HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance-1998-1133 RECEPTION NO. F0726816 11.00 052 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO - PG: 0001-002 11/02/1998 14:36:19 INTRODl'CED BY COUNC'lL MEMBER Si 1 pr Council Bill No. 33 Ordinancc No. 1133 Series of 1998 t.9 \\f1J TITLE: A:\I ORDINAl\'CE PRO\ IDING FOR THE ~PPRO\ AI. OF REZONING FROM RESIDENTIAL-TVvO (R-2) TO RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL-ONE (RC-I) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6410 WEST 44111 A VENll E, (WZ-98-I4), CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF .JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. 1..-' :}...- BE IT ORD~INED RY Tm CITY CUI 'J\C1L OJ- II [I eITl (J1 \\ 1[1 \ I !ZJl)(,t. (O[ ()R\I)(). 111,\1 Scction I. I I plln appllCatllln h:- MarCIe I-.mll:- for appru\ aluf a re/unl11g 111 Wheat RIdge. (,d(lI"~ldu (else '\u \\ /-')X-I-l and hased un recull1mendatwn tlll" apprU\al froll1 the Wheat Ridge Pbnl11ng ('<"l1ll1l\SWn and pursuant tu tlndlllgs made based on testlll1UI1\ and c\'ldcnu' prescnted at puhllc hcarIng hcfure the Wheat RIdge CIty luuncIi. Whcat Rldgc .ll1aps arc hcreh\ all1cndcd tll c\.cludc R-::' zunc llIstrIcl. and to l11c1ude 111 the RC-I the fdluwlI1g dt'scrIhed land [ lit I. Keith '>uhdl\ ISlun. Clly of \\'heat Ridge. (l)Unt:- of Jefferson. Statc uf luloradu Scction 2. Conditions of Approval: i\lIuses 111 RestrIded-CummerClal One zont' llIstrIct shall be allowed \\Ith the C\.Lcptlon of preschuuls. day care nurseries. and lharter slhuu[, Scdion 3. \ cstcd PrOllcrtv Ri!!:hts. Appruval uf thIS reZUl11ng dues nllt crt'ate a \ ested prupert:- right \ e,>ted pr"pert:- rights may onl:- arise and accrue pursuant tu the pnl\'ISIUns "I' Seltllln ::'()(c)ul \ppendl\. \ and thc Cudc ofLms orthe CIty "I' \\ht'at Rldgc Scction 4, Safch CIaus~ The Clt:- Cuuncd herch\ finds determll1es. and declares that thl\ llrdlllance 1\ proll1ulgated under the general pulIcc power urtlIe Clt\ l,r Wheat Ridge that It I'> pn"l1ulgated 1m the health. sarety. and \vclfarc ot thc public and that thIS urdlllanll' IS necessar:- Il,,' thl' prescnatwn ufhealth and sakt:- and for the proteLllon uf puhlIc lonvcnlc'nee and \vl'ltme [,hc Clt\ ('"uncr! further determllles that the urdl11anee bear\ a ratlUnal reLltlUn tu the pruper Icglslatl\'c uhlect sought tu be alt~lIned. Scdion 5, SCHTahilit). Iran:- clause. sentenct'. paragraph.llr part ufth" LOl11ng CUlk "I' the applIlal111n there"!'t,, an:- person ur lIrcumstances shall Ii.) I' an:- reasun be adJusted b\ a cuul't ,1/ Lllll1pctent JUrIsdlltlon 111\ alIlL sULh 1udgment shall nut allcLt ~lpplIcatlUn tu uther pL'rSlln\ ur 1I rl UIl1 sl~lIlll'\ RECEPTION NO. F0726816 _ "('('(lOll (I. 1.,1I1HT~l'~~lOn (Iansl', It anI I~n\\ I\lun. rcqulremcn\ \Ir SL\l1lLrd cS\elhli.;hed h\ thl, ()rellll~lllcL' I' [')1l11,11"lllllI11L1 \\1111 \II11ILlr pn)\ISilll1\. rl'ljllll'elllc'l1h lll' \lell1lLtrlb J"Lltld ,1\lllllc'll 1111!tL'( "lk ,d 1,111\ ,1I thc lit: III \\'he~lt Rldgc' \lhlll1 arc Il1l'\I\tcI1Cl cl\ 11llhl dCltl' ,'I cld"I'lllllllJi 1111' ()rdII1Cll1le the I~nl\ I\JOlh. reql1lrel11ellh ,1I1e! \lelJ1LLtrds hlTl'1l1 \hall ,u!,el',edc .111\.1 11J\. " .11 i ,,('('li()I1.~ Ihl' ilrdltl~ll1ll' \helll t~lkc dkLl ] 5 del\' eIller lil1ed pllhlllatlull ~ I\'II{ODI ( ,. D, I{E \1), \~D ,\DOI'TFD \'11 Ilr\t re~llltl1g h:- ~I \lllc llr 8 III 0 "11 till, 14th ,LII ld September. ]')')i\.urdt'l't'd puhil,hl'd 111 11111111 el I1CII\papCr III gel1ct'al llrLlIl,lllll\1 111 IhL ( 11\ III \\ hcal Rldt'L' elm! Puhlll ! kdrIl1S dlld Llll1\lllcl'ClII(lIl ,In Ill1ell p~h,d"c' \L'I Illr October 12 1l)')S. ~II 7 ()I) l"ll"Lk pill. llllhe ( lllll1LiI ( hdll1herc 7~11(1 \\ c,l -'lllh \ I c'llll, \\ I1c'~(1 1\leI"c'. ( ,dllt'~ld(1 H.L \\), \DOI'I F\) \'11> OI{I)ERFD I'IIBLI""FD 1111 \l'll)l1d ~llId Iln,d r,':ldl"" hi I IllIc', \ 7 \I. 0 \hh 12thdei\1l1 October !'>'>i\ \1\ ,\11) 1,1 Illc' \LI\lll' "111111\ 13tli..LI\ \1I October Il)l)~c' "eJ\L ! L . " '. ~ 'v <) . ,. ~ ~ __4:,c_<.., / "",.,~t. '--k( I,[ZI/['. 111'.,(1 R\l....,\ l\l()IZ " j \ I II \ I Ii ' . , ~__r. ( ,I ;{ I~)I ,: r;::_ \\ ,lllda \,II1t', ('11\ ( lc:.Llj rY?,'1' yr)'7(l'HII\ \Il<>l"" --:' )~ri)r () (,[ ~)\1I1 '111' W\ 1,11',:hll\,III,'ll September 18, 1998 -'llll \' i 1,,( '11lll\ October 16, 1998 \\ I1ldl l,t..I",' Ir,llhlrll't I Ik,llh' 11Cltl October 31, 1998 1)'1;