HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 -- NOTICE AS TO P~OP05ED BUDGET Notice is hereby oiven that a proposed budQet has been submitted to the City Council of the City of ~h8at ~idge for the ensuing year of 1970. Th8t such proposed bUGQct will be considered at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge to be held at the Wheat Ridge City Offices at 7390 West 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on October 14, 1969 at 7:30 P. M. Any tax- payer within such City of Wheat Ridge may at any time prior to the final adoption of the budget file or register his objections thereto. October 7, 1969 Wheat ~idge City Council By v. )~ "'... ~..l~~_<-../ Louise F. Turner City Clerk n , . \ \ , , : I II Ii II U ~ r~'1 ! 1 ! I : , ' , I Page 1 The Honorable Hayor and City Cou~cil of the City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, Culorado Dear Sirs: Attached he:rswith are copias of the 1974 budget proposal. Tn!, document. in mv bBlief~ meets' all the requirements of the Colorado Budget taw. I In ita early steQf:18 or QI'OI!Itho lIJhsatRl. \dEl8 el.lbjectad to del::181ana which dil'actsc:f its activit1ea in S ConAr'IIativa _nner. ~ cautious approach wa. teklln ae the Cl ty rapidly grew. That approach is equally important in allocating resourcas now t~6t the rate of govern- mental growth is slowing. For that rSl!lson. idS have only included sig- nificant expansion in three araa8: Executive edrllinistration. 18gal ad- mlnist~tion. and Public Works. PreviouB accompliahment levels 1n the aress of Parks-Recreation and Public Safety will b8 maintained. The ancloaad list of foregone peraonnel, projects and equip- ment S8rves as a reminder that we arB not solving all of our problems and that we are providing service at a lavel ~om8ldhat below the need. Again I recommend that the Council. put the issue of an lnt:ree8ia~BBtelr-'-_ tax on the ballot so that the citizens may &peak on the issue of increased service. . Other highlights of the proposad budget 8~e as fQlIDW8~ "-:' . , A. Total revenue of $2y91O~166 BS shown on the attached 81~r1ee as well ae an equal amoYnt of proposed expendi ture8. No increase in any tax ratee. Capital outlay projects totalling $507,972. No drainage construction 1s included. Salaries and fringe benefits far city em- ployees that meet federal guldelin~s 86 IdSll 88 competitive levels. ~ ~~~. Wal terGrande 9 Jr. Budget Offit.:8r OJ , l._J ! I Ii I Budgeted in I Account No. , - 419.11} 431.1 431.24 i I i I 6J 431.24 ~ 431.3 - 731 431.86 432.51 432.51 452.15 452.15 452.15 452.15 452.15 452.15 t"'J 452.15 r 731 731 I i I I ! i _J d CF'.' Of WliEAT RIDGE SCHEDULt: Of CAPITAL OUTLAY PROJECTS 1974 f.!..9Je ot Comprehensive Plan Consulting Right-of-Way Acquisition Consulting Engineering StUdies pre= liminary to Capital Outlay Projects t PrQ-~ata share of S~oBns Lake Drainage Basin study conducted by Urban Drain- age District .Channe11zetion of 44th Avenue from Clear Creek to Kip11ng-~extre width involved Facility Improvement-~City Shope Master Drainage Enginsering Project~c-Rocky Mountain 01 tch at 32nd Avenue Baseball Field completion--City Park Pump Installatlon<"-Prospect Park Plant Meteriala--All Parks Sod House Security Fence, Lighting, etc. Green Belt Construction Parking Lots in City Park, Prospect Park and at Sod House Tennis Court Resurfacing~-Panorame Park *Reconstruct1on of Pierce Street from 32nd to 38th Avenues .Reconstruct some portions of West 38th between Pierce and Wadewortho This is a partial project and will be completed as soon as additional funds are evail- able 1n 1974 or in 1975 All projects are funded from ths Genersl Fund except thoas marked with an asterisk. ThosO' a~e fund$d all or in part with General Revenue Sharing moneyso Page 2 ~ 25,000 2,000 40,000 1,500 150,000 10.000 50,000 40,000 23,700 1,500 5,000 5,000 5.000 25,000 6,200 75,000 43.072 507,972 ; I U ~ F-j 1::0' -.! I j Page 3 Items not included dus to lack of funds in this Budget. but given top priorHv in Departmental requests. includs: Item -""'-- The following Peraonnel: General Govarnment ~ 1 Administrative Officer 1 Buys:.' 3 Planners " Public Safety = 1 Captain 1 Lieutenant 1 Sergeant 2 Civilian Enforcement Officers Public Works - 1 Construction Inspector 9 City Services Workers (Street Crew) The following Equipment in the Public Works Department: 2 Tandem Dump Trucks 1 Pneumatic Roller 1 Track Paver Miscellaneous Concrete forms 1 Hoist in City Shops 2 Industrial Street Cleaners The following projects: Bridge Widening and addition of walkway- 44th at Clear Creak Reconstruction of 26th Ave~oPierce to Sheridan Reconstruction of 32nd Avae~ipllng to Voungfield Traffic Signals on Wadsworth, Kipling, 38th end 32nd Improvements to City Shops Harlan St~eet Drainage System Drainage Line-Marshall to Pierce Modifications to the Pierce street Drainage System Sprinkler System and Development of Lana Gulch Perk ~.1 ., Coat - 216~369 151,000 1,181,000 [1 I , , I , 1 I . ! ! 1 i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE f.!:lliQ. SU:-\MAR V 1974 REVENUE i . I ! i:d ~ , General fund Revenue 5haTing Fund TOTAL ALL FUNDS EXPENDIT~ES General Fund Revenue Sharing Fund TOTAL ALL FUNDS fro1 0.:..-";) r~ ~" ; ! -. ., '"I I 2;767,227 142.939 2,910,166 2,767.227 142.939 2,910,166 Page 4 1 Page 5 CITY OF WHEA'f RIDGE BUDGET MANAGEMEN.T GUIDANCE 1914 \, i IJ TMe following types of expanass9 if 1ncurred9 are budgeted in ths lnd~,C8ted accounts, unless specifically detailed alS&where~ Personal Services Selar~.. and Wages' RatiJ.WD&nt Banefite Insurance Benefita T1'81ning Mileage Reimbursements Overtill8 Un1fcmMJ - Purcha8e and Malntllnance Workmen's Compensstion Mlecsllaneous costs directly related to the area of Personal Service8 ~ SIJPPUee Office Supplies Postage Printing and Duplicat.ion Gasollll8 Other 8llI811 1 teM canBYIM1d 1n the day to day operation t~~ Other Charaea end Sarvie.. Conferences end S8M1nlll'8 Facility and Vehicle Maintenance IneUH1lC8 (Not E1Iployee R81ated) Contrect Sarvices (TeaUng9 Payro119 etc.) All it.- nat c1eul 'led .1....h8:re F1 I Cap! tel Outlav EqulpUl8nt Purchalles Capital Outlay Project. I i , I , ~~ J 6J m ",<~ G 1 y V 0 F W H EAT RIO G E GENERAL fUND 1974 t"i f1 I ! I I :.( d Page 6 f 1 ! ' .;..1 i\hir'.-. l I , i ! ! CHY Of WHEAT RIDGE EXPENDHURE ANALYSIS - Pi:NERAL fUND 1310 - ~974 i ' I i W Ca ts..Q.o!',!l Actual Actu<:tl Actual 8udget PrOlJoaad 1970 ~ .1972 1973, .m!t General Govel"f!\'IlSl1t 196,386 226~?93 352,148 347,,437 410~O64 Public Safety 291,331 433. 195 521,010 7389335 945,555 PubUc lIIorka 263,657 713,419 672~36.1 771,544 1.066,516 AnllRBl Control <\0 -0- ...0-- 15,705 18.815 ..*. Parke-Recreation 60,202 164.893 198,544 257.804 320"Q92 Haa8 Transit -0- 22 w 554 10,168 12pOOD .0- Unallocated Surplus . l'2.J..:957 -0- 41,?, 48,432 25.000 TOTALS 861~539 1,560,854 1y770.351 29194~367 29767~22? '" Now lncl!,);ded ill'!< ~o1:E!1 for Public Safety ~ "-, 1].1 REVENUE ANAlYSIS - tiENERAL FUND 1970 - 1974 Category. t\ctual J;\ctlJsl Actual fJ!r:!?jected frojQctad 1970 1ru... 1972 .19J3 1~~ TeX8s 7159138 1,036,944 1.184,058 1.L,24.799 19814~ 720 Licenses & Parmits 63.957 76~6'iO 94,235 :286.929 298,067 Intergovernmental ftavenue 153~382 3740520 396,060 334,258 349Q847 Charge8 far Services 5,271 22.746 160708 21~O32 28.600 Fines & FOrf8its 18,7'39 42.609 410271 38.5/+2 39.000 Misc. ReV8~ 7.124 18.445 27.693 44.659 29.350 Subtotals 963.671 10571~9:J4 1Q 760,025 2,150,2~ 2,559.584 Surplus C8n'yllver -0- 138.169 150.405 141.7'31 207.643 TOTALS 963,671 1 f 710,103 1.91OQ43O 2Q292,D1D 2.767~22.7 rcJ :;../ J ~ ~ : I c.' ;'V i.lf:"" lJjr:~}!, HIDGE 1974 P!1UJEC ::~ REVENUES G,:NERAL FUND -...-.----.,,-,. ;~ cc t.:, 1\' 0-,; ....~,.----._.~-''''''''"-' ~ 31.1..J. 31201 313.1 31302 314..1 314.2 321.1 321~2 32103 321.4 321.6 321.7 32201 322.2 331 334.1 335 341.2 34103 347 P"' ," 351 f'J 361 362 a~,-, .\~";,^. t '\ b.s'.Ji ~~~~::d-~ . ...____,,_. ~'" _"....._~_,~-."...n....-~ "",,--.,.,.--... ._= ........, ~~d:S R B 8~i.-';:j';~;rj 6:': t \j I 8'" \, ,'IutlJ OW!'lBT.sh5.o Regular Sales lax Usa Tax , Cigarette Tax Gasoline Tax LICENSES & PERMITS Teit'phone - - Public Service franchise Liquor (State) liquOT .(Occupational) P.:rboriat Licl3nse CDn~ractcr!e LlcBn6~ BLiUding Parmi ts Stree~ [;"t Permits INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE Federal -Grants -=--- MVR f Be County Road & Bri.dge CHARGES fOR SERVICES Zonlnq Hearings -- Liquor Hearings Parks-Recreation rINES~COlJ:('t --- MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Intersst Other 371 1973 BUDGET SURPLUS -1 TOTAL INCOME --- 1 ~ 3,~J.r- ;1;(';] 33~:),:Jb9 :L5,862 827g668 248,358 197,629 194,134 298,067 50gDOO 143,725 2.500 25,800 525 26,817 3B,700 10,,000 349,847 98,500 126.B13 124,534 26 bOiJ A_9OG 2,700 17.000 39,OoD 39,000 29,350 16,350 13 , 000 20?J 64~ 207,643 b. 767 .227 2.767.227 f:-; t' , .~.:\ t~ tf) r': ~ :.: :\1:q FiJi- iL ,:JC\;L'~= .,,~'il C f}~JH'\c. r'l ;," ~\n \ :~t.:;'\l .l~j- ., ~HO: L!\ \ ,_ _ ~'{ l'"',~.'7[1 n... ~':.L ":]";;;' '","I . __ ..~ iJ - .l,,-~ .J,.... 1971 61.j~~.34D IJ'7? ...:.L+l: }ZQf,7QO 1'3F1:~ S'"/ ~ :.37::; ~13[} x -} ~ ~tll) g [,:;.J ~u fD OWNERSl-U~ "-'l3'%-rn'C:':eBS'1 rwef 1973 ~ REGULAR aALES nIx --rpSl' riisc"1:m;'.Gin wi U, S t.ate DOR) IS73 plus DJer l~~ uSE TAX '---1.973 plus 1U% :::IGJ,REHS U\;; ,,-,,--,~~'-'----"""--'''''' S'.;ata Go'...m;'l;ed '~~ll:all\l ShS('BG ,~~l!:t_~lNE_.JI~~ ~1l\bl ~ r: ~~q\e!'"'cii'~u...:; :~..L.r ::;i:~ In~~8ssF' O~Br 137] 'l.. ,;i\)tS3 S% lEU PHONE FRMJCHI51:: -. MClJ~1!;~r;:-8Brr rirf.l jaGti en ?Lf..i.rc S'~H"I,:;E -R~\f,j[~" i 3t: - PLiblf.;"Serlllce C;~mp'arn; Pri11F.j;~1;:i.Or: lJ9,02~ ActJsl + L.OOO ArljU&tm6~t j "ri"" ,n.'"' :~f~rt '~Jr\~' Tn.\,,, --'>""'f9'i3'~}'-ftioo ~>" ,:"~i C'o~r'RAr TR q S LT'~F.~JSE - i9TI'~i9'7L, fED~RAL GRANTS -~Po"fics8"iirglaI'Y Unit COUNTy ROAD & BRIDGE --AEiSumt'ngtheCOmmisa'i.iJilIU'S ~'l!:;i Hain thE' 66me La;}!! M\.'H FtE '-"-13%~ O\H~r 1973 OTHER . Included are impoundmEnt fees, map s~18s aml l~iscsll:3neC1US cr."rf]!?!> ~). .EtliWLUS...f-~YQj!Ifi Excess Re',snU2 Unexpenoed App-rOl;:ciEtions 97,643 1.10 000 ~_'::.ll.:__= jt:;}I, r 1 jh ;Cc: ~ n" ~.. .. ".-... ,> [LS 13.862 827,658 ::48,358 :.9'7 ,ll~9 191.+" 1 ~-:'l, 5fJ DC 0 ,l.i,.j ~1 "l~_:; 8')... A,..r'1 .- I' ~~' ~ .. l"'JC P'~ <.- ........ 98p500 124 '! 5 ..,(~ 126,813 13,000 207,643 liE.E..t" No. i L 410 411 411.1 411.11 411.12 411.2 ~ ;.:.~ 411.,4 411.41 411.42 411.43 411.44 411.45 412 412..1 412.11 412.12 412.13 412.14 413 413.11 413.12 413.13 413..14 413.15 413.19 414 43.5 415.1 415.11 415.12 415.13 415.14 415.15 415.2 415.1t 415..41 415.42 415,,43 lf3.5.44 415,,49 i , I , [-:'! f?1 , I' , ' , , , i i i I ! I \ I I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1974 CHART OF EXPENSE ACCOUNTS GENERAL FUND Claasificatiol! GENERAL GOVERNMENT Legielst.ive C1 tv Council Council Fees Council Expanse ~:tr~v;.1;t~e &. City Cle1'k Personai Services Supplies Other Charges & Servicee Capital Outley Publishing .Judicial Municipal Court Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlay Executive Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capitel Outley Management Contingency City Adminiatrator ElectiDns A~~lt:r~nletratlon Personsl Services _ iwppl1eB Other Chargee & Servicee Cepital Outley AUditing LegelServ';~e Ppe1.-'8,o~"''!!1'e_91stratiDn er&ona <il",rY:I;Cge Suppliee Other Char~ & Services Capite! Ou1itev Director of Personnel 392,077 ExPenses 12,000 8,600 33,328 36,684 61,066 2,000 64,552 45,000 41,753 Page 10 9.000 3,000 8,600 19.378 1.650 2,500 300 9.500 28.084 1.400 7,000 200 18.606 1,500 6,500 700 10.000 23.760 2,000 ~ 51.752 1,600 ,4,000 1,200 6,000 45,000 ~ "'" 22.708 3.300 3.57~ 950 11.220 II GENERAL fUNO b.!:~c:-~. No. l=.J 419 419.1 419.11 419.12 419.13 419.14 419.19 419.4 419.42 420 421 421.1 421.11 421.12 421.13 421.14 421.19 421.2 421.21 421.22 421.23 421.24 421.3 421.31 421.32 421.33 421.34 421.4 421.5 421.51 421.52 421.53 42l.54 421.55 421.56 421.7 421.8 421.81 421.82 421.83 421.64 421.9 421.91 421.92 421.93 421.94 421.95 ~ i ti:4 FJ4 ! I 1 Clasaificatio..!! GENERAL GOVERNMENT (cont'd) Other General Government P1snninQ & Zoning Personal Servicea Supplies Other Chargee & Services Capital Outlay Director of Planning Gen'l Gov't BuildlnQB & EQUip. Maintenance & Operation PUBLIC SAFETY Police €t1U~ AdAIj,n1"p~on ~Dnei1 Sinfce8 Supplies Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlay Chief of Police Investigation Personal Ssrvices Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outley Traffic & Patrol Psrsonal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Police Training ~port Services Perapnal Services Supplies Other Chargee & Services Capital Outlay Equipment Maintenance Rescue Service Police Stat10n Burqlarv Tactical Unit P"ersonal Birvlcea Suppl1sa Other Charges & Services CapltalOutlav A~Jl C~o1. PBt'ESCmal 9arvlcea Supp118a Other Chargea & Services Cap! tal Outray PoundFe88 958,242 ExPenses 82,094 5,000 33,377 108,755 412,315 6,BOO 127,057 21,000 143,086 31,319 Page 11 31,990 3,000 4.000 19,620 17.484 5,000 9,236 3,200 1,375 750 18,816 96,066 4.189 7,875 625 378,315 4,500 1,500 28,000 6,800 75 ,487 545 325 3,000 47,000 700 21,000 124,355 6,400 5,131 7,200 16,469 750 1 600 , .. 4,1.1i10 8,400 11 , \ Gi:Nf:JtC,L FUND (1,"~t ~IU' ~.>""'.;;'......~~.. l..2l. ~24",J.l 42ffo12 421f..13 [12th Il, 1124019 425 430 431..1 , U 431..2 ~ ,~ '\ 4;31..21 431.22 431.23 431.,24 431.3 431..4 431..41 4:31..42 431.43 431..44 431..5 431.6 431..61 431062 431..63 431e65 l+31~7 431..71 431..72 431073 431.74 431.8 431.B1 431$82 431.,83 431..84 431.85 431..86 431.89 432.2 432.21 432..22 432.23 432..24 ir'J (, oj r i , \ ! I ' l I J ,g.~!~.e.i fl.E ~.t\9E PUBLIC SAFE1\' '~:mt! r.n Pl't.ltec-ti \lEl In!lQsct.:.on ~er5(jnal SffJ'~.~ces--- Supplies Other Cha.gs5 & Services Gap! tal Outlay Chief Building Inspector Ordinance EnforCB~ent PUBLIC WORI'lS Right o,f WS)l pralimlnl~Y. ,&Co~tructio~ Enaineering . . Pdraonai SerVices Supplies Other Charges & ServicBs Capital Outley fEnatruction~ehabil1Jation ~1aintenance of Condition ~Parsonal Servicas----- Suppliee Other Ch~gas & Services Capital Outlay Snow & Ice Removal Traffic Services Personal Sarvices Supplies Other Chargee & Sarvices Signal Maintenance Sh~a areonal Services Supplies Other Charges & ServicEs Cap1 tal Outley Adm1nilltrat1.Dn Personal Services Supplies Insurance Utilities Other Charges & Services Gapi tel Outlay Director of PUblic Works Street Cleanin\;'! Peraonal Services Supplies Other Chargee & Services Capital Outley 1,066,516 POgB 12 E XP!!'I}S85 74fS33 2,000 186.560 133.072 362,239 12,000 62.510 9.500 83,485 54,590 '-6 t ~9 4,200 7,000 1,500 14,364 1,000 2,000 134,560 6,000 4,500 41.500 133f,072 171,2.39 135.000 46,000 10.000 12,000 20,570 20,000 4,000 18,000 1,500 3,000 1,000 4,000 28 , 625 1,500 14.000 4,000 6~OOO 11,000 16,360 25,590 3,500 5,500 20,000 r ! i GENERP.L FUND .ii!;~d. rti~ ~,.J 419 419Q1 419.11 419.12 419.13 419.14 419.19 419.4 419.42 420 421 ~21.1 421.11 421.12 ~21013 421..14 421019 421.2 421.21 421.22 421.23 421.24 421.3 421.31 421.32 421.33 421.34 421.4 1t21.5 421..51 421.52 lt21.53 42l.54 421.55 1t21.56 lt21.1 lt21.8 421.81 421.82 421.83 421.84 421..9 421..91 421.92 "21.93 4el.9ft 4:h.95 ~ , i !~4 fl:' ! ,~ , , r ' I I !, I C j Clsssi ncetio..!! GENERAL GOVERNMENT (cont'd) Other Genaral Government P1eoninQ & Zoning Personal Services Supplies Other Chargee & Services Capital Outlay Directo~ of Planning Gan'l Bov't BuildinQs & Eauip. Haintenance & operation PUBLIC SAFETY Police V~.rQl1 Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Chief ofPol1ce Invsetlgg!;lon ParsonalServicss Supplies Other Charges & ServicBs Capital Outley Treffic & Petrol Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & ServIces Cap! tal Outley Police Training SUDPlU't Servl~s Personal Services Supplles Other Chargsa & Servicea Capital Outlay Equipment Maintenance Rescue Service Police Statlr.J1'1 Burglar~ Tactical Unit Persanall:fervlcss Supplies Other Charges & Services Capl;te1 Outley A~~lCm\~ Psreen81SBrrlces Supplies Other Chargee & Servlces Cepital OUt1BY Poundrses 958,242 Expenses 82,094 5,000 33,317 108,755 412,315 6,800 121,057 21,000 143,086 31,319 Page 11 37,990 3,000 4,000 19,620 11,484 5,000 9,2)6 3,200 1,375 750 18 ,816 96,066 It,189 7,815 625 378,315 4,500 1,500 28,000 6,800 75.487 545 325 3,000 47,000 ?DO 21.000 124,355 6,400 5,131 7,200 16,~9 750 1,600 4,IQO 8,400 [1 i ' r;:'NEr1kL, FUND ,r,cr:to Ne... ......---... I I r , , "''''' l~2l~ 42/+..n 421l.,12 42!f~13 t.211o Ii; [.24..19 425 430 4:31~1 431..2 ~ E.~~q 431..21 431.22 431.23 431..24 431..3 b,'J to._, 431s4 431..41 431..42 431.43 431..44 431~5 431.6 431..61 431..62 431..63 431.65 431.7 431.71 43L 72 431.73 431.74 431.8 431.81 4:U.8Z 431.83 431.84 431.85 431.86 431..89 432.2 432..21 432..22 432..23 432..24 r"l ; I i , , , ( :J ,t;.l a'l@.il,Lq,~ti on PUBLIC SAFETY , ': :mt t cO P;'otecti V!!. 6!],5g~c1.~~ Personal ;:J€J'in/J..ces Supplies Other Cha"g~s & Services Cap'. tal Outlay Chief Building Inspector C~dinenC8 Enforc~m8nt PUBLIC WORKS !3!-!ilht oJ Wav Pral1mln~1'V,&,Cot)at.;r:uction En~inearIr:1S, ," Personal 5ervlce$ Supplies Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outla~t f.9ne tructi ofl...R ehabili ~a ti on Maintenance of Condition - Personal Serv1ces----- SuppUea Other Charges & Services Cepital Outlay Snow & lea Removal Traffic Services Psreonal Services Supplies Other Chsrges & Services Signal Maintenance Sh a ~aonal Servicee Supplies Other Charges & Services Cap! tal Outley Administration Pereonal Servicee Supplies Insurance Utilities Other Chargee & Services Cep1teJ. Outlay Director of Public Works Street Cleaning Personal Services Supplies Other Chargea & Services Cap1.tal Outlay :_ ,066,516 Page 12 fl(,P',2P~.s 74E!i33 2,000 186 t 560 133.072 362.2.39 12,000 62.570 9,500 83.485 54,590 C.6.~9 4,200 7,000 1.500 14,364 1,000 2,000 134,560 6,000 4,500 41,500 133.072 171,239 135,000 46,000 10 ,000 12,000 20,570 20,000 4,000 18,000 1,5.00 3,/000 1,000 4,OOD 28,625 1,500 14.000 4,000 6,000 11,000 18,360 25.590 3,500 5,500 20,000 Page 13 GENERAL FUND Acct. No" Cla.6sificatiol1 Expenses ---- PUBLIC WC'RI~ (Cont'd) 432,,3 p'!raet Li9'lting 56,000 56,000 432..5 StD~m Sewer & OrainaQe 96,000 432..51 New Systems 90,000 432052 Maintena.nca 6,000 43306 Weed CO.,!ltrol 8,SOO 8.500 450 PARKS-REGREATION 320,092 U 451 RSirPatioo , 72,390 451011 '--->~l"80"al Sarv1~8 53.505 n 451.12 Supplies 5,733 '. 451.13 Other Chargee & Services 2.500 , , 451.15 Contractual Services 10,652 , I 452 Parka 223,854 I i 452.11 Personal Services 86,OB5 452..12 Suppliss 11.500 452.13 Maintenance 28.500 452014 Other Charges & Services 3,500 452..15 Capital Outlay-Development 71 , 400. 452,,16 Capital Outlsy-Equipment 8.145 452..19 Parks & Recreation Director 14,724 l, 453 Tree Ma1ntsnance 23,848 453..11 Personal Services 20,848 -< 453.12 Supplies 1.000 453..13 Other Chargee & Services 2,000 480 Hass Transit 10,000 10.000 10,000 '~ 510 UNAII OCATEO SURPLUS 20.300 20.300 20,300 TOTAL APPROPRIATION 2.767.227 k::l EJ 1"1 \ ' I , \ 1 I , ! I J , 1 '\. i ! . i , CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL SUMMARY Page 14 BUDGET 1974 FUND OCNERAL DEPT. CITY COUNCIL DIV. Acel SERIES 411.1 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY , ~ 'I' , " I I I I ACCT, 47" J. ':1"/ :> 1':1"1'+ ACCT. CLASSIFICATION NO. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 411.1 Council F BeB 8,900 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 1t11..1 Council E)(panse 2,777 3,000 3,000 3,000 ),000 1t11.2 LBgl*latlve CammltteB~ & Spec. Bodies 7.827 8.064 8.064 8.600 8.600 19,504 20,064 20,064 20 ,600 20,600 ~ i I 'f t j I I ,( I r \ ", J.l :-l CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Page 15 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMA.' , 1974 1 FUND i GENERAL DEPT. CITY CLERK DIV. ACCl SERIES /,11 /, PROGRAM COMMENTARY 11 u PROGRAM DESCRIPTION f ~ ~8 Secretary to the City CounCil, the ~ity Clerk is charged ~ith keeping a correct journal of proceedings, main- taining e public file of ordinances and resolutions and maintaining the ~eneral file. , I ACCT. 1972 1 CI'7' ,~~. ~;j AUel. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED It ~ ~","l fJ~sonel Services 1'.,015 15,568 15.568 19.378 19,'37tl ~ Lo42 S ppUea 2,057 2.500 1,500 1,650 1 ,650 '11,".43 0 her Charges 1,727 2,500 2,500 2.500 2,500 -- 1...44 E uipment 83 800 800 300 ~OO 1 .45 P bUshing 6..~8 4,6'+0 3,349 9~_ 9.500 ~- 24,090 26,008 23.117 , 33.328 33,328 J ] ." ] +." L:Jfl ; r"" ..- '"> I;"~~\ , ~ I ~J Page 16 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GEl\E RAL CITY CL.f:RK 411.4 EMPLOYEES 1974 POSITION TITlE 1973 1974 GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED t Ci tv Clerk 1 1 9,252 Admin. Clerk III 1 1 14 530-646 7.752 --...- 17.004 FICA 995 RetirelDent 233 Longevity 137 Heel th Ins. 540 Haetings & O. T. 150 Work. CoqJ. 69 Vile. Help 150, Mileage ...1QQ 2,374 19,378 19,378 , ~ .< FUll TIME 2 2 PART TIME ~." r'1 , i . , i f"?~ -1 J 3.10 , , i i .. WHEAT RIDIE SU.MlRY 1974 CITY OF FIlII 'GENERAL DEPT. COURT DIV. ANNUAL Page 17 BUDGET ACCT. SERIES 412 PI16RAM DESCIUPTItfII PRISRAM CUMMENTARY b::i C , ~;' ,412.13 Increases in this account ere to support the youth assistance programs of the court. ~~ .,.. .. 1972 ACTUAL 11If'. CUSS1fICI1181 , i12.1l Personal Services 112.12 ~uppli8S 112.1' Other Charges . 112.14 Equipment 21,288 1,434 4,620 83 27,425 r' i I ! C, ., l., 1 " I, " ' l '&:\'",1: 1973 SUET ESTIMATE 26,534 1,500 5,900 40Q 34,3'4 26,534 1,250 4,900 200 32,884 ~ 1974 PROPOSED APPRIVEI 2B , 084 1,400 7,000 200 36,684 28,084 1,400 7,000 200 36,684 Page 18 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET - PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL COURT 412 POSITIDN EMPLOYEfS "a"JL. TITLE GRADE RANGE PROPOSED 10'" "''''', APPROVED , Municipal Judge 1 1 8,400 Administrative Asst. 1 1 16 557-619 8,148 Admin. Clark II 1-~ ~ 9 459-571 2, 754 fJail1ff ~ ;2 975 Ct. Stenographer ~ )i! 975 Deputy Judge ~ Y.z , 2,600 23,852 lilt tns88 F 88S 1,500 FICA 638 Ratirement 244 Longevity 143 Health Ins. 540 Meetings 1,022 lIIork. CDlIIp. 95 Mileage 50 _~.J32 28,084 28,084 -- -, FULL TIME 2 2 PART TIME 1+ 1+ '1 i \ , i ,- i LJ ~ ~ l~ I ,j 3'10 ['1 ! 1 Page 19 CITY OF WHEAT i \ , i FUND DEPl. GENERAL EXECUTIVE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION l,,,. ) - , ~ '" ,-- RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SOMMAIY 1974 D.IV. ACCT. SERIES 413 PRO&RAM COMMENTARY - c, Increases ifl the overall scope of this appropriation reflect a change to a City Administrator form of Govl?I't1IlIento : ACCT. ....,t;. 1.':1/~ 1.':114 k;,~ 'I. AOCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDSET ESTIMATE PRIPOSED APPROVED r j 13.11 Personal Services 12,754 14,21.8 14,468 42,366 18,606 I . 13.12 Supplies 449 100 700 1,500 1,500 . 13.13 ather Charges 3,988 4,500 4,250 6,500 6,500 .13.14 Equipment -0- lDO 100 700 100 i j 13~ 15 [Manegement CQntingenc~ 9,505 10.000 10.000 10.000 10,000 I \ 26,696 29,518 29,516 61,066 It ~l5.19 ~ityAdminiatrBtor 23.760 i ! 61,066 -, . 'tY, -,--.---,<' r"1 ! \ i i F1 I Page 20 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES --.--... ..- I,~" EMPLOYEES .- -- - POSITION TITLE GRADE RANGE PROPOSED ,..,' APPROVED ~--- .--. ." ,,, ,.. ,.. ; Mayor 1 1 4,800 City Administrator 0 1 23 t 760 Secretary 111 1 1 18 585-713 8.352 36,g12 FlCA 2 t 159 Retirelll8nt 96.3 Longev1 ty 144 Health Ins. 540 ....tings 250 Mlleege 1 t 250 lIIo1'k. CDq). 146 S.4~ -- 42,366 42,366 -, FULL TIME 2 5 PART TIME ~ II ! ! t:4 3.10 ~ 1 , . I I , i ' PagB 21 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 1971:. FUND DEPT. D.IV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL ELECTIONS 414 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY , ACCT. 1972 1973 1~74 p. ACCT. CLASS I FICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 414 . Elections 1,642 3,600 3,600 2,000 2,000 . . . ~ I , I ~.J . ~ t~ ~ i! j - r!;lYl:l ~~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUf4MARY ~AL W~REH ow. AC~\5.~ERIES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY L..J , , !, ! ! , Acting in a support capacity, the CitV Treasurer has full respon- sibilitv for the financial management, budget formulation and control. and centralized purchasing. ~ 197? lQ~r.. 1 Q'7/. l?j ~. ACCT. CUSSI FICATlON 80. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED rJ +15.l1 Personal Services 29p090 3:3,876 33,876 41,357 51,752 +15.12 Supplies 2,098 1,390 1,390 1,600 1.600 ~15.13 Other Charges 3,314 3.500 3,500 4,000 4,000 ~15.14Equipment 1,079 385 385 1,200 1,200 r+l5.15 Auditing 5,025 A 5-.E7O 5,670 6,000 6,000 40,606 44,821 44,821 54,157 64,552 I .J 1~1 r.1 i Page 23 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL TREASURER'S OFfICE 415.1 EMPLOYEES I 1974 POSITION TITLE 11Q." GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPRDVED 1'19'14 I Cl ty Treaeursr 1 1 \ 1,068 FD/PA 1 ., 36 912~1111 13,332 -00 Acctg. Clerk III ~ )2 14 5)Q~646 8,565 Acctg. Clerk IV ., 1 18 565-713 8.454 37,419 Buyer 1 29 768-935 9.450 FlCA 2.189 Retirement 657 Longevity 468 Meetings a. or 100 , Mileage 100 I/IcJrk. COqJ. 174 Training 250 ..2, 1138 41 ~ 357 51,752 ., FULL TIME 3 ~4 PART TIME ., ., r: i j - , "' ! ~i , I ! I t j \ I Ii ..... 3'10 "':'~,2'~~... r1 \ I Page 24 CITY OF WHEAT R IDB,E ANNUAL BUDGET i i [ j SUMMARY WHAL DEPT. LEGAL. D.IV. ACCl SERIES 415..2 ~ F4 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY Included are ons City Attorney and one Assistant.. l' f~~ ACtI. .J.:::11 '- J.~'", J.:.:>,,,, 0,] NO. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUD&EY ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED r~ 15.21 City Attornev 8,580 9,000 9,000 i 15..22 Prosecutor 5,280 5,600 5,600 15.23 Legal Expense 7.729 8,000 8,000 'Iol5.2'" Aasto City Attorney 2,500 6,000 6,000 24,089 28,600 28,600 , ! , j .15.21 Personal Services 51,450 I 15..22 Suppliee 4,000 lS.Z3 Other Charges 15,000 J .+15..21{ Equipment 3,000 ] 73,450 415.2 Legal Services 45.000 '] " .., i 1 "" .. Page :::5 , ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . AN;NUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. LEGAL DIV. ACC!-1~~IES GENERAL EMPLOYEES 1974 POSITION TITLE 1973 .974 GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED I City Attorney ;~ 1 21,210 Asst. City Attorney Y2 1 16,284 Secretary III 0 1 19 600-731 7.380 _..~ -.- 44,874 FICA 2.625 Retirement 1 . 346 Heelth Ins. 810 Work. Compo 1.195 _6.;..576 51,450 NO fULL TIME PER50NNEL AUTHORIZED -, FULL TIME j 2 PART TIME 'I ! I I I I : I I ' I I i- i I i ~ II ~ , j 3'10 j, j ! .J1 P qge 26 CITY OF WH'EAT RIDGE ANNUAL or' BUD'IiE T SUMMARY 1974 MAL nFPT~ DIV. iU~:1\j1:o TRA TrVE SERVICES ACCl SERIES 415~4 , ! I I , L_l PRIGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY , , I ' I ! I i Administrat~ve Services i5 a support activity chiefly responsible for Personnel Administration, Pub1ica~ , tians, and Administrative Assistance. The department aleo maintains the City PBX operationo I . M"'''' -- I Am. --'- "';;>IJ "'::>/"+ I ~ R. ACCT. CLASSIFICATlO.N ActUAL BUDlin ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED ~ 15.41 Personal Services 14,388 16,863 16,863 22,708 22,708 15.42 Supplies 3,768 3,390 3.000 3,300 3,300 15.43 Other Charges 2.578 3,250 3,250 3.575 3,575 15,,44 Equipment 128 -o~ ~occ 950 950 15049 Director of Pereonnel " 3"'P 10,071 10 , 071 11 , 220 11, 220 I I ~"".:L';;. I I ~ i 29,670 33,574 33,184 41,753 41,753 ,1 I , J l~f f 1 ",j F'r:<98 T)'j CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES Gfl\lE!U-\L AO~UlESTRI\TI\lE 5FR\IICFS "1'15.4 EMPLOYEES ~c'~n POSITION TITLE GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED 0:> ,_, IJ ,.. , Director of Personnel , 11,220 .'1dmlrr. Clerk XII 1 ~ 14 530-5iHJ 7 62':\ , Admin. Clerk I 1 'j 5 1.16-50? 6 'I 06:1 iraini'lQ & Saff~ 1~ j Officer ~ }1> 29 7Ei8~935 jt:L} u - Clerical Aioa , r~ <: 386"'.71 2 .5LjJ /2 -... - - - --, ,,:.';J ,;11 '; FICA 1. 738 R'lf} rpmprot 747 longevity 449 Health Ina. 810 - Mileage 250 Overtime 100 Work. COll1l. 119 _4" 2,.l ,-- 33,,928 339928 , F -, FULL TIME 3 , PART TIME 1 ~ i , i i ! L I - l!i. 2'!j I I .J 3-111 CITY OF WHEAT [I ! i r.' 4 Page 28 RIDGE BUDG~T ANNUAL SUMMARY 1974 FD r,lD GENERAL DEPT. OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT D.IV. PLANNING & ZONING ACCl SERIES 419.1 i i U PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ~ I, 1t19.14 PRIGRAM CDMMENTARY Capital Outley This Ie to provide funds for a Comprehensive Plan. Flood Plain consultant en- gineering for depertmantal presentations is included in this account. 11 I I 419.13 ~\ am. .,... UASSIFICAHON ACCt. ~ ~19.11 Parsonal Services ! ,.. ,..19.l2 Suppliea i ,..19.1) Other Charges , ~19.14 Capital Outlay ! ~19019 Director of Planning I ~!~' ~ ~' rIke, iJ .' -;0"",,; " ;, \ .,c,:: ...... . ' "': ,,, ,,'h' ~. ~ ~-" '-">J ,; 1972 1973 1974 ActUAL BiJdG~T E~tlMATE PIIDPOSED APPROVED 40 ,000 32,371 32,371 37,602 37,990 4,500 4,500 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,700 2,060 2,060 2,000 4,000 ",0. 12,700 12,700 25,000 19,620 7,487 7.4.67 14.424 l7.4S4 48,200 59,,118 ,7,118 82.026 82,094 c/ .., . f ~.. , "," " '",' " . .Jti...,~.~. . RESOLUTION NO. 262 Page 2. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SUMMARY 1974 FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES PRIGRAM DESCRIPTlDN . "", -- ,. I ANNUAL BUDGET ~ /;J.. -:w -Z3 ACCT. SERIES 415.2 PlIi.AM COMMENTARY ~ ~ I ACCT. 1972 1973 1974 NO. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL IUIJ&fl ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED i.,~ , 15.21 Persana1 Services ** ** ** 16,936 l5.22 Supplies 2,000 15.23 Other Charles 4,200 l5.24 Equipment 2,580 l5.29 City Attorney 19,284 **PREVIOUSLY PERFORM D ON AN AT ORNEY CLIE T BASIS 3'7 L I j i , II i I - ~~TY Of \VHE.J\T fHDGE . Aa~'NUAL BUDGET . ~ l c ~ . . PfRSDNNEL SCHEDULE 1974 fUND DEPT. DlV. AC8T. SHUES GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES 415.2 EMPLOYEES - - - PIlSlTIOH TITlE GRADE - RINGE PROPOSED APPROVED lQ7L. CITY ATTORNEY I 19,284. SECRETARY II 7,200. PROSECUTOR 3,600. OTHER MISCELLANEOUS LEGAL ASSISTANCE 3,000. 33, 084. I I I FICA 1,170 Retirement 794 I Health Ins. 540 Workmen's Compensation 132 Training 500 3,136. . - 36,220. I , -, I FUn TIME I I 2 P~~T TI:\U .l- I I I I - - - 3 -10 I ;60 A t, __c . . . _REVISED " 1/ / CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY ~ .:?,~8-7</ RESOLUTION NO. 283 - Page 2. FUND GENERAL DEPT. PLANNING DIV. Acel SERIES 419 '''''UM IEStlltPTtON PRDGRAM COMMENTARY 419.14 Capital Outlay 1 Conference Desk 4 Drafting Tables 9 Side Chairs 1 Map File Drafting Equip. for 4 Tables Calculator Recorder 275 760 405 400 1,200 250 125 3,4l5 ACCT. CLASS I FICA nON 1972 1973 _ , c, 1974 ';,1 ACCT. .;:;] NO. ACTUAL BUDGET .f&T1MUE PROPOSED APPROVED "~ ~; 419.1 Personal Services 40,000 34,061 33,525 54,l95 419.1~ Supplies 4,500 4,500 2,596 3,000 ! 419.l: Other Charges 3,700 2,060 2,822 4,000 4l9.1' Capital Outlay -0- 12,220 9,501 3,415 , 419.1' Director of Planning --- 5,797 1,943 17,484 48,200 58,638 50,387 82,094 : , ", i ! , I 3'1 ~~{ / I CITY ~ , , I . OF WHEAT RIDGE PERSONNEL RESOLUTION NO. 283 - Page 3. FUND GENERAL i ~ POSITION TITLE Director of Planning Planner I Secretary II Planning Technician Current Planner I FICA Retirement Longevity Health Ins. Meetings & oT Mileage Work. Compo 3571 183l 157 1598 2785 506 192 DE PT. PLANNING EMPLOYEES ,,"'- Now vise[ 1 1 o 3 1 1 2 2 1 0 5 7 GRADE 3D 14 20 NOTE: One Planne I w, 11 bE added on August 1 3'10 fULL TIME PART TIME ; . > ~ · ANNUAL SCHEDULE DIV. RANGE 1,457 787-958 530-646 6l5-749 PROPOSED 17,484 19,647 5,8l7 l5,652 2,439 61,039 10,640 71,679 REVISED BUDGET ~ ~ ..;<%-11/' ACCr. SERIES 419 1974 APPROVED ill ~ J ... , I Page 29 CITY Of WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL .BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES lENERAl. PL.ANNING 419.1 EMPLOYEES lqll~ POSITION TITLE GRADE RANGE PRDPDSED APPROVED 1973 1974 t Director of Planning 1 1 14,424 17,484 Currant Planner 1 1 26 713-B69 9,064 Planning Technician Itl 2 20 615-749 16,122 Secratery I 1 1 11 483-600 6,120 45.730 FICA 2,675 Ratlr8lllBnt 1,372 L.ongevity 151 Helllth Ins. 1,350 HeeUnge & OT 250 M118agB 300 Work. Cemp. 192 6.296 52,026 55,474 -. -, FULL TIME ,. 5 PART TIME 1 r ~ \ I I , i i 1 j r 1 i i I ' , ~ ~ , i 1 I 3.18 r"l I I I I \ j , I j Page 30 city OF WHEAT RIDGE A:NNUAL BUDGET , SU,MMARY 1974 . FUND DEPT. D.IV. ACCl. SERIES GENERAl. BUILDINGS & EQUIPI.IlENT 41904 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY , - ACCt. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION 1972 197) 1974 .. ACTUAL I_Et ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED .rtl9.41 Acquisitions and Development 110,978 65,000 65,000 -o~ ..19.42 Maintenance and \ Operation ._,-.!,834 2,800 ..b.~Q. 5,000 5,000 112,812 67,800 67,800 ::',000 5,000 i :.( .. j. . j ....I~k. .. .,'" ~ ""!~ ; s;"~.~,o~..~'+ ~ ~ ~ . ij r, , , I ' Page 31 CITY OF WtI'EAT Rt'DO;E SUMMARY A'NNUAL BUDDET 1974 FUND GENERAL DEPT. POLICE DJV'. ADMINISTRATION ACCT. SERIES 421.1 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PRO&RAM COMMENTARY ~ , Budget is based on the requirement. to staff, supply, maintain and operate the Administrative Division of the Police Depsrtment. , I am. 1972 1973 1974 I;d Jf8. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTfflL BUIJ$ET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED ~ Zl.11 Personal Services 14,044 15,031 15,031 9,114 9,236 ,21.12 Supplies 1,792 3,200 2,700 3,200 ',200 .21.13 Other Charges 990 1,250 l.250 1,375 l,375 .-21.14 Equipment 82 456 456 750 750 1t21.19 Chief of Police 13.812 15.540 15.540 l8.3lSO 18.816 30,720 35,477 34,977 32.799 33, 377 IL " ., , I'; I~"'", :1 ';" .", ';' " . ".' -,',.J ~'.l, ., r: ~ ", >0" I Page 32 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SGHED:UtE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCl SERIES GENERAL POLICE ADMINISTRATION 421.1 EMPLOYEES GRADE RANGE .--. POSITION TITLE PROPOSED ., APPROVED I~__- 1..--. ['~'~ ["'~ , Chief of Polio. 1 1 '1.J68 18,360 18,816 Seemu, I 1 1 11 48)-600 6,572 6,640 Records Clark Typist 1 0 -- -- 24,932 Pol. Pension 918 Health Ins. 549 False Arreat 50 Overtime 192 Idark. COllIp. 138 FICA 384 Longevity 311 211.~~ 27.474 28,052 I ~. ~r FULL TIME :3 2 PART TIME , : , , \1 ( Ii , I i. J, 'i- 1 , , : ~ ~ ~ I I; \ ! 3'10 . CITY OF I i i . : ' GfOWL W;HfAT RfD8E SU_.I' ANNUAL BUDliET . PftEP1f: fi.STIGATION ACc'f.1S!RIES PRO&RAM COMMENTARY LJ PROGRAM DESCRIPTION t , ~::1 l':flZ 19'/J 19'/4 rtB ACCT. CLASSIFICATlDN r 21.22 Supplies 21.23 ather Charges 21.24 Equipment '. I i I I i "~.~';' ".', 1,103 %8 1.330 71 , 610 1,252 1.252 4.189 4,189 1,100 1,100 7,875 7.875 5.050, -.5,050 625 625 82.213 82,213 96.976 lOB.755 -J ., ] 1 J I 1 I I I I I I I I Page .34 OilY OF W.HI,AT Rtl&E . ANNUAL BUDGE T PERSONNEL SCftEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL POUCE INVESTIGATION 421.2 EMPLOYEES RANGE 1974 POSITION TITLE GRADE JlAOPOSED APPROVED q?", ~ C1?1. 1 Ueutenant 1 1 43 1084-1320 15,382 Detective. ,. i 3ti 912.1111 51,437 Secretary I '\ '\ 11 1t83-600 _6.L5.ll 73,336 Pal. Pension 3,34'\ Health Ins. 1 ,620 r.lae Anaat 315 Clothing AllQl&l. 1,150 Dvertl_ ,520 lI/ork. COlIlp. 73 FICA 381 Rtf;lrement 130 . Longe"ity 1,421 10.951 84,287 96,066 :, fUll TIME 6 7 PART TIME 3';10 (] k'l [ ~ Page 36 i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET . PERSDNNEL SCHEDULE ! VJHfAt plY:!. DIV. ACCT. SERIES 1 PATROL & TRAf'FIC r.21.3 EMPLOYEES 1974 PDSITION TITLE 913 J 974 GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED , leutErnsnt 1 1 t 1t3 , OSIt-1:J20 15.518 . ~ Brgeent 4 :; 39 962-1197 41,657 ( orporel :3 :; 36 912-1111 40,219 f atrol Officers 22 21 28..)0 768-958 230,051 f olice Cadets - () Full Time, 2 Pert Time) -2 ..2 12 495-615 25.933 35'.578 IF Ien.1an Fund 17,979 i !tlaelth Ins. 8,910 IIF IBlse Arrest 1,650 IIJJt1fol'll1S 6.500 11~ Inrtllll8 10.000 11IIprk. Camp. 3,812 i LPoQevlty 2..826 51.671 i lt05. 255 378,315 " , : -, -, -- FULL TIME .1.1 "... PART TIME 2 2 -I 3.10 <- , i" ['C 1 I 1:,1 L~ l I IJ I iiJ ~ i L . RESOLUTION NO. 262 Page 2. -" :~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I' f , SUM'MARY 1974 FUND DEPT. DIV. GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES PRO&RAM DESCRIPTION . ANNUAL BUDIEY ~ /;2. -~o -;8 ACCT. SERIES 415.2 PlKRAM COMMENTARY ~.'-.'- ~ fCj ACCT. N8. ACCT. CLASSIfICATION 1972 ACTUAL 1973 IUD&ET ESTIMATE 1974 PROPOSED APPRDVED ~~ ''''-'- ..-- ~, Persenal Services ** ** ** 16,936 2,000 Supplies City Attorney 4,200 2,580 19,284 Other Charles Equipment **PREVIOUSLV PERFORM D ON AN AT ORNEY CLIE T BASIS 3'7 i , I 1 I ! I j i , I f : I I I I I I I - ~lJV OF \VHE.AT fUDGE . ArdNUAL BUDGET PERSDNNEL SCHEDULE 1974 fUND DEPT. DIY. AC81 SERIES GENER'o,L LEGAL SERVICES 415.2 EMPLOYEES - - - POSITIDN TInE GRADE - RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED , Q'7I. CITY ATTORNEY , 19,284. SECRETARY II 7,200. PROSECUTOR 3,600. OTHER MISCELLANEOUS LEGAL ASSISTANCE 3,000. 33, 084. . , FICA 1,170 Retirement 794 Health Ins. 540 Workmen's Cumpensation 132 T:;:aining 500 3,136. I . - 36, 220 . I _ E I FUll TIME I I 2 PMlT TIME "- I '- I i i i , _I . '''1''"" .,; ?I~~f E.i;r ,;.'--: , I' 3 -10 -- f'] , , ~ t'aga ,)"1 CITY OF WHEAT RtD'DE ANNUAL B UD8'ET SUMMARY 1974 NRAL DEPT. D.IV. ACCl SERIES POLICE TRAINING 421.4 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY , i ACCT. "'JfC- J.~/" .1.':1'" : NO. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDSET EStiMATE PROPOSED APPROVED "21.4 Training 3.?82 6,800 6i800 6.BOO 6,800 , . ~.....- _1, i .l'lit .., " , , , I 1 J l:~ P'll l",l Page 38 CITY OF WIIEAT RI'UDE ANNUAL BUDGET S:UMMARY , 1974 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCl SERIES GENERAL POLICE SUPPORT SERVICES 421.5 PRIGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY "J , - " ACtT. ACCT. CLASSI FICA TlON ,,,1 .. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED t;~ ~~, -. ~ 421.5] Personal Services 30,807 45,161 45,181 60,326 75,487 421.5~ Supplies 100 475 475 545 545 i 421.5~ Other Charges 62 275 275 325 .:325 : 3,000 421.51 Equipment 12,402 4,500 4,500 3,000 r . 421.5: Equipment MaintenanCE 36,547 46,872 46,872 47,000 47,000 42;1..51 ResGue Service -0- 700 700 700 700 1\ 79,918 98,003 98,003 111,.896 121,057 "...r -, i f..j .. .'1;.....: , . ...f!l.~ c':_"~.."":. ,,-- b M i i i-I , ! i i L"J P8ge .39 CITY OF W;HEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DE P1. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GEr~RAL POLICE SUPPORT SERVICES 421.5 POSITION EMPLOYEES 1914 TITLE GRADE RANGE 140." Io.Q'7L. PROPOSED APPROVED t Dispatchers 5 5 15 5lt3-G62 36,02" , C181'k Typist, II -, 9 459-571 16.971 .... - 52,995 Lieutenant 1 1t3 1084-1320 U,3.38 Pal. Pension 1.801 Health Ins. 1,350 Falae Arrest 250 Uniforms 1,000 Overt1\118 700 Work. Coqp. 450 FICA 993 "-t1__n, 509 Longev1ty _228 7.331 .............. 60,326 75,I.t87 , -, FULL TIME 6 G, PART TIME 1 1 m.< r~1 ,1 , I e;j ~ .a'lll . Q~" 'tu lEAl RIDIE II_l ilU06ET SUMmARY 19 'f AtYrcE STATION ACCT~rl~'IES IN PROGRAM COMMENTARY , t .~. "','i"~ ...-:3';J .....,.. A~UAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 'APPROVED l5,059 14.500 19,112 2l.000 21,000 , '. ~~ , , , , - r .. _,~". _ (-._.~,.- <.; - ., ",. -,",-. '. f, , t'8Qe Ofl UAL BUDGET , , UNIT ACC'f.1stRIES ,M COMMENTAtlY i 1974 E PROPOSED APPROVED 124,355 124,355 6,400 6,400 5,l31 5,131 7.200 7.200 143,086 143,086 : ~ . M ~"'- ,- r OF 8'1081 · D EfA,Il BUDGET W'HEAT A;NNUAL :AL D~gbcE ~y TACTICAL tWIT ACCT42'~IIES 1~7Z 1'31:J 'J ''T :T. CLASSIFICATION PROPOSED APPlIOVED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE 'son81 Services , Saleria. Not 56,600 56,680 107,826, 107,826 Benefits Available 4,724 4.724 16,529 16,529 Training Unifo1'lll8 pUlIS Secretarial 300 300 600 600 Gae 2,100 2,100 4,500 4,500 Printing 300 300 300 300 Forme 100 100 200 ,200 Photo Supplies 390 . 390 700 700 Fingerprint kits 50 50 Miscellaneous 100 100 .1' Consultants 676 676 Travel 670 670 931 931 Recruiting 788 788 Advsrt1e1ng 382 382 400 400 Lebar 625 625 Th... 750 750 1,500 1,500 Puts 188 188 400 400 o..ge 3.n 350 700 700 Radlo Repair 195 195 400 400 Inturence 430 430 BOO 800 Telephone 185 185 ital Outlay l/ahlele Leess 3,500 3.500 1,000 7,000 Em8rgency Equip. 4,268 4,268 Otfice Equip. 70S 705 \tideo Tepes 1,675 1,675 Mi-=ell_oue , 307 307 Mtac. T1'81"1"g Mate..181 119 119 ColCU' AdeptsI' (1I1d.o Tapa> _J 200 200 , - -..- -. . ~ =ET ~IES , i jPROVED , i , , ~,J55 , I ~'J Page 43 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSO,NNEl SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. KeT. SERIES G::NERAL POLICE ElU1GLARY TACTICAL UNIT 421.8 EMPLOYEES 1974 \ PDSITION TITLE 1973 ;L971t GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED , ~.rgeant Q 1 39 982..1197 13,01" .orpara1 1 1 36 912-1111 12,aso . )Ol1CB I, II 9 8 28-30 787-958 76,565 l8cratery I 1 1 11 1t83-600 6.167 107,826 'Dl. Pension 5,083 I eleB Arrest 500 ~alth tne. 2,970 lverii1_ 2,756 Uork. CGaIp. 1,059 f lCA )61 I n1foJ:'118 1,800 redning 2~Qoa 16.529 124,355 124,355 F" - ~- .' fULL TIME 11 11 PART TIME 3'lQ ( ~J ~ l,!j u;.1 rd!;Jt$ ": - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGE.T SU.~RY tfMMRAL ~lt: IMV~AL CONTROL ACC!21~~IES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY , '''''7'' ''''''7'' .~~. ACCT. CLASSI F ICAl ION NO. ACCT. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTJMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 421.91 Personal Services *10,946 *13,650 *13,650 16,469 16., 469 421.92 Supplies 645 200 200 750 750 421.93 OtARI' Chargee 1,098 765 765 1.600 l,6O0 421.94 Capital outlay 2,916 4,200 4,200 4.100 4,100 1t21.95 Pound fees 8.400 8,400 15,605 18,815 18,815 31.3l9 3l,319 *former1y 440 Series , 1'7 I : ld ~ i I , ! r'"1 ~ Page 45 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUD6ET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCr. SERIES GENERAL POLlCE ANIMAL c:orJTROL 421.9 POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES 1974 GRAOE RANGE PROPOSED 1973 19?4 APPRDVED / Anlmel IIlerden I ~ 1 1S 543-662 6,681 Anl_llllarcl8n 11 1 1 19 600-731 -'...5~ 14,209 Work. COIlJI. 33 Health Ins. 540 FICA 831 L1nifo1'lll8 340 Fales Arrest 90 Rat11'811l8nt ~ 2.260 16,469 16,469 - - ., FULL TIME 1 2 PAtlT TIME 1 3.10 , , I i Wi ~ i f:l !j Page 4b CITY OF WHEAT BIDDiE ANNUAL BUDGET SUiMMARY i 1974 ~MAAL DEPT. D.lV. ACCl SERIES BUILDING INSPECTION 424 <" 425 , , PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY W , ~ : , , i . . ACCT. .L'::rlt:. 1973 1974 NP. ACCT. CLASSI F1CATlON ACTUAL BUIGET ESTlIllATE PROPOSED APPROVED S"l 24.11 Personal Services 20,811 33,17B 33,178 35,056 46,469 24.12 Supplies 1,821 1,700 2,600 4, 200 4,200 24.13 Other Charges 2,848 3,740 5,138 7,000 7,000 24.14 Equipment 991 1,500 770 1,500 1,500 +24.19 Chief Bldg. Inspector 11,722 12,396 13 ,068 13,668 14,364 ~25 Ordinance Enforcement -1QQ. 1,000 500 1,000 1,000 i - : 38,293 53,514 55,254 62,424 74,533 _! , I ~. '1:1',r' ~.. "",' .,. - ,~ f1 I , \';<3 .,...o.j Page 47 CITY OF W'HEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDDE T P:ERBONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES BUIUlING INSPF:CTION 4?4 POSITION EMPLOYEES 40"'lI. TITLE GRADE RANGE PRDPOSED APPROVED I~...... I......., . .~ , Chief Building IMpactor 1 1 13,668 llt,36r. Building lnepector 1 1 24 679-821 9,922 Enforcement Oft. II 1 1 24 679-827 9.214 Adlain. ClUk III 1 1 14 530-646 7.254 Part Time Inspectors Y.l )i 2.500 42,558 Enforcement Officer I 1 19 600-731 7,:300 Clerk Typi.t I 1/2 S 2,500 fICA 2,410 Ret1ral1l8nt 1,267 longevity 420 Heelth 1118. 1,080 O"'.rtWa 500 Trelnlng 150 Work. CaqJ. 279 6.166 48,724 60,633 fULL TIME 4 jl PART TIME 1 Z i , . '1' ~. F'1 ~ I 3'10 [1 , I I I J t"age 4~ CITY OF WilE A , RlUGE ANNUAL BUD:IiET S,U.ARY cilt1hL rIillr. WORKS JOJV,T OF WAY ACCl:n$fR I ES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY , Acqu~131tion of Right of Way and Right of WSj,l / E asemehts to support Eali3ementa. construction of street, drainage and traffic improvemsnts. 197:7 197~ 'C17L. ACCT. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED NO. '1.1 Right of Way -0.- 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 " C'~'~..'.-w -, , L ~ , , 1~ n , i . , , I ' , J i .1i'7 n t'age 4:J CITY OF WHEAT RIDOE ANNUAL BUDB'ET S'UMMA'RY 1974 lRL ~~c WORKS mN1NEER ING ACCl~n~~RIES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY bJ ~ 431.24 " (a) (b) $40,000 for consulting en- gineering fees required to support the implementation of the Capital Improvement Programo $1,500 for the City#s pro=rate share of the Sloan's Lake Basin Studyo lQ'1!7 1 Q?~ , Cry/. ACCT. NO. ACCT. CLASSI FICAT ION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED " 31.21 Personal Services 39,778 67,849 67,849 134.560 134,560 :31.22 Supplies 3,500 4,200 4,200 6,000 6,000 31.23 Other 4,300 3,300 3.300 4,500 4.500 31.24 Capital Outlay 900 ~0JlQ. ~OQO 41,500 41.500 48,478 156,349 152.349 186.560 186,560 .. -, ., j ,t.7 , I l. ~ Ie: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PE:RSONN EL SCHE;DULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES " Dllal l'C HI; 431 21 EMPLOYEES RANGE 1974 POSITION TITLE GRADE PROPOSED APPROVED la'7':l lq?L. , Ptief of Engineering 1 1 It6 ..168-1"21 ' I1t,591 blvll Engineer 1 2 36 912-1111 24,609 C:nginserlng Tech. J 3 27 131-890 30,137 Construction Inep. 1 1 2ft 679-827 9,024 ~ng1neering Draftsmen 1 1 23 662-807 9.D97 ~ng. Aide I, II 3 2 17-20 571-749 16,638 ~dIa. Clerk II 1 1 9 lt59-571 6.133 110,229 ""lCA 6 , ,.48 Heal th Ins. 2,970 "'Uaage 100 Pvert1ale 10,000 "raining 1,000 lIJor" Camp. 506 ~et1r8lllBnt 3.307 24.'31 134, S60 134,56lJ FULL TIME 11 11 PART TIME I~ " , 3-10 ~ ";J 1'1 I: r'ags ;:ll CITY OF W'IIEA T R'IDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 1974 FUND GENERAL DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS OW. REHABILHA nON ACCT. SERIES 431.3 PRDGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY l..~ , ~ 17" Channelization ,- 44th P.venuE!, Clear Creek to Kipling; extra width involved,. Funds to be used in conjunction with General Rev8nue Sharing, ACCT. i'n;,: J.';rt-' J.'c:U4 ~ ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED NO. ~ 31.3 58,000 ~~55, 000 255,000 133,072 l33w072 ~.r ~.~ r] [ , i -j P"w.", 5; CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SUrtMARY ANNUAL BUDGET [fIffI:\ L fIlIllr. WORKS MAINtU.NGE OF CONDITION ACCl31.SERIES PROGRAM OESCRIPTlON PROGRAM COMMENTARY I I l'; 431..44 - (a) Trailer (1) (b) ~ir Compressor with 1001s 85,000 ~ $5,000 $10,000 1972 1973 1974 ACCT. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION tf.J NO. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED ~ ,31.41 Personal Services 83,921 132,216 132,216 ~239 171,239 31.42 Supplies 15.000 90,000 90,000 135,000 135 , 000 31.4' Other Charges 12.000 43,000 43,000 46,000 46,000 31.44 Capitel Outlay 6.000 6.400 6.400 10.000 lO.OOO 116,921 271,616 271,616 362.239 362,239 3'7 ~ ( CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE RESOLUTION 29B Page 2 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES General Public Works Maintenance 431.41 EMPLOYEES RANGE I POSITIDN TITLE 1Q7L. 1q71 GRADE PROPOSED APPROVED P. W. Maint. Supt 3/4 3/4 39 t382-1197 City Svc. Wkr. Foremal 1 1 30 t?87-958 City Svc. Wkr. V 2 3 25 1696-848 City Svc. Wkr. IV 6 ,5 21 1630-768 City Svc. Wkr. II, II 6 6 13-17 507-696 , FULL TIME PART TIME 15 3 15, ,"4 1 3.10 171,239 ~ IJ Il fl '" .. ... .- I! U ~ I j Page 53 CITY OF WHEAT R lOGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL PUBLIC WClU1S MAINTENANCE ' 431.41 EMPLDYEES RANGE 1974 POSITION TITLE 11974 GRADE PROPOSED APPROVED 1973 ~ubllc Works Halnt. Superihtendent 3/'+ 13/4 39 982-1197 10,125 Ity Services Foreman 1 1 30 787-958 10,169 :lty SBrvlcas Worker V 2 2 25 696-848 19,12'+ Ity Services Worker IV 5" 6 21 630-768 45.881 Pity Services Worker II , III 6 6 1) - 17 507-696 45.352 130,651 ~et1rement 3,920 ~ICA 7,643 ~ea1th Ins. 4,050 PYlOT 17,950 Irralnlng 400 IJnlfD1'lIIs 2,000 lIIork. Compo 4.625 40.588 111,239 111,239 FULL TIME 15l' 15-31 ~ PART TIME 1 0 3.10 I, i J ,.J SJ "1 Page 54 CITY OF WHEAT R'IDGE ANNUAL BUDDE' SUMMARY 1974 FUND GENERAL DEPT. PU8LIC WORKS D_IV. SNOW & ICE REMOVAL ACCl SERIES 431.5 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM CIMMENTARY ~ i : I AG&T. 1972 19'73 1974 ~ 1ft). ACCT. CLASSifiCATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED ~ 431.5 Snow & Ice Removal 12,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 12,000 _1 .., 3 -- _.1 _" -_-'.'1 ~'''-','''-''C';,''''':' , i_ ~ ruy.. ....J CITY OF WHEAT RI'D6E ANNUAL BUDDET '. SU!FtlIARY IMI~AL Afd[Jr'C WORKS ~VfFIC SERVICES ACC'b~UlIES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY , - 1972 lQ'n lCl7L. ACCT. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED NO. " 4J1.~1 Personal Services 24,824 29,826 29,826 20,570 20 , 570 43l.62 Supplies 12,000 13,000 13 , 000 20,000 20,000 43l.63 Other Charges 4,200 3,157 3,157 4,000 4,000 431.64 Capital Outlay 5,000 2,140 2,l40 -o,~ -0- 431.65 Signal Maintenance 12,000 15 L 000 15,000 18 , 000 18,000 58,024 63,123 63,123 62,570 62,570 I I \ .,- , \ .i . . >.~ - I ),J{,7'.i . _I " ~ ~ ~ .t>\:I"~:.r.;; CITY OF WHEAT R lOGE ANNUAL BUDGET .. SUf4MIRY _AAL AfdlTr-c WORKS QAX'FIC SERVICES ACC'b~\lUES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY , - - lQ'7? 'a'1~ 1 Cl71. ACCT. ADCT. CLASSIFICAHDN NO. ACTUAL BUDGET ESn.,aTE PRIPO.SED APPROVED 4:n.~1 Parsonal Services 24,824 29,826 29,826 20,570 20,570 431.62 Supplies 12,000 13,000 13 ,000 20,000 20,000 431.63 Other Charges 4,200 3,157 3,15'] 4,000 4,000 431.64 Capital Outlay 5,000 2,140 2,140 -O-~ ~o- 14-31.65 5ignal Maintenance 12.000 15 L 000 15.000 18 I 000 18.000 58,024 63,123 63,l23 62,570 62,570 ..- \ . ~ - i' 6 ~ f~-a t I ! , ~ r~ , \ : r~: , ~ \,'j L l~.l I ' \ ~J Page 56 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ~ FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES . 4~ _~ EMPLDm~" ...... . ..... 'T'" '.U' POSITION TITLE GRADE RANGE PROPOSm"" APPROVED I;> 1,;1 ';>1'+ , Traffic Tachnician 1 0 -- -- -0- Ci ty Services A 2 Idorker 1\1 1 21 630-768 8,414 Ci ty Services AD IIlDrker III 1 17 571-696 _7.,~'J?. 16,087 FICA 941 Health Ins. 540 Overtime 1,650 Training 100 Unifo1'lllll 200 Idork. C_. 569 Reti1'8lllBnt 483 4.48) - 20,570 20,570 - . -, FULL TIME 3 2 PAl\T TIME i l;; ~ , - r-:~ S'10 11 I i l."" t'age :JI CITY OF WH'EA T R10'6f ANNUAL BUDDET SUMMARY 1974 ~AL p~r~IC WORKS q~s ACCT.4~GR)ES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY 431.74 , (a) Analyzer 3,000 (b) Toole 500 (c) Exhaust System 500 4,000 ACCT. 4." Co 4;#1.1 4;#{" Nil: AC.CT. CLASSI FICATlON ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 431.71 Personal Services 1,500 1,500 1,500 1.500 l,500 l+31,,7~ Supplies 2,300 2,200 2,200 3,000 3,000 43l. T:. Other Charges 1,000 800 BOO 1,000 1,000 431. ?~ Capital Outlay 2.500 -€l= =0- 4.000 4.000 7,300 4,500 4,500 9,500 9,500 - , , , 3'7 ~ I ! , 1 i l" ~ f1 ~ PL',ge 58 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONN EL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES , '~mJlLdMr'~ -- ...... .., ...........' ~- -. POSITION TITLE GRADE RANGE --. PRopds'Etf APPRDVED I? '.;1 I? ,-. , City Services V 1 2 25 696-848 19,612 City Services IV 2 2 21 630-768 1?J6~8 37,250 FICA 2.150 Health Ins. 1 . 080 Overtime 1.500 Training 300 Uniforms 1.500 Work. Compo 1.530 _8)l ft60 45,310 ALLOCATEO TO DTI'ERS (43.810) _..~.....- - 1 p 500 1,500 , .., fULL TIME PART TIME 3 4 ! ! i i , tbJ ~ 3.10 G1 . t age -sg CITY OF WHEAT RIDDiE ANNUAL BUDliE T SUiMMARY 1974 FUND DEPT. D.IV. ACel SERIES GENERAL PUBLIC I!mRKS ADMINISTRATION 431.8 PROGRAM DESCRIPTlIN PROGRAM CDMMENTARY .;.;~ , , 431.86 -- (ai Office Equipment $I,OoO . :? (b) Facility Improvement $10,000 ACCT. 1972 1973 1 g'7l~ Nfl. AC~T. CLASS I FICA liON ACTUAL BUDliET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED , 31.8l Personal Services 24,407 27,670 27,670 28,625 28,625 31..82 Supplies 2,500 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,500 ~31eB3 Insurance 8,000 11, 000 11 , 000 14.000 14,000 31e84 Uti Ii ties 2,100 3,600 3,600 4,000 4,000 , 1631.85 Other Charges 3.000 4,000 4,000 6.000 6,000 I , 1t31.86 Capital Outlay _59.'1 500 450 11,000 11,000 ) , 40,507 47, 770 47.720 , ! ..:U.89 Director of Pub. Wke. 18,360 18,360 :a.;''- 63.485 83, 485 1 . T ~."~" " .~ ,..",.,.'.';'. -, l ~ k;J Page 60 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPl DIV. ACCl SERIES GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 431.81 POSITION EMPLOYEES TITLE GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED Director 1 1 -- 1286 15GB 18,360 Administrative OrficB] 0 1 29 768-935 10,940 Admi~lstrative Clerk III 0 1 14 530-646 6,523 Secretary 1 0 -- -- -- Clerk Typ1Bt I \.~ }2 -- 416-507 4.000 ". City Engineer ~ Y.z -- -- 1,320 -- 41,143 Retirelll8nt 1 ,O'/S FICA 2,407 Health Ins. 810 Overtime 1,200 Mileage 100 Training 200 WDrk. Co~. 50 5.842 46,985 ft6,985 - ,,' FULL TIME 2 l PART TIME 2 2 f 1 I i L0 ~ ~~ T>l 3.10 [1 r'aYB 0 I CITY OF W'HEAT RIDGE SU"M~RY ANNUAL BUDDET ~QAL- ~Jrc WOfH~S sq~Wf.T CLEANING ACCt3~.E}' I ES PROGRAM DESCRIPTlDN PROGRAM COMMENTARY w ~ r,,'1 , 432.24 ," 5treet Flusher 20,000 "-~- . AC{f. ."'Co ,L7 ,... ...:1,'" [=:] ACCT. CLASS I flCATION N.D. ACTUAL BUDBET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED I"" .32.21 Personal Services 14,788 1.",480 15,480 25,590 25.590 lt32~22 Supplies 750 2,200 2.200 3,500 3,500 ~32.23 Other Charges 3,500 3,500 3.500 .5 . 500 5,500 432.24 Capital OUt,i.6\[ - - ~, 20,000 20 , DQQ - . ...."""=,,.--.., e .. 19,038 21.l80 21,180 54,590 54,590 1 , .I ' '..7 [1 ! j ]J Page 62 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIY. ACCT. SERIES GEr~ERAl. PUBl.IC IllORKS STREET CLEANING 4J??1 POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES GRADE RANGE 40.". ,0'7" ..0"", PROPOSED APPROVED City Services Ma1nt. S",sl'int:endent 14 ". 3.)35 City Services I Worker IV "* 2 21 630-768 .16..a..6!K! 20.015 Retirement 601 fICA 1171 Health Ina. 540 Ovartime 2000 Unifo1'tll8 536 Work. COlIlp. 727 5.515 25 p 590 25.590 FUll TIME 1. 2 PART TIME i' 1 i bJ ~ , J 3-10 11: r8!:j8 O..J CITY Of WH'EA' RIllE . ANNtlAl BUOO"ET PlllallNEl SCilEDUlE 1974 ~AL AUt'xC; WORKS RlMEET LIGHTING AC Ct31.E}lIES EMPLOYEES GRADE RANGE POSITIDN TITLE PROPOSED APPRIVED J , , , 11 72 1973 1974 ~tl ~32.J Street Lighting 49 000 5 p,700 ~O, 700 56,0 0 56,000 " , , ! ;- FULL TIME " PA~T TIME :FJI: \ ,'.,.''''' , / ~ ~1 ~ tS'> PaDe n!, CITY OF WHfAY RtllE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY lfINIPL fJRll{:: WORKS _M SEWER ACCfJ2SiRIES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PR06t1AM COMMENTARY . 432.51 , " Master Drainage Plen 50,000 Rocky Mountain Ditch at 32nd Avenue 40 ,000 , 1972 1973 1974 ACCT. ACCT. CLASS I F ICATlON - ilia. ACTUAL BUD&n ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVEO If3Z.S1 NIilw5ystsms 245,000 20,000 11,400 90.000 90,000 i 32.52 Maintenance 4,68l 2.2!lQ 3,lOQ 6,000 6,000 . 249,681 23,500 14,500 96,000 96,000 : : i e. ., , , o ~ - 'IT" ,.' .. uil "'i'",..'. " ' '1' I ~ n. r~ u~' ,_ CITY OF W'HEAT RID'DE ANNUAL BUDGET SU~MARY iItIlAL ~Wl1i-c tIImKS Il~o CONTROL ACCt3!tRIES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM CDMMENTARY 433.64 ~ How Trim Attachment ~ ,q?? 1973 ,q?L. ACCT. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION f-;ol ,... ACTUAL BU8GET ESTIMATE PROPOSEO APPROVED ~ lt33.6 Weed Control 1,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2~500 ! ~33.64 Capital Outlay <'- ""',=. -. - 6,000 ~OQQ. 8,500 8.500 _ F ., , ' I ' i , t'age tiC CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET StMMIRY 1974 fUND GENEIiAL DEPT. PARKS & RECREATION DIY. RECREATION ACCl SERIES 451 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY I \... ~ ~ Revenue from Recreation Programs = 117,000 Additional 'Part Time personnel necessary for complete programe Contractual services necessary for such things as Swimming Pool rental, Bus Leases, Ski Registration. ACCT. .s.~/C. L':U ,) L ';1"1"- t~? r " ACOl. CLASSIFICATION PRIPOSED APPROVED NO. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE , ~ 11,244 25,083 25,983 53,505 ~ -.. . '51.\11 Parsonal Services 53,505 51.12 Supplies 2,503 3,500 4,100 5,733 5.733 51.13 Other Charges. 2,704 7,000 7.000 2,500 2,500 51.14 Equipment 1,090 3,000 3,000 -o~ -0- , 17,541 38,583 40,OB3 I , 51.15 Contractual Services 10,652 1,0.652 72,390 72,390 :'" c, I ".- ~ ",;J'~", c- _ , _ i ! l; Page 67 CITY OF WHEAT R lOGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GEr~RAL PARKS & RECREATION RECREATION 451 TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE 1974 POSITION 1973 GRADE PROPOSED APPROVED 1974 , . Recreation Super- 787-958 10,901 intendant 1 1 30 Instructors 38.000 48,901 FICA 2,860 Retirement 327 Health Ina. 270 Overtims 100 Training 100 Unlfo1'lll8 150 Work. CD!Il). ...:!21 4 604 -,..,- 5), 50S 53,505 FULL TIME 1 1 PART TIME 3'10 ~ FE! -~ ~ ! -1 ! FUND GENt:RAL ",," ~ FI:' If.;l ~ CITY OF W,HEAJ RieDE SUMMARY DEPT. PARKS & RECREATION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Am. II. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ~52.l1 Personal Services ~52.l2 Suppliee ~52.l3 Haintenance ~52.l4 Other Charges ~52,l5 Capital Outlay- Development ~52.~6 Cepl~al Outlay- EqlJ1pment ~52~1? t,pital Outlsy- l_rovel1len~e '~5~.1~ F~~ke & Recrsat~on Director i' ,,! ,,' c, J.,;,' 1972 ACTUAL 39,692 6,792 27,158 2, 172 18,882 14,066 ;,,/ 30,515 9.168 1#6.445 1974 D,IV. PARKS AN:NUAL Page 68 BUDGET Acer. SERIES 452 PROGRAM COMMENTARY Additional Summer help on1y--no - additional Full Time people. EEA (2) are not shown as City ex- penee in 19?30 1973 BUDGET ESTIMATE 54,564 8,700 18,250 3,000 47,000 . 10,000 10,000 li.760 J;63.274 54,564 9,200 26.250 3,000 70,000 9,500 10,500 13,850 , 196,864 1974 PROPOSED APPROVED 86,793 11 , 500 28 t 500 3.500 86,085 11,500 28,500 3,SOO 71.400 71.400 8,145 8,145 ..0- -0- 14.016 , 223.854, 14.124 223.854 l. Page 69 CITY OF WHEAT RID6E . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCl SERIES GENERAL PAR~S & RECREATION PARHS 452 EMPLDYEES 1974 POSITION TITLE 1913 1914 GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPRDVED Parks & Recreat10n f Director 1 1 14,016 14,724 Sacrstary II 1 1 14 530-646 6,653 City Sarvicea 696-848 9,286 Workar V 1 1 25 City Sal'vices 13 - 11 507-696 36.258 Worker II, III 5 5 Rangers 4,"94 SURlIer Help 17.000 81,701 FICA 5,131 Re'lilrement 2,631 lIIork. Comp. 1, 4X1 I Health Ins. 2,160 Overt1M Soo Trl!1nlng 350 Unlfo1'lD8 900 13.102 100,809 100,809 -, fULL TIME 8 8 PART TIME 3.10 [ij'; r4 i ~"':'1 L:..~ ~ Page 70 CllY OF Wtl,EAT RIDft SUMMIIY 19?4 ANNUAL BUDltT FUND GENERAL DEPT. PARKS' & RECREATION D,IV. TREt MAINTENANCE ACCT. SERIES 453 PROGRAM DESCRIPTlDN PROGRAM COMMENTARY I l"'j No Change..' ". 1972 1'373 1974 "'i ACCT. ""I h. .ACCT. CLASS If ICA TlON ACTUAL BU06ET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPRDVED Fi '~i).ll l)eraonl1l1 Services 5,356 18,65~ 17,657 20,848 20,848 .14 53.12 puppliBB 1,059 2,800 1,300 1,000 1,000 14)3.13 lther Charges 1,106 1,400 1,900 2.000 2,000 ~53.14 qu1pment 24~062 500 -0- -0- -0- 31,583 23,357 20,857 23 ,8118 23,848 "" ~. ,'ltt "-:',0 ""; ~ '~ . ,c_ ' . Page 71 'Y OF WHEtT RtD'GE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONN E L SC'HEiD,U,lE DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES ,l PARKS-RECREATION FORESTRV 453 EMPLOYEES 1974 ION TITLE 1913 1914 GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED , r1st 1 1 26 '113-869 9.215 ice IV 1 1 21 630-766 8,143 17,358- 1~O15 t 521 a. 540 300 250 250 p. 614 _3.,.490 20,848 20,848 . - FULL TIM,E " z "IP'T T1MJ \ .,,- I , lIe. ~T i S ] i I , I ! , , ; i ; , I , IPPROVED 10,000 i " I i , i I l_ ~ ~ . t:I!4ts 1" CITY OF WH!-AT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUrflAfty , riWAL JltT TRANS IT D.lV. ACCT1tB~fR~ES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM CIMMENTARY , , , I , , No expen~1tL:'re anticipated due to I RTD election in Sep'tember, 1973. I .~..~ .~.... . ~... AtCT. .....,.. ...."... ...., ,..., .. ACCT. CLASSIFICATUIN ACTIIAL BIIDGET ESTIMAU PROPOSED APPROVED IfQO MasSI Trend t 10 , 168 12,000 12,000 -0- 10,000 , ! -,;' , , , , , , 1..,_" :.: , " , .. tQ f"S'1 ~ f~~~ r "'!:l" ,..- CITY OF WHEAT RID'&E ANNUAL BUDGET , SUI4IARY lIIRAL DEPT. DIV. ACC11C~ERIES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PRIGRAM CIMMENTARY , ACCT. .':1/' J..':1/.;1 .1.':11" ... ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PRIPOSED APPROVED ~10 ' Unallocated Surplus 415 48,432 48,432 25,000 20,300 .., \ - 8,'7 ! ~ k'rl f~ ~ ~ , Pags '14 C11'l Of \l1HEp..i RIOGE flE"ENUE SM"flIN" fUNO , \ ' \ . \ \ p 1974 - . -, CITY Of WHEAT RIDGE 19'74 REVENUE SHARING FUND r-___ INCOME ! , , 632 Federal Grants 699 Surplus Carryover ~.-' f~ TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURE.!? 731 Traneportation - Street Rehabilitation Contracts 799 Unallocated TOTAL EXPENDITURES ~; ~.<, r,'- I .:;1 Proposed 135,000 7,939 l429939 Projected 128,539 14.400 142p939 Approved Pags 75 r t , CITY OF I- I I FUND REVENUE SHARING WHEAT DEPT. P.R86RAM DESCRIPTION I LJ ~ ;'.S t~ AetJ. .; AUT. CLASSIFICATION ~, "1 Transportation , I I ,. \ ' I \ : [' ; l'ft I .... Page 76 Rt86E AN:NUAL BUD8!T= SUMMARY 1974 DIV. Acel SERIES 731 PROGRAM COMMENTARY Used 1n con~unctlDn with General fund moneys in account 431.3 for the completion of Cepital Outlay Projects. (1) Reconstruction - Pierce Street from 32nd Ave. to 38th Ave. (2) Reconstruct same portions of 38th Ave~ between Pierce and Wadsworth. ~3) Possible Drainage Construction res~ltlng from Engineering studies underw8Y in 1973'. 1972 ACTUAL 1973 BUIGET ESTIMATE 1974 PROPOSED APPROVED -0- 128,376 128)376 135,000 135,000 -. .., . "'!;1'" " CIT' OFWtlEAJ R'IIIE ANNUAL BUDGET SU..,.' ~UE SHARING DEPT. DIV. AC~~9 SERIES I ~.'" r#~ PRD&RAM DESCRIPTION PR06RAM COMMENTARY , 1C'7" 1C'7':l HVH Al1:1'. lC,H. CLASSIFICATllIN ~ ... ACTUAL BUDsn ESTIMATE PRlI'lIS~D APPIOVED ~ "99 ~$11DC8ted Surplus -0- 14,400 14,400 7,939 7,939 -fi' h; l j ~ I . j :lrl' ~ ".' ',""\....,..;..,"7'-,.., _';. ,"-.Y'~ . vLGl 'or I ~.TdV SO-Sd-(I)-~v-EL lOa~oJd (1 I 9mO .LI NIl :;DN3;)1'I'13J,NI S;)1 J,OOHVN N\fH'10dOH.1:m .LtIOd3H ,SHOJ,I anv aNV SJ,N3!~:>rJ, V.LS 'W I ~NV NT d Ilexander Grant; &COMPANY RTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INTERNATIONAL FIRM ALEXANDER GRANT TANSLEY WITT Edward R. Pinson, Project Director Metropolitan NarcotIcs Intelligence Unit (MEG II) We have examIned the accompanying balance sheet of the Metropolitan Narcotics Intelligence UnIt (MEG 11), Project 73-4C-lll-P3-03, as of AprIl 30, 1974, and the related statement of revenue, expendI tUl'es and Jund balance for the period from January I, 1973 (InceptIon of project) through AprIl 30, 1974. Our examinatIon was made in accordance wIth generally accepted auditing standards, and accordIngly included such tests of the accounting recnrds and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary In the circumstances. In our opinIon, the finanCial statements referred to above present faIrly the finanCial position of the Metropolitan NarcotiCS Intelligence Unit lMEG II), Project 73-4C-(ll-P3-03, at April 30, 1974, and the results of its operations for the sixteen months then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Denver, Colorado August 20, 1974 1600 BROADWAY DENVER CO 80202 ':303,266-2121 flt' Cash Accounts payable Fund balance Metropolitan Narcotics Intelligence Unit (MEG II) Project 73-4C- (l)-P3-03 BALANCE SHEET April 30, 1974 ASSETS LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE The accompanying note is an integral part of this statement. .,: -,,- - $ 2,535 $ 1,148 1,387 $ 2 , 535 " Metropolitan Narcotics Intelligence Un i t (MEG 11) Project 73-4C-(l)-P3-03 STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCE Sixteen months ended April 30, 1974 Revenue Federal grant Subgrantee contribution (note) Expenditures Personnel salaries Buy money and informant expense Gas, oil and maintenance Acquisition of vehicles Agent expenses Telephone Insurance Travel expense Accounting and auditing fees Office supplies Utili ties Miscellaneous office expense Radio maintenance $ 29,572 23,277 15,020 14,648 12,655 5,507 4,302 2,603 1,850 1,465 958 583 65 EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES Fund balance at January 1, 1973 Fund balance at April 30, 1974 The accompanying note is an integral part of this statement, .e; $ 113,892 113,892 112 , 505 1,387 $ 1,387 ~ Metropolitan Narcotics Intelligence Unit (MEG II) Project 73-4C-(1)-P3-03 NOTE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS April 30, 1974 SUBGRANTEE CONTRIBUTION Under the terms of the grant agreement, a matching contribu- tion of at least twenty-five percent of the grant amount was to have been made by the local law enforcement agencies. This requirement was met by the participating departments through payment of the salaries and fringe benefits of the agents assigned to the MEG unit, Since the value of contributed services is not readily determinable, no value has been recognized as revenue and as a corresponding expenditure in the accompanying financial statements, In the opinion of the grant administrators, the value of these contributed services was in excess of that required by the original grant award, 4 - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND AUDITORS' REPORT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO December 31, 1974 - - - - - - - CON TEN T S Page AUDITORS' REPORT 3 COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUNDS 5 COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUE, TRANSFERS, EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - ALL FUNDS 6 GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND TRANSFERS COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 8 9 10 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUE, TRANSFERS, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CASH BALANCES 12 13 14 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND C'HANGES IN FUND BALANCES 16 17 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS - BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY 19 20 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 22 Alexander Grant & COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INTERNATIONAL FIRM ALEXANDER GRANT TANSLEY WITT The Honorable Homer L. Roesener, Mayor Members of CIty Council City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado We have examined the financIal staTemenTs of the various funds and balanced account groups of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado as of and for The year ended December 31, 1974, included in thIS report on pages 8 Through 25. OUT ex- amination was made in accordance wiTh generally accepted audit- ing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the ac- counting records and such other auditing procedures as we consi.dered necessary in the circumstances, In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the various funds and balanced account groups of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado at December 31, 1974, and the results of their oper- ations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Our examination was made primarily for the purpose of formulating the opinion stated in the preceding paragraph. The supplemental combined financial statements included in this report on pages 5 and 6, although not considered neces- sary for a fair presentation of financial position and results of operations, are presented as supplementary information and have been subjected to the audit procedures applied in the examination of The basic financial statements. In our opInion, the supplemental statements are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic fInancial statements taken as a whole, ~~~J1 (;, Denver, Colorado February 21, 1975 1600 BROADWAY DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 266-2121 - COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ALL FUNDS - - - 4 c:~(")::O ;?;; '"'J8';J>~;J>H()() =:. ~ 0 m l-" (':) C':l P ro ~ >i <: ::> "' ro ("l X ro ("l ro ("l <: >i "' ('tI CD r-I-CD 0 ro '" >i Oellri'::r en en "i 'i ri'C 0.. ~ s:: 'r-+.i ~ m }ooi. rl" r+ )-I' <: o ::> ", ell >i i:l <+ H> >i !3 cr ro ri' ~o.o.OM-al-" l-" (0 ~ 0"' tJl 9tJlro("l (')~rl-H, ... r.n )-l.l-" i:l ., c-t rl- 1-" 0 ::r'O It> ::I ~ 0 Ii r+ rl- ..., ro o >i ..., ro ., rl-Ulrl-o:"t(1;)TJ1(1;) 0 0. ". i:l 0 >i'<: tJlcro::r("l tJl ... i:l "' ro ri' ., >i >i ell ro ., ,.., i:l :>0 ., Hoo' p) It> 111-" 0 >-' C:J'l ("l i:'j H C>-' i:l tJl <: ,.., i:l ro C '" i:l ro D ri" 'r-+.i ~ >i o.i:l !3 i:'j >-' 0. ro C 0' 0. ro ro 0' :>0 ", tJl >ii:ll-' ro tJl cr>i >i <: ., ro 0. ro '0 ell ., ., ., i:'j 0' ("l "' 0 >i I-'H i:l '" ". ro tJl <: ., ("l I-' t-< ". ". ro ::> ,.., ro ;J> ", H <: ri' tJl ("l ", tJl Z ... ;J> ., ;J> ro X 0 ", OJ 0' '" ., "' ro ro H I-' '" i:l 0. ~ tJl t-< ro i:'j 0. H ..., ., Z ..., '" ,.., tJl 0 H C tJl i:'j i:l ro OJ '" 0. ... ;J> '" tJl t-< cr ;J> ., Z >-' () ., i:'j ::> '" ("l ro "' -Y> '" '" '" ~ f: f~ ~ Gl I-' '" ro c.n C; C; >-' '" .. '"'J::> c.n 00 00 .. "'I-' 00 Cell i:l >i 00 '" '" 00 .... '" 0." () J J '" '" '''' J c.n J "'..., J J ..., I-' ", 00 H H I-' ..00 0 ... '<: () 0 0 0 "" ,.., ro 6J * * ff> ff> ..., ("l H o;i ~ f~ fi >i ro Z ::r ~ >-' '"'J;J>C !3 i:'j ;J> ell c.n r" NU1:O'l~ C:J'l "' 0' 0 I-' ., .. "'.. '" (,f)1+::rr.0'l(,f) i:llll ri' III I-' ri' 0.::> >i OJ '" ..00 W ~(!:l(,f)t'V "' " ., ;J> '"'J :>0 I I I .. "'''' J I "" t\:jmQ(,f) '<: i:l W s: C 1-" c.n ..I-' W ~~QOO 0. I-' ::> 0. Z 0. :J'l () tJl III I-' i:'j '" ..., '" () * '" '" '" .. :I: 0 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ :>0'" i:'j >-' H '"'Jill'" l:"l 0 w C <: (]) ..., >i i:l (]) ("l ., I-' 0.. ~ \-ol. 0. , I , I , , , , , I I 00 Ul C ., 0 C; ell I-' * '" '" * ~ f~ Hcr> ~~ f~ Gl ;J>'"'JC1l ..'" rn jool. = Ocr> "' X ell cr>H (]) C1l >i "'0." ",W Ul I-' lOt-' I , J I I , I I I I cr>0 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado All Funds COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUE, TRANSFERS, EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year ended December 31, 1974 Revenue and transfers Taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental re~enue Charges for services Fines and forfeitures Interest income Miscellaneous income Federal revenue sharing Contributions to pension plan Donations Transfer from other funds Total revenue Expenditures, encumbrances and transfers General government Public safety Public works Parks and recreation Intergovernmental cooperation outlay Capital acquisitions Highway rehabilitation Transfer to other funds Professional fees Refunds Other expenditures Total expenditures, encumbrances and transfers EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDI- TURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND TRANSFERS Fund balances at January 1, 1974 Fund balances at December 31, 1974 General Fund $ 1,785,193 87,359 509,982 26,694 42,841 18,796 14,924 2,485,789 386,573 990,259 942,778 300,727 6,129 (37,785) 2,588,688 (102,899 ) 172 ,803 Trust and Agency Funds $ $ Special Revenue Funds 10 i 585 :.$0,000 25,267 789 123,119 78,796 1,841 1,275 7 239,615 118,367 95,336 7 2,554 7,632 223,889 15,726 233,008 32,064 21,494 99 21,593 10,471 69,904 $ 248,734 $ 13,186 2,715 $ 6 - - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GENERAL FUND 7 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1974 ASSETS Cash Operating accounts SavIngs accounts Prepaid Insurance $ 220,245 28,725 248,970 1,478 29 424 14,851 $ 294,723 ACl,ounts receIvable Due from Federal Revt-'Due Sharing Fund LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Liabi11l1es Accounts payable Trade acco'unts Payroll taxes withheld Other' Total liabilities $ 39,833 24,983 _~05 68,921 155,898 69.904 $ 294,723 Reserve fOI encumbranees Fund balance The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 8 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND TRANSFERS COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS Year ended December 31, 1974 Orer (undec) Budget Actual budge~ (note ,J) Revenues Taxes $ 1,814,311 $ 1,785,193 $ (29,118) Ll (',enses and permIts 104,342 87,359 (16,983) Intergovernmental l'evenue 549,481 509,982 (:59,499) Charges for serV.lces 28,600 26,694 ( 1 , 906 ) Fines and for fet tur'E,s 39,000 42,841 3,841 Interest lneome 16,350 18,796 2,446 Miscellaneous revenue 13,000 14,924 1,924 Total revenues 2,565,084 2,485,789 (79,295) Expenditures and encumbrances General government 407,065 386,573 20,492 Public safety 1,006,343 990,259 16,084 Pu b Ii c works 1,032,797 942,778 90,019 Parks and recreation 320,092 300,727 19,365 Intergovernmental cooper- ation outlays 6,130 6,129 1 Nondepartmental expendItures - (note K) (37,785) 37,785 Total expenditures and encumbrances 2,772,427 2,588,681 183,746 Transfer to Public Works Escrow Fund 7 (7 ) Total expenditures, encumbrances and transfers 2,772,427 ~588,688 183,739 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPEND ITURES, ENCUMBRANCES AND TRANSFERS $ ( 2 07 , 343 ) $ (102,899 ) $ 004 ,444) The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement, 9 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year ended December 31, 1974 Fund balance at January 1, 1974 $ 172,803 Deficiency of revenue over expenditures, encumbrances and transfers for the year 102,899 $ 69,904 Fund balance at December 31, 1974 - The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement, 10 ... ... FINANCIAL STATEMENTS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS ... 11 ..., ...; I:""' ;p ...; H (l ::l' '" >". " '" :=> " <1> :=> tl:o;p" " :=> c:::c:::< amorn P.. Cm()a' ., P.. <1> ([) ~l,PO :r " co ~ () 1-'- '" Ul en '1 < <1> " cr' COH ro u"n <+ t+ 1-'" Ii Cl " rl-"O C ...... P.. '1 S 1-'" ::s ~ 0 H 00..0.-t <1> ro H, IJ1l <+ a '" W .-+ 1-'- >". " o...,:=> 1--',001-" '0 " QO"U'lm :=> ro 0'1<+ Cl :=> '" Cl ..., ro H Ul <+ >". < ro Ul ",,1J1l :=> <1> 0 :=><1>'0 I:""' <1> < <1> " <+Cl '< Ul <+ <1> " H '1 " '1Ul' <1> Cl " >". 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"" m ..' 0 ::: City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Trust and Agency Funds STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CASH BALANCES Year ended December 31, 1974 Public Works Mountain Bell Escrow Escrow Fund Fund Receipts Refundable escrow deposits $ 16,910 $ 3,398 Transfer from General Fund 7 16,917 3,398 Disbursements Refund of deposits 43,396 2 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF RECEIPTS OVER DISBURSEMENTS (26,479) 3,396 Cash balance at January 1 , 1974 46,808 Cash balance at December 31, 1974 $ 20,329 $ 3,396 - The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement, 14 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 15 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Special Revenue Funds BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1974 Total Park Parks all Acquisition Open Space funds Fund Fund ASSETS Cash $ 13,186 $ 2,388 $ 10,798 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabili ties $ $ $ Fund balance 13,186 2,388 10,798 $ 13,186 $ 2,388 $ 10,798 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 16 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Special Revenue Funds STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year ended December 31, 1974 Total Park Parks all Acquisition Open Space funds Fund Fund Revenues Donations $ 1,275 $ 1,275 $ County open space funds 30,000 30,000 Interest income 789 789 Total revenues 32,064 1,275 30,789 Expenditures Legal and appraisal fees 1,503 1,503 Consultant fees 19,991 19,991 Landscaping 99 99 Total expenditures 21,593 1,602 19,991 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 10,471 (327 ) 10,798 - Fund balances at January 1, 1974 2,715 2,715 Fund balances at December 31, 1974 $ 13,186 $ 2,388 $ 10,798 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement, 17 - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GENERAL FIXED ASSETS - - 18 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS December 31, 1974 General fixed assets (note A2) Land and buildings Equipment Highways, streets and storm sewers Investment in general fixed assets General Fund revenues Contributions $ 637,167 653,765 7,076,884 $ 8,367,816 $ 1,406,506 6,961,310 $ 8,367,816 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement, 19 .., <;'l '" (]) (]) 't!'t!'t!<;'l::l (0 <= <= <1l (]) (0 11' 0"0"'= t1 (l '?1 jo_q",..l(t) s,:. (l rn .....f-I."11-1 0 (l (l (0 S >-,H, 't! " Ul >-', (0 0"''''' >: ::l "l H, 0 <tl '< :>;"<tl< 0. '"', Ul rl-<tl ::l '<1>1 '" "" ::l Ul S Ul ::s <1l <1l 0 ::lrl- rl- rl-Ul (I) Ul (0 >1 <tl '" ::s >-', " rl- '" (I) 0 "" >1 '" >-' '<:l UJ '" .., >1 " rl- ..., t'j 0 is: H, t'j Z rl- ..., '" '" '" >-', '-<0::1 0 rJJ ~ ~ ' (0'" >.j ::s>-' Ul WW>-, >-,<=(0 (") rl- -...:J-..J-..Jt'V '"'(O::S ~ (0 OOO~O ">1(l " rl- >I>- '< (]) Z <1l t..OOOI--'W <;'l S '"'-JOWOO >-'''' t'j <1l OOOc.nt\:l - rl- UJ ::l Ki (") rl- <1l >-; >-,. '" Z rl- '" <.h >1 '<I "l <;'l f: r (I) <;'l (I) t'j 0 >1>-",,", < "':l<tl ::s z H, en "'w ~....::,,,,....:J <1l <= ::s 0. !:J ::l ::s (]) (I) ~ mOOU1l--l <= 0.'" 0. " '" -..JW~O (I) '" t' (]) t+;l.l\;It-I.....:J rJJ >-''' t:l '" 0. (I) >.j rl- 0. (l >-; >-', (I) X :>:1 (") rl- a t>\ ....' 0 '"', 0- t:l 0. '" <.h ::l 0 <1l "" rl- ::s >1 " <1l f: >-' ,., fJJ UJ >-' '"', W Ul 00 0- >-' M (") " .., 0 W rl- Ul >-' , , <Jl' '"', >-' 0 " 0 '"' >1 ::l " (0 Ul >I>- ~ 0. 0 <.h <.h ~ I, UJ z II, (0 (") >-' ..., (I) >-; , , , Ul 0 Z ~ ..., t:l <.h '" >1 '" " ~ ' I, ::l (") fJJ ..., H, >-; , , , (I) <I >1 >-; Ul ..., Ki <fi <.h t:l ~~ (I) tr:1 ~ ' (l '" (I) >-' "'>I>-W >-'13 '" t-rW<.Dl'V ,",o"::l ....:Jt\:lQ...:J "(I)(l >I>->1<1l O)O')o~ >1>->1>->1>-00 W'" ~ow(O >-'rl- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 21 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1974 NOTE A - SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES A summary of the significant accounting policies consistently applied in the preparation of the accompanying financial statements follows: 1. Basis of Accounting The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting principles promulgated by The National Committee on Governmental Accounting in its publi- cation Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting, as amended by the industry audit guide, Audits of State and Local Governmental Units, prepared by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Committee on Gov- ernmental Accounting and Auditing. 2. General Fixed Asset Group of Accounts Land, buildings and equipment purchased by the city since its inception in 1969 have been valued at historical cost. Those items transferred to the city from Jefferson County have been valued at the original cost to the County based on historical cost records. - - Highways, streets and storm sewers transferred to the city during 1969 by Jefferson County have been valued at the esti- mated cost to the County, All additions since that time have been valued at the actual cost to the city. Depreciation has not been provided on assets in the general fixed asset group of accounts. NOTE B - EXPENDITURE CLEARING ACCOUNTS Pursuant to the Uniform Classification of Accounts - Cities and Towns, the following information is provided: Account number Description Total expenditure 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 Annual audit Data processing Insurance and bonds Publishing Retirement and pension contributions Workmen's compensation Unemployment compensation $ 5,200 2,757 33,900 7,110 76,711 6,850 22 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) December 31, 1974 NOTE C - FEDERAL REVEN1JE SHARING FUND The Federal Revenue Sharing Fund was established by the l!ity in 1972 to provide for an accounting of those funds leceived through the "State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act 01 1972," In essence, this a~t provides funds to units of local govern- ments to be used for ordinary and necessary maintenance and operating expenses and capital expenditures authorized by law, The act also specifies certain restrictions and procedural requirements wl.th which the city has complied during the year'. NOTE D - PARK ACQUISITION FUND The Park Acquisition Fund was established by the city in 1972 to provide for an accounting of those monies received and designated for use in the acquisition of additional parklands and improvements. NOTE E - PARKS OPEN SPACE FUND The Parks Open Space Fund was established by the city in 1974 to provide for an accounting of those monies received from the Jefferson County Open Space Fund which are designated for use in the acquisition and development of open space lands. NOTE F - ESTABLISHMENT OF POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND On July 2, 1970, the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, adopted Ordinance No, 49, Series of 1970, which provided for the establishment of a Policemen's Pension Fund for the employees of the police department. This fund is to be operated in accordance with Chapter 139-49-1 to 139-49-24 of the revised statutes of the State of Colorado. The city s contribution, on a monthly basis, shall not exceed five per- cent (5%) of the monthly salaries of the total police depart- ment of the city, In turn, the policemen are required to make contributions sufficient to match those of the city. Upon termination of employment, the employee is entitled to the return of those contributions made personally, 23 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) December 31, 1974 NOTE G - PUBLIC WORKS ESCROW FUND The Public Works Escrow Fund was established by the city dLlring 1973 to provlde for an accounting of those monies received as financial guarantees prior to the issuance of certain construc- tion permits. These funds are then refunded upon approval of the Director of Public Works following satisfactory completion of all required work. NOTE H - MOUNTAIN BELL ESCROW FUND The Mountain Bell Escrow Fund was established by the city dur- ing 1974 to provide for an accounting of those monies received from the Mountain Bell Telephone Company. These funds represent unclaimed refunds due to customers of the telephone company who formerly resided in the city. In accordance with Chapter 115, Article 8, of the revised statutes of the State of Colorado, the city shall refund these monies to any person entitled thereto who can prove a claim in a method satisfactory to the city. At the end of three years from the date of receipt of the funds, the remaining unclaimed monies shall become the property of the city. NOTE I - CONSERVATION TRUST FUND - The Conservation Trust Fund was established by the city during 1974 to provide for an accounting of those monies received and designated for use in the acquisition, development and main- tenance of new conservation sites pursuant to Chapter 138-1-98 of the revised statutes of the State of Colorado. The statutes also require that any unencumbered state monies must be returned to the State of Colorado on June 30 of the fifTh year following receipt of the funds, NOTE J - APPROPRIATIONS Estimated revenues and the appropriations lncluded in the ac- companying financial statements of the General Fund and the Revenue Sharing Fund are based upon the budget as finally revised by the City Council. 24 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) December 31, 1974 NOTE J - APPROPRIATIONS (CONTINUED) The original budget was adopted by Resolution No, 245, Seor ies of 1973, but was increased by $76,899 through subsequent resolutions. The City Council also enacted various revisions within expenditure categories. The revised budgets adopted by the City Council provided $2,986,765 for expenditures for general city operations and $300 for fund balance for a total budget of $2,987,065. In addition, these revised budgets provided for estimated revenue of $2,696,203 and $290,862 fund balance carry-over from 1973. NOTE K - NONDEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES Nondepartmental expenditures represent prior year encumbrances which were cancelled during 1974, and are accounted for as a reduction in the current year expenditures of the General Fund. NOTE L - CONTINGENCIES The city is a party to litigation under which it may be re- quired to pay certain monies contingent upon the decisions of the courts, The office of the City Attorney reports numerous possible contingent liabilities based on the amount of damages alleged in the various cases, It is the opinion of the City Attorney that as a practical matter, however, the potential liabilities in these cases will not be of a material amount. - No provision has been made in these statements for the con- tingent liabilities mentioned above, 25 JOHN P PROCTOR, CPA. State Auditor 1fYI ((~~I(j ~(~'.~(r)..., ~all~!J.~ _. "~~)!)() ~=-- f CO -. o to ...'" :'.i.(, "'? ;::.0 .'-1,'"~j. ~~, ,0" III ,:>'), :1 ,0 10;-.' ~I ,- -, -: i ,II: -;r. -.:.c-::....:-.Y.* '87" OFFICE OF STATE AUDITOR SlJliE 241lJ, 1titill LINl lit N STRf-:FT DfNVr.R. CllLURtJU() :-l1\1113 May 14, 1975 Re: #895 Ci ty Council City of Wheat Ridge P. O. Box 610 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Gentlemen- We wish to acknowledge receipt of your Audit Report for the year ended December 31, 1974. We have not reviewed this Report and should our subsequent review require further information or clarification, we will advise you Thank you very much for your cooperation, ;~UIJY:J~ , John P Proctor, CPA ,State Auditor JPP/dw cc' I Alexander Grant & Co~any tM~ ~lcL 5/;J/'/7~ / Y)/ I j/~ / ~\~1) ~V t~~) OFFICE OF STATE AUOI'fC'lR , -,-;. .',Ton . .d~,.Y;Y (lo <-~/' ~ ~ /, '\-, r,> '; --- J- -> - C' 0'" V ~-r~ /Cc-. ~ A---=/;-~ c~/ ~;lf 'z't- "-:,~ ':.J~L.. ">- ~ JOHN P PROCTOR, C. P A, State Auditor '\" t.; Ii' '" I I III I L. SUITE 2410, lu60 Llr>JC:OLN STREET DENVER, (OLOR^OO 80203 April 29, 1975 To All Local Government Units: The State Auditor of Colorado has recently signed an agreement with the Office of Revenue Sharing, Department of the Treasury, in which he agrees to assume the responsibility of reviewing all audits of Revenue Sharing Entitlements paid to the State of Colorado and units of Colorado Local Government. The State Auditor believes the most economical manner in which to meet the audit requirements of the Office of Revenue Sharing is to extend audit procedures of the regular audits to include those additional procedures contained in the "Audit Guide and Standards for Revenue Sharing Recipients" issued by that office. The report on the audit of the Entitlement Funds may then be incorporated in a single audit report of the local government. However, a separate report on the Entitlement Funds is acceptable. Each Colorado local government, therefore, is required to submit to the State Auditor two copies of its annual audit report on revenue sharing funds. In accordance with the agreement with ORS, the State Auditor will, after review of the local government audit reports, promptly furnish the Compliance Division, ORS, with copies of all reports that indicate substantial non-compliance or fail to indicate compliance with the restrictions and prohi- bitions of the Revenue Sharing Act and Regulations or fraud. The Office of Revenue Sharing, in turn, will rely on the audits con- ducted under the Colorado Local Government Audit Law unless it receives a complaint that warrants further investigation. Since financial administration is one of the eight priority cate- gories for use of revenue sharing funds, the funds may be used to defray the cost of auditing. If we can be of any further assistance in this program, please do not hesitate to contact our office. John P. Proctor, CPA State Auditor