HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO COMPREHENSNE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,1994 Prepared by the City Treasurer's Department CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO TABLE OF CONTENTS DECEMBER 31, 1994 INTRODUCTORY SECTION Letter of Transmittal Memorandum - City Administrator Organizational Chart List of Principal Officials i-v vi-viii ix x FINANCIAL SECTION Independent Auditor's Report 1 General Purpose Financial Statements Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups Combined Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types Combined Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, Encumbrances and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual - All Governmental Fund Types Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balance - Police Pension Fund Notes to Financial Statements 2-5 6-7 8-10 11 12-27 Combining, Individual Fund and Account Group Statements and Schedules Special Revenue Funds Combining Balance Sheet 28-31 Combining Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances 32-35 Combining Schedule of Revenue, Expenditures, Encumbrances and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual 36-46 Debt Service Funds Combining Balance Sheet 47 Combining Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance 48 Combining Schedule of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual 49-51 Fiduciary Funds Combining Balance Sheet 52-53 Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities - All Agency Funds 54-55 General Fixed Asset Account Group Comparative Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Source 56 Schedule of Changes in General Fixed Assets by Function and Activity 57 Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Function and Activity 58-59 Supplemental Information Counties, Cities and Towns Annual Statement of Receipts and Expenditures for Roads, Bridges and Streets 60-63 (Continued) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO TABLE OF CONTENTS DECEMBER 31, 1994 (Continued) STATISTICAL SECTION Assessed and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property General Governmental Expenditures by Function General Governmental Revenue by Source General Governmental Tax Revenue by Source Property Tax Rates - Direct and Overlapping Governments Property Tax Levies and Collections - General Fund Special Improvement District 1987-1 - Billings and Collections Computation of Legal Debt Margin Revenue Bond Coverage Sales Tax Revenue Bonds Demographic Statistics Construction, Property Value and Bank Deposits Miscellaneous Statistics 64 65-66 67-68 69-70 71-72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 INTRODUCTORY SECTION TELEPHONE: (303) 234-5900 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE. WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80215 The City of GWheat GRidge July 7, 1995 The Honorable Mayor Wilde, Wheat Ridge City Council, and City Administrator City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, Colorado Dear Mayor and members of City Council: The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the City of Wheat Ridge, for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1994, is submitted herewith. This report was prepared by the City Treasurer's office and the City Administrator's Office. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM AND BUDGETARY CONTROL In developing and evaluating the City's accounting system, consideration is given to the adequacy of internal controls. Internal accounting controls are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance regarding the safeguarding of assets against loss from unauthorized use or disposition and the reliability of financial records for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability for assets. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived and the evaluation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgements by management. The City of Wheat Ridge uses funds and account groups to report on its financial position and the results of its operations. Fund accounting is designed to demonstrate legal compliance and to aid financial management by segregating transactions related to certain government functions or acti vi ties. The City has a general fund where all the current operations of the City are recorded; a capital projects fund where all major drainage, street, traffic, and building projects are recorded; and 15 other smaller funds established for a particular purpose. The two account groups - fixed assets and general long-term debt - are concerned only with the measurement of financial position and thus do not record results of operations. The budget process begins in April and ends with the adoption by City Council prior to December 15 of each year. Budgets are adopted on a NON-GAAP basis using the encumbrance basis of accounting, except for the Debt Service Funds which are GAAP basis. i The level of budgetary control (the level at which expenditures and encumbrances cannot legally exceed the appropriated amount) is established at the department/division level within an individual fund. The budget is then integrated into the formal accounting system January 1 of each year. If during the fiscal year, the City Administration determines that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the budget, the Council, by resolution, may make supplemental appropriations for the year up to the amount of the excess. Additional budgetary control is maintained by the encumbrance of purchase amounts prior to the release of purchase orders to vendors. Encumbrances present commitments related to unperformed contracts for goods or services. Open encumbrances are reported as reservations of fund balance at year end. GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTIONS Revenues for general governmental functions (General Fund only) totaled $10,238, 80l in 1994, an increase of 7.72% over 1993. The amount of revenues from various sources and the increase (decrease) over last year are shown in the following table: INCREASE PERCENTAGE REVENUES PERCENTAGE (DECREASE) INCREASE BY SOURCE 1994 AMOUNT OF TOTAL FROM 1993 (DECREASE) Taxes $ 7,448,440 72.75% $443,018 6.32% Licenses & Permits 333,660 3.26 41,677 14.27 Intergovernmental 1,430,934 13.97 58,145 4.23 Charges for Services 383,185 3.74 72,727 23.42 Fines & Forfeitures 377,415 3.69 80,892 27.28 Interest Income 158,206 1. 55 69,313 77 .97 Other Revenue 106.961 1.04 (31.680) (22.85) TOTAL $10,238,801 100.00 $734,092 7.72 The major source of revenue for the City of Wheat Ridge is retail sales and use tax ($5,266,962). This comprises 5l.44% of total current General Fund revenue. The one percent (1%) General Fund sales tax revenues for 1994 were $3,650,712, an increase of 9.35% or $312,373 over 1993 collections. General Fund use tax (auto, building, professional and retail) revenues for 1994 were $1,616,251, an increase of 3.38% or $52,893 over 1993 collections. Current property tax collections for 1994 were 98.8% of the tax levy. The mill levy was set at 2.418 mills for 1990, increased to 2.458 mills in 1991, and raised to 2.714 mills in 1992. To stay within the property tax limitation set by state statute, the mill levy remained unchanged for 1993 and 1994 at 2.714 mills. ii Expendi tures for general governmental functions (General Fund only) totaled $10,028,177 in 1994, an increase of 8.25% over 1993. Increases or (decreases) in levels of expenditures for major functions of the City over the past year are shown in the following table: EXPENDITURE INCREASE PERCENTAGE ACTIVITY PERCENTAGE (DECREASE) INCREASE BY FUNCTION 1994 AMOUNT OF TOTAL FROM 1993 (DECREASE) General Government $ 1,4l2,339 14.08% $174,235 14.07% Planning & Develop. 468,565 4.67 ( 67,931) (l2.66) Public Safety 3,949,084 39.38 370,136 10.34 Public Works 1,936,078 19.31 147,494 8.24 Parks & Recreation 1,472,941 14.68 123,031 9.11 Other 707,829 7.06 38,298 5.72 Capital Outlay 81. 341 .82 ( 20.842) (20.39) TOTAL $10,028,177 lOO.OO $764,421 8.25% PENSION FUNDING POLICIES The City participates in three mandatory and voluntary pension plans. All full-time, sworn police officers participate in a single employer defined contribution money purchase plan. The employee contributes ten percent (10%) of annual salary, and the City contributes ten percent ( 10%) . Three department heads contribute four-percent to the International City Managers Association ( ICMA) , I. R. C. Section 457 retirement plan. The City matches these amounts. The remainder of the full-time permanent employees are required to join the Colorado County Officials and Employees Retirement Association (CCOERA) plan after one year of service with the City. These employees contribute four-percent (4%) of their annual salary to the plan, which the City also matches. DEBT ADMINISTRATION The City may use debt financing when either long-term capital projects are desired, or when it can be determined that future citizens will receive a benefit from the improvement. Sales Tax Revenue Bonds were issued August 12, 1988, for $2.99 million. These bonds, rated "A" by Moody's, were sold to finance capital projects budgeted in the Capital Projects Fund. These bonds were refinanced on August 1, 1993, with a new issue for $3.21 million with an average interest rate of 3.8%. The new bond issue will mature in 1999 and the City has obtained an economic gain (difference between the present values of the old and new debt service payments) of approximately $245,000 over the life of the new issue. This bond issue is accounted for in the Debt Service Fund. The City has entered into several lease agreements for financing the acquisi tion of equipment including vehicles, a telephone system and copy machines. The lease agreements specifically state that the lease can be cancelled at any time if the City Council does not appropriate funds for that purpose. Funds are budgeted and encumbered for that year's payments only. iii Wheat Ridge entered into its first long-term bonded indebtedness in 1988. On June 24, 1988, $1.25 million in Special Assessment bonds were issued for the payment of part of the construction costs of local improvements in the newly created Special Improvement District No. 1987-1. By passage of Ordinance 751, Series of 1988, the City Council caused assessments to be imposed against the real property included in the District especially benefited by the improvements. The assessments are to be paid in ten amortized annual installments of principal and interest, and are certified to the County Treasurer annually for payment with the property tax assessments. The City has no obligation for payment of the debt on these bonds and acts as agent for the property owners and bondholders. CASH MANAGEMENT It is the responsibility of the City Treasurer to invest all idle funds and cash within each fund. The City of Wheat Ridge has formally adopted the prudent investor rule as a guide to the Treasurer's Office in making municipal investments to maximize yield while minimizing risk. The prudent investor rule states "that investments shall be made with the exercise of that judgement and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which men of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs not for speculation but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived". City funds may be invested in insured savings and money market accounts, certificates of deposit, securities of the U.S. Government and its agencies, in conformance with the Colorado Public Deposit Protection Act requirements. The City Treasurer monitors the interest rates on a daily basis. Relatively small amounts of idle cash are maintained in checking accounts to cover checks written. Savings and money market accounts are insured by the F.D.I.C. and in conformance with P.D.P.A. At the end of 1994, the City's investment in certificates of deposit and government securities varied in interest rates from 5.07% to 9.0%, and 3.0% to 4.0% in savings and money market accounts, respectively. The City's investment portfolio indicates investments throughout 1994 averaged 90% in U. S. Government securities and 10% in C. D. 's, money market or savings accounts. RISK MANAGEMENT The City is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts, thefts of damage to, or destruction of assets; error or omissions, injuries to employees; or acts of God. The City of Wheat Ridge takes seriously the need for a strong risk management program. The City's program includes periodic review of all policies, procedures and activities. Legal review of all contracts, an active employee safety committee, employee training, review of insurance coverage, and other ongoing loss control activities are also employed. Working closely with our insurers and attorneys, the City acts quickly to resolve any known risk management problems. The City iv participates in a joint venture with other Colorado municipalities for liability and property insurance, and workers' compensation. The Colorado Intergovernmental Risk Sharing Agency (CIRSA) is a separate and independent governmental and legal entity. RESERVE POLICY The City of Wheat Ridge maintains at least an eight percent (8%) general fund balance which serves as an encumbered cash reserve in the General Fund. The fund balance for 1990 was twenty-three percent (23.27%) of budget; 1991 was twenty-eight percent (28.43%) of budget; 1992 was twenty-seven percent (27.27%); 1993 was thirty-nine percent (38.91%); and 1994 at forty-one percent (40.90%) of budget. The City Administrator plans for a fifteen percent cash reserve balance each year. The City Council will annually specify the amount to be placed in the Fund Balance and the excess of accumulated reserve funds is then transfered to the Capital Improvement Fund. INDEPENDENT AUDIT Colorado state statues and the Wheat Ridge city charter require an annual audit of the books of account, financial records, and transactions of all administrative departments of the City. An independent certified public accountant selected by the City Council has performed this requirement and the auditor's opinion has been included in this report. AWARDS The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awards a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to local governmental entities for their Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The City of Wheat Ridge has received this award for four consecutive years (1989, 1990, 1991 & 1992). The City did not submit the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) to GFOA for 1993. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my appreciation to Linda Stengel, Chief Accountant and to members of the accounting staff, and to William Powell, Finance Assistant who assisted the auditors in preparing this report. Special thanks are extended to members of the independent Certified Public Accounting firm of Van Schooneveld & Co., Inc. for the manner in which they accomplished the 1994 audit. Respectfully submitted, )b; ~(~ City Treasurer v CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and city council Robert C. Middaugh, City Administrator FROM: SUBJ: ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT - 1994 DATE: July 10, 1995 In accordance with state statutes and local Charter provisions, the Annual Financial report of the City of Wheat Ridge as of December 31, 1994, and for the fiscal year then ended, is hereby transmitted for your attention. The annual financial report also contains a letter of transmittal from the City Treasurer. The City Treasurer's letter of transmittal deals with the city's presentation of data and the appropriate internal accounting controls for which his office is responsible. In working with the City's external auditing firm, it is my belief that all disclosures necessary to enable the reader to gain the maximum understanding of the City's financial affairs have been included. GENERAL FINANCIAL OVERVIEW: As indicated by the following financial statements, the City's overall financial status is sound. At the present time, the City of Wheat Ridge enjoys fund balances in all of the major operating accounts of the City that provide for long term stability and fiscal security for the City of Wheat Ridge. In calendar year 1994, the financial statements will indicate that the City General Fund fund balance has increased through under expending the annual budget and receiving more revenues than were originally anticipated. The combined effect of an under expended budget and additional revenues has helped to stabilize a projected trend in which the City's fund balance would have eroded in future years due to an imbalance between revenues and expenditures. The financial change in 1994 is a positive trend which is projected to continue in 1995. Calendar years 1996 and 1997 are less certain but it does appear that an imbalance of revenues and expenditures (higher expenditures than revenues) will occur but not be as pronounced as originally was projected several years earlier. The staff and auditors analysis of revenues and expenditures for 1994 has revealed that the City is in compliance with limitations imposed through the State Constitution (Tabor). Projections also indicate that compliance with limitations can be achieved in 1995. vi In part the economic condition of the city of Wheat Ridge is affected by the city's business economy and projects currently being undertaken in the city of Wheat Ridge. ECONOMIC OUTLOOK AND CONDITION: Wheat Ridge is primarily a residential suburban community bordered by the cities of Denver, Edgewater, ~akewood, and Arvada. A,small portion of unincorporated proper~y l~es ~o the west of the ~~ty of Wheat Ridge and is currently be~ng cons~dered for annexatlon and development potential by the city of Wheat Ridge. City growth into the unincorporated area lying west of the City of Wheat Ridge can be a factor for future long term prospects of the City and continued stability and development of our business community. The health and stability of the City's business community is largely tied to how existing developed areas are utilized and redeveloped. The city has been fortunate in the last year to see important redevelopment projects come to fruition which are and will continue to have positive impacts on the City's overall economic condition. During the past year the City has seen the redevelopment project at 38th and Wadsworth (Safeway) begin with completion anticipated in 1995. This has been a long awaited project in the community and one which will have an impact on the immediate area as well as adjacent commercial areas. In 1994, the City also saw the expansion of the Applewood Shopping Center to provide for an enlargement of one of the City's largest tax paying entities (Walmart) as well as the completion of amenities in the area to address neighborhood concerns and to improve the aesthetics of the overall shopping center. Several other important projects were being discussed at the end of 1994 and into 1995 which will come to fruition in 1995 or are anticipated to do so. These projects include a major expansion of the Coors glass manufacturing facility, an expansion of the King Soopers at 38th and Sheridan and a major housing development at 38th and Miller Court. With increased City attention in the area of economic development, specifically with the employment of an economic development coordinator and the approval of an economic development strategic plan, the City's outlook for continued stable economic conditions and business vitality is positive. Given that the city does depend heavily on its business community to subsidize government services, it is important that the continued focus or emphasis be maintained by the city of Wheat Ridge in sustaining economic vitality within the community. OTHER CITY INITIATIVES: In 1994, the City continued the CAP (Community Awareness and Participation program) with increased success. The CAP program has helped to focus the City'S attention on improving customer service and in building a stronger connection to the community. vii As in previous years, the city council ha~ been a~le to maintain the level of services offered to the communlty and ln some areas to enhance the level of service which is offered. specifically, the city council has added to the Police Department and their ability to provide service within the community. As in previous years, the city has undertaken major capital improvements on a cash basis. In 1994, major projects included construction of drainage and street improvements at 38th and Youngfield; school sidewalk improvement project on Independence between 47th and 48th Avenue; significant curb, gutter, and sidewalk repair, including handicapped accessibility improvements; and a significant expenditure in preventative maintenance, specifically in the area of slurry seal. Also in 1994, the roof to the existing city Hall was replaced. Voters in a November election approved the expenditure of 2.5 million dollars ln order to expand and renovate the Police Department and also to provide a new communication system. These improvements are badly needed and will significantly improve the ability of the Police Department to provide police services within the community. As the Police Department is viewed as an essential service, such an investment by the voters will provide long term benefits for community stability and well being. In 1994, the City acquired a major parcel of property for the city's parks system on the existing Greenbelt in the vicinity of 41st and Kipling. The acquisition of the approximately 14 acres of property helps to fill a hole in the Greenbelt system and will add to the amenity already in existence and valued by the community. CONCLUSION: City law requires that the financial statements of the City of Wheat Ridge be audited by an independent certified public accountant selected by the Wheat Ridge City Council. This requirement has been complied with and our auditor's opinions are included in the financial sections of this report. As the Council is aware, the firm of Van Schoonveld and Company was selected for completion of the city's annual audit and their expertise has been sincerely appreciated by the city of Wheat Ridge staff. The preparation of the annual financial report could not have been accomplished without the devotion of significant time and effort of the City Treasurers office and my Budget and Finance Assistant. My compliments and appreciation to all those involved in the preparation of this report. Respectfully submitted, Robert C. Middaugh city Administrator M7.7 ~c viii CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ELECTORATE I CITY CITY .....YOR TRE"'SURER CLERK COUNCIL I I CITY "UNICIP"'L CITY ... TTORNEY JUDGE AD"INISTR"'TOR BUDGET PURCHASING DATA PROC. BLDG. .....INT. PERSONNEL ECO. DEVEL. VOLUNTEERS I I J I PARKS PLANNING PUBLIC AND "'ND POLlCE RECRE... Tl ON DEVELOP"ENT WORKS VANCE T. EDWARDS TONY SOLANO RAE JEAN BEHM CLAUDIA WORTH CITY CLERK WANDA SANG CITY ATTORNEY KATHRYN SCHROEDER OFFICIALS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MAYOR DAN WILDE CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT I DISTRICT II DISTRICT III DISTRICT IV CITY ADMINISTRATOR ROBERT C. MIDDAUGH DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION CHIEF OF POLICE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET/FINANCE ASSIS;~T PERSONNEL ASSISTANT PURCHASING AGENT x JEAN FIELDS KEN SILER DON EAFANTI CITY TREASURER JAMES O. MALONE MUNICIPAL JUDGE RANDALL J. DAVIS GLEN GIDLEY GARY WARDLE JACK HURST ROBERT GOEBEL WILLIAM W. POWELL PATRICIA CREW PAUL EDWARDS FINANCIAL SECTION \G..an 6~~~~:~:!~..and Co., Inc. Principals Jack C. Schroeder Larry R. Beardsley Richard M. Carlson INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT City Council City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado We have audited the accompanying general purpose financial statements of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado as of and for the year ended December 31, 1994, as listed in the foregoing Table of Contents. These financial statements are the responsibility of the City's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards requ ire that we pl an and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the general purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado at December 31, 1994 and the results of its operations for the year then ended, inconformity wi th generally accepted account i ng pri nc i p 1 es. Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The combining and individual fund and individual account group financial statements and schedules and supplemental information, as listed in the Table of Contents, are presented for purposes of legal compliance and additional analysis and are not a required part of the general purpose financial statements of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the general purpose financial statements and, in our opinion, are fairly stated in all material respects in rel ation to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The statistical section, as listed in the Table of Contents, has not been audited by us and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion thereon. J~ June 13, 1995 6000 Greenwood Plaz.a Blvd., 11110 Greenwood Village, CO 80111-4817 (303) 779-4000 FAX 770-9276 Members: American institute of Certified Public Accountants - S.E.C and Private Practice Sections Colorado Society ot Lcrtified Pub\ic Accountantr GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The general purpose financial statements provide a financial overview of the City's operations. These financial statements present the financial position and operating results of all funds and account groups as of Oecember 31, 1994 and for the year then ended. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS ASSETS Cash Investments Restricted investments Accounts receivable Property taxes Special assessments Intergovernmental Other Interest receivable Due from other funds Inventory Fixed assets OTHER DEBITS Amount available in Debt Service Fund Amount to be provided for retirement of general long-term debt Total assets and other debits DECEMBER 31, 1994 Governmental Fund Types Speci a 1 Debt Capita 1 General Revenue Service Projects $ 909,184 $ 472,381 $ 20,548 $ 3,461.584 994,477 625,179 5,795,212 321,982 571,000 96,000 384,727 119,426 461,049 59,402 50 20,199 2,970 359 11 ,606 438,524 3,805 660 156,432 $5,735,751 $2.030,732 $1,353,455 $5.806.818 -2- Fiduciary Fund Type Trust and Agency $ 73,523 $ 6,900,677 18,192 12 Account Groups General General Fixed Long-Term Assets Debt Total (Memorandum Only) 1994 $ 1,475,636 17,777,129 321,982 667,000 384,727 580,475 59,452 53,326 443,001 156,432 19,010,597 951,675 3.270.183 $6.992.404 $19.010.597 $4.221.858 $45.151.615 $ 19,010,597 951,675 3.270.183 (Continued) -3- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNl GROUPS DECEMBER 31, 1994 (Continued) Governmental Fund Types LIABILITIES, EQUITY Special Debt Capital AND OTHER CREDITS Genera 1 Revenue Service Projects LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 378,746 $ 18,915 $ $ Retainage payable 30,082 Deferred compensation payable Refundable escrow deposits 500 Due to other funds 4,477 438,498 Deferred revenue 571 ,000 96,000 384,727 Accrued vacation and sick pay 17,053 Capital 1 eases Bonds payable Total liabilities 954,723 553,413 401, 780 30,082 EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS Investments in general fixed assets Fund balances Reserved for Encumbrances 5,281 169,837 1,285,944 Capital projects 2,604,152 Debt service 812,662 Inventory 156,432 Retirement plans Emergencies 300,000 Unreserved Designated for sub- sequent years' expenditures 253,139 358,963 1,886,640 Designated for com- pensated absences 139,013 Undesignated 4,066.176 948.519 Total equity and other credits 4.781,028 1.477 .319 951.675 5,776,736 Total liabilities, equity and other credits $5.735,751 $2.030,732 $1,353,455 $5,806,818 -4- Fiduciary Fund Type Trust and Aqency $ 1,069,865 73,509 26 1.143,400 5,849,004 Account Groups Genera 1 Genera 1 Fixed Long-Term Assets Debt $ 19,010,597 5,849,004 19,010,597 $ 429,485 37,373 3,755,000 4,221,858 Total (Memorandum Only) 1994 $ 397,661 30,082 1,069,865 74,009 443,001 1,051,727 446,538 37,373 3,755,000 7,305,256 19,010,597 1,461,062 2,604,152 812,662 156,432 5,849,004 300,000 2,498,742 139,013 5,014,695 37,846.359 $6,992,404 $19,010,597 $4.221.858 $45.151,615 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. -5- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 Total revenue Special Genera 1 Revenue $ 7,448,440 $ 99,915 333,660 1,430,934 709,778 383,185 58,152 377,415 158,206 57,132 106,961 81. 437 10,238.801 1.006,414 REVENUE Taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental Charges for services Fines and forfeitures Special assessments Interest Other EXPENDITURES Current General government Planning and development Police Public works Parks and recreation Other Capital outlay Debt service Principal Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures 1,412,339 120,216 468,565 154,701 3,949,084 26,360 1,936,078 1,472,941 721,784 707,829 81,341 550,509 10.028.177 1.573,570 210,624 567,156) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfers in Transfers (out) Total other financing sources (uses) 936,000 427,675)( 508,325 768,390 286.000) 482.390 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES FUND BALANCE - BEGINNING OF YEAR - AS RESTATED FUND BALANCE - END OF YEAR 718,949 84,766) 4,062,079 1.562.085 $ 4.781.028 $1.477.319 -6- Total (Memorandum Debt Capital Only) Service Projects 1994 $ $3,650,712 $11,199,067 333,660 172,104 2,312,816 441,337 377 ,415 124,470 124,470 160,872 217,990 594,200 43,783 232,181 285.342 4,084,589 15,615,146 1,532,555 623,266 3,975,444 1,936,078 2,194,725 63,648 771,477 1,785,652 2,417,502 55,000 55,000 175.257 175,257 293,905 1, 785,652 13,681,304 8,563) 2,298,937 1,933,842 178,564 1,882,954 ( 1.169.279)( 1,882.954) 178.564 ( 1,169,279) 170,001 1,129,658 1,933,842 781,674 4,647.078 11.052.916 $ 951,675 $5.776.736 $12.986,758 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. -7- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 REVENUE Taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental Charges for services Fines and forfeitures Special assessments Interest Other Total revenue EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES Current General government Planning and development Police Public works Parks and recreation Other Capital outl ay Debt service Principal Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures and encumbrances EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Transfers in Transfers (out) Total other financing sources EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER FINANCING USES ($ ADJUSTMENTS TO GAAP BASIS Encumbrances Prior year, paid current year Current year outstanding Total adjustments EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES (GAAP) BASIS Amended Budget $ 7,172,935 302,700 1,220,000 397,500 358,000 105,000 97,300 9,653,435 1,463,899 594,854 4,037,823 2,092,250 1,562,437 767,500 42,689 10,561,452 908,017) 936,000 427,085)( 508,915 399,102) -8- General Fund Actual $ 7,448,440 333,660 1,430,934 383,185 377 ,415 158,206 106,961 10,238,801 1,417,178 468,565 3,949,084 1,936,078 1,472,941 707,829 81,341 10,033,016 Var;ance- Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 275,505 30,960 210,934 14,315) 19,415 53,206 9,661 585,366 46,721 126,289 88,739 156,172 89,496 59,671 38,652) 528,436 205,785 1,113,802 936,000 427,675) 590) 508,325 590) 714,110 $ 1,113,212 442) 5,281 4,839 $ 718,949 Spec; a 1 Revenue Debt Service Fund Variance- Variance- Amended Favorable Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 105,000 $ 99,915 ($ 5,085) $ $ $ 912,451 709,778 ( 202,673) 45,640 58,152 12,512 105,000 124,470 19,470 43,090 57,132 14,042 90,955 160,872 69,917 71 ,250 81,437 10 ,187 1 , 177 , 431 1.006,414 171,017} 195,955 285,342 89,387 227,200 119, 096 108,104 602,710 154,701 448,009 23,000 26,360 3,360} 1,014,729 494,461 520,268 60,000 63,648 3,648} 568,165 540,736 27,429 160,000 55,000 105,000 176,473 175,257 1,216 2,435,804 1,335,354 1,100,450 396,473 293,905 102,568 ( 1,258,373)( 328,940} 929,433 200,518)( 8,563} 191,955 767,800 768,390 590 151,653 178,564 26,911 ( 411,065)( 286,OOO} 125,065 356,735 482,390 125,655 151. 653 178 , 564 26,911 ($ 901,638) 153,450 $ 1,055,088 ($ 48,865) 170,001 $ 218,866 ( ( 408,053) 169,837 238,216) ($ 84,766) $ 170,001 (Continued) -9- Fund Variance- Favorable (Unfavorable) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 (Continued) Capital Projects Amended Budqet Actual REVENUE Taxes $ 3,600,000 $ 3,650,712 $ Licenses and permits Intergovernmental 172,104 Charges for services Fines and forfeitures Interest 150,000 217,990 Other 290,000 43,783 Total revenue 4,040,000 4,084,589 EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES Current General government Planning and development Police Public works Parks and recreation Other Capital outlay 3,225,602 2,858,863 Debt service Principal retired Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures and encumbrances 3,225,602 2,858,863 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES 814,398 1,225,726 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Transfers in Transfers (out) 801,653)( 1,169,279) Total other financing sources( 801,653)( 1,169,279) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER FINANCING USES $ 12,745 56,447 $ ADJUSTMENTS TO GAAP BASIS Encumbrances Prior year, paid current year 212,733) Current year outstanding 1,285,944 Total adjustments 1,073,211 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES (GAAP) BASIS $ 1,129,658 50,712 172,104 67,990 246,217) 44,589 366,739 366,739 411,328 367,626) 367,626) 43,702 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. -10- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - POLICE PENSION FUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 OPERATING REVENUE Contributions Employer Employee - Mandatory Employee - Voluntary Total operating revenue $ 222,534 222,534 25,669 470,737 OPERATING EXPENSES Benefit payments Administrative charges Total operating expenses 395,820 33,703 429,523 41,214 OPERATING INCOME NONOPERATING INCOME Interest Securities (loss) Total nonoperating (loss) 309,438 ( 443,704) ( 134,266) ( 93,052) 5,942,056 $5,849,004 NET (LOSS) FUND BALANCE - BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCE - END OF YEAR The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. -11- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1994 NOTE 1) DEFINITION OF REPORTING ENTITY The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado (City) was incorporated in August 1969. The citizenry voted to become a home rule city in 1976 under the provisions of Article XX of the Constitution of the State of Colorado. The city operates under a Council-Mayor-Administrator form of government and prov i des the fo 11 owi ng servi ces as authori zed by its charter: public safety, parks and recreation, public improvements and general administrative services, including financial, planning and development, and municipal court services. The City follows the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) accounting pronouncements which provide guidance for determining which governmental activities, organizations and functions should be included within the financial reporting entity. GASB pronouncements set forth the financial accountability of a governmental organization's elected governing body as the basic criterion for including a possible component governmental organization in a primary government's legal entity. Financial accountability includes, but is not limited to , appointment of a voting majority of the organization's governing body, ability to impose its will on the organization, a potential for the organization to provide specific financial benefits or burdens and fiscal dependency. Included within the City's reporting entity (in blended presentation as a spec i a 1 revenue fund) is the Wheat Ri dge Economi c Development and Revitalization Commission (Wheat Ridge Town Center). The Commission was created to redevelop or rehabilitate certain blighted areas of the City. The Commission is governed by a Board of Commissioners who are appointed by the Mayor of the City and approved by City Council. The Commission's annual budget must be approved by the City Council and the City provides administrative support to the Commission. The City is a participant in the Jefferson County Household Hazardous Storage Authority (Authority). The Authority provides a facility where household hazardous waste can be safely collected, stored and disposed of offs ite for res i dents of Jefferson County. The City cont ri buted ~26~801 fo~ operation ?nd construction of the facility during 1994 which 1S 1mmater1al to the C1ty. The Authority is not providing an additional financial benefit or obligation to the City. Separate audited financial statements for the Authority may be obta i ned from the Colorado State Auditor's office. -12- NOTE 2) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounts of the City are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self- balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenue and expend itures or expenses, as accounted for in i nd i vi dua 1 funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. The various funds are grouped, in the fi nanc i a 1 statements in th is report, into six generic fund types and two broad fund categories as follows: a) Governmental Fund Types General Fund - The General Fund is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all fi nanc i a 1 resources except those required to be accounted for in other funds. Special Revenue Funds - Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than expendable trusts or major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. Debt Service Funds - The Debt Service Funds are used to account for the accumul at i on of resources for, and the payment of long-term obligation principal, interest and related costs. Capital Projects Fund - Capital Projects Fund is used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities. Fiduciary Funds Trust and Agency Funds - Trust and Agency Funds are established to record transactions relating to assets held by the City in the capacity of trustee, custodian or agent for individual, governmental entities and nonpublic organizations. b) Basis of Accounting The modified accrual basis of accounting is followed in the governmental fund types and agency funds. Revenue is recorded when susceptible to accrual, i.e., both measurable and available. Available means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the current period. The major sources of revenue which are susceptible to accrual are property taxes and sales and use taxes. Expenditures, other than interest on long-term obligations are recorded when the liability is incurred or the long-term obligation paid. The accrual bas i s of account i ng is ut il i zed in the pens i on trust fund. Revenue is recognized when earned and expenses are recognized when the liability is incurred. -13- c) Budgets The City conforms to the following procedures, in compliance with Colorado Revised Statutes, in establishing the budgetary data reflected in the financial statements: Prior to October 15, the City Administrator (an appointed official) submits a proposed operating budget for the fiscal year commencing the following January 1, to the City Council (elected officials). The operating budget, for all funds, includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them. No budgets are prepared for the pension and agency funds which are custodial in nature. Public hearings are held at the regular City council meetings to obtain taxpayer input. Prior to December 15, the budget is legally enacted and funds appropriated through passage of a budget resolution. The appropriation is at the total fund expenditures and encumbrances level and lapses at year end. The City Council must approve revisions that change total appropriation or transfers as to any fund. The City Admi n i st rator is authori zed to transfer amounts within an individual fund. In addition to the operating budget, a five year capital improvement program is proposed by the City Administrator and adopted by City Council. This program identifies projected expenditures and anticipated revenue by fund. The program is revised and extended annua 11 y . The City Council adopts the program as a p 1 ann i ng document but does not appropri ate the mult i -year expenditures. Annual installments to the identified projects are appropriated in the annual operating budgets or by supplemental appropriations. Appropri at ions are controlled by encumbrance account i ng and the budget is only amended in conformity with Colorado Revised Statutes, which requires a resolution approved by City Council amending the budget and a resolution appropriating funds for expenditure, encumbrance and transfer. The budgets are adopted on a Non-GAAP basis using the encumbrance basis of accounting, except for the Debt Service Funds which are GAAP basis. Budgetary amounts, included in the financial statements, are as originally adopted or as amended by City Council. Supplemental appropriations changes made to the original budget for each fund were as follows: -14- Fund General Fund $ Special Revenue Funds Open space Insurance reserve Police investigation Senior center Municipal court Tree planting Richards Hart improvement Parks and recreation damage depos it Wheat Ridge Town Center Equipment Wheat Ridge Post Office Conservation Trust Computer Debt Service Fund Incremental Sales Tax Bond Special Improvement District No. 1987-1 Compensated absences Capital Projects Fund Original Appropriations 10,872,110 $ 996,000 ( 185,000 23,000 7,000 49,360 ( 24,400 3,000 23,250 127,844 384,080 10,000 215,000 160,435 $ 206,473 156,910 60,000 5,232,368 ( 18,736,230 ($ Supplemental Appropriations (Recisions) 116,427 $ 13,000) 2,000) 2,200 599,931 13,490 32,879 5,000 1,205,113) 450,186) $ Amended Appropriations 10,988,537 983,000 185,000 23,000 7,000 47,360 26,600 3,000 23,250 727,775 397,570 10,000 247,879 165,435 206,473 156,910 60,000 4,027,255 18,286,044 The Police Investigation Fund, Building Demolition Fund, Compensated Absences Fund, Richards/Hart Improvement Fund, Senior Center Fund and the Capital Projects Fund overexpended or overencumbered their appropriations which may be a violation of the City's charter. d) Property Taxes Property taxes are levied by the City Council. The levy is based on assessed valuations determined by the County Assessor generally as of January 1 of each year. The levy is normally set by December 15 by certification to the County Commissioners to put the tax lien on the individual properties as of January 1 of the following year. The County Treasurer collects the determi ned taxes duri ng the ensuing calendar year. The taxes are payable by April or if in equal installments, at the taxpayers election, in February and June. Delinquent taxpayers are notified in August and generally sales of the tax 1 i ens on deli nquent propert i es are held in November or December. The County Treasurer remits the taxes collected monthly to the City. Property taxes, net of estimated uncollectible taxes, are recorded initially as deferred revenue in the year they are levied and measurable. The deferred property tax revenue are recorded as revenue in the year they are available or collected. -15- e) Short-Term Interfund Receivables/Payable During the course of operations, numerous transactions occur between individual funds. These receivables and payables are classified as "due from" or "due to" other funds on the balance sheet. f) Inventories Inventory is valued at the lower of cost or market using the first- in, fi rst-out method. Inventory in the General Fund cons i sts of expendable supplies held for consumption. The cost is recorded as an expenditure at the time individual inventory items are consumed rather than when purchased. g) General Fixed Assets General fixed assets are not capital ized in the funds used to acquire or construct them. Instead, capital acquisition and construction are reflected as expenditures in governmental funds and related assets are in the General Fixed Assets Account Group. All purchased fixed assets are valued at cost where historical records are available and at an estimated historical cost where no historical records exist. Donated fixed assets are valued at their estimated fair value on the date received. Public domain ("infrastructure") general fixed assets consisting of roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets and sidewalks, drainage systems and lighting systems are capitalized. Assets in the General Fixed Assets Account Group are not depreciated. Land improvements transferred to the City from Jefferson County from 1969 to 1977 had been recorded at the County's cost. Subsequently, the City elected to d i scont i nue recordi ng the cost of all 1 and improvements. The Jefferson County, Colorado Open Space Program acquires land for public enjoyment (e.g., parks, playgrounds, lakes, etc.) and then donates the property to the City for use as pub 1 i c 1 and. The property is recorded at the cost recorded by the Open Space Program. City expend itures for th is program are rei mbursed by Jefferson County. h) Compensated Absences Vested or accumulated sick leave that is expected to be liquidated with expendable ava il ab 1 e fi nanc i a 1 resources is reported in the Compensated Absences Fund. No liability is recorded for nonvesting accumulating rights to receive sick pay benefits. Amounts of vested or accumulated holiday and vacation leave that are not expected to be liquidated with expendable available financial resources are reported in the general long-term debt account group. No expenditures are reported for these amounts. -16- i) Long-Term Obligations Long-term debt is recognized as a liability of a governmental fund when due, or when resources have been accumul ated in the Debt Service Fund for payment early in the following year. For other long-term ob 1 i gat ions, only that port i on expected to be fi nanced from expendable available financial resources is reported as a liability of a governmental fund. The remaining portion of such obligations is reported in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group. j) Fund Equity Reservations of fund balance indicate that portion of fund balance which is legally segregated for a specific purpose. Unreserved- designated fund balance indicates the City's intention of future utilization of such funds beyond the current fiscal year. Future utilization is generally approved through the budget process and is subject to change by the City. Reserved Fund Balance The reserved fund balance in the Capital Projects Fund Type in the amount of $2,604,152 is to be used exc 1 us i ve ly for the eventual replacement of equipment, buildings and infrastructure or the payment of debt service. The reserved fund balance in the Debt Service Fund in the amount of $812,662 is to be used for repayment of bond principal, interest and associated costs. An amount of the fund balance equal to the reported inventory is reserved to indicate that the inventory does not constitute spendable resources even though the inventory is a component of net assets. Encumbrances outstand i ng, at year end, are reserved and do not constitute expenditures or liabilities. Article X, Section 20 of the Constitution of the State of Colorado requi res the City to estab 1 ish Emergency Reserves (see Note 9). $300,000 of the fund balance has been reserved in compliance with this requirement. Designated Fund Balance The amount classified as "designated for subsequent year's expenditures" at December 31, 1994, represents the amount appropriated for use in the budget for the year ending December 31, 1995. The amount classified as "designated for compensated absences" has been designated for the future payment of compensated absences. -17- k) Interfund Transactions Quasi-external transactions are accounted for as revenue or expendi tures. Transact ions that const itute re i mbursements to a fund for expenditures initially made from it, that are properly applicable to another fund, are recorded as expenditures in the fund that is reimbursed. All other interfund transactions, except quasi- external transactions and reimbursements, are reported as transfers. Nonrecurring or nonroutine permanent transfers of equity are reported as residual equity transfers. All other interfund transfers are reported as operating transfers. 1) Totals (Memorandum Only) Total columns on the combined statements are captioned "(Memorandum Only)" because they do not represent consolidated financial information and are presented only to faci 1 itate financi al analysi s. Data in these columns do not present financial position or results of ope rat ions, inconformity wi th generally accepted account i ng principles. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. NOTE 3) CASH AND INVESTMENTS Cash Deposits The Colorado Publ ic Deposit Protection Act (PDPA) requires that all units of local government deposit cash in eligible public depositories. Eligibility is determined by state regulators. Amounts on deposit in excess of federal insurance levels must be collateralized. The eligible collateral is determined by the PDPA. PDPA allows the institution to create a single collateral pool for all public funds. The pool for all the uninsured public deposits as a group is to be maintained by another institution or held in trust. The market value of the collateral must be at least equal to the aggregate uninsured deposits. The State Regulatory Commissions for banks and financial services are required by Statute to monitor the naming of eligible depositories and reporting of the uninsured deposits and assets maintained in the collateral pools. At December 31, 1994, the City's cash deposits had a bank balance and a carrying balance as follows: Carrying Bank Balance Balance Cash on hand $ 1,755 $ Insured deposits 455,875 456,075 Deposits collateralized in single institution pools 1,018,006 1,254,211 $1,475,636 $ 1,710,286 -18- Investments Colorado statutes specify investment instruments meeting defined rating and risk criteria in which local governments may invest which include: Obligations of the United States and certain U.S. government agency securities Certain international agency securities General obligation and revenue bonds of U.S. local government entities Bankers' acceptances of certain banks Commercial paper Written repurchase agreements collateralized by certain authorized securities Certain money market funds Guaranteed investment contracts Local government investment pools The City's investments are recorded at cost, except for pension funds which are recorded at market value. The investments are categorized below to give an indication of the level of credit risk assumed by the City at year end. Category 1 includes investments that are insured or registered or for which the securities are held by the entity or its agent in the City's name. Category 2 includes uninsured and unregi stered investments for wh i ch the securit i es are held by the counterparty's trust department or agent in the City's name. Category 3 includes uninsured and unregistered investments for which the securities are held by the counterparty, or by its trust department or agent but not in the City's name. Investments in local government investment pools or in money market funds are not categorized because they are not evidenced by securities that exist in physical or book entry form. Cateqory Carrying Market Cateqorized 1 -L 3 Amount Value U.S. Treasury Strips $ $ $1,435,415 $ 1,435,415 $ 2,639,200 U.S. Treasury Bills and Notes 3,631,284 3,631, 284 3,655,668 Total categorized $ -0- $ -0- $5,066,699 5,066,699 6,294,868 = Not Subject to Categorization: Local government investment pools Money market funds Deferred compensation plan (valued at market) Total investments 6,131,736 5,830,812 1,069,864 13,032,412 $18,099,111 6,131,736 5,830,812 1, 069 , 864 13,032,412 $19,327,280 -19- As of December 31, 1994, the City has invested $1,883,595 in the Colorado Local Government Liquid Asset Trust (the Trust) and $4,248,141 in Colorado Surplus Asset Fund Trust (CSAFE), investment vehicles established for local government entities in Colorado to pool surplus funds. The Trust and CSAFE operate similarly to a money market fund and each share is equal in value to $1.00. The Trust offers shares in two portfolios, COLOTRUST and COLOTRUST PLUS+. Investments of COLOTRUST and CSAFE cons i st of U. S. Treasury bi 11 s, notes and note strips and repurchase agreements collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities. COLOTRUST PLUS+ may also invest in certain obligations of U.S. government agencies, highest rated commercial paper and repurchase agreements collateralized by certain obligations of U.S. government agencies. A designated custodial bank provides safekeeping and depos i tory servi ces to the Trust and CSAFE in connect i on with the direct investment and withdrawal fund ions of the Trust and CSAFE. Substantially all U.S. government securities owned by the Trust and CSAFE and repurchase agreement co 11 atera 1 are held by the Federal Reserve Bank in the account ma i nta i ned for the custodial bank. The custod i an's i nterna 1 records i dent i fy the investments owned by the Trust and CSAFE. All of the City's investment in the Trust was maintained in the COLOTRUST portfolio. Total cash deposits Total investments $ 1,475,636 18,099, III $19,574,747 Cash deposits and investments are reflected on the December 31, 1994 balance sheet as follows: Unrestricted Cash Investments Restricted investments $ 1,475,636 17,777,129 321, 982 $19,574,747 Restricted investments consist of bond proceeds reserved for payment of principal and interest on the 1993 Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds (see Note 5). NOTE 4) CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS The changes in general fi xed assets for the year ended December 31, 1994 are as follows: Balance at Additions Deletions Balance at January 1, and and December 31, 1994 Transfers Transfers 1994 Land $ 2,478,250 $ $ $ 2,478,250 Buildings 3,011,262 3,011,262 Streets and improvements 9,117,469 9, 117,469 Equipment 4,303,839 525,767 425,990 4,403,616 $18,910,820 $ 525,767 $ 425,990 $19,010,597 -20- NOTE 5) LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS The following is an analysis of changes in long-term obligations for the year ended December 31, 1994: Balance at Balance at January 1, December 31, 1994 Additions Reductions 1994 (Restated) Revenue bonds $ 3,190,000 $ $ 55,000 $ 3 , 13 5,000 Special Assess- ment Bonds 620,000 620,000 3,810,000 55,000 3,755,000 Capital lease 57,312 19,939 37,373 Compensated absences 352,443 77 ,042 429,485 $ 4,219,755 $ 77 , 042 $ 74,939 $ 4,221,858 Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds $3,210,000 Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, dated August 1, 1993 consisting of fully registered bonds due in increasing amounts annually through December 15, 1999 with interest at 3.20% to 4.10%. The bonds are not subject to early redemption. The Bonds are payable solely out of the City's Capital Projects Fund from the revenue derived from 1/2 of the City's 2% sales tax. Special Assessment Bonds $1,250,000 Special Assessment Bonds for Special Improvement District No. 1987-1, dated June 1, 1988. The bonds are due October 1, 1998, interest payable semiannually at 7.50% to 8.25%. Bonds are callable at par at any semiannual interest payment date in numerical order. The special assessment bonds and the interest thereon are special limited obligations of the City and are payable solely from the special assessments levied against the assessable land in the improvement district. The bonds are additionally secured by the City's covenant that, whenever three-fourths of the bonds of an issue have been paid and for any reason the remaining assessments therefore are not collected in time to pay the remaining bonds and interest thereon, then the C ity shall pay the bonds when due and any interest thereon and shall reimburse itself by collecting the unpaid assessments due the improvement district. The City may also levy property taxes on all taxab 1 e property in the C Hy at a rate not to exceed 2 mi 11 s to maintain current payments of interest and equal annual payments of principal on the bonds. -21- Assuming the Specia1 Assessment Bonds are redeemed prior to maturity, as anticipated by the City, estimated principal and interest requirements for bonds payable are as follows: Special Revenue Bonds Assessment Bonds Year Principal Interest Principal Interest Total 1995 $ 75,000 $122,050 $ 220,000 $ 40,951 $ 458,001 1996 75,000 119,650 125,000 32,557 352,207 1997 960,000 117,025 130,000 22,558 1,229,583 1998 1,000,000 81,025 145,000 11 , 963 1,237,988 1999 1, 025,000 42,025 1,067,025 $3,135,000 $481,775 $ 620,000 $108,029 $4,344,804 Capital Leases The City has entered into several 1 ease agreements for fi nanc i ng the acquisition of equipment including copiers and telecommunications equi pment. These 1 ease agreements qual ify as cap ita 1 1 eases for accounting purposes (titles transfer at the end of the lease term) and, therefore, have been recorded at the present value of the future minimum lease payments at the date of their inception. The following is a schedule of the future minimum lease payments under these capital leases, and the net present value of the net minimum lease payments at December 31, 1994 as recorded in the General Long-term Account Group: Year ending December 31, 1995 1996 1997 Total minimum lease payments Less amount representing interest Present value of future minimum lease payments $32,938 6,912 4,502 44,352 6,979 $37,373 Compensated Absences As of December 31, 1994, accrued sick pay in the amount of $17,053 was recorded in the Compensated Absences Fund which will ultimately liquidate the liability. As of December 31, 1994, accrued holiday and vacation pay in the amount of $429,485 was recorded in the long-term debt account group, since the liability is not expected to be liquidated with expendable available financial resources. -22- NOTE 6) NOTE 7) INTERFUND TRANSFERS A summary of interfund transfers is as follows: Transfer Out Transfer In Fund General Special revenue Tree planting Open space Computer Fund Equipment Wheat Ridge Post Office Insurance reserve Municipal court $ 427,675 $ 936,000 16,650 286,000 160,435 330,715 10,000 250,000 590 286,000 768,390 178,564 Debt service Capital project 1,169,279 $ 1,882,954 $ 1,882,954 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS a) Police Pension Plan All full-time sworn City police officers, except the Chief of Police, are covered by the Police Pension Plan, a single employer defined contribution money purchase plan. The payroll for employees, covered by this plan, for the year ended December 31, 1994 was $2,225,340, the City's total payroll was $6,493,936. There are 59 employees participating in this plan. Employee contributions are fully vested when paid. Employees and the City each cont ri bute 10% of the employees' annual salary, employees may increase their contribution to 15%. City contributions and Plan income vest at 40%, 45% and 50% during the fourth through sixth years, respectively, and thereafter at the rate of 10% per year. Forfeitures from the nonvested portion of termi nated employees accounts are used to pay admi n i strat i ve expenses of the plan. During the year ended December 31, 1994, contributions totaling $222,534 from the City and $222,534 from employees were made in accordance with the provisions of the Plan. $25,669 of voluntary employee contributions were also made. Eligibility for benefits may commence at age 55 or upon completion of 25 years of services. -23- b) Colorado County Officials and Employees Retirement Association All employees, except pol ice offi cers are req~i red to jo in. the plan (CCOERA), a Statewide local government mul~l-employer deflned contribution plan. The plan covers all Clty empl~yees and employees become participants after one year of serVlce. The payroll for employees, covered by this Plan, for the year ended December 31, 1994 was $2,931,400. There are 106 employees participating in this plan. Employee contributions are fully vested when paid. Employees and the City each contribute 4% of the employees' annual salary. City contributions and Plan income vest at 10% per year. In the event of City withdrawal from CCOERA, all participants would vest at 100% of all contributions and income. During the year ended December 31, 1994, contributions totaling $117,256 from the City and $117,256 from employees were made in accordance with the provisions of the Plan. Benefits depend solely on amounts contri buted to the plan plus investment earnings. c) Deferred Compensation Plans The City has two deferred compensation plans created in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457. The plans are administered by the International City Managers Association (ICMA) and Colorado County Officials and Employees Retirement Association (CCOERA). Participation in the plan is optional for most employees. The plan allows the employees to defer a portion of their salary until future years. The deferred compensation is not available to employees until termination, retirement or death or unforeseen emergencies. There are four employees participating in the ICMA plan on a mandatory bas is. The employees and the City are requ i red to contribute 4% of the employees annual salary. Other City employees are contributing on a voluntary basis. These contributions are not matched by the City. All amounts of compensation deferred under the plans, all property and ri ghts purchased with those amounts and all income attributable to such assets are (until paid or made available to the employee or their beneficiary) solely the assets of the City (without being restricted to the provisions of benefits under the plans), subject only to the claims of the City's general cred itors. Part i c i pants' ri ghts under the plans are equal to those of general creditors of the City in an amount equal to the fair market value of the deferred account for each participant. It is the opinion of the City's management that the City has no liability for losses under the plans but does have the duty of due care that would be required of an ordinary prudent investor. The City believes that it is unlikely that it will use the assets to satisfy the claims of general creditors in the future. -24- NOTE 8) RISK MANAGEMENT The City is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts, thefts of damage to, or destruction of assets; errors or omissions; injuries to employees; or acts of God. The City is a member of the Colorado I ntergovernmenta 1 Risk Shari ng Agency (CIRSA). CIRSA is a joint self insurance pool created by intergovernmental agreement of over 100 municipalities to provide property, general and automobile liability and public officials coverage to its members. CIRSA is governed by a seven member Board elected by and from its members. Coverage is provided through pooling of self-insured losses and the purchase of excess insurance coverage. CIRSA has a legal obligation for claims against its members to the extent that funds are available in its annually established loss fund and that amounts are available from insurance providers under excess specific and aggregate insurance contracts. Losses incurred in excess of loss funds and amounts recoverable from excess insurance are direct liabilities of the part i c i pat i ng members. CI RSA has i ndi cated that the amount of any excess losses would be billed to members in proportion to their cont ri but ions in the year such excess occurs, although it is not legally required to do so. The City's annual contribution to CIRSA amounted to $35,844 for 1994. A summary of audited financial information for CIRSA as of and for the year ended December 31, 1994 is as follows: Assets $43,286,826 $15,948,087 27,338,739 $43,286,826 Liabilities Member's equity Revenue Member contributions earned (net of excess insurance premiums of $1,466,914) Investment income $ 9,248,905 2,163,739 11,412,644 4,328,837 $ 7,083,807 Expenses Excess of revenue over expenses There is no long-term debt outstanding. The above liabilities represent incurred claims and an estimated liability for incurred but not reported claims at December 31, 1994. -25- NOTE 9) CONTINGENCIES Tax, Spending and Debt Limitations In November 1992 the voters of Colorado approved Amendment 1, commonly known as the T~Xpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR), which adds a new Section 20 to Article X of the Colorado Constitution. TABOR contains tax, spending, revenue and debt limitations which apply to the State of Colorado and all local governments. Enterprises, defined as government-owned businesses authorized. to issue revenue bonds and receiving less than 10% of annual revenue ln grants from all state and local governments combined, are excluded from the provisions of TABOR. The initial base for local government spending and revenue limits is 1992 Fiscal Year Spending. Future spending and revenue limits are determined based on the prior year's Fiscal Year Spending adjusted for allowable increases based upon inflation and local growth. Fiscal Year Spending is generally defined as expenditures plus reserve increases with certain exceptions. Revenue in excess of the Fiscal Year Spending 1 imit must be refunded unless the voters approve retention of such revenue. TABOR requ ires 1 oca 1 governments to estab 1 i sh Emergency Reserves. These reserves must be at least 2% of Fiscal Year Spending (excluding bonded debt service) in 1994 and 3% thereafter. Local governments are not allowed to use the emergency reserves to compensate for economic conditions, revenue shortfalls, or salary or benefit increases. TABOR requires, with certain exceptions, voter approval prior to imposing new taxes, increasing a tax rate, increasing a mill levy above that for the prior year, extending an expiring tax, or implementing a tax policy change directly causing a net tax revenue gain to any local government. Except for bon? :efinanc~ngs at lower interest rates or adding emplo~ees to eXl~tlng ~enslon plans, TABOR specifically prohibits the c~eatlon of multlple-flscal year debt or other financial obligations Wl thout voter approval or without i rrevocab ly p 1 edgi ng present cash reserves for all future payments. The City's management believes it is in compliance with the provisions of TABOR. However, TABOR is complex and subject to i nterpretat ion. Many of the provisions, including the interpretation of how to calculate Fiscal Year Spending limits will require judicial interpretation. Lawsuits The City is a defendant in various lawsuits. Although the outcome of t~ese 1 awsu its is not presently determi nab 1 e, in the opi ni on of the Clty .Attorney, the resolution of these matters will not have a materlally adverse effect on the financial condition of the City. -26- NOTE 10) PRIOR YEAR RESTATEMENT Deferred Compensation Plans The City has a deferred compensation pension plan which had not been disc 1 osed in pri or years. A ret roact i ve adj ustment of $41,587 was applied to the December 31, 1993 fund balance of the Deferred Compensation Agency Fund. The effect of the restatement is as follows: Deferred Compensation Fund balance - December 31, 1993 as previously reported CCOERA plan assets Deferred Compensation Fund balance - December 31, 1993, as restated $950,450 41,587 $992,037 Special Improvement District Effect i ve January 1, 1994, the City changed the method of account i ng for Special Improvement District No. 1987-1 (SID No. 1987-1) to include it as a blended component unit reported as a debt service fund instead of an agency fund. Therefore, the December 31, 1993 balances have been restated as follows: ASSETS As Reported Agency Fund December 31 1993 As Reported Debt Service Fund December 31 1993 Investments Cash Interest receivable Special Assessment receivable Total assets $ 153,721 $ 64,520 189 $ 218,430 $ 153,721 64,520 189 509,197 727,627 LIABILITIES Due to special district $ 218,430 $ Deferred revenue Total liabilities 218,430 Fund balance Total liabilities and fund balance $ 218,430 $ 509,197 509,197 218,430 727,627 The General Long-Term Obligations Account Group has also been restated to reflect the debt outstanding for SID No. 1987-1 as of December 31, 1993 (see Note 5). -27- COMBINING, INDIVIDUAL FUND AND ACCOUNT GROUP STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Special Revenue Funds account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specific purposes. The City has 15 special revenue funds. Open Space Fund - the City, along with Jefferson County and adjacent Colorado municipal ities, have agreed to jointly develop "Open Space". The City is reimbursed, by the County, for certain expenditures incurred in this regard. Insurance Reserve Fund - is used to pay for insurance premi urn for property, liability, boiler, excess crime, community service and volunteer medical only coverage. This fund is also used to pay for losses not covered by the City's insurance. Police Investigation Fund - accounts for assets seized by the City's Police Department. Park Acquisition Fund - accounts for revenue received and designated for use in the acquisition of additional parks and related improvements. Building Demolition Fund - is a revolving fund that charges property owners for City expenses incurred in the demolition of buildings. Senior Center Fund - accounts for contributions and related expenditures made to the Wheat Ridge Community Center. Municipal Court Fund - is used for equipment maintenance, office furniture, victim services and miscellaneous court and probation expenses. Tree Planting Fund - is used for two types of tree planting programs, street trees and park trees. Richards/Hart Improvement Fund - expenditures in this fund will be used to upgrade and improve Richards/Hart Estate. Parks and Recreation Damage Deposit Fund - monies in this fund are damage deposits that are paid to the Parks and Recreation Department for rental of park pavilions, park shelters and facility rentals. Wheat Ridge Town Center Fund - accounts for revenue received and designated for economic development by the Wheat Ridge Economic Development and Revitalization Commission. Equipment Fund - has been established to purchase and lease vehicles. Wheat Ri dge Post Offi ce Fund - mon i es in th is fund are used to pay expenses related to restoring the old post office. Conservation Trust Fund - accounts for funds received and restricted as to use in the acquisition, development and maintenance of park and recreation sites pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes. Computer Fund - has been established to purchase and lease computers. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1994 Open Insurance Police ASSETS Space Reserve Investigation CURRENT ASSETS Cash $ 12,346 $ $ 38,466 Investments 382,793 Accounts receivable Property taxes Intergovernmental 461,049 Other 50 Interest receivable Due from other funds Total current assets $ 473,395 $ 382,793 $ 38,516 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 18,915 $ $ Due to other funds 433,609 3,031 Deferred revenue Total liabilities 452,524 3,031 FUND EQUITY Fund balances Reserved for encumbrances 56,542 Unreserved Designated for subsequent year's expenditures 129,300 9,500 Undesignated (deficit) 35,671) 253,493 25,985 Total fund equity 20,871 382,793 35,485 Total liabilities and fund equity $ 473,395 $ 382,793 $ 38,516 -28- Park Buil di n9 Seni or Muni ci pa 1 Tree Ri chards/Hart Acquisition Demolition Center Court Planting Improvement $ 17,744 $ 15,163 $11 ,034 $ 40,859 $ 4,063 $ 15,885 6,539 $ 17,744 $ 15,163 $11,034 $ 40,859 $ 19,948 $ 6,539 $ $ $ $ $ $ 150 9,600 8,676 1,600 4,385 17,744 5,563 2,208 40,859 18,348 2,154 17,744 15,163 11,034 40,859 19,948 6,539 $ 17,744 $ 15, 163 $11, 034 $ 40,859 $ 19,948 $ 6,539 (Continued) -29- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1994 (Continued) Parks and Wheat Recreation Ridge Damage Town ASSETS Deposit Center Equipment CURRENT ASSETS Cash $ 1,052 $ 300,106 $ Investments 266,528 21,292 Accounts receivable Property taxes 96,000 Intergovernmental Other Interest receivable Due from other funds 3,805 Total current assets $ 1,052 $ 666,439 $ 21,292 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ $ $ Due to other funds 549 Deferred revenue 96,000 Total liabilities 549 96,000 FUND EQUITY Fund balances Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved Designated for subsequent year's expenditures Undesignated (deficit) 503 570,439 21. 292 Total fund equity 503 570,439 21,292 Total liabilities and fund equity $ 1,052 $ 666,439 $ 21,292 -30- Wheat Ridge Conservation T ota 1 Post Office Trust Computer 1994 $ 8,647 $ 16,362 $ $ 472,381 4,029 294,225 9,725 994,477 96,000 461,049 50 2,970 2,970 3,805 $ 12,676 $ 313,557 $ 9,725 $ 2,030,732 $ $ $ $ 18,915 438,498 96,000 553,413 1,309 1,309 2,200 110,057 888 169,837 3,902 190,000 2,000 358,963 6,574 12,191 6,837 948,519 12,676 312,248 9,725 1,477 ,319 $ 12,676 $ 313,557 $ 9,725 $ 2,030,732 -31- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 Open Insurance Police Space Reserve Investigation REVENUE Taxes Intergovernmental Charges for services Interest Other $ $ $ 465,725 Total revenue 14,750 10,346 465,725 25,096 31,120 493 31,613 EXPENDITURES Current General government Planning and development Police Parks and recreation Capital outl ay Total expenditures 88,686 26,360 441,594 441,594 88,686 26,360 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES 24,131 63,590) 5,253 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in Operating transfers (out) ( 286,000) Total financing sources (uses) ( 286,000) 250,000 250,000 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) - BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCE - END OF YEAR 261,869) 186,410 5,253 282 ,7 40 196,383 30.232 35,485 $ 20,871 $ 382,793 $ -32- Park. Building Senior Municipal Tree Richards/Hart Acquisition Demolition Center Court Planting Improvement $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,250 53,262 2,640 404 427 259 776 853 195 10,786 3,739 2,654 427 11,045 54,038 4,592 2,835 31,530 1,925 8,037 13,647 3,098 700 1,925 8,037 32,230 13,647 3.098 2,654 ( 1,498 ) 3,008 21,808 9,055)( 263) 590 16,650 590 16,650 2,654 1,498) 3,008 22,398 7,595 263) 15,090 16.661 8,026 18.461 12,353 $ 17,744 $ 15.163 $11,034 $ 40,859 $ 19,948 $ 6.802 6,539 (Continued) -33- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 (Continued) Parks and Recreation Damage Deposit Wheat Ridge Town Center EQuipment REVENUE Taxes Intergovernmental Charges for services Interest Other Total revenue $ $ 99,915 $ 41 18,276 15,871 15,912 118,191 5,644 33 , 677 39,321 EXPENDITURES Current General government Planning and development Police Parks and recreation Capital outlay Total expenditures 152,776 15,355 15,355 152,776 386,187 386,187 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in Operating transfers (out) Total financing sources (uses) 557 34,585)( 346,866) 330,715 330,715 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) - BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCE - END OF YEAR 557 ( 34,585)( 16,151) $ 54) 605,024 503 $ 570,439 $ 37,443 21,292 -34- Wheat Ridge Conservation T ota 1 Post Office Trust Computer 1994 $ $ $ $ 99,915 212,933 709,778 58,152 238 12,525 2,251 57,132 6,518 500 81.437 6,756 225,958 2,251 1,006,414 120,216 154,701 26,360 240,053 721,784 10,661 152,961 550,509 10,661 240,053 152,961 1,573,570 3,905)( 14,095)( 150,710)( 567,156) 10,000 160,435 768,390 ( 286,000) 10,000 160,435 482,390 6,095 14,095) 9,725 ( 84,766) ~ 6,581 12,676 $ 326,343 1,562,085 312,248 $ 9,725 $ 1,477,319 -35- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 Variance- Amended Favorable Budget Actua 1 (Unfavorable) $ $ 702,451 465,725 ( 236,726) REVENUE Taxes Intergovernmental Charges for services Interest Other $ Total revenue 702,451 EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES Current General government Planning and development Police Parks and recreation Cap ita lout 1 ay Total expenditures and encumbrances 697,000 697,000 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in Operating transfers (out) Total financing sources (uses) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER FINANCING USES ADJUSTMENTS TO GAAP BASIS Encumbrances Prior year, paid current year Current year outstanding Total adjustments 5,451 ( ( 286,000)( 286,000)( ($ 280,549)( EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES (GAAP) BASIS -36- Open Space 465,725 236,726) 221,576 475,424 221,576 475,424 244,149 238,698 286,000) 286,000) 41,851) $ 238,698 ( ( 276,560) 56,542 220,018) ($ 261,869) Insurance Reserve Variance- Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Police Investigation Variance- Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ $ $ $ $ $ 31 , 120 31,120 5,700 14,750 9,050 500 493 ( 7) 10,346 10,346 15,000 ( 15,000) 5,700 25,096 19,396 15,500 31,613 16,113 185,000 87,566 97,434 23,000 26,360 ( 3,360) 185,000 87,566 97,434 23,000 26,360 3,360) 179,300)( 62,470) 116,830 7,500) 5,253 12,753 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 $ 70,700 187,530 $ 116,830 ($ 7,500) 5,253 $ 12,753 ( 1,120) ( 1,120) $ 186,410 $ 5,253 (Continued) -37- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 (Continued) REVENUE Taxes Intergovernmental Charges for services Interest Other Park Acquisition Variance- Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ $ $ Total revenue 800 2,300 3 ,100 2,250 404 2,654 2,250 396) 2,300) 446) EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES Current General government Planning and development Police Parks and recreation Capital outl ay Total expenditures and encumbrances EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in Operating transfers (out) Total financing sources (uses) 3,100 2,654 446) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER FINANCING USES ADJUSTMENTS TO GAAP BASIS Encumbrances Prior year, paid current year Current year outstanding Total adjustments $ 3,100 2,654 ($ 446) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES (GAAP) BASIS $ 2,654 -38- BuildinQ Demolition Variance- Favorable BudQet Actual (Unfavorable) $ $ $ 405 427 405 427 1,925 ( 1,925) 1,925 1. 925) 405 ( 1,498) 1,903) $ 405 ( 1,498) ($ 1 , 903) $ ($ 1,498) (Continued) 22 22 BudQet $ 250 7,000 7,250 7,000 7,000 250 250 -39- Senior Center Variance- Favorable Actual (Unfavorable) $ $ 259 10,786 11,045 9 3,786 3,795 8,187 1,187) 8,187 ( 1,187) 2,858 2,608 2,858 $ 2,608 150 150 $ 3,008 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 (Continued) Municipal Court Variance- Amended Favorabl e Budget Actual (Unfavorable) REVENUE Taxes Intergovernmental Charges for services Interest Other $ Total revenue EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES Current General government Planning and development Police Parks and recreation Capital outl ay Total expenditures and encumbrances EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in Operating transfers (out) Total financing sources (uses) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER FINANCING USES $ ADJUSTMENTS TO GAAP BASIS Encumbrances Prior year, paid current year Current year outstanding Total adjustments EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES (GAAP) BASIS -40- $ $ 43,000 5,160 48, 160 53,262 776 ( 54,038 42,200 31,530 5,160 47,360 700 32,230 800 21,808 590 590 800 22,398 $ $ 22,398 10,262 4,384) 5,878 10,670 4,460 15,130 21,008 590 590 21,598 Tree Planting Richards/Hart Improvement Variance- Variance- Amended Favorable Favorable Budget Actua 1 (Unfavorable) Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,640 2,640 75 853 778 75 195 120 9,950 3,739 ( 6,211) 10,025 4,592 ( 5,433) 2,715 2,835 120 26,600 13,647 12,953 3,000 3,098 98) 26,600 13,647 12,953 3,000 3,098 98) 16,575)( 16,650 9,055) 16,650 7,520 285 )( 263) 22 16,650 16,650 $ 75 7,595 $ 7,520 ($ 285)( 263) $ 22 $ 7,595 ($ 263) (Continued) -41- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 (Continued) Parks and Recreation Damage Deposit Variance- Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) REVENUE Taxes Intergovernmental Charges for services Interest Other Total revenue $ $ $ 100 22,000 22,100 41 15,871 15,912 59) 6,129) 6 , 188) EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES Current General government Planning and development Police Parks and recreation Capital outlay Total expenditures and encumbrances 23,250 15,355 7,895 23,250 15,355 7,895 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in Operating transfers (out) Total financing sources (uses) 1,150) 557 1,707 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER FINANC ING USES ($ ADJUSTMENTS TO GAAP BASIS Encumbrances Prior year, paid current year Current year outstanding Total adjustments EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES (GAAP) BASIS 1,150) 557 $ 1,707 $ 557 -42- Wheat Ridge Town Center Equipment Variance- Variance- Amended Favorable Amended Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Actua 1 (Unfavorable) $ 105,000 $ 99,915 ($ 5,085) $ $ $ 20,000 18,276 ( 1,724 ) 3,000 5,644 2,644 10,000 33,677 23,677 125,000 118,191 ( 6,809) 13,000 39,321 26,321 602,710 152,776 449,934 397,570 386 ,187 11,383 602,710 152,776 449,934 397,570 386,187 11 ,383 477,710) ( 34,585) 443,125 384,570)( 346,866) 37,704 330,715 330,715 ( 125,065) 125,065 ( 125,065) 125,065 330,715 330,715 ($ 602,775)( 34,585) $ 568,190 ($ 53,855)( 16,151) $ 37,704 ($ 34,585) ($ 16,151) (Continued) -43- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 REVENUE Taxes Intergovernmental Charges for services Interest Other Total revenue EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES Current General government Planning and development Police Parks and recreation Capital outlay Total expenditures EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in Operating transfers (out) Total financing sources (uses) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER FINANCING USES ADJUSTMENTS TO GAAP BASIS Encumbrances Prior year, paid current year Current year outstanding Total adjustments EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES (GAAP) BASIS (Continued) Wheat Ridge Post Offi ce Variance- Favorable (Unfavorable) Budget Actua 1 $ $ $ 25 25 238 6,518 6,756 213 6,518 6,731 10,000 10,000 1,709 1,709 8,291 8,291 9,975)( 1,535) 8,440 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 $ 8,465 $ 25 8,440 II ( ( 4,570) 2,200 2,370) $ 6,095 -44- Conservation Trust Computer Var;ance- Var;ance- Amended Favorable Amended Favorable Budget Actua 1 (Unfavorable) Budget Actua 1 (Unfavorable) $ $ $ $ $ $ 210,000 212,933 2,933 7,000 12,525 5,525 2,251 2,251 500 500 5,000 ( 5,000) 217 , 000 225,958 8,958 5,000 2,251 ( 2,749) 247,879 224,307 23,572 165,435 153,849 11 , 586 247,879 224,307 23,572 165,435 153,849 11 ,586 30,879) 1,651 32,530 160,435)( 151,598) 8,837 160,435 160,435 160,435 160,435 ($ 30,879) 1,651 $ 32,530 $ -0- 8,837 $ 8,837 ( ( 125,803) 110,057 15,746) 888 888 ($ 14,095) $ 9,725 (Continued) -45- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 (Continued) Total Variance- Amended Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) REVENUE Taxes $ 105,000 $ 99,915 ($ 5,085) Intergovernmental 912,451 709,778 ( 202,673) Charges for services 45,640 58,152 12,512 Interest 43,090 57,132 14,042 Other 71,250 81.437 10,187 Total revenue 1,177,431 1.006,414 171,017) EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES Current General government 227,200 119,096 108,104 Planning and development 602,710 154,701 448,009 Police 23,000 26,360 3,360) Parks and recreation 1,014,729 494,461 520,268 Capital outl ay 568,165 540,736 27,429 Total expenditures and encumbrances 2,435,804 1,335,354 1.100,450 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES 1,258,373)( 328,940) 929,433 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in 767,800 768,390 590 Operating transfers (out) 411,065)( 286,000) 125,065 Total financing sources (uses) 356,735 482,390 125,655 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER FINANCING USES ($ 901,638) 153,450 $ 1,055,088 ADJUSTMENTS TO GAAP BASIS Encumbrances Prior year, paid current year 408,053) Current year outstanding 169,837 Total adjustments 238,216) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES (GAAP) BASIS ($ 84,766) -46- DEBT SERVICE FUNDS The Debt Service Funds are used to account for financial resources to be used for the accumul at i on of resources for and payment of general long-term debt principal, interest and related costs. Incremental Sales Tax Bond Fund accounts for funds received from one-half of the City's sales tax receipts. The funds will be used to retire the sales tax revenue refunding bond issue. Special Improvement District No. 1987-1 - accounts for special assessments co 11 ected and remi tted to the City for a spec i a 1 improvement d i stri ct bond issue of 1988. Compensated Absences accounts for funds received from the General Fund to pay compensated absences of the City's employees. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1994 Special Incremental Improvement Sales Tax District Compensated Total ASSETS Bond No. 1987-1 Absences 1994 CURRENT ASSETS Cash $ 1,176 $ 19,372 $ $ 20,548 Investments 89,428 379,685 156,066 625,179 Interest receivable 93 266 359 Special assessments receivable 384,727 384,727 Due from other funds 660 660 Restricted investments 321,982 321,982 Total current assets $ 413,339 $ 784,050 $ 156,066 $ 1,353,455 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY LIABILITIES Deferred revenue $ $ 384,727 $ $ 384,727 Accrued vacation and sick pay 17 ,053 17,053 Total liabilities 384,727 17,053 401,780 FUND BALANCE Reserved for debt service 413,339 399,323 812,662 Unreserved Designated for compensated absences 139,013 139,013 Total liabilities and fund equ ity $ 413,339 $ 784,050 $ 156,066 $ 1,353,455 -47- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 Special Incremental Improvement Sales Tax District Compensated Total Bond No. 1987-1 Absences 1994 REVENUE Special assessments $ $ 124,470 $ $ 124,470 Interest 46,671 107,422 6,779 160,872 Total revenue 46,671 231,892 6,779 285,342 EXPENDITURES Current Other 63,648 63,648 Debt service Principal 55,000 55,000 Interest and fiscal charges 124,258 50,999 I75,257 Total expenditures I79,258 50,999 63,648 293,905 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES 132,587) 180,893 56,869)( 8,563) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Operating transfers in 178,564 I78,564 Total financing sources 178,564 I78,564 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES 45,977 180,893 56,869) 170,001 FUND BALANCE - BEGINNING OF YEAR - AS RESTATED 367,362 218,430 195,882 781,674 FUND BALANCE - END OF YEAR $ 413,339 $ 399,323 $ 139,013 $ 951,675 -48- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 Incremental Sales Tax Bond Fund Variance- Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) REVENUE Special assessments Interest Total revenue $ 30,910 30,910 EXPENDITURES Current Other Debt service Principal Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures 55,000 124,563 179,563 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES 148,653}( OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Operating transfers in Total financing sources 151,653 151,653 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES 3,000 FUND BALANCE - BEGINNING OF YEAR - AS RESTATED FUND BALANCE - END OF YEAR 700,105 $ $ 46,671 46,671 15,761 15,761 55,000 124,258 179,258 305 305 132,587) 16,066 178,564 178,564 26,911 26,911 45,977 42,977 367,362 332,743} $ 703,105 $ 413,339 ($ 289,766) -49- Special Improvement District No. 1987-1 Variance- Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Compensated Absences Variance- Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 105,000 $ 124,470 $ 54,345 107,422 159,345 231,892 19,470 $ 53,077 72,547 $ $ 5,700 5,700 6,779 6,779 1,079 1,079 60,000 63,648 ( 3,648) 105,000 105,000 51,910 50,999 911 156,910 50,999 105,911 60,000 63,648 3,648) 2,435 180,893 178,458 54,300)( 56,869) 2,569) 2,435 180,893 178,458 54,300)( 56,869) 2,569) 222,436 218,430 $ 224,871 $ 399,323 $ 4,006) 174,452 204,000 195,882 ( ($ 8,118) 10,687) $ 149,700 $ 139,013 (Continued) -50- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 (Continued) Budget REVENUE Special assessments Interest Total revenue $ 105,000 $ 90,955 195,955 EXPEND ITURES Current Other Debt service Principal Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures 60,000 160,000 176,473 396,473 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Operating transfers in Total financing sources 200,518)( 151.653 151.653 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE - BEGINNING OF YEAR - AS RESTATED FUND BALANCE - END OF YEAR 48,865) 1.126,541 Total Actual 124,470 $ 160,872 285,342 63,648 55,000 175,257 293,905 8,563) 178,564 178,564 170,001 781,674 Variance- Favorable (Unfavorable) 19,470 69,917 89,387 3,648) 105,000 1,216 102,568 191,955 26,911 26,911 218,866 $ 1,077,676 $ 951,675 $ 126,001 344,867) -51- FIDUCIARY FUNDS Trust and Agency Funds are used trustee capacity or as an agent. agency funds. to account for assets held by the City in a The City has one pension trust fund and four Pension Trust Fund Police Pension - accounts for monies received from Plan participants and City contributions. The funds are held in trust for disbursement to qualified participants upon leaving the plan or upon qualified retirement. Agency Funds Publ i c Works Escrow - accounts for funds recei ved pri or to the issuance of certain construction permits, to guarantee the work required by the permit. Upon completion, the funds are returned. Deferred Compensation - accounts for employee and matching City contributions for deferred compensat ion plans estab 1 i shed under Sect ion 457 of the Internal Revenue Code. CATV (Cable Television) Property Damage - accounts for funds received from the cable television permittee for settlement of minor unresolved claims against the permittee for damage to private property. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO FIDUCIARY FUNDS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1994 Pension Trust Agency Public Police Works Deferred ASSETS Pension Escrow Compensation CURRENT ASSETS Cash $ $ 68,535 $ Investments 5,830,812 1,069,865 Interest receivable 18,192 Due from other funds Total current assets $5,849,004 $ 68,535 $ 1,069,865 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY LIABILITIES Deferred compensation payable $ $ $ 1,069,865 Refundable escrow deposits 68,509 Due to other funds 26 Total liabilities 68,535 1,069,865 FUND EQUITY Fund balance Reserved for Retirement plans 5,849,004 Total fund equity 5,849,004 Total liabilities and fund equity $5,849,004 $ 68,535 $ 1, 069,865 -52- CATV Property Damage 1994 $ 4,988 $ 73,523 6,900,677 18,192 12 12 $ 5,000 $6,992,404 $ $1,069,865 5,000 73,509 26 5,000 1,143,400 5,849,004 5,849,004 $ 5,000 $6,992,404 -53- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO F IDUC IARY FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ALL AGENCY FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 Assets Due from Cash and Other T ota 1 Investments Funds Assets Public Works Escrow Fund Balance January 1, 1994 $ 64,427 $ $ 64,427 Additions (reductions) 4,108 4,108 Balance December 31, 1994 $ 68,535 $ -0- $ 68,535 Deferred compensation Balance January 1, 1994 $ 992,037 $ $ 992,037 Additions (reductions) 77 ,828 77 ,828 Balance December 31, 1994 $ 1,069,865 $ -0- $1,069,865 CATV Property Damage Fund Balance January 1, 1994 $ 5,000 $ $ 5,000 Additions (reductions) ( 12) 12 Balance December 31, 1994 $ 4,988 $ 12 $ 5,000 Totals Balance January 1, 1994 $ 1,061,464 $ $1,061,464 Additions (reductions) 81,924 12 81. 936 Balance December 31, 1994 $ 1.143,388 $ 12 $1,143,400 -54- LIABILITIES Refundable Due Escrow Due to to Other Total Deposits Employees Fund Liabil ities $ 64,427 $ $ $ 64,427 4,082 26 4,108 $ 68,509 $ -0- $ 26 $ 68.535 $ $ 992,037 $ $ 992,037 77 . 828 77 ,828 $ -0- $1,069,865 $ -0- $ 1.069.865 $ 5,000 $ $ $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ -0- $ -0- $ 5,000 $ 69,427 $ 992,037 $ $ 1,061,464 4.082 77.828 26 81.936 $ 73,509 $1.069.865 $ 26 $ 1.143.400 -55- GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNT GROUP The General Fixed Assets Account Group records changes in the City's ownership of and investment in capital assets, including land, buildings, improvements to land and buildings, streets, bridges, curbs and gutters, drainage systems, lighting systems, and other equipment, the lives of which are greater than one year and whose cost exceeds $200. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNT GROUP COMPARATIVE SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY SOURCE DECEMBER 31, 1994 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Land Buildings Streets and improvements Equipment Total Investment in general fixed assets from Assets contributed to the City Acquired by various funds Total -56- $ 2,478,250 3,011,262 9, 117,469 4,403,616 $19,010.597 $10,157,465 8.853,132 $19,010.597 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNT GROUP SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 Function and activity General government City Council Treasurer Mayor City Administrator Attorney City clerk Municipal court Building Community development Total Public safety Police chief Police administrative services Animal park enforce Communications O.A.R.E. Civil di saster Police records Police training Police patrol Criminal investigation Police traffic unit Total Public works Administration Engineering Street maintenance Traffic maintenance Shops T ota 1 Parks and recreation Administration Recreation Parks maintenance Total Total general fixed assets Genera 1 Fixed Assets January 1, 1994 $ 1 ,058 $ 40,838 1,030 214,220 211 21,040 30,719 2,124,033 82.403 2,515,552 157,397 68,600 411,064 153,773 3,966 895 19,235 1,004 77 , 509 68,298 27,810 989.551 8,682,764 246,922 1,035,410 268,163 332,682 10,565,941 3,020, 177 1,042,373 777 , 226 4,839,776 Additions and Transfers in 31,131 1,970 2,373 779 19,592 55,845 1,685 8,411 43,516 18,300 219 247 130,012 65,771 17,203 285,364 8,169 49,462 20,240 3,567 81,438 2,112 3,726 97,282 103,120 $18,910,820 $ 525,767 -57- Deletions and Transfers out $ 786 $ 1,193 166 122,077 10,223 305 34,966 169,716 1,400 21,433 96,617 3,099 600 219 4,136 943 128,447 1,326 19,377 47,056 568 6,573 74,900 20,728 1,084 31,115 52,927 General Fixed Assets December 31, 1994 272 39,645 864 123,274 211 12,787 32,787 2,124,812 67,029 2,401.681 157,682 55,578 314,447 194,190 21,666 895 19,235 1,251 207,521 129,933 44,070 1,146.468 8,681,438 235,714 1,037,816 287,835 329,676 10,572,479 3,001,561 1,045,015 843,393 4,889,969 $ 425,990 $ 19,010,597 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNT GROUP SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994 Function and activity General government City counci 1 Treasurer Mayor City administrator Attorney City clerk Municipal court Buil di ng Community development Total Public safety Police chief Police administrative services Animal park enforce Communications D.A.R.E. Civil di saster Police records Police training Police patrol Criminal investigation Police traffic unit Total Public works Administration Engineering Street maintenance Traffic maintenance Shops Total Parks and recreation Administration Recreation Parks maintenance Total Total general fixed assets Streets and Land Buildings Improvements $ $ $ 1,840,227 1, 840.227 2,761 2 ,761 530,350 69,807 60.000 660,157 1,731,126 39,617 47,350 1,818,093 223,005 888,903 56,366 1,168,274 83 , 411 83 . 411 383 2,059 2.442 8,140,389 8,140,389 762,739 12,589 115,899 891,227 $ 2.478.250 $ 3,011,262 $ 9,117,469 -58- Equipment Total $ 272 $ 272 39,645 39,645 864 864 123,274 123,274 211 211 12,787 12,787 32,787 32,787 201,174 2,124,812 67,029 67,029 478,043 2.401.681 154,538 157,682 53,519 55,578 314,447 314,447 194,190 194,190 21,666 21,666 895 895 19,235 19,235 1,251 1,251 207,521 207,521 129,933 129,933 44.070 44,070 1, 141.265 1,146,468 10,699 8,681,438 165,907 235,714 1,037,816 1,037,816 287,835 287,835 269,676 329,676 1.771 , 933 10.572,479 284,691 3,001,561 103,906 1,045,015 623 , 778 843,393 1,012,375 4,889,969 $ 4.403,616 $19,010,597 -59- SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REPORT A COUNTIES, CITIES, & TOWNS ANNUAL STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS & EXPENDlruRES FOR ROADS, BRIDGES A~l) STREETS COUNTY/CITYfTOWN' City of Wheat Ridge CALENDAR YEAR OF REPORT 1994 ROUND ALL AMOUNTS TO mAREST DOLLA.R I SCHEDULE OF RECEIPTS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE AND STREET PURPOSES A LOCAL SOURCES 1 Property Tax/Special Assessments $ 148.669 2. General Fund Appropriations 3 Other lspecify)Street Cut 13.122 225,756 1,125,784 4. Traffic Fines S. Sales Tax 6a. From County (specify)Road/Bridge Auto Use b. CityfTown (Specify) City EdQP- water 7 Bond Proceeds (net of issuance cost) 353,535 bIb,},);! ]46.011 8. Note Proceeds (net of issuance cost) 9 Specific Ownership Taxes TOTAL (A) LOCAL SOURCES $2.631.218 B PRIVATE CONTRlBUTlONS 0 C STATE SOURCES Highway Users Tax $ 761. 935 o 2. Motor Vehicle Registration Fees 1/0.470 3 Other (specify) CDOT 26.0gj TOTAL (C) STATE SOURCES gOR.4g6 D,FEDERALSOURCES 1. Forest Service o o 2. Mineral Leasing o o 3 Payments in Lieu of Taxes o o 4 Other (specify) o TOTAL (D) FED SOURCES o E TOTAL RECEIPTS (A+B+C+D) $3.539,714 F, UNSPENT BALANCES BEGINNING OF YEAR 0 (must equal endlIlg balance of prevIOus year) G, TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCES (E+F) $3.539,714 (Revised 1(95) A-13 -60- REPORT A (con't) n. SCHEDULE OF EXPENDIn.7RES FOR ROAD. BRIDGE AND S'IXEET PURPOSES A. DIRECT HlOHWA Y EXPENDmJRES 1. PJ&bt-of-Way 2. Preliminary and CoDSlnlction Engineering 3. ConstrUction 4. Maintenance ofCoodition S. Snow aDd Ice Removal 6. Traffic Services 7. Adminis1rItiOll I. Traffic Enforcemeut TOTAL (A) DIRECT HIGHWAY EXPENDIlURES B. DEBT PAYMENTS ON BONDS AND NOTES 1. Interest on Bonds 2. Interest on Notes 3. Redemption on Bonds (net value) 4. Redemption on Notes (net value) TOTAL (B) DEBT PAYMENTS C. PAYMENTS TO OnIER GOVERNMENTS lL To County (specify) b. To City (specify) Edgewater 2. To Dept. of Trans. TOTAL (C) PAYMENTS TO OmER GOVERNMENTS .' D. OTHER HIOHW A Y PURPOSES (specify) E. TOTAL EXPENDmJRES (A+B+C+D) F. BALANCES END OF YEAR (unspent receipts) G. TOTAL EXPENDIlURES AND BALANCES (E+F) (Revised 119S)' $ 23.960 1. J~.J 634,413 968.949 23,611 205.739 557.832 849.467 3.265.566 5 17?QOf\ 0 c;c:; nnn n 5; ??7 QnR $ 0 29.870 16.370 $ 46.240 $ 0 $3.539.714 $ o 51. ~1q. 714 A-14 -61- REPORT A (can't) m. SCHEDULE OF CHANGE IN DEBT ST A ros FOR ROAD. BRIDGE AND STREET OBLlGA nONS (show all entries at par value; face amount of issue) A. BONDS AND NOTES OUTSTANDING BEGINNING OF YEAR BONDS $3,810,000 NOTES B. AMOUNT ISSUED DURING YEAR (par value) 1. Original issues this year 2. Refunding issues o o C. AMOUNT REDEEMED DURING YEAR (par value) 1. From current ~eipts or reserves 2. From refunding issues 55.000 o D. BONDS AND NOTES OUTSTANDING END OF YEAR $3.755.000 -' NOTE: ... TOTAL RECEIPTS & BALANCES MUST EQUAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES & BALANCES ... PLEASE GIVE THE NAME AND PHONE NUMBER OF THE PERSON TO com ACT FOR QUESTIONS REGARDING THE REPORT. NAME: Linda Stengel PHONE: (303) 235-2817 Revised (1195) A-IS -62- CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES FOR HPMS CALENDER YEAR 1994 COUNTY, CITY TOWN OF Wheat Ridge ROUND ALL AMOUNTS TO NEAREST DOLLAR ---- CAPITAL OUTIA Y ROAD OR STREET #] ROAD OR STREET 114 ROAD ORSTREET liS NAME AND NUMBER NAME AND NUMBER NAME AND NUMBER Independence & Jay ,i. 38th & Cody/Kipling 26th Ave. & 44th Av~ CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Street Improvements Reconstruction Overlay IMPROVEMNT TYPE 33 32 ~8 TOTAL COST $330,209 $ 4.570 $325,189 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT IMPROVEMENT TYPE TOTAL COST CONSTRUCTION PROJECT IMPROVEMENT TYPE TOTAL COST CONSTRUTION PROJECT IMPROVEMENT TYPE TOTAL COST CONSTRUCTION PROJECT IMPROVEMENT TYPE TOTAL COST #2 & #3 not used TOTAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS S 659,968 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS MUST EQUAL THE CONSTRUCTION EXPENDITIJRES (R.O.W., PRELIMINAR'I AND CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING, AND COSNTRUCTION) ON THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES REPORT (Revised 1195) 8-7 -63- ST A TISTICAL SECTION CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO ASSESSED AND ESTIMATED ACTUAL VALUE OF TAXABLE PROPERTY 1992 1993 1994 LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Ratio of Total Assessed to Total Assessed Estimated Estimated Valuation Actual Value Actual Value $142,459,340 $ 569,837,360 25.00% 145,389,150 581,556,600 25.00 261,992,340 1,114,861,021 23.50 253,324,240 1,125,885,511 22.50 235,939,530 1,072,452,409 22.00 232,394,250 1,056,337,500 22.00 210,683,130 964,579,282 21.84 213,727,940 973,871,091 21.95 209,434,190 1,197,923,557 17.48 210,478,200 1,205,829,176 17.45 Fiscal Year 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Notes: A. Jefferson County is the collection agent for the City of Wheat Ridge and, as such, could not separate real property, personal property and exempt property. The amounts shown above represents all types of property. B. Properties within the City are assessed by the Jefferson County Assessor on January 1 of each year. For 1992, the property was assessed at 21.9% of the estimated actual based on the period from July 1990 to June 2001. Source: Jefferson County Assessor's Office -64- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Fiscal Genera 1 Planning and Public Year Government Development Safety 1985 $ 979,111 $ 704,111 $2,443,412 1986 1,031,810 621,583 2,871,557 1987 1,015,245 857,971 2,848,032 1988 991,362 459,939 3,040,648 1989 1,052,162 446,664 3,194,131 1990 1,073,469 466,862 3,161,272 1991 1,176,115 524,215 3,512,515 1992 1,277,604 545,496 3,675,408 1993 1,371,059 559,760 3,595,827 1994 1,532,555 623,266 3,975,444 Source: Includes the General, Special Revenue and Debt Service Funds, but excluding the SID 1987 Debt Service Fund. City of Wheat Ridge audited financial statements, 1985 - 1994. Notes: -65- Public Parks and Debt Works Recreation Service Other T ota 1 $5,515,839 $1,079,096 $ $ 592,996 $11,314,565 5,558,628 1,185,245 582, 198 11,851,021 4,022,861 1 ,099, 137 698,392 10,541,638 4,057,897 1,182,160 96,088 537,895 10,365,989 2,060,663 1,078,052 211,175 798,781 8,841,628 1,883,838 1,537,240 211,425 632,529 8,966,635 1,791,074 1,624,833 210,925 691,942 9,531,619 2,061,221 1,538,701 211,950 971,375 10,281,755 1,788,584 2,205,524 172,305 725,186 10,418,245 1,936,078 2,194,725 179,258 1,403,327 11,844,653 -66- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE BY SOURCE LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Fiscal Licenses Inter- Year Taxes and Permits governmental 1985 $7,440,861 $ 215,851 $ 1,154,850 1986 7,531,653 223,959 1,304,977 1987 7,320,112 246,513 1,655,083 1988 7,393,814 270,142 1,744,146 1989 5,171 ,317(A) 225,961 1,998,907 1990 5,736,579 332,499 1,810,246 1991 6,463,943 324,026 2,092,622 1992 6,712,572 344,309 1,897,279 1993 7,005,422 291,983 1,372,789 1994 7,448,440 333,660 1,430,934 Notes: Includes the General Fund only. (A) One-half of the total sales tax revenue are accounted for in the Capital Projects Fund beginning in 1989. Source: City of Wheat Ridge audited financial statements, 1985 - 1994. -67- Charges for Fines and Services Forfeitures Interest Other Total $ 192,463 $ 115,653 $ 455,488 $ 57,737 $ 9,632,903 495,051 132,573 260,042 724,920 10,673,175 504.482 130,311 191,331 382,877 10,430,709 469,973 266,251 180,942 58,732 10,384,000 504,767 389,600 169,700 84,399 8,544,651 236,700 396,718 188,835 97,608 8,799,185 264,388 283,240 176,167 127,480 9,731,866 304,036 250,499 112,805 170,816 9,792,316 310,458 296,523 88,893 138,641 9,504,709 383,185 377 ,415 158,206 106,961 10,238,801 -68- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL TAX REVENUE BY SOURCE LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Fi sca 1 Property Telephone Auto Year Tax Occupation Ownership 1985 $ 478,447 $ 152,977 $ 48,061 1986 494,847 161,693 47,165 1987 502,269 177 , 486 44,926 1988 545,964 183,773 44,895 1989 542,580 172,901 46,986 1990 567,756 178,929 47,208 1991 564,389 175,326 49,973 1992 560,570 173,188 53,689 1993 569,769 181,593 55,050 1994 562,661 179,987 64, 196 Notes: Includes the General Fund only. (A) One-half of the total sales tax revenue are accounted for in the Capital Projects Fund beginning in 1989. Source: City of Wheat Ridge audited financial statements, 1985 - 1994. -69- lodgers Franchise and Sales Tax Use Tax Tax Admissions Total $5,061,288 $ 758,177 $ 941,911 $ $7,440,861 5,050,875 743,125 778,004 255,944 7,531,653 4,902,053 674,346 735,196 283,836 7,320,112 5,083,240 660,152 622,393 253,397 7,393,814 2,754,972(A) 658,830 745,403 249,645 5,171,317 2,730,931 1,185,551 724,078 302,126 5,736,579 2,885,976 1,724,086 756,410 307,782 6,463,942 3,269,706 1,531,200 738,133 386,086 6,712,572 3,266,609 1,694,755 810,169 427,477 7,005,422 3,650,712 1,616,251 826,983 547,650 7,448,440 -70- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO PROPERTY TAX RATES - DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING GOVERNMENTS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Be 11 a ire Fiscal City of Jefferson R-l School Sanitation Year Wheat Ridge County District District 1985 3.500 25.040 61. 550 35.920 1986 3.500 28.790 63.730 38.410 1987 2.020 17.140 36.630 18.172 1988 2.265 18.890 40.132 24.332 1989 2.418 22.021 44.147 25.824 1990 2.458 23.602 42.207 28.000 1991 2.714 25.584 44.421 10.000 1992 2.714 25.584 52.276 4.593 1993 2.714 25.584 52.276 0.000 1994 2.714 25.584 52.276 0.000 Notes: All numbers shown are mill levies (amounts assessed per $1,000) Source: Jefferson County Assessors' Office -71- North West Urban Fruitdale Lal<ewood Drainage Va 11 ey Westridge Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge Sanitation Sanitation and Flood Water Sanitation Fire Sanitation District District Control District District Protection District 4.720 7.360 0.900 4.070 9.490 3.690 3.450 4.720 8.060 1.000 4.180 9.490 3.910 3.690 2.683 4.570 0.518 2.408 5.463 2.240 1.943 3.210 5.157 0.577 2.643 6.405 2.597 2.488 3.600 5.157 0.668 2.204 6.853 3.060 2.790 3.925 6.791 0.699 1.710 7.361 3.178 3.004 4.396 7.727 0.780 1.949 8.028 3.757 3.595 4.266 7.727 0.780 1.885 8.028 3.700 3.595 4.266 7.727 0.780 1.885 8.028 3.700 3.592 4.266 7.727 0.780 1.885 8.028 4.880 3.592 -72- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO PROPERTY TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS - GENERAL FUND LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Percent of Percentage Delinquent Total Tax Fiscal T ota 1 Current Tax of Levy Tax Total Tax Co 11 ect ions Year Tax levy Collections Collected Collections Collections to Levy 1985 $485,921 $ 478,253 98.42% 193 $ 478,446 98.46% 1986 499,738 494,608 98.97 238 494,846 99.02 1987 505,630 501,449 99.17 820 502,269 99.34 1988 545,454 544,869 99.89 1,095 545,964 100.09 1989 562,472 543,462 96.62 ( 822)(A) 542,580 96.46 1990 568,301 561,551 98.81 6,205(A) 567,756 99.90 1991 568,301 561,537 98.81 2,852 564,389 99.31 1992 568,301 560,570 98.64 840 561,410 98.79 1993 568,301 569,769 100.02 569,769 100.00 1994 569,360 564,513 99.14 ( 1,852) 562,661 98.82 Notes: (A) Net pri or year tax abatements and adjustments due to reva 1 uat i on of property in Jefferson County. Source: Jefferson County Assessors' Office and the City of Wheat Ridge audited financial statements, 1985 - 1994. -73- Fi sca 1 Year 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Notes: Source: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 1987-1 BILLINGS AND COLLECTIONS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Current Current Assessments Assessments Due Collected Ratio of Co 11 ect ions to Amounts Due $ $ % 1,250,000 221,388 17.71 164,538 176,479 107.26 164,538 164,538 100.00 167,000 181,523 108.70 167,000 195,516 117 . 08 167,000 121,787 72.93 105,000 124,470 118.54 In 1988, the city issued $1,250,000 in special assessment debt. The property owners were offered the option to pay their pro rata share of the assessment over the next ten years or the entire balance in 1988 less a 5% discount. The City collected $83,390 from the assessed district and an additional $137,998 from the bond proceeds applied against the debt in a negotiated settlement with two of the affected property owners. City of Wheat Ridge audited financial statements, 1985 - 1994. -74- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO COMPUTATION OF LEGAL DEBT MARGIN DECEMBER 31, 1994 (Unaudited) Computation of maximum debt allowed 1994 estimated actual valuation Legal debt limit percentage per City Charter ~12.7 Legal debt 1 imit Amount of debt outstanding Total bonded debt Less: Revenue Bonds Special Assessment Bonds $3,755,000 ( 3, 13 5, 000) ( 620,000) Net general obligation bonded debt outstanding -0- $ Legal debt 1 imit Legal debt margin $1,205,829,176 3% $ 36,174,875 -0- 36,174,875 $ 36,174,875 Note: The City Charter Legal Debt margin is also subject to the State Constitution Section 20, Article X, "Taxpayers Bill of Rights" (TABOR) under which no debt has been authorized. Source: City of Wheat Ridge charter and Jefferson County Assessor's office. -75- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO REVENUE BOND COVERAGE SALES TAX REVENUE BONDS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Fi sca 1 Sales Tax Debt Service Requirements Year Revenue Principal Interest Total 1985 $5,061,288 $ $ $ 1986 5,050,875 1987 4,902,053 1988 5,083,240 1989 5,509,944 96,088 210,925 1990 5,461,862 210,925 210,925 1991 5,771,952 210,925 210,925 1992 6,321,351 210,925 210,925 1993 6,533,217 20,000 152,305 172,305 1994 6,740,566 55,000 124,258 179,258 Coverage % 26.12 25.89 27.36 29.97 26.37 37.60 Notes: Sales tax revenue in both the General Fund and the Capital Projects Fund are included since debt service is paid with sales tax proceeds. Source: City of Wheat Ridge audited financial statements, 1985 - 1994. -76- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Fi sca 1 Year Population 30,280 $ 12,828 1985 1986 30,480 29,506 29,864 30,013 29,419 29,419 30,192 31,477 32,215 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 N/A: Not Available. DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Per Capita Income 12,828 12,977 13 , 000 13,664 16,392 17,693 15,451 17,523 17,509 (Unaudited) Medial Age 34 34 35 35 35 32 37 37 38 37 Average Number of Years of Formal Schoo 1 Unemp 1 oyment Schooling Enrollment Rate 12.8 12.8 12.8 13.0 13.0 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 N/A 4,663 4,337 4,562 4,658 5,048 4,454 4,750 5,415 5,748 6,839 4.80% 6.40 5.60 5.80 4.50 3.90 4.20 5.00 4.20 5.00 Source: The 1990 Census Bureau stat i st i cs, the Center for Bus i ness and Economic Forecasting, Jefferson County Planning Department, Jefferson County School District R-1 and DRCOG. -77- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO CONSTRUCTION, PROPERTY VALUE AND BANK DEPOSITS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Commercial Residential Construction Construction Number Number Estimated Total Fiscal of Estimated of Estimated Actua 1 Wheat Ridge Year Units Value Units Value Property Value Bank Deposits 1985 9 $ 6,210,435 186 $ 6,848,498 $ 474,866,841 $ 124,733,000 1986 12 7,382,110 56 2,770,741 484,630,500 145,302,000 1987 4 3,272, 180 63 4,828,885 1,114,861,021 756,995,487 1988 11 1,996,272 14 1,838,209 1,125,885,511 132,468,920 1989 11 2,629,566 14 1,700,028 1,072,452,409 131,969,885 1990 13 4,238,919 11 1,598,372 1,056,337,500 138,171,196 1991 35 7,899,120 13 2,023,015 964,579,282 137,170,000 1992 7 14,589,907 203 11,202,696 973,871,091 356,375,348 1993 6 5,410,278 21 3,285,850 1,197,923,557 10,500,000 1994 18 5,338,887 27 2,730,000 1,205,829,176 65,438,026 Source: City of Wheat Ridge Building Department, Jefferson County Assessor's office and local bank statements of condition. -78- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaud ited) Date of Incorporation Form of Government Area Population (Est.) 1969 Mayor - Council 9.1 Sq. Miles 30,192 Employees Elected Appointed 11 170.1 Fire Protection (1) Number of stations Number of fire fighters and officers (exclusive of volunteer fire fighters) 2 1 Police Protection Number of stations Number of police officers 1 60 Education (1) Private and Parochial Public Elementary Schools Public Junior High Schools Public High School Local Streets Mil es of streets Number of street lights Number of traffic controlled locations 4 (1,119 students) 6 (2,337 students) 2 (1,242 students) 1 (2,141 students) Building Permits Issued 129 1,728 49 2,285 Recreation and Culture Community Centers Outdoor Swimming Pool Tennis Courts Parks (developed and undeveloped) Greenbelt trail system Libraries (1) Number of volumes Jefferson County Library System 2 1 9 16 w/125.75 Acres 5.5 miles (approx. 300 acres) 27,707 537,537 (1) Facilities and services not included in the reporting entity. Source: City of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County School District R-1, Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District and Jefferson County Public Library. -79-