HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 citY of wheat ridge /977 operating and capital budget ~,-r"~j r "'.i' <{'r"""1; r:-'.~ n p~ r:; l; . 'is ' ; ~~'\ ,~ , \ ). ' ...; ,,' l ~ k.:. ,,J ts ~ ~1'P'!""V" <~ ..,....'"'~, '-'.,.... . I; '" " r~ ~" J ' , ""..::..~ , STRUCTED 1886 WHEAT RIDGE SOD EH~I~;~~C Cp~K 4610 ROBB STREET LOCATED IN WHEAT RIDG '-~T D!DGE CITY OF ,irJ~ ''',.t" - "-r;: K' C' ~ ~ i v!.... ~. '-v '-" . ) '. I:'I!,~,', "~'" no ~1)!133 . ,- r,,"\J i)"~, _ .;10 tJvL~ 1\.",.,. 'v~ l; ,~. JUL.., ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JANUARY 1, 1977 TO DECEMBER 31, 1977 COMPRISING REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE OPERATING BUDGET AND THE CAPITAL BUDGET CITY COUNCIL FRANK STITES MAYOR JOSEPH M. DONALDSON CALVIN O. HULSEY MARY JO CAVARRA WARD I WARD II WARD III LAWRENCE G. MERKL ROBERT G. HOWARD LOUISE F. TURNER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE "'. ........ ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PEPARTMENT HEADS AND OTHER STAFF CITY ADMINISTRATOR JOHN A. JERMAN DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - - - CLYDE E. HOBBS EDWARD R. PINSON CHIEF OF POLICE - - - - - - - - - - - DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - DENNIS W. ZWAGERMAN DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION - - - - - - - - RICHARD H. BREDT DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - RICHARD K. ANDREWS CITY TREASURER (ELECTIVE) (PART-TIME) - - JAMES O. MALONE CITY CLERK (ELECTIVE) (FULL-TIME) - - - CITY ATTORNEY (PART-TIME) (CONTRACTUAL) PRESIDING MUNICIPAL JUDGE (PART-TIME) - ELISE M. BROUGHAM - - - MAURICE F. FOX ANTHONY V. ZARLENGO DEPUTY MUNICIPAL JUDGE (PART-TIME) - - - - - - - HARRY E. CARLENO PRE-BUDGET PUBLIC MEETING ON BUDGET - - - - - - - - JUNE 14, 1976 PRELIMINARY BUDGET TO CITY COUNCIL - - - - - - - - AUGUST 25, 1976 FIRST STUDY SESSION - AUGUST 31, 1976 SECOND STUDY SESSION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEPTEMBER 9, 1976 THIRD STUDY SESSION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEPTEMBER 14, 1976 FOURTH STUDY SESSION - SEPTEMBER 22, 1976 PUBLIC HEARING - - - - - - SEPTEMBER 27, 1976 PUBLIC HEARING - SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 ADOPTION OF BUDGET AND APPROPRIATION RESOLUTIONS - - - - - - - - - - - - OCTOBER 11, 1976 BUDGET EFFECTIVE - - - - - JANUARY 1, 1977 ell y OF WHEAT RIDGt. ....-.~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1977 BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS City Administrator's Budget Summary - Revenue Estimates Message . . . . . . . . . . . Expendi ture Summal'y - Final Budget Property Tax Mill Levy Graph, 1970 through Sales Tax Revenue Graph, 1970 through 1977 Organizational Chart . . . . . . . . . . . 1977 DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARIES Mayor City Council City Clerk . Municipal Court City Administrator City Treasurer City Attorney Administrative Services Community Development Police Department Public Works Parks and Recreation Non-Departmental Operating Expense Carnation Festival . . . . Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . Unallocated . . . . . . . . . . . Capital Improvements Budget and Proposed Capital Improvements Budget Revenue Sharing Fund . . . . . . . . Park Acquisition Fund . . . . . . . Conservation Trust Fund . . . . . . . Resolution No. 475 Adopting Property Tax Mill Levy Resolution No. 476 Adopting 1977 Operating & Capital Letter to Colorado Division of Local Government ~";\oah..", Budget Page No. i iii vi viii ~x x 1 4 6 11 16 20 23 25 30 43 64 81 102 103 104- 104-(A) 105 113 115 116 ,- , ~ , r: T'-i' ,", 37,30 v,. '.J -:c , . , ~ ~heat GRidge I)f- r ler;: OF THE ~i 1 '1 ~[) !" , -r--..., I' ,- October 26, 1976 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF W~EAT RIDGE STATE OF COLORADO Subject: FINAL BUDGET MESSAGE - 1977 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET I am submitting herewith the final 1977 Budget document as approved and adopted by the City Council by Resolution No. 475, Series of 1975, on October 11, 1975. This document reflects all of the modi- fications and changes directed by Council as a result of its Study Sessions held August 31, September 9, Septemuer 14, and September 22, 1976, and the public hearings held September 27 and Septemuer 30, 1976. The final Budget reflects an adopted property tax mill levy of 3.65 mills which is a 31% reduction of the 1975 mill levy of 4.80 mills. The reduced mill levy substantially offsets the effect of the reapprai- sal of all real properties in 1975 by the County Assessor. The assessed valuation, as certified by the County Assessor on October 1, 1975, is $108,050,810, compared with the preliminary budget estimate made in August of $91,733,UOO. The actual assessed valuation for 1975 was $78,404,080; therefore, the new valuation represents an increase of 37.81% over 1975. The action of the City Council in reDucing the mill levy is indicative of its desire to hold taxation on real property in Wheat Ridge to the bare minimum needed to sustain the City and 8 legis- lative concern that the tax impact on local property owners should be minimized wherever possible. The new Budget provides a total of $25,000 for the Senior Citizens prop- erty tax rebate program. This program has been highly successful and has allowed older residents of the City, many of ~hom are living on fixed incomes, to be relieved of City property taxation on their places of residence. The popularity of this program is illustrated by the fact that the original 1976 budgeted projection for rebates was $9,UOO, whereas the actual refunds will total closer to $24,000 in 1975. The 1\ I;{"(/tlli tllllWI!111 CF\f}\\J.ll UhF\r/' 'I!. IITI "The Cun/u//nt! ('u,," " ~ Honorable Mayor and City Council -2- October 26, 1976 Subject: Final Budget Message - 1977 Operating and Capital Budget high percentage of participation also indicates the predominance of older citizens in Whe~t Ridge as compared to that in many other commun- ities. The 1977 Budget provides a low cost City government operation, with little growth in services or new services to be added. Only three (3) new full time employees were added for 1977, ~ringing the total number of authorized full time positions to one hundred twenty-seven (127), and one (1) full time position was abolished. A substantial Capital Improvements Program, financed with sales tax and anticipated grant revenues, is provided in the amount of $1,335,000, which will result in the largest street improvement program in the City's history for a single year (fourteen (14) miles of resurfacing) plus drainage and Parks improvements in all parts of the community. The City is expected to end the year with $435,000 in unspent carryover funds, which includes $100,000 in a Special Emergency Fund to protect the community against catastrophic occurrences. In addition, the Bud- get provides for a total of $178,434 as an Unallocated amount to pro- vide funds for unforeseen items not anticipated in the basic Budget document. The revenue estimates are conservatively estimated as a hedge against possible tightening of the economy which could occur after the first part of 1977, according to reliable predictions. In my opinion, this Budget is a very workable and sound financial plan which reflects a healthy fiscal condition. It will enable City govern- ment, to continue its current level of services safely within the City's available fina~cial resources. , / (Sincerely, / ^, ~ / (~0~ ~J (-:/;c,,<::,~ <-e-___ '-:foHn A. --:Jerman City Administrator JAJ:pjk NOTE: Included in this Budget document are the new Account and Fund numbers which are part of the new data processing system to be implemented in 1977 for the City's accounting system. "The CUnlOtlUlI CI(Yo' II SUMMARY REVENUE ESTIMATES 1976 vs. 1977 1976 ORIGINAL .,C REVENUE CLASSIFICATION ESTIMATE '(1) 1. Real Property Taxes...........$ 376,339 2. Auto Ownership Taxes.... ...... 37,100 3. Sales Tax (General Fund ...... 920,000 Portion - 1%) q.. Use Tax........................ 115,500 5. Cigarette Tax................. 223,qOO 6. Gasoline Tax (Highway Users... 213,150 Fees) 7. Telephone Occupation Tax..... 70,400 8. Public Service Occupation Tax....228,800 9. Liquor License Fees............. 1,900 10. Liquor Occupation Tax........... 3q,130 11. Arborist License Fees........... 550 12. Contractor License Fees......... 19,q25 13, Building Permit Fees............ 29,700 1~. Street Cut Permits............. 5,250 15. Federal Grants: Police......... . 116,000 i. f 16. Motor Vehicle Reg;Lstration Fees. 114,155 17. County Road and Bridge TranSfer. 175,560 18. Zoning Application Fees........ 6,050 ~ 19. Liquor Hearing Fees............ 2,~00 20. Park and Recreation Fees....... 26,250 1 1 21. Concession Stand Revenue: Parks.. -0- 22. Fines: Municipal court........... 60,500 23. Earned Interest.................. 15,000 iii 1977 PRELIMINARY BUDGET (2) 394,452 38,955 1,093,000 270,000 230,100 2Q7,100 85,000 23q,600 2,090 28,650 550 22,650 31,780 6,350 -0- 121,000 197,225 6,535 2,400 33,480 10,000 56,700 18,150 1:977 FINAL BUDGET (3) 390,920 38,955 1,093,000 270,000 230,100 200,000 85,000 23Q,600 2,090 28,650 550 22,650 31,780 6,350 -0- 110,922 197,225 6,535 2,400 33,480 10,000 56,700 18,150 SUMMARY REVENUE ESTIMATES (Continued) 1976 vs. 1977 REVENUE CLASSIFICATION 1976 ORIGINAL ESTIMATE $ 20,000 1977 PRELIMINARY ~ ~,- BUDGET $ 44,!i16 1977 F:[NkI., BU.DGBT $ 44,516 24. Miscellaneous Revenues 25. Unspent Cq,rryover B&J-arice 150,813 IncludesSpecial Emer.., gency Fund of $100,000 335,000 435,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES $2,962,372 3,460,283 $3,549,573 (1) Based on actual Assessed Valuation of $78,404,080 at 4.8 Mills. (2) Based on $91,733,000 at 4.3 Mills. Estimate made prior to availability of exact figures from County Assessor. (3) Based on actual Assessed Valuation of $108,050,810 for 1977 at 3.65 Mills, less $949,320 attributable to new construction which is exempt from the calculation of the 7% limitation on property tax revenues. L~ ~ <i> i l lV SUMMARY OF REVENUES ALL FUNDS GENERAL FUIjD 1. Revenues, All Sources 2. Unspent Carryover Balance TOTAL, GENERAL FUND ~VENUE SHARING FUND 1. Federal Allocations 2. Earned Interest 3. Carryover Balance TOTAL REVENUE SHARING FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND ~976' ORIGINAL ESTIMATE $2,811,499 150,873 $2,,962,372 $ 125,000 3,000 1,000 $ 129,200 ~..."-~ 197} P'ROJ~CTI()N $3,125,283 335,000 $3,460,283 $ 129,000 1,000 10,000 $ 140,000 . J.!:!77 fINAL BUDGET $3,114,573 435,000 $3,549,573 $ 129,000 1,000 10,000 $ 140,000 1. Sales Tax 0% Portion) $ 850,000 $1,085,000 $1,085,000 2. Urban Drainage District Grant (Lena Gulch and Harlan Street) 200,000 100,000 200,000 3. Carryover Balance -0- 150,000 150,000 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND PARK ACQUISITION FUND It. 1. Developer Payments 2. Earned Interest 3. Carryover Balance r TOTAL PARK ACQUISITION FUND $ CONSERVATION. TRUST FUN:D ~ ~ 1. State of Colorado Allocation 2. Earned Interest 3. Carryover Balance 1 i 1 $1,050,000 $ 1,500 500 10,000 12,000 t $ 10,000 250 14,750 TOTAL CONSERVATION TRUST FUND $ 25,000 GRAND TOTAL REVENUES: ALL FUNDS $4,178,572 v $1,235,000 $ 1,300 200 1,000 $ 2,500 $1,335,000 $ 1,300 200 1 000 .,~" .. $ 2,.500 $ 10,000 $ 8,925 500 500 10,000 26,985 $ 20,500 $ 36,410 $5,058,283 $5,063,483 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FINAL BUDGET October }O, T976 :DEPARTMENT ~978 .OR'~GJNAL Etlif<5ET.., :9 ~Ehe49 28,061T 41.,772 45,074 55,084 2,31.0 55,756 99,196 42,700 Mayoi:' City Council City Clerk City Treasur'er Municipal Cour>t Probation & Youth City Administrator Administrative Services City Attorney Community Development Department Administration Pl.anning/Zoning Code Enforcement Building Inspection 40,356 1"03,006 22,849 54,335 Total Community Development Depar'tment $220,546 Police Department L Administration Support Services Patrol and Traffic Technical Services Burglary Unit Investigation Division Special Services Animal Control $ 60,261 -0- 543,416 -0- '173 , 00 7 212,425 43,918 37,],97 f Total Police Department $1. ,010~22 4 $1,035,841 $1,031',6.46 . ~ Public Works Depar.tment "- Administration Engineering Street Maintenance Traffic Maintenance Shops and Yards $"78,512 262,027 280,847 62,709 -0- Total Public Works Operations $684,095 oIV; Civil Disaster Total Public Works Department vi ...-(",. . 1.977- PRE'LIMINARY .~1):t)Gtrt .c'\.... $ .];6,562 34,0'50 57 , 705 5 3 ,1.2 2 53,887 3,050 48,556 104,536 42,700 38,479 94,985 38,184 49,512 $221,160 $ 57,701 339,261 478,715 126,834 -0... -0- -0- 33,330 $ 59,845 235,873 290,586 00,850 20,000 $ 667,154 1.977 PHfAL. 13U])GET $-1. 6 , 152 32,250 6t~ ,465 53,522 52,737 3,050 49,056 101,226 45,200 37,629 94,985 33,214 49,262 $215,090 $ 56,401 338,916 478,715 125,784 -0- -0- -0- 37,830 $ 58,375 230,873 289,586 60,850 20,000 $ 659,684 10,000 $ 669,684 Expenditure Summary Final Budget October 30, 1976 DEPARTMENT y, :1976 ORIG:ntAL " BBn:@E:'r ," l?arkScrnd R~ol?~'t;iQh;',r DI!!P'ai?'l::fiJ$nt: ,." ~> "$ g.g . 3'19 , ,. Id8,9'30 153,010 '39,307 27333 ...,-; '. - ., J\dmhIs1tpatioh R~c:r>ea1:ion Parks Maintenance Forestry Park Ranger Total Parks and Recreation Department Non-Departmental Expenpe Carnation Festival $368,,424 -0... -0- Intergovernmental Agreement Capital Share (Animal Shelter) $41,700 Unallocated Special Emergency Reserve Fund Reserve for City Hall Facili ty (Future) Total: ' General Fund ".d Special FUnds Capit;a-l ImprOV~m~nt Fund Park Acquisition Fund r ;" Conservation Trust Fund '- General Revenue Sharing Fund ... GRAND TOTAL: ALL FUNDS "'- 189,282 ..;.0- $4,962,372 1.97'7 ",. ' n PRE4IM:I;NARY BUD;GET ~S7,~~,9, 119,825 165,635 3.8,719 $$"49),, $400,769 $ 346,..829 -0- -0- 174,302 '1:9'7>7' ,,-,.,..';;,...,,', ITNAL BBl!GI;T -"',: '$'37" 6 72 . "-'; 11'9,025 162,435 38,719 29,371 $387;'222 $33S ,.329 5,500 -0- 178,434 100,000 200,000 200,000 $'3:,.4,60,283 '$3,..5.49,573 $1',00::;0.; 0.0.0 $.1,4:35,,00.q , 12~000 2,500 25,000 129,200 $4,178,572 vii 20,500 140,000 $1?33.5,,000 2,&00 :k 36 ~410 140,000 $5,058.,283 $5,063,48-3 6.0 ~ :J - ~ - - - ~ / '{ M\LL LE~ RIDGE W\-\Ep. err'< Of - " I s ..~~ .. 1 - IIIII M tt III/II' I . ~~ ,,11 .II~ tl ~ ~ ~ Iii \915 ~.I~ tzl:~ , ~ v, \974 ~~I ~J~ % \973 · j% \912 '\'EAR \97\ 30 \970 - viii 1ll?b U\R SALES TAX REVENUES CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2,2OOpoo $2,178,000 2,IOOPOO I 2POOPOO I~.OOO * ., ,855,596 11300.(X)() Ii 1,700.(X)() I 1,600,000 1,500,000 H ~j 1,400,000 I~ ~:~ (f) 1,300,000 ~'~ 0::: II - <J: 1,200,000 --1 ~~ --1 o ///~ _8 1,100,000 I ~<~ t1A~ ~o~ ~:'/~ IPOOPOO ~\~ $927,000 ~~~ II ~f/~ 900POO $841,043 ~.~ ~/;,'~~ ~I/,/..@ . %h~ 800,000 ~:1:'~ $742,896 II ~"~ ~;/~ 700,000 I I I ~/'7~ ~~ 600,000 $588,141 . ~i/~ Ij rt tJJ ~ Wi' ~r~ H99,755 ~~ 500,000 . . . ~ I ~ ~~ . ~~ 400,000 I . ,,~ I ~F@ ,~ ?W'~ 300.000 I ~;t~ 200,(X)() ~~ . . r~ rA ~(~ ~I I~ W/~ m;",~ II ~~~ 100.000 . ~..:~ Wt'~ ~~~ ~~ ~!% ~ ~ ~~ %'';'/. ~/i:i .~>~ 0 %;..;: .~ 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 ESTIMATED PROJECTED YEAR * THIS REFLECTS THE PASSAGE BY THE VOTERS OF AN ADDITIONAL 1~ IN SALES TAX TO BE USED ONLY FOR CAPITAL iMPROVEMENTS. b1R 11/76 RECEIPTS WERE REAL!ZED BEGINNING IN MARCH, 1976. .~. ~x ..----- i~ - ~ ffi ~ ~ 'Z 'Z 1 ~ <.!) 4. 4. 'en w z ~ ... ! ex:. ~ ~ r; ~ 3: ~ a:.~ - 'G1 I- 0 - ~~ u:. (/) ~cl W1 0 Z ~ 'a. ~ ffi O:w Z8 :J <3 :::>~ a: \; ~ ~ ffi 'en cl ~~ -;- -, ":- -. .. \- 0- )- 'ti! ~ t:: \- )- 0 )- t: (/) t:: u ~ <d 'ct ~ 0 u.. ~ \ ~ 'a. "'T a: (/) 'Z . w 1M I- a s . . cIS . Y. ~ . 0 . ~ cl ~ a . ~ . . ~ ; . . 0- ~ to . . ~ 2 . . . . ":- ~ . . . . -. .. . . . . \ . . 'en . . . . . :j . ~ <t ~ '8 ; ~ a. ~ uJ I;a 3 z. .. d z 'a i U t;: 0:: ex: ~ 0: (f)9 z. ? ~ 0:: t; L.........l ~ 9 a tr. ~ ~o 008 - ~u.\ ~ 'Z ~~ Z ,....- W. ~ '(j) 0::: - tc.5 \-'0 ~ ~ i ~ r ~\U h'J a 0 '3 t: <:1 0: q: .. IT I <.) )- \ W \;: u ~ 'Z ~ )-~ z ~ t5 ~ 'd (il '01 \;:~ cIS ~ ~ Zo- <.!) ~ ~a ~ ffi ~ \:": ~[j ~ ~ S ...!~ oGj 4- :5 ~ 8 ~8 00 .. 0; G _(f) ~uJ ~t!) g ~ "? ~ 9 \ ~~ u1 <.!) '4 ~ 0 l-- o:~ ~ W ~ z t;~ ~ g E ~ 2w ~ 0::: 'Z ~lf) E6 ~ t? Sl .. -. \ ..:1 (/) o -l ;; G - - - - - - ){ Page 1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ArmUAL BUDGET m:PARTMENT . PRQGRAM INl"ORt1At'iOt.t Department Mci,yor Funptiop: The }fayoX' is >elected at largeancl serves a. two-year term. The City functions und€r State statutes under a Mayor- Council IOt'tri of government. By State sti;l:tute, the Maypr is the chief executive officer of the City and cnn$ervator of the peace. He must sign all contractual documents wl1ich, by statute or 6rd- inance, require his signature. He may delegate certain duties, pursuant to ordinance or by directive, to the City Administt'atbr. , Within the City limits, he exercises all powers conferred upon the Sheriff of the County to keep the peace and may delegate such functions, in his discretion, to the Chief of Police. The M4yor is the presiding officer of the City Council and shall vote when there is a tie vote except in passing ordinance or appropriations. The Mayor serves on a part-time basis and delegates the day-to-day administrative duties of supervising the City operations to the City Administrator. Budget Comment: The Mayor's salat'y is established by City Council by ordinance. There are no significant changes in the Mayor's budget as compared to last year. The Mayor's budget reflects a sharing of office expenses for rent and telephone with the City Administrator's budget. Work Unit: Actual 1975 iL Ordinances Reviewed and Signed 31 Estimated Proposed 1976 1977 20 26 t 67 60 56 51 1J-,452 4,650 If Resolutions Sign€d 69 '" Meetings Chaired 56 .... Permits, Contracts, Warrants and Other Legal Documents Approved or Disapproved 4,403 1 1 I 1. W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.lO-76 Fund GENERAL 001 Positions CuI'!'. D:!pt. FinaJ Budget Reqt. Auth 1 .5 l .5 .5 1.5 1.5 1.5 ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Department MAYOR Div1.s1.on Page 2 I Account I 104 Final Recom- Estimate, mended 1976 1977 4,800 4,722 9,522 4,800 4,962 9,762 ~pproved 1977 4,800 4,962 ! 9,762, -----J I Comments: No new positions requested. The Executive Secretary pos~tion serves both the Mayor and the City Administrator. The Mayor's salary is established by City Council by ordinance. Classification and Salary Range No. Original Budget 1976 1 Mayor 4,800 Executive Secretary (22) 4,608 230 Totals 9,638 lot 1) D"rl~~~ r;",..,...... 1_^U Po.: 1 ~gX OF \~HEAT RIDGE Fund GENERAL Object Code 602 610 640 702 651 660 776 759 760 758 706 799 802 798 619 AN~UAL BUDGET t'age 3 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES 001 Department MAYOR Expense Item Salaries and Wages Personnel Overhead Overtime g Premium Pay Auto Mileage Reimbursement $50/Mo. Conference g Meeting CML US Conf. of Mayors DRCOG Conf. Others Expense 200 700 100 300 Office Supplies, Printing g Postage Operating Supplies Other Equip. Maint. Telephone $lOO/Mo. (6 Mos.) Utilities Insurance g Bonds Rentals 1; Leases Office Rent (6 Mos.) Dues, Books g Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense (Mayor's Expense) Office Equipment Management Contingency Fee Personnel Totals Division Original Budget 1976 9,638 1,536 -0- 600 1,600 800 -0- -0- -0- -0- 75 -0- 100 800 -0- 1,500 -0- 16,649 W.R.Form 3-8.Rev.lO-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Final Estimate 1976 9,522 1,536 -0- -0- 1,000 1,650 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 100 800 -0- 1,500 200 IAccount 104 Recom- I mended I Approved 1977 1977 9,762 -0- -0- -0- 1,300 900 -0- -0- 600 -0- 75 -0- 1,550 100 800 -0- 1,250 200 15,383 16,562 9,762 -0- -0- -0- 1,300 900 -0- -0- 500 -0- -0- 1,650 lOG 400 -0- 1,250 2DC 16,152 Page 4 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT PROGRAM INFORMATION Department City Council Function: The City Council is the legislative body through which PtlbIic poli~y for the City i$ esti3,bll$hed. The Council consists of $ix (6) persons. with two (2) elected from e.ach Ward pur$uant to State statutes . The ~ayo:r' isele.cted at large. Councilmen and "tlle J1ayor $er'iTe tWQ-yecir terms whicllare not Qverlapping. ~J.1(:lget GOJlllIlen:t: The City Council budget ifl,pludes morrthlyfees to -each"Counci:lnian of $125 as provide-a'l;)y City oI'dinanc~. It also in- cludes membership fees of the City in DRCOG, CML, NLC, and other or- g'imi:z;ations. Actual Estimated Proposed Wo:rk Unit: 1975 1976 1977 Regular and Special Council Meetings Held 44 29 23 Council Study Sessions 12 27 28 ;"I W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.lO-76 ,- Fund GENERAL 001 Object Code AN~UAL BUDGET t'age 5 -- , , I Account 102 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Department CITY COUNCIL Division Expense Item Personnel Overhead 728 Training & Safety Council Retreat g Team Building Sessions Original Final Recom- Budget Estimate mended 1976 1976 1977 260 260 -0- -0- -0- 500 702 Conference g r-leeting Expense 3,200 3,200 6,900 CML 1,200 NLC 4,800 Jeffco Govt. g Other 250 651 Office Supplies, Printing g Postage 660 Operating Supplies 776 Other Equip. Maintenance Sound System-Council Chambers Insurance & Bonds 706 Dues, Books g Subscriptions 799 Miscellaneous Expense Legal Expense 2,000 809 Other Major Equipment Electric Voting System for Council Chambers U6 717 798 619 Legislative DRCOG CML NLC Others Memberships 5,000 6,400 600 200 Community Contribution and/or 2,500 Special Contribution Services Management Contingency 2,500 Councilman's Expense 1,800 Fee Personnel 9,000 Six Councilmen (Monthly Fees of $125/Mo. ea. per Ordinance Totals 28,060 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.R.Form 3-8.Rev.10-76 200 250 650 -0- -0- 150 -0- -0- 300 200 200 -0- -0- 100 250 -0- -0- 100 -0- 2,600 1,000 10,200 8,200 12,200 500 -0- 3,000 9,000 34,050 I 2,500 9,000 26,810 Approved 1977 -0- 500 , f 6,250 , , f i i 200 , , I -0- 100 -0- 100 2,100 -0- 12,200 -0- 1,800 9,GOC 3') l')::...... ~ , '- -. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET Page 6 DEPARTMENT.PROGRAMcINFORf1AT'rON Department City Clerk J"ungtion: Kee.pEr.officacalrecortls and do.cuments for the City. Acts as secretary to the City Council. Handles voter registra.tion and supervises operation of City elections. Processes property tax-rent refunds to senior citizens per ordinance. Processes beer and liquor licenses; renewals, new, transfers, etc. Records Council minutes, writes and distributes minutes. Acts as information source on City government matters for the gen- eral public. Budget Comment: The budget inclUdes a substantial increase in the amount provided for senior citizens property tax refunds of $11,000 over the original budget last year. Work Unit Actual 1975 Agenda preparation" includes compiling attachments, Xeroxing, and delivery 700 HI's. 12 Minutes of Council Meetings 400 HI's. ... Follow-up Work from Council 490 HI's. Meetings, includes Processing ordinances, resolutions, etc., Scheduling requested items for future agendas, certifications of zoning actions, etc. and 1,1pdatingc motiOn file. ",' ~ Voter Registrations Organizing City Election Recording & Filing Docu- ments at the County 45 HI's. 190 HI's. , 80 HI's. J- 1 Processing Liquor and Beer Licenses; renewals, new applications, transfers, violations 52 HI's. I 1 1 W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.lO-76 Estimated 1976 Proposed 1977 720 HI's. 13 750. HI's. 13 400 HI's. 420 HI's. 500 HI's. 540 HI's. 400 HI's. 210 Hrs. ~O HI's. 100 HI's. 50 HI's. 50 HI's. 55 Hrs, 60 HI's. " City Clerk Department Program Information (Continued) Work Unit Citizen Services Rendered; Answer telephone ca:r..I$, que$tions, give ihfo'r'rttatiql}, notary s'ervice, staying famiiiar with City law's and State laws that affect the City Processing Property Taxi Rent Refunds to senior citizens Switch Board Relief Documents Filed L.. ActUal 1975 23Q HI'S, 250 HI'S. 100 HI'S. 450 HI'S. ~ Page 7 Estimated "">: 1976 260 Hrs. 1,000 HI'S. 100 HI'S. 450 HI'S. Propos"ed' 197.7 . " 270 HI'S. 900 HI'S. 110 HI'S. 480 Hrs. '--. Fund GENERAL 001 - P . . oSltlons Curr. Dept. Fina: Budget Reqt. Auth l l ~ 1 2 2 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 8 DETAIL OF SALARII:S AND WAGES Department CITY CLERK Classification and Salary Range No. ~Division Original Budget 1976 l City Clerk (Elective) 9,252 l Deputy City Clerk (lB) B,l4B 407 2 17,B07 Totals Comments: No increase 1n personnel. w-. R. Budget Form 3-24, Rev .-l~g~ OF \'IHEAT RIDGE Final Estimate 1976 9,252 B,555 17,B07 IAccount l}OB I Recom- I i mended lApproved! 1977 I 1977 : I ! 9,252 9,250 i B,9BB , B,9B8 i I I I I I I i ! 1B,240 I 1B,24C " I ~\~1~11!6' P1U',n:-'I- n_____ r 1;,1 u"L .) lJiJL- -- ---~_ SUMtvtAEY or OFERi\TI1'j'~ ~J~p~~Nr}:TUEES ~---- 1 fflivisioT' ~c:~o:)nt -_-.1_ _ __ ___________ _____-LLi.1.._______ Or iginalj ~ iLa: i -l~~~-;~m-- \ B. I ~. , lldget It stHloti men:::!iOd I ::::, ~{~'5;1 1::,'" 8,555 I 8,555 8,988 -~ar.,t:-~~nt n'. I (~T~Y 0Tr~~r , : -" _...""- ~ ...... ...J.1.- ~ .,' . . fund GENERAL Object Code Expense ItE:ffi 601 Director's Sd:~ry 602 Salaries and Wages Personnel OV2rhead 610 Overtime (; Premium Pay 728 Training & Safetv (Certification School at C.D., Boulder) 640 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 702 Conference G MeeLing Expense CI'IL IIMC Jeffeo Govt. G Other 200 700 100 651 Office SJpplies, PrinLi~g ~ Postage 776 I V().+-~pr r-'.-111;Dm"n+-_ _..I.. .~_ --''-i,-...-.L~ :U_ _ Tape Recorder Typewri .J=er Mai:-~ [snancc: 750 Professional (; Cons~lting Fees (O:,C;ina:>.ce C::,dificac ion ~ 759 'I'e lepho!le Insurance F, Bonds 706 Dues, Boolz3 ~ SUbSC1.ipLi()n~3 793 r1isce llane ,)i,lS t X0en2'~ (I~cludes Record_~ng t1ic:co filDin 6) j I ! I ? '! lJ'; I ~, ., L. 'J I ",COOl ^ , , 1 Fees S S02 Gffi.ce Equi~m2nt 711-r Legdl Noti:es Putlishing I Elp~tiorl Expense , I , ! l--~__l~___~_~~~ ' -----------------------. CITY OF HHEAT RIDGE ~v.R,rOT';rl ~-2~f'ev~:G-7G 703 Pegul:J.r Spec:.2.';'" ra~;(O '"1 \ f\pprC', ,,::,' I -; 9 7~ ! 9,? ~ ~ 8,9r.S 2,685 3,005 -0- _iJ _ 100 1001 100 .., 'I (' J.~J 100 100 350 3 S.] 100 1,000 3,500 250 SOD 480 100 650 350 300 4,500 -C;- 150 1,000 j I I 3,500 '),.... 'I ~::> ,.'. I I , 2,6 9 51 , I I If 801 I , , lOG 650 , I I I I I I I , I I f -__T__ 350! I I - n -) II j U.....J I 9,0801 " I -1;- I I I , j I ! 175 1,000 2, tOO 200 2,COO 500 -0- -::{t""),j v -'...., ':-00 -0- 6,50 G 1,GJJ 3, E C; C ,..,,-...... J.. <.. ~ 2,COO :JC - CJ- : J~' ll:~ G 2: ~:_ ; i i_' I )1 I" r,' ( 7 ., ,~'- U l I i i I I I - --,-~------- ,....., ,!_; -----'----------~_~______.____ _, ~T__________ t'age ID t--" - --- AW'IUAL BUDGET-- - , li SUMMARY OF OPERATINt:; EHr:NDITURES 1\ rund Department \DiVision 12count I GEN~KAL 001 CITY CLERK I 108 I - APprovedl Original rinal ~ Recom- Object Expense Item Budget Estimat mended . , Code 1976 1976 1977 1977 I 619 Fee Personnel 300 400 200 200 Sub Totals 32,722 39,887 37,765 39,465 , 792 Property Tax Refund to 9,000 14,000' 20,000 25,000 Senior Citizens Grand Totals 41,722 58,887 57,765 64,465 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---- -- -- II r: --- I I CITY OF ~HEAT RIDvE W.R.ro~m 3-R~Fev.lO-76 Page 11 " CITY. Or WHEAT RIDGE 'r" ANNU~L.BUnGET ; . "'-"~., -"",.' . ':.~ -:;",. . . . . J)EPARTMI;N<F ~RO~RAM <J;N'r:Ot}MA11'r{JN' bepartin~nt M1;i~~lpal (;p'urt. ,;;, ' -:.~_, 0-" ,- "" . _"" ,'_ _ ' _ :,.~_'~'~_<. _~~~~\ ,',', ._ "t'>,:~.-";.: _'".: ""-,:_,~'_~'.'-';~<~\-,, '_' :Builqti,pli:: 'Tfre Mun~qi:pa,:J: eb.u:Pt'.i~ eR<1:~r)};I'sft:~a~an~' <f'Ur'l,ot5.:.i?t}s Uh:d~F Sta:te law. TneCourt:i:s np1?many held on T,uEn:;day and WedneSday ev~nings as needed according to case load deIIlands. The Court hears and decides on all citations written under City Ordinances. Budget Comment: The budget reflects an increase in pay requested by the Judges. Work Unit: Actual 1975 Estimated 1976 Proposed 1977 Contest.ed Cases to the Court 835 Through July, 1976 471 740 660 Jury Trials 5 Through July, 1976 5 9 8 Tickets Processed 3,086 L ThrO\.ml1 July, 19.76 1,471 2,316 > 2,230 Ir' I ~ ~ ilL 'f i", [ L i W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.lO-76 - ANNUAL BUDGET Page 12 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund Department Divlslon Account GENERAL 001 MUNICIPAL COURT COURT ADMINISTRATION 109 - - - Positions Classification Original Final Recom- Curr. Dept. FIDa: and Budget Estimate mended Approved Budget Reqt. Auth Salary Range No. 1976 1976 1977 1977 1 1 1 Chief Court Clerk (221 9,924 9,924 10,428 10,428 1 1 1 Deputy Court Clerk 081 8,772 8,772 9,444 9,444 0 0 0 Part Time Help 2,500 -0- -0- -0- 935 - .- 2 2 " L. Totals 22 ,131 19,631 19,872 19,872 Comments: _'=--.____________ rTTY Or: 1.IW!="l\T PrTv:r-_ J t'age 13 ANNUAL BUDGET --- rund CElJE"CZAL 001 - Object Code 602 I 610 728 640 702 651 660 776 750 759 706 799 802 '--- -- SUMMARY or OPERATING [,XPENDITURES 1\ 1".\.. ., ,. ---]riiVision ~count I:, uc:OlTFT AD!I:r)TISTR.ATlillL~.9 \:1 Original flnal Recom- Budget EstimatE mended Approved;' 1976 1976 1977 1977' i Department I MUNICIPAL COURT Expense Item Salaries and Wages Personnel Overhead Overtime ~ Premium Pay Overtime Longevity 2,000 500 Training ~ Safety Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference ~ Meeting Expense Ann. Ct. Clk. Mtg.-Denver Hun. Judge Seminar Office Supplies, Printing ~ Postage Oper. Supplies, Small Tools, Hinor Equipment Traffic School: Lease for Films Work Books Shipping Chgs. Other 250!Yr. 970 25 200 Other E::jllipment Typewriters Service Contract for Copier l,,[aintenance 80 135 Prof. ~ Consulting Ct. Steno Driver Trng. Fees 1,250 1,200 Telephone Insurance S Bonds Dues, Rooks & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Office Equipment 1 Copier, 1 Typewriter 19,631 19,631 19,872 3,168 3,168 -0- 3,000 3,500 250 250 100 100 200 200 4,850 3,000 700 700 75 3,050 3,050 760 760 300 300 100 100 200 200 1,800 1,800 W.R.:orm 3-8,Rev,10-76 CITY OF hHEAT RIDGE 75 3,650 100 100 300 3,500 1,450 215 2,450 625 -0- 100 200 2,225 19 , 872 ': -0- ;! 1; 2,500, 100 I' 100 300 " '; 3 , 500 ;1 i Ii 1,450 I :i 215 Ii Ii Ii n " 2 , 450 i: Ii 625 :1 " I :1 'I -0- 100 (' 200 2,225 i' , " I, - i, ---- . -1 SUMMARY or OPERATING EXPENDITURES I \ Fund Department \DiviSion ~Account I I Gt:HSRAL 001 ~1l1NICIPAL COURT COURT. ADllINISTRATION 109 \ - Orlgina1 flna1 Recom- Object Expense Item Budget EstimatE mended Approved Code 1976 1976 1977 1977 ! I 619 Fee Personnel 14,900 14,900 17,100 17,100 I I Mun. Judge 9,600 Dep. Judge 6,000 I Bailiff 1,500 1 I 732 Witness Fees 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 I Totals 55,084 53,734 53,887 52,737 II I I I I I I ~ I I I L-- I I - ~ it: C lF I II N'I~UAL BUDGET-- lJage 14 lITY 01 WHLAT RIDG_ W.R.F0rm 3-8,Rev,10-76 Irund r'T"'1\ p, T DOl u~JlE"r\u - Object Code 602 I 640 702 651 759 706 799 Ml~UAL BUDGET i'age 15 SUM!vlARY or OPERATING EXPDWITURES l I --'1 Division PPO BAlI o:! Original Bucigi"t 1976 II Department MUNICIPAL COURT Expense Item Salaries & Wages Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference & Meeting Expense Natl. Vol. Prob. Conf. Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Telephone Expense Dues, Books G Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Totals -0- -0- 1,000 660 400 100 150 2,310 \-1. F. l"cr:n 2-8.Rev.lO-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Account f, YOUTH SER'.'. 1 J 0 flnal J Recom- L t:st imat mended Approved 1976 1977 1977 -0- -0- -0- 800 I -0- 800 1,250 1,400 1,400 100 200 200 400 450 450 100 100 100 150 100 100 I I i 2,000 3,050 3,050 ! I I I I ! II Ii I: < Page 16 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET PEPARTMENT.PROGRAM lNFORMA1"ION Department Gity Adndnistr.;ltop Funct':i.on: The City AgministriiltQris appointed hythe 'CityCouncil and is the Chief Administrative Officer of the City. He functions in close cooperation with the Mayor, who is the Chief Executive Officer under the State statutes. The City Administrator coor- dinates and directs the performance of all Departments, so that pOlicies of the City Council will be carried out in an efficient and economical manner. He is responsible for the preparation and management of the City budget. Budget Comment: The Budget request for the office is essentially the same as for 1976. time positions are requested. An increased Inc. is included in Account No.706. City Administrator's No aciditional full contribution to P.E.G., Actual Estimated Proposed Work Unit 1975 1976 1977 Annual Reports Distributed 11,500 12,000 12,500 Administrative Bulletins Prepared and Distributed 1,600 15,000 20,000 City Council Agendas Reviewed and Formulated 56 56 51 Staff Meetings Held With Department Heads 50 88 100 L "'. I W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.l0-76 NlNUAL BUDGET Page 17 -- DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES l'uncl Department Divis10n Account ~NERAL oo~ CITY ADMINISTRATOR 106 Positions Classification Original Final Recom- em'r . D?pt. Fina: and Budget Estimate mended iApproved BudgE,t Rcqt. Auth Salary Ran ge No. 1976 1976 1977 1977 - ~ 1 1 City Administrator 26,~35 26,664 27, l,42 27,442 . 5 .5 .5 Executive Secretary (22 ) 4,608 4,781 5,214 5,214 .25 .25 .25 Public Administration 2,000 2,000 Intern - 3 Months . 1,475 - - - , 11.75 ~.75 1.75 Totals 31,445 32,656 34,656 34,656 -- Comments: Executive Secretary position is budgeted ~ time 1n the Mayor's budget and ~ time 1n the City Administrator's budget and 1S a shared position. Funds are reques-::ed fc!' a 12-week period dur'ing the summer (3 Mos.) to cove~ the cost of one (1) Administrative Intern under the DRCOG Minority Internship Program of the CU/Du Graduate Tra~ning Program 10 Public Ad- ministration. The position will be used for a variety of administrative tasks but primarily 10 budget prepa~ation detail. J ::.J tl- -- , '. CITY OF \'!HEAT RIDGE \.,:.R.Budi7et Form 3.-2'LRp"_ln-7h ~---------------~-I-- I l'und j)t.:Dartment J 1" L vision ~IAccount , S,"::'TRAL 001 CITY AmiIITISTRATOR In!'; - - -- -----.--..---. ---------- ----..- ----_. - .----. ------------ iOrlginal Final Pecom- I Budget EstimatE mended Approved I 1976 1976 1977 1977 ll.r-l:\lUi~L BUDGET =--=-- r'age SUMMARY OF OFI:RATTNG E:<f'I:NDTTURES 18 11 d II H , Expense Item Object Code ~1 26,135 27,115 27,442 27,442 8, lj 7 6 4,781 5,214 7,214 6,710 6,710 -0- -0- -0- 185 100 100 20 150 100 100 1,000 1,000 1,400 1,000 G SJbscriptions 500 500 1,800 1,800 1, ~~~ I Ii 50 I I' CIT\{ Or:: Uj'-I'r:i}T RTDlr~ ----L--_-L____t______!; I I I" .l-t_1 1 J,- --. __..~__.______. City Administrator 602 Salaries & Wages Personnel Overhead 610 Overtime G Premium Pay (Longevity) 540 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 702 Conference & Meeting lCMA CCMA CML Other Misc. Mtgs. Expense 700 250 200 250 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Admin. Bulletin Annual Report Xerox Charges Postage 500 1,000 6,300 2,100 1,200 1,000 200 6EO Operating Supplies 750 750 250 1,200 500 650 380 250 250 1,200 1,100 600 100 100 -0- 500 500 -0- 3,300 3,300 1,650 772 Vehicle Repairs & Opel'. Expense - 1 Vehicle 776 Other Equip. Maintenance 7::'9 Telephone Expense $IOO/Mo. - 6 Mos. 760 Utilities Insurance G Bonds 758 Rentals f, Leases Office Lease ($262/Mo. 6 Hos.) 706 Dups, Books PLC;, Inc ~ lCllA Cel'fA I I i____________ ,---------------- ---- - W.R.Form 3-8,Rev.lO-76 5,700 i , I] i 250 I 650 , 250 Ii 600 Ii I -0- I -0- 1,650 MI~'lUAl_ BUDGET ==--- rage 19 ~l-I I! I I I I ~ount -il I I i SUMMARY or OPL:RATTNG EXP[JUHTURES I furHl ] I)r>par'tment ]fiiViSion - - C;E IJE PAL 001 CITY AD>1HnSTRATOR 106 , r -_.._---- - - - -- - --. Original I rina1 Recom- Object Expense Item Budget EstimatE mended Approved Code 1976 1976 1977 1977 , 799 Hisce11ancClus Expense 200 200 200 200 I 802 Office Equipment 785 750 1,250 750 1 IBM Selectric 750 4 Side Chairs 500 798 Management Contingency 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 619 Fee Personnel -0- 400 350 350 (Temporary Office Help d1-.:ring Executive Secretary absence) Totals 55,756 47,882 118,556 49,056 I I I, I I I I I I I I I I i I I , I I 1_____- ----.----.- -----~ , r .I! ';: n~(:" --- ----______L________: ~.~.FQrm 3-8,Fev,10-76 cITY Or ilHcAT RluLJL --- ..._--_.__._-_.__._---_._-~---~-_.- Page 20 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET ....~ DEPARTMENT PROGRAM INFORMATION Department City Treasurer Function: The Treasurer's Offl.ce ffiqintains all accounting records for the City. Such accounting records include payroll, sales tax, accounts payable, warrants, cash receipts, and cash disbursements. Prepares financial reports as required. Super- vises the investment of temporarily idle City fUnds. Budget Comment: No change in staffing. basically due to inclusion of a proposed cessing for the entire accounting system financial reports. Increase in budget lS conversion to data pro- and preparation of periodic Actual Estimated Proposed Work Units 1975 1976 1977 Revenue Items Received 2,040 2,100 2,300 Payroll Checks Processed 3,725 3,700 3,700 \'farrants Processed 3,176 3,200 3,200 ~ ';. I W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.10-76 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 21 ----..-- ,------ ----- DETAIL (IF SALARlr:S AND I-JAGES l - Classificati and Salary Range N Ji vislon on '-JOrigin~~- Fin-;;l Budget Estimate o. 1976 1976 Account 103 runn GENERAL 001 :=:::---c~ _bl!:?itions CUrI'. Cept. FinaJ Budget Jleqt. Auth Department CITY TREASURER Recom- mended 1977 pproved 1977 1 1 1 City Treasurer (E lective 1 1 1 Accounting Clerk III (18) 1 1 1 Accounting Clerk IV <22 ) 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 8,988 9,330 9,444 9,444 9,924 10,302 10,428 10,428 950 - - I i -- \ ~ ;:, F. I I ~). . . I~omments: No new posltlons requested. I Funds are requested to install a total c:oIT,puterized system which will include the general ledger. 26,83~7 ,072 3 3 Totals 27,062 \L - -- rIT" Or: ',lii--n-, ')rl-'~E .-------;----.------- \., _1 I \,11C.:\1 r\llJ\:" ~~1 p n,l, in.::, ~ ~ -.. Y'lhl ~ _ ') II 'R.~ u 1 n ._ I h , ! j -"..._----~.__._------~- I t-'C~f~l~ 22 - --.:--===.--~---=~ --==~----=---=- -of I I! N!:1I113L DiJI)LJ~FT ------- ,.Il.lu , _ 1)1 '- .~. SI rr.Jj'\ARY 0 r () r'L;,r,'r nI G EX I'l:r,;; ~ ru EF: S I f;~~d--------J DepdrtJ1lE-nt ------ _uTI I jj ::;To!1------ - ------- -- Ir,l\ccount I ,-,"-"- \T nnl '''P'I\C:l'P'D : ,-n, '~C-! 'q"I~ 1 (j, I -, , , J. ,)~! I.... L ..J L' r- '\ , l ~ ., '- ~~, :....1 1 '-' I II':':---(,-)'t--J-~-'Ol'""--t-='-T------ ---------------- ---=-=-=::--::"TO;--lCl:1all__-i=-;'~al ReC0lTi- \ ~pprove'd-il[: '. Expense [tem I BUGget i :3rl~~t menrted.. . I! (~ode i J j76 +_ 1976 1977 19 77 ~ 602 Salaries G Wages t 27,062 , 27,062 61U 7 J -, ..- (j G 1+ 0 702 651 776 750 759 706 '7 'J G , 0 ~ I 802 , I 519 L__ __ Personnel Overhead 4,517 4,950 Overtin,e G Premium Pay 350 590 Training G Safety 150 -0- Auto 11ileage Reimbursement 25 -0- Conference G Meeting Expense! 400 lj 0 0 NLC CML 700 200 100 l'lisc. Office SClpplies 2,800 2,800 Other E::juir:n,oIl t l-iaintenance 95 95 Professional G Consulting Fees Annual Audit Data Processing Conv0rsion G Ho. Chgs. Payroll Computer 1,600 Service 7,800 7,80 U 6,500 12,000 27,072 27,072 -0- -0- 600 600 150 150 25 25 I, 500 1,000 2,800 100 LO,100 Telephone 575 575 625 IT1su.rancr:::; G Bonds 850 600 -0- Dues, Books t; Subscriptions 100 100 100 nis ce llan,'?ous Expense 100 lO 0 100 Office Eq'--lipment 250 -0- 500 0'-"" FiL~epro0f File Cabin2t I lJ~ Fee Pe~sonnel -0- -0-- 350 45,072 53,122 I 53,522 I 1 I I I -----------_____ __L________ Totals 'is, 074 C I T'/ OF li,!Ht;;-r rn Dr:r: l \..1. \. ~u " ~"' ~" -, ,.- j - ~~; ~ f\; F. 1. Q H 7 r. 2,800 100 20,100 I I' I; I: Ii 625 II -8-1 : 100 i 100 500 350 ,"" Page 23 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE r or'- AN~UAL BUDGET PBPARTMENT F'ROcmAD-j HU:qRMATION F D~par1;m~n:t c;:;tt.Y.l}ttopney .. function:. 'fl1e. City Attor'ne;:y Serves as l~gal' advIsor to the:. City Council, Boards and COlIunissions, city AdminIstrator, and Depart- ment Heads. The Attorney is appointed by contract and provides part-time legal services. He represents the City in litigation and is responsible for the prosecution of offenses filed in the Municipal Court. All documents, including ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and instruments of conveyance are reviewed by the City Attorney. r- Budget COlllffient: The final Budget provides a 5% increase in the City Attorney's contract; also, an increase In allowable Conference ex- pense of $500. Actual Estimated Proposed Work Unit: 1975 1976 1977 Ordinances Drafted andlor Reviewed 31 20 15 Contracts Drafted andlor Reviewed IS 24 18 Municipal Court Cases Handled 899 876 900 Cases Handled on Appeal to County Court 7 8 10 Other Lmvsuits 12 10 12 L, Council Meetings 56 56 51 A1;t end e:d ll' .s ~ ;k, 1 1 [ [ W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.l0-7S t'age 24 -.---.------~ f\~.~~I'JI\I DUDroET -- -.--.----.----.-----......----.. --. -- '~Il d tlc_ 1) I.i -.----- ----. l C'IIMMAI'Y 0" 01' R''''''j''(' I"'f"'''I)TTi':i1.'S I ,) ,-' I U', ..\ , . ,~; i. 1 .:.., ,,\ . .,', . ; ,,', \ I ~ount I' I 1 Il '7 --=--~ .._-"-----\ Eecom- mended 1977 ---------1 --------.--.-1 fund lJepartment Division CrIJERAL 001 CJ:TY ATTORNEY u_ ____. ....____________.1.m._. . ., n ... ..... -.___ _._. I fJ -" i _"1 C r1i..".ncLl. Bur1f'ct 197G \ihj(.ct Code 702 750 799 Expense ItE'm 200 Conference G Neeting Expense Professional S Consulting Fees Part-Time City Attorney Services Miscellaneous EXDense Court Filing F~es Hearing Officer Fees LeGal Consultants Labor Attorney Fees Other Totals I ---..- ---- ~ - ----- ---""_. '---'~----_._------- .. C TT\( nr: Vi T ^l' ... J vI 'I I,-_r\ 'i,'; _ 'I j:"" ( y':1 ?, ~ R a th '.] ~ 1 0.- 7 S llO ,000 2,500 42,700 I I RIDGE F1TIal ESTimate 1976 , d' Kpprove 1977 llO ,000 2,500 If 2 , 7 0 0 I I I L__. 200 200 700 40,000 l+2 ,000 2 ,500 2,500 I! I , , II 45,200 I I I I I I: I' I, I I I I I , I ! ,I II I' II I' ,I I, I I Ii II II II ! i , I: : I I I ~--=-~:.=-:-:=--:-..--~-~-~~--.: --~ 42,7CO Page 25 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET >r" DEPARTMENT, PROGRAM INFORMATTON Department Ad)Ili:nistrative SeTvices Fun~tion: The Departm.~nt of;A<im.1.nistrative Services is responsible for coordinating and supervising the functions of Personnel, Pur~ chasing, Communications and Budget. The Personnel office provides the City with comprehensive recruit- ment, selection and processing of employees. This includes mainten- ance of the Affirmative Action Program, administration of salaries and employee benefits, a safety program, and the delivery of high- quality personnel services to the City. The Purchasing office provides centralized purchasing of goods and services, prepares and,analYzes bids, and obtains economical prices for goods, and services required for the operation of the City in accordance with the Purchasing manual. The City's Communications system includes the handling of all in- coming telephone calls and directing inter-departmental calls; pro- viding public information services to City Hall visitors, and handling input for the computer budget report; printing and reproduction ser- vices are also provided. The Budget office is responsible for assisting the City Administrator with the analysis and preparation of the annual budget; compilation and preparation of the operations and capital improvements budgets; and administering the City's operations and fiscal information system. ", Budget Comments: No change in present personnel. The changes in this year's budget are primarily due to three things: el) The full-year funding for the Personnel Technician and Senior Citizen Aide (2} Increase costs to cover the Personn~l and Civil Service Commissions hearings, grievance procedures, and legal expenses (3} Supervisory training to implement Pay Incentive Plan. F' . Continues. . . . W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.l0-76 .' Administrative Services Department Department Program Information (Continued) . Actual.' 1975 Work Unit: Personnel Positions Recruited for and Examinations Given 15 Employee Performance Evaluations Processed 129 Purchasing Purchase Orders Processed 2,501 Sealed Bids Prepared and Received 28 Communications Number of Calls Received 107,579 Number of Calls Transferred 26,894 Hours Spent Computer Data Entry N/A Budget Hours Spent in Preparation, Research and Evaluation N/A Department Budgets Analyzed 10 . I, Estimated T976 18 120 2,800 45 130,000 32,500 150 Hrs. 190 Hrs. 10 Page 26 Proposed 1977 17 250 3,100 53 123,000 30 , 000 160 Hrs. 200 Hrs. 10 N!NUI~L BUDGEl DETATL Of' SAU.Rlf,S AND WAGf>S l'unc1 GENERAL 001 Departmen t ~ Di vlsion ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE ~_____. n Classification Original and Budget Salary Range No. 1976 !'o,;itions Cun'. D?pt. Fin Budge t Rcqt. Auth 1 ~ 1 Director of Administra- 18,434 tive Services (48) 1 1 1 Purchasing Agent (35) 11,690 ~ ~ 1 Personnel Techniclan (29 5,088 1 ~ 1 Secretary III 08) 8,284 1 1 ~ Switchboard Operator (13 6,824 ~ 1 1 Secretary I (2) 6,852 .25 0 0 Administrative Clerk I 2,000 (7) o .25 .25 Senior Citizen Aide -0- 3,117 ..- -- '----- 6.25 6.25 .25 62,289 Totals Final Est imate 1976 18,434 11,690 5,088 8,284 6,824 6,852 650 750 3,117 61,689 Page 27 -- Account 105 Recom- mended 1977 ~pproved 1977 19,752 19,752 12,852 12,852 11,085 11,085 8,527 8,527 7,260 I 7,260 7,140 7,140 -0- -0- 2,000 2,000 I 68,616 rS,616 Comments: The Senior Citizen Aide lS a position for par-t time (15 HI'S. per week) to assist with the daily mail delivery and outside delivery services is needed due to the Depal~tment' s increased overall work load. II ,I II ==--=--=-==--___._________.__::....i U to1 nl, -1 ""'.-.~. r.- ."'\Ylr.... 1 h,? 11 -_-:-, C:)"Y OF W-IEM RIDGE p,-~,~ \ :l_ft 7~ ',- ------~ l~agc 28 A,flUAL B.'UDGET _.m____.m________:.__~_~_________ .,.j __m -- __u_ . 1 ~ ' iT-uncl -TL'-~fla;t[;\~;t-------Tf;i Vi:::.,__i.~n_ --__~. -__- .--.l.^}c1'lcCoun t___---II" l_~~_~~~~~T"\~:_.~_~~_.__.Ll:.~~I.~-~;J-I:~1~~~~:.~.!\\l~ ~~L~_VICE~_ ___ _ _J _ ~ '::-r'igina1 rin;11 I l\ecom- ! \ 01 j e ct Ex pen"" ! t" m~n~---BUdget !C, tire" t mendo d ^ "proved CoJe 1976 1976 1977 1977 r 60.1 I I i , Sl)n~jARY or orr:r,t\TI:Jc; Director of Administrative Services 602 Sillaries SWages Personnel Overhead 6In Overtime S Premium Pay 728 Training ~ Safety Supervisory Training Personnel S Purchasing Serriinars 61t 0 Auto Mileage Peimbursement 702 Conference IPHA CML Cl-1l1A.i\ 11isc. & !1eet ing Expense 700 200 150 150 721+ Pre-l~mployment 11edical Examindcions-All Employees 6S1 Office Supplies,Frinting S Postage 6 [0 ~perating Supplies, Small Tools S Hinor Equipment I, I I 772 Vehicle Rep~irs S Operating ExpE"onse One Compact Vehicle 776 Other Equip. Maintenance 750 f PC()fASsi :)Tlal G Consulting Fpps, r.>-,;:~~uter Feporting, [~'E',-E:inati()n t1a-te.ria.ls, Per- sc r:n ,:::.1 (',- i'1m i. ~3 0 ion, Ci vil SCI ~i(~c Commission 759 Tel::pll:'lne ?:::.pe'!lse Dc},,]. c'cmerl t for ,- fTV 0- I,iI Ie 'T F' IDG~ llll 11- '-iliC~~ , -'t:. ','; _ 1-.:' . ";' r'it ? .- n .. R t~' i 1 . 1 n - 7 6 D'PriJDITURES 18,434 1+ 2,977 9,235 800 350 50 1,000 625 4,920 965 1,200 230 6,650 1,200 18,434 42,977 8,950 725 350 85 559 625 7,420 965 1,200 230 8,650 19,752 48,864 -0- 500 1,300 50 1,200 700 7,500 350 1,400 200 10,000 19,752 lt8,86lt -0- , 500 i I I I I 50 ! I I 1,300 1,000 i 700 I I' , I 7,500 ! 350 1,400 Ii I 200 , I I' I 7,400 I' I \: 2,000 , 2,00 II I I' I . \ I I ,\. I I !' .__________-1__ ._____ __.__L-____~____( .1,200 <11'1'1", ~),. r- t"a/~e 29 ----------------------- -- (\'/'\'{ ",I I-"IIDr:;~T ------ -------------________n__________, -- ---------------------.----- '" " 'i Il_ U c - Uc_ ---------- _u___n ---- -- l' SUI"i>fARY r)f C)lli,'lJ'..'t r;!'~: S"F;-~nl\TTUEES I ----r;::-___--- ----------, --_.--:' ~~~ ~;~? ,\ I:___n~~______ J ~~~~:X~~i~~~~_: \T __~~E ',' I:~~~1D .~~_' ~_~on _____ ------TI:_~ ~_j -.-------.--- --- ---------.10r~Tfindl ' rinal I P~CO;I- Ohjpct Expense Itlom I blLh;et l=stimntPi mended Code ----..J l? 7 5 19 7 6 19 77 ~ I ! I 750 Utilities Hall for Entie'e City 1,000 nIl ?acil.itv Repair f ~ainten- ance for Entire City Hall Janitorial Services [it,p;. E; A.C. 11aintenance Fainting of Oftices 2,350 Insurancp E; Bonds 150 752 Rentals E; Leases City Hall Rent, Postage 1-letcr 3,180 1.1i sc . $2, II 00 706 Dues, Books E; Subscriptions 325 799 1'1isc. Expense Camm. Ann. Dinner 400 $500 802 Office Equipment I Typr:\'Jri ter 1 Cabinet 355 809 Other Major Equipment 1,500 619 [Pco Personne 1 350 726 Pecruitment S Advertising 950 Totals 99,196 I t ~~.~-=--~.=-~~-.,='=~=-=~-=-=~~_=~~-.-._==,~~~=_~~= CITY (] F \;H~J~T f< I DG[ 1,000 1,000 1,850 2) SOD 150 -0- 3,180 3 , '+ 0 0 325 350 400 600 355 1,320 1,500 -0- 350 350 950 000 1103,471 104,535 ApPL"oved ! 1977 1,000 2,800 Ii I' Ii -0- 3,400 350 , 600 I' i j' 810 I I Ii -0- 250 900 I j, . I; I' I I I 101.226/' i I " I' I I I 1------__-1-________1_____ Page 30 , - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL "BUDGET I!'--:- ~ Df;PARTMENT PROGMm)'NFQRMATioN ,.- pe partm~h;t ..Commuhit1'l ,'JJev~1.6:PJItel1 t Function: The Departinent of Community Development is mahagedand and supervi:::;ed, Duties ihclude budget preparation and budget con- trol, official correspondence, overall departmental program plan- ning, and responsibilities as spokesman for the department. Rela- tionships are maintained with other agencies, commissions, City Council, and general public. Budget Comment: No change in personnel requested. Actual Estimated Proposed Work Unit: 1975 1976 1977 Department Budget $179,016 $220,546 $221,160 Number of Department Employees 13.5 13.51: 14.5 * One additional full-time position funded by CETA for entire year of 1976. L !!" l ~ ..... [ I ( [ W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.l0-75 ANNUAL BUDGET ,,_~ag~-1..L-__,_ I ITuD cl L_GENERAL 001 ,r-Po"itions ! 6~~J[\'>Pt. Fina: I Uudt';<-' 1l\eqt. Aut h DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES De part me n t r;::-"""-"""-'-- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l~t~~~~~~RATION _. -_._~--_. -,-~ .~----~._._- Classificatir)D and Salary Range No l'origj nal Budget 1976 1 1 1 Director of Community Development (49) 19,284 .5 .5 .5 Secretary III (18) 4,142 1.5 1.5 1.5 Comm<'nts: 1,760 Account 120 Final Recom- I Estim&te mended !Approved 1976 1977 1977 20,004 20,244 20,244 4,337 4,500 4 ,500 Totals ----+ _ "7~=-~ ~~ ~ 1 ~-~-L 24, 3 ~ ~__ 24 ,_7:__ I' ] "'y () - " ~ ^ l' "'f" - ,- '! r"" 1-". n, .', ,f ,.. ,., J 11 II t'. , ,,"l 24,71+4 l'Jr;" 32 --- -------=---=.::.--===-------==- M i:': U A L BUD GET =-:--~_==.:.:...-=-~~-_= --=-----=--=---..:-===-=_~==_--I : Sllt'1t'1J\RY or Ol'L~Rt^..TTU'~ I::;:)'l:IEHTURES i' \ , I I I \~;;:~J----- ------T;:-, ]'ar t m" ;rt----- -- -it T ~ 1 sinn -- ----I'.~r: ~G-un t I. r:= ~T-"/,---, O',~l \.~cl~r';T_i':ITY f\::;\~~/IF~:~~:T I ;\l:'~~!TS'T'RPTlr)~J L2n II~~)~;;;-t ~- ....--["00-0" :[~::-=O~~ili:!'1 ;m~~-~~ - ~~~~;~ [ A ;~;;:i II--~,~.;---ID~ co ct 0 n 0 f C'''"o<m i t Y De v- 1 9 , , 84 t 2~::- 20~2 44-. 2 0 , ?4 4 I lelopm~nt 602 Salarles G Wages 5,902 4,337 It , 500 3, l16 2 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 100 100 900 1,200 4,500 , -0- I: -0- " " -O- J: I: -O- j: 100 ! I 1,000 I: I I' I' i. , ' , I , . I , , 500 100 Ii Ii 650 I; I: , 535 I 2,500 Ii I, " I I 3,400 1,370 2,100 -0- 330 Personnel Overhead 3, L16 2 filO Overtime G Premium Pay -0- 728 Training & Safety -0- 730 Uniforms -0- 640 Auto. nileage Reimbursement 100 702 Conference AlP CML l1ise. G neeting EXDense 700 200 100 900 651 oEO 772 776 7Sn 759 7 r3 Ll 774 I ! I '70,., II 7'~ c ! I I, i I i I , O~fice Supplies, Printlng G Postage 700 700 500 820 100 100 600 1,200 650 535 535 535 -0- 1,600 2,500 3, ljOO 3,500 4,050 1, J(J 8 1,lG8 1, :no 2,100 2,100 " ,100 1,000 1,000 -0- 185 200 330 npf'raTin,C SllDplies, Small Tools G Minor E~uip. Vehicle Repairs G Operating Expense Other I:quipm",nt Ilaintcnancco Pr0fessional ~ Consulting Fees Telep110ne (For entlre Dept.) Utilities (For entin' D0pt.) Facility Repair & Maint. InSUI',c,ncc c. Eonds DU8S, Prloks ,~ Sut:,criptions I ?LJO 3CJO 30n 3CO I II, · ; , i 5 " II ~ . - ., ,- :' " , q 7 C] I -: 7 , G 2 9 C. T -, ~,- I I 1<. 1 L (J ~_ -----.~~.~-- _P_-":"::==-~-=~--=-=~-:.::"":""-=::,:--'::'==- -.::.=~=~=-:::~:::_:= - ~-=_- I'l i ':':; ce 1.1 dl1i" ~)L~",; E ,.~)'::nSt-::: Toti'cls '[1'1 {Ie C... I i ,-.It ~,r ;["1' T i ILL .\, 'J. I n ,- '7 E V' Page 33 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE: . ANNUAl aUDGEr ; ~EPARTME:NT: PROGMI'f INFORf:fAT'"l0N ; '.. --- .." "', .. .. .. .' .. .. ~ "", .. ", .. ...., .. '- ,.... .. c." '."'__ ,'_.... .....::":' " :-- :"'~. ......,_. ';;'" , , ~~ > 0-. '~', Depf':t'tmen t,ObrrllliunjAfyD~ve"1w'l'>mEitit . ,< , .. -f : "'~~.J" ": '. "';J \:; iC"" -';_;.:_:'--~;>-,?: -.~> ~'1 ',~-:i'~.~~~~< ,. ~.. "',J;.: FUMt:xo~;;'_ P~aPnipg';ansI~tqh1n~"i)iv:i;!$~6~:i)." "';~~,.::' Pr>epa,ration. of, lcmg"'r>ange comprehensive plan to. pr>omote desir>able physical and socio-economic development ofth~ City;, administer> the development codeS of the city (Zoning, SUbdivision) an<Linsur>e that n.ew and existing development.s meet j:he, c:levelopment g)lic:ielines of the City;prepar>e data and pr>Opose policies and r>eqommehdatiQns r>elative to development. Pr>ovide infpr'mation to the gener>al pub- lic, the Planning Con\mission, the Boar>d of Adjustment, th'e Mairs Tr>ansit Committee, the City Council and other> public and s~~l~public agencies." Budget Comment: No change in staffingr>l"cornmended; pTesent staff level maintained in or>der> to complete n€;cessary implementation and development of the cqmprehensive plan of the City. Actual 1974 Actual 1975 Estimated 1976 Pr>oposed 1977 Wor>k Unit Zoning Admin. Public Hearing Cases 88 97 no 125 Zoning Checks on B).l~lding Perm;i,ts 1:, 3'?6 Public Hearings Attended 107 1,290 1,4}7 1,638 185 193 219' lik.c. Citizen, CqntactcfJ'ld Request::; Info. Not 'Available 4~300 4 ,500 ~ Outside,Ag~nGY Meet~~g$ (DRCOG~ County, Mass Transit, etc.) j 60 80 100 100 Long Range Planning i I I 1 Housing & Environmental Survey & Planning N/A N/A N/A 1,040 Hrs. Detqil Plans & Proposals for Comprehensive Plan Elements (Bikeways, walk- N/A ways, special Districts, brochures for Distri- bution, Activity Centers, etc.) N/A N/A 3,120 Hrs. W.R.rorm 1-11, Rev.l0-76 , Page 34 Community Development ~ Planning & Zoning Division Department Program Information <Continued) Work Units Long Range Planning (Cont.), Revisicm of Zoning Code , Revision Of Subdivision Code, Develop Comp:t'ehen~ sive Capital Improvement Plan & Program Update City Maps and Other Documents Continuous Review and Update of Existing Plans and Codes Neighborhood Planning Compilation and Comple- tion of Comprehensive Plan 1(_..: r Actual 1974 MIA N/A N/A NIA N/A Actual 19 7 SF'" MIA' N/A N/A N/A N/A E$tilnated 1976 Propos~d .' 197'4 N/A 2,080 'HI's. N/A 1,040 HI'S. N/A 1,040 HI'S. N/A 1,040 HI'S. 9,360 HI'S. NIA - _. . . ANNUf\L BUDGET -- -- DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund Department !Divl.S1On IAccount GENERAL 001 :OMMUNITY D~VELO~MEPT J PLANNING & _ ~ONING 121 c- . Positions Classification Original Final Recom- Curro L'€pt . Fina: and Budget Estimate mended Approved Budget Reqt. Auth Salary Range No. 1976 1976 1977 1977 2 2 2 Planner II (39 ) 26,034 27,269 29,060 29,060 1 1 1 Planning Coordinator <32 11,220 11,937 12,696 12,696 1 1 1 Planner I (32) 11,220 11,358 12,084 12,084 1 1 1 PlanDing Technician (24) 8,916 9,240 9,784 9,784 1 1 1 Planning Draftsman (21) 8,284 8,599 9,087 9,087 .5 .5 . 5 Secretary III (18) 4,142 4,337 4,608 4,608 0 .5 . 5 Clerk Typist II (13) -0- -0- 3,426 3,426 . 5 0 0 Secretary I (12) 3,261 3,226 -0- -0- 3,091 , . . 7 7 7 Totals 76,168 75,966 80,745 80,745 . -- Comments: No change in staff requirements. II .- \ .- I Page 35 - - I. _ CITi OF ilHEAT RIDGE --- rund GENEPAL 001 Object Code 602 610 728 640 702 651 660 77'L 776 750 706 799 802 714 1_______ AN:~UAL BUDGET =-~-- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Department !Division COl1~lUNITY DEVELOPl.IENT I ?LANNING f, ZONING ------.-- -.---- ---~- Original rinal ~ Expense Item Budget Estimat 1975 1976 Salaries f, Wages Personnel Overhead Overtime & Premium Pay Training & Safety In-State Workshops Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference & Meeting Expense Misc. In-State Meetings for Planning Commission & Staff 600 'Office Supplies, Printing & Postage I Gen.Office Supplies Postage Xerox Photo Reprod. 2,250 700 1,600 600 Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Minor Equipment Vehicle Repairs & Oper. Exp. Other Equipment Maintenance Professional & Consulting Fees Dues, Books G Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Planning Comm. Annual Dinner Office Equipment Legal Notices & Publi3hing Totals 76,168 11,958 2,000 -0- 180 900 7,523 670 600 250 300 250 100 307 1,800 75,966 13,000 2,000 -0- 600 900 7,000 500 600 250 1,000 250 100 300 1,800 03,006 104,266 CITY OF \'IHE!\T RIDGE W R rn~m ~_R_Rpv_ln_76 rage 36 -l II i ,I _IAccount II 121 J! J Approved' I 1977 j Recom- mended 1977 80,745 -0- 2,000 300 700 600 5,150 450 750 340 1,300 250 l,800 600 -0- 80,745 -0- 2,000 300 700 600 5 ,150 450 750 340 1,300 250 600 -0- 1,800 94,985 9li,98S ~Ii. I, , - " Page 37 . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET D~PARTMENTPRQGRAkf ;rl1FcC}R~ATc;r ON Departmentcommunit,y DeVelo:bment 1 i~' .- ~ FlJltQf~on:, "Bri-%~4iEitg,1(n$pe&~i&~p~vis;iorrh" , , , Acce'ptand'pr()'cess tnrildingpe'rmit SlPP1'l:catiohs. Issue building p-ermits. Review plans for qooeGcmformSlnce. Make on-site in... spections as required. ISSue certificates or occupancy. Condemn dangerous buildings. Maintain files, Issue CODtractorts licenses. Collect and deposit with City Treasurer all money received. Provide information to general public. aJ,ldget , Comment: No change in staffing,; however, present program activity is at a maximum for current staff to handle. Actual Actual Estimated Proposed Work Unit 1974 1975 1976- 1977 Permits Issued 1,336- 1,290 1,437 1,638 Inspections Made 1,849 1,685 1,830 1,994 Certificates of Occupancy Issued 162 123 180 196 Buildings Condemned 9 0 4 5 Contractor's Licenses Issued 736- 64Q. 750 800 ..... r" ( "-. '1' i I'., " 1 I W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.lO-76 ANnUAL BUDGET Page 38 DETAIL OF SALARIf,S AND WAGES l\md GENERAL 001 r-- .. Po,ntlons Curro D:pt. Final Budget Rcqt. Auth Department COMMUNITY DEVELOPJ~NT . - DjVl.SIOn Account Classification and Salary Range No. BUILDING I~$~ECTION Original Final Recom- Budget Estimate mended 1976 1976 1977 122 Approved 1977 1 1 1 Chief Building Inspector 15,084 15,651 15,840 15,840 (39 ) 1 1 1 Building Inspector (26) 10,944 11,358 11,496 11,496 1 1 l Clerk Typist III (18) 8,988 9,330 9,444 9,444 ,5 .5 .5 Electrical Inspector (26 4,500 4,500 4,722 4,722 (Part Time ~ Hourly Rate 1,976 3,5 3.5 3.5 Totals 41,492 40,839 41,502 41,502 Comments: L.._ . \,.1- P_ Rllr!OPT Fn~m ~-?4_PPv_l~!1X OF WHEAT RIDGE ,. AN~UAL BUDGET ==-=-__ ----1 Fund GENERAL 001 Object Code 602 610 728 730 640 702 651 660 772 776 750 706 799 802 809 714 718 I L SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I [Iivision ~ount I13UEDI1JG INSPC:CTJ..9~--U21 OrIginal FInal Fecom- B~dget Estim3tE mended 1976 1976 1977 Department COt1tlUNI'T'Y DEVELOP1";n:T Expense Item Salaries & Wages Personnel Overhead Overtime & Premium Pay Training f, Safety/Plan Check Course Uniforms Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference & Meeting Expense Office Supplies, Printing f, Postage Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Minor Equipment Vehicle Repairs & Operating Expense Other Equipment Maintenance Professional f, Consulting Fees Dues, Books & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Office Equipment Other Major Equipment Legal Notices - Publishing Ordinance Enforcement Revolving Account Fire Lane Signs 2 ;500 25Q 41,492 6,883 100 -0- -0- 100 300 1,500 1,360 1,200 200 200 200 I I 100 700 nO- -0- -0- 38,439 7,353 100 -0- 60 200 300 1,600 1,000 1,400 200 200 200 130 700 -0- 35 2,500 t'age 39 i " , ,I I Ii I, I. Approved :1 1977 1': Ii Ii 4 1 , 502 Ii I -0- I' 150, I 'i 120 r: 60 200 300 , 1,700 I' 360; 1,300 :! 200 1:: I I: I I, ! ' I:: 200 200 150 -0- -0- : 70 ' 2,750 r '. , I I I \' Totals 154,335 154,427 149,5121:'9,2621.' I I : (T!TY OF 1I1'~AT DTDiF --.,,-___L___ -" . 1'11"1,-. 1\1 U_--_nn'----- --- W.~.Form 3-8.Rev.lO-75 41,502 -0- 150 120 60 ~oo 300 1,700 I 360 1,300 200 200 200 \ 150 -0- -0- 70 I 3,000 r Page 40 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT PROGRAM INFORMA'rION ~ . Department .Communitv Development Function: Code Enforcement DiVision Investigation and enforcement of violations of Ordinances Nos. 20, 84, 85, 98, l07, l08 and 203 to provide a cleaner and better environment for the citizens of Wheat Ridge. This involves fre- quent citizen contact and on-site inspections throughout the City. Budget Comment: One additional position at the Code Enforcement I level is recommended to enable the department to expand services in this important program. Currently the program is restricted to responding to citizen com- plaints and it is proposed to utilize the second position in a positive program of continuous field inspection and follow-up work. Actual Actual Estimated Proposed Work Unit: 1974 1975 1976 1977 Citizens Requests Receive<:i 211 629 750 800 Violations Ordered to Abate 281 581 1,000 1,600 On-Site Inspections Completed 300 700 2,000 4,500 ~ . W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.lO-76 - -. -- , r'w L JUDGE - .-.-.- r- - - -- DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund Department iDiViSlon Account GENERAL 001 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 123 CODE ENFORCEHENT - 'Original Positions Classification Final Recom- Curr. L'€pt . Fina: and Budget Estimate mended Approved Budget Reqt. Auth Salary Range No. . 1976 1976 1977 1977 I - I 1 1 1 Code- Enforcement Officer 11,496 11,937 12,084 12,084 II (28) 0 1 . 5 Code Enforcement Officer -0- -0- 9,940 4,970 I (23) 0 .5 .5 Clerk Typist II (13) -0- -0- 3,600 3,600 .5 0 0 Secretary I (12 ) 3,261 3,226 -0-- -0- 738 I I I - - 1.5 2.5 2 Totals 15,495 15,163 25,624 20,654 -- - Comments: '- --- - 1 I r- '" - .-.l - Nl A B T Page 41 LW-.'-R.-B'U- dget ----:-:-------JIIY Of \'JHcI-\1 RIDGE ----- For.m 3-/.Il,Re'.'..J.O-/6 rund GENERAL 001 Object Code 602 610 728 730 540 702 651 560 772 775 706 799 802 809 714 718 l__ ANNUAL BUDGET-- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I Department I cOMI1UNITY DEVELOPMENT iDivision ENFORCEMENT Original final Budget Estimate 1976 1976 Expense Item Salaries & Wages Personnel Overhead Overtime f, Premium Pay Training & Safety Uniforms Auto Mileage Reimbursement Conference f, Meeting Expense Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Operating Supplies, Small Tools, & Minor Equipment Vehicle Repairs & Oper. Exp. Other Equipment Maintenance Dues, Books G Subscriptions Miscellaneous Expense Office Equipment Other Major Equipment Auto Radio Noise Indicator 700 1,600 Legal Notices G Publishing Ordinance Enforcement Totals 15,495 3,279 300 100 -0- 150 100 650 1,300 600 100 50 300 -0- -0- 200 -0- 22,624 W.R.Form 3-8,Rev.lO-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 15,163 3,599 300 100 -0- 150 100 650 1,500 600 100 300 -0- -0- 200 3,000 25,812 t'age 42 lAccount _ 123 Recom- mended 1977 25,624 -0- 600 100 60 150 200 1,750 1,500 1,300 200 50 50 300 650 I I I 2,300 400 ~ 1 I , I I 1 I) I) j Approved 1977 20,654 -0- ' I 600 100 60 150 200 1,750 1,500 i I 1,300 200 50 300 650 2,300 400 i 3,000 3,000 II I I ! i i 38,184 I 33,214 i , I ~ [, Page 43 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT PRQGRAM INFORMAWON Department PolicE:O Function: All activities of the Departrne,t}t are supervised and coordinated.Th~ Department bUdget is prepared and administered. Relations are maintained with other agencies, Police Advisory COlUlcil, City CouIlcil, Civil Service Commission and general pub- lic. Budget Comment: No changes In personnel In the Administrative Division. A police captain position was requested but not recommended for 1977. The need for such a position should be re-evaluated in 1978 at which time the new organization chart will have been fully tested. Work Unit Actual 1975 Estimated 1976 Proposed 1977 Total Department Budget 1,013,304 1,070,224 1,030,343 l _ 1 W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.10-76 Page 44 ------j A"'lNUAL BUDGET c--' -- I DETAIL or SALARI Fund Department ---- GENERAL 001 POLICE ~ - -- I Po"itions Classification Curr. j):>pt. Fina: and Budget Reqt. Auth Salary Ran ge No. 1 1 1 Chief of Police (50) 1 1 1 Secretary III 08 ) I I -: 2 2 2 Totals Comments: - - - -- - "'1.. " ./ --- - c C' AND WAGES .J Divislon IAccount ADMIN I STFATION 201 - \Original Final Recom- Budget Estimate mended \Approved 1976 1976 1977 1977 20,757 21,292 21,792 21,792 8,~48 8,182 8,809 8,809 1,395 I 30,293 28,937 30 ,Galt ,Gal ---'- I - -.. =mJ ~ ~;} ~) lill l~;p1. r (',r>r;'. i__74 ",,,,, 1 ~~n OF \,HEi\T RIDGE II I I I , . .--1,; AN~UAL BUDGET- fund GENERAL 001 Object Code 601 602 610 728 :': 702 SUMI1ARY or OPERATING EXPENDITURES Department POLICE Expense Item Chief of Police Salaries f, Wages Personnel Overhead Overtime f, Premium Pay Training f, Safety Uniforms Conference IACP CS f, PO CPPA CCA CML CCPA Misc. G Meeting Expense 700 -0- -0- -0- 200 -0- 100 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 660 Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Minor Equipment 772 Vehicle Repair G Operating Expense 776 Other Equipment Maintenance Typewriter, Adding Mach. 750 759 760 Professional & Fees Blood Tests Misc. Consulting 2,000 700 Telephone Expenses for Entire Department Utilities for Entire Dept, Civision 1\I~1nr~S~RATION Or~ginal rinal Budget I:stimat 1976 1976 20,750 20,750 9,543 8,182 3,448 3,448 200 100 300 300 -0- -0- 1,000 1,000 t>age 4'5 -l" ,I ! 1 i , I j I I Approved I 1977 i ;j I 21,792 1 " 8,809 ~ , 'i Accoun t 20,1 Recom- mended 1977 21,792 8,809 -0- 1,200 -0- -0- 1,500 900 1,600 1,500 550 350 350 300 300 650 100 100 I 100 3,950 3,800 3,500 7,500 7,200 2,100 1,700 fficers. ;, Use 541 for Use 730 for direct cash paYfents to City purchase 0 uniform CITY OF I'IHEAT RIDGE ---- W.R.Form 3-8.Pev.lO-76 8,000 2,000 -0- 1,200 -0- -0- 1,000 II I , ! I I f \ i 1,500 350 650 100 2,700 8,000 2,000 I I; 1 I, I AN~WAL BUDGET =-~--- fund GEnERAL 001 r , I Object Code 774 706 799 802 619 ----~--L_ SUMMARY OF OPI:RATING D:PF.NDITURES Department POLICE Expense Item !Division ADI') INI STRATI ON I Original final Budget EstimatE 1976 1976 Facility Repair f, MainTenanCE Janitorial 2,400 Painting-Offices 500 Renovation of Htg. f, Air Condo Maint. Control Misc. Insurance & Bonds 3,000 500 500 Miscellaneous Expense Dues, Books & Subscriptions Office Equipment IBM Selectric,15" Carriage wi trade Fee Personnel Totals 8,020 350 250 200 -0- 550 800 60,261 W.P.form 2-8.Rev.10-76 - C I fY OF HHEA T RIDGE -=--=-- . ------------- 5,500 350 250 200 -0- 400 55,530 t"age 46 - l I, I I --; Account 1 2:11 Recom- mended Approved 1977 1977 6,900 6,900 -0- -0- 250 250 200 200 550 550 400 400 I 57,701 56,401 II Ii _~____::J Page 47 ,- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT PROGRAM INFORMATION Police Support Services Division Function: Selective Enforcement Units, Investigates all burglary cases, conducts surveillances and other specialized activities tar- geted at major crimes, conducts public education programs, security checks and Operation I,D, aimed at crime prevention, Department Evidence, Lab and Juvenile. Conduct all follow-up investigation, including interviews, search and arrest warrants, prosecution re- ports and advisory witness on felony crimes other than burglaries. Responsible for collection and preservation of evidence on these crimes and maintains all evidence with adequate security to satisfy the court system, for the entire Department. Handle all child abuses and most other juvenile-related offenses. Training Officer. Provides for basic and in-service training to all Department personnel, Personally instructs some classes him- self and arranges for instruction of others. Coordinates all training programs and maintains training records and equipment. Budget Comment: No increase in positions requested. All position changes are due to reassignment from other duties as a result of the reorganization plan. Actual Work Unit 1975 Estimated 1976 Proposed 1977 Burglaries Investigated 580 600 650 Other Major Crimes Investigated 2,100 Surveillances Conqucted N/A 1,810 2,650 10 18 r Crime Prevention Seminars N/A 15 18 Operation I.D. N/A Security Checks for NIA Residential & Commercial 400 480 30 48 Juvenile Cases Assigned N/A Cases Where Evidence Submitted 848 600 1,400 790 1,000 Man Hrs. of Training Planned 4,769 and Performed 6,000 7,875 (125 Hrs. per Dept. member) W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.10-76 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 4S DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES I'und Department Tlivision ACColmt GENERAL 001 POLICE SUPPORT SERVICES 202 ---1::..0 s it ion s Classification --- Original Final Recom- Curt' . L'€pt. Fin and Budget Estimate mended pproved . Budget Reqt. Auth Salary Range No. 1976 1976 1977 1977 1 1 1 Police Lieutenant (46) 18,816 N/A 18,816 18,816 1 2 2 '~Police Sergeant (43) 17,484 N/A 34,968 34,968 4 5 5 {'Police Detective (38) 60,216 N/A 77,280 77,280 1 1 1 Police Lab Technician 14,016 N/A 15,456 15,456 (381 1 2 " .~,H'Police Officer II (32 ) 13,332 N/A 28,740 28,740 L (Juvenile Officers) 1 2 2 '~Secretary II (15) 7,320 N/A 16,024 16,024 0 1 1 *Police Officer/Training -o- N/A 14,370 14,370 Technician (32 ) 0 4 4 *Police Officer II (32) -o- N/A 51,977 51,977 3 0 0 ""Clerk Typist II (13) 22,836 N/A -0- -0- 7,702 12 18 18 Totals 161,722 N/A 257,631 257,631 Comments: * One Sgt., 1 Det., 1 Sec, II, ~ Training Tech., 4 Police Officer II are transferred over from Acct, 424, (Burglary Unit) (1976 Budgetl. ,~{: Three Clerk Typists II will be transferred to Acct, 204;) Technical Services Division. *** This position (Juvenile Officer) is the transfer of a Police Officer II from Patrol and designated as a second Juvenile Officer. n._ !~,-,~_ ~ ')"-;-'" l~qy OF \'IHE,~T RIDGE --------- J !ol r> ["'age 49 AN~UAL BUDGET- l I SUMI1ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES 'I Di vision -L SUPPORT SERVICES Ori8ina1 Flnal Budget EstimatE 1976 1976 Fund GENERAL 001 Department POLICE !A('('ount 202 Recom- mended Approved 1977 1977 Object Code Expense Item Salaries & Wages 602 161,722 153,000 257,631 257,631 Personnel Overhead 17,653 17,327 -0- -0- 610 Overtime G Premium Pay Longevi ty Sick Leave Pay 8,000 9,200 20,000 20,000 1,500 I 15,0001 Training & Safety for Entire Department 728 1,400 15,000 "it: Uniforms 5 S.L.U. & Training 10 Det., Sgt., Lt. & Cleaning 2,000 1,800 4,630 4,630 702 Conference & Meeting Expense 300 150 1,500 1,000 2,500 i I I 1 I I 1 j i I I I i , I 1 I I I I , I , f J I , 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 700 1,900 2,500 560 Operating Supplies, Small Tools, Minor Equipment Lab f, Photo Supplies 700 Training Activities 720 Other 80 5,450 5,500 1,500 1,500 772 Vehicle Repair G Operating Expense 10 Veh.lOOO Mi/Mo 10,000 4 Veh.1750 Mi/Mo Gas & Oil 9,200 8,000 6,200 19,200 19,200 77h Other Equipment Video Typewriters Misc. 1-:ainLenance 400 150 100 500 250 650 650 I 500i 750 Professional f, Consulting Fees -0- -0- 500 Insurance f, Bonds 2,000 2,550 -0- -0- 706 Dues, Books & SubscriDtions Training p.c;:l"i;~ies 800 Other 200 :': Use 5lll for d(,~:::,_ct.,C,Cl_,cl~r:J,_),c]:/bpn_ ts t, I:fficers. i 3f=: 7 3Cl ~-;r' __'_L ~ I p,.:l ~~ l_~':.j.:::: '_I~ 1..._:1lforrrLi. - r I T'I OF "'.j"AT R I Dr:.F j -- --' 'r I'~l,t , u._ -=--=--__ 200 1,000 225 1,000 I ! 'oj. ;;.. ;\)l',T[ 3 - 8 , R,~ v. 10 - 7 6 ANNut,L BUDGET ==- ['age 50 --l 1 SUMMARY Of OPERATING EXPENDITURES Object Code Expense Item [ri. vision I SUPPORT SERVICES Original rlnal Budget EstimatE 1976 1976 ! i 1.: IAccount II -.-J 2D2 1 Recom- j mended Approved;) 1977 1977 l"und GENERAL 001 l Department POLICE 799 Miscellaneous Expense Evidence Funds Inv. Expense 2,500 2,500 4,000 802 Office Equipment 1 Equip, Storage Cabinet w/1ock 4 Conference Tables 1 Book Cab. w/lock 1 IBN Selectric 2 Desks 2 Chairs 450 so 1,650 4,000 rl , , 1 1,550 'i , 2,500 1,500 110 SO ISO 600 200 100 I :1 ! 809 Other Major Equipment 1,450 1,450 9,555 9,655 I 1 Mobile Radio 1,000 Equip.to supply Van 1,500 3 Portable Radio I Replacements 3,000 '2 Rifle Scopes 280 2 Rifles 650 2 Shotguns 460 5 Jumpsuits 200 Powe r Supply for Lamphouse 135 Lamphouse 550 Color/Exposure Analyzer 60C I SFP- 3 Camera 380 Video ~lonitor ) Lens for Video Camera) i Reel to Reel Re- ) 900 corder ) j Light Source for ) ,I Video ) I I ~ 339,2611338,916 I Totals 2l2,425 203,502 I I I I ! i , , , I l.~==~~__ ~_===-~____==-.:-==--:...-=:::: W.F.Fc~m 3-B,Rev,lO-75 C TY 0' ''!''C,^,T RTDG' I I _ r tlhLJ\ I \.. -' C -=-=-~ -'-- I! I I, _--L--__.-J . . Page 51 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET D:E;PARTMENT .PROGRAM INf'ORMNT-j:ON ~'- Department Police Pai::roli:lrraTraffic: Division Function: Provides primary rt;:sponse to calls for service,- issues summonses and makes arrests, enforces all statutues and ordinahces, including traffic regulations. Investigates traffic accidents and provides preventative patrol, Budget Comment: No change in staff proposed. The dispatchers are transferred to the new division of Technical Services, Acct. No. 204 in accordance with the new organization chart. Total complement increase due to transfer in of three officers from the former Burglary Unit. Actual Estimated Proposed Work Unit 1975 1976 1977 Calls for Service 14,855 17,000 20,000 Contact Cards 4,783 5,500 6 ,000 Summonses 4,330 4,500 5,000 Physical Arrests 1,112 1,250 1,400 j W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.l0-76 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 52 I'und GENERAL 001 r- - .. Pos:Lt:Lons CUrl'. JX>pt. fina: Budget Rcqt. Auth 1 1 3 3 3 3 21 24 24 6 o \ I 3lr 31 31 DETAIL OF SALJI.Rlr::S AND WAGES Department POLICE I Divislon - ,PATROL & TRhFFIC Originall Fi~al Budget Estlmate 1976 1976 Approved 1977 Account 203 - - Classification and Salary Range No. Recom- mended 1977 1 Police Lieutenant (46) 17,916 17,916 18,816 18,816 Police Sergeant (43) 49,675 49,675 52,452 52,452 Sr. Police Officer (37) 41,999 41,999 45,076 45,076 Police Officer I & II 244,704 244,704 295,171 295,171 (30) (32) 3 3 o "'Dispatchers (23) 58,125 58,125 -0- -0- Totals 1}12,419 4,12,419 411,515 411,515 CJmm'''nts: ,', Dispatchers transferred to Technical Services (204) as a result of reorganization. No increase In personnel; transfer of three people from the Burglary Unit. 'The SlX Dispatchers are being tr'ansferred to Acct. No. 204 , Technical SerV:Lces ln accordance with The Police Department reorganization. I =-=====__________..-=-_:::::U ~ '" --, C117,'Y CF \'/HU\T RIDGE "c,r-'m 1-L4,Re'/. ,f)- tJ vl,R.Eud2,ct rund r:;ENEFAL Object Code 60:> 610 728 ..': 702 651 65n 77~ 776 750 '] s ~ 706 799 sn:> Ai:~JU{\L BUDGET =::--- l SUMI1ARY OF' OFEHATING EXPF:NDITURES 001 JDepartment POLICE Expense Item Salaries f, Wages Personnel Overhead Overtime & Premium Pay Training & Safety I D-i visi on I I PATFOL f; TRAFFIC - - Orir,inal Final Budget EstimatE 1976 1976 433,040 417,663 47,100 55,025 16,200 23,401 2,700 2,400 Uniforms G Cleaning Expense 3,000 10,500 Conference & Meeting Expense 100 2,600 Office Supplies, Printing G 1,900 Postage 17,500 Operating Supplies, Small 18,250 Tools G Minor Equipment Fingerprint Kits 50 Flares 340 First Aid Supplies 500 Traffic Cones 140 Misc. 500 Vehicle Repair & Operating Expense Gthpt' E1_Ll.p:r;.'~:=nt Nain tenance Radio Equipment 10 Portable Radios 14 Professional & Consulting Fees Telephone (Admin.) Insurance & Bonds Dues, Books & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Office Equipment 100 i I -0- I I I I \ ! I i I I;i _____ u_____,._____<____ _1--___ 13,000 2 1+ , 7 13 50 t'age 53 IAccCJunt ~ 2n3 Recom- , mended Approved I 1977 1977 i i -- i 411,515 411,515 800 350 1 -0- -0- -0- 200 200 "A" >...J L.:J -0- -0- I -0- -0- 4,500 100 I 200 500 25,000 25,000 -0- -0- (See SUDDort Serv) " I 6,200 6,200 i i I I 100 ; I 2,800 I I , 100 2,800 1,600 1,600 I I! \1 I' " I: ! I I 25,000 I 25,000 I Ii i 1,200 1,'200 -0- \ \ , -0- i I I I -0- ! I -0-1 : 100 : ! i -0- -0- 100 100 I I -0- n U~=';R b ii 1 73D far dirs2t c2s1, pa~-ments to Offlcers. fr yo {1: -l- \1 T' l' ,.-, ,'j. ::J -, ~.' ru ,m '--_LL__ 1-,-'---(_~1u.::_>e or:- l..l.TI1. Ol')lIo. I , Lise .,!.l'rj(';; 3-:~.f\(?v.l0-7E, CITY OF WHEAl RIDGE ._-~-----~~._-_.~ ------- Mj:Wi~L BUDGET ------ t"age 54 --- --11 I I SUMMARY OF OfE:R!I'rING F:XrCNDlTURES i:'iv1sion-- fAccount J DnRO:~~TR.AFF_I~_---.l 203 lor~ginall' Final Recom- Budget Fstimate mended Approvedl 1976 1976 1977 1977 Fund Department r:;:::::EPAL 001 PiJLICE Objpct Expense Item Code 809 Other Major Equipment 1,9 26 9,500 5,100 5,100 2 Portable Radio RepliJ.cements 2,DOO 4 Cages ,,,II roll bar 1,280 4 Overhead Light w/siren 1,276 Equip. Rarcks for Stationl.Jagon 400 Bomb Blanket 150 I I I Totals 543, 416 554,580 478,715 478,715 I I 1 I ! L__ .__,____ __ _____________ '--.-.---- -------.-- ----.---- _._------~- C:TY nl- Ui- \.}l_fr.-{\T ! t 11l-1-' I n , ')1:-'- K11.O[_ I ~ ~----_.._--~ -------_._._-~_._---~.__! r, ,r }- ~ ..,...... "":. .. r'J'~. 1 r1_~~7t_l Page 55 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT PROGRAM INFORMATION '7~. Department Police Technical Services Division Function: Records - Processes and tiles all reports, traffic summonses, juvenile cases, complaint reports, criminal reports, etc. for the Police Department. Disseminates information to agencies and citizens, maintains statistical data and prepares the Uniform Crime Report. Communications - Provides for communications for all police units and fire units, operates law enforcement computer terminal, re- ceives all calls for police and fire services. Acts as switch- board operators for Police Department. Budget Comment; Records is a ne\.;ly organized division in the Police Department pursuant to the new organization chart. All positions are the result of transfers from other divisions in the Department except for the addition of one new Clerk Typist II position. This position is recommended so that the Technical Service Records room can be staffed during the graveyard shift, (11 P.M. to 7 A,M.) which is now not staffed. Records and in- formation must be staffed during these hours to enable the Police officers to function more efficiently. W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.lO-76 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 56 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES or Department DivisIon ,Afo~o un t GE~RAL 001 POLICE TECHNICAL SERVICES u . Positions Classification Original Final Recom- I Curro D:>pt. Fina: and Budget Estimate mended ppl'oved Budget Reqt. Auth Salary Range No. 1976 1976 1977 1977 0 1 1 Coordinator of Tech nical -0- -0- 14,016 14,016 Services (38} 0 6 6 Dispatchers (23) -0- -0- 63,261 63,261 0 5 5 Clerk Typist II 03 ) -0- -0- 30,781 30,781 0 1 I Clerk Typist 03 ) -0- -0- 7,026 7,026 (New} o I 13 13 Totals --0- -0- 115,084 115,084 Comments: This lS a nevi divi2ion formed by I'emoving dispatchers from In- vestigation, recoy'ds clerks from Patrol and Traffic and placing these personnel under a civilian coordinator. , J ..:: C IIY Or- HHEP.T RIDGE ----------- v.R.Budget Form 3-24,Rev.10-J6 _~__J jr'ivision TECHNICAL SERVICES i 32,470 32,470 115,084 115,084 , 'i 3,543 3,543 -0- -0- i 250 500 1,500 1,500 1,500 N/A -0- -0- 240 600 600 600 N/A -0- 150 150 250 I N/A 500 250 I Dues, Boo~s ~ Sutscriptions I I 799 IhsccllanRcus I:xpense I -0- N/A 250 250: II \ .. I' :)~~ ;i: ~; .~~;/ :n~~;l:~ \h~':~f~;rr~ fCice'" ! i --~:---_.--.:-::_==~=-=-=--=::=-.::= l r T ( OF I..:; iF.iU RIDGE .:=-_-=_~~~::...__u__________-=-==_-'- t,), il. ~ I);.'LL 3-.)~n(~v.lC-..'l6 j"- Ml~lUAL BUDGET =~' S1)11~1ARY or OPl:RATI01G f,Hr:NDTTURES I l' fund C':11ERAL001 -- I Objr>ct Code ~ I l Department POLICE Expense Item \Orlgina1 Budget 1976 Salaries and Wages Personnel Overhead 610 Overtime S; Premium Pay 728 Training S; Safety ~': Unifor!Ils 51+ 0 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 702 Conference S; Meeting Expense APCO CLEER - In State 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage BOO 660 Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Minor Equipment 600 772 Vehicle Repairs SOper. Exp. I 500 776 Other Equi~rnF'T', t !';3.intenance Police Base Station, Office Equip. 750 750 Professional f, Consulting Fees 500 759 Telephone -0- Insurance f, Bonds 500 758 Rc;nta1s & Leases Uniscope Tprminal Info. Input ~ Retrieval w/Uniforrn Cri!Ile Report System -0- 706 500 r'age 57 ~-===---=---======--il il 1\ Ii Accoun -~L ill 2041 -~- ! Recom- I mended Approved I 1977 1 'J 77 'I , rinal LstimatE 1975 1,200 1,500 N/A 50 I -0- -0- 750 1,200 N/A I 500 I 01/A -0- 500 -0- 01/A 2,800 01/ A 250 I 1,500 i , I I, 50 Ii I! ! : -0- Ii 1,200 i! 500 I -0- i 'I I -0- I ; 2,800 Ii ,1; Ii 250 ' r-dPe S'S A~:r\1 UAL D UDGFT -----,------ ----..---..::::.....------------, \(~Ii [J '-- ___~__._______..____ _~ ___"_, I I I SUMMARY or OPi.:Ri\T"IIJC F:!(j)DUHTURI:3 Ilr~nd ----l Depart-ment -------- --Tf;--:cvision----- Account -Ji'l' I rl-3..~~~:E?J~.I::--9~-L~~~----------------L.'='~5H~~'2~~~~- 20'+ -111 L 1,:::igin31 rln"l Recom- - nbj~-,ct Expense Item I Bllcll'o"t EstimatE mendpd Approvedll Code I 1976 1976 1977 I' , I 1977 \ r--80;, -- Office Equipment I -0- N/A 850 I 850~1 Cabinet 250 , 1 1811 Typewriter III Replacement 600 : I -0- I I I 800 i G08 Vehicular Equipment -0- -0- -0- 809 Other Major Equipment Base Station Cant. for ChaDn. 2 h~eadsets for Dispatchers (2) 1,515 -0- 1,500 400 I I I! 400 Totals 43,918 39,563 i 126,834 125.784 I r i .; ,- " n ,"'" :;._.) p ,., ". 1 n _ 7 b r T T\ f 11 r-. 1 p ; r- f\ T ~.& I r In- 'i:,:_r, "In!'''''' I" "\-!- \ .v _ L I I I . l i ' ~----_______L__..___ ._______ __~_____.I i 1__ - --~-- +--~-----_.._~-------'--------_._-_.- t'ape 59 o',i\I'UI ~I' P,UDG,:::T ---- ---- -- -~::....----------,----, ---- """ 1\- L L -- -.--- ----'-- -----1 i SUt-lt1ARY Ci' ()F'I::;;:ATIiJ\; SXPf:;EiTTCI~ES ! I i ------, L ,i,-, ;S i Of, E'\--c-c 0 un t ;1 \ I D-";>~l ,~-, lqTIT I I C _11 ..., ~~.'-1.i I'. ~-I U:.q~~n~~\ _fi~al- R;c;m- ------q ~ tudt"(~c It 31:1.matE mended Approved I 1376 1975 1977 1977 I -- -~ I -0- i Department POLICE Object Code Expense Item Salaries & ~12ges ~43,332 12 7 , If 5 4 Personnel Overhead 15,058 17,563 3,081 G ,859 1,584 1,000 1,380 2,600 1,147 100 700 800 0-Jertime G Premium Pay Training G Safety Uniforms I ConferenCE (; Meeting Expense Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Operating Supplies 2,200 2,000 Small Tools (; Minor E1Uip. 325 300 Licensed Vehicle Maintenance 1,600 3,363 Other Vehicle Maintenance 600 200 Telephone Expense 800 800 Other Major Equipment 400 50 L~gal Notices, Publishing, Ad-vertising 800 550 Totals 11 7 3 , I] C 7 I 1 r.T" ~..., --,-Ur..l- f ,..) Grj::ini f 11f,3,639 I -0- '-'i~~:l the ",>Jir,;;~10n c, -k.c r- d' ,- , -'n - , ~LO 0LU-Ll t::: ,Ju'i!;~l.~~'J. , .---.--.---------- ----~._---- - --. ---.. - '-'-- --.._--<-~._--- - ._-- .,.~._. .._----~_._-_. :JClte: Dur"'gJ. .::r'~/ Unj t a; \)li.sr-J~~j or~ Law ~nf~rceDe~t Assistcnce units in Pulice LCpcirtillcnt. II 1\ I: q I f)(T I, _J _' c_ I , I I L_ ,'T T\! l. 4 i ! r.'.: '......1 I, ',C I'.T \,I'L/\, I '!.1 ~ ... G , F .) \i. 1 I] -. '/ :.) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -o-li -0- I: -0- I. I: -0- ! I -0- I I -0- I! I' I' 1 I , I I I I ..~ F +h,~ t~h~~- I -0- I I , Ii , lJ , , I' /; I ! ' )i i Page 60 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMI:N'f PROGRAM INFORMA'J:'lON DepartiI1~nt ,Bolice Animal Control _DiVisi,onc Function : Responsible_ for enforcement of Animal Control Ord- inances, to include issuance of summonses and warnings, impound- ment of stray animals and other enforcement activities. Budget Comment: No change In staff or program, Actual Estimated Proposed Work Unit 1975 1976 1977 Calls for Service 1,012 1,500 1,700 Summonses 195 300 400 Animals Impounded N/A 525 650 ..~ F , W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.10-76 Page 61 -. --- - ANNUAL BUDGET -- DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES J'uod Department ~lslon \ACCount GENEFAL 001 POLICE ANIMAL C?NT~OL 206 - -,. Po;;itions Classification Original I Final Recom- Curr . Dept. Fina: and Budget Estimate mended Approved Budget Reqt. Auth Salary Range No. 1976 1976 1977 1977 - 1 1 1 Animal Control Officer 9,216 8,947 9,684 9,684 II (25) ~ 1 1 Animal Control Officer 8,719 8,830 8,846 8,846 I en) 0 0 .5 Animal Control Officer 4,500 I Part-Time 897 I I -- 2 " 2.5 Totals 18,832 17,778 18,530 23,030 '- - - --- __ Comments: n' -- r - .1' . t. -----_. -. ._.- . - H.l\.Bud2ct Form 3_24.Rpv.,ffl1yor LHEAT RIDGE -- ===.J ------------------- "--... rage p,N:WAL BUDGET ==--=.-:=--- --- --- 510 7'28 ~': 702 551 660 7"''' / L 750 753 7 G (, '/93 I I I I I I i \ \ , , II ! 202 'Jnr ;'-.."..) 2 II J I ir;;;,d I Cepartment -Vi~;-iCion --- --~---~t 'I ,cL''''-P'j 001 "OT In;' ___.1 A::'>'^~_ cnl:TROL __ _,_~ I r~L'~'>>:t~ -~ >E:pen~:I~e~---- \ C~~~~t [m~~t~ ~i~~~d I ! Code \ fl, 602 Salaries & Vlae;es ----- ~~-';-~7, 778 r8,530 Personnel Overhead 3,010 2,500 -0- , I I , -0- i I 50 I, 150 I! ,I -0-1 ! -0-11 Ii 150 1,'1. q, ,-+ 78 Ii -,,'" -.T-_1L~_::~,,~ff:c('r::;. I Ii ~~ - r. ~r~) :. L l ~ . "I J . I ! l \;' \ I tZ ~ 1. c~- ._~~~~ ___.___.:.-- -=.-=-~.::_:=___=-___.:==_=_~:_=_==__==~=_==::~J SUMMARY or 01'[Ff\.Tl;l(~ f,XrENDTTURES Overtime f, Premium Pay 2,500 Training (, Safety 200 Uniforms 350 Conference & Meetinz Expense -0- Office Supplies, Printing (, Postage Misc. (, Informational Pamphlets 350 Operating Supplies, Small Tonls (, Minor Equipment Disinfectant Rope Ties Halter 1,650 Vehicle Repair S Operating Expense 1,000 Professional f, Consulting Fees -0- Telephone Expense -0- Insurance f, Bonds 730 rllU~S, Dooks ~ SubscJ'"liDtions '25 Hiscell3.neous 150 Expense nffic\::' Equipment -0- V0hicular Equipmf~r1t -0- Otnr,-[' 1,1.:1101" fluipnio'nt l. t-LI -1 -} ::!' n-'1'-lP (as;(~s I i-Ja.l,?r::: Cagt.~ 'j 0 C .'. '1__ f~ I; :: r' '-7 -'1- 1" ~~ -1 ' - J I 0_ ~_.,____.____o.___n_ (' TTV ~"-t. , , Ci :~ ,- !'1 :; (", ,OJ _ .} . l (J - '7 6 1,850 50 450 -0- 200 850 1,700 -0- -0- -0- 25 :200 -0- -(1- 20,0 2,500 .See -0- Supp rt 400 100 500 800 I 1,700 200 -0- -0- 50 150 -0- -0- 150 62 ---~i\ II Approved 197'1 ----,-_1 I 23,030 ' -0- 2,500 S~~~. J 400 1 i 100 I I 500 I II j' I 800 I I II 1,700 II Ii Ii 200 Ii I' i I -0- ---..-- - I --.------~ i-age f,3 l~ il ;,) UAL BUD GET --=-~=--=-=---=----=-----=---====--=--=--=~-:- f SUMvlARY or OPERATING C<PfNDITURES y 1 irund ------JD~partme~t-------- ---1 f'i -;isior: ------T1^ccolm.t---11 II _:~t,:j-:C:c~]"0n_-__- __EQ.L.lrT"'----.-.------ _J_ ,AnrlAL CrJ]!TRQ.L.... _ 2 ilE .- _ -:::: r '\(lrigiEcil\ rUlal Recorn- \ \ Ohji?ct Expense Item Sue]g","L ,1.stimClte mended \APprOVed Code 197 fj I 1976 1977 1 'J 77 I~-:---- Poood Fe es f, ^eeOci~t:-:- ~5~~'- 9,998 I Expenses ! 8,250 8,250 See !'lote below. Totals 37,197 35,851 33,330 37,830 II I , I I I Ii , I 1 I , , I , I 1'- rr '-'/ ('C "1','-- _ l. I 'f )1 lJ r~tJ\l I I I , I I' II I I i I II II Ii ! I I, I' tI I, Iii " " I I I : I ,_ - ....._, -=--=-:"'--=--=-'::==:::=::::-=::::_-='-::-':::"'::.:-::===-~:_ I NOTE: I I J' 1-' ~"~\,' T,;cr,~-,,()~ :'~'r,.l "npl+ -, I - fl-.'~'l" ."1_ 1.~'V \._;-L-'-,_~U_Jl ,.lo!......_~.t.-.'...-. L"':l; DC. t1.......llCY 2. S ~ en 1-; -',ll,J_~ e ij _ ()~ C r~..., '-: i:'l_J>-rt lOD l_~l ;ltl d -1 9 7 7 . When ~ully 0~0r3tiv~, ttc C4ty will ~c r(J'luir~?d ~o contr::..t.c;Lc i-.C: :'1'0 1'1~,1 ::,har,' ,)1 one,cui:illg costs r.l!li.cr~ ,J~'~. ';n:::~llj=,J 11 l.~rlj ~-, Bu-l' 1+ 1-iL~Llr.:: - il[1r-l1_ tJ'" tacIIJtv - -, -~,r'I"c ~h,~ J- "Vl111c'yrt-inue . - ~ _L. l _- '--.-J.. I -, , - 1.. '-_r ' - Ll J '-- to Lc rE-':=)l.J:.Jns:::...~_ 1....2 >- ~'.: p-,u_nd J PP;t, ba'3ed pYl the rlur.',ber 0::- dJlir;-,:-:.ls lrL_i-:Jdr~(i'-:d _i_n ""Liht~ C)il..~ f'fcility~ I ' I I I) I rr,C" !\ t L1I..;L_ .:1 .) - <,.) , ~~.;-. '/. 1 CJ _4 '"/ G . Page 64 CITY OF WHEAT RIDG.I:: ~ ~NNUAl BUDGET Dt~ARTMtN'1'PROGRAM INI:ORMATION '''", Pepar~~~nt PU~~~€ ~9r~s tUtl~ti on: T1l~,Aa1ll~~JVi'5~ 'Pa':t'i;.~'ii-'~'i v i.$ xon (ff' th~'Ptib H.c Wot'k~ Departmentcoo:t:'din-a,t~$ operations of f9ur divisions consIsting of Engineering, Streets, Traffic and ShOps. Each Division consists of a Division Bead who supervises and directs the operation of each Division and is responsible to the Director of Public Works. The Department is responsible for the maintenance of all public streets, traffic control devices and striping, engineering and maintenance of all City vehicles. Budget Comments: No change in staff, or basic requirements of the division. Work Unit Actual 1975 $755,440 Estimated lS76 Proposed 1917 Total Department Budget $684,095 $666,714 L.. ... r-:' t ~ ~~ I ( I 1 W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.l0-76 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 65 - -- DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund Department DivisIon IAccount GENERAL 001 PUBLIC WORKS ADHINISTRATION I 301 - -- Positions Classification Original Final Recom- Curr. L'€pt. Fina: and Budget Estimate mended \Approved Budge t Reqt. Auth Salary Range No. 1976 1976 1977 1977 1 1 1 Director of Public 20,256 21,660 21,792 21,792 Works (53) 1 1 1 Administrative Off- 12,384 5,028 10,949 10,949 icer (29) 1 1 1 Secretary III (18 ) 8,952 9,300 9,684 9,684 .5 .5 0 City Engineer 1,320 1,320 1,320 -0- (Part Time) 2,514 I I . -f-- 3.5 3.5 3 Totals 45,426 37,308 43,745 42,425 Comments: .=-_________________ rrp OF \.r'-1r~T RIDGE '.7 P P",1",,+ FnY'm -~_')U.R,,\I.1X..:..{S 'Ile.f- \ J! 1 AN:lUAL BUDGET ==n "l-r 11 r~ I DePpUBtfc?\JORKS Civision IAcrount ,-,~ERAL 001 __ADMINISTRATION 301 Original Final Recom- Object Expense Item Budget EstimatE mended Approved Code 1976 1976 1977 1977 601 Director Salary 20,256 21,660 21,792 21,792 602 Salary & Wages 25,170 18,312 21,953 20,633 Personnel Overhead 6,706 5,000 -0- -0- 610 Overtime f, Premium Pay -0- -0- 200 200 728 Training & Safety 150 -0- 100 100 640 Auto Mileage Reimburse- ment -0- -0- 200 200 702 Conferences & Meeting 850 850 1,000 1,000 Expense APWA 700 CML 200 Misc. 100 I 551 Office Supplies, Print- 900 900 1,300 1,300 ~ng f, Postage 660 Operating Supplies 1,200 800 200 200 772 Vehicle Repair & Oper. 1,200 900 850 850 , Expense 7"' ~ Other Ilulpm'3nt l1aintenance 300 300 300 300 J [) 759 Telephone Expense 4,180 4,180 4,000 4,000 760 Utilities 5,700 5,700 4,500 I 4,500 I 774 I Facility Repair & Maint. 3,400 3,400 3,000 i 3,000 I I Major Repair f, l1aint. I , Contra.cts f, Contractual I Service for Haint. I Insurdnce & Bonds 7,000 11,00O -0- -0- t I I 706 Dues, Books & Sub scrip- 200 150 350 200 I 1:~ons I I 1 1- ______ I I I ----~-_.- r , ,- r --- SUXMARY or OPERATING EXPENDITURES I '----~_.___________.u_._ _ l- try OF \'iHc:.A T R I DuE ---- ~/i. .~~6 r~,)"i.l ]~P ..P~~v 10-76 L ['age 6'6 j-- '--' I Mj::UAL BUDGET ==--- rage 67 -- ~-----tl SUMI1ARY or OPERATING EXPENDITURES - Irund DeDar'tmpnt IDivlsion IAccount I' GENERAL 001 PUBLIC WORKS I ADMINISTRATION 301 I - -- - - -'- loriginal Final Recom- Object Expense Item Budget EstimatE mended Approved Code 1976 1976 1977 1977 799 Miscellaneous Expense 100 100 100 100 80:' Office Equipment -0- -0- -0- -0- I I Total I 78,512 I 74,452 59,845 58,375 I I I I I I I I I 1 I , ; I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I , I I I ! I I I - ~ - , r . , I I , I I :1 i I I I q :! " ,I I " 'I :1 " I " il ,I " " 1 -"-~-- -_._-~-- r T i V (\.1- LI.I-!'JT r!" I TiII,F "-""'11 UI (,1,;'__11, ,_l..._ __1-_____ \: . : , r '" ~'~:.\ J -;1 .. J~~ v, 10- 7 6 Page 68 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET ~- DEPARTMENT PROGRAM INFORMATION' Department PubJ,ic Wot'ks) Engineering Division Function: Maps and prop,erty descriptions are prepared for street and easement areas. Field surveys are completed. Monuments and property lines are identified. Engineering plans, drawings and specifications are prepared or reviewed for public works projects. Construction projects are inspected for conformity to plans and specifications. Budget Comments: No change in staffing. One (1) vehicle has been e11minated, resulting in a total of three (3) vehicles auth- orized in the Division, (2 sedans and 1 van) Plans Received and Reviewed Actual Estimated Proposed 1975 1976 1977 11 18 20 90 65 100 90 65 100 0 0 0 Work Unit Field Surveys: Completed In House and For Contracted Plans and Spec Prepared for Projects or Contract 3~6 Hrs. 32 Streets Overlaid 529 Hrs. Street Over- lays 529 Hrs. Right-of-Way Research Field Inspection of Projects and Contracts 390 Hrs. 390 Hrs. 390 Hrs. 213 Fermi ts Appro". 3 inspections for each permit 248!Permits Approx. 3 inspections per permit 265 Permits W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.10-76 A~INUAL BUDGET Page 69 DETAIL or SALARI[S AND WAGES Fund Department I Divlsion IAccount ~ENt.RAT 001 PTTP.TTf' wnRl<S ENGINEERlN_G _ 302 Positions Classification originalT Final Recom- Curr. D:pt. Fina:: and Budg8t Estimate mended Approved Budget Rcqt. Auth Salary Range No. 1376 1976 1977 1977 , 1 1 1 Chief Engineer (49) 16,236 16,236 17,995 17,995 2 2 2 Engineering Tech 23,396 10,428 21,888 21,888 (30 ) 1 1 1 Engineering Drafts- 10,176 10,176 11,220 11,220 man (27) 1 1 1 Public Works In- 10,729 10,729 11,790 11,790 spector (28) 1 1 1 Engineering Aide I 8,994 8,994 9,411 9,411 ( 21) 1 1 1 Clerk Typist III (18) 8,352 8,352 9,444 9,4Qq Q ,630 7 7 7 Totals =ES13 64,915 81,748 81,748 Comments: - l ~---_--_.:.----:=:::---=.:, r "=-=. ern OF HHEAT RiDGE =--=----===~------ W.R.bUdgCT Form j-L4,Rev.~O-lo --1 -'--~- AN~lUAL BUDGET _~ t"age 70 l I SUMMARY Of OPERATING EXPENDITURES r ; I p)1Ji'er~rrwBJfKs ~~~f~fNEERING IAcC0unt ~'El:ERAL 001 302 I Original final Recom- I Object Expense Item Budget EstimatE mended Approved I Code 1976 1976 1977 1977 I 602 Salaries & Wages 82,513 65,545 81,748 81,748 , I Personnel Overhead 11,014 8,733 -0- -0- 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,500 728 Training & Safety 400 200 200 200 I I I I 640 Auto Mileage Reimburse- 200 -0- -0- -o- j ment i I 702 Conference & Meeting 250 -0- 250 250 i I Expense I ! 651 Office Supplies, Print- 2,500 2,200 i 1,500 2,200 I ing & Postage I 650 Operating Supplies 4,000 4,000 3,500 3,500 772 Vehicle Repair & Oper. 1,500 1,500 2,500 2,500 , i Expense i I , 776 Other Equipment Maint. 500 500 325 325 I I 750 Professional & Consult- 45,000 45,000 10,000 5,000 , ! ing Fees I Outside Engr. $5,000 , i I 705 Dues, Books & Sub- 150 150 150 150 ! script ions I 799 Misc. Expense 200 200 100 100 I I 80:' Office Equipment -0- -0- 600 600 ! I Map Files i I 714 Legal Notices-Publishing 300 300 300 300 I 778 Traffic Signal Maint. 35,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 I I I I , , I - , I - ---- \ I" - - -.I; CITY OF nhEAT RIDGE t.7 ~ r""".y'n ~)_.Q P,"").H 1()_7~ -- .---- - - ---- .I'j, L JU -'-I ---- -- II SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I i I , lDiViSjOn tA~~;unt Ii rund Department I GEllERAL 001 PUBL~C WORKS - _ENGINEERING Original Final Recom- Object Expense Item Budget Estimate mended Approved Code 1976 1976 1977 1977 848 Right Of Way Acquisition 2,500 2,500. -0- -0- 843 Street Lighting Charges 75,000 75,000 82,500 82,500 Total 262,027 256,128 235,873 230,873 I I I I l I \ I - , , - I I N'~UA' B"DGET t'age 71 CITY OF \!HEAT RIDGE W_R_rn~m 3-B.Rev.lD-7B , Page 72 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT PROGRAM INFORMATION Department Public Works, Stree-j; MiiiritenaIlce Function: The Street Maintenance Division is respons.ible for cleaning and sweeping streets, sanding and plowing streets in winter time, drainage of streets, and properties throughout City, patching chuck holes, and sealing cracks, grading and rebasihg gravel roads and shoulders throughout City & Mowing weeds around I-70 area. Removal of damaged curb and gutter at home owners request; subject to replacement at home owners expense. Budget Comment: No change in staff. Actual Estimated Proposed Work Unit: 1975 1976 1977 Tons of Asphalt for Street Patching 1045.53 Tons 1800 tons 4, ,000 tons Gallons of Tar for Street 1,000 Gallons 3,000 Gallons 3,000 Gallons Sealing Program Maintenance of Existing Drainage System 2,155 Hours 1,500 Hours 1,500 Hours (Man Hrs) Gutter Miles of Streets \, Swept 2,770 3,462.50 4,155 .,. Tons of Sand & Salt Material 3,565 3,565 4,900 ~ . W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.l0-76 --------. - ANNUAL BUDGET -- -- DETAIL OF SALARI[S AND WAGES i'und Department IDiviSlon Account GENERAL 001 PUBLIC WORKS STREET MAINTENANCE 303 1- .. Classification Original Posltlons Final Recom- Curr. L'€pt. Filla: and Budget Estimate mended A.pproved Budget Reqt. Auth Salary Range No. 1976 1976 1977 1977 1 1 1 Public Works Fore- 13,665 13,665 14,016 14,016 man (34) 2 2 2 Heavy Equip. Oper. (29 ) 24,549 18,100 24,768 24,768 2 2 2 Light Equip. Oper. (24) 21,526 14,500 19,602 19,602 2,988 I 5 5 5 Totals 62,728 46,265 58,386 58,386 Comments: I - r:r ~ \' r- L. .... Page 73 '''';.R.Eudget Form 3-2tl,Rev.16J~ 01 IIHcAT RIDGE I~N~W.~L BUDGET SUMMARY or OPERATING EXPENDITURES I'ivision STREET MAINTENANCE -- I Original Final I Budget Estimat~ 1976 1976 I Fund GENERAL 001 Department PUBLIC \-iORKS Objpct Code 502 510 728 730 6110 702 651 650 772 775 758 706 799 619 -- Expense Item Salaries & Wages 62,728 Personnel Overhead 9,119 Overtime & Premium pay 7,500 Training & Safety 750 Uniforms & Protective Clothing 1,750 Auto Mileage Reim. 100 Conference & Mtg. Exp. -0- Office Supplies & Printing & Postage Operating Supplies Asphalt 48,000 Salt & Sand 13,000 Weed Control 1,000 Drainage & pipe material 7,000 Base for gravel roads & Shoulders 4,000 800 92,700 Veh. Repairs & Oper Exp. 50,000 Other Equip. Maint. Radios 4,000 1,000 Rentals & Leases Dues, Books, & Sub. 50 i1isc. Expense 200 Fee Personnel 51,737 7,502 5,300 250 1,750 100 -0- 500 92,200 60,000 4,000 1,000 50 200 t'age 74 -~ \ \ Account 303 Recom- mended Approved 1977 1977 58,386 -0- 6,000 500 1,300 100 150 I 650 173,000 70,000 3,750 1,500 I SO 200 58,386 I I 1 I I I ! i I I \ I I I I I I I 1 i i -0- 6,000 500 1,300 100 150 650 73,000 70,000 I I 1\ , , : ; I \ I 3,750 500 50 200 Labor Pool-Seasonal I I and interrnittent Help +50,150 75,950 75,000 Nt c:::::: equipment '8 includ . ir. o?etating buJget- See Revenue lharing Btdget. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~~_. W.R.Form 3-8.Rev.lO-76 I Ii ! I 75,000 Page 75 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT PROGRAM INFORMATTON Department Public Works, TrafUc Meuntenance Function: Traffic sign maintenance Division is responsible for making signs, painting lines for traffic control, traffic counts to determine street usage, and crosswalk painting for pedestrian safety. Budget Comment: No change in staffing. Continuation of present level of services. Actual Estimated Proposed Work Unit: 1975 1976 1977 Miles of Streets Striped 196 200 200 Number of Signs Installed Other traffic related duties 270 350 400 ~." . ;i.." 1 ~. ~ W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.lO-76 - - UDG-T r- II'I I DETAIL Of SALARIES AND WAGES Fund Department Div~sion Account' GENERAL 001 PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE 3Q4 ,-- - - . Positions Classification Original Final Recom- Curr. Dept. rina: and BCldget Estimate mended !Approved Budget Reqt. Auth Salary Range No. 1976 1976 1977 1977 1 1 1 Traffic Tech. II (29) 10,680 6,192 12,384 12,384 1 1 1 Traffic Tech. I (24) 9,444 4,494 9,216 9,216 I 1,006 I - 2 2 2 Totals 21,130 10,686 21,600 21,600 - Comments: I I .. I -.J, L, --- - I M~IUAL B E Page 76 - W.R.Budg~t Form 3-24,Rev,l~g6 OF IIHEAT RIDGE --.. ------ --~--... I' , L J.J - - il -, .. SUMMARY Of OPERATING EXP[NDITURES I ! I jrund Department IDivision Account GENERAL 001 PUBLIC WORKS I _ TRAFFI C MAINTENANCE 304 I - - !Orlginal Final Recom- I Object Expense Item Budget EstimatE mended Approved I Code 1976 1976 1977 I 1977 ! 602 Salaries & Wages 21,130 10,686 21,600 21,600 Personnel Overhead 3,454 1,732 -0- -0- I 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 500 500 1,000 1,000 I I , 722. Training & Safety 50 50 100 100 I I 730 Uniforms 225 381 350 350 I I 1 651 Office Supplies I I Printing & Postage 100 100 100 100 I , : 660 Operating Supplies 35,100 35,000 35,000 35,000 I Traffic Paint I Traffic Sign Material ! I 772 Veh. Repairs & Oper. Exp. 750 1,800 1,800 1 1,400 I I 776 Other Equip. Maint. , I Street Striping Equip. 750 500 500 500 I , Insurance & Bonds 250 250 -0- -0- i I 758 Rental & Leases 300 300 300 300 I I I 799 Miscellaneous Expense 100 100 100 100 I I 1 Totals I 62,709 50,999 60,850 60,850 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I i Ii I II ---- ~ L' 'e __n_ , I ~ Nl~lUA' DUDGET t'age 77 - cITY OF "hLAT RIDGE W.P,form 3-8,Rev,lO-76 . Page 78 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT PROGRAM INFORMA'trON Department PUBLIC WORKS -SHOPS Function: The function of the Public Works Shop iilcludes (l) maintenance of all City-owned vehicles and equipment; (2) pro- vide a preventative maintenance program for all Department's vehicles and equipment; (3) stock and purchase parts; (4) pro- vide statistical data on maintenance and operation costs; and (5) maintain historical records on each individual vehicle or item of equipment. Budget Comment: No change in staffing. Budget provides for the establishment of a revolving appropriation to cover costs prior to allocation of costs to operating departments and to cover maintenance on shop vehicles. Actual Estimated Proposed Work Unit 1975 1976 1977 Vehicles and Equipment 91 93 95 Maintained Man Hrs. for Maintenance 6,400 6,900 7,200 l... W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.lO-76 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 79 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES l'und Department Divl.~ pon IAccount GENERAL 001 PUBLIC WORKS SH 305 Positions Classification IOrig inal Final Recom- - Curr. L'€pt. Fin and Bud get Estimate mended Approved Budget Reqt. Auth Salary Range No. 19 76 1976 1977 1977 1 1 1 Shops & Yard Foreman(34) 12, 084 14 ,016 14,016 14,016 2 2 2 Automotive & Equip. 23, 854 23,782 25,672 25,672 Mech. II (31) 2 2 1 Automotive & Equip. 21, 120 22,082 22,578 11,578 Mech I (26) 0 0 .5 Automotive & Equip. -0- -0- -0- 3,375 Service man, Hourly Rate, not to exceed, 1038 HI's. 2,853 - 5 5 4.5 Totals 59,911 59,880 62,266 54,641 Comments: It is recommended that the present four-man Automotive & Equip- ment staff be reduced by one positon to a total of three mechanics due tc the anticipa~ed reduction in Shops services demand brought about by the purchase of new compact vehicles replacing the previous high-maintenance vehicles. It is proposed that this reduction be deferred until a vacancy occUrS due to resignation or until another suitable assignment becomes available elsewhere in the City for the incumbent. This reduction will result in a savings of approximately $i2,OOO per yr. In the meantime, o.ther duties within the Public Works Dept. can be assigned during slack periods during 1977. l PllrlcrOt- ~';m '<_?LL Rov _ 1 ~gX OF \-iHEAT RIDGE .J 1.1 R fund GENERAL Ob-ject Code 602 610 730 651 660 772 Ml~JUAL BUDGET r-age 80 -~ \1 IAccnunt 305 Recom- mended Approved 1977 1977 62,266 54,641 -0- -0- 250 250 500 500 350 350 5,500 5,500 1,500 500 -0- -0- SUMMARY or OPERATING EXPENDITURES 001 DepartmenT PUBLIC WORKS ti vlHsOipoSn Original Budget 1976 Expense Item rinal EstimatE 1976 Salaries & Wages 59,911 59,911 Personnel Overhead 10,114 10,114 Overtime & Premium Pay 500 200 Uniforms & Protective Clothing 800 500 Office Supplies, Printing & 250 250 Postage Operating Supplies 3,500 5,500 Vehicle Repairs & Oper. Exp. (1 vehicle ) 500 500 Insurance & Bonds 650 650 TOTALS 76,225 77,625 70,366 61,741 , I I Less amount to be retained I as non chargable - $20,000 -0- -0- 20,000 20,000 41,741* * To be charged back to all using departments W.R,form 3-8,Rev,10-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE II II II _J rund GENERAL 001 Object Code 502 640 702 651 772 776 759 706 802 808 809 799 ANNUAL BUDGET ==.-- SUMMARY OF OP[RATINS EXPENDITURES !Division CIVIL DISASTER \ Original rinal Budget Estimate 19 7 6 1'9 7 6 I Department PUBLIC \'lORKS Expense Item Salaries & Wages -0- Auto Mileage Reimbursement -0- Conference & Meeting Expense -0- Office Supplies, Printing f, Postage -0- Vehicle Repairs & Operating Expense -0- \ Other Equipment Maintenance -0- Telephone Expense -0- Dues, Books & Subscriptions -0- Office Equipment -0- Vehic\llar Equipment -0- Other Major Equipment -0- Miscellaneous Expense -0- Tota.ls -0- - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE t.; P 1="rl-nm ':I:_n f{o,,_10_7h -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- t'age 80 (A) Recom- mended 1977 3,000 lOO 200 500 300 150 150 500 4,000 1,000 10,000 1 I 1 Account 306 Approved 1 1977 3,000 100 200 500 300 150 150 50 50 500 50 4,000 'I i I I I 1 1 I I I 1 1,000 50 10,000 I' Ii I \ II I'! ".- Page 81 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - - ANNUAL BUDGET DtPAB1]1ENT , PROGRAM INFORMA;t'''"rON Depq.rtmen:tRa~s'&_,E._ecre.ai;.i.Qn_ . ~. ~c:; F~ncf,i.?h: .Th;i.s <P$p~:r>'t:ment is-,f~sp(msil>.:Le ff!);r:>!deV~.t6ping a complete system of parks and providing a wicie rang;eo.f recreational programs. It. , to_tal of nine public, I>arks are maintained. New' parks are planned and developed in con- junction with other City departments. Positive relation- ships are maintq.ined with other departments, Parks and Recreation Commission, City COllHcil, community groups, and the general public. Blld.~e:t: C9lJ\ment: No cM,ng.e i:np~rsonnel requests, with a. continuation-of all existing programs. Actual 1975 $311,359 Estimated 1976 Proposed 1977 Work Unit: Total Department Budget 367,899 401.,238 ft.. 1" t .. ~ ok T .L .4- 4.. W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.10-76 2 2 2 Totals 28,8 'S n Account 15TRATTf"\N 601 al Final Recom- t Estimate mended Approved 1976 197~ 1977 4 17,240 17,740 17,740 8 7,013 8,352 8,352 3 65 24,253 26,092 26,092 Page 82 ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGE Fund Department Divisio ._NE Positions Curr. D=pt. fin Budget Reqt. Auth 001 ECFEAT-I-ON Classification and Salary Range No. f\DMrN Origin Budge 1976 1 + 1 Director of Parks & Recreation (49) 18,54 1 1 1 Secretary III (18) 8,98 1,33 Comments: W.R.Budget form 3-24,Rev.l~~~~ OF WHEAT RIDGE Fund I General !I Object Code 601 602 610 I 728 640 702 651 560 772 776 750 759 758 70G Ml~WAL BUDGET SUMMARY or OPERATING EXPENDITURES lDivision Administration ~~---- - \ Original final Budget EstimatE 1976 1976 001 Department Parks & Recreation Expense Item Director Qf Parks and Recreati'on (49) Salaries and Wages Personnel Overhead Overtime and Premium Pay and longevity Training and Safety Automobile Mileage Reimbursement Conference &. NRPA Conf. ePRS Conf. CML Meeting Exp. $700 100 200 Office Supplies Printing &. Postage Operating Supplies, small tools, and Minor Equip. Vehicle Repairs & Oper. Expense (1 car) Other Equip. Maint. Typewriter Base Radio Professional and Consulting Fees Telephone Expense Two phones for entire Department. Insurance & Bonds Rentals and Leases Dues, Books & Sub. $18,544 t'age 83 I. 1 , I, II Account 601 Recom- mended Approved 1977 1977 17,240 17,740 10,321 3,879 150 250 100 675 1,400 700 600 250 -0- 850 300 100 150 W.R.Fn~m i-R.R~v.10-76 - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 9,321 8,352 3,879 150 250 25 675 1,400 600 600 250 -0- 850 300 100 150 -0- 700 250 50 1,100 1,400 300 650 200 2,500 2,800 -0- 150 150 17,740 8,352 -0- 700 250 50 1,000 . I I 1,400 \ I I I 300 \ I I \ j 650 200 2,500 2,800 -0- 150 150 1 , , - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES . rUa&ERAL Dfl:~tment ~iViSion .JAccolmt _J 001 R S & RECREATION _ , ADMINISTRATION 601 Orifinal' Final Recom- Object Expense Item Budget EstimatE mended Approved Code 1976 1976 1977 1977 799 .Miscellaneous Expense 200 200 350 350 Annual Commission Dinner 802 Office 'Equipment Tape Calculator -0- -0- 200 200 I . I 774 Major Repair & Maintenance 850 250 -0- -0- Contracts Janitoral Services 714 Lega~ Notices-Publishing -0- -0- 500 500 , 619 Fee Personnel -0- 1,000 380 380 Total ~39,319 37,240 37,772 37,672 I , I II I I ,.- T T ,.- 1 AN~UAL BUDGET t'age 84 CIT) Or WHEA, R.DGt W.R.Form 3-B.Rev.l0-76 Page 85 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~ ANNUALB,UDGET D;EPARTMtNT , PRQ (j RAM: :tN.~~RMA8!'l:QN Department Pai>k~,~'Rg,gri1:Ett:i(),i1. ~, "'.~ ".. ':'-<,\';:' . - eUPGt iqri:-~e ,REreN~<3.'1;'iofi bil ~i;~~pj;y'ptf($+'f$:~~spial1ne,d:b'titd{j0r and iridoor' recreation actt'vi1:iE;!'sfp~'a:'ei.ty of 36;0'00 People. Activities are offered fO,r aU ag~ apd, interest gpoQPson a progressive basis. Rect'eation Prqgram includes: ants & crafts, sports, special events, playgrounds, adult a..ct$.vi- ties, etc. ' Budget Comment: This represents an additional 2,080 hours in program l.nstruction and supervision is proposed which is the equivalel1t of one additionalposi-pion, Tnisw~np~r'mit a limited expansion of program due to, the -opening of ''the Berbert House. the historic Sod House Park ,opening the arts and crafts activities, and to a..ccomodate the increas- ed requests from the general public in allrecreationa1 activities. - Actual Est,im<!-_ted Proposed Work Unit: 1975 1976 1977 Number of Activities 91 109 140 Number of Participants 10,000 15,000 20,000 ; lL-.... . Ie "-- ;L ~ [ 1 'j .tc W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.10-76 - ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund Department Divlslon Account GENERAL 001 PARKS AND RECREATION RECREATION 602 , Positions Classification Original final Recom- CUrro L'€pt . Fina and Budget Estimate mended Approved Budget Reqt. Auth Salary Range No. 1976 1976 1977 1977 . 1 1 1 Rl:!creation Supervisor 12,084 12,084 11,128 11,128 (26) 1 1 1 Recreation Leader II 17,291 8,519 9,333 9,333 (21) 1 1 1 Recreation Leader I -0- 8,772 7,851 7,851 (18) 3.5 4.5 4.5 (Program Leaders - P.T, ) 24,000 24,000 32,028 32,028 FTE FTE FTE (Program Instructors-P.T) (Rec. Specialist - P.T. ) (Rec. Aides - P.T. ) ( (Seasonal) ) (All one budget item) 1,469 - 6.5 7,5 7,5 Totals 54,844 53,375 60,340 60,340 Comments: - . L CI Y OF HHEAT RI W,R.Budget Form 3-24,Rev,lo-J6 Page 86 DGE AN~UAL BUDGET SUM~ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES rivision . RECREATION Original! Final Budget \EstimatE 1976 1976 I DeDartment . PARKS AND RECREATION I Expense Item 602 Salaries and Wages Personnel Overhead 610 Overtime and Premium Pay 728 Training and Safety Misc. $340 CPRS $60 730 Uniforms 640 Automobile Mileage Riembursement 702 Conference & Meeting Exp. CPRS $100 Misc. 20 651 Office Supplies Printing & Postage Operating Supplies Volley ball Basket ball Tennis Softball Soccer Arts & Crafts Playgrounds All Others 660 $440 431 1,850 1,542 1,200 2,000 1,500 2,525 77'2 Vehicle Rep. & Oper. Exp. (1 van) 4QO 776 Other EquipmerT Eaintenance 759 Telephone Expense 760 Utilities 774 Facility Repair and Maint. Insurance and Bonds -- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.R,Form 3-8,Rev,10-76 54,844 5,951 600 350 351 300 375 4,400 11,294 600 125 1,200 2,400 4,500 500 53,375 5,951 ' 600 350 351 400 375 4,400 11,294 700 ],25 1,000 2;400 4,500 500 r-age 87 l1 Ac('()unt: 602 Recom- mended Approved 1977 1977 60,340 60,340 -0- 600 400 450 600 120 6,250 11,500 1,000 200 -0- 2,500 4,500 -0- -0- 600 400 450 600 120 6,250 11,500 650 200 -0- 2,500 .4 , 5 0 0 -0- ~! ,-.-- AN~UAL BUDGET - t'age 88 l SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I run&NERAL 001 DFAff~m~ RECREATION \ D~ v~dRfATION AccourH 602 Object Code Expense Item 0riginal Final Recom- Budget '. EstimatE mended Approved 1976 1976 1977 1977 758 Rentals a nd leases 750 750 860 860 706 Dues, Boo ks, Sub. 200 200 125 125 799 Miscellan eous Expense 250 250 250 250 802 Office Eq uipment 3 file ca binets Drapes 500 - 500 400 400 809 Other Maj or Equipment Univers al Gym $17_85 Comb. P aral1e1 uneven bar 790 I Rings 130 Kick Wh eel 200 Mats 872 760 760 4,230 ,3,780 619 Fee Perso nnel Service s I Basketb all $2,368 Softbal 1 5,570 Skiing 12,000 Square Dance 210 Buses-P lay ground 600 Hunter Safety 1,000 I Jr. Soc cer 100 Roller Skating lGO I Ladies Day Out 2,500 , Special Events 1,000 18,680 18,680 25,500 25,500 NOTE: Ab ove costs are off- set by fe es charged to par- ticipants . TOTALS $108,930 107,461 119,825 119,025 ! CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~-~j W.R.Form 3-8.Rev.10-76 7- Page 89 r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET 1,;... - DpPARTMENT,PRQ~RAM INfORMATION Department _ P~rk~ and R~~re~tion FqJlcj:i6n: Parks Maintenance Division maintains Parks and Recreation facilities on a year round basis. This includes all open space turf area, all athletic fields, and main- tenance on recreation buildings. The areas covered are the Clear Creek linear greenbelt system, and the follow- ing developed Park: Randall, Stites, Wheat Ridge, Johnson, 45th and Vance, Hayward, Paramount, Prospect, 44th and Miller, 45th and Everett and Wheat Ridge His- torical Park. Budget Comment: One additional F.T.C. (2080 Hrs.> is recommended due to expansion of the parks and recreation areas, such as Prospect Park, Berbert House, and Sod House requiring regular maintenance. The Jr. Park Ranger positions are being transferred from the Recreation Division. Work Unit: Actual 1975 333 9 Es:timated 1976 380 10 Proposed 1977 Acres of land maintained Park Locations maintained 415 13 I W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.10-76 Fund GENERAL 001 ~ .. Posl.tl.ons .' Curr. I:€pt. Fina: Budget Reqt. Auth 1 q 1 1 q It 3 FTE 3 FTE 2 FTE o .3 .3 FTE FTE FTE o .5 .5 FTE FTE FTE o .2 .2 FTE FTE FTE 7 9 -ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL OF SALARILS AND WAGES I Divl.S10n Parks Maintenance - Original Budget 1976 Department PARKS AND RECREATION Classification and Salary Range No. Park Foreman (32) 11,784 Park MaintenanceI(19) 33,864 Part time Positions Park Caretaker Helpers Seasonal June 7,through Sept.l April 1,thr9ugh Sept.l 16,000 Seniors Park Pride (P-T) Summer Only Junior Park Rangers Junior Ranger Leaders (P-T) 2,282 Page 9d ~ Acr-rlUnt 60,3 Final Recom- Estimate mended 1976 1977 12,892 37,675 16,000 -0- 2.,500 1,320 13,332 36,573 16,270 7,375 2,550 3,600 1,680 Approved 1977 13,332 36,573 16,270 7,375 2,55Q 3,600 1,680 9 Totals $63,930 $70,387 $81,380 $81,380 Comments: This budget shows an increased of 2 F.T.E. positions. One position addition is due to increased work load resulting from the open- ing of the redeveloped Prospect Park, The Sod House, and The Berbert House grounds. The other addition is due to a transfer of positions from the Recreation Division. -- W.R.Budget Form 3-24,Rev,l~!~~ OF HHEAT RIDGE fu d ~ENERAL 001 Object Code 602 610 728 730 640 702 651 660 AN~UAL BUDGET -'-- SUMMARY OF' OPERATING EXPENDITURES r'age 91 II I I I Department; 1 Di vi sion Account PARKS AND RECREATION ,_ PARKS MAINTENANCE 603 Original final Recom- Expense Item Budget EstimatE mended Approved 1976 1976 1977 1977 Salaries and Wages Personnel Overhead Overtime and Prem Pay Longevity $590 Training and Safety Landscape Maintenance $35 & Workshop Supervision Training $160 Uniforms 5 Sets @ $156 each 155 Tee Shirts @ $3 each Replacement of worn out Jackets @ $25 each Automobile Mileage Conference and Meetings Turfgrass Conf. $50 CPRS Workshop 100 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Operating Supplies Fertilizer Organic 200 Yds. Chemical, 10 tons Top Soil, 50 yds. Dry Mix Concrete 10 tons Lime, 3 tons Ready Mix Concrete Split Rail Fence (2,000 Ft.) 4' Chain Link Fence Parking Poles Railroad Ties Light Blubs Plant Materials Trees & Shrubs Tulips Sod Replacement $1,600 3,000 400 300 200 1,200 2,000 100 500 500 1,200 4,000 150 1,000 5,150 $63,930 $67,760 $81,380 $81;380 8,435 9,235 2,000 2,000 300 300 1,080 1,080 50 40 225 225 290 200 24,500 24,800 w p'rn~M ~_A Pov In_7~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -0- 2,600 485 1,370 50 150 200 24,150 -0- 2,600 485 1,370 50 150 200 24,150 r nd u~ GENERAL 0 0 l Object Code I I n"0 j I L 776 759 760 774 758 706 799 802 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES t'age 92 ~- 1\ \ De-partment lDiJision Accollnt PARKS AND RECREATION I PARKS K~INTENANCE 603 , \ Original Final Recom- Expense Item B'Jdget Estimate mended Approved \ 1976 19'~6 1977 1977 I Small Tools Other Construction and Maintenance Supplies $ 7,200 Vehicle Repair & 8 vehicles Gas & Oil Oper. Exp. $1,000 ea. 3,160 Other Equipment Maintenance 2 Heckendorns 5 Hand mowers 8 Radios & 2 Tractors Telephone Expense Utilities Electricity Water Trash Pickup & Sewer Facility Maintenance Restroom roofs reshingled playground equipment Bleacher repair Dugout repair Air condo offices Bas-eball field- lighting $2,000 Office Cleaning $40/mo. $480.00 Insurance and Bonds Rental and Leases Trencher Sod Cutter Misc. Equipment Books, Dues, & Sub. 6,000 6,000 1,200 1,200 500 500 24,600 24,100 7,100 7 , 1-0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,700 100 100 Miscellaneous 250 250 Office Equipment -0- New Chair -0- w P ~n~m ~_R pgU In_7~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 10,000 1,400 -0- 27,500 7,480 -0- 1,500 120 200 100 10,000 1,400 I I i -0- 27,500 7,480 -0- 1,500 I 120 200 I I ! I I I 1 100 - -- I 1 III SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I I \ . . I Fund GENERAL D~artment l~iViSion IAccr,unt, 001 P RKS AND RECREATION MAINTEN~NCE 603 . PARKS Original Final Recom- Object Expense Item Budget EstimatE mended Approved Code 1976 1976 1977 1977 I . 809 Other Major Equipment 4,450 4,450 5,450 3,750 2 hand mowers $600 Air-Cond. System $12500 One Radio - $650 619 I Fee Personnel 1,500 3,400 1,500 -0- I Sod Prospect Park Sod 45th and Vance 774 Maintenance & Repair 2,500 2 ,500' - -0- -0- TOTALS 153,010 158,940 165,635 162,435 I I , I I A~'NUAL BUDGET t'age 93 W.R.Form 3-8,Rev.l0-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE < Page 94 CJTYOF WHEAT RIDGE ANN,~AL BDn~Et. "~' -'. " P~PARTMEN:T PRQc;RAi-flN:EQ.RMA"ltrQN !"_n F~mC~~PIt~ , P],~nt ~~it~&ii.Q~&_~~.Ih:J;i,,~~~~'#~t.!iI'~d ,tr~~~ ,;:tnd shtur)~h 'inciuc.tiiig- pat'kS atia"s:t:re~.t ~ri~l1:t"o:t -way; 'trim.. !1ling, sprayin$,-rf3moval ,of "deadi6r dis'ease.-dalfiaged trees. Administer 60mrirerciaI arporist licensing. Advise citizens concerni~g arboreal probJ,ems. Cle<3,Itup storm-'- damaged trees or limbs. Budget Comment: The Parks Main"tenanceman I position, par-- tiaIly funded by Federal CETA funas in 1976, is now in- clUd~d as a full yearCity"'"financed position pursuant to the 1976 pUdget, plan. ., , WQr~ Un,i t : Actual 1975. Estimated 1976 Proposed 1977 Number of trees main- tained. 5~500 6,000 6,250 L IF h.;.~ ~r -, ii.. L I ~i . W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.l0-76 A"lNUAL BUDGET Page 95 1 ,-- - . . I DETAIL OF SALARII:S AND WAGES f'und Department Divu;lon 1Account GENERAL OOl PARKS & RECREATION F 'RV 604 . . Positions Classification Original Final Recorn- Curro D=pt. Fina and Budget Estimate mended Approved Budget Reqt. Auth Salary Range No. 1976 1976 1977 1977 . 1 1 1 City Arborist (29) 11,784 5,586 10,950 10,950 1 1 1 Parks Maintenanceman II (24) 10,428 10,428 10,944 10,944 1 1 1 Parks Maintenanceman I (18) 4,176 4,176 8,957 8,957 1,322 3 3 3 Totals 27,710 20,190 30,851 30,851' , Comments: ,I W R R1lr1ooi- F,yy'm <_?U RO\1 JgX OF \,HEAT RIDGE 1--- ---- - Fund GENERAL Object Code 602 610 7.28 730 640 70::: 651 660 772 _ .1"1-5 759 774 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES 001 Department PARKS & RECREATION Expense Item Salaries & Wages Personnel Overhead Overtime and Premium Pay Longevity Training and Safety Tuition Uniforms 3 Sets @ $156 15 Tee Shirts @ $3 ea. Automobile Mileage Reim- bursement Conference & Meeting Expense Colo. Shade Tree Conf. $ 50 CPRS Conf. 100 Office Supplies, Print- ~ng & Postage Operating Supplies Small Tools-Hedge trimmer Insecticides Fertilizer Vehicle Repair & Oper. Exp. Bucket Truck Chipper Truck Chipper Other Equip. Maint. 3. Radios Chain Saw Repair Telephone txpense Final Estimate 1976 27,710 20,190 4,507 300 250 525 270 300 2,075 1,400 Facility Repair & Maint. 300 Contracts Stump Removal W.R.For~ 3-8.Rev.l0-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 25 550 300 4,507 300 250 525 25 150 300 2,075 2,000 ;-.5.5 0 300 300 t'age 96 \ ~4ount ' 1 Recom- 1 mended Approved I 1977 1977 I 30,85130,851. -0- 518 250 525 150 250 1,600 2,4.00 S50 -0- -0- 518 250 525 25 25 J' Di vision FORESTRY _. - - - - I Original Budget 1976 150 250 1,600 2,400 550 300 -0- ' I 300 I II fund AN~UAL BUDGET- SUMMARY or OPERATING EXPENDITURES t'age 97 I Division I ~ Forestrv Original final Budget EstimatE 1976 1.976 General 001 Department Parks & Recreation Object Code 756 705 802 808 718 Expense Item Insurance & Bonds 4-00 Rentals & Leases 150 Dues, Books & Sub. 170 Office Equipment Chair -0- Other Vehicular Equip Water Trailer Rebuilt or Surplus -0- Ordinance Enforcement Recoverable Removal of Trees 600 Totals 39,832 W.R.Form 3-8.Rev.l0-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 400 150 170 -0- -0- 600 l Account 604 Recom- mended Approved 1977 1977 -0- 150 100 500 32,79238,719 50 -0- 50 150 100 500 500 500 38,719 Page 98" CITY Or,WtIEAT RIDGE ~. ,-'.-' ANN'fflU.:'; RUh.6&;T ".' ' :>t:,\.,:~~:' :7.h;{7>.._:,~:<,?,;:;,. ~,::_~:::. ~ _ '_, _ _:<<c. ;DEiAR'I;MEN'r F!<i "' >';tNf0;a~tJON ","ct ;~~g:~t~~t,c .:,; ,,,'-., f11h'c.t,&H~i ~R~~fi$'a~Jy. :p,~1i~\Ii'-' ; '~~~~h.~ai~i~j;~,. :pa:~~~ aH'a';op~n S'~be' atoe",s1io. 'e'1f,t6I!~e' p'a!'kS:,~~g:~~.;,,<!iij'<:l~~t~ b~aimln~es i;rl- :tha~~a:r~as., T6 l?reS;~llt . iil:fg-'i;)m.~ti~~O\1fd.bO!, l}'flJ.iccUiQna:t progp~i:id:ealing wi-thWiTd.life,. campihg,p1;ant,s ,i;il)dthe nat1,lra]. environment toc:,i;t,izen~s~ ~btip$ari.d', tne g~ner~.:L public:. Perform 1Il.ainten4n.cepo the.traii system and establis.h a naturece~te:p ;in ttl~; 9Jty. ~. "<.:'" -~~~(~~, < Budget <:t>JIunent : A , new full__t~m~ Park Rapger ,po,s~ ti9I.l, is !'eco~nd:ed: "to prp",id.~ fg!'Y~<lt'...~~p,.1,lnqc~xiEt~a~~'~n the tra'i1system and pa:rk's,.plus a seasonal person to assist at the ~o4 House, 6erbert,H6us,e ~,Jolinson F?ark and other facilities which are r~ce-ivin~ ;iPCreCl:sed U'sa'ge by the public. Estimated fg.76 Work Unit Actual 1975 Proposed 19-77 Hours of Public Contact and Patrol 1,920 4,480 4,160 HOurs Sp~nt - Public Informational Programs N/A 100 hrs. 150 hrs L ~:<' I, '- "- li.. 1 "- ... W.R.Form 1-11, Rev.l0-76 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 99 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES - L3 2.3 2.3 Totals 18,128 17,619 27,496 21,778 Comments: An additional full-time position is proposed to maintain a year round patrol and program schedule. ~he seasonal part~time posixion is reduced from.75 FTE to.3 FTE. - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.R.Budget Form 3-24,Rev.lO-~6 -~ ~ ANNUAL BUDGET t'age 100 l I SUMMARY or OPERATING EXPENDITURES Fund GENERAL 001 Department I Di..vision. PARKS & RECREATION I pAKK KANGER . . Original rinal Expense Item Budget EstimatE 1976 1976 Account 605 Recom- mended Approved 1977 1977 Object Code 602 Salaries & Wages 18,128 18,128 27,496 21,7781 Personnel Overhead 1,775 1,775 -0- -0- 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 350 350 100 100 728 Training & Safety 200 200 300 300 730 Uniforms 500 500 580 580 Seasonal 200 Full Time 200 20 Jr. Ranger 640 Automobile Mileage -0- -0- 100 100 702 Conference & Meeting Exp. Midwest Conf. I CPRS $100 -0- -0- 100 100 651 Office Supplies, Printing -0- -0- 2,960 900 & Postage Brochures $ 500 Layout 200 Rules & Regulations 200 660 Operating Supplies 78Q 780 800 800 Film & Proc. 150 First Aid Supplies 75 Batteries 25 Mace 30 Geology, Soil & , Water Kits 150 Thermometers 10 Nets 50 Nature Supplies 310 772 Vehicle Repairs f, Oper, Exp. Patrol & Maint -0- -0- 650 650 776 Other Eq~ipment Maintenance 100 100 250 250 Insurance & Bonds 20.0 200 -0- -0- 758 Rentals and Leases 3,500 3',500 3,000 I 3,000 I Horses-Complete w/Tack CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I W.P.F'nT'm 1-R.Rpv.ln_7F; -' - -- I. l SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Fund Delartment Division Account GENERAL 001 P RKS & RECREATION PARK RANGER 605 Original Final Recom- Object Expense Item Budget EstimatE mended Approved Code 1976 1976 1977 1977 706 Dues, Books, Sub. -0- -0- 220 220 NRPA $ 50 CPRS 20 Naturalist 50 Books and magazines 100 802 Office Equipment 2 book shelves 2 display cases -0- -0- 250 250 809 Other Major Equipment 1,800 1,800 2,685 343 2 chargers 115 I 2 carrying cases 28 1 disecting microscope $ 200 TOTALS 27,333 27,333 39,491 29,371 I I I I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I , 'j A~I'~UAL BUDGET t'age 101 W R ~n~m 1_R_R~v.ln_7R ~~-- I, -, I NON-DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING EXPENSE Fund Department Division IAccount GENERAL 001 CITY SUMMARY NON DEPARTMENTAL 610 , Original Final Recom- I Object Expense Item Budget Estimate mended Approved Code 1976 1976 1977 1977 Personnel Overhead 633 Police Pension 36,757 36,757 Budgeted 620 F. 1. C.A. to all 55,280 55,280 Dept. . 3 630 Retirement Account. 33,207 33,207 622 Insurance - Health & Life Budget 84,628 84,628 of 1976. 604 Deferred Compensation 2,200 2,200 621 Workmen's Compensation 32,732 32,732 Total I 244,804 ,244,804 I Insurance & Bonds I 712-1 Liability I insurance - I Personal & Property I 21,108 I 25,000 25,000 i 712-2 Auto Insurance 25,559 35,000 35,000 712-3 Police Professional 7,826 10,000 10,000 Liability 712-4 Public Official's Liabili tJ 3,554 4,445 4,445 712-5 Treasurer's Bond 400 400 , 400 712-6 Notary Bonds 60 80 80 712-7 Judgments Against the City 750 2,000 2,000 712-8 Horses Mo:r>tality 100 100 100 To-tal 21,905 59,457 77,025 77,025 Payment for Special Services 713-1 Fire District Ambulance 1,500 Maintenance i 7l3-2 Charter Commission Expenses 25,000 15 , Q~O \346,829 GRAND TOTAL 21,905 59,457 3:12,3.29 N'I~UAL BUDGET r'age 102 CITY OF \~HEAT RIDGE --- d , 1 n __ ~ . ,-- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES CARNATION FESTIVAL Fund Department Division Account GENERAL 001 Carnation Festival I 6Q6 - Original Final Recom- Object Expense Item Budget Estimate mended Approved Code 1976 1976 1977 1977 602 Salaries & Wages CAll -0- -0- 1,500 1,500 Departments) 610 Overtime & Premium Pay -0- -0- 1,500 1,500 (All Departments) 660 Operating Supplies -0- -0- 1,250 1,250 Float Materials. 500 Lumber 100 Elec, Supplies 300 Miscellaneous 350 758 Rentals & Leases -0- -0- 450 450 Barricades 450 799 Miscellaneous Expense -0- -0- 450 450 714 Legal Notices - Publishing -0- -0- 350 350 Ad In Newspaper 325 Posters 25 Totals -0- -0- 5,500 5,500 - . , I ANNUAL BUDGET r-age 103 CITY Or WHEAT RIDGE 'I W P.Fn~m ~_R_Rpv_ln_7~ I. - RESERVES , Fund Department Division Account GENERAL 001 RESERVES 607 Original Final Recom- Object Expense Item Budget Estimate mended Approved Code 1976 1976 1977 1977 793 RESERVE FOR CITY HALL -0- -0- 200,000 200,000 FACILITY 794 SPECIAL EMERGENCY RESERVE -0- 100,000 100,000 100,000 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A~INUAL BUDGET r-age 104 W_R.Fn~m 3-8.Rpv.l0-76 -- - . UNALLOCATED Fund Department Division Account ~ENERP.L 001 UNALLOCATED 608 Original Final Recom- Object Expense Item Budget EstimatE mended Approved Code 1976 1976 1977 1977 795 UNALLOCATED 189,282 189,282 174,302 178,434 I Y 0 WH AN"lUAL BUDGET r-age 104 (A) - -- CIT F EAT RIDGE W.~.F~~m ~_R_~pv_ln_7h CITY OF vlHEAT RIDGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM 1977 - 1981 FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SUM11ARY Y'EAR EXPENDITURE 1977 $1,335,000 1978 1,517,550 1979 1,951,076 1980 1,575,000 1981 2,469,200 GRAND TOTAL - 58,847,826 -105- INCOME: 1977 CITY OF HHEAT RIDGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND fUND: 31-504 Estimated Revenues: 1. Estimated Carryover Balance from 1976 2. One Per Cent (1%) Sales Tax $ 150,000 1,085,000 3. Urban Drainage District - - - - - - - - - - 100,000 Matching Funds: Lena Gulch 4. Urban Drainage District - - - - - - - - - -0- Matching Funds: Harlan Street TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES - - - - - EXPENDITURES: Estimated Expenditures: $1,335,000 833 Drainage Improvements - - - - - - - - - - - $ 432,000 - a, Lena Gulch - - - - - - Harlan St. Drainage Area - - - $282,000 150,OOO b. 840 Streets and Traffic Improvements - - - - - a. 14 Miles Overlay @$35,000/Mi. - 455,000 b. 1 Mile Gravel Street Sur- facing @$70,000/Mi. - - - - - - 70,000 c. Pilot Project-Ruberized Street Overlay (No Amount Identified) 855 860 Public Works Projects - - - - - - - - - - - - Police Building Entrance Structure - - - - 856 Bikeways Throughout City per Bikeway Master Plan, Construction, etc. -106- 525,000 -0- 8,500 50,000 City of Wheat Ridge Capital Improvements Fund - 1977 861 862 Street Beautification Projects - - - - - - Construct a Prototype Improvement Project along 38th Avenue or Wadsw~rth Blvd., to include Remova.l of Overhead Power Lines, Construction of Curb, Gutter, Sideualk, Street Trees, and Center Landscape Median Parks Improvements - - - - - - 863 Panorama Park Improvements New Backstop Fencing and Other Diamond Improvements; 2 Remaining Tennis Courts to be Color-Coa-ted and Repaired - - $12,000 Randall Park Im?rovements Sand and Clay Mix for Diamond, New Fencing, and Other Improve- ments; Color-Coat Tennis Courts, New Nets - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12,000 Greenbelt Trails and Bikeways (Plus $32,250 Anticipated from Outside Sources): Additional Paving to Complete Trail; Construction or Bridges & Underpass under Kipling St. at Clear Creek; Access to Johnson Park from east part of City - - - - 64,500 45th and Everett Improvements Construction of Small Playground Area - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6,500 45th and Vance Improvements Sodding, Water Tap, and Sprinkler System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33,000 Wheat Ridge Park and Prospect Park, not to include a Leisure Arts Center. Wheat Ridge Park Tennis Courts (2) $24,000 - Prospect Park, paving of Parks Roads & Parking Lots $15,000 - 39,000 New City Limit Signs and Structures, Purchase Supplies for 16 New City Limit Signs, Volunteer Construction - - - - - - - - - - 862-1 862-2 862-3 862-4 862-5 862-6 795 Unal1ocat.:ed TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES -107- $ 100,000 167,000 -0- 52,500 $1,335,000 1978 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CAPITAL IMPROVEl1ENTS FUND ESTIMATED INCOME: 1. One Per Cent (1%) Sales Tax Allocation - 2. Anticipated Urban Drainage District: - - - Matching Funds - Lena Gulch 3. Anticipated Urban Drainage District: - - - - - Matching Funds - Harlan Street 4. BOR Grant for Swim Complex - - - - - - - - - - Fifty Per Cent (50%) of Cost $1,117,500 100,000 100,000 200,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED INCOME - - - - - - - - $1,517,550 ESTI~~TED EXPENDITURES: 1. Drainage Improvements - - - - - - - - - $ 400,000 a. Lena Gulch - - - - - - - -$200,000 b. Harlan Street - - - - - - 200,000 2. Streets and Traffic Improvements - - - - - - 490,000 a. 12 Miles Overlay @$35,000/ Mile - - - - - - - - - - - 420,000 b. I Mile Gravel Street Sur- facing @$70,OOO/Mile - - - 70,000 3. Pedestrian/Bike Pathway per Master Plan - - - - 30,110 4. New Tennis Courts (2): Wheat Ridge Park 5. New Tennis Courts (2) and Lighting- Prospect Park - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6. Lighting, Bleachers and Dugout - - - - - - - - Ball Park #2, Prospect Park 7, Second-Year of 5-Year Program to Survey - - - - Existing ROWs Throughout City 30,000 38,000 29,000 25,000 9. Greenbelt Trails Development - - - - - - - - - 8, Outdoor Swimming Pool and Complex - - - - - - - 400,000 -108- 25,000 City of Wheat Ridge Capital Improvements Fund - 1978 10. Neighborhood Park Development - 44th and - - - 10,000 Miller at Clear Creek 11. Leisure Arts Center Development - Berbert - - - 10,000 House 12. Expand Parking Facilities - Wheat Ridge Park - 30,450 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES - - - - - - - - - $1,517,550 -109- 1979 CITY OF lNHEAT RIDGE CAPITAL IMP:WVEHENTS FUND ESTIMATED INCOME: 1. One Per Ce~t (1%2 Sales Tax Allocation - $1,151,076 2. Urban Drainage District: - - Matching Funds - Lena Gulch 100,000 3. Urban Drainage District: - - - - - - Marching Funds - Harlan Street Basin 100,000 4. Urban Systems Grant: - - - - - - - - - - - - W. 44th Avenue, Kipling to Wadsworth (Seventy-three (73%) Per Cent Grant Funds) 600,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED INCOME $1,951,076 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: 1, Drainge Improvements - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 400,000 a. Lena Gulch - - - - - - - $200,000 b. Harlan Street Basin - - - 200,000 - 2 . Streets and Improvements - - - - - - - - - - 385,000 a. 9 Miles Overlay @$35,OOO/ Mile - - - - - - - - $315,000 b. 1 Mile Gravel Street Sur- facing @$70,OOO/Mile - - - 70,000 3. New City Hall Facility (Phase I) - - - - 300,000 4. West 44th Avenue Improvement - - - - - - - - 821,140 Kipling to Wadsworth (City Share 27% -$221,140) 5. Third-Year of 5-Year Program to Survey - - - Existing ROWs Throughout City 25,000 6, Construct Locker Rooms-Anderson Bldg. Gym - - 19,93b TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES - - - - - - - - - $1,951,076 -1l0- ~980 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND ESTIMATED INCOME: 1. One Per Cen~ (l%1 Sales Tax Allocation - - - $1,185,609 2. Anticipated Urban Drainage District - - - - - (Grant 50%) Matching Funds: Lena Gulch 390,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED INCOME - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,575,609 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: I. Drainage Improvements - - - - - - - - - - - - a. Lena Gulch (50% Grant) - - - -$180,000 b. Harlan Street Basin - - - - - 200,000 (City Funds Only) 2. Streets and Traffic Improvements - - - - - a. 10 Miles Overlay @$35,000/ - $350,000 Mile b. 1 Mile Gravel Street Sur- 70,000 facing @$70,OOO/Mile 3. City Hall Facility (Phase II) - - - - - - - - - 4. Fourth-Year of 5-Year Program to Survey- - - - Existing ROWs Throughout City TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES -111- $980,000 420,000 150,000 25,000 $ 1,575,000 1981 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CAPITAL Il1PROVEMENTS FUND ESTIMATED INCOME: 1. One Per Cent (1%) Sales Tax Allocation - - - - - $1,221,177 2. Anticipated Urban Drainage District - - - - a. Matching Funds - Lena Gulch - $450,000 b. Matching Funds - Harlan St. - 100,000 550,000 3. Urban Systems Grant: (73% Grant Funds) - W. 44th Avenue Improvement - Kipling to Youngfield 700,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED INCOME - - - - $2,471,179 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: 1. Drainage Improvements - - - - - - - - - - - $1,100,000 a. Lena Gulch (50% Grant Funds) $900,000 - b. Harlan St. Basin (50% Grant 200,000 Funds) 2 . Streets and Traffic Improvements - - - - - - - - 385,000 a. 9 Miles Overlay @$35,000/ - - - $315,000 Mile - b. 1 Mile Gravel Street Sur- - - - - 70,000 facing @$70,OOO/Mile 3. West 44th Avenue Improvement - - - - - - - Kipling to Youngfield (City Share - 27% or $259,200) 959,200 - 4. Fifth-Year of 5-Year Program to Survey Existing ROWs Throughout City 25,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES - - - - - - - - - - - $2,469,200 -l12- 1977 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE REVENUE SHARING FUND REVENUES: FUND: 19-503 Estimated Federal Allocations $129,000 Interest Earnings - - - - - 1,000 Estimated Unspent Carryover Balance from 1976 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES - - - - - - - - 10,000 $140,000 EXPENDITURES: B08 Five New-Used Compact Vehicles (Replacements) - $ 15,000 (Support Services) 80B Three new Nova Police Sedans (Replacements) 15,600 (Patrol) 808 One New Mid-Size Police Station Wagon - - - 6,000 (Replacement) (Patrol) B08 One New Crime Scene Van (Support Services) - - - -0- (Additional Vehicle) B08 One Compact Vehicle (Administrative Services) -0- (Mail, Purchasing Office, etc.(Replacement) 808 One Van, Full Size, Parks & Recreation - - - 7,000 (Replacement) B08 One Compact Pickup Vehicle (Community Development, 3,500 Building Inspection Division) (Replacement) B08 One Compact Vehicle (Community Development,- - - - 3,500 Planning f, Zoning) (Replacement) 808 One Mid-Size Sedan (Public Works Director, - - - - Replacement) -0- 808 One Street Flusher Truck (Public Works De- - - - 19,200 partment, Additional Vehicle) -113- City of Wheat Ridge Revenue Sharing Fund - 1977 Expenditures (Continued) 808 One Traffic Paint Striping Truck, Fully - - - - $25,000 Equipped; Replacement 808 One Compact Vehicle (Parks Maintenance, - - - Replacement) 3,500 808 One Compact Pickup Vehicle (Park Ranger - - -0- Division; Additional Vehicle) 870 One Ambulance, Fully Equipped (Wheat Ridge - - - 25,000 Fire District)- Replacement 809 One Automatic Card File and Data Information - - 5,000 System (Police Records Division) 795 Unallocate9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11,700 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 140,000 -114- PARK ACQUISITION fUND FUND: 11-501 REV E N U E Subdivision Fees - - - - - - - - - - _ _ (Payments made by Developers in lieu of Land Donation per Ordinance) $ 1,300 Estimated Carryover Balance From 1976 _ _ - 1,000 Earned Interest - - - - - - - - - - _ _ 200 TOTAL REVENUES - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ 2,500 E X PEN D I T U RES 865-1 Park Land Acquisitions and/or Developments to be Determined by City Council - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 2,500 ... ... Note: The Park Acquisition Fund was established by the City in 1972 to provide for an accounting of funds received and earmarked for acquisition of park lands throughout the City and for development of such properties. The fund lS sustained largely by developer payments pursuant to Ordinance and by contributions. -115- CONSERVATION TRUST FUND FUND: 54-508 REVENUES Grants, State of Colorado $ 8,925 Earned Interest - - - - - - - - - - - 500 Estimated Carryover Balance From 1976 - - - - - - 26,985 TOTAL REVENUES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 36,410 EXPENDITURES Acquisition and/or Development of Park and Con- servation Sites in Accordance with Guidelines Contained in State Statutes. Land to be Developed must be Acquired Subsequent to July 1, 1974 - - - - $36,410 865-5 Park Development, 45th and Vance $23,910 865-4 Park Development, 45th and Everett 6,500 795 Unal10cated 6,000 $36,410 NOTE: The Conservation Trust Fund' is a restricted fund estab- lished by the City on July 2, 1974, pursuant to State Law to provide for the receipt and disbursement of funds received from the State for specified uses. The auth- orized expenditures from this fund are for the acquisi- tion, development, and maintenance of new conservation sites which includes interests in land and water. -116- INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMAN MERKL TI TLE: RESOLUTImJ NO. 475 Series of 1976 RESOLUTiON ADOpnN~ THE,ClTY 8UOG-ET AND ESTABLlSllIJ'JG A MILL LEVY FOR THE PURPOSE QfbERIVTNG PROPERTY TAX REVENUES TO THE CITY OF WHEAT Rl6GE FdR rKE FISCAL YEAR 19'77 WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Budget for the fiscal Yl!!sr 1977 has been established and public hearings have been held on September 27 and September 30, 1976. after duly published notices; and WHEREAS, the Bud13et provides for revenues and operating and capital expenditures in the'total amount of $5,063,483, 1lJhich in- cludes $3,549,573 in the General Fund, $1,335,000 in the Capital Illlprovements Fund, $140,000 in the Revenue Sharing Fund, and $38,9l0 in other Special Funds; and WHEREAS, $390,920 of the General Fund Budget is estimated to be derived from ad valorem property taxes and the balance derived from pther estimated revenue spurces; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The, City of !l!heat Ridge tqta18udget for the fiscal period beginning, January 1, 1977, and ending December 31, 19'77, be herebyapp;roved and adopted. 2. The property tax mill levy for Gener,al FUnd Operating and capital purposes is hereby estabH.shed at 3.65 mills and assessed against all real property within the City of Wheat Ridge for taxes to be collected in 1977 for the valuation year 1976. DONE AND RESOLVED by a vote of 11th day of October, A.D. 1976. 4 to 1 this ATTEST: ~Ttf .<IL~/~~:9fJ'~'( FRANK STITtS, MAYOR L INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMAN MERKL RESOLUTION NO. 476 <, , . Series of 1976 TITLE: A RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSES OF DEPARTMENTALOPERAT$ONS, AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ,FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE GENERAL GOVERNMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1977. IdHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Budget for the fiscal year 1977 has been established and public hearings held thereon on Sep- tember 27 and September 30, 1976, after duly published notices; and - WHEREAS, the Budget provides for revenues and expenditures in all funds for all General Fund, Revenue Sharing, Capital Improve- ment, and Special Funds purposes in the amount of $5,063,483 and IdHEREAS, these funds shall be derived from ad valorem taxes, sales taxes, and other revenue sources; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following appropriatior.s are approved and authorized: GENERAL FUND .. 409. MAYOR Salaries, 'Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating Expenses (Excluding Sadaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL 410. CITY COUNCIL S 9,762 6,400 ...0,- S 16,16~ Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating Expenses (Excluding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL 411. CITY CLERK Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating Expenses (Excluding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL s -0- 32,250 -O- S 32,250 S 18,340 46,125 -O- S 64,465 - 1 - . ._..~_..... r1.'- UUUI\ I Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating Expenses (Excluding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL 414. MuNICJ:PAL COURT: PROBATION & YOUTH,.,BERV:ICES. ,..- .. Sli(lflr$~s,WSlges I Dvettiine,,&' ,pretn1ul1L PEl\[' OPeratring EXr:'ensg~ lE:xcluding SaTadgs)' ,C~J;lit;\3t Oyt'lpy {'tiquipin~n~~. ' . " t9T~L 413. CITY ADMINIstRATOR S\31aries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating, Expenses (Exc:Ludil1g Splaries) Capit31 Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL 415. CITY TREASURER sa~\3r~es, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating Expenses (E:Xtlutling Salaries) Capital Outlay (EquipmEnt) TOTAL 416. CITY ATTORNEY Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating Expenses (ExCluding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL 417. ADMHUSTRATIVE SERVICES Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating E)penses (Excluding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL 418. COMMUNITY D,E:VELoPMENT: A tJMtl\ir STRATI ON Salaries, Wages, Overtime&Premit!lI\ Pay EJperating ExpeJJses (Exoluding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment} TOTAL 419. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: PLANNING & ZONING Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay OpErating Expenses (Excluding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL ~30. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: BUILDING INSPECTION Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating Eypenses (Excluding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL - ? - S 22,,472 28,040 2,225 $ 52,737 S ...:g.,.. ),o':iO' " ~:tJ1.- $:5,050 - S 34,756 13,5'50 750 $ 49,056 S 27,67t 25,350 500 $ 53,522 s -0- 45,200 -o- S 45,200 S 6~,116 31,300 810 $101,226 $2'4,744 12,885 -o- S 37,629 S 82,745 '2,240 -O- S 94,985 S 41,652 7,610 -O- S 49,262 -r., I. ....:I(,..u II H..,.."" I. L.t\-V'-L..UI nL-I..'.. L.fUl!~ ~I\lr Ur\l..I.c..r.I~I\l1 420. Salaries, Wages, OVertime &Pri:!mium Pay O,perating Expenses (Excluding Salaries) Capital Outlay (EqUipment) toTAL PQbrCE: . Apt.t;[NisrRAT~~N ".."", '>~' " ~<;t:~t~>e$ ~> ~al;l~Sl" ,O:lte~tj;9Ji:!~, !3;rEirn-it:!ill~-aV< O,p~in~J;.irjg !E*peJ;lses ltii~tit"l;j.~.?:a.tar ~ela) tt~p~t.'!;i,l.' Q1.i$l.~.y--;..'Cf;q H:t) ~~;'., '5"x , " "",~~i~i " " '" ~: .", - j, 4~1. POlICE:Sr.1PPO~TSE:R\JtOES $~~?rie!3., Wages, Overt'ime &, Premiu.rh paV OfJerating Expenses (Exclytti:ng SaJa?:,iesJ Capital Outlay (Equii::lI'nent) TOTAL 422. POLICE: PATROl., & TRAFFIC Sfillaries, lJJage!:i, ov~!"t'ime& FremipmPal,1 (Jp-eoratirig E~p~ns-es' Cf$xciudingS:alaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL 423. POLICE: TECHNICAL SERVICES I Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating Expenses (ExclUding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL 424. POLICE: BURGLARY UNIT Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay O(::grrattng EXpenses (~xc,lw::!~ng Sala.rie.s) Capi ti;ll Ollt,lay (E;qui:p.meh~') TOTAL POt.JGE: ~N:IMAL GONT~Ok S~laries.lli<i~es,OveMime ~',Pre~i1mPay Operat,ing' Exp,em;8s (~Xt:,llldihg 'SalarieE;) CaPi-tal Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL 425. 440. PUBLIC WORKS: ADMINISTRATION Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating Expenses (Excluding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL " 441. PUBLIC WORKS: ENGINEERING Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating Expenses (Excluding Salaries) Ca~ital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL - 3 - S 21,254 , 9,010 , ~, 950 . * 3;;'214 ' f.c.o;,_'. - h.' .J, ,. ~ ~, "i "::~J ~(~,~~ ., -, lk. 1:i~;.. -8'1'~" -, ,> .~ ~",J.i~l;J: _". , , n~I," 'ns", ~ ;:f~,;,.~t,t,:t~.,-:"oi~" .';..o;S$fl";" .' ~",56'''4i1,;:'- ,," ",,:~' t;,. ' - $2?9,_p31 . lf9'"S6JI 1l~'30'5 $'338916 .~ ,,. ""'C. 'fJ;:,; :S4:~$;J$18 'ill', 100 5, 100 $4.7~f 715 S11eJ,5$4 61400 aDo $125,784 s -0- -0- '-0-' -0- S $',2$',5;30 12, 1~O 150 S 37,El3D S 42,625 15,750 -o- S 58,375 S 83,248 147,025 600 $230,873 450. PUBLIC WORKS: STREET MAINTENANCE Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating Expenses (Excluding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL 451. PUBLIC WORKS: TRAFFICMAII\iTENANCE ,_'c Salaries, Wages, Overtime R P'remium Pay l:lJ:le~Eltib9 ~x[3enses , (Exl::lug>~ng, Sa:1~ries) C13pHal Outlay (Equipment) ttrrAL 452. PUBLIC WORKS: SHOPS Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium P~y Operating Expenses (txcluding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL NOTE: A total of $41,741 is to be charged back to all using Departments and is contained in the iridi-, vidual Department Operating Budgets. 453. CIVIL DISASTER Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating Expenses (Excluding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL 460. PARKS & RECREATION: ADMINISTRATION Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating Expenses (Excluding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL 461. PARKS & RECREATION: RECREATION Sal,i3ries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating Expenses (Exc1uding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL 462. PARKS & RECREATION: PARKS MAINTENANCE Salaries; Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating Expenses (Excluding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL 463. PARKS & RECREATION: FORESTRY Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium'Pay Operating Expenses (Excluding Sal2ries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL - 4 - $64,386 225,2QO ...0... S289~586 $; 22 600 , , , 36i~5b ;';'0- "$ 6o,Mo S 19,OOO 8,000 ...0- S 20, mm S 3,000 2,000 5,000 S 10, ODD S 213,792 10,680 200 S 37,p72 S 60,~40 53,905 4,1,80 $119,025 $ 83,980 74,605 3,850 1162,435 S 31,369 6,750 600 S 38,719 464. PARKS & RECREATION: PARK RANGER Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating Expenses (Excluding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL 470. NON-DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING EXPENSg~ Personnel Overhead (~ll Departments) Insl,Jrance and Bonds Payment for Special Services TOTAL 471. CARNATION FESTIVAL: 1977 Salaries, Wages, Overtime & Premium Pay Operating Expenses (Excluding Salaries) Capital Outlay (Equipment) TOTAL 499. UNALLOCATED SPECIAL Er~ERGENCY FUND RESERVE FOR CITY HALL FACILITY TOTAL GENERAL FUND: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 640. DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Drainage Improvements 641. STREETS AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS Streets and Traffic Improvements 643. POLICE BUILDING i Police Building Entrance Structure 642. BIKEWAYS Bikeways throughout City per Bikeway Master Plan: Construction, Etc. 644. STREET BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS Street Beautification Projects 645. PARKS IMPROVEMENTS Improvements at Various Parks 648. UNALLOCP.TED TOTAL CAPITAL mPROVEPHHS FUND: - 5 - S 21,878 6,900 593 $29,3'71 S24~,~04 17 ,.025 16,500 S:3:lS,329 S 3,000 2,500 -O- S 5,500 $1'78,434 $100,000 $200,000 1 "3,549,573 1432,000 8525,000 S 8,500 S 50,000 $100,000 $167,000 S 52,500 , S 1,335,000 iJrc..uJ,t1L rWI"U~ 731. REVENUE SHARING FUND 1. Public Safety Nine Police Vehicles, including Five Compacts, Three Nova, am! One ~lid-size Stati.on Wagon (AllReplatements~ .r'~ 2. Public transportation (Streets) One Fl.O$li"~r TtuGk (new) One Paint Striping Truck (replacement) .' 3. Commuhitv Development One Compact Pickup and One CQmpact Vehicle for Building Inspection, Planning & Zoning, and Code Enforcement . (replacements) 4. Parks and Recreation One Compact Pickup Vehicle and One Van for Parks t-laintenance (reolacements') 5. Ambulance (Wheat Ridge Fire District) Purchase of Fully Equipped Ambulance 6. Police Department Records Division One Automatic Csrd File and Data Information System 7. Unallocated TOTAL REVENUE SHARING FUND 840. PARK ACQUISITION FUND Park Land Acquisitions and/or Developments to be Determined by City Council 940. CO~SERVATION TRUST FUND Acquisition and/or D,evelopment of Park and Conservation 51 tes per State 5tSAtute Guidelines Park Development: 45th & Everett $ 6,500 Park Development: 45th & Vance $23,910 Unallocated S 6,000 GRAND TOTAL SPECIAL FUNDS GRAND TOTAL: S 5,063,483 ALL FUNDS S 36,600 S 44;.200 S 7,000 $ 10,500 $25,300 S 5,000 S 11,700 $140,000 S 2,500 S 36,410 $178,910 DONE AND RESOLVED this 11th day of October, A.D. 1976, by a vote of l. to 1 ~ ~~a>7//l;t;;t.." /O/3/h. FRA~K STIlES. MAYOR - 6 - ~~,.~~~-=~'~';:Z.~'Uir'IIl""';~.'Jr<l1i.~.l':':~"lS>~"r~'jj..~.'~._.~ "." 7'" v \- ,", fM-+,~ .-.:;; 1- -,~.."':~~U if Vi. 1.1 vel. ("~ . , '!-~,: 1"'; "''''",e I'::" ~'" i . .-:,.... .....k.i~ "'~:""':-~ ...~.., ~\:"ii' 't ;1' ,: ,:- :- 1:.:.... / \ (~/ \i;:\ i" I)' · 'J);: October 12, 1976 Mr. J. D. Pn:;~ar4;, Director Colo~odo Di~i~ion o~ LOLdl GovETn~cnt l55f1 Lineolll StreEc,t, Rl!rJrr, ?l[l Denver, Colorado 2D2n3 Dear Mr. Arehart: In accordance wi th PT[]V),ci:; ons 0-,0 the Loc,,] Government Budget 10anual, this is to inform th8 Di'j'i.~;iDn Df LQc'J; GC1'/ernw"nt thLlt the City of uJheat RidgE' will not exct'ed the :~tDtutOT'\! Illdl; C111 proilert'l ta,>< revenues of 107% of the preceding y~ar'~ nrDp~rtv ~A~ reccipt~, based on the General Fund Budget for the f),seal ye21' 1977 adDpterJ r"/ the City Council on October 11, 1976. The actUCJl pI'DpeT'ty tay re\'t't1l1CiC I',,-'ceived by thE! City of lJJheat Ridgs frnrr; its 19?G p1'OpErt~ tay receiptE ond mLll lEVY of 4.8 mills WBS $375,339, Th? 1~7% limitation [1"1 this rCVf'nUF is $L,C~,E'[B. The adopt8'd Budljet for the City elf Wheat Ridqe For 1977 is based on an ~ctual aSSEssed valuation of $I[l8,D50,nr~, and LhE adopt0d mil] levy is 3.ES ~i!]s, resultirg in a projected property tax revenue of $3Sn,9?O in IS??, Eyclusive of that revenue to be derived frum new construction. This amounts tD a~Dut 104% of this year's revenue. Approval of the Dj,viclon of Local GO~2rnment fnI' a 3.55 prooe~ty tax mill levy for the City uf uJheat Ridge in 1':177 and the associated GenErcd Fund [JLldget ie, hereby requEsted. Attached Ar~ cE~tified copies of Resolutions No. ~7~ Bn~ P,Jo. 476, pc]sC~ed by trlE City CDUl1C:il 0,1 Oct. 11, 197tJ which l) odoot tile :S:r budget, 2) est~~lish the 3.6~ mill levV and 3) provides for upprDDr.Btlc~s for the f:lsc3l "Pol' 1977. r\ coc'clcte 1977 Budget document will be filed ~UiUi your office in the nesr future as soon as it is available from the printer. Sincerely, I / / // \ , . I / ,"', 1\ ~ \. , , I (t / ~. "', John A. Je-rm2u City Administrator JAJ:jek /,<, / / \ cc: Mayor & Cj,ty Council Budget Officer, Je;'feI'ciOll r~o.Jflt\j City Treosurer City CIEc;:,k Direc:to:::" f\dmlnistr3ti\le 5eTvi['e~, /- /,': " / . / / / I I I I \ \ \ I : \ or, AUG. , ", ~C)o~ o ill r' 0 . 'CI :r ::J .,.!1l I :>rt'1'tJ (: ill i1l rtf-'O'1 :r -u en !1l 0 1'1 tj en OJ II> !1l ~ ~. ~ ~ g ::l ,... rt OQ n:J'" !1l (JJ Ul i1l '1 <: ,... n (t cn 'T'J c .... >-' 'rl ,... ~ t"1 Ei "t! f-' o '<: ro rD 'fl ~ o o ~ -' N I.... Wi OlnOO 1001 :' .n ::;, ~ 8 o ~ -' I? .,.) :::0 t;1:1:no:l:'tJ !1l 0 OJ rt 0 i1l "d.'U~i:jt1 OJ ...... (Q I UJ '1;1>rt'1"-10 n C OJ !1l::l EirtI-'O>1OJ ro ~ "'Tj tn t---' ::J It> 0 rt >1::JUl III ill i1l rt I-' '1 ,... ~ ::J .... 00 n i1l (JJ I'd '1 "dO (\) . (T' >1 OJ en rt o ,... ::J Q II> ::l f-' "" ,....,.... ,....,.... I 0'\L,.10 00 1 'T'J I-~ c: o f-' rt ,~ ill f-' In N .... W .... 1 o I I o I I o I I o I In In o 00 ..,. ..,. 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