HomeMy WebLinkAbout0090 ~ i . 't ' ~iJ @ 80018574 1:):0 1'll.R 10 t.H 10: I {) , " /-~ , 'I! Y 01 Jefferson State Of CD DE 'IE L(JP/'IUn Ar,PED~[in ------_.__-.0..--..__ -- -- 11115 IllVUOl'f'litT ,\GILU1E:rn I as ilutli 'rize': bj t.he SUiHHVISlOHREGUlAnc:;s of the CIH OF \,Jili(,T IU:\(;[, i3 (>ntr':n~d into this 4TH,u1lY oPFEigRU,ARY ,19 80 , bcl',':..:cn the Cit'! of ',iileut l~id')l, '.I riii/1;c1~,,)l Cijr1l01''.lti(Jn,-hereinafter refi;rred to 115 Ci t'/, ,Hl'J RANCHO DEL SOL. LTD., , hereinafter' referr<;d to as ().'/ne ,'. --7CtOLORAD6TfMITEDPARTNERSHIV- H 11 :'iC<;,c. Ill: 1. ',.:IIL;,1:1\5" lil~ O,:!1"r is t111~ ~Itll'd O.'i:li2r or iJ tract of land in the City (lj HhQilt i'ir\rw. C'l'.!I1~Y uf Jdf,'rsCJll, State of Colorado. described as follcl-ls: ,t" SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "f:i.." 2. \~l\E\:[^~,. the O.....n,;r desires\t'J develop thdt tract of land as described in Pil,"ag,'(;ph No.1. and in fuc':. .._!"!.~~..9_'!:.__ been issued a Building Permit ( has/has not) uS of '\ FEBRUARY 4, 1980 to do so and ----- ..----._--_._~- 3. \olliE RE^~;, CURBS, GUTTERS, SIDE~IALKS AND STREET H1PROVEMENTS ALONG VlEST 32ND AVE I boarding tI~ftl'-JcCoTra-r\ir ilsdescritJeJ- in hragraph No,. 1 and the neiqhborinq Hacts of land i'!r~ incomplete and bE!low those standards as set out in the SC[lOI'lISIOi: R~GU',-J\TIONS of the City; and 4. Hil[REA:;. to he uIlifK1nn and consistent with the existinq neighboring impnweml'l1 ts i1ne! camp 1 et i on 0 r non -comp 1 e t i on 0 f those imp,rovemen ts as I'L>qlf~l?l~d ,b'( :;EClID:: FIVE: IHPROVu-IErnSof the S\.lnmVISl:O~1 :R-EG,ULAT10NS '..Ii llill<l;;e' no :.; i 1]11, fi can t chan~le at the pf-ese-ht 1;0 t'hdtestreel,sl fronting thnt tnlCt of l,)nd ilS descrillcd in Paragraph No.1, and the neighboring :' t,'ncts of lell"\', illld i ,- , J' , 5. \'!ii[REA:), in ol'(il'r to con fOIT1i tu thos'.! requ"i remen,tsasset out in the SUBDIViSION H("i;ULI\TIOtlS of tl,.! Ci ty. th'is agr,eement is hereby determined ..'It .,>I to h(~ :J I'IJpl: l' . j ,'f NO\~, liltl,U()~':[. IT IS liUHY i\(',R[CD, THAT: ,\. lite l'c:;I'(J/l:;ihilit.y fur (I~~til1'l. confurli\ir'9 to and providing those I'cqtr.ir..'II;cnts il5 :.l~t out in Lhe SUll[)IVISlON REGUlATlONS',of the City is hel"coy recQc}nizr:d by O\VIler ' ; - n. T1w Direr.Lur (,r Public ~:orks. upon th~ advice and consent of the t~ayor, shall dit'en the U.mer or hi:.; assiglls and successors to meet those p~qllh':~llil.~n t s J J :; l't au tin tilt? SUeD I V I S ION REGULATIONS of the City. ,. .... U;Jon n!Cc:ipt ()f Stich notice to fumi'ih or construct the pub1ic impt'ovement" itS n~qui red tlndCl' the SUl:DI'lISlorl HEGUi..ATIONS of the City,' Owner hereby "91'cCS to Construct and fumlsh at Owner's cost, such improvements as are t'equi n~d by the ~)lHl or V r S! ON RE CUl~ nON') of the City, and to do so in con fonJ:ilnce Iv; th the des i f]ll S tcmdards of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the Cit". -:: o. In the event <:11 rm[lrove~',=nt District or a Speci,a1 tmprovement District is cn~,1tecl by th'= City to illlproye or proviclil those requirements as set owt in lhQ SUBDIVISIOtI REGllli\TIOilS for those streets or streets fronting that tract of 1 and iJS described in Paraqraph ito. 1 above and the neighboring trdcts ,of lit'leiS. the O....ner or his assiqns and successor's agree not to oppose its crcation. E, In lh\2 ~VUlt :1, In;proverf'Cllt District is created by the. City to pl'Ovid.; the imprOv<2I:"Ll'LS as providerj by the Sl!30rVISION REGU4ATWNS, the costs ilsses~alJlr d(pinst the r,-o~Jerty as :le"crilJed in Paragraph No.1 shi)l1 not be 'lispdlpdrt"I'o'I\,:)ti~'\.lith 'OSt.; J5scs:;(l[,le to other' nearby and like pl"Cpertl;;;, ). f. Upon l.!)~l'cut\~)n of thi::; [VV:-:' i':,! in fr,i:,!T;Ui7 tj ~[li:' C~I'I c\nd O"1I0r:,, 1';1 Cit.y H111 \'/01Vr; Lhe i!';\;~di,)t.\ S}'IJ.r'dntf~{~-::' for ptli.i-jiC ifl:pr~OVefl/~~:ILS d'; .1;;.(, ou tin tf':' ,- U:\O r 'iI '; I \}H \'\ I,' JU\ f! [):i, l' f ':.h,~ (' Hy , G. This JQrcc"'('l1t 1:; (.y,'c':lvr! h'l U,e lJ,:ilPf i"J('i\):1/; to tko SU3DI'llSILN r,[Glllt'\)l():rl l'T Uk CITY [)i- 'iihEX: Pl[l(,F, II. 1he pJl.tie:, h"rctCi (I(),OI: <["lL thi~; !l['/i'I'Jl>r:UH {";l\tll'CiT, by as ,,(;(1'\$, sholl Lv hind~;\1 uflon 'i...n~ CiL)' llnd tl1" (1")';\") cHi"! upun the a$"~icm:.. c.~1d S IJ I.: C C S :; 0 I '; U I ',' I L' 0 f, " n d i1 \ 1 1 C i) w; L i l U i,(,' C, v cr. i' 11 t '; r U I' ,1 " i\ q vii 1.1, - the descri~)c:l IIII,ertl, SPECll\L pf.:OVrS:(\i:; j\~iU fL,!;.Jict':i'::';~ ALL COSTS INCURRED FOR 100 YEAR DRAINAGE RETENTION POND ON .. _____ ____ n.~~___ __'_<'_'__'._ _ _" _..~ __.__ _ ._.._ ~~ .__.____ __ ___ ___.____ _~._.._____________~_._._h_..__~ ~._- LOT 8 AND PART OF LOT 12 TO BE RELOCATED ON LOT 34 SHALL BE BY THE DEVELOPER. ----- -- ~---------~----'- "'- ----~_.~. __.___.__.._~_.__..... _.._ ________ __._ __ ~_._._.._....< .~~ __ _ __.., __ __ _____~.._ .___ ____.__.h_._~__~____.___......~_T__~ _.__.._______________._. _____ .___.____ ~__.~.__..___.__.____.___'._..E.~ _<< ___ ._.______._~._. _.____~.._.~_.._..~_______.__.'_____ -,..-.--- .-. .---.....,- -----~---_.~-~._-,~--- , This DEVELOP',\E!IT i\\i([EI,\[tH shun !w recorded \'/1th thr Cr,unt)' Clerk ar,d [h:cord IN HiTNESS \,1:1[11,[\)1:, the parties liar: set their honds ilnd :,ec'ls on thE: dcr.r. fi sho\,/(j 0 , fiE C01,t' tEN DE 0 l} Y : APPRoveo ;\S 10 FOre.\' (<; ) ",R _I("~'" <, / f1 tY\iroi'116Y-'~--":-~:~-";'} .. \, c::::-~ ~ -~~ C~1l.J~tii~i: ') /~ ) 'I ... _.-Lk.ct:.",-~~~1_L~~.L~,_, Cit; l\d:1\inistrator ' [~rCUT(.lJ BY Q,J!lE[)' L! b /;1- J - ..,o'Lj-' L:/ ;r-;rt-- -YF2~_~ ~, ~~J~~-,~p=f~ U:'[C\J~~fJ CY C1T'i: , " __,,>5:;:..:"Y,'!c~__.___.,__.._.., i'IJj')r, C I t>l of ~ih(:i.\t ;),id(J~ ;'\TTfSTC:C TO GY:". ------~~..~-~_.~------_._-._---- - ._- - --- / ~ ~7'/ (c;/~<<~y::2Jb~)JjJ~/fO ,,\ty 'If;rk j/ ~____'__..r_' .__-_.._._..___ v__~.__ S1i,T€ or COlOP,,\[)D 55. COUNTY OF JEHEHSOll The fore~oin'-l i"ctru:1il:nt Wi1:' C\ccltcd [,don' ;'1'; this _1)L\.. de) of iI' , 1" " l" t-J I CI, t "~'I ,J',i _ :.j j l '{' ().,; Cc, i" i ___~~.J,A..::_1J.L<'__~f_--,-.,.,--- I 'I ,') U_ __,' lY ,.U Ly'_:_u_:,'.jll.~,,1.Lt_~,*: ,!o'occ...!.L._____. ~ '\ ) " )(i,I",-,-__. .(:.-"1:./../ Ct.l:. ,__L.__.":";;;_ ~{o~ory ~'dh;lC !'\,Y ('.:<\'.111) S S i 0'1 [',p, rt: S _.J';L '"L L'L'--Lf -:.,; lei \ ,~) -." ,1_ J j -- ... I~, ,. ,....,,;it ,:) 0FFICE :;:"':1 ~ ,..J ;: \~_-..J,o:: COLORADO 8C":'~' ,i t ," ..,........._ J f\l V, \ i79 8001857q 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION RANCHO DEL SOL A tract of land located in Section 29, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., City of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the SW corner of Applewood Ridge Subdivision, according to the recorded Plat thereof; thence N 890 48' 27" E along the South line of said Applewood Ridge Subdivision a distance of 672.76 feet to the SE corner thereof, and to the West line of Applewood Estates, a recorded subdivision; thence S 00 08' 21" E along the West line of said Applewood Estates Subdivision a distance of 1.77 feet to the SW corner of said Applewood Estates; thence N 890 57' 39" E along the South line of said Applewood Estates a distance of 49.50 feet to the SE corner of Lot 34, said Applewood Estates; thence S 00 42' 58" E along the West line of said Applewood Estates a distance of 297.00 feet to the SW corner of Lot 21, said Applewood Estates and tothe North line of Applewood Knolls Eleventh filing Subdivision, City of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado, according to the Recorded Plat thereof; thence S 890 57' 12" W along the North line of said Applewood Knolls Eleventh Filing a distance of 49.50 feet to the NW corner of Lot 21, said Applewood Knolls Eleventh Filing; thence S 00 00' 25" W along the West line of said Applewood Knolls Eleventh Filing a distance of 1193.39 feet to the South line of the NE 1/4 of said Section 29, according to the recorded Plat of said Applewood Knolls Eleventh Fil ing; thence N 900 00' 00" W along said South 1 ine a distance of 671.78 feet to a 1/2 inch rebar, which is the SW corner of the SE 1/4, NE 1/4 of said Section 29; thence N 00 10' 30" W along the West line of said SE 1/4, NE 1/4 and the Northerly extension thereof a distance of 1489.89 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 24.30 acres, more or less.