HomeMy WebLinkAbout0017 ot) k 729415 is i ~ AUG 26 Pi1 I: 2 I ;'f ;.1 " 72-9415 Count" Oi Jefferson St~le of C: E A S E ,ije;;pr~e~IN . i ~ i', '~ b S ~~ 2 b 27E2 354 /7 :1 I, ! L KNor.; ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT DOUGLAS L. & LEONA F. CRANDALL l.r-, ,I '/ . '~'Y ~ of Jefferson County, State of Colorado , hereinafter called the "Grantor", for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar , and other valuable considerations paid in hand by the CITY OF rVHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, hereinafter called "Ci ty", receipt of ~,hi ch is hereby acknowledged, has given and granted and by these presents does hereby give and grant subject to the terms and conditions contained within this agreement, unto the said "City" an EASEMENT onl along, over and across the following described premises, to-wit: A triangle of land in the northeast corner of lot 28 in Upland Acres SUbdivision, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Said triangle having leg dimensions 10 feet each and the hypotenuse dimension 14.14 feet. See attached exhibit. FOR THE PURPOSE OF: Installation and Maintenance of: ~urb~utter and sidewalk and Installation and Maintenance of Tr~ff~c Signal Poles, Controller and related appurtenances. ,.- (We ha ve hereunto set our hand(s) this A.D--:;l9 7':). 3(:', A cC-<:.-L 7' / ;;:42. ~ t::,--cL~~, r ~--[( {Grantor <-., ~ '~(,.,}~ L"Lj .~_f , ,-I , , I, l....:._ _ _1(_-7 ( ,/l_-&._ .(~--::.; (G::'gJ~()t'J ....., . State of County of Colorado Jefferson " .' 55. The ~regoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /7'j;1 , 19 ~, by i;",.(~,;",;'4.-;/ V ,7\//);/ W~tnes my hand and official seal. '"::> "\ c~"'" ~ (j ::" ~C:iiy ~f ,~ ()/(j?;~~"d,;~ j1lj C""",..; ^o A' 00 ",." b .... U!dl,d...v;V.J L"P'J"".J !H)~"';;r. c.r 131 1971 "/1;>" '-.-c' -%C/2'ff/ Notary Public / as to form: / Recommended: / / -2L. { : (;'L / .? 7j Director of Public Works i c: Approved: ~ "" ~) ~,~ \, I':' ,.'.",.../' /~. ,,"" ,~""''' .... '.- (' ""(/,<' ~~"~..k<=-/ :-- .~ ... \:- '.,.1 ~. __.:.... ':o!..:)'~':~~- M;:r",..r ALLe~L;."~ _ ~-! , /"-'" , ,"'. '.f:" / 1"- "\ ,~ ' -~/ ~./ .t ~""/. . ,,~ r ......-, ,.-' ~ r / J .,. .f...'..I' ",'.' #, . \ . , r ( :L. ~ /~ _ (__~_<' ;.~_i..-,-. - ____.~____'_~L,~~_~.:.._~___ ",,!-" ,,,.,-, -.!, ,...-' /( -.>) ,.---."1' <i.c Ll ~ l .~A/ ~./~_' ~.J.......~7t...:,,(.:..o -.JV 2762 955 N . .-1 . L. _~(~s_!-_-t 41ST AVE \---- \f) r-. lj CJ\ ~ Q LO! 28 UPLAAJD AC,QES SUI3D/V/SIQ/V LEGEND --- EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY Q--a- - ------- ----- ------ ------ EASEMENT OwNER o OUGLA S L..- !/ LEONA F C/2A/VDALL EXHIBIT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLa. DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS SCALE NO ^:,C .-J O,l,TE YULY- 9-75L~~~WN 8Y T R. H, AP YO BY 2762 955 PA G f 2 OF 2 61J ~ '. - 729415 ISIS AUG 26 PM I: 21 IJIJ u...v "'.~...; _ . .~ 72:-9415 County oi Jefferson State of C( : ! ~ ~ ! !e~r,!e<tIN 27~c2 ~54}4~5~2b 9 n 1 JL.1 4 ; I~ l:A 00 04.0 O,:ll LA 17 KNory ALL NEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT DOUGLAS L. & LEONA F. CRANDALL (~/j) of Jefferson County I State of Colorado, hereinafter called the "Grantor", for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar, and other valuable considerations paid in hand by the CITY OF rmEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, hereinafter called "City", receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has given and granted and by these presents does hereby give and grant subject to the terms and conditions contained within this agreement, unto the said "City" an EASEMENT on, along, over and across the following described premises, to-wit: A triangle of land in the northeast corner of lot 28 in Upland Acres Subdivision, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Said triangle having leg dimensions 10 feet each and the hypotenuse dimension 14.14 feet. See attached exhibit. -) CQ,-,Coy "it' .~ 8-"'1 ~ '6 & 'vrY FOR THE PURPOSE OF: Installation and Maintenance of: cur~~-9utter and sidewalk, and Installation and Maintenance of Traffic_~gnal ~9les, Controller and related appurtenances. ' (We ha~ hereunto set A.D., 19 7-.:). our hand (s) this 30 ,d~~ 7 ~4L / ~ ~/~./ / (7 'Grantor\ 55. ,-Y ll(-C 7 . 'lL'~J I L ~'~dLL~-'2 ... / (.qi-]i9l~or)" ,.\) ...~'.oc....,.. .., :.... .. '..J . State of Coun ty of Colorado Jefferson '. \, \. .;. , : . "':) 'T~ - ; thi$ L:> 0" :, C:iiV ?Oi"N'I/ F (&:<fn~.I{~,--:----" ,;;f Thel~regoing instrument was acknowledfiled before me I f- 19 J ,.' b i ' -/ I 2' , ......L-' Y ,;/, .i 'J" (I,///.2{. -?f ""' , w.itlles, my hand and official seal. c' 1.1y CUJ:1i~:i~:jO:1 C;;p;, OS r:o,':mb~r 13. .l91Z ~:c~ ~,ich~ Notary Public Recommended: '=-', / I~ _f_M~ ! 7- 7/~ Director of Public Works Approved: .-,;:; ~..k~(" "'.:...... ~~_.:......:- AA;2,,,.\r ;0 .~ :L, . ., .'-' At Le,;,L ,- '. ,," &6- "l '~. .- .::t'~>,. /," ~; ,-;':I'../'>:,,<o,,~ K ~~'{' ,///>t",.J ~-0 ,---{;.. ~--, /.~. . . ------ "\"" J'':: ".-, 17' ,/"1 / f ~. .~"""','f" n, () c: -4