HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1970 ANNUAL BUDGET r< / / \ ! ~ i i T ;. " d: ,r~ T }lJ''?fl '--,7: 'NU'I'lCi':"'~~,,~: :iOTJO:;'~TO PHOPOSED BUOcb:' '1r)ticr. is h~reby ~lVen th~l.a ,pTO~ C.Ur:1\1ct h3S be~n submitted ~o the.. Slty, C"'l["'il of ~hc City of Wht';\t R]l'~gc fot therl\ ~f';~U'];~ :/c;r of 1910, That sllch, prnpos: ('''J~l>1f't will he considered at a re~ul,.r ~ r~l',,('~ing or the CitY' Council of ,the CIty Oflj ;\';~;t Rid?,e to be hdd at t1"'.c Wh,:at~Rldg<>c rlfy Offlc'es at 7390 WCSL3!nh,,^I'~n~9 ':'lb:Jt, RI(iR~...CoJorad~,. on ~t~b~t ~~I.l. . -.:1t 7 :;0 p.li-l, "AllY t;'J;tp.1ycr Wlt1ilrf~u~h City 0< "Jjl-.eat.Ridp-c may at a:1Y time-pnor t~ the ftn~tJdoPtio~ of the budget file _~r. rcglstc~, 1m objections thereto., ,__,-rot;;' :k:~-:. October 7,1%9 Wheat Ridge City C,,';;cil' By Louise F Turner" CIeri, ..,~. -:;"""'--'-f. ::r.;."CTUJ:C!f",Qctobcr f'\1~I1\::;hcd In J n(!, ~\rYaua j . , .\ '!: -I !) 1?f9. , _i ~~ -':~,,,"'...,~.~';q;;.",;~ .J NOTICE RESOLUTION NO 39 Series 011969 WHEREAS, that due to contingencies that could not h::lv~ been reason~bly foreseer. at the time o[ the adoption or the 1970 Budget by the eit\', the 1970 Budget, as adopted, does not accurately forecast the expenditure of money or the receipt of revpnue hv this City WHEREAS, the contingencies ddsirig are a j The City Council had not conlpmplatcd a IIqllor occupational tax at the tax rate as now proposed. b) The iranchise negotiated bv the City Council with the Public Service Company of Colorado will bring in revenue in excess of that originally contemplated. . ~ C j The expected application~ for rezoning of property and hearing of liquor and fermented malt beverage license applications within the City of Wheat !lid~e and the fees to be collected will bring In eXC'ess revenue beyond that originally contemplated. d) The various departments of the City go....ernment require adjustments in their bUd~ets b<lsed on the operating experience of the city go\'ernment during 1969. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 1970 bUdget be amended ., follows. a) That a contingt'ncy fund (accounting code 489) be inCrf'3Sed from $30,000.00 to $87,25000 .nd said increasp of $57,25000 be authorized for expenditure In the differ~nt d('parlment and budget categories as Is Indicated BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED THAT a certificed copy of this Resolution be filed with the State Tax Commission and be published in full one time in the Arvada Citizen as requirrd by law DONE AND RF.SOL VED this 161h rlay of [lecptnhrr A.D 1%9. l)y the Citv Council in teglllilr ses~if)n hy a vote oC 4 to 0 /s/ ,Jack W Bramhle f'residt'nt IS! LOUISE V TURNER, CitvCIf"rtt PtlhJi~h(<d in Thp A!T:J.d<l Cilizi>o. n(T "1,-, l%~ RESOLUTION NO, 6SA (AMENDED) Series of 1970 WIlEREAS, the City 01 Wheat Ridge. Colorado has been awarded $01,092.96 in Ferlera! grants under the Crime Control and Safe Street Acts, subject money generally to be expended between May 1, 1970 and Apri130. 1971 or sooner WHEREAS, this award of money could not rea!lonably have been foreseen at the time of the adoption of the 1970 Budget by the City WHEREAS, an emerRency therefore now exists tcquirin~ the budgeting and appropriation 01 this money to properly fund the operation' of this City's police department. , WHEREAS, the 1970 Budget, as adopted therefore does not arcurately fOf('cast the ~xpenditur(' of money or the receipt of revenue by this Cltv , WHEREAS, the money has now 'been officially awarded to the City NOW, THEREFORE BE IT 'RESOLVED THAT: the t970 Budget 'be amended by the addition 01 ~ contingency appropriation as follows: (al That $54,146.92 (Filly-lour thousand one hundred forty-six dollar~ and ninety-two cents) 01 the $81,092,96 In Federal lunds be added to 1970 Income reeelpts lor pollee department e.pendlture lis authorized by tbe grants, (bl That the CitY's original budget for the pollee department be confirmed and ratilled at $208,206.00 AS previously approved, and this amount be supplemented by $54,146,92 ,Federal Grants 10 1970, (C I The balance 01 the Federal Grants shall be Included In the 1971 Budget of the City BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT A Certilied Copy of this Resolution be filed ..Ith the State Ta. Commi.,lon and be pubtished In lull one lime In the Arvada CIUten Sentlnpl.s required by law, DONE AND RESOLVED IN THt~ AMENDED FORM this 16th day 01 ,Tune, A.D" 1970 by the City Council in reg-ular sf'ssion by a vote of 5 to O. Alb~rl E. Anderson. Mayor ^TTE~T Urtli~e F' Turnrr. 01)' Clerk. PllhJi~hrd in Thl" Ar\'.:l:r1n Citizen PulJlishrd .hlT1(":l5, 1970 R'S30LUTI001 :'10. J" C ~eriC3 or 1969 A RZSOLljTIO~l ADOlYfI~JG A BUDGST ~\ND ESTAJLISH- IL'7G ~\. YiILl. L~VY FOR T1~Z PilllPOSE 07 DK?~I~J1.2Y; T~\X REV=~JUE':; TO T~IE CITY or: 1niEAf RIDGE: GENERAL GO'lP.:l:S:'IT FOR THE EI'I3UnlG YZ.\R 07 1970. H~lEREA3, The City of ~rte3.'!:. Rid~e budget foy th2 fi.3c:~1 7t~::l:: 1970 ha3 been established and hearing held thereon; 3.:-ld w:qEREAS, the o'.ld';et provides for e::-penc.itures for all DU7."I)OSe3 in the "l~OU:lt of $865 ,!l.: 7S; ~nd ~~ma=~s, $236,453 of the total 7e~uire~l sh~ll b~ de~iv9d from ad valorem taxe3, Qnd the balance shall be ~~Tived iro~ cthe~ SO-UrCG3. nO~1J THERE:ORZ, 3E IT R330LVED, that: 1. The City 0f ~rleat Rid3e bud~et fo~ th~ fiscal period b~':{.!l..nTIins J~n'.1...'1!"Y 1, lQ/n,. '1Tld endt7l..3 Dec-ember J~, 1970, :)~ h;:;re~)7 approved and adopted. 2. The levy for General Go"ec!\l71ent he hGrcby established at 5<l'l~6 ni119 and ;)'~5C33~d 2..~ainst all property ~'fithin t.he City or :iheat. Ridge for taxes to be collected in 1970 for the vnlu~tion year 1969. A?PR8VED "\lm :\DO?TED this l!~th cia'! of Octo'Jer. A. D. 196'). lb.yor ATTEST: Ci ty Clerl: a~<.-/ MEMORANDUM TO: All Departments FROM: Treasurer's Office SUBJECT: New Budget Codes In Accordance with the laws of Colorado, new codes have been assigned to the various accounts within the budget. Attached is a copy of the budget with the new codes. Effective February 9, 1970, all financial transactions and references must contain the appropriate code. As you can see, the budget is not organized as it was previously, and in order to maintain complete and accurate records for your department and the City, strict adherence to the new system is necessary. L()~~~ Walt Grande Finance Officer General Fund Acct. No. 410 411 411.1 411.2 411.4 411.41 ( - 411.42) ~ 411. 44 411.45 , -411.~45 ) 412 412.01 412.02 412.021 412.03 412.04 412.05 412.06 413 413.1 413.11 414 415 415.1 415.11 415.12 415.13 415.14 415.15 415.16 415.2 415.21 415.22 415.23 415.3 415.31 415.32 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1970 ANNUAL BUDGET NEW ASSIGNMENT OF ACCOUNT NUMBERS Classification GENERAL GOVERNMENT 190,912 Legislative City Council Legislative Committes & Special Bodies City Clerk Salaries Personnel Supplies Facilities Maintenance Equipment Other Judicial Salaries Personnel Fee Personnel Supplies Facility Maintenance Capital Equipment Other Executive Mayor Official Expense Elections Administration Financial Administration (City Trees.) Salary Personnel Supplies Facility Maintenance Capital Equipment Other Law City Attorney, Retainer Prosecutor Legal Contingency Recording and Reporting Salary Personnel Expenses 34,440 15,000 700 10,800 1,500 5,600 40 750 50 ! 18,860 4,560 800 10 , 250 1,200 50 1,300 700 17,000 15,000 2,000 18,000 66,062 20,592 2,400 ).,685 300 1,760 130 7,800 2,400 4,200 17,895 1,900 Page 2 Acct. No. Classification Expenses 415.33 Supplies 500 415.34 Facility Maintenance 100 415.35 Capital Equipment 2,000 415.36 Other 1,000 415.4 Personnel Administration 415.41 Salary -0- 415.42 Personnel Expense -0- 415.43 Supplies 1,200 415.44 Facility Maintenance -0- 415.45 Capital Equipment 200 415.45 Other -0- 419 Other 36,550 419.1 Planning and Zoning 419.ll Salaries 22,500 419.12 Personnel Expenses 2,500 419.13 Supplies 2,800 419.14 Facility Maintenance 50 419.15 Equipment 1,900 419.15 Other 100 419.4 Ci ty Hall Maintenance 1,500 419.51 Equipment -0- 419.6 Management Contingency 1,000 419.7 Other 4,200 420 PUBLIC SAFETY 229,431 421 Police 208,206 421.1 Police Administration 421.ll Supplies B,OOO 421.12 Contract 189,505 421.13 Other 1,600 421. 5 Support Services (Capital Equip.) 6,000 421.7 Police Stations and Buildings 421.71 Facility Maintenance 3,000 424 Protective Inspection 21,025 424.2 Building Inspection 424.21 Salaries 11,250 424.211 Fee Personnel 2,400 424.22 Personnel Expense 2,500 424.23 Supplies 1,675 424.24 Facilities ,Maintenance 1,350 424.25 Equipment 1,710 424.26 Other 140 429 Other Protection 200 429.1 Civil Defense 200 Page 3 Acct. No. Classification Expenses 430 PUBLIC WORKS 151,954 431 Highways and Streets 151,954 431.1 Administrations 431.11 Salaries 7,800 431.12 Personnel Expense 1,000 431.13 Inventories 18,000 431.14 Supplies 150 431.15 Facilities Maintenance 3,700 431.16 Capital Equipment 25,304 431. 2 Preliminary and Construction Engineering 431. 21 Salaries 28,200 431.22 Personnel Expense 3,000 431.23 Supplies 2,350 431.24 Facili ties Maintenance 1,000 431.25 Equipment 2,100 431.26 Other 50 431. 3 Construction (Signal Lights) 6,000 431.4 Maintenance of Condition -0- 431.5 Snow and Ice Removal -0- 431.6 Traffic Services 431.61 Salaries 7,800 431.62 Personnel Expense 1,000 431.63 Supplies 1,500 431. 64 Facilities Maintenance 2,000 431.65 Capital Equipment 2,800 431.66 Other 50 431.7 Highway Equipment (Shop.) 431. 71 Salaries -0- 431.72 Personnel Expense -0- 431.73 Inventories 2,000 431. 74 Supplies 150 431.75 Facilities Maintenance -0- 431.76 Capital Equipment 1,000 432.3 Street Lighting 30,000 432.5 Storm Sewer and Drainage 5,000 450 CULTURAL-RECREATIONAL 60,000 452 Parks 60,000 452.01 Salaries 12,000 452.02 Personnel Expense 2,000 452.021 Fee Personnel 14,000 452.03 Supplies 9,000 452.04 Facility Maintenance 6,000 452.05 Equipment 4,000 452.06 Other 13,000 ~""';'l Page 4 Acct. No. Classification Expenses 460 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 189,679 461 Streets, New and Rehab. 140,679 462 Signs and Signal 21,000 463 Buildings and Equipment 20 ,000 464 Lands 8,000 465 Building Reserve -0- 500 EXPENDITURE-CLEARING ACCOUNTS 13,500 501 Annual Audit 3,500 503 Insurance and Bonds 4,000 504 Publishing 6,000 510 UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS 87,250 922,726 .- General Fund Acct. No. 310 311 311.1 312 312.1 313 313.1 314 314.1 314.2 319 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1970 ANNUAL BUDGET NEW ACCOUNT NUMBER ASSIGNMENTS Revenue Classification TAXES General Property Tax Real Property Levy Specific Ownership Taxes Auto Ownership Taxes General Sales and Use Taxes Regular Selective Sales and Use Taxes Cigarette Tax Gasoline Tax Penalties and Interest Income 691,653 343,703 343,703 46,900 46,900 190,000 190,000 111,050 72,000 39,050 -0- 320 LICENSES AND PERMITS 160,823 321 Business Licenses and Permits 129,023 321.1 Telephone Franchise 31,500 321.2 Electricity and Gas Franchise 70,000 321.3 liquor (State) 776 321.4 Liquor (Occupational) 5,172 321.5 Cigarette 250 321.6 Commodity 1,200 321.7 Contractor's 19,750 321.8 Solicitors 375 322 Non-Business Licenses and Permits 31,800 322.1 Building Permit 30,000 322.2 Street Cut Permit 525 322.3 Dog & Bike Permit 1,275 330 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 25,800 331 Federal Grants -0- 331.3 Roads and Streets -0- 334 State Grants 25,800 334.31 Roads and Streets -0- 334.32 Additional $1.50 Motor Vehicle Fee 25,800 337 Other Governmental Units -0- 340 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 4,750 341 General Government 1,750 341.1 Court Costs -0- 341. 2 Zoning 1,500 341.3 Liquor Hearings 250 347 Culture-Recreation 3,000 Acct. No. 350 351 360 361 362 Revenue Classification FINES AND FORFEITS Court MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Interest Earnings Other 32,250 7,450 922,726 Page 2 32,250 4,000 3,450 '2:,x 7 A,'-V (' e'/';,y /' ?)' 7 c >3L:/,c.J~' f'~ r-- Page 2 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET General Fund Expenses 1969 1970 Acct. No. Clauificat ion Budget Budget 410 Legislative & Legal 3,400 65,300 411 Municipal Court 1,640 1R,860 413 City Clerk 2,836 18,740 414 iecreation 0 60,000 415 Planning 1,400 29,850 420 City Treasurer 1,995 26,867 430 Administrative Service 600 24,795 440 Public Services 600 131,979 ft'50 Po11ce 17,000 208,206 471-83 Other Administrative 11,979 56,200 489 Contingency 0 30,000 Operational Total 670,"97 490-98 Capital Facilities* 500 194,079 TOTAL BUDGET 41,950 865,416 *An additional $103,480 may be provided by the County aa one half of the County Road and Bridge Levy. The County will also collect about $46,760 1n gasoline taxes during the first half of 1970 ba.ed on City street mileage and vehicle registration. General Fund Acct. No. 310 311 311.1 312 312.1 313 313.1 314 314.1 314.2 319 320 321 321.1 321. 2 321. 3 321. 4 321. 5 321.5 321. 7 321.8 322 322.1 322.2 322.3 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1970 ANNUAL BUDGET NEW ACCOUNT NUMBER ASSIGNMENTS Revenue Classification TAXES General Property Tax Real Property Levy Specific Ownership Taxes Auto Ownership Taxes General Sales and Use Taxes Regular Selective Sales and Use Taxes Cigarette Tax Gasoline Tax Penalties and Interest LICENSES AND PERMITS Business Licenses and Permits Telephone Franchise Electricity and Gas Franchise Liquor (State) Liquor (Occupational) Cigarette Commodity Contractor's Solici tors Non-Business Licenses and Permits Building Permit Street Cut Permit Dog & Bike Permit 591,553 150,823 330 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 25,800 331 Federal Grants 331.3 Roads and Streets 334 State Grants 334.31 Roads and Streets 334.32 Additional $1.50 Motor Vehicle Fee 337 Other Governmental Units 340 341 341.1 341. 2 341. 3 347 CHARGES FOR SERVICES General Government Court Costs Zoning Liquor Hearings Culture-Recreation 4,750 Income 343,703 343,703 45,900 45,900 190,000 190,000 111,050 72,000 39,050 -0- 129,023 31,500 70,000 775 5,172 250 1,200 19,750 375 31,800 30,000 525 1,275 -0- -0- 25,800 -0- 25,800 -0- 1,750 -0- 1,500 250 3,000 Acct. No. 350 351 360 361 362 Revenue Classification FINES AND FORFEITS Court MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Interest Earnings Other 32,250 7,450 922,726 Page 2 32,250 4,000 3,450 C ERr I F I CAT E I, LOUISE f. TURJ;ER, Ci t;, C1cr~{ of the City of viheat Ridge, Colorado, on this 14th day of October, 1969, hereby certify that this is the i'ud,~et for the City of ~heat Ridge for the year ending December 31, 1970, and that this Budget was adopted by Resolution of the City Council of the City of JheaL Ridge follo':Tin~j a public hearing un the l!,t.l day of October, 1969, at a re;ular Qeeting_ ~~_ ;<.kc~~~ ".wG ~-f':= i.'. -i. uK;" ;:z -_.-,,~--~.._--_.- --.-.--..---.- '.J ,.:.. L. J 'J 1.. >...: __ ~. '':;It) or 'JhC'lt Rid...,:::;, :::;ol.-'~:--ldo 'j 7 o'( U , I'Vlr./ .L ;' General Fund Acct. .No. 310 311 312 314 331 332 333 340 3L} 7 390 CITY OF vfrlEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET Revenue Classification Highway Users Taxes Gasoline Tax Special License Fee Property Taxes Real Property Levy Auto O,mership Tax Sales Taxes Regular Cigarette Franchise Taxes Telephone Electric & Gas Liquor Taxes (state) 3usiness Licenses Cigarette Commodity Contractors Solicitors Liquor Permits Building Dog & Bikes Street Cut Fines Interest Other Zoning Liquor Hearings Recreation Other , . Income 1969 Bud~et o o o o o 16,000 9,000 8,500 50 500 o o o 4,900 1,500 o o 1,500 o o o o o 41,950 Page 1 1970 Budget 39,050 25,800 286,453 46,900 190,000 72 ,000 31,500 70,000 776 250 1,200 19,750 375 5,172 30,000 1,275 525 32,250 4,000 1,500 250 3,000 3,450 865,476 ::; :..1. J.~": 'i.l.r_~ "T,.jt i c."" , '-" ''-' It I ,,^ " ~c __:1 O;-1.::;~)1 i;>.e '. il~ <, II I i_ ::~ -; i- .:..., oJ(' ~ u ::' ! i.,_ t ) ~~ 1~ ) Ii ,-,- tlJ--L.. -, ' ii, ~ ..,. ^.., ....._~, nc~ " , i --1 1- ; u i.. :.:1 ~ .....:'~l.:;.._~" ~~.Dr~. 'L) ;F .~ c i J. , ~ f! ~: ': ... u ,t~ ~- ~ -; - J i:'~ _ ~ i )-,1 ~ 1r' ~GUr._. ~ l, i L'-"," :; ': r;~ , r ., '1 n- ~ -~, -;--~ ,_lL ,.;, U:--..'..: j : '-'::> C ~ 110.-: t. :l i; '.... - ; t':-r~(' t -ri' <(~' ' L l. L -;0,7" "t'r"" r~' .-- /,'~ !, l - (\- '~ ..Ii ) , ~, , , ,-,,-,~ '"'f"1 ()....- , , "l -n.... , .., 1 (\ -'" , r-, -l~, '\",- ~r,-, r-, ... '" ~ r) , ('I -~~ (\ ~,.. ,~ ~ C') )1.1- ;.f ,) -('r~ on ~~.,i~1 r .,-,- ~ l ~ " I J.". Page 3 1969-70 Revenue Commentary Annual Budget General Fund City of Wheat Ridge Account 310. The Highway Users Tax is distributed by the state based upon a formula which takes into account street mileage and the number of registered vehicles. Jefferson County will receive this money through Fiscal Year 1970 (June 1970) based on providing the state with county mileage and vehicle registrations in May 1969. At that time, Wheat Ridge was unincorporated. Since this money will be received based upon vfueat Ridge data a prorata share should be spent on Wheat Ridge streets, but this figure is not included in this b~dget. Jim Lee, Plans and Research Division, Division of Highways, State Highway Department, says Wheat Ridge will get the money in Fiscal Year 1971 (July 1970 and after) if data on mileage and vehicle registration is provided. He will compute this mileage for us if we provide him two maps. vie will need to ask the county to provide full year 1969 vehicle registration in the city of Wheat Ridge. If the county lacks personnel to get accurate registration data, the City of Wheat Ridge will need to make the count from public records. Special License Fee data is based on an estimated 18,000 vehicles. Not included as income, but projected as expenditure is a possible $103,480, which is the yfueat Ridge portion of the Jefferson County Road and Birdge Fund if county levy remains at 3.83 mills and if the county continues to make half of the money collected in Wheat Ridge available for Wheat Ridge streets and bridges. Account 311. Property tax estimate is based on 5.46 (five and forty six one hundredths mills) on an assessed valuation of $55,'225, 220 and 95% collection. Auto property tax estimate is based on 18,000 vehicles. Account 312. Sales tax revenue is based on the assumption that voters will pass the sales tax at the November 4 election with collection starting in July 1970. The two cent per pack cigarette tax was passed in 1969. Account 314. The Telephone 1969, and a franchise agreement finalization in October. Occupational Tax was effective August 20, on gas and electric service was near Account 331. This account Liquor license collections. r~;='sents 15% city retention of State Account 332. Estimated license income is based on the assumption council will pass required ordin~nces prior to start of the calendar year. Account 333. Estimated revenue is based on the assumption council will pass required ordinances prior to start of the calendar year. Page 3a Account 340. Fines are based on the assumption the city will be able to implement its plans for the city law enforcement and a municipal court. Account 347. Normal city experience on interest income is assumed. Account 390. Required legislation prior to January 1970 is assumed. Also assumed is city assumption of recreational responsibilities of Wheat Ridge Youth Council on a cooperative basis. If one mill Recreation Districts are continued for one year, they may budget for this activity. CITY OF WIEAT RID:;E A;"~;:~UAL BUDGES Gei1eral Fund Legislative and. Legal 1969 I\.cct. ~To. Classification 3udget 410.00 410.02 '10.02 'lO.l'l '!In.30 410. '31 t.lO.32 Fees, Elected Officials Hflyor Councilmen o () " 1,500 500 o r: . I()r') , , Of~ici11 Expense City ~ttorney, Retainer Prosecutor Leg. Contin(.~cn.cy L-:'ecs utlL jvs.:...ds R.e~~. and Elect ')t1tG-r , -1 - r- ("I ,,) -'..,) ',,' t10.f)O 11') on ='()1-'~I.L DUD:.JEl -3-'~2 n n .. , L .cu ~~ _: : Je~)cJ-lpti~n: r~a6e I. ,lccount No. (fIO 1970 .Uudget: ;1 15,000 15,000 2,000 7,800 2,400 !~, 200 700. J_'J,onc ,)'lr: :;r:; 11n , .... tL~V_ i...d-': LiUy'...JJ... .i..i.lG. 'J:,)..J.ii.l..i..,- \,..;.!Lli2.l L'~-.2 t.;L-,.lc..Udl. ')l-'l ._o;cr.. ..)~ ~~;'rL.tn:~~ei.lt. nave electcc1 to handle C1.:.<' mar12j'3fnGnt c~th':,-ut ,] cit/ JJ1rninis-'-':~:-'ito~-, !:l'eflHel1t ',-leetiIl.~~S lTC' e~~T)2cted t i.i.-.')U-~Il 1 Q"'t] ]'3Y ~dopter1 -i.s ,:')~ :)('1.: I:1e~tln- lor council--lI:,n :)1,J~ T~_'~h :::'IY\.nl~t,~:~_-,=: 1..;'2~,-f:..::~ ......:~:; ~)u.l,..,...::1.... '-u '(1-':::;, i\)i) pt~1- )C'l~: -01- :.:uunciJ l,;/,5('() pel' councilm::uJ rcC',o:Ldlc5J o~ t1-,c. nUrr"lber or curation =:,[ ::1~-.:tlnbs. (lnT} "7 full tiwe pcr~;Dn[lcl 'lre scheduled t" 110 1 i~4C-1 ~l'.1S eGG.': J~~,L t:~::-:O'.-'..",-.c:... :.~jC e t ~ ;~6 lll.; .[.111 0usiness fllceLing of Council as called bv the Mayor. Page 5 CITY OF HHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET General Fund Hunicipal Court Account No. 411 1969 1970 Acct. No. Classification Budget Budget 411.00 Salaries 1,000 4,560 411.10 Personnel Expenses 140 800 411.30 Fee Personnel 500 10,250 411.40 Supplies 0 1,200 411.70 Facility Maintenance 0 50 411.80 Capital Equipment 0 1,300 411.90 Other 0 -800 TOTAL BUDGET 1,640 18,960 Program Description 1970 Personnel costs include Judge at $600 fee basis, other fee personnel he requires and a court clerk. The city is adopting the model traffic ordinance and Golden's general offense ordinances and expects to have contract police capability thru 1970. CITY OF HHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET General Fund City Clerk Acct. No. Classification 413 .00 413.10 413.40 413.70 413.80 413.90 Salaries Personnel Expenses Supplies Facility Maintenance Equipment Other TOTAL BUDGET Page 6 Account No. 413 1969 1970 Budget Budget 2,650 10,800 186 1,500 0 5,600 0 40 0 750 0 50 2,836 18,740 City Clerk's salary has been set at $500 per month and her deputy at $400 per month. ~eneral Fund Acct. :'10. 1+14.00 (,14.10 ',1.4."0 (L., .30 L~lJ+. 70 .~} ll~. 80 '~1~~.('I'1 ell"'...' OJ? HlIEl\.r RIDGE AN:'~U..\L 0uDC:T 2ecl.~c3.tion 1? a,;; c _:..ccount No. !~.JJ~ Classification 1969 Budget :L;l."ovidcs t-,.;() full-tine pD.:;.-k perSOll.l'l81_ ~l[ '~)5(\ ~nd ,)! SC' ~;';l. nU:Jc~_" :1\.1.: fc::: ~>~.l.. ~v,nn.c ~_ [V.L CU;,.iJi..::l.. i?<..iJ... L "art and .reel's.,].,- ion ~CC:..~2 -.tl~)~L p_co?~:<...;.n c;-:pC:L:ldit.1Jce is sel ~t $!" 775. ;,.ccount J"'; .:! fun0<; r-,-:-. ' , ; Salaries Personnel E~~enses o o ~ , . ,Jupp.l-1.es Fee Personnel Facility Haintenance T' . . +- "'lu~pmen_ I) () o " J ('tIler (' l'CT~i..L 8 '~lt'J=_ 1(; '':;L: :::'l..J i: _~ IS'J,"-Ll 1.;....;w.CL.:i 1-> :ul..1u..l. 1970 Budget 12,000 2,000 g,nOO 11+,000 6,000 /t,noo 13,000 60,01f! ;-j.f...;i-~L .J. pl~L:: T ~'CJ{~.... '~il.lS. ,. ~', Qfl ,v. -/. ~V CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET General Fund Planning Acct. No. Classification 1969 Budget 415.00 415.10 415.40 415.70 415.80 415.90 1,300 100 o o o o 1,400 Salaries Personnel Expenses Supplies Facility Maintenance Equipment Other TOTAL BUDGET Page 8 Account No. 415 1970 Budget 22,500 2,500 2,800 . 50 1,900 100 29,850 Planning staff will include a director with salary up to $l,OOO per month, a planner at $700 and a planning technician the last half of the year at $525 per month. Page 9 CITY OF \-mEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET General Fund City Treasure" Account Nos. 420-21-22 1969 1970 Acct. No. Classification Budget Budget City Treasurer 420.00 Salary 150 3,600 420.10 Personnel Expenses 0 500 420.40 Supplies 0 275 420.70 Facility Naintenance 0 50 420.80 Capital Equipment 0 600 420.90 Other 0 30 TOTAL 150 5,055 Finance 421.00 Salary 500 14,592 421.10 Personnel Expenses 0 1,500 421.40 Supplies 0 900 421.70 Facility llaintenance 0 200 421.80 Capital Equipment 0 780 421. 90 Other 0 50 TOTAL 500 18,022 Purchasing 422.00 Salary 1,200 2,400 422.10 Personnel Expenses 145 400 422.40 Supplies 0 510 422.70 Facility Maintenance 0 50 422.80 Captial Equipment 0 380 422.90 Other 0 50 TOTAL 1,345 3,790 The finance and purchasing functions are under the supervision of the elected city treasurer whose salary is set at $300 per month. He will supervise a combination purchasing-finance officer, a bookkeeper and a finance clerk, the latte~ to be hired in July. Salary of the finance officer-purchasing agent is set at $750 per month. A part-time bookkeeper will be hired in 1969. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET Page 10 General Fund Administrative Services Account Nos. 430-431 Acct. No. Classification 1969 Budget 430 Administrative Services Salary Personnel Expense Supplies Facility Maintenance Capital Equipment Other o o 600 o o o 600 431 Personnel Salary Personnel Expense Supplies Facility Maintenance Capital Equipment Other o o o o o o o -- 1970 Bud~et 17,895 1,900 500 100 2,000 1,000 23,395 o o 1,200 o 200 o 1,400 Administrative Services Director will perform the publication and administrative services functions in support of the Mayor and staff and the personnel function. Salary includes $1,375 deferred for 1969 services (2~ months at $550). Staff available to the Director, 11ayor, and Council includes a secretary and a clerk-receptionist. elI'Y OL;" !~,-nl;:::_\.I RIl):;~ ,-.lNFUAL BUD'JEr General Fund Public Service Hccl. 1.':0. Classification 4l,0 Public Services Engineering Salaries Person~el E~pense Supplies Facilities ~laintenance E~.uip!i1ent 1,41. 00 1+!fL 10 !+'~ l. 6,0 !}LI-I.70 1,( 1. 80 ff,'" or: , t''-2;" :'(rL,L Juildin,; Inspectic.il ,..., I;; ,~c, 1 ::.!:' 3 '-, f+ '1. ;11 Fcc PC):3onn,cl !,' ') ""! f'\ ~-,~;.. ]..;..1LH;:]_ =_....tJi2i.i.u ~ ",..... 1,0 r._. .J J"pplies , ,.., ;""\ .,'^:::-: li ti'2S -:.:;":1::'::':.: LiC(; , / 1 01\ ;~ ,..1:' ~)7.; ~"" t . '':'' on '-. J~' Ljl~-le~: 'l'nL ...L .L....--i...:...L....1..,. !~43. on !+!-r 1.1 ('. Md.',O Salaries Perqr)nn~] ~xnpnsp Supplies L'acilities ;..faintcD:laCe Capital Equipnent otllQr -+1;.3.70 L~!~3 .. SO ""'I ()Il . - ~J. ..iU ~OTaL ,:!Jf. ClO Street .3al-'1ries Personnel E::pense Inventories Supplies Facilities Haintenance Capital Equipment TOTAL , , ".1 J 44lf.20 !",L .lfO 4l,l,.70 44l,.80 1969 : -----r; " ",\r. \)_i:' o ~ \.}I_"--, () -0 n ,,. o o o o o o Ita~e ~...L ;iccount i~os.. 440-445 1970 o o o o n 28,200 3,00:J 2,35n 1,000 2,10C -~ ; , 36,7();) ...., '1 :-:- ~ (, ~...., - .-, ,:.r..'"'I -, > :2,snC) 1., :, 7~ ~ ..,....- J--..J " , , J.!~ C, ~-"":~ __:..:..,:I.::...J o 7,GOO 1 n(V' > , .t,500 r") nil!) "-,.....1'-- 2,800 50 1.5,150 n n o n " ....., 0nn_ I,U'-I'-- 1,000 18,000 150 3,700 25,304 55, gS!+ Page 11a 445.00 445.10 445.20 445.40 445.70 445.80 Shop Salaries Personnel Expense Inventories Supplies Facilities Maintenance Capital Equipment TOTAL o o o o o o )" o o 2,000 150 o 1,000 3,150 The City Engineer will also head the Public Services Department when hired in July. In the interim and on a trial basis all functions may be assigned to the Director of Plans for supervision with possible ultimate adoption of this functional arrangement on a permanent basis. A total of 9 personnel are provided with five to be hired in July. The staff includes the City Engineer, a Jr. Engineer, 2 clerical, one full-time building inspector supported by fee personnel, a traffic technician, a draftsman and two maintenance personnel for street work. Except for street patching, salting, sanding and other routine work, contracting is contemplated for streets. Page 12 CITY OF \'IHEAT RIDGE Al<'NUAL BUDGET General Fund Police Acct. Nos. 450-52 Accto No. Classification 1969 Budget 1970 Budqet 450 Police Auxiliary Services Available for County Patrol Supplies Contract Facility Haintenancc Capital Equipment Other 1,000 8,90(, 310 4,000 2,784 17,000 8,?~0 l89,(il'U6 3,000 6,000 1,600 208,206 451.40 451050 451. 70 451.80 451. 90 452 Detective Available for County A pending contract with the county provides two patrol cars with five men each in January and February, three March through June, and five July through December in addition to one patrol car 24 hours per day provided from the county general fund. In addition, the county and city will share in the salary of a lieutenant. Page 13 CITY OF HHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET General Fund Other Administrative Account NOli. 470-483 1969 1970 Acct. No. Classification Budget Budget 471 City Hall Naintenance 0 1,500 472 Legal Publication and Adv. 1,000 6,000 473 Independent Audits 0 3,500 475 Street, Signal Lights 8,967 36,000 476 Insurance & 30nds 1,160 4,000 478 Equipment 750 0 480 Civil Defense 0 200 481 Other 0 4,000 483 Management Contingency 102 1,000 11,979 56,200 489 Contingency Fund 0 30,000 Program Description Budget for Street and Signal lights includes up to $6,000 for signal lights and balance for 628 street lights. CITY OF \.L-IEli": RID~;E \:;~~UAL nUDGET :;ener:J.l :?und Capital Facilities Acct. No. Classification 490 {,93 494 Street, Ne,y & Rehabilitation Signs and Signal Buildings and Equipment Storm, ~e.ler, Drain~ge Lands Building Reserve TOTAL ~~ 96 '+97 198 J?a;';E:; It:" .::~ccount Hos. ~.90-{r93 1969 1970 o o 500 o o $140,679 21,000 20,000 5,000 8,000 o $19l',679 ^ u SOG i'he Count'/' is e;:pected to collect 'S~t6,7f)n in tJ'V2: .f7irst: hG.lf 0: ~q7.'1 J..u 11,:i -Lj vS~.:.. ~6J':-;01.Lric;~ i J~'~C8 ~dSt...:J Uil T,llled,t. Ridge st reets and ve.licle l.C,3-tstraLion :lnd it 1s c1SSUI:led trlis ,\-7ill be r.~xpcnded on :lheat ,~tid~~c SLI-C8tS. If the County shares llo.lf or its current ronds and bridge mi 1.1 levy ~"ith the City and Lhe nill levy is not changed, an added $103,480 for streets and 'uriuges viill accrue to dneat Ridge. fligh~.13.Y expenditures conld be: EnSinecring Division Traffic Division 3t~ects Divistl)n Shop Division Street, Neu & Rehab. :"'<. - ..,....._. "'! JlcJt 8flU u].,:sn<:l.i.. Storm Drain,2ge First :lalf Gasoline '2 County Levy $ 36,700 1'),1 sn SS,QS4 3,150 140,679 J' ;'n'--~ '_l.,uu\. 5,000 46,760 103,4.80 ${.27,873 The pro-rata share of 1969 county road funds for \fueat Ridge Has: Construction Equipment, Maintenance, Operation Capital Outlay Administratior. Engineering, Traffic Control $236,308 46,816 34,532 25,200 60,5i6 $403,{:.32 AUDITORS' REPORT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO DECEMBER S1, 1970 ALEXANDER GRANT & COMPANY DENVER AUDITORS' REPORT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO December 31, 1970 CON TEN T S Page AUDITORS' REPORT 3 GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5 6 7 8 9 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REVENUE - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS 11 13 STREET SYSTEMS FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE NOTE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 19 20 21 22 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS NOTE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 24 25 26 POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE NOTE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 28 29 30 31 ALEXANDER GNA-r\T & CO='IPA-r\Y CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS IZOO LINCOLN STREET DENVER,COLORADO 80203 The Honorable Albert E. Anderson, Mayor Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado We have examined the balance sheets of the various funds and the statement of general fixed assets of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado as of December 31, 1970, and the related statements of revenue, expenditures, changes in fund balances and changes in general fixed assets for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with gen- erally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the various funds and balanced account groups of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado at December 31, 1970, and the results of their op- erations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted aceounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year, Our examination was made primarily for the purpose of formulating the opinion stated in the preceding paragraph. The supplemental statements included in this report (shown on pages 11 through 17) although not considered necessary for a fair presentation of financial position and results of operations are presented as supplementary information and have been subjected to the audit procedures applied in the examination of the basic financial statements. In our opinion, the supplemental statements are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. ~#(AJ4Jv &nl;;t Denver, Colorado February 23, 1971 3 GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1970 ASSETS Cash, including $100,000 certificate of deposit Accounts receivable State government - police grant County government - property taxes Interest on savings accounts Prepaid expenses LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Liabili ties Accounts payable Trade accounts Payroll taxes withheld Other Accrued payroll taxes Total liabilities Reserve for encumbrances Fund balance $ 10,090 1,490 403 $ 209,712 11,983 6,362 $ 228,057 $ 11,816 8,816 887 $ 21,519 4,030 25,549 64,339 138,169 $ 228,057 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 5 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL Year ended December 31, 1970 Actual over Estimated Actual (under) revenue revenue estimated Taxes $ 754,103 $ 715,138 $(38,965) Licenses and permits 58,547 63,957 5,410 Intergovernmental revenue 119,773 153,382 33,609 Charges for services 4,750 5,271 521 Fines and forfeits 32,250 18,799 (13,451) Miscellaneous revenue 7,450 7,124 (326) $ 976,873 $ 963,671 $(13,202) The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 6 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS Year ended December 31, 1970 Appropriations revised Unencumbered (note A) Expenditures Encumbrances balance General gov- ernment $ 217,985 $ 195,444 $ 942 $ 21,599 Public safety 302,868 280,104 11 ,233 11,531 Public works 343,216 218,617 45,040 79,559 Culture - recreation 62,834 53,078 7,124 2,632 $ 926,903 $ 747,243 $ 64,339 $ 115,321 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 7 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year ended December 31, 1970 Fund balance (deficit) at January 1, 1970 $ (13,920) Add Excess of revenue over expenditures Revenues Expenditures $ 963,671 747,243 216,428 202,508 Deduct Reserve for encumbrances at December 31, 1970 64,339 $ 138,169 Fund balance at December 31, 1970 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 8 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1970 NOTE A - APPROPRIATIONS Budgeted and estimated amounts included in the accompanying financial statements are based on the budget as finally re- vised by the City Council. Original and revised budgets were adopted during the year as follows: Revenue Expenditures Original budget - Ordinance No. 16, Series of 1969 $ 922,726 $ 922,726 Revision - Resolution No. 69, Series of 1970 54, 14 7 54,147 $ 976,873 $ 976,873 In addition to the revision detailed above, the City Council, by resolution, enacted various revisions within expenditure categories. Additional revisions, by expenditure category, were also made to conform to budget classifications prescribed by the Uniform Classification of Accounts - Cities and Towns. The revised budgets adopted by City Council provided $926,903 for expenditures for general city operations and $49,970 for unappropriated surplus, for a total budget of $976,873. NOTE B - EXPENDITURE CLEARING ACCOUNTS Pursuant to the Uniform Classification of Accounts - Cities and Towns, the following information is provided: Account Number Description Total expenditure 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 Annual audit Data processing Insurance and bonds Publishing Retirement and pension contributions Workmen's compensation Unemployment compensation $ 3,370 8,947 4,643 5,147 4,556 9 GENERAL FUND SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 10 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund RE VE NUE - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL Year ended December 31, 1970 Actual over Estimated Actual (under) revenue revenue estimated Taxes General property taxes $ 343,703 $ 297,536 $ (46,167) Auto license fees 46,900 25,610 (21,290) Sales and use taxes 190,000 143,329 (46,671) Cigarette taxes 72,000 87,459 15,459 Franchise taxes 101,500 161,204 59,704 $ 754,103 $ 715 ,138 $ (38,965) Licenses and permi ts Business licenses $ 26,747 $ 35,221 $ 8,474 Building permits 30,000 25,483 (4,517) Street cut permits 525 3,210 2,685 Dog and bike permits 1,275 43 0,232) $ 58,547 $ 63,957 $ 5,410 Intergovernmental revenue Highway users tax $ 39,050 $ 55,749 $ 16,699 Motor vehicle registration fees 25,800 33,128 7,328 State and federal grants to police department 54,147 63,560 9,413 State liquor license 776 945 169 $ 119,773 $ 153,382 $ 33,609 Charges for services Zoning charges $ 1,500 $ 4,288 $ 2,788 Liquor hearing charges 250 700 450 Unclassified 3,000 283 (2,717) $ 4,750 $ 5,271 $ 521 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 11 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund REVENUE - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL (CONTINUED) Year ended December 31, 1970 Actual over Estimated Actual (under) revenue revenue estimated Fines and forfeits Fines $ 32,250 $ 18,799 $ (13,451) Miscellaneous revenue Investment earnings $ 4,000 $ 5,912 $ 1,912 Unclassified 3,450 1,212 (2,238) $ 7,450 $ 7,124 $ (326) The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 12 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS Year ended December 31, 1970 Appropriations revised Unencumberec (note A) Expenditures Encumbrances balance General government Legis la ti ve City council $ 15,606 $ 13,145 $ $ 2,461 Legislative committees 700 196 504 Publishing 6,000 4,643 1,357 $ 22,306 $ 17,984 $ $ 4,322 Judicial Salaries $ 5,210 $ 5,192 $ $ 18 Personnel expense 800 476 324 Fee personnel 9,600 8,028 1,572 Supplies 1,200 1,199 1 Facility maintenance 2,218 2,016 202 Capital equipment 1,500 1,368 132 Unclassified 801 546 255 $ 21,329 $ 18,825 $ $ 2,504 Executive Mayor $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ $ OffIcial expensp 10,773 10,563 210 Contingency 7,000 6,857 143 $ 32,773 $ 32,420 $ $ 353 Elections Election expense $ 12,000 $ 10,426 $ $ 1,574 Administrative Financial administration Salary $ 19,592 $ 18,994 $ $ 598 Personnel expense 2,400 1,533 867 Supplies 1,685 1,684 1 Facility maintenance 972 745 227 Capital equipment 1,760 1,760 Unclass if ied 2,314 1,252 17 1,045 28,723 25,968 17 2,738 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement 13 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS (CONTINUED) Year ended December 31, 1970 Appropria tions revised UnencumberE (note A) Expenditures Encumbrances balanCE General government (continued) Administrative (continued) Law City attorney $ 7,800 $ 7,800 $ $ Prosecutor 3,400 3,400 Legal contingency 4,200 4,192 8 15,400 15,392 8 Recording and reporting Salaries 10,800 10,629 171 Personnel expense 1,500 544 956 Supplies 5,000 1,733 121 3,146 Facility maintenance 1,099 824 275 Capital equipment 1,050 740 310 Unclassified 573 389 184 20,022 14,859 121 5,042 Administrative services Salaries 16,500 14,604 1,896 Personnel expense 1,200 989 211 Supplies 4,545 3,563 982 Facility maintenance 400 211 189 Capital equipment 1,400 1,247 153 Unclassified 1,273 728 545 25,318 21,342 3,976 $ 89,463 $ 77,561 $ 138 $ 11,764 Other Planning and zoning Salaries $ 22,705 $ 22,699 $ $ 6 Personnel expense 1,800 1,723 77 Supplies 3,500 3,255 236 9 Facility maintenance 1,617 1,363 254 Capital equipment 2,750 1,979 506 265 Unclassified 1,542 1,273 269 33,914 32,292 742 880 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 14 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS (CONTINUED) Year ended December 31, 1970 Appropria tions revised UnencumberE (note A) Expendi tures Encumbrances balance General government (continued) Other (continued) General government building and plant City Hall maintenance $ 4,500 $ 4,405 $ 62 $ 33 Unc lass if ied 1,700 1,531 169 6,200 5,936 62 202 $ 40 ,114 $ 38,228 $ 804 $ 1,082 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 217,985 $ 195,444 $ 942 $ 21,599 Public safety Police Salaries $ 153,000 $ 151,791 $ $ 1,209 Personnel expense 14 , 500 14,112 388 Su pp lies 16,000 15,590 140 270 Training 1,000 1,378 (378) Facility improvements 2,600 2,519 81 Facility maintenance 2,514 2,463 51 Capital equipment 68,270 54,828 11 ,069 2,373 Equipment maintenance 8,726 8,384 24 318 Unclassified 8,304 ~05l 3,247 ~- $ 274,914 $ 256,122 $ 11 , 233 $ 7,559 Protective inspection Salaries $ 18,787 $ 17 , 032 $ $ 1,755 Fee personnel 1,351 1,351 Personnel expense 2,000 1,999 1 Su pp lies 1,675 1,449 226 Facility maintenance 1,568 729 839 Capital equipment 1,710 933 777 Unclassif ied 663 489 174 $ 27,754 $ 23,982 $ $ 3,772 Other protection Ci vil Defense $ 200 $ $ $ 200 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $ 302,868 $ 280,104 $ 11,233 $ 11 ,531 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 15 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS (CONTINUED) Year ended December 31, 1970 Appropria t ions revised (note A) Expenditures Encumbrances Unencumbered balance Public works Highways and streets Preliminary and construction engineering Salaries $ 31,200 $ 27,061 $ $ 4,139 Personnel expense 6,000 2,348 3,652 Supplies 2,350 2,325 25 Facility maintenance 10 ,623 9,882 741 Capital equipment 36,407 12,011 15,985 8,411 Unclassified 673 434 239 87,253 54,061 15,985 17,207 Construction Signal lights 27,348 17,247 2,387 7,714 Maintenance of condition Salaries 27,000 25,213 1,787 Personnel expense 5,400 2,298 3,102 Supplies 51,688 41,630 998 9,060 Facility maintenance 2,850 692 2,158 Capital equipment 53,425 9,493 22,060 21,872 140,363 79,326 23,058 37,979 Traffic services Salaries 7,800 5,406 2,394 Personnel expense 600 391 209 Supplies 1,500 1,116 384 Facility maintenance 10,402 6,483 2,485 1,434 Capital equipment 8,820 5,095 3,725 Unclassified 656 400 256 29,778 18,891 2,485 8,402 Highway equipment maintenance Salaries 4,908 3,520 1,388 Personnel expense 400 389 11 Supplies 2,650 1,896 754 Facility maintenance 12,902 11,526 1,376 Capital equipment 4,600 2,732 1,125 743 Unclassified 514 357 157 25,974 20,420 1,125 4,429 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement, 16 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS (CONTINUED) Year ended December 31, 1970 Appropria tions revised Unencumbered (note A) Expenditures Encumbrances balance Public works (continued) Highways and steeets (continued) Street lighting $ 27,500 $ 23,679 $ - $ 3,821 storm sewer and drainage 5,000 4,993 7 - - TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $ 343,216 $ 218,617 $ 45,040 $ 79,559 Culture - recrea tion Parks Salaries $ 24,300 $ 23,330 $ $ 970 Supplies 1,050 700 350 Maintenance 13,075 10,585 2,449 41 ut ili ties 7,800 7,626 174 Capital equipment 15,170 9,799 4,675 696 Unclassified 1,439 1,038 401 - - TOTAL CULTURE - RECREATION $ 62 , 834 $ 53,078 $ 7,124 $ 2,632 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 17 STREET SYSTEMS FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 18 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Street Systems Fund BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1970 ASSETS Accounts receivable - Jefferson County, Colorado LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Liabili ties Reserve for encumbrances Fund balance The accompanying note is an integral part of this statement. 19 $ 8,149 $ 8,149 $ 8,149 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado street Systems Fund STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES Year ended December 31, 1970 Revenue City's share of Jefferson County Road and Bridge Fund revenue $ 106,332 Expenditures Capital equipment storm sewer and drainage Supplies $ 48,671 45,110 4,402 98,183 EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES $ 8,149 The accompanying note is an integral part of this statement. 20 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Street Systems Fund STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year ended December 31, 1970 Fund balance at January 1, 1970 Excess of revenue over expenditures for the year Fund balance at December 31, 1970 The accompanying note is an integral part of this statement. 21 $ 8,149 $ 8,149 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Street Systems Fund NOTE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1970 STREET SYSTEMS FUND The Street Systems Fund was established by the City to provide for an accounting of those monies received from Jefferson County, Colorado for the City's share of the County Road and Bridge Fund revenue. Since this revenue was not anticipated by City Council at the time of adoption of Ordinance No. 16, Series of 1969, providing for appropriations, it was not included for budget purposes. 22 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 23 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS December 31, 1970 General fixed assets (note) Land Equipment Highways and Streets $ 49,870 174,098 6,642,693 $ 6,866,661 Investment in general fixed assets General Fund revenues Contributions $ 204,098 6,662,563 $ 6,866,661 The accompanying note is an integral part of this statement. 24 city of Wheat Ridge, Colorado STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS - BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY Year ended December 31, 1970 General fixed assets at January 1, 1970 $ 5,935 Addi tions Contributions (note) Highways and Streets $ 6,642,693 Parks 19,870 6,662,563 General Fund revenues General government 19,060 Public safety 67,209 Public works 108,687 Culture - recreation 3,207 198,163 6,860,726 General fixed assets at December 31, 1970 $ 6,866,661 The accompanying note is an integral part of this statement. 25 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fixed Assets NOTE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1970 FIXED ASSET ADDITIONS Prior to the incorporation of the City, all highways and streets within the present boundries of the City were maintained by Jefferson County. During 1970, the County relinquished its responsibilities for the maintenance and preservation of this property to the City. This transfer has been recognized within the general fixed assets by recording the estimated fair market value of these pro- perties at the date of transfer. All other assets ac- quired by the City have been recorded at the original cost to the City with the exception of park lands donated to the City by land developers. These properties were re- corded at their estimated fair market value when received. 26 POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 27 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Policemen's Pension Fund BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1970 ASSETS Cash - savings account LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Liabili ties Reserves Fund balance The accompanying note is an integral part of this statement. 28 $ 10,386 $ 10,386 $ 10,386 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Policemen's Pension Fund STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES Year ended December 31, 1970 Revenue Contributions City Employees Interest Expenditures EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES $ 5,147 5,147 The accompanying note is an integral part of this statement. 29 $ 10,294 92 10,386 $ 10,386 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Policemen's Pension Fund STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year ended December 31, 1970 Fund balance at January 1, 1970 Excess of revenue over expenditures for the year Fund balance at December 31, 1970 The accompanying note is an integral part of this statement. 30 $ 10,386 $ 10,386 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Policemen's Pension Fund NOTE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1970 ESTABLISHMENT OF POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND On July 2, 1970, the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, adopted Ordinance No. 49, Series of 1970, which provided for the establishment of a Policemen's Pension Fund for the employees of the police department. This fund is to be operated in accordance with Chapter 139-49-1 to 139-49-24 of the revised statutes of the State of Colorado. The City's contribution, on a monthly basis, shall not exceed five per- cent (5%) of the monthly salaries of the total police depart- ment of the City. In turn, the policemen are required to make contributions sufficient to match those of the City. 31