HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1983-0869 RESOLUTION NO. 869 Series of 1983 TITLE' RESOLUTION APPRUVING AMENI~ENTS TO THE LIMITED WADSWORTH TOWN CENTER PROJECT AND URBAN RENEWAL PLAN. \vHEREAS, publiC' notice hac; been glven and the Citv Council has held a public hearing on October 74, 1983, on the proposed amendments to the proposed Limited Wadsworth Town Center Project and Urban Renewal Plan; and WHEREAS, the Ci iy Council has established an 11rban Renewal Authority; and WHEREAS, the City Council has passed Resolution Nu. 756, Series of 1981, approving a Limited Wadswnrth Town Center' Project; and WHEREAS, the Wheat Rid?e Urban Renewdl Authorlty ha~ held a public hearing nn Octobpr 12, 1983, and approved Resolutlon 1JR 83-40 which recommends that the propused amendments be referred tll the Clty Cuuncil wlth recommendation for approval; and \vHEREAS, the Plannlng Commission has held a publlc hearing 011 October G, 1983, and It also recommends approval to the City Counell. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Councll [lnds thai the amendments to the Llmlied T0wn Cenier Prnject and Urban Renewal Plan do reflect the directlon dE"sired by the City CounC'll for the Wadsworth T0wn Center Project area which lS the Urban Renewal Plan area. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Councll finds that the Urban Renewal Plan conforms to the Wheat Rldge Comprehensive Development Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Plan affords maXlmum opportunitv for the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the urban renewal area by private enterprlse. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ihat the proposed ~menctments to ihe Limited Wadsworth Town Center Projeci and Urban Renpwal Plan be approved and be made an integral part of the original document apprnved bv Council Resolution on 14 December 1981. DONE AND RESOLVED this day of October, 1983. ,,,.,,...- - '~. .'-,~ , /~;.:~", ,. , '~.'\ :.\ \ , ~. HANK ST E':(~'M~- ATTEST: (-,j' - ,f; . ~ - /~ ,'['. WANDA SAW~, \ , I '- i '" t. , 1_ .-c\.. " CITY CLE,Kfi, '.'-... i --...",--. .. , . , ", . f ,; ';;,/ .:,-"