HomeMy WebLinkAbout0115 a~~ V\ $~ li.1f ~ ~~ (l) .-- ~~~ ~g 2~<;,t m$;) (j)~ 8308Z6t:3 1:;;3 ,',l') 3! It' 1:~' 07 fi:'; ..)' I~J ". dTU";J~ Li !iiFt, t;HLG;lI.fjr EASC"lENT FOR CONS'fRllCTION MW l-IAINTE~M;CE OF SE'/lER LINES ,.#'''-, ---- ~- ",'" "- l ~ '......11'.\1 '" ! /(11'(,,: I , I .'i,", i t .IL~~ I \!!~.,/ THIS INDENTURE, Made II VI (, if )-;~~ 19J5, between I v L11 this 0 day of City of WheatRidae of the County of ,Jefferson, of the State of Colorado, party of the first part; and the l1ETROPOLITA..l\I DENVER SD~AGE DISPOSAL DISTRICT NO.1, a metropolitan sewage disposal district, duly organized under the laws of the State of Colo~ado, party of the second part; vlITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the sum of Ten dollars and other consideration, cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, parties of the first part have this day bargained and sold and by these presents bargain and sell and convey and transfer and deliver unto the party of the second part a permanent easenent and right-of-way, including the perpetual right to enter upon the real estate hereinafter described at any time it may see fit and construct, maintain service and repair underground pipelines and/or mains for the purpose of conveying sewage and other fluids over, across, through and under the lands hereinafter described, together with the right to excavate and refill ditches and/or trenches for the location of said pipelines and/or mains and the further right to remove trees, bushes, undergrowth and other obstructions interfering with the location, construction and maintenance of said pipelines and/or mains, manholes and appurtenances. and right-of-way hereby granted is County of Jefferson' State across and through a strip of land The easement located in the of Colorado, and is over described as follows: See attached Exhibit A To have and hold such easement and right-Qf-way unto the party of the second part and unto its successors and assigns forever. The party of the first part does hereby convenant with the party of the second part that they are lawfully seized and possessed of the real estate above described, that they have a good and lawful right to convey it or any part hereof, that the above described easement and right-of-way is free from all encumbrances and that they will forever warrant and defend the title thereto against the lavlful claims of all persons whomsoever. The part~y of trlC first part further grants to the second party: (a) The rig"ht of ingress to and egress from said strip over and across said lands by medns of roaRs and lanes trlCreon if such there be; otherwise by such route or routes as shClll occasion the least practical damage and inconvenience to the first party. Seconcl party hereby convenants <lnc1 agrees: (a) Second party sl12111 proffi]?tly backfill any t.rench Dade by it on snid strip and repair any damage it s11i-lll do to first party's fences, private roads or lanes on said lands. -1- ~~!oa~~4~ z..., , ' (b) Second party shall ind~nnify first party against any loss or damage which shall be caused by the exercise of said ingress and egress or by any wrongful or negligent act or omission of the second party or of its agents or employess in the course of their employment. First party reserves the right to use said strip for purposes which will no.t interfere with the second party's full enjoyment of the rights hereby granted; provided that the first party shall not erect or construct any building or other structure or drill or operate any well or remove any soil, sand or gravel in said strip or diminish or substantially add to the ground cover over said pipelines. The provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit of and bind the sucessors and assigns of the respective parties hereto and all covenants shall apply to and run with the land. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. PARTY OF THE SECOND PART: PARTY OF THE FIRST PART: METROPOLITAN DENVER SD1AGE DISPOSAL DISTRICT NO. 1 Hy commission CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE: , ~ ,( ,4-, ~~ ,c~,"'" "" By ~~gz-. I.-dA//..:....::I'.j'lil7f)', Frank Stltes, MaYQr \ .....,... ,/ " AT~ ' ~ ,-' ~~./ S'") ""'. ,:;'\ ~-\- ... "."-.}': . ,J\.----~, 1~~n 'rr ,~( ~:~ ~ Chn sta Jones, Deputy,,' " CiL~Y' Cle1:'k ~ : 52 j, ACKNO'iIJ'LEDG E~lENTS APPROVED\~'S 3~(1~'F;q-~~[ .:.<''\1,- ) V .." '" /Jl]l! ,,' ),'---, (' ,'/"." / \ /,-'':;.:~--: \~'.- ) ss. /, 1 ty Attorne ,/ "\ County of Jefferson) / / ___ J . ~ The foregoing Easement was ackn6~ledged before me this (tit/day of July . 19.-5!.l, by Frank Stites as Mayor and Christa Jones as Deputy ci ty Clerk, for the City of Wheat Ridqe. " <~:) :1(/ ~, \) , . -' ~.\V .... "..' ..~~~. - 'i:) . '. 'U '/..,,' '10 ,", 'z.:.. " ,:~' 1J(j",/,.\;') ~ :,~ :f-..y-C....o. '- ~ ~ ~: . ,.:,,? '\\ . ',,, "-- u},....: ~ 04~ '....~. .: ~. .)>,'" ".'~'" -. > f"':.'O'\' '.\' , ..... r ; I ii );,~.' I. ... ..... :"!.- '1 1 /- / , ,//1" ( I ,< I ) By'/, !-vt/..l!;(.."~~rf'\ / Manage,:L I {.- ;; STATE OF COLORJ,DO \HTNESS my hand and official seal. '1 STATE OF COLORII.DO COllJ'TY OF ADM1S The foreCToin-] Easement was ackno~,,,ledgcc1 before me t,his -.eS~_day of (I":;-[l.~' 19Q3, by Jack B. Enger, c-lanager of the ,-lctropoli tan Denver Sewage Disposal District No.1. 'J \'lJTNLSS In" hand an(l official seal. ;'Jc!S., d ('~). ., I J ,-' t--1y CO~lii;\jssion expires: /0 ':,;U, , 1986 . . :.-',; :)J'; ~ ~) /~ I I) : ~ : ~!. c.' ",- l / ( , i, :~~; t.l!J,;};. j /VI" l ,t/\~,:" ".r~ ...:) _",- ;'l~J ./ I, ">V"'''>-{_~''--'' ,., ____ /' I' ....:~.'. ;. Notary Public -...., , . Bus i n~~s s 1\clc1 res s : -:.:..):, "', ~\ \ ~ '"' j I' /' c~' I' ~ t, I ...... \c'ct J <.. i rI-^..Y_ ~ T . .--- ( ~.~~._ , l BO) ',' c) / (:) ,'\.:~'\.-' -2- EXI!IBIT A 8308261t3 .... Jo~.~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION (CCP-130-A) A PERMANENT EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY OF VARIABLE WIDTH SITUATED BETWEEN THE SOUTH LINE OF AN EXISTING PERMANENT EASEMENT RECORDED IN BOOK 1702 AT PAGE 179 JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS. OVER, ACROSS AND THROUGH THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND TO WIT. THAT PART OF THE NW1/4 OF THE NW1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, BOUNDED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SW CORNER OF THE NW1/4 OF THE NW1/4 OF SAID SECTION; THENCE NORTH ALONG SECTION LINE 167.67 FEET; THENCE EAST AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE LAST LINE 208.75 FEET; THENCE SOUTH AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE LAST LINE 167.67 FEET; THENCE WEST AT RIGHT ANGLES TO LAST LINE 208.75 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. RESERVING UNTO THE GRANTOR, ITS SUCCESSOg~ ~ND ASSIGNS AN EASEMENT 30 FEET IN WIDTH ACROSS THE WEST 30 FEET OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL TO BE USED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF NATURAL GAS PIPELINES. SAID PERMANENT EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLO~S: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN; THENCE SOUTH 00010'17" EAST ALONG THE I-lEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 23 A DISTANCE OF 1161.31 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 86053 '40" EAST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF A PERMANENT EASEMENT AS RECORDEb IN BOOK 1702 AT PAGE 179 OF JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS A DISTANCE OF 209.02 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00010'17" EAST A DISTANCE OF 9.40 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 86032'27" WEST A DISTANCE OF 209.09 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 23; THENCE NORTH 00010'17" WEST ALONG THE VlEST LItlE OF SAID SECTION 23 A DISTANCE OF 10.70 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.0482 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 3 I~ JEff -- b