllis agreement is hereby determined to iH.' prupcr ';\1',1, ';'Ii ;:::'\'[!l, iT IS 'r'IE;tG'{ ArlRl:ru, Tllf\T' .\ 111") ('"r 110 i!)i 1 i t: fur niCotinrl, cunfIJrilli:1l; to and providing tnoSf: \c'luirc!I:ellts i1S Jet out in Ule "ULHiIVISIO~j REGULATIONS of the City lS lie)'(~hy i'ou)'J:\i z'c; by (}..II\er' n lhl' Di I (ector uf f'ubl ic \'Ior,:, 'Jpon the advice and consent of the :'layor, ",iull din;(:t the U\1l10r or his assi'Jns unci successors to meet those ;'equire!lI(~nL a'; sl.'t (Jut in tlie SU[)[)IV[',[O!j REGULATIONS of the City, C U;'OIl ,-u.eipt of such nClticp tu furnish or construct the public improvement as l';;Q'li)'ed 'Jr\der the SUCDIVISION P.EGUl_MIONS of the City, Owner hereby a'lI'COS to COilstnlct and furnish dt Ol'mer's cost, such improvements as are )'cCjuin'd bv the :;U[JlJIVI~ION REGULATlOr1S of tile City, and to do so in cClnformiH\Ce ,lith the desilln standards of the SU8DIVISION REGULATIONS of :hc Ci t'(, i), 1:1 the event i1n Improvement District or a ::recial Improvement District is cre,) ted by the Ci ty to ill1pro'/e Of' provi d,~ those requi rements as set out in the SU8UIVISION REGULATIONS for those st.reets or streets fronting that trJct. of land as described in Paragraph No, 1 above and the neighboring ti'acts of li\nds, the CJr'mer or his assigns and successors agree not to oppose its creation E In the event ail Irr,provement District is created by the City to pru{ide the impl'OVeir<l'r1ts as provided by the SUi30IVISION REGUU,TIONS, the costs ISSl~SSill)le ,ujain<;t the property as described in Paragrapi' No.1 shal i not ur; ,jir,pl'lli" J\'tifj)rilte l'lith costs a:,sessahle to ntiler nearby and 'like prc::-ertie: " i' lJ,IUIl C),c'~utiun uf this [)['.'iUJ!'!,iUn (,(,II [l1:.::T i,y the City dnd C!,,'il1cr's, Uw Cit'l ,..lill ',.I<1i;,> the irrTl1ec\iate C]uarilntr:es for public irlprovements as set out in tilt? :;U31i!,'1')!I)(1 P.t(;lJL,\T!lJ;I'~ of the City ~ r; Thi~ "'in:('!1! nt is P/lirutcrl hy th' r,!I1c'Y' purSuilnt ':u the SUSDl':ISION i:~(;l!U\THIW; of trl'~ CIn OF '"Hil:,\! idllGE II TIll' D,wties hereto aqrep that this DfVILUi'i'1[IH P,r;REEt.1EiH, hy its trr!ii:" "hJll 1".: lJindinq upon tile Cit',' ilnd Ii]>.:: CI','iilCr, and upon the assi(Jlls a[ld SU'_Le~;:,ors thCle:iJf, dlld ~,hilll !'r 'i"l'itut!: cuVc'llallts rIJnnl!HI ',lith till': dc.;u'ihr;c! i"-lJpel'tl ~,:'ECI;\l Pf\OVI'lj(iil-, ,\:W I\G:),E[I'1I iiTS .. -- -. --'~--'~ - ~-'- -.----. - _...~-------~~- --..------..- ------- ----~._-~--- --" _._----------_._--~. - ~-- ---.---,----.- --- -_.~--------~----- '-'-' -- -----------~._- - - - --,. ----~~-\--_.__. -~ -.---.-~~--~..-..---~--'- -,--.----.-----------..-....- -----_._-----_._-_._--------~- -----------. -----..- - ----_......- - -~~-.-.--.--'-'- , Tl1is DEVELOI':,HIT I\C!\Er:i\[NT sl1all br' recorded \/ith the County Clerk and Recurd'."r IN \'liHILS::' ',.iiifF[rlj-, tile: panic.; h;o'l'-" spt tllLir hdl1cJS and 51'als on ti" d?t13 fir-I' c ho\./n . (\P[)f-.:J'/[[1 i\S Tn FORI.' L~'-"'-",;{':'- T -1...-( l-..... > , /; /' ' /'" / __~_;~/: ;/ .:!l._ !-~.. ,-'{.. (( :~_:-:_~~_,~_ C i tj'/ r\ L lUl'llr:y i:1'tmen t 1,[CU!-\'I[:i:11 ,) ~"{ - 7 . _ <-, bC-C<-/l-~/' - ~L r;':lll i c'\:~)-rE i'e,JJ:::-t:iCn'f- Ii'.!. cun: iJ C'! 0\J!i E i\ EX[CUTFD 0Y CIT'!' /T-Y/ /~ ' ~------,-~ Hayor, l ity of \.Iheat Rici-,i -, .' r\nE~TErJ '10 BY' ~'L' ~~ .- ~CP{(L~ , ' ',' '/ . ., -. .' -~-----_._._-- ,1 ty C, e rk " ' , . . ~ . STi\ iE OF COI_OR!\DC1 " j ~ CliUNT'! CJi clE FFE P'/lit The fon:Cjoiwl instl ument \'lil5 execJted u,:r)l _(~~ /'" (1/' lLJ before [[I;' thi s !i..-b1.-=-)k! of jS {j I -n" "I'd.. I_,(_r.{- I b" --" r ,( ,"/1_ r. , . J __~-J..:L.~'- ) I Cv!J1C/ QLAi..G-L.......201~ (J~'-_'-t_,~.( ~ No tdrY f'uu 1 i c !' ''/ (" I' "11 ,- S 1 I r1 [ ~, "__,l,j,,, ,) /r.,} -,,',_,_,,__ ~'I I....VIJ;1..).V ^~j:n::.s' _ _x_I_~-.J__ ___ -}. ....;'\4 '-.., r ~ ~r.;.;~_~ ~, ~'f: J .~. t~ t I:~ L' :) RE V. 1/79 , \ , (r i-t ,i ,~~ "-'. '. :.-:J !'.~,-. ..,,;' ~ 79089386 3 , ~ Those portions of the E-1/2 NW-1/4 Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West described as follows: PARCEL A: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 1262.33 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof; thence West along the North line of West 45th Place 128.7 feet to the true point of beginning; thence West 160.0 feet; thence North 115.0 feet; thence East 160.0 feet; thence South 115.0 feet to the true point of beginning. PARCEL B: Beginning at a point on the East line of the NW-l/4 Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, that is 1262.33 feet North of the Southeast corner of the said NW-l/4, thence West along the North line of West 45th Place 368.7 feet to the true point of beginning, thence North parallel with the East line of Parfet Street 115 feet, thence East 80 feet, thence South parallel with the East line of Parfet Street 115 feet, thence West 80 feet, more or less, to the true point of beginning. PARCEL C: Beginning at a point on the East line of the NW-l/4 Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, that is 1262.33 feet North of the Southeast corner of said NW-l/4, thence West along the North line of West 45th Place 368.7 feet to the true point of beginning, thence West along the North line of West 45th Place 159.3 feet to the East line of Parfet Street, thence North along the East line of Parfet Street 58.5 feet, thence East 159.3 feet, thence South 58.5 feet to the true point of beginning.