HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR CiTY OF WHEAT RIDGE CiTY C:.=~~, S OFFICE P. G 1 \ .,;,J WHE/Il h J:';~, COLORADO 80033 JANUARY 1, 1976 TO DECEMBER 31, 1976 COMPRISING REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE OPERATING BUDGET AND THE CAPITAL BUDGET CITY COUNCIL HOMER F. ROESENER MAYOR JOSEPH K. DONALDSON CALVIN O. HULSEY MARY JO CAVARRA WARD I WARD II WARD II I LAWRENCE G. MERKL ROBERT G. HOWARD LOUISE F. TURNER AN OFFICIAL COLORADO CENTENNIAL BICENTENNIAL CITY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEPARTMENT HEADS PND OTHER STAFF CITY ADMINISTRAToR-----------------------------------JoHN A. JERMAN I 1- r r r r r r r r r r DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WoRKS_____________________________CLYDE E. HOBBS CHIEF OF POLICE____________________________________EDWARD R. PINSON DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT---------------DENNIS W. ZWAGERMAN DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION---------------------WARD A. HORTON DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES--------------RICHARD K. ANDREWS CITY TREASURER (ELECTIVE)---------------------------JAMES O. MALONE CITY CLERK (ELECTIVE)-----------------------------ELISE M. BROUGHAM CITY ATTORNEY ( PART_TIME)___________________________MAURICE F. FOX MUNICIPAL JUDGE (PART_TIME)_____________________ANTHONY V. ZARLENGO CITY ENGINEER (PART-TIME)--------------------------RALPH E. JOHNSON PRE-BUDGET PUBLIC MEETING ON BUDGET JULY 22, 1975 PRELIMINARY BUDGET TO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER I.:l, 1975 PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 PUBLIC HE.~RING OCTOBER 10, 1975 ADOPTION OF BUDGET AND APPROPRIATION RESOLUTIONS NOVEMBER 5, 1975 EFFECTIVE DATE......................................JANUARY 1, 1976 - ! i ,I i I I 1- L____ . I" CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Pwge 1. WHERE YOUR TAX DOLLAR COMES FROM 1976 ~ ~ lP A ~ o'\'(\~?- )... ~ Lu -J )... t- f5 g If -J W a:: $175,500 ~ ""<fl ~'6 ~Ul :s:.:~ =tn~ ~-o ~ TOTAL REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR GENERAL FUND: $2,962,372 Page ii HOW YOUR CITY TAX DOLLAR IS BEING SPENT 1976 "'0 ?: '0 ~ GENERAL (MAYOR COI ~NOYERNMENT CLER I U 'v/l TREA~U~~~RT, I $386,601 PERSONN{fTORNEY. I CITY ADMIN.) ~ ~ o .z 92 Th TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR GENERAL FUND: $2,962,372 Page iii CAPITAL IMPROVErvlENTS FUND 1976 ^-..V:J "qy~ &~ ^-..<<? ~ V:J~~ 8-~ ~~ ~ ~<<. "Q;-'\f ~ -< ~ 5 fTI o ::0 ):> Z g fTI PEDESTRIAN BIKEWAYS $ 65,000 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND: $1,050,000 -- Page A FUND SUMMARY 1976 BUDGET REVENUE - General Fund Special Funds Revenue Sharing Fund Park Acquisition Fund Conservation Trust Fund Capital Improvements Fund S 2,962,372 - 129,200 12,000 25,000 1,050,000 - TOTAL ALL FUNDS.................................. S 4,178,572 .... - EXPENDITURES .".. General Fund Special Fund Revenue Sharing Fund Park Acquisition Fund Conservation Trust Fund Capital Improvements Fund S 2,962,372 - - 129,200 12,000 25,000 1,050,000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS................................... S 4,178,572 1'1/05/75 ... - " ... - - -. Page B SUMMARY REVENUE ESTIMATES 1975 vs. 1976 REVENUE CLASSIFICATION 1. Real Property Levy 2. Auto Ownership Tax 3. Sales Tax (General Fund only - 1%) 4. Use Tax 5. Cigarette Tax 6. Gasoline Tax (Highway Users) 7. Telephone Franchise 8. Public Service Franchise 9. Liquor License Fees 10. Liquor Occupational Tax 11. Arborist Licenses ~. Contractor's Licenses 13. Building Permits 14. Street Cut Permits 15. Federal Grant - Police 16. Motor Vehicle Registration Fees 17. Road and Bridge Transfer 18. Zoning Hearing Fees 19. Liquor Hearing Fees 20. Parks and Recreation Fees 21. Municipal Court Fines 22. Interest Earnings 23. Other, Miscellaneous Revenue Carryover Balance TOTAL, GENERAL FUND REVENUE SHARING FUND Federal Entitlements Earned Interest 1975 Carryover Balance TOTAL REVENUE SHARING FUND PARK ACQUISITION FUND Earned Interest Carryover Balance TOTAL PARK ACQUISITION FUND CONSERVATION TRUST FUND Earned Interest Carryover Balance TOTAL, CONSERVATION TRUST FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 1975 ORIGfiiJAL ESTIMATE S 357,661 39,532 928,287 168,937 219,392 199, 123 66,000 208,549 1,661 29,000 535 20,000 38,000 12,094 121,260 100,665 151,876 4,833 2,350 30,000 40,400 27,000 "20,000 101,714 1976 PROJ'ECfIDN $ 376,339* 37, 100 920,000 115,500 223,400 213,150 70,400 228,800 1,900 34, 130 550 19,425 29,700 5,250 116,000 114,155 175,500 6,050 2,400 26,250 60,500 15,000 20,000 150,873 $2,906,741 $2 , 962 , 372 S 117,698 $ 125,200 3,000 1,000 $ 129,200 S 1,500 500 10,000 $ 12 , 000 $ 10,000 250 14,750 S 25,000 $1,050,000 $ 117,698 S 3,000 -0- -0- $ 3,000 S 10,800 -0- -O- S 10,800 *Based on actual assessed valuation of the City for 1976 of $78,404,080 at 4.8 mills. 11/05/75 .,... -:: -> cr ;t o "0 m H o \.0 ~ ['- 0 CT\ U " ~ OJ I!) 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'1007 '1032. '1056 '\064 '1'1'\'\ '1'139 ,\'\6B ,\'\97 '\2.2.7 '\2.57 '\2.BB '\32.0 '\352. '\3B6 ,\42.'\ '1457 '\493 '1530 '156B '1607 '1646 '1667 '1'12.9 '1772. '\6'16 '1662. 46'\ 479 49'\ 504 5'\'1 530 543 557 57'\ 565 600 6'\5 630 646 662. 679 696 7'\3 73'\ 749 76B 767 B07 B2.7 64B 669 690 9'\2. 935 95B 962. '\007 '\032. '\056 ,\OB4 '1'1'1'1 '1'\39 '1'16B '1'197 '12.2.7 '\2.57 '\2.B6 '\32.0 '1352. '13B6 '142.'1 ,\457 ,\493 '1530 '156B '1607 '1647 '\6BB '1730 '\773 42.2. 433 444 455 46'1 479 49'1 504 5'\7 530 543 557 57'\ 565 600 6'\5 630 646 662. 679 696 '1'13 73'\ 749 '16B '1B7 B07 62.7 B46 669 B90 9'12. 935 956 9B2. '100'1 '1032. '105B ,\OB4 ,\,\'\'1 ,\'\39 '1'16B ,\'\97 '\2.2.7 '\2.57 '\2.BB '\32.0 '\352. '13B6 '142.'1 '145'1 '\494 "\53'1 '1569 'I €lOB 444 455 46'1 4'19 49'\ 504 5'17 530 543 557 57'\ 5B5 600 6'\5 630 646 662. 679 696 7'\3 73'1 '149 76B '76'1 B07 B2.7 B4B 669 690 9'\2. 935 9<jB 9B2. '\007 '\032. ,\05B '\OB4 '\'\'\'\ '\'139 ,\'\6B ,\'\97 '\ 2.2.'1 '\2.57 '\2.B6 '\32.0 '1352. '\366 '142.'1 '\457 '\493 '\530 '\566 '\607 '\647 '\6B6 .". '\ 2. 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 '\0 '\'\ '\2. '\3 '14 '\5 '\6 '\7 '\6 '\9 2.0 2.'\ 2.2. 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.6 2.9 30 3'\ 32. 33 34 35 36 37 36 39 40 4'1 42. 43 44 45 46 47 46 49 50 5'\ 52. 53 54 55 40'\ 4'\'\ 42.2. 433 444 455 46'\ 479 49'1 504 5'17 530 543 557 57'\ 5B5 600 6'\5 630 646 662. 679 696 '1'\3 '13'\ '149 '166 '1 B'1 607 62.7 B46 B69 690 9'\2. 935 956 9B2. '\007 '\032. '1056 '\OB4 ,\'\'1'\ ,\'\39 '1'16B '1'197 '\2.2.7 '12.5'1 '12.66 '132.0 '\352. '\366 '\42.'\ '1457 '1494 '\53'1 ,,,., .... ~ \ - - C I T Y o F W H EAT RID G E Departmental Budget Summaries and Detail of Personal Services 197 6 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 2 -r I' I I I I DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES ,~ I - FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT ! ~ GENERAL MAYOR 409.10 - ~ ===, I POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN I AP?nOVED BY ._---. .. I AND BU"O"T ESTIMATE REQUEST RECOMMEND CI rY CCJUNl.ll CURRENT DEPART FINAL BUDGET REQUEST AUTH SALARY RANGE NO 19~ 19~ 19/0 19-'76 I w,6 1 1 1 Mayor 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 .5 0 0 Secretary III 3,785 3,785 -0- -0- -D- O .5 .5 Executive Secretary -0- -0- 4,608 4,608 4,608 Cost of Li ving Pay Adjustment --0- -0- 230 230 230 I I I i i , II I I~. i l.~ I I' 1.~1.5 TOTALS 6,585 8,585 9,538 9,538 9,538 .---- Ihl COMMEN"I S No new posi ti ons requested. The Secretary I II posi tion was reclassi fi ed I to Executive Secretary in 1975 as a result of a classification study of all II. secretary positions. The Executive Secretary position serves both the Mayor I and the City Administrator. The Mayor's salary is established by City Ordinance. II II !j I, 'I Ii l=-_-=- -. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I " , i Ii II ~ - "'~ lit 1'0"....] I'- -- , I SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT I GENERAL MAYOR L.nq i ORIGINAL , OBJECT FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, APPROVED BY i CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET ESTI MATE REQUEST RECOMME\'.iD CITY COUNCIL 1915" 19'{5' 19 19-:-76 19 I 10 '7F. .10 Salaries and Wages 8,585 8,585 9,638 9,638 9,638 .11 Personnel Overhead 545 450 1,410 1,410 1,536 I F.I.C.A. 565 I Retirement 385 Insurance 546 Workman's Camp. 40 .15 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 100 100 600 600 600 $50.00 per month .16 Conference & Meeting Expense 1,000 1,200 1,600 1,600 1,600 CML 400 US Conf. of Mayors 600 DRCoG Conf. 100 Others 500 .20 Office Supplies 400 400 400 400 400 .22 Printing & Postage 300 400 400 400 400 .36 Insurance and Bonds 50 50 75 75 75 .38 Dues, Books, & Subscriptions 100 50 100 100 100 .39 Miscellaneous Expense 50 50 100 100 800 (Mayor's Expense) .56 Management Contingency 2,500 2,600 3,000 3,000 1,500 TOTALS ~3,630 13,885 17,323 17,323 16,649 I ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 3 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Vii R "0"'" J.': "EV 2/7' SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES , FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT , GENERAL CITY COUNCIL 410 I OBJ ECT ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, \ APPROVED BY I CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET ESTIMATE REOUEST RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL 19,,-s- 19~ 19"IeJ 19~ 19ft)' I I , .10 Salaries and Wages 9,000 9,000 -0- -0- -O- il .11 Personnel Overhead -0- -0- 260 260 260 1\ Insurance 260 .16 Conference & Meeting Expense 5,000 5,000 5,700 5,700 3,200 \1 CML 1200 \ NLC 1600 DRCOG 400 MISC. CONF. -0- .20 Off! ce Suppli es 100 125 200 200 200 .36 Insurance and Bonds 100 100 200 200 200 .50 Legislative Memberships 9,100 9,200 10,200 10,200 lo,200 I DRCOG 5000 CML 4400 NLC 600 OTHERS 200 .54 Community Contribution and/or Special Contract Services 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 I .56 Management Contingency 2,500 4,400 4,500 4,500 2,500 Carnation Festival 700 Annual Report -0- Other -0- Councilman's Exp. 1800 .58 Fee Personnel -0- -0- 9,000 9,000 9,000 Six Councilmen (Monthly Fees of $125.00/month each) I I TOTALS 28,300 30,325 32,560 32,560 28,060 I I I , ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 4 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _ 'N iIIl. I"OR""I J., IlI"V 217' IFUND GENERAL POSITIONS CU~RENT I D~P,AHT I BUDGET IAEQUEST 1 1 1 1 .~ - II II II I ~i L-~~ I COMMENTS, II II II ii L~----- 1 FINAL II ~U1H, , 1 1 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 5 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES I' I -- -'1 DEPARTMENT ['IVISION ACCOUNT CITY CLERK 411 , -- = CLASSIFICATION ORIGINAL I FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPRn'JE:iJ Ry AND BUDGET EST! MATE REQUEST RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL SALARY RANGE NO 197:)' 19':l 1910 19,5 1976 , - Deputy City Clerk , !i (18) 7,560 8,148 8,148 8,148 8,148 City Clerk 9,252 9,252 9,252 9,252 9,252 Pay Survey 567 567 -0- -0- -0- Cost of Living Pay Adjustment (5%) -0- -0- 407 407 407 I' I TOTAl.S 17,379 17,967 17,807 l7,807 17,807 No New Positions Requested I, ,I , i I 'i i: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 'N ~ '-Olf -I J.~" ! SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT I GENERAL CITY CLERK 411 I I OBJ ECT ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, APPROVED BY I CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET ESTIMATE REOUEST RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL , 19~ 19-+S- 19~ 19....+a- 19-'7fr- i .10 Salaries and Wages 17,379 16,459 17,807 17,807 17,807 i .11 Personnel Overhead 1,783 1,908 2,505 2,505 2,685 F .LC.A. 1045 Retirement 715 Insurance 780 Workman's Compo 145 .12 Overtime and Premium Pay 200 50 100 100 100 .13 Training and Safety 100 50 100 100 100 .15 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 100 100 150 150 150 .16 Conference & Meeting Expense 300 500 1,500 500 1,000 CML IIMC--Hawaii I .20 Office Suppli es 1,000 1,000 1,300 1,300 1,300 \ .22 Printing & Postage 1,500 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 .31 Other Equipment Maintenance 150 250 300 250 250 .32 ProfC~~io~al Concul~i~g Fre 500 -0- 500 500 SOD lchle Co. odlflers .33 Telephone Expense 480 480 480 480 460 .34 Utili ti es 360 360 -0- -0- -0- I .35 Facility Repair & Maint. 360 360 -0- -0- -0- I Janitorial Service \ .37 Rentals & Leases of Bldg. 480 500 600 -0- -0- .36 Insurance & Bonds 100 100 100 100 100 .38 Dues,Books & Subscriptions 600 500 650 650 650 Includes all documents adopted by Reference by Ordinance .39 Miscellaneous Expense 300 200 350 350 350 (Recording Fees & Other) ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 6 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE w" 1"0R"" )-" REV 2/75 D T SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT GENERAL CITV CLERK 411 i i OBJECT ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, APPROVED BY i CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET ESTIMATE REOUEST RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL I '9~ 19-'7S- 19--4.6 19--1G- 19--1G- I .40 Office Equipment 900 200 600 600 300 One Fireproof File Cabinet .43 Major Repairs & Maintenance 360 360 -0- -0- -0- .51 Legal Notices & Publi shi ng 2,000 2,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 II .57 Election Expense 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 -0- .58 Fee Personnel 300 300 300 300 300 I Liquor License Surveys I .68 Property Tax Rebate for Senior I Ci tizens -0- -0- 10,000 lo,ooo 9,000 TOTALS 31,252 30,877 46,542 44,892 41,772 I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUALBU GE PAGE 7 J w .. I"OIU",1 ]... Al!:V VH ~ -- '. I DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES I !FUND I , . - DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT GENERAL CITY TREASURER 415 r--~~~- .- =r=~~'-'~== .... POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN i APPROV['I) AY , cU-;;AiNTl DEPART FINAL I AND BUDGET ESTI MA TE REQUEST RECOMMEND , CITY C(JlHjCIL BUDGET AEQUES T AUTH, SALARY RANGE NO 19-+5- 19-'7-5- '9~ 19-+6 I '''- 76 , 1 1 1 Accounting Clerk III 8,232 8,643 8,988 8,988 8,988 (18) I I 11 1 1 Accounting Clerk IV 8,973 9,422 9,924 9,924 9,924 (22) : I 1 1 1 City Treasurer 7,068 7,068 7,200 7,200 7,200 I Pay Survey 1,395 698 -0- -0- -O- f Cost of Living Pay Adjustment -0- -0- 950 950 950 I I II i i I I I I i ~--+- I , I TOTALS , ~ ~ 3 3 ! 25,668 25,831 27,062 27,052 27,062 . , i COMMENTS, ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 8 II No new positions requested II I, ;1 I, I: I - \:~' 'o,~~;;--- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE il :1 :! i I Ii ___ji i[ SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT GENERAL CITY TREASURER 415 I , OBJECT ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, APPROVED BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET ESTI MATE REOUEST RECOMMEND CITY COUNCil 19/5 19-,s- 19-rtj 19fb 19fb I , .10 Salaries & Wages 25,668 24,971 27,062 27,062 27,062 .11 Personnel Overhead 3,600 3,650 4,265 4,265 4,517 F.I.C.A. 1585 Insurance 1092 Workman's Comp 160 Retirement 1085 Longevity Pay 595 I .12 Overtime & Premium Pay 350 350 350 350 350 I .13 Training and Safety 150 150 150 150 150 .15 Automobile Mileage Reimburse. 25 25 25 25 25 I II .16 Conference & Meeting Expense 800 800 800 800 400 NLC CML I .20 offi ce Suppli es 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 I I .22 Printing & Postage 1,250 1,035 1,200 1,200 1,600 Ii .31 Other Equipment Maintenance 50 50 95 95 95 1\ Typewriter Repair Consulting Fees 8,500 19,800 19,800 7,800 I .32 Professional & 8,500 Annual Audit 6200 Install Complete Finan. Computer System -0- Payroll Computer Services 1600 .33 Telephone Expense 480 390 575 575 575 .34 Utili ties 100 100 -0- -0- -0- .36 Insurance & Bonds 850 850 850 850 850 .37 Rentals & Leases 600 600 600 600 -0- .38 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 145 145 100 100 100 .39 Miscellaneous Expense 100 100 100 100 100 .40 Office Equipment 1,250 615 250 250 250 2 File Cabinets @ $125.00 TOTALS 45,118 43,531 57,422 57,422 45,074 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 9 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W It_ 1"0""" ).8, REV 2/75 ANNU PAGE 10 AL BUDGET ==1 ! DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES I I , ___J FUND IDEPARTMENT D'VISION ACCOUNT , I I GENERAL CITY ADMINISTRATOR 413.10 r- POSITIONS~ I :-=__"'-=::=..:.;1 CLASSIFICATION DRIOI NAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN I APpnO'/hJ HY I ---- - CURRENT DEPART FINAL I AND BUDGF.T ESTI MATE REQUEST RECOMMEND I CI rY C()',j,<Cll. I BUDGET REQUEST AUTH, SALARY RANGE NO 19-25.._ 192.5_ 19.7.6- 1L~ I 1').76 i ----~ 1 1 1 City Administrator 24,888 24,888 24,888 24,888 26,135 1 0 0 Budget & Purchasi nt Officer 13,999 2,335 -0- -0- -0- 1 0 0 Buyer II ll,041 6,440 -0- -0- -0- O. 5 0 0 Secretary III 3,974 -0- -0- -0- -D- O 0.5 0.5 Executive Secy. -0- 4,185 4,608 4,608 4,608 , 0.5 0 0 Clerical Aide 4,000 2,000 -0- -0- -0- t 0 0.5 0 Admin. Intern -0- -0- 3,640 3,640 I -0- -- I Pay Survey 4,657 4,657 -0- -0- -0- : ,.... Cost I8f Living Pay Adjustment (5%) -0- -0- 1,475 1,475 1,475 -I -I ,I II II I' I I i 'I 11______--. ~-------- I L---t- I 4.012.0 11.5 r--L L COMMEN rs The Budget and Purchasing Officer, Buyer II and Clerical Aide positions have been transferred to theAdministrative Services Department. The position of Secretary III was retitled to Executive Secretary on 7-1-75. The position is budgeted ~ time in the Mayor's budget and ~ time in the City Administrator's budget and is shared. One part time hourly Administrative Intern is requested at $3.50 per hour for 1040 hours. (20 hours per week maximum) TOTALS 62,559 44,505 34,611 34,611 I I 32,218 i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE "" It "011I-..4)14 PAGE 11 I SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES \ ! FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT I GENERAL CITY ADMINISTRATOR 413 I , ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, APPROVED BY 1 OBJECT EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET EST I MATE REQUEST RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL ! CODE 19.1.5- 19.'25.- 19-2.E.- 1~ 19-'lE.. .09 City Administrator 24,888 24,888 26,135 26,135 26,135 \ .10 Salaries and Wages 37, 671 24,780 8,476 8,476 8,476 I .11 Personnel Overhead 9,348 9,398 6,530 6,530 6,710 I , F .LC.A. 2030 I Retirement 1250 \ Longevity -0- Insurance 780 I Deferred Compo 2400 Wo rkman 's Comp. 250 .15 Automobile Mileage Reimburse. 50 50 50 50 20 .16 Conference & Meeting Expense 3, 000 2,000 2,500 2,500 1,000 ICMA NLC CML Miscellaneous Meetings .20 Office Supplies 2,500 1,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 .21 Operating Supplies 960 500 750 750 750 .22 Printing & Postage 3,500 2,000 3,200 3,200 2,500 Annual Report Xerox .30 Licensed Vehicle Maintenance 1,200 1,600 1,200 1,200 1,200 .31 Other Equipment Maintenance 380 300 380 380 380 .33 Telephone Expense $loO/month) 1,440 2,100 1,200 1,200 1,200 .34 Utili ties 360 300 100 100 100 .36 Insurance and Bonds 950 700 500 500 500 .37 Rentals and Leases 2,000 2,700 3,300 3,300 3,300 .38 Dues,Books & Subscriptions 400 400 500 500 1 500 PEG, Inc ($100) .39 Miscellaneous Expense 100 100 200 200 200 .40 Office Equipment 800 1,500 1,335 1,335 785 (l IBM Selectric -0- (1 Desk Calculator 120 W.R. FOR~.8'7.€'Ph' L..lIIC.L J. .1.o..J CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET II I (4 Side Chairs 500 $125.00 each) I i SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I I FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT 'I II GENERAL CITY ADMINISTRATOR 413 I i OBJECT ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, APPROVED BY I EXPENSE ITEM BU~ EST~TE REQ~S'T REDO~ND CITY C'f~CIL , CODE I 19 19_ 19_ 19_ 19_ I .56 Management Contingency 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,000 I' I I I I I , I I I , I I , I I, I' TOTALS 92,047 76,816 60,856 60,856 55,756 Ii I I ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 12 Il------ 'CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE .. " ~~H"" J.... ~;.v 2/7!1 PAGE 13 I ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES , FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT , I GENERAL MUNICIPAL COURT COURT ADMINISTRATION 412. POSITIONS t CLASSIFICA TION ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, APPROVED BY , r- FINAL I AND BUD7~l ESTI~~,E REQ~'6'T RECO~ND CITY C~gCIL , CURRENT OEPART '9_ '9_ , BUDGET REaUEST AUTH, I SALARY RANGE NO. '9_ '9_ '9_ 0 1 1 Chief Court Clerk -0- -0- 9,924 9,924 9,924 I (22) , i 1 0 0 Administrative Ass't 8,984 8,984 -0- -0- -o- j (18) I 1 0 0 Administrative Clerk 7,938 7,938 -0- -0- -D- III (14) 0 1 1 Deputy Court Clerk -0- -0- 8,772 8,772 8,772 I (18) I 1 0 0 Municipal Judge 8,400 8,400 -0- -0- -0- I I 0 0 0 Part Time Help -0- -0- -0- -0- -0-* Pay Survey 1,153 1,153 -0- -0- -0- 935 I 935 I I I , ! , I , Cost of Living Pay Adjustment (5%) -0- -0- 935 I I r II 2 I COMMENTS, N . t. t d' th' D' .. M" 1 J 1 o new pOSl lons reques e ln lS IV1Slon. unlclpa udge's sa ary tTansferred to Fee Personnel (object code 412.58). I *$2,500 tentatively approved by City Council was subsequently transferred to Account ! 412.12, Overtime and Premium Pay, per Council action on October 27, 1975. I 2 2 TOTALS 25,475 25,475 19,531 19,531 19,531 !I " I, II II II LL=----- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE v " 1'01' Iv! j 2. ANNUALB~ET I ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES October 27, 1975 DIVISION ACCOUNT COURT COURT ADMINISTRATION 412. I I ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVEO BY i BU0r5T ESTI~~ REQ~T RECOMIj~O CITY CO~~IL I 19_ 19_ 19_ 19_ 19~ i 29,475 29,475 19,631 19,631 19,631 I i 3,486 3,587 3,437 3,000 3,168 I Y 750 4,782 5,500 5,000 3,000 500 100 500 250 250 ent 60 60 100 100 100 Expense 1,200 1,050 200 200 200 eting-- 1,400 2,246 2,550 2,550 2,550 -0- -0- 600 600 600 ning t 600 1,402 2,300 2,300 2,300 ipment 300 100 500 100 100 ance -0- -0- 75 75 75 - ng Fees 3,300 3,127 3,677 3,050 3,050 0 0 ?20 867 1,200 1,200 760 480 480 -0- -0- -0- 450 575 I 600 300 300 I I I , SUMM Revised per Council Motion of FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL OBJ ECT CODE MUNICIPAL EXPENSE ITEM .10 Salaries and Wages .11 Personnel Overhead F.I.C.A. 1150 Retirement 790 Insurance 728 Longevity 300 Workman's Compo 200 .12 Overtime and Premium Pa .. .13 Training and Safety .15 Auto Mileage Reimbursem .16 . .20 'I , .21 Conference and Meeting Annual Court Clerk Me Denver, Colorado Office Supplies Operating Supplies Films for Driver Trai Instruction Program .22 Printing and Postage : .23 Small Tools & Minor Equ .31 Other Equipment Mainten Projector Repair .32 Professional & Consulti Court Steno 125 Driver Training Instructors 180 .33 Telephone Expense .34 Utilities .36 Insurance and Bonds W R. FORM 3-8, REV 2/75 PAGE 14 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE , I ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I I , DIVISION ACCOUNT OURT PROBATION & YOUTH SER VICES 414. i ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, APPROVED BY :' BU~ ES~E RE~ RECC:,f~~m CI'fY G9lr.CIL 19 19 19 19 19-,- : -0- -0- -0- -O- j -O- j xpense 1,200 1,050 1,250 1,000 1,000 I II ation -0- -0- 235 235 235 i -0- -0- 425 425 425 I -0- -0- 840 840 400 ptions -0- -0- -0- 100 100 -0- -0- -0- 150 150 I i -0- -0- 5,000 5,000 -0- I " 30CO I 3000 Ii 'I 1,200 1,050 8,750 8,750 2,310 [, I - , ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 16 SUMM FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL C OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM .10 Salaries and Wages .15 Conference and Meeting E National Volunteer Prob Conference .20 Office Supplies .22 Printing and Postage .33 Telephone Expense .38 DUES, Books, and Subscri .39 Miscellaneous Expense .58 Fee Personnel Youth Services Director Probation Counselor TOTALS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - W R il'"OFl'M J'8. REV Z,75 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 17 r SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT GENERAL CITY AHORNE Y 415. OBJECT ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, APPROVED By I CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUor~T ESTI1>f~ TE R"'%ST AECO'1~END CIT;g <7~NCll 19_ 19_ 19_ 19_ .09 City Attorney 20,248 2,195 -0- -0- -0- .10 Salaries and Wages 8,731 720 -0- -0- -0- .11 Personnel Overhead 2,997 210 -0- -0- -0- .13 Training and Safety 500 -0- -0- -0- -0- .15 Auto Mileage 250 -0- -0- -0- -0- .15 Conference an,d Meeting Expense 1,000 500 -0- -0- 200 .20 Offi ce Suppli es 750 100 -0- -0- -0- .22 Printing and Postage 500 40 -0- -0- -0- .31 Other Equipment Mainten ance 200 3D -0- -0- -0- .32 Professional and Consul ting Fee 7,000 37,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Part-Time City Attorne y Servic s .33 Telephone Expense 720 25 -0- -0- -0- .35 Insurance and Bonds 200 10 -0- -0- -0- .37 Rentals and Leases 3,000 1,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- , .38 Dues, Books, and Subscr iptions 1,000 II I .39 Miscellaneous Expense 100 200 2,500 2,500 2500 I I Court Filing Fees Hearing Officer Fees I, Leg al Consultants Labor Attorney Fees, Ii Etc. .40 Office Equipment -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- \1 TOTALS 47,196 42,030 42,500 42,500 42,700 II I I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE- _ W R. FOR"'" ]-.. REV 2/1!l FUND ~ GENERAL . ~~..~.-=--.=-= POSITIONS 'C:U;lHENT I)EPAR~ I FINAL BUDGET H(QUESr' AUTH, - - - - 1 1 o 1 1 1 o 1 o 1 o 7 1 o 1 1 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 7 5.25 ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES IDEPARTMENT \OIVISION ! ADMI~_ISTRA TIVE SERVICES ---;-- - .- 1 CLASSI FICA TION AND SALARY RANGE NO Director Df Admin. Services 13,999 11,041 FINAL eSTI MATE 19....'].3- 15,389 11,041 -0- 9,677 8,140 7,195 -0- 5,783 -0- 4,000 -0- 2,758 -0- 62,503 DEPARTMENT REQUESr 19-+&- 17,555 -0- 11,590 5,088 8,284 -0- 5,824 -0- 6,852 -0- 6,048 -0- 3,117 65,459 CITY ADMIN RECOMMEND 19_'f.&- 17,556 -0- 11,690 5,088 8,284 -0- 6,824 -0- 6,8'::2 -0- 5,048 -0- 3,117 65,459 PAGE 18 ACCOUNT 417 ~,",-.o:;=-=::.::.-=::::lIi f.."PPFlU'JED BY I CI r (COWJCIL I lS7ti ___---I 18,434 ! ! -0- I ! 11,690 : 5,088 , 8,284 I -0- 5,824 I -0- 6,8:;2 -0- 2,000 -0- 3,117 , \ 51,411 I ~--- '--- ._~--- COMMENTS The personnel positions on this request include the transfer of the Buyer II and the Clerical Aide from the City Administrator's budget to the Dept. of Admin. Services. The positions of Purchasing Agent, Secretary I, and Administrative Clerk I have been upgraded based on increased responsibilities and work load, and the neces- sity of having 8 person with that expertise to accomplish the tasks which he is assigned. The Personnel Technician is funded for one-half year (to June 30, 1975) through CETA Title VI funds from the Federal Government. '^' " P'O"M'14 ORIGINAL BUDGET 1 9-'7-5-- o Buyer II 1 1 Purchasing Agent -0- Personnel Technician 9,677 1 Secretary III 8,140 o Admin. Clerk II I 7,195 , 1 Switchboard Operator -0- o Admin. Clerk I 5,783 1 I I Secretary I -0- o Clerical Aide 4,000 .25 Admin. Clerk I -0- Pay Survey 2,768 Cost of Living Pay Adjustment (5%) -0- TOTALS 62,603 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE J FUND OBJECT CODE .09 .10 .11 .12 .13 .15 .16 .17 .20 .21 .22 .23 .30 .31 .32 .33 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES EXPENSE ITEM ORIGINAL BUDGET 19-15.. Director of Admin Services 13,999 Salaries and Wages 59,835 Personnel Overhead 7,714 F.LC.A. Retirement Longevity Insurance Workman's Comp 3830 2620 -0- 2405 380 Overtime and Premium Pay -0- Training and Safety -0- Mileage Reimbursement 100 Conference and Meeting Expense IPMA Conference CML Conference CMMAA Conference NPI Conference 800 Employee Pre-Employment Physica 750 Examinations Office Supplies 2,300 Operating Supplies -0- Gas and Oil Printing and Postage 1,400 Small Tools and Minor Equipment 100 Licensed Vehicle Maintenance -0- Other Equipment Maintenance 120 Professional & Consulting Fees -0- Computer Reporting System 378 Examination Materials 87 Personnel Commission 100 Civil Service Commission 1001 Telephone Expense 960 DIVISION FiNAL EST I MATE 19-25- 10,019 59,835 7,659 600 -0- 100 800 650 2,220 1,200 2,200 500 200 2,750 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 960 W lit FORM ]-1 REV 2/75 DEPARTMENT REQUEST 19-1.6. 18,434 47,025 8,680 800 350 50 1,500 625 2,420 900 2,850 25 450 230 7,130 1,200 CITY ADMIN, RECOMMEND 19.26- 18,434 47,025 8,680 800 350 50 1,500 625 2,420 900 2,500 65 65 450 230 7,130 1,200 PAGE 19 ACCOUNT I I I --j , 417. APPROVED BY , CITY COUNCIL 19.26- I 18,434 42,977 9,235 800 350 50 1,000 625 2,420 900 2,500 55 1,200 II 230 6,650 1,200 FUND GENERAL ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 20 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES OBJECT I EXPENSE ITEM CODE .34 Utili ties (All of City Hall) .35 .36 .37 .38 .39 .40 .42 .43 .58 .60 Facility Repair and Maintenance (All of City Hall) Insurance and Bonds Rentals and Leases Building Lease & Rental Postage Meter Machine Post Office Box (All of City Hall) Dues, Books, and Subscriptions Personnel and Purchasing Publications Miscellaneous Expense Personnel Commissions Annual Office Equipment One IBM Typewriter One Chair One Duplicating Machine (or Xerox with Duplicating Capabi li ti es) One Calculator Other Major Equipment DIVISION ORIGINAL 3U~T 19~ 360 -0- 200 360 220 100 Di'lner 1,000 -0- One New Room Air Conditiorring System Major Repairs & Maintenance -0- Contracts Janitorial Service (All of City Hall) Fee Personnel Temporary Office Help--Emergenc~es Recruitment and Advertising TOTALS -0- 1,000 91,318 FINAL EST~TE 19_ 360 -0- 200 360 220 600 -0- -0- DEPARTMENT REQl.Jf?,T 19_ 1,000 150 150 3,180 325 400 3,355 450 : CITY ADMIN I RE~~MI>jS'D ' 1,000 150 150 3,180 325 400 3,355 -0- 1,650 1,650 -0- 350 350 1,000 950 950 92,458 104,679 104,319 W R "ORM J." REV 2/'~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 450 ACCOUNT 417. - APPROVED BY 'I CITY GQ>JNCll 19~ j I 1,000 700 150 3,130 325 400 355 1,500 1,650 \ I I I I I I I , 350 950 99,196 -..J ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 21 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES i! FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I DIVISION i ADMINISTRATION IACCOUNT i 418 ==oJ POSITIONS CLASSIFICA TION AND SALARY RANGE NO ORIGINAL BUDGET 197s-- FINAL ESTIMATE 19~ DEPARTMENT PEOUEST 19/h CITY ADMIN RECOMMEND 19/h APPHO'/FO HY : C1 :-Y CClJNUL I 19_ ')r:, CURflENT DEPART FINAL BUDGET REQUEST AUTH o 1 1 Director of Community Development (47) -0- -0- 20,416 18,360 I: I: , 19,284 ' o 1 o SpEcial Projects Coordinator (39) -0- -0- 12,696 12,696 -0- * .5 .5 Secretary III (15) * * 4,142 4,142 4,142 - Cost of Living Pay Adjustment (5%) -0- -0- 1,863 1,750 1,760 - .... - o 2.5 1.5 TOTALS -0- -0- 39,117 36,958 25,195 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1\ 0, I, I s, ! .i i II \1 j COMMENTS These positions reflect creation of a new Division of Administration. New position of Special Projects Coordinator requested to handle city-wide coordinated grant applications; research and reporting on special city project such as DRCOG, HB 1041, Urban Drainage and Urban Systems funding, etc. *No comparative figures available due to proposed establishment of new division in Community Development Department. Will "0""" ).24 IF ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OBJECT CODE .09 .10 .11 .13 \ \ .15 .16 EXPENSE ITEM ORIGINAL BUDGE. 19-2 Director of Community Developmen~ Salaries and Wages Personnel Overhead -0- -0- -0- 2185 1494 1092 296 FICA Retirement Insurance Workman's Comp Training and Safety Courses in Federal and State Grants -0- Automobile Mileage Reimbursement 100 miles per month at 15(1: per mile Conference and Meeting Expense -0- -0- 600 300 -g,.. ASPo or AlP t'lisc Meetings Grants Admin. .20 Office Supplies .21 operati~g Supplies Gas & Oil ($6o/month) .22 I .23 .30 .31 .32 \ .33 -0- -0- Printing and Postage Small Tools and Minor Equipment Licensed Vehicle Maintenance -0- -0- -0- 1 Compact Vehicle 10ther EqlJi pment Maintenance Professional and Consulting \TelePhone $400 peT month for entire Department Fees -0- -0- -0- -0- Includes trash remove1, water service, and gas & electric for entire department -0- ADMINISTRATION FINAL ESTIMf5E 19_ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEPARTMENT REQl,J~T 19~ 20,416 18,701 4,730 300 180 1,200 300 720 400 100 600 535 -0- 4,800 1,168 -0- 1,500 , I \ .34 Utilities I i I I I I I I' .36 i Insuram:e and Bonds ,I I For entire Department II L:-----=-.---- .N '0; O'eR.... )-$ ~rv 2,""~ ACCOUNT 418 CITY ADMIN, REcm~ND 19_ 18,360 18,598 4,815 300 180 1,200 300 720 400 100 300 300 -0- 2,400 1,168 1,500 PAGE <-<- , APPROVED By , CITY COUNCIL : '9~ ! I 19,234 I 5,902 I 3,462 -0- 100 900 300 720 400 100 600 535 -0- 3,400 1,158 I' I: \i 1,000 I' I .- \ -I \ L____ ___ ." F> 'o~"" ; <! R<';\I 2,15 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PAGE 23 !: I' SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ,I II II I' FUND DEPARTMENT JDIVISION ACCOUNT I i GENERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION 418 ,i '1 ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, ,; OBJECT APPROVED BY ': CODE EXPENSE ITEM ~~9~T ESTl~E REOljE,ST RECOMf1ljO CITY C~CIL ! 19_ 19_ 19_ 19__ il .' .38 Dues, Books and Subscriptions -0- -0- 320 320 185 II I' Miscellaneous Expense -0- -0- 500 200 200 ,I .39 I .40 Office Equipment -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- .43 Major Repair and Maintenance -0- -0- 2,100 2,100 2,100 Janitor service $15o/month Misc Repairs $300 Ii *** NOTE: No comparable figures avai ..able due to propos d new Div ;'sion. \ I I , I I I I \ I I I I 1 I I 1 I I , \ I i i II TOTALS -0- -0- I 58,570 53,251 40,355 ,I I I I .. ',..~. ---",'-, ~ """"'''''- - ~~.."...-...-........ .~. ~ ~ ,,'...... -~. .~.... .~..~ ....~.. .~. ''c. ~ ~ ANNU.~L 8UDG2T , ,~ -,11 _II I ,rFUNO I - I GEr:""':;;' ~~~~""~~- . I FO:,jTiO'iS 1-- --,- , I !cURRENT! QS;Of' -::IT i _ l SUtMET !RECtJ~~ II II 1 0 I PAGf '" , ~ .. ---_.._--_._~-,--- DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES 0 -I 2 I 1.5 I 21 I I I 0' I I -,I 1 I 0 .5 1 2 2 1 OEPART'v1EUT [O;'.1i';~Jr.. I T\' Li= 1}=-L=pr'iE~ jT -'-'---=-=-==--=.=- CLASSI>'iCATiON AND SALARY PA~jGE NO C~.:J!NAL 8UC~ ~ 9.----.:..:! ;;J~.\L A..;fH I o II Director of C('4JP7,,~)~unit~ 16,600 Oev~lop~ent I o I Chief of Plen~ing (48) -o- J 25,503 I I 116,158 I I Planning Technicia~ (24) 2 Planner II (39) 2/ Planner I (32) 1 I 17,678 I -0- I 7,409 I , i i -0- i 4,000 , 1 1 P lanning Oraftsr:lan ( 21) .5 .5 S ecretarv III (18) h c: S ecretar'j T (12) ...J .. 0 0 C lerical Aida (4) - - W .l .(:.,,~ I':~ Pav Survey 5,714 Co~t of Living Pay Adjustr:lent (5~b) -0- IDI::'J~,:jr1H,s ~ !=1'.Jt..L I !:ST ~L.t:JE i 1.--L::.... I 17,630 I I -0- I 2?,563 I 1 15,357 I 16,243 2,317 zcr\lIr!G C~"ARTV"NT R::":':' i;:51 19-1:0. -0- 15,090 26,034 11,220 8,916 8,284 7,264 4,142 I -0- I 3,261 4,000 I -0- i A':CGUr~ T I , .~ ; .- _:--!"_: ~~_._~~ ! 80,795 L CITY ;.\C.'11~~ ~EC..... ',l\.~: ~i;:' 13]:>_ ~ .),...:, '"- 04'1' .: T , , _ .~. .1 J lCi -0- -0 -0- -0 26,034 21"" r:7:r D,w...... 4 11,2'20 22,1,4 0 8,916 8,91 6 8,284 8,23 4 4,142 4,14 .., '- 3,251 3,25 1 -0- - n 2,857 -0- -0- -0 -0- 3,848 3,091 3,09 1 I I 88,241 I ! 64,9L::: , I ~[,1:;3 I i I I I I I -II ~_ 1,I~o"::~,,,71CSE:l;ta'Y I ::::::cn ic ",:::::2 , half tima in Code Enforcement (proposed new I I II I' ;j II 11 Ii .j !L__________.__ half time in Planning and Division). CITY OF \VHEAT fUDGE ZOlling ar,~':': ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 25 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT GENERAL CoMMUNITV DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING 419 - OBJECT ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, APPROVED BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDiJS" ESTI~E ~~Q~g RECOM~D CIT/9~t:tC1L 19_ 19__ 19_ .09 Director of Community Developmen 16,800 17,630 -0- -0- -0- .10 Salaries and Wages 76,462 70,611 80,795 64,~8 76,168 .ll Personnel Overhead 1l,271 8,309 9,254 8,880 11,958 FICA 4550 Retirement 310G Insurance 3068 Workman's Comp 620 -\ .12 Overtime and Premium Pay 600 2,527 2,927 2,000 2,000 .13 Training and Safetv 700 -0- 200 200 -0- I ICMA City Planning Course I -I .15 Automobile Mileage Reimbursement 1,50 532 540 180 180 100 miles/month at l51t/mile .16 ConferEnce and Meeting Expense 1,000 1,720 1,900 1,900 900 Misc instate meetings Eoo Planning Commission attendance at state and National conferences -0- Planning Commission miscellaneous meetings, - Luncheons and annual 300 , I dinner 2,363 I: .20 offi.ce Supplies 1,700 2,425 2,363 2,363 .21 Operating Supplies 3,600 1,083 510 510 510 Ii I Gas and Oil ($3o/month) i Posting Supplies I I .22 Printing and Postage 2,200 4,988 7,160 5,160 5,160 I Compo Plan printing Xerox charges - \ Equipment 245 245 150 150 150 .23 Small Tools and Minor .30 l,i~ensed Vehicle Maintenance 900 1,200 500 300 500 I Maintenance! , I 1 compact vehicle I .31 Other Equioment Maintenance 100 238 250 250 250 I - II Blue print machine, II I! calculators, and drafting I' equipment - II iL CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1_____..._, W ". FOR"" J I!: REV ~,', ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEvELOPMENT GENERAL OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM Professional and Consulting Fees Drainage Consultant retainer fee ($25/month) & advice Telephone Utili ties Rentals and Leases Dues, Books and Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Office Eouipment 2 File Ca~inets -0- 3 Bookcases -0- 1 Desk 222 1 Chair 85 .43 Major Repair and Maintenance .51 Legal Notices and Publishing $15o/month .32 .33 .34 .37 .38 .39 .40 , \ I i I I I I 1 I I I i I 'I I I TOTALS 11-=___ __ DIVISION PLANNING AND ZONING ORIGINAL BUQ(iET 19.:L.:::l- 5,000 1,000 I 500 200 350 750 1,290 -0- -0- 126,168 FINAL EST,lUA TE 19~ 3,039 1,000 500 200 443 716 2,400 1,275 1,350 DEPARTMENT REQLi~T 19..flL 300 -0- -0- -0- 605 500 737 -0- 1,800 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 122,4311 110,601 W R FOR" 1 'J; REV 2 " ACCOUNT 419 CITY ADMIN, I RE~~ND I 300 -0- -0- -0- 500 350 737 -0- 1,800 PAGE 25 -i APPROVED BY CIT79~76'wIL 'I I 300 ! : -0- -0- -0- 250 100 307 -0- 1,800 I! 90 496 103 ,006 , --- - AL 6 t:. - I' DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Ii Ii " II , , --l FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT , \j GENERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION 430 - - --=:=:::01 POSITIONS I CLASSIFICATION ORIGINAL ! f ,,-- - FINAL DEP,ARTMENT CITY ADMIN , AP~Hf)VE:D F:IY CURRf'NT DEPAIH FINAL AND BU.35 EST~E RE~ RECOM.1'6.ND ! Clr{ Ct.Y l~iC\L 1 BUDGET REQUEST AUTH, SALARY RANGE NO 19 19 19 19_ ! 19 76 1 1 1 Chief Building Inspector (39) 15,083 13,198 15,084 15,084 15,084 I' 1 1 1 Building Inspector 10,685 . (26) 10,450 10,944 10,944 10,944 , : 1 1 1 Administrative 7,994 Clerk III (18) 8,148 8,988 8;988 8,988 .5 .5 .5 Electrical Inspector 4,517 4,478 Part-Time, Hourly 4,500 4,500 4,500 , 1 0 0 Code Enforcement 10,294 : Officer II (28) 10,508 -0- -0- -0- .5 0 0 Clerical Aide (4) 3,000 5,080 -0- -0- -0- .5 0 0 Part-Time Help 4,000 -0- -0- -0- -O- j ! Pay Survey 5,120 -0- -0- -0- -0- Cost of Living Pay -0- -0- 1,976 1,976 1,976 Adjustment (5%) Ii , I TOTALS il 5.5 3.5 3.5 60,693 51,862 41.492 41,492 41.492 I - COMMENTS, <; Code Enforcement functions proposed for transfer to a separate Division of the Community Development Department. No new positions requested. , , I II II 11 F I' ANNU .. ,- UDG-T PAGE 27 - - - - wit 'O"M).U CITY 0 WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET Jf I I I FUND I GENERAL I OBJECT CODE .10 .11 - I -I -I .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .20 .21 -II \.22 I .23 \ \.30 i 1.31 .32 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES IDEPARTMENT I CoMMUNITY_DE~ELoPMENT EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages FICA Retirement Longevity Pay Workman's Comp Insurance 2427 1660 1190 332 1274 Training and Safety Community Colle~e Courses Protective Clothing Overalls - 3 pair Automobile Mileage Reimbursement' Conference and Meeting Expense ICBo Nat'l Conf 600 ICBo Roc~y Mtn chapter (6 meetings) 300 Office Supplies Operating Supplies Gas and 0 il Film I IPrinting and Postage Small Teols and Minor 1200 60 Equipment Licensed Vehicle Maintenance 2 Vehicles ,Other Equipment Maintenance IPrOfessional and Consulting Fees ! Plans checking, outside, as I needed .33 Telephcne Expense I .34 UtiJ.ities , I i i .35 Ii : i Ii i L_ ___u__. _._~u..._ ___ Fucili ty I I I Rep8ir and Maintenance iDIVISION I BUILDING INSPECTION ORIGINAL B;>5'gET 19_ 60,593 ** (see note) 9,003 300 200 -0- 100 1,100 3,000 1,000 700 125 2,000 400 -0- 1,000 600 100 FINAL ESTI~E 19---L2.. 51,862 6,543 915 150 -0- 150 300 784 1,~83 1,932 190 1,900 571 -0- 1,680 635 100 ",\i ~.O~'r~ ~ 6_ I'lE'I 2. " CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEPARTMENT REQUiiV '9~ 41,492 5,204 100 200 60 150 900 800 1,460 904 200 1,200 500 500 *-0- *-0- *-0- CITY ADMIN RECOMMEND 19~ 41,492 6,589 100 300 600 1,260 *-0- *-0- *-0- ACCOUNT 430 100 200 60 I 900 100 600 500 500 PAGE 28 II II I , '~ APPROVED BY CITY C'1Ei'CIL I 19~ I -~ I , , 41,492 6,883 100 -0- -0- 100 300 500 1,260 900 100 1,200 200 200 -0- -0- -0- ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 29 fl II I SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES n r FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION IACCOUNT ~ ~E~ERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOpr~ErH BUILDING INSPECTION 430 I = I I OBJECT I ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, I APPROVED BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM BU~ EST~E RE~ REC~W CITY C~CIL i 19 19 19 19 I 19_, I i .36 Insurance and Bonds -0- I 1,610 600 -0- -0- , I .38 Dues, Books and Subscriptions 250 468 200 , 305 300 i .39 Miscellaneous Expense 200 2,167 500 300 100 .40 Office Equipment -0- -0- 825 825 700 4 dr. file cabinet -0- IBr~ Typewriter 700 .51 Legal Notices and Publishing 500 500 500 500 -0- .53 Ordinance Enforcement Expanse 1,000 2,000 2,500 2,000 -0- I i I **NOTE: Figures in this column include Code Enforcement program which is now proposed as a separate Division *Object Codes 33,34, and 35 are now consolidated under Community Development Administration-Account 418 I TOTALS 83,881 75,030 58,300 57,226 I 54,335 r T T T 1 1 l l l ~==-j CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W R FORM J.8 fi"E\I 2 7~ ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 30 -~ DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES FUND p-G!J)l~R A~ POSITIONS I ClJRAEN1TP.SPART BUDGET REQUEST I o 1 o 1 o .5 o 0 II t-+ L-~ 2.5 1.5 _ TOTALS 13,294 ICOMMEN1S, This is a newly created Division. half time in Planning and Zoning and half 15,588 24,057 15,495 15,495 I I I I II II II I: l._=-=..::.-:. The Secretary I position is budgeted time in Code Enforcement. ....,. 1"011.,,4 1.. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ---..J ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 31 ii -r , \ i , I FUND DEPARTMENT IDIVIS!ON I::NT I GENERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT _~DE ENFORCEMENT 431 . ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN I OBJECT APPROVED BY : CODE EXPENSE ITEM 8U~ EST~E ~~~~ST RECO~'SND CITY ~CIL !, 19 19 19 19 I I , I .10 Salaries I and Wages 13,294 15,588 23,319 15,495 15,495 I , .11 Personnel Overhead * * 4,070 3,069 3,279 : FICA 907 Retirement 520 Insurance 910 Workman's Comp 512 Longevity Pay 230 .12 Overtime and Premium Pay I * * 1,023 300 300 .13 Training and Safety Reimbursement' * * 100 100 100 i I .15 Automobile Mileage * * 150 150 150 , , I .16 Conference and Meeting Expense * * 200 100 100 .20 Office Supplies * * 251 150 150 , .21 Operating Supplies * * 2,038 1,000 1,300 Gas and oil-l vehicle Film, weed posting supplies I I .22 Printing and Postage * * 730 500 500 .23 Small Tools and fvlinor Equipment * * 225 225 225 .30 Licensed Vehicle Maintenance * * 1,200 300 I 600 1 vehicle .31 Other Equipment Maintenace * * 220 220 100 Mobile Radios (2) .38 Dues, Books and Subscriptions * * 50 50 50 .39 Miscellaneous Expense * * 500 300 \ 300 .40 Office Equipment * * 1,152 -0- -0- 1 File cabinet -0- 1 Desk -0- 1 Chair -0- 1 Bookcase -0- 1 Typewriter -u- .42 Other Major Equipment * * 635 -0- -0- .51 Legal Notices and Publishing * * 200 200 200 *NOTE: New Division. Figures included in Account 430 L SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ii J - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W R FORM' I'll. REV VB , SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT GENERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPi~ENT CODE ENFORCEMENT 431 I ,- OBJECT I ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, I APPROVED :n CODE EXPENSE ITEM BU~ EST~E RE~ REC~ND I CITY C?r6'CIL 19 :t 19 19 19 I '9_ --< .53 Ordinance Enforcement * * 3,000 3,000 -0- Weed mowing -0- Trash removal -0- Tree cutting -0- All revolving accounts (Charges billed to resident) TOTALS ---- ---- 39,073 25,321 22,849 - ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 32 _ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I Ii I: I ---l W R FOR..... J.8 REV 2/75 ... I I t: DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES FUND DEPARTMENT - - -..- ['IVISION ACCOUNT I GENERAL POLICE ADMINISTRA nON 42 - !-~.~ POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, I AFPf~(.f""l:U f-"-- -" CURReNT DEPART FINAL AND BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST RECOMME~ID I C(T"y C(ill~' BUDGET FlEQUES T AUTH, SALARY RANGE NO 19--'7-5 '9_~ 19.+6- 19-'76-- i '''-76 I --.'-- 1 1 1 Chief of Police (50) 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,757 I 20,75 1 1 1 Secretary III (18) 7,377 7,020 8,l48 8,148 8,14 0 1 0 Administrative Aide -0- -0- 10,176 -0- -0- (0) 0 1 0 Police Offi cer II 0 ) -0- -0- 11,790 -0- -D- O 1 0 Poli ce Sergeant (43)1 -0- -0- 14,724 -0- -0- I Pay Survey 1,541 1,541 -0- -0- -0- Cost of Living Pay Adjustment (5%) -0- -0- 3,230 1,395 1,39 I I Ii I) I r' --r , 2\ 5Lz TOTALS 28,675 28,318 67,825 29,300 30,29 r COMMENTS - Three new positions are requested by the Cbief of Police: a Police Offic II for undercover work in narcotics with Jefferson County, (2) a Police S ANNUAL BUDG"'"T PAGE 33 o HY C',\ o 8 5 i --i ( 3 II \1 II II II I! il.______, ~.____w for relief supervlslon and lnternal lnvestlgatlon Aide for Federal grants and special project work. tions, no new positions are recommended. and 0) Due to er gt. an Admlnlstratlve i budget restric- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I I , ------' - '{II II "ORA J:. ... - I ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I I I I i , DIVISION rCOUNT . POLICE ADMINISTRATION 420 DEPARTME-::I , '= ORIGINAL I FINAL CITY ADMIN I APPROVE:J ev BU~T EST'rS'TE REQ~r:?T RECOM?J;ND CITY r;ff,Ji~C:L 19_ 19-L 19_ 19___ 1S__~_ , 19,757 19,757 19,757 20,745 20,750 8,918 7,020 44,838 , 8,555 9,543 2,844 2,844 7,245 3,252 3,448 0 0 2 5 6 5 V -0- 300 950 200 200 300 300 1,050 300 I 300 -0- -0- 500 -0- I -0- I Expense 750 750 2,000 1,000 I 1,000 I I ings) I ment n 300 300 350 300 300 , 600 500 600 400 500 , I 3,500 1,750 1,350 600 600 quipment 100 50 75 50 , 50 I nance 500 500 600 300 I 300 ance 100 100 125 100 100 g ting Fees -0- -0- 5,100 I 4,500 3,950 ices 2000 1440 360 -0- - ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 34 SUMM FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM .09 .10 .ll Chief of Police Salaries and Wages Personnel Overhead FICA 48 Police Pension 104 Retirement 34 Longevity Pay 59 Insurance 75 Workman's Comp 23 .12 Overtime and Premium Pa .13 Training and Safetv .14 Uniforms .16 Conference and Meeting CML IACP (Florida) CACP (4 quarter meet CCA Colorado Law Enforce Officials Associatio PPA of Colorado .20 Office Supplies .21 Operating Supplies Gas and Oil Xerox Supplies .22 Printing and Postage .23 Small Tools and Minor E .30 Licensed Vehicle Mainte 1 vehicle .31 Other Equipment Mainten Tvpewriter and Addin Machine .32 Professional and Consul Data processing serv (countv) Blood alchohol tests Animal vet fees Expert investigative consulting fees Pulice r"'"b.iUII w 0 'OOM ,. REV 'A'ctuari al Study CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 750 I I 1 ANNUAL BUDGET PA.GE 35 , I SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ! i I FUND DEPARTMENT ]DIVISION ,COUNT ,. GENERAL POLICE , ~DMINISTRATIoN 420 I . . OBJECT ORIGI NAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, I APPROVED BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST RF.COM:\.H::NO I CITY COU~~CIL 19 7"'; 19~ 19-"71:; 1L76 19 75 .33 Telephone Expense 730 3,430 9,700 8,500 7,500 , , For Entire Department in 1976 I ! .34 Utili ties 300 1,800 2,100 2,100 2,100 For Entire Department i:l 1976 I I , .35 Facility Repair and Maintenance 2,000 2,000 2,200 2,000 1,200 I .36 Insurance and Bonds 225 225 550 350 350 False Arrest Notary Automotiv~ .38 Dues, Books, and Subscriptions 250 250 260 150 250 .39 Miscellaneous Expense 540 540 600 400 200 .40 Office Equipment -0- -0- 1,01;; -0- uC]. - 2 D~sks -~- 2 Chairs -0- 1 Adding Machine -0- .42 Other Major Equipment -0- -0- 2,500 -0- I -0- - Radio Base Station Antenna Radio Crystals I .43 Major P,epair and Maintenance -0- -0- 6,820 6,820 I 5,820 Contracts Radio 4320 .". Janitorial 2500 .50 Fee Personnel -0- -0- 1,500 800 800 ... Temporary Office Help -. TOTALS 41,714 42,416 111,785 61,422 , 60.26j CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE' W R FORM ).8 REV 2.(75 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 36 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES ...... Pay Survey 6,809 6,809 -0- -0- -0- -I Cost of Living Pay Adjustment (5%) -0- -0- 7,968 7,035 7,702 - -I I I II II II ... I: ~.:_------_: I 11 ~ B ; 13.~ :: _ I COMMENTS, Three Clerk Typist positions are transferred to the Investigation Division from Support Services (Account 423) in line with a Police Department reorganization : accomplished in 1975. The Police Chief requests one Juvenile Officer and one I Clerical Aide as new positions. Due to budgetary limitations, no new positions are recommended. TOT ALS 97,604 107,903 167,316 147,723 I \ 161,722 : i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE J _ w,. 'CI;II~, 124 ~ - l 'h R FaRM J-I, REV Z.75 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE, 17-, ----, i I' I' I I ! SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT .. IACCOUNT DIVISION GENERt\L POLICE INVESTIG;.\TImJ I 421 _L. _ -- OBJECT I ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMiN I APP?O\/EC 2'1 CODE EXPENSE ITEM I BUDGET E,STIM,>.TE REQUEST RECQMM"NU I CI TY CO! :t-..u~_ \ "70~"7' 197EJ 19'75- I 19 I --~r I ,0 .10 Salaries and Wages I 97,604 107,903 157,315 147,723 I 161,722 . 11 Personnel o\:erhead 8,547 8,547 15,024 15,527 17,bS3 FICA 2052 Police Pension 6385 Retiramant 1394 Longevity Pay 3510 Insurance 4312 i .12 Overtime Premium Pay i and I 10,000 7,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 .13 Training Clnd Safety I 2,000 1,500 2,000 1,500 I 1,500 CLETf.1 advanced regional I meetings; i\:orthwestern Supervisor's out-oT-state I ! training meetings; Homicice, I Rape and Burglary training I , meetings I .14 Uniform f.111owance 1,425 1,925 2,250 2,000 2,ODO Nine at $250 Each .16 Conference and ~'ieeting Expense 450 250 450 300 300 .20 Office Supplies 250 700 750 700 700 .21 Operating Supplies I 5,900 I 3,900 6,000 4,000 5,m:o Gas and Oil Photo Supplias .22 Printing and Postage 450 750 800 450 450 .30 Licensed Vehicle i"laintenance 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,000 8,000 .31 Other Equipment Maintenance 500 SOD SOD SOD 500 .33 Telephone Expense 1,680 1,680 -0- -0- -0- .36 Insurance and Bonds 2,324 2,324 3,220 2,500 2,000 .38 Dues, Books, and Subscriptions 1 150 300 250 200 200 .39 Miscellaneous Expense 1,500 2,000 3,500 3,500 2,500 Evidence Funds 2000 Investigation Expense 500 .40 Office Equipment -0- -0- 900 450 450 2 Desks 2 Chairs 2 File Cabinets I I . ._,- -. -4 " , CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I II Ii Ii II J! ... -.- I SUMMARY OF OPERATING eXPENDITURES , \ i I I I i DEPARTMENT IDIVISION IAC~~~NT , FUND GENERI-\L POLICE INVESTIGATION OBJ ECT I ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN ~PPROVFD 8Y EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET ESTI 'viA TE REQUEST AECO~...H""'E:NO CITY CCLJ~JC;L CODE I 19.'7";- 19'75 19% 19 1L_ 7h 7f, i I i .421 Other Major Equipment 1,550 1,300 23,775 3,250 1,450 I *2 Portable Radios 1800 I Microfilm System -0- "Shot Gun 200 Rotating Card File -0- *3 Mobile Radios 1250 ( 1 is Recommended) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , II II I I 'l<R 8commended II I I II , \ II i I I; TOTALS 142,940 149,079 243,234 198,600 212,425 ; I I ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE _~l.,L 'I i II I I I II____~---------- L__~___~~ y P ~O~t.ol , 6. Rev 2, " CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE' i ~I -- FUND GENERAL r-poSi~s rS~~ENT DEPART FINAL BUDGET REQU~ST AUTH 1 1 '2 ..J 3 3 3 21 I 21 2 o -I o I 6 - ... .....1 I - ANNUAL BUCGET DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES DEPARTMENT POLICE CLASSIFICA TION AND SALARY RANGE NO 1 Police Lieutenant (46) 3 Police Sergeant (43) 3 Police Corporal (38) 21 Police Officer I (30) & Police Officer II OJ) o Police Cadet (12) 6 Police Dispatcher (23) Pay Survey Cost of Living Pay Adjustment (5%) DIVISION PATROL AND TRAFFIC ORIGINAL BUDGET 19~ 16,632 44,198 38,489 FINAL ESTI MATE 19~ 17,274 45,973 40,256 DEPARTMENT REQUEST 19---rh 17,274 49,257 41,857 229,316 229,714 ~44,704 14,156 -0- 18,915 -0- I 1\ - ~'---4 R! 3~~ 34 COMMENTS, Six Police.Dispat~her posItlons 423) in accordance wlth Pollce Department ......1 I I I \ I 'I Ii I: ll-=--=_____ _ _. .N to 'O:'l'''' ~ 24 TOT ALS No new positions requested. 361,706 4,540 -0- 18,915 -0- 356,672 -0- 58,047 -0- 20,557 431,695 CITY ADMIN RECOMMEND 19.....,,-h' 17,916 49,675 41,999 244,704 -0- 58,125 -0- 20,621 PAGE 39 ACCOUNT 422 - ._--~-:.~-.::-,=-"-~ APFHU'it:iJ fj '( ell '( C(;L1~.UL 1~ - 1f1- 17,916 49,675 41,999 244,704 -0- 58,125 -0- 20,621 433,040 I 433,040 transferred from Support Services (Account reorganization in i975. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE __I r ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES \6,,,,, FUND I GENERAL OBJECT CODE .10 . 11 .12 .13 .14 .16 I .20 .21 .22 rPARTMENT POUCE EXPENSE ITEM Salaries and Wages Personnel Overhead Police Pension Longevity Pay Insurance Workmen's Compo 21,652 4,833 12,380 8,235 Overtime and Premium Pay Training and Safety CLETA - Advanced Northwestern Supervisory Training Jeffco Academy Regional Training Sessions Out of State Meetings Crime Prevention Meetincs I Miscellaneous Training Sessions Uniforms Conference & Meeting Expense Office Supplies Operating Supplies Gas and Oil Printing and Postage Small T~ols & Minor Equipment I Licensed Vehicle Maintenance I I I , Other Equipment Maintenance Office t~achines Padios Professional & Consulting Fees Blood Alcohol Tests Admin- ORIGINAL BUDa'T 19.-LL 361,704 38,511 11,000 3,750 4,500 1,000 19,200 2,300 15,000 2,300 2,450 DIVISION PATROL AND TRAFFIC -0- 500 720 FINAL ESTU>,V TE 19-<.=L DEPARTMENT REQI.J.f.5T 19-.LQ. PAGE 40 ACCOUNT 422. CITY ADMIN ji0'PP~O\'EG ev RECOMP;96ND Glf{ G4j-6;'" 19__ 19__ 38,511 356,672 1431,696 433,040 44,240 12,000 3,750 3,Boo 700 -0- 19,200 1,BoO 500 13,000 2,300 2,450 1,500 W" ,0''1'1 ,-~ qEII 2. ,., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - 43,739 20,000 4,000 18,000 3,000 4,500 3,000 1,000 -0- 1 DO 1 DO 23,000 18,000 2 , 100 1 , BOO 500 15,000 2,BOo -0- -0- 250 13,000 BOO -0- -0- 433,040 47 , 100 " !' 16,200 2,700 3,OlJO 100 \1-23 I .30 I .31 I I I i \ .32 , i II : 1.3) I Telephone Expense II I ~Expen~e shown under II I lstrat!_on) ! I I L______ ------~ - ~ 1[]0 1B,000 1,800 250 13,000 SOD -0- I -0- I J ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 41 ,I Ii ,I I I ! ~ SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES - I , , I ! ID1'/ISION , FUND DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT , GUJERAL POLICE AM2 TRAFFIC , PATROL It.2.2~ " OBJECT ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, I ~?PROI/El; 3" ! EXPENSE ITEM B~ ESTI~~rE RE~ RE;iM'j;gm I CIT' :!jliJ'-IL : CODE I -' ?- ~ '-" I 19 19 19 D.il..-.. ' I .35 Insurance and Bonds 4,402 I 4,500 , 4,402 5,210 4,000 , , , I I : .38 Dues, Books, and Subscriptions -0- -0- 100 100 I 100 . .39 Miscellaneous Expense -0- -0- 250 200 2eD .40 Office Equipment -0- -0- 600 600 600 Tape Record8r 400 Two Chairs 200 .42 Other Major Equipment -0- -0- 24,061 3,761 1,926 Six Portable Radios -0- *Four Shotguns -0- *Nine Screens for Police Vehicles 1926 I *Nine Overhead Lights -0- Fj fty Bullet Proof , Vests -0- I ! I 1\ i, \ \ I I I ! I I I I *RecommendBd II i I TOTALS 467,337 460,585 578,656 560,091 , 543,416 i I I; I I I -I I ! - II I ~:.::...--=-=-____u ...", fORM) e ,,!::v 2,-'" --- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I \ ---~-~ ... I \;1 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES I FUND DEPARTMENT ______1 DIVISION ACCOUNT I ~ENERo,L POLICE SPECIAL SERVICES 423 -.~ .==~~-- - -. I POSITIONS CLASS I FICA TION ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY AmAIN I ~p~)nOVF.:D BY ~ CURRENT DEPART FINAL AND BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST RECOMMnm I CI T'r cr JUN'_~ll i BUDGET HEQUEST AUTH, SALARY RANGE NO 19~~ 197<1 19 77: 19 71=: I 1[./n --16. ----' 1 1 1 Police Lieutenant (40 16,235 16,878 17,916 17,916 17,916 0 1 1 Police Training Tech. -0- (37) -0- 13,008 -0- 13,008 6 0 0 Police Dispatcher (2[) 44,583 53,812 -0- -0- -0- 3 0 0 Clerk Typist II (9) 16,476 20,964 -0- -0- -0- I I Pay Survey 5,797 5,797 -0- -0- -0- I Cost of Living Pay -0- -0- 1,546 896 1,546 Adjustment (5%) I I I II I I ,i I J-~ I 2 2 TOTALS 83,091 97,451 32,470 18,812 32,470 , II , I -L-. ' I I ANNUAL BUD""ET PAGE 42- I I I I , - - - - I COMMEoNTS, . D. .. h b h d f S t S . t The Title of thlS lV1Slon as een c ange rom uppor erVlces 0 I Special Services at the suggestion of the Chief of Police. II The Police Dispatchers positions have been transferred to Patrol and II T~affic, Account 422, and the Clerk Typist positions have been transferred to , Investigation Division, Account 421, in accordance with the Chief's reorgan- ,I ization plan. :1 One new position of Police Training Technician has been requested but !I not recommended due to budget limitations. I' !L,____ I I I; ! ,.... r. r""M) 24 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I J --------, ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES : DIVISION ACCOUNT SPECIAL SER\lICES 423. - ORIGI NAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMiN APPfiOv'ED BY BU~ ESTIIj~ TE RE~ RECO~~E;-'IO CiT'13).hv1L , 19 19 19 19 6: 1, J:L --, 83,091 97,481 32,470 18,812 32,470 : 16,089 9,500 3,225 I 2,075 3,543 1622 862 476 583 Pay 1,500 500 500 -0- 250 1,500 1,500 3,500 1,500 1,500 es 1,600 500 480 240 240 Expense 500 200 500 250 250 , i 750 1,000 1,000 500 500 I , I, 3,680 3,500 1,750 750 I 600 I I i I I ! I I , 300 300 300 300 I 300 " I i i 500 , tenance 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 t i , I I enance 7,850 7,000 1,000 750 750 I I i I I I ting Fees 1,800 1,200 1,500 1,500 I 5eO , I , Fees I 1,200 1,800 -0- -0- -D- e Admin- 1976) 949 949 668 400 500 ITY F WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 43 SUMM FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL POLICE OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM .10 Salaries and Wages .11 Personnel Overhead Police Pension Longevity Pay Insurance Workmen's Compo .12 Overtime and Premium .13 Training and Safety Pistol Range Fees Regional Training Fe In-Service Training CLETA - Advanced .14 Uniforms .16 Conference & Meeting .20 Office Supplies .21 Operating Supplies Gas and Oil One Vehicle .22 Printing and Postage .30 Licensed Vehicle Main One Vehicle .31 Other Equipment Maint Office Machines .32 Professional & Consul Training Instructor Counseling Fees c o \ \ I, j: II .33 Telephone Expense (Combined with Polic istration budget in .36 Insurance and Bonds W R FORM J-8, REV 2/7' - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ; i : FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT GENERAL POLICE - SPECIAL SERVICES 423. . OBJECT I ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN I APPROVED g'f CODE EXPENSE ITEM BU9f~T EST~E ~~~K RECOrzJ;END i CITY S~i'jCiL 19 19 19_ _ I 13 ._ .38 Dues, Books, and Subscriptiom 50 100 1,500 1,000 500 , Training Books & References Library .40 Office Equipment -0- -0- 820 -0- -D- One Typewriter One Desk One Chair One File Cabinet .42 Other Major Equipment -0- 1,600 5,995 1,515 1,515 "'One Copier 225 , "'16mm Movie Projector 350 I "'Cassette Recorder 350 I *Lectern for Projector 200 Three Conference Tables120 IACP Slide Programs 1600 Video Tapes 500 *Cassette Tapes 150 Wide Angle Lens - Video Camera 500 Lighting Equipment - Video Recording 250 High Impedence Mike 350 Wheel Tripod - Video Camera 75 Carry Pack for Video Equipment 185 *Sixtlj Slide Traljs Kodak Carousel 240 Portable Radio 900 "'Recommended TOTALS 121,859 128,130 56,208 30,092 43,918 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 44 - i' I' I I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Ii W R FORM 3-" REV 2.15 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 45 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES -" FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT GENERAL POLICE BURGLARY UNIT 424 ~~- -, -.. -~-_.- . .~------. = POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN , APfJ!lrl'/E:U FiY -'- i CURRENT DEPART I=INAL I AND BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST RECOMMEND I CITY (;(ji /"V;ll ~UDGET REQUEST AUTH, SALARY RANGE NO. 19-25 '9-25.. 19-26.. 19--J.fi I 1'J 75 I 1 1 1 Police Sergeant (43) 15,082 15,858 16,532 I 16,632 I 15,532 1 1 1 Police Corporal (38) 12,849 13 ,014 13,788 13,788 13,788 7 7 7 Police Officer II 77 ,292 79,101 83 , 83 1 83,831 83,831 (32) 1 1 1 Secretary II (15) 6,804 5,593 7,171 7,171 7,171 1 1 1 Police Detective (341 13,277 14,379 15,084 15,084 15,084 Pay Survey 5,797 5,797 -0- -0- -0- Cost of Living Pay Adjustment -0- -0- 6,826 6,826 I 6,826 - I I. .., , 11 11 11 TOTALS 131,101 1134,742 143,332 143,332 I 143,332 I COMMENTS This is a Federally funded unit on a ratio of 40% City funds until October 1, 1976. After that date, Federal and 70% City. No new positions requested. approximately 60% Federal, the ratio becomes 30% "" , II II II W.. "0,,,.4];fA CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PAGE 46 ~. i SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES , j FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT GENERAL POLle E BURGLARY UNIT 424 . OBJECT I ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN Af'PP8v"n BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM BU~ ESTIM4T~ RE0Ij5ST RE~?~1tNO CITY C7t;':IL 19 19_-L 19_ 19__ I .lD Salaries and Wages 131,101 134,742 143,332 143,332 143,332 i .11 Personnel Overhead 13,352 13,352 14,585 14,134 15,058 i \ I I FICA 419 I Police Pension 6808 Retirement 287 Longevity 1000 Insurance 4004 Workman's Comp 2540 I .12 Overtime and Premium Pay 4,000 4,000 3,081 3,081 3,081 I .13 Training and Safety 1,584 1,584 1,584 1,584 1,584 .14 Uniforms 1,380 1,380 1,380 1,380 1,380 i .16 Conference and Meeting Expense 1,340 840 1,147 1,147 1,147 .20 Office Supplies 800 300 400 400 400 I .21 Operating Supplies 3,600 1,600 2,200 2,200 2,200 i Gasoline and Oil .22 Printing and Postage 300 300 300 300 300 .23 ,Small Tools and Minor Equipment 325 325 325 325 325 , , .30 Licensed Vehicle Maintenance 1,058 1,058 1,600 1,600 1,500 .31 Other Equipment Maintenance 540 540 600 600 600 .33 Telephone Expense 480 800 800 800 800 .41 Vehicular Equipment -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- .42 Other Major Equipment 2,051 2,051 400 400 400 I 4 Tao2 r8corders @ $100 each .1 .51 Legal Notices, Publishing, 765 765 800 800 800 II Advertising II , , I II I I I I I, II I, TOTALS 'I 162,676 163,637 t 72,534 172,083 173,007 II II ANNUAL BUDGET L:::.. =--=--=-___.. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE J w ~ 1<(J,q",,) 1I R.=.V ~, '5 PAGE 47 ANNU . L BUDGr=T i k II... Ii DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES 'I \, I I .- FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT : GENERAL POLICE ANIMAL CONTROL 425 , __~~~:oao~== . ~.,-- -- __u.,-::-~ I , POSITIONS CLASSIFICA TION ORI(lINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN i APIJHOVE:::J bY I .,- .- I AND ~U"",~ ESTI~~TE REQ~T RECO~ND I Cl fy c: ~ ).'.;\L :, CURRENT DEPART FINAL I 19_, _, I 1v _ b ' BUDGET REQUEST AUTH I SALARY RANGE NO 9_- 19_ 19_ , I ~ I 1 , 1 1 1 Animal Warden I (21) 7,755 7,712 8,499 8,719 8,719 i I' 'I Ii 1 1 1 Animal Warden II (25) 7,938 7,985 8,944 9,215 9,216 i' : Pay Survey 2,355 2,355 -0- -0- -0- Cost of Li vi ng Pay -0- -0- 875 897 897 Adjustment (5%) i I' i I; I: !: I i I I I , TOT ALS ! 2 2 2 18,058 18,053 18,318 18,832 ! 18,832 , , - COMMENTS, No change in personnel requested or recommended. I : I I i : I , I I I I - - ViI" FQltM )-Z4 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - ---~ _n. . SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT [;ON CCCOUNT GENER AL POll CE ANIMAL CON~OL 425. OBJECT ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY f\DMI~J APPF-:O'/E:O E. ~ CODE EXPENSE ITEM BU~ ESTIMATE REQ"7~~T RECCM~.;1t.:ND I (,1;-'( ;- ,I r~Ci 19 19_25- 19 19.__26 I :9,76-_ .10 SalariEs and WagEs 18,058 18.053 18,358 18,832 ! 18,832 I . 11 PErsonnEl OVErhEad 2,638 2,593 2,789 2,842 3,010 F.I.C.A. 1110 R'Eti remEnt 755 Insurance 728 , WorkmEn's Compo 417 .12 Overtime and PrEmium Pay 1,100 2,100 3,000 2,500 2,500 .13 Training and Safety 750 240 300 200 200 .14 Uniforms 312 262 450 350 350 .20 OfficE SUppliES 850 200 600 250 250 .21 OpErating SuppliES 1,190 1,190 2,300 2,000 1,500 Gas and Oil Two VEhiclES .22 Printing and PostagE 150 75 1DO 100 100 .23 Small Tools & Minor EquipmEnt 800 200 150 150 150 .30 LicEnsed VehiclE Maintenance 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 .32 ProfEssional & Consulting FEES 700 100 100 -O- j -0- .33 TelephonE ExpEnse 240 350 -0- -0- -0- .36 InsurancE and Bonds 389 389 730 730 730 Two VEhicles 300 ea Two FalSE ArrEsts 65 ea .38 Dues, Books, and Subscriptions 50 25 25 25 25 \ .39 Miscellaneous ExpEnse -0- -0- 250 150 150 .40 OffiCE EquipmEnt 115 115 -0- -0- -D- One File Cabinet .42 OthEr Major Equipment -0- -0- 960 900 900 OnE Radio 900 ANNUAL BUDGET P!ICE L:' , , -i '" i\ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - i I \. -----' ' - W R. "ORM 3-$. REV 2/75 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 49 I I I ~~._- . --- ! I SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES II II FUND IOEPARTMENT iDIVISION ~UNT---~ i GENERAL I~Ij<!IAL CONTROL , POLICE 425. : , ----,-=---~-== I OBJECT ORIGI NAl FINAL DEPART~ENT CITY ~DMIN, i APPhOVED B', CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUD1E;T EST~E ~~Qlif~T RECOM~7~D ! CITY CS~).!:I:'" 19 19 19 , 13_ b I I I , .52 Pound Fees & Associated I , Expense 5,600 7,000 8,000 7,500 I 7,500 i I I I , I i i , , , , I ! , I , I I j T DT ALS 34,442 34,392 39,122 37,529 37,197 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE II J 'I, R FORM )-11. REII 2,75 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 50 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Pay Survey 3,485 3,485 -0- -0- -0- Cost of living Pay Adjustment (5%) -0- -0- 2,097 2,514 2,514 - - 4.5 3.5 3.5 TOTALS 47,141 46,514 44,037 52,782 I 45,426 I COMMENTS, New position of Administrative Assistant recommended by City Administrator to assist Director in the management of internal administrative matters. *Director's salary for 1975 includes dual incumbancy cost for two months during change of administration. ii ': CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE \ I W lit 'O"M lU FUND OBJECT CODE .09 .10 .11 .12 .13 .15 .16 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES GE~JERAL DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORf~S EXPENSE ITEM Director of Public Works Salaries and Wages Personnel Overhead FICA .2872 Retirement 1S15 Insurance 1355 Workman's Comp 385 Longevity Pay 179 Overtime and Premium Pay Training and Safety Automobile Milea~e Reimbursement Conference and Meeting Expense APWA CML Misc 600 150 100 .20 Office Supplies .21 Operating Supplies Gas and Oil - 2 vehicles .22 .23 .30 Printing and Postage Small Tools and Minor Equipment Licensed Vehicle Maintenance 2 vehicles Other Equipment Maintenance Telephone Expense Utilities Facility Maintenance & Repair Insurance and Bonds Dues, Books and Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Office Equipment 1 Typewriter Other Major Equipment Hi-Band Radio 1200 Director's Vehicle .31 ,33 .34 .35 .36 .33 .39 .40 .42 I I I I I I'ACCOUNT . .. 440 ' CITY AD:~IN, II APf'ROVE[) 2Y i REC(')l,.WE~~O CIT'f ~U)NClL 19~ I 19.'J::l__ I 20,248 ' 32,534 iDIVISION ~ ADMINISTRATION I' ORIGINAL ~~'7'!f~ 19,751 2'7,380 5,910 1,000 375 125 900 840 500 125 50 300 450 1,020 1,200 400 920 100 50 450 FINAL ESTlMA TE 19D- *22,498 24,016 5,735 -0- 150 -0- 250 740 500 510 -0- 300 400 3,180 4,750 I 2,150 920 10 -0- -0- DEPART';1ENT REQI-4I,ST 19~ 20,248 23,789 5,375 -0- 150 -0- 1,450 840 250 510 -0- 300 450 4,180 5,700 2,400 10,750 300 -0- 800 6,858 I PAGE 51 I ! 20,255 i I i 25,170 ! 6,705 i I -0- -0- 150 ISO , -0- -0- 850 I SSO I 450 900 450 -0- 300 I 300 I I 4,180 \ 5,700 ! I 2,400 I , 7,000 \ 200 100 700 450 1,200 450 -0- 1,200 300 I I 4,13CJ i 5,700 i 4Cf: ' 7,000 I I 2lJo \:1 100 -0- II II 1,200 1,200 1,200:1 incumba;1cy for tllO \i1onths I: in Dire tors. ,_------Ji ---J -Q.. -0- *NOTE: REflects duel dLe to chan~e W R FO~M )-11. REV 2,75 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SUMMA FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL PUBLI OBJECT EXPENSE ITEM CODE .43 Major Repair and Maintena Contracts Janitorial Services TOTALS ANNUAL BUDGET- PAGE 52 RY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES C WORI"iS rVISION ADMINISTRATION " ACCOUNT 440 nee ORIGI'IAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY AOf'..1IN APPR,JIJEcJ 3Y BUD1sr ESTI'1l3E RE~ST RECO~cj'lm Clr, C.StiH..,dL 19_ 19___ 19_ 19_ 19~._~__ -- -0- -0- 3,000 3,000 3,000 i 61,856 66,109 81,692 I 87,520 i 78,512 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W R FORM ]-1, REV 2.15 .:. ...,- =-: :;~ -~-- ~_._---~ --- f"'\ .., ~ ... i 1: , H, r""~.<<'~. tA", .-.' ""'r --- --- j' ~J ~ ~ ~1 i.) xA ~_ /t,)~...,,; ,..J'~..-it i ----- , Ii -I: 1\ I ii III~FUND IDEPA?T\iE~,' I ' 'i r-I'\I-r I J "l,r -~ --.... I: wt.I'.t.i'\f---\ - r.~::; _J..u ____---~..J _ ~~'-= -L~-..;",._ ...J;..:_=.:-~ I) POS!1i0~~S ! :C~Rn~~.r T0-;;r~:-' = ~,:"'- I,GJ[}l....-T!P'~'.-:... ~'~-..... I ~~~~:-~~-~'- -I'i 'I I l' I i II : \ ~ I 31 2 ,I 21 I I - I 11 \ ! I 1 ! _! \ !I I _ Ii 0 i I 1 i -II II I - \1 -II II _1\ i\ d II \ I Ii I \ ii----r----l-- , -t--- \ li '!1 \ 9\ 71 TOTALS \132,058 %,353 1 ~-c-.=_-~=~-'-= -,==_=.c..-=c!--,,- __ ___ -=-==c====---==-c-==','-----'-- I, COMr"'E,~7s -, ., " , , It is proposed to fill tne 0031tlon of Chlef II 6bove sta:Ofir'9 p,"ctern refl2cts the reorganization plan il on f-ebr:JaJ'f 1, 1915. 'I I, :' i' II \ :1 I' " I " II t _~. ____ __. __ ~-_..-._._----- ,,:)~ i.4. DETAIL Or S)..LM:lES Arm WAGES I D\V\S\O'~ I _, _ _. _._,'_'_ \ t.~\..:"_..i-~~t.;-:i~jt: --=.--=-==. ~.~~- i AC~.,)0~" r I ' ~ _':'l-" j C....,~S3;r~Cr~ LC~'~ ~Sr A,FT\'Ei"lT F::C~ST ."~ (;,ri...: ~\ j,--. c. ' ::"":;,,,~~ -;: ~ ~~ R,:~: l~ .::: _ ~, L E;'3~"7~~~E ~"L~ S~'C>;.c;2. ~3 ~:J_L-:-,_ J__ S;'LAFY P,i-' ~SE "10 16,236 16,2;S ChiEF ~~;i~E2r (47) 17,464 I Civi~ Engi~2er II (4J)14.352 4,684 .1'- ~<. r ;:J, :::::"....0 1 o o 14,9G8 -0- 23,396 14,724 -0- -0- I (,) S)I -0- -0- 13,246 12,71,2 En.:::r:t>~r Civil 23,3% 2.3,::36 21,232 20,973 - .... i eel I. Engir2ering (0) 2 10,176 10,176 9,677 9,228 1'9 , 3 5 4 Dr?,ftsTii:: EngineEring (27) 1 1 10,729 1u,723 9,800 10,729 9,978 Pubiic ~crks InspE~- tor (23) ~ I 1 -0- -0- -0- -0- 17,111 ;",ioe II Enginee!'ing (23) o o ::,3'34 8,994 8,9::~ 8,165 -D- ;:'iC2 .1 Eng:ne~r:ri] (21) 1 1 , ~, ,.352 8,952 8,.352 7,685 7,150 ~. c;f;li r~:. 3 t:: =:: t i '} E. 1 1 Clerk III (lEU -fJ- " -I.J.... -0- 12,398 '12,393 P 3Y Surve'! Cost cf Living P3Y ,Cl,djustmen:. (5/~) 4, G20 ' ~t , :J~~ 4,626 -0- -0- :: J ::. -: ~ ---, -. '..-/ 97,23~ 97,129 Engineer in 197E. T~~ approved by CitV =uuicil C1T'( 0" \'" 'r" '...'. ...!'- ~,- --" j- .Jri,::.;~l r.IL;~;;:.===-------~=:_=:c,- ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 54 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 441 I I I OBJECT EXPENSE ITEM ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY CODE ~~D'7~ I ESTI~E ~~0J'8ST RECO'1@ND CiTY C%,iCIL ! 19_ 19_ 19_ I .10 Salaries and Wages 132,058 86,353 97,129 97,237 82,513 I .11 Personnel Overhead 17,803 I 8,600 12,485 12,596 11,014 I , FICA 4722 Retirement 3229 Insurance 2417 Workman's Comp 646 .12 Overtime and Premium Pay 4,000 500 3,760 3,000 1,000 .13 Training and Safety 1,000 250 500 400 400 .15 Automobile Mileage Reimbursement 200 -0- 300 200 200 , .16 Conference and Meeting Expense 1,500 150 250 250 250 .20 Office Supplies 1,700 1,700 2,000 1,000 1,000 .21 Operating Supplies 4,700 3,000 6,000 4,000 4,000 Gas~and Oil I .22 Printing and Postage 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,500 1,500 .23 Small Tools and Minor Equipment 200 -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,500 I .30 Licensed Vehicle Maintenance 1,610 1,500 1,600 1,500 .31 Other Vehicle Maintenance 730 730 700 500 500 .32 Professional and Consulting Fees 28,680 28,680 65,000 65,000 45,000 Outside Engineering Serv 42000 Urban Drainage Study 3000 (Sloans Lake Basin) .33 Telephone Expense 720 -0- -0- -0- -0- .34 Utili ties 1,200 800 -0- -0- -0- .36 Insurance and Bonds 3,130 1,200 -0- ,-0- -0- .38 Dues, Books and Subscriptions 345 345 150 150 150 .39 Miscellaneous Expense 100 -0- -0- 200 200 .40 Office Equipment 800 -0- -0- -0- -0- I .51 Legal Notices - Publishing 300 300 600 300 300 I .55 Traffic Signal Maintenance 35,000 35,000 65,000 35,000 35,000 , I 2,500 I .61 Right of Way Acquisitions 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 i I .62 Street Lighting - City wide 62,000 70,000 85,000 75,000 75,000 i I 262,027 TOTALS 301,676 243,008 344,874 300,333 I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W R FOR"" ].1_ REV 2/7' - Pay Survey 12,777 12,777 -0- -0- -0 Cost of Living Pay -0- -0- 5,522 4,352 2,98 8 I Adjustment (5%) - \ I I I I q Wl th street I, Head. I' I: L ~, I I I L11 J 11 5 TOTALS 170,414 110,274 115,958 91,379! 62,72~ COMMENTS Two new positions at the Public Works Maintenanceman level for street patch crew work are requested by the Department Head but not recommended. This work can be effectively done by intermittent labor pool personnel budgeted elsewhere. The additional Public Works Maintenanceman position as requested by the Department Head is also not recommended in line with City Council policy to hold staffing to the 25~ man limit. This Division combines the former Street Cleaning (Account 453) MaIn~enance (Account 450) In llne wlth the deslres of the Department CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I J w ~ "\)14'1 )14 - - --- !I I ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I I r I I ! DIVISION IACCOUNT , IlloRKS STREET MAINTENANCE II " 450 ! ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN I APPROVED 8Y B;'SET EST I '15" REQ~'B RECOMJ'5END I CITY CO~'j{;IL 19_ 19_ 19_ 19_ 19----.9 I "I 170,414 110,274 i 115,957 91,379 62,728 I I 27,015 13,640 17,995 14,964 9,113 10,000 5,000 9,800 7,500 7,500 750 750 850 750 750 othing 2,556 1,740 2,100 1,750 1,750 ursement 150 -0- 150 100 100 xpense 500 .-o~ -0- -0- -0- 400 250 500 300 300 171, 500 70,000 134,000 100,000 92,200 ! 52,200 12,000 5,000 13 ,000 10,000 525 525 725 500 500 quipment 500 400 625 500 500 nance 45,200 45,200 51,800 50,000 50,000 ance 7,500 3,500 8,450 4,000 4,000 720 500 -0- -0- -0- 1,600 1,500 -0- -0- -0- ntenance 1,600 1,000 -0- -0- -0- 4,390 2,000 -0- -0- -0- 2,000 1,000 2,300 1,000 1,000 ptions 150 50 50 50 50 650 250 20 200 200 2,550 -0- -0- -0- -0- T RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 56 SUMM FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT PUBLIC OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM .10 Salaries and Wages .11 Personnel Overhead FICA 5350 Retirement 3655 Insurance 2900 Workman's Comp 2750 Longevity 963 .12 Overtime and Premium Pay .13 Training and Safety .14 Uniforms - Protective Cl .15 Automobile Mileage Reimb .16 Conference and Meeting E .20 Office Supplies .21 Operating Supplies Asphalt for Street patching Salt and sand Weed control Gas and oil for street sweepers and trucks Drainage and pipe materials .22 Printing and Postage .23 Small Tools and Minor E .30 Licensed Vehicle Mainte .31 Other Equipment Mainten Radios Base Station .33 Telephone Expense .34 Utilities .35 Facility Repair and Mai .36 Insurance and Bonds .37 Rentals and Leases .38 Dues, Books and Subscri .39 Miscellaneous Expense .42 Other Major Equipment CITY OF WHEA \ I I I I I J W.Fl FORM 3"1. REV 2," ~ I I MARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I I , I " I' 'I DIVISION jACCOUt5To I: I' " WDR\.liS STREET MAINTENANCE II i I ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, APPR()'/ED 8Y I BUD7i3 EST'fSA TE REOljE,ST REC~END CITY C~CIL 19_ 19_ 19__ 19_ 19_."". i i nance I -0- 129,646 -0- -0- -0-1 ovement , -0- 10,000 1'7,600 15,000 50 , 150 and . I I Ii \ 450,670 397,225 362,922 287,993 I 280 ,847 \ I I AT RIDGE ! ANNUAL BUDGET P:\GE 57 SUM FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT PUBLIC OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM .43 .56 Major Repair and Mainte Contracts - Street impr contract work Fee Personnel Labor Pool - seasonal intermittent help TOTALS CITY OF WHE W tIt_ FOR..... J.8; REV 2;1' ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION GENERAL PUBLIC WORf<1S TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE r-=.:-~~ ~.=-_z,Z::_ - POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION CUARE~~f?ART ORIGiNAL FINAL DEPARTMENT FINAL I AND ~~il~F e:ST~E ~~QVf~T BUDGET REQUEST AUTH SALARY RANGE NO, 19 2 0 a Llght Equipment 17,458 Operator (24) 18,335 -0- o 1 1 Traffic Supervisor (29) -0- -0- 10,580 o 1 1 Traffic Technician (24) -0- -0- 9,444 Pal} Survel} 878 878 -0- Cost of Living Pay Adjustment (5%) -0- -0- 1,005 - 2 2 TOTALS 18,335 19,214 21,130 2 PAGE 58 -----~ I ACCOUN T i 451 ._=-=-=--::..-=~---==:I CITY ADMIN ' RE?~M~END ! ! I ,1.;;~'r~( 'lED 8Y CI rv.c< ':..i',l"L ' 19. / tJ ' -0- ; -0- 10,580 10,580 9,444 9,444 -0- -0- ; I I 1,005 1,005 ...., 21,130 21,130 This section is to be renamed Traffic Maintenance instead of Traffic Services. Department Head requests establishment of a Traffic Supervisor and Traffic Technician in lieu of two Light Equipment Operator positions. This will provide skilled personnel in traffic section and proper coverage of this function. COMMENTS, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W" 1'0"''''' 3'l4 , i " " i I JI ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE ~9 --I .~ SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES - I I FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION , ACCOUNT i' " GE~jERAL PUBLIC WORnS TRAFFIC r'1AINTEr~ANCE 45'1 I: , I OBJECT ORIGI NAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMI~ A PPRO' 'EG BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUD'J5T ESTI~'3rE ~~Q75T RECO~ND Ci"r;g Cli7'g:IL i 19_ 19_ 19 b : .10 Salaries and Wages 18,336 18,336 21,130 21,130 21,130 , .11 Personnel Overhead I 2,750 2,120 3,884 3,286 3,454 FICA 1240 Retirement 850 Insurance 728 Workmen's Comp 636 , I .12 Overtime and Premium Pay 1,000 1,000 500 SOD 500 .13 Training and Safety 100 -0- 50 50 50 .14 Uni fo rms 343 270 225 225 225 I .21 Operating Supplies 22,000 22,000 42,500 35,000 35,000 I , I Traffic Paint " Traffic Sign Materials " i' .22 Printing and Postalde 125 -0- -0- 100 100 .23 Small Tools and ~1i no r Equip. 125 125 100 100 100 I .30 Licensed Vehicle Maintenance 1,000 1,000 1,000 750 750 I 1 Vehicle 31 Other Equipment Maintenance 1,100 500 750 750 750 Ii . , I Street Stripping Machine , 550 250 660 250 250 II .36 Insurance and Bonds ! .37 Rentals and Leases 300 300 400 300 300 Equipfilent Rental II .39 Miscellaneous Expense 100 -0- -0- 100 100 I \ i II \ I \ I II II , , II Ii TOH\LS 47,829 45,901 71,199 62,541 62,709 i I I -- IL_._ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - i -! - L_______ -- - .Y r. rO~"'" J!l 1'/[\/ 2, I~ ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 50 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES I,FUND IDEPARTMENT l~[~~~ I PUBLIC WORKS ~ r POSITIONS l CLASSIFICA TION CURR~NT DEPART FINAL ,'NO BUOOET REQUEST AUTH SALARY RANGE NO. DIVISION SHOPS I ACCOUNT I 452 ORIGINAL BUD\JU 19-12 FINAL ESTIM.(l.J,E 19-L;J I DEPARTMENT I ~~~ 1 1 1 Shops and Yards Foreman (34) 10,950 13,560 12,084 CITY ADMI~~ : RE7i~'6NO I I I 6,Slt-lRL'VcU [W C( i( C<jl !~r-,~t 1',. _ 70 12,084 12,084 2 3 3 Automotive and Equipment Mechanic II (31) 20,216 21,226 34,432 23,854 -23,854 2 1 1 Automotive and Equip- ment Mechanic I (26) 17,200 18,060 10,944 21,120 21,120 - Pay Survey 5,512 5,612 -0- -0- -0 - Cost of Living Pay Adjustment (5%) -0- -0- 2,873 2,853 2,853 ,. i - -- .... ..... -----: 5 5 5 TOT ALS 53,978 58,458 60,333 59,911 I 59,911 --.-L _ COMMENTS, Director requests reclassification of one Mechanic I to Mechanic II. Not recommended due to budget limitations and need for further review of proposal. No new positions requested or recommended. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I _J W" '011104 )-l<l ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 61 .~ SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES \ , I I I I FUND DEPARTMENT I iDIVISION ACCOU~IT I GENERAL PU8UC [UrlRI'lS SHOPS 452 , , I ~ OBJECT QRIG1NAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, I APPROVED BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET ESTIMP-TE REQUEST RECOMMEND CITY COU~C:l ! 19-25- 1915- 19~ 192&- 19_h !, .10 Salari.es and W80PS 53,978 58,458 60,333 5Q,911 59,911 ! , , . 11 Pprso'lnp1 OverheAd , -0- 800 1,767 9,694 10,114 I I FICA 3504 R"tire'11'?1"1t 2396 Insl!r",'lcP 1820 LiJC'rkm~n I ~ Cnmp 1803 Longpvi.ty 591 .12 Overtime and Prpmiurn Pay -0- 100 750 500 500 .13 Uniforms - Protective Clothinl;1 687 780 904 BOO 800 .21 01l8TCltino S"polies 3,000 3,000 5,00n 3,DOO 3,000 GFlS ;ond oil .22 Printinq 3'ld Postn[JP 250 250 250 250 250 .23 SmFlll Tools and HinoI' equioment 250 500 1,000 500 500 .30 Licells"d Vehicle Maintenance 1,000 500 1 ,000 500 500 .36 InsuI'a'lce and Bonds 1,475 1,475 1,665 650 650 Sub Tot a 1 60,640 65 , 863 72 ,669 75,805 76,225 Allocat"d to all DeO'lI'tmBnts (60,61+0) (65,853) (72,669) 75,805) (76,225) - TOT AL5 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W R "'ORM 3 f; REV 2/7!1 PAGE 6':' ANNUAL BUDGET ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIVISION IACCOUNT " WORKS STREET CI_EANTNG 453 , I I ! ! ORIGINAL FiNAL DEPARTMENT CITY AC'v"N APppn'JED 2Y BUDGft; EST~E REQU7~~ REG'-1~~E;m I CITY CO~:;CIL 19 19 19 19 I 19~ , 19,333 18,500 -0- -0- -o- j 3,141 2,520 -0- -0- -0- 500 -0- -0- -0- -0- 326 325 -0- -0- -0- 4,000 6,000 -0- -0- -0- 75 75 -0- -0- -0- 125 -0- -0- -0- -0- :i2:'lCe 4,000 4, orJO -0- -0- -0- aflCP 2[l0 200 -0- -0- -O- j 1,150 1,500 -0- -0- -0- 850 -0- -0- -0- -o- j 8'1 canso idated ir Account 1 50. ) ,', I I 33,710 33,220 -0- -0- -0- RIDGE I SUMM FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT pum, Ie OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM .10 Salaries and Waop-s .11 Personnel Expense . 12 [1\}~rt im8 .14 Uniforms .21 Operati'lg SUDolies .22 Printing and PostAge .23 Small Tools .30 Lic2~S8d Vehicle M~i'ltp .31 Other Eouipment Mai..,tp'l, .36 Insur8nce end Bonds .42 Other Major Equioment This account has be (Street M~inte~a~ce - TOT ALS __ W R FORM]'. REV 2:75 CITY OF WHEAT ANNUAL BUCGET PAGE 63 ~ ~ DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES i I, I ,. -~ FUND IDEPARTMENT CIVISION ACCOUNT L GENERAL I PARKS & REL:REA TION ADMINISTRATION 460 ~~~-= - -:..-::;"'--.:.:....:.::.........--=:-. POSITIONS ! CLASSIFICA TiON ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN I APPHO/br \ CURRE;;r~EP~n!J F!NAL I AND BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST RECOMMENO I on. cun SALARY RANGE NO. '9-"75- 1975- 197IJ lL7F;- i 19 BUDGET f1EOUE5 T AUTH, .:.26 1 1 1 Director of Parks 15,460 16,810 18,360 17,666 1'3, and Recreation (47) II 1 1 1 Secretary III (18) 7,434 7,836 8,988 8,988 8, I 0 0 0 Clerical Aide 2,000 -0- -0- -0- (Part- Time) I Pay Survey 1,527 1,527 -0- -0- I I Cost of Living Pay -0- -0- 1,367 1,333 1, Adjustment (5%) \1 II 1\ I L- ---t. , I I I ~ TOT ALS I L.,2.J 2. 2 26,421 26,173 28,715 27,987 I 28, - ~=~-... Jrn iCiL -~ 544 988 -0- -0- .... 333 -----, , 865 ... If COMMENTS il !I -1\ 'I Ii Ii ll_=-_=~_. No new positions requested. I Ii ! i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE , I J # It "Ollll,"" ,.4 .... i: , ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES '! Ii I IDIVISION I~~JT , , CREA nON ADMINISTRATION 460 i ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT cln "eMIr< I APPROVED eY BUDGET ESTIMA TE REQUEST RECOMMEorm I CITY CO\.JhClL 19--"75 19~ 19-m 19/0 1 9--;c::- ,0 , i , eat ion 15,460 16,810 19,278 18,550 18,544 ! 10,961 9,353 9,437 10,321 10,321 ! 3,041 2,422 3,555 3,711 3,879 ! 250 100 150 150 150 ': 150 50 250 250 250 I ector nt 100 50 100 100 I 100 I' 1 ense 800 700 825 825 675 I 600 ! , 75 " , 820 820 1,000 800 800 850 600 600 600 600 i " 200 600 600 600 600 i , I quipment 100 100 125 100 1CC nance 800 500 900 600 600 ance 385 385 400 250 250 ng Fees 1,000 800 1,000 1,000 -0- no no 850 850 ~_J; W AT RIDGE " ANNUAL BUDG~T---- PAGE 61+ SUMM FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT PARf'1S A~JD RE OBJ ECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM .09 Director of Parks & Recr (46) .10 Salaries and Wages .11 Personnel Overhead FICA 1637 Retirement 1120 Insurance 728 Longevity 170 Workman's Comp 224 .12 Overtime and Premium Pay .13 Training and Safety Graduate Courses for Dir .15 Auto Mileage Reimburseme .16 Conference & Meeting Exp NRPA Conference-Boston CPRS Conference-Denver .20 Office Supplies .21 Operating Supplies Gas and Oil One Vehicle .22 Printing and Postage .23 Small Tools and Minor E .30 licensed Vehicle Mainte One Vehicle .31 Other E0uipment Mainten Typewriter Base Radio .32 Professional & Consulti .33 Telephone Expense Two Units One Base Station CITY OF HE W R FORM 3.11 REV 2175 : SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPAI1TMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT GENERAL PARi'lS MJD RECREATION , ADMINISTRATIDrJ 460 , = I OBJECT ORIGINAl. FINAl. DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN, I AFPPD'jEO BY ; CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST RECOMMEND CITY r.OUNCIL 19 7f", 19 7'1 197M 19-1h 197b 7 , .36 Insurance and Bonds 300 300 350 300 300 .37 Rentals and LeasEs 100 100 100 100 10[1 : .38 Dues, Books arid Subscriptions 150 100 150 150 I 150 I .39 Miscellaneous Expense 100 100 300 300 200 ! Annual Commission Dinner Other Miscellaneous .40 Office Equipment 875 875 200 200 -0- Desk Calculator -0- .43 Major Repair & Maintenance -0- -0- 850 850 850 Contracts , Janitorial Services I I I I I I TOTALS 37,162 35 , 1,9 5 41.020 39,723 39,319 I - ---- - ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 65 CITY OF V/HEAT RIDGE i I I ,I --I, W R. FOIll~ J-.. REV Z/15 FUND GENERAL -.:~' - -,";;~:".-- POSITIONS : ---~. - CURHENT DEPAfH FINAL. I BUDGET REQUEST AUTH o 1 1 o 2 2 4 5 o 1.3 ..... -- ... "... 7 9.3 COMMENTS, ANNU.o.L BUDGET DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES i supervisorl Superinten ent 12,022 I DEPARTMENT i PARi'1S AND RECREATION CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE NO 1 Recreation (26) ORIGINAL BUDGET 19/5 -0- 14,240 35,749 I -o~ Pay Survey 7,460 DIVISION RECREATION FINAL ESTI MA TE 19~ DEPARTMENT REQUEST 19_'7); ACCOWH 461 CITY ADMIN : RECOMMeND ! 19-,s' I I I 12,084 I I -0- 17,291 36,720 4, gOO I -0- \ \ I 1,469 I I 72,464 I p,r,G= 66 '=~';:':"'.;':='.'=--'" APV '~J 'I ; ri'r CITY ((J;Jl'il :l 19 ~_Th. 12,OB4 -0- 17,291 24,000 -0- , ! -0- : 1,469 54,844 *Funds approximate IV fourteen Recreation Trainees. These employees transferred from Parks Maintenance Division to permit savings in wages in line with Wage and Hour Law. Provides for increase in hourly rate from $1.50 to $1.75. o Recreation (30) Cost of Living Pay -0- Adjustment (5%) \ (Full Time Positions Only) 11,790 12,084 The increase in Program Leaders (4 months at $4.50 per hour) is requested by the Department Head to begin the establishment of a new program in Dra~a and Cultural activities. This is not recommended this year due to budget limitations. -- W" "0''''.1 ).24 2 Recreation Leader II (21) 3.5 Program Leaders Program Instructors Rec. Specialists (Seasonal) o "Recreation Trainees (Seasonal) Junior Ranger Program, 2800 hours at $1.75 per hour 6.5 TOTALS 69,471 -0- -0- 13,37B 17,124 35,749 39,720 4,200 4,900 7,460 -0- -0- 1,461 72,577 75,289 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE , i p I --..-J I I I - ---- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ~ISION =-rCOUNT ,- FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL PARJ-lS & RECRE!~ TI ON RECREATIo~J 451. - , OBJECT ORIGINAL Flr~AL DEPARTMEN r CITY ADMiN. , AF-PRO'.iED EXPENSE ITEM BU~ ESTIMATE REQUEST RECOMMEND i CITY :('.II~;C CODE 19 19--15... 19-1..5 19--26.- , 19_1-5._ I .10 Salaries and Wages 59,471 72,577 75,289 72,464 I 54,84 i I .11 Personnel Overhead 6,337 5,800 6,900 6,864 5,95 F.I.C.A. 3520 Retirement 1025 Insurance 949 Workmen's Compo 457 I .12 Overtime and Premium Pay 600 600 800 600 60 .13 Training and Safety 355 205 400 350 35 .14 Uniforms 220 220 351 351 35 T-shirts (117 :ot 1.: 3.[i 0 each) .15 Auto Hileage Reimbursement 300 300 500 300 30 .16 Conference & Meeting ["pense 1,290 790 575 575 ''7 -', CPRS Conference 225 Recreation Workshops -0- Midwest Recreation Conference - Wichita 150 - .20 Office Supplies 450 300 400 400 40 .21 Operating Supplies 6,480 6,000 20,230 11,294 11,29 Gas and Oil 500 Wrestling 1800 Tennis 1800 Playgrounds 1800 Basketball 350 Soccer 1000 *Drama 8900 Arts and Crafts 1000 Softball 900 All Others 2144 *Not Included I -- - ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 67 --I " I II 'I II I' ,I 'I -I I o'f ! Ie 4 1 o o 1 o 5 I I 1 !J 4 W R FORM 3'!. REV 2,7' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE .,J, ANNU C\L ~UDGET- P,oGE 5 '3 -I j" U . - - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES , FUND IDEPA~TMENT DIVISION -< Lu~n GENERAL RECP;::A TI O~J RECREATION PARKS ArJD 451. OBJECT ORIGINAL m.AL DEPART:,lENT CITY ,.'l.C,'}I1\ i APP::,::,",~l: q'( EXPENSE ITEM BUQrT ESTI';II'<TE REQ~6T RECO'~~At:~.D lITY::'~~""",'L CODE F. i 19---=:!....- 1'd-L 19_ 1 9-.L.Q... i 1'."__.1-,;) , , .22 Printing and Postage 5,000 4,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 , .30 Licensed Vehicle Maintenance 280 280 925 600 600 , (Van) i One Vehicle i , i .31 Other Equipment Maintenance 102 102 125 125 125 , .32 Professional & Consulting Fee 400 400 1,500 400 -O- f , .33 Telephone Expense 1,020 1,020 1,360 1,200 1,200 ! .34 Uti li ti es 1,800 1,320 2,400 2,400 2,400 i .35 Facili tv Repair and Maint. 1,000 800 2,500 2,500 2,500 Anderson Buildi ng : .36 Insurance and Bonds 575 575 800 500 I 500 .37 Rentals and Leases 200 300 750 750 750 I .38 Dues, Books, and Subscriptiom 250 105 300 200 I 200 , .39 ' 1"liscellaneous Expense 200 200 250 250 250 .40 Office Equipment 306 306 500 500 500 One Desk One Chair Two File Cabinets .42 Other Major Equipment -0- -0- 2,760 2,760 760 Arts and Crafts Equipment I .43 Major Repairs & Maintenance 2,400 1,800 2,000 2,000 2,OCO Contracts ; includes for I I Janitorial Services Anderson Builoing I I I II I, I: I I i I I ~_ _______ t._____ ______ ~' " "'':1<11'-4 J. R<:V 1, ~ CITY OF VJHEAT RIDGE PAGE 69 . . : SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I 1 - FUND DEPARTMENT IDIVISION ACCOUNT : GENERAL PARKS A~JD RECREA nON RECREATION 461. - . . I OBJECT ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN I APPRO',It.1) BY ! EXPENSE ITEM ~~D75T E~;I~~TE ~~OUJ~T RECO~'~END Cln'1,.;....j\,:IL CODE 19~ iY~ , .54 Special Contractual Services 13,150 14,150 23,350 18,680 18,680 Basketball 1700 I Volleyball 900 Softball 2900 Skiing 9000 Square Dancing 950 Buses 500 Hunter Safety 900 I Swimming 1800 Golf 200 I Special Events 1500 I Karate/Judo 250 Roller Skating 250 I Ladies Day Out 2500 NOTE: Above costs are offse I by fees charged to partici- I pants. Some of the a':Jove activities Ii will be deleted due to . budgetary restrictions in I! 1976 as evaluated by the Director. I I , i, 11 Ii : I I II II I II I I i I i I TuT ALS 112,141 112,150 149,965 130,063 108,930 Ii 'I I II I , ANNUAL BUDGET IL----- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I I I! !I II I! -'--~I W R rOR' 1 il REI,; ~,~, -===--== .:, >~ c"'1 ~J _:'\ ~._ ~~j tJ C ::: :~-r ---------:=~-~=-:-:.=.:=--~---::--.---, I ,\ ..~ I ' 'I 1..- i!FUIW -- '" 1 4 I I I .25 ! '~T~ I I r ~ i , 0 I i I 13.5 i I I I I I 0 I I o I I I I I I 1 o I II II -II " I' II I -I: :1 ll.-------- ._-------~ OCTl..lL OF ~:j4.L/\:~~tE.5 .4r'lD \VAGE:S OE?ART:...~.Ei'tT i 01\ ISlC;~ AC......CU~1~ F.~F:'"'1S ;:~j~' ~:::'=C"~c~TI=:' """!r\~:;:~;3 >:~Ir TC:~,.:~JC:= LS2 ~~;73~~~,~;~;::==-.-.-.-.-~..~~:::.~:_'~::=~~~-~! ,,:: -=-- ::::~R;I.'~~~ 1 ~=,- ~~-.~~:- ~~~~-.~ .:.. \~D :-......-.>C~i ~:;Td",lAT~ P':8L..'::'ST I r'::':CV 1', ~ .] SAL.AF1/ R/,tlC=. i"~O i'l ~;:-r~~~ 1;~ .;__~~_ ! :::. ~-1-__ 1r:J1254 3::J,2LO 1, ,)60 2,1LO ~n ic:;n :::"'L.t'-....I'-.J 1...,200 -0- I, ,348 -0- 10,792 11,784 11,734 31,524 ~~ 8~41 33, BEL. .J;J 0' , , I I 1,2GO 1,3201 1,320 -0- -O- n -LJ- I 28,390 25,4601 ?~ 4'-' '- tJ, ''':._ -0- -0- -0- I~~~~~.~::~:~=:~~ '-11 pas -:-... 3 IC:HI1E ~; 1 ~-~- ~~ -=-~ , q,J........,c:r I'-~, ~.:J-; :_-'.... I~~~ ---- If 1 i 1 I 'II 4 ,I - i .25 IFTE -I I I -, i14.5 I I ~II il 'I ~ II I I, 1.-----+--,-;- _,110.75!3.75\ 7 I TOTALS 7,s,592 84,740 Irl-"'----=--=,c--"-=-~,c-,,-c:=.=--I.~--====c-~==~..c-=.c =,='..,.==-=---=~_,__._.__..'..~ CO M 1\1. ErUS *FlJnds transferre~ to Recreation Division for Recreation Traine~ program to a~low lOwer hourly wage structure and to conform with Wage a~d Law restrictions. 1 ( Part -Time) 8,486 -0- -0- 4,348 -0- -0- P3Tks r'1::i~ter-i3nC2"'!l2'l III (2":) 4 Parks ~ainten3n=~~~n -0- 3,672 2,232 77,1001 'Ie "'/1-: 1-', **Funds for these positions transferred from Police Department unCar program apprGved by City Ccuncll in 1975. I (19) Park C;2iC::?I' o L~ac...Er ... ~ "v" -4 1.4 o City IV ~er\jice I':':-lr~er 2 ?2JTt- TLn" P'Js-,-tiCJr:=;: i Par~ C2~~:~<~r ~~~=~:'s :(522=2n3~, ! Secte ~De~-) , ' '-. ~~:-'=-l - o :<Park .Junior R:=2r,c:~r o *~P2rk JunlfJr (Sea~cn:31) H::il02T Pay Survey Cost of Living Pav Adjustment (S-'J) (Full Time Positions I On I y) I No new positions requested. CiTY 0'" \:"/'-''=1"",- r:"':-,,",,= - ,. ,(" I ,...~.... ,.....,"'1>... i': 'i( 11,7134 331?cj~~ -.J- -~- -1r r-n 1:J 1 ~'--ILJ -0- -LJ- -0- 2,2;2 HClJr PAGE 71 ANNUAL BUDGET- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ~COUtJT-"-~ I 462. : DI'/ISION PARKS MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATION i I FUND GUJERAL CITY ADMiN I RECOMWENO I 19~ i 75,710 i 9,380 : AF:JF{U 'ED BY CITY W}..H~~IL 'UJL i FI NAL DEPARTMENT ESTl,4iil ,E REOI,!.\',ST 19~ 19--LtL ORIGINAL BUQ.(l,E, 19...1:L OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM 84,740 77,100 63,930 , , 78,692 Salaries and Wages .10 I 8,435 9,496 8,200 10,496 Personnel Overhead .11 : 3765 1629 1610 28'J 1145 F.LC.A. Retirement Insurance Longevity Workmen's Compo 2,000 300 i i 2,000 2,000 2,000 500 Overtime and Premium PaV .12 i .13 I I 300 400 350 350 Training and Safety Supervision Training 1,oBo , I 1,080 1,080 1,700 1,100 I .14 I Uniforms 5 sets @ $155 each 100 T-Shirts @ $3.00 each 50 50 100 100 100 Auto Mileage Reimbursement .15 200 I 225 225 225 200 Conference and Meeting Expense Midwest Conference - Wichita 150 CPRS Conference 75 .15 ! 250 250 I i 250 250 350 Office Supplies .20 I .21 ! I I I i I I II II . ~2 : I II I: I i II I' L____ou__ ,____ 25,000 24,000 I i 29,375 24,272 17 , 272 Operating Supplies 3000 4800 3900 3000 1900 ~8oo 2500 8475 Gas ::md Oil Fertilizer Concr2te Ready Mix Fencing Sprinkler Materials Top SolI Pla;lt fJ:aterial *others *Partially not Included 40 40 40 25 25 Printing and Postage __.__--l -- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE L_________ .. 1-: I ORlV J e "'0::" 2 ~s ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I i , I , DIVISION ACCOU!\:T ECREATIOIIJ PARKS MAINTENANCE 462. , ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMI~ APPR()VEO BY BU~ EST~E RE~ RECO'i~ND CITi9'.1g~"CiL 19 19 19 19 ~ quip 500 700 800 500 500 i tenance 6,370 5,170 6,000 6,000 6,000 I enance 1,127 1,127 1,200 1,200 1,200 380 380 500 500 500 I , 18,500 18,500 24,600 24,600 I 24,600 I aint. 2,150 2,150 6,500 4,000 4,000 2,200 2,200 2,700 2,000 2,000 I , 2,000 3,070 1,070 2,050 2,000 criptions 250 200 160 100 100 250 250 250 250 250 153 153 -0- -0- -0- 2,925 2,225 5,950 5,950 4,450 600 500 200 200 450 3200 t 350 - FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE .23 ANNUAL BUDGET P'\GE 72 -----, I I I I SUMM DEPARTMENT PARKS AND R EXPENSE ITEM Small Tools & Minor E Garden Hose Tools .30 Licensed Vehicle Main Seven Vehicles .31 Other Equipment Maint Radios Mowers .33 Telephone Expense .34 Utili ties Lights in Parks Water .35 Facility Repair and M Restrooms Playground Equipment Park Buildings Bleachers Picnic Tables .36 .37 Insurance and Bonds I' ,I I' Rentals and Leases .38 Dues, Books, and Subs .39 Miscellaneous Expense .40 Office Equipment .42 Other Major Equipment Two Hand Mowers One Hand Reel Mower One Commercial Grass Edger One Field Liner One Radial Arm Power Saw One Loader Mounted Rotary Broom One 12' Aluminum Boe 'I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W " FORM l.1!I RE:V 2,1! rr= I ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 73 FUND GENERAL OBJECT CODE .43 .58 .55 .57 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATION EXPENSE ITEM One Boat Trailer 250 One Electric Boat Motor 200 Major Repair and Maintenance Contracts Sports Lighting 1700 Turf Spraying 500 Park Signs 900 Fee Personnel Labor Pool Manpo~er to Install new Sod at Prospect Park Equestrial Expense Special Construction or Demolition Contracts Demolition of Fruitdale Sanitation District Structure (public hazard and City liability) TOTALS jDIVISION PARKS MAINTENANCE ORIGINAL ~~Cl95T 2,130 -0- 2,800 5,000 153,890 FINAL Ef:I~~TE 2,130 -0- 2,000 11,000 155,388 W R. FORM] 8 REV 2/7' - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEPARTMENT ~~QU7~ 3,100 1,500 -0- 2,500 175,580 ~UNf--~ L 462. I CITY ADMlfJ RECOM!,41>ND 19~ APPPO' IEl~1 BY CIT;9C'C~Lti:L 3,100 I 3,100 1,500 -0- 2,500 158,235 1,500 -0- 2,500 I I I 153,010 II J ANNUAL BlJDGET rJAGE 74 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES FUND IDEPARTMENT I ~ENERAL I PARKS MJD RECREATION .._.~~=..- POSITIONS i CLASSIFICATION CURRENT DEPART FINAL I SALARyARNADNGE NO BUDGET REQUEST AUTH , , DIVISION FORESTRY ACCOL;;n 463 ._ _ -';'=':...o""-==...::~ ORIGINAL BUDGET 19/5- FINAL ESTiMATE 19f1) DEPARTMENT REQUEST 19~ CITY ADMIN RECOMME'W 19~7fi - AtJPrv, .bi:! H ! CITY U;UNCjl j '~. I I , I 11 , 784 ; 1 1 1 City Arborist (29) 10,147 10,549 11,784 11,784 1 1 1 Parks Maintenanceman II (24) 8,990 9,348 10,428 10,428 10,428 .25 FTE .25 FTE o I Part-Time Positions (Seasonal) 2,100 -0- -0- -0- -0 o .50 .5 *Parks Maintenanceman I (18) -0- -0- 4,176 4,176 4,176 Pay Survey 1,210 1,210 -0- -0- -0 Cost of Living Pay Adjustment (5%) -0- -0- 1,322 1,322 1,322 ..,. .... I, I ! f--. 2.25 2.75 2.5 TOTALS 22,447 I 21,107 27,710 27,710 I 27,710 COMMENTS, *CETA Federal Program will fund this position for six months, through June 30, 1976. New position of Parks Maintenanceman I is requested for six months to complete the half year not funded by Federal Government under CETA program. In 1977, the position would be 100% City Funded. w ~ 'Ofll"-t ]-:u CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ..... .:: ----,-- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT ~VISION lACCOUfiT-----' GE~JERAL PARhS A~JD RECREATIO:~ FORESTRY . 463. , I APPRO'.I~D Py OBJECT ORIGI NAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY A,DMI~J CODE EXPENSE ITEM ~iOG.)5 ESTI7'~TE REQVfsT RECOM7gW i CITY CO J" 19_ 19_ 19_ I lLL5 i .10 Salaries and Wages 22,447 21,107 27,710 27,710 27,710 . 11 Personnel Overhead 2,916 3,200 3,735 4,255 4,507 F.I.C.A. 1625 I R eti rement 1110 I Insurance 1092 Longevity 167 , Workmen's Compo 493 .12 Overtime and Premium Pal} 500 500 500 300 300 .13 Training and Safety 250 250 250 250 250 Tuition - Special Approved Courses I \ I .14 Uniforms 357 357 513 525 I : 3 sets @ $156 each I , ! 15 T-Shirts @ $3 each I , I .15 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 25 25 25 25 25 , .16 Conference and Heeting ExpenSE 100 100 670 270 2'70 Hidwest Conference - Wichita 150 *National Conference Arborist Comm. -0- Colorado Tree Conf. 45 CPRS Meetings 75 .20 Office Supplies 100 100 150 100 100 I .21 Operating Suppli es 1,715 1,500 2,420 2,420 i 2,000 Gas and Oil Miscellaneous Materials .22 Printing and Postage 225 25 350 350 200 Arborist Notices Public Information .23 Small Tools and Minor Equipmen ~ 50 50 75 75 75 *Not Included . ANNUAL BUDGf:=r DAGf:' 75 I' I , CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Ii J W R. FORM )-! REV ;1'75 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 76 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT GENERAL PARKS MJD RECREATION FORESTRY 463. - - OBJECT ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMEN r CITY ADMIN APeROVED 2Y CODE EXPENSE ITEM BU~ EST~E RE~ RECOf.7~~E:HD C1T'y "(,, 1'-' II 19 19 19 19 19-.1b~~c I ~ , .30 Licensed Vehicle Maintenance 1,000 1,000 1,400 1,400 1,400 Bucket Truck , , Chipper Truck i LUV Vehicle Chipper .31 Other Equipment Maintenance 300 500 550 550 550 3 Radios I Chain Saw Repair I Replacement Parts I I .33 Telephone Expense 290 290 390 300 I 300 I .36 Insurance and Bonds 650 550 750 400 400 3 Vehicles .37 Rentals and Leases 150 150 200 150 150 I .38 Dues, Books, and Subscriptiom 100 100 170 170 , 170 I ! .40 Office Equipment 100 100 100 100 -0- 1 Chair 75 1 Desk Light 25 .43 Major Repair and Maintenance 600 300 400 400 300 Contracts - 300 353 300 500 -0- .42 Other Vehicular Equipment 1 Water Trailer .53 Ordinance Enforcement -0- 1,814 1,000 1,000 I 500 (Removal of dead and I diseased trees in public right-of-way) I' TOTALS 32, 175 32,471 41,658 41,250 I 39,307 j CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W R FORM 3 e. REV 2,1' '- Ni BUDGET - .---.-------. DETAIL OF SALARiES AND WAGES , ! FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION -~--'-._--- I ACCOUNT I~NE~~~ PARKS AND RECREATION PARK RANGER 464 POSITIONS I ~~':;'.:::"::'-._..=~ CLASSIFICA TION I ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN l~t-'h~(Yjf'{J Hi CURI.ENT DEPART FINAL AND BUDGET EST. MATE REQUEST RECOMMtlm I CiTy CC;tlt.CIl BUDGET REQUEST AUTH, SALARY RANGE NO 19~_ 19""7'1 19-ryh 19 -o-rh , I, I - '26..__ ! , 0 2 1 Park Ranger (0) -0- -0- 20,352 20,352 I 10 ,176 I 0 .75 .75 Park Ranger, Part - -0- -0- 7,443 7,443 7,443 Time (Seasonal) i ! ;1 , Pay Survey -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- i ! Cost of Living Pay , -0- -0- 1,018 1,018 509 Adjustment (5%) i I I ! ! I , I 0 2.75 1. 75 TOTALS -0- -0- 28,813 28,813 18 I 128 , . COMMENTS, This is a new program established in 1975. The positions function as Park Rangers and Naturalists. , , I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE J APlNUAL PAGE 77 - - - - 'II IIf 1'"011"" l 14 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 78 ~ ~ , SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES - FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT GENERAL , PARKS A~JD RECREATION PARK RANGER 464. ~ - OBJECT ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMit' I APPR0\/E': BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM B~ ESTIM23' REQ4JEiT RECO~~E~~D Clr'T COIP,;(;iL 19 19_ 19 ' 19 I 19_26 , .101 ----, Salaries and Wages -0- -0- 28,813 28,813 18,128 I I .11 Personnel Overhead -0- -0- 2,415 2,921 1,775 F.LC.A. 930 Insurance 476 Retirement -0- Workmen's Compo 3G9 , i .12 Overtime and Premium Pay -0- -0- 500 500 350 I .13 Training and Safety -0- -0- 350 350 ~ 200 .14 Uni forms -0- -0- 700 700 500 2 @ $350 i each I i .16 Conference and Meeting ExpansE -0- -0-, 300 -0- -0- ! Midwest Conference, I Wichita 150 I -0- -0- 1,180 1,180 i 780 .21 Operating Supplies i First Ai_d Packs 75 l"lace 30 Batteries (Radio) 225 Nature Suppli es 800 Miscellaneous 20 I .31 Other Equipment Maintenance -0- -0- 125 125 100 I -0- -0- 200 200 200 .35 Insurance and Bonds .37 Rentals and Leases -0- -0- 4,300 4,300 3,500 I Horses - Complete I I I I .42 Other Major Equipment -0- -0- 1,800 1,800 1,800 I 1 I 2 Walkie Talkie Radios I I I I I I \ I ; I I i i TOTALS -0- -0- 40,683 40,889 I 27,333 I II I -,- I I I -I , I -I ! - -I - Il______ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -- ,I Ii J\ L__________ N ,. ,0;11," )-& R:::V 2 1! ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 79 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES . JDIVISION !ACCOUNT FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL U~ERGErJCV FIRE VEHICLES MAINTENANCE 426 OBJECT I - CITY ~DMIN, 1 ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT APPRO\'ED BY i I EXPENSE ITEM BUD~ ESTI ~E REQJ,IEiST RECO~'6ND I Cl fY C76,CiL CODE 19_ 19~ 19 I 19 19_ I ! .30 Emergency vehicle maintenance - 1,500 1,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 for Fire District per City Counc il resolution ; I , : , Ii i i I I I ! I II i I II II I II II I I I I I TOTALS 1,500 1,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 II Ii i I I: I i I I IL I -- ' --------- --- '----.- ---.------------- w P 1<;)1<1.' IJ RFII 2,7' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I I I FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT i , I GENERAL U~JALLOCATED RESERVE 499. I CITY ADMI:-I -i i OBJ ECT ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT APPROVED BY ! CODE EXPENSE ITEM BU~ EST~E RE~ REC~W CIT;9~CIL i 19 19 19 19 , .66 Unallocated Reserve 71,928 20,000 98,279 98,279 189,282 , I . TOTALS 71,928 20,000 98,279 98,279 189,282 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 80 W" P'ORM J.I. REV 1/15 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT IDIVISION ACCOUNT GENERAL ~NTERGOVERNMENT AGREEMENT ANIMAL SHELTER 470 i OBJECT ORIGINAL FINAL DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN APPROVED BY CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL 197:) 19 19fb 19ib 19;0 ~ I .39 Miscellaneous Expense -0- -0- 41 ,700 41 ,700 41,700 I I Wheat Ridge share Tri-City- I I County Animal Shelter Facility. (Capital Cost only in 1975) Pursuant to intergovernment agreement approved by City Council September 29, 1975. I TOTALS -0- -0- 41,700 41 ,700 41,700 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 81 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W,R FOAM J-II. REV i/1!5 Page 82 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 8UDGET AND , , ! PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 8UDGET 1977 - 1980 (BASED ON 1i ADDITIONAL SALES TAX REVENUE) 1976 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND . ......':::1'- -- INCOME: Estimated Revenues: 1. 1% Additional S~les Tax (Transfer from General Fund) 2. Urban Drainage District Matching Funds: Lena Gulch 3. Urban Drainage District Matching Funds: Harlan Street TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES.oo............................. EXPENDITURES: Estimated Expenditures: 1. Drainage Improvements ao Lena Gulch--(50% City) b. Harlan Street--(50% City) Co 48th Street do 35th and Marshall e. Other Miscellaneous Drainage Projects Throughout the City 20 Major Street and Traffic Improvements a. Resurfacing and Reconstruction of Streets b. Traffic Controllers 3. Pedestrian/Bikeways Throughout the City 4. Preparation of City Base Map--(Consultant) 5. Tennis Court Renovation--Panorama Park 6. Two New Tennis Courts 7. Sprinkling System--Prospect Park B. Restrooms and Concession Building--Prospect Park and Sanitary Sewer Line Installation 9. Unallocated TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES..........................o. 10/27/75 $ 850,000 100,000 100,000 $1,050,000 $ 500,000 320,000 65,000 10,000 18,500 20,000 13,000 50,000 53,500 $1,050,000 PROPOSED 1977 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND NO. Page 84 INCDr4E: Estimated Revenues: 1. 1% Additional Sales Tax (Transfer from General Fund) OR .........................0............$ 879,500 2. Urban Drainage District Matching Funds: Lena Gulch.....o...................... 100,000 3. Urban Drainage District Matching Funds: Harlan Street...............o......... 100,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES: EXPENDITURES: - - 10. 11. 12. 13. Estimated Expenditures: 1. 2. Lena Gulch Improvements......(50% CitV)................$ Harlan Street Improvements....(50% City)............... Street Resurfacing.....(approx. 10 miles).............. Reconstruct Gravel Streets.....(1 mile)................ S1,079,500 200,000 200,000 325,000 75,000 100,000 3,250 6,500 24,000 8,000 24,000 50,750 34,000 Reconstruct ball fields: Panorama and Randall Parks... Pedestrian/Bike Pathways through CitVo...............oo New Tennis Courts (2) and Lighting--Prospect Park...... ~ighting, Bleachers, and Dugouts--Ball Park #2: Prospect Park....................~..................... 29,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: $1,079,500 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Misc. Drainage Projects throughout City.o.............. Improvements to Tennis Courts: Randall Park........... Park Development: 44th & Miller....................... New Tennis Courts (2) at Wheat Ridge Park.............. Leisure Arts Center: Berbert House.................... PROPOSED 1978 - CITY Of WHEAT RIDGE CAPITAL IMPRQVEMENTS FUND NO. Page 85 INCOME: -- Estimated Revenues: 1. 1% Additional Sales Tax (Transfer from General Fund) OR .........................................$ 2. Urban Drainage District Matching Funds: Lena Gulch............................... Urban Drainage District Matchir.g Funds: Harlan Street.....o...................... 30 4. Bureau of Recreation Grant................................ TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES: - EXPENDITURES: - Estimated Expenditures: 1. Lena Gulch Improvements.....(50% CitV)....................$ 2. Harlan Street Improvements.....(50% CitV)................. 3. Outdoor Swimming Pool and Complex....(50% City)........... 4. Street Resurfacing......(approx. 7 miles)................. 5. Reconstruct Gravel Streets......(approx. 1 mile)o......... 6. Misc. Drainage Projects throughout CitV................... 7. Park Development: 45th and Vance...o..................... 8. Expand Parking Facilities: Wheat Ridge Park.............. 9. Construct Locker Room at Anderson Building................ - ... - TOTAL.ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: . 901,500 100,000 100,000 200,000 S1,301,500 200,000 200,000 400,000 300,000 80,000 21,500 35,000 30,000 35,000 11,301,500 PROPOSED 1979 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUN~ NO. Page 86 INCOME: Estimated Revenues: 1. 1% Additional Sales Tax (Transfer from General Fund) OR 0....................................1 2. Urban Drainage District Matching Funds: Lena Gulch........................... 3. Urban Drainage District Matching Funds: Harlan Street........................ 4. Urban Systems Grant for W. 44th Avenue................ TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES: EXPENDITURES: Estimated Expenditures: - 1. Lena Gulch Improvements....(50% City).................$ Harlan Street Improvements.....(SO% City)............. Street Resurfacing......(approx. 9 miles)............. Reconstruct Gravel Streets.....(approx. 1 mile)...~... Purchase City Offices Building........................ Improvement of W. 44th Avenue (Wadsworth to Kipling) ......(City Share: $221,400...27%)................... 2. 3. ... 4. S. 6. - TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: 1Citv Share, $221,400, not yet funded in this Budget. 924,000 100,000 100,000 600,0001 S1,724,000 200,000 200,000 350,000 80,000 294,000 820,0001 S 1,944,000 PROPOSED 1980 - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND NOo Page 87 INCOME: - - Estimated Revenues: 1. 1% Additional Sales Tax (Transfer from General Fund) OR .................0.........00.....0..$ 2. Urban Drainage District Matching Funds: Lena GulCh........................... Urban Drainage District Matching Funds: Harlan Street..........o............o Urban Systems Grant for W. 44th Avenue.........o...... 3. 4. TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES: EXPENDITURES: - - - - Estimated Expenditures: 1. 2. 3. 40 5. 6. 7. Lena Gulch Improvements..o..(50% CitV)oo..............$ Harlan Street Improvements.....(SO% CitV)............. Street Resurfacing.....Capprox. 10 miles)............. Reconstruct Gravel Streets....(approxo 1 mile)........ Misc. Drainage Projects throughout CitVo..o........... Complete Reconstruction of Paramount Park.....o....... Minor Improvements to Park Properties to be Acquired Throughout City.............o......................... 8. Concession Stand and Storage Building: Wheat Ridge Par k. . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 9. Improvement of W. 44th Avenue (Wadsworth to Kipling) ....0CCity Share: $259,200....27%)................... TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: 1Citv share, $259,200, not yet funded in this Budget. 947, 100 100,000 100,000 700,0001 81,847,100 200,000 200,000 400,000 85,000 100,000 124,000 13, 100 25,000 960,0001 $2, 107, 100 1976 REVENUE SHARING FUND REVENUE Total Estimated Payments for Entitlement Pe~iDd Six....... Interest Earnings (estimated).....o......................o Carryover Balance from 1975............0.................0 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES EXPENDITURES 1. PUBLIC SAFETY: 6 Compact Police Vehicleso........................... 1 Crime Van - equipped ($5,500)..............0....... 1 Training Van - equipped ($3,000)0.................. - 2. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION (STREETS): 2 Six-yard Tandem Trucks with Sanding Equipment (Replacements)o.ooo...........~..o......... 2 Compact 5edans..............................o...... 30 RECREATION: 1 LUV Vehicle.....oo................................. - 4. OTHER: 4 Compact Vehicles (Communitv Development Dept.)...o. 2 Compact Vehicles (Administrative Services Dept.)o.. 1 Compact Vehicle (CitV Administrator)......ooo...... 5. UNALLOCATED.................o..............o...oo.... TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 10/27/75 .'""" Page 88 $ 125,200 3,000 1,000 S 129,200 $ 28,500 Not Approved Not Approved 34,000 Not Approved Not Approved Not Approved Not Approved Not Approved 66,700 $ 129,200 ~ Page 89 PARK ACQUISITION FUND REV E N U E Subdivision Fees (Payments made by Developers in lieu of Land Donation per Ordinance) S 1 , 500 Carryover Balance 10,000 Earned Interest 500 TOTAL S 12, 000 - - E X PEN D I T U RES - Park Land Acquisitions and/or Developments To be Determined by City Council $ 12,000 NOTE: The Park Acquisition Fund was established by the City in 1972 to provide for an accounting of funds received and earmarked for acquisition of park lands throughout the City and for development of such properties. The fund is sustained largely by developer payments pursuant to Ordinance and by contributions. Page 90 CONSERVATION TRUST FUND REV E N U E S Grants, State of Colorado Earned Interest Carryover $ 10,000 250 14,750 T orA L. . . . . . '" . . . . . '" . . . . . <II '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" $ 25,000 E X PEN D I T U RES Acquisition and/or development of Park and Conservation sites per State Statute guidelinesoo...o...........o.....oo $ 25,000 - NOTE: The Conservation Trust Fund is a restricted Fund estab- lished by the City on July 2, 1974, pursuant to State Law to provide for the receipt and disbursement of funds received from the State for specified uses. The authorized expenditures from this fund are for the acq~isition, development, and maintenance of new conservation sites which includes interests in la~d and water. INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMAN Cavarra RESOLUTION NO. 422 Series of 1975 TITLE: RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE CITY BUDGET AND ESTABLISHING A MILL LEVY FOR THE PURPOSE OF DERIVING PROPERTY TAX REVENUES TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1976 WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Budget for the fiscal year 1976 has been established and a publiC hearing held thereon after due published notice; and WHEREAS, the budget provides for revenues and operating and capital expenditures in the total amount of $4,178,572 which includes $2,962,372 in the General Fund, $1,050,000 in the Capital Improvements Fund, and $166,200 in S~ecial Funds; and WHEREAS, $376,339 of the General Fund Budget is estimated to be derived from ad valorem property taxes and the balance derived from other estimated revenue sources; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The City of Wheat Ridge total Budget for the fiscal period beginning January 1, 1976, and ending December 31, 1976, be hereby approved and adopted. 2. The property tax mill levy for General Fund operating end capital purposes is hereby established at 4.8 mills and assessed against all real property within the City of Wheat Ridge for taxes to be collected in 1976 for the valuation year 1975. this DONE AND RESOLVED by a vote of 6 5th day of November, A.D. 1975. to o ATTEST: ,Q /1 ,u /J J _if'} t~ /'..;. ;:tS! /', ~ .' (J~ ',,-\ ELll;L.-ERO\JGHhi~, 'CITY C~t..Rr; I ic/:/ FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND AUDITORS' REPORT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO DECEMBER 31, 197!;i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CiTY CLERK'S OFFlCE P. O. BOX 610 WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO 80035 COU. ~"'TElf" C~P" . 'W~' -.<. U" j' Alexander Grant & COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND AUDITORS' REPORT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO December 31, 1975 CONTENTS Page AUDITORS' REPORT 3 SUPPLEMENTAL COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMBINED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES 5 6 7 GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH BUDGET STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 9 10 11 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH BUDGET STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CASH BALANCES 13 14 15 16 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH BUDGET STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES 18 19 20 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS - BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY 22 23 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 25 Alexander Grant & COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INTERNATIONAL FIRM ALEXANDER GRANT TANSLEY WITT The Honorable Frank Stites, Mayor Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado We have examined the financial statements of the various funds and balanced account groups of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado as of and for the year ended December 31, 1975, included in this report on pages 9 through 29. Our ex- amination was made in accordance with generally accepted audit- ing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the ac- counting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the various funds and balanced account groups of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado at December 31, 1975, and the results of their oper- ations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Our examination was made primarily for the purpose of formulating the opinion stated in the preceding paragraph. The supplemental combined financial statements included in this report on pages 5 through 7, although not considered necessary for a fair presentation of financial position and results of operations, are presented as supplementary informa- tion and have been subjected to the audit procedures applied in the examination of the basic financial statements. In our opinion, the supplemental statements are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. ~CiAAi!vJ;)y~V ~7 Denver, Colorado February 27, 1976 1600 BROADWAY DENVER, CO 80202 1303) 861-1345 SUPPLEMENTAL COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado COMBINED BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1975 Trust and Special General General Agency Revenue Fixed Fund Funds Funds Assets ASSETS Cash $ 14,483 $ 79,840 $ 8,843 $ Certificates of deposit 213,025 Investments 354,881 64,912 9,672 Accounts receivable 2,762 31,299 Accrued interest receivable 5,211 190 Prepaid insurance 11,725 Fixed assets 9,428,788 - $ 383,851 $ 362,988 $ 50,004 $ 9,428,788 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCES Accounts payable $ 86,859 $ 18,024 $ 280 $ Reserve for encumbrances 62,060 38,620 Contributions 7,761,083 Investment in general fixed assets 1,667,705 Unrestricted fund balances 234,932 344,964 11,104 $ 383,851 $ 362,988 $ 50,004 $ 9,428,788 5 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES Year ended December 31, 1975 Trust and Special General Agency Revenue Fund Funds Funds Revenues Taxes $ 1,659,550 $ $ Licenses and permits 355,891 Intergovernmental revenue 543,891 26,932 121,448 Charges for services 34,803 Fines and forfeitures 50,108 Interest income 18 ,375 19,156 2,291 Miscellaneous income 35,345 Pension plan contributions 67,574 Donations 1,908 10,651 Total revenues 2,697,963 115,570 134,390 Expenditures and encumbrances General government 439,292 Public safety 1,013,304 Public works 755,440 Parks and recreation 311,359 Land acquisition 3,410 CapHa 1 acquisitions 21,620 Capital construction projects 117,298 Professional fees 878 Refunds 4,457 Other expenditures 13,540 8,149 Total expenditures and encumbrances 2,532,935 16 , 016 139,796 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDI- TURES AND ENCUMBRANCES $ 165 , 028 $ 99,554 $ (5,406) 6 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado COMBINED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year ended December 31, 1975 Trust and Special General Agency Revenue Fund Funds Funds Fund balances at January 1, 1975 As previously reported $ 69,904 $ 248,734 $ 13,186 Adjustment to reflect Federal Revenue Sharing Fund as a Special Revenue Fund (3,324) 3,324 As restated 69,904 245,410 16,510 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and encum- brances for the year 165,028 99,554 (5,406) Fund balances at December 31, 1975 $ 234,932 $ 344,964 $ 11 , 104 7 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GENERAL FUND 8 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1975 ASSETS Cash Operating accounts Savings accounts Prepaid insurance $ 14,483 354,881 369,364 2,762 11,725 $ 383,851 Accounts receivable LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities Accounts payable Trade accounts Payroll taxes withheld Other Total liabilities $ 58,892 25,565 2,402 86,859 62,060 234,932 $ 383,851 Reserve for encumbrances Fund balance The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 9 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITIJRES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH BUDGET Year ended December 31, 1975 Budget Actual Actual over (under) budget Revenues Taxes $ 1,912,932 $ 1,659,550 $ (253,382) Licenses and permits 375,839 355,891 (19,948) Intergovernmental revenue 391,506 543,891 152,385 Charges for services 37,350 34,803 (2 , 547 ) Fines and forfeitures 40,400 50,108 9,708 Interest income 27,000 18,375 (8,625) Miscellaneous revenue 20,000 35,345 15,345 Total revenues 2,805,027 2,697,963 (107,064) Expenditures and encumbrances General government 597,763 439,292 (158,471) Public safety 990,453 1,013,304 22,851 Public works 945,513 755,440 (190,073) Parks and recreation 351,813 311,359 (40,454) Nondepartmental expenditures (note K) 21,199 13,540 (7,659) Total expenditures and encumbrances 2,906,741 2,532,935 (373,806) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITIJRES AND ENCUMBRANCES $ (101,714) $ 165,028 $ 266,742 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 10 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year ended December 31, 1975 Fund balance at January 1, 1975 $ 69,904 Excess of revenues over expenditures and encumbrances for the year Fund balance at December 31, 1975 165 I 028 $ 234,932 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 11 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS 12 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Trust and Agency Funds BALANCE SIIEET December 31, 1975 Police~en's Public Works Mountain Bell Conservation Pension Escrow Escrow Trust Total Fund Fund Fund Fund .Isms Casn Operating account I 36,119 I 1,180 112,131 $ 3,393 $ 19,415 Savings account 43,721 43,721 Certificates of deposit 213,Q25 213,Q25 292,865 257,926 12,131 3,393 19,415 Investments - at cost r. S. Treasury bills 38,125 38,125 U S, GoverOlllent securities 26,181 26,181 64,912 64,912 Accrued interest receivable 5,2ll 5,211 $ 362,988 $ 328,049 $ 12,131 $~ $19,415 ~ LIABILITIES A~1J Fl!ND BALANCES Liabilities Accounts payable I 2,500 $ $ - 12,500 Refundable escrow deposits 15.524 12,131 3,393 Tota1liabili ties 18,024 12,131 3,393 2,500 Fund balances 344,964 328,049 16,915 1362,988 $ 328,049 112,131 $~ 119,415 Tne accompanying notes are an integral part of tnis statement, 13 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Trust aod Agency Funds STAImNT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDIl1lRES COKPARED lITH IIUI\lE'! Year ended December 31, 1975 Policemen's Pension Fund Conservation \'rust Fund Actual Actual over over (under) (under) Total Budget Actual budget Budget Actual budget (noteJ) Revenues Contributions (note !) City 133,787 133,787 133,787 I - Employees 33,787 33,787 33,787 State of Colorado 26,932 18,008 18,008 10,600 8,924 (~) 94,506 85,582 85,582 10,600 8,924 (1,676) Interest 19,156 18,476 18,476 200 680 480 Other donations ~ ~ ~ Total revenues 115,570 105,966 105,966 10,800 9,604 (1,196) Expenditures Land acquisition 3,410 10,800 3,410 (7,3901 Withdrawals by participants 4,457 4,457 4,457 Insurance ~ ~ ~ Total expenditures 16,016 12,606 ~ 10,800 3,410 (~) EXCESS OF REVEIf'UES OVER EXPENDITURES $ 99,554 $ 93,360 $ 93,360 $ 6,194 $~ The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement, 14 Ci ty of iheat Ridge, Colorado Trust and Agency Funds STATDT OF CHAlIGES IN F[I)fl) MLANCES Year ended December 31, 197~ The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 15 Cit~ ot Wh~at Ridge, Colorado Trust and Agency Funds STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CASH BALANCES Year ended December 31, 1975 Public Works Escrow Fund Receipts Refundable escrow deposits $ 9,586 Disbursements Refund of deposits 17,784 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF RECEIPTS OVER DI SBURSEMENTS (8,198) Cash balance at January 1, 1975 20,329 Cash balance at December 31, 1975 $ 12,131 Mountain Bell Escrow Fund $ 3 (3) 3,396 $ 3,393 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 16 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 17 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Special Revenue Funds BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1975 Federal Revenue Park Parks Sharing Acquisition Open Space Total Fund Fund Fund ASSETS Cash Operating account $ 8,291 $ 7,602 $ 549 $ 140 Savings account 552 552 8,843 8,154 549 140 Investments - at cost U, S, Treasury bills 9,672 9,672 Due from federal government 31,299 31,299 Accrued interest receivable 190 190 $ 50,004 $ 39,453 $ 10,411 $ ill, LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUllD BALANCES Accounts payable $ 280 280 $ Reserve for encUllbrances 38,620 38,620 Fund balances 11,104 553 10,411 140 $ 50,004 $ 39,453 $ 10,411 $ 140 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 18 Revenues Federal government Donations Interest income Total revenues Expenditures Capital construction projects Capital acquisitions Legal fees Consul tan t fees Total expenditures EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPEND I'MlES Total City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Special Revenue Funds STATElIKNT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITIJRES COMPARED WITH BUOOET Year ended December 31, 1975 Federal Revenue Sharing Fund Actual over (under) Budget .~ctual budget \iiOleCf $121,448 $117,698 $ 121,448 $ 3,750 10,651 ~ 12,000 ~ 110,173) 134,390 117 ,298 21,620 648 230 139,796 129,698 123,275 (6,423) Park Acquisition Fund Actual over (under) Budget Actual budget $ 1,500 10,651 190 1,500 10,841 $ - 9,151 190 9,341 2,170 648 Parks Open Space Fund Actual over (under) Budget Actual budget (note J) - $ 274 274 140,036 117 ,298 8,748 (22,738) 8,748 140,036 (13,990) 3,000 3,000 2,818 274 274 126,046 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. (830) 648 10,702 230 10,702 230 (182) 10,932 10,932 $~) $ (10,338) $ J111l) $ 7,567 $ (1,500) $ 8,023 $ 9,523 $ === $ (10,658) $ (10,658) 19 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Special Revenue Funds STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year ended December 31, 1975 Federal Revenue Park Parks Sharing Acquisition Open Space Total Fund Fund Fund Fund balances at January 1, 1975 As previously reported $ 13, 186 $ $ 2,388 $ 10,798 Adjustment to reflect Federal Revenue Sharing Fund as a Special Revenue Fund (note C) 3,324 3,324 As restated 16,510 3,324 2,388 10,798 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (5,406) (2,771) 8,023 (10,658) Fund balances at December 31, 1975 $ 11 , 104 $ 553 $ 10,411 $ 140 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 20 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ~ 1 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS December 31, 1975 General fixed assets (note A2) Land and buildings Equipment Highways, streets and storm sewers $ 803,490 687,548 7,937,750 $ 9,428,788 Investment in general fixed assets Cost and estimated cost of assets acquired by various funds of the city Assets contributed to the city $ 1,667,705 7,761,083 $ 9.428,788 The accompanying notes are an integral part oJ. this statement 22 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS - BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY Year ended December 31, 1975 Additions Balance at General Balance at January 1, Fund December 31, 1975 revenues Contributions Sales 1975 General fixed assets General government $ 27,489 $ 4,831 $ $ 1,814 $ 30,506 Public safety 390,043 39,857 25,133 404,767 Public works 7,432,640 217,261 665,193 3,450 8,311,644 Parks 517 ,644 31,092 134,580 1,446 681,870 $ 8,367,816 $ 293,041 $ 799,773 $ 31,843 $ 9,428,787 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 23 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 24 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1975 NOTE A - SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES A summary of the significant accounting policies consistently applied in the preparation of the accompanying financial statements follows: 1. Basis of Accounting The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting principles promulgated by The National Committee on Governmental Accounting in its publi- cation Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting, as amended by the industry audit guide, Audits of State and Local Governmental Units, prepared by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Committee on Gov- ernmental Accounting and Auditing. 2. General Fixed Asset Group of Accounts Land, buildings and equipment purchased by the city since its inception in 1969 have been valued at historical cost. Those items transferred to the city from Jefferson County have been valued at the original cost to the county based on historical cost records. Highways, streets and storm sewers transferred to the city during 1969 by Jefferson County have been valued at the esti- mated cost to the county. All additions since that time have b8~n valued at the actual cost to the city. Depreciation has not been provided on assets in the general fixed asset group of accounts. NOTE B - EXPENDITURE CLEARING ACCOUNTS Pursuant to the Uniform Classification of Accounts - Cities and Towns, the following information is provided: Description Total expenditure Annual audit Data processing Insurance and bonds Publishing Retirement and pension contributions Workmen's compensation Unemployment compensation $ 5,500 4,493 35,500 4,567 91,438 10,893 25 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) December 31, 1975 NOTE C - FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND The Federal RevEnue Sharing Fund was established by the city in 1972 to provide for an accounting of those funds received through the "State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972." In essence, this act provides funds to units of local governments to be used for ordinary and necessary maintenance and operating expenses and capital expenditures authorized by law. The act also specifies certain restrictions and procedural requirements with which the city has complied during the year. As of January 1, 1975, the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund was re- classified as a Special Revenue Fund in accordance with the Municipal Finance Officers Association's publication, Accounting Systems for Revenue Sharing. NOTE D - PARK ACQUISITION FUND The Park Acquisition Fund was established by the city in 1972 to provide for an accounting of those monies received and designated for use in the acquisition of additional parklands and improvements. NOTE E - PARKS OPEN SPACE FUND The Parks Open Space Fund was established by the city in 1974 to provide for an accounting of those monies received from the Jefferson County Open Space Fund which are designated for use in the acquisition and development of open space lands. NOTE F - PENSION PLANS The City of Wheat Ridge Policemen's Pension Fund was estab- lished to account for contributions received under the plan for uniformed employees. Contributions by the participants under this plan are required in amounts equal to 5% of com- pensation received from the city. The city is required to make contributions in amounts equal to that of the partici- pants. Contributions by the city for the year ended Decem- ber 31, 1975 totaled $33,787. The actuarially computed value 26 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) December 31, 1975 NOTE F - PENSION PLANS (CONTINUED) of ~nfunded prior servicp cost under this plan as of January 1, 1976 (the date of the most recent actuarial report) was $257,428. No provision has yet been made for amortization of this unfunded prior service <:ost. Effective May 1, 1975, the city elected to participate in the Colorado County Officials and Employees Retirement Association RetIrement Plan. This plan covers nonpolice employees. Contri- butions by the participants under this plan are required in amounts equal to 4% of compensation received from the city. The cIty is required to make contributions in amounts equal to that of the participants. Contributions by the city for the year ended December 31, 1975 totaled $10,383. There is no liability for benefits under this program beyond the city's matching pay- ment. NOTE G - PUBLIC WORKS ESCROW FUND The Public Works Escrow Fund was established by the city during 1973 to provide for an accounting of those monies received as financial guarantees prior to the issuance of certain construc- tion permits. These funds are then refunded upon approval of the Director of Public Works following satisfactory completion of all required work. NOTE H - MOUNTAIN BELL ESCROW FUND The Mountain Bell Escrow Fund was established by the city during 1974 to provide for an accounting of those monies received from the Mountain Bell Telephone Company. These funds represent un- claimed refunds due to customers of the telephone company who formerly resided in the city. In accordance with Chapter 40, Article 8, of the revised statutes of the State of Colorado, the city shall refund these monies to any person entitled thereto who can prove a claim in a method satisfactory to the city. At the end of three years from the date of receipt of the funds, the remaining unclaimed monies shall become the property of the city. 27 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) December 31, 1975 NOTE I - CONSERVATION TRUST FUND The Conservation Trust Fund was established by the city during 1974 to provide for an accounting of those monies received and designated for use in the acquisition, development and main- tenance of new conservation sites pursuant to Chapter 138-1-98 of the revised statutes of the State of Colorado. The statutes also require that any unencumbered state monies must be returned to the State of Colorado on June 30 of the fifth year following receipt of the funds. NOTE J - APPROPRIATIONS Estimated revenues and the appropriations included in the ac- companying financial statements are based upon the budget as revised by the City Council. The original budget was adopted by Resolution No. 345, Series of 1974. The City Council enacted various revisions within expenditure categories through subsequent resolutions. The revised budgets adopted by the City Council provided $2,906,741 for expenditures for general city operations. In addition, the revised budget provided for estimated revenue of $2,805,027 and $101,714 fund balance carry-over from 1974. Budgets were not provided for the Policemen's Pension Fund or the Parks Open Space Fund since, in the opinion of the City Attorney, these funds are not under the control of the City Council and, therefore, are not subject to the budgetary re- quirements of the Colorado Statutes NOTE K - NONDEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES Nondepartmental expenditures include prior year encumbrances in the amount of $2,893 which were cancelled during 1975, and are accounted for as a reduction in the current year expendi- tures of the General Fund. 28 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) December 31, 1975 NOTE L - CONTINGENCIES The city is a party to litigation under which it may be re- quired to pay certain monies contingent upon the decisions of the courts. The office of the City Attorney reports two possible contingent liabilities based on the amount of damages alleged in the various cases. Both of these claims were re- solved in favor of the City of Wheat Ridge in lower courts and are being appealed. It is the opinion of the City Attorney that the lower court decisions should be affirmed on appeal. No provision has been made in these statements for the con- tingent liabilities mentioned above. NOTE M - COMMITMENTS As of December 31, 1975, the city employees had accrued vacation and sick pay as follows: Vacation pay Sick pay $ 39,008 132,593 Total $ 171,601 No provision has been made for these commitments in the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 1975. 29 '-'GENDA !TEIV1 - .::. ~ MAY 23 1911 STUDY SESSION ITEM , - FINANCIAL DATA AND AUOITO~$' REPORTS CITY 9F WHEAT RIDG~. COLORADO REVENUE $HARINGFUNQ i ACCOUNT NO. 06-a-o~q~aoa [)EC.E".ER 31, 1976 AlexanderDraoo > -" . & 'COMPANY FINANCIAL DATA AND AUDITORS' REPORTS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Revenue Sharing Fund Account No. 06-2-030-802 December 31, 1976 CON TEN T S Page PART I - FINANCIAL AUDITORS' REPORT ON FINANCIAL DATA 4 BALANCE SHEET 5 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 6 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 7 SUMMARY OF DATA SUBMITTED TO THE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 8 NOTE TO FINANCIAL DATA 9 PART II - COMPLIANCE AUDITORS' REPORT ON COMPLIANCE 11 PART I FINANCIAL 3 Alexander Grant &COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INTERNATIONAL FIRM ALEXANDER GRANT TANSLEY WITT The Honorable Frank Stites, Mayor Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado We have examined the balance sheet of the Revenue Sharing Fund of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado as of December 31, 1976, and the related statements of expenditures and changes in fund balance for the year then ended, and have compared the summary of data submitted to the Bureau of the Census for the year ended December 31, 1975, included on Bureau of Census Form RS-9, with audited records of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Our examination was made in accord- ance with generally accepted auditing standards and the "Audit Guide and Standards for Revenue Sharing Recipients" issued by the Office of Revenue Sharing, U.S. Department of the Treasury, and accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the Revenue Sharing Fund of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado at December 31, 1976, and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Further, the summary of data submitted to the Bureau of the Census for the year ended December 31, 1975 is in agreement with audited records of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. ~~L4~rt~ Denver, Colorado February 25, 1977 1600 BROADWAY DENVER CO 80202 1303i 861-1345 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Revenue Sharing Fund BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1976 ASSETS Cash Operating account Savings account Due from federal government LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabili ties Due to General Fund Fund balance The accompanying note is an integral part of this statement. 5 $ 634 42,988 43,622 36,020 $ 79,642 $ 56,907 22,735 $ 79,642 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Revenue Sharing Fund STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year ended December 31, 1976 Fund balance at January 1, 1976 Add revenues Entitlement payments Interest $ 134,640 1,533 Less Expenditures Fund balance at December 31, 1976 $ 553 136,173 136,726 113,991 $ 22,735 The accompanying note is an integral part of this statement. 6 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Revenue Sharing Fund STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES Year ended December 31. 1976 Capital expenditures Multipurpose and general government Public transportation Public safety $ 47,122 37,868 29,001 $ 113,991 The accompanying note is an integral part of this statement. 7 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Revenue Sharing Fund SUM~~RY OF DATA SUBMITTED TO THE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Year ended December 31, 1975 Reported to Census PART I 1. Property taxes 2. Sales taxes (a) General sales tax (b) Gasoline tax (c) Liquor tax (d) Cigarette and tobacco taxes (e) Public utilities tax (f) Other 3. Licenses, permits and other taxes \a) Income, payroll or earnings tax (local) (b) Motor vehicle licenses (local) (c) Fees retained from tax collec- tions by officials of your government (d) Other 4. Taxes for education $ 386 , 745 1,061,737 274,815 81,076 PART I I From state 1. General support (a) Property tax relief (b) All other 2. Streets and highways 3. Education 4. Public welfare 5. Health or hospitals 6. All other From other local governments From Federal Government (directly) 211,067 280,669 26,933 169,349 230,321 The accompanying note is an integral part of this statement. 8 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Revenue Sharing Fund NOTE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1976 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES A summary of the significant accounting policies consistently applied in the preparation of the accompanying financial state- ments follows: 1. Basis of Accounting The records are maintained on a modified accrual basis of accounting, whereby expenditures are recorded at the same time liabilities are incurred and revenues are recorded when received in cash, except for material or available revenues, which are accrued to properly reflect the revenues earned. 2. Segregation of Accounts The Revenue Sharing Fund is maintained as an independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and/or other resources together with all related liabilities, obligations, reserves, and equities which are segregated for the purpose of accounting for all resources received under Title I of the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972 and the related expenditure and encumbrance of those resources. 9 PART I I COMPLIANCE 10 Alexander Grant & COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INTERNATIONAL FIRM ALEXANDER GRANT TANSLEY WITT The Honorable Frank Stites, Mayor Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado We have examined the balance sheet of the Revenue Sharing Fund of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado as of December 31, 1976, and the related statements of expenditures and changes in fund balance for the year then ended, and have compared the summary of data submitted to the Bureau of the Census for the year ended December 31, 1975, included on Bureau of Census Form RS-9, with audited records of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Our report thereon appears in the preceding section of this report. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the "Audit Guide and Standards for Revenue Sharing Recipients" issued by the Office of Revenue Sharing, U.S. Department of the Treasury (the "Guide"), and accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other aUditing pro- cedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. As part of our examination, we made a study of com- pliance matters as prescribed in Section V. D. of the "Guide" for the year ended December 31, 1976. Our study of compliance, which related to the re- quirements cited above, disclosed no conditions which we consider matters of noncompliance. However, one complaint regarding discrimination due to national origin has been filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. No decision regarding this complaint had been rendered by the commission as of December 31, 1976. ~~r7. Denver, Colorado February 25, 1977 1600 BROADWAY DENVER CO 80202 :303! 8611345