HomeMy WebLinkAbout0044 /;:5+ecJ- 01'-- e.CL5e.vneIC-T //.:)T CL'S ':i:f=...q4 RccorJf'd at Q'clock.. ..... .M., ~)~{;f311. ,-, nE'cecplion N'n.. r:~ --" -~~-~- - .-._----_.~--- -.-- TillS 1 ~I "[) Dl':Ell~ :\In,il'this 2 ')t.h ,\tlyor l,'ovcmbcr ,or'lwccn S~VE:nE~N1'l\ ~TRG':~T RE,\LTY CORPO!~^TION and ^Rrl:]~K JnH~;:)r'~: FOlfiWATION, " '" "W !IW leT. I, i! 0:. ;', Ii a cMflora..ion duly oq:;l\fI\".I.t>n and n\stini< unrler and by virtue of the laws of tne Slc.tc or Co lornrJo ,cf the first rut. and THE CITY OF '..f!IEAT RIDGE, a lluniciral Corporation, " c;...: :, " i j: DOLLARS, Ii \1 !) li 'I l; I il Ii Ii I' II ~ I ii TO J1A,,!':.I~Str1;q HOLD the same, tn.;!'thrr witll all and singular the nppurtcnnn.:cs and pi:h'ilcI!cS lhcrcun~o I' l.Jdon,"i~K,.('r\); ,:i/~'~6,.~'tI-frew)to appert.'lining'. and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the II said !::'l[t~~?'~h~ f~;Jwi;L~'~i~her in law or equity, to the onl}' proper use, b{>ncfit and b{>noo! of the }laid party of the Ii lH"c6.!::'f~rt. i4-~PCC{>Sll~'r?$,n~ lllllltb:\ forever, I, ;~::":p;~~St..w~~~~)~, The ~aid party.of the first part hath caused its .corporate nnme .to ho hereunto Ii sub~('.nlJ~...h):,inl......, ~ '-. .. Pn:s1dent. and Its corporate seal to be hereunL affixed, at~ested by It., Sf.q.'~jf't.'.\" the day'and,x~if1r{r9t abm'C written. '-1~a.l-<...1 :IU~\ ...."l.;'j ."t"~~ '\\'~\' A i....~-- t 8~:n~l7. _-' \')07 \.. .. 55 5 an _ "..-' I p_,'.\ , '" :.".. .. .,0;:') - :,. . "',., ij" ~, ...~... on1c~,e.<rr:i.-;:' 1/'"' L~{~ ~::S'iiL~"'1~':;:' ',"~,"""^,'tf'l},,,3 i,' ' , !' r:/:~'~: \~ ,~ .. ~'"f:.~ 11,."'.......!;;pW'}~1". '!I:;',Q~.{~A.h::Yh' A/1' " ~",..............' f.I.J-<.-Y. Sec.retary X'tX~'tAU{,!t~~tiuljl orJ.:an:ud and C'xil'ltillg' under and by virtue of the Inw., of lhe Stute of ColorJ,do ,of the second part, WIT"\ESS, That the :;tlid party of the fir1>t part. for and in c01'J$idera.tion of the llum of;: One Dollar ($1.00) nn~ otllcr ~ood and valunble consideration { to th~' ~aicl party of the first part in han,l Pilid by the said party of the second part, the re~cipt ',...hereof is hereby coufc!sccl and acknowll'dKed, hath remi$ed. rclcll.lled. sold, eonvC!yed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presents dot.b rcmis",. rC!lease. sell, cOllvey :\nd QLrtr CLAn-! unto the said party of the second part, itS' s~c~'eiszors and ~ssigns forever, all the l"ight, title, interest, claim and demand which the said party of the firs~ parl1h{lth in and to the following described situate, lying' and heing in the cou~ :..t .Jefferson ul1,] State of Colorado. to Wit An Ea-"cmcnt for storm scwcr riAht of waYt -in ilnd. to the r~orcrtv 1.cscritf'rj in ,r.;chC'rjulcs A and n, copies of which arc atta~,~:~ '" ',""," .~~: i~ ~--/ ,:; k' l~ FOR EASH12NT Pl~trOSES m:LY seVENTEENTH SHEEl REi'Y ~1" I ,<A~/~~L ;~V'~ ----I ~ :..C()>r~ld~tlt By.... STATE Ofo' COLORADO, I r.i tv Rn::l .County of... Ocnvpr J!'S' The forcg'oin~ in.'l~rurl.\ent wu!'. ~~kn{)wlcdged bdlllC me \hi~ day of ">'#", November V 2 5th /!, I 19 70 ,by C<,orrc K. Il.'l.yden i, ji '."i\"ftr~';II~. Foster Ii _!."\ :..:;,.:,1.~1?/.";. ,~', i: ,$.e.\~((tp.('nth ~fiIC-~t .Realty Corpor<ltion Ii :;/~." .\\]"1" ')v......:.:~~- . !! 1lt *o,ml'rmsion, expir~1r ~ fly C::-:l:-;~::"',,:'::;~ C';..rc Gcl~Lc:r 11 ~ \\J6.ie'!5 -my h;/'ld,.anq ~!ji~t !'.ul. 'I ~~'..... j "v; ~ .... I ,y':, .,;'\' ... ..' .' ~)~.J , -;....',....~ " <' ~~ 1\ I .:"I...::",)~:, ............ ,ft.; :" II .. '.....~/>;i?'~.... '~~'.,..;"l...".... j' \ .f '.'/lq:UJIII,\:'\ Ii Ackn~w-T~~i"r.~m~nt for Arthur = No. 825. qUJT CLAJ)f DEED.-Cm'.ull_ .. C.rp4lrat~Il.:";"Bradl(JrJPubU~~~~C~; ~.IZ(:uit.Gll'tB!r.:k~ i.} ~-'~:,f~{i-~:f ~>:.~+j{~,\~:~, \.~. \O~. !~, .. Viee J~; Assistant S~rctary of ! \1 I I I Prea~dt-n\. and ., a curporntlon. 13, JS7~~:t~79.~..~;; 'r -;(j}(J);:0 0JfT1r1lUJ (J) () _ . ..I -~""""---i ;.0 O...!:>. 0 {1l2ztn tDNfT1:.E ..:.:i:._~ ::;: n en }:i. 0 - ;u ". Zz ",rn ;u , .u I I I I I!' I I I I I I I <:: <:: u> I .u.urn o ~ Z 0 I o~=n. "':~m ~ ~ ..;D ",Z", -'> ~ fT, I I ~'~ ,- , M r -"IP ~z ?, 0, RO-CHAN SUBDIVISION 2224 Get -(-"-----------------l I I 'e I ~;I I ',ll l 11 ~ II ~ I :i 1,/ 8 / c i ~ ( ~- I~TGRAEL~T " ~>'['-;1/"'- I 99 ~~V:;Yr//: I ; ~ I~ 02y l4f~ // l:n 0 -II/;, Vu< / I l> " ~ JII' >// "0 I 0 r~~I/ ~~ I 'OJ ~ r/ ~~ L-l i [; 8 ,.l~r '1 CJ z 25 ~ g ~ I ~ 8. rfl~ I ~~t I' I ~~ ~~ I ~ ~" ~ : ~ g ~ ~ ,jv I ~ ~ I 8i ~ i : ~ ~..- I ~-; %,',1[' I z ~~ I 2'~ ff{j I ~ ",0 I ~~ ~ ~ ., ~ I z~ lu'lt ! ~ : I I:,iq ~___ RIGHT"OF WAY LINE ~ ;;0 o n I P Z (j) C CD o < (j) o z 170' ~.i; HARLAN STREET (7) o. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR THE PROPOSED 46th AVENUE a HARLAN STREET DEVELOPMENT IMcCALL'ELlINGSON CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1721 HIGH "STREET DENVEIj; COLORAOO OATE' DRAWING NO, NOVEM8ER,1970 7011068-1