HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1989-1163 f'ESOLUTImJ :)0. 1163 "cries of 1989 'l'I'l'LE: A P.BSOLU'l'IOn APPPOPRIATH1G ADDITIONAL sIns OF 'lONFY I~ EXCS,Sq OF T\'!()U~lT.s BUDGETED :70r: Tl1E ':ITY O:c \'7FlS,'\T RIDGE, COLORA~O FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989. "THSREl\S, the City of "Theat Rid12 Annaal Bud']2t for the fiscal yenr 19:19 has been '),Jooted throu:J!1 P.c~solution no. 1118 on the 24th day of October, 1988; anJ "7HEREAS, the:' City of T'7heat Ridge r/'O'ceiv0G aJditioT1al Iligtl\w'/ Users T~x Fund revenue not assured at the time o~ ado?tion or the 19Rq oudget; and ~HCREAS, with the City Council a?~roval for additional manoower to camolete Ca0ital Projects in 1989; no';, T,TEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of !~eat Ridge, Colorado: A . That the additional sum of $39,5AA oe anoropriated for expenditure in the General Pund, in 1989, for the 0uroose of ourchasing ajditional aSDnalt oaving, and computer software and hardware in the Public :Jor~s Deoartment; and 9. ~hat the aJjitional sum of $40,003 De a0orooriated for exoenditure in the Ge~eral Fund, in 19R9, for t~e ?uroose of hirinJ .:tJditional manpO\ler to ,"ork on sel/'O'cted Pu)lic Horks Ca~ital Projects; anJ c. That the 19Aq total ao?ropriation for the General Fund De h,"re')y increasec1 from <:;8,931,471 to ~9,110,971. DmlS ?\nD RESOI,VED this 25th day or September , 1989. ~~ Dan T'lilJe, I,'avor l\.TTSST: -.. I." ;I' "li1nJa Sang, ':ity Cler:,