HomeMy WebLinkAbout0087 '.""", ?It' l . .' ~.~ ,) 'i:,' . I"'" ,,_, ...", ,~'Jl',*b'. .,tli.,,'D,"~ '\ .~ "" " tbiJ ...... 4;1 .~ ~ ..... .. ~. " """, " DEVELOPHENT <i_,':" ... :J' r'''',. countYOfJcHcr:$o.~s:al.if~~'-:; . AI;REEr-'.ENT"" 1- ~ nus Dl::VHOI'~''[ln ;\r,f\CEHENT, as autllorized ily the Sll8DIVISION REGULATlOllS Of'.....~ the CITY OF \'IiIE,\T IUOr;E. is entered into this l~'!:... dty of NO:VEMBER ,19 79, beb\'ccn the Citv of \'Iheat RidrJ€, a Hunicipal COT'porAtion, hereinafter referred toO as City, and _VERNOIil. FARR. JR. AND ___, herein4fter referred to liS OI'lI1er, AL VINA E. FARR 14lTHE:SSETft : 1. ~\;IE.i\E^~. Ule O',mer is the titl(~cl O.'1ner of iJ tract of land in the City of I-iheat Riclqe. County of Jefferson. State of Colorado, described as follows: THE E. 1/2, N. 1/2. E. 1/2 OF LOT 2, BLOCK 2, BARTH'S SUBDIVISION. EXCl;PT THE SOUTH 100 FEET, C(1UNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO (DUPLEX AT 3185-95 PIERCE STREET) 2. \~HEI~E^~!. the O\'ma desires\to develop that tract of land as describedhl Paragr'\I"lh No 1. and in fact HAS NOT been issued a Building Permit . ( has/has-Ti-ut) as of OCTOBER 31, 1979 to do so and 3. \~iIE REA;\ . CURBS. GUTTERS AND SIDEWALKS boarding tna-Ctract oTTir1crascrescri bed -i n Paragraph No. 1 iJnd the neifjhb~ring tracts of la.od are incomplete and below those sUndaras as set out in the SUllOIVISION REGULATIONS of the City, and 4. \-!lIEREAS, to be l.miform and consistent '!Iith the existirt(j neillhborlng improvements and completion or non-completion of those impr()v~_l'lts 6$ n~Cluired by SECTIOII FrVE: IHPROVEMENTS of the S~DIV!SIONHt!~ATlONS. \'1i11 ~l.j1ke no sionificant change at the presef1t in tlllo-s~ st~t$fl"Qf\ti"<j that tract of land as descrillcd in Paragraph No, 1, and the nei9l'tborit'l9 tl'acts of 1i1l\(1; owl 5. \'!)IEREAS, in onler to confoTm to those requirements as set out in t!lle SlIGOIVlSION REGULATIONS or the City, this agreement is hereby detellUitolul to be tn'Ope r , NOH, TilE\~I:fORE, JT IS IIEf'.J:l3Y AGREED, THAT: i\ The Ic:;poI1:;ilJility for meetinq, conforming t,o li\od,providin9t.:those ^' -n:q\LJiI121l1ents as set out in the SlJ!3DIVrSIEl'NREGlJtATteJtS-.f--'.pty is hef",clDy recoC)ni zed by Owner [I, The Din:ctor of f'ublic \.Joi'ks, upon the advice and consent of the MlYlIH". shall direct the li'.mer or his assigns and successors to mee-t those requirements it:; set out in the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City. c. Upon T'cccipt of such notice to furnish or construct the ~lJblie 'i!llfW~t as rC<1u i red uncle r the SUB DI If I S I ON RE GULAT IONS of the Ci ty, O:wr:Ier he,.., agrees to construct <lnd furnish at Owner's cost, r.u,c,1\ l1lf>l"O)\'lIlPeI!lts.'.. l-equin.!c1 by the SUGOrVISION REGULATIONS of the City. .,,~ to do " "1'1 conformance \~ith the desiqn standards of the SW3fVI$.t()l _..ltTIlJ.Il:S of th,e City. , ,I ,f!"'.f.." In t,he e,ve"nt, ,iJ.O, Improvement District or a Speci.a1 !lllProvrt t)iHnc:tit,,;)j,' I:;'.rcM~d by, ~,!;i ty to imprl'.tve or proYi de thl)ia ~tf. tI as Hit tutl;:\' in lh~s,vaDtYiI~totl ~fGULATIO/'{S for those stre'tU Grs.~b ".,...\in, U.t~1 tract, of" 41nid. as described in Paragraph No. 1 above tni the 1'1"''-".' .tracJ~,Ii\.f T,a~s" the CMner or his assigns and successors Ifree mlJt to OPPOS'El its c reat ion. Q, E. I n the even t an Emp'ro'v~lQe:nt o.i,~tr.ict is creatM ., the tHy to IU''Ovidl the inVi)rovemcnts as pro'/ided by the SU13DIVI SION IitfiUtATtCfJlS. ttle e"tJ assessable against th~ pl"'o~rty as descriood 'B Pal"ttr.~h N<o. 1 sbaH Nt be disproportionilte with costs assessable to other nearby Clino like P.....t'!tt.s. . ;~~um~~Rt:~ l .- - ..,.....'<,J :"r~t.,." 61J1t:.llbl C 1 t y 1'1 1 I I 1'/ a ) ve LIt e I ''', l1;: U , w _ ~ " out' in the SUl\OIVISION m:r,UL^TlOWi of the City,- l ~ ''<<\ l G. This aqreement is executed by the owner pursuant to the SUBDIVISION REG1:JLATIONS of the CITY OF HHEt\T RIDGE c:< II. The [)artics hereto aqree that this DEVELOfl4ENT AGREEMENT, by its terms, shall be binding upon the City and the Owner, and upon the assign! and successors thereof; and shall constitute covenants runninq with the described property, I ~ SPECIAL PROVISIONS i\UD AGREEHfNTS' .. _._---_._--~-------_.__._---_._._~\'_._._._------.. .... ... .. '~ - .. '~ . ... This DEYELOPj,jENT AGREEt4ENT shall be recorded '.Iith the County Clerk and RecGI"<$tr. IN I'IITNESS I-IIIElIEOF, the parties have set the I r hands and sea'ls on the dat~ ftrH ShOl'tn ., .RE: COHI'lENOE 0 13 Y : APPROVED ,\5 TO FOR~I: I 6~ d-+- a:w----s h ~ iV.a ----':.?.:z.-~------ ~ Ci ty "Horney ~~~ ~-(g~V ~ ~~~? ~ A ~fI/.'(/lfi)q .J',y.....( 1 ty dmi n) s t ra,'"t,(),:..,r",,-~," ",;< '"""", 7":,:::'.' 1tJ.~'Hf " , EXECUTED 8Y ~Jli:.~~ ..... ' ~ ",,,t:,, r/ ,,' '.7) 'STi\'lfKGF' COlORJ\OO ) ; , ) SS, COUNTY Of' JEHE. ~S@f~ ) The fore901nq instrument was executed before me this '()~'I,q'~l1l J.. , 1912_, by ) ~ My C,",;.s i 00 [,pi res: ~"lJA'r;; I fi~,J I' " . P,EV. 1179 ."--._----- --.-------.--.-..- ---....-.------ -..-. .- --- _.~ '- - ---~--~ ~ ~