HomeMy WebLinkAbout50th & Kipling (Helbig) ~\l\iNEXlrrI 'riS AnnBXi'ltion "1 }. '" FUlO,u H85 f:,'7 hGdI'--" , ~~es ,"leIL; Res idOL Ord 1/72 FolllJUJ up el/;' -;,!7,j WI [,/7[1 ; 11917 '}//1';7 ~ i 1/2/+/7'i 11124/7 i l2/2:~/711 12/31!7LJ 1/30/71 , .. , i'l i,i~ L;Hv CJ ork) ~i-:ClmpL;,..Jnce "Ii, th 139-21-3 & 4 dnc! P',. di3te of hearing) (r',,:,;.ii IIroc1 for fi~dinlJ of fact) (p,;t 1, I:ll; no Glection needed, ,Jldt ;irld ti[ln accepted, and l",no :mnexed) ( -'on.i n:~J) (1st r~adin9-approval) (?nci rccacling-allprO\.al) (Final pub~ication) (ord offective) M3p F Ordinance sent to: -iGC liP State' Div ut Local Gout riled for Recording: Jeffeo Clerk & Recorder Map in File #560 Ord in Book", ~~, page ?,sf,- .. , c .,' 1 I, 1 L) f\ ------------- ;' \ ':j \ \ I .\ t\ J , \ ~\ " ~ I \ .. . i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ I . \ \ \ \ \ .;.s ~.., . . \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ )\ \- [\ tl-. \~ ';i.I\ \ ~~ ';0\\ Ij. . 0 "} \ ~ ~ '\ \ Cl- Q \ \ 9- ~\\ \ "- ..-:; \:,{. ~\...- 0 ") \ \ u. \ \ 0 ..,.\ 'vl 1_ \ \ 0 i;:: \ \ ul U ,10 \ \ (> /\ I~ ,.' \ "?, \ \ w "'-\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' . - \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ , \ i ~ ------ -------- --- - -------------------- -- ..~: z _ ry 0 - ~-:rl ~ ;.1 to C1 (f,e1oir) and -Ei"fJl ing &. R;) C.,:i.tb. s.nne:;{:;;.tlOn j\:t ,?, 1" . 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FIl'<JD ,&"<! ;;;.<~ F' " '-1:10 /"'" ~ " ",I ~.~~ LEGAL NOT!:E5 ~o~~ C I RESOI_UTION NO, 87 SerIes of 1970 The City Council ,~f the City of Wheat R.idge, State (}f Colorado J( FINDINGS OF FACT AND RESOLU'f'lON 'fhe Cit)' Council of the CHy of Whoat .H.idge. State of Colorad.'I, buYing €xumined U,e fUing$, Ci)n~ Hidered oral tesUmon:r of council and l-'ctltion for AUlleX<l.tlCrtl of ccr- ta.1n real c~tate m,jre fully des.. cl'jbetl in f\::.1d petl:1on, !mld peti- tion having hCl'eto,'ore heen flltld. with, the City Cled-:. of the. City I of \\theal lUdgCJ, BLtt.1'i ()f Color:_"-do. by .Jlm D. HeH)ig a:ld EllzabeU1 B. i Helbig-, ' FINDS AS FOL,L.}W8 1. That the p~tlLion conta.1ul3 the j,\lllov,'ing (a) An a1l0gatlfJH lhaf, the ~lgn(';rB of tht; pet.itlo!1 compriso th,) la.IldO\'I:n~r::> of more than fifty per cent or the tel'ritor'y in~ cluued. In th\; al'(,ll propo~cd to be all,nexC'd, cxclusivu 0' strceLS and a,ley..._ (b) A request th:.t tho ann.exl:lg' munk~lpality :'.PP!'()VC the an~ nexatilln of tbe UCf;)U. proposeu to be annexeL (c) 'rile signatur.e:; ot /Ouch bl1U- owner[;. ,(d) 'I'he mailing .'>.c1dce88 of each sueh ;:lgncr (e) The leg-al dc':cd;'ition of the J.and owned h ~uch siG'ner (0 The :ate o( signing or ~~l.J.ch I signature. (g) 'l'he ftidH.vit of the clre:ul;:,- tor ()~ each ;'etHion, '\\'lll:th'~l' cOllsil.idng of one or rno-rc slll,et:-:, tha.t eac.h Sjgll~, tUl'e Ulcre-in Is U e sil,:;natur,~ or lh~~ l~erl3on \\'ho:.;e nan.ld it'1 l)urpoortJij to b,~_ 2., That lJ.ccomp.'l.'l:,'lng ","~'-ld peti-I tlQn ha.'e been filed lour (4) prints \.)f an anr:..ex.ation mn.p cont::l.1nlng the folloWlUg' lnfur~ matian: I (a) A written lef':tl description of the boundarkE 01 t.he area P:'1.Jl)/):ied t.o be H.nnexed. (b) A Jnap showing 'the bouildacy of the area proI:1used to 1ft) annexed, (c) :\ ,.'xt to the boundary or the. u.rea. proposed t( be all ~H~J.:cd ifJ d,awn h ,~ conti:;~~~01l8 bG1JflG_ary of t.',lG i:it.y o'r \'dh~a.t Rittg", a.nd th.l.t Ul<.,l d:men~~;r,ns of tbl~ conti:~uo:.lS uoundf;.ry tlJ't1 f;;lown 0" the map. 3. That :to c;!gn:> ,,\11'0 on t.11C petl~ tion is datea m'~:'c than olle: hundred eighty (1 ;0) .jays priOr: to the da.t.e of fill!lg the Pl;'d- tion fur Anne:<:a.UIJ!l wi th tll~ Ctt}' Clerk of tllO City ot '\Vhcat .Ridge, State uf Colvrado. p:'" ~:'"'~ ....J l~~ · J /I'" '01 itt,i $- >::~, o -, ....:;"-~ . "R. <:S oLliff o~ ,. Th ~+. ~ 'I."".;~ i,;-~ .~tJ D . E:(~tION {'jt..~'9< 1l~ ~ ~'\;') ,\-. TI-ff;~}U-i:VOr{E, BE 1'1' 'RE-;I :::;( 11,'': VI) B'Y THE CITY COUN... (::;1.... ori' 'I'l-IE CITY OIi"' 'VHEA'!' r-U.lfGI:, ~3T"I..'l'F; OF COLOHADO. T'ot t.he Petl~lon for L"'e annex.. a:wrL to' UH~ ! ;Ity of \\'ho:::a.t Ridge uf tll,) fnlluY,'\;"s terr'HQry, nttUllte in tlJ(i CV'1nt\' I)f J~rtf~rHOn and .::,(at.~~ vi' I~,l{;;:;.\d.(). to-wit.: That ly.j.rt of U1e Korthwest (.,!U:\l.tt~r j)f t:lt;; SouUnn::,st Quarter (,>;\\ ]/.1 :_;\\ \) of SecLlon Hi, "L)\\"'I>:;111p 0 ::':,'J1Jt.hf Hu.nge &9 ,,,vest. ,I oJ:' the Gth P ~!., cle.scribl.'d a.s fol- lnW:<l; Beg-innll1K at a point 31$.6: 1",.et S()ulh iJ~(I:~' Ea~t 01' the,l K<lrthw(;sf ("H'lller of the North.. We:,t Quarter uf Uw SouUlwe8t ~!l1fJ.d\Jr o( Section 1)); thence ~'\ortll 87048' B!Ult, 12f15.33 feet; then(~t) South 0"02' gas'l, a-lSS:l:r feet; f.h{,lH~e North !\~058' East, ,2:;.0 fcl't. lo n. p(llnt Q'n the Eallt lillf> or the ~(1rth\'.'Nlt Quarter, or tlw, Snuthv;('~,t Q1.ll..rtt'.r of Section 1;;; tfHil1ee Snllth 0"')2' l~n..st along, Lll" g~\.~;l Hnn of OF" Notthw{!'sL \"~Ull rt'~r of t " Sti1Ithwe.:Jt Qua.rtt,r 'IA ~_~("\~tlo:r, 1 ;l, 2',~~.72 f~t.';t to H. puiDt Oil th,~ X\)!"thtT1Y right of '\va.v JjlV~ ()f 1"1.1tiHc Scr','jce COn-I" {lilOY of ~~()lnl'adn; th~nce South 74u:,:O' \0\ est a.!uIH; :;wid !1g'ht of ),'ft)" HIH\ 1,:....!),1 te~t to a.pn1.nt nIl the \V!..~t iine of the N"ort.h~ -"'est Qu:u't,'r or thfJ BouthwO$t Qutt.rler ()[' ~:~'d!on 15; then{'.~ :\'orth 0"02' \Ve."'t nlong the, ""Vast line ,J! tlH'Nnrthwe>..9t Qunrterof t11€ Soutl1,,'esL Qua.rter ot Section 15, 984.1 feet to the true polnt ot I l..)(>rrinn.ln~, I is found to he valid a.nd in sub. i;ta.ntla.l c..ornpllance with the reo Cll.lireme'1ts- or the 19ti3 Colorado Re::- vi.'H~U StatuteiJ, as Amonded, 139- CI-6(1), 1m l'r FTI1.l'HER RE1S0LVED, rj'hat the City Council of the Clt)' C11 \Vheat H,idge w1l1 hold a hear- il,g' io dr,termine. if the proposed :woexatlon complles with and Is I found to be, valid and in l:\ccord- fo;lce with (he 19ti3 Colorndo Re- .'lsed Statuter;, as Amended, 139~ ~a-3 and 1::19-21-4, or such part8 thereof as n'i~,Y 'be required to ea- VtbliL,h eligibility tor annexation ilnLlct,'c the tE::rms of the MunicIpa.l I A,rmcxation Act or 1965, andtho..t f::dd hearing v.111 be held on the. lHth day of November, 1970, at tho hour Df 7:30 o'clock P.l\L, at the Council Chambcl's lercated at 7390 \\'est 38th Avenue, in the City of I \Vheat Ridge and State or Colora4o. , B1'l IT F'URTHER RESOLVED, , That the City Clerk of the City of I \Vheat H..idge give notl~e as re- f;.uired by the 1963 Colorado Re.. vised Statutl~s, as Amtmded. 139- I :H-7(2). awl as may be reQ:uired by any other applicable laW!) or the Sta.te cd Colorado. PASSIcD, ADOPTE1D AND AI'. PROVED, Thl. 8th day of October, lno. Isl DANA L. BOWLING At.test Mayor Pro..tem I 1'1 LOUISE li', TURNER, 1 Ci t.y Clcrl{. FirJJt pubU('~tt.ion: Oct. 15. 197(} S-(~c()n<l publication: Oct. 22. 1970 Thint puhlicatlon: Oct. 29, 1970 II 'F'ourUl publication: Nav 5, 1970 PulJll.hod in Wheat Rld&"e SenUnel . a"l PUa~_i(.AtIOI4.s '~ o e) . .' MINUTES October 1, 1970 The seventy-eighth regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Albert E. Anderson in the Council Meeting Room at 7390 West 38 Avenue. . Ii Aldermen attending were: Dana Bowling, Joseph Donaldson, Rob~rt I Howard, Calvin Hulsey and Ray Pepe. Alderman Jack Bramble was absent. .1' Also attending were: Mayor Anderson, Clerk Louise Turner, Ci~y Attorney Maurice Fox, Finance Officer Walter Grande, Director of Administrative Services Walter Johnson, Chief Edward Pinson and interested citizens. The 3.2 Beer package retail license for Ridqeview Super Market was brought up for renewal. , Motion by Alderman Hulsey: "I move that Counc{l grant renew~l of the 3.2 Beer license for Ridgeview Super Market." Motion was seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 5-0. A Petition for Wheat Ridge Improvement District No.3 was presented by City Attorney Maurice Fox. Petition called for paving of 3D! Avenue between Lamar and Jay Streets. ;j' !1 Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that Council make the following findings: 1. Petition signed by majority of taxpaying electors. 2. Improvement District will confer general benefit to the district. " .' i J I 3~ Cost is not excessive in comparison to value of the pro- perty in ~he District, i.e. cost of District is $1,102.50 (one thousand one hundred and two dollars and fifty cents), and asses~ed valuation is $42,646.00 (forty-two thousand six hundred and forty-six dollars.) I 4. Petition has been signed and presented in conformity with Statutes of State and Ordinance of City. 5. Allegations in petition are true. And that Council declare District orgainzed and give it the name specified ,in the petition and that the City Attorney be directed to write the ordinance." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bowling. The Motion was amended to add the word "estimated" before "cost." The second approved the amendment and motion passed 5-0. Barbara Downey of 10200 West 38 Avenue announced that a Halloween Parade would be held in the lower parking lot at Lakeside Shopping Center and asked that it be called the "Wheat Ridge First Annual Halloween Parade." I Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move we accept the committee's recommendation to have this parade at Lakeside Center, October 31, 1970 Saturday, at 10:00 a.m. and to attach the name of Wheat Ridge to the parade." Motion was secohded by Alderman Hulsey and passed 4-0 with Alderman P~pe abstaining. Alderman Pepe explained that he felt it was not! right to approve this activity which would take place outside ~he city limits. ! Deeds for property involved in the planned widening of the 38 Avenue and Wadsworth Blvd. intersection were presented to Council for acceptance~ ~ .' . . . -2- Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that Council accept quit claim deeds from both Conoco Oil Company and the Methodist Church in con- nection with a Topics Program for 38 Aven~ and Wadsworth Intersection." Motion was seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 5-0. ',t :f Attorney Dwight Griggs presented to Council fa petition by J~mes and Elizabeth Helbig to have twenty-five (25) ~cres of unincorporated land annexed to the City of Wheat Ridge. Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that the wDrds 'C.R.S., 1963 as Amended, Chapter 139, Article 21' be added after 'SessiDn Laws Df Colorado 1965.'" Motion ~as seconded by Alderman HDward and passed 5-0. Mr. Griggs stated that there was alsD to be a request for rezoning and that petitioners would ask that the two requests be handled simultaneously in one ordinance, in accordance with statute 139-21~14. He stated that petition contained signatures of 100% Df owners and had been filed with thS City Clerk together with an Drginal map and four copies and asked that CDuncil find the petition valid and proper with the finding to be by Resolution. MDtion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that Council continue' the matter for Dne week for finding of fact pertaining tD acceptance of the annexatiDn petitiDns." MotiDn was seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 5-0. Matter will come before the Council at 7:30 p.m. on OctDber 8, 1970. I Ordinance No. 62 was introduced by Alderman HDward and read. Ordinance amends Ordinance No. 42 and calls fDr returning tD system of separate Planning and Building Departments. MotiDn by Ordinance posted." Alderman Pepe: "I move that Ordinance ND. 62, amending ND. 42 be passed on first reading and be published and Motion was seconded by Alderman Hulsey and passed 5-0. An Ordinance amending Ordinance ND. 46 by clarifying Section 3 pertain- ing to hiring policy was presented by Director of Administrative Ser- vices Walter Johnson. Motion by Alder.an Donaldson: "I move that Mr. Johnson take this to cDmmittees for cDmments and report back tD CDuncil." MDtion was seconded by Alq~rman Bowling and passed 5-0. The matter of hiring a Civil Engineer at $825.00 per mDnth and an Engineering Aid One at $450.00 fDr Public WDrks was brought up for discussiDn. ' MDtion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that Council approve the request to hire a Civil Engineer at Grade 15 at $825.00 a month and an Engineering Aid One at $450.00 per month and charge tD account no. 431.21." Motion was seconded by Alderman DDnaldson and passed 5-0. Motion by Alderman Pepe: "I move that Mr. Grande renew the present vehicle insurance policy with Hartford Insurance Company at a cost of $3,844.00." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 5-0. The hiring of judges for the opinion poll on NDvember 3, 1970 was dis- cussed. The Clerk was directed to appoint twenty-four judges - each to be paid $25.00, and to appoint;at least three people to a Canvassing CDmmittee. Meeting was adjourned at 10.30 p.m. Louise F. Turner City Clerk ~ 4) . . MINUTES October 8, 1970 The seventy-ninth regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge City Council 11~w~i~~ was called to order by Mayor pro tem Dana Bowling at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Meeting Room at 7390 West 38 Avenue. Aldermen attending were: Dana Bowling, Jack Bramble, Joseph Don- aldson, Robert Howard, Calvin Hulsey and Ray Pepe. Others attending were: Clerk Louise Turner, Treasurer James Malone, City Attorney Maurice Fox, Finance Officer Walter Grande, Director of Administrative Services Walter Johnson, Police Chief Edward Pinson and interested citizens. Resolution No. B7 - a "Finding of Fact" pertaining to a proposed annexation to the City was read. Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that a hearing on the proposed annexation be set for November 12, 1970." Motion was seconded by Alderman Hulsey. Motion was amended to include "at 7:30 p.m." The second approved the amendment and Motion passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that Resolution No. B7, a "Find- ing of Fact" pertaining to the proposed annexation be approved as written and adopted." Motion was seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 6-0. Ordinance No. 63 was introdueed by Alderman Hulsey. The Ordinance pertains to Improvement District Number Three. Motion by Alderman Hulsey: "I move we approve on first reading, Ordinance No. 63 setting up Improvement District Number Three and that it be published and posted." Motion was seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 5-0 with Alderman Bramble abstaining. Finance Committee Report was given by Dr. Fred Wolf. Among other things the Finance Committee recommended Federal Funds for the purchase of parkland. , The following citizens made comments on the proposed Budget: Shelley Allen from Wheat Ridge High School Edgar Johnson of 3700 Benton Robert Eckhardt of 7400 West 34 Avenue, and Rev. John Mc Elderry of 6 Hillside Drive. The 1971 Budget was presented by Finance Officer Walter Grande. The following Motions amending the Budget were made: Motion by Alderman Pepe: "I move that the Animal Warden's salary be increased to $5,700.00 and an amount of $625.00 be set for Fee Personnel." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move that we adopt Clerk Detail 'B'." Motion was seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Howard: "I move that the fee for the court bailiff be set at $900.00." Motion was seconded by Alderman Pepe and passed 6-0. ~ c, w ~ -2- Motion by Alderman Howard: "I move the City Attorney Retainer Fee be set at $7,800.00 and Legal Expense be set at $7,200.00." Motion was seconded by Alderman Pepe and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Pepe: "I move that the director's salary be set at $12,600, Stenographer at $4,950.00, and Fee to $400.00. I also move that a Planning Technician I be added at the amount of $5,832.00." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that the Capital Equipment account be deleted." Motion was seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Howard: "I move that we increase Account 419.6 to $14,859.00." Motion was seconded by Alderman Hulsey and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Hulsey: "I move that the total appropriation for General Government be set at $233,000.00 reflecting the changes previ- ously made, and accepting the balance of t~ proposal in this area." Motion was seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Howard: "I move that the Police Personnel "B" be adopted for 1971, setting the total salaries for the Police Department at $277,959.00." Motion was seconded by Alderman Hulsey and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Howard: "I move that the Personnel Expense be set at $32,640.00 to adequately cover the additional Personnel Authorization." Motion was seconded by Alderman Pepe and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that the Building Inspector's salary be set at $10,680." Motion was seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Howard: "I move that the fee personnel be set at $1,624.00." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Pepe: "I move that the total appropriation for Public Safety be set at $397,756.00 reflecting the changes previously mad~ and accepting the balance of the proposal in this area." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move that we accept Streets Personnel "B" setting the salaries for the streets division at $56,330.00 and I further move that Account #431.12 be increased to $6,432.00." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move that the total appropriation for Public Works be set at $462,522.00 reflecting the changes previously made and accepting the balance of the proposal in this area." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0. ' Motion by Alderman Pepe: "I move that we a~ recommended by the Parks Commission." Alderman Howard and passed 6-0. adopt Parks Personnel "B" Motion was seconded by I Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that Personnel Expense be set I at $3,250.00 to adequately cover the additional Personnel Authorization." I ~otion was seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 6-0. I I Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that the total appropriation fnr Culture-Recreation be set at $96,055.00 reflecting the changes previously made and accepting the balance of the proposal in this area." 'Motion was seconded by Alderman Pepe and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Howard: "I move that Account 461 be set to compensate for the increaSes in the Public Works Area." seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0. ; t i I I at $167,771.00; Motion/was I " t Motion by Alderman Pepe: "I move that the total appropriation for Capital Outlay be set at $298,771.00 reflecting the changes previously made and accepting the balance of the proposal in this area." Motion was seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 6-0. -~, 4 ~ ~ (,' (, ~ ~\ -3- Motion by Alderman Howard: "I move that the total appropriation for the Expenditure Clearing Accounts be set at $21,100.00 as proposed." Motion was seconded by Alderman Hulsey and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that Account 510 be set at $76,513.00." Motion was seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 6-0. Resolution No. 88 pertaining to the adoption of the 1971 Budget was introduced by Alderman Howard and read. Motion by Alderman Howard: "I the 1971 Budget be approved." Donaldson and passed 6-0. move that Resolution No. 88 adopting Motion was seconded by Alderman Resolution No. 89 pertaining to withdrawal of interest was introduced by Alderman Bramble and read. Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move that Resolution No. 89 be approved." Motion was seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 6-0. Resolution No. 90 pertaining to reinvestment of funds was introduced by Alderman Bramble and read. Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move Resolution No. 90 be adopted." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0. Meeting was adjourned at 12:15 a.m. Louise F. Turner City Clerk I .:.:"';: ~ /:- MINUTES November 19, 1970 0" The eighty-sixth regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Albert E. Anderson in the Council Meeting Room at 7390 West 38 Avenue. Aldermen attending were: Dana Bowling, Jack W. Bramble, Joseph Donaldson, Robert Howard, Calvin Hulsey and Ray Pepe. Others attending were: Mayor Anderson, Clerk Louise F. Turner, City Attorney Maurice Fox, Chief of Police Edward Pinson, Director of Administrative Services Walter Johnson, Finance Officer Walter Grande, and citizens interested in beer and/or liquor hearings, rezonings and ordinanees. Minutes were read and approval continued one week pending correction in wording of a Motion by Alderman Bramble. e Citizens comments were made by: Karl H. Hustede of 6097 West 40 Avenue who was concerned about: 1. Holes in streets that had not been filled. 2. Unnecessary sanding of streets. 3. Illegal passing of school buses. Anthony Sargent of the ,Wheat Ridge Jaycees explained Jaycees' project of placing signs indicating Hospitals. They would like to place signs at Interstate 70 and 38 Avenue and Wadsworth and needed approval of the City and State ~ighway Department. Mayor Anderson assured them that they had the approval of the City and indicated that the Public Works Department might be able to assist them. WZ-70-24 Rezoning Case came up for decision. Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that the rezoning requested in WZ-70-24 by Ben Schreiner for a ehange from Residential-Two and Restricted-Commercial to Residential-Three be denied for the following reasons: 1. Surrounding zoning is not compatible for Residential-Three. 2. It was denied by the Planning Commission. 3. The shape of the land is so narrow it would create a traffic problem, and 4. It would be in violation of the existing Comprehensive Plan." Motion was seconded by Alderman Hulsey and passed 6-0. ~ WZ-70-26 Rezoning Case came up for decision. Applicant, Swiss Society of Denver had requested a change from Resi- dential-Two to Commercial-One. Motion by Alderman Howard: "I move to table the decision on this application and reschedule another Public Hearing to allow applicant to provide additional information and facts coneerning the approximate area of 150 X 150 feet in relationship with map and copy of deed that was presented to the Planning Commission." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 4-2 with Aldermen Bowling and Pepe voting "nay." Applicants or managers present for the renewal of liquor and/or beer licenses were: Richard Erickson Adolph Bollig Lloyd f"1oore Francisco Juarez Francis Blickenstaff - Tenneco Food Store - 7-11 Store No. 49 -Safeway Stores No. 302 - Los Panchos - Carefree Restaurant and Lounge - Ridge Drug -- Ridgeview Inn. . Calvin F. Johnson Frederick Schwarz :It.; -2- The following action was taken: . Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Hulsey and passed 6-0 "that a 3.2 Beer License at Seven-[leven Store No. 49 located at 6595 West. 44 Avenue be renewed fay a Class J1 license.'f Motion by Alderman Howard: "I move that a 3.2 beer license at Tenneco located at 12700 West 32 Avenue be renewed." Motion was seconded by Alderman Hulsey and passed 4-2 with Aldermen Pepe and Bowling voting "nay." Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move that a 3.2 beer license, Class J1 for Safeway Store No. 302 located at 10050 West 38 Avenue be approved." Motion was seconded by Aldermna Howard and passed 5-0 with Alderman Pepe abstaining. Motion by Alderman Pepe, seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 6-0 "that a Class F liquor license for Los Panch os at 6351 West 44 Avenue be renewed." e Motion by Alderman Pepe, seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 6-0 "that renewal of a Class G liquor license for F.M. Blickenstaff dba/ Carefree Restaurant and Lounge at 4990 Ward Road be approved." Motion by Alderman Donaldson, seconded by Alderman Hulsey and passed 6-0 "that the renewal of a Class E liquor license for Ridge Drug at 5395 West 38 Avenue be approved." Alderman Pepe asked to go on record as saying that he felt the State Law is wrong in that a Manager of an establishment selling beer or liquor is not investigated when he is hired. A Preliminary Hearing was held for change of ownership of Ridgeview Inn and renewal of present owner's license was considered. Motion by Alderman Pepe, seeonded by Alderman Howard and passed 6-0 "that a 3-way liquor license for Ridgeview Enterprises, dba/ Ridgeview Inn be renewed." Applicant for change of ownership of Ridgeview Inn was Peter Hellerman represented by Attorney Alan Stevenson. . Motion by Alderman Hulsey: "I move that a Public Hearing on the transfer of a liquor license for Ridgeview Inn be set for 7:30 p.m. on December 22, 1970." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and pass~d 6-0. Mr. Richard Sparland, Chief Transportation Engineer with the Ken R. White Company reported to Council on additional charges connected with TopiCS Project #0073. Ordinance No. 68 pertaining to Flood Plain Zoning was introduced by Alderman Donaldson and read. Comments were made by the following people; Jamss Quinn, Director of the lj~ban DrainaDe and Flood Control District Representative George Fentress of 2935 Webster Darrell Skelton of 6500 West 44 Avenue Shelly Allen of Wheat Ridge High School Ecological Action Committee Kenneth Swick of Wheat Ridge High School Student Senate Frank Callahan, realtor and appraiser representing the Wheat Ridge Chamber of Commerce, and Dr. David Snow of 11558 West 39 Avenue. . Their comments are on file in the General File, ineluding written comments submitted by Mr. Callahan. 1 -3- e. Motion by Alderman Hulsey: "r move that Ordinance No. 58 on Flood Plain Zoning be passed on first reeding and published and posted." Motion ~as seconded by Alderman How3~d who recommended incorporating changes into the Ordinance on final reading. Motion pessed 5-0. Ordinance No. 59 on Planned Unit Development was introdueed by Alderman Bowling and read. It was discussed by Council and comments were made by: Robert Barr of the Planning Department Calvin Bacon, Developer, and Richard E. Thomas, Arvada City Manager. Their comments are on file in the General File. Alderman Howard stated that comments made were valid and suggested that they pass the Ordinance and then have study sessions to make necessary changes. . Motion by Alderman Pepe: "I move that Ordinance No. 59 be adopted on first reading and be published and posted." Motion was seconded _by Alderman Donaldson and passed 5-0. Ordinance No. 70 for control of dogs and certain other animals was introduced by Alderman Howard and read. Comments in opposition to the Ordinance and/or questioning certain measures in it were made by the following: Charles Edinger of 10455 West 35 Avenue Darrell Skelton of 6500 West 44 Avenue Bill Wood of 11000 West 41 Plaee Dr. David Snow of 11568 West 39 Avenue, and Dan Lewis of 8720 West 34 Avenue. Their comments plus written recommendations submitted by Clerk Louise Turner are in the General File. Motion by Alderman Pepe: "I move that Ordinance No. 70 be passed on first reading and be published and posted." Motion wes seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 5-1 with Alderman Bramble voting "nay." e Petition for annexation of property owned by Jim D. and Elizabeth 8. Helbig was brought up. Property is 25 acres lying North of and adjacent to the Public Service Company ROW which is the Wheat Ridge north boundary East of Kipling Street. Petition was presented by City Attorney Maurice Fox who displayed a diagram of the area and pointed out areas that were designated to be Residential-Three and Commercial-One and that eight places would be used for posting. Mr. Fox also presented RezoninG Case WZ-70-27 which was requested in conjunction with the annexation. Change requested by Jim D. and Elizabeth B. Helbig is from Agricultural-One to proposed Commercial-One and Residential-Three for 25 acres at 50 Avenue and Kipling Street. He stated that the Planning Commission recommended "denial of the annexation of land in Case WZ-70-27 which is also requesting rezoning from Agricultural-One to Commereial-one and Residential-Three for the following reasons: 1. The rezoning is not compatible to the surrounding areas. 2. It is a poor piece of ground for a heavy traffic pattern due to a bluff. 3. The configuration and topography of the property are not eonducive to good traffic patterns for ingress and egress to the property, and 4. The increased density would not be compatible to the surrounding developed area." ~ Mr. Fox stated that the Plenning Department recommended approval. -4- ~,,', ~ He re~d a letter from the City of Arvada written to Mr. James Mier, Wheat Ridge Planning Director which set out the following: 1~ That the North boundary and the North 200 feet of the East boundary 'adjoin Arvada. 2. That the Planning Department of Arvada would recommend approval if Residential-One B were substituted for Residential-Three on 51 Avenue, if 25 feet would be dedicated and curb and gutters . placed on 51 Avenue and if ROW were allowed to connect Independence to Kipling Street. Mr. Fox stated that two decisions must be made by the Whether or not the petition for annexation is proper, or not the rezoning should be approved. Council, 1. 2. Whether . Dwight Griggs, Attorney representing the land owners stated: That conditions set out in State Statutes had been met in the petition, That a proper petition had been filed, That 1/6 of the boundary was contiguous to Wheat Ridge, That there was a community of interest, That 100% of owners had signed, That the Statutes having been met, the area is eligible for annexation and should be annexed. In regard to the requested zoning Mr. Griggs submitted three exhibits: 1. A letter from the Jefferson County Planning Department which gives the legal description of land involved and states it is in an area proposed by Jefferson County Planning Department for use as multi-family dwellings units. 2. Page indicating demand for multi-family housing, and 3. An aerial photo showing the Helbig property set off by dotted lines and the surrounding areas, both in Wheat Ridge and in Arvada. Ron Hoysington, Planning Consultant, of 1601 Emerson, Denver established that surrounding zoning was: West - Ridge Home South - Spot Commercial East - Undeveloped except on 49 Avenue where there is some Commercial and some older homes. . South of 1-70 - Sparse Commercial, Residential and Industrial. North - Single family homes and that long range use to the West would include some industrial and some office use. e He felt that it was better not to split ownership but to have all in one city, That it was desirable to be annexed; that Commercial was con- sistent with intent of the development of the area; there would be adequate roads for Residential-Three; that it could be split in two sections, leaving the bluff as a divider; the lower part to be served by the Kipling to Independence Road; the area to the North to be served by Kipling, Independence or 51 Avenue; that Arvada's req4est for single family units would limit ingress and egress whereas under Residential-Three a developer could furnish adequate ingress and egress and ~sibly use one-way traffic; the present Jefferson County land use is Residential, low density, but the new plan not yet accepted shows high density. / / i . Richard E. Thomas, City Manager of Arvada stated: That single family homes on 51 Avenue would preserve and maintain the character of the existing neighborhood, That no problem exists with the completion of 51 Avenue, That continuation from Kipling to Independence would complete a needed traffic pattern, That proper land use was Bonsi~ered by Arvada to be single family units on North and highe~R8A gouth without Commercial, That Arvada was eager to work with both Wheat Ridge and the developers. $ fI - . -5- Owner Jim D. Helbig stated he had owned the property since 1956, had lived there eight years and use was primarily agricultural. Attorney Griggs stated: There is demand for multi-family units, That 25 foot ROWand Warranty Deed will be delivered to the City of Wheat Ridge, That the proposed Zoning is proper, That it was recommended by Planning Director James Mier subject to the dedication of streets which he, the attorney agrees to. That the ten single family units requested by Arvada would not contribute much, and he requested that the rezoning be approved as presented. Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that we continue the matter until November 24, 1970 at which time a finding of fact will be made." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0. Attorney Fox stated that on November 24, 1970 ResolutioDS approving or denying the Zoning and Annexation and Ordinances adopting or denying the Zoning and Annexation would be presented. / I Ordinance No. 71 pertaining to a street vacation was introduced by Alderman Pepe and read. Motion was made by Alderman Peps, seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 6-0 "That the word 'and' above section two be ch~nged to 'the'." Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move. Ordinance No. 71 be passed and adopted on first reading and be published and posted." Motion was seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 6-0. Resolution No. 99 commending and wishing continued success to ths Wheat Ridge High School Football Team was introduced by Alderman Bowling. Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that Resolution No. 99 be ap- proved." Motion was seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 6-0. i A proposal to buy radio communications equipment was presented by Finance Officer Walter Grande. Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that the purchase of seventeen . mobile radio units be approved." Motion died. After discussion, the Following Motion "I move that the purchase of seventeen three RCA remote control units and one station be approved for a total price seconded by Alderman Hulsey and passed Howard voting "nay." was made by Alderman Donaldson: low band RCA mobil radios and RCA low band desk top base of $8,923.25." Motion was 4-2 with Alder~en Pepe and , Meeting was adjourned at 1:50 a.m. ~M~ ~~ /" Louise F. Turner City Clerk 4~PV'ELJ. ~:7.T- '//A"Y /70 / e e e e MINUTES November 24, 1970 The eighty-seventh regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Meeting Room at 7390 West 38 Avenue by Mayor Albert E. Anderson. i ! / ! Aldermen present were: Dana Bowling, Jack Bramble, Joseph Donaldson, Robert Howard, Calvin Hulsey and Ray C. Pepe. Also attending were: Mayor Anderson, Clerk Louise Turner, City Attorney Maurice Fox, Director of Administrative Services Walter Johnson, Finance Officer Walter Grande and interested citizens. Applicant Theodore Boerstler appeared for renewal of a 3-way liquor license for Boerstler Farms dba/ Dutch Pantry Restaurant. Motion by Alderman Howard: "I move that the liquor license for Boerstler Farms dba/ The Dutch Pantry Restaurant at 10051 West Interstate 70 Service Road be renewed for a Class G license." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 5-0. Alderman Bramble was not present. W~-70-28 Rezoning Case came up for decision. Applicant was Seven- teenth Street Realty requesting a change from Residential-Two to Commercial-One at 46 Avenue and Harlan Street. Mr. Fox stated that a quit claim deed for an easement had been ex- ecuted, by the Seventeenth Street Realty and would be on November 25, 1970 by the Arthur Johnson Foundation. Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that the rezoning requested in Case WZ-70-28 by the Seventeenth Street Realty for a change from Residential-Two to Commercial-One be approved for the following reasons: 1. Comprehensive Plan is commercial for this area. 2. Property is in a commercial area and the trend is for commercial development. 3. It was recommended by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission. 4. The problem of drainage now existing, would be eliminated." Motion was seconded by Aldermen Donaldson and Pepe and passed 4-2 with Aldermen Howard and Hulsey voting "nay." Resolution No. 100 - a finding of fact on Wheat Ridge Annexation No. 1 _ proposed annexation of property at 50 Avenue and Kipling was introduced by Alderman Pepe. Motion by Alderman Bowling, Seconded by Alderman Pepe and passed 6-0 "That the Clerk dispense with reading of legal description within the Resolution." Resolution was read. Motion by Alderman Pepe: "I move that a Resolution No. 100 concerning Findings of Fact regarding validity of the annexation petition under consideration be approved." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0~ Resolution No~_ 101 pertaining to zoning for the area proposed for annexation was introduced by Alderman Bowling and read. Motion by Alderman Pepe: "I move that a Resolution concerning the zoning of land under annexation procedures of the City of Wheat Ridge be approved for the following reasons: , 1. Zoning proposed of Residential-Three and Commercial- One would constitute the highest and best use of said proEerty. 2. Said zoning as proposed would be in conformance ith existing development. 3. The developed by type of Land Preliminary Land Use the Jefferson County Use." Plan for Jefferson County heretofore Planning Departments suggest this -2- () Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson. Motion was amended to delete words "highest and best" on Page 2. and put in the word "proper." The amendment was approved by the second. Motion passed 6-0 to approved Resolution No. 101 as amended. Ordinance No. 72 pertaining to annexation and rezoning of Annexation No. 1 was introduced by Alderman Donaldson and read. Motion by Alderman Hulsey: "I move that Ordinance No. 72 be adopted on first reading and be published and posted." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 5-0 with Alderman Bramble abstaining. Ordinance No. 73 annual appropriations Ordinance was introduced by Alderman Pepe and read. Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that Ordinance No. 73, the annual appropriations ordinance, be adopted on first reading and be published and posted." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bramble and passed 6-0. Ordinance No. 64 pertaining to positions and pay scale was brought up for second consideration and the title read. I I , . Motion was made by Alderman Pepe, seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0 "That the Clerk dispense with the reading of the balance of the Ordinance." -. Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that Section 7 of Ordinance No. 64 be deleted in its entirety and that the following substitution be made: ' 'Section 7. Eligibility. New grades and pay: are effective January 1, 1971 for all personnel. Except as otherwise provided, eli- gibility for Proficiency Pay increases as provided in Sections 2 and 3 shall normally be on an annual basis except new and upgraded employees who are appointed for a six months' probationary period become eligible for a step increase after six months if accepted as Regular employees and if recommended by their Department Director or officer and approved by the Mayor. Civil Service Ordinance No. 40 establishes promotion interval for policemen below the grade of Senior Patrolmen. Except for Recruit Policemen, no change in pay following a grade, rank and/or step increase will be made more frequently than once in 90 days. Be- ginning in 1971, the anniversary dates for purposes of ~omputing pay will be adjusted to coincide with the start of the nearest pay period at the time of the first grade or rank change or step change made ,during the year.'" Motion was seconded by Alderman Bramble and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move that Ordinance No. 64 be adopted as read and amended on second reading and that it be published and posted." Motion was seconded by Alderman Pepe and passed 6-0. Ordinance No. 65 pertaining to the disposal of abandoned or stolen articles was brought up for second consideration and the title read. Motion was made by Alderman Pepe, seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 6-0 "That the reading of the remainder of the Ordinance be dispensed with." ~otion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that Ordinance No. 65 be approvRrl and passed on second reading and be ordered published and posted." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bramble and passed 6-0. Ordinance No. 67 setting the salary of the City Clerk and City Treasurer for 1971 was brought up for second consideration and the title read. .. Motion was made by Alderman Pepe, seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0 "That the Clerk dispense with reading of the balance of the Ordinance." - ----- --! -, -3- It:} Motibn by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that Ordinance No. approved on second reading and be published and posted." was seconded by Alderman Bramble and passed 6-0. Ordinance No~, an Ordinance pertaining to Health Service Establish- mentswas brought up for second consideration and the title read. 67 be Motion Motion by Alderman Pepe, seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0 "That the reading of the balance of the Ordinance be dispensed with." Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move that Ordinance No. 66, an Ordi- nance licensing and regulating health service establishments be ap- proved on second reading and be published and posted." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 6-0. Finance Officer Walter Grande presented bids and information on proposed purchases. The following action was taken: . Motion by Alderman Howard: "I move that we approve the purchase of a Rand portable air compressor, GRR 160 at a price not to exceed $3,550000 to be charged against the Wheat Ridge portion of Road and Bridge Funds if possible and otherwise out of Account No. 461." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bramble and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Hulsey: "I move we approve the purchase of a Ford tractor with all described attachments at a price of $4,500.00 to be charged again'st the Parks Account No. 452.34." Motion was seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that the purchase of 1500 six foot posts and 400 seven foot posts be approved at a total price of $4,073.00." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bramble and passed 4-2 with Aldermen Howard and Pepe voting "nay." Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move that the purchase of two Harley Davidson motorcycles, equipped as stated at a cost of $2,312.00 each be approved." Motion was seconded by Alderman Hulsey and passed 6-0. .. Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move we approve an amount of $3,047.85 for purchase of material and blanks for signs." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and vote tied 3-3 with Aldermen Pepe, Bowling and Howard voting "nay." Mayor Anderson voted "aye" to break the tie and pass the Motion 4-3. Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that Council approve the purchase of 200 Unistrut sign posts at a cost of $1,682.00." Motion was se- conded by Alderman Bramble and passed 4-2 with Aldermen Pepe and Howard voting -nay." Motion by Alderman Bramble: '"I move that a Motion passed on September 3, 1970 authorizing the purchase of two used dump trucks at a cost of $2,500.00 out of Road and Bridge Funds be rescinded." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move we buy c 2}2 ton dump truck for $6,594.00 out of the Wheat Ridge share of Road and Bridge Funds or out of Account No. 431." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 6-0. i / . Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move we purchase three pickup trucks from International Harvester at a cost of $6,547.44 to be charged either to the Public Works Budget or tb the Wheat Ridge portion of Road and Bridge Funds." Motion was seconded by Alderm~n Donaldson and passed 4-2 with Aldermen Pepe and Howard voting "nay." Meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. ' Louise F. Turner r.!:..\.... '-'1__L .~........~ . . . v . MINUTES December 17, 1970 The ninetieth regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge City Couneil was called to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Couneil Meeting Room at 7390 West 38 Avenue by Mayor Albert E. Anderson. Aldermen attending were: Howard, Calvin Hulsey and later. Dana Bowling, Joseph M. Donaldson, Robert Ray C. Pepe. Alderman Jaek Bramble arrived Others attending were: Mayor Anderson, City Clerk Louise Turner, City Attorney Maurice Fox, applicants and attorneys for applicants present for Public Hearings and interested citizens. Citizens' Comments were made by: Mr. Karl Hustede of 6097 West 40 Avenue in regard tn turn lanes and signals, and Mr. J.L. Whitchurch in regard to paving 28 Avenue from Ames to Chase. Their comments have been sub- mitted as Citizen Requests to the Public Works Department. Public Hearing was held for the transfer of the package liquor license of Hillcrest Liquors. Applicant was Ronald Graebing represented by Attorney Michael Villano. Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that Council approve the Hillcrest Liquors transfer to Mr. Ronald Graebing to be effective January 1, 1971." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 5-0. Alderman Bramble was absent. vWS-70-3 Carnation Gardens Subdivision was presented. City Attorney Maurice Fox stated: That notification had gone to surrounding residents. That according to a letter from Clear Creek Valley Water and Sanitation Distriet, the area is served by ,an eight inch sewer main. That a letter from the R-1 School District indieated that the subdivision would add a total of twenty-five students to be absorbed among Pennington Elementary, Everett Junior High, Wheat Ridge High School. That the proposed use was Residential-Two (R-2). That the fee had been paid. Drainage had been approved. A street vacation will be dedicated to the City. Surrounding zoning is Residential-Three (R-3) to the East and South, and Residential-Two (R-2) to the West. Approval of the Plat has been recommended by the Planning Director and the Planning Commission. Speaking in favor of the Plat Glenn Siever, surveyor 'short for a double, but could ,a single family home. Ralph Jacobson, applieant who stated there would be one structure with two units per site on thirteen lots, and either one or two on Lot 7, that height of the buildings would follow zoning regulations and the street would be blacktopped if blaektopping is required. were: who stated that Lot 7 is 2,000 square be developed through an adjustment or feet with Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move we table the decision of Case WS-70-3 for January 14, 1971 at 7:30 p.m." Motion was seconded by Alderman Don- aldson. Motion was amended to change "January 14, 1971 to December 22, 1970." Amendment was approved by the second and Motion passed 5-0. ~Z-70-29 Rezoning Case was heard. Applicant M.S. Nuneneamp requested a change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Residential-Three (R-3) for the purpose of constructing five apartment units at 44 Avenue and Moore. City Attorney Maurice Fox stated that the Planning Commission had recom- mended approval for the following reasons: ~ . ~ . ~ I I , I , I -2- I"~ i \ That Residential-Three (R-3) is compatible with the surrounding area, proper water and sewer service is available and the proposed apartment would not create a traffie problem. He said the record should indicate that notice had been properly given. Mr. M.S. Nunencamp, applicant, said the surrounding zoning is North - Agricultural with a non-conforming fruit stand, West - Agricultural with a single dwelling, South of which is Residential-Three (R-3) property with four units on it. The reason for requesting a change is to conform with the surrounding properties. Motion by Alderman Howard: "1 move we table Case WZ-70-29 until December 22, 1970 at 7:30 p.m. and render a decision." Motion was seconded by Alderman Hulsey and passed 5-0. WZ-70-30 Rezoning Case was heard. Applicant Robert Mugele requested a change from Agricultural-One (A-1) to Residential-Three (R-3) for apartment development on Miller Street north of 44 Avenue. Attorney Maurice Fox stated that the Planning Commission had recommenced denial for several reasons, among them that the present Plat did not conform to the surrounding Residential-Three (R-3) zoning, that fire protection would be inadequate and that traffic created would present problems that "could not be coped with." Mr. Fox established that it had been properly posted and published and that the surrounding zoning is as follows: North - Agricultural, East - Agricultural-One (A-1), Residential-Two (R-2) and Planned Development, West - across Miller Street, Residential-Two (R-2), Residential-Two (R-2), Residential-One (R-1) and a small piece of Commereial-one (C-1). Agricultural strip between this area and Miller Street south of 44 Avenue is Agricultural-One (A-~ There are small areas of Restricted-Commercial (R-C) and Commercial-One (C-1) on the South side of 44 Avenue, but not adjaeent to the area proposed for rezoning. Mr. Don Snow representing the buyer and seller said the purchaser was present as well as the attorney for the seller. He stated that a Planned Unit Development had been drawn up a long time before, but that the Planned Unit Development Ordinance had not yet passed. He stated that the proposal of the applieants is to request Residential-Three (R-3) and then restrict themselves to conform as with a P.U.D. He suggested an Ordinance to show willingness to eomply with restruetions. Specific things with'which he expressed willingness to comply were: two parking spaces per unit, dedication of Rights of Way, and a height limitation on the North of twenty-five feet. Attorney David Haun, representing owner Robert Mugele said they wanted to sell a concept to Couneil not just Residential-Three (R-3) zoning. They would have preferred Planned Unit Development. Plan calls for 384 units and any restructions or waivers that would be acceptable tc the planners or Planning Commission would be enforceable by means of the Ordinance. City Attorney Mauriee Fox said Council should consider their proposal "the total package being a request for Residential-Three with restrictions. If Attorney Haun stated that the existence of Agrieultural-Two (A-2) lan~ within the City is a contradiction and the fact that it is included in the corporate limits indicates an urbanization plan and is just- ification for a change from agricultural zoning. , David Barbour ,of 1420 North Webber, Colorado Springs, architect for the proposed plan explained details of the plan ineluding location of buildings and parking areas and restated the concept of Residential-Three (R-3) with waivers and restrictions. ',i. <<. ., - -3- Lt. Chuck Dodson, technical representative to Wheat Ridge and Arvada Fire Departments, having reviewed the plan stated that thirty foot width streets are not adequate, two buildings are inaeeesible, parking facilities do not allow for good positioning of equipment, access to all buildings is limited to one side, and fire department would prefer plugs closer together. Mr. Don Snow stated that the final site plan would be submitted to the fire department. Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move we table Case WZ-70-30 until December 22, 1970 for further discussion with a decision to be ren- dered on January 14, 1971." Motion was seconded by Alderman Pape. Motion was amended to add "no additional testimony from t~ proponents to be at that time, only comments from the staff and the City Attorney." The amendment was approved by the second and Motion passed 3-2 with Aldermen Howard and Hulsey voting "nay." Ordinance No. 68 - the Flood Plain Ordinance was brought up for second consideration and the title read. Motion by Alderman Bramble, seeonded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0 "that the Clerk dispense with the reading of the balance of the Ordinance. II- Motion by Alderman Bramble, seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0: "I move that Section 4.32 (page 4) be amended to read: 'No struc- tures (temporary or permanent); fill, including fill for roads and levies; deposit; storage of materials; or other flood plain uses which, acting alone or in combinations with existing or future flood plain uses, '..." Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Hulsey: "that words I or basement floor' be omitted in Paragraph 2 of Section 4.52." Motion was amended to add at the end of the paragraph: "'Basements of any such structures shall be flood proofed per Section 5.45 (1) of this regulation.I" Motion by Alderman Donaldson, seconded by Alderman Bowling, passed 6-0: "I move that in Section 9.4 (page 12) we strike out the wo:rd 'ocean.'" Motion by Alderman Hulsey. seconded by Alderman Pepe and passed 6-0: "that 'and other recreational uses' be added after 'hiking areas' in Section 4.43." Motion by Alderman BoWing, seconded by AldermanBrambl~nd passed 5-0: "I mOve'that Seetiori 9.5 (Page 13), following 'administrative purposes' be changed to read 'the flood plain may be defined as the area that would be inundated by the 100-year flood, (U.S. Corps of Engineers "Flood Plain Information Report, Vol. 3 - Tech. appendix, Bear and Clear Creek and South Platte River Basin Report of January, 1965).'" Motion by Alderman Bramble, seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 5-0: "I move that the following typographical errors be corrected to read: Section 9.19 (page 14): change to 'tends to' and Section 9.22 (Page 15): change to 'a purpose.'" Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I make a Motion that the Ordinance estab- liShing Flood Plain Zoning for the City of Wheat Ridge be approved as amended on second reading and be published and posted." Motion seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 6-0. Clyde Hobbs was directed to eontact the Corps of Engineers to see if additional information could be obtained from it whic~ when combined with work done by the City would enable the City to establish a "meets and bounds" deseription of the Flood Plain. Comments were made by: Debbie Motoyama of 9335 West 53 Avenue from Wheat Ridge High Ecological Aetion Committee, Robert Eckhardt of 7400 West 34 Avenue, Clyde Hobbs, Assistant City Engineer, Edgar Johnson of 3700 Benton, and Rich3rd Traveler of 3049 Dudley. //- (- .. .' -4- Ordinance No. 69 pertaining to Planned Unit Development was brought up for second consideration and the title read. Motion by Alderman Pepe: "I the rest of the Ordinance." and passed 4-0 with Aldermen move that the Clerk Motion was seconded Bowling and Bramble dispense with reading by Alderman Donaldson temporarily absent. Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that in Section 1 following 'for the community' add 'but in any eV8n~ final regulations shall be estab- lished by City Council when determined to be in the best interests of the public and overall development of the City.'" Motion was seconded by Alderman Pepe and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Hulsey: "I move that in Section 3. Area ~e]jJ.t:! and Setback Regulations. 1. (Page 1) be changed to read: '1. To qualiry:For consuderation for Planned Development District zoning, the proposed development area shall approximate one acre or more under unified control.'" Motion was seconded by AI"derman fuamble and defeated 2-4 with Aldermen Bowling, Howard, Donaldson and Pepe voting "nay." Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move that Section 3. Area - H~ht and Setback R~gulations. 1. (Page 1) be changed to read: '1. To qualify for consideration for Planned Development District zoning, the proposed development area shall approximate two acres or more unGer unified controL'" Motion was seconded by Alderman Hulsey and passed 4-2 ~ith Aldermen Howard and Donaldson voting "nay." I I Motion by Alderman Pepe: "I move that B. BEProval of Preliminary Deveopment Plan. a. (Page 3) read: 'After filing the preliminary development plan, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing befor~ forwarding the plan to the City Council with a written report recommending that the plan be either disapproved, approved, or approved with modifications. Notice of public hearing shall be given as required by lawJ, and "in, B. b. (Page 3) delete the follo~ing: ., s~id hearing to be held not less than thirty (30) days nor more than ninety (90) days after the receipt of the Planning Commission's report and the preliminary plan.' Delete: 'after the hearing, I 6nd substitute: 'and'." Motion was seconded by Alderman Howard and passed 4-2 with Aldermen Bramble and Bowling voting "nay." , Motion by Alderman Bowling and seconded by Alderman Pape: "I move that Section B. b. be amended to read: ~reviewed by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council.'" Motion passed 5-1 with Aldermari Howard voting "nay." Motion by Alderman Bowling and seconded by Alderman Bramble: "I move that 5. (Page 4) read: 'The fee to file for a Planned Unit Development shall be 'two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) plus a fee for ten dollars ($10.00) per sheet to cover recording ~osts at the time of such recording.'" II10tion passed 4-2 with Alderr;18n Hulsey and Pepe voting "nay." Motion by Alderman Bowling, seeonded by Alderman Donaldson: that Section 4. (Page 2) be ehanged so that the incorrectly word I provision' be spelled correctly." ; Motion passed 6-0. "I move spelled Mot:on by Alderman Pepe: "I r;wve that orr4:.r:a<1ce Number 59, an Ordinance to amend Zoning Ordinance Number 11, as amended, by the addition of a new subsection establishing Planned Unit Developments numbered Section 39, be approved as amended on second reading and be published and posted." Motion was s~conded by Alderman Hulsey and passed 6-0. .. I Calviri Bacon, developer. Citi~en's Comments were I I made! by ,I control was brought up for second reading and Ordinance No. 70 on dog the title read. Motion, by Alderman Bramble: "I move that the Clerk dispense with reading of the rest of the Ordinanee." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bowling and pa~sed 5-0 with Alderman Pepe absent. (I (~ ((C, (, (\ \ -5- Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that in the title after the word 'control; in line one the words 'and protection' be added." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bramble and passed 5-0. Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that 'running at large' in Section 1 should read 'running at large: off the premises of the owner and not under eontrol of some responsible person.'" Motion was seconded by Alderman Howard and defeated 4-2 with Aldermen Bowling, Bramble, Howard and Hulsey voting "nay." Motion by Alderman Bowling, seeonded by Alderman Bramble and passed 6-0: "I move that the words 'City Council' be added after 'Mayor' in d. of Section 2." Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that in Section 3. b. it should be changed to read 'neutered males and spayed females - $1.00; un- altered males and unspayed females $3.00.'" Motion was seeonded by Alderman Pepe and passed 5-1 with Alderman Bramble voting "nay." Motion by Alderman Pepe, seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 6-0: "I move that we change thirty (30) day to ten (10) day everywhere it is used perta'ining to licensing and inoculation." Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that we change 'January l' to 'November l' in line 4, Section B." Motion was seconded by Alderman Pepe and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Pepe: "I move that the word 'domesticated' should be struck out wherever it is used in b. of Section B." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move we add the following to b. in Section 5: 'Injured animals, the owners of which are unknown shall be destroyed humanely, if injuries are termed irreparable by the attending veterinarian.'" Motion was seconded by Alderman Pepe and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Bowling, seconded by Alderman Pepe and passed 6-0: "I move that Section 3. f. be changed to read 'The yearly fee for kennels shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00). hennel license fee replaces need for individual licenses.'" Motion by A;Lderman Bowling, seconded by Alderman Pepe: "I move that in Section 6. h. 'Ten dollars ($10.00~ be strieken and replaced with 'five dollars ($5.00). '" Motion passed 5-1 with Alderman Bramble voting "nay." Motion by Alderman Bowling, seconded by Alderman Pepe: "I move that the last sentence of Section 6. h. should read 'a boarding fee to be estab- lished by the Mayor and City Couneil shall also be assessed.'" Motion passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Donaldson, seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 6-0: I move that the following be added to para9raph d. Section B.: 'Any animal which has not been inoculated against rabies and known to have been bitten by a rabid animal shall be humanely destroyed. '" Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that we ",cd g. to Section B. to read: 'It shall be unlawful to buy, sellar offer for sale exotic animals or any animals not considered domestic animals. 'II Motion was seconded by Alderman Pepe and was defeated 4-2 with Aldermen Bramble, Donaldson, Howard and Hulsey voting "nay." Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that we add to Section 8. a para- graph to read: 'In case of an outbreak of rabies, constituting an emergency situation, the Mayor and City Council shall be authorized to impose strict regulations pertaining to animals within the City.'" Motion was seeonded by Alderman Pepe and passed 6-0. (e . -6- Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that the word 'willfully' in Seotion 15, sentence one before the words 'in violation.'" was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0. be put Motion Motion by Alderman Howard: "I move an additional section be added to read as follows: 'Section 18. Se~erability. If any section, sub- section, paragraph, sentenee, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held or decided to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions. The City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinanee and each seetion, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase thereof even though anyone or more sections, sub- sections, sentences, clauses or phrases might be declared uneonstitu- tional or invalid.'" Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Donaldson, seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 6-0: "I move that in Section 6. a. after the words 'City Council' be changed to read 'Direct the City Clerk to make arrangements with a public or private agency for facilities to be used an an animal shelter or pound for and on behalf of the City - to be approved by the City Council.11I Motion by Aldarman Howard: "I move that a statement from a licensed veterinarian must be submitted as proof of neutered males and spayed females where applicable." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 4-2 with Aldermen Hulsey and Pepe voting "nay." Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move we take Citizens' Comments and vote on the Ordinance." Motion was seeonded by Alderman Howard and passed 6",0. Citizens' Comments are as follows: Nancy Snow of 11568 West 39 Avenue stated she was opposed. Earl Walker of 4211 Upham stated there is not sufficient recourse for a person whose dog is declared vicious. Mr. Lubke stated barking dogs are a nuisance and have made some of his renter~ leave. Mr. Hustede stated that dogs should be confined. Motion by Alderman Pepe: "I move that Ordinance No. 70 pertaining to dogs be passed as amended on second reading and be published and posted." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 4-2 with Aldermen Bramble and Donaldson voting "nay." \.. Ordinance No. 70 will be effective thirty (30) days after publication. \. Ordinance No. 72 pertaining to annexation Number One came up for second consideration. Mr. Dwight Griggs, attorney for owners of the property to be annexed, stated that a deed conveying sixty-five (65) feet right of way along side the Public Serviee right of way had not been drawn up but that he had a letter from Mr. Helbig on the matter. He suggested that if Council wanted to pass the Ordinance on second reading th6t pub- lication might be witheld pending receipt of the deed. OJ Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move we table this mater until Tuesday, December 22, 1970." Motion was seconded by Alderman Pepa and passed 6-0. Meeting was ajuourned at 1:50 a.m. o I r;7(~ ~~~-/ Louise F. Turner City Clerk .4"-"'.o.r-:>- v t/ C 0 cAfJ7/ -//'2//7/ ~' ..~ MINUTES December 22, 1970 . The ninety-first regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Albert E. Anqerson and in the Council Meeting Room at 7390 West 38 Avenue. Aldermen attending were: Dana Bowling, Jack Bramble, Joseph Donaldson, Robert Howard, Calvin Hulsey and Ray C. Pepe. Others attending were: Mayor Anderson, Clerk Louise Turner, Treasurer James Malone, City Attorney Maurice Fox, Finance Officer Walter Grande, Director of Administrative Services Walter Johnson and interested citizens. Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that the reading the Minutes of the December 17, 1970 meeting be dispensed with." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bramble and passed 6-0. Public Hearing for the transfer of a 3-way liquor license was held. Attorney Allen Stevenson represented Applicant Peter Hellermann. .,. Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move that the transfer of the liquor license of Ridgeview Inn at 4465 Garrison to Peter Hellermann be granted as of January 1, 1971." Motion was seconded by Alderman Hulsey and passed 6-0. , WZ-70-29 Rezoning Case came up for decision. M.S. NUfBrcamp had requested a change from Residential-Two (R-2) to Residential-Three (R-3) at 44 Avenue and Moore Street. Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I would move that in Case WZ-70-29 a pro- posal from Residential-Two to Residential-Three be approved for the following reasons: 1. This would be the best use of the land. 2. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this rezoning. 3. The Comprehensive Plan shows low to medium d~nsity and I feel this would qualify." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 5-0 with Alderman Bramble abstaining. WS-70-3 Carnation Gardens Subdivision came up for decision. . Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move that WS-70-3, final plat for Carnation Gardens Subdivision be approved for the following reasons: 1. It is Residential-Two existing zoning which meets the Comprehensive Plan. 2. It has been approved by the Planning Commission. 3. The drainage meets the qualifications of final platting." Motion was seconded by Alderman Hulsey and passed 5-0 with Alderman Bramble abstaining. Ordinance No. 72 pertaining to the annexation of property at 50 Avenue and Kipling Street was brought up for second reading and the title read. Motion by Alderman Pepe: "I move that the Clerk dispense with reading of the Ordinance, the title having been read." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 5-1 with Alderman Bramble voting "nay." Mr. Dwight Griggs, attorney, stated that two deeds had been presented to the City, that roadway dedication requests of the City of Arvada had been met and the legal descriptions for them had been drawn up by Richard Morris, Arvada City Engineer. Also, Mr. Fox stated that intent of Public Service Company had been conveyed in a letter that the Public Service ROW could be used for roadway purposes provided it did not result in expense to Public Service Company. . Motion by Alderman Hulsey: "I move that Ordinance No. 72 be approved on second reading and be published and posted." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 5-1 with Alderman Bramble voting "nay." I,~ \~ t. l c '- "-' -2- '- WZ-70-26 Rezoning Case was heard. The applicant, Swiss Society of Denver was represented by Attorney Richard Bangert. Mr. Fox, City Attorney, stated that the hearing was called specifically to determine the exact property to be rezoned, the placement of the building on the property and whether or not there was adequate parking space available. Exhibit "A" - the proper legal description, having been amended and initialed by Eugene Padon, surveyor, Richard Bangert, ~ttorney, and Albert E. Anderson, Mayor~ and Exhibit "B" - the property survey, also initialed by Mr. Padon, Mr. Bangert, and Mr. Anderson were presented, explained by Mr. Padon and entered into the file. Parking was shown to be adequate throught use of adjacent Residential-Two (R-2) property owned by the Swiss Society. Motion by Alderman Pepe: "I move that a change of zoning from Residential- Two to Commercial-One in rezoning Case WZ-70-26 be allowed for the fol- lowing reasons: 1. The facility is already in existence, and 2. The facility meets all requirements under Commercial-One zoning." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bramble and passed 6-0. Treasurer's Report given by Treasurer James Malone indicated that 87% of 1970 Revenue has been realized and 73% of appropriations spent. Complete report is in the General File. Renewal of the Lease for 7470 West 38 Avenue was discussed. City has option to renew lease annually for five subsequent years, provided notice is given in writing no less than thirty days prior to expiration date of February 1st. Motion was made by Alderman Bramble, seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 6-0 "that the City Attorney be authorized to negotiate renewal of the lease for office space at 7470 West 38 Avenue for one year." WV-70-6 Vacation requested by Angelo Laporta came up for consideration. Motion by Alderman Bramble, seconded by Alderman Pepe and passed 6-0 "that the matter be tabled and a time be reset by City Council." Ordinance No. 71 pertaining to a vacation requested by' Leonard Zall was brought up for second consideration and the title read. Motion was made by Alderman Bowling, seconded by Alderman Pepe and passed 6-0 "that second reading of Ordinance No. 71 be dispensed with." Motion by Alderman Pepe: "I move that Ordinance No. 71 be passed on second reading and be published and posted." Motion was seconded by Alderman Howard and the vote tied 3-3 defeating the Motion. Aldermen Bowling, Bramble and Donaldson voted "nay." Ordinance No. 73, the Annual Appropriation Ordinanee was brought up for second reading and the title read. Motion was made by Alderman Hulsey, seconded by Alderman Pepe and passed 6-0 "that the Clerk ~iGpense with th8 reading of the remainder of the Ordinance." Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that Ordinance No. 73 be passed on second reading and that it be published and posted." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bramble and passed 6-0. Motion was made by Alderman Bramble: "that Council set the date of January 14, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. for a Preliminary Hearing for a 3-way liquor license for the Swiss Society of Denver." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 6-0. . . . . -3- Bids for paving various City streets were discussed. Motion by Alderman Bramble: be tabled until a meeting in man Bowling and passed 6-0. "I move that Public Works' paving bids January." Motion was seconded by Alder- Resolution No. 103 pertaining to the adoption of a Class Specifications Manual as required by Ordinance No. 46 was introduced by Alderman Donaldson and read. Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that Resolution No. 103 be approved." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bramble and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move that a Public Hearing be set for January 28, 1971 for Improvement District Number Nine." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 6-0. City Attorney Maurice Fox presented twenty-three Deeds made out to the City and recorded for acceptance by Council. by Alderman Hulsey: "I move that the following Deeds presented City Attorney be accepted by the City Council for the purposes in the Deeds: 1. Commissioners Deed for road purposes. 2. Quit Claim Deed from Gene Pietro for road purposes. 3. Warranty Deed from Knolls Development Co. for park purposes. 4. Warranty Deed from Knolls Development Co. for road purposes. 5. Warranty Deed from F.F. and Hadia Mesticky for City shops. 6. Quit Claim Deed from Seventeenth Street Realty and Arthur Johnson Foundation for a storm sewer easement. 7. Quit Claim Deed from Frank Lancaster for road purposes. 8. Quit Claim Deed from Frank Tubbs, Elmira Tubbs and George Kersnick for road purposes. 9. Warranty Deed from M.E. Faes, D.J. Lechniak, William S. Carlton and W.W. ChurChill for road purposes. 10. Easement for Right of Way from F.L. Hildenbrand for road purposes. 11. purposes. 12. Warrar.ty Deed from R-1 School District signed by W. Van Arsdale for park purposes. 13. Quit Claim Deed from John B. Cartwright for road purposes. 14. Quit Claim Deed from James B. Craddock for road purposes. 15. Quit Claim Deed from John B. Cartwright for road purposes. 16. Quit Claim Deed From Skelly Oil Co. for road purposes. 17. Quit Claim Deed from John J. and Maggie G. Miner for road purposes. 18. Quit Claim Deed from J.M. and D.H. Knight for road purposes. 19. Quit Claim Deed from Wheat Ridge United Methodist Church, signed by Stuart Meyers for road purposes. 20. Quit Claim Deed from Humble Oil Company for road purposes. 21. Quit Claim Deed from Continental Oil Company for road purposes. 22. Quit Claim Deed from Industrial Lands Inc. for road purpos~s. 23. Quit Claim Deed from M.W. Davis, C.M. Davis, Ronald T. DaViS, K.D. Davis and K.O. Davis for road purposes." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0. Motion by the stated Warranty Deed from William and Gertrude Durcholz for road Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move that our Police Department manning table for 1970 be inereased on Deeember 28, 1970 to provide for the hiring of up to six new recruits." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 6-0. WZ-70-30 Rezoning Case tabled at previous meeting for staff and Attorney's comments at this time was brought up for those comments. Mr. Robert Barr stated that the Planning Department recommended that the case go back to the Planning Commission as a Planned Unit Development. The City Attorney Maurice Fox expressed the same recommendation. ..., \J . . . -4- Motion by Alderman Hulsey: ~I move that a previous Motion, approved on December 17, 1970 calling for a decision to be made on January 14, 1971 be withdrawn and furthermore that the applicant be allowed to amend his application to Planned Unit Development, that the additional fee be paid, then the Case go baek to the Planning Commission and then to a hearing before City Council." Motion was seconded by Alderman Pepe and passed 3-2 with Aldermen Bowling and Howard voting Pnay" and Alderman Bramble abstaining. Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that George Hunter be appointed Superintendent of Streets for the City of Wheat Ridge starting with his reporting for duty in 1971." Motion was seconded by Alderman Hulsey and passed 5-1 with Alderman Pepe voting "nay." Motion was made by Alderman Bramble, seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 6-0 "that the purchase of traffic counters be tabled." Motion by Alderman Bramble, seconded by Alderman Pepe and passed 6-0 "that Council approve the request for purchase of a mower not to exceed $1,450.00." Motion by Alderman Hulsey: "I move we approve payment of 1971 Municipal League Dues of $3,124.19." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 5-1 with Alderman Pepe voting "nay." Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move we table until Clyde Hobbs can be present at Council." Alderman Bramble and passed 6-0. the purchase of culverts Motion was seconded by Motion by Alderman Bowling: "I move we not approve the purchase of a ten foot strip of land at the City shops." Motion was seconded by Alderman Pepe and passed 6-0. Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move Council accept the proposal to use Westco Kennels for impounding dogs." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 6-0. y Alderman Bramble nominated Herbert Schillereff of 3900 Garrison as an Alternate to the Board of Adjustment. ,; Motion by Alderman Bramble: "I move that the Nominee be appointed as an Alternate to the Board of Adjustment." Motion was seconded by Alderman Donaldson and passed 5-1 with Alderman Howard voting "nay." WV-70-6 Street Vacation was heard. Applicant was Angelo Laporta of of 4902 West Oxford, Denver. Street lies along the North boundary of Ficco Subdivision. Motion by Alderman Pepe: ~On the advice of the City Attorney, I move we table Vacation Case WV-70-6 until we receive further information enabling us to set a hearing." Motion was seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 6-0. Meeting was adjourned at 12:05 a.m. Loulse r. I urner City Clerk .. , ~ ~ ~~ ~~ z~ ~ o u w -to LS 3'N30N3d30NI ,~T!;;8~ 3,20005 3,2000S lJ.J (!) 0 <r ~ ~ <t ,.M lJ.J - M J: ,. -.. ~ ~'" N U. 0 r ,. - w >- u, ~ ~ .. 0 <-> ,. ~ ~ z 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ .. Z , 0 -~ ~'" ~ ~w -~ X .. lJ.J , Z ~ Z ~M z,. <t ~.; 0_ u U ~w .' .B6 LS !)N Ildl)( -fc::... -- 9.~lk ~ .... .. , ~ ~ .... ,- ~~ z~ ~ o u .. , ~ ~ ~ -.. ~- zu w ~~ o u ~ +~ z " .........w --' <t <-> (J) i . ~ , . ~ ~ . '" . ~ ~ . ~ . . ~ . I o o rn " \\ public Service Company 'lDff CC<rDn<rDJnKdI<rD P,O. BOX 840 . DENVER. COLORADO 80201 December 22, 1970 Honorable Albert E. Anderson Mayor of the City of Wheat Ridge 7470 West 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Mayor Anderson: Public Service Company of Colorado has been asked to allow a road to be built on a portion of its property used for a 115 KV transmission line between Independence and Kipling Streets along the north line of the old D.& I.M. Railroad right-of-way near 51st Avenue. Detailed engineering is not available; nevertheless, the Company is agreeable to giving, at no cost to the City, a revocable permit for a certain area subject, of course, to a survey and engineering plan for the road. The Company's land is now used for electric line purposes which will permit such road use under certain conditions which are necessary for adequate protection of the line. Therefore, Public Service Company will agree to give such permit to the City or Wheat Ridge for land needed, up to a maximum of 20 feet, to provide a well engineered location for the road pro- vided that no part of the actual traveled road will be closer than 20 feet to either tower base (which means that the face of the curb will be no closer than 20 feet); and provided further that the City will install, at its expense, barricades of structure and design as agreed to by Public Service Company to adequately protect the towers; and that Public Service Company will be released of all liability due to injury to persons or damage to property resulting from this road and its use. We sincerely hope this will be sufficient for you to proceed with your plans for this road. , ~\11 --Q&J~ C. A. Henry Director of Real CAH:ml ;');C/'rJ.':~ .L? 7hb/JlhlS cc: Mr. Rich Thomas, City Manager City of Arvada 7622 Grandview Ave. Arvada, Colo. 80002 --- RESClLuTI Ol\; NO. '" r,~' lU I Series of 1978 DE IT r~ES[JLVED BY THE CrT\! C:LJUi~C;IL lW TilL ",TTV uF :i;HEAT RIDGE: That following public hearing and pursu~nt to notice, the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions ars il~r8by acupted: 1. That the petition of Jim 0. Helbig anD ElizabL~h 8. Helbig requesting the annexation CLI tne ['i ty of U,:~Eat :=ti;:::ge of the following described terrItory, situate in the Ccu.~tv of Jefferson and State of Colorado. to-uit: That part of the r~orti~lu8st iluartef of the 5'1uthLuES~: Quarter (Nl;J1;4, SW}4) of SBctiori 15, Towns~lip 3 ~~:outi-;, Range 63 West of the 5th P.~., described as follows: C ., t "313 r ~ -" 0,0 ~', 1 ,- " deglnnlng a a pOln~ .0 f02t ~OlJ~~ u ~~_ ~Rst QT the Northwest Corner of the ~or~hw85t Oua~tcr of ~~8 Southwest Quarter of Sectio, 'i5; thC:n~8 :'!u:::th Wlo I.;B' Eas~, 1295.33 feet; thence South 00 02' Eas~, 3b5.13 feet; thence North 8g0 581 East, 25.0 fsst to a point or-. the East line of t,"18 rJortrlLd8st QuartBr' oT tlB Southwest Quarter of Section 1~; thencB Soutn Do 02' E2St along the Ee:1St lin8 of ~c,i')r:~ {'Jorti1i.tJBst '~~uaI'ter of the SOUttlw8st Quartar of S2c~lon 15, 278.72 feet to a point on the Nortiwrly :ri'J::i. of' !;iay line 07' ~L:;Jlic Service Company of Colorad.:r; t,: \~;nc'B'.Soutri 7L.u 201 West along said l'l.g;-It of' ld3V line, 1370. '; fS8t tlJ a point on the Wast lirlB of t~:8 Northwest ~u_rt8r of the Southwest Quarter of 5ec~~on 15; thenc- North 00 02' West along the West line of the ~or:~w8st Quarter of the Southwest Querter of Section 15, 984.1 feet to the true point of beGinning, having been accepted and 8 resolution adopte~ thot said territory be annexed to the City of Wheat Ridge by Ordinanc3, NO~, THEREFORE, GE IT RESOLVED, That by said Crdin2nc8 the annexed property be zoned as fellows: RESIDENTIAL THREE DISTRICT (R-3): That ~art of tno r~orthl~8st QuarteT -~f-t.he-SCiJt-fH,d2st q.U2I'tcr (r;L;j~, tJi.JV~) of Seetion 15, Thwnship 3 South, Range G5 WJst of the 6th P.M., deseribed as follows: D8ginn~ng at thE ~jorthw8st Corner' of the :'J0I'thL:8st Quartsr of th,," Southwest QuarteT of said Section 15; thon~a Soutl1 00 02' East, 313.6 fsst; thence North 870 48' Eaot, 61.22 fest to a poin~ on t-e Easterly right of way Ij.nG of Kipling Strset to the true point of bBgin~inQ; thence South [J 25' West along the ~2ot8rlv righ" ~f wa~ line of ~ipling Street, 368.0 fest; ~hnnce Gouch 88 08' East, 300.2 foet; thellco South 00 25' ~est. 1.;89.31 feet to a point on the Northorly ri~nt of ~ay lin2 of Public SeEvicB Compr;ny of Colorado; thence North 740 20' East along the Northerly ris~t of lJG\; line of Public Service Co~panv of Coloraou, 1002.48 feet ~o a point on thE: Eas~ 1 il18 of t;'ll3 [~::Jrthl;Je3t QuartEr of th8oSouth\JJ8st Ckl.1l'ter of ,~3id ",i2ction ,.;,; thence North 0 02' West ~lorig thB [2iSt line of t!'li3 Northwest Quarter of the GuU.th~JEst Quart~r of SSiLJ Section '\5, 663.85 feet; t"i-;;',C8 South 57" 4G' 'lIJ8,-,t, 1259.42 feet to the true point of beginni~Q. EXC~0T the East 25.0 feet thereof, situate in tho County of Jefferson and State of Colorado. CO\"le.R- ~J ). -2- T-:Oi"1l":~0C:I_AL mJ~i)l~I-R=[~I-Sr::,'~..:.: II',<'IL pcLi',; ::;,c tl';e i\JoI'thlJC~t Quarter of ",:-18 Sou l,;-ll-LBGt [Li--1ar7~GI' "\...3>+, SUJ/~~) of Section 15, Townsllip 3 SOG~n, 1~ng8 G0 ~:~~t of tne 6th P .r,ji., described c.l3 f ollckj:3: r:,~s i fin i III; ~t t. lie PJortnwBst CornEr or t~IC r~oIthb'~S~~ QUGrtt-~:' D - the SQUthW8St Quarter Gf Sr~irJ ,-~f"jction is; ~'(I'I-U~~": South 00 02' ;:-~,,-,.l... 3'1-' 5 C-J::;~-. ..i,.~'~l--r'::l 1',;. _-..L-.~, ~:'7u I,~.I :'-"'c"" l-ClwL., I.J. \ l.~Ul L~;t. )c..,,-, :.;Lll. L.I, l..I ~,_, '_c~..., 51.22 feet; thence SOIJth OW ~5i U83t, 336.J fSEt tG the truE pfJint of bC~jillnir:;], scL.:.d ;Joint b2_~'lg Oil tliP Easterlg ~'ight IJr W~jY .J..in~~ o!~ l'j;..--l~ng 3trL:c; _"~ L~L~nce South 0 (~5f W8~t aLGn~ tn~ ~a~:~r~J r~~lli, ~Ir W3Y line of hipling Strcet, 5b.3..LiL+ l',~~ct to LJ ;=jC~fJt on the 1'~orth2I'ly right i.Jf UiL~Y lin:: ~~f i:Jt;iJli.c Ej~~I'\j.i.~i"'; Compai-.y of Colorado; thence r\j[jl~th 71t u ~~u I [a::i t ;:::jlLI, II~ the Northerly right of way linG of ?ublic S8rv~c8 Company r~ C 1 d 712 3 f-"~. ",', c" '~_.+h 00 2'-' ~~~+ o 0 ora 0, ~ .. ~UL, I..rl.'_,I,-,l;-; 1,;U.1.U11 .. t.d:Jw, 489.31 feet; ~henca North 6~u GO' Wast, 30C.2 feet to the true point of beginn~n~, situate in ~he County of Jefferson and State of CGlor_~o, inasmuch as the above zoning woulo constitute th2 hignast and best use of said property, would be compatible w~th the 8xis~ing de- velopment within the neighoorhood, end would b8 in confcr~ance with Jefferson County's Plan of Intent for tne d8vLlcp~2nt of the area as evidenced by Preliminary Land Usa for orth Juf- ferson County Subplanning Area heretofore dEv21c~ac oy Jef- ferson County Planning Department. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, ihis ~,th day of November , A. D., 1970 by a vote of 5 ti] " u / , I , , , J ---.. Albert E. Anderson Mayor ATTEST: --~ "_ ..... 1 -;/...,~- LOuiseF:' Turner City Clerk ..-:- , t~.J C( NO\'!, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO, That the Petition for the annexation to the City of \!heat Ridge of the fo11owing territory, situate in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to-wit: That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest nuarter (NW1/4SW1/4) of Section 15, To~nship 3 South, Ran0e 69 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point 313.6 feet South 0002' East of the Northwest Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15; thence North 87048' East, 1295.33 feet. thence South 0002' East, 385.13 feet, thence Nortn 89058' East, 25,n feet to a point on the East line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, thence South 0002' East along the East line of the Northwest Ouarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, 278.72 feet to a point on the Northerly riqht of way line of Public Service Company of Colorado, thence South 74020' West along said right of way line, 1370,1 feet to a point on the West line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, thence North 0002' West along the West line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, 984,1 feet to the true point of beginning, is found to be valid and in substantial compliance with the require- ments of the 1963 Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, 139-21-6(1). CE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of \'!heat Ridge will hold a hearing to determine if the proposed annexation complies vlitit and is found to be valid and in accordance vlith the 1963 Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, ]39-21-3 and 139-21-4, or such parts thereof as may be required to establish eligibility for annexation under the terms of the Municipal Annexationj\cLof ./7 '7/ 1965, and that said hearing will be held on the ~_day of A/c/v' 1970, at the hour of 7:.3 c) o'clock P.M" at the City Hall, located at 7470 West 38th Avenue in the City of Wheat Ridge and State of Colorado. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk of the City of Wheat Ridge give notice as re(]uired by the 1963 Colorado Revised Statutes, as Amended, 139-21-7(2), and as may be required by any other applicable laws of the State of Colorado. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, This '7 day of uC 7eV'SE'e, 1970. >1ayor /ITTEST. , ,.).i~V"h' u7L"Y:'l--:/.i-<::~ ~ C~ty Clerk '" V'... ,~o _ ,~ 401974 / " .'Jtl&lt!-S CERTIFICATION OF TRUE COPY The attached copy of Wheat Ridge Ordinance No. 72 annexing property East of Kipling Street at approximately 50 Avenue to the City of Wheat Ridge passed and adopted by the Wheat Ridge City Council on final reading December 22, 1970 is hereby certified to be a true copy. I ~;r;1 Dated this Si;h dal} of Rebruary, A. D. 1971. , ,~'f~W tit..; "'" -\. ~,'.".... .f,. ''-. ~",,;:,:' . '. " . ... .~:.,. ... J~:" '..~' ;r", ",. ""-1 :~ ",- , Y. !!,f l:: r; l , I.,f~.".~ ~;,(1 '\, ~:. \;{ . ',<-.). - .,.-;" ,..;, ( 1"....# ,,, ~~..7:' . I J [;' ~ ,I j .- .."i" ;.~. \ \ ". \.... .". otf~/L--7~-?J Louise F. Turner City Clerk ;i"'''j :~ ~~:-l n :z; g [27 ;;r z c' Cl:l -< -< n r-, t...n. r-- 'r, '" -, ~ ,Ii I[ ~#A1~X HAI~ ;r-~~ iF' (;) v',..;r it> rC ;t.4 'fi'~ ~Ot:..t' J , ifl::' t: /s s- ./.,? / :;r::- ,/ <- f: ,,4It s -C () ,// -'. ~ iJ[ '6 U3.tG~11 HZj4." W,'\ /10 113.0 0 tl ." <-; -<no r--tc ~!,.:;:: -< -..Ill c:: .A, (.0 ""J A :z c :r:~ -< c-' or....:.. -'lr~ .." ~.,; C=;;:;)r ~~{fl cP.ep c' \2: '" ~J?3b - 959- .~.. ,;?~ .. ~.,....., I'...;.;~ ,Ju.;~,....,- d . ~-, ~) ~" L J..:~, _ f . ...... ,.'~- ~ '_c..:.L ,. L;;', iJ",;, ~U ;, .~. ~\..;~ '.'.,- ,'; '. l' '..- '--. [ v~ \, t,-. j", '.j, ~~'~".';' :,); l. ...,. ", ~ ,i I. cr l;,L "-_"::;.,- l.J,\); ~ ,,:L .,;, .,.. ..1l..; L,~.} <.... .....;'.. ,\.)-.. j~. -'- ::._ i_h': '- ~~L"~rL ~;' L_ L.. ~_\' J.. .' .::;i,.):.._. '. c. v. C;~ .-.;",.... " .'",;',11 t. l~ ,;". ;, \\'l': t l..t;" 't,., u,- '..: ~;,-', ..l.; .;.~ " .., ... l i . L ) : ,~ .!..:t. '-v __ ..,,,:..;.,.. " u,)); L, I,' ;'" ,'~ l.. ~, ; _, ;. l '; c .. . \ ~ :..;.. ~ :1 (),- \\" Lv, 'L, 0. L ,,;::1.,. :Il ut "j,t G.;' :.v:' l.;::'~ ;, v;r t ~.: (..; ,,:~;~ ;.~ -~ (,;, '-. U ~ ~: L...: I.- ;j-'..' ( ,: :~:' ~ ul L-'~ ~". ..j ,c' t:',:.' 1;' .~., J': ,):',.~ L'J C" ;!"c.:,': :.....,;;, C \. ..L;., ()"" (,: t J., ,', .l,;~ c.: .J~~.~i'-'Jj d '_'. ! l:' .,;;L. ~ It. i ~,,~~~~-:.~~'~~ ,l ;:r ~. ~.' .l. _;.l...l _...l '-' y i,..- _;- ~ () t L ~.." _ V l'.... ,,, <.::0;' V;' ;',ILi ....::; iul;uw;;,,;. '"., ...,. .<J1.:.............0 ....t',,,,_,, Lt,,; '. '0 ..:.';..;,J... " \. 2236 955 c; , \ "", Loo ~CL: .; \ " JL 1""....;. ~ ..,~",.: ;", ,... ::..... ~236 955 ';.,; .. I . ~ ~""- OR/.). # 7~ A ,.4 "f//: .. I~~m-,* k~Dhi '1 j~~,: ~~.~ " I'; ,; ~~ ll'. , -Ii Introduced by Alderma.n Donaldson ORDINANCE NO. 72 Series of 1970 TITLE. AN ORDINANCE TO AN- NEX CERTAlN TERRI,:ORY '1'0 'l'HE CITY O~' WHEAT RIDGE AND TO ZONE SAID LAND ,.'1' THE TIME 01" ANNEXATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY 'l'HE CITY COUNCIL OF 'l'HE Cl'ry OF W'HEAT RlDGE, COLvHADO, 'fRAT: SectIon 1. That aU the reQuire-' ments, except the paS~'1.g'6 ~nd adoption of th1s ordinaw;,J., ha.v", come to lX\.SS to annex tHe hercil'l.:.., a.fter described real prn:,crty to the Ci t;y of \\'hoat Rldg-c, which now permits the City Cullnci! to'; adopt and pass this or~1Ilance. Section 2. That the [oHowing fles- cribed real property, situate. fr. the County of Jefferson. State of ColoradO'. be and the s:nnc 1s here- by a.nnexed to' the City ot Whetib R1dge, to-\,,1t; I That pa.rt of tho Northwest', Quarter of the SOUthW\:3t Quat'.: ter (NW"A,SWlA,) of SCt.:tion 15, i "l'ownship S South, Range 69 \-Vest oC the Cth P.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point ,313.6 feet South 00 02' East of the Northwest Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the South~ west Quarter of SecUO'n J'\; ti.'8nce North 870 48' East, 1295.33 feet; thence South 00 02' East, 385.13 feet; thence. North 394 ;i8' East, 36.0 feet to a paint on the East line at the Northwest Q\1arter of the Southwest Quarter of Sec. tion 15~ the'liee South 0" 02' East .along the East Hne ot: thr~ North. west Qua-rter of the Snuthwes.t Quarter of Section 15, 2'i8.72 teet to a point on the Northerly right ot '....ay Une of PubliC" ServIce Company ot Colorado; t1.ence South 740 20' West along said 'right of wa.y line, 1370.1 feet to a. point on. the West Hn~ of the North'....est Quarter of t;v:~ South- west Quarter ot Section 15; thence NO'Tth 0" 02' 'Vest along the West line o! the Northwes~ Quarter of the Southwc;.;;t Qua.1'- ter of SecUon 15. 984.1 feet to the true point of beginning. Section 3. The Clerl< of 1 he Cl ty shall perform all statutory duUe& to' complete said a~nexation. Section 4. The owner::> of one hundred (lOOo/,,) per cent of the ~pr6perty have petitioned tor an. nexation. Section 5. That described ..nn-.ed the following proporty be Thrco District zoned Res1dentlal (R-3): That pa.rt of the NurthwestJ Quarter of the Sou thwt.:.s t Quar. ter (N\\'%.SW1A) at Section. 1? Township 3 :::loU th, R;;.oge G~ \Vest o( the 6th P.M.. described as !ollows: BeginnJ.ng;, at thu i{" .'l,J" r-,' '..~ '"', V ,.1 Pf.>",.....'f l JIf~ .p Ii' l;,.,. ~,.;J' 2296_ .-.:-- ~, ,'" ~ ~.j'.::'JJ ,# ~, 11 " ,"='t-,"'! is '- / C A Tn!J AJ J Northwe~t Corner 01 th,; North- west Quarter of the ~J....\uthwest t..,!uarter of :H'lid Section L, the'1co ;:Juuth 00 O~' East, ::l~.;.S feet, thence Nort~1 870 -18' I'':';:,st, 61.22 feet to a point on the Easterly right of \\'<lY line at KiplinIT Street to the true point of beginning; tnence SO'.tth 00 25' \Ve"t ;dong the Easte;'ly right of way line Qf Kipling Stnet, 388.0 fed, thence South 88" OS' East, 300..2 leet; .thence SO'lth 00 25.' \V e~,t, 189.31 feet to a point on tho !'-:ortherly right of >',-ay line of PuilUc Ser. vice Company of Color::ttlo, thenco North 74" 20' :&.'>.3t along tile ;-';-ortherly rij?"ht 01 w-a.y line ot Public ServilJe COmJ>3.,I~Y of Colo. \'n.do, 10U2.18 feel to a. f.'olnt on the East line of the Northwest i.Juartcr 01 tho Southwcs'. Quar~ ter of sai.! Scction 15, thcn>.::€- North 00 O~' \Vest along Ule East lme of Ule N<Jrthwest Quarter or the South\v(:J;lt Quarter of satd ~ctlon 15, GG3.85 teet; thence ::\outh 870 1?' \Vcst, 125~.12 feet to the true point ot bC'~inni.ng, EXC~Pl' th J East :25.0 teet '.:hereof( situate in the County of Jdfer8on, StatQ Qr Culurado, and that the follo\vinG" dt:scribed 1;.,;nc4cd property be zoned Com. In...:rciul One DistrIct (C-lJ That part of the N('rthwE:B'tl Quarter of the Southwe~:-" Qual'. ta' (N\VV;,S\V~::l,) of Section 15, 'Township a South, Ra.nge 69 \\rest of ti;e 6th P.M., described as follows Beginning at the Northwest Corner of the North- ~ 'est Quarter: of the Southwest Quarter of said Set:.tion 15 thence South 0" 02' East, 313.6 f..::et; thence North 87" 48' Enst, 61.22 .feet; thence South 00 25' West, 388.0 teet to the true poInt at o(:glnnlng, said point being on the Easterly right ot way Hne ot Kipling Street; thence South 00 25' 'Vest along the I~ste:ly rIght of way line of Kipling Street, 583.44 feet to a point Cln the Northerly r1'Jht of way llne ot Pu bHe Service Compr.. ny ot Colorado; 'hence Nor:h 74~ 20' ERst along tJle Northl'rlY light at way line vt Public Servi~;j. Com. ~any of Colorado, 312.3 'feet; ~hcnce Nor~h u~ 25' Ea.st, 489.31 feet; thence North 8S0 08' "\Vest, ~()0.2 feet to the true point of be- gJnning, Fl:tuato in the CO\1nty or Jefferson, Stat0 of Colorado. Se.:;tion G. Effective Date, ThIs ord~nance shaH take effect and lJ.e in force thirty (30) days a1t~r pub. tiC,1.tlon following fInal passage, :NTRODUCED, READ. ADOPT- ED AND OTlDERED PUID.,ISHED AND POSTED un Erst l'eading- by A vote of 5 to 0 this 24th day 0' November, A.D., ln70. READ, ADOPTED AND ORDER- ED PVBLISHZD AND POSTED on second and fina.l readinL~ by a. vute of :; to 1, this 22n.d day of i December, A.D., l'Jjv. ALBlmT E. A.':Dl:RSON. Attest: ~.t;l.YOI' LOUISE F. TURNER, City Clerk. Second publlcatj\Jn: Dec. 31, 1970 Published in \Vheat Ridge Sentlnel ',..". ..... .I'; Y (,/ 7' / / , L t /. J? //0 ./ 'or " ~_ PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY IN THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO. / / " <" TO THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO: The undersigned, in accordance with the Municipal Annexation Act of 1965, Chapter 303, Session Laws of Colorado 1965,1hereby petition c. .:?",r ....... C ..<',;-" oS. ~ /-' -"5./ .,'-/, f ~.";) c-",.-- /' -re.,.~ /../ --:- 7..-,,/ i.: .(, G ~ E.J ,_. /./--,,':.,r-",.-'~ /(,'J ';h7.c,..~ ,{""..o The City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge for annexation to the City , , ~ , -7',--.,7"""" of Wheat Ridge of the following described unincorporated territory / ,'""- :~'.. located in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to-wit: That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW~SW~) of Section 15, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point 313.6 feet South 00 02' East of the Northwest Corner of the Northwest Quarte5 of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15; thence North 87 48' East, 1295.33 feet; thence South 00 02' East, 385.13 feet, thence North 890 58' East, 25.0 feet to a point on the East line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15; thence South 0002' East along the East line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, 278.72 feet to a point on the Northerly right of wa6 line of Public Service Company of Colorado; thence South 74 20' West along said right of way 1 ine, 1370.1 feet to a point on the West 1 ine of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15; thence North 00 02' West along the West line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, 984.1 feet to the true point of beginning. In support of the said Petition, your Petitioners allege that: 1. It is desirable and necessary that the above described territory be annexed to the City of Wheat Ridge. 2. Not less than one-sixth of the perimeter of the area proposed to be annexed is contiguous with the City of Wheat Ridge. 3. A community of interest exists between the territory pro- posed to be annexed and the City of Wheat Ridge. 4. The territory proposed to be annexed is urban or will be urbanized in the near future. 5. The territory proposed to be annexed is integrated or is capable of being integrated with the City of Wheat Ridge. 6. No land held in identical ownership, whether consisting of one tract or parcel of real estate or two or more contiguous tracts or parcels of real estate: (a) is divided into separate parts or parcels without the written consent of the landowner or landowners -1- thereof, unless such tracts or parcels are separated by a dedicated street, road or other publ ic way; (b) comprising twenty acres or more and which, together with the bui ldings and improvements situated thereon, has an assessed value in excess of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars for ad valorum tax purposes for the year preceding the annexation is included within the territory proposed to be annexed without the written consent of the landowner or landowners; 7. The signer of the Petition comprises the landowner of more than fifty per cent of the territory included in the area proposed to be annexed, exclusive of streets and alleys. 8. The mail ing address of the signer, the legal description of the land owned by the signer, and the date of signing of his signature are all shown on this Petition. 9. Attached to this Petition is the affidavit of the circulator of this Petition that the signature hereon is the signature of the person whose name it purports to be. Your Petitioner further requests that the City of Wheat Ridge approve the annexation of the area proposed to be annexed. SIGNATURE and ELIZABETH B. HELBIG, JIM D. HELBI~whose address is 50 South 17th Avenue Drive, Brighton, own Colorado 80601,x~the above described real property. . {1~i/;; l/ct{ ~im D, Hel ig 7 D / ,/ /1 -" , /..; F/ ate: A'LAC /'/, / '- /' -{ / (. t~lf./<dA El i beth B. d' Helbig ;/./{ /'( t/ / Date: J: ,l.'{ / /, " .........-' F /, /, " -' / / . -2- COUNTY OF ) -~ ) ss. y /v};- ) !/- , /PJ.? / j \.~,-)--&1 ///Ij~'t..~ Ql AFFIDAVIT STATE OF COLORADO , being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: I, That the affiant circulated the Petition for Annexation herein for the purpose of obtaining the signature of the above Petitioner. 2. That the signature thereon is the signature of the person whose name it purports to be. ~ -~ . I J/ /)~~4< .~) Subsc r i bed and sworn to before me th i s C':;{'k-<L day of J<:. :!Jt.~(V, 1970. My Co~mission expires A:-,,--' L-' ." ,.-, -=/ 1,)-1//) C' 7 /) ~i, ~~;b/ " Y..-d--L )-11.,,-- "< Nota rj/ Pub 1 i c -3- ~jc f "L'" '~J :~.... " ..~ ' .J f~" '., ":"" .~ - ~ " ~'1_:'!., ~ ~ ~111 '..~- " , '!i'~ , :.Lt.. -" ..,\ ~'. 11;..-"'.."'" ,M~ <, '~f!'" .. . ,. - , '. ,r.>"" [tD! 'I .riIII ,-., . lEe "~_'O'" .h'l , f 'I , , I 8:JUarhJw =a ,JLJ I a:Jua:~uoLiapuI JQ ound1\1 .10 \ JLl aUTTJa+u~JJ ,! apTr ~'cl' I----'~\ . ,.J 1 .j ~; . \ ~ \ t,l\\ ~ ;1. ~ ~ aUn.Ia~uc':J' i \ /' *,,,J.', ' , \ \ .. \ .. \ \ \ .\ -> / /~4,<1 ,; i '" : .:- y~_ ./"1.:'" /.) ,- ..1' .. ,I r,./-...~':t (.., l ., City of Wheat Ridge In this space there is a large scale map that could not be scanned at this time. Please see the City of Wheat Ridge Clerks office if you would like to see the map. Thank You. == .('D ~ .... ~ Q -- .... . ~ ::tI ('D s: r~~ ~ ~"S! iil f!AttI ~g ~ ('D '~8~ ~~ c If.... g~ '" 5' "" Il> ~ ~;:p. ,;d::S :;~ Sl :lF~ ::r Ii'>. re ta ~ ~::tI ~~g is; !:,Q> (JQ :1-.= (1) ~'5'" f~'O 'j:=: =:-: I'~.;; ~ _~t:r iJg (;' , ',.:1'" ~,', trJ ~:~S- c. "g3~'g~~ riao.c;;i;~~ ::rg.a........, (tI 5" ~ 5'::1. a ~ g. cu "''''' "'3'" "'::l 00 CFQ .., 0. (';) o_t"D~oC"('O -. C ,...., 0"'0 _. ....=C\'bog.o - Q.:S (';) CI:l ~ "%j ~ g. ~ ~ ~ (5" o ~'<"Cc.m a~ =:- rn~ = ::r'" t*'O 0 {Il ~ -. ~ ~a8gO"s;~ ~~~@~a~ :;o.~o~~Gi ...... I'D ~~O'~ .., ~ ~ 0 o::s:s 30~::sn"O"oc. (D Co c.. (tI ::s ('tl ~o ::roo-~ (';)oOoo~C"''''--- ~'O= (tI-oo~"C 0 "'(';)~C(tlOOd c ~ 8":>!. (';) ~ -1; 0 ~ 2:.8" d 00 S-'" = a n ~ ~ O"gG!f:;'O ~ a2g~ tii~ ;':; (tI~.., g _(tI"c~~~~('tlS'n ~ ~(tI~..,~('tl::s w ~OJo.., cr<<Q.CJc-+- (tic. {/.IoC'O ~,8. = a.., s. OJ OJ 0 a::S o' e. 'C :!. c. 00 ..... ~ ~ c.- ~ ~~~iia'<~?~a~~.:~;.@[~ rI) .., (tI 00 ..... g ::i" g IZl C. ;:..,:S, c.::s 00 ;)' ~ (tI:So '"S(tICJC 0 3.....= 0 OJ_ oo~..,(tIc.::s::s::s "'(JQ~.....o""'~CJ S"'~~CJnnoo ~oo~. ::r~_~_"C ~ (1) g c ::1. ~(1) ~ rD ~ :a. e. ~ (tI.., ~ 0 '0 CJ::S::s~_' _.g 0"_== nOJO"n3 ::s(tln..,~~::s::s ::rCFQCFQCJo \l)O< ......~('tl... ctl{jig.c.. ......t"O'"C('tl""'lS......=3rD $ie:.' 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(;) ~ ::a :::3 ~ ......... ~ ... C/) ~ " .... ~ c ~ C') :::t- IT \rt CD !2 n III :Jl Q 0 n - Q) c 0 ~ ~ ,.. l> " III C/) :::j ~ 0 Z " :lE z . '" :E ... - ~ ... CD b 't> CD 0 Q .... 0 " ...... . ... :::t- O Cb . .;., Q) 3e "'"t :E '" ...... Q. ~ .~ ::> '" II> Q. III ~ 0 '" n '" 3 cr '" ., t-> ;0 .... <:> Jefferson Herald Dec. 2, 1970 Wheat Ridge OK's First Annexation Wheat Ridge city council Thursday night approved resolutions and an ordinance annexing the Jim and Elizabeth Helbig land with residential-3 and commercial-l zonings to the city of Wheat Ridge, The property is located at 50th and Kipling and adjoins Arvada on the north. Land involved in Wheat Ridge's first annexation is strategically located for commercial development along a strip bordering Kipling near the 1-70 interchange, Other portions of the lanll will probably be in apartments, Realigning of streets is planne<l to facilitate traffic throllgh the area, New Theatre Council also approved zoning from residential-2 to commercial- 1 on 4.31 acres at 46th and Harlan for erection of a theatre, restaufant and other commercial businesses The area was fonnerly driving range for R-l scbools driver training program, Drainage problems of the area are to he solved with the new construction. OrQinances on second reading approved by council included the 1971 pay ordinance, disposal of lost or abandoned articles, salary of clerk and treasurer, and the health services ordinance, A liquor license renewalfor the Dutch Pantry restaurant was also approved, I'arcuSes Finance Officer Walt Grande presented bids and information on several propose<l 'purchases to be paid from the city's,share of road and bridge funds, from state and matcbin.gfjlnds, }"Pllroved were p\JrCbase:s of a Ford t~ctor frolR the parks account at $4,500; a portable air compressor at $3,550; 6 anll 7 foot posts for a total of $4,073, two Harley Davillson motorcycles and equipment at $2,312 each, material and blanks for signs, $3,047,85, posts for 200 signs $1,682; a new 2'k ton dump truck at $6,594 and three pickups from IH for a total of $6,547 44. Last nigbt the council was to ;lct on 3-way liquor licenses for Granato's at 6117 W, 38th anll Camelot at 4141 Kipling; and pass on a police budget adjustment. Thursday night, Dec, 3, 'cQUI1Cil's agenda inclulles renewal of ';13,2 license for Paramount Lanes; authorization for hiring , policemen resolution, alloption of employee classification plans, anll acceptance of deeds to rights of way for the TOPICS program, Meeting Dates In December council has scheduled Dee, 3, 17 and 22 for regular meetings and may also have a study session Dee, 15, City officials are trying to set ull regular !Ileetings the second and fourth Thursdays of each month", and study sessions first and third ;; TburSliaYs, " StUIlY sessions are open to t press as Qbserve'rs and,. It designed to give cou.ncil and , pl'ess backgl'Q!lnd inform;l' _ required to rend~f i:\1~l!iitgf decisions at regular m~gs,"