HomeMy WebLinkAbout0342 RECEPTION NU. 93116273 RECORDED IN COU~T~ OF JEFFERSON 5.00 STATE OF COLORADO 8/03/93 15: 15 Proiect No,: 92-02,04 Location: 6180 W 30th Ave Wheat Ridge, Co PERMANENT EASEMENT . 5~ t KNOW ALL l"iEN BY THESt PRESENT',~, that DINSMORE, LENA Z. whose add,ess is 6180 W, 30t I Avellue, Wheat Ridge, County of Jeffe,son, State of Colo,ado, hEreinatte, called the "Grantor fo, and in conside,ation of j he :.urn ot ON!:; AND NQ/l-CiQ QQI",L,f\R (~J,QQ) and othe, valuable considelation to he, in hand paid by the City of Wheat Ridge, he,einafte, called "City", does he,eby give and giant to said City PERMANENT EASEMENT on, along, ove, and ac,oss the followi ng desc-I ibe,j Pl'ernises to-wi t: I-I ,.A,' tract of lnnd r' .township 3 South, ~ ; M~" r:' ~d i <-~ n '~_ C i t ;I 0"1 ":S~ate of CQlo,3do, cying in the ~W 1/4 of Section 25. Fange (.') Wes~t of the bth Pi i ncipal Wheat Ridge, Count y of Jeffel'son, desclibed as: "n:,~ Nort.h 5 feet of the parcel of land described at Receptlon Number 80097298 of the official records of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, as Lot 2 Bonnie Rae Subdivision. FOI the purpose at Const,uction and maintenance of curb. gutter and s,dewalh. Subject to the fol!uWlng tArms and conditions: NONE, Said tract contain' 412.5 square teet more or less. Also known by str'c'et in,:! numbu!" ciS; !:;,180 \rJ" 30th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 8,103.~ And the Grantor hereby c-<)venafyls with the title to the atolede2cribeJ premises; lawful right to grunt thlS easement, City that she has good that she has good and IN ~ITNESS of [~ WHEREOF, I !lci'le '.._i',.[l., (3et 30 'i~ day Gr a ntol STATE OF COLORADU, ) ! 3S':, ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON The f VI ego 1 ng l~~:l~.:nE..~'~_t,.J. ~ s , ,] c know 1 edsJed bef or e me t his 5/)12> day of "______ _" 1 'i9", by' DINSMORE, LENA Z. My commission e><pilos .02 .1992,. Witness my hand and officlal seal. 1 I II fl~L l 13AccL/- li)Oii f~ni'YTF)lblic 1a11l<'lA,.,nv,lJ .. 't'''l~ WE, I 2.9 t h AVENUE ~~\oa ob6'oW/)Ifii~.l1t~6E, COLORADO, 80215-6797 .~,..d":~"'f",,~1i' .. }- r"l.'" . )"''" ... ," <'. ~ ,-,:...t1/:h:"'.".; ...'" \. \.00 ._.~..... lA.....~" "iJ), -' ..' J;,tt''''Ii~. -'A ....'. .: ,..... ~"'~~ . ~{~~- ". ""'~~ \"'.,; ~~at:.. . 1)1 i ,,~, '. -..; 1..,'::: i \. (., r .i,...~ ..,....~ s: - . ......".,"j..,.. ~!!'..'..;'I' -'~~"",^~~."",\,J' ;;: :I. .. ,..,.,.,'>"",' rw"''G _:;;L ~ ,'.~ 1: '''' \\J t. . ,:' ; ...... ' i : ,., ',"1 f) . '?- .;. 1J.... "'I~'''' s;, , ",., ". '''''''''''','~N' .. .... ..' .. . , ',.-.., ....... ,{' . , '" ~"~,.~rr; . I, " ~, "Ill/Illl " \,~..~V,_-I:d..-:'-J, <- (,