HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1971-0137 RESOLUTION NO. 137 SBries of 1971 WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge annexed certain propBrty into the City in Annexation No.1, and said property is located in the vicinity of West 51st Place and Kipling Street; WHEREAS, municipal services should be provided said annexed land; WHEREAS, said area has not heretofore been sBrved by a domestic water system; WHEREAS, building permits for various structures have bBen issued by the City of Wheat Ridge to those with an interest in said land; WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge is unable to furnish the water service now required to complete the development of this area; WHEREAS, other areas in a general vicinity of the Clear- vale subdivision rBquire water service for domestic uses; WHEREAS, the City of Arvada has facilities available for distribution of said water and desirBs to sell water from their systBm to these areas; WHEREAS, in the past these areas located outside the City of Arvada have been charged an out-of-city rate, because said service is outside the City of Arvada; WHEREAS, it is tle desire of this City Council to equalize the rates charged within the City to water customers to a level as equal as possible; WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Water District, a special Water District serving much of the City of Wheat Ridge with water services, desires to distribute water purchased from the City of Arvada to resi- dents of the City of Wheat Ridge in the above set-out areas; WHEREAS, service by the Wheat Ridge Water District can be accomplished and will result in more equitable rates to the customers involved; WHEREAS, the City of Arvada has agreed through a contract to deal with the Wheat Ridge Water District, and the City of Wheat Ridge for the purpose of furnishing said water; WHEREAS, it is in this city's best interest to approve this contract, identified as Contract No. 71-11, and attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A; ,r{-E. S 7T / 3 ,/() j NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge approve the service as proposed by the attached contract in order to better serve the residents of this City. DONE AND RESOLVED this 16th day of September A.D., 1971, by a vote of 6 to o I ,'/ J i I ',' '! , . , f i I ( I ' t I ~ .. '--..~- Albert E. Anderson Mayor ATTEST: / ,./ "~.'" ~ / ' / ~- ,F .,_~ _ k'_ ~.,c-:...-::- <" ...-.-.L /1'".-. J'/" / Louise F. Turner City Clerk \ ~ - d?C':s ~ /S7 (?,) CDJNCIL DILL NO. 71-{4 ORDINAfICE 1.0. NJ OROL\lJ\r~CE ;,IJTliORIZ1i~G Tilt: Ci-;'Y COJj;'~C!L (l?" TilE C IT)' Or- f\f\VI\DA, COLD~J\;)O. TO C:1TCR INTO A \!,\Ti:R ~,CiWIC[ {,Gf\EU;CIIT \.IITH Tile: \':;I~,\T RIDGE HATEH DISTRICT MID TilE CITY OF HIIEAT RIDGE FOi\ THE PURPOSE OF FURNISHIIIG OF WATER ~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUIKiL OF ,THE CITY OF A?VADA, COLORI"DO, that: SCCtiOfl J. The Dlstributorls Contract between the City of Arvad<J. and the Wheat Ridsc \<l.Jtcr District J,lc/or the City of Wilc<Jt r<id9~J identified as Contract No. 71-i1, providing for the purch<:tse of \oJuter and setting procedures ilnd c.nargcs therefor, be and is hereby approved and authorized. Section II. eX<lmi nat j on Arvada. A copy of said cootrJct is avai lable for in the office of the City Clerk of the City of INTRODUCED, READ AND ORDERED PUBLISHED THIS _______ day of A. D. 1971. ., Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk . ,,',.n "",,,'\. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS _______ day of , A. D. 1971. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Pualication Dates: r , A 'z: -::,./ .:3' / 0-r..J Contract Number Dn.te: DISTRIBLiTOR'S COl'i'TRAC'r THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the &q of , 1971, by and between the CITY OF ARVAJJA, actir.g by ar.d through its CITY COUNC+L, hereinafter sometimes called "CITY", ar.d '~1EATRIDGE WATER DISTRIC'r, a water district organized and existing ~~der the laws of the State of Color~do, hereinafter sometimes ealled "DIST<(IilUTOR", or referred,to by a pronoun, WITNESSETH: THIS COl'i'TRACT IS MADE UNDER Al'i~ SUBJECT TO YnE FOLLry~NG C01~ITIONS: A. This contract is mn.de under and conformable to the provisions of the Charter of the City of Arvada, the Code of the City of Arvada, and the contract between the City of Arvada and the City and County of Denver acting by and throUGh its Board of Water Commissioners dated V~y 25th, 1965, and all provisions contained therein sha.ll become a part of this contrn.ct insofar as O-pplicalllo and where not expressly inconsistent hel'Cwith. B. This contract involves the use of water outside the territorial , . limits of the City of Arvada from the water works system a..~d plant o'oT.ed by Arvada, hereinafter referred to as "Arvada Water System" ~'1der authority of the Charter of the City of Arvada, and th~;Cod,e,of"th.e City of Arvada ! :l,.. but such contract shall pro~ide for limitation of delivery of 'o~ter to whatever extent may be necessary to enable the City to provicie an adequate supply of water to the people of Arvada. As used in this contract, "Inside Arvada" , refers to tl1e area within the City Limits of the City of Arvada as it may. exist at any given time, and "Outside Arvada" refers to the total area not located inside the City of Arvada which is i'urnished potable water from the Arvada Water System at any given time. C. The extent to which limitation of water deUvery outside Arvada may be necessary to enable the City to provide adequately for users L'1side Arvada is ~ fact to be determined by the City in the exercise of its reasonable and sole discretion from time to time as occasion may require. The current determina.tion by the City on this subject, which will not be changed without t',\..h1 ll. .1'll~:";UIW, 'lu fLU follown: vi"t ~ #/3? C5,'j "Thl Ifarc of Arvada and its :nhubit~nt~ rcquirc~ a ~tubIc Wu ~up;Jl:r r.ut " only for thcm but also thut p~t of thc udjuccnt mctropolita,r. ureu de?c~dcr.~ on Arvuda for a water supply. ,Tnile it is the purpo~e of Arvada tv ~i~tai~ a water supply adequate to meet the needs of the metropolitan area depe~dcnt upo~ Arvada for water supply, there are many elements which make it ~~certa~~ w~etner the supply can always be adequate for all, and therefore in tiJ:les of ~horta;:;e, water use outside Arvada will be curtailed on the following basis, the first , listed curtailment being adopted to meet the least serious sit~tion ar.d the succeeding curtailment being adopted in additio~ to prior listed curtailments, the last tQ meet the gravest possible situation and one which every reasonable procaut.ion munt. be tak~n to o.void, to-wit: 1. HCliLrlction of USCG, which cnn bc nccompliahcd without. ~crious injury to person or prppcrty, and prohibition of non-cssentio.l uscs. 2. Prohibition of irrigation except for commercial greenhouses. 3. Prohibition of every ~se except for domestic use and for essential commercial enterprises and industry. 4. Prohibition of all use outside the city except domestic uses. 5. Prohibition of all uses outside the city. In order to,:enable the City to provide an adequate supply of water to the people of Arvada without impairment of essential deliveries of water under this and similar contracts, the City will impose any restriction or prohibitions con- templated by Item 1 above uniformly inside md outside Arvada." ,I:... ,~ D. The Distributor controls by virtue'of incl'USion within, in the incor- , porated City of Wheatridgej the territorJ described in Exhibit A attached hereto ! and made a paz1; hereof, and hereinai'ter referred to as "Distributor's Service A:rea", containing in the most part W!l:ter distributor facilities, inclusive of water ~ins, valve~, fire hydrants, and service lines ~nich are herein sowetimes ref"rred to as "distribution facilities", and which have been owned and con- trolled by the City of Arvada as an integral part of the total Arvada City Water System. E. The sec~ing of an adequate water supply by the City for the f'..ture growth of the Arve.da Metropolitan Area is necessary and of mutual advantage to the parties hereto and the users they serve. '-' -2- R2::S .?"r/87 (v)' F. The tern. "City" 0.::; used herein i3ho.ll include the City Cour.lcil 0: AtVada and any duly authorized reprcGentntivc. G. The term "District" ns u;:;cd herein Gho.lJ. include the r,rneatridee ~";EJ.tcr Board and any duly appointed re~reGentntive. NOW, FOR AND IN CONSIV~\TIO~ of the pre~seG and in further consideration " of the promises and agreements hereinafter contained, the City agrees to sell, and the Distributor to ouy the distribution facilities within the area delineated as Distributor's Service Area and the use of potable _ter upor. c6na.itions =d limitations hereinafter provided. 1. ~he Dictributor promises to cnuoe to be paid to the City for the distribution system,and for the UGe of water provided by the City hereur.der, the WllOunt or amounts of money calculat~d by utilizing the schedules attacted. to and lllllde a part of this contract and denominated Exhioi~ B. It'is mutually agreed that ~aid schedules provide for the payment for water use of ~ur.ts sufficient to constitute a compliance with requir=ents of the C'narter and Ordinances of the City of Arvada at the t~e of the making of this acree::.ent and in addition thereto an amount sufficient to .lllllOrtize the value of tr.e distribution system. The schedule of charges provided for in this pa.ra.,;raph ,~ "---' . shall remain in l1ill force and effect until the 'revenue resulting from collection of charges set forth in Exhibit B shall become inadeqUllte to meet the standards of return required by the 'City for water delivered outside Arvada, or until the City shall deem it necessary for any reason to raise or lower the charges for the water either inside or outside Arvada. +h~.Gity 1:nE:Y' establish any classifi- " ' . .' cations of users for rate making purposes. Method;'Of'collection and sc~edules of charges for use outside Arvada shaJ.l be applied uniformly among si:n.ilar users. Any new schedule of charge for water use outside Arvada shaJ.l beco~ EXhibit B and shaJ.l supersede Exhibit B attached hereto an~ oaid new schedule shaJ.l auto- maticaJ.ly oecome a part of this contract upon adoption. NothL~ herein s[~ be deemed to require a continuance of classifications of charges of siwilar de- finition to those contained in said exhibits as presentq or hereafter constituted.. 2. ' It is mutually agreed that the duration of this contract is such that the passage of time will require changes in the charges to ?e made for the use of water hereunder, ""d. that the most feasible waY,to insure fairness will be to keep charges for the use of water outside Arvacla uniformly related. to charges for the use of water inside Arvada. It is therefore agreed: a. The City may 1llO'fL"Y the schedule of charges for the use 01: water here- under from tiJIle to tiJIle in "its discretion, provided: -3- ~cz::> # /3"'/ (;/) (1) Such mocL..f ...co.tion will D,:comc effective fjut, U.l,.:.~.L.~(;r tr.;J..1 three (3) mo~t~a after toe chanee shell DC wlo~ted ~J ~tc C.tl. (2) The City will to.i:e rco.~on[L1Jlc Gte:pn to flot-if:! in ...,ritir,~ '-... the Distributor of oueh ch"-nge i=ediatel:r after such change shall havc been adopted. 'b. Any neW schedule of ch~rGcs under this and other GLr~lar co~tracts ~hall be relutedto and rerr~in in proportion to the chargc3 for w~ter UGe in:ide tte ... City. The schedule of charGes provided for in this Paracra?fi and set O~~ in E~libit B is the result of the application ot current winim~ char~c~ for ~is- . tributor service as set forth in the Code of the City of ~~aaa adj~te~ a~ permitted by said Code for the purchase from the City by the District of the distribution facilities within the Distributor's Service Area, and p:e~~s normally applicable to variances from the Code requirements for zcrvice o~t~ide the City. It is agreed that the said rate resulting hereby represents a fair rate of r~turn to the City for investment in plant and cost of operation appli- cable to service to the class of user. hereunder. 3. No water delivered under this contract shall be used O1Itsic.e the Distributor's Service Axea as the same presently exists and delineated on Exhibit A, and distributor agrees to disconnect forthwit~ a.'OY tap to Distributor's system through which water is l~ished for use outside said area. 7he Dis- ,---. tributor's Service Axea may not be enlarged by the' inclusion of additional \......-' property therein. 4. Notwithsta.'Oding: any other term or provision in this contract, it is specifically understood and agreed that the City may suspend the ~g of new taps to Distributor's distribution fa9ilities whenever it appears to the l.!. .' City that such action is necessary to diminish tne likelihood of c~ai~ent of use ti.'Oder the basis set out in paragraph "c" on pages 1 and 2. The City agrees to give six months' written notice of such suspension to the Distrib~tor unless the circumstances require a shorter period as determined by the City provided, however, that the City shall be obligated to exercise such right of suspension uniformly among all distributors similarly situated, and provided further that the City may, for the benefit of the national defense or for publicly owned agencies or agencies exempt from ad valorem taxes, provides for exception to the rule of uniformity. 5. It is mutually agreed that good service to all water users is desired by both parties hereto and that therefore no new tap may be made to the Dis- tributor's distri'bution facilities which would iJIlpa.ir their capacity to 1'urnish ----- reasona.bly gOod service to all connected users. -4- r--- ~ I "'-J' -' , , .{: t::, # / :T/ (T) --- 6. The City aGrees to use reasonable means to fury,ish a contin~oYZ'supplJ of watcr from thp. Arvada Water Systcm at the point or points of connec_ion betwcen itn facilities and those of the Distributor so as to enaule the i:listributor I to furniah an adequate supply of water to all u~crs within the Distributor'~ Service Area. The Distributor understnpds and agrees that the City =y l~t the use of water outside Arvada in time,:; of wu.ter shorta.eo on the 'oasi.s set cut in Paragra'Ph "e" hereof' or any mod.ii'ico.tion IDade by the City 'ti1,ereto for good reason. The Distributor agrees that it ~11, at all times, operate the d~3trio~tion system. under its control in such a way a.s not to 1,L?}Xeasonably i.."lterfere "with service to ethers dependent upon the Arvada Water System for a supply of water. !:'J. f"~her- a.n.ce of this principle, the j)istributor specifically ~~ees that it will ope;-s.te its facilities, especially any pumping or storage faciliti~s, in correlation with operation of City facilities and will install and use such devices as are reason- ably necessary to effectuate correlation. 7. All the general rules and regulntio~s placed L~ force by the City or pursuant to the City's contract with the Denver Water Doard dated y~ 25. 1905. , , , I and any addendum, amendment, or substitution thereof to control usage of '.",ter delivered through the Arvada Water' System from time to time shu.:u be as fully enforceable in the Distributor's Service Area as inside Arvada. The Distributor ,. shall have the full right to makE: and enforce rules, not inconsistent with City rules, to govern uses in the Distributor's area. The Distributor agrees to assist the City in'every manner reasonably ~~~sible t~ enforce its rules made I', \ to protect purity and safety of the water supplY~,.. "The Distributor agrees to prevent all unnecessary or unreasonable waste of water from its distribution facilities and to impose rules aga.inst, tlnd make reasonable effort to enforce prevention of, waste from its facilities and all connections thereto. '-" ~ "' 8. Each of the parties to this agreement recognizes in the other the 'right to enforce its rules and the te=s of this contract by turnir.g off or disconnection of the supply of water of those who violate such r~es or con~ract,~ ana, it is the intent of this paragraph that neither shall interfere with the other in ,the enforcement of its rules or this contract. The Distributor agrees th..t " neither it nor any of its officers, employees or agents by its authority .~ .' turn on any service connection after the same shall have been turned o-."f by the "!. City exce?t by written authority by the City to do so. 'l"ne City agrees that it -' wi~ not turn on any service connection which shall have been turned o.~ by the " Distributor when acting within the limitations impos~d by this agreement, except \ -5- eeLS fr/3?~O , , , on the written re~ucst of the Distributor. In order to e~icctuutc ttc intent of this paragraph, both,the City and the Di~tributor chall not~fJ eaCfi ot~cr of the turning on or off of water to consumers of either of them in the Distributor's Service Area !>t times llJ1d in a Illlll1ner so as to cause a minirr..um of inconvenier,ce , to either party hereto. 9. Both po.rtico to thi~ o.erccmcnt recognize tha.t the -..ro.ter iJupyJ1:r for the . City of Arv!>da is dependent upon sources from which the sk~plY.is v!>ri~ble in ~uantity and beyond the control of the City. No ~iability shall attach to the City hereunder on account of llJ1Y failure to !>ccur!>tely llJ1ticip!>te availability of water supply or bec!>use of an actunJ. failure of watcr supply due to in- adequate run-off or occurrence beyond the reasonable control of the Cit7. 7ne City agrees to construct llJ1d devotc adcqilllte f!>cilities to ;nalte ava.i~(l.ble 1;0 thc Distributor a permanent water supply in view of historical e>.~erie:oce with water run-off so, far as rc!>sonably possible. Its judgement in providing safety fllctors sh~ not be questioned unless clear~y unrellson!>b~e. T'ne City . agrees that. it will not obligate itself for furnishing a greater amount of water outside Arvada than it can reasonably anticipllte will be ava.ila'ole for the --- entire supply for which the City has accepted responsibility. " \ "--" 10. The City agrees to exercise reasonable care and foresiGht to furnish water outside Arvada as potable as that furnished inside Arvada. No pro;;llse or guarantee of pressure is made by the City or is to be implied from ar~hing contained herein. 'II. , 11. In t~e event the Distributor shall fai1.,tp. keep or perform SLy agreement On its part to be kept and performed according to the terms and provisions of this agreement and the Ci~y gives the Distributor written notice speci~Jing the particular default or defaults, the Distributor shall have such time as provided in said notice, which period'of time shall in no event be less t.han ninety days, in which to correct such default"or defa.ults. In the event the Distributor sh~ fail to correct such default or defaults within the t~ pro~ided in the notice, the City without ooligation to the Distributor or any person or corporation c~aiming by, through or under the Distributor may taite possession and contro~ of the distribution facilities and all rights of the Distributor connect~d thereto which the City finds to be so affected by Dis- tributor's default. While in possession and control of said facilities, the /' City may take such steps as it may deem proper or necessary to correct the -6- / ~, , ~ \..,--'. .. ..;; .~ ~ -..../ - /CE ~ '* / 3r7 (/c') default or defaults. During such posGession ~~d control the City r~y collect the current charges for water furnishcd the Distributor's Service Area fro~ the various users and ,the City shall have power to enforce collection of Gaid charges in the same manner as it employs inside Arvada. ?ne Distributor au-rees to reimburs~ the City for all expenses in~urred by the City in correcting tho. default or defaults and upon paymcnt of all such expenses, possession and control . of said distribution facilities shall be returned to the Distribu~or. ~"aiver or failure to giv~ notice of a particular default or defaults, under this :;>aragra:;>h shall not be construed as condoning a:ny continuing or subseCJ.uent default. 12, The benefits and obligations created by this contract shall not be modified by any wllcndulOnt hcr~ul't~r mude to the Chartcr of the City 01' Arvada unless agreed to by the City und the Distributor. , 13. It is agreed that nothing in this contract shall be taken or hald as imposing on the City any obligation to effectively regulate or control any Distributor outside Arvada, it being intended by this agreement to give the City a voluntary option to exercise certain powers respecting Distributors rather than imposing on the City an obligation to do so. 14. The City assumes no responsibility for any facility beyond tile Ar/eAa Water System and in a:ny case in which the facility of e:ny third :;>arty shall be involved in the 1'urnishing of service to the Distributor, tile Distributor agrees to look solely to such third party for service to be rendered by facilities of such third party. 15. It is under~tood e:nd agreed that, --j;M C,it", ~y so perform other I .'f.h. contracts as to similarly treat those similarly situated. Insofar as reason- ably possible all regulations pertaining to water service outside Arvada shall be uniform. 16. The City reserves the right to refuse to permit its water su:;>ply to be furnished to any premises where thc use of such water will result in a health hazard in Arvada. Any determination on this matter by tile City shall be subject to review' by the state Health Department of the State of Colorado or a similar law1'ully authorized health authority of the State, and the City agrees ~o be bound by the decision of such authority bui; mAY contest such decision on the grounds of fraud or abuse of discretion. l~. 110 assignment by the Distributor of its rights under this contract shall be binding on the City unless the City shall have assented to such an assig\lment with the same forma.l~ty as employed in the execution of this -7- ! / I f j" , , (----.., "-./ ---J kf: <, -;z:;z: r 3 '7 C /-': J Contract. Failure to obtain the a""cnt of thc City prior to thc a"Jier~c~t, conveyance, or other alienation' of any rights of the Distributor shaLl auto- matically void this contract and the City "hall be relieved of all obUlations hereunder. lB. Alrwater furnished hereunder is on a leasehold ba"is for the . < '\, use of the Distributor and its customers for various beneficial purposes. Such riGht to use water by the Distributor and its custo~ers does not include . any right to make a succession of Uses of such water and upon coC?letion of the primary use by the Distributor or its customer all dominion over the water so leased reverts completely to the entity having such right of dominion. Except as herein specifically otherwise provided, all property riGhts to the water to be furnished by the City hereunder are reserved in the City, provided, however,. that nothing herein shall be dee~ed or construed as creating ~~ . \ obligation on the City to separate said wat r from any material added to it in use by the Distributor or its customers r as creating any obligation on the City regarding purification of the tot mass a.-"ter use by the Distributor and its customers, nor shall anything conta ed herein be deemed as iL1:posL~g parties may find it necessary to take any right hereunder shall on the Distrib,,1;or any obligation by virtue for the purifica- tion of water after use by the Distributor customers, any such o:Jligation. if it exists, being such as ma:y arise witho t respect to ~'1Ything contained in this contract. It is mutually agreed that no obligation on the Distrib- utor with respect to creating any particul delivered hereunder. ' of return flow from water "~,I I I .~ '. 19. The parties hereto agree that this contract" is and shall be deemed to be performable in the City of Arvada not 'thstanding that either of the in t'urtherance of or compliance with the contract outside said City. '. 20. Failure of either party hereto to not be deemed a waiver of and shall not af'fect the right of ,such party to exercise at some future t' said right or rights or any other right it may have hereunder. 21. 'None of the City's remedieS- rrovided for under. this agreement need be exhausted or exercised as a prerequisite to resort to fUrther relief to whiChft may then be entitled and railure to eurorce any provisions of this contract by tbs City shall not be construed as a vaiver ~hereof. -8- " , // ~ l , "-./ ~ ''-'" ~s ~/3'7 (/,)-) 22. The Distributor at;rees to pay for all water furnished or er=ees incurred hereunder within 20 days of receipt by the Distributor of a bill therefore, which bill shall be rendered by the City no more frequently than once each calendar month and the City shall have power to enforce collection of bills in'the same mnnner as it employs inside Arvada, hO'.ever, the City . , shall bear no responsibility for collection of bills of water users within . the District. 23. The parties hereto mutually aaree that the circumstances are such that the arrangement provided for by this agreement is not usual and co=n insofar as supplier-distributor type of agreements exist in the market, and therefore further agree to the follow:\.ng special pro'li:;ions: A. ~ Distributor shall provide at the point or points of ' connection , of the distribution system within Distributor's Service Area with the City's water system such flow recording meters and telemetering devices as shall be prescribed by the City, at no expense to the City. Such devices shall be installed at a location'or locations selected by the City and in accordance with City specifications. After installation and approved by the City as operational, said devices will thereafter be maintained by the City. Abnormal costs \/hich may be incurred by the' City for repairs and replacement will become a charge, at actual cost, against the Distributor, except that the City will first advise- the Distributor of the necessity of the repairs or replacement. Ownership of said devices shall remain in the Distributor. B. This agreement becomes an effCl1.tive, con,\<.act upon its apZlI'oval, l ""~.'.. ratification, and execution by the parties hereto; "and, it is mutually agreed that it shall continue for, a period of ten (10) years and thereafter may, by either party, be cancelled by written notice to the other party show'...ng lIn intent to cancel. Tl,lis contract shall then automatica.:u" terminate on a date six (6) months ai'ter the date of said notice. C. All ril?,hts and interest in the distribution facUities within Distributor's Service Area shall pass to and become the l'roperty of the Distributor immediately upon the completion of and approval by the City made on metering facility installation as provided in Paragraph 23 A hereof. Except in event of default the distribution system shall then forever remain the pr?perty of the Distributor or successors for management lInd maintenance , I purposes. -9- I' "" I ' \...., . \....-- Ri'J p- /6'7 G 3) , y D. The City shall provide or make available to the Distributor such plaT,s and draWings, as-builts or otherwise, that are contained in the records of City or ~hich may in the f~ture become a part of the records of the Cit, relating to the distribution system within Distributor's Service Area. .. E. The City will provide or make available a coltplete listing of all 6ervice connection6 to the distribution system within Distributor's Service . Area; which listing shall identify location of all services by address, n~e of occupant if known, class of service, naffie to which charge6 are being billed, meter reading as of last City reading and date of such reading. It i6 !:lutually ; understood that the last meter reading performable by the City would coincide with the date 01: trans1:er of 1:aellities as stated in Paragraph 23 C hereof. . WHEnTRIDGE WATER DISTRICT Name of Distrib~tor ATTEST: Secretary (SEAL) ISy-: President Ratified by Resolution of the City Council at the City of Wheatridge on Address of Distributor Date (Copy 01: R~solution Attachid) I Telephone Number I', .',,, "j" , '. I:'. '> , I CITY OF AAVJ-JJA Acting by and through its MAYOR A1~'CITY COUNCIL ISy-: Mayor ~EST: City Clerk APPROVED: City Attorney 01" li{ I L,,;'I'uR I 5 COIHRACT ~s __ /37 (ry..l Contract N.umbcr Date (\, Exhibit A that portion of the SW k of Section 15, Township 3. South, Range 69 West of the 6th PM, situated between Kipling Street and Independence Street, the ~orth boundary of which is West 51st Place as dedicated in the Sandra Terri Subdivision and the south boundary is represented by the north right of way I ine of Inte~state 70, excluding portions within the City of A~vada and the Valley Water District. I Those portions in the NE k of Section 22 and the NW ~ of Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 69 West with boundaries as follows: On the north by Interstate 70, west by Garrison Street, south by West 44th'Avenue, southeast by the channel of Clear Creek as existing in 1971 and east by Wadsworth Boulevar~ (SH #171). ~:_~ r t ~ ~,~ .~:..' I' ..i: P- ~'QG1:r~~~~; ~o ~.~~l"fI'trbJ; ~:": \ ~ 'h:: ~ v', ., ~ ,.......~ ~. ._..l'~.~j_:PIt:fft("J ,.,/ \ I..' 'i , ~ ..t'" -: .... I ' ~ )i A 0 "t' ,,,,; ,...., r T I ,..~ ~,: ~su.Jt= . ,. j :"~IAT.:'J . .. 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": I: .~...::I"",.... ..,'.."',... .,..:.. .......( .0",,<,.'It-__,.. r."'Ik:"j}+l\'h'-';'''''''''' ... -' ..~~....'-1"""""'.,J'-." .. . ...~....--l~O-"'" . "" ;i ;#;.:.~\__,~ ~ t-..._...___.... __.. l ~ . , ", c. '0 , , ^ " PISTRIBUTOR'S CONTRACT Contract Number Pate . Exhibit a Schedule of Charges: Potable Water Rate Per Thousand First' 500,000 gallons per mo,nth Excess of 500,000 gallons . , " ~ 'i " ('i., " -12- #' /'3'7 Uy~ /2'S s $0.60 $0.53 , . " " ",I :'(,? '~ .' Exhibit II