HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 :0 l l L l l L L l L L L L L L L ,L ,L L L I \ - BUDGET 19S0 People create the quality of their Government - through participation or neglect. ?,-' GJ dO Ira /~ 4076 Everett street Wheat Ridge, Co. 80033. Sept. 23rd. 1979. Mayor Oliver V. Phillips Members of City Council Wheat Ridge, Co. 80033. Mr. Mayor and Members of City Council: Due to a prior commitment, we are unable to attend the public hearing on Monday, Sept. 24th on the proposed Wheat Ridge City budget. We would appreciate it if the ,following comments be read into the minutes of this hearing: 1. We 'feel very strongly that a pay rise of at least 7% for all city employees be included in the budget for 1980. Granted, a salary adjustment was passed on by Council on Sept. 10th. but this, should in no way whatsoever affect a pay increase for employees in 1980. This salary adjustment was long overdue. The City of Wheat Ridge is financially well able to pay its employees a decent salary and then expect quality work in return. 2. Ite~ 31-603-800-880 - swimming pool cover: Having the misfortune to live close to the new pool, we were hoping we would be spared the additional noise from this activity by having the pool covered as originallY intended. We already put up with all the other noise from the park including ball games which sometimes last until 11.]0 p.m. It seems very poor business and waste of taxpayers' monies to have such an expensive investment lie idle approximately nine months out of the year, producing no revenue whatsoever and deteriorating from lack of protection and use. The transferring of funds from this projectfor a senior citizens' center to some might seem like a good vote-getter in November, but the fact of the matter is the senior citizens will get their center irrespective of whether this transfer is effected or not. Why not leave this money as originally intended? 3. Item 31-121-800-861 - community and street beautification: We would like to see the $50,000 returned to this fund. Council might examine their collective consciences as to why the original $90,000 was not spent in 1979. $140,000 is not very much to spend when one sees what needs to be done to improve and enhance the image of some of our dreary and ugly commercial and industrial areas. There was a good plan for the "Times Square" activity center and displaying no vision or imagination some of you turned it down, even though the business community was willing to contribute its share towards such a vast improvement over the asphalt and confusion We now have in this area. The quality of life in Wheat Ridge is very important to us and we as taxpayers are Willing to pay for it and We hope you as Council Representatives realise that the majority of Wheat Citizens think this way as well. Respectfully, Phyllis O. Lancaster ilJ' ~~oJi;; Donald E. Lancaster/~~~ ANNUAL BUDGE1 ~ TI FIHf,L 131 n;n TI rOE TT-1E fl~Cl\L ~;-G'\P TI IS TI1"1 \':CE ANr, S/\LD F'r.F' 'r~~[ ,'1FT;}' ".i'}JJI-: BUTJ3ii' '; ,\> TJiFJ\ VF~'1[~rT 1~1JuCFT I, il ii , I: Ii I: ,I I, I I JANll/IPY 1, Lg~Oj'i' DECI:H:T;P 11, lQSO IT COHPE-r:-L't,Y; PI~TrI"rT: t'~TJ\ ~~>~:;:)Lrl:ITUFE IT ,. i IT IT ~ IT IT IT IT f{IYe-I}' IT ,jnSE'lI H. IXJ!JALDSOlJ 'J;'j'~= T T:!W E. FE?E IT \"'ILl ',/~.l- ',/. r't I,f 1 :-!~~ I, 1 ~ ~ ;J)I I~ :: ' j r J IT Nl1"tlOiJY N. FLASr::O ,- ~j/ .l.,._~ ~~J\l<,{ ~_j.l Ei;.J1Vp,N !1I\.PY JO CA V/\RBi\ I"~ ~ >-, " i j ~L'UISr: f. TlJPHER !. " il I , [ ;~OTE' COLiJCIL HE~1BERSHD' ~\S '1 Lo,,'c'" " r :u:r 2" j p, ! ,,',l" ,~ 'T!)"E; 15, 197'1. Ii ! '! IT " ;, v CITY OF WH EAT RIDGE II r1 , j FINAL BTjI~ET 1980 CITY OF \VHEAT RIIGE CITY AIllINISTRATOR DITAR'INENT HE/wS Mill OTHER STi'lFF CITY'TREASURER (EU:CTIVE') (T,'I:T-TIl1E)......... JAllES (1. l~ALONE EPurY l'IUiHCIPAL cTijif~[' (rMT-TItIE)................ :=zaBERI' IJME CITY' ATTOM'EY (Pi\.i'\I'-TIMI:) (C(,I1T:,hCTlJAL)..... EDHJNT! ;. l.Al1BERT CI'.IY CLEPK (ELECTIVE) (FULL cjNl-:) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. CAROL F. PP2'lPF PRESIDIlJG 11'JNICIPAL JUT.::r~L (Ffok"'-TL,'[I:)..... PNTHOllY V. ZPJ<.LfU;O DIRECTOR OF }.\j)l'l1NISTRATIVE ~;El\ 'Ji.'" 0 DIRECTOP OF c()11Ml1NITY DEVJ:.:';.,]Jj'1I:l rJ.'. . . . . . .. llit\RLES P. SLROl''BfRG C1UEF or POLICE:..........., . . . . .' "........ EiJiVAI\I' l\. rnJ::;r,;~ D1RI:CTOR or PUBLIC I<JUP.KS (A':u ,'). .., ". ....... LEil':ARD SiH.:JI CITY IIJi';mEER .................................. LE\ 'NAFD ':;HITH DIRECTOR OF p}\p.y~; G FI:CRIATIJI, ....,......,.. RI(~H.ARL H. Bl\EIJI' FINAL BlIDSET 1980 CITY OF WHEA.T RIr::GE BUrGIT CALENTJAT\ PRE-BlJ.D8ET PUBLIC HrARINr;............................ .cHiNE 11, 1979 PUBLIC HEARIN'-; BY ':ITY f\.UmHSTRJ\TC'R, GENEPAL REVHTUE SHAFJNG F1J1ms...................... .LTlnJ:: 25, 1979 PRELIMINARY BlJ.D8ET TO CITi GOIJNCIL.............. .SEPTI:I'1Bl:~R 13, 1979 STUDY SESSION(S)........ ........... .... SEi'lIr1BER 18,19 f, 20, 1979 PUBLIC HEAPINr;.................................. .::JE?TI1'iliER 24, 1979 ADOPTION OF BUD3L, PH'ROPEI!{['IC'N PEsnLUTIOI-IS P,!\jD SET HILL LE\!f. .. . ~. . .. .... .. . . . .(JeTr-PE? 1:), 197q BUr::GET EFfEGTIVE................................... ,Jf.JJ'JARY 1, 1980 CITY OF \vH.EJ\T RII:GE 1980 FINAL BUrGET TABLE OF CONTENI'S Budget Calendar ..........................,.............""....................".............. .. Budget Message ....".............................................................................................. .. Page No. l LJ S1JJIllIB.Iy of Revenues General Fund Revenue Estimates ........ ............................. 5-6 1-4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 .. .. .. .. 11 Expenditure Sumrrary ....................................,.........................."........,.................. .. 7-8 9-10 Budget By Object Code .................................... S1JJIllIB.Iy: General Fund Operating ................................... 11- Sales Tax Chart ...................................................................................................... .. Mill Levy Chart ...................................................................................................... .. Organizational Charts ..................... a..................................................... '"............ DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARIES City Council (Acct. 102) .................................................................................. .. Treasurer (Acct. 103) .............................................. M3.yor (Acct. 104) ..,.........,..,.. ,. ..,... .. ..,............... City Administrator (Acct. 106) ..................................... r'-j i ; City Attorney (Acct. 107) !'1 City Clerk (Acct. 108) Municipal Court (Acct. 109-111) .................................... Administrative Services (Acct. 115-118) ....................... ..... Community Development (Acct. 120-123 ............................... Police (Acct. 201-206) ............................................. Public Works (Acct. 301-306) ....................................... Engineering (Acct. 302) .:'.......................................... Parks & Recreation (Acct. 601-605) ................................. 12-13 14- 15- 16-17 18- 19-22 23-<:6 27-:J0 ,j1-32 33-36 37-42 43-57 58-73 71+-98 99-115 116-119 120-141 TABLE Of CONTENTS (Continued) Carnation Festival (Acct. 606) .................................... Permanent Emergency Reserve CAC0t. 607) ... .... .... .... ....... ..... Salary Reserve (Acct. 607) ........................................ Contingency (Acct. 608) ..........................,................ General Oper:ltions EX1->ense (Acct. Fd 0) ", ..........,......'...... Revenue Shar'ing ............ ................................,...., Conservation Trust Fund ....................,......,............... Park Acquisition Fund Sales Tax ImprDvPJIl8nt n.:.ncl ..........,..',.,.,...,.,..,........., . Page lb. 142- 11+ 3- 14lj- 145- l4h-,L4 i ll18-1'4Q 150- 151- 152-157 J. _1,_ CAROL HAMPF CI" CLEflK o LIVER V PH! LLlPS MAyOR .iAMES () MALONE CITY TREo.oSdRi:R The City of COUNCILMEN Wheat Ridge JOSEPH M. DONALDSON - RAY C. PEPE ANTHONY N FLASCO GARY L. LEWMAN MARY JO CAVARRA _ LOUISE F TURNER POBOX 638 WHEAT RiDGE, COLa 80033 BUDGET MESSAGE November 9, 1979 City Council City of Wheat Ridge Dear Councilmembers: Transmi tted [lerewith L, u:e fi na 1 budget document for the fi SCd 1 yeil r 19[30 JS approved and adopted by the City Counril at its meeting October l~, l~!g This budget message has been prepared in accordance with Chapter X. Section 10.3 of the Wheat Ridge City Charter', and is intended to explain and SUrmlJ;'j72 t'1e adopted budget. BUDGET SUM~1ARY This budget provides $5,450,631 for thp Gpneral Fund to cover the daily oper- ational expenses of the City. In addition, a total of $3,253,369 is orovined for Special Funds which Include the Sales Tax Improvement Fund, Park Arqui;itic" Fund, Conservation Trust Fund and the General R~venue Sharing Fund. The combination of all funds produces a total budget of $8,713,000. This is a balanced budget in that expenditures, including reserves, are equal to antici- pated reserves and carryover balances. The budget reflects the same City property tax mill levy of 3.50 mills for the third consecutive year, based on a 1979 assessed valuation of $121 ,048,950,which is collected in 1980. For the General Fund only, the 1980 budget of $5,459,631 for an increase of $1,109,042 or 25.49% over last year. due to the high rate of inflation during the past year. 156 permanent positions. compares to $4,350,589 This increase is mainly The budgpt prnvides f,r BUDGET FE/HURES A feature of this budget includes increased service levels in the Public Wnrk~ Department where a basic policy change is being implemented. This policj is to eliminate the utilization of Labor Pool personnel for street maintenance work and employ 10 full-time maintenance workers. This will rf~su1t in hi(Jlwr costs to the City, however, it is anticipated that the full-time positionJ will increase productivity and allow much more Efficient street maintenance ser11ce~ to the public. ''''I'j'II' {'{"'fl"lli)'l (',I,," ) . '- {! ti I I ,( I 1\ ~ ~ ,..., jC BUDGET MESSAGE City Counc il City of Wheat Ridge November 9, 1979 There is also a new concept of engineering services for the City. In order that workload may be redistributed to provide a better allocation of duties, expedite the flow of work, and to afford a more effective system in accomplish- ing the purposes of responsibilities placed in the Public Works Department in the past, the Engineering Division shall in 1980 operate as a separate Department. The Budget is organized by Department and Division with the object expense items within each, together with a historical comparison of object expendi- tures. This permits convenient and immediate comparison and evaluation by the reader. Constant expenditure control has been a functional feature of the City's budgetary system. A salary reserve of $272,659 was provided at the direction of City Council to be implemented as a salary adjustment for employees in 1980. DEBT SERVICE The City does not have bonded or long term debt at this time. FINANCIAL POLICY All idle funds of the City are kept invested in interest bearing accounts to the maximum extent by the City Treasurer. Investments are authorized by Council Resolution which may be amended from time to time as the needs of the City require. All expenditures over $2,500 are subject to competitive bids and to Council approval. NEW PROJECTS The budget provides $92,200 for a Municipal Swimming Pool Enclosure and/or Pool equipment. It is anticipated this installation will be complete in 1980. A proposed Senior Citizen Center has a budget reserve of $75,000 to initiate a fund for acquisition when a suitable building has been selected. Two facilities are currently being considered and other sites as well may be investigated in the future in order that a good investment and appropriate pur- chase can be accomplished to meet the needs of the Senioy' Citizens of Wheat Ridge. Other major capital improvements in 1980 include Schedule I Construction of Lena Gulch (Clear Creek to a point westerly of Kipling Street). This drainage improve- ment has been funded in the amount of $895,000. An additional substantial amount of $750,000 is reserved to imr-rove various drainage problem areas in the City, including the Harlan Street dy"ainage system. The Street Improvement Program is expected to progress solidly with a liberal $570,000 set aside to intensify development in this area. "Tlu Curna{W!l ('Itv" Pao-r:-~ BUDGET MESSAGE City Council City of Wheat Ridge November 9, 1979 Although drainage and street improvements have received considerable priority in the 1980 budget, funds have also been allocated to permit bikeway and pathway improvements at various locations in the City, a Police Emergency Communications Center at the Municipal Building, Community Core Area Beautif'ication, parks improvements and modification and beautification of the Public Works Shops Building and Yards, REVENUES -- Total revenues in 1980 are estimated at $8,713,000 of which $5,459,631 is expected to be received in the General Fund. In addition to the General Fund revenues, the City expects to receive $301,131 in General Revenue Sharing allocation from the Federal government; $2,930,252 in the Sales Tax Improve- ment Fund, $3,747 in the Pay'ks Acquisition Fund; and $18,239 in the Conservation Trust Fund, the latter payment from the State of Colorado. CASH POSITION The City is expected to end the year 1979 in a strong cash position. The projected, operational carryover balance in the General Fund 1979 to 1980 is likewise healthy and is estimated to be $1,373,634. The actual carryover balance will not be known until the auditors, Arthur Young Co., submit the annual audit of the City in about April of 1980. Constant monitoring by management of the City's revenues and expenses position is accomplished through regular analysis of computer summaries. In January, 1979, under the Home Rule Charter, the City began collection of sales/use taxes. With the help of the new NCR computer this change was very organized and effective. - By the end of October 1979, retail sales tax collections showed an increase of $569,229 (approximately 24.5%) over the comparative figure for 1978. The increase '1S part i ally contri buted to by the reduced vendors fee and the advantage of di rect receipt of revenue versus the 50-60 days delay as was customary under State collection. When more emphasis is placed on collection of sales and use taxes, an increase in revenue will be reflected by this effort. - CONTINGENCIES Provision has been made in this budget for an unallocated General Fund con- tingency of $299,968. These funds are available to the City Council during the fiscal year to meet unforeseen budgeted needs wnich may develop. In addition, the budget py'ovides for a Permanent Emergency Fund of $90,000 which is available for extraordinary costs due to catastrophic events which could occur during the year such as flood, windstorm, civil or natw'al disastet's requir- ing immediate expenditures. "The ('OrtwtU)l7 {'It\''' 1 Uc-,- "-,- BUDGET MESSAGE City Council City of Wheat Ridge November 9, 1979 CONCLUDING STATEMENT This budget is established as a result of public hearings and meetings held on June 11, June 25, September 13, September 20, September 24 and October 8, 1979, at which input was requested from citizens and considerable study devoted to this purpose. Respectfully submitted, ~V~ Oliver V. Phillips Mayo r ""The CarnatIOn ('Lf:v" CODE NO. FIN/\.L BlEGET 1980 REVENUE ESTIMATES GENERAL F1MD REVENUE SOURCE 1979 ORIGINAL BlEGET 1979 FINAL ESTIMATE TAXES 01-500-00 ) 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 Real Property Tax Liquor Occupation Tax Auto Ownership Tax Sales Tax - 1% General Fund 2% Sales Use Tax Public Service Franchise Tax Telephone Occupation Tax LICENSES G PERMITS (01-510-00) 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 Amusement Machine License Arborist License Contractor's License Liquor License Fee Security Guard License Building PermiTs Street Cut Permits INTERGOVEP-M1ENTAL REVENUE (01-520-00) 521 539 541 542 545 546 547 Federal Grants - Police State Grants Cigarette Ta..x County Road G Bridge Transfer Highway Users Tax Hotor Vehicle Registration Fees State Shared Signal Maintenance CPARGES FOR SERVICE (OJ-550-00) 551 552 553 554 556 557 ZOniJlg Applica tion Fees Liquor Hearing Fees Parks G Recreation Fees Concession Stand Revenue Swimming Pool Fees Police Records/Search Fees FIN"ES G FORFEITS TOl-560-00 ) 55l Fines Muni~ipal Court 394,733 35,385 44,388 1,387,500 326,700 222,919 90,288 900 578 24,972 1,320 300 35,700 6,668 22,000 -0- 234,465 202,720 230,000 95,000 3ll,590 7,068 2,1100 36,912 100 25,000 1,500 56,700 400,000 35,000 43,000 1,687,500 400,000 330,000 90,288 1,125 600 20,000 2,800 1100 35,700 9,000 22,000 -0- 200,000 /12,000 205,000 98,000 20,000 6,600 3,UOO 40,OUD -0- -0- 1,400 E:O,OOO =-'0) ,_ 1980 ESTIMATE l[12,000 35,OOD 40,UOO 1,772,000 llOO ,000 335,DOO 02,g97 1,200 600 20,000 2,800 400 40,000 9,000 -0- -0- 200,1100 210,000 205,000 98,000 -0- 5,EOO 2,UOO 1+0,000 -0- ~~S'lG[iO 1,400 GO,LlnU Pap;e ,~ 1980 REVENUE ESTIMATES GENERAL mm (Continued) 1979 1979 1980 CODE NO. REVENUE SOURCE ORIGINAL BUIX;ET FINAL ESTIMATE ESTIMATE OTHER REVENUES (01-580-00) 581 Interest Earnings 30,000 60,000 60,000 582 Rents Hart/Hayward Property 6,360 7,000 7,000 588 Miscellaneous Income 20,000 33,000 10,000 589 f1md Balance Carryover 588,253 1,098,412 1,373,634 TRAi\JSFEP IN (01-590-00) 593 Transfer to General Fund of 1979 185,170 185,170 -0- TOTAL 4,350,589 5,306,995 5,459,631 Less Permanent Emergency Ftmd (90,000) (90,000) (90,000) Net Avai1al11e $4,260,589 $5,216,995 $5,369,631 SUMMARY OF REVENUES ALL FUNDS I-->,H-:"t-' ? 1980 1979 ORIGINAL 1979 FINAL 1980 BUDGET ESTIMATE ESTIMATE GDJERAL FUND l. Revenues All Sources 3,762,336 4,208,583 4,085,997 2. Unspent Carryover B3.1ance 588,253 1,098,412 1,373,634 TOTAL GEi"JEAAL FUND 4,350,589 5,306,995 5,459,631 REVENUE SHARING Th'ND l. Revenue Sharing 212,725 212,775 175,640 2. Revenue Sharing Interest 2,000 2,860 2,500 3. Revenue Sharing Carryover 494 119,406 122,991 TOTAL REVENUE SHARDJG FUND 215,219 334,991 301,131 SALES TAX IMPROVEMENT FUND l. 1% Sales Tax-Sales Tax - Improvement Fund 1,387,500 1,687,500 1,772,000 2. Urban Drainage Lena Gulch 206,300 206,300 447,500 3. Refund of City Cash Advance - on BOR Swirruning Pool Grant 236,000 236,000 -0- 4. Chamber of Corrmerce Grant 2,500 -0- 5,000 5. State Grant-Trails 26,000 -0- -0- - 6. Urban Systems Grant (74%) 170,000 -0- -0- 7. Sales Tax Improvement Interest Earnings 20,000 38,000 40,000 8. Sales Tax Improvement Carryover 70,000 964,291 665,752 - 9. Trar>.sfer From General Fund -0- 183,661 -0- TOTAL SALES TAX IMPROVEMENT FUND 2,118,300 3,315,752 2,930,252 PARK ACQUISITION FUND l. Park Acquisition Fund Subdivision Fee 500 1,350 1,300 2. Park Acquisition Fund Interest 100 100 100 2. Park Acquisition Fund Carryover 820 897 2,347 --- -- TOTAL PARK ACQUISITION FUND 1,420 2,347 3,747 1-)-'70 V Sill~Ul~Y OF REVD'nJES - ALL FUNDS - 1980 (Continued) 1979 ORIGINAL 1979 FINAL 1980 BUDGET ESTIHATE ESTTI1ATE CONSERVATION TRUST FUND l. Conservation Trust Fund State Grants 8,000 8,200 8,200 2. Conservation Trust Fund Interest 500 105 100 3. Conservation Trust Fund Carryover 1,000 1,634 9,939 T01~~ CONSERVATION TRUST fillfD 9,500 9,939 18,239 TOTALS - ALL SPECIAL REVENUE fillfDS 2,344,439 3,663,029 3,253,369 TOTALS - ALL REVENUE SOURCES $6,695,078 $8,970,024 $8,713,000 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FINAL BUDGET 1980 DEPARTMENT/DIVISION 1979 ORISINAL BUDGET 1980 APF:'OVED BUDi~l~c~ Mayor Ci ty ouncil City Clerk City Treasurer Municioal Court Probation Youth City Administrator City Attorney l5,CJ52 35,610 97.7f"2 .l02,',51+ SCJ ,Sil3 1~475 1 ,17~1 55,el,l Ip:,,7nO Admlnistrative Services Administration Purchasing Personnel Building Maintenance Sub-Total 31,83:' ::'5,47"2 68,372 41,309 15h,985 Community Development Adminlstration Planning ~ Zoning Building Inspection Code Enforcement Sub-Total 4li,Hl, 107,J7] 59,85'3 45,895 257,041 . - Police Department Administration Support Services Patrol ~ Traffic Technical Services Animal Control Sub-Total 73,347 404,588 593,923 194,710 37,287 1,403,855 1980 PROPOSED BUDC;ET 18,845 49,326 lr"17 ,843 154,090 77,330 1,625 1,175 55,972 72,700 3S,4~8 37,436 85,837 54,01+1 215,772 Pa?" q 13,888 4f) ,l3e 106,3u9 lli9,J38 70,95C 1,0=~ 575 55,707 72 ,70il 35 ,lE 3 34,77b 77 ,933 52,078 199,%0 50,202 138,665 71+,025 51!,489 31 ?1]} 1 40,655 130,985 68,338 51,8d2 291,860 157,189 485,814 937,736 2F2,028 47 ,2l, 3 1,890,660 123,]17 447,11f;1 780,557 246,011, 38 ,43~) 1,635,58i+ Public Works Administration Engineering Street Haintenance Traffic !1aintenance Sho]Jei anu Yards Total Public Works Operation Civil Disaster Sub-Total 73,109 309,979 200,091 72 ,81r, 187,788 84:) ,78;' 10,000 8 5l;"782- Engineerlng Administration Sub-Total -(J- --0- 61+, tH37 -0- 353,670 78,113 283,413 -:",127,556 liJ,rJDrJ 1,2013, r=40 3117,1,73 347,l173 55,92=_ -0- 578,541 75,08J 2C1,'117 972 ,457 10,DOO 982,l1S/ 347,733 3I.,7,7,:n EXPENDITURE Slil"li1fu1'\Y - FINAL BUDSET (Continued) DEPAPTHElJT / DIVIS ION Parks G Recreation Administ-ratioll Recreation Parks MaintenancE' F':Jrestry Park Ranger Sub-Total 1979 ORIGINAL BUDSET I'd,>",e J '.' -- 1980 PROPOSED BUDSET 1980 APFROVED BUDGET 47,747 176,257 221,7ill 46,120 52,550 544,itI5 56,678 50,51,8 230,956 199,256 254,865 250,031 61,834 60,157 61,912 59,268 666,245 619,260 403,786 299,068 196,125 196,125 3,200 3,200 90,000 90,000 -0- -0- -0- 272,659 5,459,631 5,459,631 Contingencies CUna11ocated) ,:;enerdl O]:,erations Expense> ':al'natic,n Festival Reserves SiJecla1 Emergency C1Ciss G Pay Study Reserve Sa1ar.y Reser'Te TOTAL GENERAL rum Special Funds Sales Tax ImDrovement fund l:-ark AOJuisition furv! r'onservation Trust Fund {~eneF'll Revenue Sharing fWld 130,614 183,825 3,200 90,000 300,000 -0- 4,350,589 2,118,300 1,420 9, ~,rJO 215,219 2,930,252 2,930,252 3,747 3,747 18,239 18,233 3rJ1,131 301,131 3,253,369 3,253,369 TOTAr , SPECIAL PI:VEI~~JE FL'IJDS 2,344,439 \-;P\.A]\Jf1 TC'TAL: ALL D lNDS $ 6,635,028 $ 8,713,000 $ 8,713,000 Fdr~e 11 1980 ANALYSIS OF REVENUES AND EXPENDIWRES BY SOURCES AND SERVICE SOURCE OF REVENUE GENERAL FUND AHOUl',"T 00 OF TOTlIL Taxes Licenses G Permits Intergoverl1JIl2ntal Revenue Charges for Services Fines G Forfeits Other Revenues TOTAL SERVICE Ci ty COlll1cil Treasurelo Mayor City Administrator City Attorney City Clerk Municipal Court Administrative SerJices Community Development Police Public Works Engineering Parks G Recreation Carnation Festival Unallocated reneral Operation Special Emergency Reserve Salarj Reserve TOTAL 3,086,997 74,000 713,000 75,000 60,000 1,450,634 56.5 1.4 13.1 1.40 1.00 26.50 5,459,631 100 05 46,136 149,398 18,889 55,707 72,700 10[,349 12,556 199,950 291,850 1,635,534 982,457 347,733 619,260 3,200 299,058 196,125 90,000 272,~ 5,459, 531 .8 2.7 .4 1.0 1.3 1.9 lot, 3.7 5.3 30.00 18.00 6.40 E.30 .10 5.S0 3.60 l.l, S.IJ 100 % OBJECT CODE NO. l--ri;)'~ L' SUMMARY: GENERAL FUND OPERATING BUJX;ET BY OBJECT CODE - 1980 EXPENSE ITIM DESCRIPTION Ofu""ECT TOTAL OBJECT AS A PERCF~"IT OF BUIX'ET T0TAL 601 602 603 605 610 614 618 619 620 621 622 623 630 633 651 652 660 - 702 704 706 708 711 714 715 716 718 720 724 726 728 730 732 740 741 750 758 759 760 761 774 - 600 PERSONAL SERVICLS Director Salaries Staff Salaries and Wages Longevity Pay Merit Increases Overtime and Premiwn Pay Standby Pay Court Pay Fee Personnel F.I.C.A. Expense Workmen's Compensation Health and Life Insurance Unemployment Insurance CCOERA Retirement Expense Poll ce Pens ion 650 Mf'ITERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office Supplies, F1~inting Central Stores Credit Operating Supplies 700 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES Conference and Meeting I;..:pense Contractual Services Dues, Eooks, Subscriptions Election Expense Appraisal Expense Legals and Publishing Recording Fees l.I2gislative Memberships Ordinance Enforcement Pound Fees G Associated Pre-employment Physicals Recruitrrent G Advertising Training G Safety Unifo~s G Protective Clothing Wi tness G Juxur Fees Auto Mileage Reimbursement Uniform Allowance Professional Services Rentals and l.I2ases Telephone E:>..J'E'Tlse Utilities Street LighTwg Facility Repair G l~intenance 201,324 2, iDS, 771 17 , 306 -0- u8,990 10,495 8,800 69,242 S9,SLf5 53,'59 141,n80 22,7H5 l[9,618 73,616 3.69 47.23 . 3,~ -0- 1. 2G .13 , 1'~ 1.27 l.G') .32 2.5'1 .4;' en . '-1. 1. 's 1m ,560 (5,000) 35",:-J86 1.86 .CCi E,. SJ 30,02CJ ~ 5:J 3'+, griD .64 10, '+55 .19 -0- -0- -0- -0- 10,500 .19 2,000 .OLf 16,33S :n 6,000 ~ J. L 750 .01 300 .02 " ,000 .09 2fJ,4:'6 ,4[1 16,01" .:::: 1,3 1,IIGO .02 4, 5~\J .08 20,1~'~ .37 123,7~dJ 2.27 37,71)5 .6'3 S rjL: n . ~1 ., ~ [u ~'2,lS~ .97 13') ,fin,] 2.47 20,64') . 3 t~ L-d};!,":' SUMMARY: GENERI\L FUND OPERATING BlJ[X';EI' BY OBJECT CODE - 1980 (Continued) OBJECT OBJECT OBJECT AS A PEE CENT CODE NO. EXPENSE ITEM DESCRIPrION TOTAL OF BUIGET TOTAL 700 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 776 Other Equipment t"Bintenance 25,985 .48 778 Traffic Light Maintenance 55,000 1.01 792 Tax Rebate Senior Citizens 37,000 .68 793 Title Research G EefDrts 5,000 .09 796 Police Reserve Expense 3,750 .07 798 11lnagement Contingency 4,250 .08 799 Misc. Servlces G Charges 9,815 .18 800 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 802 Office Furniture S Equipment 15,641 .29 801+ Engineering G Photo Equipment 1,125 .02 805 Communications Equipment 16,225 .30 808 Vehicular Equipment 300 .01 809 Other Major Equipment 27 , 800 .51 811 City Hall Improvements 3,780 .07 812 Public Works Shops Improvements 25,000 .46 832 Tools G Wory Equipment 3,633 .07 879 West 44th Avenue Repairs/Recon- 240,000 4.40 struction SUB-TOTAL 4,601,779 84 .29% 795 Unallocated 299,068 5.48 General Operations 196,125 3.59 - 794 Special Emergency Fund 90,000 1. 65 797 Salary Reserve 272 ,659 4.99 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 5,459,631 10006 2,800,000 2,700,000 2,600,000 2,500,OCXJ 2,400,000 2,3(JJ,OCXJ 2,2oo{XjJ 2,100,000 2{XiJ,OOO 1,900,000 1,8JO,OOO 1,700,000 (f) 1,600{XJO -0:: 1,500,000 <I: 1,400,000 -l - 1,300p00 -l 0 1,200,000 _0 I,IOO,OCO I,ooo,cm 9(X),ooo 800,000 700,000 roo,oco 5CX),OOO 4OO,OCO 300,000 200,CXX) 100,000 0 WR 9/78 SALES TAX REVENUES CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~2~77~;GOO . 927poO .841,043 1970 1971 1976 1917 197B 191':~ 1972 1973 1974 1975 1" '\. :: . ~ '.'00 ! ::. ':~ (.' f YEA R F.STIMA'r~: :;'1- Jr~Gr * THIS REFLECTS THE PASSAGE BY THE VOTERS OF l.\i\l ADD!'TIONt~l 1<:: iN ~~t:,LC~) TAX TO BE USED ONLY FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS RECEIPTS WERE REALIZED BEGINNING IN MARCH. ,S'?E, (j) -l -.J ~ WR 9/78 '"\E.t 1 MILL LEVY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 60 (3 5.46 MILLS 50 - 40 30 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 YEAR - uJ ~ ~ uJO :x:t- t-(.) uJ cd - - - - - - 'd ~ :z. 1ft ul ~ ~ - ;a C) '4. ~ ~ ~ C) <1 ::> ~ ~ G i ~ (X: 0 ::> ::> I.) CO o..~ --- 'd~ a c:t ~ ~ I- 'i ~~ I.) hi u: ~ ::! 'ti! ~ ~ ~ l- ex: 1ft U ([l ~ ~ '; ..> ::tA a:~ w? Jt u~ ,... t: I,) .. !. a:.>; ~i :::>.. t,1)? 4,t w~ 0::" I- ,... t: I,) 1ft 1ft1.)~.J ul u: ~ 0 ~ ~ w ~ ~ (X: 1ft :z. W I- .J 8 1ft d5 <1 I.) .J ~ is z c:t o ex: ~ ~ %:~~~ ~ 0.. I- ~ ~ c:t ~ o 'd a ~ ffi 'i Cl :z. a >- a Q ~ ~ ex: I:::; .A ~ 1ft W ~ ex: ~ ex: ca I.) c:t 0 n. '& n. u. .. I-? 'i Ja:.o ....:::>~ ....0.. 0..1,) o~ ~ ?~ :t.g .., I- ~ :z. _ C) lJ.I 'U :z. ~ W Z ul o I.) n. Na:.~ o - d5 u- (.!) :z. ~ :z. lJ.I _ Z W ~ ~ 0 :3 .J 0 co n. U r;.f ~ >- >- I- ':J ~ in :z. o ca; ~ u. o ~ W ex: 4 I!) :z. % ~ 1ft ~ c:t ~ I.) .J c:t ~ '4. 1;! a I!) ~ a 5 ~ ~ u. - 'd III t: 'd t: bO ro t:OS,., ro";h'd$.or- IIlIll';jO~ t~~~~ ro~t:>- o OH~~ to 0-" - , - , -' 1 ~ 0 "2 ex:: lO ~ H ~ ,.::l tfl H - 0 1 tj j (il - ~ ex:: 0 E-' 0 ~ lj tU 0 tU d. 0 H P P H ex:: - ~ ~, 0 ~ "2 ';J; ~ \ j ....- ~ E-' '::> 0 ~ \oJ ~ .c~,.... o III ro~-I-' III 00 ,.::l~O..-l <--' 0 ~,- Ok~-I-' ...,.(,..1 III ..... (,..1..-1 ~N00 o '-', .-J ~ o..r-'- - I- - r-'1 'd III ,.,-1-' Cl)C ,.,t:..-I -I-'~O ..-lOp. O~ P. -I-'d. \ d.-" ~~ --- ,., ~$.o 00 -I-' -I-' III bO tIl lll)'t:~ tDtIl..-l-l-' 'd,.::l~1Il ';j .,-l..-l ~~.c~C ..-I III ..-I C;~~~~ (M ?~(,..I ~ p.~ C III p.1Il 0 tfld.tU0 ,.::l H o :z. p o o - . . . . .,-.. "(l ~ III tIl -I-' p,-I-' t: ..-I~..-I 0:;0 ..-lOP, COp. :; d. ~ "-' - ~ ,.,~ ~lll ..-I~ \00_ - 1 - , t.;.1 - ';J:: t:-< $.0 ~ . III d> '.z.eX. d>t: > III ,.,$.0 Ht.;.1 'd~..-I..-I ~O~bO ~:3 " .,-llll p~ (II. P.B;';'~IIl.,-lt: ,.,,,, Otll ~~ >.,-l III ().,-l ~-I-' Q) ll) 1Ild....-I 0 ~-I-' ...-I.,...l ~ ~gt: O(M~ III tIlO E-' 1 ~o ..-I OB(,..IOIllOlll P(,..I ~ ro(,..l 0.(,..1 0-1-' Q)O'$. . ~Ij llOOIll ll)$.o $.00"", Cll Q) :;'(M oed> - t;~ ,.::l cr. (,..lobO . . I t.;.1t.;.1 . . -, ll).,...l 'd ~ ~-I-':3 .(f} ~ proto ~o ~ .,...l~Cl) ""'" ';J:: ll> IIllll tfl ,., ~ t:-<t.;.1 () ""'" C 0. ~ r-<.oO ..-I""'" ~ ooro ~'d~ ~g (,..Ill> ex:: 0 0. 0. (,..IllO 0'" tIl ll) Q) ~ 01-\ o~ ~~ (l) ~ r-<~~ eX. al cr. (M ex::CIll ~~ (l),.::l cr.,., d..,...l.,...l ::>- t;.o . . (MOC ex::..-I-I-' ~ 0. orj ~~ o-l-'ro H'd _Po.S ::>"?"(l _~(l) d.'d t:-<:S: d.O 10- ::>" d. 4: '$(\)1\) ~-I-' E-'~,., ~.... \ K-I-' pt: HO \i10 d..M H ro-l-' ~';>" III 0 o (l).M (,..I~ ,;>,,0. ~o l'JE-' (l)tU t-'o. "-' eX. 0 ..-1"-' !-ld. .-\ 00 .c 0"-' 0 J '- 1 -- . "-- -- _._-- MARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIVISION CCCOUNT CIL N/A 102 __u __ REVISED FIN A L A P?R:OvE 0 BUDGET ORIGINAL ESTIMATE cnv Ao-.tlP't e,TV BUDGET RECOMMEND COUNe, 1978 1979 '979 '9BO 198C 9,000 9,500 9,500 20,160 14,4UO $150/ ce -0- 200 200 200 200- n -0- 200 200 200 200 ting 1> 600 650 650 750 750 GES Expense 6,900 7,500 4,000 8,500 10,700 ence - Olea. ; er $200/ for a member ptions 100 100 100 150 150 ps 11,500 15,060 16,566 16,566 16,936 7,300 8,316 1,100 220 -0- -0- -0- 20U 20n enance 100 100 20 100 10n y 1,800 1,800 1,000 2,000 2,00 (J ges -0- 500 500 500 son 30,000 35,000 32,736 49,326 46,116 SUM FUND DEPARTMENT CITY COUN 01 - GENERAL P== OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM PERSONAL SERVICES (01-102-00-00-600) 619 Fee Personnel 8 Councilmembers at Mo. per Ordinance 622 Health 1> Life Insuran 621 Workmen's Compensatio MATERIALS & SUPPLIES (01-102-00-00-650) ... 651 Office Supplies, Prin Postage OTHER SERVICES & CHAR (01 - 102-00-00-700) - - 702 Conference & Meeting 1 - National Confer $ 8 0 0 / ea.; CML - $ 30 Jeff Co. Govt. & Oth ea. and 1- CML slot Board or Commission $300. 706 Dues, Books & Subscri 716 Legislative Membershi DRCOG CML NLC Other 728 Training & Safety 776 Other Equipment Maint 798 Management Contingenc 799 Misc. Services & Char TOTALS W.. 1'01'l""l J.. "ltlo' a/1. ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 18 L CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE , i l II I : I! II I I I by Eo,:1king selective ve;,-hc ,:mc!ii-s. I aJl on2ra j-j ng dCT)clrtr.npnts. - ,--~~-- --------lj I L WORK UNITS 1~97_~____~_r 1~79 -- 1980 -~ I 1,001) 1,('i(]rJ ~'O[) I 3,595 3,700 3,700 4,890 S,ono 5,000 -0- B,Bon 9,000 l,3S3 1,ijOO 1,400 II I , I I II II II A~~:~VE-Dll, 103.9;~--'11 iF CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE-- ~;;~,G;:: -;..... PROGRAM DESCRIPTION -1980 BUDGET TEEASlJRER BUDGET HISTORY l STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 197B REVISED 77 781 1979 I 1980 E5'm"~TE f'~OPOSED 102,8L8.. -l) 1980 1 APPROVED 1979 ORIGINAL 102,654 l Maintain accOlmting records arcco::'dmg to generally accepted aCl~ounting principles. Such records to include Ceneral Ledger, C>,sh Receipts, lash Disbursements, Payroll, Sales Tax, Fixed Assets. Prxwide financial data and budget JlBI13p;errent rer.orts to City Cour,c-'il and City Staff. l STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES 1 , L. Make data prorcesslng infonnati.nn and dsoartments. nUvide better cash flow information th=n")\1gh C'::JmpUTey processing cmd forcast ~.n2. .scrVJ.ce more r::'V'l.Llable to all operatini', 2. 1 Provide vacation and sick-leave i1'.forIlliti::on \)1'. paychecks. 3. Lt. Process Sales (; Use Tax reports and mint'J,in vendor sales tax ilisi:c'PJ file. 1 5. FTovide Sales Tax Ordinance enforcement 5. Provide fOIDI2ute.r. prQKl'd.rmning serVlce to INDiCATORS 0 Pt..H FORM AN1.:l;. 1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1 Business Retail Licenses Payroll Checks Accounts Payable Checks Sales Tax Reports Processed Senior Citizen Rebates 1 i T I F2rsonal 2erviL~(~S --l REVISED ORIGIN .AL FINAL PROPOSED ESTIMATE 1978 19 79 1979 \980 - -..-.-- 37,79S 64,70 4 C5,768 I 108,766 , 38,785 I 37,25 0 36,360 44,350 , . 1,2CJO 70 D 700 q74 44,',5CI TI TI Operating Exoenses Capital Llutlays T ~71t I lOI';-f_S4 1CP,829 -----t-- I s.) '1 i I.Cj :"'H ~ ~_.- , .J:1u ----- I I _~__==-Ll TOTALS 77 ,781 154,lno T~F , , 7 EMPLOYEES (FT,) I 3 L T -I 'I ANNUAL BUDGET __ PA(,[" , ---...-.---. -.---.--- ,-..- -. -,,,,,-\...- - ---.-" 1 I FUND _ ~~3ENERAL ~TIONS CURf(ENTI:~EPA~T' FINAL BUDGET RfQUEST AUTH. I 1 1 1 -I n. C, 1 I! I I Ii -j i i I II ~ -1 i 1 , 0.5 1 -I i -II I I -'I I: I I -II ! I 11 , I II I ' I III '~ -1 " TOT S '; '7 "4 r I r ,- 1 (' I I I h 78 c I Cl -, 'I" IS ~ , J ) ! L-.--=--~ ~ ___ AL __________ ____~_"_~~L~~~L~_~~~L~~:___! l' COMM[NTS, \, ~ \ 1'.;() 3::j-it~_':Jn:::!J, r:eJ'30nnel rcque9t-F:;d~ ri1:y T1:'Cd~~~....l.'~r i~ ~)'ldg_-~--eJ d~ pcl[d L11!l~jt , ere r. "+ 1) 1 h "L 1 ' ^ j' t- - - , q p ; -, 1- '.., r r I ,y, -;" I -L'I!.e vata ,.:lYSLem r-pogralllmer, ~_ e L)a. es dX ;i.U' l,~nr-; dIll.l '_,l. -,-Ie... _c.L L' I . --,_t"~_ ~'" ~)()sitjons ~ere sched.ul,eJ tJ bel~uf1e full time pOi;i-t-L')!lS begin..ni.-ng ,TCtl1J.d:..'y 1\ 1 :L,L'J80 ~Ui,' t~ the ~r:sta~lat~o~_::;f the i;]-how,,; COPlplJCC1' ~;'Ic'tem and !~lc" \i \' ,':,11ec,tl,;1l CJ 1 thE' ,ty "alp!, ~Q.. 1\, ...., jl \ ,\ I I: - L___ -' -------'-----'----CiT Y OF WHEAT RID GE_==---=---=======-=-=::J L --- ~, DEPARTMENT TREASURER DiVISION ACCOUNTING ., ii !, " " !, .Ii I I ! -r----i AEVISEO ORI6lNALBlNAL r.ITYAOWIN.\IA.PPROIJED1; BUDGET 8UOGET ESTIMATE ,RECO,"'U4E",O !'~!Tr COUNCIL! 1918 ~~979 _ 19!~_. ~_~O i~tlO 7,'00j 7,BOO 17,BOO lO'SlJoii-~;r,nl - 0 - c; , 6 n 0 G , '18 U : 1 ~ , U L' U II ,_ , I) :J I) ! - 0 - S , 4 G h I ~ , ',E' 0 j l ') , ,~ i. f\ 11 ,Ii 13 ,t I c;L_:~.,OI'c' ,'1 ~"-I'f' I ')', "..,I 'U reo',)'7 ;::') 11 _ _. -t .: , ,) ,) ,l t , _"'" J ..' n , / '- ') 1-' G , ~, l 9 7, 7 4 0 ] , 3 '7 S ::1 , ,1 ".' ! L ;, : l ~: ,I ! ' I ! I I I , ACCOUNT 10'1 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE NO, , I City ~rpasurer (Elective~ Data Systems Pr()gr3mmel~ I (J ' . I \ ,_ b) 1 fl. 5\ I 1 Sales TctX Audi~0r (1 n 2 Accounti,ng TechI1Lcan ( 9 ) I I (', ) 1 Data entry Cle~k ( S ) -c- L+ , :' (: iJ " ') rJ r, I .J, '_ 'j ,8c,P u l ~ 1\ 1. 1 AccuuntjIl2, ,:lerk. Ii I: ,I 'I ': i i I !I I! 'I I, ,I 'I ,( I ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND 01 - GENERAL DEPARTMENT TREASURER f=-"" - 08Jr:CT CODE 601 602 603 605 610 619 620 621 622 623 630 651 702 t EXPENSE ITEM PERSONAL SERVICES (01-103-00-00-600) City Treasurer's Salary Staff Salaries G Wages Longevity Pay Merit Increase Overtime G Premium Pay Fee Personnel F.1.C.A. Workmen's Compensation Health G Life Insurance Unemployment Insurance CCOERA - Retirement Expense MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-103-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing G Postage Forms G Stock Paper Postage General Office 3,530 1,970 400 OTHER SERVICES f CHARGES (01-103-00-00-700) Conference NLC CML Other G Meeting Expense 800 300 300 TItSION ACCOUNTING REV I SEO B UOGET 1978 7,800 29,645 250 -0- -0- 100 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 4,000 290 ORIGINAL BUDGET .979 7,800 47,382 350 232 400 500 3,000 1,060 2,358 'fO 2 1,220 4,850 1,200 Wit '"0".... 1 11 ,11I." 2!1~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FINA L ESTIMATE 1979 7,800 48,878 368 247 400 200 3,279 288 3,040 -0- 1,268 5,500 1,200 I~CCOUNT 103 UTY AD"'" RECOM"E~O 1960 ~- :LD- ,501) 79,792 778 1,596 400 200 5,681 112 5,160 840 3,707 5,900 1,300 PAGE 21 I :T I ! " I:. P?ROV[ 0 :In COUNC'L '980 I I I 10,500 I iT I I I I 76,992 665 I- I: I I'!"" \: Ii i' -0- 400 200 5,519 108 1:- I 5,148 I 1- 840 I: , 3, (,01 I !- I i , 5,9UU i_ I' , , I I I I- I' , I i 1',- , 1,400 i , 1,- I' I , ~, 'FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT 1 01 - GENERAL TREASURER ACCOUNTING 103 i - - - : Ri'VISi'D \ fiN A L A ppf< O'il 0 OflJrCT BUDGET ORIGINAl EST I MATi' CITY ADMiN CITY SOUH'::'IL CODE EXPENSE ITEM eUDGET RECOMMEND I \0.78 '919 '919 1960 I <?SO , I 706 Dues, Books, r; Subs cr ipt iOll" 150 LOU 180 2[,0 I ) c; r) I 7::8 rf1 ,. . , I t. Satety 1,000 50 c n 1 , ~ ~j [l I. , ) L l ral.nlng '--- ,) I , , In1S CoursfC (2) SSG I , , I , Cobol 74 600 , : I I i I I , 7 Lf D Mileage , I i Auto J [,[) l~) 0 1 : r 4(JrI I l ~ i \ t: -L ~J ,J I I I I <,ll h'()fes~i(:JIlal [, COflGuLti"lg rE'Cf1,-"OSr:I ~ , r, G 0 c , 0 U J I 10, 'Jl\(J ! ! 0 ": 'J r] fJ 011tS:Lde Aud1.tsJ,OOO I I ! I DPC Program 2,S~O , I , I i i I i I 7')8 Pentals ,; Leases 17,OOU :)l , I] l Ij iL1,(j8U I 2 Ii., Ii 50 I - l~ , ! ~) I" I Computer 7:) S I Tel PIJhone Expense I r~ ,(' 'll] r,O :! 11 '):1 j j:) I I I I I I 77S Oth2r Equipment l~aiIlteflance I 150 1 S Ii 1_ 50 I J. 'J I I l ,fJ I I r 1 r -, ii I, I \T IT I \T , I iT \ I IT I, I I \ t~~~- ....!II '(,.'11"""1'. IU::V 1/11 fT_. n n n n r"'" n IT IT 7 9 ':J \ IT IT 80.1 . PAGF <...1..' ANNUAL BUDGET-------. . ----------- _".___w.'_ ______ _._____. _ __,__ ..__. I il II I, !I II ,I SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES M1SC. SerVlces G \'harges JJJ I.) 10u J._ n!J lOll J I'!) ~'API TAL OUTLAYS (01-103-00-00-800) I 971+ I I \ I i I ! I I I , I I L 4 ~1 ,rit{ 0ffice Lquipment Storage Cabinet Calculator w/print(2-P) Bookcase ~omputer Printer St~nd 1, L 00 700 700 9 "/ L! 270 3 S 3 15S 1') h TI-ITAL:? I , I I '/ i , ? 8 1 1 0 2 , S " 4 I ' 'J) B S 1 S Ii , r1 9 n \--" :' ! \ \ ! -- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE=--=--===---------~.:=-=~:-=-'.: r; __CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE,------ P,..~r ,..,'" .- ---l PROGRAM DESCRIPTION --1980 BUDGET DEPT MAYOR BUDGET HISTORY DIVN STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 1978 REVISED 16 188 1979 ORIGINAL 1_6 . nS2 1979 ESTIMATE 14. '~Rfi 1980 PROPOSED 1 R ,W,.S [2- 1980 :~ROV:D The l'1.ayor serves dS the Chief Executive Officer" Wlder The Homs Rule Charter dnd lS responsible to see that all Ordinances, Resolutions, and PoI icy Actions of C1 tv C"lmcil an-o enforced. He lS also the Conservat()r of the Peace. The ~1ayor is the presiding officer of the Ci tv Council. He servef~ on a part-tiT'le' tac.is a.'lO delegates day-to-dav internal admir,i3tl'dtive res l'c:m:, ibili ~:ie,~ for super'VlsHJ!"j r:i tv STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES operiJ.tions to the City }I;:lministra;~or. The r'12yo1,O lS C'lected at large. 1. To develop and implement procedu:ces designed to lncrea.2e th~ effectiveneis of Let:V Co-unci1 meetings. 2. To institute public infonrational progrdJT"", l.I'tended to ..n:crca,;e pub] 1C U;-h1erct'"j(1~nl', of City Covernrrent operations, 1 i mi tatioI:s, and CeY'Vlces. to rmni t0Yl I I I i WORK UNITS-----1 1978--:\191;--1= 19~O--=lj 59 I S6 5. 20[1 I ) J!l -;I)~' I ~ ~r.i) ~,t~50 J.,bllC ~'-~o I 70 Jnn I I 50 I 50 ~~j ~) - 3. In coordination "'lith the City Administrat0r, to achieve maxlmum productivity. 4. Reduce the cost of local goverI'Jr,ent '"herbl'oY' INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE City t"^)\!eY]~rr't2nt opera tiOli ~ lA)ssible & DESCRIPTION OF WORK I I - - -- City Council t"Betings Chaired Staff, Committee and Communi~y ~Beting Warrants Reviewed and Signed Ordinances Reviewed and Signed Resolutio:ls Reviewed and SiV:ecl - - I - - - -.--. I ,- Capital Outlays n -".J- -0- -- ---I I l-------j I APPROVF.D I I I 1980 ! i 1~4 --J'~-(j--lll -- ,-- \ I I' 1\ j ~ J .j L) - RESOURCES REQUIRED DESCRIPTION REVISED 1978 ORIGINAL 191'9 -u- \ --ruZ'AL-TPROPOSE D ESTIMATE , 1979 -}--'_980____ 11,835 115,145 2,snn \ 3,700 I -c- , , I \1<3,845 .r --l,e 1..:l i -"., __'---______.1...- - D- - c;rsonal Services 11,038 12,202 (jperating .expenses ':>,1'10 3,850 TO'LALS lb,188 15,052 11+. :185 18, G jli NO, OF EMPLOYEES (FT.) 1.5 1.5 -1 -'I . ).c; J J_-~~==-_J '---- -- -------- ANN U A L 8 U D GET __~______,___________E!.~',t, _..- - ------------- -----1 r-- I , I -'- DETAIL OF S fUND DEPARTMlNT 01 - GENERAL MAYOR - POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION AND CURRENT DE PAR T. FINAL SALARY RANGE NO. ellDGET REQUEST AUTH, 1 1 1 Mayor (Elective) O. 5 0.5 o . 5 Executive Secr1etary I I 1 . 5 1.5 1. C) TOTALS --- COMMENTS, n,) change In staff l3 pl'OpC'~; p",1. rp- .c half time ha~; is "lith the: City Adm l-_ - ALARJES AND WAGES lOiV!,SION _~/A ~EO ORltIN,o,LfINAL I BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATf. 1978 1979 \919 .--r---- --- ~ I Y,80n lu,S(')[J 4,s(')rJ I ( 9) 'i, 6 8 8 ::; , 7 3 6 I 5, 7 3 6 ACCOUNr 104 Ii " CITY ADM:r:;:-;;:;;11 RECOMMEND I GIT'( COUNCILI1 I , 1980 I 1980 I I---;i 6,0001 ",d(')lll! Ii 7 0 S [1 7 IJ q' I i ., ., ,1 Ii I' i' ,I II II ,) (i ,I I: , if -I -I I \ II Ii ,I I, Ii , I i II I - , I I I I I I I I I , I I I ' I ! I I I ' ____J_______l____J --- '4S" 1'0 '-611! r.-I,. -cO u, ~ i I rl , J j ~ ....1 , ) J r"' ~ ,-:; ., LJ (), j j.," ______ ___-1_ ___.___.J.__.____l____._.--J____ - - - 'i 'I I - , , " " , '. :! " _.___.._.---J' , 'J, I: II --Ii I 'I I, 1 , l tit:" E~:t->.cut~'Jt~ ~;eCrt(-':.:-r-{ 1...; r";ha.r(-_ "n -1 ini.:;i:J:'JtOl' , ii " I I \ i I I: _CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE-------~--:-....:i l . 1 -ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 25 "J - i ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I DIVISION ACCOUNT , N/A 104 II , , - . REVISED FIN A L APPROVED BUDGET ORIGINAL ESTIMATE CITY ADMIN CITY COUNCIL BUDGET RECOM"END I 1978 '979 1979 '980 1900 I , I , I 10,488 10,536 10,536 13,080 13,092 I O/Mo. I , 200 -0- -0- -0- I -0- , i I -0- 172 120 155 -0- I , I I , 350 -0- -0- -0- -0- I I -0- 630 630 811 803 I , on -0- 210 200 16 16 I I nce -0- 400 100 454 454 I ce -0- 54 100 100 100 I Expense -0- 200 200 529 524 I I , i , I : nting f, 668 500 500 600 60n i I \ I I I - I ..! SUMM FUND 01 - GENERAL rEPARTMENT MAYOR OAJFCT COOE EXPENSE ITEM PERSONAL SERVICES (01-104-00-00-600) 602 Salaries f, Wages Mayor's Salary $50 per Ordinance 603 Longevity Pay 605 Merit Increase 619 Fee Personnel 620 F.I.C.A. 621 Workmen's Compensati 622 Health f, Life Insura 623 Unemployment Insuran 630 CCOERA - Retirement MATERIALS f, SUPPLIES (01-104-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Pri Postage CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE II' ~ I"OIllM l' IU.\l ljlt PAc.; -------------------- ANN1JAl BUDGET ----------.---------------- 1---- --- .--'-----.. . ------ _I FUND I 01- _I-OBJ~CT I CODE I -, '70 L) ; , ; i I -I -II "/ U f) '7 J+ U - 758 i 7SCI i .., I , 7CJ8 l 79q l, , l l l ..., 1 I l I SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I:;ENERAL r:;;RTMENT MAYOP - ~-~ }DIVISION - IACe.auNT N/A ~~04 I R::~~~:-l---:a:I;~t;~---:~~~~~T:- ~~Zo:~~~ I C,~:p.~~:':J~C'L I '916 , __~919 '979 ---'-~-!:o-----r~- I I EXPENSE ITEM OTHER SERVICES AND CHAPC:::ES (01-104-00-00-700) Conference c !1eeting Expe"nsc.: ClOO -,-,2CJO SeD I !CG I , i+ D n b , C~1L :.; 'J 0 DRCO(~ 11"11) (Jut of State (J) 1l0O ,)ther 20n DU(~3 , Book.3 to Subscription,:; " ;> 1 iJ:) 1 C' n 1 [) U ,I Auto Hiledge Reimbursement- -0- , '10 I rJ ij 1. L; l~ ,-i:' Rentals f, Leases 1 1'- 1 -0- -u- -D- -- ! 1-- _,. , J. I U Telephone EXpeflc.:e 7 n:l 30U l'] (1 LOn 'l:il Long Distance Management Contingenc:; ;r ~I 1, 250 1, i' (I n 1 :: S C' 1 .c' ;-, rl ...l. , L ~, \. , _L_ ~ t1isc. Services b ChargEs '+ n (I i~ U U 2nD 2no :-1 rl t1ayOJ' , s Exrense TOTALS lh,18~~ 16, l1 S~' 14, J 8 fj 18 , i'. 4~) j .. q I , ! II II I , I L:.- w ~ f01'l1ool j I ~lV 217' I I ________....: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUDGET HISTORY r;~ -,' '-~-"--'-'.l I i ~11 1980 -~ ~~~;~~ED -j: I ihe I I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE-- DEPT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION - 1980 BUDGET CITY ADl1INISTRATOR DIVN STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 1978 REVISED ~" ,><7 1979 l O;~~I~:lL J 1979-r ESTIMATE I ~,/ ,R?n~ 1980 PROPOSED 5", ,Y7~ Coordinate a.l1d administer the oDerations of City GDverTlffient l.n 3:::oordaLce with lDlicies of the M.ayor and Cihr Council. i. To reVl:1e and lmpIDve the Policy ,1anual. 2.. To manage the internal opel"ations :::f th'" Ci-ty C'uv('rnmurt -lC sistent with effi.ci~n t dJnlinistration. 3. 'fc) respond to oi t-lzen inquiries ar,d reques1.s 4. ':::''0 prepare, submi t aTld administer the cFmya l C'nntrDls. 5. To provide continuing c\, 1mi nistra.-ti ve To prDvide public infomution ::Jl I ti,"" trative matters. INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES ~-1~~e l.owesT cos~, C()I--I- 13,l1nu 40 I II II ----- -, , WORK UNITS I G,,- V",,-= l' -, "0'- 1-' rcnu-, , f, U' oj, Cl,' ;", 4n L+il 13:_ 'no fO hO for a3s_:_~::;tarlcr~ or J..nforwation. Ci tv budge t and mail: t ai n e xpe:1d l' 1l\~ ~-=, serVices t'J th',~ Havo}:1 arid C-i t';/ '~'on~'lc_i.l. ~ Y'CJ?,-re,ss (; STatus of Ci ty Gove~1nr.-lt-'rrt 01i.rnir:-L:::- S2,387 S5'.~_ ',2,f1,'5 ::',J J.~T~~7~~)O:" DESCRIPTION OF WORK - - i\nnual Reports: Publish and df:."li vel' otaff Meetings with DeDartment Heads Schedule individual conference \,!3. tn Depar'tmellT City Council Meetings: Preparation G Atte'1dar,ce - - RESOURCES REQUIRED DESCRIPTION REVISED ORIGINAL 1978 1979 39,687 47,941 12,c,OO 7, Jl1lJ 2(.;0 -11- -- Personal Services Op~rating Expense Capital Outlavs i'OTALS -, NO OF EMPLOYEES (FT,) I 'J') -1_...;<.. t;,_1 I I , I i I : I I ' ------- -----------1 -I .. ,---------~ I ~_ _Pkl~;~S~~_~~~~~~VE~J \ i II \1; [, ,8;, 'J I, ts, h'IO 1 I FINAL I ESTIMAT +- 1979 I '+'),12<' L+ 7 ,lc/2 7 , ~/ GU Ij., Gel\] -0- -0- -11- I ,r 7 'J" I ~j '" , I --,--~ I , , .'. U ! I I ' ------' \ ..______J r I I ANNUAL BUDGET==----- '/., , --~--I ----'\ i .. I moo", J ~ I 106 ' ___' ,----J I FIN AL CITY 'OllIN, ! APPROVED!: ESTIMATE REeOMMENO Ie,,, eouNc'Li 1919 i980 1950! - ------_.~-,( - DETAIL OF SALARIES AND FUND DEPARTMENT DIViSION 01 - GENERAL CITY ADMINISTRATOR 1\/A -_. POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION /lEVISE 0 AND CURRENT O(~td~T. fIN A.L SALARY RANGE NO, BUDGET BUDGET R fQUEST AUTH. 1978 J. 1 1 City Administrator -, 0 '~') I j . Lv" ! IJ.5 0.5 0.5 Executive Scccretarv ( 9 ) G,,09 I i_I. L ~ o . 5 o . t> Public !ldminis .cr'a-;:ion I Intern 2,lrw , I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -- }""=-~ 2 2 TOTALS ----1 WAGES ORI61 N AL 6UDGET 1979 \COMMENTS, \ i'LiJ_f-Time P'.lblic Adminic;tratJ.,on 11te2!l and other' r'csearch reports. ! ,0, (100 I iO, Q',C i 7,0801 7,OJ/ I I I l, , :2 ri U I l! J ,I: i I I I i I I I i I , 1 I !I ., " I I ~ I: II I I' , I, I I I \ I ! I 1----~I----:c! -------\ 8 " n -, l ~ 8 r-, C 1 -1 r) (. (I I" ,I , " . '-- I ,j , ~ I u '11.,.. ,) '_." 1 L, !,; I ____.J__....l I P{'.(_'(J]TL1fLC~(1(1~._~ _1 tu wnr1< uTl the l~lllip t ! ! I \ I i (tJ j 2 rj 2 '30., 2 S 2 5,736 f5,024 :2,H\n l,lDt; -\ - - - \ - ~-_._. I ---CITY OF W.~EAT R'DGE=:=-=~=-===::.-~=::::'~ --~-==-=====---~- ANNUAL BUDGET- ':.AGE 29 ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES 1 DIVISION I:OUNT I ISTRATOR N/A 106 REV'SED FINA L A PpRQVE 0 ORIGINAL EST IMATE e,TY ADM'" CITY COUNCIL BUDGET BUDGET REeOMo.lEND 191B 1919 1979 1geo 1960 , I I Salary 30,252 30,252 30,252 30,000 30,000 es 8,209 7,836 8,124 11,280 11,29; 776 863 700 -0- -O- n -0- 2,200 1,650 -0- -0- -0- 172 150 156 - 0 ,- ay 100 100 100 200 200 350 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 2,200 1,950 2,105 2,104 on -0- 1,000 50 SO 51 nce -0- 1,180 200 1,432 1,435 ce -0- 438 250 250 ~SO Expense -0- 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,525 nting ~ 6,100 4,100 4,100 4,800 4,800 2,800 1,500 300 200 Small ent 50 100 100 100 100 HEAT RIDGE ... ~ND 01 - GENERAL = ORJECT T CODE I SUMM DEPARTMENT CITY ADMIN EXPENSE ITEM 601 PERSONAL SERVICES (01-106-00-00-600) -; I City Administrator's r 602 Staff Salaries ~ Wag 603 Longevity Pay r Ii 604 Deferred Compensatio 60S 610 IT Merit Increase Overtime ~ Premium P ~ 619 Fee Personnel 620 621 622 623 630 F.Le.A. ~ I' I ,.... I' i I~ " I Workmen's Compensati Health ~ Life Insura Unemployment Insuran CCOERA - Retirement MATERIAL G SUPPLIES (01-106-00-00-650) I 651 Office Supplies, Pri Postage lInnual Report Xerox Charges Postage 1'1isc. 660 Operating Supplies, Tools ~ Minor Equipm 1 I I I, I! I CITY OF W I J; 'Ii " .{)'"..~:). "LV 1:/1110 -r-r-=====--==--- I! -I ----= ANNUAL BUDGET ----------- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT ~rIVISION 01 - GENERAL CITY ADMINISTRATOR N/A - REVISED FIN A l OBJECT BUDGET ORIGINAL CfTY .\ CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMM 1918 '979 '979 '98 --- -- OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGr::S (01-105-00-00-700) 70.2 CUIlI.'ereIlce E; ~1ectiT!g Eypense 1,150 1,100 1,100 1 ~ _,cl I Ii'HA 800 I I I CI1L 300 nther ~SO I I I 7 n - I DUF~ S , Bonks E; Subscriptions 2 ~ :_' U ['I !~J Ii ~ !J '_1 I 4 ,h I , Colo. City Msmt. , I ASST!. [,ues 40 I ICHA Dues 21S I Subscriptions cmd , Boc'ks L4S I I Reimbursement i 7Ij:) Auto Hileage 1"0 IUD lf1(l I i ! ~ , 7 ') 2 Rentals c Leases 1,170 -0- -0- 1 l, I I I 7SQ Telephone Expense i 60r. GOO () 0 0 6 , Long Distance I I 77G ()ther Equipment Haintenance LSD Ion I 200 c I 798 Management Contingerlcy 950 1,0 U 0 1,000 1,0 799 Misc. Services E; Charges 30 200 700 2 CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-105-00-00-800) t: il " Office Equipment 200 -0- -0- - I TOTtLS ') 2, ::1 c: 7 'j S, G41 ~).;.I ,8':': G 0:1 'l I I I -, , l l '"1 I l l .., i l l l l l l 1 I I - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE =------ PAGr:..-2.~._ ------ , ! ~ACCOLJN~-J 106 : .,_~____~__~ . I I /'\PPROVED . (.l~IN I END CITY COUNCIL o i '980 , 00 1 , 3 ~) ,j II iJ IJ ,1: rl un II! (1 u CI ill I) liD hi) :: ClO 1 () : J 00 1,:1 [) I, 00 ., .~ I: L U (r CJ ~- -u- 9 I ' i) '/;j.' I , -~---_._.- , CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE,___ PAlJL J-l.. r- ! I PROGRAM OESCRIPTlON-19BO BUOGET i I - - DEPT CITY ATTORNEY I BUDGET HISTORY I DIVN CONTRACTUAL 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 I REVISED ORIGINAL ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED , STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 46 400 46 700 72::\00 77 .700 72 ,700 Legal advisor to the City Council, J1ayor, B03t'ds I';. Commissions, r:i ty AclTninistra tor, and D2partment Heads in matters relating to their official p.;wers or duties, re- presents the City in litigation and is responsible for the pr'Osecl.:tion of offenses filed in the Municipal COl~t. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES .1.. Provide legal advice and serVlces to MayOl", Council and lI'ana,,-errent staff. 2. Keep the City up-.to-date 'wi th CLLYTent judicial rulings on adrrinistrati'Ie and Law enforcement practices. 3 . D2fend the City I S interest In Court. 4. Service as Citv Prosecutor before the Municipal COUL~. 5. Draft and/or review all docwnents, including ordL'1ance, re301utions, contracts and instruments of conveyance. INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1978 - - Ordinances drafted and/or reviewed Contracts drafted and/or reviewed Municipal Court cases handled including cases appealed to County Court. Other Law Suits Council meetings attended Resolutions drafted aDd/or reviewed Staff and Board meetings Advise to City Council and Department Heads '30 58 55 -0- -0- 32 30 1,000 - RESOURCES REQUIRED REVISED ORIGINAL FINAL DESCRIPTION ESTIMATE 1978 1979 1979 Personal Services -0- -0- -0- Operating Expense 45,400 46,700 72,300 . C3.pital Outlays -0- -0- -0- TOTALS 46,400 116,'/00 172 ,300 \ NO, OF EMPLOYEES (F.T,) ConTract wnn'act Contr'3.ct - -- WORK UNITS --- l , 1979 i980 --r- 5CJ 35 1,200 liO '3::: 1,/00 20 60 75 50 50 LO ~~ !] 40 ::0 5,l I J _ __~l APPROVE D I 1980 PROPOSED 1980 -0- -0- 7"= , '/00 72,700 -0- -0- 72,700 I;~~J rontr~m ,~ ' J ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE - -_.~ --- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES - JDIVISION IA~~~ FUND ~RTMENT 01 -- GENERAL CITY ATTORNEY 1= N/A REVISEO FIN A L I OBJECT BUDGET ORIGINAL EST'MAH CITY ADMIN CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGE.T RECOMMEND 1978 1979 1979 '9BO I OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES (01-107-00-00-700) I I 7 0 ,~ COnfl-21'enCe Meeting Expense 700 700 ,) [-I 0 5 I] I.J I f, I 7 [l6 Dues, Book:s &. Subscription~; -0- -0- SOD :, D [j I l~lunic i pal LavI Bouks and I Publica t iOlIS I I 7 ~ 2 Witness Expense 1,_00 L , :) 0 0 -fJ- LOO \ 750 Professional f, ConsultinG reE ,,1+2,000 43,000 70,nno 70, CJ (1 0 ! " . by Contract 65,OOC ..-- ,)erVlce Outside Attorne'1 Feps LiS needed for Speclal Litigation or Legal Consultation Fees 5,00 C 799 Miscellaneous Service and Charges 2, :; 0 0 1,500 1,5 [J Q 1,:()[l Court Filing Fees Hearing Officer Fees Recording Fees Other Related Fees I I I TJTALS '+6,400 45,7 [1 0 72, J 0 [) '7 ,700 , , I I u~n 7 APPRovEO CITY CQUNI..IL 1980 ~I Cl (J ~) : i \ 'lJl' 7 ~\ , :-\ \ 1 \) 1, ',D[] - - / ) 'I ,'n l; LL W IIIf '-OR"-4 }-I, 111I:\1 JJ1I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ---- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PR DE PT' CITY CLERK DIVN' STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Responsible for official city r Codes, Wheat Ridge City Code, amusement rrachine devices, and rent rebates. Publish all lega Council meetings, prepare agend voters. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES l. Conservation of work tim2 b and increased efficiency. 2. Continue microfilming to 3. Help with orientation of ad districts. INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTION 0 - Council Meetings Agenda IteJl1S a. Public Hearings (incl ud - b. Ordinances on 1st readi c. D2cisions, Resolutions d. Other (including Study - Senior Citizen Tax Rebate Licenses - Liquor, beer, Amuse. Transcripts and lawsuits prepa Elections - Voter registrations Legal publications - RESOURCES REQUIRED DESCRIPTION - Personal Services 2 - Operating Expenses 5 PAGt.. -,,:, OGRAM DESCRIPTION-1980 BUDGET 1978 REVISED 76 923 BUDGET HISTORY 1979 ORIGINAL 97 762 1979 ESTIMATE 97 49 1980 PROPOSED , -ll I 1980 APPROVED 1 0.6......3 -ecords, i. e., Ordinances, Resolutions, ontracts, Bui ldin[ Charter/. Licensing of Liquor & Beer establishments, Security Guards. Process Senior Ci t izens' Property Taxi 1 notices. Secreta~v to City Council, i.e., attend a packets, write Minutes, conduct elections, register i I I I I I I I \ I I , __I I ---1 ! 1980 I I II ! I y studying office methods and work towards simplification make records more accessible. ditional council members and implementation of new F WORK mg Ord. on 2nd Read) ng & llitions Session iteJl1S) Mch. & Sec. Guards red REVISED 1978 5,223 0,800 900 I 1 i l I I ""i Capital Outlays TOTALS 76,923 NO, OF EMPLOYEES (F.T.) 2 1978 59 91 67 300 422 1,397 103 4 1 450 153 WORK UNITS 1979 56 152 82 240 400 1,500 no 8 1 2::0 325 ORIGINAL FINAl... PROPOSED ESTIMATE 1979 1919 1980 32,737 31,792 39,093 65,025 6'j,700 67,:250 -0- -0- 1,500 97,7b2 97,1+92 107,843 2..5 2.5 2.:'; S5 200 12:, 250 400 1,550 120 , 5 ' 70~ I 1+00 I II APPROVEo-l i I 1980 -- 37,493 67,350 1,SQO 105,349 2.5 J\ .....J ANNUAL BUDGET---' PA",_~__ __ r;= I DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION 01 - GENERAL CITY CLEkK N/A POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION REVISED OR'GINAL AND CURRENT DEPART. FINAL SALARY RANGE NO, BUDGET BUDGET BUDCET R EQUEsr AUTH 191B 1979 , 1 1 City Clerk (Elective) 12,000 12,000 _L 1 1 1 Deputy City Clerk ( 9 ) 11,098 11,100 O. 5 o . 5 o . 5 Clerk Typist (ll) -0- 3,780 ACCOUNT 108 ~ FI N A L CITY ADMIN'l APP ROVED I EST IMATE RECO....END CITY COUNC'LI '97~_ --,-~~_i '980 i I , 1 2 , 0 0 0 14, If 0 0 114 , 4 rj ,-: 10,12311,3'nllll,b:J'J I 3,972 S ,02;3 \ 'f, ,/2. I I I - No change In staff. , I I I - ---'----~----J ~ 3, D" 8 ;> f, ,8 Ci:) 2G, D 9.~ I "D , iJ ~]. I~ ~I , ~)~~_j ---- I \ \1 II II \; \: 1\ !\ --.:J OF WHEAT R1DGE--------------::.----- .... I L., 2.52.5 2.5 TOTALS COMMENTS. \ L I ; , L. _CITY PAGE '" - ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT 01 - GENERAL CITY CLERK N/A 108 . - - REVI SED flNA L APPROVED OBJECT EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET ORIGINAL ESTIMATE CITY AOMIN CITY COUNG' CODE BUDGET RECOMMEND L 1978 .979 1979 '9BO 1980 PERSONAL SERVICES - , (01-108-00-00-600) ; i , 'I 601 City Clerk's Salary f;stab- 1 lished by Ordinance at $1,200/Mo. 12,000 12,000 12,000 14,400 J1+ , li rl!1 602 Salaries f; Wages 11,098 14,880 14,095 16,421 15,173 603 Longevity Pay 200 -0- -0- -0- -0- - , 605 Merit Increases -0- -0- -0- 329 -0- ' , II , , 610 Overtime f; Premium Pay 150 150 150 150 2 'JJ , 619 Fee Personnel 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,000 2,0 ILl II , , 620 F.I.C.A. -0- 1,760 1,693 1,910 1,81Ll -,' Ii 621 Workmen' Compensation -0- 650 300 38 - C 622 Health f; Life Insurance -0- 1,180 1,239 2,249 2, 2'i < -, I I 623 Unemployment Insurance -0- 167 167 350 'j 1.1 [) -r ' " 630 CCOERA Retirement Expense -0- 450 648 1,246 1,211.1. II - 'i I 645 Personnel Expense 100 -0- -0- -0- -0-, II 1'1 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES I (01-108-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies 4,400 6,000 6,000 6,600 6, G 11 i OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES (01-108-00-00-700) 702 Conference f; Meeting Expense 1,100 1,300 1,300 1,400 1 ,~i ,I CML 300 IH1C 800 Colorado Clerks 200 Jeff Co Govts/Other 200 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 'oN " "0""" )... ..t.... J/n - ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIVISION ACCOUNT N/A 102 - REV I SED ! FIN A L APPROVED BUDGET ORIGINAL ESTIMATE C'TV AOMI" CITY COUNClL BUDGE, RECOMMEND 197B 1979 '979 '980 '980 , 200 200 1,200 1,00G l,CiOO 2,000 2,500 4,600 -0- -'J- n '1,660 lC1,HlO Q,2rJO 10,51],l ] 'J , ~ JrJ 885 2,000 500 ~,OO(] [', UIIU ~50 350 J5n ()O ,LJ(l 175 2rJD 2 Oil 200 'Ju Fees Ii ,500 6,000 6,!JOO 0,500 ~" (,nO -0- FOO 500 550 c, c)! I SOO 50 50 50 ~, u . ce 315 625 700 (JrJI-j gi]lJ r71ax 31,84n 35,000 35,000 37,000 37,OU'! 50 100 100 100 1lJ I~J 900 -0- --i]- 1,5'0'0 1, ~J\);-) 500 1,000 76,92'~ 97,762 '37,[192 107,843 "1 \ J~, ~ ~L-\--) .. ., .. ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE' jl " SUMM I ,I , I I J FUND 01 - Gl:J.JEAAL OBJECT CODE 70fJ 708 714 ns 728 740 7511 7CQ J , - DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK Ii I, I EXPENSE ITEM Dues, B=ks E; Subscription Election Exvense Le~al Notices G Publicatio Recnrding Fees Training G Safety !1unicipal Clerks Seminar ~uto ~ileage Reimbursement n"ofessional G Consulting Ordinance Codificatwn Rental G Leases 759 Telephone Expense LDng Distance - 776 792 - Other I:quipment Maintenan ~ I il Senior Citizens Property 1 Rebates ,I ! - 799 ;1isc. Services f, Charges CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-108-00-00-800) 002 Dffice Equipment Counter Drawers 113.D File TOTALS 'W 1'. ,"OftM.I.. ...:v Inl CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - UDGET II I I STORY I I 9 1980 1980 I ATE PROPOSED APPROVED I 03 77 , 330 70,956 orporation have a Court. I ates, tvhich provide That I I I I fortun ae' required by the 1<'3.'-". I I I , WORK UNITS 1979 1980 - -- 900 1,000 10 15 lj, JOo 4,800 360 liDO 50 60 I ' I L T PHOPOSED APPROVED I ATE I 79 1980 1980 66,354 59,9Ro 10,025 10,085 891 8ge I I 3 77,330 70,95f I -JI I 2.7:0 I 2.75 II - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PACe. - PROGRAM DESCRIPTION -1980 B OEPT MUNICIPAL COURT BUDGET HI OIVN COURT ADMINISTRATION 1978 1979 197 REVISED ORIGINAL ESTIM STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 60,557 59,803 59,8 To comply with Colorado Law which requires that a Municipal C To comply with the Constitution of Colorado and the United St each branch of government be composed of a Judiciary. ,STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES - To interpret the law and to provide a fair and impartial c. 2. To encourage defensive driving. 3. To increase family ha.rrrony through use of probation. 4. To decrease the rate of repeat offenders. INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTION OF WORK 19"18 Contested cases to the Court 701 Jury trials 5 Tickets processed 3,877 Placed in defensive driving 255 Placed on probation 36 - RESOURCES REQUIRED REVISED ORIGINAL FINA DESCRIPTION ESTIM 1978 1979 19 Personal Services 49,892 52,228 52,228 Operating Expenses 9,895 7,350 7,350 Capital Outlays 770 22S 225 TOTALS 60,557 59,803 59,80 NO OF EMPLOYEES (FT.) 2.75 2.75 2.75 - - - - i i DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT 01 - GENERAL MUNICIPAL COURT COURT ADMINISTRATION 109 POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION "[VIS[D ORIGINAL fIN AL CITY AD"'N, APPROVED AND IUDGET BUDGET ESTI..ATE RECO....END C'TY COUNC'LI CURRENT OEPART. FINAL SALARY RANGE NO, I BUDGET REQUEST AUTH, 1978 1979 '97\1 19BO 1980 j --, 1 1 1 Cnief Court ClerK (8) 12,671 12,276 12,276 14,436 U,dn'J 1 1 1 Leputy Court Clerk II (6) 11,185 11,100 11,100 13,056 11") ~ "i L , ,'( 0.75 0.75 0.75 Deputy Court Clerk I (5 ) 7,900 5,675 5,576 7,032 b,3crJ I I I I I I I I . I I I . I I I -~ 2.75 2.75 2.75 TOTALS 31,755 29,052 29,052 3LJ-,S~~4 ,'1, -'0',' I COMMENTS. -l , I ,. change In staff proposed. 1,10 I I I , I .~ ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE ,; .-.., -1 - - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ruND 01 - GENERAL OBJECT CODE 602 603 605 610 619 620 621 622 623 630 651 660 DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL COURT EXPENSE ITEM PERSONAL SERVICES (01-109-00-00-500) Staff Salaries & Wages Longevity Pay Merit Increases Overtime & Premium Pay Fee Personnel Presiding Judge Assistant Judge Bailiff 10,272 5,420 1,500 F.I.C.A. 'Workmen's Compensation Health & Life Insurance Unemployment Insurance CCOERA - Retirement Expense MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-109-00-00-550) Office Supplies, Printing and Postage Operdting Supplies, Small Tools & Minor Equipment Traffic School Work Books 900 Ship Charges 35 Film Lease 350 Other 100 DIVISION COURT ADMINISTRATION REVISED BUDGET 197B ORIG'NAL BUDGET 1979 535 31,756 29,052 -0- -0- 500 170 500 17,100 17,100 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 3,000 1,645 1,600 940 1,700 266 900 2,000 500 W "I. '0""" ~ I. III'ltll 3/" CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FINA l ESTIMATE '979 29,052 -0- 170 500 17,100 1,600 940 1,700 266 900 2,000 500 CITY ADMIN RECOMMEND '9BO 34,524 203 691 1,500 21,900 3,514 2,]-50 385 1,417 3,000 1,385 PAGE 39 ACCOUNT 109 i I I I I ---1 , ! APPROVE 0 CITY eOUNe'L 1980 , I '1- 33,207 I -0- I: -0- 1,SOO 18,192 3,151 70 70 2,141 :- 38 S , , i I I- I 1,334 3,000 1,385 ANNUAL BUDGET- ._---~-_.._-_.._-_._- .- PAGE ~j,i ---- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES \ - A FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION 01 - GENERAL MUNICIPAL COURT COURT ADMINISTRATION -- REVISED flNA l OBJECT ORIGINAL ESTIMATE CJTY A:;y.t1 EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET RECOMJoIE~ CODE BUDGET 1918 1919 1919 ,980 OTHER SERVICES AND CHAR(~ES I I (01-109-00-00-700) I 702 Conference f, Heeting Expense 2 2 iJ 300 -lO 0 I 300 706 Dues, Books f, Subscriptions lOD 100 100 150 728 Training f, Safety IOn 100 100 10D I I 732 Jury Fees 1,000 600 500 1,20C 740 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 100 100 Ion 100 750 Professlonal G Consulting Fees 2,450 2,450 2, If 50 2,450 Court Steno 1,250 Driver Training 1,200 759 Telephone Expense 700 800 800 400 775 Other Equipment Maintenance I 300 200 ,200 COO Typewriters Copier 799 Misc. Services f, Charges LeU 200 200 400 CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-109-00-00-800) 802 Office Equipment 770 225 725 891 IBM Selectric Typewriter TOTALS 60,5~,7 59,803 5~l,g03 77, cj -, n CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - - - lAfCOUNT I 1 r) 9 Will 1"01"''' J a. "'I.'" J,11 Ii II I! -j 'i ':1 ~ o APPROVED CITY COUNCIL 1980 3 0 f~ l5U i , 1(1 J , I, 1,iCJn I :0;] :2 ,4 '- 0 If n II G (i U 411 Ii ~ : 801 l \ '," - [r=~-=~--- Ii -I Pl\(;E AN N U AL B U DG ET -----------.---.-- ----- -----.-----.-------- I l ~ , SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION J3our,r- 01 - GENERAL MUNICIPAL COURT PROBATION SERVICE:::; no - -- REV' SED f IN A L , I A PPR OBJECT ORIGINAL ESTIMATE I CITY A f'''''l IN i C'T', COOE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET BUDGE.T Rt:.COMMEND 19"'8 '979 1919 "~t- " , - I MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-110-00-00-650) 651 'Jffice Supplies, PrintinG -- , I v Postage :20 LJ I 100 100, I 1 C C: I I , I , I I OTHER SERVICES AND CHAR\-::ES I I I (01-110-00-00-700) I I I 7(:2 Conference &; ~leeting Expense 7 () '1 '7 DO 7n(] I '7011 I Volunteer Prob. Conference I , I 706 Dues, Books, f, Subscriptions BO 10e In:l lUO I , , 740 Auto Mileage Reimbursement SilO 2sn 7 c) i-'i I{ 0 0 I I I i I 75q Telephone Expense I ~-, ) r- ):;. 5 :- '2 ~, I .~ ~ :.' , ,<) , I ! I I 776 Other Equipment Mainteniince ',0 - [1-- --o- n I I - ~I-- 799 Misc. Services &; Charges 1 'J 0 I I 100 1 fJ C) HiD I I I I I I I i I TOTALS ? ,175 -I ,LI 7 5 i ,lj 'j l; 1,625 I : I I I I I I I I I i I I I , j I l l , ! l l -r I 1 1 1 1 TL aVtO -O\.lNCIL 80 1 r] (1 , ' 1 Ii ii J 0 (I 11']1] -1-1-- I: : (! 0 I' ! ( ') ~ ., u , CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _______._____u___________ --- . " ------.---.---.----'--- --.- - .. -_.~ Willi "OIllM l, 11II1:'10' 1,71 AN N U AL B U DG ET ------------.--- ------ --.- - ---, ._---_...:.:= . .. ::-====-::=.~:--~, .._------..-.------- .-- -- -- --.-.---.- <i,f~ (~ ;- -----J.--ACC0U~JT---- ! -I i - --~-=~-T_;:'~= ~.=- ,-- I Ah'R,J..l.:~'" I CITY ADM;~l ) "IT i"t1U-.:;-:L ., 0 I RtCOM"U'~ ie' --+--~~~ ~-~(:~~-,,--- I I I I I I , I :11 HIi1! I I I 1---- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT rlVISlON 01 - GENERAL MUNICIPAL COURT ynUTH :;ERVICFS = - .-- REVISED I FIN t. L OBJECT ORIGINAL ESTIMATE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET COOE eUDGET 1978 1919 1919 --I MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES I (01-111-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing c '" Postage =: ,} n 1no 1'-) , OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES I (01-111-00-00-700) 702 Conference " Meeting Expense '701, lOD I 70 ! I , 706 Dues, Books " Subscriptions 100 En I :)1 I 759 Telephone Expense 'j1Jr: ) l c. r~ <'.. L ,) I " Lv 776 Other Equipment Maintenance 50 5C c ( ,) '~ 799 Misc. Services " Charges 100 SO c ( ~l I i , I I I TOTALS l, j 7 S I 1,175 1,l75 I I I - .-- . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W" !'O"M)' "r:v 1/11 i r ~ u I I I I 7 r: (] I I :) n ! 2/~, I sui 5 u I , I , I I I I I , I I I I I I I , , I I I I I , J_" J I' L-j I \ I I Ii I'll' 1 ".J I -I f"), , I S I i ,I , I I I i I I I , I I i I I I I I I I , , d , -I P DEPT ADMINISTRATIVE :::ERVICES DIVN ADHINISTRATION STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Tv provide cer.traJ administrat Achnin is tratOl' and to ~~1J1X~rv J 82 Building Maintenance and Switc STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES 1. Provide the City ACm:i nis tr to the Cicv Coune il for al c, I~Slrre effecti vc ftmctioni :3wi tenbc-IT'd operations, ~ fie:.; s ure J:)2eting all legal I' budge t prepCU'crtior; netlvit 4 Assure the tiT:l2l y and qual S. IJrpro\TC the "budget Drepara 6. Repres~nt tile City I' - . ddmlnlS IND!CATORS OF PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTiON c 'llvislCTI3 Supervised ?ersormel Supervised Council f'leetings Personnel rommissio-rl & Civil C' " I'1eetJ.11/:;3 Budget PrPT)ara t:i on c; EXl1endi tl . ~--- RESOURCES REQUIRED DESCRIPTION l I .. i r('rs():~al ~'ervices O}Y'I'<.ltinr; E:.\.-penses Capltal Outlcys ?1.GL '--- C IT Y OF WHE AT RID G E:-~=~'::====_=:-=:==~--i ! I ROGRAM DESCRIPTION -1980 BUO~_~~_________.._.._____~ . BUDGET HISTORY I ].. 1978 R E. VISED 31,858 _ 1979 ~l 1979 ORIGINAL ESTIMATE 31,H17 0 -, -~-----_..-l ! 19'30 : IS80 i PROPOSED I APPROVED I ~ 0 I' ~ C J 'I ,.., I ~=-~- _ .........>-'-,"-'-'-'-....-, i I i I i I I i lVE:'l fisr:a1 plannl:-'2 and bt!.'~.ge-:- 3\lPIY~1['~ '1 ':;' tlv.:' (;5 l thl;-; major ~:::IIr;l~cpt flJTlC'tioD (1f P~rsonl1~1, PUP,-~h(lC hboard ClpeYCltions. atol'") w:i tl1 ac:.;sist~-I)( '8 i n '-1.E_\!I'..;lvrin.~~_- t.\ ldf0t: Y>r:'c'-~r~'('r:: il: I::t L- -, \ '_\':_. locating L3.:..r 're=:,,:)urce:-, tc f!1.eet C()JJ~J].nit\, y-:.~t:~,j::- ~ D€; of ths re::'S::::,~yu;.l~J., I'lL:::"c:-la~:ing, l~.uilcl:;.n:r :"::3-.i.nt(::nan''--'- Jnj equirej11f:.:T"_s., c~L-1cJl;_ne~3 b\' '~vor\ll.ni:-tt..]f? ,1Ll- Ic""if:lhJ"l'T n~~_i_ 'I- i ty prc";:>ciratioL I f 1~h= tion prO':;2f";S. trator1 j 11 h.i s aL)s~n("'e. bU(~r'- t . erVJ_ce 1 I OF WORK -------r~~_=_-=~-=--=~CRl\--- u0~~;~~=--=--=~.~~..:] I 19'?8 ' 1919 ~ ';IO!) i ----- __.__+___,____,.___L .---..-----.+---..-.- -" ______'1' I I I I.! I 3 I J i ') . :::: I (j I I LfS I I', !, 't '., ,i 18 l ~~ ' ;-: i ; I M I "MV. I I I ! _________ .____J__.._____.L__._.._...__..__j _...___ Cumm..i.c~c;l. '1"1 ~ V\:JnltGring r i~", .~ - i I . ---.- --, ! t NO ero T1\L~~ 3l"l 9 58 i I , . '-"'~~-"--'----'-"--"--------'-.-i-" ---, ----.---..-----/ ORiGINAL I E~-i-~~;~,E I PROPOSED ! APP'W v(:') ! _,_..~!:P_l-___i97'3 ___,1__ ._ ~~Q.___ _L__-'2 ~ 0____ __1 , ! ; ! I In, 5 t; , I 1!~ , 'Ii, 7 I)::; , '3 P (j I.." , : c, ' i I I I ' , .l ,'fiIJ I i ".th I I ;, g'e !', i', I I i I I '! ,s<) I~" ,7:" I '3 :,,+c;, I "L ! \1 -----~---'-I'-'~,~,--i,---~~-----'-l.----.~.-----.--.; '! ~ ______-1--_____,_ _,,__ <.J:_____,....~._J.___.._.___.._._..___~.'_ -.---..-----, REVISED 1978 25,873 L~, n 3'" , ~ ....'f) , r l~O -c!- -~;~- OF EMPLOYEES (FT) '. ,t; , l.. r-----,..------.-' ., ._u.__..,...._ --At\ 'I r\J U l'\ i: ! r------..----.-....-------------.. -...- ~ \ ~ G'd-\ l..- 8. .Jr.. ('''- 7" u" ., u,Jt~" a'____ (, . --...- -~_._.- -'1 , i I Ii I FUf'JD en r-' DETAIL OF SALAR!ES ~,ND WAGES I: I U . 5 , DEPARTMENT-To:\lTSiOr~---------_...-.,--..--- '-'TAce'oillii ..--' uu. -. ul i I\GtlTNISTRATT~r. ._~r.Rv2.:1~~I_~ ['1"j_~l~\!T ~'~~F!\~~~___,,__ ~~c~__,~___u __.....,: CLASSf~FICAT10N f!(VIS::'u Of;h;j~; l.l ! ~'IN fll Ie l"1"o,<<:~! AP~~Cir') :! SALARY ~~NGE NO I fH)D(iE.l su.)' ~:l ! E31:MAl"E IkE:~O~:.tUH) C!I~' C)...J~rl~i , ____--.-u---...----+-.:.,:.l~-- __L_:::.::'..__+'~!~ __:__'j~O__,._: _'9$5'__-:: DlP,octur 0 [ Adm 1 )]1.. r Wll 1 F" I I. I!. L:' c r lie e ~3 ( )"'-1 ~: ~, , I J j ::, ~ I) II I~i, 1 ~ ii' , 1..., I Ii! ,; , I ,j ~ ,- \.. ! I ' I , I Ll- '.j , I I I ! I i -GENI:RAL POSITIONS GIJRRENT!rEPARf FINAL BUDCET RFQuEST AUTH -----, ! J ] 1 . S I O. S I Senior' l~ to' c-':.'e + <1.1- 1 ,~ 'I, > ~ i ,I :i II i: , I I I II I' II II - I , 'I I I' " " ': I I Ii i ,I !i il I I I I l II i ~.~~~~.' ~ fcoMMENTS' I ,t: [; 1(.11"' ~;(. cr et drv (~i (-1. f f . ! i I I ,I Il - I ~ ,I TOTALS , ; ! ! i I I i .-.--f----- ...------ --+-.-.- ----,-.l- ---.---. , ~ I ; i I I I i ): I 'I -, I L1 i f~ CL X I II ) " , ~ I, ___..._1 _ ~___.____i __~ _ _' J_ _ _ )___ '_ _.i~ _ _~ '\ " I , I P f) j L t ~ , ) n ~~ L ~',' r _~ L 1 l th '; " , " 1'; 1 C' 1'1 1: , I " ,. C IT Y 0.. t: \1\1 Ll 1:' ^ 'r tH (' C E --------,..----.,.. _. , W' 1'-1 L-.. ;li.,,\ - (\ ~ J ...1 .a __..____.__.._". _.~..___...__~_~m _.___...____ ___,j I -- -~==-=------ ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 4 ~ 'i'-UND SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES 01 - GENERAL DEPARTMENT DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM 601 602 603 605 610 620 621 622 623 630 651 660 702 PERSONAL SERVICES (01-115-00-00-600) Director of Administrative Services Salary Salary & Wages Longevity Merit Increase Overtime/Premium Pay f.I.C.A Workmen's Compensation Health & Life Insurance Unemployment Insurance CCOERA - Retirement Expense MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES (01-115-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Minor Equipment OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES (01-115-00-00-700) Conference & Meeting Expense IMFOA 800 Other 100 REVISED BUDGET 197B 21,420 4,853 OR1G'NIIL BUDGET 1979 19,200 4,488 -0- 1,684 600 200 -0- 1,325 -0- 450 -0- 1,300 -0- 210 -0- 800 500 85 700 500 100 800 W" "0"''-4) I; "'I'" 1/'11 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE F IN II L EST I MATE 1979 20,160 4,712 -0- 1,400 190 1,525 450 1,300 210 800 500 50 790 CITY IIOM'N RECOMMENO 1980 22,560 5,425 109 2,559 200 1,750 1,394 210 1,146 500 100 800 I; IAC~~~NT _ APPROVE 0 CITY COUNClL- 1980 - 22,17h ! 5,0',,-' J (] l ~ " ,I I' . ' -0 .' IJ r~ I; , 1,/IlCJrr , , ! : 35 ~ I, "I- 1,3~1~J I: ~: 1 CJ ..,. I! Ii 1,11 :, - r 1 , r r: i , 1 r, I , i I i ;-; -jl "I i i r D ,. n I; ._. .- [T::::::::==-:::::::' =-=-------=--='::~..:= AN N U A L B U DG ET :--':::.:::-~-=.:-::.. I SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I FUND I' (' " DEPARTMENT IDiVislo-~' --IACc.ulJN1------- ADMINISTRATIVE SER\n CEO; L ADM T NI~~TRATInIJ L11' EXPENSE ITEM -==r-R:;~~~;T=OB~'g~~;~ E:~ ~.~~1 ~l- ~':i:~~~~~;=j:,~~~;,~~~'c',~' I '978 L_-,,9::.:'___~, ~~-""I~_~9-.:C -------+---~-.:._-- Dues, Books f, ::':ubscr'iption:.; I ;',',0 .'rl[; ),.: 11(1 : I I L,li!I' JOel i ''0 I I I I I ;"'l: - 1_ i I Facility Repajr f, Maintellan'1'; :"I,P'l .I.J- I ,.u. I , 1 OthC'l' I:quipmer,t hLl"lteJEU1C,' I f I ,i) i , , 11isc. S8rvi('cs (, ChaY'?,~; I '", I , I I I ' I I i I I , I I I 01 - (;ENERAL f-= _. 08JECTr- CODE I 706 -\ II ~=--==~ W'" FOI'I"-4]' IU.V I,'~ 759 7 Ell '771+ 7n, 799 ri02 - Telephone ~xpense Long Distdll'-'Ec' -;"I'! ~ 11 1 litilitic:s -n- 1- _'1- I i- , , , , , (, i' CAPITAL OUTLAY::; (01-115-00-00-~UO) nffice ~qui~ment IB~1 Selectrlc , -- ; (~ G - ! "Ii : I j, i' T' iTAL~, .J i ~ (; :1 ~! .1,:} 3-,- ~ = ~ ";' I ? ,; j .. t+ I ,I, I I 1 I i I i , ! { i _ CITY O~-:- WHEAT RIDGE -.-'-::-------==-= C I T Y OF 'IV H EAT R! 0 G E __-=_==:~:_=:___.:.::~_=~==~~:: PROGRAM DESCRIPTION-1980 BUDGET STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 1978 1979 REVISED ORIGINAL lQ. 78] __~;::5 ,'47;.' i ----..-.--------..--,-.......-. --j BUDGET HISTORY I i , , 1979--T--i980---r- 19b) --I ' ESTIMATE I PFIOPOSED I APPOW'JED ! !. 77th.. --L.3 7 .43 G I .:'4UL__.J DEPT ADHnUSTRi\TI~JE SE;r[C~ PUEr:;--lA~ INr, OIVN To impleJP.-2nt the purchasing ;o:Licies at the City so ,:iC' to pi.DC1lrC', .'-tore and ,":i<lL.""_l-'lC materials and serVlces to me'3t the needs "f City l.Pfurtmt-'nts, T.J cc.'ntraee foy',;)", C ,,, improvements and servlces, i:1.! providE:: ('itv vrl t1- p:cri.:)eI .i~J3llr'~.!I_ e co .erage and t(_, ~ r\i- teet against job-related risks TO emplC'/"'2 I12'lltL ='nr:: we ll-tx"infT , _STAT(MENT OF OB_JE~TIVES I -I I I -\ I : L I r:r f "':~, I J I I ' i 1'1 ' II .:. rJ J. J I 30 0,0) :' II _J__~_L~~_L__ j i I ' RES OU R CfD: S :;I~~I J:~~Q--~RE. VI SEO-"-j--~RIGINA8 -'~I~~f;;-rl' ---PROPOSED--T'AP~f'('VE:-D--: I 1978 !<)79 19;";1 1980 I 19tH' ~ - -+-,---- ----. ----.-------- ---------_..---j-------_._----~ , I Ii. I F'eCSOD'll Servi.ces I '1,8Lfc' I ,~'2, '7'L. , -':',9:+..' 3" ,'nr IJ:I,' 7, I I ' , I ,'." '5 ~,;I"~' I if .,SUI I.":"G I II i _'.'_ I _. ,_.. I!. biY -1.1-- ."- , I I" _ ,', ~ il ,) ,1+"" I, , '-',7.. I '\],4 ,'; I H, ')';, II TOTi\LS _ NO OF [MPLOY EES ( F1 ;- -+-~+~ ".~-t~- ~~~t--:---~l-n ~ --I I L __._1...___..______,...__ ._ _..J.. .______..___._.___ ._,..__.., ,--- -------..--- --_....------ E F"-roce:.-=,. ~,ec~ , i , I 1 I I I , I I I I I I -----1- - ---~.I 0 R-;---~ ~~.~_:,------ ----.--1 ~-'''------i--' ------.-.-.-r-n - --'----i I 1978 I 1979 i'leU, -.-------.-j-----.-------. _.l-__________ .______.__.1.._____ _, I I ! '11,UiJu I JL!,480 ,~ ,,0 J ' I I ~. " - I I I J,IJYJ I ! , ClJ1c:l (::IlS i e:-'E::.. tll~- T~I,.lr-'C~1,:)3e c.T tJ j~) ~ I:.::" ( :- '1'u keep depill'"ltment:; suppl1."~'~l In all effi.ciE'nt ~ tiJ\~elv cJ.n~j 'J!-~(')IY~'!i':'.l ""'-i.J_ rflC.L ir:t'~Y'. 'fIo J_mplDVe the effEctivenr:~ss nf the: l~i-tv I:; f I[ rr-'cnc~c~-;"2.i 1Q ~)P' ,;(~(;::.-::; an,_, --)rc::e(~tiY"CS. 'Ie, redu<cE' on--rhe-jct. injuries. Te operate d central offiu' sup]:ly f-'r t:ltc ':'i t,:\-'. To lnsure An efficient i nventory" ~ontrul s~.7,=.;tern fny) IJ;.t=; ~i +'~1. To develop and rronitor an ecoi~omi(fJ.l and nOJ11.1)I.E:~11t_;nf;i_\/{-l l~-l~Jurlc)Il''-':; --.r-n~~:1 L.J1~ 10Y' to.',.~ 1':_Lf\ . To proccs 3, evaluate and proserll bid f: r-Cf\()'3 j.J 0 ~ To continiouslv check and evahlatl." ~30ur('e nf- uPi' rroductc and at the LOWE'S t C~'''T to the ::i tv. INDICATORS OF PER FORM AN CL_____ _,__ - DESCRIPTION OF WORK - f--- Pur'chase Peouisi tlons Frc'c2sL~ccl Pur'chase Orders Processed ) .:"(' "",";.....J Nc.', ()f Bids f, Quotes Prepa.red - ITo. of Insuy'ance Policies No. of Claims Processed t'. L' l,j J - C:_.Jt:I':::J _l~lX EX[)E-'-11::.,-:~o r:api.-ta_l 0lJ.tlays ,..---- - ---------AN!\ILJA ~ i 1----------------- I', - ". L_ DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES BUD (, r'T------:"----- __'__n_________.. __-'1,_,,-, ,J C. -- --.. ---- -..- ------,--------,----- ---- - I I I I I I I I I I I I , I i I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I i TOl ~-~~-------- ---T~-~~;~-;J~~~,--~J~----~-;~~r~-----:-:-u, ~ I t '~~'Mf~;: b me Fureh' 'n':-c;::;~~H;,;; ,-; :~:,-:-,~ ~,_,L, - , "~I, a2,~J;~tdIl('f~ tl-! tltC- ~:'llC('hc_ir,Lng 1,1\.J C', T-: ::L-=t:;l-i!\~-: l__.-'-'t-'~3_! ');-'l.:::- /l'::",) :;vllLcr:L0ClY',j alt(:l'na;!'~; ar:.d ~l"""-l_Cll:i.~_;:- J',/L1.:",I(~ Je'rj-f- I'-~I FUND DEPARl M OJ - GENERAL ADM I --- - POSITIONS CURRENT!OEPART. FIN At S ~~Gf~REQUEST ~UTH, 1 I 1 1 I'llrC' C . 5 1 1 PllY'l " U I 0 0 ]V , 12LL I_ I I , I I , I I I I I ! I , I I I I r--r- ~L !! ENT NC,3TPATlV1 I "1 . TO 'T l-~lD~IS!~'~-rT< I'-~H~~~------- 1:~O~iijT 'u -- .._u__; ; ) ,;-\ \. L ~r ,..) . I, 1-\, J .\1 ---1 L..J.. II , I CLASS~~gATION H-T~~~~[cl-::'NA' J'~~-:- AL FTnD:I~~-P:-:;(\V[;'! ALARY RANGE NO I BUf'GEl J Bl'L)GEl EsrIMAT( ,H:ECOMMUlO IUTY CuUNvd 1916 1979 5179 I 1')80 I '.;Iil 0 ----i-------- ------- --- -- tu- --- -l I ' , .is .' I :L ; ,D ". l! ! ~ ,! 'I) !!~,;;' r I ;; ( 'J 1 I I,) _ Ij , I ':{ 1 ~~,' ') I L I -i I j ~ \ 1 i, - ! . - 1-' , I I':! - G - ! - I -"- i : I I I I I haf3 i~ng Agen t ~ r ., f_ i' !1' , 'I nar.; ],nz Clny>J '1 ! l=lerk/J'vlt-:sfJ 'n?!f.'l' i- Ii , II II 'I " i! " ii ; :1 ! " I: i: I ,; " " , I' ~ i " " " , I. !I I I I I I I \ L---------.-----CIT\f >_. I ij " " , ,- , Ii I, ,- Ii j ~ (\"': \SliU[~, T R i ,~\ ":.;:" -- -- ___n_________ ---- ----- , .... r nil A , I...; \.).... n ----------- --------- ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND 01 - GENERAL DEPARTMENT DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PURCHASING OBJECT I CODE I ! REVISED BUDGET FIN A L ESTIMATE ORIGINAL BUOGET 1979 CITY ADM'''' RECOMMEND 1980 EXPENSE ITEM 1978 1919 PERSONAL SERVICES (01-116-00-00-600) 602 Salaries I; Wages 15,848 18,175 19,080 27,732 603 Longevity Pay -0- 140 147 218 610 Overtime I; Premium Pay 100 -0- -0- -0- 619 Fee Personnel 900 -0- -0- -0- 620 F.I.C.A. -0- 1,300 1,170 1,748 621 Workmen's Compensation -0- 500 500 35 622 Health I; Life Insurance -0- 1,000 1,050 1,583 623 Unemployment Insurance -0- 207 207 280 630 CCOERA - Retirement Expense -0- 750 788 1,140 11ATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-116-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing I; Postage 350 5,350 5,350 7,500 660 Operating Supplies, Small Tools I; Minor Equipment 100 100 300 150 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W A ,"01'11>04 ). IIl[V 111' PAGE '+9 II 1\ ACCOUNT 116 A P?ROV( 0 CITY COUNCIL ISAC 2S ,80U i i i! 20', -0- 7'" I! - 0-. 1,62h Ii Ii 32 ii Ii 1,57 , 281! i"i ! 1,061 .,... I: ;: , Ii 7 ,5ill' [' 1~ ., I' I' I' " I ,I " 'I Ii i\ ; . ., ..J 0' ---_.~ FUND Ul O~JECT enOl --.' - uu..___________. _,._,u_.'__. -. Al\1 N U r.. I n UIIDG r::-r .__._-:-=---u__.~-=.:.._=_=::::.:_=_~___ .__.____.__._~_._u_u______ ---~---. . l'\l 4'-\. ,",," w. l._ . - .---- SUMMAHV OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I~ l:NER=-L;~~~~~Ns~rR~~'I'J-; ~. :'~;~~f~ :) ~101VI~;~-~~'~HAS 11~~~-----~'-lAC~~~jr;1--- - EX~CNSE ITEM -~"~~~r-=-~8E;~';;T~~r-=~';,;g:~;- - !--E~-~~~;H~I--~~~:~~~~~- li~t:;fR(~~~~ - ,eu --~--.--rl "'~~__'~::__.-L___ '9H)-I_.__~~O _H__'+_-':"::'~____: i/THEE SERV! CIS .\tW (~HPlh_:Lc' I Ii! I! ! (01-116-00-00-700) I i Curl -ct-=: Y'e nc e F t'k't:, l iI IF~ E .,.'Tlt:' L c. I I I -'II II II 711 h "7 ,J. l.~ c, )(' IJ I I I I II . 7 I~ I i 7 Lt 0 7 r, q 1'3 q 1111 \ 11_; L ~) _ 1-llL~ 3 "I BOI-:"'],,-s I ~IUt SL rir, ti ~tIl~-; I I '-, }'ljb:l ~1.I.-:c~_t_,-- [I'-;! I i , , , I i ! 'I 1 r~ Ii ,L i1 , , I , ' 1 Le",al Nntice~~ ._. ' I __ _r!_ " __1,_ -:: - , " Trdi:Ling E ~dlJ?ty ) I~ "l i1j:ii I , - r ~ ~ I AUI_c Mi 1 edg t~ P ,::" 1 r-ll,u 1) ,j r-~nlC Jl r , :),1 ',I) Tp leph -)ne rXlrt-'n~>-~ L~)ng T!isi:anct:~ , , , , 'j [1 I ;thf-'I' [("~ uiIITn~nt Maint eiteLie'\:-' llJ;1 ,', ! 1:1 II f1l::::;0. r:;el'vici?=-j ChCiy'g-e ~ j I~i; i :,r-; -, ll- , , ' I "APITAL nUTLAY '-~ ( 01-116 - 0 [1- n I i -~ II r: ) I I I 80~ ,Iffice Equlpment , , - (-' ~ i iJ -[1- j - ,- .-0- 6 ') Le:,s Charges t,~-, (ipe.r<1"tiTlg , :-; I l1ept s . fur (-;e.nera l ~ot0.t'f._S Purd1ases ( !1 :i n) , .. ~-I n 'J ) c , U i) li " ) I \ '1!I'1 , I I I I I I I I , , I' I I! I I ' ! T; iT!:\LS , ' ':: ~ , ,I, "- rill , ,J, -, 1f 1\ I! Ii Ii lJ I, '---::==--===--= CITY OF WHFAf !i,OGE IN III ,.01'1"")' 1'11.'.\1 ~,n E - 0 'E PAGf.,l ,--- C I T Y OF WH A 1 RIG _ ==--===-=-_____-==;. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION - ~960 BUDGET r lEPT DI\lN I ----_.~ I I ['ERSONNEL ---1 1978 -~-I97-9---rIS79--'T-'-19flO-'-:---1-9-80 I STATEMENT OF PURPOSE __~~~~~__L ~::~I~;L_J_6E::;~~~~l ~~,~~~:~~.L~;~RO~ED i ere) 'rOVlcJ(~ a cO!11yrt~hcn' "J'" YHL,cr\rm"'l ........./' T nl 2nd I"'Y"()~_.,,'J~I_ LaCe'-] ()~ mr,....-,.;-!.- T-'I'l'nC'-~',-11 -I i ;,., ~eet' tr~e C~~Jl;~! ,'~~ ~~,,\",,' ,~f ,'f~i~'J:!:n',~ ,~"': l>r;me~t~~~"i ,..p,';~a;i(,: :~~ ';~,0 c t: i.;p~;'6" '. -., II -<:he Mun-i ci pal Buil.jing ()'mm~_ln_.LC'a t. Le,n F )j-l!-. i ~, Ij ~ II II , I I I I ! , , ADMINISTRATIVE SI:l:zvrCES BUDGET HISTORY ;, T JOT E},~ E NT _9_L 0 B ,I E CTJ~L.s.. , . 'f.'t) lTk3.:i,ni:aw an 0qui tab 1.1~ YJ31: loon ~ ~-:l J :.J . i.. -'?ct.iO~l ~--; c.r. ''LL~ L lire T:J ITkl.intain an c'qu~ i:a.bJ e cor-,pe" oa-::' ;,.l '-~ P\=~ ~ur(~ full I'()mpl ian'-"2 of ;j_l1 c( Y'1tp--=,t"' l+_ 1 ./c' (:' ~:.:.Jmi;iF"1 tion~ ~'.7l~~L n~ and State L?gc11 gvid21ine~;" Pp-JvidC' for equal trC:.dtrncnt: ot 03..11 ;-'~:J-~-,.,_,-:::; ,.~~~c, r'~.xiLl':-::. ~ J1.-rr'~)V~"i' rln(~ jiJc-.hi.viT~v and rtDrale ~ '_ ~,"I i -:. <ie ~ r_~ F'. ~t:::' r~'ll , ,-. :+. ~-j:~~rea )i-:~ )r1( _ i ~ - i I INDICATORS OF~.~RFORM~!':!~f________.~_________ '-r-' ,---"u-';o~~--~;:;;-:;:S----"--'~-'--1 DESCRiPTIOt~ OF WORK I..-.-~.--,.--.~---.T.--....- --1---.---.-----.-..-.1 1978 i l~n3 . 1980 ' ---_....-----_.._._.~_._..__._-+.... ..~--,_.....--+-_.. .._-----+--_._._---.._~ !' I l j 1 CERSOt-ITJ=:L Posi tions' recruited f.x' )\;u. of a,ppointments No. of' applicatlons plucessed No. of test~ diiTTd."-TlL~~tc-rt.:'J No. of teste; pven i :' _.:JOD Total N"o. of Personnf:l Action~ I l.,LJJO Uo" of Ccmmissions I ~etin?~:? I CO~1lWICATIONS I No. of calls received V'o,ilCJCJ No. cf calls transfer1J':"'~d 133,750 __ IlIai "-In~.eJirJ.g..(1i pert-i on ________._-=-___ ",' .illill.--- ,':(No cal'.c' TPansferreJ by PBX this sY3cem) i RESOURCES REQUIRED I -OE.SCRIPTIO;----J";:;'CO 1- o~'""';:-I ,:;:~k" r "O;O$E'T^'''~'''-o I ---------- 1978 '97~~-19.01-t_-!~-80 _.._.L~B2- --I I, Ie,.,., ,'," 'I 4~,191 ",',,'3'1'2 :', . "" I ! \ ::::::~o::-::,eclO ~ :~U '0 ~;:' I ::~ 5 i C,:::: >J 11 ~ ___~:c____ 1~_,:J'-lce~~J~'s--~- e',H l=--I \ NO, OF E'APLOYEfS (Fi,) ~~_~_._,_.l___~_._l.._.~~______L__'S lei \ ---, \.. ------ ____ _ ______" ____~".___.____________--~----..J L_._______.___.. ':)('1 'fO qU c!.,: ltG Qr, r=.r- ,JU , .- C ' I 7'0 " ,UOC 8:) j ,DUO ,0,00 18 1 . ~,! ,-I L~ lJ0 tr_'. 'jSq 0 N,) ca_LJ.3~'~ I I }1::::: II. ?c, (I, ,,, I I ~'=---j I '") (''""\'1 ~' , ,) ,_)I~ i 1 F\ 'r~~/]I'r}l SC":::>Y"\.. l ("'(-:5 2~ , ;~IJ4 I, J -1 '-", '-t ,j ... ' ,t... I~ 1.1 ~ \ BUDGE-r-------- -- ___.n_.n....____ \, "J ___.__ ______u_ _,.___ ___ __u_____'U , I I, II I I: DEPAR1MENT --- DiVSiSIONp-~R0,ON'11"-L --"--rACG10-~;T -. -.,-----1!. ADHINISTRATIVE: SERVltL . tH c) l'L - " ' II 1 REVISED OR'GINAl, fiN .:- F~-:D",-:T,~::~~~[-~-1' BUDGEI OUDGE-T I ESTIMATEtECOM"'[kjo!r 1'( COUNC,L!, I 1978 '979! 1'319 IgBO L 1~80 I -~---r-'"--- -----..--.[-.--------' -- -.----~-- _ ----- -- ; l '\ 1.t'-, ) 1-,1 -:, ~~";.), I ..{ [ 1- 1'"1 lj. -' (j-I' 1" ,"< ; l [: h II, !; , J _/ ..1', I ,I. "l,,1 J U, J I j ), u "-- -, I : P) I '+, C ~, :J 'f , '., 8 8' '+,'; 1 2 S , II 2'" r, li ')" II I I ',I, :::'ecII,ot-ary lb) I 1,/:',1 7,8('01 C"j9:','",RCdJ ,;chi, SWU"hb,W',lllP""aT""C5118.,18Ili.n",! ".7"[ ""'! ";",1' : ' Ii! I I I ! I i I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I , I I i i I ________1 I I ' I l'------u-+\------r-----L- _u_u -I -----11 ! __J~~_,_~..:~..l~~,_~_,~J~_:__~~~___I::_~_, =1 u____J' I ' ____m --- -u--.,---------AI\lNU f\' I r----'-------------------------'----- '41 /-... l_ , ' II I DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES -- FUND :J 1 - GENERAL POSITIONS ~R"ENT DEPART, FI N AL 1 eU:GE~ __"!~~E~~]-TH -- lL,) 0.5 O.~, CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE NO, PF;r~) onne 1 '-,fficEr ScnieJI1 Secrelary J 1 1 1 1 1 i - - I , , I I I I ~ I ~ , COW.IUHS, , , 51 ,_ j . 0, I TOT A L S ____L___ u ___J____________u__________ Hid ne\,-J lIJ_vi:";i(~,n cl'f:~att:\l for ~'(Ir-:J f CUllt2'" ShOVJIl U!ld.er AimiDLstt'1;=ltion. hr.J Ch(Ll?"~> LIl .3hared 'vJ l Ul Admi.rl1~tra'l.'le' DlV_l.cc;ic)ll. ," "Jfl'C'ill\ ;-::; tal f" . II \ !L L_~____. .----:-=--=-..::===CITy OF WHEAT RIDGE :' t Il]~r, )se;-~ ~ F=-,,.....';n~'_ ---' :=:,-:::,nJr~l) ;CLt-'l~lr" }.-"()~~'i-'l-""!~ , I II ,I -,_."---_._~_._-_._.__.._.__._'-' PAGE 53 -.---.----- - - -- ~---'-'~ SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT ~DIVISION ~NT 01 - GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PERSONNEL 117 REV'SED FINA L t,P?ROvEO OBJECT ORIGINAL EST I MATE CJTY AD'4:N :ITY COUNCIL EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET BUDGET RECDMNEND CODE 1978 1979 1919 1990 l!:l ec PERSONAL SERVICES (01-117-00-00-600) 602 Salary & Wages 35,224 34,476 36,200 41,680 38,610 603 Longevity -0- -0- -0- 109 10] 619 Fee Personnel - City Wide Clerical 1,170 3,200 3,200 5,200 5,200 620 F.I.C.A. -0- 1,975 2,220 2,613 2,416 621 Workmen's Compensation -0- 750 750 51 48 622 Health & Life Insurance -0- 1,500 1,600 3,144 2,897 623 Unemployment Insurance -0- 321 321 I 490 490 630 CCOERA - Retirement Expense -0- 900 900 1,705 1,226 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES (01-117-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing 1; Postage 7,800 8,700 10,500 11,000 11,000 660 Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Minor Equipment 100 100 75 100 100 L-_ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET I, , ' \i , '- i- '- " I' i! ; 1,- \: it I I' ,- i , 1 I_ I II W" ,.O,uA).. !",II ani -fi , I j -I I 1 FUND -I 01 - O,JJECT I I -< I corE I l , 702 l 7lJ5 l '7 c,~ 1+ II 7':'., I 728 II 7l, (J 1 750 11 758 'I , I 753 11 I 775 11 79q , 1 1 8 [J c, 11 I T i TI '-------- ANNI1Alli-' U1DGET --,------'-- -------... , . ~---_.~.._- , .,~ PA " '-' SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ! REV! SED I BUDGET i-1978 I -, . I t, x:~ (' Jl ,- <=1 - , ,~ I ) lJ" I 100 ' I , ! GENERAl ~TMENT AlJMINISTRAT:. \Is EXPENSE ITEM OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGEJ (01-117-00-00-700) Conference Ct'lL Other f, t1er.tint Dues, Books g ~Ub3(:rlfJ~ionG Prf-~-Employrnen t I1hys leal.s ReCI'uitment f: Advert j,:C' in,; Training f, Safety Supervlsory Training Peps()nne 1 Seminars Auto Mil fe'age FtC i rnbul '_ uncnt Professlonal f; Fees Cun.s ul T j ~-lL Rentala f, Ledses Telephone Exp~n~e Long Distance lJther Equipment t:Jal_L l.enanC(=, Mi~c. Servicps ~ Charges CAPITAl ,lIITLAYc, ( 0 1- ]15 ,r 0 11- 0 0 -- 8 LI 0 ) Ilifice l~'luipment IBM Selectri ,; TOTAL;:" _____ -..-----1 I l'ACC.OUNT . 117 I FINAL I ~PPRO\JlL ORIGINAL I - - C1IY A!/':I-:-.~ _~ - - ~_.- BUDGf.T I E"lTP.,.lArE I RECQ,'AMEND \~ ,'( eu)'" H 1')7!) r97~; I 1980 L "~8C -----1---1------1 ---------11 , I I: I I" I 1 Ii I, 30 L1 I I I ('r1 VII'r ~ IDIVp~Sr:'i~NSO,J}TF' L:IL.I.l\ vl..J'-~)' JJ\. 1 .1J-'-.lL '--- =alJ 3 r', , I I '7 i " J (1 'I 0 ~~ (1 n 'I : q (1 n , !i i U ) ? ~ Ij U Lt 5 " Ci 0 C) , , (I , " " , , r' r l~ i,; 0 0 J " C n n (1 (1 , , , , I U " !) , 'I I I' " i I] ,-' -- I " " J j Il li -, r n r. !; " I I r n C' r " C) , , ) , 'J C . , ::J I, ! .I I " !+ U li " f) II r, U 0 , t,' , L , , !' I, , j Ci , '/ c' J ;; n _L , ..1. ,..) " 'J , '-, r_1 G , IJ -' " i I " [) 1 c ;; .' ,~.' 1 , , n -l.' - -li_- _ i I~_ CiS G '/ 1 ~ ~ tj >- 7") , . )-: '- ~ I 1.- 8 r ,J 1 '7 ) ')., ,. I I , I CITY OF WHEAT RHJGE I ~__,_.._.__.______~___..._'__.____ L__ ----.'-- 'i'/I'I; '011I"-').. 'U.\I t,1'$ I I ! ! I ~ ' 'j , , " , , '1; :: !ll l, r II i I --'., ), L ( j I ,U Ii I " , I , , I , , -I , ') ,: I: " I, I' I' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PHv.... _ll PROGRAM DESCRIPTION-cI980 BUDGET DEPT DIVN ADMINISTRATIVi SEPVICES BUILDING MAI?n'ENANCE BUDGET HISTORY STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 1978 REVISED ~:2 300 T _._~ 1979 1979 I 1980 1980 OR!G!NAL ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED In 309 42,200 54,lJ41 ~'),r;7~ To maintain the Municipal Building S LructL;re and p-cpipmE:yn: In a "C~'ciTe r)f gor,d y'C, v:lir , to provide a cust::ldial serVlce throq:r)l '.]hich Ci ty' s buildingirTrccrion; i'irE' I'C pt cleaT' and to mintdin the Municipal Swimninp- f'ool' ,', lCtEc'dlar0J:nl equipment in a statc' of f'P'",'] ')verating order. _STATEMENT OF 08JECTIVES_ 1. 3. To perform s/steTIliit":lJ:' prevent'ive !naintenance 011 tJle ;:,v7irruniTl[ ~)oc i inecharl':.r:\:l.L and on the Hunic~pa1 Bund.ing. To pl"Operly balance M1.U1icipal PuiLiing triAl to COiY'PJv Cjuirerrents In public buiJ.ding. To pr0vide clt:'aninp: serVlce to 40,000 CapkfrGx.inn.tc J}") squri1~ feet c, (' o~ fice , and indoor recreation space, Tn perform 90% of a1.l reT.JQ1.I'S and routine rra::.rte.:kl.nc.:c-; \,vit'fliIi .:..'4 huu.rs. .,r';-t..(,rn.:.=> - Municlpa1 bui.1jiIlg opel"ational daITs 190 '-..Jr( ,)0,) I I I ! I I ~~-11 ---~~80 --ll ! O,OC',J II I i I ~hcr) r, L. cvith Federul Temrer'dTl.E'e 1'<- If. INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTION OF ---------T-c--~~-RK UNITS WORK r-------T-------- ------'---t--~~-~~- --J- 1979 I 40,000 40,000 I I , - Square feet of buildi ngs c leanE;;: 'JtJ i:i SwilTlll'ing pool opeFitiona1 days .-:j- -0- :-1J -~~~ -F\~OPOSE'D-r--;;f;RO-::.-[D -I 1980 I 191'0 ! -----c--f-c----- -- -'--j I I I I I . 15,'JC'J jf,,' ,y, 1\ -'-J-, - ;_, II J DC I ~:C[j -' I ' ,S ) , I I I , I ! I \ I il_ ,3),300 J 41,309 u~,20D 54,041 52,07R L~--i~ -,----~I ~_.~__1_~~~~~~~=~~~~_~_~~___~_~=_ 2 ,~~-l-- ::'~=,____U I I I I _______~__________J - RESOURCES REQUIR.f:D--_pt:VISEDI . ---'--~INA-L--l- ~-- DESCRIPTION "1-::"" --t-:",~'~,"-L "'i:;'~+ Personal Se:::-vL.x;s 1.,_7,:)- :O""<~"(':' \' 2..~,.',:,_:_:G!_, I .~l):,:',,':~_J'Ll:J I O~:eraL'inG j-~>""Pensc::s ' ,'~ _ _' _ ~_I ...I j ._ ~7~141 ?~'l:L" CaDltal Outlays 1 ,000 TOTALS LO OF EMPLOYEES (FT.) ANNUfj L BUDGET' ,t, '. - ----- ----.- .- .~---- -.-"...-,-.. -..---'- .'"\ J ____.___.____________________ u.. r DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES ,~; SL~~';:"i~l~~~NC "A 1 ~~'f~fC'~;;~-,~-=J ATlON ~'S[DIDRI","" I f'NAL IC'TY 'D""~. I HPROV[D ! ~IGE NO I ~~~r;F.:l BUDGET ESTlMA1E iFH:Cc.tr,!IoIiE~iO , (".lTY COUI,::':Ll J 1978 1919 1979: 1~60 j9~O! --- - ----_.- --~---- ------ ---------;------...-. ---..-.--<-------------j e 'c;" r ~./ c ,- p I I ., I : I '- 1. '-- L '. L , - I I. - Ii, I Cl")) 7,00:1 I L_;",c101o,+,11.' 1C,'140 i,:"f,rilll JCC'" "m (',) - ,,-- i ' '-'I ",,,,, I' '1, 11'" ! J , ,1"1 i , I ! ' , I I I , I , I I ! i , , \ , I I i i I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I -__--1_____..__,+_______________..____.__ ---- -- -..----------- I ,r!. inLI ,..- S I . :'i . 1 i L. ,_, ", , AL_ I L ' I COMM-E~~S-.J------'...l----h-- .----- ------------ I . I l'J() C'lll:LTl3 ~ In c~ t.dt f ~ II 1 II Il-------------- --------- -------'....IT Y (')F' WHL7AT p, f'.('E' ---,----- ---- ------.. - I . ___..__ ,__'\J "" 1:.." I" ~ 1..1 '-, --..--------,------------ FUND DEPi';RTMENT--- o -L -- l~ENER1\L ADHIN I =:TR/I" f-- -- POSITlmJS CLASSIFIC AND CURRENTIDEPART. FI N AL SALARY RA ~5'-~2..rE QU~:r. AUTH. 1 1 1 Maintp;t,.lnc, I I L.S L j 1 "I DU11(~";Jlr: (~ , I , I I I I I I I I II II II Ii II , I - _I i , , j: , ~ I ;\ I i ! i I i I I I I --- +11---------'--- f, --~\: !, ! j __~_1_ _ __ ______, ____._ "__..__. i " " ,I I I I ! , , ! ____1_- , <; I ~ _ Ii I, ~ : , ..J I ~) I ,I j I __1..._._.._.._ I , ----I ~ ~ I ~ 1 I" , I " \\ II I' Ii j: i: , " I: Ii \' -- i ..~. -- .---..-----.! -- ---- ~ ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I DIVISION ACCOUNT J I ATIVE SERVICES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 118 , REVISED F'N A L APPROvE 0 BUDGET ORIGINAL ESTIMATE CllY ADMIN CI T Y C OUN C IL BUD GET RECOMMEND '978 '979 1979 .980 J 980 7,000 13,400 20,000 30,500 28,728 Pay -0- -0- -0- 500 500 I i -0- 1,200 1,200 1,907 1,811+ I , lon -0- 450 400 623 592 I I -0- 1,070 1,500 2,016 2,010 ance I nce -0- 199 100 350 350 , -0- 450 400 1,245 1,181+ I I ! IES Small I I ipment 3,100 6,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 I I I , CHARGES I I , s 14,200 13,500 8,000 7,400 7,400 e 6,500 3,000 4,000 3,000 3,000 arges 500 500 500 500 5uO I i i, 1,000 1,500 1,100 -0- -0- ! nt I I , I i 32,300 41,309 42,200 54,041 52,078 DGE ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 57 SUMM r FUND 01 - GENERAL DEPARTMENT ADMINISTR OOJECT COOE EXPENSE ITEM 602 Salaries G Wages , 1- , , I I- I I I I- I i I , PERSONAL SERVICES (01-118-00-00-600) 610 Overtime & Premium 620 F.I.C.A. 621 Workmen's Compensat 622 Health & Life Insur 623 Unemployment Insura 630 CCOERA MATERIALS AND SUPPL (01-118-00-00-650) 660 Operating Supplies, Tools and Minor Equ OTHER SERVICES AND (01-118-00-00-700) 704 Contractual Service 774 F3cility Maintenanc 799 Hisc. Services G Ch CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-118-00-00-800) 809 Other Major Equipme TOTALS I' I i i ! CITY OF WHEAT RI ;, J: \6/ . ..ONM] t. ,,~'" 2/1' r-- ..... P;\t,r. ____ CITY OF WHEAT RIOGi:..=--=--____________ I ;;OGIlAM DESCRIPTION -1980 BUDGET I i ---1 : OEf'T Cmll"IUNI'IY DEVELOPl1Ll'.iT BUDGET HISTORY DIVN ADI'1nnSTRP.TI ~T -.----... _._- 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 REVISED ORIGINAL E:STIMATE PROPOSED APPR OVED 42.2)9 ~ll.!L I ,~711 ~'ill...,?[I? 4;""1 F,': S STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 'L'1e Director is resDons~ble for the E.ffiLi,:::;~t CiC1Tci:11str.:ltion and ,')\1f?}:",al1 dire; T~_'.)n 0+ ~ht="J I I "omml'~l'tv T\nfeJoD~]..t T"c'nar,+r",o:.:>-r-t- "I'PTf7'r"">7,r 1~('t\~Lr "jr- -< -;]-, ~'n'lT''''''''''''''''' "l -.(T 'P'-",".> ()+. P1~"""'lD' '1'1' 1"T-if'.,\r .' ,. .L' .' =, .: ,,~_ ,. LX_, ,d'.HL 0 C" LL..,'.. ',[\ '.' , ",.l '" .L'''l,v'f .Hi .,'. ,-..,. L " ~, -- ,,,.~~., J I RID;E are closelY,'l ir~ed to the cni1st,nd, "'~,'.iFI.'.] ani] tlT' (13Tir,\~ )f t:.l"il; nJl'1PRE:l.IE1JSIV}, IEVEL\)~'r' i HElJ? PIPJI. This rlan is the k~y ::- _\11c'v~ f!uirJe j~Cl' ,~lJ i.dIlG use casps ~~u(.n d~ Z.ii-:'lnF" II B1lll(1-Ln::rC' 1 lY""\deY' roo nC'T-Y"U'---'-, ; ,r'll .:-=1-''''0 l' "l'~~)e;-f",~" -It' ( -; ~~'-';uY.:' ~'l' -to; ?el) C:.^ ;:;:'rrv ! f),rl,fc.-_ r.". J' r'.ly\..;::.yrn, '--?', '-! I ~ , L" --U1 -~ ~ '-' '--.~ '--- .--'--' ,,_.I.. ~ ,:;If-.-- __ . .'- ~.~.'-) __'- _' ~~ _ '__. -.J~-1J .-c..L1,. _'_' _ J_l ~ _~ 'Il-... _ STATEt,.\.f.NT _OF__OB,JECTIVf:S r,ffl<;ers' il~'f,' ,ivcirvc:cJ \-lit:, rrain: 3.ini'l,~ r:l'c' T:;;;JITI,.;].T]'"!I:]\,:~ : ' ,L/IIL'lr/! elf the City _::ind e.\lfC'r(i.~.r-.;;: the i : +:.'/ r:cl\l:: tr IT'd L!:t":_Ln r,ea1 ::1;J.1 ! IfF~6.,L'I:iY en] l' I ~ i'Yl:~ " I 1. Completr:; The updatiil.2 of th,~ T~ld lOI""\ ~.::ern (~l" rL'1',-J. ~:)ecir-::U 3r~~:L; '_If t~ ;(~ ,-:o!npr(:::J h::l L.r-~ -L Vi:. 1 D2V(=lo~-n-ilellt rlan arid reDrilrt fhe bC1UK 30 -:'-ha-[' J.t i'-J rrore eft.::. .::_.:..er~i_ feJr _it.!.. _'.n I 1 + ib t" . , . i I ~r 11 _.l_on ,=Jnu use. I i 2. (~'(:mpli-~TI__ th,-., reviS-2.JJIl of the Zonj:-J.g (':l'Ci...r'HU"[,,"":C and ~ .JJci.-~\,-i~-;jJ)rl Ee\_T;.J L::t ion::) . ; 1. Trl to increa:3e clti~:t?n [.ride "~O r:_.:.,_h_h''''~~ !. j\-::-' ll.el~i_: f,yr L;:y12 ~~:lt'.-'r~_e:-n,-lLt_" I ! Ii. Tt"'/ tu lmprnve the r'ecor-1 of ''.:nllY't c>'Jn\,rict"iclilF Jf (>Jde v~i()lr3~('Y)'__ :;f) TevJf-~C are \,v.illirl-T II to continuaJl\ viclate the -,,(,"-1.(:,3. I S. Investip/lte feasibilil"T of llsinr i-he C0mDU~~F:r' t:) TI1rl.}<,e .:1 :.>iiij-JJP 1-1l,_ fl'I"' ea,ch O\tJTll'Yl INDICATORS' OF PERFORMANCE dddr~ss (.Lan:l De'l-:s(1) ::o;lt..,~irsw ,'l.Li'lclIll1in;;., 12uild:i:l.c1. JJlei] (v"dp ~:n"]fr ('l"-'ern,::w,,-l- 3.1'"(..."""; rf "\ T S 1 .~" ~'...,- '...." L c . .L' c. ',OW 0 R K UN I . , DESCRIPTION OF WORK r.~--]----- -. T-- .. ..1 ______+ 1978 . :979 ._.._1__.-'.geo _~ I vlhe,it _Rldge Public Bc:jies Served:),! D~pClrtm2Et (l'J.c;o I l1i::E':'IlJ". If, c;'r,FF ("&<iTACJ I i fTlE;JTlbcrs of three DRCOG Comni ~teesJ:"'------'--' ------r-- ---1--- ! I ..L, ~ity 00UTIC L1, _ :'<1 ,,-,"1 511 II r'J.3.llm.J1[Y Com!nlSSlCJ:1 j,: II ~Cl :;n i I 3" BO:ird of AcllustJTlent ,1~ F' 1" i 4. BuDdin9' '::ode i'\dvLe,"y BOilIY] I' 0 '+ If I I [ 'j . no '(' ' 1+ c' 0., 1:" I 1 II ,,). 1" aS3 1 ~\ll'l.Sl t ~/omrru. ,-:e '",() 1 \...,O:ln~l_L _ I - .'- L I fj 0 ComnUJll.ty ImPIDv'2l'I1f'IlL '~o]muttee o.f Council ,;, 1U i 7. \-'itv-Ch(:lmber Committee of Cou!lciJ I 7 10 .Ln,' 8. l,llth Avenue '::Omm:Lttee of C')lIDci1 ,'I -~J- -Cl- I 'J. Ci -+:y Iclenti tv rommi rtec, (,f Cc,<m~il I Co -'1_, Total Meetings ('I' '::on t oci:-; ! L:' ;;-.--- lJ"7-- J '4"' , --- .---.-----~...-.!..~?~.---- .- '9~9~ ___1~:'2__+-!2.8~.---1-~.9-- --i ! l->,n.-.,~~()r,:::J,l ~P""'i.T-i -.e I 'Iq ~'7, q 3L I,Ll ))f:.. r:.,(~l LfU 'reJ'! I ~" r'I,[ II L .~- ~ -\..; ..... _'~ ....... ~ '- , _' I I , I --' T , .J , '- v I I ~ <- I _ ' I I ' ! l '~,lji,r': I '-I,'iP" ~,['lr[ if .I! I: I '.leu I CDt, -CJ- -1- Ii \ ! I I ______ L' '." 2 ~--t~-' J~ l~_J_ :'~~=.'~-+'(] ':" -i:-~-- -1 i I" L I' "' ! I OF EMPLOYEES (FT,) l.S I i.." ",', '0) ." I _____._,__~=~__.. ~_.====__=_..::..~=_-=______=:::_=~___====_.J I - 1 l l l 1 1 1 \ iueT'3. i=~nrr ::")7'1(':n~:='C3 1:', 8~,'') C=tl1i taJ ()l.rt l(iV~ -n- 1\ Tbo TnTPl.J.= L__.___ ---"-----------A f' 'f,.l U A L ----- - \II... BUD GET =-~-=~---- r>!".....<7 l 1 ~- i I I I DETAIL OF SAU\RIES AND WAGES I [I , i, , " , " "'FUND ~ U1 - :;EIH~RAL i "'-- POSiTIONS , CURf-(ENT DE PAR T. FIN AL BUDGET R EQUEsr AUTH. I 1 1 1 I ] I , :1. S I n . 5 o . 5 , A-fmifNT-------- -------'lDIVISIoN-- - ------ ------ ---- I ~CC-OU~T---- - I ~ --=-Ol'HI1[rNI~~l'E~~_l~PljIS~: If . A.:I< rN I 51'~~P"TI\ 'N __ l_~~ __ __~. ___ J! CLAss~~gATI0N TR~VISEO IOR'GINAL I FINAL le'TY ADlo'IN 1 APPRuvED i SALARY RANGE NO ---J a~~~:~_____8UI~~~J_~_~_~:AT_ElIR~~;~~E~Dr~~":8D~"'Cl"\_, , i' I Jl.reCTOr ,_)f CO!luiiuni LV" I ! _ __I _, ! _ _ __ I )E:~vel()pmc~ni:: (" ;)j ., !),]I l~l rJ1jl-" ","~;nl ,,,,,'11)4111-.-'+ ,r)Ji,! ! I : ( ") I ',-""'! L;.',,! ,-,! Il, 7;' R I '" i+ _C'~! '" -; I, Ii I I ! I I ! I I I ( I . , I I , , oenlor Se c rt~ t (3-,~-1~ I II I' I I , I , I II j I I, , I I_ I I I i , , , i i , i i I I ! I I I I I I ------- -..--L ._J~._.jl______J_____ 1----- __~' TO TAL S I 'G,', '+ '"1 'J, J "1"! -' '; ,IJ I~ 0 I 'i', C (J I ,'r . " I i ________________________--1_________ _______,____~__ _____ ___L_____ ,____ ___L_ _________, i I I I, , - Il__ I . :, 1. ~, 1 ' COMMENTS, N) l_JL=iI~ge l.n. ~taff .-" ,'~-,"t!I_;-('../i. hdL~ tims tr-J i\..dmin.L3trd_t~Lr)n (li'l~. Ptanrl-LIlg Ccmn1~-;c;inn runl,~t ~_ 'It:-i. lL,. ~It':-~ll:lr r- n - ( . J"'-- -7' -11 '\' i', u -i -, I I' , ,> '-1 1 J i_ t1 U( t,- T! ~ J ~ 1 ! ~ -, - ,Ji_ n 1'1 'c-: L i1 \ ~---------------=--==CITY OF WrlEAT r~IDGE , I' I: Ii " ii ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND 01 - GENERAL DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECl CODE 601 602 603 605 610 619 620 621 622 623 630 651 660 EXPENSE ITEM PERSONAL SERVICES (01-120-00-00-600) Director of Community Development - Salary Staff Salaries & Wages Longevity Pay Merit Increases Overtime & Premium Pay Fee Personnel F.I.C.A. Workmen's Compensation Health & Life Insurance Unemployment Insurance CCOERA - Retirement Expense MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-120-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing G Postage Operating Supplies, Small Tools G Minor Equipment REVISED e UDGET '978 22,750 5,799 80 -0- -0- 750 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 2,750 100 DIVISION ADMINISTRATION ORIGINAL BUDGET 1979 21,600 4,500 -0- 3,372 1,000 -0- 1,400 600 1,180 252 850 980 50 W lIII 1"0""")' lIIIt:\r 3/15 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FIN A L ESTIMATE '979 22,680 4,728 -0- 3,000 1,050 -0- 1,680 1,239 252 893 900 ACCOUNT 120 C1TY A~'1'i RECOMMEND 1980 25,404 5,424 -0- 3,693 1,000 750 1,743 72 1,272 210 1,258 1,000 50 PAGE CO -, \ J I A PPRQVE 0 CITY COUNCIL 1980 38 24,6361 :;:'"1 -0- I 1,000 I I 750 I 1 ,7 It 31 I i 3'7 i 1,269\ 210 Ii Ii 1,236 ! 50 1,000;\ I I !, l:'" JU \- , i . PA(;P - ,..-.=. . ...:.~.._'------". ..--- AN N lJ AL B U DG ET ..---...-...--..---,---.--..--. 1'-- .-. -..------___._____u --.-..---....-.....-.-. --.-..------.. '_'n SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ------------, "'. I II I, il i' Ii ! I F~~~~~~=~=~ ~~~r~.__r~~:r~l~NI~,T~~TIO}] =r:~:~=~1 I 1 . REVI':)FDI I FINAL I t\f'PRQvEO _I O~6~~TI EXPENSE ITEM i BUO~~: i' ~~I;~~t~L . ESTiMATE ~~;o"A~~~. 1.le .IT< COUNC'l , I f---+ ---.. ---!l2..~___ --~!.:.. -_..!22.~-'T-~geC--J-1 -2'~__,!,! i I Ion::!> SEPJEES C, C!!AFI::;r:::: ~III' 7! ."n~f~~:I~:'~-~D::,:~~~:)E~~nse ~c,' l'liJ', J,F" !II 'i.,,,CI' I L. i , .".,..toF'A 8D:! I--:HL 3rl' I 'I I ,::m IFr~ 2 n IJ I I I , I ! 11J I ! I I ~ G:i I I ~I ~ ~ Ii :) IS., I ! 0 Il I I r I-C: I ,-, 1- I I -)- 1 I c;uO I I ~~ (I n j I i i I . Jil , i I I I Lt-L+,l] 1+ I i-l-J~..l~~;ii , , I I I -------.---------. "ITY or: WHEAT RIDGE L--=--_.____~__~____._____.__.__._,__ ..4. ~ f _. w'" rC"M l' 11I[1/ .l U ...., 7[1rl I :=8 1 7 L+ 1~1 1 75il , '..1 , '7 ,'1 , - "7 L~ T 77r~ I 790 , I 11 I: n r~ ,I n n 11 11 L 11,1~~:;., r:'l),~ ks ,:, ?,ub'3c:r'.l_T'"t Lcn::-; Cl\~aininf & :J(~fpT\r AU70 Nileal~e Reimbur':~em(~n't T'rr)fcs~~on,31 Consu] tinf-~ fr~~ " ~ , Tt~J PDh!~n~' E'{lY2n';e 1":-1[' 'lis ;:3Jl":P i ,Jj :-jO ! ;i~i ~ ies r-i,_jli t-=I RE:-:rJftlr t~ I"L j 1.rrt t~:; lc1.J lC>,:- ~-)the1.l L(}Ulpment Maint"-~nrU-lce r'li~c. Spr\,lCe2 F 1.-:;'Ir-=-ll'fTeS 'i\f'ITAL 01 rru'\yS (Cl-128-00-nO-R~n) I-Ij:'fl('(--' [\1Uirmen-t" -u.. 'jYl'jAL- q L '\ ~ 'IJ ,~:J IJ __ i 1_ '!o u ) ~ " I .~ , ~~ un '00 't ..' I I i I I I I I I I , t_!L':r.. ! " " " I: ,', ~, ,...: 1 : ('I -I "'-,n " I I 1 ~)u (-j S,IlUO _i 1__ u,rl :',00 ~- J ' -1_1- -I.i.- i i I i1 :i -n- i , 1 I, (i -I .- SLJ(] 57S , , , " r i; "i '\ r r'\ "-_ ; - ~ I I , L'D -fl_ 'I "1_'",,-':1:.2 " " II I' I' ,! I It 1 !, !\ " " ii ..CITY OF WHEJ.\T RIDGE ""hI.., ( D'VN' PU\N:UNG (; ZO'UNG -II I BUDGET ~ORY 1 i ~~~,~~~g ~~~7~,;lt~ E_~71:~A}E If p~~:;~~~ lA~;~~~k~~- I STATEMENT OF PURPOSE ..__ 100.,1-", _L-1),.~.~__ -:..:.:....L:..::.._ I' L~r.: Long -s.2..nge .:~ecti()n pr'ovidAS :researc'h, analYt;lS, (Jrl'~ rtj;ul(: :"n vc:ric;us }Jr\-)jec~,~ t...~ lrr'[~lpinent tne Compreh,:~~sivp D0vclopmi";)I'1t Plan., anri (1.S,;isl ):~ citLzer: llLJ.rtic..ipatl,)n I pl,;"1'1nlnr, acti vi ties in~~llJdi nt~ thE":: Ij1a;~~-; TL(ln;~pot' tat ion r(,"fU;l~ tte,~. C'hort Range ~ect-lon ' supports the l\ldJlning CGJ1lJIlisS10n dnd Board (;f AdjusLl!:t~nt ~~'1 p:r'u'Jidi~lg inf,:>rmation t~Oll processln~ 12~d usp cases. PRCGHAM DESCRIPTiON --19 80 BUDGET DE PT - COI1l'!LJNITY DEVELOPMENT i S TATEMpn OF OB,IECTIVES _ 1. I=,_)!, T inup +:h,-. rpVlp'w cU1d 11]),-1':1 te of th" lo.n::'jrclll' r.s 1 v' l center~., ,~umrne:rcial, Tr~duscci.:;l c:l:ild Jv:U~t;pL;::> Use. lJp.Ja,e Bike\-],iY Plan. "::.,t'VF::lnpm~-.Jn .; Rep.C'irlt thc-; ~.' 1 an r -,"")-' 1 rlP ilLi l( \1 !'lCll.' . :--.ld nd 1 r~' f-~ 1 Hrv,l i. SF' tliE-: Zunins nrC:lnancp ,~n...~ Sll~di \~is _L(,~'! :::;'pgllla i-ic)llf;i s t---.iJ1j., morc=> in lrn,.-~~ ,(!J i th [1-;(. Comrr)l?her~s i. ~Jf: Pl':~~l., CU~( 1 to 0f pr'Qce~~sinE :},\J1t1 I :~>~ ca,-;2;~" 3. _~~1 Prcjccts: AYlr?lYZf? lhe f?Clsibility c1 J 1at,'1 for Cnch IFGi'; l,arc.=] 1:1 the CiTY 1-1''\:C1, 1,0 JorJatc ti-;.e Existing l~incl Ur~p ~'ldT', )NDICATORS_ OF PERFORMANCE ___~________ 1 ~-() ;naJ.l:; them E-.'a.~ ler t.) ! ! 'Uf---'~'- l T I I I --r---- WO";U;;;;,------~ I, r-~9?;'--- 1197;-- ---~;PO ---: ---- j- 'p~14 - ------ ,'5-1:. .:-----"-,, -l I Re~onin~:::: Cases : -"- , r~0niri~ Discrepancy E: I'lap Cas{~s f ~':;ubdivisioll Cases . Iviiscellanpous Land Use l":r:ues TUTAL PiAUN"''' CO'~1[GSI0!1 UGfS ,,'.;, ~1 ,':; I T<1T.A,L 'j(J,\FD .OF ADJUS'I'I'IE1'!,]' Cl-ISES S, 4S 'L ! CA~C:E~~' P.LFE?,RED rF,G~'1 01JfSIDE .A(~ENCIES '~(~ Jo !~Ci FuildiTli'. (; Sign Permit Peview IJ ri' 230 ;'O'! Land Use Cases:> Eours CP.egula.r) .----------- ll~r~0ccl'- 'jS~S -~-5.%-:?rnn 38'~--~:7rl(--- ;3nni:lg DiscrepaTlcy Case, T!our~ y- 121HJ 1.'10" 2000 ,,~, Ltr~, R(~\-lriie ZoninG Ordinancp S ')1Jl)(livis_Llln I<Pg~;. ,l-\)'Jr'-, :9< E,r: 2'1 250 149, liL,}~ COmprE:::l1ensive Plan R,t~Vlet" S Upd,l..tr=, I.lo!j~')s L70J J~,I]G -l~lri 2000 1.50 ,~~)il:l, Rill aryl C'Lher Long Ral@c' Proic'lct~, 110urs E" =IIIJ !n~, gr,O, 1::% ,,'1'1 I Ci tizr;n ,-<upstions 1C(; FiDI) ::.'16 I;;O~-l-;.b~ J snc I TUTAL AVAILAbLe "ORKI'l,C muR'; . ';J;:--8',n'fC%---'iYSO:J~'" - ":0\ 1 ~9.lJ.B.sEDS~-;:~:~~:'~ I HEVISEO-r OhlGINAL I Et~~I~i;"[:I"PRoPCSED-r-:-=-\, APPRC)V[O --11 _ __1978 __+_----!979 _ ___~97~_____!__198Q..._____'28Q_____11 I fE,"13 H',,3',; I, 111,L'Jlj "'0:).1," II' 'I :'3,l~f:ol 20,;:b8" 2k,,~I;CI 2:,,100 I - ('- -. ,- I J ,n 51 ,'] S l I 1'[1 '7 "; --.L ~ - ~_I~ S 'I (" -~ / \ 1 J -, '> :J Fj 5 ~ ~ r; .'- y : . : ro_=C__::.G--~I- 0,] . .______.-~,___,J r(-"l-11_1"C (-Jie time rjJil~ ,-_;('Ir'~n 1 t-_~.: t \' ,-'()Jlli'lL! tcr S:-- 1 J ~_ t':id i .':>, ,y~ td i.ns a.-!_l !' i tv "linl~('i tn i )urrt~r """iTr,11t(riz~..\d_ -idt,~1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK i T T T 1 P':'l~sondl ..J ~PV lL~~:":; 7l,U''OG T nI)+:::'r~ting LXj!cnGes 11, Jill) C'-lpltal OI1:1a'!,~ ;-1 - TOTAL~ (-,7,BI3 NO, OF EMPLOY EES (F.T.) k " --.: .._---,--_._-_..._.,.--'---~~'<.. , . PAct l r - ---'--------- ANN U A L BUD G E T--- -- .--- --------,--.- --- .- -- ,--------------.---- -- .----.-------.------'-------.--! II I FUND DEPARTME~ . DIVISIOr, .---------IACCOU~---~ 01 ,- GENERAL COM11UNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING f, ZUNnJi.~ 171 I CLASSIFICATION' ll-;~J OR'G'N:T';;-:~ITY ADMIII. , APPHINlD ! SALAR:~~NGE NO BUDGET BUDGET I EST';;CE I;EcoM"'t NO IC'H COllN'CIi i '. ______.1-12IL.__ ._~!_~_+.,_~1~_.__~.-.-~~.Q-.ll_-I~~l?---~ I I , I I 'I Chief of P1cljjninr~ (1'nl -0- I J.I) , ,iI<! I l" ')05 71, '~n" I ~ I, : LC I P 1 a i111 e r 1 T ( 1 r ) I :i), 8 t' L! 1 7 , " '2 I, I 3 '~ , Lj Cj () 11 9, C, ii 911 l ~,' I ['1annd' I L ~, ) 11 J , f, u.' i ",1" i '/ l. il '3 ,1.9 b I L 11 , ::, L, I i i) , S ,1 [', . ,Lu,n in" "'pc 'm;,' ,nn " 110 , ',; C i ,r" l, I! 1 'J ,8111 L 1 , 'i C, i i 1..L , 'J ! Ii P1C?_nllJ_ng Dl'a_ft-jn~= !! I I Te ~~ [:n iJ.,ian ( r, I I q ,{~ \ n I'; t '7 po CJ 10"18 S G "1 ~'I , 1 Ii i I' . - ili S t' Il l n c S ~ i. P ( ~ t a ry ~ ,') I it,~) '; U I : : r:; I U I i ~,,3 : J! . I ! Ii _'; 1_ ij "' () IJ' II , I I I I i I I I i I I I I I! I I I I I I I I I +1_ i ~ ----.---------i-,------ _L_ _.___--1_____ -- - ---f-------- , I I ' fi. 0 h. 5 c~ ___.~~~A '- 5_________J21 , ~,p lL'_~_.~,c~ ~~j~~'...:. ~ ~tj_~, j s I~J I ~I, COMMENTS, i: :1 Ii I! :1 II i ~ Ii Ii I ii POSITIONS f--iURRENT DEPA-n BUDGE T REQUEST 1 1 1 .1 1 1 n . S I I I I rl. 51 1 1. L 1 [] . 5 o . fi il L1. S - II II I I I DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES FINAL AUTH 1 1 1 1. .1 o . ~ J,~ I fi L ! ~ ~,I Lt , ./ , -;) .. 4 G' IJ , " -- () .- 4 r) -j- , ou ~ G. 5 I F_la~i:-l ~_ng il ) '7 1"1 it 'I 1n:i'l!' [) . ~ ( ,~ ) --0- (' l~' t'k l\Tl-: J_ ~-:; t i [i I; , , Ii I Ii II " It \t , , [, .L::llln in f, 1. n L: ern 1= 0 --3 it l C!l a 11 t h[J Y1 j Z ( I: 1 n 1. (j '7 J \:n 1. n -r r-. ~'1 i II L:L S J, ~ f C) l' ,; I J L C ~ ~1 j T,rejeci.:s ($tl'lOO(:). PosiTion r)f-:(-J1.leGti~cJ lY: 1980 t~jUllC",=:_..t ll"'; Cl "budge-~_t-:d Dosition. '~enl-Yc '-~eCrF:t-lry {-hapf~,J LIJi-t:h I~:lrr,ini~: i_" atioi. lji,ji~iU;l~ 1'1 Clerk Typist Dr)~J_tiLIl (h("3.tr--t~inL';::~) rec~),:i1}:teIi'jf~(j d.u; -tc \.J r'\'C load. 1_- -----'-CITY OF U01HEA"r RIDGE ----.--.---.---------'-. 'i ____...___ I WI ' - ;;) --------------------- ----I ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES DIVISION ACCOUNT ~ , DEVELOPMENT PLANNING F, ZONING 121 I I -- , REVISED FIN A L A PPROV[ 0 I BUDGET DRIG'NAL ESTIMATE C'TY AOfo<'H CITY COUNCIL BUDGET RECOMMEND , 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 i es 71,581 70,958 74,506 92,984 87,451f 982 475 499 614 610 ay 1,900 1,900 1,995 2,500 2,5CW 1,575 1,000 1,000 -0- -0- -0- 3,800 4,557 5,837 5,544 on -0- 1,500 1,500 115 109 nce -0- 3,100 3,255 4,836 4,830 ce -0- 680 680 840 840 Expense -0- 1,300 1,365 3,464 3, :; 8 3 S I , nting f, 6,866 9,700 7,500 10,100 10,10 C; 500 500 500 500 50 CJ HARGES ExpensE 625 1,500 1,500 1,710 1 ,~) 5 u 800 I , 300 I 450 , i iptions 400 555 555 500 5001 , I ication~ 1,534 -0- -0- -0- -0- t I I , 250 100 100 100 100 sement 525 525 525 550 55 (i T RIDGE _....- - ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 64 ---------\ SUMM r FUND 01 - GENERAL OBJECT CODE 602 603 610 DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY EXPENSE ITEM PERSONAL SERVICES (01-121-00-00-600) r Staff Salaries f, Wag r I Longevity Pay Overtime f, Premium P r I 619 Fee Personnel - 620 F.I.C.A. 621 622 623 630 651 660 702 Workmen's Compensati r Health f, Life Insura Unemployment Insuran ,- , CCOERA - Retirement I !- I I I I i_ MATERIAL AND SUPPLIE (01-121-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Pri Postage , i 1- , I I Operating Supplies OTHER SERVICES AND C (01-121-00-00-700) i-- ~rence f, Meeting CAPA)., ULI, NAHO Pr&~ning Comm, CML Other , !- 706 Dues, Books f, Subscr \- 714 728 740 Legal Notices f, Publ I Ii- I' I ~ Training f, Safety Auto ~ileage Reimbur IN" "0""")'. fU:V J17. CITY OF WHEA , Ii _J r------- I ANI\'UAL BUDGET -.-----.--.----- I~ --_..------.--- PrJ," SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND 01 - ';El-JERAL OBJ E CT CODE DEPARTMENT CO~'rr'lUNI1Y DEVELOPliSNT EXPENSE ITEM 75 r: PrDff's:~ lanaI Consul tinf 77 COt) ler r:'llnpm2nt t; Opel"-'rtiIlt' 71_\ J ~li~::;cella.l-1(:ou::::; ~E:~l~Vl 'l~S =!\P IT.i\L OllTI.AYS (01-121-00-00-800) ,-rJ~ Office F.Jrnlture '0 f:C}ujnE,ent 5-2helf lrlt",ral File (A) cJOt, LJict'lI honC' (R) 4 H' f Lf d II I-lClngi 11[: vV(Jd SnrL'lC'P (A) lEI f', 0 II lianr;inp- vJor' ~urfare CA) J85 Chall" (A) 27'::J -I -I I - - l _" C'r' _I \lc"?hirular Equi pw.nt Camper Shell fell' Truck (A) , I r~")l~~;:. /DIVISION FlAlHiIN'-:; 1-...- G ~OmF~ ~C~~~NT--- II CITY ADMIN ~~-~~)~~_.. I I RECOMNENO I rn y C OU~( Il I .1--~.+~ '980 11,500 I I l' II i I , r" I REVISED I FIN A L BUDGET ORIGINAL ESTIMATE """ -1 1978 1919 1979 ~ I") , I U), 00 J "1"orJI] ;"/1 3cn ,~ --;D :;_O~ I .-G - ! _!f_ I I -lJ- , -, ~J-' I I ! I :_! '7., 3 ~R 1 Ii 7 ,1 7 j W" I'O.B..\)" I'U:V liB CITY OF WHEAT BiDGE :2 :~D L .~ n I 11 ~J j , I .l 7 i I I , l n .,nr I J , ' .' !I 1, G i ~) l ~ f ~ jl I, 'i il Ii " " :,:0 , ~ i ii " 'I :1)1' I , I, !] I " , , I : I I' I Ii '! I , 1 i~, f: t:: "' ,~ 'I I 1_: I' I, I I Ii ! ~ , , , , II ~~Rt...t.. r .______CITy OF WHEAT RIDGE==~--~'--~---===;l PROGRAM DESCRIPTION-19BO BUDGEi \) ----- l I i I I I I I , I I I I I i II . I Ii --- ----j i ~~~-~~ I "oql I L ,e, - i i 2,128 G'3l .',iJOO i I I ~___~L_J I ----J I APPRO.::!) ; i , I ,._~~80__~ I I I \ '\ I o -0- -!)- . r"--'~" r;s,."n \\1 l ,) "1-1 ,_ 7y ~,1)25 \ I I L_~'.:,_3 __~ 3. 3~_____~_~_=~ r OEPT CO~1I'1UNI1Y DEVELOPWCNT H IS TORY BUDGET OIVN BUILDING INSPECTION 1980 PROPOSED 7'+ ,025 1980 APPROVED 6 S.. ',1:~ STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 1978 REVISED ~I+ ,119 1979 ORIGINAL 59,859 The Building InsDection Division i.s designed to safegu3.Y'j the life'., safetv, pIODeytv 2nd welfctre of the City through the propermterprE,tation cm,~ e'"lf'0~'ce.rreni- of the \jniform BuiLling, Hecllanical, Plumbil1? C'.nci Fjl'e Codes, The National ElecLric :;o(1e, illld other reference publications. 5TATfMElJl.OF OB,JECTIVES - 1. The budget should insure described pur;:;oses" L _ ~~e would like to develop <3J~d impleJff2nt a progr\3.;:~ to ccrnp\.t-tPri,,~e permit and _~n- spection records. :!?rime area of concern is inspecti.011S that ill"t~ P(;t being C2..112;1 for. hip also want the capability to cross reference :'cmtr3ctors ,'Jitll pasr '!O~c.;. 3. The 197'3 version of the Uniform l:!ui1cJing Code, dnd tlle ctrl y. cO;:..3TY'llctiOII ',-';..i'o-;, should be reviewed by the Buildinp: Cede 'Advisory B02'\l. a:ld :-;,-'!it [C) :'c)\)l'cil f:r adoption. proryer train.il1~ and "'XDerti.'~e -to -l.cc:JTnDlish -rhe ?bov<." - INDICATORS OF PERF:.ORMANC,;_,__ DESCRIPTION OF WORK ~_{ '9:~ -J~:i;~:"'lS! 1,007 I 1,315 1 62-, 'I' y r ...1-, t. , L j! SFI 'I _ 6:,8 ::: ,oni] In, ')(J(J I - 1. Fermi ts Issued 2. InsDection Pt'rforrned '3. Plan Checks Perfonnecl 4. i"ucrofilmed IbC1IDlents - - .B.~SOURCES REQUIRED DESCRiPTION ORIGINA~ FINAC- PROPOSED . ESTIMATE 19"9 _~~____ 198.9_ I 52,279 ~',L48 54,590 I REVISED ' 1978 ~39 - 53./1Ul Personal Services ('T'.€rating Lxp::.nse 6,580 7 ,~igO 8'\tj3D 9,1135 (j "114 :<) Capital Outl_ays -:J- -,Il.. TOTALS ~)I., ,1:9 S9,f'5~ -- NO OF EMPLOYEES (FT,) ".3'3 3.3:< - r-;=- J"AGt:.._.___._ ----ANNUAL BUDGET-----===__ FUND 01 - f:;ENERAL CURRENT DEPART. FINAL BUDGET R [QUEST lUTH. POSITIONS - - - ,-1. 'i ! COMMENTS. 1 1 1 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES DEPARTMENT DIVISION -- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE NO, REVISED BUDGET ORIGINAL BUDGET 1979 1 1 , .J ';' I , ! I . , i I I I I I , I --'-I' I' , ----~ ACCOUNT I 1:'2 --l FIN AL ICITY ADMINT~PRaVrO i: ESTIMA1E REC.OMMENO !eIT.,. COUNCili I ~~ '~~~_J_._._~.~~,E_--1' I ' I I ~ (J , 3J_ b I I ! -) , ~) f'J!) i ':J,il~6 10,",84 J'I,' dJ I I 'II ~ ~~ tll ! I 1 1 1 ~~6 C'h.i pf Building lllspect"rl I ( 11; ) I Hi ,8.'~; 11 8 , 8 4 8 I 9 , G 6 8 ,~l, 8 8 2 BUL1rl1ng JnspeCL'..lr (l))I~_c:,S:;ti 1<,5'61';;',581+ 14,51,4 ClerL Typist ( q ) 1 CJ ,377 c;, 0 CI '1 . j 3 . 3 J .33 Electrical Inspector'(13) I 3,lSQI I I I ! I I I I I I < ) '-.' , .0 . 3,) :;. rCJ TOTALS I I --f----- ,,- ~onl"4 '7~' _~=_'"t "L,l No change 1n staff is proLGsed. I lL_ \ .5 '5 I I I I '7 , ~: '/ 2 i I ! I I I I , I I I i i I i " c, ~i;~'-~I+ , " ,j ~ I -~~~~-l t._____L______i C TY OF WHEAT RIOGE-.-----.-------.---- : --- I -. _._______,___,______.J -----.-" I ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES , I ! DIVISION ACCOUNT I DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION 122 ! REVISED FIN A L APPROVE 0 BUDGET ORIGINAL EST I MATE CITY ADMIN CITY COUNCil BUDGET RECOMMEND 1978 1979 '979 19BO 1980 ~.._. , , , i I 46,389 44,721 1+5,334 54,282 49,43,' I I 950 -0- -0- 291 -0- I i , ay 200 200 -0- 200 '2nn i I -0- -0- -0- 500 50 (I i -0- 2,500 2,878 3,385 3,0851 I on -0- 900 900 302 27 ; I nce -0- 2,160 2,268 2,931 2,9111 I i ce -0- 398 398 490 49LJI Expense -0- 1,400 1,470 2,209 2, (] 1 I , , I I I I nting I; I 2,180 1,900 2,200 2,700 " 7 (') I L, '''-] Small i ent 400 100 100 120 1) (] i I I I I I , ! I I i I , I i I - -.- .-.- --- SUMM FUND DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY 01 - GENERAL OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM PERSONAL SERVICES (01-122-00-00-600) 602 Salaries I; Wages 603 Longevity Pay 610 Overtime I; Premium P 619 Fee Personnel 620 F.I.C.A. 621 Workmen's Compensati 622 Health I; Life Insura 623 Unemployment Insuran 630 CCOERA - Retirement MATERIALS I; SERVICE (01-122-00-00-651) 651 Office Supplies, Pri Postage 660 Operating Supplies, Tools I; Minor Equipm W II ...0111104 ~ e. 111:11 1/7. ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 68 - I T , I ;- r r r .,.. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - I Ii , , I- I! I I -1 e' PJH.L: '-- ----.. AN 1\1 U AL B U DG ET --~---------------~- ----- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ----,,------------ -- ----I I II ~ACCO. U",_J I l V) Ij -,- L _ : I F1NAl~ 1" I APPROvtD ~!-'TY AO:"IN I r (SlIMATE RECOMMEND \C,'fY CO:.JN...IL 1960 __ J !~\8Q .--.. I I : I I i I I I I. i I': 1,300 ',31111 I I I i L~l S I I -0- i 'J,sno I I '[1\0 I 5,[ I 1:,0 I I G rrn I BJND I] L - '~ENEPAL 1==0 OUJECT CODE DEPARTMENT rVTS10N (n1t-1IJNITY DE'iELOPt1DIT _ _LJILDIW~ ~sr:o I -~~;; ORIGINAL EXPENSE ITEM J BUDGl T B'00(;0 1978 1979 -"..----- I I INSPECTIl'N t 9 7 J 71 j) 7 Cit'~l 7lLI 7113 72ri 710 74D - 7sn 775 J 7D'l I -I OTrlLR SEFVICES ~ CPJh~GES (nl-122-0D-nO-7DO) i-',.):rfj r'cnc(~ t, l1ee-tinc; r~xp::,nse Statr: TCBlJ _~oric Chan?cs Comnu tteP l1clti.onal II~p,n 38u 1,1~O 1 " ~ -~, 40C l~ (BCJ[j ; ~ - ------ Due:-J, &Joks ~ ~~ubscrifJti~}ns '110 _~OlJ L.F~,t!a.l NC)'"f-=ic:es G p\ \]:;1 is hinS" l CO -n- lirdinanc:e Enforcement 11 :,0 "'),7::-\0 '2, ';511 "'riJj !ling G Safetv J.)LJ J ) rJ -: ~ r I _in 1 -.!.. ornG So 1-rotective Cl~LhinG ., , ~) ~, su J;uto ! uleave :<e imbursemen t ~llQ lorl Prr..;lect/C'onsul tJ,ng Fees SO'1 1. ,SD'-j 510 J'...I,j !(I _! 1- -l.--- -> -n U ~ J ! 11 'i - 'tnt:'l' EQu~_pID2nt Haintena:1c,c' :]0 2SG le" ) 250 ,C ")1) "lj scpl1aIleous Serv2..ces ,- Charges }., C~ Ii ~SIJ '':J 200 ':; n T'TAL::; 5l+ ,H'J 5(1 ,,~ r J 2 ,: I ~; \ I \ lj~--- IN A 1'0""" 3 10 IIItV illS 7U-.. rj} 1::, I, 1 I I I _ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE =-===-=::=::-'--------:.:-'-- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGt:_ -- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION -1980 BUDG I - DEflT COMMUNTIY DEVELOPHENT BUOGCT HIST OIVN CODE ENFORC1'HENT 1978 1979 1979 REVISED ORIGINAL ESTIMATE STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 3S 209 lt5 895 47,796 ET PAGE 7iJ ---------, ---------, i I , ORY 1 1980 PROPOSED . _ 54,489 1980 APPROVED I 1 2--._ I ' I I I I I I f-' . II e IlClent ITDIU1eT'. -t1'e "'''"'t c,' I '01' I -... '~r' , " ,,,- 1.1 'Necks by C'er'~ i-I I j I I I I I I ! To ldentify and cause abatement of all violations of the code of the City, whether they are called in by citizen or observed during field insp,ections by Code Enforcement Officers. Code Enforcement Officers must apply extensive public relations work wi+:h violator'S in trying to get the violations abated without having to resort to cenre j'l'D- cedure. Public relations efforts should be used to improve a sense of PRInE in WHEAT STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES RIDGE so fewer violations occur. 1. 2. J J. - l,. To be able to serve the citizens of 'Wlleat Ridge in a faster a1X] Jrore ':::'0 get orciina..l1ces improved so that somE', vi.olations can be h=\ndled on nating the long waiting period of sending notices which takes 1 to 3 fied mil. To devise a system to inform the citizens of ordinances 3..i'l.d COj2S, as many al\:.~ nl.- t even aware TI1ey al~ violating them. To Itlork closer with the courts and attorneys so stiffer penal ties dr'<"O imposed 0:1 people that repeat the sam: violation time after t:i.rnc. i~R K __~~~~___'~__j T___197~_, ,__~,~~~___, i 7r:;F) 8'Yi: I 312 lliJ I ! . ,~ ." f I ll,500 5,,)00 Ii 550 son I 1 , ! II I I I ---------'--j I ,"0'0"0 1 ;';;,ovi"ll 1980 1~_~:?80____II' i ,- .1]: i + 1, ~ I 1, 7, (l 0 1 II , " 1 : I '''~::s \ '"'~:~ I'~_I \ J 3 =-L~__t_~! 2?c ~o,ooo fiNAL I ES1\MATE I 19791 42,045 . 4~,S18 - INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTION OF WORK ._---_.-- T0tal violations (Cases by insp2ctorci (> rltizens) Citizens complaints requesting inspection Total field inspections Weed Prog1.'aJn lots cut by City request o. of violations volW1tarily abated '0 Cases resulting lD court sUJrrr.Dns Hicrofilmed documents .- RESOURCES REQUIRED DESCRIPTION =t'E''''' I ORIGINAL _~~9::aOc. 1979 --- --, Personal Services 39,445 Gper'1.ting Expense '1, 0~4 6,450 Capital Outlays 175 -0- TOTALS 35,209 45,895 NO. OF EMPLOYEES (0,) 3 ; -'- 5'l7')J - ,----- rl978 ----r - 700 280 3,000 600 t~b% - - - -I 7096 " , rc 0'0 rJ ~~ 2 r:un 7,810 =-==A N N U A L 8 U D GET ---- ___________________U,l____ - , ---.---- --------i ~---- I: , ' I II , DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES - FUND DEPARTMENT 01 - GENERAL COMMUNITY D_ POSITIONS CLASSIFIC AND CURRENT OEPA~T. FINAL SALARY R BUDGET R (QUEST AUTt-!. I 1 1 Cude Enfal' OffJ('eI' [I 1. 1 1 Code infc'l' ,-'fficer j , 1 _L 1 Clerk fTjpi I I I I , I I I SVELOPMENT ATION DIViSION CODE ENrOFC:C~lrNT ACCOUNT 121 REVISED I OR'GINAL'I FINAL BUDGE.T BUDGET ESTIMATE 1978 ._L____~.::..~.-{.979 (1, ) I J J , " c, ,I, J, J J;' li4 , 69 ] ! I (Jl)! l,~-:'_(II (4 ii, J FJ, i, I I I I i I i I I i j i I I I ! , I 1 ! I I I I To;~,~~~~~~i~oi;~'~,cJ-~~,~J~: J,:~~: ANGE NO, cement cement st - - - - I ) , v COMMENTS, 8,\40 I I I I , I I , I I I I ! " I " I' I' II 'Ii , , J\ ! " " ii 1, il i; I', ,- , \1 I' !i i I !i 1'-- - eIT'" OF U/uEAT RID"'E--------------------,----,-------.J' . -'-.-~'-.-------.-.._-_..-.~_==~_ ij VJ I--~ ..t' r d'~ __ _...____,~.....~_____~~__V"___: Nn chansl-) in staf t 1=IJ "JP"'lc;;:-o.J ~ . i , j SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES , I I I FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT ! 01 - GENERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE ENFORCEMENT 123 I , REV' SED FINA L APPROVED OBJECT BUDGET ORIGINAL ESTIMATE CITY AOMIH CITY COUNCIL CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET RECOMMEND 1976 1979 19i'9 1980 1980 , PERSONAL SERVICES , i (01-123-00-00-600) I I I 602 Salaries &; Wages 25,000 32,904 34,548 37,104 34,752 603 Longevity Pay 540 172 408 687 6:0 f) 610 Overtime &; Premium Pay 460 300 250 500 50 CJ 619 Fee Personnel -0- 500 500 1,000 1,0001 Clerical Assistance - i Billing for weed cutting 620 F.I.C.A. -0- 2,000 2,118 2,362 2,2 S fJ 621 Workmen's Compensation -0- 700 700 200 18'31 I 622 Health &; Life Insurance -0- 2,060 2,163 2,703 2,695 623 Unemployment Insurance -0- 309 309 420 ,+ 2 I] 630 CCOERA - Retirement Expense -0- 1,000 1,050 1,542 1,46h HATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-123-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing &; Postage 1,084 2,800 2,300 2,650 2,65 II 660 Operating Supplies, Small Tools &; Minor Equipment 1,400 1,500 1,500 1,750 1,7 S ,: i I ! I ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 72 ---1 r ,- I !- ,- , i 1- , I , I i- i i I i_ I - 1- ! CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE i _____J! Will ,"ORM ]-.. IU.V 1/11 Pi\ V ~" -r f~::-=-=--=-==-==:----=--=:====:: AN N U Al B U DG ET ==--=--==::==::::-=====--=--=-...::--= .. -=-=~~::: ' , I I SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES -I I I FUND -/ III - ';8 JI:?AL -I OBJECT CODE l 7,-i/ l i:l I 71.4 ..., I 71r~ l '/ ,,! (~ , .., IIIJ I I ,'/0-. .., 7'1 J I 1 1 ,ilL -rl I, 1 - i 11 I T I , T' , , rPARTMENT r;OMr mry_ [1J::yn 9~MEm' EXPENSE ITEM nTFfr::p SEPVICES r; CII!Y('E~ ( '11-1:2 3- Ofl-O 0-=-7 n n ) --'-- I '( =ifC':!-;~ n'=>-~ ~J L'Ie(~'t_L!i~ EXL":.:;.2l._---' JDIVISION---~ACC6UNT'--- ,-- cum: ,l:i;FQPCDJ1:iiT ____--..~-;..23~~_=,="' ! f'Ni.lI~ I ~PFR(I't:l) ORIGINALJ ~STIM<tf( I' :ITY t.c~-W'1 i ell i COLI~(I!L ' BUDG[i -, . R(CCMMl:".ND I _~_:_ ._--,_q-,_:J.,_-+-__'~?__--+___":::_~__"_;, I " I I: , I' I !I I !I I, . I I! REV' SED au DG E T ) II [1 [)u L;"JIJ r) , :J I)C I , ],: 11 ---iW-" I I I I I I I I I 111':'3, j?r,,-,y -> ~ ,_, dtY~I_"'l,i h- +- )1:;1 i _:1_ LilD :~ 1,0 ;K~-,'-il not lCt:S G '-'-:i'~,~P\::T~__~:~ ! r1(J ~:lu 17S '.;1 S 'J =. fJl1 1 ~ c '} 8 (ih l:n1"l11r-U1ce -cnf J '. ];'(--lL. \ I I c=-~::::_-=-_--==--===-.:..-=-:-~-===-=--== CiTY OF WHEAT rUDGE W"l 1I',1"M ,. "rv J. 1~ '~lY'~lnlll,g t- Sa f~2t'l IJP-- Itl J H..Ll(,:.ap:~~ Reim~AU"-::;crl1~ll Ilther L~qU i DIT:(;11I---L8 i ntenanl_ ~tisl_'elJ.d[lJ--'<)US ~pr'..fJ_I.;es (' l';,L.::u'ge~) ! Lf\PI ;;L OUTL\.Y I (:1l-123-0D-nD-8!JD) I ,[flee' t:juipment I r'L::infinr \~or}____ S~lrfuce "fiTi -;-_/~ ~ I]il -ii" " 1 I, ! ':11 , , 1 ! II " 'i ..: "\ ! iJi I ,I:D 1 ~! I LSO Joe; II i Ii c _ ill 1 :C! '(11 :2 i J ;~I 1(;1 lh" I I i " "'1 r I '~ ,489 I ' ' " " , ! I 'I I " i ., " i 1 I I I ! , I I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE==-_ ,- --~.., --~-"----'" -- ~---_. -~ PROGRAM DESCRIPTION '-1980 BUDGeT OEPT. POLICr: BUDGET HiSTORY OIVN ADMINISTRATION - -..---r'-.---------, 1918 1979 1979 I 1980 ! 1':!80 I ~~V~~;E~ ~~~~I~;L ~~~~~~TE1:,:?~~~~O I ~~~:~~~D J "----~------ ~ I The Cl1:icf of Police lS l'esponsible fol' all acti Vl tl8S c,f the 1 '011 ''::C' re~)drtITH" ,:n.-j, ~ Ler'f'- -Fore, must supervise a'1d coordinate those activitie", The: Cillef ni'1'3t dttervJ ~-"q'jirv-d i COUI1Cll Mee-,Cings for input and information to CJ1J.IlCil 2.8 ,'I.eLl 3S ;,'c"ctirlc_s wi+" ti ,c' A-liT;:, i I \...nnt::..Dl Comri.ssion., Pclice ..Advisory Corruni T t.ee, Personnel (""orr..rnissio:i ari.d 't'he C5 vi 1 S:---Y'Hil f' ::}jm:rnission nK.')nthly or' (:is 11e!.::;ded. Tne Po] lce D2part:::~~nt must ma.ilite-Lin :i Iligh 12v~~1 0E visibility and dvailabil.Lt-,' to ths putlic and wc" m_;co1.. L'c"OIT!2 eJUl n--cr0 pro-JCU", i" nur' I STATf;MENT----9J:._Or~)ECTlyE~ '~uily p-Jutine. \ i i. - Sub,s tantial redu('t.iO[l III !Y2~-:l ,P':):ilSt: time III ans\..Jepin.g l_dl1~; f0~ ~~~er~vice ') (~:: JC ',,='c..: ~l.l \'-;' rl t I i-~rrergenI2V situation. 2.-Con"f.:in.led. erm--;hasis or; T-'olice Off ice.r .ill-:.;erHic~.' tl'airl.I.:12 r-,-, ,'Jr-~ Ij I;., (,15 rec!"'ui t ~.fficer tr. linin.c~ ? -F:..\?v~nt i-.Jfl aT cruI1'2~ by l:T2..:r)(It~+: T~d ;~'(kJnin?n and '"';..l -_r~t--';:' )1~lj i=.dtrol visibilj ty. 4. -IncreaC'eeJ .::.:nph3.Sl2 on nal~otic crirrK::"3, or,~~t~..rl .<--zed c~ij"nin3} :...._-~ \!~.LTV I 1 dnd luvenlle crl..ffies. ~.'.- Increase Fpcuydf_~ D:lvJ_~';.lon to a. fUlly i~)r,-:;l)ationa.l 2q. l-'c.,t2~,., ..., j::p,1 I capacity. 5.-ImDlel.lE'ni'" eler';tronic data pror..;es~~l.J1G svsterr.. t,) (:;::n~lra'.:.~ t';"JilC}.y n0,na2".~-;;'i'~'1't\ II l' . ". ., , - d j' rcportc:: reSf:-Jnnse tillle, rn:moower 2. JJJca tlon, cr1.JJ1LLna-1_ ClCi.:l\ll.. t\r tT'C.-I':JS U,' dt,,~, g~(~I-l '\(', I, G tvDe and traffic -7l("2iden-t CCClL.."1""CilCt:C:3. 7.-T''Jliy ira}.~18me~!t: HliC1'~r~)fi_lnri,n[f proce(l~,....-r\-r~~. .. I' JEvc;l2rp ann imr\l'~~ra2:l,t ..3 trELffie- enf~)l.'''(:=:Ylv-~nt \_'2pabili.t-y in ,-j1'-.J:~ t') ~~"'ed~lC2 lI\1f:t-~_c~ ,--it: - ~,jF~rrt r: l~b1c~Tir.m~0'bF PEf-1f.QR~ANG~____ , ---------------------11 I WORK UNITS , ' 1----; !1 '! '1 -- T--~-;-;~- ----- f- . 'I;l~(~-----. ~ Budget Admini,trutinn -- - ----"--"-----+-~l :~-- r-:+:(-: --Il~--:t ~ 1 Coordination if T1epart"''Ontdl ObJecU_'}8S I . ~ I STATEMENT OF PURPOSE DESCRIPTION OF WORK - ]"ieetings with v=iTicllo ::'nmrn.i.c;sions t.~C'i l.'O u-o , i I I I I . I I I I ' I I ' . I I i 1 rl~1 I ! -------, I I i ~; (! - J'leeti:lgs with City AdJ.ninistr=:tor:"'; Laff h-;' I 'J% J 5~, & FUbl~ 1=:~_ __~._~ , u'::; CO\.h'lcj 1 Hpetlng2.) ~/1 - r uJ)] i c Rs1atiC:ls, 1n\/'-,J ven,cT11- wi III ~ESOURg,~RE9UIRED__ DESCRIPTION Civic , --""T.---~---r---"--~-.........----'----"-"------l, ORIGINAL F~~,lL.. i PROPOSED I APP.RCVEO I, ES I jl\~A"I' Eli 1979 1')79 I 1980 . 1~'8(J ; ---t-------- -------1-----------1 60 '/47 C,'C C1, l' II nc '7' 1 I '7' 11','-- I , L. ' .).,. '-..1.. r ,-, , _ ~- ' , ~ ., , I , 1, ~ , JJl -J 18 .. 3 9 ~,~ ~ 1+ "7 ,4 rj S I it r .. 1 ) = REVISED 1918 F'0rsona 1 S~:l.'-;\7ice~1 ::9,174 OperatinG Expense 20,::'43 . I . I I, ! \ I I . I I: \ \ -----1 ; , I I _ I l___J , '_ .. -: :i C CaClitill r111tlays RS -1\- -,ij- 14 'I n C)::) I [ \1,)7,18'=1 , I -~- I .i..;:' r., ~ i 1l TuTAI's ~q,502 73,347 EMPLOYEES (FT) i ; =; - l _____L___ --- t"7 , -jl~\S NO OF ~i - rr=~- ! I II I rTIJN.D DEPART MENT--------------I DIVTslo"N ----,---- 11 - r:,Et!ERAL, POLICr.; l\JtElJL;n:AI'F'l) I r-- POSITIONS CLASSIFlc;ATION-----L--r~EVISED OR'GINI,:rfIN ^~ ~~~~-r;~~~OV~~ I tCURRlNTIGEPART I F'NAL SALARyA~k~NCE NO I aUDGET BUDGET I ES1'I"AH RECO....END !e'" COUNIA, II, I BUDGt"::-:<F-1_O" OC"['lUTf! t--'.918 '979 r9n 1980! '980 ~ -< ~ Chief ()f 1J')lic.t-_, (~L)I :2G~~riel' ')'i-G~~I2r~Q~:1 ~1~~~::T.,~-~:-!! i i: II :,'c:nlCJY' ,,'crecl:ll\, (,-:) I Llr"Ch! : ,1ll'!'I.'.~,ti),'ll"IJL'n II ',Llj i I i -J 1 .L l'r ,1 i,' (, i) -;.= fL' 'cc c _L i (j: i I ! I ~ I f I '-;.'r;J..ii:ing Cll.;ne l'l'f--"i.' -,]- I -11-- 1- ,jfql,{.(..ltl.1 :..lji~-t!1 II I Ii! :! I i Ii! I i I I I II i i I' I : II I i I I I I I I I I I , i I II I ! I I II I I 'I . I I I I I I I I II !,__-'-J--'_L-'m~ '_ _, _ _~__ J~~~'r ::~~I,-,_'-'-i ','~ ~-l' I COMl<ifNTS I I I I i -------------.------- A I'd t" U A L --------.---- I 't ~ BUDGET n,o. r,: DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGt:S " " , II - II I! I' m~ I I: 'I .' " -, __ II : t',-lini.ll\2 lit f.i E::.'IJ.-i pirll~ l'.L e\ ilPi;()l't ~'I=-'t'Vl!~t--'~ t'J I_~:;-liilll _ ll'1- i I_J ~ 1 U r ~1 I,' P'l' "j L I"' 1. T 'f' =-.C d I 1 '=' 1 ~:: r .L I:-~ U f'l ( I ~ I [: il ~ l , -J -Y'di .J nn n : \, 1 ~] C'11 C.-.i.u_~3 TI ~T I~l' I -:: ~;- l _ 1 r' ('1' -{ ; l' 11 , ,( r'; r,'r' r -,1 1'\1 L' 'C'; J (', 1 _J t . J I I iJ-==-==_- -----------------c IT" _____, 1 ;i , I' j! OF \/lILlEAT R. il1(:'E _"_____m__"___ ----- ---"-----:: 'lit r-I + l.l ~J ---..----.--------0.. l ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I I I DIVISION ACCOUNT I ADMINISTRATION 201 ! ~-- < REV'SED flNA L APPROVE 0 BUDGET ORIGINAL ESTIMATE CITY ADMIN CITY COUNCIL BUDGET RECOMMEND 1978 1979 t 979 '980 1980 ry 26,208 25,680 26,964 30,192 30,012 10,156 11,100 11,652 31,500 30,6% 2,060 250 -0- 2,122 - 0 --, -0- 17,544 13,881 22,075 -D- ay 300 200 200 200 2001 , 450 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 640 714 849 80 tj on -0- 700 1,188 1,400 1,301 nce -0- 1,580 1,680 2,821 2,796 I ce -0- 323 280 460 4201 -0- 430 467 554 5271 I , -0- 1,800 1,888 3,586 3,3~31 I I nting &. I i 2,000 1,500 1,400 1,500 1,5001 I Small 1 sol ent 200 100 92 150 RGES Expense 1,100 1,325 850 1,425 1,5/~ 800 125 100 I EAT RIDGE -- .. ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 76 SUMM FUND 01 - GENERAL DEPARTMENT POLICE OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM PERSONAL SERVICES (01-201-00-00-600) 601 Chief of Police Sala ,- 602 Staff Salary &. Wages 603 Longevity Pay 605 Merit Increase 610 Overtime &. Premium P 1 , I- I 619 Fee Personnel i 1- , I l- I , i I I 1- 620 F.I.C.A. 621 Workmen's Compensati 622 Health &. Life Insura 623 Unemployment Insuran 630 C.C.O.E.R.A. 633 Police Pension ,- HATERIALS &. SUPPLIES (01-201-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Pri Postage ,- 5GD Operating Supplies, Tools &. Minor Equipm OTHER SERVICES &. CHA (01-201-00-00-700) 702 Conference &. Meeting IACP CCPA CCA CITY OF WH W". ""Oil..... J I. lie:... 1/15 [1'::'-=::=='::=:-' I -,I _I FUND !H PA,:-;[ ,'/ -. ANNUAL BUDGET -----..-.----.---.-- ---'-- . .::.:..----------.-.--.--.---.- '--"-'C i !I SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES II , I IDiVISION IACCO\);-.<f----j ~ ADriL JI~TF!~T~~~_.._______LiD_~.__._____._: !' - fINAl.' j---' APf-r~~~~----. I ORIGINAL ':J C!";'f A~IN 'I (IT r, ~1 BIIDG€T '. EST!M."TE "ECO""END. Y _v0N"L I, 1979 : 1)1'(..1 19&0 t 1'80 'I ._..__.-4._.__._~ . ,.~.___.__~__. --1--~-.....,;......--.- I I I II I i I I I I I " !i ! I - i~E:I~TRAL IDEPARTMENT .J POLICE -: I og;t;;~ -II' ',' ' ,~LfT I, "I 11i:<~ I I _u,. ! I '. -j I 1~llq '..'_\lj--("-1Ctl1,Ll ScrV1L't:::.:; II \}l~,f-:=T'dti(~tl(; S1kl-L'_ _II ',I! I I ''0 -il-'Ii f I I! -1'1 II ! I ~ I -1 ! I I, il ; I I --", i I -Ie , ' 7Sl Cj r/l+ 775 - I i ! I ll'iV I I '7 -' , l -\ II, I l l EXPENSE ITEM ~' REVISED aUDGn I!?< 78 I I '11]U ,,' I ~n ~~ ! : L., _) I Ci~i -[-i_ -'- ~ C; ., ~-) I ~_\-i leS, pnol-~ t", :='11b:--=:cr i~,t:i~)n I~ ! r " " (] . [: - J1U ~" c, -(I- n ,t, ril] 1 )(;1 I -lj- , , 1 (iel __,I ,- l'Ji) J. ." " ,\ I' , , , il: J , , -, , I' , , , , 'I\'a LI1lT iF ~. Safp LV --::- Alr:=,) >:ll,~afe Reimbu}'Sf~r.leIir: F1- 1:"L'__~-,1.unJ.J E Con~)ult,1n}~ '3J i:.)c.1 Alcohol Tes c. lelo. CrinK:; Chc:'._. n~\_.,-, 1, CJlj 3 i ,uO 1',,;0 ~1.J,-,y I, n" ....,., :u r~tJ~,3 =J2dSi2;; r-'G~~t '.UJP' 11,?ter - c. 'C .. '" IfJ ;!; ') , ~ J ~ II -, , I, :JUU :JUII ,'- n , - , . ,1)tJ., , C c ., -~i- _[i_ -(' .. , J. 1 ~9;c _. i' _..I , ,-iJ-. , ~- .it}l 1 7[) '>0 - J.- -,-, -' :=-,-cp!--l,jn() E}'T)8J1Se 1., ":(1 Ll~.J, L 1 ''':ic:-' -\'- [-:;'I:;Llit\, RepAir ~~ nai:-.I.tenlIlC(" 1"'1': her fql.lipn'(~nt >1airc t~n?L:--:' ~ l~,r,( '\"TrI t'f=:r F2GLC' Kc ':)3 ,ire-' ~h0c. ~-)')lJ,I'p Re::;srvC:' lltfiC';l" ~=x'y-")nse 3,uOlJ Cj r: I:l l,2:,JC 1 ,SO:I " J DO 1 , _,U , ["0 L , -, ~ ' 1 j; I' i I: ~1isl_-~ell,lI l":''':::'us SC't--nJ:.L('C -=; ,: (,.:1J.ctr,; 'cS ~, 'j ~'/\ ()1""'1 ,AYS (~i=-:'Tn-l"- Jo- ~ Jfl) , " !' -Iffi ::"--' E,.lulprren--- JJJJTIT;L ~~(~Uli,j PrDjE::C't ,1r .=15 es -,. ~I- ,J'Je. ". ._':- I I I ll-------"'___~_--===--_= CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE "" II!. '0......1. ~ll( 1,7' ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT - DIVISION ACCOUNT 01 - GENERAL POLICE ADMINISTRATION 201 REVISED FIN A L APPROVE D OBJECT BUDGET ORIGINAL ESTIMATE e'TY AONlt. CITY COUNC'L CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET RECOMMEND '97B 1979 1979 1980 ,980 ., 805 Communications Equipment -0- -0- -0- 9,400 1,500 Communications Equipment for Emergency Communica- tions 811 City Hall Improvement -0- -0- -0- 3,780 3,781J 9 ' Cabinet on \-Jall (A) 300 Sliding Wall (A) 1,600 4 Telephone Jacks (An,380 Extra Lighting, Noise Baffles, Map Board (A) 500 TOTALS 59,502 73,347 67,306 157,189 123, n CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - PAGE 78 Ii n Ii Tl 1 Ii ,i r ., IT !i - " I,' .1 - Ii 1! r iT' (i r I ~ fT Ii Ii II " Ii :' i~ VIII . '-0(11'" 2. ftl..... 111"_ ,Juvenile Crimes Inve'31:igated Pf.GE ", oj ------, 'I j! j I I I I I i l1aintai" a clean".Jl'.:e and re:::lve:"j ratp of 40% fa" all cass~~ a,_.,i?;!le,.' 1"0 the diulsion .11 I \ ! I II ----,_~______~ I 1'1976 '~L,~R~19-;-:NT-138~---'i: '---1 ',.75 r-::J2---r1'JO~ I 55L I 925 1,lUO i I I ' I 'O'J' ~'". 0'. II 1.. ":'u 4un CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ...... ,.-- - I OEPT POLICE 1 DIVN Su~PORT SERVICES 1 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE -- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION -1960 BUDGET BUDGET H :STORY 19"8 REVISED 344,497 1979 ORIGINAL 404,588 1979 ESTlMA TE 417,827 f--"980 L PROPOSE. 0 485,R14 1980 APPROVED Ijl,7 ,45J 1 To provide investigation of felonv Cl'lI'leS, certain m:Lsdeffi2anor Cl'U'leS, child abuse ~ases, and other assigned cases. To provide (~'v_ldence process'rjp;, phot':;l';t'apl?i.c pIy'c,;,Ssi,ng, ,"11"] other forensic and crirrinalist ic serVJ,e:es. Tu provide 'rlme preventJ0!l. servl.C2S. To pluvide enforcement of la'N~' regu1abng li':Jl;or sale~" ~,ecuritv f,L:ards, ,',nota pcovl.cle for backfY'Ound investig.ltiolls of police appl.icants. T STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES T L. Pn:wicle In Rffectlye and innova.tlve CCLme l'r€ventJDn prY'gl'-o1J' T I 3. Continue .'md llnproVt_ narcotics snfot'2enpnt targeted dt ,-iD::~I't:'lJfJ)s=-,-)n cLlld 1)r'(j';,~cl_;~ion of pushers and a cecr1e;jse J_n the a\,-ailabilit,; of r.lCl"'t"cotics 3J'jl} }ClngerO'Js dru~s, particularly III l)ublic s',hools. T I INDICATORS II ~ n OF PERFORMANCE ------~.. DESCRIPTiON OF WORK Mnjor Crimes Investigated n ;~'r i:ne Pn,vention Presentations n Items of Evidence Processed '741 7FHJ 8 ~iiJ !'lan Hours of Training (transferred to PoLLce Actrj- nistration for 1980) 8, ,;[10 l2. [lUG 12,OC}O 1" I ,________L__l___~________, \ I FINAL, J' PROPOSEo'!APPROVED !, ESTIMATE I 1979 , ___-'-980 --r.!3~-~ I 38~,~145 I [,il8,""t I 410,727 II --l,l'llS \ 2'I,L:;[J I 213,85S \ \ I 7,83l 2,884 3,~31 1Q,311 9,879, I '",' ,4''-' I 404",l -" i ,,,,,,, 48',,81'> 'I' '_"r,l \ -----4- +- 1 \---'------i \ EMPLOYEES (F~__Cl'i ,J ~~1--=~ Ie _,_L,_,-=~_.J_~__J \ ----------' n n RESOURCES REQUiRED , .---'jREVISED i DESCRIPTION 1978 J I \ ORIGINAL 1979 n r~ . ~..-,' ~--'2Psona.L .:y=:l'Vlces 305,C88 371,319 OpcTatl.np F:Xj)8n:;F" 3l,on 30,,,85 CaDi tal Outla'7s 1 ':'OT,"l,S NO OF ; I ' "-=-- ,--- 'i -,-------- AN N U A L B UD G E T __________E'~_(''_~..::.,!___, -_.__._----~ --_._--_..~ i ii I' I FSION ' ACCOUNy----j ~~~RT S~R\!l~~S 20= --J: bEVlSEO fRIGINAl j FINAL C'~to~;~~PPROVED! BJOGET BUD~ET I; ESTiMATE fH::-r;~UMMt,NrJ !r.iT'f CCUN::ILi I 19 2.!l__. __,_.:..~_',.s.__+-_n~'~I_~J_~._ .'16_,,-_._.; Co''-j /2 IU) I,;r, JC'- 1-0 r)56 ')6 nC2 .. '-Pi l~ c. "J. I' ,) I '.",L IL'LCl .:0, ,J Ii C . l 4. 1 , IJ (] (', I "I '", 4 I", ') l' ~ I' " ,,-, l" ',' - , 'J .'1 I II L-1..L- l.~' 1-0.: I r ,L t, '.)" t )~- I' ji (17' ~c",50iJ I' %,:IF;'i , ') '0', 11ll'",7Q,' !1'. II !tli! IdD (17 .1.d,OClClll8,1'l2; (',',Cl,': ?1,~"(' 'J,", \in II (]'I 1'0 7 , 0 ,:~ f' 0 S' IL , H<', ILn,M, '- i: (171 47,000 I S'1,)8/~ nL,816 F,3,8'::'; :'F ,'j < (8) 9,:: ',0 'J, 7 :,C; ., i, ~ 31+ 11,9 L6 L ,Pi' LARIES AND WAGES - DETAIL OF SA FUND DEPART ME NT CJ.L - GENERAL POLICE POSITIONS ClASSIFICATI0N CURRENT!OEPAqT ! F'NAL AND SALARY RANGE NO, -""""/"""" AUTH 1 1 1 PolLyo J"ieut2nant I 7 ') 2 PoliCe, ~_>:;r gedl II L I I 2 J.r;ve~-:; t_igatuc I 9 n ! 1 J 1 Pu1J,ce ldOO['c-=-tr"jl '~/ r1'cchrlic I 7 I 7 0 ~<:rlJ r C Pe,l i :'X-: r'lffiC',_Y' I I Ii 4'" 3 PolicE' OUicer n , " I I -, 1 1 Senl' )[' '3ccretary , ~-- I _.__.__.__........_A..___. " I~~_~ COMMENTS 1'+ TOTALS I I ii I I I I . -----.t-----L---------+---- , ----. ---1 I I I . ,_________. _l~'_~[)J.!~l._l(),~' O~cbJ.3,~~~~L~:~.:_:J..~~,,__'~~_.,! i i I .'~ 1'':'Tltly'tnlcnt 'rLc3in~ng C;jti.('r~r (r()1.i~e ,\ff5_c-Y IT) rrdJ1sfcrl'...d--l- ''l;J...i('f~ l\.....Jl1Lnis lX aL ;1 -I J \ ~ II I I I' Ii " ,I , i '--CI1'Y OF WHEAT RID~E---,--,------j; _ -. \J -------,--------.------' -;:=~--- ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES PAGE 8] I] Ii I I ACCOUNT 1 , 202 !, FUND 01 - GENERAL DEPARTMENT POLICE DIVISION SUPPORT SERVICES OBJECT CODE REVISED BUDGET ORIGINAL BUDGET 1979 EXPENSE ITEM 1978 PERSONAL SERVICES (01-202-00-00-600) li02 Salaries G Wages 280,014 303,096 503 Longevity Pay 8,704 4,752 510 Overtime G Premium Pay 12,850 18,000 614 Standby Pay 3,020 1,122 618 Court Pay 1,000 1,000 670 F.I.C.A. -0- 570 621 Workmen's Compensation -0- 6,700 622 Health G Life Insurance -0- 11,520 523 Unemployment Insurance -0- 2,979 530 CCOERA - Retirement Expense -0- 380 533 Police Pension -0- 21,200 I1ATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-202-00-00-550) 65] Office Supplies, Printing G Postage 4,000 3,000 650 Operating Supplies, Small Tools G Minor Equipment Film and Chemicals 1,866 Classroom Materials 275 Crime Prevention Display Haterials G Films 2,000 Tar'gets and Ammo 2,632 Evidence funds 1,200 CdS sette Tapes- Video 355 3,400 5,000 \ L--_ \ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W" f'O"M ]. "I:V '01 FIN A L APPROVED EST IMATE CITY AO~IH CITY COUN.CIL i RECOMMEND 1979 1980 19 e 0 , i 318,238 362,229 33:2,8~)f) 3,000 8,452 1, 7 c1 ~ 17,500 18,000 18, [) O,LI 1,300 3,795 3, '1 q ro , 700t 1- 700 700 I I , I 633 767 71j l i i- 6,700 9,874 8,6'74 12,096 16,869 16,737! , i 2,979 2,520 :2 , 3 b 0 I 399 ~Ol 48 :J 20,000 24,541 24, S C ,) i- i :- 3,000 4,500 :-t , IJ U 0 1- , 5,000 8,390 8,3 g :.1 .J -IF ANNUAL BUDGET -I FUND ill - OBJECT CODE 702 , , -I 7Gf, I -I , I -I - I i -I i 1 II II l! ! i II r'8 7 FI I 741 r/ SO '7 'OJ '2 '17 h l 7'3 q I \ II L SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES (;ENERAL 15EP^RTME'J'r Pl)LIC1~ I I I I r'onference &; ne,"tin[:', :!::XP811'"cl :1nnth,_y and /\nnuaL ,"'nrL'nenc-'~ f'c'r ~T PC}' "", ~ ,,\_ '.~.~ '_-l- ,_ ~ ~'--'.~. ..1_ '__'~~. _ _ .iL\.....: '. CrlID0fr'alTIlng g t'reventl(~. Dt..es, Bo Jks f ~-dlrlscriptions ;:'uL:~cription:,; '/00 ! Legal Points Huuse Bills EXPENSE ITEM OTHER SEPVICES f, CHAk(',E~) (OJ-202-00-00-70J) G.A. 'L) Ascn(~~2tion Crime Prevc;nt'i)J1 L(~gal Liabiil1::/ Pf::l='()Y'LCP ALLE Lega~ Defensp Train~i.i1g Uige Jt N,l['C'Jtl.C3 ! ii~';<-"0 t J \lv'~.ni le B(,>,'},,; TrC',llling B,j::k,;, ;'l.in'lal,;, tli ,.;c. l. 3D 0 11ue~~ I ~: '7 5 ! Sr~L:l_f~c Cr_iffie Ps~oc.) (~rinle Fre~~nti_Gn Tr~lning Trainin2 & S~~e1v I]niform~ G Protective ('lcr',ing T j it -l -r- \_ rIll All c ~"J ctJ. i L e L+r![:/ r:an/'/C:dI"1 - T.nr11ld.e::; ,. _ __ --"- 'J...1.. ~ J ':: Fr"r.;fes~~l.Ul1al Sepvices (' Con~3ul.t:i:rlg Fees Ren-tal~ S Le,~s"~ 1 dEIl t .L-Yi t- I)thel' Equi~-'ment 11alrlienance REVISEO aUOGET '9 r8 1, [H)f' ] ,8 n J ] 1 , ? lJ 0 l[ , G ') 0 SOD 400 1,000 ~~~~c. Se~vic~5 ~ Ch211~PS 3,0(10 Inv()lne [XVE;l,se 'J,OOOj (. SE::~C 56iJ for r>,icJenr'l, rUIlJtS) \ W'" 7'011I"") I, "1i:1t" If.'" IIVISION - SUPPO.tiT ORIGINAL EWOGE.T 197'9 7;) i I 1,8DG PAG:; "c -----------.,--- -------'1 i II ji I " II I , C, (' '1 I J.,,'), I 2,27 S ~OUNT :)ERVICtS ~2 I F'N~H. . G;;;o~;. r TE OTY AOlWlIl't ES IfoIA RECO......f.NO i (IT< COUNCIL i ""-t~"--I"O - I I I r;',l] GSO I I I I I ! I I I ] I) ,(l n 0 I 1 1 ( 00 I .L L , I [j d , [ , " ! , I' I i I ~) ., () C G , I I I I I _ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE :.-=~_:=--=--=--==--=~--_..:.=====-...:~ ') ,25,' ,) 5 CJ I I i " , (j C i1 I I I 2'70 'l, , iJ 0 (J I I ! I I \ l I Se't" , Po]j c1 fldrTUll. ! I I I:) S 'is ~, , : '; .1 CJ 6,800 2 S I) 2SC L7Ll ~2 q ~) 1,000 "',ODD s~n II ~I .~ l , " , I II I i , II II :>~t-' Pc, i ) r;1! 1,-(\ , (1 I: .,., ' II 1'1 u:- I' ',' ) '1 ,~; l) " " " " I. i ::- I ~' --1 ...., ! , F J ~ 1 : j 1'1 U C)\; ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND 01 - GENERAL OBJECT CODE 802 804 805 809 832 DEPARTMENT POLICE EXPENSE ITEM CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-202-00-00-800) Office Equipment Desk Chair 200 232 REVISEO BUDGET '978 -0- DIVISION SUPPORT SERVICES ORIG'NAL BUDGET 1979 300 Engineer G Photo Equlpment 6,636 Mino1te XG-7 Camers G Accessories (A) 220 Communications Equipment 645 Portable Radios (3-R)2,613 Body Mike (A) 1,498 Other Major Equipment -0- 3/4" Video Cassette 3,700 Camera G Recorder (R) Unitro1 Siren G Control Heads (3-A) 900 12-Gauge Shotguns (2-R) 410 614 -0- Tool G Work Equipment 550 Portable Tape Recorder 79 Inside Mount Lights G-N 54 TOTALS 1,750 344,497 404,588 w" '0"""::1 I, IIlIlV 2/11 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE F'N A L EST I MATE 1979 300 573 614 -0- 1,750 CITY A~I" RECOMMEND 1980 4 3 2 625 4,111 5,010 133 PAGE d '-' ::-! I ! I II ACCOUNT 202 I! , , A PPRQVE 0 CITY COUNCIL , 980 Tj Ii -0- T: , , 6:0 ,s, i' , ! " " '+, III - ii " ,.,. 5,010 I: - 'I !I 133 IT , - :' " 11 fT I' Ji , ' ~ i: 417,827 485,814 447,llfiJ ;1 fT " --CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE===-_~l-~_=-~_il M DESCRIPTlON-198_~BU~GET_ --------1_ I BUDGET H ISTORY __~ ~ 197~ 1979 -- I 1980 1980 I o ORIGINAL ESTIMATE I PROPOSED APPROVED! O.!:L__ 093 97' 72L1.82lL.L3.l ' - , ,--- PROGRA - DEPT POLICE DIVN PAIKOL E; TRP.FFIC 1978 REVISE STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 5 ~)8 1 Responslble for response to citizPfl and apDrehe,,:::;ion; traf fic control, a 3.ssistancE? . .sTATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES 1. To 1. Trrpr:) VI? serVlce t'J the ;:>ublic Unit as recommended by the Tl'aff. " To Y'<-2duce response-t:ime, lllcreas ~ . lffiDrD'le the initial investigatio 0 To J_mprove quality of supervlslcl ... Patrol Sergeants lfl 2rea.s of t:q l.ike, by adding an Administrativ ating activities of the Reserves 4. '10 reduce the '~all load on tile s INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE lng of n DESCRIPTION OF WO Citizen Requests for Servic-"2e Field Contacts A.YTests Traffic SUlI1JJDns G'2neral Sumrrons Patrol Time (Hours) Ad'Tin TilTl2 (Hours) Operations Time (Hours) Emergency Response TilTl2 (Minutes) Nem-ElTl2Y'genc Average Computel'ized l'laI1power Al.locac:ion Re, -. RESOURCES REQUIRED - DESCRIPTION I REVISE 1978 Personal Services 527,5dO (iperCiting Ez-;:>ensE:. 1:', q2~} , Capital Outlays 17,604 TOTAL.S ~:'j,lOLI r'€quests fop serVlce, r~rlime sUppY'(:'~si..on, ,.k-,tei.... \: " in ccident TYl\:~vention r::lild invec ;~ig3.til)n and C'ommun l_ty =rts I I I . h 1'"f"".- b 'j- ~ . c.' I In t1:e Clr'~il 0.' roil 1.: C .carptv y a'.:ln[' a llTl1 Ll (' I ic Manage~ment Stud,! )f -L97'!. I i e suppn:,ssi~n ?f cc,ime tnr--l':;"Th ag[7'essive DA'1.trol, CC1.n:j I n of Crl7'f1e lncldenh; by ,'1'ld1i1c; personnel per (1) ..ilC\! "f' n in field b't' providinf" aciministrative SUDpurt t-u uipment inventopy ~3U[./f1J',7, vehicle maintenanc7'= a.n\-: the. ; {~ Serg~ant who \"ould elL;" be responsible for ,:nCI,jm-~ I , AnL'Till ('on t-.rol, ~'1Cl the L -,ke. I treet through a, ~ys tel;. of Ha-~k-ul '1' ,telephon,:' report I On-elTl21'p;ency caLLS t'J Le harh1. led by (3) abovE. .J -----1'----.,,-- I WORK UNITS I RK - -~978__"--L- - 1979 I 19i1O i i ~-:;-:;~;;-- ~8 ,190 - 2U, ';~J-~-ll 2,153 ll',~60~ ~,50U I 1,078 v ~ l,700 4,O~8 4,O~2 5,000 c,OE 1135 ,GO I =~1,C:L4 ;S,uOO 34,400 .15,564 lrj,lSC 19.,')00 I 15,732 !Jj,700 22,~O(j I I J.1 ,~.lJ j. c! 14.1 I 13.G lO.S I ~_L~~_"~'~_ __\L~ ~"~'~".~~ E1rr~:" ~,~;~"o r A~::~'~O-~ b:~:~:: 6:~::::: 12~::::: I il:"," I , I i I ,- f' c)' l 57 ~'Rf.' /"0 U '" I :Lo'~~~~~~____i 35 3S I 41 I .or, ! ~~_ _.__-'_-L___---1______J y - - D 5, ~f)4 ') ,'3 b 4 7l,'.!79 if, :.,8 I' r,93, 9') 3 .~ NO, OF EMPLOYEES (FT.) 3:) ,--~====::=--=ANNUAL BUDGET---~' ,.- ~:~-~!_- ~_._- r -------, I': i - DETAIL OF SALARIES AND FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION I 01 GENERAl., PATROL I - POLICE G J - POSITIONS CLASSIFICAtiON REVISE 0 AND BUDGET CURRENT DEPART. Fl NAL SALARY RANGE NO, BUDGET ~ fOUEST AUT Ii, .- - '978 1 1 1 Police Lie\ltenant (22 21,7.18 3 5 3 PolJc.e 3erE;eants (ll' 58,801 I I 6 6 6 Sen.Lo.r Po-l ~ce OfficXcY'3 (171 49,L~~G I I I I I)f f ice.r Il) :"t ;'8 24 P;)lic,~ (1, (1";,(11+) 'iI17,88" 1 1 1 Sel'lior ::',ecl'etC'..rv ((j) '7 ';::0'1 I I 1'}) I I I I I I I , ------'~- JS In I 3S TOTALS '+fN,4:21 --'.--- COMMENTS. Hu change J.Il staffirlE',,- , ---.- WAGES -I ~--_._- ACCOUNT 1 i ""'."^ F"'r'I" "0-' II J IV'\. [ ,__ L J I T::::::11 --FINAL CITV ADM~~~;;i1 1 811:)SfT I fS1lMA'fE tRtCOMMEND jCllY COUNCILl __-'':'''!-.~9I~+~2-_-r-_~9ll.9.'-1 : - , ~"; ., '"") 11 () 51 'li ,.... r' 7 I' c. 1" \ c,', i.L,.J.'_ L ,<j,)! ",.J:" I 's9,661'; I 51,'Jl,6 lJe,8src! n9,8'''-11 CJ'?,b,: I 'Jr" :4U 1J6,34u i IlL 17,1\ I I I j ~~:~,;jf!,' I ,:-~rl,L';' 't"[',f1'" I 'r,' ,-"-'ei i 'J,H'RI ;",-l7, ll!,f~:'kl ';'''1''"\ i I I II Ii I i I II ,. : I i I I ) I I I I I , I I I I I - , I I I I I I I I-~ ~___~I- j [" -, -) ,'~ (- r (' '7 rI 'I" 1 [" '11( I )10,JL4.L~~~~~~~~~h ~_~~u~__ -.-.' . . I !, !i ; , II II " 11 , j: i: " Ii , C IT Y OF WH EAT RID GE =-~-=-_____-:::=-==::-==J_: -~:........--==--- ANNUAL BUDGET- PAGE !i6 --==--=~ I , i I I SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT 1 01 - GENERAL POLICE PATROL (; TRAFFIC 203 I ---I REVISED FINA l APPROVE D OBJECT BUDGET DRIG'NAL ESTIMATE CITY ADM'~ CITY C CUN C 'L Coot EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET RECOMMEND '919 '979 1979 '9BO 1980 PERSONAL SERVICES i I (01-203-00-00-600) 1- , 602 :calaries (; Wages 484,421 510,124 529,656 706,158 57 5 , 7 0 [I ! 503 Longevity Pay i- 5,859 5,503 6,828 13,174 8,0'7 ~) I 610 uvertime f, Premium Pay 17,300 14,700 18,500 21,600 21,60D I 1- 618 Coul't Pay 10,500 13,000 12,000 6,700 6, '7 [) 0 I 620 F.I.C.A. -0- 580 617 712 711 I- I 621 Workmen's Compensation -0- 12,800 12,800 19,399 22,222 1- 627 Health (; Life Insurance -0- 23,680 24,864 37,844 32,07':3 I 623 Unemployment Insurance -0- 5,307 5,307 5,740 4,900 '- 630 CC'JERA - Retirement Expense -0- 385 404 465 46 Lf 633 Police Pension -0- 38,000 39,900 47,123 If 2,845 i- MATERIAL , AND SUPPLIES , :- (01-203-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing (; Postage 4,500 6,500 7,600 6,900 6,900 i- ;o'ummonses 2,000 Printing 600 State Crime Reports 600 ,- Update of Manuals 1,000 Penalty Assessment Summons 1,000 Postage 350 Report Notebooks 150 nffice Supplies, paper, i , pens, paper clips, 11- etc. for 35 1- positions 700 'l'raffic Unit 500 I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W" poo","'" 31. 11I111/ 1:7~ ---=== ANNUAL BUDGET- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND 01 - GENERAL OBJECT CODE 660 I 70;- -, 'i n 4 7lJ h - 7;'8 - -I 7, '1 DEPARTMENT P'JLICI: EXPENSE ITEM Operating Suppli2s Flares, 32 ~ross First-Aid C;upf':ies Blo,)d Vi ts Breathalyzer ~uP01ics Flashlighl-s I, Batterj,8s Supplies, bJ_ankets, extlnguishel"o, etc. OthCC'r l, 601] ClTiIIR SERV EES ANi) CHA1\CE:", (01-203-00-00-700) Conference ~ Mec~i~g l,xpensp ~ontracual SCC'rvlces Co.mputer Prugram Due", Boob, '. :ubscriptiullS Training & Safety Canine Unlt 30n Repair 20 bullet-proof vests 500 Replace 10 bullet- proof vCC'sts 3 Scott Airpacks ~ 8700 1,500 2,10n 550 10 Tear-Gas Masks 35 fluorescent Saf"ty Vests @ $11 17 Resuscitators ~ (;90 ea. 1 CPR,'Resuscitatur TrairLing Manikin 1,200 I joS 1,S30 Unifcrms ~ Prat~ctivF Clot-hill';; Turn,ver of 10 per~unnpl 2,500 Uniform Dama~E 7no Replace 10 ~CIH gear 850 replace IS ~~Jges 45U Revers-Lble J-!ainco2tc;2,040 Patchc~ f Strirps Eon n .-., I.- j /_ cJ 3 n II E 0 ~I 960 '+0 rJ I 70 f) I I ! DIVISION PATEOL ~ TRAnI\~ REVISED BUDGET 19-e ORIGINAL BUDGET Ilj79 ')"9 ----_.. Fl~ A L EST1MA1E 1,80n i,OCJO P/,GE 7 -~~._._._- , I I , I I , --' 1,73U JJ,S!J~ --FCOUNT ~~_?3 - --r---- f APPROVED CITV ADM'N RECOMMEND i CI1V COUN:'L , ,980 r ~a0 ; ~,ooo I J').,~jS 2110 ,ISO c, CJ -0- -[1- __1)- I lOO ]JO , 30 ! I I I.: ,Gun L , S Ci C " '", Ij 0 , I I I I I }'~ J S 0 0 I I I I l L w " ~O"M '-I lit." )116 rR: ^L'~de~v ~~s - --~-------- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -- 5 , rj S ~) i I I i I , , ! ~ " Ii i; I I I :; 'J U I !, (J 0 0 I 79" " " I, " I' II 'I 'I I II I l; i 'I I~J 0 I) ~ Ij C- , '-~ 8,0 b 5 (j ... niL 1 1 1.1 '7 '7 .L-<...., , , \, ''1' \ , I ____ _ J ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND 01 - GENERAL OBJECT CODE 741 750 775 DEPARTMENT POLICE EXPENSE ITEM Uniform Allowance/Cleaning $400!Man!Year - Includes cleaning Professional Services Other Equipment Haintenance Office Equipment 200 Flre Extinguishers 500 Breathalyzer, Speed- guns 300 796 Police Reserve Expense Uniform Replacement 1,000 Reflective Raincoats 600 Carry Bags 150 Gas Masks 500 799 Misc. Services G Charges 802 801+ CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-203-00-00-800) Office Equipment Typewriter CI-R) 891 Printing Calculators (l-R) 277 Photo Equipment Cameras w/case @ $125 ea. C4-A) DIVISION PATROL G TRAFFIC REVISED BUDGET '978 9,500 -0- 2,190 -0- 200 980 350 ORIGINAL BUDGET 1979 13,900 22,000 1,300 -0- 200 -0- -0- 'It! JI. I"OlUoII ,.t, ""It" 1/71 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FINA L EST I MATE 1919 13,900 22,000 1,300 -0- 200 -0- -0- CITY ADM'" RECDMNEND 1980 16,000 -0- 1,100 2,250 200 3,009 500 PAGE 88 I' Ii ACCOUNT 203 A PPRQVE 0 CITY COUNC'l 1980 13,600 j'T , , , ' -0- 1-'- ! : 1,100 I' , 2,250 ! ii ,I , , 1- i- I 20:] II , I , , " ': 1,158 ! I~ Ii " 500 1- ,- Ii l l__ L W" 1"01.,....:1. "It II 2/11 .-- ---- --.-- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION - IACCOUNT 01 - GENERAL POLICE PATROL f, TRAffIC I 203 REVISED Fl N A L 1 APPRQV OBJECT EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET ORIGINAL EST! MATE CITY AO~IH COOE BUDGET RECOMMEND I CITY CO' '978 '979 '979 1980 : qSO . 805 Communications Equipment 9, Ij 61 -U- .- O- 5, :' 8 LJ i , , I -'-- , 1 , !1obile Radjos (2-1\) I , I 809 Other Major Equipment 6,812 5.. 3 r3 Lj ;'\ ,364 15,185 l~) , q Overhead Lights f, Speaker I i (2-R) 900 , I Unitrol f, L' . (2-E) 15D I cJlren Safety Shield Glas::; ( 2-R) 2 D: i Rifle, Spotting ~col)P, I Related Equipment I (I-A) 47') Audlo-Pack Loudspealer System,; (I-A) 750 Automated Data ~;ys tem I (1\emote Station (0 I Related E'luipment) (A) lU ,on II I Radar Unlt (I-F) 1,500 I I I I I I I I , \ I I i I I I I I i I i I I I ! I TOTALS 558,101+ 693,'323 1720,nD I 337,786 / ~;l ., S I I I -- ANNUAL BUDGET rAGE "-J , : I I, I! I: I ! , , --< ED JNCIL 4', ,+ I -I I -I \ I -I l l l l l l l l l CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE --- ----I ~11 I \ I 24L ,r'lj'~ I -I , 17 I . I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE: :-Cl, .;.1- -~--- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION -1980 BUDGET DEPT POLICE DIVN BUDGET HISTORY TECfllnCAL SERVICES I STATEMENT OF PURPOSE -I 1978 REVISED 178,512 1980 APPROVED 21+f Dl~t 1979 ORIGINAL 194,710 1980 PROPOSED 252.528 1979 ESTIMATE 181,247 To \Jrovide communications and LeD2~tment . Provide anal ys is by Records and Communications act as the records repository for the h'lJE:;at: Ridge Police of data a'1d mnagerrent inforrration. Services provided Sections are on a 24-ilour, 7-day v;eek basj.s. l _STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES l ~rocess a'1d maintain rej:XJrts rEgarding crJ.JJl(' or requ.lrmg police assist.ance y,/itI1ln the Ci tv of ltlheat Ridge; act as an information l'eposi tory for citizen::; "md police DeY'soDnel. ,;eY''/e as the commwlications link between those needing assistance dil:.1 those who can a,:;c3lst: them; generate crnTIe statistics for the City of h1heat Ridr-2 and other govern- r:.:'ntal entities; a.nd py.ovide information and direction as the pr'.J:B1Y initial conFlC [ for citl.zens. l l 1 INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTION OF WORK WORK UNITS .r-----i--.---- __-0ucl~0~18b. -I ~_-)19C709J--~~_I:-:~ -I' L , ~ I L,.,:; , Lc_,l'c.' 20,016 _ L2,~'OO 2j,F2~, I 4,7S,';' I - ,2SJ 5,513 1,752 2,02S 2,12~ 60,351 58,14F 51,054 10,425 9,6:13 IG,llc 3,174 3,000 3,150 5,749 6,03b b,3i8 1 DisDatched Calls Reports Processed 1 UCR [rrtries nther Computer Entries Incoming Jisnatch Phone Calls (}ltgOlDt; DisDatch Phone Calls I-lB 1597 (Records Access Requests) RecopJs Researches Warl'dIllCS, IJA Requests, Ci t:i,.zen Counter STatjstics, Other Tr:msactions I1i.crofilm Police Records 1 I I I -1 ---1 APPROVED j 1980~ I ~ . verVlce, 92,088 -0- ,12:IJ:I.'3 I I 127,71JII 81! ,CD J 1 l..BI?oURCES REQUIRED DESCRIPTION FINAL ESTIMATE 1979 REVISED 1978 PROPOSED 1980 ORIGINAL 1979 1 Pecs,,;nAl Services 157,871 17C',985 157,522 21 (1,73Y 2lJ:2, r:'1;S T Opera tinV Expenses C-:lDi cal rJut1ays 16,720 ":1,72S 2'1,725 "I~ ,055 l4,n~~ 3,915 -0- -0- 9,334 'l,334 T ~~F '-- 194,710 1.81,247 252,sn TOT^,LS 178,512 EMPLOYEES (F.T,) 15 1 " _J 1'7 15 -- :=--=ANNUAL BUDGET==---~._-- PAl...lt, -.- ~-------".-, ,-------- I [---------- II I I I FUND I 01 - GENEPAL I I DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES (j DEPARTMENT - -,DIVISION ACCOUNT, POLICE _____L~~CHl'!ICAL SERVICF.S 204 --J I CLASSIFICATION r REVISEO OP'61NAL FINAL CITV ADMIN-r:-;,PROVED i AN D "I ^f SALARY RANGE NO BUDGET 1 BU~G[T ESTIMATE RECO.....ENO ,C'TY COdNC:Lj', "____"~-'-92L-~79 _~~!.9- .,-~--,--'--9~-__1' " I" Senior Police Dispatchel' (1L 9,955 113,21.:' I -0- 12,50Ij I"i,%) 'I Police rlGpatc1:er en I 78,155 61,;JC'.t) f):.!,U3C+ 81,C13r; 1;;".l2l) I Seni0l f'ol:ice Rpccy:,Jc; Clerk I -0- -0-, -lj-- J.O, 84li i i J" :", (7) , I (':i) 150,767 55,956 0::,2:'>5 78,'720 I 7j,qlj!' I . POSITIONS CURRE~~T. " "":"l ':"'" u FI N AL AUTH. 1 7 o 1 1 7 8 Police Rec(~rcJ'3 Cler'L o f) CoordiI1ator of Tcchnica 1. SerVlce~; 11.1,77,' 14,81+4 J,71.1 -0- " -,J- - ... , " 1.0 17 17 TOTALS 1.53,670 I I I j_.._"-~! .1 lcH,J6'J 1', :"Jlin~'! .________.........L ~ ~_~ . i functJ.c,m; j K' pel't0rIW"cl by '~E.' ll( ,r II I ,I I, I: I I , I ,------- --- I _._____J i 1-" 14!J,9081' 13il, [100 -,---~ .---. ,----- COMMENTS, Tp'clmical SeI'vJ.ces l\)ordi,](atol' Jell-hod. ReCOWlTleEd PCJlicc' Di.s patcher dnd Senio]' ,,-ecnrds Clerk. ~~even ('}) r1ispa tr::hel'fJ needed to perform ? Lt.-hour com] r.UIl icc:rt l.Un:.' C'r:~~ Yl~i-;ncy fW-iC t~il_)i J. . Eight (8) Poll.ee Record,; Clerk'. Ilceded to pPI'f8rrn 2li-hOlcC sCi'Vi,:- .~ ",n"1 !flC""1: incr,-a,'- , vlorklc'3.d. \ L: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE=----, PAG~:Jl~_._ 1 11 I I ANNUAL BUDGET I c=_- ~--- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT 204 'FuNb 01 - GENERAL IDEPARTMENT POLICE DIVISION TECHNICAL SERVICES = APPROVED ell y eOUNC'L FINAL EST I MATE REVISED BUDGET e,TV ADI<'" RECOMMEND \960 ORIGINAL BUDGET '979 OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM 1980 1979 1918 I fIRSONAL SERVICES (01-204-00-00-600) 159,OIJO 130,000 183,168 ~alaries ~ Wages 153,670 145,908 502 L,O ':i 29 1,134 Longevity fay 2,201 28 5lJ3 7,1100 3,500 2,000 'IvPFtime f, Premium Pay 2,000 1,500 610 200 200 200 Court Pay -0- 200 tlH 8, il9 8 3,294 9,096 r.I.~.A. -0- 3,000 620 217 3,000 224 WJrkmen's Compensation -0- 3,000 [,"1 12,CSh 8,800 12,718 Hea~th f, Life Insurance -0- 9,000 622 2,38(1 J.i ,15 l, I 1,349 2,520 Unemployment Insurance -0- 1,349 G:' 3 1,050 5,492 C~OERA - Retirement Expense -0- 1,000 630 2 , \) 8 ~ 2,687 6,300 5,000 -0- Police Pension C. 33 MATEPIALS AND SUPPLIES (0:-204-00-00-650) nffi~~ S~pplies, Printing 6 PCJoTa,~e PI'inting Xerox - For entire dej:>artment ;',pro:: ~~Llpplies ('ffice ~'upp1ies l1n iscope tllCY'O LLllll Supplies 6:J 1 i lO,5JL 10,600\ 6,550 fi ,550 3,155 1,500 4,500 1,000 1,200 400 2,000 Ol~r~~ing Supplies, Small T'Jc,lr3 '> Hinor Equipment 560 150 50 J !: 50 52 1 II CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ---AN N U A L BUD G ET ===-____~______~"'~-~--_:~, Ii I' ,I ACCOUNT-- : I 204 Ji ~~ ~DIlIN~-PROVED I' RECOMMENQ I CITy COdNC:Li I I 1980 , '900 I ~._-_....-- _._~ I ' I II 12,551\ i ,'"gr,] I j',' ,12,' I ,I i' I 'i.,;- h r~, I DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES r--'---'- I r---~'----- I I POSITIONS DEPARTMENT---FlIVI S ION POLICE _..___---L_~=cHNICAL SERVICES CLASSIFICATION REVISED ! ORIGINAL AND SALARY RANGE NO BUDGET 1 BU~GET ____ .-!...9~!9 I SeniOl' Pobce Dlspatch2r' ,./,.), _7S81"196r_:~1161c13',281,n',',';,,)) Police Dispatcher " ~~ __ FUND 01 - GENERAL FI N ~ L ESTIMATE 1979 CURRENT DEPART FINAL BUDGET FiEQUEST AUTH. 1 1 1 I c ., 7 I i 0 1 1 '7 8 8 j 0 0 I I I -0- Senior Police J\ecc.~\b Cled( (7) ( 5) -0- -l'- -0-- I tll,OJr. I lO,84U I I 7tJ,'720! 7 j ,JiJI [l 6~,U34 Police Recor-ds Cler'k 50,767 55,956 rq "-c :-" I, L0,) Coord~'1atc.)r of 'T'cchnical Servlce:" 14,-/72 11+,81+lj -) '71 I ,J, ".0- -0- ,. ~. 1- - ]:1 17 17 TOTALS II I' ,I II II I, " I . I , I I - ~---- --~'----------jl ! ,I ~53,670 14tJ,90fll13\J,OUD 183,1(-;') ~,c'. ]I,n I ____~________~_______..___ ___ ___L______-"-_ _____ I i I I 'I II I; !, I: __________J ! -.-..-----"' - COMMENTS. Tedmical ::;ervices Coordinator deleted. RecoITlillc'nd fW1ctl.OnS he pCl'foTIn("d by Serlinr Pc1ice Dispatcher and Senim" [~eCndf3 Clery:. :-~even ('7) Dispatchers needed 1-0 vel'form 2Lt-huur cOD1ll~unir~at 1 cn: cntc 'Y'P:(;TlCY fune t~iul: . E~ght (8) Pc,llce Record,; Clerks ~eeded to pppf::)J"ffl 2Lf-11':>\f!" se1.'\/J."t'; i:l!J 1Tl",~t incn'd:'- \ vlCJrklrYid. I ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE-- _._,._~ ----- I , , SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I I FUND ~DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT i 01 - TECHNICAL SERVICES 204 I = - GENERAL POLICE REVISED FINA L ^ PPRQVE. 0 OBJECT ORIGINAL CITY A[)M IN CITY COUNCIL : EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET EST I MATE RECOMMEND CODE BUDGET : 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 PERSONAL ~~ERVICES (01-204-00-00-600) 602 :;alaries G Wages 153,670 145,908 130,000 183,168 169,OL+[1 fi lJ:3 Loni!'2vi ty Pay 2,201 28 29 1,134 L, 9 ~ i 610 I ,Jvertime G Premium Pay 2,000 1,500 3,500 2,000 2,000 hlfJ C,.,urt Pay -0- 200 200 200 2 II 0 620 f.T.C.A. -0- 3,000 3,294 9,096 8, ij 98 621 W:Jrkmen's Compensation -0- 3,000 3,000 224 217 622 Health G Life Insurance -0- 9,000 8,800 12,718 12,C,Sf! 62l Unemployment Insurance -0- 1,349 1,349 2,520 2,38C1 I f, 30 CCCERA - RptireJJ1.ent Expense -0- 1,000 1,050 5,492 .1.\,15 C) i ! , 633 Police Pension -0- 6,000 6,300 2,687 2,88'- i I i i !1ATlCP IALS AND SUPPLIES I (01-204-00-00-650) , 5S1 nffi,:",f :~upplies , Printing G I , PU3Ta.r-re 3,155 6,550 6,550 10,600 10,6 '1 L I I , Pr'lnU ng 1,500 i /erux For entire , - I ! dC'partment 4,500 I /.erox SJpplles 1,000 I , Office 2upplies 1,200 ! I llr;.iscope 400 I tIlCC1'O Film Supplies 2,000 I 660 'Jre.t:'=tT Lng SuppLLes, Small T:Jul:~ '. NiDor Equipment 52 50 50 150 J ')1 i I - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -. r- ----- ANNUAL BUDGET PA~E':..8.~___._ 1 I .... I I - I' I I - I i " ! ~. W" "0"'" J' IU:\I ),1' .--- ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 'J 1 ~. --- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES i FUND DEPARTMENT J:SION :rC0UNT------< en - GENERAL {'OLlCr SERVICES ~Clj - TECHNICAL REVISED FIN A L I A.PPROVED OBJECT ORIGINAL CITY AOt~IN I CITY COUN,IL EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET BUOGET ESTI..ATE RECD....END CODE 197B 1979 19B 19BO 1980 - OTHER SLPVIrES c; CHARGES I I (01-204-00-00-700) ! i 711:' ,=onference iJ.Dd ~1eeti DE Exppns( c; 178 300 1'10 300 I ';1', )'111 I A?CO I-Jatlonal CJnf"l-v::nce, CLEER , I I I i 71]> , IJue~J , Books ::lnrl SlD,.::ripti.:ms 151 775 ~-! ,-, r: I 3',11 ..[ n L ,J ;,) COlcs Director\l I N'CU !1embershiD OtJ1C'[' I i 7'fl] Auto HiLcage Pel1T,buY'Soment 200 -~OO -,de; 50n c-, (,n 'XIC, CLEEP, AFL0, TPJ\F, PI'CC, 911 - COT~nit:t-ecs I 750 FrofR53lClnal G Cons~11 ting tf--le:=', -0- 2)0 ~S II 3,.7S:-; -~ ~ ~ ~ il StiJ.te I'Iir'rDfi1m Unit i I 71:,8 Rentals G Lea3es ),84) 3,50lJ ),5100 3,71+5 I 7q'- CCI'=/ NeIC Terminal for UeT' G Rec(.rds SU1lfJort I . 77f Other [<pi pment N;:ll ntellcUlC;P 10,005 12,251] I L;:,\LSO I J.il,010 I ", . " DJctaphone 1,000 ! Rad] t~) -fntipo rpnt. 11,610 Type\Vl'i ter' 250 !1icrDfilm Equi.:;\ment 300 Shredder' LOO M::JlL"ltain Sell 1,50 J either 50 I I 7'3:] (,tcsc,-,11aneous Services G Cbdl'ges 50 =SC 2sn 25u I -Ill I I I_"'~l IT!\L el( vr'I AYCC C rJ1-; r:,1f-ijQ-0II-,;W') I I ,-, I 'Iffl::or Err '-' i rellle! it , .n) _(1._ -11- 1+,;: q4 i , ) '.. J UJ iOU I , I l-:;;S}- I I ,'_~d10_1l1a tor 'N ITar,.c (R) 140 SeJ F~~tl :i ,-' II 1\rpelJJrj ter n -Il J ., CP) ~li3':ldtcn Pecord-l.1fT rr3.pes, ~:toI'al!e C.=tbi~l,,,t (A) ~, ,U'r :.~]ork Tables (2-A) 302 Stenn utai rs C5-F) 750 - I l , I 1 l l l l l 1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ---- , ""'. JlII ,.Olll,....:!. "'If.... I/JI SUMM FUND DEPARTMENT 01 - GEl,fERAL POLICE OSJ ECT EXPENSE ITEM CODE 802 Vangerial Chairs (2-R,1- 505 I~rrffiunications Equipment D:cspatch Recording Tape (4 ~lonth Supply) (A) enl Other Major Equipmerrr Time/Punch Clock For LiisDatch System (A) TDCI'r'\:~~ I I ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE <:]4 ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I' W 1lI rOIllM) I, 11tI:" 1;1. A) 837 s 4,440 600 REV'SED BUDGET 1978 2,600 178,512 DIVISION TECHNICAL SERVICES ORIGINAL BUDGET 1979 -0- -0- -0- 194,710 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FINAL ESTIMATE 1919 -0- -0- 181,247 CITY ADMIN RECOMMEND 19BO 4,440 600 262,623 II li ACCOUNT 204 :' APPROVE 0 CITY COUNCIL 1980 : I I 4,41JJ 6'111 !~ I' !7' ., I' i" II , ,- I' ,I I' IT 1 , , , ' ,-- i , I' 2!-i-h 'II 111 I' , I ''I' II i- f,\0t: ~ --------\ -~ r-- Ir CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE- - PROGRAM DESCRIPTION -19 80 BUDGET I I I OEPT POLICE I BUDGET HISTORY OI\lN l'\NIl1AL CONTROL --< 1978 1979 1979 1980 1930 REVISED ORIGINAL ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 38,700 37,287 37 790 47,243 38,435 Res;Jonsible for respcnse to citiz,en requests for servlcEc, enforcement Qf l'\nimal runtrul related ordinances, suppn:;sslon of anir:B1 problems , detection of violations and l~ JUDIC ,- -f::lon of community c=peration. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES l. To continue high quality serVlce to the public. 2. To lncrease activity leading to detection and enforcement of vi, ".ations by adJ.Li ~p- the equivalent of one Dart-tirw pcx:ition. l. To lmprove safetv to rersonnel and serVlce to the cit':'zen-3 bV ]: liT'chase of a "HA VAHART" dog tn'lp. I i j INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE I ~ . ------.--------l DESCRIPTION OF WORK f--______WORK UNIT_~________i 1976 .__~.--_197919~~___J Arumls Impcunded 756 391 1.) 32[- I lead A~imls Picked-Up 318 227 t75 l'\nirll:l1s Euthanized 2[;5 :330 'tOO ?J1imals Released 536 634 ~()C Anirr.al Carcasses IJisp:x:ed 57E I 519 srln SllJl1IIDns 324 547 r;q.[, ':Jarnings 735 547 G 3(; r-::alls for Ser'vice 2,093 2,248 2,580 RESOURCES REQUIRED L-~l REVISED ORIGINAL FINAL PROPOSED APPROVEDI DESCRIPTION ESTIMATE I 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 ~ \ I Personal Services 27,750 33,827 35,330 1+3,588 34 , "'~(, \ I Oper'ating Expense~) lO,9~0 3,460 2,LtClO 2,710 2,51 U i I r'-aDl tal (JU tlays -0- -0- -0- 945 Ill} ~ T()T,^J~S 38,700 27,287 37,790 [+7,243 38,43~) \ EMPLOYEES ( FT.) 2. ':' 2.: LD ) , i NO. OF \ ::'.5 -----1 - -. - - - - - .. - r------h ANNUAL BUDGE-r----..---...m-"~'''.. -.... -' I -..--------.----1 - -_._-- .. DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAG ES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION 01 - GENERAL POLICE ANIMAL CONTRelL CLASSIFICATION --r POSITIONS REVISED ORI(;I N AL I AND CURRENT DEPAR1. fINAL SALARY RANGE NO. BUDGET BUDGET BUOGET R fQUEST AUTH. __~9TB 1979 -i 1 1 1 An imil.. 1 Control Office.C' i II U(1) 111,008 11,18~+ 1.5 2 1.5 Animal rnntrol uff 1.ccr I I ( s ) IS, CiS 14, HIS I I I i I I I i I I I ! I i I I I I I I I I , ' :3 :;> . 5 TOTALS r~':233 ~5,5n " L. :J I - COMM ENTS. No ch2nge l.n "taffirLG , :t ' 9h 4 I, II Ii Ii I '~CCOUNT ----"-~-j L06 ~ N A L CITY A:,)MIN~-ROVEO i ESTIMATE R[CO""MEN~ \C~l"'; COUNCIL.-: !9T9 I 1~80 ! IS~O 1: ,Jll::,TJ1, 'o,jl I I I I C, ,17 3 71, G Y ell :, , ' l: ~ , I , , ! i I " \1 " il ii 'I I, II I' ~ I I: I I 1 I I I I II I I', I Ii I I ! I I : j I , r:' n r- -'~~~-4'1' ;,} ,obu I /~, ,-r) I I ._--'_..__.....__ __u I I, '" II II Ii " - - - II I: II i: __~___.,,--' t --.- .__..- -., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE--- ANNUAL BUDGET' SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND 01 - GENERAL DEPARTMENT POLICE OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM DIVISION ANIMAL CONTROL ACCOUNT PAGE :]7 --~.::=:=-..::..=--::; I 'I I I ~ I I I i -~ A PPROV[ C CITY COUNCIL t 980 PERSONAL SERVICES (01-~06=00-00-600) 602 ~):-j_larles and Wages 26,233 25,572 26,964 33,660 26,484 () 0 3 Longevity Pay 117 146 153 240 -0- 610 ~lvE:rtime f, Premium Pay 800 1,200 1,260 1,400 1,lfOG b 18 (-'OUY'L Pa'! 600 1,000 1,050 1,200 1,.:DO 620 f.I.C.A. -0- 1,800 1,653 2,120 1,622 621 Workmen's Compensation -0- 1,000 1,000 844 047 622 Health f, Life T -0- 2,060 2,163 2,358 '2 ')'"1 I -Lnsurance ,,1., 623 Unemployment Insurance -0- 299 299 420 350 - 630 CC0ERA - Retirement Expense -0- 750 788 1, 31f 6 1, U:, 9 . 651 B6n 70:' I \7 I] b '12 n I I ~:~ II I u, I L MATLPIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-206-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing f, Pustage Operating Supplies, Small Tools ~ Minor Equipment OTHER S[RVICES f, CHARGES (~1-2UG-OO-00-700) Conferpnce f, ~!eeting Lxpense Local - Instate Dues, Books f, Subscriptions ["unci ref'S f, Associated I u'~,it'.:nn Eei-,lacel1wnt TJn i f,;I''11 ('1 eFlJling 206 REVISED BUDGET FIN A L ESTIMATE CITY ADMIN RECOMMEND 1900 ORIGINAL BUDGET 1979 1979 197 B 400 400 400 400 910 6001 600 600 100 100 100 300 50 50 50 50 8,250 1,000 -0- -0- 75n 750 750 800 -0- 360 360 360 -- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W'" 1"0""" )1, 11I11:" fll' ! I I 400 1 I - fi Cdl I I I I I i lorl i I I I o 1I ; i -0- I I HJG! I 'j b ('I __._..J r- ANNUAL BUDGET Pf'C'- ,1' ~_. -- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION I:COUNT 01 - GENERAL POLICE ANIMAL CONTRUL iu6 REVI SED FIN A L T r APPRovED OBJECT BUDGET ORIGINAL EST I MATE CITY AOMIN COOE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET RECOMMEND j CITV COUNCIL 1978 1979 1919 1980 I 1980 i 750 Professional &, Consulting 250 -0- -0- -0- -0- F,."es 776 Other Equipment Maintenance 90 SO 50 50 I [) [-I I 7'19 nisc. Services G Charges 150 150 150 ISO I 1 r-)I) I CAPITAL OUTLAYS I (01-206-00-00-800) I I fln5 Communications Equipment 805 -0- -0- -IJ.. 805 I b I~ ~) 80C) llther Major Equipment -0- -O- n IlilJ I ] , 0 - u-. I "HAVAHART" Dog Trap (P) 140 ! I I I I i I I I I i T()TALS 38,700 37,287 37,7'jO 47, ,_ 'I '~ I s ,,4 ., I I 'c I i i I ! I I , , i I I ---.--...- ! I ! ' i, I I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE , I " i: " I, " 1 IN" '010.4]..11I1[1/ 2115 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE_ PROGRAM DESCRIPTION - 1980 BUDGET DEPT PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION BUDG ET HISTORY DIVN STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 1978 REVISED 65.679 1979 ORIGINAL 73 109 1980 PROPOSED 64.887 1979 ESTIMATE 62 279 r ~~.~LL..-.>..,_..~ ---- i I 1980 I APPROVED 55 921 The Administrative Division of the Public v-lorks DepartID2nt coordinates OpelHtions of' four divisions within the department. Each division, except Civil Disaster, consists of a Division Head who supervises and directs the operation of his division and is l-e.- sponsible to the Director of Public Works. 5T_ATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES The ,lI.dministration Division 's objecb ve lS to coordinate the four Division's progl"ams within the Public Works Department consisting of the Str>eets Division, Traffic Di<'ision, Shops Division, Civil Disaster and to make sure all divisions fUIiction as accuratelv and ' efficiently as possible to provide the best serVlce for tax dollars spent. INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTION OF WORK WORK UNITS 1978 1979 --- '3,900 4,290 1,'300 1,430 1,040 1,144 250 275 354 389 208 229 520 572 500 550 250 275 166 183 - Phone Calls Received Phone Calls Returned rail, Filing, Legs, Invoices Dispatch Maintain Perso~nel and Budget Records Review Plans, Specs, Projects Ci ty Meetings (Council, Departmental) Scheduling of Work Field Inspection all Work Review Programs with Division Heads RESOURCES REQUIRED DESCRIPTION REVISED ORIGINAL FINAL PROPOSED ESTIMATE 1978 1979 1979 1980 Personal Services 50,27~ 59,834 48,63'.f 1'9,157 0neratinl Expenses 15,400 13,275 13 ,645 l::,730 Capital Outlays -0- -0- -0- -0- TOTALS 65,679 73,109 62,279 6Li,887 NO OF EMPLOYEES (F.T.) 3 3 ,.., L 3 1980 I I I I --1 i .~ I L',719 1,57) 1,258 %"1 42:-1 252 629 6U5 30"< .J 201 , ! fAF'PROVE-D-J1' 1980 , 1 I I I , I I I I I \ II ~__J itO,~) 7:- J:) ~ ;i+:) .-0- 55,9n r , I I --ANNUAL BUDGET=~=--' F ~__~?..!-:-_ _ -:_,,~ POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE NO. REVISE D BUDGET 191B ORIGINAL BUDGET 1979 "-', I I l .-J ACCOUNT . 301 _~! I FI N ~ L 1 CITY ~DM'N.l-:-PPROV[D : I ESTIMATE REGOMMEND iCITY COUNCIL, 1919 1980 I '9B~____ ! i 75,964 L4,8641 I -0- I ti I DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES FUND 01 - GENERAL DEPARTMENT PUBLIC \^lORYS DIVISION ADMINISTRATION CURRENT DEPART. FINAL BUDGET ~ fQUrST AUTH. 1 1 1 Dlrector of Public Works ( ;' 4 ) 25,362 25,,680 , (HH1 1 o o Technical (Formerly Officer) Staff Ass~stan~12,225 Administr'ati ve 10,8Di' -0- --(-- 1 1 1 Senior Secretary (7) 11,100 11,220 11,406 12,69Gli1,34U - ') L TOTALS I Ii I I: I I I I I I I I I I I ! I " I I _._~-...j ! - - 2 l\ 8 , 6 8 8 4 7 , 7 C' r I: C3 , " 7 n .CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1 7 , S 6 0 j l~ 'I q '-- ~ I: " --.------, ! 11 Dep_ Ci1"trn, '1 ,l i l I ,1 Ii i\ I, I' " II II Ii -------j: I --, COMMENTS. Techllical Staff Assic;tant p02i'tl.on transrerr'ed to CrgineE.I'ing Englneering Technicidn. '-' ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND 01 - GENERAL DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS OBJECT CODE 601 602 I 603 605 610 619 620 621 622 623 630 651 6fiO I 7021 706 Il_~__. EXPENSE ITEM PERSONAL SERVICES (01-300-00-00-600) Director of Public Works Salarv Salaries & Wages Lon~evitv Pay Merit Increase Overtime & Premium Pay Fee Personnel F. 1. C. A. Workmen's Compensation Health & Life Insurance Unemployment Insurance CCOERA - Retirement Expense MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES ~301-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing & Postap-e Oneratinp' Supplies, Small Tools & Minor EQuipment OTHFR SERVICES AND CHARGES Conference & Meeting Expense APWA 800 CMI, 300 Dues, Books & Subscriptions DIVISION ADMINISTRATION REVISED BUDGET 1978 25 ,362 23,326 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,800 571 420 600 650 500 350 ORIGINAL BUDGET 1979 25,680 FIN ~ L ESTIMATE 1919 26,964 22,020 11,406 504 4,221 200 -0- 2,520 1,000 2,360 429 900 2,000 100 900 375 Will. P'O"M l' "'1;\1 t",! CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~ -0- 67 2,265 -0- 2,946 1,000 2,478 '+29 1,079 2,310 100 900 435 aTY ADMIH RECDMNEND 1980 ACCOUNT 301 PAGE lei I: APPROVE 0 CITY COUNCIL 1980 i~ 24,864 I 23,088 12,696 -0- 5,353 240 -0- 2,198 135 1,858 1,533 2,650 1,035 280 115 500 " 11 , 340 -0- I' " ~ I -0- - " i i 240 .-0 - 2,155 132 - , 'I , ' 1,85] _ i' i " 280 1,488 .... ii - 2,650 " , 1] 5 - I 1,100 son -II r .\r:~_ ---:=----.--- -'..- ANNUAL BUDGET ------ I il I 1 I SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION =r' U1 - -;t:lfi:FAL PUBLIC r'IORKS ADMINE'~'Rl'{lT()N REV\ SEO f\N A l \ OBJECT aUDGET ORIGINAL E51l MArE CITY ADM'~ CODE EXPENSE :rEM BUDGET \ RECOMNEND 197B 1979 : 979 I 1980 I I '7 ) ~3 Tn.l ining ,- Safety 100 --n- _Il_~ I -u- 7110 ","ute> t1ilf:a,?c: EeiTIlb'irr~-:;f~1nent ;\;C' ,\ (' -'on I , '--. ,) I I I - I L-,:1 T~ 'lp Ih\J.ill,? :Cx::)(~ns e 3.Jl! 10 Grn hili] f' JOD? Dic::tarl'~l: I 7SR F\ :ntrlls - LeClSC'S -rl- -f)- I -(1- 1+";1- Fll()rY~ D,l-geJ""1 I /c',n ilt:ilitief I I '0 I L~ .. 6:i 0 5, S "1 i '-'.. cj:!f) [, , : ,~h()~)s l~11ilI1JJ1!_; I , '7 I' \Tphi ('J p ~,t~ fX~LLl' ,- C i'Jer::rt-iIl~l I .. , ..n- I I ,.^.yleIl ;t-' I -lJ- I .. ...11-- ! I " I l-dril i tv PeDair r ~'TclJ_J l't-en drll~e , I" 'i(")0 i ,ill'li, -';,I"-I()fj ~ 4 L, , I \ " 77' '!ther EClUlDITt::.ni ~'\aint"ni-UlL'e (H.:ll ~_ C' I-i )[)ii n '), '/'1'1 ~ 1-1 C',I ~ . ~3c:!.-'~ 7ic~s c (] L-'r,--'"1gl: '~~ I lUU 1 nil lrln i ; Co I i , , \ I I I I I I , r;! \17l\!_J~:~ ~I S ., f/7 1 7') ~l~)'l ~ ., 1 '"/" (,It 'l q:1 , " , 4 I , I I I I I , I I I 1 \ I I I , _______._..1 ' CCOUNT I Ii J I I" : I l i I l -r~~)-;~~-;O ~--- I (ITY COUNCIL i , 1 , i I I I , , I I , I I I I 1~8(! -0 -11- -I I , I -\ 1 , Ii , Ii _.j j.- , 1! II (I Ii , ' :! l , , ,I II 11, .., , I .., I l l l , I i' I: 'I , , , I l 1 I l_,__.._._,_._~___.__. __.-:. CITV OF WHEAT RIDGE i I ------------------.------------"".-----.- -.-.----' --..------ -.----." ---~_..,-_.__._---- -.--". ~---~. wilt ,.0"""']' 1ffV '''15 PAGt. _l ,; j ----- C I T Y OF WHE AT RID G E --------.----~~-:~.'==l.. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION -1980 BUDGET I -~ I !980 ~~980-'---i PROPOSED APPROVED I 353,670 l!73,541__.j I f','T DIVN PUBLIC \^lORKS STREETS BUDGET HISTORY STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 1978 REVISED 219 (185 1979 ORIGINAL 200 091 1979 ESTIMATE 207 59J 1" clean and sweep the streets, SClJ1d and plow the stn?ets j n the W1T'.ter, Drovice ~'r'Ci,p-r dnuIld/,:e of the streets, patch the dlUck: holes and seal tJ-je crarks in the st~'8ets, [Tade and release gravel reads and shoulders and mow the weeds in the right-of--way. 5.JATfMENI_OF ....Q8JECTIVE~ I ! I I II I I I ' . I I' . I j I INDICATORS OF PERFORMA_NCE -- - ~--- WO~-;-~~~-'- ---.--1 DESCRIPTION CiF WORK -',' ,---- -.--1 ________ .197~---'-rl __ 1979 __ _1.?80__j Patciumr Chuck: Holes on City Streets 2,7(11+ 2, "04 2,7')1, I I q ,431l To helve cleAner streets, safer street3 in the vlinter time, fevJer cJlUck holes and cirmother streets threugh the o'rerlay program and less gravel rOcvls. -i - (~ravel !\oad Grading d:1d Eccleasing =.f;C l(;S i I 1 I I II II , I I i II I ----I I --- I OVl D I i 80__-J I i I' -'16 ! I :] ~L - S',jeeDing I=i ty Street3 l+ ') L;. J1 W .,4 -<I) - Drainage of Ci tv Streets and Pietlt-of-Way 3 r~} S 32 8 '12 - - RESOURCES REQUIRED -- TO'T~S - I .r---- , - REVISED ORIGINAL FINAL I PROPOSED I APPR TION ESTIMATE 1978 -- 1979 1979 +- 1980 19 - ,-~- I " J.52,674 155,645 153,14(; .:'57,925 24;' , es 59,~1l 41+ ,41+5 4l[,L45 51,'270 F j fi,500 -0- -lj- 0,4,u,75 271i 2l S, O(5~ :;00,091 207,591 353,670 :..7H EES ( FT.) 4- I 4 '+ 17 IL - .- - /i1 DESCRIP F\::'I)SOnal Ser'vi:::;e I-I~)e:catjng Exr0PDS CaDltal Jut1afS ,'i i'C NO. OF EMPLOY ,:,c!1 I I ! I i I .7f) I, , 1 ._..__o_...J l -I FUND 01 - GENERAL POSITIONS CURHENT DEPART. BUDG~~ !<!:.QUEST Fl N AL AUTH. 1 ,., L 4 8 11.5 1.5 o . S - - --------===A N N U A L BUD G ET ====--==----~,. ~~-l I, Ii , I ACC~JNT------------~ 3 (] 3 I 'H ~D...:T:~-;;O\!ED-1 ECO"~f~D iCilY COUNCILI I --'.2.l!2-___ ~8E____.j , I ,I I it 19) ) i ~ 11::J '1 -\ j I, :' I ' ! I ! I hi , I I ,) I I 11 i I I' 21,549 2b,6'7:;' 2r,737 '8,83'I!l", I :2 2 , J L~ G '2 ~ , 2 J+ 7 q.9, l+ ? G ! '-I '+ ~ II 4 I I I --0- 187'6!:!1'" AM D - ~ 0 ~ 0 :11"] ! :l ) 'I :J 1-; !~I . I Lt ,68 '71 I I i I I I I I I I , "- - ---..--....t hi] , ? 8 9 If) 7 , 3 (] 0 5 7 , 30 (] ~ () S , (] 6 '/ 1 '.I ~, : ,i .- I --'--.- ----..~--l I I i Ii Ii 1\ II ----____ClTy OF WHEAT RIDGE--------------~=-~~J DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION- ~ -'- H 7 ST~LLT MAINfENANCE I I ii I' I I I I ! , i f- 17 p-G~7:, COMMENTS. 11.5 rubllc \0ork:c: t'Ialntenancc,pcJsitj.ons addcccl to Improve stree~: maintcfl IL I rl.:Jgrarn. Thls involves a methodological change frum cnntraot la.bn:' (Lal,. .' Pn'J1) tc, pennanent and sea,3,--,nCl] City maintenance :,tafr pnSITlons. Tlcc' ie],,' 1 l"yr, l' ,.+ ..l. ,~'. '-' L L \,,)ill be CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE NO I 1 ORIGINAL FIN~L C 6UDGlT ! ESTIMut R I . '9~~._ H,480117,316 REVISED BUDGET 1978 ~l Street Maintenance Supervisor 05 ) 16,279 .., Motor and Equipment Oper<atcr II (11 ) 1+ Jvlotur' Equipm~nt (]L)C-'Y'3t,--JY' J ;' 2, IIG 1 I -1)- I -u- -O~- I -(1- : 9 ) 8 Public "wOI'ks Worker -0- fla.ir t1?llc111CC ( f) ) PuL,lic vlr)l'ks SCdE30nCll Eclpell::::; -u- I I I I .25 , 1+ ) Cler'k TYPlst J TOTALS shared w~th the Shops Div~slon. PAGE l"S ANNUAL BUDGET , SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES 1 I FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT 01 - GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET MAINTENANCE 303 , OBJEC~I REVI SED FINA L 1 APPROVED BUDGET ORIGINAL EST I MATE CITY ADMIN ^ EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET RECOMMEND ciTY COUNCIL CODE 1978 1979 1979 1980 J 1980 . --, I FERSONNEL SERVICES (01-303-00-00-600) II " '! 1302 SFllar'ies f, Wages 60,289 67,300 67,300 205,067 193,301 Ii GO:1 l,ongevi ty Pay 835 240 L40 970 ~- '; (j GIn Uvertimp. f, Premium Pay 10,000 5,000 S,OOO 8,000 8,OUU ., I I 614 Standby Pay ;! ,850 4,100 4,100 4,200 L} , ) 0 Cl 619 fee Personnel 78,700 68,000 75,500 -0- -0- 620 F. 1. '':: .A. -0- 4,000 4,000 12,692 10, '7 ~~ 7 , 621 hfopkmen T s Compensation -0- 1,600 1,600 7,837 7, J:F.1 I 6"" Hecl1th and Life Insurance -0- 3,200 3,200 13,913 1:1, fj1f7 LL b r, . Unemployment Insurance -0- 706 706 2,170 " ,no L U G 30 CCc)El~A - Petirement Expense -0- 1,500 1,500 3,076 2 , q _~ J I' MATiRIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-303-00-00-650) 651 Gffice Supplies, Printing & PC'c3 t age 650 650 650 650 F 5 II 660 0perating Supplies, Small 1y01s & Minor Equipment A~phalt 25,000 Salt f, Sand 20,500 Weed rontrol 1,500 Drainage Pipe 2,500 r,oad Base f, Wash 1<0c1< 48,800 40,000 40,000 54,905 54, () rl5 i! \':llDc"'ete Sand 3,060 720 1,625 RC200 DN CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W It "0 It 1>1I ll, "1:.... .nll r I I ANNUAL BUDGET PACiE-. .L I SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES - DIVISION IACCOUNT U<S STPI:ET i-lAnnlc1JPNCI: ]rH .L . REV! SED f It.! A L ~ APPROVlD BUDGET ORIGINAL EST I MATE CITY AD~'l'i I e!T'!' COUNCIL BUDGET RECOM"END .97B .979 1979 1980 r2-- - ':;ES - , I nses 15D 1bS I 16::; 1 ':' 1 f' I )ns 100 100 1(10 lrJrJ i 1J!I! I I I 500 100 l r'il ljUU I 111'1 -,_Uu I I othing 1 .. ~: -: -i 1 I , 11' jO r, or" ~ ,8[, , "" J "- , U 'I) t Ino Ji1n lOCI ll';"'! Lr,'! ~ d , i 5,300 ,+on I 1+00 JOG il' ,).J;I I ce 1,~5C1 :.,noo I 1,000 LOnCi I ; 11\;-' c, ," I I l,f,n SOD SeD :,nc L,,f~ : I I I I , Padio~-.; -11- -0- -1]- 4,n 5 L ~ ., I 1 , , > !+ ,02 [~ I -0- -0- I -n- -o- j _.11._ \ I G,SOO -0- -u- S,45!l I S,I) :,[_! I I ~1P ..nt~; -0- -0- -0-- ~5,WY) ~ c '.,1 ':'1'.) I I I -0-. -[]- -!i.. -o- J ~I !i I I ~ : In I ! i I I I I i I I 210 ,il8~') ::'OO,D'Jl 2 rp , S SJ1 35:J,G70 I L -, ll, " t "L I I I I ; \ I I I , I , I I I ----i FUND OJ - r:E:NEPJlL DEPARTMENT PUBLIC' \10P OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM OTllER SER'JI':I:S G ;::;!\ F (111- 30 ',-(]()-l:)~'7nnl 70:' CCJnference F;. ~'fCting EXf)(o ((lfi Due's, woks e: '>tiliscrirti( "7 ) 3 Tr'tL~nill.g f, Safety 73n U'1lY::;rms r Protective el' 740 Auto 'lllcage Eeimbursemen 7~8 Rentals S Leases ~7[) Other Equi,-,ment '1a.iIltenan 'I']'] t-lisc. Services '0 Charges - CAPITAL iJUlIAYS (61..103-00-00-~On) 'illS (':>r'1lIlunic."itions G'u~i,rm1f'nt (S-A) - 8n8 \7ehlC'..llill' Equipment :JOCJ ()ther 1-:ajor Equipment i"\-.:=T)halt Roll er (P) ,'iI' rub L (" l'lod-s ShOD Imm'cNe ff"q V]",;t 44th Ave. Repairs/ K{ 'C" "'T1;:;tructl/)n r~'rq'l\l..s L CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ---------------.-.------ ._.~-- IN" 1"011I"") a. .11I:\1' 1,111 I IDE P T /DIVN -CITY OF WHEAT RIDGt:- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION -1980 BUDGET PAGEJ'.JI PUBLIC vlORKS TRAFFIC 11AINTENANCE BUDGET HISTORY ---, 1 ~I 1980 I 1980-~ ! PROPOSED I ~PPROVED II 78,113 _L-0,083 I I STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 1978 REVISED 75 871 1979 ORIGINAL 72 815 1979 ESTIMA TE S7 335 I'laking .:;igns, painting lines for tC'affic control, traffic COLL'lts to deterrn:i.f'ic, ~n)sswalk painting. 1Jsar;~-:, 011 DESCRIPTION OF WORK , I I I I II II I i II i I II ----I----~ORK UN 1;5-------11 ~97~_ 11979--~9~~-=:: i 167 157 I 167 I 25~~ 252 2ljr I STATE1!oJ::NLOF OBJECTIVE~ 1. Update all stl'eet signs. StriI)e aIL stre(~ts and crosswalks at least three ti"1es, j, Reduce cost per mile striping. 4. I\educe "ign rraintenance cost", 5. lbdate traffic co\mts, b, To provid8 the hest for tax dollar :;l)f';nt. "' - INDIC/~TORS OF PERFORMANCE --"----------- - SnCM Rerroval Str~plng Center or' Guidt~ Lines- 1+ times a year Crosswalk Striplni';- 4 times a year 129 129 lli S - NCiintenance of Street Signs PDth Old and New 1,597 1,597 1, /'00 - Studies of Traffic Situations IndJding Traffic Counts 574 574 s~;o .J__ - -----1 ~-------~ I PROPOSED ! APPf/;JVED. II ~O , ~80_.1 35. '~3""" ,I u2,541 11\2 ,r~ 1 I I _r,_ I I -/G,nfn II ----j I 7 -=-~=~~JJ .-0- RESOURCES REQUIRED ----- I L NO OF _EMPLOYE T0'::ALS REVISED ORIGINAL FINAL ] ION ESTIMATE I 1978 1979 1979 27,871 30,1415 20,935 I s 49,D~0 42,400 "E ,'+(10 -0- -0- -0- 7E ,871 '7:2,815 5'7,'3",) - 1---- -- ES ( FT.) I 2 2 ? 78,113 DESCRIPT re['3unal Services Operating Expense Capita] Outlay" r-=- I FUND I 01 - CENERAL ~---"'---ANNUAL BUDGET~=-~--' POSITIONS CURRENT DEPART. FINAL BUOGET REQUEST AU1H, 1 1 1 1 - DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1 PARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC HAINTENANCE 304 CLASSIFICATION REVISED I ORIGINAL FI N A L CITY ADMIN 1 APP AND BUOGET BUOGET ESTIMATE RECQMMEN(I \cITY SALARY RANGE NO 19ra.--L. 19'9 .979 1~80 I , ~- ----~------- I I Traffic Technician IJ I ( 1 n ) I lit 1+" "I 14 ,SdOI 1" ,000 16,32'1 1 ' I _ ., ~I <- Traffic. Tech:11.cicLll 1 , I \ 8 ) 10 "nl 9,()i'JO! --0- 11,38H 1: , ._ j b, , I DE 1 TOTALS I l--. I 1",1' FC;~, "I, !IFr: ._ 1, J v _ ,,_ .,'_ I f5,OOO IJ~_ COMMENTS, I I '7 7' -i- 'l c' _:~_~I Ld,; dli (~11dnge J_D staff. I I \ I L-------------------CITy OF WHEAT RIDGE~---- P'A~l.J~:_________ --l I j -~j ~OV[O i COUNCIL! 980 I; --1 " ,;1! I n , b ~ 'I I ! , 1 , , I I I I il 'I II I' 11 II -' i " I' t Ji I: d I, Ii 1\ 1\ ,\ Ii ---j -. SUM FUND DEPARTMENT 01 - GENERAL PUBLIC WO OBJECT EXPENSE ITEM CODE PERSONAL SERVICES (01-304-00-00-600) 602 ::lalarles to Wages 603 Longevity Pay 510 I UVf;rtime (, Pr'emi urn P 611+ Standby PdY 620 f.I.C.A. 621 Wc)rkmen's Compensati 522 HC'i.lth S Life Insura 623 i incmployment Insuran 630 CCOERA - Retirement ~1ATERIALS AND SUPPLI (01-104-00-00-6~0) 6S1 iJfflce Supplies, Pri Postage I 660 ( p"rating Supplies, TunIs, G Hinor Equip Traffic Paint f, Bends Tr'{-{ ffic Signs '=heeting Letter's :~pCCl a1 Signs .,~' 8 Training t~ Safety BU I TTnifol'TnS c Protectiv " C1uthing ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 10~ MARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I 7SP, I;"ei+dl~3 G Leases \ l w" "0""']' "It\,' a:n RKS ay on nce ce Expense ES nting f, Small ment 18,800 7,319 4,022 8,000 3,000 e DIVISION TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE REVISED BUDGET FINAL EST I MATE ORIGINAL BUDGET 1979 1979 1978 24,658 24,480 15,000 413 -0- -0- 1,800 750 750 1,000 1,000 1,000 -0- 1,300 1,300 -0- 540 540 -0- 1,572 1,572 -0- 238 238 -0- 535 S35 100 100 100 39,800 35,000 35,000 100 -0- -0- 1,900 400 400 300 300 300 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE n ACCOUNT ,- ! 1 304 I! APPROVE 0 CITY ADMIN CITY COUNCIL RECOMMEND 1960 1980 r ,I 27,717 :_) S ,9]:2 , , -0- -0- I 750 7511_ 1,000 I , I) D Ii ~ 1,713 1,6!JQ I! 1,082 1,0 1 t~t - \, 1,812 , B [) ,; ! I 280 '.JfJ' , - , , ! 1,118 1,0:,(1 - ~ 100 1 00 .. 41,141 41,14l - , ; -0- -Il~ 5UO Sf][l 300 ,jr:ll -- - -- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT 01 - CENERAL PUBLIC HORKS TRA.17fIC MAINTENANCE '30LL - .. --- .. REVISED FINA L I, APPROVE 0 OBJECT ORIGINAL ESTIMATE aTY AOMIN CITY COlJN EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET RECOMMEND CODE BUDGET 1976 1979 1979 .980 1980 --. 774 facility Repair' f, ~l3.intenaIlce 6,000 6,000 -0- -0- -LJ- 77[, Ut hec LquF)ffi2nt: tl3.intenance 500 500 500 500 SOO - 793 "lise. Services f, Charges 300 100 100 100 I i[i[J I - - I - - - - , 1 I 1 1 I I l I I I CjYY:.'ALS 76,871 72 ,815 [)7 ,2, is 78,lU .. I '\ U d -~ -: I I I l '1 I I ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 11G ------ Ii I I ~ I ell L__ L...-__. Y.! f\ "01'1"") 10 1'1"'" 2/11 ---- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I I I I I I' II I 1 I I, II I' ,I Ii Ii II ii I II j -, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PAGE In -- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION -1980 BUDGET DEPT -- PUBLIC \tJOEKS DIVN SHOPS BUDGET HISTORY 1978 1979 1979 ---r-I 1980 1980 REVISED ORIGINAL ESTIMATE I PROPOSED APPROVED I STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 198 739 187,788 199.226 283,413 261.912 The pur'pcse of the Public Works Shop includes: (l) lliintenance of all City owned vehicles and Equipment; (2) Provide a comprehensive pro~am for all CiDJ vehicles and equipment; Haintain adequate supply of equipment parts, oil, fuel and lubricant 3upp1 'Les; (3) Provide statistical data on operations cost; (4) Mc"intain vehicle historical (lata un each vehicle or item of equipment. STATEMENT _pF OBJECTIVES_ 1. Keep all vehicles or items of equipment operational. 2. Keep operational costs down. 3. Keep vehicle and equipment down time to a mUllmum. 4. l1aintain a pr"E'Ventatlve progr'am keyed to\tTards reducing d= time and fuel conc,\.l.1Jlption. INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTION OF WOR,< WORK UNITS j - 1978 1979 1980 I 95 95 ----I 9~) I 6,400 5,400 7 )80 ,~ I 1,400 1,400 1 ,L~iJO 2,000 2,000 2,50'1 260 390 51JO - Vehicles 1> Equinment mintained !1aintenance Man Hour'S - Invoices (Parts, Fuel obtained) (Paper work processed) - Wary Or'ders (Cost Data Processed) Records Keeping (Hour's) - C'cr;)i tal 011tlays 2,000 -0- 2,900 3,500 I ._~ I I APPROVE 0 I 1980 I a,:ocl L15,Jl~ I 3,sno - JiESOURCES REQUIRED DESCRIPTION REVISED 1978 ORIGINAL 1979 FINAL PROPOSED ESTIMA TE 1'379 1980 70,176 I 104,401 126,1S0 175,512 Personal Services 67,389 76,638 Gperatiug Lxpenses 129,350 111,150 TOTi\LS 198,73Q 187,788 199,226 ,'8'i,413 251,cn:: NO. OF EMPLOYEES (F.T.) 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.5 4.25 JJ ---------ANNUAL BUDGET FUND 01 - GENERAL POSITIONS CURRENT DEPART. FINAL BUDGET r-cEQUEST AUTH. 1 1 1 I ", 1+ 3 Ill. 5 0 0 I -\ 0 o . 5 .25 - - 4.') 5.5 4.25 COMMENTS. I ACCOUNT l 305 I,:,., ORIGINAL FIN~L CITY ~~~~~ BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOM~ENO iCITY COUNCILlI 1979 191~_~_ 1980 I 19SCi ~ i 16,394 16,488 17,316 19,392119,344 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION SHOP CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE NO. REVISE D BUDGET 1918 Shops E Yards Super- Vlsor (15) P A G [....J.lL ...- -, -l I 1 , , ____.l Auto E ~quip. Mechanlc (12) 44,741 44,748 41,156 62,292 4r.,bOB Auto E Equip. Worker Service (7) 4,292 1+ ,380 1,774 -0- Clerk Typist (4 ) -0- -0- 4,692 -0- TOTALS --.15,427 65,616 ~0,246 S6,376 CleI'k Typist to be shared with Street Maintenance Division to handle ,'1 'c";' I :>,1 '-JC)I'kload. -.. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -[1- 2,187 1 Ii II I II I I I il [,8,' Ell 11 I: I' I \ \ , ...)1 ! ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE -L. ~. ': SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND 01 - GENERAL OBJECT CODE 502 fiOJ 610 620 521 5"" , L 52:1 I) 30 55~ 660 730 776 80'3 LJ DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS EXPENSE ITEM PERSONNEL SERVICES (01-305-00-00-600) Salaries E. \-Jages LonGevity Overtime E. Premium Pay F.I.C.A. Workman's Compensation Health ~ Life Insurance U~employment Insurance CCOERA - Retirement Expense Iv!!,TEPIAL.3 AND SUPPLIES (01-305-00-00-650) I ,[fie:; Supplies nperating Supplies, Small TOG13 E. Mlnor Equipment Gas 103,500 ni".;pl 8,050 Auto S Equipment 60,000 Parts Police Patrol 2,500 Accessorles Uniforms ~ Protective r:lothing Other Equipment Malntenance (AP1TAl, OUTLAYS (nl-:JOS~00-00-800) Other Ma40r Equipment REVISED BUDGET .978 65,427 1,462 500 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 350 DIVISION SHOP ORIGINAL BUOGET 1979 65,516 800 600 3,500 1,350 2,780 592 1,400 350 FIN A L ESTIMATE 1919 60,246 800 600 3,250 1,150 2,630 500 1,000 350 etTY ADMIN RECOMMEND 1980 86,37li 1,251 5,441 1,948 5,036 2 ,809 70u 840 350 ACCOUNT 305 APPRovED C!TY COUNCIL 1980 G8, l b - 7 i] 1'- ~ ,2 ') I 1, ] (~'- j , n 3 j 81, n ~l , f I'~ - F,t -, .L 2 8 , 0 0 0 11 0 , 0 0 0 1 2 5 , 0 0 0 1 7 4 , n Cj I I ] 7 c! , [, -, I I , i I -, I 500 500 500 500 812 SJ 2 ,000 300 -0- Will 'Ol'tM ~.. ,,1:.... 1,11 - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 300 2,900 -0- JOn ')Ilr;- : -' - - SUMM FUND DEPARTMENT 01 - r';ENEPAL PUBLIC \JO. OBJECT EXPENSE ITEM COOE W3~ T=ls [; i,lork EquiDment Overhead Gantry w/hoi (A) 25-Ton Shop Press (A) Tool Box and }1echanic I Tools (A) TnT '\l~S l II Ll , W" ,.ORM). "1:\1 '/1' ANNUAL BUDGET- PAGE1J '. ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES RKS st 1,500 1,500 s 500 DIVISION ACCOUNT :1 SHOP 30', -- REVISED FIN A L APPROVED ORIGINAL CITY ADMIN BUDGET BUDGET EST I MATE RECOMMEND I CI1 Y C OUNe IL , 197B 19'79 1979 1980 1980 ~I --i. 2,000 -0- 2,QOO 3,500 3, r-)f1CI I: " " i 'I I, " " "L C1fJ, /39 Ii, '") r: ~1 i I' I 1 I I i I I , ! . jll __..~__.,.____ I 187,788 1 'Jrj, ~2f') 283,413 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE r--- I FUND DIVISION tCOUNT CIVIL DISASTER j(]6 REVISED fiN A L A PPROV[ (I BUOGET ORIGINAL ESTIMATE CITY ADMIN CITY BUO GET RECOMMEND COUI\iCIL 197B 1979 1979 1980 19B() I '~ ,150 -0- -[1- -0- I -11- -()- 2,OuO 150 2,000 "l11:li) -0- :,000 -0.- J ,0rll) I -I, i I: 1 IJ I i I I, I ii ! I I I 500 .-0-- 5'J -0- I -11- -- ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES o 1 -~ENEl\,i\L DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM r)T~R;:;mJAL SERVTCES ~nl-30h-00-00~60~) hi)" ~;Q l.'lFi 0'3 ,c. lvagcc; C} 11 '.lvcrtime f~ Premium PdY ~ -11] re~~ Per~onnel ~ j\'TT:PTJlJ):; S STlPF'LU:S (rF- 30h-00-00-G~ fJ) r~~I} (J[fifle ~~lJ.:'-)Plies'J Pf1intin,\.!; (' Pnr-;tar!e 7[1.' I 7:lFI 74(1 '/c, 8 7[19 Tir, "qlj - "\': n' '::11 c -:1-1'-1 'lTI iER ~~EPTJ [t 'is _ "~1-L~FY~ES (01-306-00-00-700) C'onference r !1ec'tj nr:; r:x,lense r;(]n ~rlo -,U- GO iJn .",n FI[~I I 300 ,~, -u- -0- I [l,I+OO -fJ- 160 ! -fJ- -0-- 150 -0-- -0- I 50 :)U l+()G lU:_~3 'l Bonys -, 0ul,:~;{-r'i~-'li()ns I\lli-c) 'ti lCdp;t:: R(~iIr1J)llrGenlelll Rentr=lls S L::.dSt2S Telpnhonc;, EX~F:nse U'J!l2: r istance \ ether' E1uipmenl rt{intenancc ~Ii~,ce llt.-1l1eous :;ervice~-; r: (_:har~es Ci\FTTl\L \~lt ;:-l'lAY L.~ (nl-3fJ6-0n-OCI-o0n) ~I t r iJ'c:::: EClU1_l )TT~r1-t -0- -0-- son Vehicular E_iui;~ment -n- 4,000 -'1- '-'the'!' 'him' LyuiDlT'Cnt .-0- -- ]- 1,UOO crnT'\L 10,nnn ;-),SCl 'l,8<;n I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W" "01"''' J-I ''':\1 .1/7. PAC;F -,: 2:-10 [~ i~1 I 31;0 I 4,400 I -O- n I -u- sn I I -,~l- I _IJ- I -0- J,1!) ,i;l! J ~ ~ 1 ;! I , -:", __11_ " , -I , -, -- _, -- In ,onr: l" -~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGl:--- PAGE LLo --, I ~i I 1 II _I I D I PROGRAM DESCRIPTION -1980 BUDGET - - DEPT ENGINEERING BUDGET HISTORY DIVN ADMIlUSTPATION 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 REVISED ORIGINAL ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVE STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 260.[108 309,979 300,982 347 473 ]1+ 7 , 7 33 To develop, coordinate, and provide prufessional level englneer (civil) design to lnclude construction (quality assurClJ Ieee) supporT io meet Public \eJorks assi8fi'll2nts/ prolects In a timely a"'1d orderly manner for the C:it~T of \^lheat Ridge. STATE~ENT OF OBJECTIVES To prolIDte the effectiveness and capabiJity of '111 effort v..Ttli(~h involves construci"-.ion inspection, research of documents, field work, construction c1.r'a1:JinfS , engmeer dl }lEn production, training, rrorale and citizen contact. JNDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE ,----- - WORK UNITS DESCRIPTION OF WORK ----- [---f--~- 1978 1979 IgaO --- ------ ------ Plan Review/resign Drawings J,380 I 1 518 " ,.,? ..I.. ,. J , ...)__L _ field Survey 'n" I 226 ~26 L ,) ~ Flan f, Spec. Preparation 2,700 ~ Q70 ~ 3~n L, _J '- ., ., Right of VIav Research 400 41+0 4'1 ~ t'1eetings /Tnwe 1 60 he Ge fie.Ld Inspections 2,701: 2 ;J7 0 2, :37fj field I~vestigations/Recon. 1,100 1,210 1 "-I i~ , -,--d Contracted Work Surveillance 1,500 1,760 1,76CJ COl'rcs-pondencE Reports 770 814 7 8'17 - RESOURCES REQUIRED - --- REVISED ORIGINAL FINAL PROPOSED I APPROVE: DESCRIPTION ESTIMATE 1978 1979 197'3 1980 T~ 112.52'1 97,4~3 rEorsonal Services 93,r)99 134,1"32 1134,392 I!nerdting ;::xpense::.; 166,'7?9 J 97,1 SO L'u3,,7:19 212,050 ?=-~, IJ~in Capital Outlays 520 300 3['1() 1,L91 1 ) 01 ......., ~'..- iO'li-\LS 260 '>>08_\ 109,979 30e), :J22 347,471 147,7~~ --. I \ EMPLOYEES ( FT.) 7 I 7 ~ " cJ NO OF , ___.-1 . ---------.- , , I I I I I II II I I I II 'I --11 I 1 ._n-< I I , i . --'1 ! , I II i I I I I I I ,I '11 -J I [; ! I -.-] i I II , I I I I ji __:U - - - - L-- F I ~ 01 - GENEAAL POSITIONS ----ANNUAL BUDGET=:=--. .J~\:.. ~_--dd._~_ , CURRENT DEPART. BUDGET ~ EQuEST FI N AL AUTH. 1 1 , L. .3 1 1 1 1 ] I I! I - - 7 " 2 TOTALS .- COMMENTS: DETAil OF SALARIES AND WAGES DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING CLASSIFICATION AND SAL.ARY RANGE NO. 1 City Engineer 3 L'1gineering Techniciill1 1 Publlc \dOlks Insperctor 1 Enp;ineering Drafting Technician 1 Engineering Assi~;t,mt 1 Secretary Hew Ln/,:i;1eer'ing Technlciilll recommended. i I Ii 'I --4, il I' -11 APPRQVEC : , CITY COUNC:'..I ------ ACCOUNT DIVISION ADl1DJISTPATION 302 REVISED ORIGINAL FI N AL C ITV A D III N_ BUOGET BUOGET ES~IMATE RECOMMEND 1978 1979 1979 19BO I (:20) 19,782 19,2!18 19,248 22,632 (lL) n,675 24,024 ~3,380 41 51.:l: , (ll) 13,318 l'J, (1'12 ID,9'P 12,564 j 1980 I 22,171'; I I VI,ljF,L; ! \" ) "('I' I, 'L, _, " I 11 I, Ii 'I , ~ (10) 13,117 13 ,872 6,950 11,954 I. JJ,:)l;q I i (in 9,573 <J" ~17h 9,576 10,81+8 I L',clrJu (5 ) 10,205 llJ,50u 10,SOO 17,"148 1 'i , l.l(j I I -L-l 89,7711"::_,152 18~,53') 1l1,90Cl ---CITY OF WHEAT HIDGE-'-- 11 i' I I I I I I 1 .. 1,) ,i] j I I I I I -~ i I .J ,: I' I, Ii 'I II Ii " I. i " .~ FUND ANNUAL BUDGET. SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES 01 - GENERAL DEPARTMENT ENGnEERINr~ OBJECT CODE en 1 I i I I I I l-, CJ 2 f) ii 3 0::15 I 1',10 I 6l 9 rl _J rJ II b ~ L I G;2 ~I (0) 3 r~ '10 I FI 51 I G F, I: I 7CU \ i I \ I I 7 0 ~_) I \ 1 714 II II i I "1/ H EXPENSE ITEM PERSUNAL SERVICES (::11-302-00-00-600) rl t.; Engineer Salary ~alaries f, Wages Longevity Pay 1'1erl t Increase II'./"rtime G Premium Pay ,'f"~ Personnel T'.l.C.A. i,IJ(Jrkmen's Compensa tion Health f, Llfe Insurance llnemp10yment Insurance CCOERA - Retirement Expense MATERTALS AND SUPPLIES (111-3117-00-00-650) Otfic0 Supplies, Printin~ f, ?ost0.ge JPrcltlng Supplies, Small Tn~ls G Minor Equipment OTHER 3EPVICES AND CHARGES rnJ-lD2-00-00-700) C, ,,,!'el'enc,, G [,':eeting Expense L!lE~~, Books, ~ Subscrip~ions ['''Gill Notices G Publishing Tralning- ,_, ;::,~i.fety REVISED BUDGET 1918 89,771 528 -0- 2,500 100 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 2,100 1,830 100 150 300 200 DIVISION ADllINISTRATION ORIGINAL BUOGET 191'9 88,152 280 -0- 1,750 7,000 5,200 2,000 5,020 927 2, :: 0 0 2,5UO 5,500 I 100 150 -0- -0- "" III ,.OllllO-l)' "I:.... 1 ~IS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE fiN A l ESTIMATE 1979 CITY A[)I.t'.. RECOMMEND 1960 80,586 111,900 -0- -0- 2,800 -0- 4,857 2,000 4,137 843 2,200 2,500 5,500 100 150 -0- -0- 1+ 5 0 -0- 1,71+ (] -0- 6,986 495 6,993 980 4,588 2,500 5,500 100 15u -0- -0- PAGE 112 ACCOUNT 302 I ,I i' , i I 'I :1 APPROVf:.D CITY COuNCIL 198(' , il il 2 := ~ 17 r-. :-:- ii " 8 ~1 , ~ S r' i_ ljle'i Ii r' -l!- ~. "I r, ,+ i I --0- i , 1- " ! , '.1 7' I , 1- ~, r; I I , I;' ,'J LJ I ! ,- I ':lbCl L~ ., L J l~ :~ ., 5 ,.~l U [), [:1(') 1 111 ! ~ 1. C " J ' i -IJ- - [~- ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE' : SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I I fACCOUNT---' ;,", I J.) L I ~-f A PPROV; 0 CITY ADMIN RECOMMEND CITY COUNCil, 1980 1980 FUND nl - GENEPAL OBJECT CODE 7 C,I~j DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION ADl1EfISTRP,TIO;~ E'XPENSE ITEM REViSED BUDGET ORIGINAL BUDGET 1979 1979 FIN A L EST I MATE 197B Prcfessional t; C::)yl::icll~tiIlg fees 14,109 Cilltside Engineering Services 8,000 I ~'e,jer'll A1Jl Brirlpe I!"lSpC::ctl.C}D Prop:ram CLty Sh2re [lOC) 8,000 14,109 8,400 (3 'I L~ il r! 7Fi} 75 r; Rt'ntals f, L::'.'ases "7 7~ 173 i',I': 7Y9 d IJ ~' - - StrEeet LiR't~ini; c r. 1 Sys-lerfi ,j:J,00L1 120,0011 L 'J ,00" ; 35, ClOrJ i 'j L : 'i) c> 0.LUla.L ,., I C}th2l' E'llli pmen t Maintenance 1,'+00 500 ~)() fJ -0- - 1'- I I Traffic Signal :-BlntelklJ1Ce lt7,SOO 5~,oon 55, Ci[JO 55,OUCJ 1 C L:: )I'! I ~ , Title' Pe:3earch f, ReDorts -.0- S,llOO I ~ ,Ilno 5, !lor] " ,Iii Hisc. Services ( Chargee'; 100 lUI) llll] lC[1 ~ n' 1 C> eN IJAL OUll..",YS (01-302-00-00-800) . 1 ,2'11 1 ! I I I , ! I ! , , 1 I I I 1 I , I I , I ! : 347 ,"\ i 1 lq 7 ~ I I I Uffice Eqlllprnent :1ap Files TVDewriter 31JO S i:j J,OO '+00 891 T]1'P~LS IF,(] ,411ij 209,')7'1 'J.OO~q~~2 ..,.. III. f'OI'lM 1. "'E.'I llll CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I -1 --1 -j I I I I I ! , ! i I --1 i I I ____J i APPROVED I' 1980 I i ------1 ! I I \1 I , -r= CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE plIGr J ')0 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION -1980 BUDGET PARKS MID RECREATION -/ DIVN ADMINISTMTION DEPT BUDGET HISTORY STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 1978 REVISED 40 [\59 1979 ORIGINAL 47 747 1979 ~ 1980 r ESTIMA ,E PROPOSED I 68,097 56 678 Responslble for developing a complete system of Pal'~s and pnwiding a wide range e'f recreational progl'a..ms. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES To institute a corrmunity aquatics Drogl'illI\ to sel've The cltlzen,' In 1980. To expand services for youth and senior citizens; to lmpreve The ;:drk system to )Jrovlde park facilities fer the corrmunitv. - INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTION OF WORK WORK UNITS ---_._--~ 1978 1979 1980 - - 1. Administration of A'1l1ual Budget a. o'P"rating budget: b. capi tal improvement budget 598,30l 375,OliO 480,760 781,000 5:33,916 1211,000 - 2, SU'P"rvision of Employees (F7E) a. full tiTre b. part time D.3 -35.8 17.0 11.8 28.8 17.0 13.1 ?0.1 ID.S - ~ - RESOURCES REQUIRED I REVISED ORIGINAL FINAL PROPOSED DESCRIPTION ESTIMATE - 1978 1979 1979 1980 I Personal Services 31,284 1+0,927 42,r,83 49,238 ('1>erat Ulr; Expenses 9,17S 6,325 8,97S 7,040 I I 500 16,534 400 l C3DJ.tal Outlays -0- 56,678 II TOTALS LjD,459 LI7,71+7 68,097 " 2 " 2 ,: EMPLOYEES (FT.) L NO OF -- l L~ '3, "IJ) 8 7,01;1) Ijr,') \ SO,5Cjt1 1 I -.~I 2 J \ _______J ANNUAL BUDGET f ,..... _:. ~ -.--------. ..-.--'., - -- D FUND DEPARTMENT 01 - GENERAL PARKS AND R POSITIONS CLASSIFIC AND CURRE.NT DEPART. fINAL SALARY RA BUDGET F"( EOUEST 4UTH. 1 1 1 Director 0 Recreation ] i 1 SenJ._or Sec I I I ., :( 2 TOTALS L COMMENTS. NI) char.ge In staffing. L-.....-______ CITY OF WHEAT R D - ----.-. ETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAG ES DIVISION ACCOUNT ECREATION ADMINISTRATION 501 ATION REVISE 0 ORIGINAL FI N A L. CITY ADIlIN.l APP R~E NGE NO. BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATE REGDMMEND ICfTY COUN .918 1979 1979 .980 : 1900 f Parks and I - (22 ) 20,592 20,552 21,584 25,50nI24,3~ retary ( 7 ) 9,526 9,900 9,900 1,,8581"," 1 1 I I I I -- 30,118 3 (1,552 31,':;81+ 37,368 J r:" Cd ___L__ , I GE' - - b I Ii I II II I Ii I' -'-1\ ~I ,I 1\ II " i ! I I ._ i _J ;--_..__..---~.- ANNUAL BUDGET' PAGE 12 2 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ~UND 01 - GENERAL DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATION OBJECT CODe 601 507 60') GOS 010 h:: 0 I 621 rrC'J o L 4_ f:23 :lJ 0 651 660 EXPENSE ITEM PERSONAL SERVICES (01-601-00-00-600) I,irector of ParKs (; Recrea- ti:>ll S3.1ary Salaries (; Wages Longevity Pay :1eri t Increase llvel'time G Premium Pay F.I.C.A. Wurkmen's Compensation Health (; Life Insurance Unemployment Insurance CCOERA - Retirement Expense MATERIALS (; SUPPLIES (01-601-00-00-600) Office Supplies, Printing (; f'c'stage Operating Supplies, Small Tools (; Minor Equipment LL \ \101 . l"OIltM J' "'II" 11" REVISED BUDGET 1978 20,592 9,526 591 -0- 575 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 1,500 200 DIVISION ADMINISTRATION ORIGINAL BllDGET 1979 20,652 9,900 630 3,981 550 1,750 700 1,472 287 1,000 1,100 100 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE tCCOUNT 601 -, li\ I I -1 \ i Fl N A L EST IMATt APPROVED CITY COUNCIL CITY AO'o4rl"f RECOMNe:ND 1980 19E1C I i ,919 21,684 25,500 24,33 tJ 9,900 11,868 11,19b 852 1,258 1,198 3,981 4,125 -[l- 550 560 S t rl 1,936 2,161 2,1? S 288 48 l\ ~ 1,830 1,863 1,85G 287 280 C'J'10 I \ 1,280 1,575 1 , ~,1,' 1,600 1,800 1,80 [) 100 100 I HJil1 I I \ \ I ! i \ I i J -- - 1 ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ~~NT , DIVISION RECREATION ADMINISTRATION , i .- -- REVISED FINA L APPROVED ORIGINAL CITY A[)f.41H ell '( COUNCil BUDGET BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMNEND 1979 1980 , 1978 , 979 1980 I nse l,l'ln 1,10U 1,10lJ 1,300 j 'l~rili 8~ J CIOO' -rOO 100 ns 125 12 ,) l~S 1'+0 , 11\1, g 100 -lJ- -0- -0- ..- - -. lOCi 100 100 5lJ cel , . t 50 50 50 50 r:n Fees 2,800 3,OlJO 5,100 3,000 3, rln,i 600 100 30n 100 l~ll 2,500 GOO '+00 400 ~+ J C ce 100 50 I 100 100 J.nn I I -0- -0- I 16,ilO4 -0- -.r.J- -0- snJ ~ c30 400 )1 fJU 40,45Q 47,7+7 i~ 3 , wn 56,b78 l (- ,L1Lth ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE I).J SUMM FUND iJl - '-;ElJERAL DEPARTMENT P Il,RKS AND OBJECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM OTHER SERVICES & CHAPGES (01-601-00-00-700) 7'i Conferpnce G MeetinQ Expe NRFA ,TRS ClfL Othc,r 70r wes, s,--,o}<s f, Sulx'3criptio 714 LeVul Notices f, Publishin I 7 ':1 Training f, Safety I "/LIO Auto 11il.eCl~~e PeimJ:)UI'semen "750 Frofressional f, Consulting '7'-- ..., i00 ?en~als &. Leases 7~9 TcleDhone Exp2nse L'Jn9; Dlsta.nce 77E Other Eqilipment l1aintenan CAPITAL OUTlAYS (01-1,01-00-00-800) s(n Lalld, B\nlding, ~'Jater iJQ2 r1ffir(: LquiDmcnt (1 ff j ce Lamp ?f--'Pl :~t)",cition Ds:~k l CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -------~- i I I I I I ___Ji , TnTALS IN lIII ,"O""-'I:S I ..<<If 1;1. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PAClE J..~.Lt ----=-l \ I i I i T -' PRO CRAM DESCRIPTION -1980 BUDGET I OUT PARKS AJ"JD RECREATION BUDGET HISTORY DIVN RECRE.';'TION 1978 1979 1979 1980 i980 REVISED ORIGINAL ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPRO'JED STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 150 735 176 257 135 921.i ?:in.Q5R 1 qq. 7:='[, ._ The Recreation Division provides plaTh'1ed outdoor and indoor activities for a city of 38,000 people. Activities are offered for all ages and interest groups on a progressive basis. Recreation programs include: arts G crafts, athletics, sDecid1 events, plavgrounds, sWl1!ll1llng, adult activities, senior citizen activities, etc. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES Tne Recreation Division strives to promote not only activities whicn are leisure tiJT12 play and organized athletics, but also those which stress educational values. ine Dlvision offers a variety of prograJTS a,'1d activities, al10winr tl1e residents T of Wheat Iudge to recreate in their cOlT1r.luni ty and take fuller advantage of their leisure time. T INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE 198~ T WORK UNITS DESCRIPTION OF WORK -- 1918 1979 T l~umber of Activities 145 165 165 I T l~umber of ParticiIJants 32,000 52,000 52,000 Emplovees Supervised (Dart &; full tirre) 50 75 7'0 l 1 1 1 T n n 11 \- - REVISED ORIGINAL FINAL PROPOSED APPRO DESCRIPTION ESTlMA TE 1978 1979 1979 1980 198 Personal Services 117,700 132,802 98,709 16(1,778 15Q,O" ODeratinp- EXDenses 33 ,035 31,805 26,065 39,946 39,9' Capital Outlays -0- 1l,b50 1l,b50 30,232 2 TOTALS 150,735 176,257 135,924 230,956 199,2 - NO. OF EMPLOYEES (F.T.) 11 12.3 12.3 12.8 12 -----~ I VED -j I o I 7 i' I 46 I n RESOURCES REQUIRED n 32 cr --~I ~J -- FUND 01 - GENERAL POSITIONS CURRENT DEPART. FINAL BUDGET R fQUEST .6,UTH. 1 1 1 2 2.5 2.5 o 0.5 9. 'j 8.8 8.8 12.3 12.8 12.8 ANNUAL BUDGET p }_~E__-~~~L, -'., ! DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES ; Ii I, I' Ii --'11 i I, __!I CITY ~oIlIN.l APPROVED I RE:CCM~E~O ICITY COUrKIL! 1980 ! 1;80 --r----.--~ 15"'"'1"4,11'> 34,62d 'l't ,1(,'0, i I 1j "'II , \/!l 35,242" 72,25t -;;);-'~Sl I I i DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION RECREATION ACCOUNT 602 CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE NO. REVISED BUDGET 1918 ORIGINAL I FIN ~L BUDGET ESTIMATE 1979 1979 .5 Recreation Supervisor (16) 12,6l10 13,3SD 11,280 Recreation Pr'Ogram Coordinator' (12) 19,647 18,528 18,528 Clerk Typist (4) -0- -0- -0- 1+,6dE Progl'am Leaders, IT Pn:"io,Tam Instructon;, IT Recreatir,n Specialists, Kecreatioll Aids, pr Pool Hanager, PI Pool Lifeguards, PT SQ,378 6S,242 PI TOTALS 91,665 97,306 i! i; I, it 'I II ji ,I I, I, II Ii II il Ii " " 'I II il II -.----,11 "LG ,878 "" )P~' II _ I L.), ., ,I --- .---i I Divi~iuJl ,jll\-' t:__,1 I I ! I I II I I : f5,050 COMMENTS. Clerk 1'/pi.st position requested tO,be shared SO/c>O with Park::; Maintenance clerical workload. Addi-tional Recreation lkdder I (0.5 ) position lS presently paid for as a pact-tlme temporary employee (Senior Cl.tizen Activity Leader). :"Poo 1 personnel salal'ies were budgeted for 1979 operation wpre not used. of the swimming pool j,/] 1ic1-. -CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I .._--~ '-~ r- ANNUAL BUDGET .-.. -~l PAGE 1:',) SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION 01 - GENERAL PARYS AND RECREATION RECREATION REVISED fIN A L OBJECT BUDGET ORIGINAL EST I MATE CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET 1918 1979 1919 I I b:J, I 510 i 6D~ tllU r ,... r U,- II 621 6") c ) L./'... 6 c, Le, I I I I I I I I 63 U I) ~ 1 FEFSONAL SERVICES (01-6D2-00-00-600) Salaries SWages L"ngevi ty Pay Overtime ~ Premium Pay fee Personnel Hunter Safety 750 Sluare Dance 360 Rnl1er Skating 150 Soccer 2,840 Volleyball 1,274 Basketball 1,230 Softball 10,934 Buses, Playground 1,000 Buses, Skiing 10,000 These costs are offset by fees to participants. F. T. 1=. /\. \~,)~'krnen I S Compensation Health S Life Insurance Uilemp loymen tIns urance CCO~RA - Retirement Expense r1:'\TL:RIAL3 AND SUPPLIES (nl-R02-0D-00-650) l)t :'ice Supplies, Printing f, l-~t).-:C 1'1 g!.:: l"ecr~ation Brochure, Dictribution, Swimming Foc)] Coupon Books, Senior Citizens Newslettcr I II I Il____ , W,. 'O"'Ml~ ~l" i_a 91,665 97,306 250 271 450 550 25,335 23,138 -0- 5,100 -0- 2 , 0 00 -0- 2 , 2 5 8 -0- 879 -0- 1,300 8,155 8,noo CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 65,050 271 550 19,460 6,263 2,000 2,371 879 1,365 8,noo CITY ACMIN RECOMMEND 1980 126,828 277 55D 23,50D 3,415 1,184 2,7 D 0 560 1,764 11 , '1611 11 ACCOUNT 602 II " 'I i' A PPRQV( 0 CITY COUNC~L 1980 17 I ! ~:?S, , , IT " ',Hj8 I "8 " 55 D. iT 23,50Ll , I~ [- .1 I' I' I I I I, , I - !i 1, :j 5', I I- i , I 1 ) 10 'I ) , rj :1 r I- I L) r) l j ~ 1. , " ]Lj 11.. : h I) I _____J ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND 01 - GENERAL OBJECT CODF. DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATION EXPENSE ITEM GhO Uperating Supplies, Small Tools E Minor Equipment Volleyball 700 Basketball g~U TeDnLH 1,500 Softball 2,000 ~0ccer 1,525 Arts and Crafts 950 Playgrounds 700 Swimmi:lg Pool 2,000 Kitchell Supplies 1,50D Other 800 - - 70; - 7UG Ci'TIIER SERVICES ArID CHARGES (Dl-60L-00-00-7DO) ~ E Heeting ,-CP~ Hiscel1aneous Expense 1 ') r -L L ,. I: Dues, Books E Subscriptions - 728 Training E Safety 730 Unifurms G Protective Clothiny T-shirts, seasonal and - SWlTnmlng pool staff - 71+lJ Auto Mlleage Reimbursement no 758 Pentals G Leases -l Utilitles And\c'r~~on S".rtmming Building Pool 774 . I Facility Repairs G Mau..tenClnl.c; Anderson Building ]<.epair~~ (Poof, heating, AC, floor covering, etc.) 7F Other Equipment Maintenancp REVISED BUDGET 1978 DIVISION RECRr~ATTON ORIGINAL llUDGET 1979 10.,525 10,025 200 250 640 640 500 1,380 6,250 !+ ,1 9 5 ,>00 200 250 1,000 900 500 1,380 h,250 '3, CJ n (J 200 W III ,"a III M 3' ,..:\,1 2,1! CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FINA l EST IMATE 1919 8,000 ,', 185 ::'SO soO' 600' 500 780' 4,000' 3,iJOO ISO PAGE; . - " Ii 'i II Ii i i rACCOUN:r-----; i 602 I I -- I APPRQVfD CITY AOMIN RECOMMEND I CITY COUNCIL 19801'980 -, 12,62511",f~,>I, I I I I I I I' I , , . ' " Ii , i i I I' i: I, , " , ' 200 :'90 tJ q I, 1,171 l, i '1.1 900 [' 0 " I I GOO h If (1 100 " I: [1 jl '1,20 Q 7, '" 1'1 S ,1 'J 0 C ' " I L 0 (1 _ 'I J CITY OF WHEAT RIDGl:: - PROGRAM DE DEPT PA'I\](S AND RECREATION DIVN PARK MAINTENNJCt: 1978 REVISED STATEMEN r OF PURPOSE 201 116 Tne DurDose of the Park ~bintenance Di "is' '3pace owned by the City of \vheat Ridge. ODell space. The Parks a.pe: Panon'lma , Ra Hart Estate, 45th/Vance, 45th/Everett , P STATEMENT OF 08JECTI~ES "'he Libjectives of the Park l1aintenance Di\ 1. rrDW turf on a weekly schedule " fertilize turf 2 ti'l\es during sumrIB ~ . 3 spray weeds 2 times during s \.lTI1ITl2l' 4. irrip;ate turf on daily schedule 5. clean -restrooms and Dick UD trash 0 6. stripe soccer fields for 2 seasons 7. stripe all ball fields for basebal 8. check: all playground equipment on w INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTION OF WORK Acres of Bluegrass 1\lY'f Acres of Natural Area, Baseball Fields Soccer Fields Res-crool1lc, Plavp;round:; Tennis Courts Basketball COl.Jrts SWllTIITlimT Pools Recreation Buildings RESOURCES REQUIRED REVISED DESCRIPTION 1978 Personal Services 122,857 IlD~rat:iDr: E)~pe.nse.fj 75,SD'J CaT'ital Outlavs 2,750 TOTALS 201,115 NO. OF EMPLOYECS (F.T) 13.7 I I I I~. ~.. rHvL ------. -------1 j I: I i i SCRIPTION-1980 BUDGET BUDGET HISTORY 1979 ORIGINAL 221 741 1979 ESTIMATE 213 751 1980 PROPOSED 254 865 1980 APPROVED lon is to maintain all of the park and CT)cn This includes 12 parks and 280 acres ot ndall, Stites, lJo]mson, HaYl.Jard/ Ci ty :JalJ, ararrount, ProsDect Sod House, and \meat Fidge. - - - - - - ri sj.on are to: r n daily schedule of pla.y 1 season eeklv basis I I , I i , I I I ------- I .------1 I 1980_j I WORK UNITS -- 1978 1979 113 113 276 ::'80 10 In 1" 14 ...Jj.+ 7 7 9 9 8 8 4 4 0 0 7l,00 7400 Square Sq uare Fecj;. Fee ORIGINAL FINAL PROPOSED ESTiMATE 1979 1979 1980 140,674 132,741 153,908 78,267 73,267 88,632 2,800 2,71\3 2,3::'5 271,741 21'3,751 254,8fi5 13.7 13.7 Il, .2 11. ~~ :2 r)[l , , I IS II 7 ' I 'J I ~ [, ! l II 7'+GO J' S'1uan;: I'. _ L~b_ i I ________J I APPROVE 0 I: I ' --~8~--11 15Q,131.i !I \\1 8/3 <j~) ) > 1\ I' I '-~~--J--i 1 ," .. I __:=,::-,,::-,__.-1 1n e> i ! 'j ~ -, -,,!.) 2j~J ,03!. Ii _---1 ! CITY ADMIN. I ~PPROV[O : RECOMMEND II (CITY COUNCILj 1980 _1_ 1980 I -'-j I I 18,4441 It',lBCJ I 23,9:';1 I I I+'. 3')R I l-,_" --' I ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES FUND 01 - GENERAL DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATION fDiViSiO N I PARK MAINTENAI~CE IlEVISED ORIGINAL II FIN ~L I BUDGET BUOGET ESTIMATE .978 1979 1979 603 ACCOUNT POSITIONS CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE NO. CURRENT DEPART. FINAL BUDGET REQUEST AUTH. 1 1 1 Parks Maintenance oupervisor '2 2 ') Parks Maintenance ~ Lea.d;'7orkeI' q 4 1\ p~!+-s l'1aintenance 'vJ[)rkCI' G b 6 ~') l ('aretaker Helper .,arK TiP FIT, rT~ ( Season::d) -'- L, L I , n.7 0.7 0.7 Park IT'ide Helper -I I HE FTE FTE (Seasonal) 0 D.:. n.5 CIerI T'ylJist - I I (H) 15,617 E),G84 16,200 (10) 1'1,807,22,068 2D~~!L~6 37,234 I ';'7,284 (6) I '+2,267 I 36,939 41,000 Ll'3 '-3.1 9 l14,lOD ."'-;-- I i I ___ol! I I L1 .~ ., ::) H I \ ~h~r)q~fl Ii '+4, -'" i i 4,40; 4,806 .S,OI17 4 ,89h I :+ ,,].-j- (1+ ) -0- -0- -Q- 4,68f L~ , ~r/4 - - L~ 14.2114.2 1--- -- COMMENTS. T01ALS ---+- 119,027 _"1~8~ "J91l3'l,3lJ2 CleI'K Typic;t positi.on c8q\l8stec tu'be shared SO/SO I;Jith Recr'latiun i';:i~vislG) :lue to C'!,er'ical wcy,:::'kloCld.. I L CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE-- Ii II 'I " II I, _..___.jl i! . -, 7' i' ~_i _~~. ._~ i; II \: Ii 1\ ;l Ii p ._______ J : PAGE B1 ANNUAL BUDGET- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES HATH'IALS AND SUPPLIES (01-503-00-00-600) 'FUr,rD --, DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT I 01 - :;ENERAL PARKS AND RECREATION PARK MAINTENANCE 603 - . "" REVISED FIN A L AP?ROVI:.O OBJECT ORIGINAL ESTIMATE CITY AOMl" CITY CGU~~ :i CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET BUDGET RECO"''''END 1978 1979 \919 1960 IS8G I'LRSCJNAL SERVICES (01-603-00-00-600) 6 O~' 'idlaries G \vages 119,027 120,842 112,396 137,382 133, II: [)03 Longevity Pay 780 690 364 923 q l.! ,) I folO Overtime G Premium Pay 2,600 2,000 2,100 2,000 2, n ll, , , , 614 Cl'and-by -0- -0- 1,500 1,500 1, :,[J\ , b19 Fee Personnel 450 500 500 500 l,'1 J " 620 r.L.C.A. -0- 6,200 6,739 8,582 8 , "t ! l '- 621 Wopkman's Compensation -0- 2,650 2,650 2,113 1,']1"1 622 HeaLth f, Life Insurance -0- 4,280 4,280 6,406 G ,j , I I I! 523 1!ncmployment Insurance -0- 1,112 1,112 1,050 1, !l rj; , 630 CCOfRA - Retirement Expense -0- 2,400 1,100 3,452 3, :.' U t , I' , 651 S50 l L--" Officc Supplies, Printing G PL,stage \ \ ! I , Op~ratlng Supplies Chpmlcal Fertilizer urganlc Fertilizer Tup Soil Restroom Supplies Small Tools Dry M1,( C "'nC'rete : "'oldy MlX Concrete Calcite #1, White Pd.illi~ TI'ash Bags Light Bulbs oplil Rail Fence 250 300 300 350 '; ~ I 30,482 31,250 30,500 36,000 16 ,Oil, 4,00 S 1,000 800 2,000 1,500 300 900 300 1,500 4,000 1,500 1,400 I' " CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE If PACt, ,l ,~ ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND 01 - GENERAL OBJECT COOE -I -I DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECRLATION EXPENSE ITEM Picnic Locks Gr't;dst: 'j ,000 50'1 10'J 7 C, II 5, CJ 0 U Chelnica.ls TaDles Baseball ~qulpment Plant Matel~ial ~')wimrning Por)} 6,000 Miscellaneoul, Suppli,es lil\:' LJTHEF SIR\! ICES I\ND I~H,6,F';J:::S (01-503-00-00-700) - '1CJ2 l'onfer'cnce r r-le'3tinr I~xpei1se 706 - Due~., Bnoks., NRPA SubsCl'l.pt J_ons ~J) 728 Training ~ ~afety no - 71~ 0 - 758 760 - 7 7 I~ 776 7'1:3 -I I Sil2 : l I l Uniforms G Procecti ve C10 thlJllg Au to >il,leage SE;ll<lbursement I Rentals G Leases Utilities Facility Repair ~ Malntenancp Other Equipment Maintenance Miscellaneous 2ervices G Chargl's C'APITA.L r-jUTLAYS (01-603-00-00-800) IJffice Er;uipment Calculat'Jr (I-A) Drafting Table (l-~) 10Q Ion DIVISION PARK J'IAINTENANCE ACCOUNT FOC; i I I -{ REVISED BUDGET FI N A L tSTIMATE --- ---_._-_.~ .------, -- I' , APPhOIJ(Q CITY ADJ-lrN " ~ RECOM"'ENO I ",l1'Y \:.OUNCIl 1990 I ; 980 ___--4_........ I I I I I I , i I I ORIGINAL BUDGET 1979 1919 18b ] '10 lClD :' 5l, , 0 'J l. 1-/0 21\ 0 200 ,/1"( U i-I - ,)' I ,I , ii I' 51 n '~5 0 35'l1 35 r'! h, i; I 1,5n 1 ,52'" ~L , 5"'7 1, -: -/., L , J ; 50 50 51' ~ II : r j~ , 5 (J 0 1,500 1,500 \ ~"iJ I 1 !, G D . ..... U , 38:7~51 n,5CH] 3:~,700 '33,700 ~ ?~ , -,7 l~ ~) 7 ,690 8,000 8,75D 8,0001 ! ('1'1 ., "I .J L' ,.> 1,u5D 1,000 1,100 1, 21J C! I " L .j U 200 '200 lClU 200 ,-; U 1978 -0- 3 (] [) 241 ')' ,\ ' ~ _I i \ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE =--==----- \ \if! ~ I"O"'M 1_. iIIIt:V lil! I I , I ! '~ \ , I I \ I I !l II ._ ___I ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE Ln SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES , -I II FUND DEPARTMENT 01 - GENERAL PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION PARK MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT 603 I; 11 OBJ ECT CODE EXPENSE ITEM REVISED F1NA L BUDGET ORIGINAL ESTIMATE BUDGET 1978 1979 1979 2 ,750 2,500 2 ,500 CITY ACM1H REGOM..END A PPROV[ 0 CITy COUNCIL 1980 1980 8 iJ 'J Other Major Equipment 2,125 2,125 1[ Ii Rotarv Mowers (2-R) 600 filament Line Trimmers 600 (2-A) Circular Saw (I-A) 225 Disc Cl-R) 700 Ii I ..,. 'r I , I T ! .- I , . - i. I TljTALS 201,116 221,741 213,751 254,865 ~sr-~l 1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W" I'OltM ,1,1. It!:" 3tHI CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION-1980 BUDGET The Forestry Division lS respcnsible for all tpees and shrubs upon street right of 'Nays, city Pilrks and greenbelt areas. This resp::msibility includes the planting, trmmUJlp, soraYlng, rerroval of dead and diseased Trees ili'ld stom darrage. The City /\rborist also acLctinisters ordinance enforcellEnt, includinp; insect and disea.3e detection on private -j property, cOlllffi2reial aroorist licensing and anmvering ci tizeD lnqulres of a horticul- I tural nature, and supervises a field crew. The division also IS 'Ln charge of HdDDinr:sc3 STA 'tEM ENT OF OB,IECT1VES Gardens and mintains certified eJlerrj ca.l cont~'ol of insect, weed and disease prob lems . 1. To lncrease a total tree rraintenance program, including insect and disease control, on the 105 miles of Joadway within che :::ity. ,., Haintain insect, disease and v:eed control tvithin our DarY5 and open space with federally certified operators. 3. Increase I:ublic cormmmication In the area of D<-:'l'sonal contact and YBsoonse tiT:le. L~. Increase public education by giving citizens an op=~uni ty to 112Cel ve conCl,3e infor'IIBtion concernlng any horticultural Dl'Oblem. ~~ I /DEP PARKS AND RECRFATION DIV N FORI:STRY STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 1978 REVISED 42 655 1979 ORIGINAL 46.120 l l l INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE 1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1 Administrative Duties PlIbli c Con1:act Ordinance Enforcement qy>oorist Licensing Tree fuintenance rIa1:>Diness Carden3 Pest Control (hrs . ) (Contacts) (Contacts) (Licenses) (hrs . ) (hrs . ) (hr'S . ) 1 1 i T RESOURCES REQUIRED REVISED ORIGINAL 1918 1919 17,053 41,(:153 4,792 '+,750 810 3,,0 42,555 ,+5,12['1 DESCRIPTION T Persona] Services T Operating Expenses C,y,i tQl Out:lavs T T~f I T TO'li\LS EMPLOYEES (FT,) 3 , BUDGET HISTORY 1919 ES1'IMA1'E 52 665 1980 PROPOSED 61 R ,1+ WORK 1918._[ UNITS 1919 220 151J0 400 22 3580 200 o 200 1658 332 25 3330 200 o P,\Gf. 134 I i I I I I I I 1980 APPROVED hn 1 ~7 I I -~ I 2l+0 -ll' 182 ~) 270, I 'l,CI I I I I .------1 1980 3400 200 300 FIN~L PROPOSED TAPPROV-E01 ESTIMATE ' 1979 1980 1980 I 152,56" I '\2, lfi5 51+,192 11.450 '7 , ~qL 6,0'00 .390 52,51)5 61,331, 3 -----'-- 7 ,~1~-3~~ ~ ") I i 60, I S'7 ----- 3 .-J ___J - 11 I! TAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES I I DIVISION ACCOUNT I CREATION FOKESTRY 604 , , I TION REVISED ORIGI N AL FI N AL CITY ADMIN. APPROVED I: GE NO 8UDGET B UDG E T ESTIMATE RECOMMEND elT.,. COUN>:IL! 1978 i979 1979 1980 '980 I t (12 ) 13,513 13,524 14,576 16,524 16, 3 ~J:' II r (10 ) 12,892 11,100 11,330 13,704 13,27:0 I I I r (10 ) 9,828 8,760 8,437 11,9fi4 11,tll)l+ I I, II ,I Ii I' ! I I I I , I i I I I II . II I' I I I It :1 , I -- ~6,233 b 3,381\ 34,'+43 42,192 .Ii II ' ~ D II ,J, 'L ~ , I , I i I T RIDGE j ANNUAL BUDGET P^G~._..:..~ - DE FUND DEPARTMENT 01 - GENERAL PARKS AND 1\E POSITIONS CLASSIFICA AND CURROH DEPART. FINAL SALARY RAN ~_G(T REQUEST AUTH, 1 1 1 City Aboris 1 1 1 Tree Trimme 1 1 1 Tree Trimme I 3 3 3 TOTALS COMMENTS. ~\}0 change In staff. CITY OF WHEA PAGE 13tl ---- ANNUAL BUDGET ----1 -, SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES jl ,1 FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT il 01 - GENERAL PARKS AND RECREATION FORESTRY 604 II -. -- .... REVISED FIN A L APPROVED OBJECT BUDGET ORIGINAL ESTIMATE CITY ADf.4IN CITY COUNCIL CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUD GET RECOMMEND .978 1979 1979 1980 1980 PERSONAL SERVICES (01-604-00-00-600) iT Ii 502 Salaries E Wages 36,233 33,384 34,343 42,192 41,328 1"- II fl03 Longevity Pay 560 652 685 1,072 3') (, " , 610 Overtime E Premium Pay 260 260 250 300 :1!) i 1 i' 620 r.LC.A. -0- 2,150 2,150 2,704 2,57" I I 1- 6 2 L 'Norkmen's Compensation -0- 1,000 1,000 3,279 3,3;' 7 I I 6"" Health and Life Insurance -0- 2,258 2,371 2, ll6 0 2,4 b ij IT LL 623 Unemployment -0- 316 316 420 4:J Ii 63U (' CO}, RA - Retirement Expense -0- 1,000 1,050 1,765 1 , 71 .5 ~ " ! t'IAT~RIALS AND SUPPLIES ! i_ (01-604-00-00-650) il II !' 551 OfFice C' , - Printing G loUpp.LleS, I Postage 450 300 300 400 4Un :- fl50 Operating Supplies 1,800 1,500 1,500 2,550 2 , S ~) C! Tree G Weed Spray Chemicals .- , 'lTHER :oERVICES AND CHARGES (01-604-00-00-700) 70,' CI Jnference c l"leeting Expense 235 200 175 225 -)1'1\ b L d, Colo. Shade Tree 50 CPRS 125 Turf Grass 25 I 7Ut I fJue ,j , Books s; Subscriptions 150 200 200 210 liJ 718 Ilrdll: ~nCF2 Enforcement 50 500 L50 500 S () , 728 Tr'llnlng s; Safety 350 200 175 225 ~) LJ I j CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W" "0"1004 ).1 11I1" V11S .' T I l L-- W 1'1 'Ol'lM]' IU.'" IIn l t SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I I I FUND DEPARTMENT tlVISION ~OUNT--~ 01 - 13ENERAL PARKS A"JD RECREATION FORESTRY l104 : - REVISED fIN A L APPROVED OBJECT BUDGET ORIGINAL ESTIMATE CITY AOMI~ r:ITY COUNCIL CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUD GET RECOMMEND 197B 1979 1979 1980 -n 710 Unifol'l110 S Protective Clothini! 357 350 ?SO 357 - -. " [ - Fentals f, LeaSI3S :0 50 SO 50 sn i 'C> , I iF J Utilities r _IJ- -0- 875 ~ -;:) I -l.- t T,'I\ ~"acili tv Repalr S Naintenance I gOO 1,000 1,01JO 1, ")00 l, ~ I-iff I Stump Grinding I I 77b i-":ther' Equipment ~Bintenance 450 Lj 50 L~ SO 450 4",[) r" . Saw Re~air \~_ ,fllIl ':::HIT,'\L OUTLAYS I (01-604-00-00-800) I ,11l ~ Off~ce Equipffic'nt -o- n -u- '100 30,,! -u- EechanJ..cal Drafting Sri uare g IJIJ :"tl1er aCllor ECjuiprrent 810 350 D, O~,O -0- -0- I . I TC"Tf\LS 42,655 L+G ,12il 52,hh:1 51,834 r, i J , ~L [" '"I I I I , -- ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 13-, 1 l l 1 1 I II II II I II II I I' I I I I I , I I I I l 1 1 1 1 I 1 T T I 'I I; I' 'I I: I' 1 I I T T II Jl _J CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE =---. _CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PAGE - : (J --1 I I I I , I PROGRAM DESCRIPTION -1980 BUDGET DEPT DIVN PARKS AND RECFD\TION PAc1\;< RANGER BUDGET HISTORY STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 1978 REVISED 4 9 1979 ORIGINAL 1979 ESTIMATE 1980 PROPOSED 1980 APPROVED To re[;Ularly patrcl City Greenbelt, parks a'1d ODen space areas and enforce park re- gulations and city ordinances in these areas. To present informative outdoor education prcgr'aJT1S dealing with \,.,rildlife, plants, outdoor recreation and the natural envir'Clnment to citizen grDups,schools, organizations and the general public. To prcvide Sod H011Se and Historical interpretation and to perform maintenance and construction on the ,~reen- STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES belt. To maintain fisheries in the Greenbelt lakes. Imolerrent a boating orcgram on park lakes. Complete asphalt trail sys~em. T.:) continue hifJl quality historical aryl outdoor intero:retation. To maintain Olll' Greenbelt arId park ratrc'l s,/stem. To establish wildlife in the Greenbelt. To iri'.plerrent a reservoir aquatics prcgraJn. INDiCATORS OF PERFORMANCE WORK UNITS DESCRIPTION OF WORK 19;~~ 1978 1979 - _...-- _._. -_._- - Patrol Hours 4004 3640 4L'0 I foot 400 364 j7f) vehicle 2600 2000 2100 - horse 1004 1276 1575 Interpretation noD 1455 l1L)4 - nature tours 500 546- S46 Sod House tom's 550 546 !:,r:r: vv'! Outdoor :education noo 364 364 538 14[,S l4Sr) ~ ~ ic:::t--r'::;'+-;\7P r1lli-i p~ -~'7" RESOURCES REQUIRED I REVISED ORIGINAL -l PROPOSED APPROVEDl DESCRIPTION FINAL ESTIMATE i 1978 1979 197'3 1980 I 982-__-J ?ersonal Services 37,345 44,800 47,713 50,,512 52,968 I , , Oper'a t inr, E)cpe.nses 6,97'1 7,750 G ,~lSO 5,901J 5,8iJ(I CaDita.l Out1avs 1,500 -0- _[1_ ~,O(] 5rJ(] \ l \ I 52,550 51+,663 (,1,912 S9, 2t " \ TOTALS 45,915 l -~ . H i ( fT,) 3.S 3.S 3.5 3.2 \ NO or EMPLOY EES .- __..1 -L- ANNUAL BUDGET -rr l FUND 01 - '3ENERAL l POSITIONS CURRENT DEPART. fINAL BUDGET REQUEST A.UTH. l 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 U . 8 1.1 1.1 FTE FTE FTE 1 O. 2 O. 2 o . 2 ITC FTE FTE DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES DEPARTMENT DIVISION PARKS AND RECREATION PARK RANGER ACCOUNr- 605 CLASSIFICATION ANO SALARY RANGE NO. ORIGINAL BUOGET 1979 FINAL CITY ADMIN. ESllt.\ATE RECOMMENO 1979 1980 REVISEO BUOGET .978 P,.\CE n~ l I I I i I I I - , APPROVED I CIH COUNCIL 1980 I Park Ranger/Naturalist II (11) 3,045 13,308 13,973 16,092 15,600 Park Ranger/Naturalist I (9) 1.0,061 10,35610,87412,996 n,S76 Park J<angers (Seasonal) 7,676 7,676 8,060 10,478 lU,478 Junior Ranger Leader (Seasonal) 2,583 2,584 2,71:i 2,784 U . 5 0.5 O. 5 Junior Ranger (Seasonal) 1 FTE FTE FTE 3,780 4,800 5,040 4,800 1 T T T T T r :i.5 '3. 5 '3.8 TOTALS 37,1\+5 38,7'24 '-,0,660 47,15CJ COMMENTS r Approved change is three mont:-h extension (addition'll n.3 pos.Ltion) of seasonal ranger staff. r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE=- 2, '7 8 4 I I I 4,80 G I I I I I II I II II i I 1\ I II 46'~~! , FU OB C , . fiO so 61 , " 0, I) r 6 . Ie n u ,_ . C l , '6 70 l ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 1'+0 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES 1-' II ND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT 01 - r:;;';rY'.!,L PARKS AND RECREATION PARK RANGER 605 ! / i REVISED FINAL APPROVE D JEr.T ORIGINAL CITY ADMIN CITY COUNCIL EXPENSE ITEM BUOGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND OD' BUDGET 1918 1979 1979 1980 19BO FERSONAL SERVICES 101-605-00-00-600) 2 Salaries r; Wages 37,145 38,724 40,660 47,150 46,2:18 3 Longevi'ty Pay -0- -0- 360 582 25" !) IJvertime r; Premium 200 200 200 200 :; 0 Cj 0 reI.C.A. 2,000 2,493 2,962 1,78G )1 Workmen's Compensation 1,050 1,050 1,305 1~~~2(j '2 Health Insurance 1,572 1,651 1,823 1,818 1 Unemployment Insurance 354 354 280 :.' 811 0 ('('11ERA - Retlrement Expense 900 945 1,210 1,1 fi~) Nf\TER TALS AND SUPPLIES (01-605-00-00-650) 1 Office Supplies, Printing [, Fost::tge 750 500 150 200 2 D C! 0 llperating Supplies 1,450 2,500 2,500 3,000 3,DOO Film Processing Small Tools Pouter Bits Paint and Stain flailroad Ties ::pll t Rail Lumber Nat UI'e Study Supplies Flsh and Wildlife Improveme ~t Horse Feed and Supplies (''IllER SERVICES AND CHARGES (01-605-00-00-700) 0 Cunference r; l1eeting 100 100 100 200 1[1,( '- I I I n ! 1 I n I ! r' I: I: r I 3 i 'IT I I, r i! .... - .... I -,- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - ~, ANNUAL BUDGET =. PAGE 141 II , ~ , [ I IL w.. '0""" J' ,,<<.... 2/11 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT [n - GENEFAL PARKS AJ\T[) RECREATION PI\RK PANGER GO: I REVISED FIN A L APPROVE 0 OBJECT BUDGET ORIGINAL ESTIMATE CITY A 1:*41 1'4 CITY COUNCIL CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET RECO....END 1978 1979 r 919 ,980 1980 , 7101" Due:;, Books f, Subscriptions 270 20n 200 200 'nl-I no 'v7eterinarl Services -0- 500 500 750 7S0 77~ Traininf' f, Safety GOO 500 100 200 ~on 73D Unifonns f, Protective Clothing 300 400 lfOO 600 FO'J 7l!:l Auto l'1ilear;e Reirrbur'sement 300 100 lQi] 100 1 e., !.I 7")3 Rentals f, Leases 2,'300 200 150 150 J.~O 77[, Other Equipment l'lailltenance 3S0 251l 250 500 SilO 7'1'1 Equine Purr::hase -0- 2,50[1 2,500 -[1- -0- CAFITAL IJlJfLlWS I (01-605-00-00-800) I I UD4 Photo Equipment 1 ,}l)ll -[~]- -0- -0- -fl- I :; ill~1 ()thel' I'fujor Equipment snn -0- -0- 500 :lnr_, ~V lJev color bar fur true}; ! Ilounted tool bnx I I I i I ,:,nTALS 115,'115 52,S50 54,6F,3 01,912 Lj~, :)1 h \ I I '\ \ , I' - J1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE n n n n IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT _. SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT ra - '-:;DlEFAL CARNATION FESTIVAL N/A F,Of' -- OBJECT REVISED FIN A L APPROvED EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET ORIGINAL CITY ADMIN CODE BUDGET EST I MATE RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL. 197B 1979 1919 19BO t geo - PEFSONAL SERVICES (01-606-00-00-600) Clu 11vertime f, Premium Pay 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,SClO 1,~Ctl iLL Departments Paterials and Supplies (01-606-00-00-650) 6511 Dper~tinF Supplies, S]ffill Tools G 1,400 1,000 1,000 l,oor: 1, !J()II ~1 in or 1"1atcl1ials for City Float Lwnber Electr.Lcal Supplies J1lsrellaneous ,Other Services (; Charges (01-606-00-00-700) 714 Legal Notices - Publishing 350 -0- -0- -0- -'l-- Newspapelo Ads Posters . 75,3 Pental (; Leases 7no 701.1 700 700 I ?I Ii"~ I Barricades ,. Tr-,i1er For City I c.,. Fl"Jat 799 rosc. Services (; Charges 200 -[1- -0- -0- -11- >,T',rTr' To covel' the cost of the 1JI___1':"" : City's Participation In the Carnation festival. No Cash contribution lS made bV the C-i T'J to cmy 011tside agency. , I ;"OTALS $,650 3,200 3,200 J,200 ) , ,_ J Ii I ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 14/ - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W" "0"'" II IH_" 211. SUM FUND DEPARTMENT 01 - GENERAL EMERGENCY OBJECT EXPENSE ITEM CODE OTHER SERVICES AND C (01-607-00-00-700) 794 Special Emergency Re TOTALS - - - 1 W III P'OlllM:t' lIl€V IllS ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 143 MARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES RESERVE DIVISION N/A REVISED BUDGET ORIGINAL BUDGET 1979 1978 HA1\GES serve 100,000 90,000 100,000 90,000 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FINA L ESTIMATE 1979 -0- -0- CITY ADMIN IIECDMNEND IlIao 90,000 90,000 I _J ACCOUNT 607 I' II '1 APPROVED CITY CDUNGIL :i /980 90,000 I I I I I I i 90,00[; 11 I -----' I SUMM FUND DEPARTMENT 01 - GENERAL RESERVES OBJECT EXPENSE ITEM COOE OLlER SERVICES AND Cl-lARGE (01-607-00-00-700) 797 Salary Reserve ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE .L!~LI ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES TOTALS l l l I w ". 'OfllM ]-e, 'U'II' I,n. REVISED BUOGET '97e s -0- -0- DIVISION N/A ORIGINAL BUDGET 1979 -0- -0- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - FINA L ESTIMATE 1979 300,000 3n[],000 CITY AO~'N RECOMMEND 1980 27~ ,659 272 ,6S9 ACCOUNT 607 , I I I I --1 I APPROVED CITY COUNCIL 1980 .::'7i~GSq !' , ~ i I i, , , :1 II I, Ii '--) I) ,(',)9 " - SUMM FUND DEPARTMENT 01 - GENERAL CONTINGENC OBJECT EXPENSE ITEM CODE OTHER SERVICES AND C (01-608-00-00-700) 795 Contingency Reserve TOTALS --- ARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ! I I DIVISION ACCOUNT Y N/A 608 i REVI SED FIN A L ~ PPRDVE D BUDGET ORIGINAL ESTIMATE CITY ADMIN CITY COUNCIL BUDGET RECOMMEND 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 HARGES I 15,146 130,614 20,000 403,786 29'J , 1I,~ 8 15,146 130,614 70,000 403,786 299 , U ,) !3 EAT RIDGE -- ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 14:; CITY OF WH Will. "'0'''''.1 ,.. "1['1 Inl ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES FUND 01 - GENERAL OBJECT CODE 604 620 621 622 623 630 633 - 781 787 783 784 785 786 DEPARTMENT GENERAL OPERATIONS EXPE SE EXPENSE ITEM PERSONAL SERVICES (01-610-00-00-600) PERSONNEL OVERHEAD ALL DEPARTMENTS REVI SED BUDGET 1978 Deferred Compensation 2,200 F.I.C.A. 66,857 Workmen's Compensation 48,209 Health & LIfe Insurance 97,657 Unemployment Insurance 18,338 CCOERA - Retirement Expense 40,004 City Contribution Police Pension 47,963 INSURANCE AND BONDS (01-610-00-00-780) Liability and Property Damage Insurance - Master 36,700 package on Personal and Property Damage Umbrel~a Coverage. Additional cover- age, Municipal Bldg. and contents, Anderson Bldg. glass breakage, Municipal BIdE. boiler and machinery. Auto Insurance Liabllity ~ romprehensive 147,000 PolIce Professional Liabi~ 14,800 i I::Y~ Public Officials' Liability 4,055 Treasurer's Bond Notilry Bonds 0;00 100 DIVISION NIA ORIGINAL BUDGET 1979 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 30,000 38,500 13,500 5,000 500 100 FIN A L EST 1 MATE 1979 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 31,782 39,594 13,2]0 ':>,000 400 W III ,"OIllM ~-.. l'U;V Iln CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE .- CSTY ADMIN RECOMMEND 1980 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -07 33,000 40,000 13,500 5,000 500 90 100 PAGE 146 'I i ,I I' , ACCOUNT 610 Ii APPROVED CITY GOUNCIL 1980 -0- .- 0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 33,000 Ii 0,000 " i' 1 ci , "n li 5,000 500 [i I, I , 101, -- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT 01 - GENERAL GENERAL OPERATIONS EXPEN E N/A 610 I ..- REVISED FINAL A PRROVE 0 OBJECT BUDGET ORIGINAL ESTIMATE CITY AQ,\If.. CITY CGUNCl CODE EXPENSE ITEM BUDGET RECOMMEND 1978 1979 19"19 /980 '980 .. 787 Claims Against City 1,800 2,000 1,800 2,000 L ,0 Ii : - 788 Horse's Mortality 100 125 121 125 1 r; t. ! ~-.- ) I 790 Self Insurance Reserve Fund -0- 5,000 -0- 10,000 10,0[1_ : I ProIJerty Damage I I , SPECIAL SERVICES - , (01-61U-00-00-710) 711 Appraisal Fees 1,050 3,000 1,500 3,000 1 0(1_ ., -. I 7.1 ) Annual Appreciation Dinner 1,63'3 2,500 1,503 2,500 ') r n " , ,1[ i - 713 School Crossing Guard 10,000 10,000 3,000 8,00CJ S ., CJ;1 " 717 fire District Ambulance 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,500 I r,r __ , '-' l.- I '1aintenance (per agreement:) - Charter' Commission Expense 2,000 -0- -0- -0- -ii-- I - I l-}ouslng Rehabilitation Pro_ 25,000 -0- -[J- -0- -i1- , I J (::' '.- ': I City Hall Moving Expense 10,867 -0- -0- -0- -0- , - OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES (01-610-00-00-700) - 7 5 ,) Telephone Expense -0- 39,600 41,100 42,000 Lt:; ,n.: All city offices - 750 lTtilities (Hunicipal Complex) -0- 32,500 32,90 [J 31+,900 ~ 1+ 'l q 11 I'lectric 26,000 I \<Jater 2,100 I - Gas 4,800 , I J I , I , - I , I 'OTAL2 478,333 183,825 I 173,000 196,125 I I-H, ; , I ' L_ - I I I - I ! I , I I i I ~-- ------- W" '-ORM 1 .. "~\f 1(7S ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 1 ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Page 148 1980 CITY OF WHEAT RID3E REVENUE SHARING FUND FUND: 19 REVENUES 19-520-00-543 Revenue Sharing Allocations 175,640 (75% of $234,186 - October 1, 1979 to Sept.30,1980) 19-580-00-581 Interest Earnings 2,500 19-580-00-589 Estimated Carryover Balance From 1979 122,991 TOTAL REVENUES 301,131 EXPENDITURES CITY ADMIN. APPROVED BY City Treasurer RECOMM. CITY COUNCIL 19-103-00-00-802 1 CRT Stand (A) 176 176 Administrative Services Building Maintenance 19-118- 00-00- 811 2 Chart Recorder and 2,000 2,000 Sensors-Solar System (A) - Community Development Code Enforcement 19-123-00-00-808 1 Compact Vehicle (R) 5,200 5,200 - Police SUDport Services 19-202-00-00-808 3 4-Dr. Sedans (New) (R) 15,500 22,500 - Patrol and Traffic 19-203-00-00-808 6 Police Sedans (New) 49'100 42,000 6 (R) - Tecr~ica1 Services 19-204-00-00-802 3 Rotary Files (A) 3,900 3,900 19-204-00-00-905 1 Base Station High Band 6,955 6,955 Repeater System (A) 1 Base Station High Band Repeater 1 Duplexer 22 Cryst'als (, Diodes for Patrol Vehicles 25 Crystals (, Diodes for Portable Radios 1 Instant Call Check 1,600 1,600 Public I;]orks Engineering 1 Soil Testing Equipment (A) 3,000 3,000 19-302-00-00-804 REVEMUE SHARING FUND - 1980 (Continued) Street l'laintenance 19-303-00-00-808 1 Patch Truck (A) 2 Vacuum Street Cleaners (A) 1 6-yd. Dump Truck (R) 1 3/4 Ton Pickup (R) Shop",- 19-305-00-00-808 Parks G Recreation 19-G:J2-00-00-809 ~arks 11aintenance 19-503-00-00-808 1 Fork Lift (Used) Pool Equipment 2 3/4 Ton Truck 1 (R) 1 (A) 1 Trencher/Back-Hoe with Trailer (A) (Used) 1 Portable Arc Welder (A) Pool Equipment TOTAL EXPENDITlJRES 19-603-00-00-809 1Y-503-00-00-832 CITY ADMIN. RECOMM. 31,300 no,ooo 20,000 7,500 7,500 12,800 22,800 1,900 301,131 Page 149 APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL 31,300 no,ooo~ 20,000 7,500 7,500 12,800 12,800 10,000 1,900 301,131 - - - - - 54-520-00-539 54-580-00-581 54-580-00-589 - - 54-508-00-00-800-862 - ... - - - NOTE: CONSERVATION TRUST FUND FUND: 54 REVENtJES Grants, State of Colorado 8,200 EARNED Interest 100 Estimated Carryover 9,939 18,239 TOTAL Revenue EXPENDITURES To be used for landscaping materials 18,239 Acquisition and/or Development of Park and Conservation Sites in accordance with Guide- lines contained in STATE STATUTES. The Conservation Trust Fund is a restricted fund established by the City on July 2, 1974, pursuant to State Law to provide for the re- ceipt and disbursement of funds received from the State for specific uses. The authorized expenditures from the fund are for the acquisition, development, and main- tenance of new conservation sites which in- cludes interests in land and water. A recent legislative change allows these funds to be spent for the development of any public park, regardless of the date of acquisition. Page 150 p~~ ACQUISITION FUND FUND: 11 REVEJ','UES 11-550-00-555 Subdivision Fee 1,300 11-580-00-581 Earned Interest 100 11-580-00-589 Estimated Carryover Balance 2,347 TOTAL Revenue 3,747 - EXPENDITURES - 11-501-00-00-800-862 Park Land Acquisition and/or Developments to be determined by City Council 3,747 - NOTE: The Park Acquisition Fund was established by the City in 1972 to provide for the accounting of funds received and earmarked for acquisition of park lands throughout the City sustained largely by developer payments pursuant to Ordinance and by contribution. - - - Page 151 Page 152 1980 CITY or WHEAT RIIGE SALES TAX IMProVEMENT FUND FUND: 31 ESTIMATED REVENUES 31-500-504 31-580-589 31-580-581 31-520-544 One Percent (1%) Sales Tax Allocation ................. Estima.ted Carry Over Balance from 1979 ................ Earned Interest ....................................... Urban Drainage District Grant for Lena Gulch .......... (50%) Schedule I Construction..................... ;..:---,---44 7,500 Chamber of Commerce Contribution for Show Wagon ....... 5,000 \ TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES .............................. $2,930,252 $1,772 ,000 665,752 40,000 31-580-585 ESTIMATED EXPENDITUPES 31-302-800-833 Drainage Improvements ............................. $1,645,000 --=-0-:'" ..__ .,....._.,.-I..._~._._._ - 16 ) NEW PROJj:C'P--'--u_- / c; I I. /- ) tf. , 5), I leal' Creek to a point westerly of . ~b.. Kipling Street......................$&95,000 '-_ ,_;-' . ---: I :SJ0mprove various drainage problem I~~ - areas in City ...................... 750,000 4/) a.. 44th &; Ingalls; W. 44th &; Jay - v11 s . W. 44th &; Harlan Street 7 J v '} "2 c. W. 37th &; Quay (Pierce St. System) J ') d. W. 45th &; Zephyr (Brian..;ood Apts. 1 L' I ' area) ; e. W. 38th f, Eaton f, W. 38th f, Harlan f. W. 44th &; Hoyt Street g. W. 44th f, Jellison Street h. 3845 Upham Street (Central Fire Station area) a Gulch--Schedule I Construction - ~L./~ ~vo oD Y<t7 5'uO u,(Z - - 31-301-800-840 Street 15u) c.'CJ 0 y .l{ 7, $' u 0 ~/97-~oo~ - CARRY OVER PROJECT - 1. West 44th Avenue .................. 60,000 NEW PROJEcr 1. Street I'1aintenance &; Resucfacing $508,052 (13 miles) Specific Streets to be identified by Council Street Corom. 2. Joint Project with City of Edge- 100,000 water reconstruction &; drainage installations, \^J. 26th Ave. from Sheridan to Pierce St.--75% Edgewater $300,000; 25% Wheat Ri'lge $100,000 Page 153 1980 Sales Tax Improvement F\.ll1d (Continued) 3. Gravel Street Blacktopping (1 mile)... 70,000 Specific Streets to be identified by Council Street Committee, subject to review & recoJIllrendation by Planning Commission as a Capital Improvement. 31-303-800-856 Bike/Pedestrian Pathways at various .....................$100,000 locations in City. CARRY OVER PROJECT.....................................$ 50,000 NEW PROJECT...........................................$ 50,000 31-204-800-805 Police Emergency Communications Center at Municipal Building-~quipment and installation ,.......................... . 40,000 NEW PROJECT 31-121-800-861 Community Street Beautification ......................... 90,000 (Landscaping, trees, flower boxes, benches) CARRY OVER PROJECT ................................... $ 90,000 - 31-603-800-862 Parks Improvements ...................................... 150,000 CARRY OVER PROJECT - - 1. Show Wagon ........................ $ 10,000 Chamber of Commerce $5,000 Wheat Ridge $5,000 2. Kullerstrand School Athletic Field $ 10,000 Improvements--joint project with R-l School District - NEW PROJECT - 1. Modify intersection W. 44th & Field Drive & install Parking for Municipal Pool............................... $ 115,000 2. Berbert House Rerrodeling and ....... $ 15,000 Repair Sod House & Museum - - 31-601-800-880 Municipal Swimming Pool................................. 92,200 NEW PROJECT 31-601-800-801 Senior Citizens Center .... ......................... ..... 75,000 NUJ PROJECT TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES .................................$ 2,930.252 1981 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE SALES TAX IMPROVEMENT FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES 31-500-504 One Percent (1%) Sales Tax Allocation................... 31-580-589 Estimated Carry Over Balance From 1980.................. 31-580-581 Earned Interest......................................... 31-520-544 Urban Drainage District Grants.......................... TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES ESTIl1A"TED EXPENDITURES 31-302-800-833 Drainage Improvements............................... 1. Harlan Drainage (Design).......... .....$100,000 2. Maple Grove Reservoir Replacement...... 2,000 3. Correct Various Drainage Problem Areas in the City...................... 500,000 - 31-303-800-840 Street Vaintenance & Resurfacing.................... (15 Miles) Specific Streets to be identified by Council Street Corrnnittee - 31-303-800-856 Bike/Pedestrian Patt~ays at various................. locations in City. - 31-603-800-862 Parks/Greenbelt Improvements............... ......... - 31-121-800-861 Community Street Beautification..................... TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES - - - Page 154 $1,834,000 10n,000 UO,OOO 51,000 $2,025,000 602,000 873 ,000 150,000 200,000 200,000 $2,025,000 1982 CITY OF ~VHEAT RID3E SAlES TAX IMPROVEMENT FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES 31-500-504 One Percent (1%) Sales Tax Allocation .................. 31-580-589 Estimated Carry Over Balance From 1981.................. 31-580-581 Earned Interest......................................... 31-520-544 Urban Drainage District Grants............... ........ ... TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES - 31-302-800-833 Drainage Improvements.............................. 1. Lena Gulch Schedule II.............$l,OOO,OOO 2. Harlan Drainage ................... 800,000 (Construction) 3. Maple Grove Reservoir.............. 2,000 (Replacement) - - 31-303-800-840 Street !1aintenance & Resurfacing............. ...... (15 miles) Specific Streets to be identified By Council Street Committee............. - 31-303-800-856 Bike/Pedestrian Pathways at.................... .... various locations in City 31-603-800-862 Park/Greenbelt Improve~ents............... ......... - TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES....................... - - - Page 155 $1,898,000 100,000 40,000 901,000 $2,939,000 $1,802,000 $ 887,000 $ 150,000 $ 100,000 $2,939,000 1983 CITY OF ~I/HEAT RIDGE SALES TA'\ IMPROVEMENT FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES 31-500-504 One Percent (1%) Sales Tax Allocation................... 31-580-589 Estimated Carry Over Balance From 1982.................. 31- 580- 581 Earned Interest.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-520-541+ Urban Drainage District Grants.......................... TOTAL ESTH1ATED REVENUES ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES - 31-302-800-833 Drainage Improvements .............................. 1. Lena Gulch II (Continued)...........$1.047,200 2. Maple Grove Reservoir Replacement 2,000 3. Correct various drainage problem areas in the City................... 300,000 - - 31-303-800-840 Street Maintenance & Resurfacing................... (15 miles) Specific Streets to be identified By Council Street Committee 31-303-800-856 Bike Pedestrian Pathways at various................ locations in City - 31-603-800-862 Parks/Greenbelt Improvements....................... - TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES....................... - - - Page 156 $1,964,40Cl 100,000 40,000 524,600 $2,629,000 $1,349,200 929,800 150,oon 200,000 $2,f;29,000 1984 CITY OF WHEAT RIrGE SALES 1'A\( H1PROVEMENT FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES 31-500-504 One Percent (1%) Sales Tax Allocation .... ....... 31-580-589 Estimated Carry Over Balance Frum 1983 ........... 31-580-581 Earned Interest .................................. 31-520-544 \jrban Drainage District Grants ................... TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES ......................... ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES - 31-302-800-833 Drainage ImprDvements ........................ 1. Lena Gulch III ............$1,000,000 2 . Co:rrect' various drainage problem areas in city ..... 300,000 31-303-800-840 Street Maintenance & Resurfacing (15 miles) Specific streets to be by Council Street Committee identified - - 31-303-800-856 Bike/Pedestrian Pathways at varlOUS locations in City - 31-603-800-862 Parks/Greenbelt Improvement ..... ............. TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPElnJlTURES ................. - - - Pa,g;e 157 $2,033,000 100,000 40,000 500,000 $2,673,000 $1,300,000 973,000 200,000 200,000 $2,673,000 " ,. .~ ! 'j:.7'! ;~~ ~~~, t -,:(.~' - , ., . ,,,-'0,,, ~, _'-;~'T~1' '-jl<~ <;', -. "' , . f ;l:-~ r~- ~." P.O, t,!, . ~~i:~'t.' ""4;.' ", -!>- .::~ -'-.' ~ -j; !~ " ., 'I THE. .C1;T'y{}P'WHEAT RIVGL C;OLORADO ;".- "- - ',(' '" -.;.~- ~~' -, _:~,' ,~,' .,._,,,,-\,,~,_,:,,o:,},:.~~~:: ,~, - :oFl j.J:~tl.cl At SM:fEME.NtS =;'::!"" -.e:~"". .' -' ..c>' . _.',:_' -;~ i,< ',"-. ..~ ',j ~~-.;,.~ , c.'t;. ~-~--:;~~~-. ":.~~._{(~ ~- . .. . ~NV~~PP4&f1EM{ARY :-; ~: :~~~~.,.' t' .' < "- ~ .< .~ " ~:,~. ':f:>;" t~;0:~nA'ftltN . "",' ,,::. j ,. YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31~ lQ80 WIrH R:EP,oRTcOF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNfANT~ -1 >~., "'!'. '1 -. ':' ~' . ~ ,,~< 1:'- '. :(" .i ,~t -cf; ''"'!,o<''''''l'-~ " . b""~ ~,~ c " C'..!: ','. ., , .;;.,~ "" .;~ ,'" Of ,~ ,..;;-;.. ~ .h "-~~' <1' ~' -. \ .~s ,i, * .7', " .r ~~~~ ~1 .''': ;r (., _.~~~- ,. " ~,- ,~ ." ~ :w. '. ;T ~ .1"i~ :-~ .~, "J '" "..; -r;: (~'~10~ ~heat GRidge CJ v----f .7-; ,~,lc)'ll Z\rthur x,.:>un'} Ix Co,npany lb70 Uroa(lway, Suite ~SOO 1)"nver, CO 8021)2 IJeot leY:len: In conne,' t io t1 ,vi th your "xamina t ion of the conso 1 i, 1a tee1 financi2il stCltements of the City of i'l'heat Ri<J1e at U(~cejllH~r 31, ll)HiJ clod fur "the yedr t_tH.~l1 ~tlI1e(1, 'fJ~ Ccc()qllize that obt,"'!iiin'l representations from us cOllceciilFl the infon,1dtion cuntaine,l in this letter is d si('J!1ifi,~ant proce'lurc~ in enablin'J yuu to fonn an opinion un the financidl state<l1ents, and accor.1inqly, we make the followin'l representations which are true to the best of our knowledqe and belie f. Gr~NERA[, : vie reC')'lnize that, as 1:J2mbers of management of the City, we are responsible fur the fair presentation in the financial ,;til.telnents of fina.ncial position, state,nents of revenues, expenditures, encuI'1brances, and transfers cO'[lpareJ with l)ud'Jets and statements of chan'Jes in fun.l balances in cun Eormi ty 'Ni th 'l,,,nerally accepte,l accol1ntinq principles :J.pplied on a basis cunsistent with thClt of the precedin<] year. ',Je hCive ,na,le CivdilCihle tu your reoresentatives all financial l-ec,')r,ls ani related ,lilt,:.!. .I\J,liti"nally, all minutes ()f City Counci 1 frorn January 1, 19t10 throu'lh ,"!arch 10, 1 ')ell were provi,le.J your representatives. TI1CCC.! ilre no ,l1at<~rial transactions that have not been properly recor,led in the accollntin~ recor,ls under1yinq the financial statements. AiUZ;\IJ(;I';r'll':-'\j'l'c~ '.VI fH F1NI\Nr~IT\L INST1TUT I,)!;)S: There are Dr) 'lrran'lel[lents with fini1nci.'l.l institutions involvirll compensatin'J bal:inces or "ther arranjJe,nents involvin'J restricti,.:>ns (,n cash balances ilnd line-of-cre',lit ur si'nilar arranqer(\ents. Artlllll' YOUrl<J & ,,~r)I'll'<li1V P3.ql"; I['WO [1'-llJi~:>'1'm:'.jT3 : ~une of t.he cit.y's investments have permanently lecline.'l ~n value t,) ,tt1 a,w)unt less than the carryin':J v'llue in the ba lance sileet. iJ,hJl"{Silll' I\im PIJIWGlNC; ilF I\SSI~'r,.,: Tne City has satisfactory title to '111 assets appearing In the balance sheet. I\ll assets to whi:::h the Company has s~tisfactory tit.le appear in the balance sheet. CiYJT [NG t:NT LI 1\3 I L I 'r [j,S : There are no contin'Jent liabilities includecl in the ])alance sheet. As use.} in this letter, the term "contincc:Jent liabilities" includes, but is not limitecl to: discounted or assigned receivables; accommodation endorsements; guarant.ees; warranties; sureties; open balances on letters of cre,lit; unsatisfied jLl<lgments; ad,litional taxes of which there is present knowleciqe base,} upon either formal or informal advice. There are no unasserted claims an,l assess,~ents which are probable of assertion and must be disclosed in accordance wi th Statements of Financial l\ccount ing Standards No.5. 'rhere have been no violations or oossible violations of laws or regulations in any jurisdiction whose effects should be consiclere1 fur ,1isclosure in the financi'll statements Jr as a r)asis f)r recor<linq a loss continqency. There have b,~en no comm\lnications from regulat.orv a'Jencies or ~overnment representat.ive concernin'J investi~ations or 'llle,}ations ()f non-cu[~pliance with laws or requliltions in dny jurisdiction, or ,leficiencies in fi'1ancial reporting practices, except for t.hose concerning the following: (1) Mat.ters of a rountine, nor,nal, recurrinq nil.ture, examinations by taxin'c:J ,tllthorities, none of which make any allegations of non-compliance of laws or requlations which should be considered for ,lisclosure in the financial statements or as a basis for recordinq a loss cont.inqency. Arl1l1lr Y'~Un(l & Company Pa'1e Three There are no other material liabilities or gain or loss contin']enci'2s that are required. to be accrue,l or diclosed by Statement of financial Accounting Standards No.5, nor are there any accruals for loss contingencies incluJecl in the balance sheet which are not in conformity with the provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards r,u. 5. IRREGULARITI~S AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: There have heen no irregularities involving management or employees who have significant roles in the system of internal accounting controls. There have been no irregularities involving other employees that could have a material effect on the financial statements. There are no instances where any official City has been in a conflict of interest. would be contrary to City policy. or employee of the Such an interest SUBSEQUENT EVENTS: No events or transactions have occurred since December 31, 1980 or are pendin'] or in prosepct which would have a material effect upon the financial statements at that date or for the period then ended, or which are of such significance in relation to the City's affairs as to require mention in a note to the financial statements in order to lllake them not misleading as to the financial position and results of operations of the City. In addition, we know of no event since December 31, 1980 which, althou']h not affecting such financial statements, has caused any material change, adverse or otherwise, in the financial position or statelnents of revenues, expenditures, encumbrances, an,l transfers compared with budqets, and statements of chanqes in fund balances of the City. Very truly yours, I. -...- ~- ~ {+,,~ Frank Stites, Mayor / James o. t1alon~reilsurer -0"'" CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - MEMORANDUM , To The M~lor and Councl"l Members From J · ames D. Malone, Treasurer Subject Management Letter, Arthur YoungDate April 29, 1981 Approved Date After evaluating Arthur Young and Company's April 15, 1981 Management Letter, I felt a few comments in its regard would clarify several items mentioned. The paragraph entitled "Software Programs" makes note of a programming problem. This "problem" deals with accounting trans- act~ons dealing with prior year encumbrances, and the transition perIod from one year to the next. Since January 1980, when the problem first arose, the Accounting staff, and the Systems Analyst have been keeping a close watch on any account that may have been affected by this "Bug". Additionally, plans are now being made for the replacement of the Fund Accounting programs currently used, with their updated and corrected replacements. The conversion to the new programs should occur at the end of June. The paragraph entitled "System Documentation" suggests the need for formal, regimented procedures related to the creation, operation, and subsequent maintenance of, new computer programs and systems. This request addresses two distinct and separate Systems Analyst functions. The first function represents the steps required to create and operate any new computer application. As far as this function is concerned a partial implementation of the auditors request has been enacted. A publication entitled The ~ Processinq Standards Manual, has been adopted for use here at the City. It should be noted that all new systems implemented here last year have thorough documentation to accompany them. The second function, that of maintaining computer programs and documenting steps taken to accomplish the maintenance, is being reviewed now, for standardizing the neressary procedures. This review will take several weeks to complete, as few computer programs currently used (with exception to those implemented after March of 1980) were written with maintenance standards in mind. In the paragraph entitled "Comments on other matters", a reference is made to a reporting programs "Certificate of Compli- ance", offered by The Municipal Finance Officers Association. To date, the Treasurer's Department has not had the manpower or financing necessary to create the documentation that is required to apply for such a certification. ... - ; i....., Wi....:;,..,... '-' .-" '.... -_/....... .~.... ~_...<' '-- '-' April 15, 1981 The Honorable Frank Stites, Mayor Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Dear Mayor Stites and Members of City Council: We have examined the financial statements of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado at December 31, 1980 and for the year then ended and have issued our report thereon dated March 13, 1981. As part of our examination we made a study and evaluation of the City's system of internal accounting control to establish the level of our reliance on such system in determining the nature, timing and extent of other auditing procedures necessary to enable us to express an opinion on the City's combined financial statements. Our study and evaluation was more limited than would be necessary to express an opinion on the system of internal accounting control of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, taken as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. Because of its limi ted nature, our study and evaluation would not necessarily disclose all material weaknesses or other conditions requiring attention in the system of internal accounting control. Conditions requiring attention: Our study and evaluation disclosed no condition that we believe to be a material weakness, but did disclose the following condi tions as to which we believe corrective action should be taken or documentation (including cost/benefit considerations) should be prepared as to the reasons why corrective action was not considered necessary in the circumstances. Software programs: We have observed a programming problem in the Financial Management Information System supplied by NCR. The problem appears to occur only during the transition from one year to the next. NCR, in an attempt to resolve the problem, is installing a new version of the system during Spring 1981. We recommend that the new version be thoroughly tested with a minimum of three months of data used for parallel testing including a transition from one year to another. Data from December 1980 and January and February 1981 would be appropriate. ....~ -- '-' ~ - ~ ~- ~ We were pleased to note that the City has implemented several of our recommendations from the prior years management letter. A physicial inventory of fixed assets was taken and procedures with regard to cash receipts have been revised. Certain of the recommendations, however, have not been implemented and we feel they warrant your continual consideration. These recommendations include the following: System documentation Prior to any additional system design or programming, system developmen t and documentation standards need to be defined and implemented. The standards should address the necessary procedures and associated tasks to be completed during the development of the computer systems as well as the necessary procedures required to revise or change the related programs so that proper documentation is developed and maintained. The conditions were considered in determining the nature, timing and extent of audit tests applied in our examination of the Ci ty' s combined financial statements and this report does not affect our report on those financial statements dated March 13, 1981. Comments on other matters The Municipal Finance Officers Association has a Certificate of Conformance in Financial Reporting Programs to encourage governmental agencies to publish easily understandable Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR). Certain requirements must be met to be eligible for a Certificate of Compliance, including the submission of the CAFR to a special review Committee. In addition to the general purpose and individual fund financial statements prepared in substantial conformance with generally accepted accounting principles, the CAFR must include various supporting schedules and statistical tables, many of which include information for the latest ten fiscal years. Since certain the program, participation. City officials benefits are likely to be realized by the City City officials may wish to consider We will be pleased to discuss this matter and provide assistance as requested. from such with * * * * * The management of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado is responsible for establishing maintaining a system of internal accounting control. In fulfilling this responsibility, estimates and judgments by management are required to assess the expected benefits and related costs of control procedures. The objectives of a system are to provide management with reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, and that transactions are executed in accordance with recorded properly to permi t statements in accordance with principles. management's authorization and the preparation of financial generally accepted accounting Because of inherent limitations in any system of internal accounting control, errors or irregularities may nevertheless occur and not be detected. Also, projection of any evaluation of the system to future periods is subject to the risk that procedures may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the procedures may deteriorate. This report is intended solely for the use of management and should not be used for any other purpose. We would be pleased to discuss the matters reported or to answer any questions at your convenience. Very truly yours, ~hcL~ TABLE OF CONTENTS Report of certified public accountants - Combined financial statements Combined balance sheet - all fund types and account groups Combined statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - all governmental f~nd types and expendable trust fund Combined statement of revenues, expenditures and encumbrances and changes in fund balances - budget and actual (budgetary basis - Note 1) - general, special revenue, and expendable trust funds Statement of revenues, expenses, changes in fund balance and changes in financial position - Policemen's Pension Fund Notes to financial statements - Supplementary information Financial statements - Special Revenue Funds Combining balance sheet - special revenue funds Combining statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balances - special revenue funds Statement of revenues, expenditures and encumbrances, and changes in fund balance - budget (non-GAAP budgetary basis) and actual- federal revenue sharing fund Statement of revenues, expenditures and encumbrances, and changes in fund balance - budget (non-GAAP budgetary basis) and actual - park acquisition fund Statement of revenues, expenditures and encumbrances, and changes in fund balance - budget (non-GAAP budgetary basis) and actual - sales tax improvement fund - Supplementary information (continued) Financial statements - Trust and Agency Funds Combining balance sheet - fiduciary funds - trust and agency funds Financial statements - General Fixed Assets Statement of general fixed assets Statement of changes in general fixed assets by function and activity ... :~, ;-::-', '- ~ ~ ~ -; ;; l-L;.,~";' '-, ,! :::::'{ ;.....;-w~ '...J. ~ .....~; -::::....... '....:;. -: "..----- -,. l--- , ;\"; ...... ~ ~, ,,-.../ "-" "----' ._"'~ -~ The Honorable Frank Stites, Mayor Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado We have examined the combined financial statements of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado as of and for the year ended December 31, 1980, as listed in the preceding table of contents. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. - - In our opinion, the combined financial statements mentioned above present fairly the financial position of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado at December 31, 1980, and the results of its operations and changes in financial position of its proprietary fund types for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a a basis consistent with that of the preceding year, after giving retroactive effect to the change, with which we concur, in the method of accounting for encumbrances and property taxes as described in Note 8 to the financial statements. - - Our examination has been made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the combined financial statements, taken as a whole. The accompanying supplementary information as listed in the preceding table of contents is presented for purposes of addi tional analysis and is not a required part of the combined financial statements. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the examination of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. - - ~h"'-~ March 13, 1981 rn (I) (I) I" '" '" o 8 'd I" " '< >". " lJQ tl o M- (I) Ul '" s:: Cl;1ltl " (I) 0. >1Ul (I)(I)cr Ul " I" (1)<,... " (I) I" < 0." >-3 (1) '" o 0. f-i) ltl M- 0 I" " ,... (I) H, " s:: '" " s:: 0. 8 0- cr " I" l>J ,... " I" '" " (I) '" 1JJ (I) ~ '" '" t!J t!J ..., 0.0"" t!J 000 '" "'..., 00 000 <0 Ol 0.0 ~ '" I,.. i;; I'"~ g; '" ..., '" 00 I"""" ..., "'0 o t!J", '" '" "" '" '" <0 ~ '" ,.. '" '" ,... 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Z (') trl rn ;I: trl trl >-3 (') H >-3 ><: o ,." =a ;I: trl > >-3 ;1l H t:l <;) trl (') o r< o ;1l .. t:l o CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLO~ADO COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGE~ IN FUND BALANCE~ - ALL GOVE~NMENTAL FUND TYPES AND EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND Year ended December 31, 1980 Expendable Trust Governroontal Fund Types Fund Conser- Special vation Total General Revenue Trust (Memorandum Fund Fund Fund only) Revenues: Taxes $3,309,487 $1,695,009 $ $5,004,496 Licenses and permi ts 79,865 79,865 In tE.rg;overnroon tal revenue 933,857 665,556 1,599,413 Charges for services 110,310 375 110,685 Fines and forfeitures 78,434 78,434 Interest incare 164,242 238,883 140 403,265 Rentals and leases 10,233 10,233 Miscellaneous incare 45,310 45 ,310 Total revenues 4,731,738 2,599,823 140 7,331,701 Expendi tures: General government 976,053 976,053 Public safety 1,598,132 1,598,132 Public \\Grks 991,384 991,384 Parks and recreation 654,024 654,024 Capital acquisitions 2,030,443 4,098 2,034,541 Other expenditures 179,240 -- 179,240 Total expenditures 4,398,833 2,030,443 4,098 6,433,374 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 332,905 569,380 (3,958) 898,327 Fund balance a t January 1, 1980, as previously reported 1,600,605 879,895 1,853 2,482,353 Accounting change (Note 8) 45,779 813,595 2,500 861 ,874 Fund balance at January 1, 1980, as adjusted 1,646,384 1,693,490 4,353 3,344,227 Fund balance at fucanber 31, 1980 $1.979.289 $2.262.870 $ 395 $4.242.554 See accompanying notes. ~ ~..., ~"".a I I 01 10 I I ::> I I I I ""1 ..., ..., ~j u.a '" 0 " "' " " 00 o '" ~ '" ..., ..., ..., O'J '" ~ 0 '0 0"'; 0 ::- 00 00 " " '" "" '0 0 ~ > '" ..., ..., ;,;j 0 ~ '" "'''" <It ~ '" >""0 '" 2- +-> +-> 00 00 ~ ~ ~ ~I gl ]1 ~ E-< ..., I I I I I ::> I , ::> I I I , 001 00 M M E-< '" " " O'J '" '" '" ~ " ..., ..., 0 O'J "' :'1 M MI ~ > +-> "'I ..., .~ u " M " I .a +-> < '" '" <It '0 ~l 0 ~ 0. ~ 0 '" 0 ~I I O'J " :1 O'J gl M ~ U I I 0 I , 0 I I 0 , I I M 0 0 0 M M '" '" '" ..., M '" O'J 00 "'-I M g! 00 00 00 O'J "', " ..., ""1 I <It -; ~I I I M 'I " "I' ~..., ..., l<OlOl MI ..., , I .. ~"".a '" ..., N 00 0 '" ! 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Q ClJ +' 0 '0 C>rlrlM'",; <lJ .0 "- .0 '" .0 0 " U +' cd ~ +' c: Ul 0 0.0 .0 " 0..0 " ~ ro',.,( c..c...{ c: 1).,..., ~ '" " " "''''+-> '0 W 0 '0 00 '0 >E-<....:J_uj:;t.._O::::E o.c.::p..p,. P..OO 0 '" .~ c '" 0 ~ " " ~ " " '" '" '" P< '" '" CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND Year ended December 31, 1980 Revenues: Contributions (Note 3): Ci ty Employees State of Colorado Interest Miscellaneous income Total revenues $ 80,160 80,160 12,014 172,334 100,522 220 273,076 Expenses: Withdrawals by participants Insurance Total expenses 37,294 4,080 41,374 231,702 887,720 $1.119.422 Net income Fund balance at January 1, 1980 Fund balance at December 31, 1980 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION Year ended December 31, 1980 Source of funds: Net income $ 231,702 Uses of funds Increase in cash 231,702 859,980 Cash at January I, 1980 Cash at December 31, 1980 $1.091.682 See accompanying notes. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1980 1. Summary of significant accounting policies The accounting poli.cies of the Ci ty of Wheat Ridge conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governments. The following is a summary of the more significant policies: Fund accounting: The accounts of the City are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separa te accounting enti ty. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self- balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabili ties, fund equity, revenues, and exp(~ndi tures, or expenses, as appropriate. Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. The various funds are grouped in the financial statements in this report as follows: a. The General Fund is used to account for all revenues and expendi tures applicable to the general operations of ci ty governmen t which are not properly accounted for in another fund. All general operating revenues which are not restricted or designated as to use by outside sources are recorded in the General Fund. b. Special Revenue Funds are operating funds which the use of revenues is restricted designated by outside sources and include following: for or the CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1980 1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) Fund accounting: (continued) b. (continued) Federal Revenue Sharing Fund The Federal Revenue Sharing Fund was established to account for those funds received through the "State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, as amended." In essence, this Act provides funds to units of local governments to be used for ordinary and necessary maintenance and operating expenses and capital expenditures authorized by law. The Act also specifies certain restrictions and procedural requirements with which the City has complied during the year. c. Trust and Agency Funds are used to account for assets held by the City as trustee or agent. Expendable trust funds are funds that can be used to supplement general governmental operations but wi th various restrictions placed on the use of funds by the grantor. Agency Funds are those in which assets are being held by the City in a fiduciary capacity. Funds included are as follows: Policemen's Pension Fund The Policemen's Pension Fund accoun t for funds received the City's General Fund Colorado and held in trust qualified participants. was established to from participants, and the State of for disbursement to Public Works Escrow Fund The Public Works Escrow Fund was established to account for funds received as financial guarantees prior to the issuance of certain authorized construction permits. Upon completion of all required work under the permits, the funds are refunded. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT& December 31, 1980 1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) Fund accounting: (continued) c. (continued) Conservation Trust Fund The Conservation Trust Fund was establi~hed to accoun t for funds received and restrie ted for use in the acquisition, development and maintenance of new conservation sites pLrsuant to Chapter 138-1-98 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Colorado. Park Acquisition Fund The Park Acquisition Fund was established to account for funds received and designated for use in the acquisition of additional parklands and improvements. Sales Tax Improvement Fund The Sales Tax Improvement Fund (formerly Capi tal Improvement Fund) was established to account for funds received as a result of a one percent increase in the City's sales tax. The expendi tures of this Fund are to be used for capi tal expenditures as approved by Ci ty Council. d. The General Fixed Assets Account Group is used to account for fixed assets acquired for general City purposes. e. The "Total" and "Total (Memorandum only)" columns contain the totals of the various funds of the Ci ty and the similar accounts of the above funds and account groups. Since the use of the assets of certain of the funds is restricted as described above, such totaling is for convenience only and does not indicate that the combined assets are available in any manner other than that provided for by the related restrictions. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLOl{~O NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1980 1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) General: The accounts of the General and Special Revenue Funds are maintained on the modified accrual basis. Under the modified accrual basis, expenditures are recorded a t the time liabili ties are incurred and revenues are recorded when received in cash, except for 0ertain revenues which are accrued when they are both measurable and available or have not been rece~ved at the normal time of receipt and certain grant revenues which are accrued when funds are expended or encumbered. Expendi tures are recorded at the time a liabili ty is incurred. The Trust and Agency Funds (with minor exceptions) are maintained on the accrual basis. General fixed assets: Fixed assets acquired or constructed for general government services are recorded as expenditures in the funds making the expenditure and capitalized at cost, except for land improvements, (e.g., highways, streets, sewers) in the General Fixed Asset Account Group. Land improvements transferred to the City from Jefferson County in 1969 have been recorded at the County's historical cost. Additions to land improvements from 19G9 through 1976 have been recorded at cost. In 1977 the City elec ted to discontinue recording land improvements in the General Fixed Asset Account Group. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1980 1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) General fixed assets: (continued) The Jefferson County Open Space Program acquires land for public enjoyment (e.g., parks, playgrounds, lakes, etc.) and then donates the land to the City for use as public land. The land is recorded at the cost of land to the Open Space Program. Deprecia tion has not been provided on assets in the General Fixed Asset Account Group. Accrued vacation and sick leave: City employees earn vacation leave which may be either taken or accumulated, up to a maximum amount, until paid upon termination or retirement. Unused sick leave may be accumulated up to established limits but is paid only upon retirement. Such amounts have not been accrued at December 31, 1980 (Note 6). Investments: Investments are carried at cost, which approximates market at December 31, 1980. Deferred revenues - property taxes: Property taxes are levied on December 31, of each year and attach as an enforceable lien on property as of January 1. It is the policy of the City to record the property tax receivables in the year in which the taxes are levied and to recognize the property tax revenues in the year in which the lien attaches on the property. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1980 1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) Encumbrances: Encumbrances-commitments related to unperformed (executory) contracts for goods or services are recorded for budgetary con trol purposes in the governmental type funds. Encumbrances outstanding at year-end are reported as reservations of fund balance for subsequen t year expendi tures based upon the encumbered appropriation authority carried over. Encumbrances do not lapse at year-end for budgetary purposes and become part of the following year's appropriations. Budgets: The Combined Sta temen t of Revenues, Expendi tures and Encumbrances and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual All Governmen tal Fund Types and Expendable Trust Fund presents comparisons of the legally adopted budget with actual data on the (non-GAAP) budgetary basis which i.ncludes encumbrances. The data presented in the Combined Statements of Revenues, Expendi tures and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types differs because encumbrances are not considered expenditures until an actual liability is incurred. 2. Cash restriction The General Fund cash of $100,000 has been restricted by Ci ty Council for emergency si tua tions affecting the lives and property of the City's ci tizens. Expenditures must be approved in advance by the City Council, or in situations CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1980 2. Cash restrictions (continued) where members of City Council cannot be contacted, the Mayor and the Ci ty Administrator can approve expenditures, provided subsequent report is made at the next City Council neeting. 3. yension plans The Police Pension Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge, established in accordance with Colorado State Law, is a defined benefit plan which provides for retirement and disability benefits and covers substantially all uniformed employees. Participants are required to contribute up to 10% of their compensation from the City. Effective January 1, 1980, the City contributed 9%, an amount equal to the participants' contributions, and the State of Colorado contributed $12,014, which represents a fixed amount allocated to all applicable plans in the State. The City's contributions to the plan for the year ended December 31, 1980 amounted to $80,160. The actuarially estimated minimum annual contribution of $176,719, includes current costs and amortization over forty years of prior service costs, for the year ended December 31, 1980 is based on an actuarial valuation as of January 1, 1978 (the date of the latest actuarial report). The total contributions to the plan for the year ended December 31, 1980, including employee, City and State contributions amounted to $172,334. The actuarially computed value of unfunded prior service costs as of January 1, 1978 was $322,265. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1980 3. Pension plans (continued) Effective January 1, 1980, the State of Colorado established a Fire and Police Pension Fund which was intended to cover substantially all uniformed fire and police employees in the State. The City declined to participate in the state-wide pension fund but did made a contribution for n8W hires totaling $17,905 in compliance with State Statutes and subsequently request a refund. Pending legislation clarifying the withdrawal frJm the state-wide plan, the City is continuing to utilize its prior defined benefit plan. Upon clarification of the withdrawal procedures, the City plans to establish a defined contribution money purchase plan for its uniformed police employees. The City also participates in the Colorado County Officials and Employees Retirement Association Retirement Plan. This Plan covers non-police employees. The participants are required to contribute 4% (and can voluntarily contribute up to 10%) of their compensation from the City and the City contributes an amount equal to 4% of the employees' contributions. The City's contribution totaled $31,962 for the year ended December 31, 1980. The City has no liability under the Plan other than the matching payment. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1980 4. Changes in General Fixed Assets A summary of changes in general fixed assets follows: Balance, Balance, January D:lc611ber 1, 1980 Additions D:lletions 31, 1980 Land and buildings $ 4,236,636 $1,368,008 $133,541 $ 5,471,103 Equipnent 1,196,070 353,057 46,552 1,502,575 Highways, streets and storm sewers 8,132,355 21,836 8,110,519 $13.565.061 $1.721.065 $201.929 jl15 .084 .197 5. Budgets Budget amounts reflected in the accompanying financial statements are based on the revised 1980 budget as adopted by the City Council. The revised budget for all funds except the Policemen's Pension Plan is as follows: 1980 estimated revenues Fund balance carryover from 1978 $6,588,337 2,205,062 Total revenues $8.793.399 Total appropriations for 1980 expenditures $8.793.399 A budget was not provided for the Policemen's Pension Fund because in the opinion of the Ci ty Attorney, this Fund is not under the control of City Council and, therefore, is not subject to the budgetary requirement of the Colorado Statutes. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1980 6. Commitments and contingencies No provision has been made in the accompanying financial statements for vacation and sick pay accruals. At December 31, 1980 the accrued vacation and sick pay commitments are $108,493 and $316,367, respectively, or a total of $424,860. As of December 31, 1980 there are certain claims, suits and ccmp1aints arising in the ordinary course of operations that J1/J,ve been filed or are pending against the Ci ty. In the opinion of management, all such matters are adequately covered by insurance, or if not so covered, are without meri t or are of such kind, or would not have a significant position or results of operations unfavorably. in vol ved such amoun ts , as effect on the financial of the City if disposed of 7. Leases - In December 1979, the Ci ty entered into a four-year agreement to lease data processing equipment for rental payments totaling $18,397 annually. The agreement provides the lease is contingent upon the City's ability to fund the rental on a year-to-year basis. 8. Accounting change Effective January 1, 1980, the Ci ty changed its method of accounting for encumbrances and property taxes, on a retroactive basis, to comply with the provisions of Statement 1 Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Principles. The effect of the accounting change CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1980 8. Accounting change (continued) in the method of accounting for encumbrances for the year ended December 31, 1980, was to increase the excess of revenues over expenditures by $3,004 for the General Fund ~nd to decrease the excess of revenues over expenditures by $308,195 for the Combined Special Revenue Fund. The effect of the accounting change in the metilod of accoun ting for property taxes at December 31, 1980 was to record property taxes receivable and deferred property taxes revenue totaling $444,397. ... . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION CITY OF ImEAT RIDGE, COLORDAO COMBINING BALANCE SHEET SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS December 31, 1980 Total Federal Revenue Sharing Fwld P.:l.rk Acqui- sition F"md &'lles Tax Improverrent Fund M;S1'TS Cash: Oper~ting account $ 115 $ 115 $ $ Savi:1gs account 78 , 125 75,312 2,813 Certificates of deposit 1,532,094 100,000 1,432,094 Due fran other funds 359,416 359,416 Accounts receivable: U.S. CoverIll'rent 58,692 58,692 Sta 't~ of Cblorado 235,687 235,687 ---- $2.264.129 $234.119 ~~U $2.027 .197 LIABILITIES Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 1,259 $ 350 $ $ 909 FUND ~UITY Fund balances: Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved Total fund balance 505,401 4,637 500,764 1,757,469 229 , 132 2,813 1,525,524 2,262,870 233,769 2,813 2,026,288 $2.264.129 $2:14 .119 $2.813 $2 .027 .197 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Year ended December 31, 1980 Federal Park Revenue Acqui-. Sales tax Sharing si ti.on improveIren t Total Fund Fund Fund --- Revenues: Sales tax $1,695,009 $ $ $1,695,009 U.S. Goverrunent 228,028 228,028 State of Cblorado 400,787 400,787 Urban J)rainage District 36,741 36,741 In te:rest incare 238,883 18,150 41 220,692 Charges for services 375 :n:5 --- To tal revenues 2,599,823 246,178 US 2,353,229 Expenditures: Capi tal a<Xl.uisi tions 2,030,443 195,221 1,835,222 Total expenditures 2,030,443 195,221 1,835,222 Revenues over expenditures and encumbrances 569,380 50,957 416 518,007 Fund balance a t January 1, 1980, as previously reported 879,895 181,346 2,397 696,152 Accounting change 813,595 1,446 812,129 Fund balance at January 1, 1980, as adjusted 1,693,490 182,812 2,397 1,508,281 Fund balance at fucember 31, 1980 $2.262.870 $233.769 $2.813 $2.026.288 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND Year ended December 31, 1980 Variance favorable Budget Actual (unfavorable) RevenuEs: U. S. GoverIDlent $175,640 $228,028 $ 52,388 Interest incane 2,500 18 , 15C~ -.-15,650 To tal revenues 178,140 246,17r. 68,038 Expendi tures: Capital aCXluisitions 301,131 198,392~ 102,739 Total expenditures 301 ,131 198 , 39:;:~ 102 ,739 Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures (122,991) 47,786 170,777 Fund balance at January 1, 1980 181 ,346 181,346 Fund balance at Decanber 31, 1980 $ 58.355 $229 . 132 $170.777 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL PARK ACQUISITION FUND Year ended December 31, 1980 Variance favorable Budget Actual (unfavorable) RevenUtos : In terest incaIE $ 100 $ 41 $ (59) Charges for services 1,300 375 (925) To tal revenues 1,400 416 (984) Expenditures: Capi tal aCXJ.uisitions 3,747 3,747 Total expenditures 3,747 3,747 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expencli tures (2,347) 416 2,763 Fund balance at January 1, 1980 2,397 2,397 Fillld oolance at December 31, 1980 $ 50 '" 2.813 $ 2.763 '" CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL SALES TAX IMPROVEMENT FUND Year ended December 31, 1980 Variance favorable Budget Ac tual (unfavorable) Revenues: Sales tax $1,772,000 $1,695,009 $ (76,991) 8ta te of O:>lorado 400,7.37 400,787 Urban Drainage District 447,500 36,741 (410,759) Interest incare 90,000 220,692 130, G92 Miscellaneous income 5,000 3,392 (1,608) Total revenues 2,314,500 2,356,621 42,121 Expenditures: Capi tal a<X}uisi tions 3,010,651 1,527 , 24S 1,483,402 Total expenditures 3,010,651 1,527,249 1 ,483 ,402 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expendi tures (696,151) 829,372 1,525,523 Fund balance at January 1, 1980 696,152 696 , 152 Fund balance at DecEmber 31, 1980 $ 1 $1.525.524 $1.525.523 FINANCIAL STATEMENT0 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO ASSm'S Cash: Operating accounts Savings accounts Certificates of deposit InvestID2nts: U.S. Government securities Accrued interest receivable LIABILITIES Liabilities: Refundable escrON deposits Due to General Fund FUND EQUITY Fund balances: Unreserved Total fund balance COMBINING BALANCE SHEET FIDUCIARY FUNDS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS December 31, 1980 Total Pension Trust Fund Policemen's Pension Fund $ 50,454 $ 181 2,139 1,744 1,089,757 1,089,757 26,187 26,187 1,553 1,553 $1.170.090 $1.119 .422 $ 49,657 616 $ 1,119,817 1,119,817 1,119,422 1,119,422 $1.170.090 $1.119.422 ~ncy Fund Public Works Escrow Fund ~)50,273 $50.273 $49,657 616 $50.273 EKpend- able Trust Fund Conser- vation Trus t Fund $ - 395 ~ $ - 395 395 $395 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GENERAL FIXED ASSETS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS December 31, 1980 General fixed assets: Land and buildings Equipment Highways, streets and storm sewers Investment in general fixed assets: Assets contributed to the City Cost and estimated cost of assets acquired by various funds of the City $ 5,471,103 1,502,575 8,110,519 $15.084.197 $10,447,099 .--!, 637,098 ~..Q.;34.197 .... 0 a> '" '" ~ 0> ... 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