HomeMy WebLinkAbout0170 f' JEFFERSON COUNTY STATE OF COLORADO CERTIFICATION N~ 52 1 49 I, NORMAN C. ALLEN, Clerk and Recorder of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the attach~d is a full, true, and complete copy of &~"u' 77Ze' :/;7'-/:- i 70 Recorded on ~ eX /~ /9 f?-S- , upon the records of my office. ~ Book No. ~ ,/c={ -Page No.'-:/7 c' Reception # F L)~/0 / :;/3 I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal ~t.-.,{/ ~~ ~~un~y o~~~~;~~;~;,S~ of ColO~~~~, :;is ~_ - as appears ,t,I"""'''1 \'\\\~ON A"", " ~:o 1...0'" ,,~ ....... (j" .:- .. -.. ... - r.' . . :A '.0 ~r~.. -11.... ....-P":. :~.. ..~~ E !:J:):S E AL~ ~: : ...,: : : - . . ... : . ... :. .. .. -........ : ~ ":;... ..... -:. -.. ...0 ~ ""; a....... <"\: ~ "'" 0 L01\~~\"" '111 \,\ IlI1U11l"" NORMAN C. ALLEN CLERK AND RECORDER _/-; . ~ //;'4-pA~-< ~ 0</"-( / L/ /" Deputy FEE '7?,,:i :?~ r:; ISSUeD TO Cr _/ ~/~~<4~c'>-<d;PC___.. Ii Vj.f. } 5 (J(l ~~5 /0/313 .. _.~ ~ ....' \ 1 g ~ I......, ftU ~: . ' ... .... ..IL- .., ~. 1'L:i:. __.1. ~ :;: .r ... 0Miiij . 0 _. Mr.l.. callN . U"et ,.&,&,U.. en T 1lICa. . Celor" .....-..1. Cit, .r u.. 0..&, .r ...rror_. Iea.o .r Celouda. Mnl. callN the Sec'" Part, I V111111118. .bo. .Ite ..14 rlr.. ,.rt,(I..) 1.1' .... l. con.ld.r.tion or .Ite - or 0.... r:!fIP. ltl IIO~LAalI I- to tll. NI4 flut ,.rt,( o. . boN pal. II, t~ .acoad ,ut,. tho r.col,t "'r.of Ie "'1'."" C..f...N .... .c.._l....d. Ioav. Ir.nted . lI.rlal_d, _ ..ld. ... c....,.d .N "" t..... ,r...nt. do ,r.nt. lI.rl.ln, ..11, eonv., ... c..fl~ u.to tM ..I. .ee..d p.rt, It. .uce...or. .nd ...iln. for...r . ,.rpatual .......t. .Ituet. I.. tho Count, of Jeff.r.on, st.t. of Color.do. ...crl.... .. follow., to-vlt. 1.ld ........t I. de.erlbod on IIHII1T A .tt.eh.d h.r.to .nd locorpor.t.d her.ln. I.cludllll tho rlsht of Inlr... .nd .Ir... to .nd fro. Nld tr.ct of l.nd for tho purpo.. of con.tructln., recon.tructin.. r.p.lri.... ...r.tl.... .nd ..l.t.lllln, on tb. .bov. d..erib.d l.nd .nd/or in or upon .11 .tr..t.. ro.d. or bllbv.,. .lIuttlnl ..Id I.nd.. . public ro.dv.,. iocludlnl lutt.r.. .to~ dr.I.... .Idow.l... .nd blk. p.th.; .nd the flr.t part,(I..) do b.r.lI, Ile.n... p.r.lt, or otb.rvi.. ..r.eto the joint u.e or occupanc, of the pullllc ro.dv., b, .n, oth.r per.on, ...ocl.tlon. corporation. or 'ov.r....nt.l bod, for .I.etrlfic.tlon, v.ter .er.lc., fir. prot.ctlon. ..V.I., c.bl..I.lon, t.lephon. or .ny oth.r utlllt, ..rvlc.. 40-..4 nee....r' b, tho ..eond p.rt" To ..... .... to hol. tho ..Id .......t .bo.. b.r..lned .nd de.erlb.d. ....to tb. ..c.... p.n,. Its .ucc...or. .nd ...lln. fore.er, Th. f1ut p.rt,(I..) co....nt that tho, .1'. tho ova.r. 01 tho .bo.. d..cribed I...d. .... tbot NI4 l.n" .1'. fr.. ..d cl..r 01 .acuabr.nc.. .ad II.n. of whot.oever cb.ract.r. ..c.pt tbo.. ......nt. .nd rl,bt.-of v., of record .Dd tbo.. hold II, tho follovl..., Th. flut p.rt,Oe.) .,roe th.t .11 facilities Inst.ll.d 011 the .boy. d..crlb.d ......nt .t tb. ..cond p.rt,'. .xp.n... .h.11 r...ln the prop.rt, nf tb. ..eond p.rt,. r.....bl. .t the option of tho ..cond p.rty. It I. furtb.r under.tood .nd ..r..d by the flr.t p.rt,(I.s) th.t the e....n..tlon p.ld for tbl. ......nt viii b. .ee.pt.d .. full compen..tlon for .11 d...,. e.u..d b, the ...rcl.. of .n, of the rl&ht. her.ln .r.nt.d; ..e.pt tb.t tho ..eond p.ltl' .I..n ""...1.. lI..bl. for .ny d.""'ge to l.nd.e.p. .nd .n, direct ph,.le.1 d...,. e.u..d to the propert, o( the Ilr.t p.rt,(I..) b, It. con.truetion (ore.. In the .r.etlon .nd ..int.n.nc. of ..Id public ro.dv.,. IN WITNESS WHEREOr, the (Ir.t .nd ...1. the d., .nd ,..r .boy G, WILL ~~n.. ;;I. ZJ~ IECCA L. WILLIAMS STAn or COLORADO ) COUNTY or Q,~.~ ) 55. Th. fJ'r.loln, In.trument X.. .cknoul.dged b.(or.... thl. II d.y 0*-,'1. ~ 1~~~_~"'~'A/">'.ff LLJU/~__A a-..d . WltNIIl ., h.~ .nd o((lcl.1 '1'.1. My c_luio.. o.,lr.. ..3-/-.!P ) J c ....... /) ,\,......,~', rtl/YN;I4{R ~ N I) I A ,. 't, f. U II Lie ...... ('I... '. _ 4- ._";.~ --. .,:. ,- - - ...:-" -. ;" ...tI' ~ RECEPTION NO. 85101313 EXHIBIT A 'Ircel No. 115 Grantor: Douglls G. Willi..s Ind RebaccI L. Willf..s A &6 foot wiell strfp of land OVIt" tIllt portion of died to DouglaS G. :< VflH..s Ind Reblccl L. \I11H..s recol'dld Febl'\llry 29, 1968 1n Book 2OtO. It 'llII 710, Jefferson County Recol'ds, 33 felt on IIch sfell of tile ClIlter Hili wich is eIIscr1bed IS foHows: 819inn1119 It tile ..st OfII-quarter corner of Section 20, Townsh1p 3 ScMttIl, ltallfl 69 lint. of till 6t1l '.M.; ttlIIlce . 00-08.6' II. (bHr1ll9s for tilts eIIscrfptfon Ire relltfve to 0fII lllOtIlIr) HI.9 flit 110119 till ...t If... of Hfd Section 20; tIIIIlcI S 77"17 .5' II. 0.1 flit to IIUlIIbIr 371, I 7/S" df_ter stell pin 10.9' bllllW ISp/IIlt surlece). Hid still p1n be1ng Stltion 0-15..; ttlIIlce II 77"17.5' E, 642.9 flit to IUIIbIr 376, I stell p1n 12.5' belllW upult sU1'fKe) Hid still pin be11l9 Stltion 6+27.40; ttlIIlce S 89"41.9t E. 2013.7 flit to tile nortll-south centerlf... of Slfd Sect10ft 20; thence continuing Ilong Iforesaid bearfng 7.9 feet to number 369, a I" d1l1eter steel pin 11.7' belllW .sphllt surflce), Slfd steel pfn befng Stltfon 26+49.06; thence S 89"41.3' E, to the west lfne lextended) of deed to ThoMs Clyde Gl"I9Ory Ind [JIOgene Gregory, recorded August 23, 1946 fn Book 545, . Plge 17, Jefferson County Records, slfd west lfne Ilpprox1l1l1tely Stltfon 43+95) is the TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING for the north 33 feet of slfd 66 foot wiele strfp; thltlce contfnufng Ilong Iforesafd belr1ng to the west 11ne (extended) of deed to IIIlver R.Ilty Inc., I Colorldo Corporatfon, recorded April 16, 1982 in Reception Mo. 82025423, Jeffll"SOft County Records, Slfd west 11ne (Ipproxi_tely Stltion 44+801 ts the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING for tile south 33 feet of Slid 66 foot wfde strfp; thence continufng Ilong Ifor,slfd belrin9 to number 373. a 7/S" dfaatter steel pfn (1.4' below Isphllt surf.cel. s.fd steel pfn befng Stltfon 52+95.97' thence S S9"43.51 E. 1324.S feet to number 377, . 7/S" dilmeter steel pfn (0.6' below Isphllt surf.cel, Slid steel pin being Stlt10n 66+20.79; thence S 89043.5' E, to the elSt 11ne (extended) of deed to Ben Steele, fndfvfdullly Ind B.S.S.R. Inves~nt Coapany, recorded May 14, 1979 fn RlCeption Mo. 79042095, Jefferson County RecordS, slfd elst lfne (Ipproxf_tely Stltfon 75+90) is the POINT.OF TERMINUS for the north 33 feet of Slfd 66 foot wfelt strfp; . J,~"~~" <" . " ) ," '\" .~,," '-;'t" .- ..' ~- ~ '. ~ ..-:.. ~:*- ~~.t'--'. RECEPTION NO. 85101313 thence contfnuing 110119 Iforesltd buring to the .lSt Hne I extended) of \Seed to RIlpll L. Sufford IncI Riclllrd D. DeYries, recorded Jun. 23, 1982 in Rec.ption No. 82042868, J.fferson County Records, Slid list \1ne lapproxt.tely Statton 76+80) ts the POlIlT Of TERMINUS for the south 33 fNt of Slid H foot wtele stnp, thence conttnutng Ilong Iforesltd bllrtng to nUllber 374, I 3/4" 3 dt...ter steel ptn 11.3' below Isphllt surflce), Sltd steel ptn betng Station 79+44.95; tMnc. S 89"31.1' E, 0.0 feet to tile north-south center\1ne of sltd Sectton 21; tMnce conttnutng Ilong Iforesa1d bearing 2654.1 feet to nUlllber 375, I potnt on the list Hne of Sltd Section 21, Sltd potnt HtI N 00"06.3' E, .octly 580.27' fro. the .lSt one-qulrter cOl'Mr of Sltd Section 21. Pot nt IlUlllbers 371, 376, 369, 373, 377, 374 Ind 375 Ire poi nts .i ther found or developed fro. I IUl'YI1 belt..ed to llI.e bean establtshed by H.W. GIrdner, County SU".yor, prior to 1930. Plell. ref....nc. Pllt Book A, 'Ig. 14 Ind IS, J.ff.rson Cciunv Records. TOGETHER WITH tIlIt portfon of lInd Iff Iny) lytng withtn sltd H foot strip described IS follows: Bounded on the west by the lISt If ne of cIeecI to DougllS G. Wf11f_s Ind Rebecca L. W111t..s in Book 2000 at Page 710, and on the east by the west line of deed to ~r1can Tele.iston and CGRlUn1cat1on Corporation recorded September 13, 1982 tn Reception No. 82063624 all in Jefferson CounV Records. a:w441g1.115 ".'. " -"...... ',,'..'J 't: ;$i' .... -.' -. . ., .. ".Jlr . '"SW - -- .. ~ '!l.--~.? :.{a'~"" .. IECEPTION NO. 85101313 CERTIFICATION I, John S. La.bert, a registered hnd suneyor in the Stlte of Colol"llclo, do 1- hereby certify that the above description was prepared for the City of Wheat Ridlle, 7500 II. 29th Avenue, \IIleat Ridlle, Colorado, 80033, by.. and on behalf of Sellards I Grigg, Inc., 143 Union Blvd., LaklWOOCl, Colorado, . 80228. I further certify that the centerline of the 66 foot wide strip WIS field loclted under ~ direct supervision Ind checking durinll 1984 fro. the use of Plat Book A, Pages 14 and IS, Jefferson County Records. The parcel(s} affected (if any portion) WIS detel'llined fl'Olll a records search perfonaecl It Jefferson County Records. It is frOll the above recited instrlllents thlt their iapict (if any) with the 66 foot wide strip WIS reconcl1ed froa the use of those illstl'lllelltS, tollether with the peri..tll' of said Sections 20 and 21. 110 hlld survey of the indhidual plrcells) were perfonaecl or illtellded to 1Ilply all1 direct or 1l1direct representation to I IIOnlllented Land Surveyor Plat as defined under subsectfons (1 through 5, 7,8 and 9) of Section 38-51-100.3, C.R.S. 1973 (1979 Supp.). IMPORTANT NOTE: The 1 nstr'llllllt recorded fn Plat Book ,It Plge ,Jeffersoll County Records h to be ..de a part of th~1bft A as l1"'"Wr1tten on the face hereof, It fs the fntent of this scrivener thlt this Exhibit A shall take precedence over the instrument recorded in Slid Plat Book ,It Page_ should I conflict arhe. NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legl1 action based upon any defect in this survey within six years after you first discover such defect, In no event, .ay any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. ~~C: Ch~C e y: Ronald C. 4/1/85 ~ Lacy