HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1983-0868 RESOLUTION NO. &6& S efti e-6 0 6 7 9 & 3 TITLE: RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR JUDV SULLIVAN ON HER SELECTION AS "EMPLOVEE OF THE VEAR" WHEREAS, ~he City 06 whea~ Ridge wi6he-6 ~o ftecognize ou~- -6~anding employee-6 ~hftough the Employee 06 the Month and Employee 06 ~he Veaft pftogftam; and WHEREAS, ~he Employee on the Veaft i6 a vefty -6pecial de-6ignation de6eftving On 6pecial than~6 and appfteciation nftOm ail elected and appoin~ed o66icial6; and WHEREAS, Judy Sullivan ha6 been -6elected a-6 Employee On the Veaft by heft 6ellow employeeh 60ft heft heft vice ~o ~he City in heft p06ition ah Senioft Secfte~afty 60ft the Pefthonnel Divihion; and WHEREAS, dufting heft ~hftee yeaft6 in ~hih p06ition, Judy ha6 alwaY6 gone out 06 heft way ~o pftehen~ a pOhitive impftehhion 06 the Ci~y to applican~h nOft pO-6itionh; and WHEREAS, Judy Sullivan hah alway6 done heft be6t to convey a nftiendly and pft06eh6ional a~ti~ude to the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council o{.. the City On Wheat Ridge tha~ Judy Sullivan ih hefteby ex~ended congfta~u- la~ion6 and 6incefte appfteciation 60ft the out-6tanding honoft 06 being helected "Employee 06 :the Veaft" nOft the City at Wheat Ridge. DONE AND RESOLVED thih 14th day On Novembeft, 1983. J/ / <,~~. ATTEST: (', I ' \' -, " ~ \' . , ' '\ \, ~;:: ~2 FRANK STIn ~M/YDR / , I I' W'AND;)SANb: Clr\t' 'C'LjRK ., CITY COUNCU: . ,/ ) ?t <0. j :~VZ/C~ ~d1 M ~ ~~ c;) ~~ /' ( ~ -~/" ( /) ".1.;/ [' //, ' 1/ ~ l '-(c' '-'_'c~. - . "/ ./ "" i -,7 !' , . / L.( ( , I