HomeMy WebLinkAbout0013 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EASEMENT @ "7-LJ21 1),_') I'" _ ~;J k ) C dl' 7217J9 13 -' 4 .J 1 v ! L ;}\ KNOW 1Ll. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT GeJULY C. & EaJLt Kimmel. 06 e.n 6 eJt6 on County, Sta;te. 06 Cof.u-w.du , he.lLuna6.tVl. c.a.U.ed the. "GlLanto-'l.", bOIL and .oln c.oY!f.,.i.de.tta.tio n 06 the f.>wn 06 ONE VO LLAR , and othe.lL va.tuabf.e c.OY!f.,.i.de.lLa.:Uollf> pa.i.d .i.n hand by the. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, CO LORAVO, he.lLuna6;tVl. c.a.U.ed "CUy", 1Le.C.Upt 06 w!u.c.h .L6 hVl.eby ac.k.y!Owf.edged, hOJ.> g.i.ven and glLanted and by :the;., e plLuent6 dou helle-by g.i.ve- and gflant -jubject :to :the :teJun.6 and c.oncLU:A.on.6 c.onta.i.ned wUh.i.n thM aglleement, unto :the. f.>a.i.d "CUy" an EASEMENT Oyl, a.tOYlg, ove.lL and acJtObb the. 6oUow.lng dv.,cJUbed pJtem.L6 v." to-wU: A paJLc.eJ. 06 land f.>Uua.ted .i.yl the NE~, NE~, NE~, NE~, (16 SewoYl 28, Town.6h.i.p 3 Sou.:th, RaYlge. 69 Wv.,t 06 :the 6th Ptinupa1. MeJUcUaYl .i.yl :the CUy 06 Whe.a;t Ridge, County 06 Je66Vl.6oYl, s:ta:te. 06 Cof.OILado; moJre paJl.t.{,c.u..taJt1.y dv.,cJlj,be.d OJ.> 60U0W6: Be.g.i.niUng a;t the NE C.OILYlVl. 06 the NE~ 06 Sewon 28, T3S, R69W ot) the, 6th Ptincipa1. MeJUdian; :thenc.e wv.,teflf.y a dib:taYlc.e 06 50.0 6eet a.tOYlg the. nolL:th LUte. 60lL :the. NE~ 06 SeetioYl 28 and the. c.e.ntVl. line. 06 Wv.,t 38th Avenu.e; the.nc.e f.>outheflf.y a dibtanc.e. 06 30.0 6eet palta.U.eJ. w.Lth the wu.t tine. 60lL :the NE~ 06 Se.etiOYl 28, to a po.i.nt on the -6outh tight-06-way liYle OOlL Wv.,:t 38:th AveYlue and the VLUe po.i.nt 06 beg.i.nning; theYlc.e eaJ.>teflf.y a dibtanc.e 06 10.0 6e.et a1.ong the. Muth tU.ght-06-way line. 60lL Wv.,:t 38th Avenue.; the-nc.e -6outheflf.y a dibtanc.e 06 10.0 6e.et a1.ong the weM tight-on-way Une bOIL Kipling SbLeet; thenc.e noJt..thwe6tvr1.y a dibtanc.e 06 14.1 6e.et to a po.i.nt on the. bOu.:th tight-06-way line. 60lt Wu.t 38th Avenue. and :the. tJuLe po.i.nt 06 beg.i.nning; c.onta.i.iUng 50.0 -6qUCVte 6eet mOlLe. OIL te6f.>. FOR THE PURPOSE Of: In.6ta.Ua.:ti.on and Ma..i.n:te.naYlc.e 06 Tfla6Mc. S.i.gnal Potu, Con:tJtoUe.lL and 1Lel.a;ted appwde.nanc.e6. IN WITNESS WHEREOf, (We Ita ve. heJte.unto -6et OWL hand If.>) th.i.-6 day 06 -/);!c, A.V., 19 ).:;; . -- J . .-::;:.,. -:;:. 7l.... I ~ -,--.,/ _-v": (. ~r . ( (~ t!. '-~L ./ .___J z- ~1 ~ j rl, .. ( GflantOlL) 721709 1975 Jut 21 AM 11: 03 County 01 Jefferson State of C Recorded IN /.- , 2750 648 , , -j... ---;'~ / I " ,', 'A~ '.' ,'/. I ~ ( GMntOlt) S:ta:te. 06 ~i '-7yy/'t- -6-6. County ot-:r;' " ", The. !.,OILe.~in '..tn.6.ttLwne.nt Wa.6 ac.k.nowf.e.dge.d be.tlOlLe me. thM -/l,h, ,19/( ?:j' by Wilne6-6fY hand and 06tl.olulLt -6ea.f.. ~ )~? \ot . day 06 t~~~.- (/ ----- ,. -----/- , I- .~~ I Ci..t A:tt - Y OJtne.y '~ (. {,.', .- I / - cl {J ;talLy P.ttbUc. I I . J -c. , ApplLove.d a.6 :to tloJun: ( I hf - AppJr,oved: ApplLOve.d: L /) ? ....- -.---:; -, ' '. c'::_ ...;;;. I/L-C ,-,; .~~~')/' ..:..:' .i /7, (.' MayolL 2750 648 .,A ~. 2750 649 13 .."'" 40' 40' N V I~ LLJ a:: .... CJ) f o ~ o ~ W EST - 38ttlt- AVENUL o ~ -01 If) fd,RUE POINT .. .. .~ ';::':":1-: /_~':';'J': 0 ..:)i"- ./ . I OF BEGINNING C) Z -' I~ ~ 40' 40' LEGEND ---EXISTING R.O.W. to...:.:......:...::..:....:. .:':::.;. ::t EASEM ENT ATTACHMENT A CiTY OF WHEAT RiDGE. COLORADO ___~ _r-o _'___ ....... ....__.__ .,..... I.. VI I vu.....v ,.,vnl'\" 2750 649 SCALE: 1"= 20' -L_Q~IE: I-MAY-75 L DRAWN BY: R.E,D, AP VD BY: JJ~fl PAGE 2 OF 2