HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 1984 BUDGET - October 24, 1983 P I) BOX 638 T ELEPHCJNE 31]:3 2J7 G944 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE' WHEAT RID(~E. (:OLORADO 80033 The City of llUDGET MESSAGE ~heat 'Ridge October 24, 1983 Mayor Stites and Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, Colorado Dear Mayor and Members of City Council: Submitted herewith is the 1984 Annual Budget for the City of Wheat Ridge. In this letter of transmittal I will present the highlights of the budget in order to bring to your attention some of the main points and major decisions made in compiling this document. As the City's elected representatives, you have an important role in making decisions regarding the specific services which the City will provide in 1984. In addition, your decisions as to this budget document also determine the quality as well as the quantity of the services which you, as elected officials, wish to provide. In reviewing the budget, the City Council should keep in mincl th8.t thp 1)8."';0 purposp f1f the onr:!getary pr00P",Q i:3 to set Council programs, projects, services, and activities to be undertaken, and identify resources or revenues available for financing them. The City Council, however, should also look upon the budget as more than a financial document. For the elected officials, it represents a total process through which Council policies are made and the level of services are set for the ensuing year. Financial control is the traditional function or purpose of a budget. But, in addition to financial control, a budget also expresses a vast amount of information. Such data includes: manpower requirements, equipment needs, programs and services being provided, and other indicators of the quality of services, activities, and work programs. This kind of information gives the City Council an opportunity to see what resources are needed to accomplish Council goals and objectives. Another purpose of the budget is to serve as a guide for policy implementation. It is in this area that the City Council has the responsibility to express its service objectives, particularly in terms of the quantity and quality of those services, and ascertain whether its goals for the City will be carried out in terms of the 1984 budget. '7'h (' . (:[',_,-" 'e .urnutlon A _, The 1984 annual budget retlect.s no increase in City service levels; our objective in pre~3ring the budget was to provide the same services with les3 I'evenue available than needed. The 1984 General Fund burtget reflects only a 4% increase in revenue for operations in 1984. We have had to hold the budgets of our departments to the 1932 amount plus 10% in the following account groups: 610 to 619 of the Personal Services group; 650 to 660 of Materials and Supplies; and all of the 700 accounts, C'ther Se,'vi ces and Charges. If departments could not hold to thiD expenditure in each account, they were required to reduce another account. This process has been extremely difficult for our Department Heads and Division Heads who sincerely wish to do their best to provide services to the citizCIlS of Wheat Ridge. The requirement of no increase in Expenditures above a set amcunt for each department has ~een a new process and certainly very frustratir..g to those who are responsible for carrying out the requirements of our City government in 1984. This budget contains a 3% across the board pay adjustment for all City employees, as was decided during budget sessions. It was decided that the Council would consi::ler the Arthur Young and Corepany perso~nel study later. If the wage levels are changed at a later date, the b'ldget can be changed thro;.lgh the use of a single expenditure line item. At the budget study sessi ons the Council also decided to implement a 2% of payroll merit increase funding policy in the Salary Reserve account; this is the source of the $76,000 expenditure in that ~ccount. The Urban Renewal Authority is also included in this budget. Recently, it came to our attention that the National Council on Governmental Accounting has revised its guidelines. In order to comply with the revised guidelines the Urban Renewal Authority will be included in all subsequent budgets and annual reports as a seryarate fund, in the same manner as the Capital Improvement FU!1d or Revenue Sharing Fund have been included in the past. BUDGET SlH1MARY The City Council has the responsibility to weigh the effect of its decisions during tne review and adoption process. Your decisions to allocate more resources or less resources to specifio programs or functions will have a direct effect on the level of work to be done. My recommendation again this year to the City Council in terms of budget review, particularly in view of our small growth in General Fund revenue, wa.3 to set priorities on services and programs which you expect the City to provide. If there are certain programs that you feel are low priority, they could be eliminated and more dollars provided for higher priorities and/or higher quality or quantity. The 1984 budget, therefore, calls for General Fund expenditures of $6,712,346, and therefore represents an increase of 7% over the 1983 budget. This percentage increase would only be 4.8% if $140,126 were not budgeted for the General Fund share of fleet replacement. In addition, a total of $3,992,410 is provided for our special funds, which include Capital Improvement Fund, Open Space Fund, Park Acquisition Fund, Conservation Trust Fund, General Revenue Sharing Fund, Senior Center Fund, and Building Repair/Demolition Fund. The Capital Improvement Fund totals $2,114,300 to finance proposed capital projects in 1984. This proposal reflects a cost of $600,000 for work on local area drainage problems. $1,000,000 has also been budgeted for reconstruction work on 44th Avenue and $100,000 for 32nd Avenue. This year the of $100,000, balance. The Conservation Trust Fund with $212,168 held in 1983 budget was $435. has the a proposed budget unallocated fund The Revenue Sharing Fund will have $368,000 available in 1984. The proposed Revenue Sharing Fund again this year shows expenditures for equipment, rather than any operating programs and $140,126 to partially fund the Fleet Rep~acement Program. -- With this budget a Fleet Management Fund is also being established as approved by the City Council. This fund contains $280,252 for replacement vehicles. The maintenance portion of the fund is $382,268, and comes from departmental budgets rather than the Shops budget of Public Works as in previous years. As a result of this the departments with many vehicles show a dramatic increase in Other Services and Charges due to the Fleet Maintenance charges in account 112. The replacement portion of the fund is being funded partially from Revenue Sharing and the balance from all departments who have vehicles assigned. A specific list of replacement vehicles will be submitted at a later date. The total budget for all funds (except Fleet Management Fund since it is funded from other budgets) is $12,859,650, down 1.7% from the 1983 total budget. GENERAL FUND REVENUE Revenue estimates for projected for the last fund balance carryover to balance the budget. 1984 show much less growth than budget. As in 1983 a portion of the will be used as an operating revenue The amount of $286,131 was budgeted As a result of Council action in the budget study sessions of September 6th and 8th, operating expendi tures in the General Fund were lowered $110,467 to $6,707,346 for 1984. The 1984 budget for all funds is now $12,859,650. The following changes in the original proposed budget was made at the budget study sessions: Revenues Raised Municipal Court Fines to $128,685. Added $50,000 to Capital Improvement Fund Carryover Fund Balance. Exoenditures General Fund Recalculated 1984 salaries at 3% above current levels. Established City Attorney salary at $50,000; City Prosecutor at $24,840. Cut City Clerk #750 to $5,000. Implemented all Municipal Court salary changes proposed. Added $8,000 in General Operations for the Arts & Humanities. Established Merit at 2% of payroll ($76,000) Added $30,000 to Forestry budget for Tussock Moth program. Added $25,000 to Code Enforcement for Spring Cleanup. Added $2,000 to #718 Ordinance Enforcement in Code Enforcement. Added Intelligence Officer ($24,959) to Police Support Services. General Revenue Sharin~ Cut Engine Analyzer from $22,000 to $12,000 Increased Drainage Improvements by $10,000 Caoital Imorovement Fund Add $50,000 to Traffic Signals Conservation Trust Fund Cut Senior Center remodeling to $100,000; added $272,168 to Unallocated Fund Balance The amount of Unallocated Fund Balance used to balance the General Fund budget has increased only $26,323 from 1983. This would extend the years of fund balance "borrowing" one or two additional years. 1n 1984 compared with $259,814 which was budgeted in 1983. Revenue estimates for 1984 are only 4.0% over 1983 budgeted revenues. In 1983 sales tax and interest income are projected to fall over $200,000 short of their budgeted levels if present trends continue. However, the final 1982 fund balance was $556,454 more than projected in the 1983 budget, insuring financial heal th in the General Fund in 1984. ProDertv Tax The increase is estimated 1983 estimate of $459,300, which is based valuation of $135,690,559. at 3.4% over the on an assessed $ales Tax An increase of only 2.2% over the 1983 budgeted level is planned for 1984. This is an increase of 9.8% over the 1983 projected total. In 1983 the Sales Tax base was decreased by the loss of the Woolco store, a dramatic oiigra tion of grocery store sales tax to neighboring communities and the continuing growth of the Urban Renewal increment. In 1984, residential growth, inflation and a slight expansion of the commercial tax base should reverse the 1983 trend. - Interest Income A 31% decrease in interest income is planned for 1984 due to declining interest rates and a slow decline in the size of the fund balance. In 1983 a comprehensive Revenue Manual was prepared to assist the City Council and staff in their revenue planning. This manual has provided information to assure that our future revenue estimates will be made from detailed in for ma t ion 0 n pas t t r end s . The Fin a n c e De par t men t wi 11 be doing a much more thorough analysis of our Sales Taxes this fall. Other revenues are doing well with between a 5% and 10% growth projected for 1984. GENERAL FUND LONG RANGE PROJECTIONS Again this year the staff projection of future revenue General Fund. The attached of the 1984 Budget on future August 1983. has prepared an up-to-date and expenditure trends for the table shows the possible impact revenues and expenditures as of This chart contains historical data projections for 1983 1988. The Revenue" now refers to planned use of from 1980 "Transfer a portion to of 1982 and BUdgeted the fund -- -- ,- --- I I 00 ...... I 0 f'-o - N I 00 N I 0 - 0 W N N 0 I -.0 0 , 0 -.0 0 l- N 0 0 I . . I 0 (T\ 0 00 U . . . 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I . ~ ..:r I -.0 ..:r , - -- I W I \ W 0 I- ::> LLI W :z > :z CC W :z > w -J l UJ CC 0: 0: CI UJ CC ::> W W <.? UJ I-W '" '" w - <.!l W W u.J :z: w <.!l u.J W a..- u "- a > ZCC Z <( ::> 0 :z "- :r: a..- UJ u Z V> U 0: Z V> ::> u.J W <( -' z Z V> <( V> l- V> <1: Z - UJ Z 0 CC <( :z co 0: cr:CC :c - UJ u.J u..l :c z 0 Cl zcr: ex: 0 <1: I- CC~:J - <( -J <( CC<( u.J u <1: ;:. 0- ex: u <( z<(:::> <1: :z -' z CC w <( CCO CI :::>w ::> ;:. w x ::> cr:o:::> cr:ex: UJ ::> <1: 0 >-::><( 0- >- '" 1-1- u.J u>- :z d-< <( cr: u..l I- ~ 1-1-"- 1-3 >- "- ro u ulJ...al balance as a revenue source, a pract ice that began in the 1983 Budget. The projections show that the fund balance will decrease to the proper level in about 1989. At that point expenditures will have to be dramatically reduced or revenues increased. In 1983 projected revenues will fall below projected expenditures for the first time. The figures in the table are based on 9% total revenue and expenditure increases. This is a fairly optimistic assumption. The table indicates that the City needs to begin detailed planning to correct future shortfalls. Earlier this year the City Council established new goals and objectives that strongly emphasize an expanded capital improvement program to include more streets and drainage projects. Later this fall the City staff will begin work on a Comprehensive Capital Improvements program that will include options for 1/2 cent ($1,250,000 annually) and 1 cent ($2,500,000 annually) additions to the existing sales tax. This comprehensive planning process will involve all four capital project funds; Capital Improvement, Park Acquisition, Open Space and Conservation Trust. This study will also address the issue of increasing the sales tax allotment to the General Fund. The overall goal of this project is to provide more detailed and accurate cost information and several revenue options for better capital and operational planning. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND As the City Council knows, the capital improvement budget is financed by an allocation of 1% of the City's sales tax, and by Federal and State grants. The 1984 capital improvement program totals $2,714,300. Our 1984 estimated revenue figure for the Capital Improvement Fund shows $2,514,300, with $50.,000 carryover from 1983, $100,000 estimated interest, and a transfer of $50,000 from the General Fund. This is a much lower available revenue than in 1983 because of extensive 1983 projects and use of previous fund balance in 1983. At this time the City has no bonded debt, short or long term for any of the projects being proposed. Drainage improvements Drainage Impro~ements. the engineering design local area improvements proposed for 1983 are Local Area These improvements would consist of and construction by contractors of to the drainage system -- $600,000. Street improvement programs anticipated for 1983 continuation of the 1983 programs based on priority within the system and routine maintenance to provide and prolong the life of the existing system. Proposed are a needs safety programs for 1984 are: 1. Various Streets Reconstruction -- This i5 the same as 1983 based on priority needs of individual streets within the City--$69,300. 2. Crack and Chip Seal -- Crack seal provides for the sealing and filling of cracks in the existing pavement to keep out the water that will eventually deteriorate pavement. This chip seal maintenance function produces a new wearing surface as well as providing a weather seal on the existing pavement to extend its useful life--$100,000. 3. Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Replacement -- This is a continuation of the 1983 Owner/City participation plan on a volunteer basis. The program is on a first come-first served basis--$50,000. 4. 44th Avenue Reconstruction We have proposed $1,000,000 to continue work on 44th Avenue reconstruction in 1984. The next phase proposed is reconstruction of 44th from Clear Creek to Kipling. 5. Included also is continuation of the 32nd Avenue project from Pierce east to Harlan--$700,000. EFFECT OF BUDGET CUTS The Council should realize that in requiring drastic cuts as we did, that some services may suffer next year in all departments. We believe we can carryon most of our current services but obviously there will be some work that we will not be able to do as quickly. For example, temporary summer employees have been cut from streets and engineering so that summer work will take longer to accomplish. Gasoline expense was cut in anticipation of obtaining some replacement vehicles that are more gas efficient when the Fleet Replacement Program is considered. In the Police Department, training has been cut and we could run short in the miscellaneous account for medical examinations for victims of sexual assault. Shortages could also be experienced in uniform accounts if the present low turnover would change. Parks and Recreation may see slower spring maintenance and summer work will take longer since temporary accounts were reduced. Community Development has cut several accounts which are related to workload; also, items such as professional services, a proposed additional code enforcement officer, and ordinance enforcement for unforeseen items were cut. Overall, the cuts in budget requests will not eliminate any programs and no new programs have been added. SPECIAL COMMENTS As is the case with are always a number order to arrive at available resources. in view of the small the preparation of every budget, there of items which must be eliminated in a budget of services which is within This year has been extremely difficult revenue increase projected for 1984. Our City government for many years has been sound financially. It has been operated without excessive tax rates and has lived within its budget. The residents of Wheat Ridge should receive a high level of City services. It is our objective to improve the quality of services that our citizens need. As a staff, we will strive to improve servicing our citizens with efficiency, promptness, confidence and economy. Wi th our revenue picture for 1984 this will be a true challenge for those charged with carrying out services on lower than needed budgets. I want to express my appreciation to our Budget and Finance Assistant for an excellent job in putting the budget document together. Also, I want to thank our City Treasurer, Personnel Assistant, Executive Secretary, Senior Secretary, our Department Heads and Division Heads for the long, tedious hours of work that they spent in compiling this budget document and then in the revising of the budget to cut where necessary. Also, I want to express my appreciation for the many extra hours and effort put into the preparation of this budget by our office staff. The long hours of typing and assembling the various components of the budget are very much appreciated. Respectfully submitted, ~~rt,t2?~ Thoma s H. Palmer City Administrator THP:ly REVENUE SUMMARY REVENUE SOURCE GENERAL FUND 1982 ACl'UAL TAXES Real Property Tax 442,347 Liquor OCcupation Tax 42,086 Vehicle Ownership Tax 39,077 Sales'Tax 2,292,160 Use Tax 631,103 Public Service Franchise Tax 678,183 Telephone OCcupation Tax 97,644 Taxes Subtotal 4,222,600 LIClliSES & PERMITS Amusement Machine License Arborist License Contractors 'License Liquor License Fees security Guard License Building Permits Street Cut Penuits cable Television Penuits Licenses & Pennits Subtotal IN'l'ERGOVERNME .RE:IJENJE Cigarette Tax County Road & Bridge Highway Users Tax Motor Vehicle Registration IntergovernIIeIltal Subtotal CliARGES FOR SERVICES Zoning Application Fees Liquor Hearing Fees Parks & Recreation Fees Swimning Pool Fees Police Records Fees Chgs. for Services Subtotal FINES AND FORFEITS Municipal Court Fines Fines & Forfeits Subtotal OIlIER REVmUE Interest Income Rents Harts/Hayward Miscellaneous Income Carryover Fund Balance Other Revenue Subtotal 9,575 655 30,863 3,165 1,125 74,672 5,057 o 125,112 195,973 211,532 323,197 115,750 846,452 5,800 6,350 127,787 28,215 5,361 173,513 90,151 90,151 413,692 5,255 35,675 3,052,485 3,507,107 1983 B\.JI:GET 459, 300 38,400 45,662 2,460,793 598,782 705,000 97,644 4,405,581 6,500 680 25,000 3,100 500 95,000 8,000 30,000 168,780 195,000 210,000 347,010 114,000 866,010 6,000 4,000 128,000 33 , 000 4,000 175,000 80,000 80,000 325,000 3,720 25 , 000 2,236,217 2,589,937 1983 REVISED 459,300 41,200 38,600 2,290,000 700,000 739,913 97,644 4,366,657 9,000 680 20,750 3,200 700 146,000 13,000 20,000 213,330 196,800 283, 500 375,010 113,800 969,110 8,500 5,000 124,000 29,000 9,000 175,500 117,000 117,000 245,000 4,120 72,000 2,859,808 3,180,928 1984 BUOOET 475,000 41,000 40,000 2,514,300 675,000 800,000 97,644 4,642,944 8,000 680 24, UClO 3,200 700 120,000 10, 000 30,000 196,580 195,000 310,000 375,000 114,000 994,000 6,000 4,000 128,000 33,000 9,000 180,000 128,685 128,685 225,000 4,000 50, 000 2,159,894 2,438,894 TRANSFER TO BUDGETED ~~ 0 259,814 192,677 286,137 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 8,964,935 8,545,122 9,215,202 8,867,240 Overall, the cuts in budget requests will not eliminate any programs and no new programs have been added. SPECIAL COMt1ENTS As is the case with are always a number order to arrive at available resources. in view of the small the preparation of every budget, there of items which must be eliminated in a budget of services which is within This year has been extremely difficult revenue increase projected for 1984. Our City government fur many years has been sound financially. It has been operated without excessive tax rates and has lived within its budget. The residents of Wheat Ridge should receive a high level of City services. It is our objective to improve the quality of services that our ci tizens need. As a staff, we will strive to improve servicing our citizens with efficiency, promptness, confidence and economy. With our revenue picture for 1984 this will be a true challenge for those charged with carrying out services on lower than needed budgets. I want to express my appreciation to our Budget and Finance Assistant for an excellent job in putting the budget document together. Also, I want to thank our City Treasurer, Personne 1 Assistant, Executive Secretary, Senior Secretary, our Department Heads and Division Heads for the long, tedious hours of work that they spent in compiling this budget document and then in the revising of the budget to cut where necessary. Also, I want to express my appreciation for the many extra hours and effort put into the preparation of this budget by our office staff. The long hours of typing and assembling the various components of the budget are very much appreciated. Respectfully submitted, ~~i/'&~ Thoma s H. Palmer City Administrator THP:ly REVENUE SUMMARY REVENUE SOURCE GENERAL FUND TAXES Real Property Tax Liquor OCCupation Tax Vehicle Ownership Tax Sales 'Tax Use Tax Public Service Franchise Telephone Occupation Tax Taxes Subtotal 1982 ACI'UAL 442,347 42,086 39,077 2,292,160 631,103 Tax 678,183 97,644 4,222,600 LICENSES & PERMITS Amusement Machine License Arborist License Contractors 'License Liquor License Fees Security Guard License Building Permits Street CUt Permits cable Television Permits Licenses & Permits Subtotal INTERGOVERNMENT REVENJE Cigarette Tax County Road & Bridge Highway Users Tax Motor Vehicle Registration Intergovenurent.al Subtotal OIARGES FOR SERVICES Zoning Application Fees Liquor Hearing Fees Parks & Recreation Fees swimning Pool Fees Police Reoords Fees Chgs. for Services Subtotal FINES AND FORFEITS Municipal Court Fines Fines & Forfeits Subtotal CYJHER REVENJE Interest In=me Rents Harts/Hayward Miscellaneous Income Carryover Fund Balance Other Revenue Subtotal TRANSFER 'ill BUDGETED REVENUE GENERAL FUND 'roTAL 9,575 655 30,863 3,165 1,125 74,672 5,057 o 125,112 195,973 211,532 323,197 115,750 846,452 5,800 6,350 127,787 28,215 5,361 173,513 90,151 90,151 413,692 5,255 35,675 3,052,485 3,507,107 8,964,935 1983 BUDGET 459,300 38,400 45,662 2,460,793 598,782 705,000 97,644 4,405,581 6,500 680 25,000 3,100 500 95,000 8,000 30,000 168,780 195,000 210,000 347,010 114,000 866,010 6,000 4,000 128,000 33,000 4,000 175,000 80,000 80,000 325,000 3,720 25 , 000 2,236,217 2,589,937 o 259,814 8,545,122 1983 REVISED 459,300 41,200 38,600 2,290,000 700,000 739,913 97,644 4,366,657 9,000 680 20,750 3,200 700 146,000 13,000 20,000 213,330 196,800 283,500 375,010 113,800 969,110 8,500 5,000 124,000 29,000 9,000 175,500 11 7 , 000 117,000 245,000 4,120 72,000 2,859,808 3,180,928 192,677 9,215,202 1984 BUDGET 475,000 41,000 40,000 2,514,300 675,000 800, 000 97,644 4,642,944 8,000 680 24,000 3,200 700 120,000 10,000 30,000 196,580 195,000 310,000 375,000 114,000 994,000 6,000 4,000 128,000 33,000 9,000 180,000 128,685 128,685 225,000 4,000 50 , 000 2,159,894 2,438,894 286,137 8,867,240 REVENUE SOURO'.: 1982 1983 1983 1984 AC'IUAL BULGE:!' REVISED BUDGEI' GENERAL RE:VENUE SHARIN3 FUND U.S. Government 248,408 249,000 249,000 248,000 Interest Incane 30,491 25,000 19,000 20,000 Carryover Fund Balance 306,625 232,000 306,625 100,000 Total 585,524 506, 000 574,625 368,000 ~:m:; REPAIR/DEMlLITICN FUND Interest Incane 565 225 450 497 Carryover Fund Balance 11,053 10,775 11,053 11 ,503 Total 11,618 11,000 11,053 12,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENl' FUND Sales Tax 2,291,160 2,461,000 2,290,000 2,514,300 Interest Incane 370,850 200,000 180,000 100,000 Transfer from General Fund 0 270,000 270,000 50,000 Carryover Fund Balance 1,349,341 650,000 1,349,341 50,000 Total 4,012,351 3,581,000 4,089,341 2,714, 300 SENIOR FUND Miscellaneous Income 3,245 2,000 3,000 2,600 Interest Incane 240 50 350 400 Carryover Fund Balance 6,348 0 6,348 7,000 Total 9,833 2,050 9,698 10,000 - PARK ACOOISITICN FUND Subdivision Fees 1,425 1,500 1,500 1,500 Interest Incane 1,157 150 900 1,000 Carryovec Fund Balance 14,381 17,018 21,042 13,442 Total 16,963 18,668 23,442 15,942 aESERVATICN TRUST FUND State of Cblorado 0 0 173,730 175,000 Interest Incane 22 20 3, 000 20,000 Carryover Fund Balance 438 415 438 177,168 Total 460 435 177,168 372,168 OPEN SPAO'.: FUND Jefferson Cbunty Allocation 340,935 416,000 646,000 500,000 Total 340,935 416,000 646,000 500,000 URBAN RENEW\L AIJIHORITY Sales & Property Tax 100,021 0 155,000 190,000 Increment Interest Incane 4,677 0 10,000 20,000 Reinbursement 0 0 25,000 0 Transfers 0 0 125,000 0 Carryover Fund Balance 14,792 0 68,642 358,242 Total 119,490 0 383,642 568,242 'lUl'AL FOR ALL FUNDS l3,721,174 13,080,275 15,130,621 13,427,892 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY DEPARlMFNI'/PR(X}R]IM 1982 1983 1983 1984 AClUAL BUIX3El' REVISED BUDGEI' ~-DEPARlMFNI'AL Mayor 20,285 21,118 20, 544 25,656 City Council 44,935 53,782 53,700 63,557 City Attorney 65,125 74,550 84,040 84,040 City Administrator/Personnel 11 7,249 153,554 174,319 169,749 General Operations 235,531 281,605 299,105 334,900 General Fund Subtotal 483,125 584,284 623,148 677 , 902 Subtotal 483,125 584,609 623,148 677,902 CITY CLERK City Clerk 120,287 152,777 150,027 148,000 General Fund Subtotal 120,287 152,777 150,027 145,000 Subtotal 120,287 152,777 1!?0,027 148,000 MUNICIPAL CDURT Municipal Court 78,242 83,968 79,668 87,378 General Fund Subtotal 78,242 83,968 79,668 87,378 Subtotal 78,242 83,968 79,668 87,378 FINANCE Accounting 184,190 224, 028 228,414 139,273 Budget & Fiscal Analysis 45,671 38,736 38,736 62,103 Data Processing 0 27,948 27,948 74,507 Purchasing 48,336 43,368 43,368 50, 311 General Fund Subtotal 278,197 307,980 304,912 299,854 Subtotal 278,197 334,080 338,466 326,194 CXM1lNITY DEVELOPMENI' Administration 105,295 59,852 85,252 641,420 Planning/Zoning 124,834 160,938 160,938 173,573 Building Inspection 85,770 106,792 95,539 117,597 Code Enforcement 40,883 46,521 46,521 74,364 Building Maintenance 73,674 95,472 86,872 104,388 Civil Disaster 2,406 10,000 10,000 - 4,500 General Fund Subtotal 382,014 452,400 447,547 503,875 Subtotal 432,862 479,575 485,122 1,115,842 POLICE Administration 81,879 81,718 81,468 182,167 Support Services 475,216 541,525 541,500 699,414 Operations 1,156,999 1,641,101 1,641,271 1,698,303 Technical Services 266,451 0 0 0 Animal Control 40,251 0 0 0 General Fund Subtotal 1,978,007 2,173,889 2,175,239 2,536,927 Subtotal 2,020,796 2,264,344 2,264,239 2,579,884 DEPAR'lMENT /ProGRAM 1982 1983 1983 1984 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGE:!' PUBLIC IDRKS Mrninistration 133,688 69,440 73,740 86,776 Engineering 1,824,909 2,283,540 1,562,756 1,028,091 Streets 1,065,302 2,404,436 3,549,066 2,804,985 Traffic 88,635 289,636 286,786 178,130 Shops 381, 669 408,187 388,065 247,126 General FImd Subtotal 1,317,279 1,546,394 1,531,072 1,382,467 Subtotal 3.494,203 5,455,239 5,860,413 4,345,108 PARKS & RECRFATICN Mrninistration 405,154 485,216 714! 311 677,124 Recreation 291,492 389,641 348,204 381,531 Parks Maintenance 404, 685 381,114 368,276 395,262 Forestry 79,485 85,305 89,330 149,487 Park Rangers 74,072 99,990 99,140 108,418 Wheat Ridge Festival 4,249 3,200 7,200 8,700 General FImd Subtotal 801,899 962,213 943,781 1,078,943 Subtotal 1.259,137 1,444,466 1,626,461 1,720,522 TRANSFER 'TO arHER Fl.JNffi 0 270,000 270,000* 50,000 - RESERVES 0 845,000 100,000 876,000 FUND BALANCE 0 1,166,217 0 1,551,062 GENERAL FUND 'TCfI'AL 5,439,050 8,545,122 6,355,394 8,867,240 ALL FUNDS 'lUI'AL 8,166,849 13,080,275 11,527,544 l3~427,892 *Included in Public Works Expenditures SUPPLEMENTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY CATEGORY SUMMARY 1982 1983 1983 i984 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET Personal Services 4,072,840 4,659,625 4,671,339 4,808,393 Materials & Supplies 484,520 628,064 607,673 374,006 Other Services & Charges 818,249 988,236 978,052 1,411,821 Capital Outlays 2,791, 240 4,793,133 5,170,480 4,406,610 Reserves 0 845,000 100,000 876,000 Fund Balance 0 1,166,217 0 1,551,062 TOTAL 8,166,849 13,080,275 11,527,544 13,427,892 FUND SUMMARY General Fund 5,439,050 8,545,122 6,355,394 8,867,240- General Revenue Sharing 201,045 506,000 398,709 368,000 Building Repair/Demolition 0 11,000 0 12,000 Capital Improvement Fund 2,122,893 3,581,000 4,089,341 2,714,300 Open Space Fund 340,936 416,000 646,000 500,000 Senior Fund 3,111 2,050 2,700 10,000 Park Acquisition Fund 8,966 18,668 10,000 15,942 Urban Renewal Authority 50,848 0 25,400 568,242 Conservation Trust Fund 0 435 0 372,168 TOTAL 8,166,849 13,080,275 11,527,544 13,427,892 -- OFFICIALS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO PAT AIELLO KENT DAVIS WILL BURT CLYDE HOBBS CITY CLERK WANDA SANG CITY ATTORNEY JOHN E. HAYES MAYOR FRANK STITES CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT I DISTRICT II DISTRICT III DISTRICT IV CITY ADMINISTRATOR THOMAS H. PALMER DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION CHIEF OF POLICE. . . . . DIRECTOR OF PU~LIC WORKS BUDGET/FINANCE ASSISTANT PERSONNEL ASSISTANT . . LARRY MERKL KEN LEWIS NANCY SNOW KAY ORE CITY TREASURER JAMES MALONE MUNICIPAL JUDGE . ANTHONY ZARLENGO CHARLES H. STRO~ffiERG .RICHARD H. BREDT HOWARD E. JAQUAY . .. RODGER O. YOUNG DANIEL R. DIBLE . . PATRICIA A. CREW 0 ~ CO ~ 01 c:: ... c:: Q) ,.. Q) -c ... ... ell c:: .a ::t 'a ~ c: ~ ell 0 .., ..... .- III Q) - 0- Q) 'a 0 '- '- s: ..... \0- f/) f/) fit Q) 0 0 .- ::- (/) .- '- - c: Cis Q) <5 0 c '- f/) '- .~ 0 I- ..... .~ c 0 cd 0 'c 01 0 :) .;:; E III E Q) ::- 0 S 0 u ~ g cc. ~ ~ ~ U- o (/) 'Z ~ -- ~ <.) Q) o ~ c Q) -c 'a ~ III ~ '- l,';) 0.. '- Q) 01 C l,';) ex: ~ .... l,';) 0.. 01 c 'in l,';) s: o '0 ~ o ~ c. ~ c o .;:; o Q) 0- <J) C - 01 C :0 - .s to Q) o ~ c Q) ..... c 'a ~ 01 C ~ .s to .... Q) ~ ~ III '0 ~ Q) E Q) o .... o & 01 C ~ 'c 3 o Q) N c cd ~ 01 0 C -c c ~ - 0.. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Budget Message Revenue Surrunary Expenditure Summary Supplemental Expenditure Summary Officials Organizational Chart Table of Contents NON DEPARTMENTAL PAGE Mayor . . . . City Council City Attorney City Administratorl Personnel General Operations . . . . . Non Departmental Summary Budget Non Departmental Authorized Position Summary 2 4 6 8 10 12 13 CITY CLERK City City City Clerk Clerk Clerk Surrunary Budget . . . . . . . Authorized Position Summary 18 20 21 - MUNICIPAL COURT Municipal Municipal ~M\IDicipal Court Court Court Summary Budget . . . . Authorized Position Summary 26 28 29 FINANCE Accounting Budget and Fiscal Analysis Data Processing Purchasing . . . . . Finance Summary Budget ',"Finance Authorized Position Summary 34 36 38 40 42 43 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Administration Planningl Zoning Building Inspection Code Enforcement Building Maintenance Civil Disaster Community Development Surrunary Budget Community Development Authorized Position Summary 48 . 50 52 54 56 58 60 61 POLICE Administration Support Services Operations Police Summary Budget Police Authorized Position Summary . . . . . . . . PUBLIC WORKS Administration Engineering Streets Traffic Shops Public Works Summary Budget Public Works Authorized Position Summary PARKS & RECREATION Administration . . Recreation . . . . Parks Maintenance Forestry . . . . . Parks Rangers Wheat Ridge Festival Parks & Recreation Summary Budget Parks & Recreation Authorized Position Summary RESERVES, FUND BALANCE AND TRANSFERS URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY . . . . . . CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Capital Improvement Fund Conservation Trust Fund Park Acquisition Fund Open Space Fund . . . . OTHER FUNDS General Revenue Sharing Fund . . . Building Repair/ Demolition Fund Senior Fund . . . . . Fleet Maintenance Fund . . . . . . . . 66 68 72 82 83 . . . . 88 90 92 94 96 98 99 . . . . 104 106 . 108 . . . . . . . 110 112 114 116 117 - . 121 122 . 124 126 . 127 . 128 130 132 133 134 - ... NON - DEPARTMENTAL ALL FUNDS 1982 Actual IPROGRAM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION MAYOR The Mayor is the elected Chief Executive Officer of the City. The Mayor appoints and supervises the City admini- . _,'" _' ." _1- " . -'- r, 1 1 ~~, -' ceremonial purposes. STATEMENT OF GOALS & OBJECTIVES I A. The Mayor is the recognized head of the City govern- ment for all legal and ceremonial purposes. The Mayor's signature must accompany all contracts binding the City. B. The Mayor appoints and supervises the City Administrator in accordance with Section 3.4 of the City Charter. . .. C. > .. 0 .. - s:- O 'tJ C . :! . 0 CJ The Mayor shall have the power to veto any ordinance passed by the City Council in accordance with pro- cedures set forth in section 5.14 of the City Charter. (The increase in Other Charges & Services is due to budgeting a national conference that was not budgeted in past years.) -,- 1982 Actua I 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services .. G ~ .. Cl II: FUNDS: 2 Materials & Supplies Other Services & Charges Capital Outlays Total General Fund Total 20,285 21. 118 20,544 25 656 - ! DEPARTMENT UON-DEPARTMENTAL 1982 ACTUAl.. 1983 BUDQET 1983 REV16ED 1984 BU>GET ; \ -- , MAYOR 20,285 21,118 20,544 25,656 ?ROGRAM ~ - - I NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES I Position Titles 1983 BUDGE" 1984 BUDGET CURRENT REQUEST MAYOR (ELECTIVE) - - 6,000 8,400 j EXECUTIVE SECRETARY .50 .50 10,242 10,596 I " lD .. .. 0 :0 :0 lD -- I Temporary 0 0 Overtime 0 0 I Employee Benefits 2,106 2,640 :rota I PeTsonal Services .50 .50 18,348 21,636 < 1982 ACTUAL 11983 BUDQET 1983 REVISED 1984 EU>GET Materials and Supplies 0 - 280 600 280 600 ". CD .. , -. m 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984-BUDQET )C " ')ther Charges and Services CD 1,441 2,170 1,916 :0 3,420 0- r ;; c: ... CD Fplta, Outlays 1982 ACl\lAL 01 1983 BlDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 0 0 0 0 3 I PROGRAM CITY COUNCIL I PROGRAM The City Council serves as the legislative and policy -\ DESCRIPTION making body of the City of Wheat Ridge. . u 1. Increase the City Council's knowledge of City operations c. ... through council meetings and study sessions. E~ ..- 2. Consider ordinances and resolutions and act upoon them. ~~ ..- 3. Provide legislative leadership, respond to electorate, ~g 'govern the City. MEASUREMENT 1982 Actual 1983 Projected 1984 Budget . u '" c '" '" 0 E .. .Jt:. o .. - 0 :D 3: a. Council meetings held Ordinances scheduled/acted on Resolutions schdeduled/acted on Total agenda items 1 2 2 3 36 43 53 271 36 43 53 270 36 43 53 270 - o . .. o >- - - '" ~ u _ '" u .E ~ o .. a. Average hours per council mtg. Average items per council mtg. Average minutes per item 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 3.75 10.10 22.20 3.75 10.10 22.20 3.75 10.10 2.20 . .! . ~ '" c < 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 'A "1111 lA A"" , A A"" "'A ^^^ .. ., - ., Materials & Supplies 0.,0 0"" 0"" ^^^ I Other Services & Charges .,n en""l -::>0 "(1", ! "(1 ...^^ I .. ., 38,757 I Capital Outlays " ^ " " .. Total L1L1 Q'OlE:; E:;'Ol ""1(1'" , "., ...^^ e., """"I '" U . , :; FUNDS: General Fund 0 en AA 0.,,, "., ""10., "., ""I^" C., .......... ; .. a: . , . I . I -r Total 44,935 53,782 53,700 63,557 . , - 4 . j. - ! DEPARTMENT t10N-DEPARTMENTAL 1982 AC1UAL. 1983 IJUl)QE'T 1M3 REV16ED 19&4 BlOGET , I (- -- , MAYOR 20,285 21,118 20,544 25,656 "ROGRAM ,..-.- - I NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE' 1984 BUDGET CURRENT REQUEST MAYOR (ELECTIVE) - - 6,000 8,400 I EXECUTIVE SECRETARY .50 .50 10,242 10,596 I ." .. .. .. 0 ::t ::t .. r-- I Temporary 0 0 Overtime 0 0 - I Employee Benefits 2,106 2,640 :rotal PeTsonal Services .50 .50 18,348 21,636 , 1982 AC1UAL. 1983 BlDGET 1983 REVISED 19&4 BWGET Materials and Supplies 0 280 - 600 280 600 :r CD .. I .- m 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BlDGET 1983 REVISED 19&4'Bl.DGET )C 'tl ')ther Charges and Services CD 1,441 2,170 1,916 ::t 3,420 0- r ;; c .. CD Fpita, Outlays c.- . 1982 AC11JAl. 1983 BlDGET 1983 REVISED 19&4 0 0 0 0 3 PROGRAM CITY COUNCIL PROGRAM The DESCRIPTION City Council serves as the legislative and policy making body of the City of Wheat Ridge. lD ~ fl 1. Increase the City Council's knowledge of City operations :~ through council meetings and study sessions. QU 2. Consider ordinances and resolutions and act upoon them. lD ~D 3. Provide legislative leadership, respond to electorate, o 'govern the City. Objectlv4 1982 1983 1984 MEASUREMENT Actual Projected Budget lD Council meetings held 1 36 36 36 u '0 Ordinances scheduled/acted on 2 43 43 43 c al al Resolutions schdeduled/acted on 2 53 53 53 E 0 .. ... Total agenda items 3 271 270 270 0 .. - 0 .. lD ;= IL - 0 fl .. 0 >- Average hours per council mtg. 1,2,3 3.75 3.75 3.75 .. .. al ~ Average items per council mtg. 1,2,3 10.10 10.10 10.10 u .. '0 U Average minutes per item 1,2,3 22.20 22.20 22.20 .E " '0 0 '- .. IL . fl co ~ al c < 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1963 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 'A A"" , A A AA 'A A"" ....A AAA . '. - ., --~ Materials & Supplies 0')0 nAA 0"" nAA I Other Services & Charges ')n en"7 ')0 "0') ! ')0 "AA I '. 38,757 I Capital Outlays " " _0- " III Total AA Q~<:; , ., <:;') "70') ,,') "7An r""""7 U ~ FUNDS: General Fund . 0 II) 1111 Q~<:; ,,') "70') "'.., _"7nn e ') ""'"7 ; II a: . . - I I . -. Total 44,935 53,782 53,700 63,557 , - 4 . ~.. DEP ARTME~N-DEPARTMENTAL 1982 AC1UAl. 1983 BU>OET 1883 fEVtSED 1984 BUDGET OROGRAM - -- CITY COllNCIL _ ~B.2_ NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE 1984 BUDGET CURRENT REQUEST Councilmembers(Elective) - 14,400 24,600 I " CD .. .. 0 ::> ::> CD J- I . Temporary () 0 I Overtime 0 0 Employee Benefits 0 0 :rotal Personal Services 14,400 24,600 1982 AC1UAL 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BlDGET Materials and Supplies 0 - 694 800 800 =r 800 CD .. I .. m 1982 ACTUAl 1983 ElUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984-BlDGET )( ." ')ther Charges and Services .. ::> 29,697 38,582 38,500 38,472 0- r ;:; c .. CD Epilal Outlays 1982 ACl\IAl 1983 ElUDGET .. 1983 REVISED 1984 0 0 0 0 5 NON-DEPARTMENTAL lPROGRAM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION CITY ATTORNEY To assist the legislative and executive branches of the City in the areas of general legal services, civil liti- ation and a eals, and or~inance rosecution and a peals STATEMENT OF GOALS & OBJECTIVES A. The City Attorney will furnish all legal services required by the City except for specialized legal work in water law and municipal bonds. These legal services will be provided in a manner con- sistent with contractual agreement between the City and the City Attorney. B. The City Attorney will subcontract the services of a prosecutor for municipal court cases and have supervisory responsibility for the actions of the prosecuting attorney. . . ~ - () . - Sl o '0 C . .! . o o 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget 61,100 71,600 71,600 79,840 CATEGORY: Personal Services Materials & Supplies 0 0 0 0 Other Services & Charges 3,025 2,950 3,880 4,200 Capital Outlays 0 0 0 0 i 65,125 J Total 74,550 75,480 84,040 , .. ! ~ ~ FUNDS: General Fund .. 65,125 74,550 75,480 84,040 ! ., a: I - Total 65,125 74,550 75,480 84,040 --- - --- -1- 6 DEPARTMENT 1982 AC1\JAL 1983 BlOQET 1883 REVISED 1964 BlDOET NON-DEPARTMENTAL -- "ROGRAM CITY ATTORNEY 65,125 74,550 75,480 84,040 - - NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1 g83 BUDGE" 1984 BUDGET l CURRENT REQUEST CONTRACTUAL PERSONNEL - , City Attorney - - 50,000 50,000 - prosecuting Attorney - - 21,600 29,840 "0 . .. .. 0 - ::> ::> . - - - - - " Temporary ,... ~ Overtime 0 0 - Employee Benefits , 0 0 - :rotal Personal Services - 71 . 600 7q s:lL1() - 1882 AC1\JA1. 1983 BU:lOET 1983 REVISED 1984 BlI)QET Materials and Supplies 0 - 0 r () :r " .. .. I 0' m 1882 AC1\JA1. 1983 BlI)QET 1883 REVISED 1984'Bl.I)GE1' >c ... 'ther Charges and Services .. ::> 1- 3,025 2,950 3,880 4,200 Q. - c ... . - 1882 ACl\lAL . -\ Capital Outlays 1983 BlDOET 1983 REVISED 1984 0 0 0 0 . 7 CATEGORY: Personal Services Materials & Supplies 0 9 000 Other Services & Charges 160 53 050 Capital Outlays 5 0 .. Total 229 174 319 . ~ FUNDS: General Fund 117,249 153,229 174,319 .. ., General Sharing ll: Revenue 0 325 0 PROGRAM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION .. o ~ .. u o - .D o 'U C . .!! . o CJ 8 CITY ADMINISTRATOR/PERSONNEL I , The City Administrator is the Chief Administrative Officer of the City; this responsibility includes directing oper- ~. . . pnli~ips. ~nd rn~king policy recommendations to the City Council. The Personnel 0 lce reports directly to the City Administrator and has responsi- bility for employment and employee relations. STATEMENT OF GOALS & OBJECTIVES CITY ADMINISTRATOR A. Continuing "team work" atmosphere between the City Council and City Staff, without delving too far into each other's areas of responsibility. B. Provide for a closer working relationship with the City Council through informal meetings with at least two sessions to focus on goal setting. C. Continue to develop cost accounting applications for City services, such as the fleet management program. D. Continue efforts to improve the City's economic vitality so that necessary services are assured for the future. E. Continue improving organizational efficiency and team- work through additional organizational restructuring. PERSONNEL F. Hire employees that meet the needs of the departments and the City, while following EEOC and Affirmative Action guidelines. G. Develop, implement, and maintain a pay plan/fringe benefit package which fairly and equitably compensates employees. H. Develop and implement training programs which aid in the development of employees. I. Reduce turnover, increase productivity, and increase morale of City employees. (Other Charges & Services includes one national conference for the City Administrator) 1 l- I 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget 11 100 35,896 648 o Total 11 7 ,249 153,554 174,319 169,749 DEPARTMENT NON-DEPARTMENTAL 1982 AC1UAl. 1983 BUOOET 1883 REVIBED 1984 auoGEf OROGRAM CITY ADMIN/PERSONNEL 117,~~_153,55~J 174,319 169,749 - NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE' 1984 BUDGET CURRENT REQUEST City Administrator 1 1 46,225 48,540 Personnel Assistant 1 1 23,496 25,644 I Executive Secretary .50 .50 10,242 10,596 Senior Secretary 1 1 15,744 17,268 "D 4l .. 01 0 :J :J CD - I Temporary 2,000 1,500 Overtime 200 200 Employee Benefits 15,562 18,357 :rotal Personal Services 3.50 3.50 113,469 122,105 - , 1982 AC1UAl. 1983 BU>GET 1983 REVISED 1984 BUDGET Materials and Supplies 0 10,474 9,60J 9,000 11,100 - :J" CD .. I 0ther o' m 1982 AC1UAl. 1983 BU>GET 1983 REVISED 1984-BUDGET )( Charges and Services 'C CD :J r 11,852 30,160 53,050 a. 35,896 :; c:: .. Fpilal CD 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BU>GET 1983 REVISED 1984 6UlJ'S:' I CD Outlays "'lA.Il .? k n 641'1 9 NON-DEPARTMENTAL I PROGRAM I PROGRAM This program includes worker's compensation ad unemployment J DESCRIPTION insurance,telephone utilities municipal building utilities, ~~rl ~; ~~~l 1 ~~~,..."'~ ~, . ~ II 1. Minimize worker's compensation and unemployment insurance costs. " c. "II 2. Minimize telephone utility costs and municipal building utility E~ .... costs. 0" ~Il ..- ~~ pbjectlvl 1982 1983 1984 MEASUREMENT Actual Projected Budget Worker's Compensation 1 48,708 85,000 100,000 II Unemployment Insurance 1 2,658 10,000 5,000 " "l::l Telephone Expense 2 50,532 54,000 57,000 c .. .. Municipal Building Utilities 2 48,890 55,000 65,000 E 0 .. "" 0 .. - 0 .. II == Q. - 0 . Worker's Compensation/Employee 1 328 528 617 .. 0 >- Unemployment Cost/Employee 1 17.50 62 31 - ~ .. ~ .2 .. "l::l " = :> "l::l 0 -J .. Q. GENERAL OPERATIONS . . >- .. c < In 1984, the Colorado Intergovernmental Risk Sharing Agency, of which Wheat Ridge is a member, will design a self-insurance pool for worker's compensation insurance that may control these costs better than the current State of Colorado program. 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1 983 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services .., ...,.,. ..,,, """ 'nn nnn ,,,.. """ . , ~~-,-~~ Materials & Supplies " ^ n ^ I I ~ Other Services & Charges ,(1A ,,... ")" cn" . ,nn ,,,.. 229,900 I ~ '. , ,- I Capital Outlays " n n " Total I .. ....,,, ....., "(1, cn" ' ")nn , ".. II ......A ^^" " . . :, I FUNDS: General Fund 0 ... "....- .-...., ")0' c ".. "(1n , ".. ......A onn i .. . II: '. J I I -, Total 235,531 281,605 299,105 334,900 10 DEP ARTMENl[iON-DEPARTMENTAL 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BlDGET PROGRAM GENERAL OPERATIONS 35 531 .2 !iL..6ll5- _r i NUMBER OF EM'PLOYEES , I Position Titles 1983 BUDGE' 1984 BUDGET I REQUEST I CURRENT i :- I "D II> .. III 0 ::J ::J CD - . ! Temporary () 0 Overtime 0 0 Employee Benefits 70,000 105,000 Total Personal Services 70,000 05,000 - , I 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BIA>GET 1983 REVISED 1984 BUDGET Materials and Supplies 01 0 0 0 0 ~I - .. I - m 1982 AcnJAL 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 Bl.OGET )( '0 Jther Charges and Services II> ::J ..84,165 211,605 199,105 229,90 0. r - c .. 19a4-Bij)GET- II> I Capital Outlays --r. .. 1982 AC'TlJAl 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 0 0 0 n 11 '. SUMMARY BUDGET - - 198~ 1982 1983 1984 PROGRAM SUMMARY ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET Mayor 20,285 21,118 20,544 25,656 City Council 44,935 53,782 53,700 63,557 City Attorney 65,125 74,550 75,480 84,040 City Administrator/Personnel 11 7 ,249 153,554 174,319 169,749 General Operations 235,531 281,6051 299,105 334,900 TOTAL 483,125 584,609 623,148 677,902 l 1982 1983 1983 1984 CATEGORY AND FUND SUMMARIES i ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET 240,969 287,817 316,617 352,581 CATEGORY: Personal Services 11,592 11,000 10,08 12,500 Materials and Supplies Other Services and Charges 230,180 285,467 296,45 312,173 - 384 325 648 I Capital Outlays I TOT AL' 483, 125 I 584,609 623,14 677,902! 1 FUNDS: General Fund 483,125 584,609 623,148 677,902 General Revenue Sharing 0 325 0 0 TOT AL 48 12 AUTHORIZED POSITION SUMMARY 1962 ACTUAL 1963 BUDGET 1964 BUDGET POSITION TITLE No. Salaries No. Salaries No. Salaries Mayor (Elective) - 6,000 - 6,000 - 8,400 Council Members(Elec) - 14,400 14,400 - 24,000 I I City Administrator l.0 43,000 1.01 46,225 1.0 48,540 I I Personnel Assistant I 1.0 21,957 1.0 23,49611.0 25,644 I i '.20, 484i 1.0 I 21, 192 I 15,744 1.0 I 17,268 I I I I I Executive Secretary 1.0 21,818 Senior Secretary 1.0 14,199 I _I - 1.01 1.0 RETIREMENT 9,709 11,290 112,797 INSURANCE 4,687 6,378 8,200 OVERTIME I 0 200 200 - - MERIT SYSTEM 0 0 TOTAL 4.0 135,770 4.0 144,217 4.0 166,241 ..- -'- -.--- ~-'---- - - 13 NON-DEPARTMENTAL .j .. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MAYOR 65l-0ffice Supplies/printing/ Postage 600 1983 \ REVISED I =-1 280 I 1984 BUDGET ITEM 1_- 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BUDGET 280 600 u o a CITY COUNCIL 651-0ffice Supplies/printing/ 838 800 800 800 Postage Subtotal I 838 800 800 800 I CITY ADMINISTRATOR/PERSONNEL I I 651-0ffice Supplies/Printing/ I 10,474 9,500 \ 9,000 11,000 I Postage \ I 660-0perating Supplies 0 I 100 0 100 I I I I I Subtotal 10,474 I 9,600 I 9,000 11,100 i I I . I I i I I I I 1 I I i I I I ! ; I I TOTAL 11,592 11, 000 10,080 12,500 S bt t 1 280 I 600 I 600 r - 14 __l. NON DEPARTMENTAL OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES - ITEM 1982 1983 1983 1984 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET . MAYOR 702 - Conference and Meeting Expense 683 750 1,700 2,000 706 - Dues, Books and Subscriptions 14 100 100 100 740 - Auto Mileage Reimbursement 16 20 16 20 759 - Telephone Expense 9 100 50 100 798 - Management Contingency 719 1,000 50 1,000 799 - Miscellaneous Services & Charges 0 200 0 200 Subtotal I,m 2.170 1,916 3,420 CITY COUNCIL 702 - Conference & Meeting Expense 8,174 17,600 17,600 17,600 706 - Dues, Books & Subscriptions 10 150 200 200 716 - Legislative Memberships 16.525 18,132 18,000 18,357 728 - Training & Safety 0 100 100 100 176 - Other Equipment Maintenance 60 100 100 0 798 - Management Contingency 4,563 2,000 2,000 2,000 799 - Miscellaneous Services & Charges 365 500 500 500 Subtotal 29.697 38,582 38,500 38,757 CITY ATTORNEY 702 - Conference & Heeting Expense 818 500 1,050 1,000 706 - Dues, Books & Subscriptions 1.164 500 530 1,200 732 - Witness & Juror Fees 254 1,200 400 0 799 - Miscellaneous Services & Charges 789 750 1,900 2,000 I Subtotal 3,025 2,950 3.880 4,200 CITY ADMINISTRATOR! PERSONNEL 702 - Conference & Meeting Expense 2.862 2,000 2,000 2,000 706 - Dues, Books & Subscriptions 750 700 650 1,000 724 - Medical Services 1,610 2,860 2,000 3,000 726 - Recruitment & Advertising 3,378 4,000 4,000 4,500 727 - Tuition Reimbursement 0 0 0 3,000 728 - Training & Safety 4,825 5,000 5,000 5,000 740 - Auto Mileage Rei~bursement 68 200 150 200 750 - Professional Services -2,649 12,950 38,000 13,000 758 - Rentals & Leases 0 50 0 0 759 - Telephone Expense 159 400 300 400 772 - Fleet Repair/ Maintenance 0 0 0 1.296 176 - Other Equipment Maintenance 375 400 250 1,000 798 - Management Contingency 345 1,000 400 1,000 799 - Miscellaneous Services & Charges 129 600 300 500 Subtotal 11,852 30,160 53,050 35,896 GENERAL OPE&\TIONS EXPENSES 759 - Telephone Expense 50,532 57.000 54,000 57.000 760 - Utilities 48,890 59,000 55,000 65,000 711 - Appraisal Expense 0 3,000 0 3.000 112- Annual Appreciation Dinner 3.353 3,000 3,500 3,500 113- School Crossing Guards 5.867 8,000 6,000 7,000 721- Jefferson County Animal Shelter 6.116 6.605 6,605 8,400 781 - Insurance 68.919 72,000 72 . 000 75,000 787 - Claims Against the City 488 3,000 2,000 3.000 799 - Miscellaneous Services & Charges 0 0 0 8,000 Subtotal 184,165 211 ,605 199,105 229,900 230,180 285,467 296,451 312,173 TOTAL \ - 15 f--~ NON-DEPARTMENTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS ITEM 1982 ~83l1983 ACTUAL I BUDGET I REVISED 1984 I. BUDGET I CITY ADMINISTRATOR/PERSONNEL General Fund 802-0ffice Furniture/Equipment 807-Fleet Replacement 384 o o o General Revenue Sharing 802-0ffice Furniture/Equipment o 325 o o o 648 o I I I I I 1- , _I - o TOTAL 384 325 o 16 648 - - CITY CLERK All FUNDS 1982 Actual \PROGRAM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION CITY CLERK Responsible for official City records,City Code of Laws, Charter,Licensing (liquor,amusement devices, security guards) Senior Citizens Property Tax[Rent Rebates,Elections, ::;ecretary to Clt-y council. - STATEMENT OF GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1. Keep citizenry informed of City Council actions through publication of legal notices. 2. Provide availability of city records, ordinances, resolutions, contracts, building codes, city code of laws charter, agenda items, city council minutes, to the citizens of Wheat Ridge. .. .. ~ - o .. :0 o '" C II .. II o ~ 3. Keep files and index and microfilming up-to-date. 4. Conduct elections, register voters. During election year and special elections, one-fourth of the year is used to prepare for and conduct the elections. - 5. Prepare Boards and Commissions list. (Other Services and Charges includes one national conference) -1- - 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CA TEGORY: Personal Services 51. 227 62,177 62,177 66,300 Materials & Supplies 5.156 6,000 6,000 6,000 Other Services & Charges 63,115 84,600 I 81,850 72, 700 Capital Outlays i 789 0 0 3,000 I , rn Total 120.287 152,777 150,027 148,000 ! .. ~ FUNDS: General Fund 0 120,287 152,777 150,027 I rn 145,000 I ., a: 1 General Revenue Sharing 0 0 0 3,000 - Total 120,287 1 52_,!!: _ L50.:0~7 148,000 0--- ------.- ----- .- - -. . - -- ~ 18 DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 1962 ACTUAL 1983 BUD<Er 1813 fEVIS8) 1984 BWGET .- 'lROGRAMCITY CLERK 120,287 l52,777J 150,027 f'-48,000 1- -- - NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE" 1984 BUDGET .J CURRENT REQUEST City Clerk (Elective) - - 18,600 20,260 Deputy City Clerk 1 1 17,172 .... 18,792 , i Secretary 1 1 14,496 13 , 944 "0 CD .. CD 0 :> :> CD - , I . Temporary 2, 50C 2,200 Overtime ISC 100 Employee Benefits 9,25~ 11,004 I :rotal Personal Services 2.0 2.0 62,lTi 66,300 1982 AC1lJAL 1983 Bl.DQET 1983 REV1SEO 1984 ElU:>GET ~I Materials and Supplies 5,156 6,00e 6,00e 6,000 .. I .- m 1982 AC1\JA1. 1983 BU>GET 1983 REVISED 1984- Bl.DGET )( '0 )ther Charges and Services CD ::> ,- 63,115 84,60C 81, S5C 72,700 0. ;; c: .. CD FOita' 1962 AC1\lAL 1984~ CD 1983 BUXET 1983 REV1S8> Outlays 789 0 ( 3,000 19 CITY CLERK '. SUMMARY BUDGET 1962 1983 1963 I 1964 PROGRAM SUMMARY REVISED I I ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET City Clerk 120,187 152,777 150,027 148,000 . I I TOTAL 120,287 152,777 150,027 148,000 -11962 l 1963 1983 1984 CATEGORY AND FUND SUMMARIES i ACTUAL ! BUDGET REVISED I BUDGET , I 1 ! i I 62,177 I - ! 51,227 62,177 66,300 CATEGORY: Personal Services 5,156 6,000 6,000 6,000 Materials and Supplies Other Services and Charges 63,115 84,600 81, 850 72,700 I I I Capital Outlays 789 0 0 I i 3,000 I I TOTAL 120,287 ! 152,777 150,027 148,000 I FUNDS: I 145,000 I General Fund 120,287 152,777 150,027 General R I Sh 0 0 0 3,000 B3I - - evenue arlng l.~~ ,~7~ EO,027_ TOTAL 120,287 148,000 i -.J 20 CITY CLERK , I I I I I I I I I I I"" I . I I ! I I ! I I I I I . i I 1 I I RETIREMENT I 4,635 5,2201 5,830 I , INSURANCE 2,329 4,039 5,174 OVERTIME 0 lSO 100 _ MERIT SYSTEM TOTAL 1.5 49,435 2.0 59,677 2.0 64,100 21 CITY CLERK ~1 MA TERIALS AND SUPPLIES ~ ~1982 1983 1983 1984 ITEM ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET 651-0ffice Supplies, Printing I Postage 5,156 6,000 6,000 6,000 r I I I I I i I I . ! I TOTAL 5,156 6,000 6,000 6,000 22 -CITY CLERK OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES 1982 ACTUAL -~- 1983 1983 1984 BUDGET REVISED BUDGET \ , 1,600 1,600 ( 1,750 300 300 300 20,000 20,000 lll,OOO 6,000 6,000 7,000 2,000 2,000 , 1,200 750 500 I 500 ! 300 300 300 -~ I \ I I .1 I ITEM 702-ConferencejMeeting Expense 706-Dues, Books/Subscriptions 70B-Election Expense 7l4-Lega1s/pub1ishing 7l5-Recording Fees 728-Training/Safety 40-Auto Mileage Reimbursement 750-Professional Services 759-Telephone Expense 776-0ther Equipment Maintenance 792-Tax Rebate/Sr. Citizen 799-Misc.Services and Charges 1,485 161 4,358 4,833 906 o 193 7,040 13 1, 733 i42,393 : 0 I 5,000 I 50 i 3,500 ~45, 000 100 5,000 50 1,000 145,000 100 5,000 50 1,500 44,000 , 100 I I I I I , I i TOTAL 3,115 j4,600 ~1,850 72,700 I 23 - MUNICIPAL COURT ALL FUNDS 1982 Actual MUNICIPAL COURT I PROGRAM ~1UNICIPAL COURT PROGRAM The t-lunicipal Court lS necessary to provide a fair and lm- DESCRIPTIONpartial forum as defined by the City Charter and Colorado I C+-~+-0 C+-Cit'.ltEH::. - ~ 1. Prevent recidivism through the probation program. u c:.. 2. Promote safe defensive driving through traffic safety programs. lOCI> E~ 3. Provide clerical and administrative support for municipal court. ..- OU 't.! ~8 ~ U c: lO E .. o - .. CD II. ObJectlvl 1982 1983 1984 MEASUREMENT Actual Projected Budget Traffic tickets 2,3 2,959 3,850 3,850 Total summons 3 5,579 6,633 6,633 "tl Traffic school placements 2 303 325 325 III Pre-trial conferences 1,3 243 442 442 0 x. Trials 3 406 450 450 .. 0 Probation placements 1 50 60 60 == - o .. .. o >- - :: CIl ~ () - "0 U c: :::I "0 o .. II. Court cost per summons Revenue per summons 3 14.50 16.34 12.82 19.44 12.82 19.44 i - .. ID >- CIl c: < 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services ~, '"''' ~r .,,, ~.., """ ~" "~,, , , ~,- , Materials & Supplies .., ~"r : ."" .., """ . ."" I , , I ~, -, Other Services & Charges ., .,.,., . ,r" ! .., ...." 4,150 I , , I Capital Outlays " " " " '" Total i ~" Gl 70 ')11') n.., "r" U rr" ,.,., ..,.,,, 5 , FUNDS: General Fund , , . 0 I '" "n ..,..., ".., "r" .. "' rr" n., ..,.,,, ; II: " ., , , I I I --, Total 78,242 83, 968 79,668 87,378 26 DEPARTMENT I1UNICIPAL COURT 1962 AC1lJAL 1983 DlJ[)(k""T 1e83 REW3ED 1Q8.4 BlDGET ------ 78, ~4~_ __ 83, 968 J~~68 I 87,378 PROGRAM MUNICIPAL COURT NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE' 1984 BUDGET CURRENT REOUEST ChIef Court Clerk 1 1 22,572 20,136 Deputy Court Clerk II 1 1 17,700 14,640 1 Contractual Personnel Presiding "V Judge - 11,042 18,873 CD ~ Ol Assistant 0 Judge - 6,902 7,109 ::> ::> CD Bailiff - 1,500 2,170 Probation Officer - 7,200 8,616 - I . Temporary 700 700 Overtime 500 500 Employee Benefits 7.302 6 084 Total Personal Services 2.0 2.0 75,418 78,828 1982 AC1lJAL 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1Q8.4 BUDGET 3.785 4,400 3,000 4,400 ~l ~ Materials and Supplies - ~Pital Outlays J982A~1~~ 1983 REVlSED 1 Q8.4 ml ~1 Gl ::> a. - c ~ CD 0> Other Charges and Services 1983 REVISED 19S'Ull.DGET r- 27 '. SUMMARY BUDGET .---- ---- 1983 =-1 1982 1983 1984 PROGRAM SUMMARY ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED I BUDGET Municipal Court 78,242 83,968 79,668 ,87,378 I I I TOTAL 78,242 83,968 79,668 87,378 11982 l : ACTUAL i I ~ CATEGORY AND FUND SUMMARIES 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BUDGET TOT 171'120 75,148 73,218 I 78,828 3,785 4,400 3,000 4,400 I s I 3,337 4,150 3,450 4,150 0 0 87,378 I 87,378 AL! 78,242 83,968 79,668 78,242 83,968 79,668 87,378 I 1 --- 179,668 87,378 AL 78,242 83,968 I CATEGORY: Personal Services Materials and Supplies Other Services and Charge Capital Outlays FUNDS: General Fund TOT 28 AUTHORIZED POSITION SUMMARY , I I I - 1 I I I I I I , I RETIREMENT 4,635 INSURANCE 2,329 OVERTIME 0 - MERIT SYSTEM - TOTAL 2 45,028 - 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BUDGET I 1984 BUDGET POSITION TITLE No. Salaries No. Salaries No. Salaries Chief Court Clerk 1 23,108 1 22,57: 1 20,136 Deputy Court Clerk II 1 14,956 1 17,70( 1 14,640 I I I I I . I , I 4,390 , 2,635 I 2,912 3,449 500 500 - 2 48,074 2 41,360 -- -- 29 MUNICIPAL COURT ~~ MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES I ~ 1982 1983 1983 I 1984 ITEM BUDGET REVISED I BUDGET ACTUAL i 65l-0ffice Supplies, Printing and Postage 2,497 3,000 2,500 I 3,000 500 I 1, 400 660-0perating Supplies 1,288 1, 400 I I I I I I I , , I I I I \ \ I i , , I i I , \ I I TOTAL 3,785 4,400 3,000 4,400 - 30 MUNICIPAL COURT OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES 1983 BUDGET . 1983~9841 REVISED BUDGET I I ITEM 1982 ACTUAL 702-Conference/Meeting Expense 706-Dues,Books/Subcription 740-Auto Mileage Reimbursement 750-Professional Services 759-Telephone Expense 776-0ther Equipment Maintenance 799-Misc. Services/Charges o 65 606 2,340 o 273 53 300 150 600 2,450 50 500 100 150 100 200 2,450 100 400 50 300 150 600 2,450 50 500 100 I I . I I i I I I ! ! I I - TOTAL 3,337 4,150 3,450 4,150 31 MUNICIPAL COURT CAPITAL OUTLAYS ITEM l~~-. 1982 . ACTUAL 198~983 ! 1984 BUDGET REVISED I BUDGET MUNICIPAL COURT 1- , TOTAL o o o o 32- FINANCE ALL FUNDS 1982 Actual FINANCE ~ROGRAM'\CC()lJNTING -- I PR 0 GR AMme"s,es all revenues and expenditures for all City funds. DESCRIPTldf.,pintains City financial data base. Manages all facets of :,,11es ann Use Tilx admj nistration. -- - -~_..- - - I I '" g.. milnner. ~~ 12. C<,m<,1uct Sal~s ancl Use tax ~~ mlnlmal audlt costs. ~.~ 3. Investments of idle cash. 11>.0 0.0 - --~ 1. Process all revenue and expenditures in an accurate and timely audits to maximize revenues with .. - .-r--..----~--._. -.-------- - MEASUREMENT jObjectivi 1982 1983 1984 Actual Proj3cted Budget accounting ----~ f-- Number of funds 1 11 11 12 Disbursement Checks issued 6,034 6,392 6,450 II> Payroll checks issued 5,040 4,776 5,000 0 '0 1 c oJ oJ Active sales tax accounts 1 1,6]4 1,731 1,750 E 0 .. .>(. Sales and use tax audits 2 71 45 80 0 ~ - 0 .. :: II> 0. - 0 ll) Revenue per tax audit .. Interest earned invested funds 3 1,055,191 500,000 500,000 0 >- on - - oJ .~ 0 - '0 0 .= ::> , '0 0 .. 0. -I. (Other Charges and Services includes one national conference and conference and training expenses for the Finance Depart- ll) ment) ll) >- oJ C <( , 982 Actua I 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CA TEGORY: Personal Services 135,790 131,295 130,845 120,678 Materials & Supplies 9,128 5,310* 13,500 10,230 ! Other Services & Charges ! 38,342 61,323* , 50,515 4,625 I I Capital Outlays 930 26,100* 33,554 3,740 '" Total 184,190 224,028 [228,414 139,273 Q) ~ => FUNDS: General Fund ! 0 184,190 197,928 194,860 135,533 '" , .. a: I I General Revenue Sharing 26,100 33,554 3,740 I ~ -' -- Total 184,190 224,028 228,414 139,273 34 DEPARTMENT PINT,NCE 1982 AC1UAl 1983 BWaET 1963 FEVi6ED 1984 ~ l\CCOLJN'l'ING -184,190 224,LJ28 _J 228,414 139, 'ROGRAM ~ NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE 1984 BUDGET CURRENT REQUEST - City Treilsurer (Elective) - - 14,400 17,000 S21es Tax Auuitor 1 1 21,300 23,496 , i Accounting Technician 2 2 43,008 44,472 Accounting Clerk 1 1 14,496 15,816 "ll <<I ~ .. 0 1 ::I ::I I '<<I' I - , I I I . i Temporary 200* 200 Overtime 400* 400 Employee Benefits 37,481* 19,294 Total Personal Services 4.0 4.0 131,295 120,678 - g] 1982 AC1UAL 11983 EU>GET 1983 REVlS8) 1984 I3U>GET Materials and Supplies 9,128 5,310* 13,500 10,230 <<1\ ~ --.' m I 1982 AC'llJAL 1983 Ell.IDClET 1983 REVISED 1984' ElLVGET )( '0 )ther Charges and Services .. ::I r 38,342 61,323* 50,515 4,625 !:!: - .- c: ~ <<I Fpilal 1982 Acnw.. .. 1983 EllDGET 1983 REV1S8> 1964 Outlays 930 26,100* 33,554 3,740 35 FINANCE ~ROGRAM nUDGET AJjD FISCAL M~~J;if~lEL:_ I PROGRAM Prepdrc' <"wu, a 1 hudge t I annual, repor, t" and numeroUS,financiCll DESCRIPTION analysis reports. ~1aintilitls responsibility for switch- -- _ __~'-' ~~~:-:i.gl+--"H1:f1-PF)i.)~-::ti-j:HJ=:{;li1.1:."10t-t-~"a::i::l=; -, lI> l. 0 ceo OlCll 2. E~ ~- 3. 00 (!) ~.- 4. 41>.0 a.o Produce acurate and informative financial re~orts to assist the City Council and staff in their decision-making processes. Produce an accurate and informative annual budget. Handle all switchboard calls in an effective manner. Process all outgoing mail in an accurate and timely manner. -~ --- -- 1983 1984 Projected Budget --~- MEASUREMENT tfbJactivE 1982 Actual -- -- lI> o C III E ~ o - ~ 41> a.. "0 III o -" ... o ~ Annual reports produced 1 Annual budgets produced 2 Monthly projections reports 1 Switchboard calls received (dail ) 3 Outgoing postage processed 4 (monthly) o 1 o 270 $1,319 1 1 11 270 $1,300 1 1 11 270 $1,350 - o eo ... o ... III o "0 c --1-- >- - .?: ... o " "0 o ~ a. l eo '" >- III c <( (Other Charges and Services includes auditor's fee) 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CA TEGORY: Personal Services A A r,., "'(1 .,..,r 3s,.,..,r ~, A A .., " ~ . Materials & Supplies ')(oe " " , ,:t,,, ! I Other Services & Charges I en., " 0 9,110 I I Capital Outlays n, " " " <II Total AI: r., , ':>0 ..,,:>~i ':>(1 .,..,r r~ ,,,-:> III I) ~' . " I FUNDS: General Fund 0 I .~ ,-'7-1 ..,n ~~_ i CIl -:>(1 .,..,r "2,103 .. , - , a: I 1 I -r - - Total 45,671 38,736 8,736 62,103 36 DEPARTMENT 1932 ACTUAL 1083 BUOOET 1963 Rf:VJ3ED 1984 BWGt:1 FIUM1CE - ---- --. lROGRAtvi B (J])GE'l'/ FI SCAL ANALYSIS 45,671 __ 38, 736 J 38,736 62,103 L.=.- - NUMBER OF EUPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE' 1984 BUDGET l CURRENT REQUEST BUdge,t/Finance Assistant 1 1 25,848 28,488 i Switchboard Operator 1 1 12,888 14,208 "tl Cll ~ '" I 0 " " Cll - - I Temporary 0 500 Overtime 0 0 Employee Benefits , r-. " '-'A... :rotal Personal Services 2.0 2.0 38,736 51,443 1002 AC1UAl 1C-33 mJOGET 11003 REWlED 1 Q.84 Bl.(lQ:;1 Materials and Supplies 0 - 286 :Y 0 1 550 Cll ., I .. m 1982 ACl\lA1. 1Gl}3 BUDGET 1lM'l3 REVSED 1SS4'~1 >< 'l:l ther Charges and Services CD 1- " Q. r"... ;; C , . ~ Cll Fpilal 1982 ACTUAL 1004 l3l..V08' .. 1983 BllXlET 1983 REVI5ED Outlays 81 ( 0 0 37 \ DpER-POAGRRTA:E~:J^m~~'~~A~lC~~ PHOCESSING . -t' 'Cru~~'~::J':::~10~J Position Title --~-~.- _.--~-~----- ~"._- -- l---- / NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES S 1983 BUDGE11984 BUDGET CURRENT REQUEST :-1-- I ~._---~~ ----~~ f--.-.---- -- rogrammer 1 1 27,948 I 25,020 I I I *0: 11>: ~ 0'). 01 :>[ :> I ll> . I I I I i I , I I .- j I 0 0 I I I I 0 0 , r I I ~:o I 1 0 3.712 --t - L 1.0 27,948 28,732 Data Systems P -1 Temporary Overtime Employee Benefits Total Personal Services I 0: -, ;;1 ~ Materials and Supplies Jii"iA~ rY0a3R<V~"":::: -I 0 I her Charges and Services - -]~ ^e'TUA' fOO3 oiiiOEi:::f'-..ro REvOSEO l"'" ooiGEi _ _____ n ~_~--O_L_ OL---J,+-.-3~ _I Capital Outlays ","-criW.-rooi ~~J-983 REvlSED-- - -.-- --~--- ----- 000 - ------------ m! x '0 '" :> n c: ~ '" (II 22,600 J 39 FINANCE I I I PROGRAM l'.':!~,ClI^SItlG I PROGRAM "<w,,,,"", a;~ purch""", made by all City "c'partments. DESCRIPTION flill1dges insurdnce iHld safety progrLlms. ---------_.__._-----~---- ~- - ~ ~ 1. Conduct bidding and guote processes In a professional manner. o C~ 2. Process purchase requisitions and orders in an accurate and as~ . E~:I tlITIcly HlClllner. ~i 3. Mandge City insurance to minimize costs while maintaining =~ adequate coverdge. <1.0 -.------------- -------~------ -- MEASUREMENT bjectlv 1982 Actual 1983 1984 Projectod Budgot - 75 80 20,500 20,500 60 70 30,000 37,000 -I Q) g '0 Cll ell E 0 ... -" o ... - 0 :;; :: n. Number of bids and quotes l\mount of purchase requisitions Number of insurance claims filed Amount of total claims 1 2 3 3 74 20,394 51 25,590 - o ~ ... o >- - - as ~ o _ '0 0 C .g o ... n. ~ .. '" III C < 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CA TEGORY: Personal Services Materials & Supplies Other Services & Charges Capital Outlays 3,575 U) '" o ... " o U) OJ a: Total 3,368 FUNDS; General Fund .1 3 , :U>8--- Total 48,33G 43.3 G8 43,368 0,311 40 I DEPARTMENT 1002 ACTUAl... 1003 ClJDOc. 1~ REV1&D 1004 EliWOET FINANCE -.--- 43,3G8J PROGRAM PT JJ,CIIAS BIG 48,336 43,368 50,311 - - -- -- NU....BER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE- 1984 BUDGET CURRENT REQUEST Purchasing Agent 1 1 25,908 28,368 I Purchasing Clerk 1 17,460 18,300 I 1 I i "ll Cl> ~ CD I 0 :> :> I Cl> I I I I I I .- , I I I I . I I Temporary 0 0 Overtime 0 0 Employee Benefits 0 8,728 I Total Personal Services 2 2 43,368 55,396 1002 ACTUAl... 1003 EU>OET 1983 REVISED IBM BUDGET Ma terials and Supplies 469 (8,660) 0 0 0 ~ .. ~ I o- m 1982 AC'TUAL 1003 Dl.IDGET 1083 REVISED. 1984 Bl..DGET )( '0 'ther Charges and Services .. :> 1- 276 0 0 3,575 ~ - c ~ .. ~Pilal 1982 AcnJAL 1983 Ell.lXET 1984 I3ll)CET co 1003 REV1SED I Outlays 0 0 0 0 41 FINAnCE '. SUrJiMARY BUDGET P~O~R~MS~~~;~~- .._-]:;:~AL 1 :~~ET1~:~:l Accounting 184,190 224,028 I 228,414 1984 BUDGET 139,273 Budget and fiscal analysis 45,671 38,736 38,736 62,103 Data processjng o 27,948 27,948 74,507 Purchasing 48,336 43,368 43,368 50,311 I I 338'46:l_~~6'194 TOTAL ln8,197_ 334,080 ----~ -~----r -----l--~---------I 1982 r 1983 , 1983 ! 1984 CATEGORY AND FUND SUMMARIES : ACTUAL I BUDGET REVISED BUDGET -~l ; I I -~---- 227,998 241,347 240,897 256,249 CATEGORY: Personal Services I 9,883 5,310 13,500 8,930 Materials and Supplies I , Other Services and Charges 34,675 I I 39,305 61,323 50,515 , I I Capital Outlays 1,011 26,100 33,554 26,340 I TOT ALl 278,197 334,080 338,466 326,194 , I FUNDS: General Fund 278,197 307,980 304,912 299,854 General Revenue Sharing 26,100 33,554 26,340 -334,080 ]38,466 ~I 326"94~- - I -~--- --27S;T9or TOTAL 42 FIN/,NeE AUTHORIZED POSITIOt.J SUMMARY -- 1982 ACTUAL 1983 -" No. Salaries No. - 14,400 - s't. 1 17,674 1 yst 1 24,851 1 1 23,567 1 I I I POSITION TITLE City Treasurer BUdget/Finance As Data Systems Anal Purchasing Agt"nt Sales Tax Auditor 1 19,440 Accounting Technician 2 43,630 Purchasing Clerk 1 16,701 Accounting Clerk 1 13,350 Switchboard Operator 1 12,515 - RETIREMENT INSURANCE OVERTIME MERIT SYSTEM 19,528 14,397 o '.... TOTAL 9.0 220,053 9.0 -~UDG~ 1984 BUDGET Salaries No. Salaries 1 --- 14,400 17,000 25,848 1 28,488 27,948 1 25,020 25,908 1 28,368 21,300 1 23,496 43,008 2 44,472 17,460 1 18,300 14,496 1 5,816 12,888 1 14,208 2 1 1 1 I j3,168 21,201 I 16,050 6,813 400 400 - -- 240,907 9.0 255,549 43 FINl\NCE " MA TERlt\LS AND SUPPL~ES ------------------~-- ------1----------- 1982 ITEM ACTUAL 1983 BUDGET 1983~984- REVISEDl BUDGET 651-0ffice Supplies, Printing and Postage 9,785 15,000 13,000 15,340 652-Central Stores/credit 653-postagc Credit 660-0perating Supplies o o 98 (5,000) 0 ( 5,000) 0 310 500 (5000) (5000 ) 3,590 TOTAL i I I I I I \ I i i ! , i I I I I ! I I I I I ! -- 9,883 5,310 13,500 8,930 - I- I I 44 FINANCE 702-ConferencejMeeting Expense 706-Dues,DooksjSubscriptions 740-Auto Mileage Reimbursement 750-Professional Services 758-RentalsjLeases 759-Telephone Expense 776-0ther Equipment Maintenance 799-Misc.ServicesjCharges OTHER CHARGES AND SER\fiCES . ---- ----~- -------- ------:l---~ 1982 1983 1983 1984 ITEM ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET ----1" 1- I 1,722 3,450 3,000 3,450 775 725 725 725 553 675 500 I 500 7,066 8 ~OO L7,700 ~2,825 21,616 18,000 i 6,000 165 415 , 220 ! 275 7,420 [':~~:: "0,270 ~O,500 8 385 1- 100 I 400 I I i I I I I I I I I I ! ! I r- TOT AL 39,305 61,623 50,515 34,675 I 45 FINANCE CJ\P~Tl~\L OUTLl\YS I ITEM .._.--~-==l-:~~~l~~~~~E~[-"~:'~:)tl B~::ET.i General Fund I I 01 0 I I i 1, 098 0 32,456i 26,340 802-0ffice furniture/equipment 1,0111 1 o GeneruJ Revenue Sharing 802-0ffice furniture/equipment B09-0ther major equipment o o 1,100 25,000 -~~:__ 26"ooL.33'~~_ 26.340 TOTAL 46 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ALL FUNDS 1982 Actual ~ROGRAM PROGRAM provides E'xecu-Live direction to the Community Development DESCRIPTION Depilrtment and the Urban Penewal Authority. Manages _______g-'-<C'(-'t):Qi:Itb-~{ley.i'_'c-4~fl.ffi~l}~;~E€~._'.F'-<Wl::-t.(~_ iln.pl..C2~-5:----U~- c i T \! . '" revenue DLlr-.;e ~ ST ATEMENT OF GOALS to OBJECTIVES <II CI> > - () CI> .c ,0 '0 C <II <II <II o o 48 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AmllNIS'l'RATION I Goal: Compatible Economic Development for sound City Budget 1. Use tax increment financing through the urban Renewal Authority to construct the public portion of the Ivadsworth Town Center and the Kipling Activity Center. provide staff services to the Authority. 2. Continue work to attract high tech business to the industrial area and solve circulation problems at the I-70/Ward Road interchange to Hest 44th Avenue and Tabor. 3. Hark on other designated areas as the market and public facility needs dictate. Goal: Improve Intergovernmental Relations . 1. participate in the comprehensjve planning activities of DRCOG. 2. Work with special districts to solve water and sewer problems. Goal: positive Climate for pride in City 1. Achieve a positive balance between self-help programs and strong code enforcement. Illcrease the level of voluntary compliance. 2. Improve zoning ordinance so it is easier to complete developments that carry out the policies of the Comprehensive plan. 3. Review the Comprehensive plan with the Planning Commission. -1- (other Charges and Services includes one national conference for the COlTununi ty Development Director). 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services Materials & Supplies Other Services & Ch?rges Capital Outlays Total <II .. o !5 o <II '" a: FUNDS: General Fund Urban Renewal Authority -, Total 105,295 59,852 85,252 641, 420 105, 1983 BlJDQ.ET 11163 ~ 19&4 BWGET 295 ___ _59,852 J 85,252 ~4l,420 -- _~ DE PAR T MEN T CO>1" UN I TY DEVELOPHENT._ <lROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 1962 AC11.JAl - NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE' 1984 BUDGET 1 CURRENT REQUEST - DirectorjConununity Devel. 1 1 37,344 38,460 - Senior Secretary .5 .5 7,434 8,148 ; Secretary 0 .5 0 8,712 - "V Gl ~ ... 0 - ::t ::t Gl J - ~ - - I - Temporary 2,000 1,000 - Overtime 1, 500 500 - Employee Benefits , 7,114 9,574 .Total Personal Services 1.5 2.0 55,392 66,394 - l Materials and Supplies 1982 AC11.JAl 1083 BU)QET 1983 REVISED 1984 fU)GET 0 431 700 700 650 ;;:r CD ~ I -- ~. - m 1982 AC1\JAl 1983 Bl.()QET 1983 REVISED 1984" BlIXlET )( '0 " ther Charges and Services CD ::t I- e. 2,577 3,760 3,760 5,846 - - c: ~ CD 1982 ACl\lAL 19&4 "" nnFT co l Capital Outlays 1983 BlDGET 1983 REV1SED 50,948 0 25,400 568,890 49 ~GRAM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING/ZONING Performs professional planning work in the long and short range areas. Activities include providing administrative ~1Jill"ll::.t---1~ll~_C it Y COUll(' iI, P laIll1 ing Cammi s s ion, Board -------of~AllJ U~, tlllerlt , rHl(]t!le--Vr-j~dlrT,-cITc~w7fT Aut11OTrty. STATEMENT OF GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1 objectives, and eaSler to administer and enforce. 3. Assist the Urban Renewal Authority in developing workable projects and administrative capabilities. (Other Charges & Services includes one national conference) 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1964 Budget CA TEGORY: Personal Services 112,820 141,038 141,038 148,281 , Materials & Supplies 9,610 12,000 12,000 12,360 Other Services & Charges 1,674 7,725 7,725 9,699 Capital Outlays i 730 175 175 3,233 I , ; Total , l/) 124,834 160,938 160,938 173,573 ! 0 u FUNDS: General Fund ] ~ ::> , 0 124,834 160,763 160,763 I l/) 171,348 Cl a: , 0 175 175 2,225 1 Total 124,834 160,938 L 160,398 173,573 '-- - -.-------. --------- -------_._---- ---..-.-- CIl ell > - <.l ell D ,0 'tl c:: '" CIl '" o Cl 50 Goal: Insure that the City has an adequate tax base and other sources of revenue to meet its fiscal needs. 1. Emphasize economic development and redevelopment within commercial areas. Goal: Insure that the Comprehensive Development Plan serves as a mean- ingful guide for decisiion making. 1. Continue the review and upate of the Comprehensive Development Plan for the designated areas of commercial, industrial, multi-use and commercial nodes. 2. Assess the effectiveness of the existing land use categories and consider alternatives and/or additions. Goal: Provide support to the Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment, Urban Renewal Authority and the City Council and provide a high quality of service to the public. 1. Improve staff reports by providing more detailed information and clear language. 2. Continue to make minor revisions to the zoning ordinance and sub- division regulations to make them easier to understand, more in concert with the Comprehensive Plan and economic development -, - , - k 0 E PAR T MEN T COBM UN I1'Y J>1WELOl'MI';NTu__ ''''' AC1UAL 1983 DWGET "lROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 105,295__ _ .59, 852J 1863 FEV\SED 1984 BWGET 85,252 41,420 - NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE' 1984 BUDGET 1 CURRENT REQUEST - Director jConununi ty Devel. 1 1 37,344 38,460 - Senior Secretary .5 .5 7,434 8,148 ; Secretary 0 .5 0 8,712 - "l:l G> .. .. 0 - ::> ::> G> j - ~ - - I - Temporary 2,000 1,000 - Overtime 1, 500 500 - Employee Benefits , 7,114 9,574 Total Personal Services 1.5 2.0 55,392 66,394 - l Materials and Supplies 1982 ACllJAL 1083 Bl.DQET 1003 REWlED 1 S84 Bl.DGET 0 431 700 700 650 - ::r CD .. o' m I 1982 ACl\JA1. 1983 BUJGET 1983 REVISED 1984- ElLOGET )( .., - ther Charges and Services CD ::> 1- a. 2,577 3,760 3,760 5,846 - - c: .. CD - .. -\ 1982 ACl\JAl 1983 BLVGET 1983 REVISED 1984 tlIUU\JIl'-' Capital Outlays 50,948 0 25,400 568,890 49 .. Gl > - U Gl .I:J o '0 C OJ .. OJ o C) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING/ZONING 1 Goal: Insure that the City has an adequate tax base and other sources of revenue to meet its fiscal needs. 1. Emphasize economic development and redevelopment within commercial areas. Goal: Insure that the Comprehensive Development Plan serves as a mean- ingful guide for decisiion making. 1. Continue the review and upate of the Comprehensive Development Plan for the designated areas of commercial, industrial, multi-use and commercial nodes. 2. Assess the effectiveness of the existing land use categories and consider alternatives and/or additions. Goal: Provide support to the Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment, Urban Renewal Authority and the city Council and provide a high quality of service to the public. 1. Improve staff reports by providing more detailed information and clear language. 2. Continue to make minor revisions to the zoning ordinance and sub- division regulations to make them easier to understand, more ~n concert with the Comprehensive Plan and economic development l t objectives, and eas~er to administer and enforce. 3. Assist the Urban Renewal Authority in developing workable projects and administrative capabilities. (Other Charges & Services includes one national conference) 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CA TEGORY: Personal Services 112,820 141,038 141,038 148,281 Materials & Supplies 9,610 12,000 12,000 12,360 Other Services & Charges 1,674 7,725 7,725 9,699 Capital Outlays 730 175 175 3,233 i I , ; , Total I "' 124,834 160,938 160,938 173,573 I " I () FUNDS; General Fund 5 I 0 124,834 160,763 160,763 171,348 (I) , ., a: l 0 175 175 2,225 Total 124,834 160,938 L 160,398 173,573 - - ------------ ----------- ------------- ---.-- ----'----- -- 50 DEPARTMENT 1002 ACTUAl.. 1983 BWOET 1953 REVIB8> 1984 BU:XE" Cm1N um TY DEVELOP~I ~NT ----- 124, ~~,-__160, 938 J PROGRAM PLANNING/ZONING 160,398 173,573 j I NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE' 1984 BUDGET , CURRENT REQUEST I Chief of Planning 1 1 34,308 36,204 ! Planner II 1 1 23,928 26,124 I , i Planner I 1 1 20,088 19,620 "0 Planning Technician CD 1 1 17, 724 18,852 ... co I 0 Senior ::I Secretary .50 .5 7,434 8,148 ::I I CD I .- Clerk Typist .50 .5 6,954 7,824 i I I I - , I I I . I I , Temporary 8,750 8,750 Overtime 2,000 1,500 Employee Benefits I 19,852 21,259 :rotal Personal Services 5.0 5.0 141,038 148,281 1982 ACTUAl.. 1983 BUDGET 1983 RcY'ISED 1984 BU>OET I Materials and Supplies ~I 9,610 12,000 12,000 12,360 01 ... I -- m 1982 ACl\JAL 1983 BlDOET 1003 REVISED 1984- Bl..DOET )( u )ther Charges and Services CD ::> r a. 1,674 7,725 7,725 9,699 - c ... CD ~Pital co 1982 AC1l.lAL 1983 BUXlET 1983 REVJSED 1984 j Outlays 730 175 175 3,233 51 COMMUNI'rY DEVELOP~1ENT ~~~M PROGRAM BUILDING INSPECTION The Building Inspection Div. is designed to safeguard the DES C R_I P T I 0 f~_j~ r~~;;1~~ ;_i~~(}~~~_~;~ r~_~~;l~J:)~Y-~;) t;;~~~n~~o~:~ n rl n _~ ical, Plumbill'J, Fire, ,\llCl Electric<:11 Codcs. STATEMENT OF GOALS &. OBJECTIVES A. Continued provision of inspection service level supplemented by an on-going program of education and on the job training. B. Continue to review City for dangerous buildings that need to be demolished. C. The Chief Building Inspector supervises the maintenance and repair of the Municipal Building, see Building Maintenance program p.56. III G> > ... o G> .0 o '0 C CII .. CII o Cl D. The Chief Building Inspector is the Civil Disaster Coordinator for the City and perfor~s occasional duties in this capacity that are budgeted on page 58. (other Charges and Services includes one national conference for the Chief Building Inspector) -1- 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised , 984 Budget CA TEGORY: Personal Services Materials & Supplies Other Services & Charges Capital Outlays III Total " 0 FUNDS: General Fund ;; 0 III ., a: Bldg. Repair/Demolition Fund 0 12 000 -.- Total 85,770 10G~~Y5~39 117,597 52 1932 AClUAI.. 1003 WOGET 19G3 AEV16ED 1984 BWOET DEP ARTMENT Cm1~HJNI'l'Y DEVELOP~1EJ :T ~._-- _l,~6, 792 J PROGRAM BUILDING INSPECTION 85,770 95,539 117,597 - NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 'Position Titles 1983 BUDGE" 1984 BUDGET , CURRENT REQUEST Chief Building Inspector 1 1 31,764 32,832 I Building Inspector 1 1 21,108 21,828 I , i Clerk Typist 1 1 15,216 15,804 ~ Electrical Inspector .33 .33 7,800 8,034 CII ... .. 0 I :> :> CII I - I i I I I I I- I , I . I Temporary 550 550 Overtime 200 200 Employee Benefits 12,624 I 13,654 :rotal Personal Services 3.33 3.33 89,264 92,902 ,',r" 1982 AcnJAl 1003 Bl.V<ET 1963 REVISED 1 Q.84 BU>GET Materials and Supplies 0 2,099 2,608 2,650 2,511 :T CD ... ---. ml I 1982 ACTlJ.'J. 1003 BlDGET 1983 REVISED 1984- BLOGET ~1 Hher Charges and Services .. ::> r 1,272 14,920 3,625 20,384 a. -- c ... .. ~Pilal - co 1982 ACl\JAl.. 1003 BUXET 1983 REVlSED 1984 , Outlays 0 0 0 1,800 J 53 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IPROGRAM --~------ PROGRAM DESCRIPTION '~ 1 CODE ENFOJ,CEMENT To respond to the nc('rls of the citizens, and City; to cause violations to be quickly abated while engaging in positive -p~!J)lic re]'ltiofL~~Q_sLrJve_Jor a continued scnse of civic prIJe so thal-rcwer--Viola~iOtls-- eXlst. l STATEMENT OF GOALS & OBJECTIVES A. Serve the citizens of Wheat Ridge in a fast and efficient manner. B. Educate citizens as to the related codes and ordinances so that fewer violations occur. c. Implement a more effective Code Enforcement Program that will decrease violations and recurring violations. .. Gl > - o Q) .- .0 ,0 ." C <II ", <II o Cl D. To continue a close working relationship with the Municipal Court in order to impose penalties that result in fewer violations in the future. E. Provide Wneat Ridge with an efficient overall weed program. -1- - --- - 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CA TEGORY: Personal Services 37,164 36,321 36,321 38,440 Materials & Supplies 2,963 3,300 3,300 3,700 Other Services & Charges 756 6,900 6,900 31, 576 I Capital Outlays 1 0 0 0 648 I , I Total 40,883 46,521 46,521 74,364 I lI) j .. !! FUNDS: General Fund I :J 0 40,883 46,521 46,521 74,364 lI) <> I a: - Total 40,883 46,521 L_~6, 521 74,364 <- -------------------------.------- --'-. --- 54 DE PAR T MEN T COM~l UN I TY 'Il32ACru.o.t J 1963 Bl.OOET DEVELOPMEI 'I' ENFOH.CEHENT 40, ~83_,_ 46, 521J --- 1983 REVISED 1984 Ell.OGET PROGRAM CODE 46,521 74,364 - I NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 1983 BUDGEJ1984 BUDGET1 'Position Titles ! CURRENT REQUEST Code Enforcement Off. II 1 1 19,896 I 19,620 , , Clerk Typist I .50 .50 6,954 7,824 I I I I I ."t CD' ... I g[ " i !.i I I I , - I I I j ; I Temporary I I I L 3,OO( 5,0361 Overtime l,30t 8001 , Employee Benefits I 5,17 5,160 I Total Personal Services 1. 50 1. 50 36,32 38,440 I ,-, 1982 AClUAL 1983 BUDGET 2,963 3,30 3,30 3,700 , , 0: -, =r, co 1 .. ml )( 'tl co " 0. c: .. CD '" - 1983 REVISED 1984 Bl.DGET Materials and Supplies I ither r Charges and serVice~__]OO2Acru:r ::0:963 ~~n -- 1984 BU:>GET 11 ")7(" I Capital Outlays 1982 AcnJ,6.L-r1983 BUOGET 1983 REVISED 1198401---- o 648 55 E -- PROGRAM -------- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ___emU'LUN I TY__ [)J~'lELOJ2J'JEnT ~ 1 -1lllILD-IlJG_ MlUN'l'I:l1I\NCE Maintain the Municipal Building and related equipment; provide custodial service on a daily basis. l STATEMENT OF GOALS &. OBJECTIVES A. Perform preventive maintenance on all Municipal Building environmental equipment. B. Minimize gas utili~y costs through use of solar system. C. Provide reliable custodi3l service. D. Create additional storage space in Municipal Building. ., G> > - o G> - D ,0 " c Cll ., Cll o C) -- 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CA TEGORY: Personal Services 42,299 47,772 47,772 51,538 Materials & Supplies 6,613 10,000 6,500 6,950 Other Services & Charges 24,762 21,000 20,600 16,400 Capital Outlays 0 16,000 12,000 29,500 i I , ; III Total 73,674 95,472 86,872 104,388 I .. : () FUNDS: 5 General Fund 0 I III ^~~ ~. ~-,-, -, A nnn OJ , a: 1':>, VI'" , ~, -" ~ , co I General Revenue Sharing r nnn ,n """ -'(1 r:nn v ~~,~~v Total __33 JJ:,-~ -2.5-,--472 L_ 8 6 -L-8 72 - - _____u__ __.______ --------.-----. 104,388 l- -,- 56 -I D~-~~MENT -C~t~MUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~ROG R AM13UILDIlJG t11\INTENl\HCE - =--- --- ---E -1-3----- 1982 AClUAL 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BUDGET ---~~74J~;5,47_2 86,872 --104,388 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGEi1984 BUDGET! CURRENT REQUEST Bldg.Maint.Supervisor 1 1 I 28,2361 12,276 29,784 13,272 Building Cus~odian 1 1 -I " Cl> "' U> o " " Cl> Temporary ==f r- 0 0 I I Overtime 2001 200 , Employee Benefits I r- 7,0601 8,2821 ~~L I 2 I 47,7/2 Total Personal Services L n '::~..3~~ I''"::: --- '''::~if~o:r:,70o -r~-A~J:::J":= r~::_ Materials and Supplies 'lther Charges and Services 1- - Capital Outlays 57 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~ - PROGRAM ._--~-~-- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION CIVIL DISASTER This program is designed to fund emergency expenditures relQted to natural disQsters. ~] STATEMENT OF GOALS & OBJECTIVES A. Fund the purchase and storage of disaster preparedness items such as sand bags, first aid supplies, etc. B. Fund the emergency rental of heavy equipment or other special equipment needed in the event of a natural disaster. '" G> 1: - U G> .c o '0 c: ClI '" ClI o C> l- - 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CA TEGORY: Personal Services 0 5,000 5,000 2,000 Materials & Supplies 0 0 0 0 Other Services & Charges 2,406 5,000 5,000 2,500 I Capital Outlays 0 0 i 0 0 I ; III Total 2,406 10,000 10,000 4,500 I .. u FUNDS: General Fund 1 !:; -, 0 2,406 10,000 10,000 4,500 I III OJ , a: I - Total 2,406 10,0~ 10,000 4,500 - - ---------. ----------- -------------- ---,---- 58 -----~-- -- -- 1984 BUDGET 4,500 _ ~ ART MEN T_~OHMUNlTY DEVELOPHENT ____l:~-A~. A~:~~3 suooEr [1OO3-Fiv&D- _ ~~ 0 GR AM _~IVI~~lS^STER [~~~__J _~~~~~ _.~ 000 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 1983 B::11984 BUDGE)l Position Titles CURRENT REQUEST -~- I "tJ CD "' II> I 0 I :> :> I I CD I I I - , i I I I ! i I , I I r I Temporary ___~oo 1,000 I I Overtime I , ~ 2,000 1,000 I Employee Benefits ,--- I Total Personal Services 5,000 2,000 - ~1'" ACTuALl'''' ~ I"" REVOED l~'" ~CT _~oJ------~- 0 -=_ 0 Materials and Supplies 0' ~I ... ')ther Charges and Services ,- 5,000 2,500 m! x '0 <I> :J n - c: ... CI) en -]~'::'f"'~ ----~ 1983 REVISED 11984 eOOGET r'AcTIJAL]-1983-BliiGcr 11983 REViSeD l-1-984 8U)GEi 0- --- ------oJ oI- - 0 _ J_____~__ _ , J Capital Outlays 59 COMHUNITY DEVELOPHENT ~--------_.._-_.~._----~ - 1982 1983 1983 1984 I PROGRAM SUMfv1ARY ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET -- --- ---------. Administration 105,295 59,852 85,252 641.420 1 I I planning/Zoning 160,938 160,938 I 173,573 124,834 Building Inspection 85,770 106,792 I 95,539 11 7,597 \ Code Enforcement 74,364 I 40,883 46.521 46,521 , I , Building Maintenance 73,674 95,472 86,872 104,388 civil Disaster 2,400 10,000 10,000 4,500 TOTAL 432,862 479,575 485,122 1,115,842 -- '. SUiv1fV1ARY BUDGET n_-G~ --1--- . 1982 ~983 I 198;1 1984 CA TEGORY AND FUND SUMMARIES ACTUAL . BUDGET REVISED I BUDGET -1 I I I I i , r- I I I CATEGORY: Personal Services 326,021 I 374,787 374,787 399,555 Materials and Supplies 21, 716 I 29,308 25,150 26,171 i Other Services and Charges 33,447 59,305 47,610 86,045 Capital Outlays 51,678 16,175 37,575 604,071 ! TOT AL432, 862 479,575 485,122 1,115,842 FUNDS: General Fund 382,014 452,400 447,547 503,875 General Rev.Sharing 0 16,175 12,175 31, 725 B1dg.Repair/Dem.Fund 0 11,000 0 12,000 urban Renewal Authority 50,848 0 25,400 568,242 l__ 60 432,862 479,575 r85,122 TOTAL 1,115,842 - I I I r - I COMflUNITY DEVELOp~mNT AUTHORIZED POSITION SUMMARY POSITION TITLE Director/Com. Dev. Chief of Planning Chief Bldg.lnspector Bldg.Maint.Supervisor Planner II Code Enf.Officer II Bldg. Inspector Planner I Planning Technician Senior Secretary Clerk Typist Building Custodian Electrical Inspector Secretary RETIREMENT INSURANCE OVERTIME MERIT SYSTEM 1962 ACTUAL No. Salaries 1 36,03 I 30,927 1 1 31,61 1 26,04 . I I 22,1591 18,564 I 19,76l I 18,410; 10,009 I 15,9091 I 26,811 ! I I 10,796 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 .33 5,820 I "' 27,441 15,394 2,090 I '3.t"7' 7GB TOTAL 196;-BU;GE~~ BU~GET No. Salaries No. Salaries I 1 I I i .33. I I I -- 1 37,34 1 38,460 1 34,301 1 36,204 1 31, 76 1 32,832 1 I 1 28,23 1 29,784 23,92 19,89J 21,10J I I 20,088] 17,721 14, 86]' 29,12 12,27 I I 7,800 I 1 26,124 1 1 19,620 :1 1 21,828 1 19,620 1 1 18,852 1 1 16,296 2 2 31,452 1 13,272 .33 I 8,034 .50 8,712 I 3l,44Ej 34,484 20,40, I 23,445 4,20C 4,200 354,5r- 13.83 383,219 - 61 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT '~ MA TER!ALS At~D' SUPPLIES 65l-0ffice Supplies, Printing, Postage 11,882 14,676 -1983T-~984 REVISED I BUDGET t 14,650 I 15,060 - r--.-- ---.-------- ---.- ------~-- - I 1982 1983 ACTUAL BUDGET ITEM 660-0perating Supplies 9,834 14,632 10,500 11,111 TOTAL I I I I I I ! I i I ! I I I I I , I I -- 21,716 29,308 25,150 26,171 - \- 62 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMeNT OTHER CHARGES AND SERViCES -------- -~---- - --~-----_.- ---"-~-~- ._---~~ 1982 1983 1983 1984 ITEM ACTUAL BUDGET ~EVISED BUDGET 702-Conferenco/Meeting Expense 2,113 5,850 5,600 6,654 704-Contractud1 Services 4,205 14,500 12,500 33,100 706-Dues, Books/Subscriptions 1, 336 1,605 1,585 2,085 7l8-'Ordinance Enforcement 164 6,000 6,000 4,000 728-Training/Safety 0 150 125 200 730-Uniforms/rrotective Clothin~ 0 50 50 244 40-Auto t'lileage Reimbursement 423 1,800 1,400 1,600 750-Professional Services I 233 5,000 5,000 2,800 759-Te1ephone Expense 332 350 600 700 772-Fleet Repair/Maintenance i 0 0 0 9,072 I 774-Facility Repair/Maintenance :20,492 5,000 7,000 7,000 776-0ther Equipment Maintenance 1,374 1,600 1,350 2,465 799-Misc.Services/Charges : 2,775 6,400 4,125 4,125 I I I i , : Subtotal 133,447 48,305 47,610 174,045 I I I I Building Repair /Demoli tion Fund I I I 1 I 7l8-0rdinance Enforcement 0 11 , 000 0 12,000 -I TOT AL 33,447 59,305 47,610 86,045 i I I 63 CAPITAL OUTLAYS r - ~{~~~A~~::1 R~:':ED o o o o 1984 I I BUDGET I I 0 ,4,104 I 14,104 i , , I I i29,500 360 ITEM General Fund 802-0ffice Furniture/Equip. 807-Fleet Replacement 830 o Subtotal 830 o o General Revenue Sharing 774-Facility Repair/Maintenance 802-0ffice Furniture/Equipment 16,000 175 12,000 175 Subtotal I I I 116,175 1 804-Engineering/photo Equipment 809-0ther Major Equipment Subtotal 50,848 -- 50,848 o o , 365 I 131, 275 I -- 131, 725 12,175 I I 25,400 I :- 568,242 25,400 ;>68,242 I I I Urban Renewal Authority Miscellaneous TOTAL 1,678 16,175 E7. 57S 601,,071 I 64 POLICE ALL FUNDS 1982 Actual POLICE ~OGRAM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ADMINISTRATION To provide high quality law enforcement services through coordination, organization, and planning of departmental functions within budge try constraints; and through coftlltlttno ~bbfter elty-<+ep" -- , ~ STATEMENT OF GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1. Active management of resources to maximize cost effectiveness in the delivery of law enforcement services. 2. 3. .. ... 4. ~ .. u '" .Q 0 '0 C aI .. aI 0 CJ Implement special procedures and programs to effectively deal with the increasing problems of traffic and narcotics. ~laintain effectiveness in crime investigation, response to calls for service, and crime prevention programs. Improve development of crime analysis for improved efficiency in patrol and investigation functions. -1- - 1982 Actua I 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1964 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 5,712 67,718 67,668 137,160 Materials & Supplies 658 1, 050 900 6,500 Other Services & Charges 3,248 12,950 12,900 31,538 Capital Outlays 2,261 0 0 6,969 i I , : 31,879 , .. Total 81, 718 81,468 182,167 ! .. 0 FUNDS: General Fund !5 ~1,879 81,718 81,468 ! 0 177,142 .. '" l a: General Sharing Revenue 0 0 0 5,025 Total Rl,279 8l,7l~1,468 182,167 I-- - _______ ---- ---- 66 -I DEPARTMENT POLICE PROGRAM ADmNISTRATION -L-. 1982 ACTU -- AL 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 8U)GET 79 L.~1,7l~J 81,468 182,167 -- 81,8 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES I I .Position Titles 1983 BUDGE. 1984 BUDGET! ~ CURRENT REQUEST Chief of police 1 1 39,216 1 40,392 : I , Senior Secretary 1 1 18,576 19,224 I I I police Lieutenant - 1 - 33,240 t ! .", Crime Prev.Trng. Officer - 1 - 24,012 CD ~ lO, I 01 ::I, j ::I, I CD I I - I I I , I I I I , I I - 1 I I I I I I i I , , I Temporary I 0 0 Overtime 200 650 I I Employee Benefits I . 9.726 19,642 I Total Personal Services I 2.0 4.0 67,718 137,160 I .. 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BU>GET 1983 REVISED 1984 BI.DGET , I Materials and Supplies 0' 658 1,050 900 6,500 -, ::r, CDI ~ I - m; 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BUX?ET 1983 REVISED 1984 BlDGET ;1 )ther Charges and Services CD r ::I 0- - - 3.248 12.950 12.900 31 538 - c: . ~ I Capital .---- CD 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BU:>GET 1983 REVISED 1984"" Ol Outlays I 2,261 0 0 6,969 ..- - 67 POLICE I PROGRAM SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION - Investigation PROGRAM To provide investigation of felony cr1mes, child abuse, nar-~ DESCRIPTION cotic investigation, intelligence service and other assigned cases. T~rovide evideD~bQ~gLapnlr prnrpss, n_':L pt,.... G> 1. Obtain a clearance rate of 40% on all cases assigned to Support 0 Services Division. CCD GIG> 2. Improve level of service in laboratory/evidence section. E~ ..- 3. Increase the development and investigation of narcotics and 00 ft:~ intelligence type cases. ~o 4. Develop and implement programs which enhance the relationship ,- ' Ob~ctivl ~ -U-'-', ~19'83 1984 1982 MEASUREMENT Actual Projected Budget Case clearance rate 1 38% 34% 40% G> Recovery rate 1 54% 53% 45% 0 '0 Rolls of film processed in lab 2 324 430 650 c GI GI Lots of evidence processed 2 980 800* 850* E 0 .. "" Cases/narcotics & intelligence/mo. 3 56 48 240 0 .. - 0 New program/1984 4 n/a .. G> :: Do - 0 II .. assigned/month 0 >- Average cases 1 223 196 225 - - III :E Average recovery rate/month 1 $95,860 $83,000 $85,000 0 - I '0 0 Film processing/hours/month 2 39 28** 20** = :> '0 Evidence processing/hours/month 2 80 120 0 120 i .. Cases/narcotics & intelligence/mo. 3 5 4 Do I 20 >T. - .- I, AA A A , * The "quantity of evidence" 1S not decreasing,it is increasing. The lower number of Lots 1S due to a change in record keeping. II ** The decrease 1n "hours in 1983" is due to purchase of film CD a >- procesor. III ** The decrease in "hours in 1984" is due to the purchase of a c Durst < Photo Printer (proposed sharing expense). revenue 1983 Budgetl1983 Reviseq 1984 -----j 1982 Actual Budget I , CATEGORY: Personal Services 435,714 511,704 512,254 621,756 Materials & Supplies 7,946 12,590 I 12,115 14,573 Other Charges & Services 29.737 I 131 ?7 1 ClR 17 231 , 17 Capital Outlays 1 s:llQ n n 3'- (1A'" Total ...,~ ~ I I , - . - FUNDS: General Fund ,~,""...'-J J.....L, JL.5- '..L, JVV I (;9",:>..L'" II G> "':>,'<:.10 -541, :.UU b/O,OO-; 0 .. :> 0 General Revenue Sharing 0 0 0 29,407 GI G> a: -- Total 475,216 541,525 _?_4l~_00 699,414 - 68 POLICE Support Services personnel schedule is contained on page 71 This schedule contains personnel from both the Investigations and Police Records programs. ... 69 POLICE PROGRAMuPPORT SERVICES DIVISION - police Records 1 -- PROGRAMcords repository and public serV1ce for the Wheat Ridge police I DESCRIP~~Ntment. Provides data analyses and management information 24 ours per day 7 OClVS n~ WPPK CD L Process and maintain all police reports and related documents. <> 2. provide the public government, other criminal justice agenc1es, ell III CD and in-house police personnel w/police reports, law enforcement E~ ~- computer, and other related serV1ces. 0<> 't.!. 3. Performs station-house bonding functions for all law agencies 1n :t> the State of Colorado. 11 Do r F--G1;.m " ,- ,-, ,- :>blectlvE 19s1t 1 lltl Oi -' v'i'g 84 MEASUREMENT Actual Projected Budget Reports,sumrnons,expungements, CD microfilm/record preparation 1 86,364 87,405 87,665 <> ~ Computer entries/CCIC/NCIC/STEP e ell ~ PROMIS, minimal query '82 2 24,239 25,100 25,375 E :;: Records access, in-house svcs. 2 32,615 32,800 33,175 ~ 0 (; Citizen phone/counter - service 2 34,202 34,803 35,499 ~ CD == Q. - 0 Hours per month/ seven clerks for '" ~ 0 ~ processing of reports, sumons, ex- - ell ~pungements,microfilm preparation 1 363.3 305.6 419.3 () 'tJ <> ' , 2 342.6 342.6 346.6 .: ~Computer entr1es & quer1es -g Records access, in-house services 2 62.3 62.1 82.4 -I D:. Ci tizen phone/counter service 2 103.8 103.8 107.2 !! '" >- ell C < "Case volume increases in 1983 & 1984" are moderate, however, serious & violent crime increases are greater and have a greater impact on the records section. Implementation of Ordinances 541 & 542 will dramatically increase summons processing and related computer functions. 1984 productivity increases assume the addition of one (1) additional Clerk that is not included in this budget. 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services * ~cos'rs FOR THIS PROG RAM ARE It; ::LUDED Materials & Supplies I Other Services & Charges WITH COST ~ SHOWN oN! PAGE 68 I Capital Outlays I rIl I Total I III 0 ~ I FUNDS: General Fund ~ I 0 III i II a: I I I -, -- Total* frSEE PAGE 68 70 DEPARTMENT POLICE 1982 AC1\JAl -- 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BU>GET 16 41,525 541,500 699,414 -- ----- PROGRAM3UPPORT SEHVICES 475,2 -'I NUMBER OF EM'PLOYEES 'Position Titles 1983 BUDGE 1984 BUDGET~ ~ CURRENT REQUEST Police Div. Commander 1 1 35,016 38,004 Police Lieutenant 1 1 33,348 34,476 Police Sergeant 2 2 60,504 62,544 Police Officer II 3 3 74,664 1124,848 I , "tJ' CP' ~ .., 01 5' CI) Senior Police Officer 3 3 84,312 115,500 I Senior Secretary 1 1 15,960 I 17,424 I I I I I i I I Senior Pol. Records Clk. 1 1 19,272 20,844 I I I Police Records Clerk 7 7 95,556 I 98,088 I 1 I r I I r I i , I I i , I i Temporary ! 0 0 Overtime 17,150 17,400 Employee Benefits I 75,922 92,628 . Total Personal Services 19.0 22.0 511,704 561,409 I 1982 AC1UAL - I 1983 BlDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BU:>GET Materials and Supplies o! 7,946 12,590 12,115 14,573 OTI CPI ~ I .. - m' 1982 AC1UAL 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BUlGET ;1 )ther Charges and Services CP ::l r c. 29,737 17,231 17,131 27,198 - - -- c: ~ . CP I Capital ".-r- 1004-~-- .- .. 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED Outlays \ 1,819 0 0 35,887 -- 71 POLICE PROGRAM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OPERATIONS- Piltrol/Traffic To provide the citizens of Wheat Ridge with the highest _I quality of law enforcement, and maintain the highest level . R~ ~ 1. Reduce the percentage of increase in traffic crashes by increasing (J c.. selective traffic enforcement and increasing the number of ..~ e~ citations issued. 00 2. Increased emphasis on OUI/OWAI apprehension and prosecution. .. =~ 3. Increased awareness of suspicious persons and circumstances. o 4. Maintain rapid response to calls for service from citizens. ~ () 't:l C 01 01 0 E .. ~ o .. - 0 ~ :: D. MEASUREMENT 1982 1983 1984 Actual PrOjected Budget 1. Calls for service handled 5 18,242 19,950 21,590 2. Traffic accidents investigated 1 2,098 2,305 2,490 3. Arrests/criminal/traffic 3 966 1,400 1,540 4. Arrests/OUI/OWAI 2 734 750 825 5. Traffic summons issued 1 4,703 5,100 5,600 6. Sus icious ersons contacted 3 6,152 5,500 6,000 1. Calls for service handled 2. Traffic accidents investigated 1 59.9 65.8 71.1 3. Arrests/criminal/traffic 3 27.6 40 44 4. Arrests/OUI/OWAI 2 20.9 21.4 23.5 5. Traffic summons issued 1 134.4 145.7 160 6. Suspicious persons contacted 3 175.7 157.1 171.4 - o .. .. o ,., - :!: III ~ ~ - 't:l () c ~ o .. D. .! .. ~ '" C < 1982 Actual 1983 BUdget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services Materials & Supplies Other Services & Charges Capital Outlays co Gl o .. ::l o co .. IX: Total 201 8971 . I 5~589 FUNDS: General Fund General Revenue Sharing ---r 72 Total 1,156,999 .641,101 ,641,271 ,698,303 POLICE Operations Personnel Schedule is contained on page 77. This schedule contains personnel from the Patrol/Traffic, Communications Complaint Intake, and Animal Control programs. 73 POLICE PROGRAM>PERATIONS- Corrununications Complaint Intake Officer PROGRA'fIA> provide 24-hour, 7-days per week, high quality police, fire, and RIPTIO~MS dispatching, as well as telephone answering, and to add DESC '''upport to patrol/traffic on many walk-in complaints ~ . 1. Receive and dispatch calls for emergency service within one minute CIl of receipt. 0 Cll) 2. llandle 75% of the station house calls for (walk-ins). lllCll serVlce E~ 3. Answer all calls forwarded to the police communication section ..- 00 within 10 seconds by the third ring. _CIl or ..- ~8 4. {1ake as-needed outgoing calls for officers ln field. IObfectlv 1982 1983 1984 I MEASUREMENT Actual Projected Budget 1. Incomlng telephone calls 1+3 52,669 56,000 60,000 2. outgoing telephone calls 4 8,963 9,300 9,500 CIl 3. Computer inquiries/entries --- , 5,600(est 47,250 9,750 0 c " 4. Calls dispatched 1 l7,850(es )19,000 CII CII 21,000 E 0 5. Walk-in complaints 2 0 300 3,650 .. "'" 0 .. - 0 .. CIl 3: D. - *** 0 (Seven authorized personnel) '" .. 1. Incoming telephone calls 1+3 7,524.1 5,600 6,000 0 '" - ::: 2. Outgoing telephone calls 4 CII ~ 1, 280 . 4 930 950 u - 3. Computer inquiries/entries 6,514.3 4,725 4,975 " 0 .: :> 4. Calls dispatched ---r 2,550.0 " 1,900 2,100 0 5. Walk-in complaints 2 .. 0 10 365 - D. ***(Ten authorized personnel) ll) OJ '" CII C < 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services Materials & Supplies Other Services & Charges Capital Outlays * STS FOR-~HIS PROGRiM ARE INC UDED WI H COSTS SHOWN ON P~GE 72 Total CIl Q) " .. :> o CIl .. II: FUNDS: General Fund -, Total SEE PAGE 72 74 POLICE Operations personnel schedule is contained on page 77. This schedule contains personnel from the Fatro/Traffic, Communications Complaint Intake, and Animal Control programs. 75 POLICE I PROGRAM c - I PROGRAM To provide for humane animal control services, education on DESCRIPTIQ~t care and animal welfare and enforcement of City/State I _~r' ~ o 1 ~,.,~ ~~ .~ 1- ~~ - ' . .1 r Ql 1. Continued emphasis on impounding of dogs running at large. U 2. Educate the public violations f animal control ordinances. c:.. on 0 ala> E~ 3. Return lost pets to owners. ...- 4. Investigate bites received by humans from animals. aU ~a> ...- a>.o "-0 pbJectlvl 1982 1983 1984 MEASUREMENT Actual Projected Budget 1. Animal irnpoundmen ts 1+4 533 665 680 G> 2. Violation warnings issued 2+3 441 570 600 U '0 3. Animals released 3 312 365 400 c: CIl as 4. Animal bites investigated 4 76 70 65 E 0 ... .:0: 5. Animal carcasses disposed of -- 519 624 624 a ... - 0 ... G> ~ Q. - a CD (2.5 authorized personnel) ... 0 >- 1. Animal impoundments 1+4 213.2 221. 6 226.6 - ~ CIl ~ 2. Violation warnings issued U - 2+3 176.4 190 200 '0 U 3. Animals released 3 124.8 121. 6 133.3 .!: ::l '0 Animal a 4. bites investigated 4 30.4 23.3 21.6 ... Animal -, Q. 5. carcasses disposed of -- 207.6 208 208.3 CD .. ~ CIl c: c( 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services Materials & Supplies ! Other Services & Charges ! I Capital Outlays ~ COSTS FOR ITHIS PROG ~ ARE IN( LUDED I '.'Tmn AU n",...'" 1c" 1 III Total OJ t 0 5 I FUNDS: General Fund 0 I '" .. i 0: I I I --. TotaJ. ~ EE PAGE 7 OPERATIONS Animal Control 76 DEPARTMENT POLICE 1982 ACTU --, At 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BlDGET 999 L~.!641, 1~ J 1,641,271 1,698,303 -- PROGRAM OPERATlotJS 1 ,156, -.., NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES T . Position Titles 1983 BUDGE' 1984 BUDGET; ,J CURRENT REQUEST Police Division Commander 1 1 36,780 38,004 , i I Police Lieutenant 4 3 125,724 103,428 I I Police Sergeant 4 4 121,008 125,088 I "0' CD Senior Police Officer 5 4 138,156 116,352 ~ .. I 01 Police Officer (I II) 5' I & 26 25 554,479 ! 561,061 CD I I I - , I I I Crime Prev.Trng.Officer 1 0 0 I i 21,948; , Senior Secretary 1 1 18,576 19,224 , , Animal Control Officer II 1 1 16,800 18,852 I : i ; r-- I I Animal Control Officer I 2 2 29,736 31,500 I , I Senior CCIO 1 1 19,224 19,176 ! I i CCIO 9 9 138,036 144,888 I i I I i I i o l I Temporary 0 Overtime 36,940 41,101 I Employee Benefits 214,1091 209,288 I Total Personal Services 55 51 1,471 ,516 1,427,962 I 1982 ACTUAL , I 1983 BU:>GET 1983 REVISED 1984 BU>GET Materials and Supplies , 0 8,002 17,675 17,125 15,855 :;: "" ~ I -- .. - ml 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BU:>GET 1983 REVISED 1984 BU:>GET ;\ )ther Charges and Services 32,521 61,455 62,480 201, 897 '" " r 0. - - - c: ~ -- '" I Capital .. 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BU:>GET 1983 REVISED 1984 , Outlays 54,154 90,455 89,000 52,589 - 77 POLICE PROGRAM TECHNICAL SERVICES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION -I '" U C:ll) ell", E~ .... ou i'f'" ..~ ~g ObjectivE 1982 1983 1984 MEASUREMENT Actual Prolected Budget '" u " c: CIl CIl E 0 .. "" 0 . - 0 .. :: <IJ Q. - 0 ll) .. 0 ?: ... ell ~ .2 ... " u = " " 0 l .. Q. ll) ll) '" CIl c: < 1982 Actual 1 983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services Materials & Supplies 231,662 ! Other Services & Charges 8,601 ! I 21,476 I Capital Outlays Ul I Total .11 n'lQ I III " :; I FUNDS: General Fund 0 I Ul ')c.c. A <:;1 i .. a: J I I -r Total 266,451 78 DEPARTMENT 1982 ACTUAl. 1983 BUOOET 1883 fEV1SED 1984 BWGET 51 --- -- - POLICE '=>ROGRAM TECHNICAL SERVICES 266,4 -I-- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE' 1984 BUDGET CURRENT REQUEST 1 "0 CD ~ III 0 ::J ::J CD - r-- I Temporary Overtime Employee Benefits Total Personal Services I ')t r 1982 ACTUAl. 1983 BlDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BWGET terials and Supplies 0 8,601 - ::T '" ~ __0. m 1982 ACTUAl. 1983 BlDGET 1983 REVISED 1984- BUDGET )( '0 her Charges and Services '" 21, 4 76 ::J 0. ;::; c: ~ CD ]"2A~I~aIXE .. 1983 REVISED 1984~1 pital Outlays 4,038 -E -~ 79 PROGRAM ANIMAL CONTROL PROGRAM DESCRIPTION CD () Cll) ~~ ..... ()O t-CD ..~ ~g MEASUREMENT POLICE -\ , ObjectivE 1982 Actual 1983 Projected 1984 Budget CD 0 " c: CIl ell E 0 ... "" 0 .. - 0 .. :: <IJ Q. - 0 III .. 0 '" ... ~ CIl ~ .2 ... " 0 = ::J " 0 -, .. 11. - .! .. ~ CIl C < .. G> " ... !I I 80 CATEGORY: Personal Services Materials & Supplies Other Services & Charges Capital Outlays FUNDS: General Fund t 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 BUdget ''lO ~A t:; ')00 I c"., ! I I ,.., Total A () ') t:; 1 , -- AA ,"", i J , , Total 40,251 1982 ACTUAl. -- 1983 BUOOET 1883 RE'nSED 1984 BWGET 1 _L -- .--- \ DEPARTMENT POLICE PROGRAM ANIMAL CONTROL 40,25 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1963 BUDGE' 1964 BUDGET CURRENT REQUEST I "0 CD ~ III 0 ::J ::J CD - I Temporary Overtime Employee Benefits Total Personal Services 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BlDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BlDGET ~1 Materials and Supplies 299 ~ I Other - ._u_ --- m 1982 ACTUAl 1983 BlDGET 1983 REVISED 1984' BUDGET )( '0 Charges and Services 607 CD ::J 0. ,- - - c: ~ CD ~Pilal - III 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BlIX3ET 1983 REVISED 1984 Outlays 0 8t POLICE '. SUMMARY BUDGET PROGRAM SUMMARY 1982 - - 19.3 ~~ 1984 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED I BUDGET Administration 81,879 81,718 81,468 182,167 Support Services 475,2lE 541,52~ 541,50. 699,414 Operations 1,156,999 1,641,101 1, 641, 271 1,698,303 Technical Services 266,451 ( ( 0 Animal Control 40,251 : 0 0 0 I TOTAL 2,020,79( 2,264,34' 2,264,23 2,579,884 G982 1983 1983 I 1984 CATEGORY AND FUND SUMMARIES I - , BUDGET : ACTUAL REVISED I BUDGET - Personal Services I I CATEGORY: 1,844,75J 2,050,93 2'052'58f 2,186,878 Materials and Supplies 25,50 31,31 30,14 36,928 I Other Services and Charges 91,6361 88,2631 92,511! 260,633 I Capital Outlays 62,272 [ I 90,455\ 89,000! 95,445 I TOT AL~ 2,020,79$ 2,264,34f 2,264,23" 2,579,884 ! FUNDS: General Fund 1,978,007 2,'73,881 2,175,23 2,536,927 General Revenue Sharing 42,78 90,45 89,00 42,957 TOT AL 2,020,79,2,264,34 2,264,2312,579,884 i 82 I , , Senior Secretary i 3 I 52,815 3 53,112 '3 t5,872 I Animal Control Off. II 1 I 15,880 1 16,800 1 I \18,852 - Animal Control Off. 1.5 16,186 2 29,736 2 31,500 I Senior CCIO 1 17,249 1 19,224 1 19,176 I , CCIO 6 96,139 9 138,036 9 144,888 I I Senior Pol.Rec.Clerk 1 15,660 1 19,272 1 120,844 Police Records Clerk 7 83,454 7 7 I 95,556 98,088 I 1 "I 1 I I I I RETIREMENT ~47,600 170,276 I 186,609 I I , 92,264 I INSURANCE 121,713 p4.9Jl9 OVERTIME 56,247 54,290 I 59,151 - MERIT SYSTEM TOTAL 73.5 1,836,482 76 2,043,170 77 2,186,878 '--- POLICE AUTHORIZED POSITION SUMMARY 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BUDGET POSITION TITLE No. Salaries No. Salaries Chief of Police 1 47,477 1 39,216 1 Police Div. Commander 2 62,863 2 71,796 2 Police Lieutenant 5 158,836 5 159,072 5 Police Sergeant 0 6 181,512 6 Senior Police Officer i15 424,168 8 222,468 8 Police Officer (I&II) 29 529,815 , 29 629,143 30 Crime Prev.Trng.Off. 1 19,829 1 21 948 1 1984 BUDGET No. Salaries 40,392 176,008 f71,144 I 187,632 Ll,852 1 ~85,909 I I 124 012 83 POLICE .~ MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES ,---- 1982 1983 1983 1984 ITEM ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED I BUDGET 651-0ffice supplies, printing & postage 14,181 18,940 18,290 20,750 660-0perating supplies 11, 325 12,375 11,850 16,178 ,- I I I I I I 1 I i ! I I I i I I , I' I I TOTAL 25,506 31, 315 30,140 36,928 84 POLICE OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES I I I I , I I I 88,263 91,636 92,511 ~60,633 ITEM 1982 ACTUAL 702-Conference/Meeting Expense 618 704-Contractual Services 2,074 706-Dues, Books/Subscriptions 2,258 728-Training/Safety 20,203 730-Uniforms /Protective Clthng~ 7,681 740-Auto Mileage Reimbursement 0 741-Uniform Allowance 22,020 750-Professional Services 2,793 758-Rentals/Leases 3,434 759-Telephone Expenses 1,775 772-Fleet Repair/Maintenance 0 776-0ther Equipment Maintenance 20,183 796-Police Explorer Cadet Exp. 2,692 799-Misc. Services/Charges 2,532 TOTAL 983 1983 1984 DGET REVISED BUDGET ,700 1,700 1,400 ,000 1,400 1,600 ,900 1,900 1,900 ,250 18,250 20,600 ,425 4,075 4,250 50 50 50 ,830 25,830 26,950 ,475 2,600 2,725 ,850 3,850 384 ,700 1,750 i 1,200 ; 0 I 0 , 166,320 ,906 I 26,556 28,429 I I 1 BU 1 2 1 18 4 25 3 3 1 23 2.,250 2,300 2,250 2,300 2,400 2,425 85 POLICE CAPITAL OUTLAYS ITEM General Fund 802-0ffice Furniture/Equip. 804-E~gineering/Photo.Equip. 805-Communication Equip. 807-Fleet Replacement 80B-Vehicular Equipment 809-0ther Major Equipment 811-City Hall Improvements 832-Tools/Work Equipment Subtotal General Revenue Sharing 802-0ffice Furniture/Equip. 805-Communication Equipment 80B-Vehicular Equipment 809-0ther Major Equipment 804-Engineering/photO/Equip. Subtotal TOTAL 86 ~82 1198311983 I , ACTUAL I BUDGET I REVISED ! , I - 1, 700 502 8,312 o 2,226 4,390 2,261 92 19,483 42,7B9 42,789 62,272 1984 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52,488 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52,488 650 450 7,841 24,350 24,000 ' 3,25B 57,500 56,635 31, 358 7,955 7,915 500 90,455 89,000 42,957 90,455 89,000 95.445 PUBLIC WORKS - 45.9% 1962 Actual PUBLIC WOHKS I PROGRAM P,OMINISTRATION PROGRAM Engin.,Streets,Traffic , provi<les executive directiontothe & DESCRIPTION Shops programs .~1aintains responsibility for all non-park I And rpCTp.Cl t i olL...C'YniJ;ul improvement projects. CI> 1. ~1aintain coordination among public works divisions and other div- () isions and departments of the City ell) . IllCl> 2. Provide long decisions work priorities,manpower schedul- E~ range on ..... ing and division policies. ou !-'-CD ..~ 3. f.1onitor progress on all construction projects and maintenance CD.c Q.O programs In the Public Works Department. c ' , ~~grjE:lj-tl5=iH= ,~ MEASUREMENT pbjectivE 1982 1983 1984 Actual Projected Budget Authorized Personnel 11-2-3 31 31. 5 31. 5 CI> Hajor Capital Expen- u " ditures 2'-3-4 c: III III Drainage Projects 1,734,541 1,075,311 600,000 E 0 ... "" Streets Projects 724,507 2,745,030 1,939,300 0 .. - 0 Traffic Projects 0 175,000 0 .. :: <IJ Q. - 0 .. Administrative budget as a .. 0 ,., cent of the total depart- ... !::: per III ~ mental budget 1-2-3-4 2.2% 1. 3% 2.2% u ... " u = " " 0 . Q. -/ - .!! ll) ~ III e < 1982 Actual 1983 BUdget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 61,194 63,640 66,540 77,382 Materials & Supplies 2 715 2,700 2,850 2,900 Other Services & Charges 1,814 3,100 4,350 4,846 Capital Outlays 965 0 0 1,648 Ul Total III 33 688 69,440 73,740 86,776 " ~ " FUNDS: General Fund 0 Ul 84 153 69,440 73,740 85,776 .. a: General Rev. Sharing 49,535 0 0 1,000 -, Total 13 3,688 69,440 73,740 86,776 88 1983 OWGETl1983 ~~~;BOOGETl . ,6,~-,--140 __~7~~~ -I DEPARTMENTpUBLIC ")ROGRAM WOEKS 1982 ACTUAl -=-- l\.DMINlSTRbTIO_N 13 3 688 ------- I I NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGET1984 BUDGET. CURRENT REQUEST Director of Public Works 1 1 39,216 40,392 I Senior Secretary 1 1 15,456 16,464 Secretary 0 .5 0 8,712 "0 CD ~ I g! :;): CD I - I I I j Temporary 0 0 Overtime I I 300 500 Employee Benefits I 8,668 11,314 Total Personal Services 2.0 '2.5 63,640 77,382 Materials and Supplies L=:T~~"984wro=rJ 2.715 2.700 2850 I 2,900 ~I ~ -~--~- -------- ~~ - ~I 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BU:>GET 1983 REVISED 1984 BlDGET '" :> 1,814 3,100 4,350 4,846 0. - ')ther Charges and Services 1- __ ____ -I Capital Outlays 1982 ACTUAL 67,695 ;003_~]"8'~ 1984 -BlJl)tEt , I , ~ 89 1,648 PUBLIC WOIms I PROGRAM ENGINEERING PROGRAM Provide surveys, design, construction management of all depart-_ PTION mental capital improvement and major maintenance projects; I DESCRI provides civil engineering support to the Dev.Review Process 1- Gl 2. () IOI'l lO., E~ 3. ..- aU ~CD ..~ ".0 4. tLo Survey, design and inspect public works capital projects. Provide construction management for all departmental projects as assigned. Review development plans in accordance with City development regulations. .provide technical information to citizens, other City departments and relateD agencies. CD g " ell lO E 0 .. "" o .. - 0 G; ;: Q. - o .. .. o >- ... :!: ell ~ .2 - " " c: ~ o .. Q. .. ll) ~ CIl c: < - 1984 Budget 1982 1983 MEASUREMENT Actual Projected ----- 0 street mlles 1 1.50 2.00 of storm drainage miles 1 .75 .75 major constr. projects 2 4.00 6 constr. contracts admini- 2 4.00 6 1. 50 .50 4 4 service request responsejpercenta e Staff hours on street projects 1 Staff hours on drainage projects 1 6,000 9,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 (Other Charges and Services has increased due to shifting the Traffic Maintenance contract of $25,000 to this division) 1982 Actual 1983 Budget'1983 Revise 1984 BUdgetl I CA TEGORY: Personal Services 211,790 289,465 290,065 Materials & Supplies 8,460 9,600 9,600 Other Charges & Services I 1,821 5,6001 7,750, Capital Outlays I 1,978,87511,255,341\ Total :;l, :;lE3 .540t~---5b2 FUNDS: General Fund .. Gl () .. ::J General Revenue Sharing a .. Gl 1,900,000 1,244,311 600,00 a: Capital Improvement Fund 1,573,432 90 Total 1,824,909 2,283,540 1,562,756 1,028,091 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS 1982 ACTU -- AL 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BlDGET 4,90( ",_2,283~~~,756 1,028,091 -- ";)ROGRAM ENGINEERING 1,82 I NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE" 1984 BUDGET, .) CURRENT REQUEST - City Engineer 1 1 30,088 34,056 I I Civil Engineer I 2 2 52,872 53,762 I i Engineering Technician 6 6 119,268 124,560 I "01 Drafting Technician CD, 1 1 17,532 ' 16,440 ~ ' Ill' I Engineering Assistant gl 1 1 15,744 16,440 ::J I CD I I , I - I I i !, I I Temporary 10,000 0 I Overtime 4,000 5,000 , Employee Benefits 39,261 42,360 I - 11.0 11. 0 289,465 292,618 Total Personal Services -- 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BU:>GET 1983 REVISED 1984 BU>GET ~I Materials and Supplies 8,460 9,600 9,600 9,600 ~ , m' 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BU:>GET )( '0 ,ther Charges and Services CD ::l 1- 1,821 5,600 7,750 45,610 0. - - -- c: ~ CD I Capital -- .. 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984~1 Outlays 1,602,838 l,97R.875 1,255,341 -.E.1!0...!2~3 -'-- --..... 91 PUBLIC WORKS I PROGRAM STREETS I PROGRAM Provides preventative maintenance serVl.ces of City street and I DESCRIPTION storm drainage systems. . 1- Maintain 125 miles of City owned streets. U Maintain 22.8 miles of storm drain age system. c. 2. ell. and ice City street system by plowing and sanding E~ 3. Control snow on .... Provide seasonal weed control within public right-of-way. OU 4. ~.. .~ ~g IObJectivE 1982 1983 1984 MEASUREMENT Actual Projected Budget Miles of City streets. 1-3 125 125 125 . Miles of storm drainage system 2 22.8 23.5 24 U " Tons of asphaltic concrte used 1 1,126 1,150 1, 150 c CIl CIl E 0 Tons of crack sealant applied 1 40 40 40 . "" Miles of street swept 1 536 536 536 0 .. - 0 . :: Cost of snow and ice control 3 <IJ salt/sand mixture Q. Tons of used 3 2,770 2.800 2.800 - 0 Staff hrs/ street sweeping ll) . Staff hrs/street repair 1 4,848 4,800 4,800 0 >- ... ~ . ~ Staff hrs/snow and ice control 3 1,710 1,700 1,700 .2 ... Staff hrs/drainage maintenance 2 4,286 4,200 4,200 "0 U = ::J "0 0 .. -I Q. .! . '" . c < 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 278,991 321,961 321,961 309,349 - Materials & Supplies 81,112 110,900 110,700 110,500 Other Services & Charges f 220,114 219,5751 220,375 341,4561 Capital Outlays I 485,085 1,752,000 2,896,030 2,043,680 .. Total 1,065,302 2,404,436i 3,549,066 2,804,985 CD " .. FUNDS: General Fund & Ul 584,702 652,436 653,036 814,685, .. a: J I General Revenue Sharing 58,406 246,000 226,000 1, or I Capital Improvement Fund 422,194 1,506,000 2,670,030 ::1 1,989,300 Total 1, 065,302 2,404,436 3,549,066 2,804,98~ 92 .~.,.- .IIIl.~_j..A,...d ,- ~'lEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS 1982 AC1UAI.. 1'83 lIlOaET 1883 REVISED 1* IlJ)(I;T -- ~OGRAM STREETS 1,065,302 2,404,436 3,549,066 2,804,98: - - HUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1 G83 BUDGE' 1 G8" BUDGET f .! CURRENT REQUEST . . I -- r Street Maint. Supervisor 1 1 30,252 31,272 Equip/Operator 2 2 43,008 44,472 Motor II I r .- Motor Equip/Operator I 2 2 34,944 37,836 "'ll Maintenance Worker 8 8 114,528 122,136 CD ~ . I 0 Clerk Typist 50 50 6,138 6,636 ::J . . ::J . r I . r - r I - , ~emporary 0 30,'000 Overtime 15,400 18,480 .,- - Employee Benefits 1 47,691 48,517 '"':Total Personal Services 13.50 13.50 321,961 3.09,349 ,- 1882 AClUAI. 11183 Bl.DGET 11183 REVIlED 1... lIlOaET Materials and Supplies 0 - 81,112 110, qOO 110,700 110,500 ::r . .. - --, m 1l1e2 ACTUAL 1883 ElUDC3ET 1883 REVIllED 1864' Bl.DOET .. " olher Charges and Services . ::J 219,575 220,375 341 ,456 Co 220,114 - c ~ . 1082 ACTUAL 1* BWGEl . . 1Q63 BlDOET 11183 ~ Capital Outlays ; 485,085 1,681,000 2,896,030 2,043.680 - ,...,..., PUBLIC \'lORKS I PROGRAM TRAFFIC I PROGRA""'rovides construction and maintenance services to insure that all I DESCRIPTIONtraffic control devices meet applicable legal standards. CD L Provide adequate lane lines of City streets. u ell) 2. Install and maintain regulatory warning and informational ell. E~ signing on City streets. ..- ou 3. Provide crosswalks at all schools and high volume pedestrian ,!",G> ..~ crossing. ~g ObjectivE 1982 1983 1984 MEASUREMENT Actual Projected Budget Miles of roadway requiring paint 1 74 74 74 CD Miles of roadway requiring signs 2 125 125 125 u " Miles of roadway marked - e III ... ell 0 New sJ.gns installed 104 100 100 E .. "" Signs serviced 184 180 180 0 .. - 0 .. Existing crosswalks painted 34 35 35 <IJ :: Q. - 0 ll) .. 0 >- Staff hrs/lane painting 565 570 570 ... ~ III > .2 ;; " u Staff hrs/ street signs 143 140 140 = ::J '0 0 -I .. Q. ll) co :?: ell e < 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services .,.., Ann A'" A....' . '" .... nnA ~ , ~ 4-'14- .... , ......, '-''-'. Materials & Supplies A.... .,.,n ..... "..." ........ ......" ..,... "..." -"4.41 oJ"" ., ~ !~~,~n , , 1 Other Services & Charges .,-, , ,...." , ,...." 1,756 . " I Capital Outlays " .,.... ,..,,, """ ..,,, """ ... , AA" ~,~.~ ~ ~, ~,~~~ . .. Total "" .....,... .,,,,, .....,.... t".... ..,,,.... ..,,, ..,,, CI> " , . . . ,~ .. FUNDS: General Fund " 0 Ul ... ,.., " ., ,.,,, i .. , , , , a: J , I General Revenue Sharing " . """ . """ " , , .. Capital Improvement Fund ..." "" ~ ,~ , ~ , , Total 88,635 289,636 86,786 ~78,130 94 -I DEPARTMENT 1982ACTU -- Al 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 Bl.OGET 635 289,636 J 286,786 178,130 -- ... --- PUBLIC WORKS -.,... PROGRAM TRAFFIC 88, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE' 1984 BUDGET, ..! CURRENT REQUEST Traffic Technician II 1 1 20,484 21,180 I I Traffic Technician I 1 1 15,456 16,296 I "Ill ,. ~I Ill' I gl ::I, I Gl, I , - 1",1 . I I ! - 1 ! I ! I I : Temporary C d Overtime 2,85C 1,800 I , _. I Employee Benefits I 6,671 7,60C' i . ; Total Personal Services ,.V ,.V 4j,46~ 46,884 I ... 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BU:>GET 1983 REVISED 1984 BU>GET ~I Materials and Supplies 42,33') 64,050 62,550 75,050 .. I ml 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BlDGE1' 1983 REVISED 1984 BUDGET " '0 \ther Charges and Services 46. 1,125 CD 1,125 4,756 ::J I- e. - - -- c: ~ I Capital Outlays Gl - .. 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984~' 8,34 ) 179,000 179,000 51,440 95 PUBLIC WORKS I PROGRAM SHOPS PROGRAM'ovide management, preventative maintenance,repair, and fuel I DESCRIPTIONmanagement of all City owned vehicles and equipment. ~I CD 1. Implement comprehensive Fleet Management Program. () ell) a1CD E~ ..... ~~ ..~ ~g MEASUREMENT jObJectlvE 1982 1983 1984 Actual Projected Budget Vehiclesjequlpment malntalnea 1 lU=> lU::> .LV:) Gallons of fuel used 1 116,330 116,330 105,000 CD Service requests received 1 1,466 1,500 1,300 () " c: al CIl E 0 .. "" 0 .. - 0 .. <IJ :: Q. - 0 . .. 0 '" ... ... ell ~ () ... " () = ::J " 0 . Q. - .! A fund analysis of the Fleet Maintenance Fund is shown on page 134. ll) ~ CIl c < 1982 Actual 1983 Budget , 983 Revised , 984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 111,169 117,437 117,437 22,317 Materials & Supplies 204,780 269,450 248,728 231,151 Other Services & Charges 12,769 21,300 21,900 28,800 Capital Outlays 52,951 0 0 387,252 Ul Total 381,669 408,187 i 388,065 769,250 CD " ~ FUNDS: General Fund " 0 331,839 408,187 388,065 0 Ul .. a: General Revenue Sharing 16,697 0 0 172,126 Capital Improvement Fund 33,133 0 0 75,000 -1 *General Fund Transfer (accounted 0 0 0 522.394* for in GENERAL FUND ACCOUNTS 772. 807) Total 381,669 408,187 388,065 247,126 96 ! DEPARTMENT 1982 ACTUAl. 1983 BUOOET 1883 fEV1SED 1984 BWGET ! PUBLIC WORKS -- I , fl'ROGRAM SHOPS 381,669 481, 187 388,065 247,126 - I NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE' 1984 BUDGET CURRENT REQUEST - I Shops & Yard supervisor 1 1 30,252 31,272 I Automotive/Equip/Mechanic 3 3 57,120 61,644 I I I Clerk Typist .50 .50 6,138 6,636 "0 I . , .. III 0 I ::J ::J I CD i ! , I I , I [ I ,.. I , I ! lremporary 4,320 0 , ON.ertime 2,340 4,160 -, .Employee Benefits 17,267 18,605 - !iota I Personal Services 4.50 4.50 117,437 126,015 J , - 1982 ACTUAl. 1983 BlDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 lU>GET Materials and Supplies 204,78C 269,450 248,728 0 231,151 - ::T CD ~ , -, m 1982 ACTUAl 1983 BlDGET 1983 REVISED 1984-BlDGET )( " ther Charges and Services 12,76'= 21,300 21,900 28,800 .. ::J ,- 0. I ;::; - c: ~ CD 1962 ACTUAl 1984 ~ ll) \ Capital 1983 BlDGET 1983 REVISED Outlays 52,95 0 0 387,252 97 PUBLIC WORKS '. SUMMARY BUDGET PROGRAM SUMMARY 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BUDGET Administration 133,68 69,44 73,74 86,776 Engineering 1,824,909 2,283,54 1,562,75 1,028,091 Streets 1,065,302 2,404,43 3,549,06 2,804,985 Traffic 88,635 289,63 286,78 178,130 Shops 381,669 388,06 247,126 I ! TOTAL 4,345,108 CATEGORY AND FUND SUMMARIES 11982 1983 ! 1983 1984 , ACTUAL BUDGET i REVISED BUDGET I I , CATEGORY: Personal Services I 700'63~ 837'96~ 840,114 760,828 Materials and Supplies 339,40 456,70 434,42, 198,050 236'97~ 250,70d I Other Ser'vices and Charges 255,50' 396,668 , I Capital Outlays 2,217,184j 3.909.871 4,330,37 3,024,157 ! 3,494,20~ I 5,455,23 5,860,413 4,345,108 ; TOTAL I I J I General Fund 1'317'27~ 1,546,394 1,531,072 1,382,467 , FUNDS: 327,84J I General Revenue Sharing 148,16 240,000 248,341 I I Capital Improvement Fund I 2,028,75E 3,581,00J 4,089,341 2,714,300 I I TOTAL 3,494,20 5,455,23 5,860,413 4,345,108 ] 98 PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORIZED POSITION SUMMARY 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BUDGET 1964 BUDGET POSITION TITLE No. Salaries No. Salaries No. Salaries Director/Public Works 1 38,556 1 39,21 1 40,392 City Engineer 1 28,401 1 30,088 1 34,056 Street Maint/Spvsr. 1 29,254 1 30,252 1 31,272 Shops/Yards Spvsr. 1 30,401 1 30,252 1 31,272 Senior Secretary 1 14,3751 1 15,456 1 16,464 Civil Engineer 52,8721 2 51,584! 2 2 53,762 I Engineering Tech. 4 73,658 6 119,268 6 124,560 Drafting Technician 1 16,066 1 17,53,2 1 16,440 - I Engineering Assistant 1 14,550' 1 15,744 16,440 Motor Equip/Oper. II 2 45,450 1 43,008 2 44,472 Motor Equip/Oper. I 2 33,413 2 34,944 2 37,836 Maintenance Worker 8 96 581 8 114 528 8 122 136 , I , I , ! I I Traffic Tech. II 1 19,416 I 1 I 1 21,180 I , 20,4841 I I I Traffic Tech. , I 1 , 13,922 1 15,456' 1 16,296 i I I i , Auto./Equip./Mechanic 3 55,319 3 I 57,120 3 61,644 Clerk Typist 1 9,402 1 12,276 1 13,272 Se<:=retary .5 I 8,712 I RETIREMENT I 56,057 60,113 74,023 INSURANCE 35,964 50,226 54,381 OVERTIME 14,670 24,890 29,940 0 0 ~ MERIT SYSTEM I if *$122,317 of the total is funded hrough #772 transf rs TOTAL 31.0 677,039 33.0 783,725 33.5 848,550 99 PUBLIC WORKS ~j ~ MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES ITEM 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BUDGET General Fund 651-0ffice Supplies/printing P t 5,764 6,300 6,350 I 6,050 os age 660-0perating Supplies 333,642 450,000 428,078 192,000 Subtotal 339.406 456.700 434,428 198,050 ! Fleet Maintenance Fund I (Funded through General Fund Transfers) 651-0ffice supplies/printing Postage - - - 400 i 660-0perating Supplies - - - 230,751 i Subtotal 231, 151 , I I I I I - I I I i I I ! ; TOTAL 339,406 456,700 434,428 198.050 ~ - ..-- ,- 100 PUBLIC WORKS OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES ITEM 1982 ACTUAL General Fund 702-Conference/Meeting Expense 1,442 704-Contracted Services 2,623 706~Dues,Books/Subscriptions 1,402 728-Training/Safety 1,338 730-Uniforrns/Protective/Clthg. 7,559 740-Auto Mileage Reimbursement I 66 750-Professional/Consulting FeeS 0 758-Rentals/Leases I 4,760 759-Telephone Expense I 47 760-Utilities ~14,906 772-Fleet Repair/Maintenance i 0 776-0ther Equipment Maintenance f 2,289 793-Ti tle Research/Reports i 0 799-Misc. Services/Charges i 546 761-Street Lighting I 0 Fleet Maintenance Fund I 1983 BUDGET 2,750 2,400 1,250 2,250 9,025 125 1,000 , 5,300 i 200 1219,000 o I 4 , 100 l 2,500 , 800 o 1983 REVISED 4,000 3,000 1,250 2,250 10,375 325 2,500 5,300 200 19,000 o 4,000 2,500 800 o 1984 BUDGET 3,100 25,000 1,000 1,200 9,750 250 2,500 5,300 1,100 : 0 tL57,468 1,900 I I 2,500 I 600 b.85,000 96,668 (Funded through General Transfets) I 702-Conference/Meeting Expense 0 0 0 100 I ~ 704-Contractual Services 0 0 0 4,000 , 706-Dues,Books/Subscriptions 0 0 0 250 728-Training/Safety 0 0 0 750 730-Uniform/protective Clothing 0 0 0 1,800 760-Utilities 0 0 0 15,400 774-Facility Repair/Maintenance 0 0 0 5,000 776-0ther Equipment Maintenance 0 0 0 1,500 Subtotal 28,800 I I I I I - TOT AL 1236,978 2591~700 ~55,500 396,668 101 PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL OUTLAYS I I 1982 198311983 1984 . ITEM ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET General Fund 802-0ffice Equipment 2,875 530 530 I 0 I . . 80S-Communication Equip. 17,55~1 0 0 0 I - 807-Fleet Replacement Oi 0 I 61,516 I 5001 809-0ther Major Equipment 19,835 I 500 I 0 . I I . , ! Subtota 1 40,260 I 1,030 i 1,030 I 61,516 i . , J I I I General Revenue Sharing i , I I i I 802-0ffice Equipment 0' 9,4701 9,470 1, 500 I ; 804-EngineeringjPhoto.Equip. 01 3001 300 500 ; 49,5351 01 J 80S-Communications Equipment 0 2,000 ! 01 , 807-Fleet Replacement 01 0 I 140,126 I 808-Vehlcular Equlpment 75,103! 212,00~ 190,230! 0 809-0ther Major Equipment 0; 40,000! 40,000! 32,000 833-Drainage Improvements I 23,528 'I 66,0751 O! 72,215 Subtotal 148,166 327,84$, 240,00 ,248,341 Capital Improvement Fund I I 812-ShopsImprovements 33,133: 0 0: 75,000 833-Drainage Improvements il,573,432 il,900,000 1,075,311\ 600,000 I ' 840-Street Improvements I 316,67211,335,000 2,641,00011,939,300 842-Curb,Gutter,Sidewalk 101,6621 100,000 198,030~ 50,000 843-Traffic ~ignals : 01 175,000j 175,000\ 0 856-path & Blkeway Improvement~ 3,859 0 I 0 I 0 , I ! : 12 , 028 , 758 3 , 510 , 000 : 4, 089 , 34112 ,714 ,300 I ' I I I SUBTOTAL I TOTAL 102 - --, 2,217,184 3,838,875 4,330,371 2,974,157 PARKS & RECREATION - ALL FUNDS 1982 Actual PARKS N~D RECRE1\TION PROGRAM1\DHI NISTR1\TION PROGRAM Provide Executive Direction to the Department of Parks DESCRIPTION and Recreation CD () C:Ill ell CD E~ .- 00 '" ..~ "'.0 o 1. Foster and maintain effective working relationships with other City departments and related governmental agencies 2. Provide enjoyable and meaningful parks and recreation experiences 3. Attract and retain a competent and well-trained staff to deliver quality parks and recreation services. - pbjectlvE 1982 1983 1984 MEASUREMENT Actual Projected Budget Personnel Full time n -2-3 19.75 19.75 19.75 CIl Part-time ~ -2-3 120 125 130 () " c: CIl Ol Funds E 0 .. "" General 2-3 $827,450 $959,013 0 .. Open Space ~ -2-3 $400,000 $400,000 ~ 400,000 - 0 .. '" :: Conservation Trust 2-3 0 $150, 000 ~ 300,000 Q. - 0 Per cent/departmental goals III .. achieved -2-3 90% 90% 95% 0 '" ... :!:: CIl ~ Per cent of projects planned <> - " " and constructed 2 80% 90% 90% = " " Staff turnover 2-3 0% 5% 5% 0 .. -I 0. ll) III '" Ol c < 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 60,268 04,086 _~36 6 420 Materials & Supplies 1,975 2,300 2,100 5 500 ! Other Services & Charges 1 1,975 2,830 , 2,675 4,336 1 I Capital Outlays 1340,936 416,435 ( 46,000 l 00,648 Ul I Total 405,154 4 85,216 14 311 (77 124 III <> ~ I FUNDS: General Fund " I 0 Ul 64,218 69,216 68,311 76,904 i .. a: I I Open Space Fund 340,936 4 16,000 46,000 00,000 I --I Conservation Trust Fund 0 435 0 00,000 General Revenue Sharing 220 - Total 405,154 \485,651 714,311 J677,124 104 DEPARTMENTpARKS AND f{[CREATION 1982 ACTUAl. 1l}83 IlUDOET 1063 fEVlBED 1984 BWGET ---- PROGRAM ~__ 485, () 5}J ADtlINISTRATION 405,154 714,311 617,124 -- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE" 1984 BUDGET CURRENT REQUEST - 36.6481 Director 1 1 35,06L , Senior Secretary 1 I 1 18,312: 19,224 . "0 a> , ~ .. I 0 ::J ::J I a> - I Temporary 0 0 Overtime 550 550 Employee Benefits 10,160 9,998 I Total Personal Services 2 2 64,086 66,420 - 1982 ACTUAl. 1983 EU>OET 1983 FlEWlED 1984 BUDGET Ma terials and Supplies 0 1,975 2,300 2,100 5,500 ::T CD ~ I 'ther -- - m 1982 ACT\.lAl. 1983 EU>OET 1983 REVISED 1984- ElIXGET )( '0 Charges and Services CD :::J 1- 1,975 2,830 2,675 4,336 0. - c: ~ CD fpitai ',- .. 1982 ACTUAL 1983 ElUXlET 1983 REViSED 1984 Outlays 340,936 416,43 646,00 600, 64 . 105 PAHl<S AND HECREATION PROGRAM ]{[,CI\EA'l'IOU PROGRAM To provide recreation programs and activities. DESCRIPTION ~ ru~. c:.. "'Ill E;: ..- aO III ...'- CII.o Q.o I To provide a variety of different types of recreation programs and services to youth, adults and senior citizens in the areas of athletics, leisure arts, cultural arts and seasonalaquatics. 2. To make these programs self-sustaining through fees and charges. MEASUREMENT --bjoctl-v Programs and activities offered 1-2 300 325 325 1982 Actual 1983 Projected 1084 Budget Cl> g '0 Number of participants al al E 0 .. "" o .. - 0 :>> :: Q. 1 5,860 8,000 0,000 - o .. .. o ... al .2 " c: Revenue '" ... > - o " " o .. 11. Revenue as a % of operating expenditures 2 54% 50% 44% .'! .. ~ al c: < 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services Materials & Supplies Other Services & Charges 80,845 Capital Outlays Ul Total III " :; FUNDS: General Fund 0 Ul .. 911 3.13...._824 a: General Revenue Sharing 1 680 2 542 Senior Fund -. 2,0')0 10~ Total 291,492 389,641 348,204 381,531 106 1982 ACTUAl. 1983 BUDGET 1883 fEV1SED 1984 BlDGET DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATION ----- 291, 4~LL__ 389, 64].J I oROGRAM Rr.CrmATION 348.204 381,531 r- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE' 1984 BUDGET . CURRENT REQUEST Recreation Supervisor 1 1 27,204 29,700 I , Recreation prgrm. Spvsr. 3 3 68,472 74,640 i Clerk Typist .75 .75 9,675 10,053 "0 CD , ~ III 0 I ::J ::J CD I - I Temporary 145,061 127 ,958 Overtime 200 200 Employee Benefits 21,848 24,833 Total Personal Services '-to I;:) 4. I::J LIL,4bU Lb/,384 , 1982 ACTUAl. 1983 BU>GET 1983 REVISED 1934 8lDGET Materials and Supplies 0 - 19,924 29,556 27,000 26.440 ::T CD ~ m I --- 1982 ACl\JAl. 1983 REVISED 1984- BUDGET )( 1983 BlDGET '0 Services ... lther Charges and 38,822 66,945 66,225 80,845 ::J 0. 1- - c: ~ CD ]"'~=rW>E Ol ~Pita' Outlays 1983 REVISED 1984 1 _ hnn h QC;,) 1,201 -2i1 680 ;0, PARKS AND RECREATION PROGRAM PARKS MAINTENANCE PROGRAM The Parks l'lClintenance Division is responsible for the developmen DESCRIPTION] maintenance of a system of parks and open space for the l enJoyment of the citizens of Whpat RiJqe ~ " - , - . --- - Gl 1- Maintain 99.5 acres of developed park land at a cost of $2100/acre () 2. Maintain 281 acres of undeveloped park land at a cost of $275/acre cO') OIll> 3. Maintain 23 ilthletic fields for game play. E~ ..- 4. Maintain 17,172 square feet of recreational buildings. 0" -<I> ..~ Gl.Q !LO -ObjectivE 1982 1983 1984 MEASUREMENT Actual Projected Budget Developed park land maintained 1 94 94 99.5 Undeveloped park land maintained 2 281 281.5 276 <I> () " Developed park sites maintained 1 10 11 13 c: ell CIl Undeveloped sites maintained 2 5 6 4 E 0 .. "" Athletic fields maintained 3 23 23 23 0 .. Recreation facilities 17,172 17,172* - 0 4 12,872 .. Q) ~ *Square feet Q. - 0 UI Cost/ acre for maintenance for .. developed park land 1 2,094 2,100 0 '" ... ~ CIl ~ Cost/acre for maintenance for () - " () undeveloped park land 2 250 275 = " " 0 1 .. Q. The 1984 Budget reflects the same level of maintenance as in 1983. The change in the developed parkland is the development of the Town Center Park and the UI Richards/Hart Estate. UI :?:: CIl c < - 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 11984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 182,765 231,711 231,686 234,075 Materials & Supplies 35,354 38,050 39,050 33,862 ! Other Services & Charges 1 75,346 72,880 I 69.440 96, 688 I Capital Outlays I 111 220 38,038 28,100 30,637 Ul I Total 404,685 380,679 i 368,276 Q) 395,2i2L- " .. I FUNDS: ::> I General Fund 0 Ul 295 295 342.641 340-Ll?6 373,095 i .. a: i I General Revenue Sharing 6,290 19,370 18,100 6,225 Capital Improvement ,.. Fund 94 134 0 0 0 Park Acquisition Fund 8,966 18,668 10,000 15,942 -- Total 404,685 380,679 368,276 395,262 108 DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATION 1982 ACTUAl. 1983 DUDOET 1983 FEV1BED 1984 BlDOET ----- 404. 6.~1..__ 380 I 679J 368,276 "'ROGRAM 395,262 "-- PARKS MAINTENANCE NUMBER OF EMPLOVEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE' 1984 BUDGET CURRENT REQUEST - Parks t1aintenance Spvsr. 1 1 30,252 31, 272 , Parks Maintenance Ldwrkr. 2 2 33,000 35,940 i Parks Haintenance Worker 4 4 57,540 62,280 "0 ll> , ~ III I 0 ::J ::J I CD I - I - I I Temporary 74,397 65,862 Overtime 8,400 9,200 Employee Benefits 28,122 29,521 Total Personal Services I { LJ 1, 1.1.1 L.:l4, U I,) 1982 ACT\JAL 1983 8l.t>GET 1983 REVISED 19&4 BU:>GET Materials and Supplies 0 35,354 38,050 39,050 33,862 ::T III ~ I -- ~. - m 1982 ACTUAl 1983 l3UDClET 1083 REVISED 1984- BUDGET )( '0 ther Charges and Services III 75,346 72,880 69,440 96,688 " 1- 0. - c: ~ III 01 1982 ACTUAL 1983 8UXlET 1983 REVISED 1984 Capital Outlays 111,220 38,038 28,100 30,637 109 PARKS AND RECHEATION I PROGRAM FOPESTHY PROGRA~rovicle and maintain a full service urban forestry program, -.J DESCRIPTIONrdinance enforcement and commercial arborist licensing. ll> 1- Maintain safe and healthy trees on rights-of-way and in the parks u CII) system. ell... 2. Adequate pest control: insects weeds, disease. E~ .... 3 . Commercial arborist licensing. ou '"'ll> ..~ 4. Tree planting. ~g ObjectivE 1982 1983 1964 MEASUREMENT Actual Projected Budget Plants maintained 1 10,000 10,375 10,600 ll> Pest control agents used 2 8 8 8 u " License types 3 4 5 5 c CIl III Tree planting 2 3 4 E ~ programs ~ .. "" Pest applications 2 300 600 1,000 0 .. - 0 Arborist licenses 21 32 40 .. ::: j ll> Q. Trees planted '> 150 400 1 400 - 0 III .. 0 >- ... .: <II ~ u ... " u = " " 0 J . Q. Wheat Ridge is currently offering its citizens a full-service urban forestry program for less than one per cent of the total City budget. This award-winning II) program is the lowest per capita cost of cities offering "1 i ke" servi ces with i n OJ the State of Colorado. ~ III c: < 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1963 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services r~ -,,,,, -,n nnn G ,.J:J..O..CL )n At:" -. . , Materials & Supplies ^ ^~, ,n t:nn , ^^^ , n e'Ot: , , l--~I , ! Other Services & Charges ~ ~r, '0 -,.,t: Ar^ Ae -,,,, I - . '. I Capital Outlays A r r A , nnn , ^^^ " en., ~,- -. . . OJ I Total ..,,, A or: Ot: 'Onr: I g~~^ A ^ A 0-' III " ~ , FUNDS: General Fund " I 0 "7r: ,-nt: o A ") n t: on 'O'On A") 0'0-' i Ul III . --. . a: ! I General Revenue Sharing ~ ..,nn , nnn , ^^" r r"n -0 -r -- Total 79,485 85,305 89,330 49,487 110 DEPARTMENT 1962 ACTUAl 1983 WOOET 1883 REVIBED 1984 BLOGET ;' N 'ROGRAM -1- FORESTRY 79, i~5 85,30.?J 89,330 149 A87 HUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Position Titles 1983 BUDGE" 1984 BUDGET CURRENT REQUEST City Arborist 1 1 24,888 25,752 i Tree Trimmer 2 2 33,336 36,432 I "0 ll> , .. III 0 ::J ::J CD - - f Temporary 1,000 6,000 Overtime 400 500 Employee Benefits 10,456 11,775 Total Personal Services .J .:l IU,UbU ou,'tJ~ - 1982 ACTUAl. 1983 BlDGET 1983 REVJSa) 1984 El.()GET ~l Materials and Supplies 8,871 10,500 13,800 10,635 ~ -_.' m I 1982 ACTUAl 1983 6lJOGET 1983 REVISED 1984- BUDGET )( '0 ther Charges and Services '" 3,251 3,725 4,450 46,791 :I ,- 0. - -- c: ~ '" ~Pital -,- co 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BOOGET 1983 REV1SED 1984 llU)(3l::;"1 Outlays 4,564 1,000 1,000 11,602 111 PARKS AND RECREATION PROGRAM PARK RANGEHS PROGRAM Keep pClrks and open space areas safe and enjoyable through DESCRIPTION regular patrol and enforcement of regulations, informative -[ -Dut.(~~-,2' 1 r"'~r:29 r a~(\:l;:;h":n_e-r-n-+--ffliT"i--n+~,,rr~~~I~E*,<-lS. It) It) '" III C < 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 Revised 1984 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 90,431 Materials & Supplies Other Services & Charges ,17S +e-;-41 7 Capital Outlays Ul Total 1 III . " :; FUNDS: General Fund 107,418 0 Ul .. a: General Revenue Sharing ~ Total 74,072 99,990 99,140 10B,418 I 112 o o C:II) IIlIl> E~ 2~ ..~ \\>D Q.O ll> " '0 ; III E 0 .. "" o .. - 0 :; ;: Q. - o It) .. o '" ... .:: CIl ~ o ... " g c " o .. Q. 1. Reduce crime and unsafe conditions in park and open space areas. 2. Instill understanding and appreciation of the parks and open space areas in the general public. 3. Initiate greater community involvement and enhancement of service delivery through a comprehensive volunteer program. ~-- 1983 1984 1982 Actual Projected Budget - 1-2 4,700 6,000 5,240 2-3 350 200 200 1 3,500 3,500 3,500 MEASUREMENT Patrol hours Interpretive program hours Maintenance hours Summons issued Number of people served by interpretive programs Volunteer hours 1-2 20 40 85 2-3 1-2-3 4,150 800 3,000 1,000 3,000 1,200 1982 ACTUAL TION 74,J)72 ,_~99QL~4 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BWGET DEPARTMENT lROGRAM 1- PARK RANGE}(S 108,418 I NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES T Position Titles 1983 BUDGE' 1984 BUDGET: ~ CURRENT REQUEST 1 Ranger/Naturalist I I Park II 1 1 24,811 25,75 I I I Park Ranger/Naturalist I 1. 75 1. 75 34,022 36,300 I i I I i "01 .- ~i Ill' I gl ::J I "', I I I ! I ; I - I I ! I ! i I I I I , I Temporary i 18,00 14,600! , Overtime 80( 1,000 , 11,70: , I Employee Benefits 12,77 I - L. I J L. I J 1::19,34( 90,431 I Total Personal Services , - . 01 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BU>GET Materials and Supplies 1,352 3,625 3,42 4,590 ~I ~ I -------- ml 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BUDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BUDGET )( '0 ther Charges and Services '" 2,695 2,975 3,17' 10,417 " \- 0. - - -- c: ~ ll> I Capital --- 1984-BUSGET- .. 1982 ACl\JA.L 1983 BWGET 1983 REVISED , Outlays 0 4,050 3,20C 2,980 - 113 PARKS AND RECREl\TION WHEl\ TURI DGE--I~j~ST IV Ac-u-uP------- jPROGRAM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ~s prograni-'-ruriUs the -l:lty-oT-wf1e=.rr~.tage co-ri-t.iTBlft.10 to the annual Wheat Ridge Festival. STATEMENT OF GOALS & OBJECTIVES In 1984 the 15th Annual Wheat Ridge Festival will be held for three days in August. This festival is a celebration of the Wheat Ridge community that features a parade and a wide variety of other activities. City funds are used to pay City personnel assigned to the festival and to provide a wide variety of other goods and services used for the Festival. .. Go > ... U ll> s:J ,0 " c: Ol .. Ol o o To -- Revisec 1982 Actual 1983 Budget 1983 1984 Budget L., I 1-:) l,:>uu J, vvv1 J,VVV I 0 I 0 VI V , r 1,536 1,7001 4,200 5,700 Ices i I 0 o i 0 0 tal 4,249 I I 7,2001 3,2OOi 8,700 4,249\_ 3,200 7,200 8,700 tal 4,249 3,200 l~lJO 8,700 _ L____ CATEGORY: Personal Services Materials & Supplies Other Charges & Serv Capital Outlays FUNDS: General Fund .. <I> () .. ::J o .. ll> a: To 114 '_A~ f~~ :RKN r--:.- 212 ~O_Qj -- 1983 REVf3ED 1984 DlDGET _ \ DEPARTMENT -PARKS AND oROGRAM WHE~IU.Q.GJLFEST 7,290 8,700 NUMBER OF EMPlOVEES I Position Titles 1983 BUDGE 1984 BUDGET CURRENT REQUEST I I - "0 ll> ~ .. 0 ::J ::J CD - I Temporary , Overtime 1,500 3,000 Employee Benefits Total Personal Services 1,500 3,000 Materials and Supplies 1982 ACTUAl. 1983 BlDGET 1983 REVISED 1984 BlDGET 0 0 0 - 0 0 ::T '" I ':>ther _u_ ~ Charges and 1982 ACTUAl. 1983 EU>GET ml Services 1983 REVISED 1984- BU:>GET )( '0 1, 53 1,700 ~ c..__ 4,200 5,700 " 0. - ;::; ,..----- c: ~ ~o 1983 REVlSED--1984'6WQET ~ Capital Outlays 0> 0 0 115 PARI,S AND RECREATION ., SUMiVlAR'( BUDGET -l--- -------1-- - 1962 1983 1983 1984 I PROGRAM SUMMARY ACTUAL I BUDGET REVISED BUDGET 1 , \ Administration 405,15' 485,65 714,3h, 677'12~ I Recreation 291,49. 389,64 348,2Of 381, 53 Parks Maintenance 404,68 3Bo.671 368,27b 395,26Q 79, 48~ 89,33~ I Forestry 85,30. 149,487 Park Rangers 74.071 99,99P 99,146 108,418 I 3,20( , 8,70b Wheat Ridge Festival 4,249 7,20Q i TOTAL 1. 259,137 1,444,466 1 ,626,461 1,720,522 -G982 1 CATEGORY AND FUND SUMMARIES i ACTUAL I I I Materials and Supplies \ Other Services and Charges I 123,624 \ \ 457,9221 TOTAL! 1,259,137! CATEGORY: Personal Services I I I 610, ll~ 67,47~ Capital Outlays FUNDS: General Fund 801,899 General Revenue Sharing Capital Improvement Fund Open Space Fund Senior Fund Park Acquisition Fund Conservation Trust Fund 10,090i 94,1351 340,936', 3, 1111 8,966\ 0' 1983 \ BUDGET I I 729,l1j 84,03, 151,0551 \ 480,203 I 1, 444, 46d I , 962,213 I 45,10d , q 416,00Q 2,059 18,66b! 435 19~ REVISED I 710'941 85,37 150,165 \ 679,9801 1,626,4d 943,78~ 23,98d 646,00~ 2,70q 10,00d 1984 BUDGET 741,769 81,02+ 244,7711 ! , 652,9491 , 1,720,52~ , 1,078,943 I 15,631 500'00~ 10'00~ 15,94 100,00 TOT AL ---~- 1,259,137 1,444,466 1,626,461 1,720,52~ ----------.- 116 PARKS AND RECREATION AUTI;ORIZED POSITIOi\J SUMMARY 1982 ACTUAL 1983 BUDGET 1984 BUDGET POSITION TITLE No. Salaries No. Salaries No. Salaries -- Director 1 33,991 1 35,064 1 36,648 Recreation supervisor 1 25,666 , 1 17,204 1 29,700 Maintenance Supervisor 1 30,804 1 30,252 1 31,272 I City Arborist 1 24,772 1 24,888 I 1 25,752 I Railger/Naturalist II 1 12,407 1 24,816 I 1 25,752 Rec.Pgrm.Coordinator 2.5 63,624 3 , 68, 472 3 74,640 I Maintenance Leadworker 2 34,866 2 I 33,000 2 35,940 Tree Trimmer 2 23,484 2 I 33,336 2 36,432 Ranger/Naturalist I 1. 75 32,244 1.751 34,022 1. 75 36,300 Maintenance Worker 3 42,414 4 I 57,540 I 4 62,280 Senior Secretary 1 17,667 1 18,312 1 19,224 Clerk TYPlst .75 I 8,730 .75 I 9,675 .75 10,053 -I I I I I , I , I I I I I RETIREMENT I 43,443 INSURANCE 20,207 I OVERTIME I 8,248 ~- MERIT SYSTEM TOTAL 18.0 422,567 19.5 --- ,---- 52,901 56,629 I 32,277 28,547 10,350 13,950 488,379 9.5 526,849 117 PARKS AND RECRE^TION . MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES d ITEM -T--:~9:~~L B1~:~ET 651-0ffice Supplies printing/ I ~ Postage 11,951 I 15,525 660-0perating Supplies 55,525 68,506 TOTAL 67,476 84,031 118 1983T198-';- REVISED I BUDGET I 15 , 27 5 -r 18 , 420 70,100 I 62,607 85,375 1- 81,027 PARKS AND RECREATION OTHER CHARGES AND SERVICES ---~ 1983 1983 1984 BUDGET REVISED BUDGET 2,860 2,860 3,887 17,800 14,940 45,120 710 795 1,240 500 I 500 600 I 1,000 1,000 1,000 I 1,200 1,250 3,010 : 3,970 4,250 5,376 1,200 1,120 1,280 400 400 920 , 2,675 2,925 ; 2,618 ITEM _.__.....--._----~- 1 1982 ACTUAL - . g , , , , - Senior Fund 799-Misc.Services/Charges 3,111 , 2,050 2,700 10,000 I I I I i I . , ! I I - TOTAL 123,624 151,055 150,165 244,777 General Fund 702-Conference/Meeting Expense 704-Contractual Services 706-Dues,DooKs,Subscriptions 718-0rdinance ~nforcement 20-Veterinary Services/Supplie~ 728-Training ano Safety I 730-Uniforms/Protective Clothing 740-Auto Mileage Reimbursement 741-Uniform Allowance 758-Rentals/Leases 759-Telephone Expense 760-Utilities 772-Fleet Repair/Maintenance 774-Facility Repair/Maintenance 776-0ther Equipment Maintenance 799 Misc Services/Char es 2,741 11,470 636 o 965 574 3,499 1,057 350 1,767 328 76,787 o 14,407 4,259 1 673 300 97,450 o 12,800 4,140 2 000 400 92,450 o 14,800 5,375 4 400 500 96,284 48,112 12,800 6,030 6 000 119 PARKS AND RECREATION CAPITAL OUTLAYS ITEM G82 '1198311983 I_ACTUAL ~ BUDG~ REVISED General Fund 807-Fleet replacement General Revenue Sharing 802-0ffice furniture & Equipme 80S-Communications Equipment 808-Vehicular Equipment 809-0ther major Equipment 832-Tools/Work Equipment Capital Improvement Fund 862-Parks Improvement and development Open Space Fund Muegle property Byerly property Wadsworth Activity Center Crown Hill Burwell property Maple Grove Development W.R. Historical Park Anderson Bldg.lmprovements Richard's Mansion Wilmore-Davis School Park Crown Hill Park Development Clear Creek Foot Bridges (2) Lighting/prospect Field #2 Misc. Park Improvements Wheat Ridge Park Parking Lot Land Acquisition Park Acquisition Fund 862-Park Improvement/Oevel. Conservation Trust Fund Senior Center Remodeling TOTAL 120 3,795 0 I t 0 I 880 0 I 3,800 0 121, 500 10,090 18,920 0 0 94 , 13 5 0 69,233 I 2,000 I I 168,502 , I 100,000 100,000 I 1,200 I , p9,000 112,000 t15,000 50,000 .100,000 8,967 i 118'668 I . o o 880 2,984 2,137 17,979 i o o I I 21,370 ' 1984 BUDGET 3,012 1,650 o 9,300 1, 675 o o 100,000 100,000 139,000 12,000 15,000 150,000 50,000 80,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 200,000 10,000 15,942 0 100,000 -457-.922 _ 80-,-203--- -6-7-9-.-980- , RESERVES,FUND BALANCE & TRANSFERS GENERAL FUND 1982 1983 1983 1984 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET RESERVES Capital Depreciation Reserve 0 100.000 0 100,000 Self Insurance Reserve 0 100,000 0 100,000 Contingency Reserve 0 500,000 0 500,000 Emergency Reserve 0 100,000 0 100,000 Salary Reserve 0 45,000 100,000 76,000 TOTAL RESERVES 0 845,000 100,000 876,000 FUND BALANCE Unallocated Fund Balance o 1,166,217 o 1,278,894 TRANSFERS Transfer to Capital Imp. Fund o 270,000 270,000 50,000 Transfer to Budgeted Revenue o 259,814 192,677 286,137 TOTAL TRANSFERS o 529,814 462,677 136,137 CONSERVATION TRUST FUND FUND BALANCE Unallocated Fund Balance o o o 272,168 121 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY REVENUES 1982@ ACTUAL 1983 REVISED 1983 BUDGET Sales & Property Tax Increment Interest Income Reimbursement Transfer from Other Funds Carryover Fund Balance Total Revenues 100,021 4,677 o o 14,792* 119,490 155,000 10,000 25,000 125,000 68,642 383,642 o o o o o o EXPENDITURES Urban Renewal Projects Total Expenditures 50,848 50,848 25,400 25,400 o o @This Column refers to the Town Center URA only. 1984 BUDGET 190,000 20,000 o o 358,242 568,242 568,242 568,242 * This figure is arrived at through interpolation and is not an audited figure. THE ABOVE FINANCIAL INFORMATION REPRESENTS THE CITY'S E~TIMATES OF FUNDS AVAILABLE FROM CITY SOURCES TO THE URBfu~ RENEWAL AUTHORITY. THE AUTHORITY IS CURRENTLY DEVELOPING A CO}WREHENSIVE BUDGET FOR 1984 WHICH WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL AS SOON AS IT IS COMPLETED. 122 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS The four funds on the following pages; Capital Improvement, Park Acquisition, Open Space and Conservation Trust are used exclusively for capital projects within the City of Wheat Ridge. In addition, the City of Wheat Ridge contains two Urban Renewal Authority areas that fund capital projects to enhance economic development in their respective areas. This Fall, the City staff will begin a comprehensive Capital Improvements planning process involving all four funds for the purpose of providing a much more detailed Capital Improvement Program with various Sales Tax funding options addressed. This will enable City staff, Commissions, and the City Council to make better capital planning decisions from a wider variety of options. This year, these funds are presented with 1982 Actual, 1983 Budget, and 1983 Revised data included; something that has never been done before. This adds a historical perspective to these budgets that is helpful inthe budget planning process. 123 CAP IT AL IMPROVEMENT FUND REVENUE Sales Tax Interest Income Transfer from General Fund Carryover Fund Balance Total Revenues EXPENDITURES DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Local Area Improvements Lena Gulch Schedule IV Lena Gulch Flood Detection STREET IMPROVEMENTS 26th Avenue 32nd Avenue 44th Avenue Kipling & Independence Maintenance Chip & Crack Seal City Monumentation 44th Ave. Beautification CURB, GUTTER & SIDEWALK Sidewalk Refund PATH & BIKEWAY IMPROVEMENTS TRAFFIC SIGNALS SHOPS IMPROVEMENTS PARKS DEVELOPMENT LEGAL SETTLEMENT 1982 ACTUAL 2,292,160 370,850 o 1,349,341 4,012,351 1,604,782 System 456,187 o o o o o o 101,663 o 3,859 33,133 122,377 S.E. WATER ASSOCIATION CONTRIBUTION 0 Expenditure Subtotal 2,322,001 Unallocated Fund Balance N/A FUND TOTAL 2,322,001 1983 BUDGET 2,461,000 200,000 270,000 650,000 3,581,000 1,285,000 600,000 15,000 o 270,000 750,000 o 100,000 140,000 75,000 o 100,000 o o 175,000 1983 REVISED 2,290,000 180,000 270,000 1,349,341 4,089,341 517,461 557,850 o 330,000 635,000 1,142,000 o 225,000 140,000 75,000 o 160,000 38,030 o 175,000 o o o 44,000 1984 BUDGET 2,514,300 100,000 50,000 50, ~~Q 2,714,300 600,000 700,000* 1,000,000* 20,000 69,300 100,000 50,000 50,000 o o o o o 3,510,000 71 , 000 50,000 4,089,341 o 50,000 o 75,000 o o o o 2,714,300 o 3,581,000 4,089,341 2,714,300 *32nd Avenue from Pierce to Harlan, 44th Avenue from Clear Creek to Kipling. 124 CAPIT AL IMPROVEMENT FUND (cont.) REVENUE Sales Tax Interest Income Transfer from General Fund Carryover Fund Balance Total Revenues EXPENDITURES DRAINANGE IMPROVEMENTS Local Area Improvements STREET IMPROVEMENTS 44th Avenue Kipling to Robb 32nd Avenue Harlan to Sheridan Ward Road Resurfacing 44th Avenue Robb to Youngfield Parfet St. 32nd to 38th 44th Avenue Wadsworth to Pierce Kipling; 49th to 52nd 44th Avenue Pierce to Fenton CHIP AND CRACK SEAL MAINTENANCE CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK Expenditure Subtotal Unallocated Fund Balance FUND TOTAL 1985 1986 1987 1988 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 2,740,587 2,987,240 3,256,091 3,549,140 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 72,173 0 0 0 65,587 0 0 2,840,587 3,225,000 3,356,091 3,649,140 100,000 1,700,000 500,000 200,000 (jointly with Arvada) 100,000 100,000 75,000 2,775,000 65,587 100,000 1,581,091 1,674,140 1.850,000 1.000,000 100,000 100,000 75,000 3,225,000 o 1,200,000 300,000 100,000 100,000 75,000 3,356,091 o 1.700,000 100,000 100,000 75,000 3,649,140 o 2,840,587 3,225,000 3,356,091 3,649,140 125 CONSERV A TION TRUST FUND REVENUES 1982 1983 1983 1984 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET State of Colorado 0 0 173,730 175,000 Interest Income 22 20 3,000 20,000 Carryover Fund Balance 438 415 438 177 , 168 Total Revenues 460 435 177 , 168 372,168 EXPENDITURES Senior Center Addition 0 0 0 100,000 Unallocated Fund Balance 0 435 0 272,168 Total Expenditures 0 435 0 372,168 126 PARK ACQUISITION FUND 127 OPEN SPACE FUND REVENUES 1982 1983 1983 1984 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET Jefferson County 340,935 416,000 646,000 ')00,000 Total 340,935 416,000 646,000 500,000 EXPENDITURES Muegle Property Byerly Property Wadsworth Activity Center Crown Hill Acquisition Payment Burwell Property Maple Grove Development Wheat Ridge Historical Park Anderson Building Improvements Richards Mansion Wilmore-Davis School Park Crown Hill Park Development Clear Creek Foot Bridges (2) Lighting for Prospect Field #2 Miscellaneous Park Improvements (Tennis Court, Restroom, Anderson Building Wheat Ridge Park Parking Lot Land Acquisition 69,233 2,000 168,502 100,000 1,200 340,935 100,000 100,000 100,000 139,000 12,000 15,000 150,000 416,000 139,000 12,000 15,000 150,000 50,000 100,000 80,000 646,000 50,000 Rehabilitations) 50,000 100,000 200,000 500,000 128 OTHER FUNDS 129 GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND REVENUES Federal Allocation Interest Income Carryover Fund Balance EXPENDITURES CITY CLERK City Clerk FLEET MAINTENANCE FUND Shops FINANCE Accounting Data Processing COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning & Zoning Building Maintenance POLICE Administration Support Services Operations 130 , . TOTAL REVENUES $ 248,000 20,000 100 ,000 $ 368,000 Office Carpeting 1,500 1 Microfische Reader/ Printer 1,500 3,000 Fleet Replacement Contribution 140,126 140,126 1 Kroy Typesetter 3,740 1 NCR 9300 Computer ~,600 26,340 2 Two Drawer File Cabinets 260 1 Folding Table 100 1 35llII1l Camera 200 1 Slide Previewer 165 1 Microfische Reader/ Printer 1,500 City Hall Improvements 29,500 31,725 Micro Computer 5,025 1 Sony Wordscriber II 659 1 Modular Desk Unit 944 Video Equipment 2,365 1 Camera Lens 500 1 Pager 225 1 Computer Terminal/ Printer 4,030 1 Image Printer 4,307 1 Durst Color Printer 9,154 1 Wing Lynch Converter 975 1 Garage 5,300 1 Siren & Speakers 948 6 Dispatch Chairs 2,100 1 Modular Desk 375 1 Desk Chair 175 2 Modular Locker Units 550 14 Car Racks 1,050 14 Gun Racks 1,302 12 Speakers 2,310 1 Adding Machine 185 1 Transcriber 478 42,957 PUBLIC WORKS Administration Engineering Streets Shops PARKS & RECREATION Administration Recreation - Parks Maintenance Forestry Parks Rangers Files & Chairs 1 Radio 1 Map File Materials, Testing Equipment Local Dra~nange Improvements 1 Radio 1 Engine Analyser 1 Fuel Dispensing System 1 Secretarial Chair 1 Two Drawer Legal File Cabinet 1 Adjustable Stool wi Back 1 Desk Chair 1 Metal Desk 1 CRT Table 1 Tape Deck 2 Tables 45 Stacking Chairs 1 Mobile Radio 3 Trimmers 1 Snow Plow(Pick Up) 1 Snow Plow(Durnp Truck) 1 Battery Charger 1 Chair 1 Radio 1 Spray Gun 1 Spray Hose Tree Planting Program 1 Horse TOTAL 1,000 1,000 500 500 72,215 1,000 12,000 20,000 108,215 100 120 110 137 310 95 100 290 1,500 850 825 1,600 2,700 250 250 800 200 400 4,000 1,000 15,637 368,000 131 BUILDING REPAIR/DEMOLITION FUND 1982 1983 1983 1984 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET REVENUES Interest Income 565 225 450 497 Carryover Fund Balance 11 ,053 10,775 11 ,053 11 ,503 Total Revenues 11,618 11,000 11 ,503 12,000 EXPENDITURES Ordinance Enforcement o o 11 ,000 11 ,000 o o 12,000 12,000 132 SENIOR FUND 1982 1983 1983 1984 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET REVENUES Miscellaneous Income 3,245 2,000 3,000 2,600 Interest Income 240 50 350 400 Carryover Fund Balance 6,348 0 6,348 7,000 Total Revenues 9,833 2,050 9,698 10,000 EXPENDITURES Miscellaneous Expenditures 3,111 2,050 2,700 10,000 Total Expenditures 3,111 2,050 2,700 10,000 133 FLEET MAINTENANCE FUND * This fund is not listed in the Revenue or Expenditure Sunnnaries since it is funded entirely by Transfers from other funds. 1982 1983 1983 1984 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET REVENUE Transfer from General Fund 0 0 0 522,394 Transfer from General Revenue Sharing 0 0 0 172,126 Transfer from Capital Improvement FundO 0 0 75,000 769,520 EXPENDITURES FLEET MAINTENANCE Personal Services Materials & Supplies Other Services & Charges Subtotal o o o o o o o o o 122,317 231,151 28,800 382,268 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Fleet Replacement Shops Improvements Other Major Equipment Subtotal o o o o o o o o o 280,252 75,000 32,000 387,252 Detail of expenditures is shown in the Shops Budget on page 96 and in the Public Works Account Group Summaries, pages 100 - 102. Total Expenditures 769,520 134 ~. .pnwtt>>. [[DUI'H J..V[[Hh\. ~ fa~ tl861 '::;::::;wnIi .;.>, _;.. _~-;..;~,_-:;;.:..-,,~~~_-..;...;~-,.:~..2--:':;:~/;s- -:'g~.'--~ .~ ~ J .. JI 1 J. ..." .... ---,,-- . z ~ ~ o ~ c n o ~ (f) rn, n ...... o z - - . City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Year Ended December 31, 1984 Prepared by: James Malone, City Treasurer Jacqueline Wedding, Finance Assistant Hines, Condon & Zarlengo, Certified Public Accountants OFFICIALS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MAYOR FRANK STITES CITY COUNCIL LARRY t1ERKL KENT DAVIS NANCY SNOw CLYDE HOBBS DISTIUCT I DISTIUCT II DIS'l'RICT III DISTRICT IV CITY CLERK WANDA SANG CITY ATTORNEY JOHN E. HAYES CITY ADMINISTRATOR THmlAS H. PALMER DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION CHIEF OF POLICE. . . . . DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET/ FINANCE ASSISTANT. PERSONNEL ASSISTANT. . . . DAN ~nLDE TONY FLASCO RANDY ~vEST MOE KELLER CITY TREASURER J Al'lES t-lALONE MUNICIPAL JUDGE ANTHOUY ZARLENGO .CHARLES H. STROMBERG .RICHARD H. BREDT .HOWARD E. JAQUAY . RODGER o. YOunG .JACQUELINE WEDDING . . PATRICIA A.CREW 2 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 - TABLE OF CONTENTS - INTRODUCTORY SECTION Exhibit Page Title Page List of Principal Officials Table of Contents Organizational Chart City Administrator's Letter of Transmittal City Treasurer's Letter of Transmittal 1 2 3 7 9 11 FINNJCIAL SECTION Report of Certified Public Accountants 17 Combined Financial Statements - Overview ("Liftable" General Purpose Financial Statements) Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups . 1 20 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types and Expendable Trust Fund . . 2 22 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget (Non Gaap Budgetary Basis) and Actual General and Special Revenue Funds. 3 24 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balance - Policemen's Pension Fund . 4 26 Statement of Changes in Financial position policemen's Pension Fund. 5 27 Notes to Financial Statements 28 Combining and Individual and Account Group Statements: General Fund: Schedule Page Comparative Balance Sheet. .A-l 40 . City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Table of Contents (Continued) Schedule Page Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, Changes in Fund Balance - Budget Gaap Budgetary Basis) and Actual and (Non- .A-2 41 Statement of Expenditures Compared to Budget . .A-3 42 Statement of Revenues Compared to Budget .A-4 44 Special Revenue Funds: Combining Balance Sheet. .B-l 48 Combining Statement of Revenues, and Changes in Fund Balances Expenditures, .B-2 50 Federal Revenue Sharing Fund: comparative Balance Sheet. .B-3 52 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (Non-Gaap Budgetary Basis) and Actual . .B-4 53 Park Acquisition Fund: Comparative Balance Sheet. .8-5 54 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (Non-Gaap Budgetary Basis) and Actual . .B-6 55 Capital Improvement Fund: Comparative Balance Sheet. .B-7 56 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (Non-Gaap Budgetary Basis) and Actual . .B-8 57 Building Demolition Fund: Comparative Balance Sheet. .B-9 58 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (Non-Gaap Budgetary Basis) and Actual . .8-10 59 4 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Table of Contents (Continued) Senior Center Fund: Comparative Balance Sheet. . Schedule Page .B-ll 60 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (Non-Gaap Budgetary Basis) and Actual .B-12 61 Urban Renewal Fund: Comparative Balance Sheet. .B-13 62 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (Non-Gaap Budgetary Basis) and Actual . .B-14 63 Trust and Agency Funds: Combining Balance Sheet. Account Groups: Schedule of General Fixed Assets - By Source . Schedule of Changes in General Fixed Assets - By Function and Activity. STATISTICAL SECTION General Governmental Expenditures of Functions - Last Ten Fiscal Years. General Revenues by Source - Last Ten Fiscal Years Property Tax Levies and Collections - Last Ten Fiscal Years. .C-l 66 .D-l 70 .D-2 71 Table Page . I 73 .11 74 .111 75 Assessed and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property Last Ten Fiscal Years .IV 76 Property Tax Rates - All Overlapping Governments - Last Ten Fiscal Years. 5 .V 77 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Table of Contents (Continued) Table Page Demographic Statistics . .VI 78 Property Value, Construction and Bank Deposits - Last Ten Fiscal Years .VII 79 Principal Taxpayers. .VIII 80 1'liscellaneous Statistics .IX 81 6 . ~ I.) c - c ~ ffi ~ c c Q) 0 (l) .... .... c ~ OJ c 'a >-~ a:: 'a ,S ~ ~ >-? 0 ... Q) .... g \;:::cJ) :J (l) l/l (l) - \;:::W C 0- (l) ~ en '01 0 ... 06 04- .c .... ... ::> c cf) cf) I- '& 0.. u.I , , \ \..- , \ I r- \ \ "\ \ \ l/l ,9- (l) l/l .Y.. \ - c - ?' u.1 0 0 - .... .P .~ C Q (l) 0 c 0 .... cf) .- r- :J 0 I.) .... (.) '2, ,~ 06 l/l .... OJ "0 .... 0 -a % .;:. - .... 0 't5 0.. l/l 0 0 0- I E E (l) .P I.) 0- '2, 0 ? ~ (l) ::l '" (.) .s Q.. ex: cf) 9 <6 - . . . , , I (l) c 0:. c - ~ - 0 l/l .... ~ ex: (l) (l) 0.- -z. 0 w I.) oO~ c ~ 'd. ~ c - (l) .... \ ex: cJ) 'd. .... (l) \ C ~ ')'- ~ ':;t. 'a OJ c \ c 0 t:. ~ ~ ~ :;.. ~ '.;:; , \""- ... ex: ~ , 0 - .... ~ l/l l/l (l) u.- , 0.. ~ (l) ~ .... \ ~ ~ ... .... .... I.) 0 , ~ ~ 0 ~ (l) , '2. Q.. u- Q.. ex: I , . . , .J , \ en \ . , \ - :z. )-0 \ ~ \ \;:::z 05 OJ - ~ u.1 c 'w - 0 0 l/l 0 ~ (l) OJ I.) ,S c 0 \ ~ '.;:; .... .... c .... (l) Q.. ::l (l) '~ - u- 0 ~ OJ ~ "0 .... I.) "0 ~ t\$ \ I.) ::l ::l (.) 0 0. '" ~ co I \ . . - \ \ (l) I.) .... r c c c - 0 ~ (l) OJ -2. ~ ')'-m ,- c E c .... '2, I.) (l) (l) c~ (l) .... .... I.) 0 ~ u.1 ')'-~ 0- C (l) .... N Zo.. l/l 'a .... 0 C) l/l - 06 - 0 ~o c ~ & co - t\$ ZO OJ OJ l/l ell Or '6 c: ~~ ~cl c c (l) '2, 'd. "0 "0 ~ "0 C oGj - - ?' 0 << - '3 ::l "6 (.) 0 00 co co . , , ,I \ \ .. - (l) (l) I.) (/) - OJ - l/l t\$ .c I.) .... ::l P II 81 ,): f,. ,t, If-L HH\ IN[ ;,': I,q"~.t The CitV of ~'111I1\^Jt( T i-~ITH !':...\!E~~ill ..V\fil."'\: 1,!!'lJ[ r \JlIIH,'1r.'l' :\1111:;.1 ~heat GRidge June 1, 1985 The Honorable Mayor Stites and Members of the City Council City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 Dear Mayor and Members of City Council: In accordance with state statutes and local charter provisions, I hereby transmit the annual financial report of the City of Wheat Ridge as of December 31, 1984, and for the fiscal year then ended. Responsibility for both the accuracy of the presented data and the completeness and fairness of the presentation, including all disclosures, rests with the City. Management believes that the data, as presented, is accurate in all material aspects; that it is presented in a manner designed to fairly set forth the financial activity of its various funds; and that all disclosures necessary to enable the reader to gain the maximum understanding of the City's financial affairs have been included. In developing and evaluating the City's accounting system, consideration is given to the adequacy of internal accounting controls. Internal accounting controls are discussed by the City Treasurer in his accompanying letter of transmittal, and within that framework, I believe that the City's internal accounting controls adequately safeguard assets and provide reasonable assurance of proper recording of financial transactions. This report has been prepared for the third consecutive year In accordance with the guidelines recommended by the Governmental Finance Officers Association of the United States and canada. In accordance with these guidelines, the accompanying report consists of three parts: 1) Introductory section, including the City Treasurer's letter of transmittal. 2) Financial Section, including the financial statements, supplemental data of the government and our independent auditor's opinion. 3) Statistical Section, including a number of tables of unaudited data depicting the financial history of the government for the past 10 years, information on overlapping governments, and demographics and other miscellaneous information. 9 ,. TIll' ( '11 I'll (/ t 1 Ii !l ('I!\ .. .. Transmittal-City Administrator ( con 't) State law requires that the financial statements of the City of Wheat Ridge be audited by a certified public accountant selected by the City Council. This requirement has been complied with, and our auditor's opinion is included in the financial section of this report. The City of Wheat Ridge ended 1984 in a strong financial position. In the General Fund, revenues exceeded expenditures by $255,921. The preparation of this annual financial report could not have been accomplished without the dedicated effort of the City Treasurer's Office. I express my appreciation to all involved for their continued efforts in the management of the City's financial programs. Sincerely, /:// , l'J'1 VI j1JJ I J t..O-/rt ' if tCt'tl,y{... Thomas H. Palmer City Administrator THP: ly 10 PU BUX6Jf:J ii:t ?HONl 10:32:3/6944 7500WESl29TH A\'UJii,_, i,Htf\T; ilJ',E '(i!JJFi/,f)() ,80m3 The CI t}' of ~heat 'Ridge June 1, 1985 The Honorable Mayor Stites, Wheat Ridge City CouLcil and City Administrator City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the City of Wheat Ridge, for the fiscal year ended December, 1984 is submitted herewith. This report was prepared by the City Treasurer's Office. Responsibility for both the accuracy of the presented data and the completeness and fairness of the presentation, including all disclosures, rests with the City. We believe the data, as presented, is accurate in all material aspects; that it is presented in a manner designed to fairly set forth the financial position and results of operations of the City as measured by the financial activity of its various funds; and that all disclosures necessary to enable the reader to gain the maximum understanding of the City's financial position have been included. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM AND BUDGETARY CONTROL In developing and evaluating the City's accounting system, consideration is given to the adequacy of internal accounting controls. Internal accounting controls are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance regarding: (1) the safeguarding of assets against loss from unauthorized use or disposition; and (2) the reliability of financial records for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability for assets. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that: (1) the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived; and (2) the evaluation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management. All internal control evaluations occur within the above framework. We believe that the City's internal accounting controls adequately safeguard assets and provide reasonable assurance of proper recordinq of financial transactions. Budgetary control is maintained by the encumbrance of purchase amounts prior to the release of purchase orders to vendors. Open encumbrances are reported as reservations of fund balance at December 31, 1984. 11 HFhl' C(i1/llItl/l1l ('1/\" . Transmittal- City Treasurer (con't) THE REPORTING ENTITY AND ITS SERVICES This report includes all of the funds and account groups of the City. It includes all activities considered by the U.3. Bureau of Census to be part of (controlled by or dependent on) the City. The R-l School District provides all educational services to students within the jurisdiction of the City of Wheat Ridge. The R-l system is an independent special district and not part of the City of Whedt Kidge. Fire protection is provided for the City of Wheat Ridge by the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District, and independent sro ial district. Additionally, numerous special districts provide water and sanitation and special water and sanitation districts are not included in the financial statements in this report. The City provides municipal services which include public safety (police only), public works (streets, traffic, public improvements), parks and recreation, planning and zoning, and general administrative services. GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTIONS Revenues for general governmentul functions totaled $6,844,503 in 1984 an increase of 11.39% over 1983. General sales taxes produced 38% of general revenues. The amount of revenues from various sources and the increase over last year are shown in the following tabulation: Percent Increase/ "' (Decrease) /0 Revenue Source 1984 Amount of Total from 1983 Taxes $ 4,659,862 68.08% $ 312,891 Licenses and Permits 238,948 3.50 53,681 Intergovernmental Revenues 1,305,923 19.08 359,911 Charges for Services 194,095 2.84 17,435 Fines and Forfeits nO,212 1.60 (10,445) Interest Income 301,036 4.40 28,807 Miscellaneous Revenue 34,427 .50 (65,207) Total 6,844,503 100.00 697,253 Current property tax collections were 98.3% of the tax levy; the lowest percentage of the levy collected in the last ten years was 98.4% in 1980. The mill levy for the City has been 3.5 mills since 1977 and has been utilized as a non-restricted general fund revenue. General fund sales tax revenues for 1984 were $2,504,708, an increase of 10.25% or $232,622 over the 1983 collections. General fund use taxes revenue for 1984 were $849,722, an increase of 15.30% or $112,789. 12 . Transmittal- City Treasurer (con't) Intergovernmental revenues represented 19.08% of total general governmental revenues compared with 15.4% in 1983. This increase is due to a large increase in County Road and Bridge revenue. Expenditures for general governmental purposes totaled $6,931,695, an increase of 10.5% over 1983. Increases or decreases in levels of expenditures for major functions of the City over the preceding year are shown in the following tabulation: (Non-GAAP Budgetary Basis) Percent of Increase/ (Decrease) Function 1984 Amount Total from 1983 General Government $ 1,705,525 24.60% $ (161,363 ) Public Safety 2,340,767 33.76 (10,410) Public Works 1,855,061 26.75 721,860 Parks and Recreation 997,960 14.39 77,448 Other 32,382 .47 32,382 Total $ 6,931,695 100.00% $ 659,917 DEBT ADMINISTRATION Since incorporation in 1969, it has been the policy of the City of Wheat Ridge not to utilize bonded debt to finance expenditures. CASH MANAGEMENT It is the policy of the City Treasurer to invest all idle funds. Cash is usually invested within each fund; occasionally, cash from smaller funds will be pooled in order to maximize investment leverage; the returns from pooled investments are distributed to the participating funds at the end of the pooled investment period. The City of Wheat Ridge has formally adopted the prudent investor rule as a guide to the City Treasurer's Office staff in the handling of municipal investments. City funds may be invested in F.D.I.C. savings accounts, certificates of deposit, U.S. Government Securities. The City monitors the certificate of deposit rates on a daily basis. Relatively small amounts of idle cash are maintained in savings accounts until needed to cover checks. Certificates of deposit are place in bid amounts ranging from $100,000 to $621,000. At the end of 1984, the City had $3,841,775 invested in certificates of deposits earning interest rates varying from 9.5% to 11.9%, and $731,198 in money market accounts at 8.6%. 13 Transmittal- City Treasurer (con't) . CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS The City of Wheat Ridge has a Capital Improvement Fund which is funded by one-half of the City's sales tax revenues. The City has never issued bonds for any capital project. The Capital Improvement Fund balances on hand on December 31, 1984, were represented by $1,615,882 in cash, entirely in certificates of deposits; $73,742 due from the County; and $116,604 due from other funds. It is important to note that $931,255 of this fund balance is reserved for encumbrances. URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY The City of Wheat Ridge created the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority in 1981. Under the recently revised National Council on Governmental Accounting standards, the Urban Renewal Authority is considered a part of the city government for purposes of financial reporting. GENERAL FIXED ASSETS The fixed assets of the City are those fixed assets used in performance of general governmental functions. As of December 31, 1984, the General Fixed Assets of the City amounted to $16,527,578. This amount represents the original cost of estimated orginal cost of the assets. INDEPENDENT AUDIT Colorado State statutes and the City charter requires an annual audit of the books of account, financial records, and transactions of all administrative departments of the City by independent certified public accountants selected by the City Council. This requirement has been complied with and the auditor's opinion has been included in this report. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my appreciation to Ms. Jacqueline Wedding, Finance Assistant, and the members of the accounting staff who prepared this report. Special thanks are extended to members of the Independent Certified Public Accounting firm of Hines, Condon and Zarlengo for the manner in which they accomplished the 1984 audit. Respectfully submitted, ~~ J es O. Malone ity Treasurer 14 ------ . ~ z ~ 0 ~ (J) ... ~ ;.., ...... - ~ - .. HINES CONDON & ZARLENGO CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Honorable City Council City of Wneat Ridge, Colorado We have exa:nined the cOiTlbined financial statements of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado and its combining, individual fund, and account group financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 1984, as listed in the table of contents, pages 20-71. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumscances. In our opinion, the combined financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado at December 31, 1984, and the results of its operations and the changes in financial position of its Trust Funds for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Also, in our opinion, the combining, individual fund, and account group financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the individual funds of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado at December 31, 1984, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. - Our eX&'1li\'1ation was made for the purpose of for:ning an opinion on the combined financial statements taken as a whole and on the combining and individual fund financial state..'1lents. 'lhe accompanying financial information listed as supporting schedules in the table of contents is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the combined financial statements of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The information has been subjected to tIle auditing procedures applied in the examination of the combined, combining, and individual fund financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the combined financial statements taken as a whole. In connection with our examination, we also (1) performed tests of compliance wit.'1 the Revenue Sharing Act and regulations as detailed in the Comnentary on the Audit Requiremerlts of the 1983 Amendments to the State and IDeal Fiscal Assistance Act issued by the Office of Revenue Sharing, U.S. Department of the Treasury, and (2) comoar2d the data on the appropriate Bureau of Census form with the audited records of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. In our opinion, for the items tested, the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado complied with the aforementioned provisions of the Revenue Sharing Act and RegUlations. Further, based on our e.xamination and the procedures referred to above, nothing ca~e to our attention to indicate that the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado had not complied with the afore..mentioned provisions of the Revenue Sharing Act and regulations. / I March 6, 1985 70EXECUTIVECENTER'4851INDEPEN~T'5U~ ~ b1.J1-r"t~ WHEAT RIDGE,CO 80033 (J03142Hn5 Y.J- 316 MAIN STREET, LONGMONT, co 80501 (303) 651.0771 Metro 1301) 442.0254 ..------ ~ 8 ~ z ~ '"T1 Z ~ 0 ... ~ ~ - ?, ~ rr - ~ ,j. .. ( --- ---- ~ - ... CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO COMBINED BALANCE SHEET All Fund Types and Account Groups December 31,1984 . Governmental Fund Types General ASSETS Cash Money purchase plan Accounts receivable: U.S. Government Jefferson County Miscellaneous Due from other funds Inventory Restricted assets: Cash Other assets Fixed assets Amount to be provided for of general long-term debt TOTAL ASSETS $ 2,642,468 485,824 2,561 201,901 5,267 100,000 retirement $ 3,438,021 LIABILITIES Accounts payable Refundable escrow deposits Accrued payroll benefits Deferred revenues Due to other funds Lease purchase payable TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 54,421 13,533 485,824 38,100 $ 591,878 FUND EQUITY Investment in general fixed assets $ Fund balance: Reserved for encumbrances Reserved for police retirement system Unreserved: Designated for subsequent years expenditures Undesignated TOTAL FUND BALANCES TOTAL FUND EQUITY 157,506 851,565 1, 837,072 2,846,143 2,846,143 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $ 3,438,021 20 See notes to financial statements special Revenue $ 2,198,541 64,963 73,742 9,290 115,846 $ 2,462,382 $ 43,000 266,053 $ 309,053 $ 670,159 533,440 949,730 2,153,329 2,153,329 $ 2,462,382 Exhibit 1 . Fiduciary Fund Type Account Groups Totals General General Memorandum Only Trust and Fixed Long Term Agency Assets Debt 1984 1983 $ 426,700 $ $ $ 5,267,709 $ 5,858,511 2,458, 711 2,458,711 2,1l2,O95 64,963 63,366 559,566 766,111 11,851 317,747 225,313 5,267 100,000 100,000 41,744 16,596,580 16,596,580 16,:<15,802 249,693 249,693 172,119 $2,885,411 $16,596,580 $ 249,693 $25,632,087 $25,555,061 $ $ $ $ 97,421 $ 256,880 64,943 64,943 55,319 192,628 206,161 185,952 485,824 507,570 13,594 317,747 225,313 57,065 57,065 $ 78,537 $ $ 249,693 $ 1,229,161 $ 1,231,034 $ $16,596,580 $ $16,596,580 $16,215,802 34,450 862,115 2,128,120 2,458,711 2,458,711 2,112,095 1,385,005 3,539,626 313,713 3,100,515 328,383 $2,806,874 $ $ $ 7,806,346 $ 8,108,225 $2,806,874 $16,596,580 $ $24,402,926 $24,324,027 $2,885,411 $16,596,580 $ 249,693 $25,632,087 $25,555,061 21 .. ... - . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES AND EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND Year Ended December 31, 1984 Governmental Fund Types Special General Revenue REVENUES Taxes $ 4,659,862 $ 2,699,085 Licenses and permits 238,948 Intergovernmental revenue 1,305,923 255,063 Charges for services 194,095 Fines and forfeitures 110,212 Interest income 301,036 303,422 /1iscellaneous income 34,427 45,854 TOTAL REVENUES $ 6,844,503 $ 3,303,424 EXPENDITURES-CURRENT General Government Community Development Public Safety Public Works Parks and Recreation Capital Acquisitions Other 1,216,737 479,165 2,336,067 1,766,791 996,174 38,078 6,833,012 3,846,201 285,355 4,131,556 TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 11,491 (828,132) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Operating transfers - in Operating transfers - out 280,830 (36,400) (244,430) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINM,CING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND O'l'HER USES 255,921 (1,072,562) FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR 2,590,222 3,225,891 FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ 2,846,143 $ 2,153,329 22 See notes to financial statements Exhibit 2 . Expendable Trust Fund Totals Conservation ( ~1ernorandum O:11y) Trust 1984 1983 $ $ 7,358,947 $ 6,768,083 238,948 185,267 161,018 1,722,004 1,368,320 194,095 206,243 110,212 120,657 25,678 630,136 559,053 80,281 140,870 $ 186,696 $10,334,623 $ 9,348,493 $ $ 1,216,737 $ 960,936 479,165 363,633 2,336,067 2,203,666 1,766,791 1,522,444 996,174 920,197 18,550 3,864,751 3,401,617 323,433 343,878 $ 18,550 $10,983,118 $ 9,716,371 $ 168,146 $ (648,495) $ (367,878) 280,830 (280,830) 395,000 (395,000) $ 168,146 (648,495) (307,878) 180,017 5,996,130 6,364,008 $ 348,163 $ 5,347,635 $ 5,996,130 23 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO . COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVEnUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) ~JD ACTUAL GENERAL AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Year Ended December 31,1984 REVENUES Taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental revenue Charges for services Fines and forfeitures Interest income Miscellaneous income TO'rAL REVENUES EXP~NDITuRES - CURRENT General Government Community Development Public Safety Public Works Parks and Recreation Capital Acquisition Other TOTAL EXPENDITURES Budget $4,642,944 196,580 994,000 180,000 128,685 225,000 54,000 $6,421,209 $1,205,134 503,875 2,536,927 2,151,987 1,078,943 2,209,894 $9,686,760 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES $(3,265,551) OTHER FINANCIAL SOURCES (USES): Operating transfers - in $ 1,055,657 Operating transfers - out $(2,209,894) FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR 2,209,894 FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ 24 See notes to financial statements General Fund l'>.cT_ual $ 4,659,862 238,948 1,305,923 194,095 110,212 301,036 34,427 $6,844,503 $1,228,869 476,656 2,340,767 1,855,061 997,960 32,382 6,931,695 (87,192) $ 280,830 (36,400) $157,238 2,531,398 $2,688,636 Vari"nce Favorable (Unfavcrable) $ 16,918 42,368 311,923 14,095 (18,473) 76,036 (19,573) $ 423,294 $ (23,735) 27,219 196,160 296,926 80,983 2,177,512 2,755,065 3,178,359 (774,827) (36,400) 2,367,132 321,504 $2,688,636 Exhibit 3 Special Revenue Fund Types Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 2,704,300 $ 2,699,085 $ (5,215 ) 248,000 255,063 7,063 1,500 (1,500) 141,897 322,224 180,327 2,600 27,050 24,450 3,098,297 3,303,422 $ 205,125 $ 2,801,116 590,242 $3,391,358 2,420,978 311,441 $ 2,732,419 $ 380,138 278,801 658,939 (293,061) 571,003 864,064 2,696 2,696 (247,126) (247,126) $(540,187) $ 326,573 $ 866,760 540,187 1,156,596 616,409 $ $ 1,483,169 $ 1,483,169 25 Exhibit 4 . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES ItI FUND BALANCE POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND Year Ended December 31,1984 Year Ended December 31 1984 1983 OPERATING REVENUES Contributions City Employee Interest income Miscellaneous income TO'rAL OPERATING INCO~lE :;; 140,955 $ 133,486 169,876 133,486 $ 310,831 $ 266,972 330,453 272,441 28,297 $ 641,2r.4 $ 567,710 OPERATING EXPENSES Withdrawals by participants Trustee ac:lrninistrative charges TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSBS FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR 278,625 47,441 16,043 13,466 S 294,668 $ 60,907 , $ 346,616 (- 506,803 " 2,112,095 1, 605,292 $2,458,711 $2,112,095 NE'f INCOME FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR 26 See notes to financial statements . Exhibit 5 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND Year Ended December 31, 1984 Year Ended December 31 1984 1983 SOURCES OF FUNDS: Net Income $ 346,616 $ 506,803 MONEY PURCHASE PLAN, BEGINNING OF YEA~ 2,112,095 1,605,292 r'jONEY PURCHASE PLAN, END OF YEAR $2,458,711 $2,112,095 See notes to financial statements 27 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO . Notes to Financial Statements December 31, 1984 (l) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The City of Wheat Ridge was incorporated August 17, 1969, under the provisions of Colorado Non-Profit Corporation Act, Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended. The City operates under a Council-Mayor-Administrator form of government and provides t"J" following services as authorized by its charter: public safety (police), highways and streets, recreation, public improvements, planning and zoning, and general administrative services. The accounting policies of the City of Wheat Ridge conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governments. The following is a summary of the more significant policies: A. FUND ACCOUNTING The accounts of the City are organlzed on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancinq accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, funa equity, revenues, and expenditures, or expenses, as appropriate. Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in indivldual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. The various funds are grouped, in the financial statements in this report, into three generic fund types and two broad fund categories as follows: GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS General Fund The General Fund is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all financial resourses except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than special assessments, expendable trusts, or major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. Special Revenue Funds of the City include the following: Building Demolition Fund The Building Demolit.ion Fund was established, during 1981, as a revolving fund. Structures are demolished at City expense, the property owner is then billed for the cost of demolition. 28 CI'I'Y OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Notes to Financial Statements Capital Improvement Fund The Capital Improvement Fund (formerly Sales Tax Improvement Fund was established to account for funds received as a result of a one percent increase in the City's sales tax. The expenditures of this fund are to be used for capital expenditures as approved by City Council. Federal Revenue Sharing The Federal Revenue Sharing Fund was established to account for those funds received through the "State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, as amended." This Act provides funds to units of local governments to be used for ordinary and necessary maintenance, operating expenses, and capital expenditures authorized by law. The Act also specifies certaln restrictions and procedural requirements. Park Acquisition Funcl The Park Acquisitlon Fund was established to account for funds received and designated for use 1n the acquisition of additional park lands and improvements. Senior Center Fund The Senlor Center Fund was established durln~ 1981 to account for contributions made to the Senior Center. The expenditures of this fund are used to support activities of the Center. Urban Renewal Fund The Urban Renewal Authority was established during 1981, wlth seed money from the City of Wheat Ridge to be responsible for and seek to accomplish the redevelopment and rehabilitation of blighted areas. Revenue is currently being received from incremental sales tax growth over the 1981 base year and from property taxes and from interest on invested funds. Future revenue may come from bond issues or other sources. FIDUCIARY FUNDS Trust and Agency Funds Trust and Agency Funds are used to account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity or as an agent. These funds include an Expendable Trust, a Pension Trust, and two Agency Funds. Expendable Trust Funds are accounted for in essentially the same manner as governmental funds. Pension Trust Funds are accounted for in essentially the same manner as proprietary funds since capital maintenance is critical. 29 . City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Notes to Financial Statements Agency Funds are custodial in nature (assets equal liabilities) and do not involve measurement of results of operations. Trust and Agency Funds of the City include the following: Policemen's Pension Fund The Policemen s fensic~ Fund was established to account for funds received from participants and the City's General Fund. The funds are held in trust for disbursement to qualified participants upon leaving the plan or upon qualified retirement. Public Works Escrow Fund The Public Works Escrow Fund, an agency fund, was established to account for funds received as financial guarantees prior to the issuance of certain authorized construction permits. Upon completion of all required work under the permits, the funds are refunded. CATV Property Damaqe Funa The CATV (Cable Television) Property Damage Fund, an agency fund, was established to account for funds received from the cable television permittee for settlement of minor unresolved claims agalnst the permittee for damdge to private property. The permittee is required to restore city paid settlements within fourteen days after notification. Conservation Trust Fund The Conservation Trust Fund, an expendable trust fund, was established to account for funds received and restricted for use in the acquisition, development and maintenance of new conservation sites pursuant to Chapter 138-1-98 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Colorado. B. FIXED ASSET fu~D LONG-TERM LIABILITIES The accounting and reporting treatment applied to the fixed assets and long-term liabilities associated with a fund are determined by its measurement focus. All governmental funds and Expendable Trust Funds are accounted for on a spending or "financial flow" measurement focus. This means that only current assets and current liabilities are generally included on their balance sheets. Their reported fund balance (net current assets) is considered a measure of "available spendable resources." Governmental fund operating statements present increases (revenues and other financing uses) in net current assets. Accordingly, they are said to present a summary of sources and uses of "available spendable resources" during a period. 30 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Notes to the Financial Statements ~ Fixed assets used in governmental fund type operation are accounted for in the General Fixed Asset Group of Accounts, rather than governmental funds. No depreciation has been provided for on general fixed assets. All fixed assets are valued at historical cost or estimated historical cost if actual historical cost is not available. Contributed fixed assets are valued at their estimated fair value on the date of gift. Land improvements transferred to the City from Jefferson County in 1969, have been recorded at the County's historical cost, subsequent additions have been recorded at cost, until 1977, at which time the City elected to discontinue recording the cost of land improvements. The Jefferson County Open Space program acquires land for public enjoyment (e.g., parks, playgrounds, lakes, etc.) and then donates the land to the City for use as public land. The land is recorded at the cost of land to the Open Space Program. Long-term liabilities expected to be financed from governmental funds are accounted for in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group, not in the governmental funds. The two account groups are not "funds". They are concerned only with the measurement of financial position. They are not involved with measurement of results of operations. C. BASIS OF ACCOUNTING Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are recognized In the accounts and reported in the financial statements. All the Governmental funds and Expendable Trust funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. Expenditures are generallly recognized under the modified accural basis. Revenue is recognized in the accounting period in which it becomes available and measurable. Expenditures are recognized in the accounting period in which the fund liability is incurred. Trust and Agency Funds are used to account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity. These include Expendable Trust, Pension Trust, and Agency Funds. Agency funds are custodial in nature (assets equal liabilities) and do not involve measurement of results of operations. The Pension Trust Funds are accounted for using the accrual basis of accounting. 31 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Notes to the Financial Statements D. BUDGETS The individual and combined statements of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget (non-GAAP Budgetary Basis) and actual for the General, Special Revenue and Expendable Trust Funds present comparisions of the legally adopted budget with actual data on the (non-GAAP) budgetary basis which includes encumbrances. All other statements exclude encumbrances, as required by GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles); expenditures are only recorded when the liability is incurred. Budgetary appropriations lapse at the end of each calendar year. Appropriations are controlled and the budget is only amended in conformity with Colorado Revised Statutes. Budgeted amounts are as originally adopted or as amended by the City Council. Individual amendments were not material in relation to the original appropriations. The City follows these procedures in establishing the budgetary data reflected in the financial statements: 1. Prior to September 1, the City Administrator submits to the City Council a proposed operating budget for the fiscal year commencing the following January 1. The operating budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them. 2. Public hearings are held at City Council meetings to obtain taxpayer input. 3. Prior to November 1, the budget is legally enacted through passage of a resolution. 4. The City Administrator is authorized to transfer budgeted amounts within a department within any fund; any revisions thdt change the total expenditures of any fund must be approved by City Council. 5. In addition to the operating budget a five-year Capital Improvement Program is proposed by the City Administrator and adopted by City Council. This program identifies projected capital project expenditures and anticipated revenue by fund source. The Capital Improvement Program is revised and extended dnnually. The City Improvement Program is revised and extended annually. The City Council adopts the program as a planning document but does not appropriate the multi-year expenditures. Annual installments to the identified projects are appropriated in the annual operating budget or by supplemental appropriations. 32 city of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Notes to the Financial Statements . 6. Budgets for the General, Special Revenue and Fiduciary Funds are adopted on a basis not consistant with generally accepted accounting principles (NON-GAAP BASIS). 7. Budgetary figures in this financial report are as originally adopted or as amended by the City Council. E. ENCUr.-IBRANCES Encumbrances accounting, under which purchase orders, contracts, and other commitments for the expenditure of monies are recorded in order to reserve that portion of the applicable appropriation, is employed as an extension of formal budgetary integration in the General Fund, Special H.evenue Funds. Encumbrances outstanding at year-end for budget comparisons are reported as expenditures. Encumbrances outstanding at year-end under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, are reported as reservations of fund balances since they do not constitute expenditures or liabilities. F. ACCRUED PAYROLL BENEFITS City employees earn vacation leave which may be either taken or accumulated, up to a maximum amount, until paid upon termination or retirement. Unused sick leave, in excess of 480 hours, may be converted to annual leave or cash upon retirement or termination. G. DEFERRED REVENUES - PROPERTY TAXES Property taxes are levied on uecember 31, of each year and attach as an enforceable lien on property as of January 1. It is the policy of the City to record the property tax receivables in the year in which the taxes are levied and to recognize the property tax revenues in the year in which the lien attaches on the property. All materi"l property taxes levied as of December 31, 1983 were collected as of December 31, 1984, accordingly no provision for uncollected taxes has been made. H. TOTAL COLUMNS ON COMBINED STATEMENTS. Total columns on the Combined Statements - Overview are captioned Memorandum only to indicate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns do not present financial position in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data comparable to a consolidation. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. 33 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Notes to the Financial Statements , 2. RESTRICTED ASSETS - CASH General Fund cash of $100,000 has been restricted by City Council for emergency situations affecting the lives and property of the City's citizens. Expenditures must be approved in advance by the City Council, or in situations where members of City Council cannot be contacted, the 113yor and the City Administrator can approve expenditures, provided a subsequent report is made at the next City Council meeting. 3. INTERFUND RECEIVABLES/PAYABLES Individual fund inter fund receivables and payables balances at December 31, 1984 were: Fund Due From Other Funds Due to Other Funds General $ 201,901 $ 38,100 Special Revenue: Revenue Sharing Capital Improvemen~ Urban H.enewal 107,639 8,207 188,307 77,746 Fiduciary, Trust & Agency: Public Works CATV $ 317,747 13,081 513 $ 317,747 4. PENSION PLANS During 1981, the City withdrew from the state-wide defined benefit pension plan, with state permission, and instituted a defined contribution money purchase plan for its police employees. In 1982, the contribution increased to 10% from both the participant and the City; however, under certain conditions participants may contribute up to 15%. During 1984, the participants and the City each made mandatory contributions of $140,955 to the plan. The City also participates in the Colorado County Officials and Employees Retirement Association Retirement Plan. This Plan covers non-police employees. The participants are required to contribute 4% (and can voluntarily contribute up to 10%) of their compensation from the City, the City contributes an amount equal to 4% of the employees compensation. The City's contribution totaled $67,707 for the year ended December 31, 1984. The City has no liability under the Plan other than the matching payment. 34 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorodo Notes to the Financial Statements 5. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Various suits and claims are pending against the City as of December 31, 1984. Although the outcome of such suits and claims cannot be predicted with certainty, the City believes that adequate insurance coverage exists and that the final settlements of these matters will not materially adversely affect the financial statements of the City. 6. COMMITMENTS A. LEASE The City is obligated to a lease for a computer the value which was $69,000. This lease was entered into May 24, 1984 and is for a period of 36 months. The lease calls for payments of $2,210 per month and future payments under terms of the lease are: 1985 1986 1987 Total minimum lease payments Less interest Present value of minimum lease payments $ 26,521 26,521 11,050 $ 64,092 (7,027) $ 57,065 B. ACCRUED LEAVE As of December 31, 1984, accrued sick pay of $13,533 was recorded as a current liability of the general fund. Based opon prior experience this amount will normally be liquidated with expendable available resources. As of December 31, 1984, accrued annual leave of $171,040 and accrued holiday pay of $21,587 were recorded in the General Long-Term Debt Group of Accounts. 7. CHANGES IN GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT Leases Balance January 1, 1984 Additions Deletions Balance December 31, 1984 $ 69,000 (11,935) $ 57,065 Compensated Absenses Total $172,119 20,509 $171,119 89,509 (11,935) $ 249,693 $192,628 35 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Notes to the Financial Statements . 8. CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS A schedule of changes In general fixed assets from December 31, 1984 by category is presented below: Balance at 12/31/83 Additions Balance at Deletions Transfer 12/31/84 Land & Buildings $ 5,968,317 $ $ $(22,796)$ 5,945,521 Equipment 2,136,966 653,599 272,821 26,849 2,544,593 Highways, Streets & Storm Sewers 8,110,519 (4,053) 8,106,466 TOTAL $16,215,802 $ 653,599 $ 272,821 $ $16,596,580 9. OTHER MATTERS Council Resolution 757 authurized the establishment of a Police Department Bond Trust. Under this proQram (fund) the City would collect cash bonds from individuals arrested in the City and being held on ~arrants issued by other govern- mental units. The bond trust is a statewide program. The activities of this fund are currently included in the general fund due to the limited siLe and number of transactions. The fund had a cash balance of $250.00 at December 31, 1984. 36 ---------- ~ ~ z ~ 0. ~ ~ ~ ~rn ~~ ~ ~{J1 ~ ~o 0 ~ ~ ~ Z GJ Z {J1 ~ n~ ~o g~ ~ r (J)" I - - - - - - GENERAL FUND THE GENERAL FUND IS THE OPERATING FUND OF THE CITY. IT IS USED TO ACCOUNT FOR ALL FINANCIAL RESOURCES EXCEPT THOSE REQUIRED TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR IN ANOTHER FUND. C1 m Z m ~ ~ ~ ~ c: z o 39 Schedule A-l CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET GENERAL FUND DeCEMBER 31, 1984 AND 1983 1984 1983 ASSETS Cash $ 2,642,468 $ 2,614,427 Accounts receivable: Jefferson County property taxes 485,824 499,682 t1iscel1aneous 2,561 Due from other funds 201,901 112,985 Inventory 5,267 Restricted assets-cash 100,000 100,000 Other assets 41,744 TOTAL $ 3,438,021 $ 3,368,838 LIABILITIES Accounts payable Accrued payroll benefits Due to other funds Deferred revenue-property taxes TOTAL LIABILITI~S $ 54,421 $ 152,771 13,533 13,833 38,100 112,330 485,824 499,682 591,878 778,616 FUND EQUITY Fund Balance: Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved: Designated for subsequent years expenditures Undesignated $ 157,50G $ 58,825 851,565 1,837,072 2,531,397 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 2,846,143 2,590,222 TOTAL $ 3,438,021 $ 3,368,838 40 SchedLtle A-2 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AtJD CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL - YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,1984 REVISED BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) 1983 ACTUAL REVENUES Taxes $ 4,642,944 $ 4,659,862 $ 16,918 $ 4,346,971 Licenses and permits 196,580 238,948 42,368 185,267 Intergovernmental revenue 994,000 1,305,923 311,923 946,012 Charges for service 180,000 194,095 14,095 176,660 Fines and forfeitures 128,685 110,212 (18,473) 120,657 Interest income 225,000 301,036 76,036 272,229 1-1isce11aneous 54,000 34,427 (19,573) 99,454 TOTAL REVENUE.S $ 6,421,209 $ 6,844,503 $ 423,294 $ 6,147,250 EXPENDITURES General government $ 1, 709,009 $1,705,525 $ 3,484 $ 1,866,888 Public safety 2,536,927 2,340,767 196,160 2,351,177 Public works 2,151,987 1, 855,061 296,926 1,133,201 Parks and recreation 1,078,943 997,960 80,983 920,512 Capital acquisitions Other 2,209,894 32,382 2,177,512 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 9,686,760 $6,931,695 $2,755,065 $ 6,271,778 EXCESS (DEFICIE.NCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES (3,265,551) (87,192) $3,178,359 (124,528) OTHER FINANCIAL SOURCES (USES) : Operating transfers-in 1,055,657 280,830 (774,827) Operating transfers-out (36,400) (36,400) (395,000) ($2,209,894) $157,238 $2,367,132 (395,000) FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR 2,209,894 2,531,398 321,504 3,050,926 FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ $ 2,688,636 $ 2,688,636 $2,531,398 41 . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES COMPARED TO BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 WITH COMPARATIVE ACTUAL A}10UNTS FOR YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 1984 Variable Favorable 1983 Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Council $ 63,557$ 62,483$ 1,074 50,529 ~'layor 25,656 25,105 551 21,749 City Administrator/ Personnel 169,749 169,634 115 185,813 City Attorney 79,040 115,725 (36,685) 83,549 City Clerk 145,000 137,620 7,380 155,848 t-1unicipal Court 87,378 86,502 876 83,180 Accounting 135,533 127,765 7,768 Budget & Fiscal Analysis 62,103 66,962 (4,859) Data Processing 51,907 54,128 (2,221) Purchasing 50,311 64,353 (14,042) City Treasurer * 309,654 Building Maintenance 74,888 67,315 7,573 72,475 Community Development Administration 73,178 67,391 5,787 60,051 Planning and Zoning 171,348 178,382 (7,034) 153,649 Building Inspection 51,907 54,128 (2,221) Code Enforcement 105,597 106,506 (909 ) Civil Disaster 4,500 3,472 1,028 1,973 General Operations 334,900 318,592 16,308 286,175 $ 1,709,009 1,705,525 $ 3,484 $ 1,610,784 *Department split In 1984 PUBLIC SAFETY Police Auministrcttion Support Services Operations 177,142 670,007 1,689,778 $ 2,536,927$ 143,806 669,288 1,527,673 2,340,767 33,336 719 162,105 $ 196,160 83,890 589,612 1,529,563 $ 2,203,065 42 Schedule 1\-3 1984 Budget Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) 1983 Actual Actual PUBLIC WORKS Public Norks admin. $ 85,776$ 83,936 $ 1,840 $ 72 , 346 Engineering 353,876 354,399 (523) 296,876 Street maintenance 814,685 580,926 233,759 669,843 Traffic maintenance 128,130 115,760 12,370 94,136 Shops(57) 769,520 720,040 49,480 398,285 $ 2,151,987$ 1,855,061 $ 296,926 $ 1,531,486 PARKS AND RECREATION - Parks and recreation administration Recreation Parks maintenance Forestry Park ranger Hheat Ridge Festival OTHER TOTAL 76,904 368,989 373,095 143,837 107,418 8,700 $ 1,078,943$ (5,871) 15,525 30,419 30,547 10,812 (449) 80,983 $ 70,822 325,808 339,440 90,545 93,897 5,931 926,443 82,775 353,464 342,676 113,290 96,606 9,149 997,960 $ 2,209,894 32,382 2,177,512 $ 9,686,760$ 6,931,695 $2,755,065 $6,271,778 43 .. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES COMPARED TO BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,1984 WITU COMPARATIVE ACTUAL A~lOUNTS FOR YEAR ENDED DECE~1BER 31,1983 1984 Variance Favorable 1983 Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual TAXES Real property tax $ 475,000$ 494,092 $ 19,072 $ 455,015 Liquor occupation tax 41,000 46,262 5,262 39,861 Vehicle ownership tax 40,000 43,412 3,412 44,499 Sales tax 2,514,300 2,504,708 (9,592 ) 2,272,086 Use tax 675,000 849,722 174,722 736,933 Public service franchise tax 800,000 624,022 (175,978) 700,933 Telephone occupation tax 97,644 97,644 97,644 $ 4,642,944$ 4,659,862 $ 16,918 $ 4,346,971 LICENSES & PERtlITS Amusement machine license 8,000 8,000 8,875 Arborist license 680 900 220 465 Contractors license 24,000 31,408 7,408 21,425 Liquor license fees 3,200 3,354 265 3,251 Security guard license 700 965 265 1,644 Building permits 120,000 165,139 42,139 114,460 Street cut permits 10,000 10,528 528 13,756 Cable television permits 30,000 21,654 (8,346) 21,392 $ 196,580$ 238,948$ 42,368 $ 185,268 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE Cigarette tax 195,000 189,967 5,033 200,182 County road and bridge 310,000 526,944 216,944 278,249 Highway users tax 375,000 471,548 96,548 357,690 Hotor vehicle registration 114,000 117,464 3,464 109,892 $ 994,000$ 1,305,923 $ 311,923 $ 946,013 44 Schedule A-4 1984 Variance Favorable 1983 Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual CHARGES FOR SERVICES Zoning application fees $ 6,000$ 5,973 $ (27) $ 7,660 Liquor hearing fees 4,000 7,475 3,475 6,525 Parks & recreation fees 128,000 129,321 1,321 118,032 Swimming pool fees 33,000 33,214 (786 ) 34,640 Police records fees 9,000 19,112 10,112 9,804 $ 180,000$ 194,095 $ 14,095 $ 176,661 FINES AND FORFEITS Municipal court fines $ 128,685$ 110,212 $ (18,473) $ 120,657 INTEREs'r INCOME Interest earnings $ 225,000 $ 301, 036 $ 76,036 $ 272,229 - MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Rents Miscellaneous income $ 4,000 $ 50,000 $ 54,000 $ 2,095 32,332 34,427 $ (1,905) (17,668) $ (19,573) $ $ 3,575 95,876 99,451 $ 423,294 $ 6,147,250 TOTAL $ 6,421,209$ 6,844,503 45 --- ----- . - C/ci ~ ..- ~ ~ ~ ~ c rn ~ t: (J - - ~ SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ARE USED TO ACCOUNT FOR THE PROCEEDS OF SPECIFIC REVENUE SOURCES (OTHER THAN SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS, EXPENDABLE TRUST, OR MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS) THAT ARE LEGALLY RESTRICTED TO EXPENDITURES FOR SPECIFIED PURPOSES. Federal Revenue Sharing Fund The Federal Revenue Sharing Fund was established to account for those funds received through the "State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, as amended." This act provides funds to units of local governments to be used for ordinary and necessary maintenance, operating expenses, and capital expenditures authorized by law. The Act also specifies certain restrictions and procedural requirements. Park Acquisition Fund The Park Acquisition Fund was established to account for funds received and designated for use in the acquisition of additional park lands and improvements. Capital Improvement Fund The Capital Ir~provement Fund (formerly Sales Tax Improvement Fund) was established to account for funds received as a result of a one-percent increase in the City's sales tax. The expenditures of this fund are to be used for capital expenditures as approved by City Council. Building Demolition Fund The Building Demolition 1981, as a revolving fund. City expense, the property cost of demolition. Fund was established, during Structures are demolished at owner is then billed for the Senior Center Fund The Senior Center Fund was established, during 1981, to account for contributions made to the Senior Center. The expenditures of this fund are used to support activities of the center. Urban Renewal Fund The Urban Renewal Authority was established, during 1981, with seed money from the City of Wheat Ridge to be responsible for and seek to accomplish the redevelopment and rehabilitation of blighted areas. Revenue is currently being received from incremental sales tax growth over the 1981 base year and property taxes. Revenue may come from bond issues or other sources. 47 . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1984 WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR DECEMBER 31, 1983 Federal Revenue Sharing Fund Park Acqui- sition Fund Capital Improvemeni:. Fund ASSETS Cash $ 222,675 $ 16,962 $1,615,882 Accounts Receivable: U.S. Government 64,963 Jefferson County 73,742 Miscellaneous 325 8,965 Due from other funds 107,639 TOTAL $ 287,963 $ 16,962 $ 1,806,228 LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 22,322 $ $ 4,246 Deferred revenues Due to other funds 188,307 77 , 746 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 210,629 $ $ 81, 992 FUND EQUITY Fund Balances: Reserved for encumbrances $ 9,550 $ $ 496,985 Unreserved: Designated for subsequent years expenditures 60,000 17,170 434,270 Undesignated 7,784 (208) 792,981 TOTAL FUND BALANCES 77,334 16,962 1,724,236 TOTAL $ 287,963 $ 16,962 $ 1,806,228 48 Schedule B-1 . Buil ding [;emoli~lon Fund Senior Center Fund Urban 1.~2newal Fund Totals 1984 1983 $ 12,309 $ 13,603 $ 317,110 $ 2,198,541 $ 3,001, 908 64,963 63,366 73,742 266,429 9,290 8,207 115,846 112,328 $ 12,309 $ 13,603 .L.225,3!2. $ 2,462,382 $ 3,444,031 $ $ $ 16,432 $ 43,000 $ 104,109 7,888 106,143 - 266,053 $ 16,432 $ 309,053 $ 218,140 163,624 670,159 2,069,296 12,000 $ 10,000 533,440 908,229 309 3,603 ~45,2g 949,730 248,366 $ 12,309 $ 13,603 $ 308,885 $ 12,309 $ 13.603 $ 325,317 $ 2,153.329 $ 3,225,891 $ 2,462,382 $ 3,444,031 49 . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COi'IBINING STATEi'lENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES. AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 WrrH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER, 31, 1983 Federal Revenue Sharing Fund Park Acqui- sition Fund Capital Improvement Fund REVENUES 'raxes Intergovernmental revenue Charges for services Interest income Miscellaneous income $ $ $ 2,522,333 255,063 992 267,019 12,692 18,804 TOTAL REVENUES 273,867 992 2,802,044 EXPENDITURES Capital acquisitions $ 304,646 $ Other $ 3,541,555 TOTAL EXPLNDITURES $ 304,646 $________ $ 3,541,555 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES ( 30,779) 992 (739,511) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers-in(out) (172,126) (75,000) FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEA/{ 280,239 15,970 2,538,747 FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ 77,334 $ 16,962 $ 1,724,236 50 . Schedule B-2 Building Demolition Fund Senlor Center Fund Urban Renewal Fund Totals 1984 19W $ $ $ 176,752 $ 2,699,085 $ 2,421,112 255,063 248,577 29,583 660 856 33,895 303,422 280,976 14,358 45,854 41,416 660 15,214 210,647 3,303,424 3,021,664 3,401,617 55,986 1,611 283,744 3,846,201 285,355 --l,611 283,744 4,131,556 3,457,603 660 13,603 (73,097) (828,132) (435,939) 2,696 (244,430) 395,000 11,649 379,286 3,225,891 3,266,830 $ 12,309 $ 13,603 $ 308,885 $ 2,153,329 $ 3,225,891 51 Schedule'B-3 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 AND 1983 1984 1983 ASSETS Cash $ 222,675 $ 319,021 Accounts receivable: u.s. Government 64,963 63,366 Miscellaneous 325 TOTAL ASSETS 287,963 382,387 LIABILITIES Accounts payable 22,322 2,949 Due to other funds 188,307 99,199 Total liabilities 210,629 102,148 ,- FUND EQUITY Fund Balance: Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved: Designated for subsequent years expenditures Undesignated 9,550 187,841 60,000 7,784 92,398 Total fund balance 77,334 280,239 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 287,963 $ 382,387 52 Schedule 8-4 . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 1984 Budget Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) REVENUES U.S. Government Interest income $ 255,063 18,803 $ 7,063 (1,197) $ 248,000 20,000 268,000 273,866 5,866 Total revenues EXPENDITURES Capital acquisitions $ 195,874 $ 126,356 $ 69,518 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES $ 72,126 $ 147,510 $ 75,384 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES(USES) Operating Transfers (172,126) (172,126) FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR 100,000 92,399 (7,601) FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ $ 67,783 $ 67,783 53 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO PARK ACQUISITION FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,1984 AND 1983 1984 ASSETS Savings account $ 16,962 $ TOTAL ASSETS 16,962 LIABILITIES Accounts payable Due to other funds Total liabilities FUND EQUITY Fund Balances: Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved: Designated for subsequent years expenditures Undesignated 17,170 (208) Total fund balance 16,962 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES $ 16,962 54 Schedure 8-5 1983 17,543 17,543 1,573 1,573 10,000 5,970 15,970 $ 17 , 543 Schedule B-6 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO PARK ACQUISITION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 1984 Budget Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) REVENUES Interest income $ 1,000 $ 992 $ (8) Subdivision fees 1,500 (1,5C(,) Total revenues 2,500 992 (1,508) EXPENDITURES Capital acquisitions 15,942 15,942 Total expenditures 15,942 992 15,942 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (13,442) 992 14,434 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR 13 , 442 15,970 2,528 FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ $ 16,962 $ 16,962 55 Schedule'B-7 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 AND 1983 1984 19R3 ASSETS Cash $ 1,615,882 $ 2,264,208 Accounts receivable: Jefferson County r-1iscel1aneous Due from other funds 73,742 266,429 8,965 107,639 108,868 $ 1,806,228 $ 2,639,505 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts payable Due to other funds 4,246 100,758 77,746 Total liabilities 81,992 100,758 FUND EQUITY Fund balances: Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved: Designated for subsequent years expenditures Undesignated 496,985 1,743,916 434,270 794,831 792,981 Total fund balance 1,724,236 2,538,747 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 1,806,228 $ 2,639,505 56 Schedule B-8 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 1984 Budget Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) REVENUES Sales tax $ 2,514,300 $ 2,522,333 $ 8,033 Miscellaneous 12,692 12,692 Interest income 100,000 267,018 167,018 Total revenues $ 2,614,300 $ 2,802,043 $ 187,743 EXPENDITURES Capital acquisitions $ 2,589,300 $ 2,294,622 $ 294,678 Total expenditures $ 2,589,300 $ 2,294,622 $ 294,678 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 25,000 507,421 482,421 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers (75,000) (75,000) FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR 50,000 794,831 744,831 FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ $ 1,227,252 $ 1,227,252 57 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO BUILDING DEMOLITION FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 AND 1983 1984 ASSETS Cash: Savings account $ 12,309 Total assets $ 12,309 LIABILITIES Accounts payable Total liabilities - FUND EQUITY Fund balances: Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved: Designated for subsequent years expenditures Undesignated 12,000 309 - Total fund balance 12,309 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 12,309 58 Schedule.B-9 19'33 $ ll. 649 $ 11,649 11,000 649 11,649 $ 11,649 schedule B-I0' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO BUILDING DEMOLITION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 1984 Budget Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) REVENUES Interest income $ 497 $ 660 $ 163 Total revenues 497 660 163 EXPENDITURES Public safety $ 12,000 $ $ 12,000 Total expenditures 12,000 12,000 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (11,503) 660 12,163 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR 11,503 11,649 146 FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ $ 12,309 $ 12,309 59 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SENIOR CENTER FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 AND 1983 1984 ASSETS Cash $ 13,603 TOTAL ASSETS $ 13,603 LIABILITIES Accounts payable Deferred revenues Due to other funds Total liabilities FUND EQUITY Fund balances: Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved: Designated for subsequent years expenditures Undesignated 10,000 3,603 Total fund balance 13,603 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 13,603 60 Schedul~ B-11 1983 $ 13,259 $ 13,259 7,888 5,371 13,259 $ 13,259 schedule .B-12 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. COLORADO SENIOR CENTER FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 1984 Budget Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) REVENUES Miscellaneous income Interest income $ 2,600 400 $ 14,358 856 $ 11,758 456 Total revenues u,ooo $ 15,214 $ 12,214 EXPENDITURES Other $10,000 $ 1,611 $ 8,389 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVE1{ EXPENDITURES (7,000) 13,603 20,603 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR 7,000 (7,000) FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ $ 13,603 13,603 61 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO URBAN RENEWAL FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 AND 1983 1984 ASSETS Cash Due from other funds $ 317,110 8,207 TOTAL ASSETS $ 325,317 LIABILITIES Accounts payable 16,432 Total liabilities 16,432 FUND EQUITY Fund balances: Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved: Designated for subsequent years expenditures Undesignated 163,624 145,261 Total fund balance 308,885 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 325,317 _62 Schedule ~-13 1983 $ 376,228 3,460 $ 379,688 402 402 137,539 241,747 379,286 $ 379,688 Schedule .B-14 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO URBAN RENEWAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND EALANCE BUDGET (NON-GAAP BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 1984 Budqet - Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) REVENUES Taxes Interest income $ 190,000 20,000 $ 176,752 33,895 $ ( 13 , 248 ) 13,895 Total revenues $ 210,000 $ 210,647 $ 647 EXPENDITURES Other $ 568,242 $ 309,830 $ 258,412 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES (358,242) (99,183) 259,059 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: Operating transfers 2,696 2,696 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR $ 358,242 241,747 $ (116,495) FUND BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ $ 145,260 .$ 145,260 63 ...-1 ~ c ~ ~ ~ - ~ - ~ - Q - ~ ~ - t: (J - TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS TRUST fu~D AGENCY FUNDS ARE USED TO ACCOUNT FOR ASSETS HELD BY THE CITY IN A TRUSTEE CAPACITY OR AS AN AGENT FOR THE CITY. THESE FUNDS INCLUDE A PENSION TRUST, AND EXPENDABLE TRUST, AND TWO AGENCY FUNDS. EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS ARE ACCOUNTED FOR IN ESS=NTIALLY THE SAME MANNER AS GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS. PENSION TRUST ARE ACCOUNTED FOR IN ESSENTIALLY THE SAME Mfu~NER AS PROPRIETARY FUNDS, SINCE CAPITAL MAINTENANCE IS CRITICAL. AGENCY FUNDS ARE CUSTODIAL IN NATURE (ASSETS EQUAL LIABILITIES) AND DO NOT INVOLVE MEASUREMENT OF RESULTS OF OPERATIONS. Policemen's Pension Fund The Policemen's pension Fund was established to account for funds received from participants and the City's General Fund. The funds are held in trust for disbursement to qualified participants upon leaving the plan or qualified retirement. Public Works Escrow Fund The Public Works Escrow Fund, an agency fund, was established to account for funds received as financial guarantees prior to the issuance of certain authorized construction permits. Upon completion of all required work under the permits, the funds are refunded. CATV Property Damage Fund The CATV (cable television) Property Damage Fund, an agency fund, was established to account for funds received from the cable television permittee for settlement of minor unresolved claims against the permittee for damage to private property. The permittee is required to restore city paid settlements within fourteen days after notification. Conservation Trust Fund The Conservation Trust Fund, an expendable trust fund, was established to account for funds, received and restricted for use in the acquisition, development and maintenance of new or existing parks and recreation facilities pursuant to Chapter 138-1-09 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. 65 . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO FIDUCIARY TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1984 WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR DECEMBER 31, 1983 Pension Trust Fund Agency Funds Public CATV policemen's Works Property Pension Escrow Damaoe ASSETS Cash $ $ 75,524 $ 3,013 Money purchase plan 2,458,711 TOTAL $ 2,458,711 $ 75.524 $ 3,013 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Refundable escrow deposits Due to other funds 62,443 13,081 2,500 513 Total liabilities 75,524 3.013 --- Fund Balances: Reserved for police retirement system Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved 2,458,711 Total fund balances 2,458,711 75,524 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 2,458,711 $ 75,524 $ 3,013 -- 66 Expendable Trust Fund Schedule (::-1 Conservation Trust Totals 1984 1983 $ 348,163 $ 426,700 2,458,711 $ 348,163 $2,885,411 64,943 13,594 78,537 2,458,711 34,450 313,713 34,450 313,713 $ 242,176 2,112,095 $2,354,271 55,319 6,840 62,159 2,112,095 180,017 $ 348,163 $ 2,806,874 $2,292,112 $ 348,163 $ 2,885,411 $ 2,354,271 67 TO ACCOUNT FO~ FIXED ASSETS NOT USED IN PROPRIETARY FUND OPERATIONS OR ACCOUNTED FOR IN TRUST FUNDS. . ~ m ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m o ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ n n o c z ~ ~ ~ o c ~ ~n CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY General Governmental City Council $ City Treasurer Mayor City Administrator City Attorney City Clerk Municipal Court Building Maintenance Comm. Development Adm. Total General Governmental Total Buil- dings Schedule'D-l Impro- vements 8,000 Equi- pment $ 72 , 698 84,176 1,680 23,646 210 19,845 8,990 262,712 71,644 $ 3,801,666 $ 75,412 $3,172,653 $ 8,000 $ 545,601 Public Safety Police Administration Support Services Operations Civil Disaster Total Public Safety Public Works Public Works Adm. Engineering Street Maintenance Traffic Maintenance Shops Total Public Works Parks and Recreation Parks & Rec. Adm. Recreation Parks Maintenance Forestry Park Ranger Total Parks & Recreation 2,761 384 516,779 2,060 405 202 7,269 $ 2,761 $ 2,444 $ 524,655 Land 7,964,426 244,586 40,229 113,934 751,247 1,215 65,849 306 412,020 $ 9,858,285 $663,222 $ $7,964,426 $1,230,637 72,698 $ $ $ 84, ]7fi 1,680 23,646 210 19,845 8,990 3,518,777 75,412 3,172,653 71,644 385,988 62,282 132,894 35,242 9,522 $ 2,406,769 $ 214,431$1,167,661 $398,749 $ 625,928 TOTAL GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 519,924 2,465 202 7,269 $16,596,580 $ 953,065$4,343,075$8,373,619$2,926,821 $ 529,860 $ 9,246,023 74,087 65,849 306 472,020 530,350 72,872 60,000 1,020,659 990,802 350,544 35,242 9,527. 167,081 223,004 888,291 56,366 47,350 70 *Note: Differences due to transfers within Fixed Assets Account Groups CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1984 FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY General Governmental City Council City Treasurer Mayor City Administrator City Attorney City Clerk Municipal Court Building Maintenance Comm. Development Adm. Total General Governmental Public Safety Police Administration Support Services Operations Civil Disaster Total Public Safety Public Works Public Works Adm. Engineering Street Maintenance Traffic Maintenance Shops Total Public Works Parks and Recreation Parks & Rec. Adm. Recreation Parks Maintenance Forestry Park Ranger Total Parks & Recreation TOTAL GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 71 General Fixed Assets 1/01/84 Additions Deletions $ 72,863 $ 14,604 1,680 23,646 210 17,559 8,990 3,517,226 74,958 69,572 3,151 1,551 6,372 $ 165 865 9,686 $ 3,731,736 $ 80,646 $ 10,716 537,523 202 7,269 25,300 2,465 42,899 $ 544,994 $ 27,765 $ 42,899 9,316,274 73,682 13,845 192,011 122,205 1,284 52,669 306 280,276 192,456 879 665 267 $ 9,595,812 $ 456,740 $ 194,267 1,001, 974 1,000,923 330,981 9,382 32,137 1,366 19,563 35,242 140 13,452 11,487 $ 2,343,260 $ 88,448 $ 24,939 $ 16,215,802 $ 653,599 $ 272,821 Schedule.D-2 General Fixed Assets 12/31/84 $ 72,698 84,176 1,680 23,646 210 19,845 8,990 3,518,777 71,644 $ 3,801,666 519,924 2,465 202 7,269 $ 529,860 9,246,023 74,087 65,849 306 472,020 $ 9,858,285 1,020,659 990,802 350,544 35,242 9,522 $ 2,406,769 $16,596,580 . - ~ - ~ .,.... - ~ , .... - r 'J t' - ( - TABLE I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTIONS GENERAL FUND Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Year General Governmental Public Safety Public vlorks Parks & Recreation To-:al 1975 439,292 1, 013,304 755,440 311,359 2,519,395 1976 537,207 1, 196,018 513,154 360,050 2,606,429 1977 292,233 1, 039,401 511,142 767,969 3,247,745 1978 957,828 1,091,526 707,406 431,370 3,188,130 1979 960,157 1,403,831 806,805 552,629 3,723,422 1980 1,155,293 1,598,132 991, 384 654,024 4,398,833 1981 1,434,850 1,845,757 792,902 716,726 4,790,235 1982 1,556,311 2,107,584 1,011,001 801,999 5,476,895 1983 1,866,888 2,351,177 1,133,201 920,512 6,271,778 1984 1,737,907 2,340,767 1,855,061 997,960 6,931,695 73 C1) ....:lW M .--l 0\ <:I' N co If') 0 0 M <C::J \0 0\ If') CO N M If') If') If') 0 E-<Z 0\ CO <:I' r-- If') r-- \0 <:I' N If') OW E-<:> r-- If') r-- If') CO .--l If') N r-- <:I' iil 0\ 0 N 0\ .--l M G\ .--l <:I' <:I' 0:: \0 .--l <:I' r-- M r-- <:I' G\ rl OJ N M M M <:I' <:I' If') If') \0 \0 C1) 0:: W 0 0 "-' 0 r-- C1) 0 <:I' Z ;:2 If') If') 0\ OJ E-< rl W ::J If') M N CO r-- 0 0 0 r-- U Z <:I' N 0 .--l M rl M <:I' N (f) iil M .--l r-- \0 0 M 0\ If') <:I' H:> <:I' :8w If') G\ \0 0 N If') 0 <:I' 0:: M .--l rl N If') <:I' <:I' 0\ M N G\ E-< C1) W If') CO 0\ 0 \0 N If') N 0\ \0 W :8 r-- CO r-- N 0\ <:I' 0\ 0\ N M 0::0 M CO r-- 0 N N .--l \0 N 0 WU E-<Z CO CO <:I' 0\ <:I' <:I' \0 M N .--l 0 ZH rl C'1 r-- \0 rl \0 If') rl r-- 0 0 H .--l .--l <:I' <:I' N M <C W 0:: U C1) 0 0:: (/J W --4 ;::) '-' <,/$ 0:: CO OJ \0 OJ 0 <:I' ('1 .--l r-- N 0 0 CO ::J 0 N OJ If') If') M If') If') If') ...... 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(j) lH lH (j) t-:l N Lrl o Lrl N N 0"\ 7 lI) ['- l[) lI) o N \D lI) lI) o 7 \D H I 0:: +J U ...-1 " +J en '..-1 o H o o ~ u [J] o ['- ('0] H o 7 (Y) H o ['- N H 0"\ 0"\ H H o o o H c: o ...-1 +J rC +J ...-1 c: <\l [J] (j) " ...-1 <\l H (j) CD CX) o ['- co o ['- o ['- ['- o o co o o o H c: o ...-1 +' <\l +J ...-1 c: <\l [J] (j) H <\l 'D +J ...-1 :l " '" 0"\ co 1.0 N ['- 7 lI) <;j' (Y) L^l 7 (Y) o 7 (Y) co 0"\ 7 c: <\l [J] 'D o o :3 (j) :<: <\l ...:l 3 Z \.0 7 H o lI) +J Ul ...-1 o c: o ...-1 <\l +' " o 0. en c: <\l " I'-< tJ1 (j) ~ +J 'D en c: ...-1 <\l 0 (j)H tJ10 ro " c: +J ...-1 ~ cd 0 " U o U c: 0 ro 0 ,.QH ,,'" ;:J o 0"\ o CX) 0"\ ['- 1.0 0"\ Lrl o OJ 0"\ 0"\ 7 lI) N ['- (Y) co L^l 7 7 7 N 7 H 7 co 7 H H 7 (Y) 7 7 L^l co 7 Lrl co (Y) ['- ('oJ 7 0"\ H 7 o o lI) +' Ul '..-1 o " (j) +J ro 3 >. (j) H H <\l > 0"\ 7 0"\ H co CO -; CX) (Y) ['- 1.0 0"\ H \D (Y) ['- 0"\ 0"\ C\ \D N ['- 0 '" CO \D ('oJ ['- 0' 1.0 0' \D lI) o 7 lI) ['- ['- (Y) o o lI) +J Ul ...-1 CI c: I'j [J] (j) tJ1 'D ...-1 " +J en (j) 3 ('oJ l[) (Y) o ['- (~J ('oJ lI) N o 7 ('oJ ['- ('oJ N o o (Y) +J o l-i 0.. (j) " '..-1 ~ (j) tJ1 'D ...-1 0:: +J ro (j) ~ \D ('oJ (Y) (Y) 0"\ ('oJ 7 0"\ ('oj o (() N o l[) ('oJ H N (Y) o o (Y) o o (Y) o o (Y) o '" ('oJ c: o '..-1 +J rC +J ...-1 c: I'j [J] (j) tJ1 'D ...-1 0:: +' ro (j) ~ 3 77 . TABLE VI CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS Last Ten Fiscal Years % PER EDUCATIONAL LEVEL UNEMPL- FISCAL CAPITA MEDIAN IN YEARS OF SCHOOL OYMENT - YEAR POPULATION(l) INCOME(l) AGE(l) FORMAL SCHOOLING(l) ENROLLMENT(3) RATE ( 2 ) 1975 29,993 6,356 32 12.8 6,285 5.7 1976 30,036 6,917 32 12.8 6,268 4.6 1977 30,078 7,477 33 12.8 6,015 4.5 1978 30,121 8,403 33 12.8 5,750 3.8 1979 30,164 9,329 33 12.8 5,455 3.3 1980 30,207 10,102 34 12 .8 5,140 4.3 1981 30,250 10,940 34 12.8 4,808 4.5 1982 30,293 11,850 34 12.8 4,791 5.4 1983 30,336 12,440 35 12.8 4,653 5.3 1984 30,280 9,329 34 12.8 4,669 4,7 SOURCES: (1) 1980 Census Bureau Statistics (2) Colorado Division of Employment & Training. (3) Jefferson County School District R-l 78 TABLE VII . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO PROPERTY VALUE, CONSTRUCTION AND BANK DEPOSITS COMMERCIAL CONSTRUC?IJN FISCAL NUMBER YEAR OF UNITS VALUE 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 12 778,707 12 1,842,998 15 1, 606,389 14 2,089,877 16 5,148,178 13 1, 973,771 22 13,562,824 5 3,339,102 12 5,964,196 12 3,720,831 Last Ten Fiscal Years RESIDENTIAL CONST::<.UCTICN NUMBER OF UNITS VALUE 36 964,848 50 1,535,239 110 3,290,134 19 913,372 82 2,078,171 20 1,216,517 151 5,703,199 197 5,795,927 357 9,765,110 224 9,282,037 BANK DEPOSITS (In Thousands) PRO?ERTY VALUE (2) 20,243 252,907,875 27,109 261,631,341 37,239 372,435,324 49,560 389,952,461 53,467 403,425,293 56,588 422,730,091 64,562 424,829,691 82,479 437,045,756 98,124 484,634,387 115,456 462,689,934 (1) Provided by Building Department - City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado (2) Estimated actual value. Jefferson County is the collection agent for the City of Wheat Ridge, and as such, could not provide historical data relating to commercial, residential, and non-taxable property as distinct entities. 79 TAXPAYER Applewood Village Inland Container Coors Container Lincoln/Newgate Jolly Rancher Tsuzuki, Fran. etal. Davis, Lucy Ramada Inn Rocky Mtn. Bank Note 70 Executive Center TABLE VIII CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO PRINCIPAL TAXPAYERS December 31, 1984 TYPE OF BUSINESS ASSESSED VALUATION Retail Sales 2,153,718 Manufacturer 1,378,231 Brewery 1,152,451 Apartment Complex 877,097 Confectionary 867,582 Developer 730,999 Landowner 686,530 Lodging 536,774 Mfg./Developer 507,970 Office Complex 404,982 $ 9,396,334 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL VALUATION 1. 55% .99 .83 .63 .63 .52 .49 .46 .37 .30 6.77% 80 TABLE IX CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS Date of Incorporation Form of Government Area Miles of Streets Number of Street Lights 1969 ~layor - Council 9 . 1 Sq. ~1i 1 e s 120 1,341 Fire Protection Number of Stations Number of Firemen and Officers (exclusive of volunteer firemen) 2 1 Police Protection Number of Stations Number of Policemen and Officers 1 52 Education (elementary only) Attendance Centers Number of Classrooms (permanent) Number of Teachers Number of Students 6 101 95 1,808 Municipal Water Department Number of Consumers (1) Average Daily Consumption (1) Miles of Water Mains (1) Sewers Sanitary Sewers (1) Storm Sewers 26.3 miles Building Permits Issued 141 Recreation and Culture Number of Parks Number of Libraries Number of Volumes 18 w/521 Acres 1 35,000 Employees Classified Service Exempt 153 7 (1) 18 Water and Sanitation Districts lie within the City of Wheat Ridge boundaries, with some districts overlapping into other municipalities, therefore, accurate data for Wheat Ridge is extremely difficult to obtain. 81