HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado 1 )"1 yp i ./-""y '--". -/ 1985 BUDGET Denver Farmer's Market Parade - 1914 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO ADOPTED OCTOBER, 1984 Pu , lJ3F :' I.~Ef)Hi)f~t 303 237~6944 Thp nt, 01 cl(lU1'~ :- )(;-1 ' ~ ~-r!:- __ ~j~-( 1 -'I; 1t. ("(JUJRADO 80033 ~heat <Ridge BUDGET I1ESSAGE October 22, 1984 Mayor Stites and Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, Colorado Dear Mayor and Members of City Council: Submitted herewith is the 1985 Annual BUdget for the City of Wheat Ridge. In this letter of transmittal I will present the highlights of the bUdget in order to bring to your attention some of the main points and major decisions made in compiling this document. As the City's elected representatives, you have an important role in making decisions regarding the specific services which the City will provide in 1985. In addition, your decisions as to this budget document also deter~ine the quality as well as the quantity of the services which you, as elected officials, wish to provide. In reviewing the budget, the City Council should keep in mind that the basic purpose of the budgetary process is to set Council programs, projects, services, and activities to be undertaken, and identif~ resources or revenues available for financing them. The City Council, however, should also look upon the budget as more than a financial document. For the elected officials, it represents a total process through which Council policies are made and the level of services are set for the ensuing year. Financial control is the traditional function or purpose of a budget. But, in addition to financial control, a budget also expresses a vast amount of information. Such data includes: manpower reqUirements, equipment needs, programs and services being provided, and other indicators of the quality of services, activities, and work programs. This kind of information gives the City Council an opportunity to see what resources are needed to accomplish Council goals and objectives. Another purpose of the budget is to serve as a guide for policy implementation. It is in this area that the City Council has the responsibility to express its service objectives, particularly in terms of the quantity and quality of those services, and ascertain whether its goals for the City will be carried out in terms of the 1985 budget. The 1985 annual budget again reflects no increase in City service levels. Our objective in preparing the budget was to provide the same services with less revenue available than needed. The 1985 General Fund budget reflects only a 5.9% increase in revenue over 1984 budgeted revenue for operations in 1985. In reviewing budgets for departments, I have taken the following actions: No new positions whatsoever were allowed. requests for nine additional personnel. There were No additional vehicles were added--fleet replacement will be done after the first of the year. Cut many needed items from 800 accounts which will appear in Revenue Sharing. We had approximately $650,000 in requests for revenue sharing totals--with $320,000 available. Reduced many 600 and 700 accounts from initial requests. We are budgeting $536,292 of fund balance to balance the budget. This process has been extremely difficult for me since our Department Heads and Division Heads sincerely wish to do their best to provide services to the citizens of Wheat Ridge. The cuts made for each department have been very frustrating to those who are responsible for carrying out the requirements of our City government in 19B5. I hope that the City Council will keep in mind that we have allowed no additional employees, a minimal amount of equipment, and severe budget cuts before you as a Council review the budget document. PERSONNEL SALARY INCREASES In reviewing personnel and salaries for 1985, it is recommended that an average 4% be provided. A salary survey has been completed with recommendations for ranges for various positions detailed in the attachment on salary increases. In arriving at a 4% overall average increase, it must be kept in mind that some positions will receive a 0% increase because of the survey and many will receive more than 4%. This average is not to be considered a cost of living across the board but a salary adjustment based on salary survey. Many will be disappointed with the attached recommendations because it is not an across the board proposal. It is felt, however, that a 4% average is reflective of the cost of living increase for the past year. In order to hold the 4% overall average, we have had to set a - 2 - somewhat lower maximum on our ranges. Merit awards to some extent will make up for this difference. In view of the lawsuit filed following last year s salary adjustments, salary ranges could be changed depending upon the outcome of the litigation. If the Court deermines that 4% is reasonable for next year but determines retroactive increases are due based upon the Arthur Young study, new ranges and increases will have to be computed for next year. I want to urge the City Council to grant the recommended increases. To hold in abeyance the proposed increases pending a Court decision would, in my view, hurt the City's case in court later this year. BUDGET SUMMARY The City Council has the responsibility to weigh the effect of its decisions during the review and adoption process. Your decisions to allocate more resources or less resources to specific programs or functions will have a direct effect on the level of work to be done. My recommendation again this year to the City Council in terms of budget review, particularly in view of our small growth in General Fund revenue, is to set priorities on services and programs which you expect the City to provide. If there are certain programs that you feel are low priority, they could be eliminated and more dollars provided for higher priorities and/or higher quality o~ quantity. The 1985 budget calls for General Fund expenditures of $7,333,722 and therefore represents an increase of 6.8% over the 1984 budget of $6,869,549. This percentage increase would only be 4.2% if $157,358 were not budgeted for the General Fund share of fleet replacement. In addition, a total of $4,386,320 is provided for our special funds, which include Capital Improvement Fund, Park Acquisition Fund, Conservation Trust Fund, General Revenue Sharing Fund, Senior Center Fund, and Building Repair/Demolition Fund. The Open Space Fund indicates a budget of $600,000. The Capital Improvement Fund totals $3,427,500 to finance capital projects in 1985. This reflects a cost of $1,275,000 for work on local area drainage problems. $1,100,000 has also been budgeted for reconstruction work on 44th Avenue. This year the Conservation Trust Fund has a budget of $595,000 because of expected State lottery funds. The 1984 budget was $372,168. - 3 - The Revenue Sharing Fund will have $320,000 available in 1985. The Revenue Sharing Fund again this year shows expenditures for equipment, rather than any operating programs and $157,358 to partially fund the Fleet Replacement Program. With this budget a Fleet Maintenance and Replacement Fund is also being continued as approved by the City Council. This fund contains $314,716 for replacement vehicles. The maintenance portion of the fund comes from departmental budgets rather than the Shops budget of Public Works as in previous years. The replacement portion of the fund is being funded partially from Revenue Sharing and the balance from all departments who have vehicles assigned. A specific list of replacement vehicles and equipment will be submitted in 1985 for Council review. The total budget for all funds (except Fleet Maintenance and Replacement Fund since it is funded from other budgets) is $14,432,214. GENERAL FUND REVENUE Revenue estimates for 1985 show much less growth than necessary for expenditure needs. As in 1984 a portion of the fund balance carryover will be used as an operating revenue to balance the budget. The amount of $536,292 was used for the 1985 budget compared with $448,340 in the 1984 budget. Revenue estimates for 1985 are only 5.9% over 1984 budgeted revenues. Windfall rec~ipts for Road and Bridge and Highway Users Tax boosted projected revenues in 1984 to $6,732,854. Budgeted revenue was $6,421,209 in 1984 and is projected at $ 6 ,797 ,430 fo r 1985. Property Tax - reflects an increase of approximately .52% over the 1984 estimate of $475,000 based on an assessed valuation of $136,806,980. Sales Tax - 1985 reflects an increase of 8.1% over the 1984 budgeted level. Inflation and some major new development has aided this increase. Audit revenues contributed an additional increase of approximately 3%, however, due to the uncertain nature of this revenue it is not considered in 1985 budget projections. Interest Income - a 31% increase in interest income is planned for year end 1984 due to rising interest rates. 1985 projections have been conservatively set due to the fluctuation of interest rates. Countv Road & Bridge - reflects a windfall in 1984 revised over - 4 - 1984 budgeted of $221,749 or plus 72%. This is largely due to one-time additional allocations to the various cities. The 1985 estimate is slightly less than the 1984 budgeted level. PSCo. Franchise Fees - dropped by approximately $169,000 or 21% in 1984 due to the loss of Coors Container as a PSCo. gas consumer and partly due to energy conservation on the part of the Wheat Ridge residents. 1985 revenues have been projected to show a slight increase from new commercial and residential development only. Other Revenues - remain fairly consistent with minimal to nominal change. GENERAL FUND LONG RANGE PROJECTIONS Again this year an up-to-date projection of future revenue and expenditure trends for the General Fund has been prepared. The attached chart contains historical data from 1981 - 1983 and projections for 1984 - 1989. The "Transfer to Budgeted Revenue" refers to planned use of a port~on of the fund balance as a revenue source, a practice that began in the 1983 Budget. The projections show that the fund balance will decrease to the point of a $460,321 shortfall in 1987. At that point expenditures will have to be dramatically reduced or revenues increased. In 1985 projected revenues will fall below projected expenditures by $536,292. For 1986 and beyond figures in the table are based on 6% total revenue increases and 7% expenditure increases. This is a fairly pessimistic assumption for revenue growth. It is, of course, very difficult to accurately predict revenue growth, however, it has been assumed since 1981 that revenues would not keep pace with expenditures in future years. Projections at that time indicated that fund balance could possibly be exhausted by 1985 resulting in a shortfall for budget. This shortfall did not happen as projected then by limiting expenditures and expanding the tax base. For 1984 estimates now of total revenue indicate that last year's projections will be exceeded by $311,645 because of unpredicted additional revenue. Therefore, one more year has been added to the chart in which very little fund balance would be expended. The shortfall projected for 1987, therefore, mayor may not actually happen. Revenues for 1985 are projected at only 5.9% more than the 1984 budget. If actual experience follows the projections on the chart, the General Fund will experience the shortfall in 1987. This assumes that budget increases will be held to 7% and revenues do not grow more than 6%. Each - 5 - V) 20 o I-- u w -, o 00: 0... '" 20 <:(0'1 >- 00: o 1--, V) I: 0'1 , - '" 20 ::0 LL -' <:( 00: W 20 w (.:J '" w I-- mu CO w 0'1 -, - 0 00: 0... '" w I-- CO u CO w 0'1 -, -0 00: 0... '" w I-- r---u CO w 0'1 -, -0 00: 0... '" w "'I-- CO u mw - -, o 00: 0... 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V) -' W <:( > CO \2; ->-00: I--uw ZZVl n w w ) Z o o o '" 0', o o o 00 0'\ eo o o 0- Cl ..:t eo o o o LJ\ eo r--- o o o "" "" r--- o o o r--- CO '" o o o 0', r-- '" o o o l.(\ N '" o o o r-- ..:t LJ\ o o o r-- r-- ..:t o w:;~ Z uO ::0 z- "" "" o o o ..:t o N LJ\ N ~ LJ\ ~ LJ\ '" 0'\ r<"\ 00 m ..:t I I I ! I I I ! . , l I o I N "" o '" ..:t I o I , o I , o , I o , I o , I o I I o , , o I , o , , o , , o , I o I J o I I o I : '" !" --1Z>~:Z <J:: -o!- w LL 0........ 0 > I- ~'.2 => a:: 0:: -.J ,-J W o UV>' u V1 :r: 2w~ X w successive year from 1985 on indicates additional shortfall with depletion of the fund balance in 1988. The shortfall in 1987 will be $460,321 and $1,396,598 in 1988. It is suggested that the City Council not deal with projections in a crisis fashion, but rather adopt a posture of planned cutback or revenue growth. In the past the City Council's policy has been to not increase revenues through direct tax increases, but rather through expansion of the tax base. As economic development activities produce results, the revenue trend depicted will improve. In order to begin planning some cutback in expenditures before 1987, I am recommending elimination of ten positions during 1985 and ten in 1986. This goal could be readjusted upward or downward depending upon revenue trends. This action over two years would reduce expenditures by approximately $500,000 by 1987. The cutback would be accomplished at the end of a fiscal year since Council would direct the freezing of these vacancies during the year and then eliminate them in the following budget. Beginning such a process next year would avoid more drastic actions in 1987, such as layoffs, if the projections are actually realized. With 70.1% of the 1985 General Fund budget attributed to personnel costs, any discussion of cutbacks must involve position reductions. Reducing ten positions next year necessarily involves slower response to requests for service but not elimination of entire service functions. An additional ten the following year may mean eliminating services. The City Council must be cognizant of this situation and determine which services will be cut back or eliminated. Following is a position allocation summary as presently established in the budget. PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS (By position) Mayor (.5) City Administrator/Personnel (3.5) City Clerk (2) Court (2) Public Works (~~) Administration (2) Engineering (11) Streets (13) Traffic (2) Shops (4.5) Finance (g) Accounting (4) Budget & Fiscal Analysis (2) Data Processing (1) Purchasing (2) Parks & Recreation (lg.75) Administration (2) Recreation (4.75) Parks Maintenance (7) Forestry (3) Park Rangers (3) - 6 - Community Development (1~.~~) Administration (1.5) Planning & Zoning (5) Building Inspection (3.33) Code Enforcement (1.5) Building Maintenance (2) Police (77) Administration (4) Support Services (21) Operations (52) TOTAL = 161 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND As the City Council knows, the capital improvement budget is financed by an allocation of 1% of the City's sales tax, and by Federal and State grants. The 1985 capital improvement program proposal totals $3,427,500. At this time the City has no bonded debt, short or long term for any of the projects, Drainage improvements for 1985 are Local Area Drainage Improvements. These improvements would consist of construction by contractors of improvements to the drainage system -- $1,275,000. We have also included $75,000 for updated aerial photographs. Street improvement programs anticipated for 1985 are a continuation of the 1984 programs based on priority needs within the system and routine maintenance to provide safety and prolong the life of the ~xisting system. Programs for 1985 are: 1) Street Reconstruction and Maintenance --This is the same as 1984 based on priority needs of individual streets within the City -- $380,000. 2) Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Replacement -- This is a continuation of the 1984 Owner/City participation plan on a volunteer basis. The program is on a first come-first served basis -- $100,000. 3) 44th Avenue Reconstruction -- $1,100,000 is budgeted to continue work on 44th Avenue reconstruction in 1985. The next phase is reconstruction of 44th from Tabor to Parfet. Also budgeted is the federal grant for design of 44th Ave., Youngfield to Tabor. Actual construction would be done following construction grant approval in 1986. 4) $150,000 is budgeted for chip seal. - 7 - 5) The $50,000 beautification budget was carried over into the 1985 budget. Also in this account is $5,000 specifically for the 50/50 Tree Planting Program. 6) Also budgeted is continuation of the Monumentation program -- $75,000. EFFECT OF BUDGET CUTS The Council should realize that in requiring cuts as we did in materials, supplies, and equipment, that some services may suffer next year in all departments. This is particularly true if the City Council decides to also freeze ten positions as suggested. We believe we can carryon most of our current services but obviously there will be some work that we will not be able to do as quickly. The City Council should keep in mind that as policv makers, decisions to increase revenues or make cutbacks can both bring criticism. The importance of weighing vour policv choices cannot be overemphasized. SPECIAL COMMENTS As is the case with the preparation of every budget, there are always a number of items which must be eliminated in order to arrive at a budget of services which is within available resources. This year has been extremely difficult in view of the small revenue increase estimated and future projections of revenue. Our City government for wany years has been sound financially. It has been operated without excessive tax rates and has lived within its budget. The residents of Wheat Ridge should receive a high level of City services. It is our objective, as a staff, to provide service to our citizens with efficiency, promptness, confidence and economy. With our revenue picture for 1985 and beyond, this will be a true challenge for those charged with carrying out services on lower than needed budgets. I want to express my sincerest appreciation to Jacque Wedding for an excellent job in putting the budget document together. Our Budget/Finance Assistant left the City August 15 for another position and Ms. Wedding took over the completion of the budget document. She did an outstanding job in a short period of time. Also, I want to thank our Budget/Finance Assistant, who had most of the basic work completed, and Jim Malone, City Treasurer, for his extra work this year. I wish to thank our Personnel Officer, Executive Secretary, Senior Secretary, Department Heads and Division Heads for the long, tedious hours of work that they spent in compiling this budget document and then in revising the budget where necessary. The - 8 - long hours of typing and assembling the various components of the budget are very much appreciated. Respectfully submitted, /j)'-<, -, J 1-6,; -( ( .-r:' t~~~, Thomas H. Palmer City Administrator THP:ly - 9 - REVENUE SOURCE GENERAL FUND TAXES Real Property Tax Liquor Occupation Vehicle Ownership Sales Tax Use Tax PSCo Franchise Tax Telephone Occ. Tax Taxes Subtotal LICENSES & PERMITS Amusement Mac. Lie. Arborist License Contractor's Lie. Liquor Lie. Fees Security Guard Lie. Building Permits Street Cut Permits Cable Tele. Permits Lie. & Per. Subt. INTERGOVERNMENTAL Cigarette Tax County Road & Br. Highway Users Tax Motor Veh. Reg. Int. Rev. Subt. CHARGES FOR SERVICES Zoning App. Fees Liq. Hearing Fees Parks & Rec. Fees Swimming Pool Fees Police Records Fees Chgs.forServ. Subt. FINES AND FORFEITS Mun. Court Fines Fines & For. Subt. OTHER REVENUE Interest Income Reimb. from URA Rents/Hayward Misc. Income Carryover Fund Bal. Other Rev. Subt. TRANSFER TO BUDGETED REVENUE GENERAL FUND TOTAL CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1983 ACTUAL 455,015 Tax 39,861 Tax 44,499 2,272,086 736,933 700,933 97,644 4,346,971 8,875 465 21, 425 3,25l l,644 114,460 13,756 2l,392 185,268 REVENUE 200,182 278,249 357,6.89 109,892 946,012 7,660 6,525 118,03l 34,640 9,804 176,660 l20,657 l20,657 270, III o 3,575 95,876 2,531,398 2,900,960 l08,80l* *Actual (;f>T1f>r"l Pllnn ~nnrr;=rlll 8,676,528 REVENUE SUMMARY 1984 BUDGET 475,000 4l,OOO 40,000 2,5l4,300 675,000 800,000 97,644 4,642,944 8,000 680 24,000 3,200 700 120,000 lO,OOO 30,000 196,580 195,OOO 310,000 375,000 114,000 994,000 6,000 4,000 l28.000 33,000 9,000 l80,OOO l28,685 128,685 225,000 o 4,000 50.000 2,083.058 2,362,058 448,340 8,952,607 1984 REVISED 506,000 43,209 4l,362 2,512,600 727,600 63l,OOO 97,644 4,559,4l5 8,300 790 3l,OOO 3,200 l,OOO 134,800 lO.OOO 4l,OOO 230,090 197,600 53l,749 447,000 l09,OOO 1,285,349 6,000 5,400 l25,500 29.000 14,800 l80,700 115,000 115,000 295,000 43,900 2,400 21,000 2,373.364 2.735,664 l58,034 9,264,252 1985 BUDGET 477,500 42,000 42,000 2,718,230 796 , 800 695,000 110,000 4,88l,530 8,000 700 25,000 3,200 l,OOO l20,OOO 10,000 37,000 204,900 197,600 280,000 447,000 1l2,OOO 1,036,600 7,000 5,400 130,000 33,000 15.000 190,400 l20,OOO l20,OOO 285,000 46,000 3,000 30,000 1, 837,072 2,201,072 536,292 9,170,794 REVENUE SOURCE REVENUE SUMMARY (CONT.) 1983 ACTUAL GENERAL REVENUE U.S. Government Interest Income Carryover Fund Bal. Fund Total SHARING FUND 248,577 28,696 306,625 583,898 BUILDING REPAIR/ Interest Income Carryover Fund Bal. Fund Total 1984 BUDGET 248,000 20,000 lOO,OOO 368,000 DEMOLITION FUND 596 ll,053 11 , 649 497 ll,503 l2,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Sales Tax Interest Income Trans. from Gen. Fund Federal Grant Carryover Fund Bal. Fund Total SENIOR FUND Misc. Income Interest Income Carryover Fund Bal. Fund Total PARK ACQUISITION FUND subdivision Fees Interest Income Carryover Fund Bal. Fund Total CONSERVATION TRUST State of Colorado Interest Income Carryover Fund Bal. Fund Total OPEN SPACE FUND Jeff. County Fund Total URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Real property Tax Sales Tax Increment Interest Income Trans.from Gen. Fund Trans.from KAC Fund Trans. from WTC Fund Misc. Income Carryover Fund Bal. Fund Total FUND 2,272,086 233,347 270,000 o l,349,34l 4,l24,774 5,150 529 6,348 l2,027 675 BB7 l4,38l 15,943 FUND l73,731 5,848 438 180,017 469,813 469,813 l,42l l49,0l1 16,922 125,000 34,892 68,642 395,888 2,5l4,300 100,000 50,000 o 50,000 2,714,300 2,600 400 7,000 lO,OOO l,500 l,OOO 13 ,442 l5,942 175,000 20,000 l77,l68 372,l68 500,000 500.000 1,300 185,OOO 24,500 o 5,500 7,500 o 241,710 465,510 GRAND TOTAL 14,470,538 13,4l0,527 1984 REVISED 248,000 l6,OOO 92,399 356,399 350 11 ,649 11,999 2,5l2,600 190,OOO 50,000 o 794,830 3,547,430 2,300 350 7,335 9,985 700 500 l5,970 17, l70 175,OOO 25,000 l80.0l7 -- 380,017 500,000 500,000 1,300 l86,OOO 26,000 53,900 5,500 7,500 o 24l,747 52l,947 1985 BUDGET 248,000 l2,000 60,000 320,000 400 12,000 12,400 2,718,230 l25,OOO o l50,OOO 434.270 3,427,500 2,600 400 lO.OOO 13,000 700 550 l7,170 18,420 l75,000 40,000 380,000 595,000 600,000 600,000 1,300 210.000 3,000 46,800 2.000 l2,OOO o o 275.l00 l4,609,l99 l4,432,214 DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM NON-DEPARTMENTAL Mayor Ci ty Council City Attorney City Administrator/ Personnel General Operations General Fund Subt. Subtotal CITY CLERK City Clerk General Fund Subt. Subtotal MUNICIPAL COURT Municipal Court General Fund Subt. Subtotal FINANCE Accounting Budget & Fiscal Anal. Data Processing purchasing General Fund Subt. Subtotal COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Administration planning/Zoning Building Inspection Code Enforcement Building Maintenance civil Disaster General Fund Subt. Subtotal POLICE Administration Support Services Operations General Fund Subt. Subtotal CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1983 ACTUAL 21, 749 91, 712 83,549 185.670 269,479 6l0,9B8 652,l59 l55,920 l55,920 155,920 83,20l 83,20l 83,20l , 343,330 o o o 309.776 343,330 60,053 l53,688 96,813 49,814 83,776 1,973 435.293 446,ll7 82,086 587,706 l,6l4,260 2,199,673 2,284,052 1984 BUDGET 27,374 63,557 84,040 177,349 334,900 687,220 687,220 l49,89l l46,89l l49,89l 88,018 88,018 88,Ol8 144,72l 66,045 76,573 54,720 3l5,719 342,059 79,193 l81,813 l20,687 76,113 103,003 4,500 521,584 565,309 187,9l5 700,998 l,728,805 2,574,76l 2,6l7,718 1984 REVISED 3l,365 65,557 90,040 l74,644 330,200 69l,B06 69l,B06 138,70l 135,537 138,701 83,662 83,662 83,662 143,440 57,943 77,844 59,544 312,65l 338,771 75,553 lB8,873 11B,240 58,677 l02,740 2,500 515,583 546,583 l57,673 700,940 1,735,045 2,556,296 2,593,658 1985 BUDGET 29,660 79,OBO 99,700 193,606 431,352 820,396 833,398 156,590 l56,590 l56,590 l03,646 10l,446 l03,646 155,450 56.273 119,846 54,540 322,338 386,l09 73,671 201, 082 l29,336 68,243 81,755 4,688 537,075 558,775 195,233 729.710 l,835,267 2,714,111 2,760,210 DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM PUBLIC WORKS Administration Engineering Streets Traffic Shops General Fund Subt. Subtotal PARKS AND RECREATION Administration Recreation Parks Maintenance Forestry Park Rangers Wheat Ridge Festival Gen Fund Subt. Subtotal EXPENDITURE SUMMARY (CONT.) 1983 ACTUAL 73,586 l,25l,973 2,950,010 198,42l 402,70l 1,533,342 4,876,69l 540,636 351,447 358,6l6 91, 028 96,993 5,93l 928,425 l,444,651 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY Funds Wadsworth Town Center Kipling Activity Center General Administration Economic Development Subtotal 395,888 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS RESERVES FUND BALANCE 1984 BUDGET 90,384 l,035,954 2,805,l82 177,811 247,l26 l,393,816 4,356,457 954,593 387,620 397,500 l50,l80 106,694 8,700 l, 091, 540 2,005,287 337,073 61, 537 13 , 000 53,900 465,5l0 o 50,000 1984 REVISED 8l,Ol7 842,344 3,002,686 l74,378 247,l26 1,396,675 4,347,551 85,460 372,661 385,895 l48,135 l08,629 8,700 1,094,778 l,109,480 393,5l0 6l,537 13 , 000 53,900 52l,947 1985 BUDGET 92,560 l,669,715 2,883,488 238,746 l57,358 l,443,759 5,04l,867 l,283,48l 416,146 459,904 l51, 398 113,668 8,050 l,191,207 2,432,647 l73,800 40,500 l4,OOO 46,800 275,lOO o 46,800 o 876,000 o 900,000 o 1,207,058 o 937,072 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 6,256,618 8,952,607 (Total of General Fund Subtotals) ALL FUNDS TOTAL lO,682,009 13,410,527 (Total of Subtotals) 6,786,988 9,170,794 lO,372,l59 l4,432,2l4 SUPPLEMENTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1983 1984 1984 1985 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET CATEGORY SUMMARY Personal Services 4,638,057 4,924,596 4,9l0,2l7 5,136,630 Materials & Supplies 639,934 375,056 378,l60 411,6l2 Other Services & Charges 937,993 1,439,221 l,448,972 l,712,022 Capital Outlays 4,465,895 4,538,596 3,634.8l0 5,288,078 Reserves 0 876,000 0 900,000 Fund Balance 0 l,207,058 0 937,072 Transfers Out of General Fund 0 50,000 0 46,800 TOTAL lO,682,OO9 l3,4l0,527 lO,372,l59 l4,432,2l4 FUND SUMMARY General Fund 6,256,6l8 8,952,607 6,786,988 9,l70,794 General Rev. Sharing 492,4'60 368,000 338,224 320,000 Building Rep .jDemo. 0 12,000 0 12,400 Capital Improvement 3,062,343 2,7l4,300 2,725,000 3,427,500 Open Space Fund 469,813 500,000 0 600,000 Senior Fund 4,887 IO,OOO 0 13 , 000 Park Acquisition 0 l5,942 0 l8,420 Urban Renewal Auth. 395,888 465,510 521,947 275,lOO Conservation Trust 0 372, l68 0 595,000 TOTAL IO,682,OO9 13,410,527 lO,372,l59 14,432,214 OFFICIALS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO MAYOR FRANK STITES DAN WILDE KENT DAVIS RANDY WEST CLYDE E. HOBBS CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT I DISTRICT II DISTRICT III DISTRICT IV LARRY MERKL ANTHONY N. FLASCO NANCY SNOW MOE KELLER CITY CLERK WANDA SANG CITY ATTORNEY JOHN E. HAYES CITY TREASURER JAMES O. 1'1ALONE MUNICIPAL JUDGE ANTHONY ZARLENGO CITY ADMINISTRATOR THOMAS H. PALMER DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT .......CHARLES H.STROMBERG DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION.........RICHARD H. BREDT CHIEF OF POLICE..........................HOWARD E. JAQUAY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS.................RODGER O. YOUNG BUDGET/FINANCE ASSISTANT.................JACQUE WEDDING PERSONNEL ASSISTANT......................PATRICIA A. CREW (f) '~::. :"'i,.~~ a: Q) Q) :::s::: 0 0 W a: e e ro ro 0 e e >-~ >-a: Cll Q) 3= ..- ..- 01 e C J-a: r-:J c ell ro 0 .-= ~ ~ _W _CI) Q) (J--1 ()<( ...J Q) l/) ... 0 CO c a Q) - 0 W 01 a Q) - :J .c ... ell e ..- ... a: n. w (J) C/) l- I I I ! I- - ~/' I. I I l/) l/) 0 C]) ill a c - ~ ... a - > 0 ... ... e ro ... - e ro a ... Q) W ...J a 0 ... I- en 0 U e ell cIS l/) ..- (!J ::l 01 "0 ... C- eil E ..- a ... a 0 E E l/) ... a a. 0:: C]) ..- 0 a e a > ell C]) ::l - 0 <l:: U e c.. a: en 0: Q) e I I I , I I >- c J- a <( l/) ... <( a: Cll 2 c.. w 0 ---1 C]) I- 0 - J: - z e <( c(:S ell $ 0 e a: Q) >- I- (f) I- ... ... e C]) , - I- (1) ~ <( ell 01 e LL , 0: ill e a - , 0 Z ~ ;>. ell 0 , <( a: ... a: .. ..- ell l/) l/) , 2 C- O ~ Q) , <ll ~ , ... ... , ~ ill ell ... ... 0 CI) a ell C]) -1 , a: a.. u. c.. , a: Z - , I I >-0 I W f-Z - N -::> - 00 f- - 01 0 0 ill e 0 l/) Z l/) <( 01 C]) 01 e 0 .5 Z ... a e ... ... l/) ... Q) c.. ell u.. ::l C]) a ... 01 .c ell .c 0 "0 "0 en ... 0 ell ... 0 ::l ::l ro :J <l:: <l:: m U 0 c.. I , , I I I I I C]) l- e 0 ..- ...J >- e e <( >- Z a ro Q) 01 W ill ... e E c: C- I- 0 C]) Q) ill >- z :2 Q) ... c: ell e ... 0 a ~ 0 CJ l- n: Z a. Q) ... N 0.. en ro .. 0 Q) Z 0 0 ::J 0 e ~ en - cIS e 0 ell e Q) :J :J I- :2 ...J Ol Ol en W Ol a: J I- ~ .- 2 w e c 0 .s e <( 0 > "0 "0 C]) e ell .- "0 e ..0 0 W ::I ::l > 0 <Il ... a ro ro U U a.. ::> I I I I I , <J.....,i.- ',",'fo."...-' .', C') co (l) ... >- "- ell ::J C ell -, "0 ... ro a ..0 .c o ... ;: en TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Budget t1essage Revenue Summary Expenditure Summary Supplemental Expenditure Summary Officials Organizational Chart Table of Contents PAGE /----------------~ ~ Non Departmental ~ @----------------/ Mayor--------------------------------------------_____------ 2 City Council------------------------------------------_____- 4 City Attorney-----------------------------------------_____- 6 City Administrator/ Personnel------------------------------- 8 General Operations------------------------------------______ lO Non Departmental Summary Budget----------------------------- 12 Non Departmental Authorized Position Summary---------------- l3 /----------@ ~ City Clerk ~ '!'J---_______/ City Clerk--------------------------------------------______ City Clerk Summary Budget----------------------------------- City Clerk Authorized Position Summary---------------------- 18 20 "), ~.L /---------------@ ~ Municipal Court ~ ~---------------! Municipal Court--------------------------------------------- 26 ~1unicipal Court Su~~ary Budget------------------------------ 28 t'lunicipal Court Authorized Position Summary----------------- 29 !-------,'" ~ Finance ~ @-------/ Accounting-------------------------------------------------- 34 Budget and Fiscal Analysis---------------------------------- 36 Data proce 'ng--------------------------------------------- 38 Purchasing-------------------------------------------------- 40 Finance Summary Budget-------------------------------------- 42 Finance Authorized Position Summary------------------------- 43 !---------------------@ ~ community Development ~ @---------------------! Administration---------------------------------------------- 48 Planning! Zoning-------------------------------------------- 50 Building Inspection----------------------------------------- 52 Code Enforcement-------------------------------------------- 54 Building Naintenance---------------------------------------- 56 Civil Disaster---------------------------------------------- 58 Community Development Summary Budget------------------------ 60 Community Development Authorized Position Summary----------- 6l _..T._..._~~_~~.._....~.. TABLE OF CONTENTS (cant.) .~._._-..-._........~.... Urban Renewal Authority Urban Renewal Authority URA Summary Budget /--_..~\ Police \-....-/ Administration.7..~-~_7..............*._~......~._.......... 66 Support Services~...~......__...~._........._............-.. 68 Operations.'...~7~>~~......_......................*......... 72 Police Sum~ary Budget....................................... 78 Police Authorized Position Summary.........._....~.._...~_.. 79 /............\ Public Works \............j Administration..............-...*...........~............... Engineering...._....~~~................_.........._......... Streets~-..~~......._.......*..._........................... Traffic*.............._7~......*..9..........~_.....-~.~.._.- Shops._.~,.....~.......~.........~...................~...... Public Works Summary Budget~..._.._....*............~...~... Public Works Authorized Position Summary.................... /....................\ Parks and Recreation \~~.~..~~..._.__...../ Administration-....~...........~~_.~..~...............--#... Recreation..................~~>7+~_.....................---- Parks Maintenance.....~*..~..*~~..7..........._............. Forestry~._.............~......................_...._....... Park Rangers..~~.......7*..~..*..................._~..-..~1> Wheat Ridge Festival-.-.......-....-.....~..........._-..__. Parks and Recreation Summary Budget....-~............~~~~-~. Parks and Recreation Authorized Position Summary-~..~_.__._. RESERVES, FUND BALANCES, AND TRANSFERS....-......-.~~...~-~~ l17 /.,_~.~..~_._v.*_....._\ Capital Projects Funds \_...7.....~...~......_/ capital Improvement Fund*~...~~......~........~.~~>......... Conservation Trust Fund....._........-_.._......~......_.-.. Park Acquisition Fund....................................... Open Space Fund..~......................._.................. Urban Renewal Authority...*.._..._......._*.....~........*.. /..........~\ Other Funds \...._*...../ General Revenue Sharing Fund................................ Building Repair Demolition Fund~...........................- Senior Fund................................................. Fleet Maintenance Fund...................................... PAG2 64-1 64.2 84 SF 88 90 92 94 95 l~a 102 104 IG6 108 110 112 113 l20 l22 l23 124 l25 128 l31 l32 l33 - - - -"- -.J-' /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! NON DEPARTMENTAL /~w:::\~~~~// !Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge! !Wheat Ridge! !Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Whe~t Ridge/ /,meat Ridge/ /Iweat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! !Wheat Ridge! !Wheat Ridge! !Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! !Wheat Ridge! !Wheat Ridge! !\meat Ridge! !Wheat Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge/ IWhea r_ R, ioo/' / NON DEPARTMENTAL I PROGRAM: MAYOR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Mayor is the elected Chief Executive Officer of City. The Mayor appoints and supervises the City Administrator, and is the head of the City for legal and ceremonial purposes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES A. The Mayor is the recognized head of City government for all legal and ceremonial purposes. The Mayor's signature must accompany all contracts binding the City. B. The Mayor appoints and supervises the City Administrator 1n accordance with Section 3.4 of the City Charter. C. The Mayor shall have the power to veto any ordinance passed by the City Council in accordance with procedures set forth in Section 5.14 of the City Charter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 19,454 23,354 27,345 24,925 Materials & Supplies 362 6013 600 700 Other Char. & Servo 1 ,933 3,420 3,420 4,035 Capital Outlays 0 \J (j ,j TOTAL 21,749 27,37.1 31,365 29,660/ FUNDS: General Fund 21,749 27,374 31,365 29,660 TOTAL 2l,749 27,374 3l,365 29,660 ---------------------------------------------~------------------------------ -2- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ DEPARTMENT NON DEPARTMENTAL 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I PROGRAM MAYOR 21,749 27,374 31,365 29,660 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ position Titles Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget Current Request ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor (Elective) 8,400 8,400 Executive Secretary .5 . 5 l2,l44 l3,686 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Temporary/Cont. Temporary 0 01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Overtime/Court pay/Standby 0 01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Employee Benefits 2,8l0 2,8391 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Total Personal Services .5 .5 23,354 24,9251 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 362 600 600 700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget OTHER CHAR. & SERVo l,933 3,420 3,420 4,035 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CAPITAL OUTLAYS o o o o ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -3- NON DEPARTMENTAL -------------------~------------------------------------------------------ I PROGRAM: CITY COUNCIL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The City Council serves as the legislative and policymaking body of the City of Wheat Ridge. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance Objectives l. Increase the City Council's knowledge of City operations through council meetings and study sessions. 2. Consider ordinances and resolutions and act upon them. 3. Provide legislative leadership, respond to electorate, govern the City. MEASUREMENT Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET Council meetings held Ordinances scheduled/ acted upon Resolutions scheduled/ acted upon Total agenda items Av. hours per council meeting Av. items per council meeting Av. minutes per item 1 36 2 43 2 53 3 270 1,2,3 3.75 1,2,3 10.1 1,2,3 22.2 Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services l5,626 24,000 24,000 24,000 Materials & Supplies 825 800 800 1,000 Other Char. & Servo 34,090 38,757 40,757 45,680 Capital Outlays* 4l,17l iJ 0 8,400 TOTAL 9l,7l2 63,557 65,557 79,080 FUNDS: General Fund 50,541 63,557 65,557 79,080 Gen. Revenue Sharing 4l,171 0 0 0 *see detail page 16 TOTAL 91,712 63,557 65,557 79,080 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -4- I DEPARTMENT NON-DEPARTMENTAL 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I PROGRAM CITY COUNCIL 91,712 63,557 65,557 79,080 position Titles Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget Current Request Councilmembers (Elective) 24,000 24,000 ------~-----------------------~-----------------------~----------------- I Temporary/Cont. Temp. 0 0 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Overtime/Court Pay/Standby 0 0 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Employee Benefits 0 0 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Total Personal Services 24,000 24,000 I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 825 800 800 1,000 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 34,090 38,757 40,757 1985 Budget\ 45,680 I OTHER CHAR. & SERVo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CAPITAL OUTLAYS 41,l7l o o 8,400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -5- NON DEPARTMENTAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPROGRAM: CITY ATTORNEY -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provide assistance to the legislative and executive branches of the city in the areas of general legal services, civil litigation and appeals, and ordinance prosecution and appeals. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES A. The City Attorney will furnish all legal serVIces required by the City except for specialized legal work in water law, and muncipal bonds. These legal services will be provided in a manner consistent with the contractual agreement between the City and the City Attorney. B. The City Attorney will subcontract the services of a prosecutor for municipal court cases and have supervisory responsibility for the actions of the prosecuting attorney. 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 78,609 79,840 79,840 85,200 Materials & Supplies 13 0 0 13 Other Char. & Servo 4,940 4,2013 l0,200 14,51313 Capital Outlays 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 83,549 84,040 90,040 99,700 FUNDS: General Fund 83,549 84,040 90,040 99,700 TOTAL 83,549 84,040 90,040 99,700 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -6- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I DEPARTMENT NON DEPARTMENTAL 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I PROGRAM CITY ATTORNEY 83,549 84,040 90,040 99,700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ position Titles Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget Current Request City Attorney (Contractual) - 50,000 53,400 Prosecuting Attorney 29,840 3l,800 ------------------~-----~-----~----------------------------------------- I Temporary/Cont. Temporary 0 0 I ------------------------------------------------------,------------------ I Overtime/Court pay/Standby 0 0 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Employee Benefits 0 0 I -------~----------------------------------------------------------------- I Total Personal Services 79,840 85,200 I 1933 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget MATERIALS & SUPPLIES o o o o 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget OTHER CHAR. & SERVo 4,940 4,200 10,200 14,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CAPITAL OUTLAYS o o o o ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -7- NON DEPARTMENTAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROGRAM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR/PERSONNEL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The City Administrator is the Chief Administrative Officer of the City; this responsibility includes directing operations, implementing council policies, and making policy recommendations to the Council. The Personnel Office reports directly to the City Administrator and has responsibility for employment and employee relations. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES city Administrator A. Provide for a closer working relationship with the City Council through informal meetings with at least one session on goal setting. C. Continue to develop cost accounting applicationsfor City serV1ces such as the fleet management program. D. Continue efforts to improve the City's economic vitality so that necessary services are assured for the future. E. Continue improving organizational efficiency and teamwork through additional organizational restructuring. Personnel A. Hire employees that meet the needs of the City while following EEOC and Affirmative Action guidelines. B. Develop, i~plement and maintain a pay plan/fringe benefit package which fairLy and equit~bly compensates employees. C. Develop and implement training programs which aid 1n the development of employees. ------------------------------------------------------._-------~------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CATEGORY: personal Services 115,198 129,705 129,100 143,858 Materials & Supplies 8,358 ll,100 9,000 11,100 Other Char. & Servo 62,114 35,896 35,896 38,0013 Capital Outlays* 0 648 648 648 TOTAL l85,670 177,349 174,644 193,606 FUNDS: General Fund l85,670 177,349 174,644 193,606 *see detail page 16 TOTAL l85,670 177,349 174,644 193,606 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -8- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I DEPARTMENT I NON DEPARTMENTAL 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I PROGRAM CITY ADMIN./PERSONNEL 185,670 177,349 174,644 193,606 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Position Titles Number of Employees 1 1984 Budget 1985 Budgetl Current Request I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I I City Administrator 1 1 48,540 53,676 I I I I Personnel Asssistant 1 1 29,928 34,668 I I I I Executive Secretary .5 .5 12,144 13,686 I I I I Senior Secretary 1 1 l8,312 20,l84 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Temporary/Cont. Temporary l,500 l,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Overtime/Court Pay/Standby 200 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ f Employee Benefits 19,081 19,944 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Total Personal Services 3.50 3.50 129,705 143,858 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I MATERIALS & SUPPLIES ! 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget! I 8,358 ll,l00 9,000 ll,l00 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I ! OTHER CHAR. & SERVo I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I 62,ll4 35,896 35,896 38,000 I I I CAPITAL OUTLAYS I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I o 648 648 648 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -9- NON DEPARTMENTAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPROGRAM:GENERAL OPERATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPROGRAM DESCRIPTION:This program includes worker's compensation and I unemployment insurance, telephone utilities, municipal building I utilities and miscellaneous expenditures. I -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !Performance IObjectives I I I I I l. Minimize worker's compensation and unemployment insurance costs. 2. Minimize telephone utility costs and municipal building utility costs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------~------------------------------------------------- MEASUREt'IENT Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET Worker's Compensation 1 Unemployment Insuranc~ 1 Telephone Exp~nse 2 Municipal Building Utilities 2 Worker's Comp./Employee 1 Unemployment Cost/ Employee 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1915 Budgetl I CATEGORY: I I Personal Services 74,900 l05,000 lOS,OOO 115,000 I I Materials & Supplies 0 0 0 01 I Other Char. & Servo 194,579 229,900 225,200 303,3501 I Capital Outlays* 0 0 0 13,0021 I TOTAL 269,479 334,900 330,200 431,3521 I FUNDS: I I General Fund 269,479 334,900 330,200 4l8,3501 I General Revenue Sharing 13,0021 I I I *see detail page 16 1 I I I TOTAL 269,479 334,900 330,200 431,3521 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -10- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ , DEPARTMENT 1983 1984 1984 1985 I I NON DEPARTMENTAL Actual Budget Revised Budget I --------------------------~-_.~----------------------------------------- I PROGRAM GENERAL OPBRATIONS 269,479 334,900 330,200 431,352 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I !~ll;tl1Jer of Employees I I position Titles 1984 Budget 1985 Budget' I Current Request I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 I I I I I I , I I , I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------.------------------------------------------ I Temporary/Cont. Temporary 0 0 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Overtime/Court Pay/Standby 0 0 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Employee Benefits l05,OOO 115,000 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Total Personal Services -0- -0- 105,000 U5,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 133+ ~evised 1985 Budgetl , MATERIALS & SUPPLIES I 100 001 ----------------------------.-.-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I OTHER CHAR. & SERVo 1 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I 194,S79 229,900 225,200 303,350 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl , CAPITAL OUTLAYS \ I 0 0 0 l3,002 I ______________________________________________________-----------------1 -11- NON DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARY BUDGET ----.---------------------------------------------------------------------- II 1983 1984 1984 1985 " PROGRAM SUMMARY I ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET I -------------------------------------------_______~_4__~__________________ I I I Mayor 2l,749 27,374 3l,365 29,660 , I City Council 9l,7l2 63,557 65,557 79,080 I I City Attorney 83,549 84,040 90,040 99,700 , 1 City Administrator/Personnel l85,670 l77,349 l74,644 193,606 I , General Operations 269,479 334,900 330,200 43l,352 I I I I I -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 652,l59 687,220 69l,806 833,398 I -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ICATEGORY & FUND SUMMARIES 1 1983 1984 1984 1985 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET ----------------------------.---------------------------------------------- I I I I I CATEGORY: I I Personal Services 303,787 361,899 365,285 392,983 I I , I Materials and Supplies 9,545 l2,500 10.~00 12,800 I I I I Other Charges & Services 297,656 312,l73 315,473 405,565 I I I I Capital Outlays. 4l,l71 648 G48 22,050 I , I I I I TOTAL 652,159 687,220 691,306 333,398 I I I I FUNDS: I I General Fund 6l0,988 687,220 69l,806 820,396 I I I I General Revenue Sharing 4l,171 0 0 13,002 I , I I I I *see detail page 16 I , I I I -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I TOTAL 652,l59 687,220 691,806 833,398 I -12- NON DEPARTMENTAL AUTHORIZED POSITION SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 ACTUAL 1984 BUDGET 1985 BUDGET POSITION TITLES -------------- -------------- -------------- No. Salaries No. Salaries No. Salaries -------------------------- Mayor (Elective) 6,21010 8,41010 8,41010 Councilmembers (Elective) 14,41010 24,101010 24,101010 City Administrator 1 46,225 1 48,5410 1 53,676 Personnel Assistant 1 24,549 1 29,928 1 34,668 Executive Secretary 1 22,6l4 1 24,288 I 27,372 Senior Secretary 1 l6,556 1 l8,3l2 1 210,184 Contractural Services City Attorney 510,10100 53,4010 78,6109 Prosecuting Attorney 29,8410 31,8100 RETIREMENT 11 ,8109 13,69l 15,535 INSURANCE* 8l,179 113,200 122,248 OVERTIME 615 200 2010 *(incl. worker's compo & - 1,03l- I , unempl. lnsurance) 1,5100 l,50!O TEMPORARY TOTAL 4 303,787 4 361,899 4 392,983 -13- NON DEPARTMENTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1983 1984 1984 1985 ITEM ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET ----------------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- ---------- MAYOR 651-0Efice Supplies 362 60'0' 60'0' 50'0' 654-Copy & pr in t. EXp. a a a laa 655-Postage a a a 10'0' Subtotal 362 60'0' 60'0' 70'0' CITY COUNCIL 651-0ffice Supplies 825 800 800' 50'0' 654-Copy & Print. Exp. 0 0 a 300' 655-postage a a 0 l00' 660-0perating Supplies a 0 a 10'0' Subtotal 825 80'0' 80'0' 1,0'00' CITY ADMINISTRATOR/ PERSONNEL 651-0ffice Supplies 8,358 ll,aa0 9,0'0'0' 11,0'0'0' 654-Copy & Print. Exp. 0 a a a 655-Postage 0 a a a 66a-Operating Supplies 0' I 0'0' a l0'0 -- -- --- Subtotal 8,358 11,10'0' 9,0'0'0' 11 , 10'0' TOTAL 9,545 l2,500' l0',40'G 12,800' -l4- NON-DEPARTMENTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1------------------------------------------------------------___________1 I I 1983 I 1984 I 1984 1 1985 I 1 ITEM 1 I I I I I 1 ACTUAL I BUDGET 1 REVISED I BUDGET I 1-----------------------1------------1------------1-----------1---------1 I MAYOR I I I I I I 702-Conf & Meet Exp. 1 l,846 I 2,000 I 2,000 I 2,5001 I 706-Dues, Books & Sub. 1 48 I lOO I lOO I 1001 I 740-Auto Mileage All. I 15 1 20 1 20 I 351 1 759-Telephone Exp. I 24 I 100 I 100 I lOO I I 799-Misc, Serv. & Char I 0 I 200 I 200 I 3001 I 798-Mgmt. Contingency I 0 I l,OOO I l,OOO 1 l,oool I I l,933 I 3,420 I 3,420 I 4,0351 1 CITY COUNCIL I I 1 I 1 I 702-Conf. & Meet. Exp.\ l4,238 1 l7,600 I 19,600 I 18,5001 I 706-Dues, Books & Sub. I l27 I 200 I 200 I 200 I 1 728-Training & Safety I 0 I lOO I lOO I lool I 772-Fleet Rep. /Maint. \ 0 I 0 I 0 1 5,8801 1 799-Misc. Serv. & Char I 338 I 500 I 500 I 500 I 1 7l6-Legislative Memb. I l7,2l3 I l8,357 I l8.357 I l8,5001 I 79B-Management Cont. I 2,l74 I 2,000 I 2,000 I 2,0001 I I 34,090 I 38,757 I 40,757 1 45,6801 I CITY ATTORNEY I 1 I I I 1 702-Conf. & l>1eet Exp. I l,037 1 l,OOO 1 l,OOO 1 l,oool I 704-Cont. Services I 0 1 0 I 0 I 2,500 1 706-Dues, Books & Sub.' 828 I 1,200 I l,200 I 2,0001 1 799-Misc. Ser. & Char.j 2,838 1 2,000 I 8,000 I 8,0001 1 732-Witness & Juror Fees 237 I 0 1 0 I l, 000 I I , 4,940 I 4,200 I lO,200 I 14,5001 1 CITY ADMINISTRATOR/PERSONNEL 1 I I I I 702-Conf. & t1eet. Exp.1 l,693 I 2,000 I 2,000 I 2,7001 I 706-Dues, Books & Sub. I 477' 1,000 1 1,000 \ l,oool I 728-Training & Safety 1 5,.285 I 5,000 I 5,000 1 5,000 I I 740-Auto Milease All. 1 l48 I 200 1 200 I 250 I I 750-Prof. Services I 48,092 I 13,000 I 13,000 1 13,5601 I 759-Telephone Ex. 1 22l I 400 I 400 I 3501 1 772-Fleet Rep. /Maint. 1 0 I l, 296 1 l, 296 1 l, 440' , 776-0ther Equip. Mtce.1 248 1 l,OOO \ 1,000 I 7001 I 799-t'1isc. Servo & Chari 200 I 500 I 500 I 1,0001 1 724-Medica1 Services 1 1,118 I 3,000 1 3,000 I 3,000 I 1 726-Recruitment & Adv.1 4,235 1 4,500 I 4,500 I 5,0001 I 727-Tuition Reimbursement 0 I 3,000 I 3,000 I 2,0001 I 798-Management Cont. I 397 1 1,000 I l, 000 I 2,000 I I I 62,114 ! 35,896 I 35.896 I 38,0001 I GENERAL OPERATIONS I 1 I 1 I 1 759-Telephone Exp. I 55,484 I 57,000 1 58,000 1 l12,0001 I 760-Utilities I 49,198 I 65,000 1 50,000 1 60,0001 I 799-Misc. Servo & Chari 0 I 8,000 I 14,800 I 14,8001 1 711-Appraisal Exp. 1 0 1 3,000 I 0 I 3,0001 I 712-Ann. Apprec. Din. \ 2,583 I 3.500 1 3,500 I 3,5001 I 7l3-Sch. Crossing Guards 5,874 I 7,000 I 7,000 I 7,0001 I 72l-Jeff. Animal Shelter 6,604 I 8,400 I 8,400 1 10,0501 I 78l-Insurance I 73,336 I 75,000 I 82,000 1 90,0001 I 787-Claims Against City l,500 I 3,000 I 1,500 I 3,0001 I I 194,579 I 229,900 I 225,200 I 303,3501 I I I I I I 1-----------------------1------------1------------1-----------\---------1 1 TOTAL 1297,656 13l2,l73 I 3l5,473 , 405,565 \------------------------------------------------------------------------ -15- NON DEPARTMENTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1_._._.....__._~9~_.___..____..____.._____________1___--------..-.------. ITEM 1984 1985 BUDGET BUDGET 1----------..-----------1-------------------------1---------------------- I I I I I I I I I I Mayor I I I General Fund/Fleet I 0 I 0 I Revenue Sharing I 0 I 0 I Sub-total I 0 I 0 I I I I City Council I I I General Fund/Fleet I 0 I 8,400 I (City Ambulance(s)) I I I Revenue Sharing I [} I 0 I Sub-total I 0 I 8,400 I I I I City Attorney I 0 I 0 I I 0 I [} I I I I City Administrator/ I I I Personnel I I I General Fund/Fleet I 648 I 648 I Revenue Sha ri ng I 0 I 0 I Sub-total I 648 I 648 I I I I General Operations I I I General Fund/Fleet I 0 I 0 I Revenue Sharing I 0 I 13,002 I I I I Sub..total I 0 I 13,1302 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I TOTAL I 648 22,050 I I I 1------------------------------------------------------------------------1 -l6- ~.- -~..J - I /wneat Rldge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ CITY CLERK /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Whe~t Ridge/ /\fuea t Ridge / /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ IWheat Rinael CITY CLERK IPROGRAM: CITY CLERK PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The City Clerk is responsible for official City records, City Code of Laws, Charter, Licensing (liquor, amusement dev., security guards) Senior Citizens' Property Tax/ Rent Rebates, Elections Secretary to the City Council. STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES A. Keep citizens informed of all City Council actions through publication of legal notices. B. Insure availability of all city records, ordinances, resolutions, contracts, building codes, city code of laws, charter, agenda items, and city council minutes to the citizens of Wheat Ridge. C. Keep files and index microfilming up to date. D. Conduct elections, register voters. for special elections 25% of time is conduct the elections. During election year and used to prepare and E. Prepare Boards and Commissions list. F. Process new liquor applications, amusement devices, and security guards and renew previously issued licenses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 66,314 68,19l 68,762 73,790 Materials & Supplies 8,576 6,000 6,000 6,000 Other Char. & Servo 78,625 72,700 60,775 76,800 Capital Outlays* 2,405 3,000 3,l64 0 TOTAL 155,920 l49,891 138,701 156,590 FUNDS: General Fund l55,920 146,891 135,537 156,590 General Revenue Shari ng 0 3,000 3,164 0 *see detail page 24 TOTAL l55,920 149,891 138,701 156,590 -18.. I DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I PROGRAM CITY CLERK l55,920 l49,891 l38,701 l56,590 position Titles Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget Current Request City Clerk (Elective) 20,260 2l,500 Deputy City Clerk 1 1 19,4l6 22,404 Secretary 1 1 15,024 l5,780 ------------------------------~----------------------------------------- I Temporary/cont. Temporary 2,200 2,200 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Overtime/Court Pay/Standby l00 lOO I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Employee Benefits 11,191 11,806 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Total Personal Services 2 2 68,191 73,790 I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 8,576 6,000 6,000 6,000 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget OTHER CHAR. & SERVo 78,625 72,700 60,775 76,800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget 2,405 3,000 o o ~19p CITY CLERK SUMMARY BUDGET -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 1984 1984 1985 I I BUDGET! PROGRAM SUMMARY ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED -------------------------------------------------------------------------- City Clerk 155,920 149,891 138,701 l56,590 TOTAL 155,920 149,891 138,701 l56,590 I I 'CATEGORY & FUND SUMMARIES I 1983 1984 1984 1985 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET I I I CATEGORY: I I Personal Services 66,314 68,l9l 68,762 73,790 I I I I Materials and Supplies 8,576 6,000 6,000 6,000 I I , I Other Charges & Services 78,625 72,700 60,775 76,800 I I I I Capital Outlays 2,405 3,000 3,l64 0 , I I I I I TOTAL 155,920 149,89l l38,70l l56,590 I I I I FUNDS: I I General Fund l55,920 146,89l 135,537 156,590 I I I I General Revenue Sharing 0 3,000 3,l64 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 155,920 149,89l 138,701 156,590 I -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -20- CITY CLERK AUTHORIZED POSITION SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 ACTUAL 1984 BUDGET 1985 BUDGET POSITION TITLES -------------- -------------- -------------- No. Salaries No. Salaries No. Salaries -------------------------- --- ---------- --- ---------- --- ---------- City Clerk 20,397 20,260 21,500 Deputy City Clerk 1 19,006 1 19,4l6 1 22,404 Secretary 1 14,925 1 l5,024 1 15,780 RETIREMENT 4,688 6,0l7 6,686 INSURANCE 3,3l5 5,174 5,l20 OVERTIME 78 100 100 TEMPORARY 3,905 2,200 2,200 -------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL 2 66,314 2 68,l91 2 73,790 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -21- CITY CLERK MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1983 1984 1984 1985 ITEM ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET 651-0ffice Supplies 8,576 6,000 6,000 2,000 654-Copy & print. Exp. 0 0 0 2,000 655-postage 0 0 0 2,000 ----------------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- ---------- TOTAL 8,576 6,000 6,000 6,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~22~ CITY CLERK OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES ------------------------------------------------~~---------------------- 1983 1984 1984 1985 ITEM ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET ----------------------- ------------ 702-Conf. & Meet. Exp. 2,218 1,750 l,750 2,200 706-Dues, Books & Sub. 87 300 300 300 708-Election Expense 20,224 11 ,000 250 l0,000 714-Legals & Publishing 9,890 7,000 5,000 6,650 715-Recording Fees 430 l,200 l,200 1,200 728-Training & Safety 210 500 500 500 740-Auto Mileage All. 85 300 150 300 750-Prof. Services l,408 5,000 5,000 4,000 759-Te1ephone Exp. l0 50 25 50 776-0ther Equip. Mtce. 778 1,500 1,500 1,500 792-Sen. Ci t. Rebate 43,l46 44,000 45,000 50,000 799-Misc. Servo & Char. 139 HHJ 100 100 TOTAL 78,625 72,700 60,775 76,800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -23- CITY CLERK CAPITAL OUTLAYS ITEM -------------------------- -------------------------------------------- 1984 1985 ,-------------------------- -.--------------------- --------------------- General Revenue Fund/Fleet Sharing --------- ...-,.-------------- TOTAL 1-------------------------- BUDGET BUDGET 13 3,131313 3,131313 3,131313 ~24.... 13 13 13 13 I ~ . - ~- - ~ - -, ~ - I /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ MUNICIPAL COURT /~:~tR~~~;// /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /\fueat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge! !Wheat Ridge! !Wheat Ridge! !Wheat RinG.,! MUNICIPAL COURT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I PROGRAM: MUNICIPAL COURT .-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~----------------------------------------------------------~--.------------ PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Municipal Court is necessary to provide a fair and impartial forum as defined by the City Charter and Colorado State Statutes. ----------.,.-------------------------------------------------------------- Performance Objectives 1. Prevent recidivism through the probabtion program. 2. Promote safe defensive driving through traffic safety programs. 3. Provide clerical and administrative support for municipal court. MEAS 0 RE~lENT Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET Traffic tickets 2,3 3,417 2,754 Total summons 3 5,519 5,366 Traffic school placements 2 272 306 Pre-trial conferences l,3 325 306 Trials 3 364 638 Probation Placements 1 48 168 Court cost per summons 3 $11.54 Sl4.12 Revenue per summons 3 23.02 20.19 2,892 5,634 321 321 670 176 $14.83 21.20 Analysis -------~------------------------------------------------------------------ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 75,35l 79,468 75,262 91,796 Materials & Supplies 3,965 4,400 3,700 4,400 Other Char. & Servo 3,885 4,150 4,700 5,250 Capital Outlays* 0 0 0 2,200 TOTAL 83,20l 88,018 83,662 l03,646 FUNDS: General Fund 83,201 88,0l8 83,662 101,446 General Revenue Sharing 2,200 *see detail page 32 TOTAL 83,201 88,018 83,662 103,646 ---------------------------------------------------..-,.-------------------- -26- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL COURT 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget _____________~_______J________________________________------------------- I PROGRAM MUNICIPAL COURT 83,201 88,018 83,662 103,646 --------------------------------------~--------------------------------- ___________________________________________________JW____________________ posi tion Titles Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget Current Request Chief Court Clerk 1 1 20,568 22,596 Deputy Court Clerk II 1 1 14,760 15,096 Contractual Personne1* Presiding Judge l8,873 IB,873 Assistant Judge 7,l09 7,109 Bailiff 2,l70 3,402 probation Officer 8,6l6 8,616 Asst. Probation Off. 0 2,400 -------------------_.----------~--------------------_.--~----------------- I Temporary/Cont. Temporary* 700 6,000 I -------------------------------------------~ . -,-~._---------------------- I Overtime/Court pay/Standby 500 750 I -----------~------------------------------------------------------------ I Employee Benefits 6,172 6,954 I ---------------------------,-~------------------------------------------- I Total Personal Services 2 2 79,468 91,796 I -------~~-----------------~--------------------------------------------- --------------------....- .---------------------------------------------- 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 3,965 4,400 3,700 4,400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------~._-------------- 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget OTHER CHAR. & SERVo 3,885 4,150 4,700 5,250 ---------------------------------------------------------_..,..------------ ---------------~----------------------------------,..-....------------------- 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1934 Revised 1985 Budget CAPITAL OUTLAYS o o o 2,200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "-27- MUNICIPAL COURT SUMMARY BUDGET -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1983 1984 1984 1985 1 I PROGRAM SUMMARY I 1 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET I 1------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I I , 1 I I I I , Municipal Court 83,20l 88,018 83,662 l03,646 I , I I I , I , I I I I I I I I , I 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I TOTAL 83,20l 88,0l8 83,662 l03,646 I 1------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 'CATEGORY & FUND SUMMARIES , 1983 1984 1984 1985 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I CATEGORY: I Personal Services 75,35l 79,468 75,262 91,796 I I Materials and Supplies 3,965 4,400 3,700 4,400 I I Other Charges & Services 3,885 4,150 4,700 5,250 Capital Outlays* 0 0 0 2,200 TOTAL 83,20l 88,018 83,662 l03,646 FUNDS: General Fund 83,201 88,Ol8 83,662 101,446 General Revenue Sharing 2,200 *see detail page 32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 83,20l 88,0l8 83,662 l03,646 I -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -28- MUNICIPAL COURT AUTHORIZED POSITION SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 ACTUAL 1984 BUDGET 1985 BUDGET POSITION TITLES -------------- -------------- -------------- No. Salaries No. Salaries No. Salaries -------------------------- --- ---------- --- -------..-- --- ---------- Chief Court Clerk 1 26,148 1 210,568 1 22,596 Deputy Court Clerk II 1 11,226 1 l4,761O 1 l5,1096 Contractural Services Presiding Judge Assistant Judge Bailiff Probation Officer Asst. Prob. Officer 26,367 ~ 18,873 7,l09 2,l71O 8,616 10 18,873 7,l109 3,4102 8,6l6 2,41010 RETIREMENT 3,455 2,723 3,485 INSURANCE 2,7l6 3,449 3,469 OVERTIME 277 51010 7510 TEMPORARY 5,162 7010 6,10010 -----------".--------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL 2 75,35l 2 79,468 2 91,796 --------------------------------.------------------------------.--------- -29... MUNICIPAL COURT MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES ------~---------'.-._--------------------------------~~------------------ 1983 1984 1984 1985 ITEM ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET --------------------..--- ------------ ------------ ----------- ---------- 65l-0ffice Supplies 2,551 3,000 3,000 1,500 654-Copy & Print. Exp. 0 0 0 750 655-Postage 0 0 0 750 660-0perating Supplies 1,4l4 1,400 700 l,400 TOTAL 3,965 4,400 3,700 4,400 .3g. MUNICIPAL COURT OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES ------------------_.----~._------------------------------------------------ 1983 1984 1984 1985 ITEM ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET 702-Conf. & Meet. Exp. 165 300 300 300 706-Dues, Books & Sub. 65 150 150 200 740-Auto Mileage All. 515 600 600 600 750-Prof. Services 2,830 2,450 3,000 3,500 759-Telephone Exp. 48 50 50 50 776-0ther Equip. Mtce. 220 500 500 500 799-Misc. Servo & Char. 42 100 l00 100 _______________________ __r._________ ____________ ---------.... ---------- TOTAL 3,885 4,l50 4,700 5,250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -3l- MUNICIPAL COURT CAPITAL OUTLAYS .-,.~,._----------------------------_.---------------------------------- 1984 ITEM BUDGET 1985 BUDGET --------------------------- --------------~,-------- General Revenue Fund/Fleet Sharing o o o o ~,200 2,200 TOTAL o 2,200 -32- I ,-- - - -- !w'heat Ridge! !Wheat Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge/ /imea t Ridge / !Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge! !Wheat Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /imeat Ridge/ /imeat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /imea t Ridge / /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /imea t Ridge / /Wheat. Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ !Hheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat. Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge! !Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge! IWheat Riclael FINANCE FINANCE ----------------------------------,---------------------------------------- !PROGRAM:ACCOUNTING -------------------------,.#---------------------------------.._- -..------------ -----------.-.------------------------------------------------------------- I PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Processes all revenues city funds. Maintains financial data base. and Use tax administration. and expenditures for all Manages all facets of Sales -------------------_..~-----------------------------,---_._------------------ ----------------------------,-_._------------------------------------------- I Performance 1. Objectives 2. Process all revenue and expenditures in an accurate and timely manner. Conduct Sales and Use tax audits to maximize revenues with minimal audit costs. Manages the investment of idle cash 3. ---------.----------------------------------------------------------------- MEASUREMENT Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET Number of accounting funds Disbursement Checks issued Payroll Checks issued Active Sales Tax Accounts 1 1 1 1 Sales and Use tax audits 2 11 12 5,500 8,100 6,000 5,000 l,737 l,787 33 30 $4,455 $9,580 $831,454 $629,143 13 8,500 5,500 l,800 40 Revenue per tax audit Interest earned on invested funds $2,500 3 $642,000 Analysis --------------------..----------------------------------------------------- 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 242,649 l26,l26 l26,685 118,620 Materials & Supplies l6,581 10,230 8,600 9,190 Other Char. & Servo 50,546 4,625 4,635 11,590 Capital Outlays* 33,554 3,740 3,520 16,050 TOTAL 343,330 144,721 143,440 155,450 FUNDS: General Fund 309,776 l40,981 139,920 139,400 General Revenue Sharing 33,554 3,740 3,520 16,050 *see detail page 46 TOTAL 343,330 l44,721 143,440 155,450 -----------------------------------,--~------------------------------------ -34- ---~.--.------------------------------------------------------------------ I DEPARTMENT FINANCE 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I PROGRAM ACCOUNTING 343,330 144,721 143,440 155,450 posi tion Ti tIes Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget Current Request City Treasurer (Elective) 17 ,000 18,000 Sales Tax Auditor 1 1 24,8l6 27,372 -- Accounting Technician 2 2 46,632 37,188 Accounting Clerk I 1 17 ,244 17 ,244 r;'" - - - - - -... - - - - -- ----- -- - - - --- ----"""'--- - - - - -,~ ------ ---- ---- - -.- ---- - - - --- - - --- I Temporary/Cont. Temporary 200 200 I ~~--~~-----------~------~--~~~~--~-~~~~-------~-.--~~----~-------~---~-~ I Overtime/Court pay/Standby 400 400 I ----------------------..~---------------------------------._-------------- I Employee Benefits 19,834 18,216 I -------,._--------------------------------------------------------------- I Total Personal Services 4 4 126,126 118,620 I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget MATERIALS & SUPPLIES l6,58l 10,230 8,600 9,l90 -----------------------------------------------------------------------.. 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Rudget OTHER CHAR. & SERVo 5lJ,546 4,625 4,634 11 , 590 -----------------------------------------------------------_..~---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I CAPITAL OUTLAYS I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget \1 33,554 3,740 3,520 16,050 ..35- FINANCE IPROGRAM: BUDGET AND FISCAL ANALYSIS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION:prepares annual budget, annual report and numerous fin~ncial analysis reports. Maintains responsibility for switchboard operation and processing outgoing mail. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- jPerformance Objectives 2 . 3 . 4. Produce accurate and informative financial reports to assist the City Council and staff in their decision making processes. Produce an accurate and informative annual budget. Handle all switchboard calls in an effective manner. Process all outgoing mail in an accurate and timely manner. 1. MEASUREMENT Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET Annual reports produced 1 1 1 Annual budgets produced 2 1 1 Monthly projections reports 1 l0 8 Switchboard calls received (daily) 3 270 480 Outgoing postage processed (monthly) 4 $ l,300 $ 2,405 I 1 l0 480 $ 2,645 Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 0 55,385 55,818 50,613 Materials & Supplies 0 1,550 (3,590) (3,430 ) Other Char. & Servo 0 9,110 5,715 9,090 Capital Outlays* 0 0 0 0 TOTAL -0 - 66,045 57,943 56,273 FUNDS: General Fund 0 66,045 57,943 56,273 *see detail page 46 TOTAL -0- 66,045 57,943 56,273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..36.. -------________________~__4______________________________________________ I DEPARTMENT FINANCE 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget ------------~-~~--------------------------------------------------------- I PROGRAM BUDGET & FISCAL ANALYSIS o 66,045 57,943 56,273 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Position Titles Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget Current Request ----------------------------------------------~------------------------- Budget/ Finance Asst. 1 1 30,600 27,732 Switchboard Operator 1 1 15,648 l5,648 -----------------------------~---------------------_.---~----------------- I Temporary/Cont. Temporary 500 0 I --------~--------------------------------------------------------------- I Overtime/Court pay/Standby 0 0 I --------------------------------------------------------~--------------- I Employee Benefits 8,637 7,233 I ------~:-,._-------------------------------------------------------------- I Total Personal Services 2 2 55,385 50,613 I -----------------------------------------------... .---------------------- ---------------,._------------------------------~------------------------ MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget o 1,550 (3,590) (3,430) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------:---..------------------------------------------------ 1983 Actual 1984 Budset 1984 Revised o 9,110 5,715 1985 Budgetl 9,090 I OTHER CHAR. & SERVo --------------------------------------------------------------..---------- ----------------------------------------_______.4________________________ CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget o o o o ------------------------------------------..--- --------------------------- "37- FINANCE --------------------------------~~---------------------------------------- I PROGRAM: DATA PROCESSING ---------------------------------------------------------------_._,._,.~----- --------------------------------------------------------------..- .--------- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Maintains and develops all necessary data processing programs. Performs operational tasks as needed to enhance operation of the syste~. -------- --- -------- - - - - - -----.... - --------- -- - - - --- ----- - - - - - - -." '. '..- .. ~ - - - - -- ----- -------~-._---.-.----------------________________-_...._r.~._____________________ STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1) provide support to other departments in office automation and data processing areas. a) Provide advice and answers to automation questions from other departments b) Provide installations and training support for other department's personnel as their departments automate c) Write computer programs in response to the needs of other departments. 2) To maintain a Five-Year master information services plan. a) with input from other departments through the DP Steering Committee produce a 5-year automation goals and objectives plan for the City to follow and implement b) Continue to review and update this plan in light of new needs, technology and/or other considerations. 3) To insure the City's Data processing and information needs are met in the future. a) Establish guidelines for the aquisition of automation hardware and software. b) Review and make recommend- ations for the aquisition of hardware and software to top city management. ------.-------------------------------.------------------------------------- ______r._..._.____________________________________~___________________________ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget l<J84 Revised 1985 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 0 30,798 30,649 34,740 Materials & Supplies 0 5,810 5,445 10,110 Other Char. & Servo 0 17,365 19,150 27,275 Capital Outlays* 0 22,600 22,6013 47,721 TOTAL -13- 76,573 77,844 119,846 FUNDS: General Fund 13 53,973 55,244 72,125 General Revenue Sharing 13 22,61313 22,6013 47,72l *see detail page 46 TOTAL -0- 76,573 77 ,844 119,8461 -------~;--------------------------------------------------------------.---- ~38lt ___________________________________________________________________~ 0_--- \ DEPARTMENT 1983 1984 1984 1985 FINANCE Actual Budget Revised Budget .------------------------------------------------------------------------ I PROGRAM DATA PROCESSING 13 76,573 77,844 119,846 -~--~--~---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ posi tion Titles Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget Current Request -----~------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Processing 1 1 26,8813 29,9413 -----------------------------.--------------------------------.----------- I Temporary/Cont. Temporary 13 a I -------------------------------..----------------------------------------- I Over~ime/Court Pay/Standby 13 13 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Employee Benefits 3,918 4,81313 I ------------------------------~~.._-------------------------------------- I Total Personal Services 1 1 313,798 34,7413 I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget MATERIALS & SUPPLIES o 5,8113 5,445 113,1113 .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __ - - - - ._ _. _0 _0 ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ co ..~ _ _ _ _ _ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget OTHER CHAR. & SERVo 13 17,365 19,150 27,275 I \ CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 13 22,61313 22,61313 1985 Budget I 47,721 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -390; FINANCE ----------------~..~------------------------------------------------------- I PROGRAM: PURCHASING -----------_._._~~--------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------..--._------------------ PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Processes all purchases made by city departments. Manages insurance and safety programs. ----------------------------------------------------..--------------------- ~------~----------------------------------------------------~_.._---------- Performance Objectives 1. Conduct bidding and quote processes in a professional manner. 2. Process purchase requisitions and orders In an accurate and timely manner. 3. Manage City insurance to minimize costs while maintaining maximum coverage. ------------------------------------------.-------------------------------- ----------------------------------------.---------------------------------- MEASUREMENT Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET Number of bids & quotes Amount of purchase req. Number of ins. claims filed 1 2 3 75 17 ,260 51 90 l8,000 60 90 l8,500 95 * *includes worker's compensation claims ------------~------------------------------------------------------------- -------.,--~---------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis -----~-------------------------------------------------------------.------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 Actual 1 n4 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 0 59,805 60,784 62,325 Materials & Supplies 0 (8,660 ) (4,950) (8,660) Other Char. & Servo 0 3,575 3,710 875 Capital Outlays 0 0 0 0 TOTAL -0- 54,720 59,544 54, 54,} FUNDS: General Fund 0 54,720 59,544 54,540 TOTAL -0- 54,720 59,544 54,540 -------~~----------------------------------------------------------------- 840.. I DEPARTMENT I FINANCE 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I PROGRAM PURCHASING o 54,720 59,544 54,540 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ position Titles Number of Employees I 1984 Budget 1985 Budgetl Current Request I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I I I I I I Purchasing Agent 1 1 3l,440 33,852 I I I I Purchasing Clerk 1 1 19,200 19,332 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------~----------------------------------------- I Temporary/Cont. Temporary o o ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Overtime/Court Pay/Standby o o ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Employee Benefits 9,l65 9,l4l ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Total Personal Services 2 2 59,805 62,325 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I MATERIALS & SUPPLIES I I 0 -8,660 -4,950 -8,660 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I OTHER CHAR. & SERVo I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I o 3,575 3,7l0 875 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I CAPITAL OUTLAYS I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I 00001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -41- FINANCE SUMMARY BUDGET ----~---_____________________________________r.____________________________ 1983 1984 1984 1985 PROGRAM SUMMARY ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET -------------------------_.__._~------------------------------------------- Accounting 343,330 l44,721 l43,440 155,450 Budget and Fiscal Analysis o 66,045 57,943 56,273 Data Processing o 76,573 77 ,844 119,846 Purchasing o 54,720 59,544 54,540 __________________________ .r.______________________________________________ TOTAL 343,330 342,059 338,771 386,109 I _ --... -- .. -- ," -~ -... --........- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... -.. -- .. -- ..~.. ''''. -.... - - - - - - - - - - - -.... - - - - - - - - - -- --------------------------~------~-_..._----------------------....-------------..-- 1983 1984 1984 1985 CATEGORY & FUND SUMMARIES ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET _____________________r.____________________________________________________ CATEGORY: Personal Services . 242,649 272,114 273,936 266,298 Materials and Supplies 16,581 8,930 5,505 7,210 Other Charges & Services 50,546 34,675 33,2113 48,830 Capital Outlays* 33,554 26,340 26,l20 63,771 TOTAL 343,330 342,059 338,771 386,109 FUNDS: General Fund 309,776 3l5,719 312,65l 322,338 General Revenue Sharing 33,554 26,340 26,120 63,771 *see detail page 46 ------------------------------------------------.-_.~---------------------- TOTAL 343,330 342,059 338,77l 386,109 I 1+42~ FINANCE AUTHORIZED POSITION SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19B3 ACTUAL 1984 BUDGET 1985 BUDGET POSITION TITLES -------------- -------------- -------------- No. Salaries No. Salaries No. Salaries -------------------------- --- -----~~--- --- ---------- --- ---------- City Treasurer 14,600 17,000 lB,000 Budget/Finance Asst. 1 26,603 1 30,600 1 27,732 Data Systems Analyst I 21,995 1 26,880 1 29,940 Purchasing Agent 1 26,719 1 31,440 1 33,852 Sales Tax Auditor 1 2l,730 1 24,816 1 27,372 Accounting Technician 2 47,l89 2 46,632 2 37,188 Purchasing Clerk 1 IB,968 1 19,200 1 19,332 Accounting Clerk 1 14,l86 1 17 ,244 1 17,244 Switchboard Operator 1 l4,283 1 l5,648 I l5,648 RETIREMENT 20,604 24,74l 23,103 INSURANCE l5,663 l6,813 l6,287 OVERTIME 109 400 400 TEMPORARY 0 700 200 --------------------------\--- ---------- ---------- ---\---------- TOTAL \ 9 \ 242,649 \ 9 \ 272,ll4 I 9 \ 2::~:::_ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ..43.. FINANCE MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES _________________________________________________________________~c~~____ 1983 1984 1984 1985 ITEM ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET --.--------------------- -----------... ------------ ----------- ---------- 651-0ffice Supplies 14,164 15,340 12,035 8,580 652-CentralStores C red. 13 -5,13130 -5,10010 -8,7610 653-postage Credit 2,113 -5,131010 -5,1000 -5,10010 654-Copy Ix printing Ex. 10 10 13 3,210 655-postage 10 10 10 4,6710 660-0perating supplies 3134 3,5910 3,470 4,5l0 ----------------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- ..-------- TOTAL 16,58l 8,9310 5,505 7,2lliJ ----------------------------------------------------------------.-------- -440; FINANCE OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1...............------......----...---.......--..----------------.-.-----1 I I 1983 1984 1984 1985 I I ITEM I I I I ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET I )...-.-.---------.------1--.---------/------------1-----------1----------, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I & Meet. Exp. I 3,031 I 3,450 I 3,400 I 3,450 I I I I I I I 0 I 0 I 0 I 4,000 I I I I 1 I Books/Subs. I 852 I 725 I 995 I 1,280 I I I I I I All. I 543 I 500 I 600 I 950 I I I I I I Servo I 8,047 I l2,825 I ll,100 I ll,325 I I I I I / I 28,535 I 6,000 I 6,300 I 0 I I I I I I I 236 I 275 I 215 I 275 I I I I I 1 I 9,070 I l0,500 I lO,300 I 8,250 I I I I I I I 232 I 400 I 300 \ 2,800 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I __.____.______.~__.__._I_---_-------I_----_----.-I_----------1----------1 I I I TOTAL I 50,546 34,675 I 33,2l0 I 32,330 I \ I I \ I ______________________________________________________------------------1 I I I 1 /702-Conf. I 1704-Cont. Services I 1706-Dues, I 1740-Auto Mileage I 1750-Professional I /758-Rentals/Leases I 1759-Telephone Exp. I 1776-0ther Equip. Mtce. I 1799-Misc.Serv./Charges I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -45- FINANCE CAPITAL OUTLAYS ITEM ---------~~-------------------------------~._---------------------------- 1985 1984 BUDGET BUDGET -------------------------- -----------___________ ___________~4_________ Accounting General Fund/Fleet Revenue Sharing Budget & Fiscal Anal sis Data Processing General Fund/Fleet Revenue Sharing purchasing TOTAL (3 3,520 ~,S20 o l6,050 16, oJ:Hi o o (3 22,600 22,600 (1 47,721 47,721 o (J 26,120 63,771 ------~------------------- -----------------------------..---------------- !l46" /\~heat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/~:~tR~~~~// /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridqe/ /Hheat Ridg~/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Ifueat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Ifueat Ridge/ /Ifuea t Ridge / /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Riuge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Whf>o r R i cJ Of> / COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -.-......----.------------------------------------------------------------- I PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION --------.------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides executive direction to the Community I Development department and the Urban Renewal Authority. Manages the I City's economic development program to improve the City's revenue base. I --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I I I I Goal: Compatible Economic Development for Sound City Budget I I I I A. Use tax increment financing through the Urban Renewal Authority I I to construct the public portion of the Wadsworth Town Center andl I the Kipling Activity Center. Provide staff services to I I Authority. I I B. Continue work to attract high technology business to the I I industrial area and solve circulation problems at the I-70/Ward I I Road interchange to West 44th Ave. and Tabor. I I C. Prepare economic development strategies for council for the I I whole city through work with the Urban Renewal Authority and I I the Chamber of Commerce Coordinating Committee. I I D. Work on other designated areas as the market and public facilityl I needs dictate. I I I I Goal: Improve Intergovernmental Relations I I I I A. Participate in the comprehensive planning activities of DRCOG. I I B. Work with special districts to solve water and sewer problems. I I I I Goal: Positive Climate for Pride in City I I I I A. Achieve a positive ba~ance between self-help programs and strongl I code enforcement. Increase the level of voluntary compliance. I I B. Improve zoning ordinance so itis easier to complete developments I I that carry out the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. I I C. Review the Comprehensive Plan with the Planning Commission. I I I I I I I I I --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----_._------------------------------._-----~~,-------------_._------~---- I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I CATEGORY: I Personal Services 56,893 72,409 68,769 65,503 I Materials & Supplies 46l 650 650 680 I Other Char. & Servo 2,699 5,486 5,486 5,940 I Capital Outlays* 0 648 648 l,548 I TOTAL 60,053 79,l93 75,553 73,67l IFUNDS: I General Fund 60,053 79,l93 75,553 72,77l I General Revenue Sharing 900 I *see detail page 64 I TOTAL 60,053 79,193 75,553 73,67l --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -48- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I DEPARTMENT , COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 60,053 79,193 75,553 73,671 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ posi tion Ti tles Number of Employees I 1984 Budget 1985 Budget' Current Request , ------------------------------------------------------------------------ , I I I I Di rector of I I Community Development 1 1 42,660 45,456 I I I I Senior Secretary .5 .5 8,640 9,426 I I I , Secretary . 5 9,390 0 I I , , I I I I , , 1 I , I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I ------------------------------~----------------------------------------- I Temporary/Cont. Temporary 1,000 l,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Overtime/Court Pay/Standby 500 500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Employee Benefits l0,2l9 9, l21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Total Personal Services 2 1.5 72,409 65,503 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I , MATERIALS & SUPPLIES , 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget' I 46l 650 650 680 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I OTHER CHAR. & SERVo , 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I 2,699 5,486 5,486 5,940 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I CAPITAL OUTLAYS I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl , o 648 648 l,548 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -49- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT --------.----.-----------.-.--.-.------------------.---------.-----------.- I PROGRAM: PLANNING/ZONING --------.-----------.------------------------------------------------------ -------------.------------------------------------------------------------- 'PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Performs professional planning work in both long , range and operational planning. Activities include providing adminis- I trative support to the City Council, Planning Commission, Board of , Adjustment and the Urban Renewal Authority. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------.------------------ I STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I I I Goal: Insure that the City has an adequate tax base and other I sources of Revenue to meet it's fiscal needs. I I A. Emphasize economic development and redevelopment within , commercial areas. , I Goal: Insure that the Comprehensive Development Plan serves as a I meaningful guide for decision making. I I A. Continue the review and update of the Comprehensive Develop- I , ment Plan for the designated areas of commercial,industrial I I and multi-use nodes. I I B. Assess the effectiveness of the existing land use categories , I and consider alternatives and/or additions. I I I I Goal: provide support to the Planning Commission,Board of Adjustment,' I Urban Renewal Authority, City Council, and other committees I I and provide quality service to the public. I I I I A. Improve staff reports by providing more detailed information , I and clear language. I I B. Continue to make nMnor revisions to the zoning ordinance and I I subdivision regulations to make them easier to understand, , I more in concert with the Comprehensive Plan and Economic I I Development objectives, and easier to administer and enforce.l I C. Assist the Urban Renewal Authority in developing workable , I projects and administrative capabilities. , I D. Assist City/Chamber of Commerce Coordinating Committee, Mass I I Transit Committee, Air Pollution Committee, and the I I Community Development Committee. , I I ------------------------------.-------..-------------------------..-------- ------------------_._~,~-.-_._.----------------.---_.---------------------- I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget !CATEGORY: I Personal Services 139,108 156,521 l52,555 l62,406 I Materials & Supplies 9,l50 l2,360 13,650 13,700 I Other Char. & Servo 4,l30 9,699 20,l60 22,l32 I Capital Outlays* 1,3C0 3,233 2,508 2,844 TOTAL l53,688 l8l,8l3 188,873 20l,C32 'FUNDS: , General Fund l53,688 l79,588 l87,373 199,282 I General Revenue Sharing 0 2,225 l,500 1,BOO I *see detail page 64 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 \ TOTAL l53,688 l8l,Bl3 l88,873 20l,082 -------------------------.------------------------------------------------- -50- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I DEPARTMENT I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I PROGRAM PLANNING/ZONING 153,688 181,813 188,873 201,082 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Posi tion Titles Number of Employees I 1984 Budget 1985 Budgetl Current Request I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I I I Chief of Planning 1 1 38,9413 41,472 I I Planner II 1 1 26,928 26,652 I I Planner I 1 1 2l,744 23,436 I I Planning Technician 1 1 18,516 l7,976 I I Senior Secretary .5 .5 8,640 9,426 I I Secretary .5 .5 8,898 9,3913 I I I I I I I I ------------------------------~----------------------------------------- I Temporary/Cont. Temporary 8,750 9,625 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Overtime/Court Pay/Standby 1,500 1,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Employee Benefits 22,605 22,929 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Total Personal Services 5 5 l56,52l 162,406 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I MATERIALS & SUPPLIES I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I 9,352 12,360 13,650 13,700 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I OTHER CHAR. & SERVo I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I 4,l30 9,699 20,160 22,132 I ---------------------------.--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I CAPITAL OUTLAYS I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I 1,300 3,233 2,508 2,844 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -51- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -----~--------------------------------------------------------------------- I PROGRAM: BUILDING INSPECTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Building Inspection division is designed to I safeguard the life, safety, property/welfare of the City through proper I interpretation/ enforcement of the Uniform Building Code, Mechanical, I Plumbing, Fire and Electrical Codes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES A. Continued provision of inspection service level supplemented by an on-going program of educationand on the job training. B. Continue to review City for dangerous buildings that need to be demolished. C. The Chief Building Inspector is the Civil Disaster Coordinator for the City and performs occasional duties in this capacity that are budgeted on page 58. D. The Chief Building Inspector supervises the maintenance and I repair of the Municipal Building, see Building Maintenance I program, page 56. I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I CATEGORY: I Personal Services I Materials & Supplies lather Char. & Serv.* I Capital Outlays** I TOTAL I FUNDS: I General Fund I Building Repair/ I Demolition Fund I *see detail page 63 I *see detail page 64 I TOTAL 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 90,l44 2,636 4,033 o 96,S13 95,992 2,5ll 20,384 l,800 l20,687 l0l,280 3,276 1l,884 l,800 l1S,240 99,792 3,438 24,414 l,692 129,336 96,813 l08,687 1l8,240 1l6,936 o l2,000 o 12,400 96,8l3 l20,687 118,240 129,336 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -52- ----------------------------------------~------------------------------~ I DEPARTMENT I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I PROGRAM BUILDING INSPECTION 96,813 120,687 1l8,240 129,336 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ position Titles Number of Employees I 1984 Budget 1985 Budgetl Current Request I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chief Building Inspector 1 1 33,6l2 34,668 Building Inspector 1 1 22,392 24,132 Clerk Typist 1 1 l7,244 l7,244 Electrical Inspector .33 .33 8,034 8,228 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Temporary/Cont. Temporary 550 780 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Overtime/Court Pay/Standby 200 200 I Employee Benefits 13,960 14,540 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Total Personal Services 3.33 3.33 95,992 99,792 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I MATERIALS & SUPPLIES I I 2,636 2,51l 3,276 3,438 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I OTHER CHAR. & SERVo I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I 4,033 20,384 ll,884 24,414 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I CAPITAL OUTLAYS I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I o l,800 l,800 1,692 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -53- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ---------------~----------------------------------------------------------- -~---~-~~--------~--~--~----------------------------------~-------------~-- [PROGRAM: CODE ENFORCEMENT ------~-~~-~~-------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: To respond to the needs of the citizens, and City; to cause violations to be quickly abated while engaging in positive public relations. To strive for a continued sense of civic pride so that fewer violations exist. -------~---------------------------------------------------------~--------- -----~~~~~-~---------~----------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES A. Serve the citizens of Wheat Ridge in a fast and efficient manner. B. Educate citizens as to the related codes and ordinances so that fewer violations occur. C. Implement a more effective Code Enforcement program that will decrease violations and recurring violations. D. To continue a close working relationship with the Municipal Court in order to impose penalties that result in fewer violations in the future. E. Provide Wheat Ridge with an efficient overall weed program. F. Coordinate the City wide spring trash cleanup day with the participating city departments and trash hauling companies. ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------~ -----------------------,_._-~------------------------------------------------ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CATEGORY: personal Services 42,980 40,189 43,793 47,479 Materials & Supplies 4,224 3,700 4,124 4,100 other Char. & Servo 2,610 31,576 10,112 14,624 Capital Outlays* 0 648 648 2,04'1 TOTAL 49,8l4 76,113 58,677 68,243 FUNDS: General Fund 49,814 76,113 58,677 67,643 General Revenue Sharing 0 (1 0 600 *see detail page 64 TOTAL 49,8l4 76,113 58,677 68,243 --~-~~~~~-------------~---------------------------------------------------- ~54.. --------------------------------~--------------------------------------- I DEPARTMENT 1983 1984 1984 1985 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Actual Budget Revised Budget ----~------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 PROGRAM CODE ENFORCEMENT 49,814 76,113 58,677 68,243 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~-----~---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------~-~~~---------------------------- position Titles Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget Current Request ----------------------------~------------------------------------------- Code Enforcement Off. II 1 1 20,124 21,480 Secretary .5 .5 8,898 9,390 ______~~~---~l~---~-----------~~------~-----~--------------------------- I Temporary/Cont. Temporary 5,036 8,040 I -------------------------------------------------------------.-.-------- ! Overtime/Court Pay/standby 800 2,300 I -------~-------------~---------------~-------------------,~-------------- I Employee Benefits 5,331 6,269 I ----------------------~----------------~---,.---------------------------- I Total Personal Services 1.5 1.5 40,189 47,479 I ------~--~---------~-----------~---------------------------------------- -~~-~~------------------------~------~--------------------------------~- 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 4,224 3,700 4,124 4,lOO ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -~-~~-~~~~----------------~-----------------------------------~--------- I I OTHER CHAR. & SERVo 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget 2,610 31,576 10,112 14,624 -------~-------------------------------------------------------------~-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CAPITAL OUTLAYS o 648 648 2,040 _________________________________________._4_____________________________ 1'55.. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ._.~:_~-~~-~--------------~------~~~~--------~-------------------~_._-----~~~ I PROGRAM: BUILDING MAINTENANCE -----~---~~~-~-----------------------~-----------------------------~--~---~ -----~~~---------~_._------------~~--------------~.---~---------------------- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Maintain the Municipal Building and related equipment; provide daily custodial service. -------~--~------~----------------~--------------~~~----------------------- ---~-~-~~~~~--~---~------~-------~------------------~~-----------~~--~----~ STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES A. Perform preventative ffinintenance on all municipal building environmental equipment. B. Minimize gas utility costs through use of solar system. C. Provide reliable custodial service. D. Create additional storage space in Municipal Building. E. Reduce heating and cooling costs through a review of conservation opportunities. ~--~~~~~~~1___..~~_~--______~----~-----~-_~_________________________________ ------~-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 48,408 50,153 49,890 53,455 Materials & Supplies 9,413 6,950 6,950 7,000 Other Char. & Servo 25,955 l6,400 16,400 l5,300 Capital Outlays* 0 29,500 29,500 6,000 TOTAL 83,776 103,003 HJ2,740 8l,755 FUNDS: General Fund 72,952 73 , 503 73,240 75,755 General Revenue Sharing l0,824 29,500 29,500 6,000 *see detail page 64 TOTAL 83,776 103,003 102,740 Bl,755 ~----~--~~-~~---~---~-----~------~---------------------------~------~------ .56. -----~~~--------~~--------~---~-----~----------------------------------- I ~~~-~rir~~~---~________________~---~~--~________~--:~~!.___________________ DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget PROGRAM BUILDING MAINTENANCE 83,776 103,003 102,740 81,755 ~~--~~-~~~~-~~~--~------~~-~------~-~~-~~~~~---------------------------~ ~----~~---------'--~--------~---~~-~-~-----------~-~~--~------~---------- position Titles Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget Current Request --~-~-~------~---~---------~~--~--~---~--~~~~,~~------~~~~-~---~~-~-----~~ Building Maintenance Supervisor 1 1 28,920 28,920 Building Custodian 1 1 l2,888 l5,840 -~-~~,.~~~~-~----~-~----~--~~~~-~~-~~~----~~~n-~-~-~~-~__~_~~_--~-------~ I Temporary/Cont. Temporary 0 0 ~~~~~-r"_~_____~~'_~,..~~~____~__________~__________________________~~~~~~ I Overtime/Court pay/Standby 200 200 ~~-~~~ri~~~~---~-~-~~~_~~_~~~_~_~~~~~___~___________~__~_~_~_~~~_-----~~_ I Employee Benefits 8,l45 8,495 "~.~~~n~~~~~_____~~M___~~__~_____~_~_~__~___________~__~~~~_~____~~_~__~ I Total Personal Services 2 2 SO,153 53,455 --~-~~~~~-~~-~-----~-----~~--~-~---~~----------------------------------- ~-~~~~~~~~-~~~-----------------~-~-~~-~~--~-~-------~~~-------------~~--~- MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget 9,413 6,950 6,950 7,000 --~~~~~H~-~--~~--_____~~~.,~~---~-----~-------______~~_~"_-~-~-----___~~~- ~~~~~e~~""~~~~--~___~~~-~~-~~-~~-~-----_________~_~"~-_.~_~_"~~~______~~~ OTHER CHAR. & SERVo 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget 25,955 l6,400 l6,400 15,300 -----~-~-~~~-~;-\~._----------~------~----~--~~~~~~------------------~-~~~ H~~~ij&~~~~~-~~~-~-~~~________~~~i~~'-~~-----~--__~~___~--~~~~_____~~~~~-- CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget o 29,500 29,500 6,000 ~--.-~-~~~-_-___~----~~---~~---n_--~------~~----~~~~~~_----ft~~"______"-~~ 157. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -~~~~~~~~--~~~-~-~---~~-~-~-~~------~~-----~--~~----~-~-------------------- -~~-~~~~~~~----~~-~~~~--~-~--~---~-~~----~--~~---~~.~~----~~~----------~-~-~ !PROGRAM: CIVIL DISASTER ~~~--~-"~-~--------------------~---------~~-~~.._--~~------------------~----~ PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This program is designed to fund emergency expenditures related to natural disasters. ~-~~--~~--------~~~~--------------~~~---~------~~~..-~---------------------- ~~~~-~~-------~~~~~----~---------~-_.~~~~~-~~-----~---~~--~-----~~-~--~~--~-~ STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES A. Fund the purchase and storage of disaster preparedness items such as sand bags, first aid supplies, etc. B. Fund the emergency rental of heavy equipment or other special equipment needed in the event of a natural disaster. __ _~ _ _ _ ..;~~ ;r;---';"';'" -"'!' '! _ .:. .. ,.." -:..... ",," _ _ ~ -- ---~ -........ ~-".- -- -- - - - - -.;... - - -;...- - -- - - - -- - - - '!"",;.;..... ~"'H- ~--~~-~~~---,..._-~~----~-------~~~~~----------------------------------------~ FUNDS: General Fund 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget 0 2,000 0 2,000 0 0 0 0 l,973 2,500 2,5,10 2,625 0 0 0 63 1,973 4,500 2,5~HJ 4,688 1,973 4,500 2,500 4,688 CATEGORY: personal Services Materials & Supplies Other Char. & Servo Capital Outlays* TOTAL *see detail page 64 TOTAL 1,973 4,500 2,500 4,688 ~~~~-~~~h-~~---------------~---~~--~--~--~----~------------~-------~-----~~-- *58. ~-----~-----~---------------~--~-~--~----------------~----~--------~~'~-- I ~~-ri~~'~4~~a~~~~--~~~e~~~-~--~~~~~~~-~-~~HH~~n~~~~W__~b~~~~~~~~~--~~~~--~ DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget PROGRAM CIVIL DISASTER 1,973 4,500 2,500 4,688 ~--~~-~a~n~~~-~~-~~-~~~~~--~~~~~~~~-~---~~~_~~~-._~~~~~~~~__~~~~_~__~~__~ Position Titles Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget Current Request -~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~----~--~~---~-~-~~~.~:~----~~---~~~~~~---------~-~~~---~~- ~---~-~1~~~~~~-~~~-~---~-~---~-~------"_~~-~_~-~~_-_-~~~--~--___________ I Temporary/Cont. Temporary l,OOO 1,000 -~~"-~1~~ri--~~~~~-~~--_~-_~~-~-~~~-~__~____~__~____~_~~__"____~~~_~~~__~~- I Overtime/Court Pay/Standby 1,000 l,000 -~-~~~~~~~r.~~~~-~~~~-~~~-~"~---~-_~____~~___~_~_~_~___~~~_~~____~__~~~~~ I Employee Benefits 0 0 ~~~~~~~~-.--~~-~r.~~~~~~-~~-~-~~~~-~___~~___~___~____~~~~_~__~__~__~_~_~__ I Total Personal Services -0- -0- 2,000 2,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~--------~~~~~-~-~~-~~~-~~-~~----~~-~------~---~~~---------~- . . .. . .. ,. '-~~~--n-~~----________________~________________________________________ MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget o o o o -------~-~----------------------~--------------------~----------------~- . , .. .. . . ~--~---"----~-~-----------~- ~~~--~-----~-----------------------~ . . -~~---~- OTHER CHAR. & SERVo 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget 1,973 2,500 2,500 2,625 ----~-~~~----------------------------------~-------------------~-------~ ~-~-~~~~-~~--------------~----~~-~----~-~-~----------~-----------~---~-- CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget o o o 63 .' , , . . , .. . ------~~~-----~------------------.~------------------------------~------~ e59. COMMUNI7Y DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY BUDGET ............-........-....-..-...-....-....---.--.------------.---.-.-.-. 1983 PROGRAM SUMMARY ACTUAL 1984 BUDGET 1984 REVISED 1985 ------------------.--------.---------.---..----------------------------- BUDGET Administration 60,053 79,193 75,553 73,671 Planning/Zoning l53,688 l8l,813 l88,873 201,082 Building Inspection 96,813 120,687 118,240 129,336 Code Enforcement 49,8l4 76,l13 58,677 68,243 Building Maintenance 83,776 103,003 l02,740 81,755 Civil Disaster l,973 4,500 2,500 4,688 -----------...-----------------------.---------------------------------- TOTAL 446,117 565,309 546,583 558,775 ----------------------.-.----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ) ICATEGORY & FUND SUMMARIES I 1983 1984 BUDGET 1984 REVISED 1985 I-~,~------------_.----------------------------------------------------- BUDGET ACTUAL I I CATEGORY: I Personal Services I I I I I I 1 I I I I I FUNDS: I General Fund I General Revenue Sharing I Building Rep./Demolition I I I I 377,533 Materials and Supplies 25,884 4l7,264 26,171 86,045 35,829 565,309 521,584 31,725 12,000 4l6,287 28,650 66,542 35,l04 546,583 515,583 31,000 o 430,635 28,918 85,035 l4,187 558,775 537,075 9,300 12,400 \-------.--------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 446,117 565,309 546,583 558,775 Other Charges & Services* 4l,400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital Outlays** l,300 TOTAL 446,117 435,293 10,824 o *see detail page 63 **see detail page 64 ..60- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORIZED POSITION SUMMARY ._.............._..-~.._._..-.-...--_._-------------_.-----...------------- I 1983 ACTUAL I 1984 BUDGET I 1985 BUDGET I I I I 40,332 I 1 I I I 36,078 I 1 I I I 33,784 I 1 I I I 29,558 I 1 I I I 24,858 I 1 I I I 22,538 I 1 I I I 20,792 I 1 I I I l8,798 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1.5 I 1 I I I I 1 I 17,244 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 36,8l5 I I I I 23,445 I I I I 4,200 I I I I l6,336 I I I ----_..--------------------1---1----------1---1------..~~l--- I I I I l3 377,533 l3.5 4l7,264 l3 Community Dev. Director Chief of Planning Chief Building Inspector Bldg. Maintenance Supv. Planner II Code Enf. Officer II Building Inspector Planner I Planning Technician Senior Secretary Secretary Building Custodian Electrical Inspector Clerk-Typist RETIREMENT INSURANCE OVERTIME TEMPORARY TOTAL I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I l' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l6,697 l5,774 l8,310 l2,227 7,088 l0,754 3l,586 19,4l8 2,068 l6,873 42,660 38,940 33,612 28,920 26,928 20,l24 22,392 2l,744 18,516 l7, 280 27, l8 6 l2,888 8,034 I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 ----------1 I 430,635 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------- .6l. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES ITEM -----.-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1985 1983 1984 1984 -----------------------1------------1------------ -----------1-----____ BUDGET General Fund I I 65l-0ffice Supplies I I 654-Copy&Printing Ex.1 I 655-postage 660-0peratingSupplies SUBTOTAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED 8,380 5,730 3,820 l0,988 28,9l8 1----------------------- ------------1------------1-----------1-------____1 TOTAL 13,309 l5,060 17 ,589 1-----------------------1------------1------------1-----------1--_________1 28,9l8 o o o o o o 12,575 11,l1l 11,06l 25,884 26,17l 28,650 25,884 26,l7l 28,650 -62- \......-.....-.-.....-.............................--............-.--...- I I 1983 I 1984 I 1984 I 1985 I I ITEM I I I I I I I ACTUAL I BUDGET I REVISED I BUDGET I ,.....__...._.....____..1__....______1.._________.1_._______..\__._9___._ I General Fund I I I I I I I I 702-Conf./Meeting Ex. I 3,402 I 6,654 I I I I I I 704-Contractual Sves. I 12,934 I 33,l00 I I ! I I I 706-Dues, Books & Subsl 1,69l I 2,085 I I I I I I I 2,258 I 4,000 I I I I I I 728-Training & Safety I 0 I 200 I [ I I I I 730-Uniforms/Prot.Cl. I 0 I 244 I I I I I I 740-Auto Mileage Reim.1 l,384 I l,600 I I I I I I 750-Professional Serv.1 435 I 2,800 I I I I I I 759-Telephone Expense [ 419 I 700 I I I I I I 772-Fleet Repair/Mtce.\ 0 I 9,072 I I [ I I I 774-Facility Rep./Mtcel 4,704 [ 7,000 I I I I I I 776-0ther Equip. Mtce.1 l,208 I 2,465 I I I I [ I 799-Misc. Servo & Chari 2,lQ 4,1~ I I SUBTOTAL I 30.,576 74,045 [ I General Rev. Shar ing I I I I [ I 774-Facility Rep./Mtcel l0,824 0 I 0 0 I SUBTOTAL I 10,824 0 I I Building Repair/ I I I Demol i tion Fund I I I I I I I CJ l2,COfJ [0 I I 0 12,lJ00 [0 I I I I I [ I I I I I I I I I I I [ I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1---------..---..-.---.-1--.---------1-----.------1-----------1--.------- I I I I TOTAL I 4l,400 I 7l8-0rdinance Enf. 718-0rdinance Enf. SUBTOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 6,540 7,400 16,166 15,000 2,085 2,360 3,000 4,000 200 200 244 670 l,975 2,150 12,800 12,800 700 700 9,072 l2,365 7,000 8,000 2,685 2,840 4,075 66,542 4,l50 72,635 l2,400 12,400 86,045 66,542 85,035 --------------------.-------.-----.----.------------------------------..--- -63- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAYS \.....--...---........--.---.........---...--.....--..----............... 1984 1985 I ITEM I BUDGET BUDGET I 1-...---..--.............-1--..---..--...----....-1...----.-----------...1 I I I I I I I I I 648 I I 0 I I 648 I I I I I I l,008 I I 2,225 I 1 3,233 I I I Building Maintainence I I General Fund/Fleet I 0 I I Revenue Sharing I 29,500 I I Sub-total I 29,500 I I I I I Code Enforcement I 1 I General Fund/Fleet I 648 I I Revenue Sharing I 0 I I Sub-total I 648 I I I I I Building Inspection I I I General Fund/Fleet I ~,800 I I Sub-total I l,800 I I I I I Civil Disaster I I I General Fund/Fleet I 0 I I Sub-total I ;) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I ,.--.--------.....--------1-....----....----------1.---------------------1 I I I I TOTAL 35,829 I 14,187 I I I I 1------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Administration General Fund/Fleet Revenue Sharing Sub-total 648 900 l,548 Planning & Zoning General Fund/Fleet Revenue Sharing Sub-total 1,044 l,800 ~,844 o 6,000 6,000 l,440 600 2,040 l,692 l,692 63 63 .64- /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Rid'Je/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat. Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /\^/heat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /\vhea t R i dg e/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ I Wheat Ridge/ ~ ~ ;f S ~ ~ $ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY I PROGRAM: ALL FUNDS .~.-..~-._----..---_.._--..._-._.__.._---_._---_._-------------~---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I PROGRAM I I I I I DESCRIPTION: --------._---------------------~-----------------_._---------------------- see Summary Pages pages l25, 125-1, for Projects l25-2, l25-3, to Be Completed l25-4 ----------------.----------------------------..--------------------------- -------------------------.------------------------------------------------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STAT:::1ENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ---------------.~--------------------------------------------------------- --------------------.------------------..------------------.-.-.-.-.---.-- I !CATEGORY: I Personal Services I Materials & Supplies I Other Char. & Servo I Capital Outlays I *tr. from URA to Gen. 1 Unallocated Fund Bal. I Release of Encumbrance I TOTAL !FUNDS: I General Fund I Urban Renewal I Tr. from Gen. I I I Funds Fund to TOTAL 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget 9,000 6,450 75,037 374,560 56,900 o o 52l,947 20,000 1,700 83,600 109,800 613,000 o o 275,l\J\J l30 937 11,331 146,088 Fund 0 24l,747 (4,345) 395,888 9,000 1,050 27,400 337,350 68,500 22,2l0 o 465,5HJ o 468,047 o 228,300 o 270,883 URA 125,000 395,888 o 465,5l0 o 465,510 53,900 521,947 46,800 275, ICC -...------------------------------------------.-.------------------------- 64-l URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY ....-.......----.-.------.-.---------.-.-------.-..-.-------.--......--- DEPARTMENT All Fund s 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget .-.-----...--...-.-----------.-.------.-.-.-.--....------.--.--.-.------ PROGRAM 395,888 465,510 52l,947 275,100 --_._-_._,,~,~..-----_._-----------_..__._--_._.._----.---.-.----.-.---- ----.--------------------.-.----------------..-.------------------------ position Titles Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget Current Request ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intern* 1 8,400 l8,600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Temporary/Cont. Temporary* o o ---,-------------------------------------------------------------------- Overtime/Court Pay/Standby o o -------------.--------------------------------------.-.>,~~._----------_. Employee Benefits 600 1,400 -------------------------------------------------------------.---------- Total Personal Services 9,000 20,000 .----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------.--------------------------------------- 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 937 1,050 6,450 1,700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ __________________._._____9_____________________________________________ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget OTHER CHAR. & SERVo ll,331 27,400 75,037 83,600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CAPITAL OUTLAYS 383,490 428,060 43l,460 169,800* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *incl. trans. from Gen. Fund - - - - - -- J -, j\'iheat Riligel /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridqe! /Wheat Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridqel /Wheat Ridgel !Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridgel /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge;' /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /wneat Ridqe/ /Wheat Ridg~/ /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge! !Whe~t Ridge/ /r.'meat Ridge/ /Hheat Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /.,rnea t Ridge I /Wheat Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ !Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridgel /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ !Wh!'>Flr~ RinG!'>/ POLICE POLICE ~~-~--~-~~---~-~-----~-----------~-----------~-------~-------~-------------- I PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION ~~_~___~~_~~w__~___._._~_____~__________~____~__~___~_-~--------~-----~-~---- ~---------,----------------------------------------~---------~-------------- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: To provide high quality law enforcement services through coordination, organization, and planning of departmental functions within budgetary constraints; and through communication with other city departments, citizens and other agencies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- _~~--~--~~--~M---~---~---~-----------------------~-~--_~________~~---~---~- STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Active management of resources to maximize cost effectivenes~ in the delivery of law enforcement services. 2. Implement special procedures and programs to effectively deal with the increasing problems of traffic and narcotics. 3. Maintain effectiveness in crime investigation, response to calls for service, and crime prevention programs. 4. continue development of crime analysis for improved efficiency 1n patrol and investigative functions. 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CATEGORY: personal Services 73,173 142,908 112,932 152,895 Materials & Supplies 752 6,500 6,300 8,100 Other Char. & Servo 8,161 31,538 3l,738 33 ,240 capital Outlays* 0 6,969 6,703 998 TOTAL 82,086 187,915 l57,673 195,233 FUNDS: General Fund 82,086 182,890 152,914 194,883 General Revenue Sharing 0 5,025 4,759 350 *See detail page 82 TOTAL 82,086 l87,915 l57,673 195,233 ~--~--~-~---~----~~--~-----------~------------------------------------~---- fl66tl . . . --------------------~--~----~------------------------------------------- I DEPARTMENT POLICE 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget ---~~~~~----------~-------~~------------~-----~---~~~-~------~~---~~~--- I PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 82,086 187,915 157,673 195,233 I ---~~~~~-~--~------~-~~---~-~~--------------~---~~~~~---------~---------~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Employees I 1984 Budget 1985 3U~0~tl Request position Titles Current ------------------------------------~---------~------------------------- Chief of Police 1 1 43,596 48,204 Police Lieutenant 1 1 34,2l2 37,740 Crime prev./ Training Off. 1 1 24,0l2 24 ,372 Senior Secretary 1 1 20,376 20,976 -----~~-~-~----,-~~---------3_____________~_____________________________ I Temporary/Cant. Temporary 0 0 I ----~~~-~~--------------~----------~--~-~-------------------------------- I Overtime/Court pay/Standby 650 650 I -----~-~-~--~~~--------------------~---------------~------~-----~~-~--~~ I Employee Benefits 20,062 20,953 I ~---~-~~~-~-~--------------------~-------------,-~__~_______A____________ I Total Personal Services 4 4 142,908 152,895 I ----~-~~~---~-------------------~---~-------------~--------------------~ -------------------------- -~~._------------------------------------------ MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget 752 6,500 6,300 8,l00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~-r~------~----------~-------__________________________________~________ OTHER CHAR. & SERVo 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revise~ 1985 Budget 8,l61 3l,538 31,738 33,240 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----~------~---------------------------------------------~------------- CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget o 6,969 6,703 998 ---------------------------~-~------------------------------------------ tl67. POLICE ~~~-~-~~~--~~-~~~---~----------~~-~---~-~-~---~-~-~---------~----~----~-~~- I PROGRAM: SUPPORT SERVICES (INVESTIGATION). . , _w_~~~~~_~________A~~____~____~~~~_~~__~______~~~~__~_-------------------~- ~------------------------------.-----------------~----__A_______________~--- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: To provide investigation of felony crimes, child abuse, narcotic investigaion, intelligence service and other assiqned cases. To provide the collection,processing and preservation of evidence and photographic processing services. _~_____~_~______________A_____~__~_.'__~.___________~_______~___~___~~____~~- Obtain a clearance rate of 40% and recovery rate of 45% on all cases assigned to the Support Services Division. 2. Improve the level of training and field services received from the Evidence/Labatory Section to the Operations dnd Support Services Divisions. 3. Improve the development and investigation of narcotics/ intelligence cases, and provide intelligent services to the Administration, Operations and Support Services divisions Performance 1. Objectives ~~~--~-~~---------------~----~--~-----~-----~------------------------------ Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1 35% 40% 1 50% 45% 2 417 650 2 615 850 3 4l 240 3 0 200 2 0 ~ MEASUREMENT Case Clearance Rate Recovery Rate Rolls of film processed(lab) Lots of evidence processed Narc.& Intelligence Cases Intelligence reports Training sessions by Lab Av. cases assigned/ month 1 Av. recovery rate/month 1 Film processing hours/month 2 Evidence proc. Hours/month~ 2 Narc./Intelligence cases/mo. 3 Intelligence reports/ month 3 197 $79,974 28 120 3 o 225 $85,OU0 20 120 20 17 1985 BUDGET 40% 45% 500 900 240 225 12 225 .',375,229 30 120 20 19 ---_______________________________A_________________~__~_~__________________ Analysis -~-~-~~--~------------------~--~------------------~---------------~--~----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------~~------------------~--------------------'~~-------------------------- 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 561,035 623,340 626,236 659,276 Materials & Supplies 11 ,505 l4 ,573 14,573 18,003 Other Char. & Servo l5,l66 27,198 27,198 3l,130 Capital Outlays* 0 35,887 32,933 21,301 TOTAL 587,706 700,998 70 CJ , 94 ,l 729,7113 FUNDS: General Fund 587,706 671,591 674,487 715,609 General Revenue Sharing 0 29,407 26,453 14,101 *see detail page 82 TOTAL 587,706 700,998 700,940 729,710 ~-~-~-~~~--------~~-------~-~-~--------------------------------~--------~~- 1168. SEE PAGE 71 FOR SUPPORT SERVICES PERSONNEL SCHEDULE -69- POLICE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I PROGRAM: SUPPORT SERVICES (POLICE RECORDS) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPROGRAM DESCRIPTION:Performs records repository and public service I duties in the provision of records information, data analysis and I management information; 24 hours a day, seven days a week. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !Performance IObjectives I I I I I I l. Process and maintain police reports and related documents. I 2. Provides police reports, law enforcement computer and I related services to the public, other agencies and in I house police personnel. I 3. Performs all bonding functlons,and all billing,bookeeplng,1 processing funcions for appropriate municipal ordinances. I 4. Develop and implement improved procedures to provide I appropriate data for crime analysis. I --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indicators of Performance MEASUREMENT OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET Reports, summons, expungements, processed, microfilm-record preparation Computer entries & queries (CCIC/NCIC/STEP/PROMrS)minimal query 83, Dur entry started 84. Records access, in house services statistical, special studies Station house bonding, warrants District Attorney requests Citizen phone/ counter service F~13e alarm bookeepingjbilling Hours per month for 7 Clerks: Process reports, summons, e~pungements, microfilm preparation l,4 Computer entry & query 2 Records access, in house services statistics, special studies I Process bonds for citizens, Iwarrants lprocess D.A. requests IFalse a1arn hookeeping/bi11ing I Citizen phone/counter service 1,4 l04,909 87,665 86,000 2 27,055 28,085 28,685 3,4 3 2 2 3 47,947 584 907 35,354 1,2l1 48,650 626 910 35,500 1,220 48,800 685 915 35,700 1,225 363.3 342.5 3,4 62.3 342.6 363.3 3ll.4 394.4 3 83.0 51.9 3l.l l~3.8 62.3 62.3 3 2 83.0 4l.5 41.5 l03.8 83.0 4l,5 41.5 l03.8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I CATEGORY: I Personal Services I Materials & Supplies COSTS FOR THIS PROGRAM ARE INCLUDED I Other Char. & Servo I Capital Outlays WITH COSTS SHOWN ON PAGE 68 I TOTAL I FUNDS: I General Fund I I I I I TOTAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -70- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEPARTMENT POLICE 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAM SUPPORT SERVICES 587,706 700,998 700,940 729,710 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Current Request I 1985 Budgetl I Position Titles Number of Employees 1984 Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Division Commander 1 1 39,8l6 4l,472 Police Lieutenant 1 1 35,l48 37,740 Police Sergeant 2 2 62,784 67,704 Senior Police Officer 4 4 114,666 115,920 Police Officer II 4 4 115,819 135,804 Senior Secretary 1 1 l8,504 20,388 Senior Police Records Clk. 1 1 2l,852 19,404 Police Records Clerk 7 7 l04,l96 l06,428 -----------------------------~----------------------------------------- Temporary/Cont. Temporary o o ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Overtime/Court Pay/Standby 17 , 400 21,800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Employee Benefits 93,l55 92,616 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Personal Services 21 21 623,340 659,276 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl MATERIALS & SUPPLIES I ll,505 l4,573 l4,573 l8,003 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHER CHAR. & SERVo 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I 15,166 27,198 27,198 31,130 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I o 35,887 32,933 21,30l I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ..71.. POLICE I PROGRAM: OPERATIONS (PATROL/TRAFFIC) I PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: To provide the citizens of Wheat Ridge with the I highest quality of law enforcement, and maintain the highest level of I protection for lives and property. I I Performance I Objectives I I I I I 1.Maintain current percentage of increase in traffic accidentl by utlizing available Patrol personnel for selective I enforcement. I 2.Maintain emphasis on DUI/DWAI apprehension & prosecution. I 3.Pro-active response to suspicious persons/ incidents for I crime prevention purposes. I 4.Maintain rapid response ~o calls for service from citizens.1 MEASUREMENT Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. Calls for Service handled 4 2l,900 22,000 Traffic Accidents investd. 1 2,116 2,490 Arrests/Criminal+Traffic 1,3 2,302 2,475 Arrests/DUI/DWAI 2 560 825 Traffic Summons Issued 1 6,700 5,600 Suspicious Pers. contactecl 3 5,493 4,000 Statistics per officer (35FTE) Calls for service handled 4 626 629 Traffic Accidents Investd. 1 60 71 Arrests/Criminal+Traffic 1,3 66 71 Arrests DUI/DWAI 2 16 24 Traff ic Summons Issued 1 191 160 Suspicious persons contacted 3 157 114 Analysis I 1985 BUDGET I I 22,540 I 2,700 I 2,500 1 850 I 5,600 I 6,000 I I 644 I 77 I 71 I 24 I 160 I 171 I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I I CATEGORY: I Personal Services I Materials & Supplies I Other Char. & Servo I Capital Outlays* I TOTAL I FUNDS: I General Fund l,529,881 I General Revenue Sharing 84,379 I I I I 1,458,464 15,8S5 201,897 52,589 l,728,805 1,42l,513 9,304 57,557 125,886 l,6l4,260 l,465,029 15,855 203,947 50,2l4 l,735,045 1,720,280 8,525 1,728,895 G,150 *see detail page 82 1,728,805 1,735,045 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,835,267 TOTAL l,6l4,260 -72- 1,487,132 13,888 245,79l 88,456 1,835,267 1,803,619 31,648 SEE PAGE 77 FOR OPERATIONS PERSONNEL SCHEDULE -73- POLICE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I PROGRAM: OPERATIONS (COMMUNICATIONS COMPLAINT INTAKE OFFICE) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------.----------- IPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: To provide 24 hour, 7 day high quality police, fire I and EMS dispatching, as well as telephone answering, and to add support 1 to patrol/traffic on many walk in complaints. I --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------.--------------------------- \Performance IObjectives I I I I I 1. Receive and dispatch calls for emergency service within one minute of receipt. 2. Handle 75% of the station house calls for service (walk ins) . 3. Answer all calls forwarded to the police communiciations section within l0 seconds or by the third ring. 4. Make as needed outgoing calls for officers in field. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEASUREMENT Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET Incoming telephone calls 1,3 55,66l 60,000 outgoing telephone calls 4 lO,6l4 ll,OOO Computer inquiries/entries 48,9iHJ 49,750 Calls dispatched 1 20,900 2l,000 ~fl/a 1 k in complaints 2 3,200 3,650 Number/FTE; ( l0 FTE 's) Incoming telephone calls 1,3 5,566 6,000 Outgoing telephone calls 4 1,06l 1,lOO Computer inquiries/entries 4,890 4,975 Calls dispatched 1 2,090 ',~,l~)O 'tia 1 k in complaints 2 320 365 60,030 12,500 5l,540 22,000 3,900 6,000 l,250 5,154 2,200 390 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis -------------------------------------------.-------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I CATEGORY: I Personal Services I Materials & Supplies I Other Char. & Servo COSTS FOR THIS PROGRAM ARE INCLUDED I Capital Outlays WITH COSTS SHOWN ON PAGE 72 I TOTAL I FUNDS: I General Fund I I I I I TOTAL -74- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEE PAGE 77 FOR OPERATIONS PERSONNEL SCHEDULE -75- POLICE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- jPROGRAM: OPERATIONS (ANIM^L CONTROL) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: To provide for humane animal control services, I education on pet care and animal welfare; and enforcement of City, I ordinances and laws pertaining to animal welfare. I I Statel I I --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPerformance IObjectives I I I I I 1.Continued emphasis on impounding of dogs running at 2.Educate the public on violations of animal control ordinances. 3.Return lost pets to owners. 4.Investigate bites received by humans from animals. 5.Trap and relocate or dispose of problem wildlife in a humane manner. large. I I I I I I I --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - MEAS UREI1ENT Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET Animal impoundments 1,4 645 680 Violations warnings issued 2,3 590 600 Animals released 3 346 400 Animal bites investigated 4 81 65 Animal carcasses disposed of 636 405 Wildlife trapped 5 120 150 Number/ FTE ( 3 FTE) Animal impoundments 1,4 215 227 Violations warnings issued 2,3 197 200 Animals released 3 115 133 Animal bites lnvesti'Jated 4 27 22 Animal ca rca S5', s disposed of 212 135 \^lildlife trapped 5 .; 0 50 -;-;;0 610 450 ':10 325 165 233 203 ISO 30 108 55 -----------------------------------------------.----------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis I I CATEGORY: I Personal Services I Materials & Supplies I Other Char. & Servo I Capital Outlays I TOTAL I FUNDS: I General Fund I I I I I TOTAL 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget COSTS FOR THIS PROGRAM ARE INCLUDED WITH COSTS SHOWN ON PAGE 72 -76- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEPARTMENT POLICE 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAM OPERATIONS 1,614,260 1,728,805 1,735,045 1,835,267 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of Employees 1984 Budget Current Request I 1985 Budgetl I posi tion Titles ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Division Commander 1 1 39,816 41,472 Police Lieutenant 3 3 104,418 113,220 Police Sergeant 4 4 125,568 135,408 Senior Police Officer 3 3 114,666 28,980 Police Officer ( I & II) 26 26 579,097 662,544 Senior Secretary 1 1 20,376 20,976 Animal Control Officer I 3 3 49,746 48,768 CCIO 10 10 171,120 173,088 -----------------------------~----------------------------------------- Temporary/Cont. Temporary o o -----~------------------------------------------------------------------ Overtime/Court Pay/Standby 41,101 51,081 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Employee Benefits 212,556 211,595 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Personal Services 52 52 1,458,464 1,487,132 ---------------------------------------------------------~-------------- ----------------~-------------------------------~----------------------- 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl MATERIALS & SUPPLIES I 9,304 15,855 15,855 13,888 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHER CHAR. & SERVo 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I 57,557 201,897 203,947 245,791 I ------~----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------.---.-------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I 125,886 52,589 50,214 88,456 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -77- POLICE SUMMARY BUDGET 1983 1984 1984 1985 I I BUDGETI PROGRAM SUMMARY ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Administration 82,086 187,915 157,673 195,233 Support Services 587,706 700,998 700,940 729,710 Operations 1,614,260 1,728,805 1,735,045 1,835,267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 2,284,052 2,617,718 =,593,658 2,760,210 I -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I /CATEGORY & FUND SUMMARIES I 1983 1984 1984 1985 I I - BUDGET I ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I - [CATEGORY: I I Personal Services 2,055,721 2,224,712 2,204,197 2,299,303 I I I I Materials and Supplies 21,561 36,928 36,728 39,991 I - I I I Other Charges & Services 80,884 260,633 262,883 310,161 / I I - I Capital Outlays* 125,386 95,445 89,850 110,755 I I I I / I TOTAL 2,284,J52 2,617,718 2,593,658 2,760,210 I /FUNDS: I General Fund 2,199,673 2,574,761 2,556,296 2,714,111 I I General Revenue Sharing 84,379 42,957 37,362 46,099 I I *see detail page 82 I I I I -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 2,284,052 2,617,718 2,593,658 2,760,210 I -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -78- POLICE AUTHORIZED POSITION SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1983 ACTUAL I 1984 BUDGET I 1985 BUC~Gl i POSITION TITLES 1--------------1--------------1--------------1 I INo.1 Salaries INo.1 Salaries INo.1 Salaries I 1--------------------------1---1----------1---1----------1---1----------1 I I I I I I 1 I I Chief of police I 1 I 43,258 I 1 I 43,596 I 1 I 48,204 I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I Division Commander 1 2 I 79,277 I 2 I 79,632 I 2 I 82,944 I I I I I I \ I I I police Lieutenant I 5 1 175,335 I 5 I 173,688 I 5 I 188,700 I I I I I 1 ) 1 I I police Sergeant 161 196,362 I 6 I 188,352 \ 6 I 203,112 I I I I I I 1 1 I I Senior police Officer I 8 I 209,784 1 8 I 229,332 I 7 I 144,900 I I I I I 1 I I I I police Officer (I&II) 1291 621,040 \30 I 694,916131 I 798,348 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I Crime Prevention Trg .Off. 1 1 I 22,228 \ 1 I 24,012 I 1 I 24,372 I I I I 1 I I 1 I \ Senior Secretary 131 57,237 I 3 I 59,256 I 31 62,340 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 Animal Control Off. II 111 18,285 11 I 18,852 10 I 0 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I I Animal Control Off. 12\ 30,969 12 I 30,984 13 I 48,768 I 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I Senior CCIO I 1 I 17,694 I 1 I 19,176 1 0 I 0 I 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 CCIO I 9 I 138,225 I 9 I 151,944 I 101 173,088 I I I I I 1 I I I I Senior police RecordsClk.l 1 1 20,181 I 1 I 21,852 I 1 I 19,404 I I I I I I \ I I I Police Records Clerk 1-7 1 89,182 I 7 I 1C4,196 I 7 I 106,428 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I \ 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I [ I I I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I [ I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I RETIREMENT I I 170,909 I I 190,8241 1 193,4821 I I I 1 1 I I INSURANCE I I 113,382 I 1 134,949\ I 131,6821 I I I I I I I OVERTIME I I 51,781 1 I 59,1511 I 73,5311 I I 1 I I I I TEMPORARY 1 I 592 1 1 0 I I 01 I I I I 1 1 I I 1--------------------------1---1----------1---1----------1---1----------1 I I I 1 I I i I I TOTAL I 76 I 2 , 055 , 721 I 77 I 2 , 224 , 712 I 77 I 2, 299 , 303 I I I I I I I I I 1------------------------------------------------------------------------ -79- POLICE MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1 I 1983 I 1984 I 1984 1 1985 I I ITEM I I 1 I I 1 I ACTUAL I BUDGET I REVISED I BUDGET I 1-----------------------1------------1------------1-----------1----------1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I 651-0ffice Supplies I 13,742 I 20,750 I 20,550 I 12,470 I 1 I I I I I I 654-Copy & PrintingEx.\ 0 I 0 I 0 I 10,080 I I I I I I I 1 655-postage 1 0 I 0 I 0 I 1,145 I I I I 1 I 1 I 660-0perating Suppliesl 7,819 I 16,178 I 16,178 I 16,296 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I - I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I \ i 1 - I I I I I I I I I I I 1 - I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I 1-----------------------1------------1------------1-----------1----------1 I I I I 1 I I TOTAL I 21,561 I 36,928 i 36,728 I 39,991 I I I I I I I 1------------------------------------------------------------------------1 -80- POLICE OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I I 1983 I 1984 1 1984 1 1985 I I ITEM I 1 , I I , I ACTUAL I BUDGET I REVISED I BUDGET I 1-----------------------1------------1------------1-----------1----------1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 702-Conf. & Meet. Ex 1 430' 1,400 I 1,400' 1,200 I I I I I I I I 704-Contractual Servo I 1,560 I 1,600 I 1,600 I 2,025 I I I I I I I I 706-Dues, Books& Subs.! 1,672 I 1,900 I 2,100 1 2,400 I I I I I I I I 728-Training & Safety 1 12,667 I 20,600 I 21,400 I 22,200 I 1 I I I 1 I I 730-Uniforms/Prot. Cl.1 3,235 I 4,250 I 5,500 I 13,875 I I I I I I 1 I 740-Auto Mil.Reimbur. I 9 I 50 I 50 I 50 I \ I I I I I I 741-Uniform Allowance 1 24,232 I 26,950 I 26,950 1 27,450 \ I I I I I I , 750-professional Serv.' 4,479 I 2,725 I 2,725 1 1,325 I I I I I I I I 758-Renta1s/Leases I 3,527 I 384 I 384 I 400 1 I I I I I I I 759-Telephone Exp. I 1,786 I 1,200 I 1,200 I 1,200 I I 1 I I I I I 772-Fleet Rep./Mtce. I 0 I 166,320 I 166,320 I 208,368 I I I I I I I I 776-0ther Equip. Mtce.1 24,648 I 28,429 I 28,429 I 24,318 I I I I I I I I 796-Police Reserve Expl 1,629 I 2,400 I 2,400 I 2,600 I I I I I I I 799-Misc. Serv./Char. I 1,010 2,425 I 2,425 I 2,750 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1-----------------------1------------1------------1-----------1----------1 I 'I I TOTAL 1 80,884 \ 260,633 262,883 310,161 ! I I 1------------------------------------------------------------------------1 -81- - - -.1-/ /\'lheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge,! /Wheat Ridge; PUBLIC WORKS /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridqe/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheqt Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Hheat Ridse/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridae/ PUBLIC WORKS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides executive direction to the Engineering, \ Streets, Traffic and Shops division and maintains responsibility for I all projects funded by the Capital Improvement Fund. I --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPerformance IObjectives I 1 I I I 1. Maintain coordination among public works divisions and other divisions and departments of the city. 2. Provide long range decisions on work priorities, manpower scheduling and division policies. 3. Monitor progress on all construction projects and maintenance programs in the Public Works department. 4. Respond to all citizen inquiries regarding programs. MEASUREMENT Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET Authorized Personnel Major Capital Expenditures Drainage Projects Street Projects Traffic Projects 1,2,3 2,3,4 33.5 33 600,000 1,939,300 1,275,000 2,052,500 100,000 Administrative Budget as a ~ercentage of total d2pilrtmental budget 1,2,3,4 2.2~ 1. 8% Analysis 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CATEGORY: Personal Services 65,966 80,990 71,173 82,022 Materials & Supplies 2,540 2,900 3, 350 3,450 Other Char. & Servo 4,218 4,846 4,346 5,740 Capital Outlays* 862 1,648 1,648 1,348 TOTAL 73,586 90,384 81,017 92,56,] FUNDS: General Fund 72,336 89,384 80,017 91,860 Capital Imp. Fund 1,250 0 0 0 General Revenue Sharing 0 1,000 1,000 700 *see detail page 98 TOTAL 73,586 90,384 81,017 92,560 -84- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I DEPARTMENT 1 PUBLIC WORKS 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I PROGRAM ADMIN STRATI ON 73, 586 90,384 81,017 92,560 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posi tion Ti tles Number of Employees I 1984 Budget 1985 Budgetl Current Request I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I i Director of Public Works 1 I I Senior Secretary 1 I I Secretary .5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 43,596 48,204 I I 1 16,464 20,976 I I 9, 390 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Temporary/Cont. Temporary o 1,200 ------------.-----.------------------------------------------------------- I Overtime/Court Pay/Standby 500 500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ J Employee Benefits 11 , 040 11 , 142 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Total Personal Services 2.5 2 80,990 .32,022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I 2,540 2,900 3,350 3,450 I I 1 OTHER CHAR. & SERVo I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I 4,218 4,846 4,846 5,740 I I I CAPITAL OUTLAYS I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl 1 862 1,648 1,648 1,348 I -85- I PROGRAM: ENGINEERING PUBLIC WORKS --.............----....--..............................----.-.-..-.-.-.---- ------.-.----.------------------------------....-----..------------------.- -.-.---------------------------------------------.-.-..------------------.- IPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provide surveys, design, construction management of I all departmental capital improvement and major maintenance projec~s; I provides civil engineering support to the Development Review process. I -------~._-.------_...._-------------_.__._._---------.-_._------~--------- ------_._-------~._._---------_._-----_.._--------------------------------- !Performance IObjectives I I I I I 1. Survey design and inspect public works capital projects. 2. Provide construction management for all departmental projects as assigned. 3. Review development plans in accordance with City development regulations. 4. Provide technical information to citizens, other City departments and related agencies. --------------...--------..-----------------------------------------.------ .------------------------------------------------.------------------.------ MEASUREMENT Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET Design of street miles 1 1. 75 1.5 Design of storm drainage miles. 1 2.0 .5 No. of maJor construction projects. 2 3 4 No. of construction contracts administered 2 4 4 Service request response % 100% 100% Staff hours on street projects 1 10,000 Staff hours on drainage projects 1 10,000 1.. :J 1.5 C J '5 100% 10,000 10,000 ----~_....-_.~_._---_._.-.--_..--_...._-...--._--_.._-_._~>>~,--_._-_....._- Analysis ,..__.__._____._....._..___.__....__._.__._....~._.____~_..~.9___._________ -----_.._------_..._..-_._----_.-.-..~~--_.._---_.-...-------------------.- 1983 Actual -_.._-_._.._---------_.__.._--_._._-_.----.-------~~~~----.---------....--- I I CATEGORY: I Personal Services I Materials & Supplies I Other Char. & Servo I Capital Outlays* I TOTAL I FUNDS: I General Fund I General Revenue Sharing I Capital Imp. Fund I *see detail page 98 I I 282,409 9,402 4,812 955,350 1,251,973 296,767 16,625 938,581 1,251,973 ---------------.----------------------------------------------------------- 1,669,715 TOTAL 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget 300,481 9,600 45,610 680,263 1,035,954 361,739 74,215 600,000 1,035,954 .86. 268,186 Ill,650 44,710 518,798 842,344 329,594 12,750 500,0130 842,344 317,829 10,500 52,768 1,288,618 1,669,715 387,865 6,850 1,275,000 -_.....-......._.-...-_...-.._-------..._....~~..._._-........-.......-- DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget ............_--_...-_...._-.-..._...._-..~~~~._...._.-..............--.. PROGRAM ENGINEERING 1,251,973 1,035,954 842,344 1,669,715 ._............._-......-............._..._.~~~~......................... ....-.....-.._....~........._-...._.~.-_.....__..~-..................... Position Titles Number of Employees 1984 Budget Current Request I 1985 Budgetl I ._........_...._.-.........................._...~~...,.................. City Engineer 1 1 34,056 39,6~J Civil Engineer 2 2 57,756 57,996 Engineering Technician 6 6 127,776 134,052 Drafting Technician 2 2 32,508 34,056 ..._._......._.........~.....~..........._............................. Temporary/Cont. Temporary o o .......................................................~.............__.- Overtime/Court pay/Standby 5,000 6,000 ............................................................,........... Employee Benefits 43,385 46,125 ........................................................_...~..._....... Total Personal Services 11 11 300,481 317,829 ..._........."~.._...9._._................_....._............._......... ............_.._--~._..........._...._...........~-~~~.~................. 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl MATERIALS & SUPPLIES I 9,402 9,600 10,650 10,500 I ..................--.................................................... .........................................................?............. OTHER CHAR. & SERVo 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl 1 4,812 45,610 44,710 52,768 I _........-..~..__...~...._..._......_-_.-....-.._._.-..............---.. .....................-.......................................----....... CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget/ I 955,350 680,263 518,798 1,288,618 I ....-..__...~~._--_..-.-....-....---_._-_.-..--_._-..--.........-....--- -87- PUBLIC WORKS ........................................................................... I PROGRAM: STREETS ........................................................................... ........................................................................... IPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides preventative maintenance services of City street and storm drainage systems. ........................................................................... ..........................................................~................ IPerformance I Obj ecti ves 1 1 I I I Maintain 125 miles of City owned streets. Maintain 24 miles of storm drainage system. Control snow and ice on City street system by plowing and sanding. Provide seasonal weed control within public right of l. 2. 3. 4. I I I I way. I 1 I ........................................................................... MEASUREMENT ........................................................................... Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET Miles of City streets 1,3,4 125 Miles of storm dr. system 2 24 Tons of asphaltic concrete used 1 1,150 Tons of crack sealant app. 1 40 Miles of street swept 1 536 Cost of snow & ice control 3 80,000 Tons of sal tjsand mix.used 3 2,800 S ta ff hours street sweeping 1 ? Staff hours street repair 1 4,800 Staff hours snow & ice ctl. 3 1,700 Staff hours drainage mtce. .2 4,200 125 24 1,150 46 536 80,000 2,800 3,120 4,800 1,700 4,200 .........7.....~........................................................... Analysis ..~.-.........7..............................._..._..............._........ ...........-----.....------..........................-...-................. ..-.......-......-........--.-.-........--.......--...~................._.. I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I CATEGORY: I Personal Services 305,517 309,546 356,500 313,272 I Materials & Supplies 144,057 110,500 110,500 122,295 I Other Char. & Servo 202,339 341,456 342,306 344,087 I Capital Outlays* 2,298,097 2,043,680 2,193,380 2,103,834 I TOTAL 2,950,010 2,805,182 3,002,686 2,883,488 I FUNDS: I General Fund 671,814 814,882 862,686 825,288 I General Revenue Sharing 259,432 1,000 40,000 5,700 I Capital Imp. Fund 2,018,764 1,989,300 2,100,000 2,052,500 I *see detail page 98 I I TOTAL 2,950,010 2,805,182 3,002,686 2,883,488 -88- ..............................................-............................ ......_-...~-.....~*.................................................... DEPARTMENT PUBLIC ItJORKS 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget ......~................................................................. PROGRAM STREETS 2,950,010 2,805,182 3,002,686 2,883,488 ........................................................................ ...............................................~~~~~.................... Current Request I 1985 Budgetl I position Titles Number of Employees 1984 Budget ......................................................~................. I I I i I I I Street 1'1tce. Supervisor 1 1 32,124 28,440 I I I I Motor Equip/Operator II 3 3 43,284 63, 312 1 I I 1 Motor Equip/Operator I 1 1 39,960 19,416 I I I I Maintenance Worker 8 8 119,856 123,852 I 1 I I Clerk Typist .5 .5 7,242 7,824 I I \ I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ..............................~...~..................................... Temporary/Cant. Temporary o o ..~*.........._.......*........._'..._~............_..................... Overtime/Court pay/Standby 18,480 20,740 ..................................~?................................... Employee Benefits 48,600 49,688 ........................................................................ Total Personal Services 13.5 13.5 309,546 313,272 ........................................................................ .....................................................................~.. 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl MATERIALS & SUPPLIES I 144,057 110,500 110,500 122,295 I ......................................~................................. ........................................................................ OTHER CHAR. & SERVo 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl \ 202,339 341,456 342,306 344,087 I ........................................................................ ........................................................................ CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl 1 2,298,097 2,043,680 2,193,380 2,103,834 I _.......................................~~......_....................... -89- PUBLIC WORKS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I PROGRAM: TRAFFIC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides construction and maintenance services to I 1 insure that all traffic control devices meet applicable legal standards.1 I I I I I Performance IObjectives I I I I I 1. Provide adequate lane lines on City streets I 2. Install and maintain regulatory warning and informationall signing on City streets. ! 3. Provide crosswalks at all schools and high volume I pedestrian crossing areas. I I I --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indicators of Performance I OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1'1EASUHEl'lENT Miles of roadway requiring paint 1 74 74 ~1i 1 es of roadway requiring signs 2 125 125 1'1i 1es of roadway marked 1 ? ? New signs installed 2 100 200 Signs serviced 2 180 280 Existing Crosswalks painted 3 51) -1,,1 Staff hours lane painting 1 570 '-70 :J I\) ~~t-ltc hours street signs 2 14 ~J 6(JO Analysis --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1')33 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I 1 CATEGORY: I Personal Services 40,736 46,565 43,132 52,545 I Materials & Supplies 52,914 75,050 75,050 78,8'iCJ I Other Char. & Servo 1,023 4,756 4,756 6,242 I Capital Outlays* 103,748 51,440 51,440 101,109 I TOTAL 198,421 177,811 174,378 238,746 IFUNDS: I General Fund 94,673 127,811 124,378 138,746 I Capital Imp. Fund 103,748 50,000 50,000 100,000 I 1 *see detail page 98 I I TOTAL 198,421 177,811 174,378 238,746 -90- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I DEPARTMENT 1 PUBLIC WORKS 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I PROGRAM TRAFFIC 198,421 177,811 174,378 238,746 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Position Titles Number of Employe2s I 1984 Budget 1985 Budgetl Current Request I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 I I I Traffic Technician II I 1 Traffic Technician I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 22,080 23,172 1 1 15,108 19,248 ----------------------,-------------------------------------------------- I Temporary/Cont. Temporary o o I Overtime/Court Pay/Standby 1,800 1,890 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Employee Benefits 7,577 8,235 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Total Personal Services 2 2 46,565 52,545 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I MATERIALS & SUPPLIES I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl 1 52,914 75,050 75,050 78,850 I I I OTHER CHAR. & SERVo I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I 1,023 4,756 4,756 6,242 I I I CAPITAL OUTLAYS I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl 1 103,748 51,440 51,440 101,109 I -91- PUBLIC WORKS I PROGRAM: SHOPS IPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provide management, preventative maintenance, I repair, and fuel management of all city owned vehicles and equipment. I I I Performance IObjectives 1 I 1 1 I l. 2. Maintain and repair entire fleet of vehicles Operate city fueling station as efficiently as I possible .1 I I I I I MEASUREr-lENT Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET Vehicles/equipment maintained 1 105 135 Service requests received 1 1,300 1,600 Gallons of fuel used 2 105,000 118,000 Analysis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I CATEGORY: I Personal Services 120,001 124,095 127,117 134,884 I Materials & Supplies 256,191 231,151 245,500 272,598 I Other Char. & Servo 21,560 28,800 23,795 23,300 I Capital Outlays 4,949 387,252 387,252 314,716 I TOTAL 402,701 771,298 783,664 750,998 I FUNDS: I General Fund 397,752 (J II lJ I Transfer from Gen.Fund 0 524,172 536,538 593,640 1 General Revenue Sharing 4,949 172,126 l72,126 157,358 1 Capital Imp. Fund 0 75,000 75,000 (] I I TOTAL 402,701 *247,126 *247,126 *157,353 -92- *General Fund transfers are accounted for as expenditures in user depts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I DEPARTMENT I PUBLIC WORKS I PROGRAM SHOPS 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget 402,701 247,126* 247,126* 157,358* I *General Fund transfers are accounted for as expenditures in user depts. Posi tion Ti tIes I I I 1 Shops & Yard Supervisor I I Mechanic I I Clerk Typist I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Number of Employees I 1984 Budget 1985 Budgetl Current Request I 1 1 33,852 32,124 3 61,788 3 66,048 .5 .5 7,242 7,824 I Temporary -------------------------------~----------------------------------------- o o I Overtime I Employee Benefits I Total Personal Services 4,160 4,800 18,781 22,.360 4.5 4 . 5 134,384 124, :;95 I I MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl I 256,191 231,151 245,500 272,598 I I I OTHER CHAR. & SERVo I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl 1 21,560 28,800 23,795 28,800 I ------------------------------------~----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I CAPITAL OUTLAYS I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budgetl , I 4,949 387,252 387,252 314,716 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -93- PUBLIC WORKS SUMMARY BUDGET ......................................................................... 1983 1984 1984 1985 PROGRAM SUMMARY ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET ......................................................................... Administration 73,586 90,384 81,017 92,560 Engineering 1,251,973 1,035,954 842,344 1,669,715 Streets 2,950,010 2,805,182 3,002,686 2,883,488 Traffic 198,421 177,811 174,378 238,746 Shops 402,701 247,126 247,126 157,358 ......................y..~.......~...................................... TOTAL 4,876,691 4,356,457 4,347,551 5,041,867 ~~*..........................~>.~....................................... ~~.~....................*..~..........~......................~.......... I ICATEGORY & FUND SUMMARIES I 1983 1984 1984 1985 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET ...................................................._~..............-... I !CATEGORY: I Personal Services 814,629 737,582 738,991 765,668 I I Materials and Supplies 465,104 198,050 199,550 215,095 I I Other Charges & Services 233,952 396,668 396,618 408,837 I I Capital Outlays* 3,363,006 3,024,157 3,012,392 3,652,267 I I I TOTAL 4,876,691 4,356,']57 4,347,551 5,041,867 I I FUNDS: I General Fund 1,533,342 1,393,816 1,396,675 1,443,759 I I General Revenue Sharing 281,006 248,341 225,876 170,608 I I Capital Imp. Fund 3,062,343 2,714,300 2,725,000 3,427,500 I I *see detail page 98 I I ..................-................_....~.~--...~~....._*.~~.~.......... TOTAL 4,876,691 4,356,457 4,347,551 5,041,867 ..~..~~.................................................--.............. .94. PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORIZED POSITION SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1983 ACTUAL I 1984 BUDGET I 1985 BUDGET POSITION TITLES 1--------------1--------------1----__________ I INo.1 Salaries INo.1 Salaries INo.1 Salaries 1--------------------------1---1----------1---1----------1---1---------- I I I I I I I I Director of Public Works 1 1 I 42,3531 11 43,5961 11 48,204 \ I I I I I I I City Engineer \ 1 I 19,6881 11 34,0561 11 39,600 I I I I I I I I Street Mtce. Supervisor 1 1 I 30,3601 11 32,1241 11 28,440 I I I ill 1 I Shops/ Yards Supervisor I 1 I 31,5741 11 32,1241 11 33,852 1 I I I I 1 I I Senior Secretary I 1 I 12,3331 11 16,4641 11 20,976 1 I 1 I I I I Civil Engineer 2 I 53,7921 21 57,7561 21 57,996 1 I I I I I Engineering Technician 6 115,8971 61 127,7761 61 134,052 I I I I I 1 Engineerin3 Assistant 2 30,5591 21 32,5081 21 34,056 I 1 I 1 I I Motor Equipment Ope II 2 48,1261 31 63,2841 31 63,312 I I I 1 I I Motor Equipment Ope I 2 29,9021 11 19,9601 11 19,416 1 I 1 1 1 1 Maintenance Worker 8 110,7661 81 119,8561 81 123,852 1 1 1 1 1 I Traffic Technician II 1 20,1721 1 22,0801 11 23,172 1 1 1 I I Traffic Technician I 1 14,9161 1 15,1081 11 19,248 1 I 1 I 1 Auto & Equip. Mechanic 3' 60,324 3 61,7881 31 66,048 1 1 I I Clerk Typist 1 12,646 1 14,4841 11 15,648 I 1 I I Secretary 0 0.5 9,3901 01 0 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I RETIREMENT 67,408 75,0021 1 79,531 I I INSURANCE 45,047 54,3811 I 58,019 I I OVERTIME 24,319 29,940 I 1 33,930 I 1 TEMPORARY 44,447 01 1 1,200 I! I 1 I 1 --------------------------1---1----------1---1----------1---1--------- I I I I 1 I TOTAL 33 814,6291341 *861,67733 900,552* 1 I I 1 I I 1 1------------------------------------------------------------------_____ * incl. shop personnel -95- PUBLIC WORKS MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I 1983 I 1984 I 1984 I 1985 1 I ITEM I I I I I I I ACTUAL 1 BUDGET I REVISED 1 BUDGET I 1-----------------------1------------ ------------1-----------1----------1 I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I General Fund I I I I I 651-0ffice Supplies I 5,828 6,050 I 7,550 I 6,100 I I I I I i I 654-Copy &Printing Ex.1 0 0 I 0 I 800 I 1 I I I I I 655-postage I 0 0 I 0 , 350 I I I I I I 1 660-0perating Suppliesl 459,276 192,000 I 192,000 I 207,845 I I SUBTOTAL I 465,104 198,050 I 199,550 I 215,095 I I Fleet Ma intenance Fund I I I I I (Funded Through General' I I I I Fund Transfers) 1 I I , I 651-0ffice Supplies I 0 400 I 500 I 400 I I I I I 654-Copy & Printing Ex 0 0 0 I 100 I I I I I I I 655-Postage I 0 I 0 0 I 0 I I I I I I I 660-0perating Suppliesl 0 I 230,751 10,000 I 16,000 I I 'I I I I 661-Gas & Oil , 0 I 0 llS"H10 I 126,098 I I I 1 I I I 662-Veh. & Equip.Partsl 0 1 0 120,000 I 130,000 I I SUBTOTAL I 0 I 231,151 245,500 I 272,598 I I 1 I I I ! I I ! 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I 1-----------------------1------------1------------1-----------1----------1 I I I 1 I I I TOTAL I 465,104 I 429,201 ! 445,D50 I 487,693*1 I I I I I I 1------------------------------------------------------------------------1 *incl. shop -96- PUBLIC WORKS OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 1 1983 I 1984 I 1984 I 1985 I I ITEM 1 I I I 1 1 I ACTUAL I BUDGET 1 REVISED I BUDGET I 1-----------------------1------------1------------1-----------1----------1 1 General Fund I I 1 I 1 I 702-Conf.& Meet. Exp. I 2,591 I 3,100 I 3,200 I 3,700 I I 1 I I I I I 704-Cont. Services I 3,624 I 25,000 I 25,000 I 27,000 I I I 1 I I I I 706-Dues,Books & Subs.1 925 I 1,000 I 1,000 I 1,450 I I I I I I I I 728-Training/Safety I 1,975 I 1,200 I 1,200 I 2,044 I I I 1 1 1 I I 730-Uniforms/Prot. Cl.1 12,065 I 9,750 I 9,750 I 10,040 I 1 1 I I I I I 740-Auto Mil. Reimb. I 261 I 250 I 500 I 500 I I I I I I I 750-professional Sves.1 2,460 I 2,500 1 2,500 1 2,500 I I I I I I 75S-Rentals/Leases I 4,561 I 5,300 I 5,300 I 5,700 I I 1 I I ! 759-Telephone Expense I 231 I 1,100 I 1,100 1 1,150 1 I I I I I 760-Utilities I 9,528 I 0 I ,l I ;J I I I I I I 761-Street Lighting I 186,176 I 185,000 I 185,000 I 203,900 I I I I I I 772-F1eet Repair,Mtce.1 0 I 157,468 I 157,468 ! 143,703 I I I 1 I 774-Fac. Rep.& Mtce. I 5,629 I O! J 0 I I I I 77G-Other Equip.Mtce. I 2,300! 1,900 2,500 3,950 ! I I I 733-Title Res. & Rep. I 300 I 2,500 1,500 2,500 I I I I 799-Misc.Serv.&Char. 1 76 I 600 600 600 I -- SUBTOTAL ! 232,702 I 396,668 396,613 408,837 I I Fleet Maintenance Fundi I I 1 (Funded through General!! I 1 FunJ Transfers) 1 I I I 702-Cont.& Meet. Exp. I 0 I 100 20 100 I I 704-Contractual Sves. 1 0 I 4,000 3,700 4,000 1 I 706-Dues,Books & Subs.1 0 1 250 200 250 I I 728-Training & Safety I 0 I 750 575 750 I I 730-Uniform/Prot.Cl. I 0 I 1,800 1,800 1,800 I I 760-Utilities I 0 I 15,400 11,000 15,400 I I 774-Fac. Rep./Mtce. I 0 I 5,000 5,000 5,000 I I 776-0ther Equip.Mtce. I 0 I 1,500 1,500 1,500 I 1 SUBTOTAL I (] I 28,800 23,795 28,300 I I Capital Imp. Fund I I I I 702-Conf.&Meet. Exp. I 1,250 I 0 I 0 I 0 I I SUBTOTAL I 1,250 I 0 I-~ I 0 I 1-----------------------1------------1------------1-----------1----------1 I I I I 1 I I TOTAL I 233,952 I 425,468 I 420,413 I 437,637*1 I I I 1 1 I 1------------------------------------------------------------------------ *incl. shop -97- PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I 1984 I 1985 I ITEM I I I I BUDGET 1 BUDGET I -------------------------1-----------------------1----------------------1 I I I I I I I 1,648 I 648 I I 0 1 700 I I 1,648 I 1,348 I I 1 I I I I Engineering I I I General Fund/Fleet I 6,048 I 6,768 I I Revenue Sharing I 74,215 I 6,850 I 1 Capital Improvement I 600,000 1 1,275,000 I I Sub-total I 680,263 I 1,288,618 I I I I 1 1 I I I I Streets I I I I General Fund/Fleet I 53,380 I 45,634 I I Revenue Sharing I 1,000 1 5,700 I I Capital Improvement I 1,989,300 I 2,052,500 I I Sub-total I 2,043,680 I 2,103,834 I I I I 1 I Traffic 1 I I I General Fund/Fleet I 0 1 1,109 I I Revenue Sharing I 1,440 I 0 I I Capital Improvement I 50,000 I 100,000 I I Sub-tot31 I 51,440 I 101,109 I I I I 1 I Shops I 1 1 I General Fund/Fleet I 0 I 3 I I Revenue Sharing I 172,126 I 157,358 I I Capital Improvement I 75,000 1 0 I I Sub-total I 247,126 I 157,358 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I 1-------------------------1-----------------------1----------------------1 I I I 1 1 TOTAL 1 3,024,157 1 3,652,267 I I I I I 1------------------------------------------------------------------------ -98- Admin i stra tion General Fund/Fleet Revenue Sharing Sub-total - - - - - ...J , /Wheat Ridge! /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ PARKS AND RECREATION /~:~\~~~~// /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ jWheat Ridge/ jWheat Ridge/ jWheat Ridge/ jWheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridgej jWheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridgej jWheat Ridgej /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridgej jWheat Ridgej jWheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ jWheat Ridgej jWheat Ridgej /Wheat Ridge/ jWheat Ridgej /Wheat Ridgej jWheat Ridge/ jWheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge! jWheat Ridge! jlmeat Ri<.1gej /Wheat Ridgej jWheClt Ridgej jlmea t Ridge j /Wheat Ridgej jWheat Ridgej jWheat Ridgej /Wheat Ridgej /Wheat Ridge/ jWheat Ridgej /Hhea t Ridge! /Imea t Ridge/ jHh~at Ridgej /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Imeat Ridgej /Wheat Ridgej /Wheat Ridgej jWheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridgej jWheat Ridgej jWheat Ridgej /Wheat Ridge/ jWheat Ridgej jWheat Ridgej /Wheat Ridge/ jWheat Ridgej jWheat Ridgej /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Whea t. R i cia" / PARKS AND RECREATION *.~.~....~....+.......~.~~._..v..~*.....~......_.......................... I PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION .....................7...........~...............*~_~..~.~........*....... .....................~.................................................... IPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provide executive direction to the Department of I Parks and Recreation. I I ..~......~._y......_......_.........................................~~~... ................................._.....*.......~~....~.................... IPerformance IObjectives I I I 1 I 1. Foster and maintain effective working relationships with other City departments and related governmental agencies. 2. Provide enjoyable and meaningful Parks and Recreation experiences. 3. Attract and retain a competent and well trained staff to deliver quality parks and recreation services. ...........................-.....~....................................... ......................................................................... MEASUREMENT Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET Personnel: Full time Part time 1,2,3 1,2,3 19.75 19.75 130 19.75 130 Funds: General Open Space Conservation Trust 2,3 1,2,3 2,3 1,060,000 1,191,817 600,00\3 595,000 __...7....*...._....*~_.__.._._..._.....~.7.~~Y~........................ ....._....~.~7>'7*...~......_........................................... Analysis ..._.-~..~...._.~....~..._.......~...~.......~......~.....~77........~..*. .........................................................~._...,.....~.... I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I CATEGORY: I Personal Services 66,358 71,721 74,556 77,253 I Materials & Supplies 1,823 5,500 5,500 5,700 I Other Char. & Servo 2,642 4,336 4,536 4,880 I Capital Outlays* 469,813 873,036 868 1,195,648 I TOTAL 540,636 954,593 85,460 1,283,481 I FUNDS: I General Fund 70,823 82,205 85,240 88,481 I General Revenue Sharing \3 220 220 0 I Conservation Trust Fund 0 372,168 0 595,000 I Open Space Fund 469,813 500,000 0 600,000 I *see detail page 116 I I TOTAL 540,636 954,593 85,460 1,283,481 .......................................................................... .100. ..-...~.~.7.~....~~.~___.~._9..............._............................ DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATION 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget ..................~~~~.9......._.....~..........~~...................... PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 540,636 954,593 85,460 1,283,481 ........................................................................ .....................~~~...........~......~............................. Position Titles Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget Current Request ........................................................................ Director of Parks & Rec. 1 1 40,272 44,532 Senior Secretary 1 1 20,376 20,976 ................*....................................................... Temporary/Cont. Temporary o o ..~...........~~........_.._....................~....................... Overtime/Court pay/Standby 550 550 ..._...........~7~......................._.............................. Employee Benefits 10,523 11,195 ...~...........7....~...~..........~~._._..........?................... Total Personal Services 2.00 2.00 71,721 77,253 ..................................v..................................... ....................~..-....._.......................................... 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1,823 5,500 5,500 5,700 ..............................................................~~-....... _.........................7~.~.*............~........................... 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget OTHER CHAR. & SERVo 2,642 4,336 4,536 4,880 ...............~~.~...................-.....-.~.~....................... ........._....7...~..~.................................................. 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget CAPITAL OUTLAYS 469,813 873,036 868 1,195,648 ........................................................................ .101. PARKS AND RECREATION I PROGRAM: RECREATION !PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: To provide recreation programs and activities. I I I I Performance 1. IObjectives 1 I I 2. I I To provide a variety of different types of recreation programs and services to youth, adults and senior citizens in the areas of athletics, leisure arts. cultural arts and seasonal aquatics. To make these programs self sustaining through fees and charges. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEASUHEMENT Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET Programs and Activities Offered 1,2 Number of participants 1 Revenue 2 Revenue as a % of Operating Expenditures 2 Analysis 325 152,671 47% 325 80,000 161,000 47% 325 80,000 163,000 48.5% 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I I CATEGORY: 1 Personal Services I Materials & Supplies I Other Char. & Serv.* I Capital Outlays** I TOTAL !FUNDS: I General Fund I General Revenue Sharing I Senior Fund ! * see detail page 115 I **see detail page 116 I TOTAL 240,090 31,461 57,152 22,744 351,447 327,560 19,000 4,887 351,447 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 416,146 273,473 26,440 80,845 6,862 387,620 375,078 2,542 10,000 387,620 -Hl2- 268,556 26,440 70,845 6,820 372,661 370,161 2,500 o 372,661 281,552 29,720 93,334 11,540 416,146 395,926 7,220 13,000 I DEPARTMENT I PARKS AND RECREATION I PROGRAM RECREATION 1983 Actual 1984 Revised 1985 Budget 351,447 387,620 372,661 416,146 Current Request 1984 Budget Position Titles Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget I I I I Recreation Supervisor I I Recreation Program Supv. I I Clerk Typist I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 31,908 35,772 75,972 11,403 I Temporary/Cont. Temporary ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 132,775 1 3 3 76,800 I Overtime/Court Pay/Standby ----------------------------------.-------------------------------------- 200 .75 .75 10,962 I Employee Benefits ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25,430 127,958 200 25,645 I Total Personal Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 281,552 4.75 4.75 273,473 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --..--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget 1 I MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1 31,461 26,440 26,440 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29,720 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budg2t I I OTHER CHAR. & SERVo I 57,152 80,845 70,845 93,334 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I I CAPITAL OUTLAYS I 22,744 6,862 6,820 11,540 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -HB- PARKS AND RECREATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I PROGRAM: PARKS MAINTENANCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Parks Maintenance Division is responsible for I the development and maintenance of a system of parks and open space for I the enjoyment of the citizens of Wheat Ridge. I -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Performance I Objectives I I I I I 1. Maintain 99.5 acres of developed parkland at a cost of ?/acre. 2. Maintain 276 acres of undeveloped parkland at a cost of ?jacre. 3. Maintain 23 athletic fields for game play. 4. Maintain 17,172 square feet of recreational buildings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEASUREMENT Indicators of Performance OBJ8CTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET Developed Parkland maintained 1 Undeveloped Parkland maintained 2 Developed park sites maintained 1 Undeveloped sites maintained 2 Athletic fields maintained 3 Recreation facilities 4 99.5* 276 * 13 4 23 17,172** 100.5 275 14 3 23 17,172 *Acres **Square Feet ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget /CATEGORY: I Personal Services 231,025 236,313 236,629 251,414 I Materials & Supplies 40,768 33,862 34,242 43,103 I Other Char. & Servo 67,903 96,688 101,404 127,093 I Capital Outlays* 18,920 30,637 13,620 38,294 I TOTAL 358,616 397,500 385,895 459,904 /FUNDS: I General Fund 339,696 375,333 380,745 435,034 I General Revenue Sharing 18,920 6,225 5, L ').1 i),450 I Park Acquisition Fund 0 15,942 lJ 18,420 I I *see detail page 116 I TOTAL 358,616 397,500 385,895 459,904 ---------.---------------------------------------------------------------- -104- 1 DEPARTMENT I PARKS AND RECREATION 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1985 Budget I PROGRAM PARKS MAINTENANCE 358,616 397,500 385,895 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 459,904 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Posi tion Ti tIes Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget Current Request ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I I 1 Parks Maintenance Supervisor 1 I I Parks Maintenance Leadworker 2 1 I Parks Maintenance Worker 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 33,588 2 35,820 4 61,788 35,772 39,408 63,936 I Temporary/Cont. Temporary 65,862 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ . 70,185 I Overtime/Court pay/Standby 9,200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10,760 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Employee Benefits 30,055 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 251,414 I Total Personal Services 7.00 236,313 ----------------------------------------------------'-------------------- 7.00 31,353 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I I MATERIALS & SUPPLIES I 40,768 33,862 34,242 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43,103 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I I OTHER CHAR. & SERVo I 67,903 96,688 101,404 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 127,093 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I 1 CAPITAL OUTLAYS I 18,920 30,637 13,620 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -HlS- 38,294 PARKS AND RECREATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I PROGRAM: FORESTRY -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provide and maintain a full urban forestry program, I ordiance enforcement and commercial arborist licensing. I I -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Performance IObjectives I i I I I 1. Maintain safe and healthy trees on rights of way and in the parks system. 2. Adequate pest control; insects, weeds and disease. 3. Commerclal aroorisL licenslng. 4. Tree Planting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEASUREMENT Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVe 1983 ACTUAL 1984 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET , " 10,000 8 5 3 500 27 1,000 10,600 8 5 4 1,000 40 1,400 12,000 8 5 5 2,500 45 2,000 Plants Maintained Pest control agents used License types Tree planting programs Pest applications Arborist licenses Trees planted 1 2 3 4 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I CATEGORY: 1 Personal Services 74,169 81,152 85,189 86,058 I Materials & Supplies 10,721 10,635 10,630 11,750 I Other Char. & Servo 5,662 46,791 40,832 47,464 I Capital Outlays* 476 11,602 11,484 6,126 I TOTAL 91,028 150,180 148,135 151,398 I FUNDS: I General Fund 90,552 144,530 142,603 150,048 I General Revenue Sharing 476 5,650 5,532 1,350 I I *see detail page 116 I TOTAL 91,028 150,180 148,135 151,398 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -106- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I DEPARTMENT I PARKS AND RECREATION 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I PROGRAM FORESTRY 91,028 150,180 148,135 151,398 Posi tion Ti tles Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget Current Request I I I I City Arborist I I Tree Trimmer 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 26,496 27,372 2 2 36,312 39,648 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Temporary/Cont. Temporary 6,000 6,000 I Overtime/Court Pay/Standby 500 600 I Employee Benefits 11,844 12,438 J Total Personal Services 3.00 3.00 81,152 P6,D5B 1 I MATERIALS & SUPPLIES I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget 10,721 10,635 10,630 11,750 1 I OTHER CHAR. & SERVo I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budg2~ 5,662 46,791 40,832 47,464 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 I CAPITAL OUTLAYS I 1983 Actual 1984 Bud3et 1984 Revised 1985 Budget 476 11,602 11 , 484 6,126 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -H'17- PARKS AND RECREATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 PROGRAM: PARK RANGERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Keep parks and open space areas safe and enjoyable I thrall')!! regular patrol and enforcement of regulations. Conduct I informative outdoor education programs and perform general maintenance I of the areas. ------------------------------------------------~------------------------- I Performance IObjectives I I 1 I I 1. Reduce crime and unsafe conditions in park and open space areas. 2. Instill understanding and appreciation of the parks and open space areas in the general public. 3. Initiate greater community involvement and enhancement of service delivery through a comprehensive volunteer program. MEASUREMENT Indicators of Performance OBJECTIVE 1983 ACTUAL 1934 PROJ. 1985 BUDGET Patrol Hours 1,2 5,000 5,240 Interpretive Program Hours 2,3 150 200 Maintenance hours 1 3,000 3,500 Summons issued 1,2 94 85 Number of people served by interpretive programs 2,3 2,720 3,000 Volunteer hours 1,2,3 700 1,200 7,020 500 2,000 300 3,500 1,500 Analysis I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget /CATEGORY: 1 Personal Services 88,484 88,707 90,567 96,880 I Materials & Supplies 3,008 4,5'1J 4,365 5,225 I Other Char. & Servo 2,371 10,417 10,417 10,123 I capital Outlays* 3,130 2,980 3,280 1,440 I TOTAL 96,993 106,694 108,629 113,668 I FUNDS: I General Fund 93,863 105,694 107,329 113,668 I General Revenue Sharing 3,130 1 , (11) 0 1, 300 0 I I *see detail page 116 I TOTAL 96,993 106,694 108,629 113,668 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -1"8- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I DEPARTMENT I PARKS AND RECREATION 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I PROGRAM PARK RANGERS 96,993 106,694 108,629 113,668 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Posi tion Ti tIes Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget Current Request ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Park Ranger/Naturalist II 1 1 25,752 27, 372 Park Ranger/Naturalist I 1. 75 1. 75 34,794 40,252 I Temporary/Cont. Temporary 14,600 14,976 I Overtime/Court Pay/Standby 1,000 1,000 I Employee Benefits 12,561 13 , 280 I Total Personal Services 3.00 3.00 88,707 96,880 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I MATERIALS & SUPPLIES I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget 3,008 4,590 4,365 5,225 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------~--- I I OTHER CHAR. & SERVo I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget 2,371 10,417 10,417 10,123 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I CAPITAL OUTLAYS I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget 3,130 2,980 3,280 1,440 ___________________________________________v_____________________________ -Hl9- PARKS AND RECREATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I PROGRAM: WHEAT RIDGE FESTIVAL ---------------------------------------------------.----~------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This program funds the City of Wheat Ridge contribution to the annual Wheat Ridge Festival. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I STATEMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I I I In 1985 the 16th Annual Wheat Kldge Festival will be held for tdree I days in August. This festival is a celebration of the Wheat Ridge I community that features a parade and a wide variety of other I activities. City funds are used to pay City personnel assigned to 1 the festival and to provide a wide variety of other goods and I services used for the Festival. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I -------------~-----------------------_._----------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------~-------------------------- 1 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I CATEGORY: I Personal Services 1,947 3, lJiJ 0 3,000 3,000 I Materials & supplies 0 0 0 0 I Other Char. & Servo 3,984 5,700 5,700 5,D50 I Capital Outlays [} 0 [} 0 I TOTAL 5,931 3,700 8,700 8,050 IFUNDS: I General Fund 5,931 8,700 8,700 8,850 TOTAL 5,931 8,700 8,700 '3,050 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -1H1- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I DEPARTMENT 1 PARKS AND RECREATION 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget ----------.-------------------------------------------------------------- I PROGRAM WHEAT RIDGE FESTIVAL 5,931 8,700 8,700 8,050 ~----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Posi tion Ti tles Number of Employees 1984 Budget 1985 Budget Current Request ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Temporary/Cont. Temporary o o -.---------------------------------------------------------------'-------- I Overtime/Court Pay/Standby 3,000 3,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Employee Benefits " <J o ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Total Personal Services -0- -0- 3,:lOO 3,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I 1933 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget I MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I OTHER CHAR. & SERVo I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Blldg2t 3,984 5,700 S,7GO 5,050 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I CAPITAL OUTLAYS I 1983 Actual 1984 Budget 1984 Revised 1985 Budget o o o \1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -111- PARKS AND RECREATION SUMMARY BUDGET ........~.....~~7~......~.....~..._...................................... I 1983 1984 1984 1985 I PROGRAM SUMMARY I ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET ...............~....._.~..-................~~._.......................... Administration 540,636 954,593 85,460 1,283,481 Recreation 351,447 387,620 372,661 416,146 ParKS Maintenance 358,61b 397,500 385,895 459,:;u<; Forestry 91,028 150,180 148,135 151,398 Park Rangers 96,993 106,694 108,629 113,668 Wheat Ridge Festival 5,931 8,700 8,700 8,050 ...?...~+~................_............................................ TOTAL 1,444,651 2,005,287 1,109,480 2,432,647 .................~................................_..................... .................~...................~.~-~~........._.................... I !CATEGORY & FUND SUMMARIES I 1983 1984 1984 1985 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET ........................................................................ I I CATEGORY: I Personal Services I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I FUNDS: I General Fund I General Revenue Sharing I Open Space Fund I Senior Fund I Park Acquisition Fund I Conservation Trust Fund I I 702,073 754,366 758,497 796,157 Materials and Supplies 87,781 81,027 81,177 95,498 Other Charges & Services* 139,714 244,777 233,734 287,944 Capital Outlays* *see detail page 115 **see detail page 116 515,083 925,117 36,072 1,253,048 1,444,651 2,005,287 1,109,480 2,432,647 928,425 1,091,540 1,094,778 1,191,207 41,526 15,637 14,702 15,020 469,813 500,000 0 600,000 4,887 10,000 0 13,000 0 15,942 0 18,420 0 372,168 0 595,000 TOTAL *see detail page 116 .~.._........~.~............-*~~~....................................... TOTAL 2,005,287 1,109,480 2,432,647 1,444,651 ...............~...~~~~................................................. -112- PARKS AND RECREATION AUTHORIZED POSITION SUMMARY -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 I 1983 ACTUAL / 1984 BUDGET I 1985 BUDGET I POSITION TITLES 1--------------1--------------1--------------1 1 INo.1 Salaries INo.1 Salaries INol Salaries I 1--------------------------1---1----------1---1----------1--/-----------1 / I I I I i I I Director of Parks & Rec. I 1 I 36,828 I 1 I 40,272 I 11 44,532 I / I I I I I I Recreation Supervisor I 1 I 31,657 I 1 1 32,178 I LI 35,772 I / I I I I I I Parks Mtce. Supervisor I 1 I 32,853 I 1 I 33,588 1 11 35,772 I I I I I I I I C it Y A r bo r i s t I 1 I 26 , 496 1 1 I 26, 496 I 1 I 27 , 372 I I I I / I I 1 Ranger Naturalist II I 1 I 24,138 I 1 I 25,752 I 1/ 27,372 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I Rec. Program Coordinator I 3 I 68,731 / 3 I 76,800 I 31 75,972 1 I I I I I I I M t c e. Lea d wo r k e r I 2 I 34 , 041 I 2 I 35 , 820 I 2 1 39 , 408 I I I I I 1 I I Tree Trimmer I 2 I 34,880 I 2 I 36,312 I 2/ 39,648 I 1 1 I I I I I Ranger Naturalist I / 1.75 36,243 I 1.75 34,794 I 1.75 40,252 I I / I / I I I Maintenance Worker I 4 I 59,818 1 4 1 61,788 I 41 63,936 I I I 1 I 1 1 I Senior Secretary I 1 I 19,504 I 1 I 20,376 I 11 20,976 I I I I I I I I Clerk Typist I .75 10,040 I .75 10,692 I .75 11,403 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I . I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 RETIREMENT I I 52,5961 I 58,351 1 I 62,234 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 INSURANCE I I 27,5161 I 32,277 I I 31,492 1 I I I I ! 1 1 OVERTIME I 1 11 , 61 D I I 14,450 I I 16,11 a I I I I I I I I TEMPORARY I I 19 5, 122 1 I 214, 420 I I 22 3,93 G I I! 1 I I 1 1--------------------------: ---1----------1---1----------1--1----------- I I I I 1 I 1 I TOTAL 119.75 702,073/19.75 754,366 1201 796,157 1----------------------------------------------------------------------- -113- PARKS AND RECREATION MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I 1983 1 1984 I 1984 I 1905 I ITEM I I I I I I ACTUAL I BUDGET I REVISED I BUDGET 1-----------------------1------------1------------1-----------1---------- 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 651-0ffice Supplies I 15,930 I 18,420 I 18,220 I 3,895 1 I I I I I 6j4-Copy ~~rlnclng ~x.J 0 I 0 0 I o,4~J I I I 1 I 655-postage I 0 I 0 0 I 6,580 I I I I I 660-0perating Suppliesl 71,851 I 62,607 62,957 I 76,573 I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I ! I I I I 1 I I ! I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I !! 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1-----------------------1------------1------------1-----------1---------- I I I I 1 I TOTAL I 87,781 I 81,027 I 81,177 \ 95,498 I I I I I 1------------------------------------------------------------------------ -114- PARKS AND RECREATION OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I 1983 I 1984 I 1984 I 1985 1 ITEM 1 I 1 I 1 I ACTUAL I BUDGET 1 REVISED 1 BUDGET \-----------------------1------------1------------1-----------1---------- I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I General Fund I I 1 1 I I I I I 702-Conf./Meet. Exp. I 2,967 I 3,887 3,917 I ! I : I 16,412 I 45,120 I 39,660 I I I 1,240 I 1 I I 0 I I I I 600 1 I I I 1,000 I I I I 3,010 I I I I 5,376 I I I I 1,280 I I I I 920 I I 1 I 2,618 I ~,7h8 I I I I 500 I 500 I II! I 96,284 ! 100,300 I 112,690 I 1 I 48,112 48,112 1 1 I I 12,800 12,650 I I I 1 6,030 6,030 I I I I 6,000 6,000 I 5,100 I 234,777 233,734 I 274,944 I 1 I I I I I I I I I 10,000 0 I I 10,000 0 I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I -----------------------1------------1------------1-----------1---------- I I ! 1 1139,714 1244,777 1233,734 1287,944 704-Cont. Services 706-Dues, Books & Sub. 625 714-Legals and Publ. 718-0rdinance Enf. 720-Veterinary Servo 728 728-Training & Safety 741 730-Uniforms/Prot. Cl. 4,375 740-Auto Mil. All. 758 741-Uniform Allowance 380 758-Rentals & Leases 3,810 759-Telephone Expense 451 760-Utilities 81,991 772-Fleet Rep./Mtce. 774-Fac. Rep.& Mtce. 12,041 776-0ther Equip. Mtce. 5,167 799-Misc.Serv. & Char. SUBTOTAL 4,381 -- 134,827 Senior Fund 799-Misc. Servo & Chg. SUB-TOTAL 4,887 4,887 TOTAL o o o -1l5- 4,195 48,880 1,240 1, 240 o 350 600 500 1,000 1,400 3,185 3,235 5,342 7,194 1,510 1,537 920 860 2,910 500 61,731 14,400 8,222 13,000 13,000 PARKS AND RECREATION CAPITAL OUTLAYS I~...~.........................I.......~.................................1 I 1984 I 1985 ITEM I I I BUDGET I BUDGE~ I.........~~...................I....*....~*...~........1.................1 1 I Administration I 1 General Fund/Fleet I Revenue Sharing 1 Conservation Trust Fund I Open Space Fund I Sub. total I I I Recreation I I General Fund/Fleet I Revenue Sharing I Sub.total I I I Parks Maintanence 1 I General Fund/Fleet I Revenue Sha ri ng I Parks Aquisition I Sub.total I I I Forestry I I General Fund/Fleet I Revenue Sharing I Sub...total I I I Park Rangers I I General Fund/Fleet I Revenue Sharing I Sub...total I I I I I I I I I I I 648 220 372,168 500,000 873,036 648 o 595,000 600,00u 1,195,648 4,320 2,542 ~,862 4,32J 7,220 11,540 8,470 6,225 15,942 30,637 13,424 6,450 18,420 38,294 5,952 5,650 11,602 4,776 1,350 6,126 1,980 1, J\10 -- 2,980 1,440 o ------ 1,440 I.........~........**...~......I......_................1.................1 TOTAL 925,117 1,253,048 I......................................................1................. .116. RESERVES, FUND BALANCES, AND TRANSFERS 1983 ACTUAL 1984 BUDGET 1984 REVISED Reserves General Fund Capital Depreciation Res. Self Insurance Reserve Contingency Reserve Emergency Reserve Salary Reserve Total Reserves Fund Balance Unallocated Fund Balance Transfers Tr.to Cap.lmprov.Fund Tr.to Urban Ren.Auth. Tr.to Fleet Maint.Fund Total Transfers 270,000 125,000 o 395,000 o o o o o o 100,000 100,000 500,000 100,000 76,000 876,000 o o o o o o o 1,207,058 o 50,000 o 522,394 572,394 50,000 53,900 522,394 626,294 Fund Balance Unallocated Fund Balance Conservation Trust Fund o 272,168 380,017 Capital Improvement Fund Transfer Tr. to Fleet Maint. Fund o 75,000 75,OJO General Revenue Sharing Fund 1985 BUDGET 100,000 100,000 500,000 100,000 100,000 900,000 954,572 o 46,800 593,640 640,440 o [) Transfer Tr. to Fleet Jvlaint. Fund 0 172,126 172,126 157,358 Urban Renewal Authority Funds Transfer Tr. to Gen. Fund from WTC 10,000 10,000 Tr. to Gen. Fund from KAC 55,500 33,900 36,000 Tr. to URA/Gen. Admin. from WTC 7,500 7,500 12,000 from KAC 5,500 5,500 2,000 68,500 56,900 60,000 Una110cated Fund Balance 241,747 22,210 0 0 241,747 90,710 56,900 60,000 .117. THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO .. CAPIT AL PROJECTS FUNDS h'heat Ridg2\--1 \ \ Wheat Ridge\ \ \ \ Wheat Ridge\ \ \ \ Wheat Ridge\ \ \ \ Wheat Ridge\ \ --------\ h'heat Ridge\ \1\ \ \fueat Ridge\--/ \ \ Wheat Ridge\ \ \ \ Wheat Ridge\ \ \ \ Wheat Ridge\ \ \ \ Wheat Ridge\ \ \ \ \fueat Ridge\ \ --------\ Wheat Ridge\ \1\ \ \ 1 Wheat Ridge\--I \ \ \1/ Wheat Ridge\ \ \ \ y \meat Ridge\ \ \ \ Wheat Ridge\ \ \ \ Wheat Ridge\ \ \ \ Wheat Ridge\ \ --------\ ,fueat Ridge\ \1\ Wneat Ridge\--/ \ Wheat Ridge\ \ \ Wheat Ridge\ \ \ h'heat Ridge\ \ \ Wheat Ridge\ \ --- Wheat Ridge\ \1\ Wheat Ridge\--/ ' \fuea t Ridge \ \ \fueat Ridge \ \fuea t Ridge \ Wheat Ridge\ ifueat Ridge Wheat Ridg Hheat Rid Wheat Ri l'lheat R lfu eat l'lhea t Whea Whe Wh Ii * \ 1 / \1/ y * \ 1 / \1/ y * REVENUE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 1983 ACTUAL Sales Tax 2,272,086 Interest Income 233,347 Federal Grant 0 Transfer from Gen.Fund 270,000 Carryover Fund Bal. 1,349,341 1984 BUDGET 2,514,300 100,000 o 50,000 50,000 TOTAL REVENUES 4,124,774 2,714,300 EXPENDITURES Management 702-Conf. Meet. Ex. o Drainage 833-Drainage Improv. 938,581 -39th & Upham 0 -45th (Everett-Garrison) Aerial Photos 41st-Kendall-Lamar 45th Jay - 47th Lamar 30th & Jay 28th & Newland Harlan - 38th - 44th 37th & Holland - Lena 39th & Miller Other o o o o o o o o o 938,581 Street Maintenance 840-Street Improv. 842-Curb,Gutter&Side. 844-C.G.&S.Refund Monumentation Chip Seal 204,828 140,698 38,166 75,060 o 453,692 Street Projects 845-44th Ave. 1,145,672 846-32nd Ave. 414,400 Kip. & Independance 0 441-,11 8e.'lllt i fic."1tion 0 44th-Garrison- Kipling 0 32nd-Pierce - H~rlan 0 44th-Tabor-Parfet(City Funds) 44th-Ygfld-Tabor(Federal Funds) 44th Parfet- Kip. 0 38th Wadsworth - Field 0 38th Field - Kipling 0 38th Kipling - ?arfet 0 32nd Young field - Simms n 32nd Simms - Kipling 0 26th Pierce-Wads. 0 2,018,764 Traffic 843-Traffic Sig.Repl. 103,748 Facility Improvements 812-Shops Improvements 600,000 o o o o o o o o () o o 600,000 169,300 50,000 o o o 219,300 o o 20,000 50,000 1,000,000 700,000 o o o o o o n o o 1,989,300 50,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,987,210 2,714,300 o 75,000 1984 REVISED 2,512,600 190,000 o 50,000 794,830 1985 BUDGET 2,718,230 125,000 150,000 o 434,270 3,547,430 3,427,500 o 500,000 o o o o o o o o , ) o o 500,000 730,000 50,1)00 o o o 780,000 ~:)IJIO 1,300,000 J rJ o o o o o [) r) o 2,100,000 50,000 75,000 o o 75,000 400,000 225,000 75,000 o 300,000 o o o () o 200,000 1,275,000 380,0()0 100,000 o 75,000 150,000 ---- 705,000 o o o n :05,IJOO o I' J r) 1,100,000 192,500 o o o o () o o 2,052,500 100,000 2,725,000 3,427,500 o CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND REVENUE 1986 BUDGET Sales Tax Interest Income Federal Grant Transfer from Gen.Fund Carryover Fund Bal. 2,987,240 HHJ,000 657,000 o 600,000 1987 BUDGET 3,256,091 100,000 o o o TOTAL REVENUES 4,344,240 3,356,091 EXPENDITURES Management 702-Conf. Meet. Ex. Drainage 833-Drainage Improv. 75,000 -39th & Upham 400,000 -45th (Everett - Garrison) Aerial Photos 0 41st-Kendal I-Lamar 0 45thJay-47thLamar 300,000 30th & Jay (] 28th & Newland 50,000 Harlan - 38th - 44th 0 37th & Holland - Lena 0 39th & Miller to Lena 0 825,000 Street Maintenance 840-Street Improv. 842-Curb,Gutter&Side. 844-C.G.&S.Refund Monumentation Chip Seal 350,000 100,000 o 75,0lol0 o 525, JUO Street Projects 845-44th Ave. 0 846-32nd Ave. 0 Kip. & Independance 0 44th Beautific3tion a 44th-Garrison- Vip1in] 0 32nd-Pierce - Harlan 0 44th-Tabor-Parfet 0 44th-Ygfld-Tabor 957,000 44th Parfet- Kip. 1,255,000 38th Wadsworth - Field 0 38th Field - Kipling 0 38th Kipling - Parfet 0 32nd Youngfield - Simms 0 32nd Simms - Kipling 0 26th Pierce-Wadsworth 400,000 Traffic 843-Traffic sig.Repl. 100,000 Facility Improvements 812-Shops Improvements o 75,000 o o o 525,000 o o o 600,000 o o 1,200,000 500,000 100,000 o 75,000 100,000 775,000 (} n 1 o J o o 1,250,000 a o (] iJ (J 1 J 0, ,j 0 0 (} TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,062,000 3,325,000 -121- 19:38 BUDGET 3,549,140 HJ0,000 (] o o 1989 BUDGET 3,Qo4,274 100,000 o o o 3,649,140 4,004,274 o 75,000 o o o o o vJ o o 350,000 500,000 925,000 500,000 100,000 o 75,000 100,000 775,000 (] o o o [) o (J ,] ,1 ,1 (J '.] 1,250,.100 n 600,O(J0 o lJ 100,000 o o o 75,000 o o o o o 600,000 o o o o 675,000 500,000 100,000 o 75,000 100,000 775,000 o o o [) ,] o .1 o [} o i.l 1,000,000 iJ 1,000,000 [1 100,000 o o 3,650,000 3,550,000 CONSERVATION TRUST FUND REVENUE 1983 1984 1984 1985 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET S ta te of Colorado 173,731 175,000 175,000 175,000 Interest Income 5,848 20,liJliJfJ 25,000 40,000 Carryover Fund Bal. 438 177,168 180,017 380,000 TOTAL kt.Vt.NUE;" HH:I,0J./ J!L,.J.od .5ou,017 595,000 EXPENDITURES Senior Center Addition Other Projects Unallocated Fund Bal. o o o 100,000 o 272,168 0300,000-- (J 195,000 o 100,000,- TOTAL EXPENDITURES -0- 372,168 o 595,000 -122- PARK ACQUISITION FUND REVENUE 1983 1984 1934 1985 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET Subdivision Fees 675 1,500 700 700 Interest Income 887 1,000 500 550 Carryover Fund Bal. 14,381 13,442 15,970 17,170 TOTAL REVENUES 15,943 15,942 17,170 18,420 EXPENDITURES Parks Improvements o 15,942 LJ 18,420 Unallocated Fund Bal. o o , " ,J TOTAL EXPENDITURES -0- 15,942 ,1 18,420 -123- REVENUE Jefferson County TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Open Space Projects TOTAL EXPENDITURES OPEN SPACE FUND 1983 ACTUAL 469,813 469,813 469,813 469,813 *see summary next page 1984 BUDGET 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 -124- 1984 REVISED 500,000 500,000 1985 BUDGET 600,000 600,000 o 600,000 o 600,000 ,.--- PARKS AND RECREATION OPEN SPACE FUND SUMMARY REVENUES Jefferson County TOTAL EXPENDITURES Crown Hill Acquisition 3;J-~(!J/ Chester Portsmouth Park Wilmore-Davis School Park Crown Hill Park Development Clear Creek Foot Bridges Lighting Prospect Field #2 Wheat Ridge Park Pkg. Lot Richards-Hart Estate Dev. .Jy - t.-e, / Land Acq. - Rock Gillhouse '\ Land Acq. Future Panorama Park Tennis Courts Martensen School/Park ~ Boyds Crossing Park Dev. Mi sc . (a) (b) (c) (d) Park Improvements W/R Park Landscaping Anderson Building Roof Park Shelters Playground Equipment '1 TOTAL -124 (a)- 3?--~ $600,000 $600,000 $22,500 - '3<6S o o o o o >3 125,000 - 2'3<'t> 70,000-'3'31 150,000 - Z<6<Z 50,000 -<2,'2, 9 50,000,- '390 30,000_ 36{ 5 2 , 5 0 0 - 3'S '3 45,000-1.S1' 5,000 - ~ <00 $600,000 REVENUE/TRANSFERS IN Sales Tax Increment/WTC Sales Tax Increment/KAC Real Property Tax Interest Income Fund Transfers In Trans. from Gen. Fund Trans. from KAC Fund Trans. from WTC Fund Misc. Income Carryover Fund Bal. TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES/TRANSFERS OUT Personal Services 6177Temporary Personnel (intern) 620-FICA Sub.total Materials & Supplies 651.0ffice Supplies 653-Printing 6547Postage Sub.total URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY 1983 ACTUAL 132,702 16,309 1,421 16,922 125,000 o o 34,892 68,642 395,888 130 o 130 937 9.37 Other Chgs & Servo 702.Conf. & Mtg Exp. 706.0ues, Books & Subs. 740-Auto Mileage Exp. 750-professional Services Hi,608 a o 140 -- 11,331 759-Telephone 776.0ther Equipment Maint. 799.Misc. Serv & Chgs. Sub-total 171 400 12 Capi tal Outlays 866.WTC Connector Drive 2,065 867-WTC proj. Admin. 1,173 868-Reloc. 1-70 Serv Rd 125,000 869-Wads. Traffic Signal 3,200 870.WTC Park Design 14,650 871-WTC Park Canst. 0 Accel-Decel Lanes7Wads 0 Other proj.-Wadsworth 0 Sub-total 146,088 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 154,141 1984 BUDGET 140,000 45,000 1,300 24,500 o 5,500 7,500 o 241,710 465,510 8,400 600 9,000 1,050 ---r,050 1,900 225 o 20,500 o 100 4,675 27,400 50,000 2,000 o o 31,946 253,404 o o 337,350 374,800 .125. 1984 REVISED 165,000 21,000 1,300 26,000 53,900 5,500 7,500 o 241,747 521,947 8,400 600 9,000 6,450 6,450 1,900 225 o 65,800 500 100 6,512 75,037 50,000 2,000 o o 31,946 253,404 o 37,210 374,560 1985 BUDGET 170,000 40,000 1,300 3,000 46,800 2,000 12,000 o o 275,100 18,600 1,400 20,000 600 600 500 1,700 750 300 76,000 700 250 5,600 83,600 o o o o o o 63,000 46,800 109,800 465,047 215,100 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY (con't) 1983 ACTUAL 1984 BUDGET 1984 1985 REVISED BUDGET FUND TRANSFERS To Gen'I URA Admin. Fund 0 13,000 13,000 14,000 Return to Council Gen'I Fund/WTC 0 0 10,000 10,000 Repayment to Council Gen'I Fund/KAC 0 55,5013 33,900 36,000 TOTAL TO FUNDS 0 68,500 56,900 613,000 Unallocated Fund Balance 241,747 22,210 0 0 FUND TOTAL 400,233 465,510 521,947 275,100 Release of Encumbrance (4,345) 395,888 .125a. URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY WADSWORTH TOWN CENTER FUND Revenue Real Property Tax Sales Tax Increment Interest Income 1,300 170,000 2,500 Subtotal Transfers In From City General Fund TOTAL REVENUE AND TRANSFERS IN Expenditures Personal Services Materials & Supplies Other Chgs. & Servo 750-professional Services Subtotal 42,000 Capi tal Outlays 871-WTC Park Const. (Accel/Decel Lanes-Wads) Other Proj.-wadsworth Subtotal 63,000 46,800 TOTAL EXPENDIT~RES Transfers Out To URA Gen. Admin. fund To City Gen. Fund Subtotal 12,000 10,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 125-1 173,800 '" 173,800 o o 42,000 .....1:.09,800 151,800 22,000 173,800 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY KIPLING ACTIVITY CENTER FUND Revenue Real Property Tax Sales Tax Increment Interest Income Subtotal o 40,000 500 40,500 '1' ran s fer sIn o TOTAL REVENUE & TRANSFERS IN 40,500 Expenditures Personal Services Other Chgs. & Servo 750-Professional Services 799.Misc. Servo & Chgs. Subtotal 0 II 0 0 2,000 500 2,500 0 0 2,500 Materials & Supplies Capital Outlays TOTAL EXPENDITURES Transfers Out To URA Gen. Admin. Fund To the City Gen. Fund(90%) Subtotal 2,000 36,000 38.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 40,500 125-2 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY GENERAL ADMINISTRATION FUND Revenue Property Tax Sales Tax Increment Interest Income Subtotal o o o Transfers In From URAl WTC Fund From URAl KAC Fund Subtotal 12,000 ---2.,000 TOTAL REVENUE & TRANSFERS IN Expenditures Personal Services 617.Temp. Personnel 620..FICA Subtotal 9,300 700 Materials & Supplies 651.0ffice Supplies 653-Printing 654.Postage Subtotal 600 600 500 Other Chgs. & Servo 702.Conf. & Meeting Exp. 706.Dues, Books & Subs 759..Telephone 776.0ther Equip. Mtce 799..Misc Servo & Chgs. Subtotal 750 300 700 250 300 Capital Outlays TOTAL EXPENDITURES Transfers Out TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 125.3 o 14,000 14,000 10,000 1,700 2,300 o o 14,000 o o 14,000 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND Revenue Property Tax Sales Tax Increment Interest Income Subtotal o o o o Transfers In From City Gen Fund Subtotal 46,800 46,800 TOTAL REVENUE & TRANSFERS IN 46,800 Expenditures Personal Services 617-Temp. Personnel 620-FICA Subtotal 9,300 700 10,000 0 0 0 0 32,000 4,800 36,800 0 0 46,800 0 46,800 Materials & Supplies 651-0ffice Supplies 653-Printing 654-postage Subtotal Other Chgs. & Servo 750-professional Servo 799-Misc. Servo & Chgs. Subtotal Capital Outlays TOTAL EXPENDITURES Transfers Out TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 125-4 OTHER FUNDS -~2b- /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridgej /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /W'heat Ridge/ iA /Wheat Ridge/ ~v /Wheat Ridge/ jWheat Ridge/ ~ /Wheat Ridge/ ~ /Wheat Ridge/ ~ /Wheat Ridge/ .~ /Wheat Ridge/ r~. /Wheat Ridge/ -.J /Wheat Ridge/ L,. /Wheat Ridge/ .~ /Wheat Ridge/ ~ /Whea t Ridge/ ~ /Wheat Ridge/ L~ /Wheat Ridge/ ~ /\'iheat Ridge/ L~ /Wheat Ridge/ ~ /Wheat Ridge/ ~T /Wheat Ridge/ /\'ihea t R i dg e/ ~ /Wheat Ridge/ ~ /Wheat Ridge/ ~ /Wheat Ridge/ i~T /Wheat. Ridge/ ~ jWheat Ridge/ ~ /Wheat Ridge/ i~ /Wheat Ridge/ V jWheat Ridgej /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /\'iheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridgej /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridgej /\'iheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ /Wheat Ridge/ IWheat Ridge/ _")hea t R idge/ r...Jho~"" T);..-:l_ I GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND REVENUE 1983 1984 1984 1985 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET U.S. Government 248,577 248,000 248,000 248,000 Interest Income 28,696 20,000 16,000 12,000 Carryover Fund Bal. 306,625 100,000 92,399 60,000 TOTAL REVE:,Lit:S 583, cdb 3bd,G00 350,399 320,uOO EXPENDITURES General Operations 774-~~c. Rep/Mtce 809-0ther Major Equip. Subtot"11 o o o o City Council 808-Vehicular Equipment Subtotal 41,171 41,171 o o City Clerk 802-0ffice Furn. & Equip. Subtotal Municipill Court 80Z-0ff. Furn. & Equip. 809-0ther Major Equip. Subtotal o o 3,000 3,000 3,164 3,164 o o .0 o o -- o Finance Accounting 802-0ff. Furn. & Equip. 1,098 809-0ther Major Equip. 32,456 33,554 Data ?rocessinq 809-0ther ,.lajor E>mi:"). 0 758-Rental & Leases 0 o 3,740 o 3,74C) 3,520 o 3,520 22,600 Cl 22,600 22,600 o 22,600 Sub-total 33,554 26,340 22,950 Community Development Planning & Zoning 802-0ff. Furn. & E:CIllip. 0 804-Engin. & Photo 0 811-City Hall Improvements 0 1,860 3GS n ~:225 1,500 o (1 ~500 o Building Maintenance 774-Fac. Rep./Mtce. 811-City Hall Improv. r) 29,500 29,500 r) 29,5(10 29,500 10,824 o 10,824 -128- o o 3,000 10,002 13,002 o o o o o o o o o 900 1,300 2,200 1,150 14,900 16,050 31,455 16,266 47,721 63,771 1,800 o o 1,800 rJ 6,000 6, JJO GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND (cont.) EXPENDITURES (cont.) Comm. Dev. (con't) Administration 802-0ff. Furn.&Equip. Code Enforcement 802-0ff. Furn. & Subtotal 1983 ACTUAL Equip. 0 10,824 Police Administration 809-0ther Major Equip. 805-Comm. Equip Support Services B02-0ff. Furn.&Equip. 804-Engin. & Photo 805-Comm. Equip. 809-0ther Major Equip. Operations 802-0ff. Furn.&Equip. 805-Comm. Equip. 80B-Vehicular Equip. 809-0ther Major Equip. Sub-total Public Works Adl;]inistration 802-0ff. Furn.& Equip. Engineering 802-0ff. Furn.& Equip. 804-Engin.& Photo Eqp. B05-Comm. Equip. 833-Drainage Improv. 450 24,158 51,856 7,915 84,379 84,379 8,053 260 \J 8,312 16,625 Streets 805-Comm. Equip. 0 808-Vehicular Equip. 216,329 809-0ther Major Equip. 43,103 259,432 Shops 807-Fleet Replacement 80S-Vehicular F.quip. 809-0ther Major Equip. Subtotal (] 4,949 o ~49 281,006 1984 BUDGET o o 31,725 o o o 5,025 o 5,025 1984 REVISED (} -- o 1985 BUDGET 900 600 9,300 o 350 350 3,115 1,755 1,261 7,970 14,101 o 3,275 o 28,373 31,,:;48 ,~fi, (\99 1, ,;00 ----foo 750 4,800 1, JO 0 \) G, j5(J .J o o o o o o 1,603 2,865 1,173 23,766 29,407 o 31,000 4,759 o 4,759 1,603 2,700 1,150 21,000 26,453 3,000 620 o 2,530 4,150 37 , 362 ~ 1,-' ),)'U 1,unD ~ , '- -' '-- lO"Hhl -~--- 12,75J o 40,000 40,JQO 140,126 32,000 172,126 225,876 o 5,700 5,700 '1 " 157,358. lJ o 157,358 3,313 2,310 o 2,902 8,525 42,957 o 1, IJ 0 0 170,608 500 5 :hJ 1,l:j~lO 7~,215 74,215 1,000 [J o 1,000 140,12G 'J 3_~.10ll 172,126 248,341 -129- GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND (cont.) EXPENDITURES (cant. ) 1983 1984 1984 1985 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET Parks and Recreation Administration 802-0ff . Furn.&Equip. {] 220 0 Recreation b~2-0.c.l. furn.&;:;quit'. '" L,~42 2,500 250 808-Vehicular Equip. 19,000 0 0 0 809-0ther Major Equip. 0 0 0 6,970 19,000 2,542 2,500 7,220 Parks Maintenance 802-0ff. Furn. & Equip. 0 0 150 805-Comm. Equip. 0 850 0 0 808-Vehicular Equip. 2,137 0 0 0 809-0ther Major Equip. 16,783 4,300 4,300 6,300 832-Tools & \'Jork Equip. 0 1,075 0 0 18,920 ~,225 4,300 6,450 Forestry 802-0ff . Furn.&Equip. 151 250 182 0 805-Comm. Equip. 0 800 750 0 809-0ther Major Equip. 325 4,600 4,600 -----.l ' 3 5 0 475 5,650 5,532 1,350 Parks Rangers 805-Comm. Equip. 2,984 0 0 (] 809-0ther Major Equip. 146 1,000 1,300 0 "3;1"3"0 1,000 1,300 .J Sub-total 4 1 , 52 6 15,637 14,702 15,020 GRAND TOTAL 492,460 368,000 335,054 320,000 -130- REVENUES Federal Allocation Interest Income Carryover Fund Balance TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Municipal Court Finance Accounting Data Processing Community Development Administration , . Planning & Zoning Code Enforcement Building Maintenance GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND SUMMARY Typewri ter Computer Terminal Word Processor Calculator(portable) Calculator(office) Chair File(legal) Adding Machine File Fireproof safe Cabinets (2) Shelving for printouts Cabinets for tapes CRT Tables(4) Terminals for Micros (2) CPM System for Word ?roc. Spreadsheet program for WP Software for micros, ~P 9300 Hardware Upgrade Lease NCR 930fJ Subtotal Desk File Computer Software Typewriter Desk Sidewalk Repair Subtotal 130 (a) $ 248,000 12, ,100 60,000 $ 320,000 900 1,300 2,200 14,900 1>.10 350 15J 200 200 150 -- 16,050 2,800 1,800 430 313 1,000 1,500 350 500 2,000 20,762 16,266 ~TI 63,771 600 300 ----g00 1,000 800 1,800 600 6,000 9,300 Expenditures (con't) Police Administration Pager Support Services Typewriters (3) Chair Video Monitor 35mm Camera & Equip. Video Tapes Pocket Transmitter CB Radio Cash Drawers Red Headlights Steel Door for Evidence Shed Anatomical Dolls Refrigerator Computer Terminal/Printer Palm Printer Speery-Univac Multiplexer Chair mats & door locks Operations Earphones (35) for portable radios Portable Radios(2) Pager Rifles, Stocks, & Ammo.(3) K-9 Container Gear Bags Road Flares Gas & Shells Dictaphone for Dispatch $ 350 2,400 325 360 1,200 200 1,061 200 310 1,920 380 300 140 3,255 200 1,500 350 14, Lj';' 525 2,400 350 2,730 1,000 1,768 /~t:?t, ~,:)n0 29,) 20,685 31,648 Public Works Sub-total S ~0,J~q Administration File Table Engineering Plan Racks Bookcase Drafting Tables (2) Drafting Machines(2) Plotter Transit Level Tripods (2) Survey Equipment Repair, Streets Sweeper Broom Tailgate Lift Attachment Sub-total 130 (8) 500 200 ~00 550 200 1,600 800 900 800 500 200 1,300 ~,850 4,500 1,200 5,700 $ 13.250 Expenditures (can't Parks & Recreation Forestry Stool, chairs, desk $ 250 Tape Deck 100 8ft. folding table (6) 870 Stacking chairs 1, 500 Lounge Furniture 2,000 Pool Vacuum 2,500 J<~ 7,220 Drafting chair 150 Submersible Pump 350 Blower 500 Plow for Dump Truck 4,000 3" Trash Pump 1,100 't~ J .... Vacuum Cleaner 350 6,450 Chain Saw 750 Hedge Shears 250 Pickup tool box 350 1,350 Sub-total $ 15,020 Recreation Parks Maintanence Fleet Maintanence Fund Shops Fleet Replacement Contrib. 157,358 General Ore rations Unallocated Repairs to Hart Estate Duplex 10,002 3,000 TOTAL $ 320,000 -130(c)- BUILDING REPAIR/DEMOLITION FUND REVENUE 1983 1984 1984 1985 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET Interest Income 596 497 400 400 Carryover Fund Bal. 11,053 11,503 12,000 12,000 TOTAL REVENUES 11,649 12,000 12,400 lL,lHHJ EXPENDITURES 718-0rdinance Enf. o 12,000 o 12,400 TOTAL EXPENDITURES o 12,000 o 12,400 -131- SENIOR FUND REVENUE 1983 1984 1984 1985 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET Miscellaneous Income 5,150 2,600 5,600 5,600 Interest Income 529 400 400 400 Carryover Fund Bal. 6,348 7,000 7,000 7,000, TOTAL REVENUES 12,027 10,000 13,000 13,000 EXPENDITURES 799-Misc. Serv.& Char. 4,887 HJ ,000 o 13,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,887 10,000 o 13,000 -132- FLEET MAINTENANCE FUND *This fund is not listed in the Revenue or Expenditure Summaries since it lS funded entirely by transfers from other funds, interest income and misc. income. REVENUE Trans. [rom Gen.Fund Trans. from Rev. Sharing Trans. from Cap.lmp.Fund M i ; . , ' ;"i (- ( ~;>, ~-, Interest Income Carryover Fund Bal. TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Personal Services 602-Staff Salaries 610-0vertime Pay G14-Standby Pay 620-FICA Expense 622-Health,Life Ins. 630-Retirement Exp. Subtotal Materials& Supplies 651-0ffice Supplies 654-Copy& Print. Exp. 655-postage 66.1-IJperatir.g Supplies 661-Gas & Oil 662-Veh.& Equip. Parts Subtotal Other Services & Charges 702-Conf. & Meeting Exp. 704-Cont. Services 706-Dues, Books & Subs. 728-Training & Safety 730-Uniforms & Proto Cloth. 760-Utilities 774-Facility Rep./Maint. 776-0ther Equipment Maint. Subtotal Capi tal Outlays 807-Fleet Replacement 809-0ther Major Equipment 812-Shops Improvements Subtotal TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1983 ACTUAL o o (J o o -0- o o o o '0 iJ -0- (] o ., 0 D o o -0- o o 13 (] o o o o -0- o o o -0- 1984 BUDGET 522,394 172,126 75,000 'I o o 769,520 101,154 2,860 1,300 7,J81 7,654 4,04b 124,095 .1011 () () 230,751 o o 231,151 100 4,000 250 750 1,800 15,400 5,000 1,500 28,800 280,252 32,000 75,000 387,252 771,298 -133- 1984 REVISED 522,394 172,126 75, fHH1 q L I' ,1. 810,520 11:14,545 3,500 1 7,318 7,G54 4, llJ 0 127,117 , , , :\.),; 1 I.! d -1 1,; , ',J 11>1 115,l:OO 120,000 245,5;:1.1 2J 3,700 200 575 1,800 11,000 5,000 1,500 23,795 280,252 32,000 75,000 387,252 1985 BUDGET 59.3, :54;) 157,358 '1 o 25,000 775,998 107,724 3,500 1,300 7,933 Hl,894 3,533 134,884 ,; ,) i1 100 , " 16,0011 126,(J98 130,000 272,598 1:0 4,000 250 750 1,800 15,400 5,000 1,500 28,80(J 314,716 (] (1 314,716 783,664 750,998