HomeMy WebLinkAbout0094 ~ ~'h 800 I, 7 2 90 c:a J~:I ~2-f':,:~~: ~)E\~Lf);I:'\EliT ~t*d~~~~fif!efSOn S.:l.e ~ --T 1 .. .' ~~ llllS IILVLlOI'I<:":I~ :,r,ILf.IlE'!lT. as lIull; 'I'izc': hy the SUllDIVISIeJi! R~Gt;L:lTiC:;S of the on OF ;.;iIU\: P.\Df,E. i~ pntr~rr~J i!1b this 29_thd{)y of _ ~~AY .19 RO. beb:,~t:n tho: Citv (,1 ',iiteJt {Ziu')(:, .j r\':!\iCi~'111 V~T'~Ot1litln. h~rf:in3ftl:r ref:;:re-d to ilS City. .:wJ ___QIi?l!JE_l3.:_~~CH!,~~_________ ,__,_ herein,lfter' referr~~ ';.0 il 5 ()-,'l11e r'. Hll::t,:'>:~,E ill: 1. '..:ilL.i,EN-.. lli~ 0'..:n01" i:; th.-~ :itll".: O..::1f:r oi ;~ tract of land in the Cir.y of Hh~Jt Hd~ll'. CrJ'!!1ty uf Jdfl'rSCll\, Stut,Q of Co10rar~Cl. d~scl'ibed as f~l1C\l5: SEF 1\.TT.I\CHEf1 EXHTRIT "1''' ? \~H[!~[^~,. the O\':I1i.~r desires't') dcve10p thilt tract of land as described in Pill'.:!gr'"ph No, 1. and in fac':HAS b~e!'\ issued a Building Permit ( has7has r,(JT) \IS of '\ to do so and ----------~----- ALL PU8LIC CURB,' GUTTER, SIDEHALK AND STREETS HITHPI MiO 3. HiIEREN;. ADJACENT TO THE RICHTER PLMlflEO cn~~MFPCII'L OFIJFLnpl~p'T. Ibo;mlill9 t'r.-;)"ttr:;icToTTalilfii-;descri1);;J in -raragrtph lio. 1 and the ne;CjhborioCl tracts of land <;rc incomplete and be10\.{ those standards as set out in th(! SCGDIVISIOi: REGULATIOns of the City; and 4. \':iICREA:;. to he unifof'lll and consistent ~:ith the existing neighboring ir.\pl-()Vel\1L':lt~ (lilt! cOlllpletion or non-com[)letion of those improvements as { n~CJlJil'l'd by Sr:CTlO:: FIVE: [t.\PROVU.\EnTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIOi';S I-Jill oMke no siqll.ficil!1t chan~le at the present in those streets fronting th\lt tl"i1ct of l':l:ld as described in Paraqrilph rio. 1, and the nei9hboring t"l\C ts (1 f 1 M\d; iln d r:. ... \.:ji[f~[^:;. ir: o:'der to co:JfU1f1i tc tilOse requirements as set out in the SUI1DIViSl'),i Ri::;UL,\T1Oi'jS of tl,~ City, this agreemEnt is hereby determinEG to tH~ :J rU\K: r , ~1O\':. T&:,E, r-()r~[, IT IS I!UHY M,R[~i). THAT: 1\. 11lc l'e:;\lcllsild1ity fur flkc:til1'i. confon)ir,~ to and providing those rcq\lir<.'II;'~nts ,15 :'I.:t out in Lh~ SUlJ(lIVISIOr{ REGUL^TlONS of the City is hcn:hy reco]!1 i z~d h} O\~l1e r, (I, Till' Oireclur (If l'li01iC :':Qri's, U;H)!'\ the adv)ce and consent of the Hayor. ~h\111 din:cc the li.mer 0:' his il5signs and successors to meet thosc n~quil",~II,(~nt5 J, ~et out in tile? SU80IVI5!n,'/ REGULATIONS of the City. ,. ". If;lOn n.!c(:illt of such notice to furnish or construct the pub1ic improvement" <1S rcq'.lin'd undel' the SUl;DIVISIOil P.EGUl.ATlONS of the City,'O"mcr hereby .:191'('('s to con:.>truct and furnish ilt O',mer's ceCil, such irnprc'!ements as arc requhed by th0 ~)lHlmVIS!ON r.ECULA1I0115 of the City. and to do so in cOnfOi'll'ilnCe i'lith the ciesi01l stiH\dards of the SUBOIVISION REGULATIONS cf t~: City. n, :n the e'Jenc .:1'1 1r.1\irove~'ent District 0, il Specia1 Impro'/e;r;..,:,nt ~istrict is crc"ted by th~ City to in:p;o'.e or provide: those n:qIJ lrerncnts ilS set cut in tht:! SUBDIVISiOn REGlfU\T1(1iIS for those streets or streets fl'onting that t"";1ct or 1 an:! .,s descr-iLl"U in P~rilqr'iif>h ~Io. 1 oOO\'e and the neighboring tl'JCtS of 10:\'\:15, the Cldner or his 1:s5i\;;,') M~d successor,:> agree not to Opr~5e its croatian, t. In till.. eVf:nt 'r, I'l;provcrrent L'istrict IS ':rt:ilted by thl' City to rr'Jvid~ the il1if.lrov.;i"'1LS oS providr:(j by th:: Sl~l\D;V;SIO:i RECl,U,TlCHS. the costs JS5L'ssaLl1e '''jilinst :he p!'(;,',(,r~y as je)(;ri~H:(~ in Pilragr,}ph tb. 1 51'.<111 noe ~)C 'lisplo;1tJ! LiOI1"t. I'IiLh -ost; d'jSe~,: [)1,' tJ eIther ncarby and 1i1:e prc;-c!'t,,,: n~!,\ 1'''12'"7 I" ,.,. '~" q~Lf- ' 7 2 9 0 L),j "J" , I.,,' .,,' -.1. . . ' 8 0 0 t~ - .. .. .. - _ ~ . .! ^ _ / ~iE\~Lf);):.\un ~\ftiti!.nt~~!ers(j" .\:l.e ... , I .. " (J ~'h ;.~ 1lllS IILVLLOIK.:17 ;,r,IHllc!/T. as nut,; ':'ize'i II; U-,~ SlJWIVISI(J11 R~G!';L'\TlC:;S of the Cl1'( OF '..;ill::\; I~\[)r,[. i~ {'ntr:rr~J i!1t~J this 29thduy of ~~AY .19 gn. bcL-:,:en th...' Cit'l 01 :iiteiJt [{ju'le, 'J f\\:l\iC:\'i\\ V~r~ontiun,-r~rilnaft(;r ref.:;rred to (IS Ci ty. clr1'.l ,__lli!l~IE _~_ ~~CH~,~~________.,__. herein.)fter referr<:ri ~c i\ S (lo..I11C I'. Hll:H',:):';c ill: 1. '..:il[,;,Ei\::". li1~ 0..n01' i:; tlll~ '~itlv'.; O..::H:r of ij tract of land in the Cir.y of Hh~.1t Hr.l~ll', Crl'!!\ty uf Jeif"'rS:lI;, Stat.L' of Co10rar~Cl, d~scdbec as f~l1C\'/5: SEF A.TTACHE!) EYHTRIT ".~" ? \~H[l:[^~,. the (h:il;~ r des i res' t. ') deve 1 or thil t t ra c t 0 f 1 and il s deseri bed in Pilr.:lgr',.ph No.1, and in fact ,___!'1AS __, b"'cn issued a Building Permit ( has/ha s no t) \IS of '\ to do so and ------_._-~------ ALL PUBLI C CURB,' GUTTER, SIDnJALK AND STREETS lo/ITHnJ MiD 3. HilEREN;. ADJACENT Tn THE RICHTER DL/l~I~!ED cm~~~!"PCI!\L DF\IFLnp~~F~IT. ~bo:ll"(lillg tEJ'itl'iicCoTTa-l1(r7isd~scrn)~;J in -Paragraph Ho. 1 and the ne;Clhborinq tracts of land ~rc incomplete and beloH those standards as se tout in thl! seGO I V IS IOi: REGULATI Oi'lS 0 f the C Hy; and 4. l'iil[f([A:;. to he uniform and consistent \>:ith the existinc: neighboring ir.lprOVelJ1L':lt~ illHI completion or non-cofn[llcUon of those improvements as { n.'ClLJil'l~d by su:no;: FIVE: It-IPP,OVH\ErnS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIOi\S \.,il1 make no :;i011ifici1!1t chan~le at the present in those streets fronting th<lt tl'<Jct of lJnd a:; de:;crillcd in Pilra~ri\ph lio. 1, and the nei']hboriny tl'l\cls of 1uno!; [lilt! r:. ... 1':ii[f~El\:), ill (w;li..'r to conform tc tilOse requirements as s~t out in the SlHlD1'.'iSl')i; Et::;UU\TlOiiS of tk~ City, Lids agreemEnt is hereby determined to hf~ :J rul'\.: I' , NOH. TiIE:,:iJOI.:E" IT r S I!U:EGY N',REEU, THAT: t\. 111~ l"i,::~p(;l\:.il1ility fur n~'2':.il1rl, confomir,C) to ilnd providing those 1'.::q\lir~II;'.::nt~ liS :.l:t out in Lh~ SUUDIVISIOlt REGULATIONS of the City is hcn~hy rcco-J11 i l.~d hy O\~l1e r, " ." Thl~ Oirellur t,f i'ub1ic ;':01';:;. U;HJn the advice and consent of the Hayor, shi\ll tfin:(c the (j.mer or' his ilssigns and successors to meet those 1".:qllip,~lIiVl1ts il:; :;l't out in til\? SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City, ,. .... l1;l\Jll n,:cl:i[lt of such notice tv funlish or constrllct the public improvement " ilS n~quil't,t! UIIClel" lhe SUGD!'/I SrOi: EEGULATIONS of the CHy,-C'llOcr hereby il9rcc's to COl1slnJct and fumish at O',;r:cr's ccst, such irnprc'!ements a!; <we l'eq\lin~d by the :':'1Ii1DI'II510N RECULI\TIOll5 of the City. and to do so in cOnfOriJ1ilnCe ,'lith the desi~n st':1f\dan.Js of the SUBDIVISION REGULATlONS of t~2 City. 0, in the c':enc ~n Im\lrovc"~ent Oistdct 0, il Speci,al Impro'/e;r;.':'nt District is cre,llet! by the City to impr-o';e or prOvide those requirements as set cut in th(' SUElOIVISIOil RE.GUl.J\TICiiIS for' thase streets or stl'eets fl'onting that t":1ct of 1 (:n~l .:is dt:scritJeu in Pi:l'ilqrciph ~lo. 1 abo\.p. and the neighocring tl'Jcts of lJ'\~!s, the (I,.mer or his essiq;,'S Of:d successor':> agree not to oppJse its crC.1tion. t. In till: ev(:nt 'r, In;provt'[,cnt [:istrict ie, ':rt:i1ted by thE City to rr-Qvid~ the ili,prov.:I"'I]\.s i.l'.> prov,'!r:,j by th:: Sl~l\D;V;SlO~: RECliU,iiCNS, the costs Jssessoble d:Flinst ~he t"'lrG~-,cr~y DS (Je::i(;ri~)e(~ in PLragrr1ph No.1 shi\11 nr_~t ~)C 'lisPIO;lUI'liol1.Jt. \'Iith '05\.; ,:)'.>e~,~, 1\1" tJ ;'thcr nearby and lib; prcr.l'l'~,;;: tXHIHlT "A" 80047290 That portion of Tract 13 lying within the following described parcel of land: A portion of Tracts 13 and 14, ROXBURY GARDENS, described as follows: Beginning at a point 725 feet East of the \o1est line of the NH 1/4 of Section 29, T. 3 S., R. 69 W, of the 6th P.M., and 70 feet North of the South line of the NW 1/4 of said Section 29; thence Northerly parallel to the East line of Applewood Gardens, 543,56 feet to a point 50 feet South of the North line of Hest 33rd Avenue, as shown on the plat of App1ewood Gardens; thence East parallel to the North 1 ine of sa id Nest 33rd Avenue, 212.25 feet to the I-Iesterly ri ght-of-\'Iay 1 ine of the Department of Highways, State of Colorado; thence S. 60 33' W. along said right-of-way line 545.15 feet to a point 70 feet North of the South line of the NW 1/4 of said Section 29; thence Hester1y 142.60 feet to the point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. .5 AL.SO KNOWN AS 13001 Hest 32nd Avenue, Hheat Ridge, Colorado i ) , , I tsXH/81r /I I . . '" ~ t..):. '''~t<H'';,-, AT THE '/. V~ (C"~"U Of :,lCT!.;)N 29, rCV:t..tSHIP;) S(;i. rh, F:.At,;: E ~9 WE ~T"'Or THE SIX TH Pi.INCIf>At MiRID1AN; HtfN<:l Na9.31'12"( 7t.l.9/ fEfT ALONG THE [-'IV UN i[RLlNE Of )AH) SKnON 2'9, TtKN(E NOOl>5~'30"Ero.Oi HU f!"!,~.~UH ....., rH THE EAST tiNE Of AP?lFwOC:JO GARDCNS SUfM)NI$ION TO T1:if nlK ~': ,r. T UF t',{(,JNN NG; THfN([ NOO"59'3Q"{ 215.00 FEET; THENCE SS9"OO'3Q..tt62.36 fEU iQ 'flit ""\~rEtl.v. .. , ' RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE Of YOUNGFtfU> sEl\llCt'kQAOi,~t SQi-iO"42"W 1f2.26 Fett ' ALONG SMD R1GHT..()f-W4.Y L'''lf; THENCE S~?"'1j'f2""l 142.&0 f~!.r . !,t.,. ...~~.. ii r.i f'lit E-W CENTEltllN{ Of ~ $fCI!Olj "1t"J9' ,', . "'.' , ',,', . - ,'" . ~ ~- h"c, ~t..~~... AND HA~ LA16 OLlrAf~~:~hAti't;rS,A1"'o'....~....v . d. ...." THE NAME AND STYU Of:" ~lCHm '~t A ~Ai' iTl . ~~ ./,,: 1,,~, J',? ~ ",,~,_ ':" ~:.;; E!,ECUTED THIS IS- 7/ DA'!' Of ,~uD<<~t';lJ}.1. i. .' - . ~ :. ,:.~ , -'4 ~- . STATE Of COLORADO } S~ COUNTY 0>' JEFFERSON .. ':.,'..;;f, ; .,-.. ~;~,;,':"~ z?>';'f,.' .' '- "; ,_~,,'.' ,1<.. '.^ ,'~. 1 ._ ,,' , '~,~_?[~-4i'~," ~ --l- ~:~ ~~" ' ! " -< 2~ ~' -:--L" ,. ~-!:: r .. - r (' i...': .' /" ,/-~,~ .- ~,-"" iw'/"'\ ~ OF ""-", I I ...--'~~ . \, 1'''';1' tJ; ,{" - ~ -, . ~ - If" , .' v #' . '-L:~~"'< '..- _ = ~~\.:{ .f::.-"~, ""f:i-~~~;.,--A.-' ~,_ _'_., ____~_.~ _d. __._ _. ._ _ .___. -":.: .~~~ : ..__':"'. __.....:: . r -.... j.. TH~S l~ Te' :r'" ...;- 'r~:: 'i~;t' 'L" ...,t<: &:EI'< h,P;'<_d~.. B~ 7r't f'...A"-<NiNG -,:"L.; pr~ . :'~:t='t:;,,,..:, C 0 f/f . ! S = 1=-..., C =- ... ri E .- ~ '! ~ c;- - / .:- f .I _.=::-.;.to-.t.'r.-:'" ;Z!:: - "~&i.+-' I ( ~;A\-!,,"Ar"r,; ./ ','..cYO:;.': CERTlF/C,A!E -------.----.- THS IS ,C C :"'1!~, ~-iTY cc T H A! ; t-~:- C i -: "~ t~' f 'l.A. H ~ t.. - t: ~.. !,-, :- ~ t ()t t~ r:i ~. E), f~ -=--\ Tl J ~ -f C F 1 TS r= --~ :-,...) _...~ - .,.J 1:,r"10 t."\'1p-r t.!--_~) ~. ~, - ' L~-: -..~..-; f'?'ij;~~?:-~EF : c T~- f: Ar'; f -- -- /....:'F.- '''\'