HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 I I I I I I I' il I I I- I I I I I ,I I I Annual Budget 1975 -- Albert E. Anderson Community Building Completed June 1974 FINAL City of Wheat Ridge Colorado , / 95.18% Received (95.91% Received to Date 1974) TREASURER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER BUDGET AND APPROPRIATIONS REPORT December 31, 1975 Fund % Acct. No. Classification Appropriation Expenditures Encumbrances Balance Expended 409 Mayor 13,530 13,074 -0- 555 95.92 410 City Council 29,350 27,180 576 1,494 94.91 411 City Clerk 32,917 31,722 311 884 97.31 412 Municipal Court 52,702 50,732 552 1,308 97.52 413 City Administrator 92,897 55,751 931 25,215 72 . 85 415 City Treasurer 45,158 41,041 898 3,229 92.85 415 City Attorney 47,195 44,203 -0- 2,993 93.55 417 Administrative Svcs. 52,855 52,715 775 9,375 85.09 418-419 Com. Development 214,399 170,058 8,948 35,383 83.50 420 Police 990,453 933,949 5,555 49,938 94.95 440-450 Public Works 945,513 575,230 77,574 192,709 79.52 460 Parks & Recreation 351,813 301,817 9,111 40,885 88.38 470 Mass Transit 4,100 -0- -0- 4,100 -0- 491 Transfer to Abatement of Dangerous Building Fund 2,000 -0- -0- 2,000 -0- 499 Una110cated Reserve 21,737 5,619 9,813 5,305 75.59 2,905,741 2,415,101 115,255 375,374 87.09 CASH ON HAND BY DEPOSIT Municipal Court-Change Fund -Lakeside Nat'l Bank -Petty Cash Building Dept. -Change Fund Parks Dept. -Change Fund Treasurer-Petty Cash -Change Fund -1st Westland Nat'l Bank-- (Parkland Acquisition Fund) -W.R. Nat'l Bank Investments-Savings & Loan Assoc'n -W.R. Nat'l Savings AIC -U.S. Treasury Bills-- (Parkland Acquisition Fund) 75.00 871.89 300.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 40.00 548.88 12,995.44 184,724.94 170,155.74 9,671.59 379,584.58 87.09% Expended (94.74% Expended to Date 1974) TREASURER ---- - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER REVENUE SHARING FUND December 31, 1975 INCOME Actual Over (Under) Accrued Estimated % Rec'd Pro,iected Receipts Receipts To Date 632 Federal Grants 117,598 121,448 3,750 103.19 661 Interest 12,000 1,827 (10,173) 15.23 669 Carryover 10,338 3,324 ( 7,014) 32.15 140,035 125,599 (13,437) 90.40 % Expended Appropriation Expenditures Encumbrances Balance To Date EXPENDITURES 731 Transportation 140,035 87,147 38,900 13,989 90.01 CASH ON HAND: W.R. Nat'l Bank (Checking) W.R. Nat'l Bank (Savings) $ 552.05 7,501.51 $8,153.55 TREASURER - -~ ,~, r'~ _{ (>.J . \ U. .,~j ...t \..1.. Cj'U - The City of G\iVheat TELEPHONE 303/421-8480 7470 WEST 38TH AVENUE. WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 80033 OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR October 11, 1974 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE STATE OF COLORADO SUBJECT: BUDGET MESSAGE FINAL BUDGET - 1975 Dear Mayor and Council Members: I am submitting herewith the final 1975 budget for the City of Wheat Ridge as approved and adopted by the City Council by Resolution No. 345 at its meeting October 10, 1974. This budget reflects and incorporates all of the changes and adjustments which were directed by the Council at its several study sessions, the public hearings, and its discussions in formal Council meet- ings during the past two months. The final expenditure budget is $3,050,577, which compares to the original 1974 budget of $2,910,156. This represents an increase of 5.2%. These expenditures are balanced by a corre- sponding revenue expectation in 1975 of $3,050,577, and, there- fore, the budget is balanced. The property tax mill levy is maintained at 4.8 mills, the same as 1974. The final budget differs from the preliminary budget in the following manner: 1. The sum of $5,000 was added to the Parks and Recreation Department budget for the purpose of beginning the repair of the historic Sod House recently acquired by the City. 2. The number of additional positions authorized was reduced from 10 to 7.5 as follows: a. 0.5 - Municipal Court (converts present halftime posi- tion to full time). b. 0.5 - City Treasurer (converts halftime position to full time). c. 1.0 - Personnel Office (converts two part-time posi- tions to two full time). "'The Carnation CLty" Honorable Mayor and City Council -2- October 11, 1974 d. 1.0 - Community Development -- Planning (one Planner I starting July 1, 1975 and one half-time clerical aide). e. 3.0 - Public Works (three positions effective July 1, 1975; one part-time clerical; one Shops and Yard Foreman effective January 1, 1975). f. 1.5 - Parks and Recreation (effective January 1, 1975 - Recreation Leader II; one part-time clerical). This budget includes provisions for the implementation of the salary survey prepared by the Personnel Officer pursuant to the requirements of Ordinance No. 40. Pending final Council action on the survey, a sufficient amount has been included in the salary budget of each Department on a lump sum basis to cover the cost of any approved salary increases. The total amount set aside for this purpose is $135,400. If adopted, the salary survey proposals will bring the City's employees' salaries in line with general prevailing rates for like work in the Metro Denver area as provided in Ordinance No. 40. While the budget provides no specific funds for capital improve- ments, it does include sufficient allocation for material to construct pathways, using City crews, as explained in the Reve- nue Sharing Fund portion of this document. Other needed capital improvements involving drainage and street repairs have been deferred pending the results of the proposed bond issue which is currently under consideration by the Council. At the direction of the Council the budgets for the Mayor and the City Council have been divided into separate accounts so that they may be individually appropriated. The budget also provides, for the first time, a budget for the City Adminis- trator's office which was created in 1974 and which includes the Budgeting and Purchasing functions. This document is the result of lengthy discussions and review of all departmental operations. It is a tight budget reflect- ing a hold-the-line policy with respect to the property tax and a minimal staff expansion to meet the needs and desires of the community. No new programs have been included except for additional efforts in the Planning function to accomplish the revision of the Comprehensive Plan and to revise and update Planning procedures to better serve the community. Also, next year it is hoped that more intensive efforts will be made to ""The Carnation City" , Honorable Mayor and City Council -3- October 11, 1974 increase street sweeping services through the purchase of addi- tional equipment. A positive program to increase efficiency and reduce costs in the operation 'of the City's shops and yard through an additional staff positiDn has been included as authorized by Council. . Overall, the budget is designed to continue the highest level of7municipal services to the people of the City of Wheat Ridge /~ithin the fi ancial resources available at this time. I / . / \ / " /- - e;~~ A. Je man, Administrator JAJ:pjk ""The Carnation City" - L C I T Y 0 F W H EAT RID G E I L L L L L ANN U A L 8 U D GET 1 975 , ~ L - - 1 , CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1975 BUDGET Table of Contents Functional orginization Chart ............................... 3 Tables and Summaries ....................................... 4 Personnel Information ....................................... 12 Departmental Summaries ...................................... 20 Mayor ................................. 21 City Council.......................... 23 Ci ty Clerk ............................ 25 Municipal Court ....................... 28 City Administrator .................... 31 Treasurer ............................. 34 City Attorney......................... 35 Administrative Services ............... 38 Community Development ................. 40 Police ................................ 46 Public Works .......................... 63 Parks and Recreation .................. 79 Mass Transit .......................... 95 Transfer to Dangerous Building Abatement Fund ............... 96 Unal10cated Reserve ................... 97 Revenue Sharing Fund ........................................ 98 Park Acquisition Fund ....................................... 99 Conservation Trust Fund .....................................100 Adopting Resolution .........................................101 2 1-0 -0:: r::l <C<C IO:: UO ...J _ZO OU - I- ... <CUJ.:::t" N t!ll'- --r::lcn Z-rl <CO:: t!l .... 0:: I-...J O<C- - UJ 0::' ...J I a.. <C ~<C Z 0lJ.. -....0 I- U>- ZI- :::>- ;"lJ.. 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U<C UUJ OUJUJ Ur::lP I I I I ~ Z >-Z 21- 0 1-0 0::0 0:: r::lOZ - <C- I-~ UJ Z-UJ <n <n UJ <n <n <n 0:: <CI-:E: ::.<::- 0:: - UJ- ::J - <CI- 0::> U> 0::> <n ::.<:: <n UJ 0:: <C- UJ- 0.... >-<C >-0:: ::.<::o::<c o..r::l O::r::l lJ..r::l I-UJ I-UJ 0:: U a.. I I I ~ 0:: - _...J <CUJUJ UI- UU 0..0::r::l -:t Lf) , DC:: 20 W-l U I-f 2 U a: 2 Z:::J HD OU 0:: 0> 1-' >H-:t CDUr-- IT\ 0>, WCD N HOD O::WN 01- :co..W I-DZ :::>O:::J a:a:rJ -3- HOW YOUR CITY TAX DOLLAR IS BEING SPENT 1975 - POLICE $ 982, 503 $ 359,368 ~~~ O~\f\ ~~~~\,..: ~'< 048 "l.~U~\ \\ 2\0, CO'" GENERAL GOVERNMENT (MAYOR, COUNCIL, CLERK, COURT, TREASURER, ATTORNEY, PERSONNEL, CITY ADMINISTRATOR) $ 367,901 PARKS a RECREATION PUBLIC WORKS - $ 1,054,829 TOTAL BUDGET = $ 3,060,577 4 FUND SUMMARY Revenue General Fund Revenue Sharing Fund Park Acquisition Fund Conservation Trust Fund $2,906,741 140,036 3,000 10,800 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $3,060,577 Expenditures General Fund Revenue Sharing Fund Park Acquisition Fund Conservation Trust Fund $2,906,741 140,036 3,000 10,800 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $3,060,577 5 SCHEDULE OF ANTICIPATED 1975 REVENUES COMPARED WITH 1974 CLASSIFICA nON 1974 CURRENT ESTIMA TE 1975 PROJECTION GE~JERAL FUND Real Property Levy Auto Ownership Sales Tax Use Tax Cigarette Tax Highway Users Tax TOTAL $ 333,542 $ 357,661 35,408 39,532 825,100 928,287 143,579 168,937 197,629 219,392 190,503 199,123 55,210 66,000 181,420 208,549 1,500 1,661 26,200 29,000 535 535 18,273 20,000 26,000 38,000 12,094 12,094 98,500 121,250 100,665 107,705 151,876 162,541 4,833 5,000 2,350 2,350 17,000 30,000 30,400 40,400 26,910 27,000 34,283 20,000 172,803 101,714 $2,687,713 $2,906,741 Telephone Franchise Public Service Franchise Liquor (State) Liquor (Occupational) Arborist License Contractor's License Building Permits Street Cut Permits Federal Grant - Police MVR Fee Road and Bridge Transfer - Zoning Hearing Fees Liquor Hearing Fees Parks and Recreation Fees Fines Interest Other 1973 Surplus Carryover REVENUE SHARING FUND Federal Grants Interest 1973 Surplus Carryover 6 $123,119 $117,698 8,000 8,000 83,219 14,338 $214,338 $140,036 $ 1,500 $ 3,000 $ 10,585 $ 10,800 :l!ic~,911+,13S :$3,050,577 TOTAL REVENUE SHARING FUND PARK ACQUISITION FUND ~ - CONSERVATION TRUST FUND TOTAL ALL FU~JDS REV E N U E COM MEN TAR Y GENERAL FUND Major Sources Real Property Levy Assessed Valuation 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 $58,175,240 61,512,340 64,429,700 59,508,760 75,032,120 5.7% Increase 4.5% Increase 7.3% Increase 7.9% Increase (Actual) 4.8 mills = Sales Tax State Department of Revenue statisticians project an 11.9% increase in 1975. Use Tax It is estimated that this tax will increase by 11% in 1975. Gasoline Tax (Highway Users Tax) Projection is 4% increase. Telephone Franchise Increased phone rates and volume account for this increase. Public Service Company Franchise Increased utility rates and volume account for this increase. Federal Grant - Police Present grant award for Burglary Prevention Unit Motor Vehicle Registration Fee Six percent increase Road and Bridge ~ransfer City share of Jefferson County road and bridge fund property taxes collected in Wheat Ridge. 7 $357,661 928,287 168,937 199,123 66,000 208,549 121,260 107,705 152,541 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND - TOTAL Original Preliminary Final Budget Budget -0- $ 13,630 $ 43,180 28,550 31,454 30,892 45,296 46,846 100,387 92,847 62,621 62,821 45,250 45,118 48,606 47,196 219,300 210,049 1,013,051 982,503 920,107 914,793 338,489 345,568 12,000 12,000 2,000 2,000 50,000 71,928 $2,931,741 $2,906,741 Mayor City Council City Clerk Municipal Court City Administrator Administrative Services City Treasurer City Attorney Community Development Police Public Works - Parks and Recreation Mass Transit Transfer to Abatement of Dangerous Building Fund Unallocated Reserve 8 , .09 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .20 .21 .22 .23 - - .30 .31 .32 .33 .34 .35 .36 .37 .38 .39 - - - .40 .41 .42 .43 .50 .51 .52 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT GENERAL FUND Director Salaries Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense Overtime and Premium Pay Training and Safety Uniforms Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference and Meeting Expense Pre-employment Medical Examinations Office Supplies Operating Supplies Printing and Postage Small Tools and Minor Equipment Licensed Vehicle Maintenance Other Equipment Maintenance Professional and Consulting Fees Telephone Expense Utilities Facility Repair and Maintenance Insurance and Bonds Rentals and Leases Dues, Books and Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Office Equipment Vehicular Equipment Other Major Equipment Major Repair and Maintenance Contracts Legislative Memberships Legal Notices - Publishing Pound Fees and Associated Expense 9 Original Preliminary Budget -0- $1,730,317 208,976 44,450 15,364 14,806 3,435 24,680 750 21,960 279,997 26,150 4,395 94,718 25,784 61,650 15,360 27,360 7,650 28,149 27,960 5,090 5,290 11,209 13,900 8,936 6,490 9,100 3,565 5,600 Final Budget $ 116,914 1,583,415 208,976 44,450 15,364 14,806 3,285 24,530 750 21, 960 279,997 26,150 4,395 92,718 25,784 60,330 15,350 27,350 7,650 28,149 13,160 5,090 5,290 8,839 13,900 10,336 6,490 9,100 3,565 5,600 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT - GENERAL FUND (Cont'd.J Original Preliminary Final Budget Budget .53 Ordinance Enforcement 1,000 1,000 .54 Special Contractual Services and Contributions 14,500 14,500 .55 Traffic Signal Maintenance 35,000 35,000 .56 Management Contingency 10,000 7,500 .57 Election Expense 2,000 2,000 .58 Fee Personnel 1,350 1,350 .59 Witness Fees 1,BOo 1,BoO .60 Recruitment and Advertising 1,000 1,000 .61 Right-of-Way 2,000 2,000 .62 Street Lighting 62,000 62,000 .63 Contractual Services 11,500 13,150 .64 Equestrian Expense 4,500 2,800 .65 Transfers to Other Funds 2,000 2,000 .66 Unallocated Reserve 50,000 71,92B .67 Maintenance and Repair of Sod House (15,000)* 5,000 Historical Site - TOTAL $2,931,741 $2,906,741 - *Original1y recommended by City Admi~istrator as possible project for the Revenue Sharing Fund. 10 CITY OF W,EAT RIDGE EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS - GENERAL FUNO 1971 - 1975 Final Category Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 *General Government $ 226,793 $ 390,441 $ 325,497 $ 465,610 $ 577,949 Police 433,195 521,010 675,576 883,709 982,503 Public Works 713,419 672,361 767,184 1,066,515 914,793 Parks-Recreation 164,893 198,544 257,494 320,092 345,568 Mass Transit 22,554 10,168 11,987 10,000 12,000 Transfers to Other Funds -0- -0- -0- -0- 2,000 Unallocated Reserve -0- 415 45,682 20,300 71,928 TOTALS $1,560,854 $1,770,351 $2,083,420 $2,767,227 $2,906,741 *Now includes Building Inspection formerly shown in Public Safety. - REVENUE ANALYSIS - GENERAL FU~JD 1971 - 1975 Category Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected - 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 Taxes $1 ,036,944 $1,184,058 $1,363,553 $1,725,861 $1,912,932 licenses and Permits 76,670 94,235 95,036 322,232 375,839 Intergovernmental Revenue 374,520 395,060 495,777 351,041 391,506 Charges for Services 22,746 16,708 18,537 24,183 37,350 Fines and Forfeits 42,609 41,271 37, 1,'34 30,400 40,400 Miscellaneous Revenue 18,445 27,693 58,593 61,193 47,000 Subtotals 1,571,934 1,760,025 2,058,580 2,514,910 2,805,027 Surplus Carryover 138,169 150,405 141,791 172,1:03 101,71Lf $1,710,103 $1,910,430 $2,210,471 $2,687,713 $2,906,741 'II SCHEDULE OF FULL-TIME POSITIONS Authorized by Council in Final Budget Sh~wn by Position Class and Department '" POSITION GENERAL COMMUNITY PUBLIC PARKS AND CLASS GOVERNMENT DEVELOPMENT POLICE WORKS RECREATION TOTAL Secretary I 2 2 Secretary II 1 1 1 1 1 5 Secretary III 1 1 Admin. Clerk I 1 1 Admin. Clerk I! 1 1 Admin. Clerk II! 3 1 1 5 Clerk-Typist I! 3 3 Account Clerk III 1 1 Account Clerk IV 1 1 Admin. Assistant 1 1 Buyer I! 1 1 Planner I! 2 2 Planner I 2 2 Personnel Technician 1 1 - Planning Technician 2 2 Enforcement Of cr. II 1 1 - Building Inspector 1 1 Lieutenant 3 3 Detective 5 5 Police Of cr. I & I! 29 29 Sergeant 4 4 - Corporal 4 4 Cadet 2 2 Dispatcher 6 6 Animal Warden I 1 1 Animal Warden II 1 1 Admin. Officer 1 1 Chief Engineer 1 1 Civil Engineer I! 1 1 Civil Engineer I 1 1 Engineering Tech. 3 3 Engineering Draftsman 2 2 Construction Inspector II 1 1 12 c;r~~nlll ~ n~ ~III I _ TTM~ pnC:TTTnI\IC: (r.nnt'd.) POSITION GENERAL COMMUNITY PUBLIC PARKS AND CLASS GDVERi\JMENT DEVELOPMENT POll CE WORKS RECREA nON TOTAL Engineering Aide II 1 1 Maintenance Supt. 1 1 City Service Foreman 2 2 City Service Worker V 5 1 6 City Service Worker IV 11 2 13 City Service Worker III 9 9 City Service Worker II 4 4 Recreation Supt. 1 1 Recreation Leader II 2 2 City Arborist 1 1 City Admin. 1 1 Budget and Purchasing Of cr. 1 1 Admin. and Personnel Of cr. 1 1 - City Attorney 1 1 Director - Community Development 1 1 Chief Building Inspector 1 1 Chief of Police 1 1 Director - Public Works 1 1 Director - Parks & Recreation 1 1 TOTAL 15 12 62 42 13 145 *Does not include elected officials or part-time employees. Only approved full-time employees are shown on this chart. Part-time authorizations appear throughout the budget on the various Detail of Salary and Wages sheets. 13 SCHEDULE OF NEW POSITIONS Requested by Department Heads, R?commended by City hdministrator and Approved by City Council in Final Budget NEW POSITIONS REQUESTED PRELIMINARY BUDGET DEPARTMENT/REQUEST RECOf'1MENDED BY CITY ADMINISTRATOR PRELIMINARY BUDGET CITY CLERK MUNICIPAL COURT *1/2 Administrative Clerk 11** CITY ADMINISTRATOR - *1 Accounting Clerk III o Clerical Aide (1/2)** CITY TREASURER *1/2 Accounting Clerk III** CITY ATTORNEY 2 Deputy City Attorneys ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES *1/2 Administrative Clerk 1** *1/2 Personnel Technician** - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1 Planner II 1 Secretary II *1 Secretary I *1 Planner 1** 1/2 Planner I *1/2 Clerk Typist 1** o Clerical Aide (1)** POll CE - 1 Inspector 2 Captains 2 Lieutenants 1 Detective Sergeant *1 Sergeant 1 Senior Dispatcher 3 Police Officers 1 Secretary II 1 Secretary I o 0.5 1 0.5 2 1 5 13 14 o 0.5 1 0.5 o 1 2.5 1 APPROVED BY COUNCIL FINAL BUDGET o 0.5 0.5 0.5 o 1 2.5 o SCHEDULE OF NEW POSITIONS (Cont'd.) DEPARTMENT/REQUEST rmJ POSITIONS REQUESTED PRELIMINARY BUDGET RECOI"lMErmm BY CITY ADMINISTRATOR PRELIMINARY BUDGET .c,PPROVED BY COUNCIL FINAL BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS 38.5 4.5 5 1 Administrative Assistant *1/2 Administrative Clerk III 1 Construction Inspector I *1 Civil Engineer 11** 1 Civil Engineer II 3 Civil Engineer I 1 Land Surveyor 1 Certified Lab Technician 1 Engineering Draftsman 2 Foremen (1)** 4 City Service Worker V 9 City Service Worker IV *3 City Service Worker III** 7 City Service Worker III - 2 City Service Worker II 1 Secretary II o Clerk Typist (1/2)** PARKS AND RECREATION 9 1.5 1.5 - *1 Recreation Supervisor 1 Superintendent of Parks 2 Cadets 1 City Service Worker II 3 Program Instructors, Etc. 1 Parks Caretaker o Recreation Leader II (1)** *1/2 Clerk Typist I o Clerical Aide (1/2)** - TOTAL 70.5 12.5 11.5 *New Positions Recommended by City Administrator **New Positions Approved by City Council in Final Budget 15 MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE OCTOBER, 1974 GRADE A B C D E 1. 401 422 444 461 491 2. 411 433 455 479 504 3. 422 444 461 491 517 4. 433 455 479 504 530 5. 444 461 491 517 543 6. 455 479 504 530 557 7. 461 491 517 543 571 8. 479 504 530 557 585 9. 491 517 543 571 600 10. 504 530 557 585 615 11. 517 543 571 600 630 12. 530 557 585 615 646 13. 543 571 600 630 662 14. 557 585 615 646 679 15. 571 600 630 662 696 - 15. 585 615 646 679 713 17. 600 630 662 696 731 18. 615 646 679 713 749 19. 630 662 696 731 768 20. 646 679 713 749 787 21. 662 696 731 768 807 - 22. 679 713 749 787 827 23. 696 731 768 807 848 24. 713 749 787 827 869 25. 731 768 807 848 890 ... 26. 749 787 827 869 912 27. 768 807 848 890 935 28. 787 827 869 912 958 - 29. 807 848 890 935 982 30. 827 869 912 958 1007 31. 848 890 935 982 1032 32. 869 912 958 1007 1058 33. 890 935 982 1032 1084 34. 912 958 1007 1058 1111 35. 935 982 1032 1084 1139 - 36. 958 1007 1058 1111 1168 37. 982 1032 1084 1139 1197 38. 1007 1058 1111 1168 1227 39. 1032 1084 1139 1197 1257 40. 1058 1111 1168 1227 1288 41. 1084 1139 1197 1257 1320 42. 1111 1168 1227 1288 1352 43. 1139 1197 1257 1320 1386 IS MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE CCont'd.) OCTOBER, 1974 GRADE A B C D E 44. 1168 1227 1288 1352 1421 45. 1197 1257 1320 1386 1457 45. 1227 1288 1352 1421 1493 47. ,257 1320 1385 1457 1530 48. 1288 1352 1421 1493 1568 49. 1320 1386 1457 1530 1607 50. 1352 1421 1493 1568 1646 DEPARTMENT HEADS AND UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES POSITION RANGE - Administr2tive and Personnel Officer Budget and Purchasing Officer Chief Building Inspector Director of Community Development Director of Parks and Recreatiom Director of Public Works Police Chief City Attorney City Administrator 958-1158 958-1168 1032-1257 1257-1530 1257-1530 1352-1546 1352-1646 1687-2024 1890-2268 - - ... i ... - - - 17 HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE OCTOBER, 1974 GRADE A B C D E - 1. 2.31 2.43 2.56 2.66 2.83 2. 2.37 2.50 2.63 2.76 2.91 3. 2.43 2.56 2.66 2.83 2.98 4. 2.50 2.63 2.76 2.91 3.06 5. 2.56 2.66 2.83 2.98 3.13 6. 2.63 2.76 2.91 3.06 3.21 7. 2.66 2.83 2.98 3.13 3.29 8. 2.76 2.91 3.06 3.21 3.38 9. 2.83 2.98 3.13 3.29 3.46 10. 2.91 3.05 3.21 3.38 3.55 11. 2.98 3.13 3.29 3.46 3.63 12. J.06 3.21 3.38 3.55 3.73 13. 3.13 3.29 3.46 3.63 3.82 14. 3.21 3.38 3.55 3.73 3.92 - 15. 3.29 3.46 3.63 3.82 4.02 16. 3.38 3.55 3.73 3.92 4.11 17. 3.46 3.63 3.82 4.02 4.22 18. 3.55 3.73 3.92 4.11 4.32 - 19. 3.63 3.82 4.02 4.22 4.43 20. 3.73 3.92 4.11 4.32 4.54 21. 3.82 4.02 4.22 4.43 4.56 - 22. 3.92 4.11 4.32 4.54 4.77 23. 4.02 4.22 4.43 4.55 4.89 24. 4.11 4.32 4.54 4.77 5.01 - 25. 4.22 4.43 4.66 4.89 5.13 26. 4.32 4.54 4.77 5.01 5.26 27. 4.43 4.66 4.89 5.13 5.39 28. 4.54 4.77 5.01 5.26 5.53 - 29. 4.65 4.89 5.13 5.39 5.67 30. 4.77 5.01 5.26 5.53 5.81 31. 4.89 5.13 5.39 5.67 5.95 32. 5.01 5.26 5.53 5.81 6.10 33. 5.13 5.39 5.67 5.95 5.25 34. 5.26 5.53 5.81 6.10 6.41 35. 5.39 5.67 5.95 6.25 6.57 35. 5.53 5.81 6.10 6.41 6.74 37. 5.67 5.95 6.25 6.57 6.91 38. 5.81 6.10 6.41 6.74 7.08 390 5.95 6.25 6.57 5.91 7.25 40. 6.10 6.41 5.74 7.08 7.43 41. 6.25 6.57 6.91 7.25 7.62 42. 6.41 6.74 7.08 7.43 7.80 43. 6.57 6.91 7.25 7.62 8.00 44. 6.74 7.08 7.43 7.80 8.20 'is HOURLV RATE SCHE:DULE (Cont'd.) OCTOBER, 1974 GRADE A 8 C 0 E 45. 5.91 7.25 7.62 8.00 8.41 46. 7.08 7.43 7.80 8.20 8.61 47. 7.25 7.62 8.00 8.41 8.83 48. 7.43 7.80 8.20 8.61 9.05 49. 7.62 8.00 8.41 8.83 9.27 50. 7.80 8.20 8.61 9.05 9.50 - - - - 19 - C I T Y 0 F W H EAT RID G E - L L L L Departmental Budget Summaries and Detail of Personal Services 197 5 i - L - 20 PAGE 21 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES , : FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL MAYOR 409 OBJECT ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM EXPENDITURES REQUEST flECOMMENDATlON CITY COUNCIL 1974 1975 1975 1975 .10 Salaries and Wages $ 8,400 $ 8,585 $ 8,585 $ 8,585 .11 Personnel Expense 545 545 545 F.I.C.A. $221 Retirement $113 Insurance $135 Workman's Compo $ 75 .15 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 100 100 100 .16 Conference & Meeting Expense 1,000 1,000 1,000 CML $400 Conf. of Mayors $500 DRCOG Conference $100 .20 Office Supplies 400 400 400 .22 Printing and Postage 300 300 300 .36 Insurance and Bonds 50 50 50 .38 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 100 100 100 .39 Miscellaneous Expense 50 50 50 .56 Management Contingency 2,500 2,500 2,500 l l 1 1 , 1 TOTAL $13,530 $13,630 $13,630 3-8 , T T T T FUND GENERAL POSITIONS T CUARENl DEPART. FINAL BUDGET REQUES' AUTH. T T r ~ ~ t ~ 1 1/~ PAGE 22 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET 1 1/2 T ~ 1~ COMMENTS: T T T 1~ DETAIL OF SALARIES ,AND WAGES DIV. ACCT. SERIES 409.10 CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 DEPT. MAYOR CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE NO. ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 DEPARTMENT REQUEST 1975 1 Mayor 1/2 Secretary III $4,800 3,600 $4,800 3,785 $4,800 3,785 $4,800 3,785 1~ TOTALS $8,585 $$8,400 $8,585 $8,585 Salary of Mayor is established by Ordinance for the term of office. Secretary III is currently budgeted 1/2 time in the City Administrator's budget and 1/2 time in the Mayor budget to reflect current allocation of time spent in each function. PAGE 23 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIV. ACCT. SERI ES 410 ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY EXPENDITURES REQUEST RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1974 1975 1975 1975 DEPT. CITY COUNCIL EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages $9,000 Conference & Meeting Expense $ 9,000 5,000 CML NLC DRCoG Conference Office Supplies Insurance and Bonds $1100 $3500 $ 400 Dues, Books Legislative DRCoG CML NLC Other & Subscriptions Memberships $5000 $3500 $ 500 $ 100 100 100 200 9,100 Special Contractual Servicesl Contributions Management Contingency 2,500 2,500 TOTAL $28,550 3-8 $ 9,000 5,000 100 100 200 9,100 2,500 2,500 $28,550 $ 9,000 5,000 100 100 200 9,100 2,500 2,500 $28,550 T T T T FUND GENERAL POSITIONS T CURRENl DEPART. FINAL BUDGET ~EQUES AUTH. T ! L.. I ~ t t T T 6 6 PAGE 24 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET 6 6 6 6 COMMENTS: T T T DETAIL OF SALARIES' AND WAGES OIV. DEPT. CITY COUNCIL CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE NO. ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 Alderman $9,000 TOTALS $9,000 DEPARTMENT REQUEST 1975 ACCT. SERI ES 410 In CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 Salary of Aldermen ($15oo/year) is established by Ordinance for term of office. r r r r FUND GENERAL OBJECT r CODE r T T T T T T T T r r r .10 .11 .12 .13 .15 .16 .20 .22 .31 .32 .33 .34 .36 .37 .38 .39 .40 3.8 PAGE 25 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DEPT. CITY CLERK DIV. EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F.I.C.A. $962 Retirement $216 Insurance $540 Workman's Compo $ 65 Overtime and Premium Pay Training and Safety Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference & Meeting Expense Office Supplies Printing and Postage Other Equipment Maintenance Professional and Consulting Fees (Includes codifying updating) Telephone Expense Utili ties Insurance and Bonds Rentals and Leases Dues, Books & Subscriptions (Includes Building Code Books) Miscellaneous Expense (Microfilming Records) Office Equipment 1 Typewriter 1 File Cabinet 1 Calculator $700 $150 $ 50 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 $15,215 2,374 -0- 1,650 300 ACCT. SERI ES 411 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY REQUEST ~ECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 $17,841 1,783 200 250 100 300 1,000 1,500 150 500 480 360 100 480 600 300 1,000 $17,841 1,783 200 100 100 300 1,000 1,500 150 500 480 360 100 480 600 300 1,000 $17,379 1,783 200 100 100 300 1,000 1,500 150 500 480 360 100 480 600 300 900 PAGE 26 T CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET T SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES , T : T FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERI ES GENERAL CITY CLERK 411 OBJECT ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM EXPENDITURES REQUEST ~ECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL T 1974 1975 1975 1975 .43 Major Repair and Maintenance 360 360 360 T Contracts (Janitorial) .51 Legal Notices-Publishing 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 (Includes all ads and bids) T .57 Election Expense 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 .58 Fee Personnel 300 300 300 T (Liquor License Surveys) T T T T T T T T T TOTAL $28,539 $31,604 $31,454 $30,892 3-8 r r r r FUND GENERAL 1-_ POSITIONS r tcU~RENTIDEPART. FINAL BUDGET REQUES AUTH. r r r r , \ r , , r ~ PAGE 27 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET 1 o o 1 1 1 i I r r T T T 2 2 COMMENTS: ,- DETAIL OF SALARIES .AND WAGES DEPT. CHY CLERK CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE NO. DIV. o Administrative Clerk III (14) Deputy City Clerk City Clerk 1 1 Pay Survey 2 TOTALS ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 $5,809 -0- 9,252 $15,061 DEPARTMENT REQUEST 1975 $ -0- ACCT. SERIES 411 I[J CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY IRECOMMENDATlON CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 $ -0- 7,560 9,714 $ -0- 7,560 9,252 7,560 9,714 567 $17,841 567 567 $17,841 $17,379 T~e City Clerk requests an increase in pay grade for Deputy C~ty Clerk based upon additional responsibilities assigned. Pay level for the Deputy City Clerk to be determined by futur8 studies. T T T T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE .10 .11 .12 .13 .15 .16 .20 .22 .23 .32 .33 .34 .36 .38 .39 .43 3-8 PAGE 28 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DEPT. MUNICIPAL COURT DIV. ACCT. SERIES 412 ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY EXPENDITURES REQUEST RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1Q'7L. 197'i 197<; 1975 EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F .I.C.A. Retirement Insurance Longevity Workman's Compo Overtime and Premium Pay Training and Safety Legal Seminars Judge's Workshop Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference & Meeting Expense Volunteer Probation Conf. $1565 $ 813 $ 798 $ 214 $ 96 Office Supplies Printing and Postage Small Tools & Minor Equipment Professional and Consulting Fees Court Stenographer $1500 Driver Training Instructors $1800 Telephone Expense Utilities ($4o/mo.) Insurance and Bonds Dues, Books & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Major Repair and Maintenance Contracts (Janitorial) $22,996 3,099 750 500 50 1,500 1,100 300 300 2,340 480 240 300 100 100 500 $27,925 3,486 750 500 60 1,200 1,400 600 400 3,300 720 480 450 125 150 1,000 $27,925 3,486 750 500 60 1,200 1,400 600 300 3,300 720 480 450 125 150 1,000 $29,475 3,486 750 500 60 1,200 1,400 600 300 3,300 720 480 450 125 150 1,000 PAGE 29 1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET 1 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES 1 : 1 FUND DE PT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL MUNICIPAL COURT 412 OBJECT ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM EXPENDITURES REQUEST flECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1 1974 1975 1975 1975 .58 Fee Personnel (Bailiff) 975 1,050 1,050 1,050 1 .59 Witness Fees 1,500 1,800 1,800 1,800 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T T TOTAL $37,130 $45,396 $45,296 $46,846 3.8 , 1 1 1 1 FUND GENERAL POSITIONS 1 :;lJRREN1" DEPART. FINAL BUDGET REQUES' AUTH. 1 1 1 1 L I 1 1 1 1/2 ~ I ~ I i 3~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET 1 1 1 1 4 DETAIL OF SALARIES, AND WAGES DIV. DEPT. MUNICIPAL COURT CLASSIFICA TION AND SALARY RANGE NO 1 1 1 Municipal Judge Assistant Judge Administrative Asst. (18) Admin. Clerk III (14) Pay Survey 1 4 TOTALS ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 $8,400 2,400 8,556 3,600 $22,956 PAGE 30 ACCT. SERI ES 412.10 CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY RECOMMENDAllO~ CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 DEPARTMENT REQUEST 1975 $8,400 3,000 8,984 6,388 1,153 $8,400 3,000 8,984 6,388 1,153 $27,925 $27,925 COMMENTS: Increase in salary costs required due to additional court sessions anticipated in 1975. 1 T T $8,400 3,000 8,984 7,938 1,153 " $29,475 T T T FUND T GENERAL OBJECT CODE T T T T T T T T T T T T f .09 .10 .11 .15 .16 .20 .21 .22 .30 .31 .33 .34 .36 .37 .38 .39 3-8 PAGE 31 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DEPT. DIV. CITY ADMINISTRATOR EXPENSE ITEM City Administrator Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F .I.C.A. Retirement Longevity Insurance Deferred Compo Workman's Compo $3586 $1839 $ 267 $1215 $2196 $ 245 Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference & Meeting Expense NLC ICMA CML NPI MFoA Office Supplies Operating Supplies Printing and Postage Licensed Vehicle Maintenance Other Equipment Maintenance Telephone Expense ($12o/mo.) Utilities Insurance and Bonds Rentals and Leases (Possible Rate Increase) Dues, Books & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 $48,261 6,098 2,600 2,500 600 2,800 800 380 1,200 360 '350 1,000 350 100 ACCT. SERI ES 413 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY REQUEST flECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 $66,699 9,348 200 3,750 2,500 960 3,500 1,200 380 1,440 360 950 2,000 400 100 $66,699 9,348 200 3,750 2,500 960 3,500 1,200 380 1,440 360 950 2,000 400 100 $24,888 37,671 9,348 50 3,000 2,500 960 3,500 1,200 380 1,440 360 950 2,E!00 400 100 PAGE 32 , T CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET T SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES T ; T FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL CITY ADMINISTRAT[ R 413 OBJECT ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM EXPENDITURES REQUEST RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL T 1971. 10'7<; 10'7<; 10'7<; .40 Office Equipment 800 1,600 1,600 1,600 T Desk Typewriter Chair Filing Cabinets T Adder .56 Management Contingency 10,000 5,000 5,000 2,500 T T T T T 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL $78,799 $100,387 $100,387 $92,847 3.8 r PAGE 33 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET r r T FUND GENERAL __ POSITIONS r CURRENTIDEPART. FINAL BUDGET REOUES AUTH. ! r . ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/2 o 1 1/2 1 1 1/2 1/2 3}2 4}2 DETAIL OF SALARIES ,AND WAGES DEPT. DIV. CITY ADMINISTRATI R CLASSIFICA TION AND SALARY RANGE NO. ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 $23,700 ACCT. SERI ES 413.10 DEPARTMENT ! CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY REOUEST 'RECOMMENDAT10~ CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 $24,888 13,999 11,041 3,974 8,140 4,657 $66,699 $24,888 13,999 11,041 3,974 8,140 4,657 $66,699 $24,888 13,999 11,041 3,974 4,000 4,657 $62,559 T T T COMMENTS: Additional Accounting Clerk III for Budget and Purchasing Division is necessary to type purchase orders and correspondence, maintain division records, check invoices, a~d type budget reports. Secretary III is currently budgeted 1/2 time in the City Administrator's budget and 1/2 time in the Mayor's budget to reflect current allocation of time spent in each function. .. City Administrator Budget & Purchasing Officer 13,332 7,569 3,600 -0- Buyer II Secretary III Clerical Aide Pay Survey (32) (18) 4 TOTALS $48,261 r r T T FUND I GENERAL OBJECT T CODE T T T T T T T T T T T T .10 .11 .12 .13 .15 .16 .20 .22 .31 .32 .33 .34 .36 .37 .38 .39 .40 3-8 PAGE 34 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET I I -I SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIV. TREASURER ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1Q'7& DEPT. TREASURER EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F .I.C.A. Retirement Insurance Workman's Longevity Overtime and $1509 $ 774 $ 810 Comp. $ 194 $ 313 Premium Pay Training and Safety Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference & Meeting Expense NLC CML Office Supplies Printing and Postage Other Equipment Maintenance Professional and Consulting Fees (Audit, Payroll Computer Fees) Telephone Expense Utilities Insurance and Bonds Rentals and Leases Dues, Books & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Office Equipment Safe Calculator Typewriter $400 $150 $700 TOTAL $23,068 2,300 475 100 25 400 1,600 1,250 50 7,300 480 100 500 700 100 -0- 1,200 $39,648 ACCT. SERIES -- 415 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY REQUEST RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL _ 1Q'7"i 197"i 1Q'7<; I $25,800 3,600 350 150 25 800 1,200 1,250 50 8,500 480 100 850 600 145 100 1,250 $45,250 $25,800 3,600 350 150 25 800 1,200 1,250 50 8,500 480 100 850 600 145 100 1,250 $45,250 $25,668 3,600 -I -, I -I I , 350 150 25 800 1,200 1,250 50 8,500 -, -I 480 100 850 600 145 - '100 1,250 $45.113 r r r r FUND GENERAL POSITIONS r CURRENT DEPART. FINAL BUDGET REQUES AUTH. r ~ I I r ~ ~ ~ t ~ T T T T 1/2 1 1 ~ PAGE 35 T T 1 ACCT. SERIES 1 415.10 CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY RECOMMENDAnO~ CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 COMMENTS: DETAIL OF SALARIES ,AND WAGES DE PT. TREASURER CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE NO. DIV. TREASURER ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 Accounting Clerk III (14) IV (18) $7,400 8,600 7,068 $23,068 DEPARTMENT REQUEST 1975 $8,232 8,973 7,200 1,395 $25,800 $8,232 $8,232 Accounting Clerk Treasurer Pay Survey TOTALS 8,973 7,200 1,395 8,973 7,068 1,395 $25,800 1 1 1 1 1 l $25,668 It is recommended that the Accounting Clerk III position be converted from 1/2 time to full-time due to increased work load. T T T T FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE T T T T T T T T T T T T T .09 .10 .11 .13 .15 .16 .20 .22 .31 .32 .33 .36 .37 .38 .39 .40 r 3-8 PAGE 36 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIV. ACCT. SERI ES 416 ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY EXPENDITURES REQUEST ~ECOMMENDATlON CITY COUNCIL 1974 1975 1975 1975 $20,248 8,731 2,997 D EPT . CITY ATTORNEY EXPENSE ITEM City Attorney Salaries and Wages Personnel Expenses F.I.C.A. Retirement Insurance Workman's $1695 $ 869 $ 540 $ 107 Training and Auto Mileage Conference & Compo Safety Reimbursement Meeting Expense ASPo Natl. Assoc. Dist. Attys. ABA Office Supplies Printing and Postage Other Equipment Maintenance Professional and Consulting Fees Telephone Expense Insurance and Bonds Rentals and Leases Dues, Books & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Office Equipment Bookcases Chairs Recorder $ 600 $1000 $ 210 TOTAL $25,518 2,636 -0- -0- 600 500 300 100 8,600 500 180 3,000 200 100 3,000 $45,234 $52,541 5,572 500 250 1,500 750 500 200 7,000 1,000 200 5,200 1,000 300 1,810 $78,323 $28,979 2,997 500 250 600 750 500 200 7,000 720 200 3,000 1,000 100 1,810 $48,605 500 250 1,000 750 500 200 7,000 720 200 3,000 1,000 100 -0- $47,196 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 ~ I 1 1 1 1 I - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET - DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES , - : FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES "- GENERAL CITY ATTORNEY 416.10 -- POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY CURRENT DEPART. FINAL AND EXPENDITURES REQUEST flECOMMENDAnm CITY COUNCIL BUDGET REQUES- AUTH. SALARY RANGE NO. 1974 1975 1975 1975 "- 1 1 1 City Attorney $19,284 $20,248 $20,248 $20,248 0 2 Deputy Attorneys (35) -0- 22,440 -0- - 0 -0- 1 1 1 Secretary II (14) 6,234 7,180 7,180 7,180 Pay Survey 2,673 1,551 1,551 - ... "'" ~ ... - - 2 4 2 TOTALS $25,518 $ 52 , 541 $28,979 $28,979 - COMMENTS: - 1 - 1 - PAGE 37 T T T T T FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE T .10 .11 T T T T T .15 .16 .17 .20 .22 .23 .31 .33 .34 .36 .37 .38 .39 .40 T T T T T .60 T 3.8 PAGE 38 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES R~Ts'TRA TIVE C::I""OI/Tr'I""C:: DIV. ACCT. SERIES 417 ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY EXPENDITURES REQUEST ~ECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F.I.C.A. $2496 Retirement $1280 Workman's Compo $ 171 Insurance $1350 Longevity $ 292 Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference & Meeting Expense IPA Conference CML Pre-employment Physical Exams Office Supplies Printing and Postage Small Tools & Minor Equipment Other Equipment Maintenance Telephone Expense Utili ties Insurance and Bonds Rentals and Leases Dues, Books & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Office Equipment Desk Chair Typewriter Recruitment and Advertising $200 $100 $700 TOTAL 1974 $30,436 4,330 600 2,100 1,200 80 720 300 175 360 100 100 900 $41,401 1975 $47,562 5,589 100 600 750 2,300 1,400 100 120 960 360 200 360 120 100 1,000 1,000 $62.621 1975 $47,562 5,589 100 600 750 2,300 1,400 100 120 960 360 200 360 120 100 1,000 1,000 $62.621 1975 $47,562 5,589 100 800 750 2,300 1,400 100 120 960 350 200 360 120 100 1,000 1,000 $62.821 T T T T FUND GENERAL T POSITIONS ::URRENT'DEPART. FINAL BUDGET REQUES AUTH. T r , T \ ~ - 1 1 1 1/2 0 o 1 o 1/2 i i T T 1 4 PAGE 39 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET 1 1 1 1 o 5 DETAIL OF SALARIES 'AND WAGES DEPT. ADMINISTRATIVE S RVICES CLASSIFICA liON AND SALARY RANGE NO. DIV. 1 Administrative & Personnel Officer Administrative Clerk III (14) Administrative Clerk II (9) ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 $13,332 7,752 6,852 2,500 -0- -0- -0- $30,436 ACCT. SERIES 417.10 CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY iRECOMMENDATlON CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 DEPARTMENT REQUEST 1975 $13,999 8,140 7,195 -0- 5,783 9,677 -0- 2,768 $47,562 $13,999 8,140 7,195 -0- 5,783 9,677 -0- 2,768 $47,562 $13,999 8,140 7,195 -0- 5,783 9,677 -0- 2,768 $47,562 COM M ENTS: Conversion of part-time Clerical Aide to full-time Administrative Clerk I is recommended to provide full-time mail distribution to departments and part-time Training and Safety Officer to full-time Personnel Technician is recommended to staff new personnel functions required by law and implement the mandatory safety program required by OSHA. 1 1 o 1 Clerical Aide Administrative Clerk I (5) 1 o Personnel Technician Training and Safety Officer Pay Survey 5 TOTALS r r T T T T T T T 1 1 1 1 1 1 l l FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE .09 .10 .11 .12 .13 .15 .16 .20 .21 .22 .23 .30 .31 .32 .33 .34 .37 .38 .39 3-8 PAGE 40 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ACCT. SERI ES DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING 418 ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY EXPENDITURES REQUEST flECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1974 1975 1975 DEPT. CoMMUNIT\ DIV. EXPENSE ITEM Director of Community Development Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F .LC.A. Retirement Insurance Workman's Compo Overtime and Premium Pay Training and Safety Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference & Meeting Expense ASPo (In Denver) AlP $5586 $2865 $2295 $ 525 Office Supplies Operating Supplies Printing and Postage Small Tools & Minor Equipment Licensed Vehicle Maintenance Other Equipment Maintenance Professional and Consulting Fees Telephone Expense Utili ties Rentals and Leases Dues, Books & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense $58,048 1,200 -0- 750 550 850 2,600 240 250 900 -0- 500 900 500 200 350 750 $147,212 15,644 600 700 1,500 1,500 1,700 4,600 2,220 245 900 100 10,000 1,000 500 200 350 750 $95,499 11,271 600 700 1,500 1,500 1,700 3,600 2,200 245 900 100 5,000 1,000 500 200 350 750 1975 $16,800 76,462 11,271 600 700 1,500 1,000 1,700 3,600 2,200 245 900 100 5,000 1,000 500 200 350 750 PAGE 41 - ----~ r CITY()F WHEAT BUIJG'tT RIDG E * ANNUAL r SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES , r : r FUND DEPT. CoMMUNIT\' OIV. ACCT. SERI ES GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING 418 OBJECT ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM EXPENDITURES REQUEST RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL - 1q7t; I 1974 1975 1975 .40 Office Equipment 1,200 5,290 1,290 1,290 T Desk $200 Chair $100 Typewriter $700 T Filing Cabinets $290 .41 Vehicular Equipment -0- 3,900 -0- -0- T .42 Other Major Equipment 300 1,140 -0- -O- r T T T T T T T T TOTAL $70,008 $200,051 $128,905 $126,168 3-8 T T T T FUND I GENERAL POSITIONS T !cuRRENT DEPART. FINAL BUDGETREQUES' AUTH. T T T Y \ ~ ~ ~ I T , T T T T 1 o o 1 o 3 2 o PAGE 42 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL OF SALARIES, AND WAGES o 1 Director of Planning Director of Community Development (47) 2 Planner II (36) 1 Secretary II (14) ~ Secretary I (11) ~l~ Planner I (30) 2 Planning Technician ~ Clerical Aide 4,000 -0- 6,360 -0- 20,928 16,560 -0- $58,048 ZONING DEPARTMENT REQUEST 1975 ACCT. SERI ES 418 CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY RECOMMENDA1l0~ CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 $ -0- $ -0- 16,800 25,503 7,409 6,237 16,158 17,678 -0- 5,714 $95,499 $ -0- DEPT. COMMUNITY DIV. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED AND EXPENDITURES SALARY RANGE NO. 1974 $10,200 o 1 3 2 1 4 2 o Pay Survey 7 13 B TOTALS 16,800 38,254 14,818 6,237 43,949 17,678 -0- 9,476 $147,212 16,800 25,503 7,409 -0- 16,158 17,678 4,000 5,714 $93,262 CO M M ENTS: Additional personnel are recommended to support the long-range planning effort. It is recommended that one additional Planner I be hired on July 1, 1975, to augment Comprehensive Plan preparation and implement the adopted plan. Also recommended is a full-time Secretary I to relieve present clerical workloads of the Planning Department and Board of Adjustment. T T T FUND T GENERAL T T 1 1 OBJECT CODE .10 .11 T 1 1 1 1 1 T T T .12 .13 .15 .16 .20 .21 .22 .23 .30 .31 .33 .34 .35 .36 .38 .39 .40 3-8 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES PAGE 43 DEPT. CoMMUNIT\ DIV. DEVELOPMEN~ BUILDING INSPECTION ACCT. SERI ES 419 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY REQUEST RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F .LC.A. Retirement Workman's Compo Longevity Insurance $3459 $1774 $1567 $1183 $1620 Overtime and Premium Pay Training and Safety Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference & Meeting Expense IC80 - State Natl. Conf. Bldg. Off. (Calif. ) Office Supplies Operating Supplies Printing and Postage Small Tools & Minor Equipment Licensed Vehicle Maintenance Other Equipment Maintenance Telephone Expense Utili ties Facility Repair & Maintenance Insurance and Bonds Dues, Books & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense pffice Equipment ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 $48,316 5,516 500 150 100 800 4,200 750 400 800 600 450 2,100 250 1,500 1975 $67,207 9,003 300 200 108 1,100 3,000 1,000 700 125 2,000 487 1,085 1,000 600 2,210 265 1,000 625 1975 $67,207 9,003 300 200 100 1,100 3,000 1,000 700 125 2,000 400 1,000 600 100 1,610 250 200 -0- 1975 $60,693 9,003 300 200 100 1,100 3,000 1,000 700 125 2,000 400 1,000 600 100 1,610 250 200 -0- PAGE 44 T CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET T SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES T , T FUND DEPT. COMMUNITY DIV. ACCT. SERI ES GENERAL DEVELoPMENl BUILDING INSPECTION 419 OBJECT ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM EXPENDITURES REQUEST ~ECOMMENDA TION CITY COUNCIL T 1974 1975 1975 1975 .41 Vehicular Equipment 5,000 -0- -0- T (3 vehicles) .51 Legal Notices-Publishing 500 500 500 T .53 Ordinance Enforcement 1,000 2,500 1,000 1,000 T T T T T T T T T T TOTAL $67,432 $100,015 $90,395 $83,881 3.8 PAGE 45 r r r r r , r r . r r ~ I r ~ i t CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL OF SALARIES ,AND WAGES FUND DEPT. CoMMUNIT' DIV. ACCT. S ER I ES GENERAL DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION 419.10 1--_ POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY !cURRENT DEPART. FINAL AND EXPENDITURES REQUEST RECOMMENDATlO~ CITY' COUNCIL BUOGET REaUESl AUTH. SALARY RANGE NO. 1974 1975 1975 197<; 1 1 1 Chief Building Inspector $14,364 $15,083 $15,083 $15,083 1 1 1 Administrative Clerk III (14) 7,245 7,994 7,994 7,994 1 1 1 Enforcement Officer II (24) 9,330 10,294 10,294 10,294 1 1 1 Building Inspector (24) 9,684 10,685 10,685 10,685 1 1 0 Enforcement Officer I (19) 3,600 8,140 8,140 -0- 1/2 1/2 1/2 Electrical Inspector 4,093 4,517 4,517 4,517 1/2 1 0 Clerk Typist I (5) -0- 5,374 5,374 -D- O 0 1/2 Clerical Aide -0- -0- -0- 3,000 0 0 1/2 Part-time Help -0- -0- -0- 4,000 Pay Survey 5,120 5,120 5,120 i 6 6~ 5~ - I COMMENTS: TOTALS $48,316 $67,207 $67,207 $60,693 It is recommended that the 1/2 time Clerk Typist I position authorized in 1974 be made full-time due to increased clerical work load. r r r T T T FUND T GENERAL OBJECT CODE T T T T T T T T T T T T T .09 .10 .11 .13 .16 .20 .21 .22 .23 .30 .31 3-8 PAGE 46 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ACCT. SERIES 420 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY REQUEST flECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 $19,757 8,918 2,844 DIV. ADMINISTRATION ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 DEPT. POLICE EXPENSE ITEM Chief of Police Salaries and Wages Personnel Expenses F .Le.A. Police Pension Retirement Longevity Insurance Workman's Camp. Training and Safety Conference & Meeting $ 464 $1037 $ 221 $ 376 $ 540 $ 206 Expense IACP Colorado Sheriff's and Peace Officers Colorado Chiefs of Police Assn. Office Supplies Stationary Typewriter Supplies, etc. Operating Supplies Printing and Postage Forms, summonses, stamps Small Tools & Minor Equipment Tape Recorder Licensed Vehicle Expense Other Equipment Maintenance Typewriter @ $4o/yr. Adding Machine @ $40/Vr. $25,500 3,111 192 1,375 3,200 750 -0- $28,675 2,844 300 750 300 600 3,500 100 500 100 $28,675 2,844 300 750 300 600 3,500 100 500 100 300 750 300 600 3,500 100 ';00 100 T T T T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE .32 .33 .34 .35 .36 .37 .38 .39 3-8 PAGE 47 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES , DEPT. POLICE DIV. ADMINISTRATION ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES REQUEST ACCT. SERIES 420 CITY ADMIN RECOMMENDATION 1975 EXPENSE ITEM Professional and Consulting Fees Police Building Design Telephone Expense $4o/mo. + long distance Utilities Facility Repair & Maintenance Insurance and Bonds Rentals and Leases Dues, Books & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Radio Crystals 36 @ $15 *Increase in overall budget request is due to change in account numbers and format. TOTAL 1974 -0- -0- $34,12B 1975 15,000 730 300 2,000 225 5,700 250 540 $62,414 -0- 730 300 2,000 225 14,700 250 540 $56,414 APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL 1Q7'i -0- 730 300 2,000 225 -0- 250 540 $41,714 PAGE 48 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL OF SALARIES, AND WAGES FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SEAlES GENERAL POLICE ADMINISTRATION 420.10 POSITIONS CLASSIFICA TrON ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY !cURRENT'DEPART. FINAL AND EXPENDITURES REQUEST RECOMMENDAnO~ CITY COUNCIL BUDGETREQUES' AUTH. SALARY RANGE NO 1974 1975 1975 1975 l 1 1 1 Chief of Police (50) $18,816 $19,757 $19,757 $19,757 I 1 1 1 Secretary II (14) 6,684 7,377 7,377 7,377 l Pay Survey 1,541 1,541 1,541 l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- ~ 2 2 2 TOTALS $25,500 $28,675 $28,675 $28,675 I I COMMENTS: 1 T T .- PAGE 49 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ACCT. SERI ES 421 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY REQUEST ~ECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 DIV. INVESTIGA TION ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 $84,313 8,228 DE PT. POLICE FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM $97,604 8,547 $97,604 8,547 $123,421 10,100 Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F .I.C.A. Police Pension Retirement Longevity Insurance .10 .11 $ 406 $4193 $ 386 $1672 $1890 10,000 2,000 1,425 450 250 5,900 10,000 2,000 1,425 450 250 5,900 12,000 2,000 1,925 450 250 5,900 2,700 Overtime and Premium Pay Training and Safety Uniforms (Clothing Allowance) Conference & Meeting Expense Office Supplies Operating Supplies Photo and lab, gasoline Printing and Postage Licensed Vehicle Maintenance Other Equipment Maintenance Radio contract and office equipment maintenance Telephone Expense 7 sets @ $2o/mo. Insurance and Bonds Auto @ $275 False Arrest @ $57 Dues, Books & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Buy money - narcotics .12 .13 .14 .16 .20 .21 1,125 400 200 2,000 450 8,500 500 450 10,500 500 450 10,500 500 300 .22 .30 .31 1 1 120 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,680 .33 1 T 1 T 2,324 2,324 2,324 .36 150 1,500 150 1,500 150 1,500 .38 .39 6,000 3-8 PAGE 50 T CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET T SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES T : T FUND DE PT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL POLICE INVESTIGATION 421 OBJECT ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY 1 CODE EXPENSE ITEM EXPENDITURES REQUEST ECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1974 1975 1975 1975 T .40 Office Equipment 22,376 2,660 1,160 -0- 2 desks and chairs $ 560 1 typewriter $ 600 T 1 dictaphone $1500 .41 Vehicular Equipment 5,300 -0- -0- T 1 Econoline Van with all necessary equipment .42 Other Major Equipment 2,390 1,660 1,660 T *Radio crystals (6) $ 210 *1 safe $ 650 1 microscope $ 700 T 2 shotguns, 1 Colt A.R.:15 semi-auto rifle w/scope T (sniper) $ 730 *1 lab fuming cabinet and heat chamber $ 100 T T *Recommended by City T Administrator T T T TOTAL $129,442 $183,500 $146,100 $142,940 3-8 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - MEMORANDUM To ALL gCfJCG\/NED From .!"'urchasing Officer Subject 1975 Budget Correction Date Approved Date Due to a typographical error, please correct the Final Authorization column on the Community Development, Planning and Zoning Division, detail of salaries and wages in the 1975 budget, page 42, as follows: FINAL BUDGET SHOWS JOB CLASS SHOULD BE 9 TOTAL Secretary I (11) 0 Planner I (30) 1 1/2 Clerical Aide 1/2 8 TOTAL 1 2 1 PAGE 51 T CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET T DETAIL OF SALARIES ,AND WAGES T : T FUND o EPT . DIV. ACCT. SEAl ES GENERAL POLICE INVESTIGATION 421.10 1--- POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY T [cURRENT'DEPART. FINAL AND EXPENDITURES REQUEST RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL BUDGET REQUES AUTH. SALARY RANGE NO. 1974 1975 1975 1975 T 0 1 0 Inspector (45) $ -0- $17,464 $ -0- $ -0- 1 0 1 Lieutenant (43) 15,840 -0- 16,632 16,632 T 0 1 0 Detective Sergeant(4o) -0- 15,460 -0- -o- S 4 4 Detectives (36) 62,263 54,838 54,838 54,838 ~ 1 1 1 Secretary I (11) 6,210 6,945 6,945 6,945 0 1 0 Secretary I (11 ) -0- 6,563 -0- -0- ~ 0 1 1 Lab Technician (36) -0- 12,380 12,380 12,380 (Police Officer) Pay Survey 9,771 6,809 6,809 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 9 7 TOTALS $84,313 $123,421 $97,604 $97,604 COMMENTS: No change in complement is recommended. I r r r T 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .16 .20 .21 .22 .23 .30 .31 .32 .33 3-8 PAGE 52 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIV. PATROL AND TRAFFIC ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES REQUEST 1974 1975 ACCT. SERIES 422 CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 DEPT. POLICE EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense Police Pension Longevity Insurance Workman's Jvertime and rraining and Safety Jniforms $18085 $ 3396 $ 7830 Compo $ 9210 Premium Pay Conference & Meeting Expense Jffice Supplies pperating Supplies Gasoline Printing and Postage Summonses 3mall Tools & Minor Equipment ~icensed Vehicle Maintenance Jther Equipment Maintenance Radios - mobile $ 600 Typewriter $ 40 Adding Machine $ 40 Portable Radios $ 420 Other Maintenance $1200 ,(non contract) Professional and Consulting Fees (blood and alcohol exams) Telephone Expense (3 @ $2o/mo. ea.) $329,370 32,044 6,000 4,000 -0- 4,500 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,500 -0- $455,305 44,927 11,000 5,000 4,500 2,000 -0- 19,200 2,300 500 15,000 2,300 2,450 720 $361,706 38,511 11,000 3,750 4,500 1,000 -0- 19,200 2,300 500 15,000 2,300 2,450 720 $361,706 38,511 11,000 3,750 4,500 1,000 -0- 19,200 2,300 500 15,000 2,300 2,450 720 r r r r FUND GENERAL OBJECT T CODE T T T T .36 .38 .40 .41 .42 T T T T T r r r 3-8 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DEPT. POLICE DIV. PATROL AND TRAFFIC EXPENSE ITEM ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 -0- Insurance and Bonds Auto ins. 10 cars @ $275/e . False arrest 36 @ $57/ea. Dues, Books & Subscriptions -0- Office Equipment -0- Typewriter, desk, chair Vehicular Equipment 28,000 *3 replacements @ $42oo/ea 1 new $4200 Other Major Equipment 1 Mobile Radio $600 1 Electric PA Siren $275 1 Equipment Rack $ 50 1 Set Overhead Lights$2oo -0- *Recommended by City Admini strator TOTAL $405,414 PAGE 53 ACCT. SERIES 422 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY REQUEST flECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 4,802 50 1,700 16,800 1,125 $5B9,679 4,402 -0- -0- 12,600 -0- $479,939 4,402 -0- -0- 12,600 -0- $479,939 PAGE 55 T CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET T SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES T T ACCT. SERIES 423 CITY ADMIN I1ECOMMENDA TION 1975 DIV. SUPPORT SERVICES ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 $67,980 10,406 DEPT. POLICE FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL 1975 DEPARTMENT REQUEST 1975 EXPENSE ITEM 1 1 1 T T T T T T T T $83,091 16,098 $125,700 13,592 $95,779 16,098 Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F .I.C.A. Police Pension Retirement Longevity Insurance Workman's Compo Overtime and Premium pay .10 .11 $ 963 $4784 $ 502 $ 958 $5940 $2951 1,500 1,500 1,600 500 750 3,680 1,500 1,500 1,600 500 750 3,680 1,500 1,500 1,600 500 750 3,680 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,620 .12 .13 .14 .16 .20 .21 Training and Safety Uniforms Conference & Meeting Office Supplies Operating Supplies Xerox Supplies Gasoline Expense $2080 $1600 300 1,000 7,850 300 3,000 7,850 300 1,000 7,850 Printing and Postage Licensed Vehicle Maintenance Other Equipment Maintenance Radio Equipment $7500 Typewriter Maint. $ 150 Dictaphone Maint. $ 200 Professional and Consulting Fees .22 .30 .31 47,000 -0- .32 1,BoO 1,BOO 1,800 1,600 Data processing, contract Jefferson County Telephone Expense -0- (5 @ $1oo/mo.ea.) 1,200 1,200 1,200 .33 T T 3-8 1 1 1 FUND 1 GENERAL OBJECT CODE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T T .35 .38 .40 .41 .42 3-8 PAGE 56 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATIf'JG EXPENDITURES ACCT. SERIES 423 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY REQUEST RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 DEPT. POLICE DIV. SUPPORT SERVICES EXPENSE ITEM Insurance and Bonds False Arrest Auto $399 $550 Dues, Books & SUbscriptions APCo Office Equipment 2 desk and chair sets$ 560 modcom communications$45oo Vehicle Equipment Police vehicle and Equip. Other Major Equipment Minicomputer $55000 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 1975 1975 949 949 949 50 3,000 5,060 50 50 4,100 5,000 -0- -0- 55,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- TOTAL $135,706 $229,031 $134,556 $121,868 PAGE 57 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET DET A I L OF SALARIES' AND WAGES FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERI ES GENERAL POLICE SUPPORT SERVICES 423.10 POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY CURREN,IDEPART. FINAL AND EXPENDITURES REOUES, RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL BUDGET REOUES AUTH. SALARY RANGE NO. 1974 1975 1975 197" 0 1 0 Police Captain (46) $ -0- $17,035 $ -0- $ -0- 1 1 1 Police Lieutenant (43) 14,724 16,235 16,235 16,235 0 1 0 Police Sergeant (39) -0- 12,688 12,688 -D- O 1 0 Senior Dispatcher (22) -0- 9,916 -0- -0- 6 6 6 Dispatchers (20) 38,360 44,583 44,583 44,583 3 3 3 Clerk Typist II (9) 14,896 16,476 16,476 16,476 Pay Survey 8,767 5,797 5,797 10 13 10 TOTALS $67,980 $125,700 $95,779 $83,091 COMMENTS: l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE .10 .11 .13 .14 .16 .20 .21 .22 .23 .30 .31 .33 .41 .42 .51 3-8 PAGE 58 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIV. BURGLARY UNIT ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 DE PT . POLICE EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F .I.C.A. Police Pension Retirement Longevity Insurance Workman's Compo Safety $ 398 $5920 $ 204 $ 540 $2970 $3320 Training and Uniforms Conference & Meeting Expense bffice Supplies pperating Supplies Gasoline Printing and Postage 3mall Tools & Minor Equipment _icensed Vehicle Maintenance Jther Equipment Maintenance relephone Expense ~ehicular Equipment Jther Major Equipment Color adapter for video tape recorder $590 Infra-red binoculars $381 Pentax camera $350 Hand held searchlights$405 Radio crystals $175 Measuring Tapes $100 Flasher Units $ 50 Legal Notices - Publishing TOTAL $113,274 9,473 1,352 1,870 1,340 800 5,000 600 337 420 370 7,000 200 765 $142,801 ACCT. SERIES 424 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY REQUEST ~ECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 $132,770 13,352 1,584 1,380 1,340 800 3,600 300 325 1,058 540 480 -0- 2,051 765 $160,345 $132,770 13,352 1,584 1,380 1,340 800 3,600 300 325 1,058 540 480 -0- 2,051 765 $160,345 $132,770 13,352 1,584 1,380 1,340 800 3,600 300 325 1,058 540 480 -0- 2,051 765 $150,345 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ I 1 ~ ~ ~ , 111 I 1 1 1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET FUND GENERAL POSITIONS CURRENT'OEPART. FINAL BUDGET REQUES' AUTH 1 o 1 8 1 1 1 7 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES DE PT. POLICE CLASSIFICA TtON AND SALARY RANGE NO. 1 1 1 7 Sergeant Detective Corporal Police Officer (28) 1 1 1 Secretary I Pay Survey 11 11 TOTALS COMMENTS: DIV. BURGLARY UNIT ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 (39) (36) (35 ) I & II & (30) (11) $14,016 12,035 11,419 69,744 5,060 $113,274 PAGE 59 ACCT. SERI ES 424.10 CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 DEPARTMENT REQUEST 1975 $15,082 13,277 12,849 77,292 6,804 7,466 $132,770 $15,082 13,277 12,849 77,292 6,804 7,466 $132,770 $15,082 13,277 12,849 77,292 6,804 7,456 $132,770 70% Federal, 30% City funds. This Unit is Federally Funded on a ratio of approximately T T T T FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE T T T T T T T T T T T .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .20 .21 .22 .23 .30 .32 .33 .36 .38 .39 .40 T .41 TI 3-8 PAGE 60 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DEPT. POLICE DIV. ANIMAL CONTROL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F.I.C.A. Retirement Insurance Workman's Compo Overtime and Premium Pay Training and Safety Uniforms Office Supplies Operating Supplies Gasoline Printing and Postage -0- Small Tools & Minor Equipment -0- Licensed Vehicle Maintenance -0- $14,068 $1056 $ 542 $ 540 $ 455 -0- 312 750 Professional and Consulting Fees -0- Telephone Expense -0- Insurance and Bonds -0- Vehicle False Arrest $275 $114 Dues, Books & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Office Equipment File Cabinet Vehicular Equipment 4,200 Ford Econoline Van *Radio and Equipment I *Recommenrlprl hv Citv Administrator I -0- 1,600 -0- ACCT. SERIES 425 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY REQUEST ,ECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 $18,058 2,593 1,100 750 312 850 1,190 150 800 1,500 700 240 389 50 -0- 115 5,300 $18,058 2,593 1,100 750 312 850 1,190 150 800 1,500 700 240 389 50 -0- 115 1,300 $18,058 2,593 1,100 750 312 850 1,190 150 800 1,500 700 240 389 50 -0- 115 1,300 r r r FUND r GENERAL r r f f f r r f T f r r r OBJECT CODE .52 3.8 PAGE 61 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIV. ANIMAL CONTROL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 DEPT. POLICE EXPENSE ITEM Pound Fees and Associated Expense The reduction in Pound Fees is a result of our effort to release stray dogs to owners prior to placing them in the pound. This saves expense to the City and brings favorable contact with the citizens served. TOTAL 8,400 $29,330 ACCT. SERIES 425 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY REQUEST RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 19'7<; 1Q'7<; 5,600 5,600 5,600 $39,697 $35,697 $35,697 , T T T T FUND GENERAL T 1-- POSITIONS PJRRENT1DEPART. FINAL BUDGETREQUES' AUTH T T T T ~ r r r T T T T CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET 1 1 1 1 2 2 COMMENTS: T DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES DIV. ANIMAL CONTROL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 D EPT . POll CE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE NO. 1 1 Animal Warden I Animal Warden II Pay Survey (15) $ 7,040 (19) 7,028 2 TOTALS $14,068 PAGE 62 ACCT. SERIES 425.10 CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY IRECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 DEPARTMENT REQUEST 1975 $ 7,765 7,938 2,355 $18,058 $ 7,765 7,938 2,355 $18,058 $7,765 7,938 2,355 $18,058 T T T T FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE T T T T T T T 1 1 1 T .09 .10 .11 .12 .13 .15 .16 .20 .21 .22 .23 .30 .31 .33 .34 .35 .36 .38 .39 T T 3-8 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIV. ADMINISTRATION ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS EXPENSE ITEM Director of Public Works Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense $2877 $1476 $1350 $ 207 F .I.C.A. Retirement Insurance Workman's Compo Overtime and Premium Pay Training and Safety Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference & Meeting Expense APWA Congress 2 Management Seminars Office Supplies Operating Supplies Printing and Postage Small Tools & Minor Equipment Licensed Vehicle Maintenance Other Equipment Maintenance Telephone Expense Utilities Facility Repair & Maintenance Insurance and Bonds Dues, Books & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense $41,230 4,340 1,200 200 100 1,000 1,500 500 300 50 500 250 480 1,200 -0- 1,850 100 50 PAGE 63 ACCT. SERIES 440 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY REQUEST f1ECDMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 $19,761 $27,380 5,910 $58,357 6,140 2,000 375 125 900 840 500 250 50 300 450 1,020 1,200 400 1,840 100 50 $49,192 5,910 1,000 375 125 900 840 500 125 50 300 450 1,020 1,200 400 920 100 50 1,000 375 125 900 840 500 125 50 300 450 1,020 1,200 400 920 100 50 PAGE 64 T CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET T SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPEN DITU RES , T T FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERI ES GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 440 OBJECT ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM EXPENDITURES REQUEST RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL T 1974 1975 1975 1975 .40 Office Equipment 1,000 1,500 450 450 T Electric Typewriter $500 Adding Machine (2) $150 *Calculator (1) $450 T Sec. Desk & Chair $400 .41 Vehicular Equipment -0- 3,000 -0- -0- T 1975 4D Sedan $3500 T *Recommended by City Administrator T T - I I T T T T T TOTAL $55,850 $79,397 $63,907 $61,856 3-8 1 1 1 T 1 T T T i T I T , I T , T , i T T T T T PAGE 65 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL OF SALARIES, AND WAGES FUND GENERAL __ POSITIONS ::;URRENT'DEPART. FINAL BUDGET REQUES AUTH. DE PT. PUBLI C WORKS CLASSIFICA liON AND SALARY RANGE NO. DIV. ADMINISTRATION ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES REQUEST 1974 1975 ACCT. SERIES 440 0 CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 o 1 1 1/< 0 1/< 0 4 5 1 1 Director of Public Wks. $18,820 Administrative Officer (29) 0 Administrative Asst. ( 18) 1 Secretary II (14) 0 Administrative Clerk III (14) 1/2 City Engineer o Clerk Typist (5) Part-time Clerical Pay Survey 3 TOTALS 10,100 -0- 6,990 -0- 1,320 4,000 -0- $41,230 $19,761 $19,761 $19,761 11,015 11,015 11,015 8,526 -0- -0- 7,560 7,560 7,560 7,371 7,371 -0- -0- -0- 1,320 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 4,000 4,124 3,485 3,485 $58,357 $49,192 $47,141 COMMENTS: Conversion of two part-time positions to one full-time Administrative Clerk III plus transfer of City Engineer function to Chief of Engineering is recommended to facilitate cost control and vehicle parts stock maintenance programs. T T T T FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE T T T .10 .11 T .12 .13 .15 .16 T T .- T T T T T .20 .21 .22 .23 .30 .31 .32 .33 .34 .35 .36 .38 .39 T T 3-8 PAGE 66 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIV. ENGINEERING ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F .I.C.A. Retirement Longevity Workman's Compo Insurance $8509 $4364 $ 242 $1448 $3240 Overtime and Premium Pay Training and Safety Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference & Meeting Expense APWA Congress APWA Street and Traffic Workshop Office Supplies Operating Supplies Printing and Postage Small Tools & Minor Equipment Licensed Vehicle Maintenance Other Equipment Maintenance Professional and Consulting Fees Telephone Expense Utili ties Facility Repair & Maintenance Insurance and Bonds Dues, Books & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense $103,683 13,230 10,000 1,000 100 1,000 1,500 4,770 500 1,400 400 91,500 4,050 300 ACCT. SERIES 441 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY REOUEST ,ECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 $210,666 22,437 6,000 2,300 200 3,000 2,400 6,700 3,800 400 2,400 730 130,000 1,500 1,200 400 6,260 475 100 1975 $145,451 17,803 4,000 1,000 200 1,000 1,700 4,700 1,900 200 1,610 730 30,000 720 1,200 400 3,130 345 100 1975 $132,058 17,803 4,000 1,000 200 1,500 1,700 4,700 1,900 200 1,610 730 28,680 720 1,200 400 3,130 345 100 1 ~ I FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE .40 .41 .42 3-8 PAGE 67 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATlNG EXPENDITURES DIV. ENGINEERING ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS EXPENSE ITEM Office Equipment **2 desks and chair Drafting Equipment Calculator Vehicular Equipment 1 Compact Wagon 3 Compacts 1 Crew cab pickup 1 3/4 ton pickup 1 4-dr. sedan Other Major Equipment 5 Radios Survey Equipment Laboratory Equipment *HP21 Programmable Calculator Aerial Stereoscope *See Revenue Sharing Fund **Recommended by City Administrator $ 800 $ 950 $ 300 $3500 $9000 $5500 $3500 $3500 $4250 $8000 $8000 $5000 $ 260 630 ACCT. SERIES 441 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY REQUEST flECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 2,050 800 800 25,000 -0- -0- 25,510 * -0- TOTAL $310,063 $552,828 $315,289 $302,075 PAGE 68 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 I ;- T , T ,~ ~ T T T T CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL OF SALARIES, AND WAGES FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 441.10 POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY !cuRRENT DEPART. FINAL AND EXPENDITURES REOUEST RECOMMENOATlOl\ CITY COUNCIL BUOGETREOUES' AUTH. SALARY RANGE NO. 1974 1975 1975 1975 1 1 1 Chief Engineer (47) $15,456 $17,464 $17,464 $17,464 0 2 1 Civil Engineer II (41) -0- 28 , 703 14,352 14,352 2 3 1 Civil Engineer I (36) 23,950 38,228 25,485 12,742 0 1 0 Land Surveyor (36) -0- 12,688 -0- -D- O 1 0 Certified Lab Technici~n (30) -0- 10,949 -0- -0- 3 2 3 Engineering Technician (28) 28,124 20,973 20,973 20,973 1 2 2 Engineering Draftsman (24) 7,884 19,354 19,354 19,354 1 1 1 Construction Inspector I II (24) 8,352 9-,978 9,978 9,978 0 1 0- Construction Inspector I (20) -0- 8,555 -0- -0- 1 2 1 Engineering Aide II (20) 7,884 17,111 17,111 17,111 1 0 IT Engineering Aide I( 17) 5,953 -0- -0- -D- O 1 1 Administrative Clerk III (14) -0- 7,686 7,686 7,686 (CONTINUED ) TOTALS COMMENTS: T T T T T r . r r r ~ ~ I i r , , r : 11 I r r T T PAGE 69 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET FUND GENERAL POSITIONS ::URRENT'DEPART. FINAL BUDGET REQUES AUTH. 1 o DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE NO. DIV. ENGINEERING ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 o Administrative Clerk II (9) 6,080 $103,683 DEPARTMENT REQUEST 1975 -0- 18,977 $210,666 ACCT. SERIES 441.10 CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY ~ECOMMENDAT10N CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 -0- 13,048 -0- 12,398 17 11 Pay Survey TOTALS $145,451 $132,058 COMMENTS: Additional Civil Engineer II is recommended to supplement traffic engineering program. Also recommended is the reclassification of an Administrative Cler~ II to Administrative Clerk III. ~ T T T T FUND r,EI\IFRAI OBJECT CODE T T T T T T 1 1 1 1 1 1 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .20 .21 1 .22 .23 .30 .31 .33 .34 .35 .36 3.8 PAGE 70 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIV. SIHt-t- I Mll ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 DE PT . PIIi=l1 Tr loIm~KS EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F .I.C.A. Longevity Retirement Insurance Workman's Compo Overtime and Premium Pay Training and Safety Uniforms $9969 $ 989 $5112 $4725 $6220 Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference & Meeting Expense APWA Workshops (2) Office Supplies Operating Supplies Street Maintenance Snow Removal Weed Control Storm Sewer and Drainage Printing and Postage Small Tools & Minor Equipment $154000 $ 12000 $ 500 $ 5000 Licensed Vehicle Maintenance Other Equipment Maintenance Telephone Expense Utili ties Facility Repair & Maintenance Insurance and Bonds *Recommended by City Arlmi ni cd,,,~h--,T' $133,222 20,238 17,950 400 2,000 100 500 200 155,500 300 100 39,300 1,500 300 1,600 -0- 6,000 ,lll~lrl'" DEPARTMENT REQUEST 1975 ACCT. SERI ES I,<:;n CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY ECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL $304,162 45,745 30,400 750 4,056 150 500 400 378,500 1,050 1,000 80,500 7,500 720 1,600 1,600 11,780 1975 $170,414 27,015 10,000 750 2,556 150 500 400 171,500 525 500 45,200 7,500 720 1,600 1,600 4,390 1975 $170,414 27,015 10,000 750 2,556 150 500 400 171,500 525 500 45,200 7,500 no 1,600 1,600 4,390 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T T T T T T FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE .37 .38 .39 .40 .41 .42 T T .63 3-8 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES PAGE 71 DIV. STREET MAINTENANCE ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES REQUEST 1974 1975 ACCT. SERIES 450 CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS EXPENSE ITEM Rentals and Leases Dues, Books & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Office Equipment Electric Typewriter $500 Adding Machine $150 Calculator $350 Sec. Desk & Chair $400 Vehicular Equipment Track Paver Roller Portable w/ret. Tires (4-6 ton) Grader *5 Dump Trucks Backhoe/Loader Hydro Hammer Loader 1-3/4 yd. 4-W Drive Welder Portable 200 amp. Mixer Concrete Portable *Truck 3/4 ton Crew Cab $ Sedan 4-dr. Intermediate 1975 $ $ 23000 $ 10000 $ 40000 $110000 $ 35000 $ 22000 $ 30000 $ 2500 $ 500 5500 3000 Other Major Equipment **10 Radios 2-way $8500 3 Sanders $3600 *Asphalt Pathways *See Revenue Sharing Fund **3 Radios recommended by City Administrator TOTAL 1,500 100 500 -0- 6,000 550 2,150 1,400 16,000 290,500 12,100 2,000 150 650 -0- * 2,550 35,000 * $397 310 ~1 218.113 1~450 570 1975 2,000 150 650 -0- -0- 2,550 -0- 'il:45n 57n PAGE 72 r r r r r r r r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL OF SALARIES ,AND WAGES FUND D EPT . DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET MAINTENANCE 450.10 POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY CURRENT DEPART. FINAL AND EXPENDITURES REQUEST RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL BUDGET REQUES' AUTH. SALARY RANGE NO. 1974 1975 1975 1975 1 1 1 Public Works Maintenarce Superintendent (39) $12,696 $14,005 $14,005 $14,005 1 2 1 City Service Foreman (30) 10,169 22,170 11,085 11,085 3 3 3 City Service Worker V (Leadman) (25) 19,124 30,612 30,612 30,612 5 10 5 Ci ty Service Worker IV (Equipment opr.) (21) 45,881 87,187 43,595 43,595 6 13 9 Ci ty Service Worker m (M. S.) (17) 45,352 101,574 58,340 58,340 0 1 0 Secretary II (14) -0- 7,371 -0- -D- O 2 0 Engineer (36) -0- 25,376 -0- -0- Pay Survey 15,867 12,777 12,777 ~ , , r r 16 32 19 TOTALS $133,222 $304,162 $170,414 $170,414 CO M M EN TS: It is recommended that three City Service Worker III be added under the WIN Program in 1974 and converted to City expense at mid-1975. The City Service Worker Ill's represent six at City ~xp2nse during the first half of 1975 and nine at City expense during the last half of 1975. r r r T T T T FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE T T T T T T T 1 T 1 T T .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .16 .21 .22 .23 .30 .31 .36 .37 .38 .39 .41 .42 1 3-8 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES PAGE 73 DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS DIV. TRAFFIC SERVICES ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES REQUEST ACCT. SERI ES 451 CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY ECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F .I.C.A. Retirement Longevity Health Insurance Workman's Compo Overtime and Premium Pay Training and Safety Uniforms Conference & Meeting Expense Operating Supplies Printing and Postage Small Tools & Minor Equipment Licensed Vehicle Maintenance $1072 $ 550 $ 184 $ 540 $ 404 Other Equipment Maintenance Insurance and Bonds Rentals and Leases Drills, saws, metal shears Dues, Books & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Vehicular Equipment Truck, 1-tcn flat bed Other Major Equipment 2 radios - 2-way Air Compressor $1700 $3000 TOTAL 1974 $16,087 2,533 1,650 100 200 -0- 20,000 -0- -0- 3,000 1,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- $44,570 1975 $28,493 3,694 1,000 250 468 250 35,000 250 250 2,000 3,000 1,100 300 150 150 6,500 4,700 $B7,555 1975 $18,336 2,750 1,000 100 343 -0- 22,000 125 125 1,000 1,100 550 300 -0- 100 -0- -0- $47,B29 1975 $1B,336 2,750 1,000 100 343 -0- 22,000 125 125 1,000 1,100 550 300 -0- 100 -0- -0- $47,B29 PAGE 74 T T CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL OF SALARIES ,AND WAGES T : T FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC SERVICES 451.10 POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY T CuRRENl DEPART. FINAL AND EXPENDITURES REQUEST flECOMMENDATlOt CITY COUNCIL BUDGETREQUES' AUTH. SALARY RANGE NO. 1974 1975 1975 1Q7"i T 0 1 0 City Service Worker V (Leadman) (24) $ -0- $ 9,678 $ -0- $ -0- 2 2 2 City Service Worker IV 16,087 17,458 17,458 17,458 T Pay Survey (21) 1,357 878 878 r ~ , ~ \ I r r T i 2 3 2 TOTALS $16,087 $28,493 $18,336 $18,336 r COMMENTS: I T T T f f r r FUND I GENERAL OBJECT CODE r f T r T T T T T T r r r *.10 *.11 .12 .13 .14 .21 .22 .23 .30 .31 .33 .36 .42 3-8 PAGE 75 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F.I.C.A. Retirement Longevity Insurance Workman's Compo Overtime and Premium Pay Tra;ning and Safety Un 'c _~rms DIV. SHOPS $4263 $2186 $ 209 $1080 $1931 Operating Supplies Printing and Postage Small Tools & Minor Equipment Licensed Vehicle Maintenance Other Equipment Maintenance Telephone Expense Insurance and Bonds Other Major Equipment Floor Hoist Hand Tools Special Tools *Allocated to user departments $4000 $1000 $2500 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 -0- -0- 1,500 300 1,500 3,000 -0- -0- 500 500 4,000 $11,300 ACCT. SERI ES 452 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY REQUEST RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 -0- -0- 1,000 500 1,248 6,000 1,000 250 500 1,000 240 2,950 7,500 $22,1,38 -0- -0- -0- 300 687 3,000 250 250 500 1,000 240 1,475 -0- $7,702 $10,950 -0- -0- 300 687 3,000 250 250 500 1,000 240 1,475 -0- $18,652 1 T T T T T T T T , , r r I T r r PAGE 76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET FUND GENERAL POSITIONS PJRRENT'DEPART. FINAL BUDGET~EQUES' AUTH. o 2 1 4 2 2 o 1 4 8 DETAIL OF SALARIES' AND WAGES DE PT. PUBLIC WORKS CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE NO. DIV. SHOPS ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 ACCT. SERIES 452.10 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY REQUEST f\ECOMMENDATlOt CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 1 2 Shops Foreman (30) $ -0- City Service Worker V (25) 19,612 Ci ty Service Wroker IV (21) 17,200 $10,949 $ -0- $10,950 40,432 20,216 20,216 2 17,638 17,200 17,200 o Ci ty Service Worker m (17) -0- 5,612 -0- 7,938 11,478 -0- 5,612 Pay Survey Allocated to Other Departments (37,250) (87,997) (43,028) (43,028) 5 TOTALS -0- $10,950 -0- -0- I r I COMMENTS: Salaries and wages and other direct expenses in this division are allocated to other department vehicle maintenance accounts based on a cost distribution of the mechanics' time. r r r r r r FUND GENERAL OBJECT T CODE T T T T T T T T T T T T .10 .11 .12 .14 .21 .22 .23 .30 .31 .36 *.41 .42 3-8 PAGE 77 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS DIV. STRE;:T CLEANING ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F .I.C.A. Retirement Longevity Insurance Workman's Compo Overtime and Premium Pay Uniforms Operating Supplies Printing and Postage Small Tools & Minor Equipment Licensed Vehicle Maintenance $1131 $ 580 $ 184 $ 540 $ 706 Other Equipment Maintenance Insurance and Bonds Vehicular Equipment 3 Sweepers @ $35ooo/ea. 2 Dump Trucks @ $22ooo/ea. Other Major Equipment **5 Radios 2-way $4250 *See Revenue Sharing Fund **(1) Recommended by City Administrator TOTAL $16,680 3,039 2,000 536 3,500 3,000 2,500 20,000 ACCT. SERI ES 4'jj DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY REQUEST "ECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 $93,675 13,106 500 1,716 10,000 150 250 11,000 500 3,320 114,000 3,400 $51,255 $251,617 $19,333 3,141 500 326 4,000 75 125 4,000 200 1,160 * 850 $33,710 $19,333 3,141 500 326 4,000 75 125 4,000 200 1,160 850 $33,710 r r r r FUND GENERAL __ POSITIONS r CURREN' DEPART. FINAL BUDGET REQUES' AUTH. r r r r r r r r r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET o 1 2 6 o 4 2 11 COMMENTS: r , r r o 2 o 2 DETAIL OF SALARIES ,AND WAGES D EPT . PUBLI C WORKS CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE NO. DIV. STREET CLEANING ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES REQUEST City Service Worker V (Leadman) (25) $ Ci ty Service Worker IV (21) Ci ty Service Worker II and III (14)(17) Pay Survey TOTALS 1974 -0- 16,680 -0- $16,680 1975 $ 9,677 52,370 27,166 4,462 $93,675 PAGE 78 ACCT. SERIES 453.10 CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY RECOMMENDAno~ CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 $ -0- 18,412 -0- 921 $19,333 $ -0- 18,412 -0- 921 $19,333 1 1 1 1 FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE 1 1 .09 .10 .11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .12 .13 .15 .16 .20 .21 .22 .23 .30 1 1 3-8 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES PAGE 79 DIV. ADMINISTRATION ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES REQUEST 1974 1975 ACCT. SERIES 460 CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 DEPT. PARKS-RECREATION EXPENSE ITEM Director of Parks & Recreatiol Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F.I.C.A. Insurance Retirement Workman's Compo Overtime and Premium Pay Training and Safety Secretarial Course Graduate Courses $1582 $ 540 $ 811 $ 108 $ 150 $ 100 Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference & Meeting Expense NRPA Annual Conference Dallas, Texas $500 CPRS Annual Conference$ 50 Mid-West District Lincoln, Nebraska Metro Conferences Office Supplies $6o/mo.-photo supplies and development Operating Supplies Gasoline Oil Change Miscellaneous $150 $100 $650 $100 $100 , Printing and Postage Small Tools & Minor Equipment Licensed Vehicle Maintenance Tuneups, tires, etc. 8i/mile $23,000 2,423 -0- -0- 40 675 600 600 150 80 720 $27,042 3,373 500 250 100 800 820 850 200 100 800 $27,042 3,041 250 150 100 800 820 850 200 100 800 1975 $15,460 10,961 3,041 250 150 100 800 820 850 200 100 800 1 1 1 1 FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE 1 1 .31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .32 .33 .36 .37 .38 .39 .40 .41 T 1 3-8 PAGE 80 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATI,NG EXPENDITURES DEPT. PARKS-RECREATION DIV. ADMINISTRA nON EXPENSE ITEM Other Equipment Maintenance Typewriter Car Radio Portable Radio Base Radio $ 50 $100 $ 60 $175 Professional and Consulting Fees Electrical Consultant$1ooo Telephone Expense 2 units, 1 base station Insurance and Bonds Rentals and Leases Typewriter $100 Land Obligations $100 Dues, Books & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Photography Office Equipment *Calculator Office Chairs Dictaphone **Typewriter $175 $200 $250 $700 Vehicular Equipment 4-dr. intermediate size sedan *Recommended by City Administrator ~*Approved by City Council TOTAL ACCT. SERI ES 460 ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY EXPENDITURES REQUEST RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1974 1975 1975 1975 385 1,100 680 240 150 200 -0- $31,093 4,600 150 3,100 3,600 $48,515 385 385 385 1,000 1,000 720 720 720 300 200 300 200 300 100 150 100 150 100 625 175 875 -0- -0- $37,183 $37,152 PAGE 81 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET l l l l 1 1 , 1 T t L I ~ '. T ~ ! r r r DETAIL OF SALARIES. AND WAGES FUND GENERAL POSITIONS ;UARENT'DEPART. FINAL BUDGET REQUES AUTH. DEPT. DIV. PARKS-RECREATION ADMINISTRATION CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT AND EXPENDITURES REQUEST SALARY RANGE NO. 1974 1975 ACCT. SERIES 460.10 CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY ~ECOMMENDAT10N CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1 1 1 Director of Parks and Recreation (47) 1 1 Secretary II (14) 1/2 0 Clerk-Typist I (5) o 1/2 Clerical Aide, Part- time $14,724 6,826 1,500 $15,460 7,434 2,621 $15,460 7,434 2,621 $15,460 7,434 -0- 1 o o Pay Survey 1,527 1,527 2,000 1,527 . ~ 2 ~ ~ TOTALS $23,000 $27,042 $27,042 $26,421 COMMENTS: Additional part-time help to assist Secretary II due to increasing work load. Present secretary handles all duties for three division heads and Director. T T T T FUND GENERAL OBJECT T CODE T .10 .11 T T T T T T T .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .20 .21 T T T T 3-8 PAGE 82 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIV. RECREA nON ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 DE PT . PARKS-RECREATION EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F .I.C.A. Insurance Workman's Compo Retirement Overtime and Premium Pay Training and Safety Uniforms (T-shirts) $4161 $ 720 $ 619 $ 837 Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference & Meeting Expense NRPA Nat'l. Conf. $ 500 Dallas, Texas CPRS State Conf. Intern Program Univ. of Wisconsin $ 225 $ 565 Office Supplies Operating Supplies Gas - 960 gal. @ 5o~ $ 500 Open Recreation Multi-purpose Bldg. Senior Citizen Tiny Tots Flag Football Women's Slimnastics Wrestling Tennis Playgrounds Basketball Physical Fitness Softball Art League Square Dance $ 500 $ 500 $ 150 $ 150 $ 25 $ 200 $1200 $1800 $ 350 $ 100 $ 700 $ 200 $ 125 $48,901 4,112 5,733 ACCT. SERI ES 461 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY REQUEST flECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 $93,121 7,216 1975 1975 $71,121 6,337 $69,471 6,337 1,700 600 600 355 355 355 300 220 220 312 300 300 1,290 1,290 1,290 450 11,980 450 6,480 450 6,480 1 1 1 1 FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE l l .22 .30 .31 l l l l 1 .32 .33 .34 .35 .36 .37 .38 .39 .40 .42 .43 3-8 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DEPT. DIV. PARKS-RECREATION RECREATION EXPENSE ITEM ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 4,000 Printing and Postage Brochures Licensed Vehicle Maintenance Other Equipment Maintenance 60 Radio (Van) $ 60 Professional and Consulting Fees 400 Telephone Expense 3 phones @ $2o/mo. ea. Long Distance $300 Utilities Anderson Community Bldg. Facility Repair & Maintenance Anderson Community Bldg. Insurance and Bonds 460 Rentals and Leases 200 Typewriters $300 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 97 NRPA Books $150 $ 55 Miscellaneous Expense Office Equipment Desk wlchair Filing Cabinets Other Major Equipment Pottery Kiln Major Repair & Maintenance Anderson Bldg.-Janitorial 200 $350 $306 ACCT. SERIES 461 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. REQUEST RECOMMENDATION 1975 1975 7,040 5,000 280 102 280 102 400 1,020 400 1,020 1,800 1,800 5,000 1,000 575 300 575 200 205 205 500 656 200 306 600 -0- 4,000 2,400 PAGE 83 APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL 1Q7"i 5,000 280 102 400 1,020 1,800 1,000 575 200 205 200 306 -0- 2,400 T T T FUND T GENERAL OBJECT CODE T T T T T T T T T T T T T .64 3.8 PAGE 84 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIV. RECREATION ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 ACCT. SERIES 461 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY REQUEST RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 DEPT. PARKS-RECREATION EXPENSE ITEM Contractual Services Ski Trips, Ski Lessons, Square Dancing, Ice Skating, Bus, JudolKarate, Golf, Swimming, 5 Basket- ball Officials, 3 Flag Football Officials, 2 Basketball Scorers, 4 Softball Officials, 2 Softball Scorers COMMENT: Reduction in pro- grams listed in object codes .21 and .64 to be determined by department within budget limitations. TOTAL 10,000 20,524 13,150 11,500 $74,754 $159,626 $112,141 $112.141 T T T T FUND GENERAL POSITIONS T PuRRENT'DEPART. FINAL BUDGET REQUES' AUTH. T T \ T ~ i ~ ~ ~ . PAGE 85 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET T ~ I COMMENTS: Part-time personnel are shown as full time equivalents (F.T.E.). T A full-time position requires 2,080 hours during the year. The extra position T T 1 1 1 1 o 1 4 7 6 10 DETAIL OF SALARIES ,AND WAGES D EPT . DIV. RECREATION ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ACCT. SERIES 461.10 CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY iRECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 PARKS-RECREATION CLASSIFICA lION AND SALARY RANGE NO. DEPARTMENT REQUEST 1975 1974 1 Recreation Superintend~nt (20) $10,901 Recreation Leader II ( 13) 7,120 14,240 $12,022 $12,022 $12,022 2 5,158 7,120 o Recreation Supervisor (24) -0- 8,770 8,770 4 Part-time Personnel (F. T. E.) Program Instructors, Leaders, Specialists Pay Survey 35,749 7,460 32,842 55,749 9,460 35,749 7,460 7 TOTALS $71,121 $69,471 $48,901 $93,121 is recommended due tD increased programs. T T T T FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE T T T T T T T T T T T .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .20 .21 T T 3-8 PAGE 86 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIV. PARKS ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 DEPT. PARKS-RECREATION EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F.I.C.A. Workman's Compo Insurance Longevity Retirement Overtime and Premium Training and Safety Uniforms 5 uniforms 100 T-shirts $4586 $2472 $ 900 $ 186 $2352 Pay $ 800 $ 300 Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference & Meeting Expense State Parks & Recreation Assn. Office Supplies Operating Supplies Fuel-5ooo gallon $2580 30W oil-55 gallon $ 300 2-cycle oil-3 cases $ 45 Weed Killer-55 gal1on$ 700 Ground Sterilant- 100 gallon Fertilizer inorganic 20 ton Grease-3 cases Revive-12 gallon Concrete-50 yards Dry Mix-6 ton Fence-1ooo feet Asphalt-1o ton Picnic Table Repair $1000 $3000 $ 1:::;0 $ 200 $1000 $ 360 $2000 $ 100 $ 400 $67,038 16,297 500 300 18,000 ACCT. SERIES 462 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY REQUEST ~ECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 $116,994 13,657 3,500 350 1,100 100 200 350 24,272 $78,392 10,496 500 350 1,100 100 200 350 24,272 $78,692 10,496 500 350 1,100 100 200 350 24,272 r r r r FUND GENERAL r T OBJECT CODE T T T T T T T T .22 .23 .30 .31 T I .32 T T .33 .34 3-8 PAGE 87 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DEPT. PARKS-RECREATION EXPENSE ITEM DIV. PARKS ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 $1500 $ 300 $ 150 $1000 $1000 $1500 $ 160 $ 500 $2807 $3000 $ 100 $ 500 Sprinkler Repair Sand Chain & Repair Links Trash Bags Fertilizer Organic Light Bulbs Lime-3 tons Top Soil Dump Tickets Sod Road Base Forming Lumber Printing and Postage Small Tools & Minor Equipment Hand tool replacements$25o 500 ft. Hose $250 Licensed Vehicle Maintenance Inspections 2 sets Tires Tuneups-4/yr. for 6 vehicles 2 sets brakes 2 clutches Tractor Maintenance $ 70 $ 300 $3000 $ 350 $ 650 $2000 Other Equipment Maintenance Radios (6) Auger Teeth Mower Maintenance $ 552 $ 50 $ 525 ?rofessional and Consulting Fees Telephone Expense Utili ties 25 300 5,100 900 600 270 15,000 ACCT. SERIES 462 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY REQUEST ~ECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 25 500 6,370 1,127 200 380 18,500 25 500 6,370 1,127 -0- 380 18,500 25 500 6,370 1,127 -0- 380 18,500 T T T T FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .35 .36 .37 .38 .39 .40 .42 .43 1 1 3-8 PAGE 88 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DE PT . PARKS-RECREATION EXPENSE ITEM DIV. PARKS ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 Facility Repair & Maintenance Paint Shop Supplies Restroom Supplies Insurance and Bonds Rentals and Leases Sod cutter $3o/day Trencher $6o/day 955 Track Loader San-o-lets $750 $500 $900 $ 120 $1200 $ 750 $1000 Dues, Books & Subscriptions NRPA Membership $ 250 Miscellaneous Expense Office Equipment Filing Cabinet Other Major Equipment *Diaphram Pump Loader Mount Broom *3 Hand Mowers **Radios (2) 1 Weed eater Pressurized Steam Cleaner $1000 $2500 $ 525 $1400 $ 300 $ 750 Major Repair & Maintenance Baseball Light Maint.$15oo Janitorial Services $ 630 *Recommended by City Administrator **Recommended by City Council 1,760 2,200 225 250 775 6,500 2,400 ACCT. SERIES 462 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN REQUEST RECOMMENDATION 1975 1975 2,150 2,200 3,070 250 250 153 6,475 2,130 2,150 2,200 3,070 250 250 153 1,525 2,130 APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL 1975 2,150 2,200 3,070 250 250 153 2,925 2,130 T T T T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE .65 .67 3-8 PAGE 89 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIV. PARKS ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 DEPT. PARKS-RECREA nON EXPENSE ITEM Equestrian Expense 2 Horses Feed Tack Vet Exp. & Supplies $ 700 $1000 $1100 $ 500 +Maintenance and Repair - Sod House Historical Site +Note: Maintenance and re- pair of Sod House Historical Site was originally recom- mended by the City Adminis- trator as a possible project for Revenue Sharing Fund. -0- ACCT. SERI ES 462 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY REQUEST flECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 4,500 4,500 2,800 (15,000) 5,000 TOTAL $13B,140 $208,803 $158,890 $153,890 PAGE 90 r r r r r r r I , r , r ~ I r ~ , r i r 11.7515.7511.7~ TOTALS $67,038 $116,994 $78,392 $78,692 COMMENTS. Rangers are hired on a part-time basis during the summer months only. It is expected that the department will hire 10 part-time persons to fill the full-time position authorized. No additional full-time positions are recommended in this budget due to lack of funds. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET DET AI L OF SALARIES ,AND WAGES ; FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL PARKS-RECREA nON PARKS 462.10 ~- POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY ~RRENT DEPART. FINAL AND EXPENDITURES REQUEST ~ECOMMENDATlO~ CITY COUNCIL BUDGET REOUES AUTH. SALARY RANGE NO. 1974 1975 1975 1975 0 1 0 Superintendent of Park~ (27) $ -0- $ 9,924 $ -0- $ -0- 1 1 1 City Service Worker V (25) 9,294 10,254 10,254 10,254 4 4 4 City Service Worker II (13) 25,872 30,240 30,240 30,240 1 0 0 City Service Worker II~ (17) 7,470 -0- -0- -D- O 1 1 City Service Worker II. (21) -0- 8,140 8,140 8,140 0 2 0 Park Ranger Cadets(12) -0- 12,915 -0- -0- 1/4 1/4 1/4 Park Ranger Leader 1,260 1,260 1,260 1 1 1 Ranger 4,200 4,200 4,200 4.5 5.5 4.5 Part-time Employees 26,250 19,950 20,250 Park Caretaker Helpe~s April 15-Sept. 30 Pay Survey 5,571 4,348 4,348 r r r T T T T FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE T T .10 .11 T T T T T T T T T T T .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .20 .21 .22 3-8 PAGE 91 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIV. FORESTRY ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 $18,845 3,000 DEPT. PARKS-RECREATION EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages Personnel Expense F.I.C.A. Insurance Workman's Compo Retirement $1190 $ 540 $ 576 $ 610 Overtime and Premium Pay Training and Safety Arborist Course Tuition Miscellaneous Uniforms 3 sets @ $156/man T-shirts 15 @ $3 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 200 miles @ .12/mile $ 150 $ 100 $ 50 Conference & Meeting Expense CST & Nursery Office Supplies Pens, pencils, sharpener Operating Supplies Fuel-25oo gallon $1250 Agriform-3 cases $ 100 Oil-5 gallon $ 50 Chain oil-1 case $ 20 Hydraulic Oil-55/gal.$ 100 1 Roll Wire Rope $ 25 10 pair gloves $ 50 Chains $ 100 Grinding Wheels $ 20 Printing and Postage 500 312 50 50 900 ACCT. SERIES 463 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY REQUEST RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 $34,028 4,178 1,000 300 513 25 100 100 1,715 225 $20,347 2,916 500 250 257 25 100 100 1,715 225 $22,447 2,916 500 250 357 25 100 100 1,715 225 T T T T FUND GENERAL OBJECT T CODE T T T T .23 .30 .31 .33 T T T 1 T T T T .36 .37 .38 .40 .42 3.8 PAGE 92 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DEPT. PARKS-RECREATION DIV. FORESTRY ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1974 EXPENSE ITEM Small Tools & Minor Equipment Pruners, Chain Saws, Tools etc. Licensed Vehicle Maintenance Bucket Truck Chipper Other Equipment Maintenance Radio (2) Chain Saw Repair Replacement Parts Telephone Expense Long Distance Insurance and Bonds 2 vehicles general liabili ty Rentals and Leases Auger and Shears Dues, Books & Subscriptions NRPA Magazines Books Office Equipment 1 chair ,Other Major Equipment *Back Pack Sprayer Water Trailer *Recommended by City Administrator $120 $200 $180 $ 50 $ 50 $ 25 $ 25 $300 $300 ACCT. SERIES 463 DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY REQUEST flECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 1975 1975 100 500 1,000 300 240 520 100 50 300 50 50 50 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 350 290 290 650 650 650 500 150 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 300 300 PAGE 93 l CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET l SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES l : l FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL PARKS-RECREATION FORESTRY 463 I OBJECT ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY 1 CODE EXPENSE ITEM EXPENDITURES REQUEST ~ECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1974 1975 1975 1975 I l .43 Major Repair & Maintenance 500 600 600 600 Stump Grinding $300 Spraying $300 l .53 Ordinance Enforcement 500 -0- -0- , , l l l l l l l l l l TOTAL $26,848 $47,134 $30,275 $32,375 3.8 r r r r FUND GENERAL POSITIONS r CURRENT'DEPART. FINAL BUDGETREQUES' AUTH. I , r r : r ~ I r ~ ~ ~ ~ I r , f 1 1 o 3/4 o CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET 1 1 1 3/4 o 2.75 3.75 2.25 COMMENTS: r r DETAIL OF SALARIES ,AND WAGES DEPT. DIV. PARKS-RECREATION FORESTRY CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATED AND EXPENDITURES SALARY RANGE NO. 1974 1 1 City Arborist (26) City Service Worker I~ Asst. City Arborist (21) o City Service Worker II (13) 1/4 o Part-time Help Labor Pool (Contract Labor) Pay Survey TOTALS $ 9,197 PAGE 94 ACCT. SERIES 463.10 CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL 1975 DEPARTMENT REQUEST 1975 $10,147 $10,147 8,148 8,990 8,990 -0- 6,791 -0- 3,000 2,100 -0- 6,000 -0- 1,655 1,210 $17,358 $34,028 $20,347 1975 $10,147 8,990 -0- 2,100 -0- 1,210 $22,447 PAGE 95 r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET r SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES r : T FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL MASS TRANSIT 470 OBJECT ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM EXPENDITURES REQUEST RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL T 1974 1975 1975 1975 470.54 Special Contractual Services $10,000 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 T T Subsidy payment to RTD for T bus service within the City. (Capital costs only) T $46,400 Federal 11,600 City T $58,000 Total T T T T T T T TOTAL $10,000 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 3.8 PAGE 96 r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET r SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES , r : r FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL 491 OBJECT ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM EXPENDITURES REQUEST ~ECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL T 1974 1975 1975 1975 T 491.65 Transfer to Dangerous Building Abatement Fund -0- $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 T T T T T T T T T : T T TOTAL -0- $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 3.8 r r r r r FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE f CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE * ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES PAGE 97 DIV. ACCT. SERIES 499 ESTIMATED DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY EXPENDITURES REQUEST ~ECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL DEPT. EXPENSE ITEM 499.66 Unallocated Reserve T r T T T T T T T r r r 3.8 $20,000 of this appropriation is reserved for distribution to department Salary and Wages accounts for imple- mentation of the Pay Survey. Actual amounts will be deter- mined after the Pay Survey has been adopted by the City Council. TOTAL 1974 1975 1975 $20,500 $50,000 $50,000 $20,500 $50,000 $50,000 1975 $71,928* $71,92B REVENUE SHARING FUND REV E N U E Federal Grants Interest Carryover TOTAL E X PEN D I T U RES Two Dump Trucks, Tandem Axle - Public Works One 3/4 Ton Crew Cab Truck - Public Works One Street Sweeper - Public Works One HP 21 Calculator - Public Works Asphalt Pathway Materials - Public Works 41st Avenue-Sheridan to Reed $29,000 32nd Avenue-Youngfield to Holland $30,000 High Court-38th Avenue to 35th Avenue $10,036 (Work to be performed by City Forces) TOTAL 98 $117,698 12,000 10,338 $140,036 $ 40,000 5,000 30,000 5,000 6IT,036 $140,036 PARK ACQUISITION FUND REV E N U E Subdivision Fees $1,500 TOTAL 1,500 $3,000 Carryover E X PEN D I T U RES Park Acquisitions $3,000 - The Park Acquisition Fund was established by the City in 1972 to provide for an accounting of those moneys designated for use in the acquisition of additional parklands and improvements. 99 UlNSFlivr n Ii/\i 'rRLlfj'J i' ii,,:) r~ EVE :'J U r ~3t.stc r;J Hntr-, ". :\:~; ~ Flrt[j Inter!",jt [~aI'n'LmJR 2nn )1"1 i ;":;, 'I:f ',,, hLJf'! [XP[I~l;llLr. [' " Nr:'ld [:(1\:LiP-1 \lntlun ~JJ.tF!fj ~. t[' h HI J[! - ~rhe 1;[lnfi[~I'\ll3tjun Trust 1'!H'il is "I I c,I,I'tILpd flllle) [~ILRL1:t'i"lil;rl by thl' L~itlf em :liily 2" i[J/!" tu jll/'iliE (D,' ttll' ~'I.'f'f'ipt ,~lrIrl dislJursemE'nt ut' funds recl"l',}ed f ['11" I,hl" !d H'I-.['. 'thE ~juthrYI'i /[,[J - expenrJ:ll"Ur8E:; [If this fund urB i1tt-!i" - I l!U'l r.i t,i(JI'I t dr"'" lorJinr.::'d, Slid Im,int['nfll[C[~ flf n8iJ.1 CDl'iioE'JHHt,c" ::.'rb'I;" !dliit.I, iirr;'lucl[':~; lfltE-~I'estf.1 illhmd and uiaj;PI, 1lJO IntrQduc~d n~ ~ld~rm~n C~~arr~ RESOLUTION NO. 345 Series of 1974 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A BUDGET, APPROPRIATING MONEYS, AND ESTABLISHING A MILL LEVY FOR THE PURPOSE OF DERIVING TAX REVENUES TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE GENERAL GOVERNMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1975. WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge budget for the fiscal year 1975 has been established and a public hearing held thereon after due published notice, and WHEREAS, the budget provides for revenues and expenditures in all Funds for all operating purposes in the amount of $3,060,577.00, and WHEREAS, $357,661.00 of the total required shall be derived from ad valorem taxes, and the balance shall be derived from other sources; - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The City of Wheat Ridge Budget for the fiscal period beginning January 1, 1975 and ending December 31, 1975 be hereby approved and adopted. 2. The amount of $3,060,577.00 be appropriated from the revenues of each fund, to each fund, for the purposes set forth in the City of Wheat Ridge Budget for 1975. 3. The levy for General Government Operating Purposes be hereby established at 4.8 mills and assessed against all real property within the City of Wheat Ridge for taxes to be collected in 1975 for the valuation year 1974. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of October ,A. D., 1974,.P'Y a vote of 5 to 0 y .;; I f ~ f > -------- ~,~..,.,"..<'."/"). ~/ ~j- / / I 't-' ~ "',1' .,', ~4///(:cj!./ ( "~/A:~:L-/,--..;:J .~,'$.f~s.Jl:: A L ~ ,,~ Homer L. Roe sener, )'fayor ; "'" ... -_. " , I~ , ',;,( '..>(-"',~) .....-. ,/,'I '/ J f~ i r....:r l~/ 6-~' ~. n J ( ...(t;~:'-v/~ < /?~0l (d;.~ EHse::~~~gi1am; PIty CMfk 101 ..'.-~'~, ~ .~,~. ,- --'--'-<-. ". _ .~,."..:..--.:<:.,..",o _ " , . "'i':'.. .:'~ .... i-, . . FfNANCIAL DATA AND.AUDITORS'REPOMS' CITY OF WHEAT RIOGE. CdLORADO REVENUESHARlNsFUND AecOUNT NO. 06-2..030.802 .... Dee.MilER 31, 1875 'e" , i '-';; 'c. , " "~" ~~ . .......... .COMPAfty ". .. FINANCIAL DATA AND AUDITORS' REPORTS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Revenue Sharing Fund Account No. 06-2-030-802 December 31, 1975 CON TEN T S Page PART I - FINANCIAL AUDITORS' REPORT ON FINANCIAL DATA 4 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 5 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES 6 SUMMARY OF DATA SUBMITTED TO THE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 7 NOTE TO FINANCIAL DATA 8 PART II - COMPLIANCE AUDITORS' REPORT ON COMPLIANCE IO PART I FINANCIAL 3 Alexander Grant & COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS JNTERNATJONAL FIRM ALEXANDER GRANT TANSLEY W/rT The Honorable Frank Stites, Mayor Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado ... We have examined the Revenue Sharing Fund statement of changes in fund balance and the statement of expenditures and encumbrances of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado for the year ended December 31, 1975, and have compared the summary of data submitted to the Bureau of the Census for the year ended Decem- ber 31, 1974, included on Bureau of Census Form RS-9 with audited records of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the "Audit Guide and Standards for Revenue Sharing Recipients" issued by the Office of Revenue Sharing, U.S. Department of the Treasury, and accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered neces- sary in the circumstances, -- ... In our opinion, the statement of changes in fund balance and the statement of expenditures and encumbrances present fairly the revenue, expenditures, encumbrances and changes in fund balance of the Revenue Sharing Fund of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado for the year ended December 31, 1975, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Further, the summary of data sub- mitted to the Bureau of Census for the year ended December 31, 1974 is in agreement with audited records of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ... - ~C{A/(L ~~ D<- rJ;7 - Denver, Colorado February 27, 1976 1600 BROADWAY DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 861-1345 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Revenue Sharing Fund STATEMENT OF EXPENDIWRES AND ENCUMBRANCES Year ended December 31, 1975 Operating/maintenance expenditures and encumbrances Public transportation $ 9,602 Capital expenditures and encumbrances Multipurpose and general government Transportation $ 8,748 107,696 116,444 $ 126,046 - The accompanying note is an integral part of this statement. 6 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Revenue Sharing Fund STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year ended December 31, 1975 Fund balance at January I, 1975 Fund balance at December 31, 1975 $ 3,324 $ 121,448 1,827 123,275 126,599 87,146 38,900 126,046 $ 553 Add revenues Entitlement payments Interest - Less Expenditures Encumbrances .... .... .... .... The accompanying note is an integral part of this statement. 5 ;; it Y of Wh6a t Ridge, Colorado Revenu~ Sharing Fund SUMMAR) OF DATA SUBMITTED TO THE BCREAU OF THE CENSUS Year ended December 31, 1974 Reported to Census PART I I, Property taxes 2. Sales taxes (a) General sales tax (b) Gasoline tax (c) Liquor tax (d) Cigarette and tobacco taxes (e) Public utilities tax (f) Other 3. Licenses, permits and other taxes (a) Income, payroll or earnings tax (local) (b) Motor vehicle licenses ( local) (c) Fees retained from tax col- lections by officials of your government (d) Other 4. Taxes for education $ 363,977 977,495 236,602 87,358 PART II From state 1. General support ,a) Property tax relief (b) All other 2. Streets and highways 3. Education 4. Public welfare 5. Health or hospitals 6. All other From other local governments From Federal Government (directly) 207,117 434,051 123,1l9 60,165 75,931 The accompanying note is an integral part of this statement. 7 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Revenue Sharing Fund NOTE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1975 SUM~~RY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES A summary of the significant accounting policies consistently applied in the preparation of the accompanying financial state- ments follows: I. Basis of Accounting The records are maintained on a modified accrual basis of accounting, whereby expenditures are recorded at the same time liabilities are incurred and revenues are recorded when received in cash, except for material or available revenues, which are accrued to properly reflect the revenues earned. 2. Segregation of Accounts ... The Revenue Sharing Fund is maintained as an independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and/or other resources together with all related liabilities, obligations, reserves, and equities which are segregated for the purpose of accounting for all resources received under Title I of the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972 and the related expenditure and encumbrance of those resources. ... ... ... 8 - PART II COMPLIANCE - - - 9 Alexander Grant & COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INTERNATIONAL FIRM ALEXANDER GRANT TANSLEY WITT The Honorable Frank Stites, Mayor Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado We have examined the Revenue Sharing Fund statement of changes in fund balance and the statement of expenditures and encumbrances of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado for the year ended December 31, 1975, and have compared the financial data for the year ended December 31, 1974, included on Bureau of Census Form RS-9 with the audited records of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Our report thereon appears in the preceding section of this report, Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the "Audit Guide and Standards for Revenue Sharing Recipients" issued by the Office of Revenue Sharing, V,S, Department of the Treasury (the '"Guide"), and accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances, As part of our examination, we made a study of compli- ance matters as prescribed in Section V, D. of the "Guide" for the year ended December 31, 1975. Our study of compliance, which related to the require- ments cited above, disclosed no conditions which we consider matters of noncompliance. - ~CU~c& ~~ &-/7/ - Denver, Colorado February 27, 1976 1600 BROADWAY DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 861-1345 . .". . -::lJ :- ~" FINANCIAL ST A TEMENTSAND AUDITOrts'RI!:PQIl;r~v' CITY OF WHEAT RfPGE. COLORADO '. /it, ,it .. . . DKCK..Utt .,, 187. ." 'I'- .~ ~: ,j ;1 . AIex8Ider..... 8t COMPANY ..b FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND AUDITORS' REPORT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO December 31, 1975 CON TEN T S Page AUDITORS t REPORT 3 SUPPLEMENTAL COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMBINED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES 5 6 7 GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH BUDGET STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 9 10 11 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH BUDGET STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CASH BALANCES 13 14 15 16 - SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH BUDGET STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES 18 19 20 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS - BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY 22 23 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 25 Alexander Grant & COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INTERNATIONAL FIRM ALEXANDER GRANT TANSLEY WITT The Honorable Frank Stites, Mayor Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado We have examined the financial statements of the various funds and balanced account groups of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado as of and for the year ended December 31, 1975, included in this report on pages 9 through 29, Our ex- amination was made in accordance with generally accepted audit- ing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the ac- counting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the various funds and balanced account groups of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado at December 31, 1975, and the results of their oper- ations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Our examination was made primarily for the purpose of formulating the opinion stated in the preceding paragraph, The supplemental combined financial statements included in this report on pages 5 through 7, although not considered necessary for a fair presentation of financial position and results of operations, are presented as supplementary informa- tion and have been subjected to the audit procedures applied in the examination of the basic financial statements. In our opinion, the supplemental statements are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole, ~~~:x!I~ V r1y7- Denver, Colorado February 27, 1976 1600 BROADWAY DENVER. CO 80202 (303) 861-1345 SUPPLEMENTAL COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - 4 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES Year ended December 31, 1975 General Fund Trust and Agency Funds Special Revenue Funds Revenues Taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental revenue Charges for services Fines and forfeitures Interest income Miscellaneous income Pension plan contributions Donations $ 1,659,550 $ 355,891 543,891 34,803 50,108 18 ,375 35,345 $ 26,932 121,448 19,156 2,291 67,574 1,908 10,651 Total revenues 2,697,963 115,570 134,390 Expenditures and encumbrances General government Public safety Public works Parks and recreation Land acquisition Capital acquisitions Capital construction projects Professional fees Refunds Other expenditures 439,292 1,013,304 755,440 311,359 3,410 21,620 117,298 878 13,540 4,457 8,149 Total expenditures and encumbrances 2,532,935 16,016 139,796 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDI- TURES AND ENCUMBRANCES $ 165,028 $ 99,554 $ (5,406) 6 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado COMBINED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year ended December 31, 1975 Trust and Special General Agency Revenue Fund Funds Funds Fund balances at January 1, 1975 As previously reported $ 69,904 $ 248,734 $ 13 , 186 Adjustment to reflect Federal Revenue Sharing Fund as a Special Revenue Fund (3,324) 3,324 As restated 69,904 245,410 16 , 510 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and encum- brances for the year 165,028 99,554 (5,406) Fund balances at December 31, 1975 $ 234,932 $ 344,964 $ 11 , 104 - 7 - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GENERAL FUND - 8 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1975 ASSETS Cash Operating accounts Savings accounts Prepaid insurance $ 14,483 354,881 369,364 2,762 11,725 $ 383,851 Accounts receivable LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE - Liabilities Accounts payable Trade accounts Payroll taxes withheld Other Total liabilities $ 58,892 25 , 565 2,402 86,859 62,060 234,932 $ 383,851 Reserve for encumbrances Fund balance The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 9 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITIJRES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH BUDGET Year ended December 31, 1975 Budget Revenues Taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental revenue Charges for services Fines and forfeitures Interest income Miscellaneous revenue $ 1,912,932 375,839 391,506 37,350 40,400 27,000 20,000 Total revenues 2,805,027 Expenditures and encumbrances General government Public safety Public works Parks and recreation Nondepartmental expenditures (note K) 597,763 990,453 945,513 351,813 21,199 Total expenditures and encumbrances 2,906,741 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITIJRES AND ENCUMBRANCES $ (101, 714) $ Actual $ I, 659 , 550 355,891 543,891 34,803 50,108 18,375 35,345 2,697,963 439,292 1,013,304 755,440 311,359 13,540 2,532,935 Actual over (under) budget $ (253,382) (19,948) 152,385 (2,547) 9,708 (8,625) 15,345 (107,064) (158,471) 22,851 (190,073) (40,454) (7,659) (373,806) 165,028 $ 266,742 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 10 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year ended December 31, 1975 Fund balance at January I, 1975 $ 69,904 Excess of revenues over expenditures and encumbrances for the year 165,028 Fund balance at December 31, 1975 $ 234,932 - The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement, 11 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS 12 >-l "l 1:'" iP H 0 ::r " >-', " " '" ro " "" iP '" (l ~~< OUlOOO 0. (l)(l0' "l ro ro '" 'C ::r '" HJ (:l ~. " 00 >1 < ro (l 0' "0>-' ro UlUlrl- ("to ~'Ii (l '" ~ ~ 1-" 0. a )-1':0 ~ 0 >-' 0.::Jrl- ro H,crq rl- a '" ~ c-!-I-" >-', " "'I ::J J..I.rn 1--1' 'C ::J O'Ul(l) " 0>1rl- " ::J '" (l "'I >-' Ul rl- < (l) Ul ",,,,crq ::J (l) 0 ro'C ro ro '" rl-" '<I Ul rl- '" >1 >1Ul' <ll (l '" >-', '" (l)'<I ro ::J " Ul 0 " ::J >-' Ul '" 1:'" Ul a >1 '" "(l crq " 0' H rl- ro'<l rl- o ::J 0 >-' >1>-' iP " H,rl-" ::J >-', o (l) t;ll >1 rl-O''' ::J 0 '" '" H ro >-,,0 0. rl- rl- 0' 1:'" (l Ul ....Ul ro ro >-', 0. H ro <ll>-'rl- 'C Ul >-' ro >-l >-', (l Ul 0 >-', 'C H < " 00 '" rl- 0 M '" >1 >-', >1 >-', Ul Ul 0' >-', rl- ro ro >-', >-' rl- iP Ul rl- iP ro >-', Ul '" Ul Z ro Ul ::J t:l Ul M "'I >-', d Ul " rl- Z >-' ro t:l w crq >1 t;ll '" iP >-' ~ 'C Z '" 0 >1 M rl- Ul 0 H, rl- ::r >-', Ul Ul rl- <f; <f; <f; <f; '" rl- ~ w f: f~ ,,:,'" >-l <ll "" >-' ~._" r '" >-'""w 0 a "" 00 ,;.."''''' h:>t,.Jwm rl- ro - '" ::J '" 0 "'''' "'>-'''' CJ)O...:JI--I >-' () rl- '" '" "'0 >-'00":' O':!1\jNI--l >-', ,;.. "" ",,0 ,,:,"'''' C1c.nf-l~ rl- "'I '<I 8 0 t:l Ul H, ro rl- 'O (l t;ll ., <f; <f; <f; <f; 0 ro iP '" ::r 'O>-' a r; ::J ro fi '" fi T ro >-', 0' 0. '" ,,:, "'~"'W "'>-'"" ":I"" <ll Z rl- 00 '" ';""'00 ...-.1 w...w-: "00 ro >1 () ;t- 0/0--1.13 M crq "" 0 ,,:, "'>-,'" tPO....:Jl--I 0.0<ll '" ro >-', ,;.. I I >-' >-'00'" l'..:lM(:>.jOO ::J ::J >-' (J) ::J 0. <<> >-' "''''''' C'H,}1f-oLO ;x: " crq Ul t<l '<I ro >-' t<l '" "'I ":I '" " n '" ::J 0 0. >-' 'O 00 0 " >1 <f; <f; <f; <f; 0' '" t<l>-' 0. ~~ >-' ~~ I r~ >-' >-' ":100 >-', 0 '" '" '" "(l " ::J >1 >-' >-' >-' 0.0 ., '" I , , W I , W '" 0 >-' >-' >-' >1 i';' Ul ;.: 0 " <f; <f; <f; <f; " t~ t<lrl- I, W ~i 1 t~ I, ,I, ~I, w ":IUl'" '. "(l >-', w w ""l ::J <<> I <<> 0.0 W W '" tl:l ro >-' >-' 0 0 <f; <f; <f; '" ::J "'100 ~~ >-' ~~ >-' >-' g>1ro '" '" ,,:, '" '" ffi ~ '" '" '" "" "" o.rl-'" >-' 0 '0 I I , .... I I .... rl- '" 0 0 '" '" >-', 0 ::J .?--7 / I L L--< \L "- MEMORANDUM OF ADVISORY COMMENTS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO CON TEN T S Page Scope of Review 3 Accounting and Clerical Comments Payroll Disbursement Account Shipping Documents Pension Plan Liability 4 4 5 Management and Administrative Comments Data Processing Protection of Accounting Records Conflict of Interest Statements 5 5 6 . r'~'.p. Alexander Grant &COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INTERNATIONAL FiRM ALEXANDER GRANT TANSLEY WITT April 12, 1976 The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Dear Council Members: In connection with our examination of the financial statements of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado as of Decem- ber 31, 1975, we reviewed various internal procedures and controls of the city in order to establish the scope of our examination, and did not make a comprehensive review for the purpose of submitting detailed recommendations. As a result of our review, we noted certain areas where business and financial matters should be considered and accounting procedures improved. This memorandum summarizes our comments and suggestions. It has been a pleasure to conduct the audit of the operations of the city for the year ended December 31, 1975. We appreciate the consideration given to us by the many em- ployees that we came in contact with during the conduct of our audit. Please feel free to contact us if we can be of further service to you in the implementation of these sugges- tions. 1600 BROADWAY DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 861.1345 ACCOUNTING AND CLERICAL COMMENTS Payroll Disbursement Account Payroll checks are written from the city's regular checking account. This results in unnecessary difficulty in maintaining control over this bank account. We recommend that the payroll account of the city be established on the imprest system utilizing a separate checking account, which affords better control over cash funds and provides for more efficient and accurate record keeping. The imprest payroll system is a procedure whereby a deposit is made to a separate bank account for an amount equal to the total payroll disbursement for a particular period. Payroll bank reconciliations are thereby simplified and errors are easily identified. In addition, managerial control and review of payroll disbursements are facilitated. Shipping Documents Shipping documents for various supplies and materials purchased by the city are signed by the city employee accepting delivery of such purchases. This signed shipping document is assurance to accounting and other managerial personnel that goods are actually received before payment is made. The date of delivery, however, was not noted on such shipping documents. We recommend that procedures be established to note the date of r~ ceipt of purchases on shipping documents in addition to the signature evidencing receipt. This procedure would assist in 4 f"'" increasing control over city property and provide for a proper cut-off for accounts payable at year end. Pension Plan Liability The city received an actuarial evaluation of the assets and liabilities of the Policemen's Pension Fund as of January 1, 1976. This study determined that the pension plan had a current actuarial deficiency of $282,879 and a current year contribution deficiency for 1976 of $6,130. We recommend that the City Council provide for a systematic reduction of this liability in future years' appropriations. MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE C01~ENTS Data Processing During 1975, the chart of accounts for the city's ac- counting system was revised. Approximately 500 accounts are - currently being manually maintained. Since this number of accounts - - in a manual bookkeeping system is rather cumbersome and future growth of the city will result in increased complexity of the . city's financial affairs, we recommend that the city implement a computerized accounting system. Such a system, if properly im- plemented, would increase the efficiency and reduce the time of financial report preparation, and provide for increased control over city operations. Protection of Accounting Records At present, city accounting records are stored in files which provide little protection from fire. These records would 5 r""l!ll'::f be difficult or impossible to reconstruct if lost by theft or fire. We recommend that an appropriate fire proof and secure safe ?e used for accounting record storage. Conflict of Interest Statements We commend Mayor Frank Stites' announced statement of permitting no purcbases to be made by the city from his company. Such a policy, adopted by all city officials and department heads, could avoid both a potential conflict of interest and any appearances of conflict. 6 . - .., ~ '" 0,; 0' ~ C ro ::l () :>>:>> ::l 0. ro p.rn 0. I>> rn I-:!:ju.lW. () 0' rn CO'C'O 0' () I>> ::ll>>rn>oj I>> 0 >-' 0 c..l-1 rl-('O >-' El I>> H, I-"El < I>> '0 ::l .-.t:' CD 1-1' ::l I>> () >oj :>> ::lcrq::lO () ::l ro ro rn o <+ C ro '<: rn < <+~ rn rn 1-" ro >oj ro <+>-' ::l I>> ::l ro ::l0'<: I>> crq <+ C rn (")0. <+ ro <+ ~ >oj >oj ::l t:! rn I>> I>> ro ro '-< 0 ro <+ m H,'O I>> <+ () 0 ro >-'0 ::l ro ro < 0. I>> ro >oj C m El ro () <+ I>> 0' >oj C/) <+ ro >oj I>> ro '0 0. '<: >oj >oj ro roo,; ro ~ () ro >-' w '0 1-" 0. I>> >-' ro I>> ro ::l ::l >-,>oj >-' 0. I>> <!) 1-" >-' 1-" ;>:l>-' .., ::l <!) <+ ro '" <+ .., C < ;>:l >-' ro '" >oj ro ro '" crq ro ::l < >oj m C ro I>> ro ::l >-' C ro '0 I>> >oj <+ 0 H, <+ 0' 1-" rn rn <+ I>> <+ C/) ro :;; El ro * * .., ::l >< '" (") <+ ~ f~ toO toO .., ro a:: 1-" "" ~ "" 0 I>> '" <+ '" w 00 <+ >oj Z ';{ '<: I>> .., "" w .., >-' ro C 0 >-' toO W ::l 0 rn H, 0 "" "" 0. 0,; <+ ~ ro ~ 0. (") I>> 0' ~ ::l ro t:! 0. I>> ro z <+ '0 () "' :>> * .... 0 ro "" CIQ ;>:l '0>-' El C/) ro 1-" fi ~ toO toO ro 1-" 0' ::l 0. W W o,;::l() ro .... () crq "" "" C rn ro >oj Z '<: ro ::l 1-" El en en p.oro w ~ ~ 00 00 ::l ::l >-' (") <!) <!) Z ::l 0 rn t:! 0. >-' >-' rn 0 <!) ~ >oj .., I>> '" ~ 0. 0 (") z 0 (") * * ::l '" rn C/) r~ >-' .... o,;..,ro en 0 0 C >oj >oj . ::l C < >-' .., .., 0. rn I>> <!) toO toO <+<+ "" >-' >-' 1-" 0 ::l * .... C/);>:lo,; ~ O'roro ~ I II ~ w 0,;1>><0. 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'" ($),... c..ntO""-J.....:J H -< =:: (") et ..."'.... .., 0tJ1 owoooo (l) ~ f"' ($)"'0 0 000> mt;.:!.............. !O <+ >1 (")>-3 >-l '<i '1 (l) 00 '" 0 ::> =::0,; rn ... 0. :g::c et '" * (l) ~ ~ 0. ::Ct'l III ::r " tl:I t>:I<: " <t> o " 0 :~ 0. !O eto. <t> et <t>OQ '0 () :>> I I I \ I \ <t> 0 <t> ...."" "" ~ , , I '-< <+ l-' 5- 8t1l (l) 1-" ~ 1-" ;:!:i:>> " 0. () (l) () OQ (t) '1 tl:I2: '<i (t) a Co '" '" <t> w gt'l ";I I:' .... '" (") f~ .... :>> l'l:>< " 0 H 0 r~ f" () rn >-l'O 0. .... '" ~.. CJl c.n CXlC.<J W et .... ~ rn 0 '" '0 ($) >1 a'> H>I> ($) ($)>1> CJ10.....:J.....:] III (t) .., III 0 ..."" a'> 0'" 0000000 .... " tJ1 .... 0. a'> ($)'" a'> 00 a'> 00"'''' rn ~ 0 1-" 0 ::c " l'l * * CIl '"' 0,; f~ f~ H 0',0 :>>" 0 r~ t" " " 0 () I:' 00>1> CJl c.nOOWW 0.0.<1<+ 0. OQ<t><t>,o H>I> <!l ($)... CJ10.....:J-..J <t> >1 >1 ., >l>tJ1' a'> 0'" 0000000 et..... ,... <!l'" a'> 00 a'> 00..,'" '" * ~ I, r; H H Hr 0 0 00 (") 0 00 00 '" a'> a'> I:' I , 0 0 '0 001 , rn 0 0 0 00 <t> >1 <I III '" '" et :>> 1-" ~i r~ () 0 '" <!l 0000 et " " >I> a'> a'> <!l<!l III >-l \ 1 .... 0 100 "'''' , I H >1 0 ... 0 >1>... " rn <+ '" * ~ ";I ~ ~ ~ "'0: :>>0: ~i \, .., H I, Hr ,0 I:' 0 () " 0.0.<1 eto. W .... ... a'> a'> OQ(t)<t> 0: l<!l <!l 00 ..,.." (l) '1 '1 III 0 a'> 0 a'> a'> et~ ,... ~ .....~ I,' ity at Wheat Rldgl, ('olorado Trust and Agency Funds STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CASH BALANCES Ypar ended December 31, 1975 Public Works Escrow Fund RecE'ipts Refundable pscrow deposits $ 9,586 Disbursements Refund of deposits 17,784 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF RECEIPTS OVER DISBURSEMENTS (8,198) Cash balance at January I, 1975 20,329 $ 12,131 ... Cash balance at December 31, 1975 ... ... Mountain Bell Escrow Fund $ 3 (3) 3,396 $ 3,393 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 16 - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS .. .. .. 17 >-l ~ ::<l :t> :t> & H C'.l :T C!l (') (') =' '" C!l =' <Jl (') (') (l) C::<: tnOUl 0. eD 0 '1 (l) '" '0 :T '" '1 r: r: ,." 00 <: <Il (') 0' <: =' (l) '1 tn<+ ...''1 (') '" <Il c+ t" 0. 0 i3 =' '" 0 H 00 H i3 (l) "'c+ i3 '" ,." :t> ...' :{;'. Ul ...' '0 =' 0 '0 tJ:I =' ,." =' '" (') '1 '" H c+ <Il <IlOO "'''' =' <Il '< t" <Il 0. '" (') '< Ul (l) '" H '1 <Il 001 (') '" ...' =' 0' >-l <Il '1 r: 0(') =' (') H H 00 '" '1 '" r: (') '" r: <Il J:<j c+ H '< c+ =' 0 i3 CIl <+r: =' 0' '1 '" 0'(') =' 0 '1 (l) 0 ...' 0 c+ <+ '" ::<l (') <: HUl <Il =' J:<j <Il <Il Hc+ 00 (') CIl ...' '1 Ul <Il !:l <: =' :t> '" 00 '" i3 CIl '1 <: 0' (l) CIl (l) J:<j H =' t<J CIl <Il c+ >-l '" CIl =' ~ ...' tJ =' c+ ;;j .... <Il 00 '" Z '1 tJ '" H tJ:I :t> '0 ~ '" 'i c+ C'.l J:<j 0 CIl ,." c+ :T ...' 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I-' 00 ~ I-' 00 0 w w l:l ...''1 .., ttl '1 00 00 0.<+1>;' ..., ;l> ~ 00 00 ...' 01 t"' 0- 0 ;l> 0 l:l ~ /:%J Ul 0 <f> <f> '0 (1) I-' I-' I-' "'J::l'O 0 0 0 10 ~ l:l Ul '1 I-' m ..., ..., 0.'0 I>;' .. 01 .., .., ~ 00 0 00 00 00 a ~ (1) - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 2 ] City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS December 31, 1975 General fixed assets (note A2) Land and buildings Equipment Highways, streets and storm sewers $ 803,490 687,548 7,937,750 $ 9,428,788 Investment in general fixed assets Cost and estimated cost of assets acquired by various funds of the city Assets contributed to the city $ 1,667,705 7,761,083 $ 9,428,788 The accompanying notes are an integral part 01 this statement. 22 ,..; ",,",<.,':'''' i; Q ro r~.t ~ ~ ~~~ro~ r.n'r'.rl''r1~ o 0 ~ ~.... .a Ul ...' olO""~ 'l1 ~o CI) ~ro<:o. Ul <+ ro <<:>1~ ;;lJl ~Ul ro ro ;;<+ ,+Ul ." ." Y. ~ ~" ~~ ;;~ , '" Ul..'" ~p~ \ '" ~""~~ ~1O;; ,t .....J. -J.t:-:lO~ ",,>10 Ul<<: ro 0 rp ",,,,0" .... ~ ......rp ~~ '" ..o""~ . ,+ <+ ~ ?" ...' ~ lJl Ul ." ." i ,+ ~ 0 ~ i r ~ ~<& ~ <+ ""~'" ... ro ~:!':?:- >4 () ~ ;;;;ro ('I el~ ...' ro o~rprp pp,>1 ~ ~ ;; ~",Ul"" ro ~ >1 >4() ,+ ",~""~ Ul ~ ';l> (1) ~~ 0 p, p, ;; .... ...' p, z~ ~ <+ ('I ()" () ...' 0. ...t'l ?" 0 0 HW ro d ~ ~ ." ." ;; ;; ('I ,+ ,+ lJl 'Z >1 0 ~ \ r ro ~" ",,,, ...' ~ .... ..Ul r:t d'& 0. '" ~ "" ~~\ 1 "" ~~ ('I ...' 0'" 0 '" ...';l> ;; ~ ';;1r' () Ul 0 H><l ~ ~ ::a~ 0 ~ >1 "" ~ ~ ." ." \~ Ul % ~ \~?~ ';l> W ~ ..,..~a> ... ..Ul"'~ (II ",0"''' , ." "" 'gel \ r o ~ ro~ ",,,,"" ~~~ rp~o'" ~O'::l ~~""o ""roO . . . Ul>1(1) 00$-.:10\ "'~ """",,,0 o~.....:],~ ~"" - NOTES TO F INANe TAL STATEMENTS .. .. 2,~ City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1975 NOTE A - SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES A summary of the significant accounting policies consistently applied in the preparation of the accompanying financial statements follows: 1. Basis of Accounting The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting principles promulgated by The National Committee on Governmental Accounting in its publi- cation Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting, as amended by the industry audit guide, Audits of State and Local Governmental Units, prepared by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Committee on Gov- ernmental Accounting and Auditing. 2. General Fixed Asset Group of Accounts - Land, buildings and equipment purchased by the city since its inception in 1969 have been valued at historical cost. Those items transferred to the city from Jefferson County have been valued at the original cost to the county based on historical cost records. - Highways, streets and storm sewers transferred to the city during 1969 by Jefferson County have been valued at the esti- mated cost to the county. All additions since that time have been valued at the actual cost to the city. Depreciation has not been provided on assets in the general fixed asset group of accounts. - NOTE B - EXPENDITURE CLEARING ACCOUNTS Pursuant to the Uniform Classification of Accounts - Cities and Towns, the following information is provided: Description Total expenditure Annual audit Data processing Insurance and bonds Publishing Retirement and pension contributions Workmen's compensation Unemployment compensation $ 5,500 4,493 35,500 4,567 91,438 10,893 25 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) December 31, 1975 NOTE C - FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND The Federal RevE'nue Sharing Fund was established by the city in 1972 to provide for an accounting of those funds received through the "StaTe and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972." In essence, this act pco"ides funds to units of local governments to be used for ordinary and necessary maintenance and operating expenses and capital expenditures authorized by law. The act also specifi.es certain restrictions and procedural requirements with which the city has complied during the year. As of January 1, 1975, the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund was re- classified as a Special Revenue Fund in accordance with the Municipal Finance Officers Association's publication, Accounting Systems for Revenue Sharing. NOTE D - PARK ACQUISITION FUND - The Park Acquisition Fund was established by the city in 1972 to provide for an accounting of those monies received and designated for use in the acquisition of additional parklands and improvements. NOTE E - PARKS OPEN SPACE FUND .. The Parks Open Space Fund was established by the city in 1974 to pJ'ovide for an accounting of those monies received from the .Jefferson County Open Space Fund which are designated for use in the acquisition and development of open space lands. NOTE F - PENSION PLANS - The City of Wheat Ridge Policemen's Pension Fund was estab- lished to account for contributions received under the plan for uniformed employees. Contributions by the participants under this plan are required in amounts equal to 5% of com- pensation received from the city. The city is required to make contributions in amounts equal to that of the partici- pants. Contributions by the city for the year ended Decem- ber 31, 1975 totaled $33,787. The actuarially computed value 26 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) December 31, 1975 NOTE F - PENSION PLANS (CONTINUED) of unfunded prior service cost under this plan as of January 1, 1976 (the date of the most recent actuarial report) was $257,428. No provision has yet been made for amortization of this unfunded prior serJi~e cost. Effective May 1, 1975, the city elected to participate in the Colorado County Officials and Employees Retirement Association Retirement Plan, This plan covers nonpolice employees. Contri- butions by the participants under this plan are required in amounts equal to 4% of compensation received from the city. The city is required to make contributions in amounts equal to that of the parti~ipants, Contributions by the city for the year ended December 31, 1975 totaled $IO,383. There is no liability for benefits under this program beyond the city's matching pay- ment. NOTE G - PUBLIC WORKS ESCROW FUND The Public Works Escro\\- Fund was established by the city during 1973 to provide for an accounting of those monies received as financial guarantees prior to the issuance of certain construc- tion permits. These funds are then refunded upon approval of the Director of Public Works following satisfactory completion of all required work. NOTE 11 - MOUNTAIN BELL ESCROW FUND The Mountain Bell Escrow Fund was established by the city during 1974 to provide for an accounting of those monies received from the Mountain Bell Telephone Company. These funds represent un- claimed refunds due to customers of the telephone company who formerly resided in the city. In accordance with Chapter 40, Article 8, of the revised statutes of the State of Colorado, the city shall refund these monies to any person entitled thereto who can prove a claim in a method satisfactory to the city, At the end of three years from the date of receipt of the funds, the remaining unclaimed monies shall become the property of the city. 27 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) December 31, 1975 NOTE I - CONSERVATION TRUST FUND The Conservation Trust Fund was established by the city during 1974 to provide for an accounting of those monies received and designated for use in the acquisition, development and main- tenance of new conservation sites pursuant to Chapter 138-1-98 of the revised statutes of the State of Colorado. The statutes also require that any unencumbered state monies must be returned to the State of Colorado on June 30 of the fifth year following receipt of the funds. NOTE J - APPROPRIATIONS Estimated revenues and the appropriations included in the ac- companying financial statements are based upon the budget as revised by the City Council. - The original budget was adopted by Resolution No. 345, Series of 1974. The City Council enacted various revisions within expenditure categories through subsequent resolutions, The revised budgets adopted by the City Council provided $2,906,741 for expenditures for general city operations. In addition, the revised budget provided for estimated revenue of $2,805,027 and $101,7l4 fund balance carry-over from 1974. - Budgets were not provided for the policemen's Pension Fund or the Parks Open Space Fund since, in the opinion of the City Attorney, these funds are not under the control of the City Council and, therefore, are not subject to the budgetary re- quirements of the Colorado Statutes, - NOTE K - NONDEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES Nondepartmental expenditures include prior year encumbrances in the amount of $2,893 which were cancelled during 1975, and are accounted for as a reduction in the current year expendi- tures of the General Fund. 28 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) December 31, 1975 NOTE L - CONTINGENCIES The city is a party to litigation under which it may be re- quired to pay certain monies contingent upon the decisions of the courts, The office of the City Attorney reports two possible contingent liabilities based on the amount of damages alleged in the various cases. Both of these claims were re- solved in favor of the City of Wheat Ridge in lower courts and are being appealed. It is the opinion of the City Attorney that the lower court decisions should be affirmed on appeal, No provision has been made in these statements for the con- tingent liabilities mentioned above. - NOTE M - COMMITMENTS As of December 31, 1975, the city employees had accrued vacation and sick pay as follows: Total $ 39,008 132,593 $ l7l,601 Vacation pay Sick pay No provision has been made for these commitments in the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 1975. ... - 29