HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance-2003-1285 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER DiTullio Council BiII No. 11-2003 Ordinance No. 171<5 Series of 20(13 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 26-223 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OVERLAY DISTRICT (ADO) OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has adopted regulations pertammg to ArchItectural Design Oyerlay Districts. and WHEREAS. propertIes located wlthm the ArchItectural DeSIgn Overlay Dlstnct are reqUIred to meet the standards WIth ne~ constructIOn, and WHEREAS, there IS concern that stnct applicatIOn of the regulations may discourage redeyelopment, Improvement or expansIOn of existmg businesses m the cIty: and WHEREAS, the Board of Adjustment IS currently the body specIfied for approvmg wmyers of the reqUIrements, and WHEREAS, the Commul1lty Deyelopment Director, Plannmg CommIssIOn and CIty Council are more appropnate revlewmg bodIes, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COllNC'lL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO THAT: Section 1. Paragraph 2, Section E, ExemptIOns of SectIon 26-223 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws IS hereby amended as follows 2 Where review of the requirements of the architectural or streetscape standards is part of an administrative review process, the Community Development Director the Board of }\djustment may grant walyers to or variances from the requirements of this section. Where a waiver to the architectural or strcetscape standards is made a part of another process such as approval of a zone change or final development plan review which requires a public hearing before the Planning Commission and/or City Council, then the Planning Commission and/or City Council shall be empowered to decide upon such waiver or variance concurrent with the other process. Section 2. Safety Clause, The City of Wheat RIdge hereby tinds. determmes, and declares that thIS ordlllance is promulgated under the general poliee power of the City of Wheat Ridge. that It IS promulgated for the health. safety, and vvelfare of the public and that thIS ordmanee IS necessary for the preseryation of health and safety and for the protectIOn of public eonyemence and welfare The CIty Council further dctermmes that the ordinance bears a ratIOns relation to the proper leglslatlye object sought to be attall1ed. Section 3. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Zoning eode or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a court of competent JUrIsdiction lI1yalid, such judgment shall not atTect application to other persons or Clreumstances. Section 4. Supersession Clause. If any proYISlOn, requirements or standard established by this Ordmance IS found to connlct with slInIlar provisIOns, requirements or standards found elsewhere 111 the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. whIch are 111 eXistence as of the date of adoptll1n of thiS Ordmancc. the provisions, reqUIrements and standards here shall supersede and prevaIl. Section 5. TI1lS ordll1ance shall take effect 15 days after final publication. INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on 1irst readll1g by a vote of 8 to o mn thIS 10th day of March ,2003, ordered published m full m a newspaper of general CIrculatIon m the City of Wheat Ridge and Public Hearing and consideratIOn on tinal passage set for April 28 ,2003, at 7'00 o'clock p,m" m the CouncIl Chambers, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and tinal readll1g by a vote of ~ to 0 ,thIS 28th day of April ,2003 ATTEST f I _A~.:~,,<-?1-'<.' Wanda Sang. City Clerk' April ,2003 SIGNED by the Mayor on tl1lS 29th APPROVED AS TO FORM BY CITY ATTORNEY GE~~~~ 'i'1 1 publIcatIon March 13, 2003 2nd publIcation May 1, 2003 Wheat RIdge Transcript EffeetIye Date' May 16, 2003