HomeMy WebLinkAbout0084 790Bti{lj Ijl:J V",l ,"V 111'1 IV' vv ~. I \ ..""""" ","'" ~ . ,~..".-,...,.,.~t-"" "_.-_._-.~'('''" ",,,,, rf r.., "'cl,Jntycf \"SliCrSC;1 ~l3~" '" <J-: /~ \ IJ[Vll~~:rjT_~0~sf~~~1 00 \S7 THIS [llVLLOi'~:~ln :,:,!JU\cJlT. as illlt/l'Jr'ized l1y the SUBDIVISION REGULATlO:lS of the Cln OF \,!',IU,T ,,!!)I,[, is cntcrr~c1 into this 23rdday of August ,1979 lJd'..,\~l'n Lhc Cit! 0, "iilcat Riclrl.CL il 1'\lInicif.>il1 C0rporation, hereinafter referre;j to (IS City, ilnr\ ___,~ _ ~EN S~t_~__________, hereindfter referred to as cr.'IIlC r, \4lT:~E:<)E IH 1. ";'IIL'"I:A:, LflC 0,1:1,,1 is thi; :~i tl(~d 1),::181' (if il tract of 1 and in the City of \,Ihcot i'idlc, (:/'/I1',Y uf Jdf,'rsClfl, Statl' of Colorado, described as fol1c\'/s: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED 2, \\iill;U\:" ',Ie U",r desil('s\t'J develop t:lilt tract of land as described in Pnrug) (,ph No, 'i. and in filct~AS_~___, !wen issued a Building Permit ( has/has nut) ,IS of\AUGUST 23, 1979 to rlo so and ------"--~- - ----_.-.~- 3. \'IiIERE^:; I CURB, GUTTER & SIDEWALK bUclrdill\J lh"J't -:~'J-ct--o-(Tal\rJ Js-cesc-;:"iL;rTll1 Paragraph No. 1 and the neiqhborinCJ tl'cj(ts of 1ann ure incomplete and below those standards as set out; in the ~Ui'JDIVrSIOii REGUL^T!OnS of the City, and 4, lii\[[;[}\:;, ,c) he u'lllunll and consistent v:lth the existinq neighboring ii1!PI'OVCII1l'i1t'~ i11c1 c'Jmpleti')n or non-completion of those improverrents as l'eC]uill'J hy 5[,,1:iJ:: FIVE: H1PROYH1ENTS of theSUBDIVISIQN REG'JLATIOt\S . \,' -,,- I!ill m,lke no si011,fiU!1t chancle at"'thQ' pre'sent in~thos''e'streets fronting thi\t tl"\lC t of 1 (1:1d uS described in ParaC:Wilph flO. 1, and the neighboring t \' \l C t s () f 1 J 11:1, 'II I cI 5, \-!,ill\[/Y:;,11 U!"!cr to ,_o()fotm to thos'" requirements as set out in the SliCllI\'[',[lI:'j ilL ;Ui,,\TICH;S of the City, this agreement is hereby determined to be 'IT'O pl! I' ~(O\~, "!iii:',:[II),~f, IT I:; IIEPECf I\Ci<EED, TIIAT y " ;\, ~I\c: 11.~~'I'I,II-:;I\li'lirJ for n:\:'ctill'), c()nforrllin~1 to and providi,ng those 1L'(jllirC:IIlclits il. :;l~t out in the SUlllHVIS[OH REGULATIONS o(the City is hereby reco'llli 2ec\ by Q\'1JICI' [I, Thc~ DiI'.,'C'_ur [If i'ubli': ";Ol'k~;, uflun the advice and consent of the I~ayor, :,ilall c1il'L(,t L'II; (;"mer ur his assigns and successors to meet those n~qllil-':'I':"llt_s J, ~I't out in the SU13DIVISION REGULATIONS of the Ci'ty. C, II;lun l'l'Cl:lpt (If sUI..h nol'ice to furnish or construct the public illlpro'vement JS requi rlc'c1 ulllel' the SUGlJIVlSION REGULATIONS of the City, Owner hereby i\C]rccs Lo Cuw;tt"lct and fumish ut D'lmer's cost, such improvements as are n:quin.'d hy th,' :,U[]DIVISJON REGULATIONS of the City, and to do so in con fonnJllce \'1i ':.h the des i \]11 5 tondards of the SUBDIVIS10N REGULATIONS of the City, 0, In the event iln Improvement District or a Speci.al Improvement District is crc,lted b'( the City to improve or provide those requirements as set out in the SUGOIVISION REGULATIONS for those str'eets or streets fronting thot tract of land as described in Paragraph No.1 above and the neighboring ,t, tri.lcts of 1 ilncl). the C~1ner or Iti sassi C)ns and successors agree not to dpposc its creation. , I E,- In the l!vent (111 Improvement District is created by the City to provide the i1llprO/cl!'l~(1ts as provided by the SUi30IVISION REGULATIONS, the costs il'ssessaLJle alpinst the property as described in Paragraph No.1 shall not be displOi1Urtir)(1Jte \'/ith costs assessable to other nearby and like properties ~ 1;- '. ;' ;; 'I f1 )' , ! ~ " \ ( , n"II[! r I"""'IT 'I'"~ r" ,,~, t' r, Upon c/,(~cut Uli c ti\1 S I I.. ,.~ ,.1:,1 ;01,( I l'Ii,1I1 uy ne City \"ill \liJi'.c tile ilfl:;ediilte C]',Ji1rante/2s for publ1c out' in u,p :,Ui:UiVr::;IrX~ P[(~IJl,;\TIOfi'~ of ;,i1I~ rity, J. G. This J'1rr~rr;,'n' ;s ex,~/:"tcd b't th~ Vim!'r' pursuCint to the SUBD1VISlON . I\[GUL,\'IIONS 0; 'iii2 CITY OF \11i['\T 1111.1(,[ 11. The pilltlC:; h, r(,t.r/ i\qrr:;i2 ';'rri\t ihis llEV! L,ui't.'run AGREEI~EIH, by its terms, ~hJll :l! tlil1c1l1Hl upon the City Jl\d till Cj',Il\fcr, ilnd upon the aSSilJllS and succe::;sor,' tllC'n'of', ),\11U ';ild11 I;OWltilu',o cuvc(,ants runninCj with the described prulert; SIJECI/\l, Pf~(IVr~I'ii:' (,:1[) f\r"':t:r~I'\1 ilT'; .. ----------.--.----.-----+..- .----- ----_.'-'- ---'_._.- ._---, -.-- ,- - -.-'" - -_.-- ~..._+._. ._._.__._._-_.__.._---~-_.. --_._- _.~ --- --_._~_.- --- ... ._--- - ----,-,- ~- ---~..~ --_.~_._------ _._-_.~..~-~._---------- -~_._--~--_.._-~~.---------- _._----~----.._------~~._--------- , This DEVELOiJ"Uif i,r-;;:LU1EriT shall !w n:cordcd \'lith the County Clerk ar,d Recorder. IN \'llHH:SS \,jitll([()i, the partie:; lid)': set their hands and sea'ls on the date first shol'lrl , RL C011t IlN\)[ D G Y __~~o _~U\ _ Cornrnu,' De~uc:p?:tTment APf)r,OVLD ;\5 hl FOi<!'!' C:~J~~~ t c#d:~~ .._",-,~:i',---.._,..,- ------- ,---,---, City /1'\ t to rl1E2Y I' ~- tf .//.R. _ a4~ istrator [XECUfEO GY nWHER llTTESTED TO CY: City-ere r k--- II ST^TE OF COLnRi\[y') SS, COUNTY OF JEFFU(sn:l ,//,<- Tile fOI eqoinq ill' ~rlll1lel1t 'dilS c),ecuted before me this ..~-day of ~---~. 19 U-_. by ~&r J " ~ \~ 'IA ~ Notary p~ .... ~~ ~ \', r;' 1'1)' COII~nissio:~ EX[lrl's:.. ,',cdul;._jf(f,.?:__ "'."!Ii",f~,, 'i"'~"~',',"~ ,i.,,'-~,Jl':~ :~,,:,t \~ v~:, tl ~rl\": . $ ',",1;1' 'I"l~';"'" ~.... " .Ii:' :': ':" , ~i~~'~~l~' '1'1100 '1''''' ' $iTY OF V\;H'EAT fUDGE ...lIPflO. -"", CtTY CLERK'S OFFICE p, O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE, CO~O 80033 Rf.V, 1/79 79096 7 7 3 ~ EXHIBIT "A" A parcel of land SE~ of the NWt of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of SE~ NW~ of said section thence North along east line of said SE~ 674 feet, thence West at right angles 355 feet along North line of roadway known as West 44th Ave. to beginning, thence West parallel with said roadway 173 feet, thence North at right angles 264 feet along East line of roadway known as Brown Ave., thence East at right angles 173 feet, thence South at right angles 264 feet to beginning, Except North 85 feet thereof, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Also known as: 10991 West 44th.