HomeMy WebLinkAbout0091 r U U 0/' 8002651t8 I, 0 I^.~ , P' '^. ^" J-.: \IU -~ i.., rJ" L..,.l 0!~) ~ " 1- i .~r"uty pl ~.effe"ison State Of :'; iIE\~LfWHEliT ~\r,~~g..~!~ litIS IiLVLL()I'~:~117 ,',r,ILU1C:!!T, a$ llut,; ':"izcrl /I}' the SUcDIVISl(J:1 R~GGL\TiC:;S of the CIn OF ;.:;1;::,: ;nnf,[, i~ ('ntr:n~J i:lb thls17TH <lilY of r1ARCH ,19 80 . be b'~Cl1 t1w C i t Y (J r :.iheiJ t [~i d'lC. .1 (kll if: i ~,<'\ I VJ T~..;o n t i un ,-},~ T'f:i nil t t(; r n: f.; ,-red to <1$ City, ':lr1'J "__..~_.Q.Afilq_LJ"1~G~lB~_________"_", hereil1.)ftcr referr"ri ':.c (\5 (\-../l1cr, Hll:.H:S';E ill: 1. '.':ilL.i(Ei\;". til~ 0..:n01" i:; th"~ :.itll:o.! O..::1f:r uf ,) trClct of land in the City of Hh~Jt i<id~ll', CrJ\!l1ty of Ji'ff('rs'JI'.. Stat.:! of Co1orar~ll, dr:scribec as f~11c\'l5: LOT 31, VALLEY VIEtti SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF COLORADO ALSO KNOWN AS 4345 BRENTWOOD 2. \~it(l~[^~,. the O\":n-=r dcsires't') develop thilt tract of land as described in Pilf.)gn.ph No.1, and in filet .J:lA? NOT__ b~en issued a Bunding Permit ( has/has not) LIS of ~ARCH 17, 1980 to do so and ------...-----.---- 3. HilEREN; I CURBS, GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS & STREET H'PROVU'H1TS 'boJnlillg tr."J"Ctr"i1-cCoTTa-ruf i\s-descrilli:J' in Paragraph l~o. 1 and the neiCjhborinq tracts of land arc incomplete and belol'/ those standards as set out in" thl! SUGOIVISIOil REGULATIOnS of the C1 ty; and 4. \'iil[REA:>. to he unifor"1Il and consistent I':ith the existinq neighboring ir.llll-OVe1l1l..':lt-:. (lnd completion or non-completion of those improvements as n.~C]lIil'l~d by 3;:010:; FlVE: !t-IPROVU\EtHS of the SUBDIVISION REGULAT1Ci\S \.lill li1\l:;e no :ii~lll,ficad chan~le at the present in thOSE streets fronting that tl"ilCt of l.:Jnd as described in Paragraph fio. 1, and the nei~hboring tl"l\Cts of lilnd", :lnd 5. \':ii[r~[A:). il: o:"der to conform tc tilOS(: reql.:iremcnts ilS set out in the SUi1DIV1Sl1j;i m::;UU\TIOrr; of tile! City, this ogreem~nt is hereby determined to he :J rupe r " ~lmJ. TiIE!":U:()r~t, IT IS I!U:EGY i\CR[[U. THAT: ,\. :IIC 1"'~:;I'(;II:.ibilit.y fur li~~til\'i. confon:iir'l) to and providing those f 1'....qttir...II;;~nt:. as :.l~t out in lit;! SUlHlIVISIOt: REGULATIONS of the CHy is hereby recoJr1 i z~d hy OM1C r. B. Till' Din:'clur (If Public \':o6',~. upun the advice 1md consent of the Hayor, shull din2ct the (i.mer or" his ilssigns and successors to meet those: n:qllil"'"~lIi('"ts J:; :;ct out in til~ SUGDIVlSIOII r~EGULATlONS of the City. r .... lI;Jun '"CC\:ii'lt of slIch notice to fUI"nish or construct the public improvement., ilS n:'CJ'.Iired uncler the SUt:lJl'IISIOil EEGULATIONS of the City, Ol'mer hereby .:Ir;rccs ta construct ilnd fumish at Q'Ilr:el"'S ccst, sllch irnpro'!ements as al"C n:Cjui l"I.!d by the ~';lIi1DIVI SlON f(ECULATIOllS of the Ci ty, and to do so in confol"ll'itnce Nith the cil:'si~ll\ stondards of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City, n. In the c'l~nc GO lm\irove~"ent Oistdct or u Special Jrr:pro'..e~nt District is crc;1tcd by thl~ City to improve or provide tho~e requirements i\S set cut in th~ SU[lDIVlSlQrl REGULi\TICliIS for ti10:;e str"cets or streets fl'ont.ing thilt tnct or land uS de:;cribed in P<lrilqr"u;Jh ilo. 1 aho\'f~ ilnd the n~i9hOar'ing tl"Jcts of lJ'\cls. the r'dner" or his t::;~i(ln-.; ar:d SUCCF:SSors ugre" 110t to or:rClse its ere-HioD. r , .. . \[1 till. ~v(,nt '!" ln~proven.'nt [:istrict 15 ':r~i1ted by thE City to provide:' the ilil\JI"OV.:1 "qLS il~, \H"ovidr~(J by th:: Sl';\D;V;SIO!j RECUU,1l0iS, the costs J55Cssill1le lHj.:!inst :he pr"O:",cr~y as ':Je~(:ri~l!;(~ in P<;rilgr,;ph tho 1 sr..\11 noc ~e :1isplo:l0r"Liol1,Jt. l'lith "ost; d';S(~S~ 1,1" tJ ~\ther nc-arbj and 1il:e prC~cl't,~ r=. U\1011 c>;ecutlol1 of tili:; IFVU.l'I'i-1:JIT rf,fTr:,uii Lj the C\t'j and O,:oQrs. the ~ City Hill \'Iaive the il~i:~(>tlidt.-. 9\Ic1ro1ntcc:; for [Iuillic. irt;Jro"e[l~:;ts llo; ::;el , out' in th2 SlJJDIVISllm m.r,llLMIW':. uf th,~ rity. '-- G. This il~lrcen:ent i:; ex,.'("dl~c1 b'l the (J'i:ilrr p'JI"'.itlill:t to the SU~Ol'1~SlON PJ:GULMIONS of th;~ C!TY OF \.I\:[;,\,!' l!ilJ~,[. II. The pal.tics he:retn <1<1,"(;1: thilt ttds [\['IEL8I'!',Un AGREEI~::Tr. by its terns, ~h.:sll be binding uflol1 the City illld t}1" C)',if1':r, vnrl upon the as,igf1s MH,J successor:, tl,cn:of; tlnd ';iI,)!! con.:titute Cl,v(:r"li1ts run:1in9 ~li1.h the dcscribed rr~pertj. "f".- SPECll\L PI:OVISIOi:S MlLl Ih;r.;EEI.:ir:TS: .. _______ ________._..____~. ~ _ ._.__~___________ _______4__~_____~O .. e_ ________._ _______ -- _,__~.____.__.._~_____________. ., This OEVELO?i'I(NT J\G,(EEHEtn shall be recor'lc~d \'Iith the County Clerk and Record~r. IN ~llTNESS HiIEI{EOF, the parties liar: set their hunds ilnd see;'[S on the date fir,st sho\'JO. I ,REeo r'~'I.=NO~.O BY: ( .~/ . ' 1 . ,~7 - f'//l~~~~~~- , ~~ t~~I,\ . (o[I1!;;iJni ~- D'~velcpccr.t D1;pc.rt:r,ent' APPROVED S TO FORI.l: ./ ! 1"'/., e y A~noY~(7~ (it:<ECUTlO. BY OWIER: 11M f~.JJtn__~ '> I /1 1) . ..... ./ . . _--I-!:-!-.....iJ. ~.~.:_ '~~~ c ---i. 7~ ,;,--" "' City hd~inistrator EXECIJrFD EY ClTY: ~ ".__.~4.~~~_ l1Jj~r, Ci ty of ~!ht:c)t Ridge " j.,TrES1ED 'ro in: , / ' . - ~. -..- _ced"f::L{f:,~./22 -' City Cl1':rk --- STATE OF COLOR^00 ) ) 55. COUNTY OF JEFFERSO:I ) The forenoinq jn~tn!:nent \'Iil~ execlLed Lefort.: ,Fie this ,.1~_ day of 1)1~ ."_' 19 ~_.__' by ~Ch_J1__-t.J-_:-_"lll~,j~ ,I :J \ .,:-~~,-t~~~~ tlo til ry }'ul> 1 i.:: --------- I' I. !-ly C cll~n i s s i (1 n [( p , rt;: 5 : -~~~-'u;)-+)3"~~ L --l j' < Y C\,,::~:; FFi";;::" CITY CLERI('S OFFICE P. O. BOX 6::18 WH-;:;J:1"r F\h" ~:... COLORADO 8e " I\lV, 1/79