HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1989-1164 RSSOLUTIO"l no. 1164 Scri23 .')f 1989 'I'I'l'LE: ,\ ECSOLUTIO!] A:1S~mI'lG TIlE CITY OF r'IHEl\T P.IDGS \TlUAL BTJDGET ?O~ THE FISCl\T. YiC:7\R 1989. ~HEREAS, the City of Wh~at Ridgc Annual Budget for the fiscal year 1q89 ~as Jcen adopteJ through Resolution No. IlIA, on Octooer 24, 1988; and WHEREAS, it is the jesire of the City Council of the City of ~heat Ridge to 3mend the 19q9 Annual Budget oy increasing the budgeted revenues in the General Fund oy $79,50~ as follows: Account #/DescriDtion Amount Changed Revised 1989 Budget 01-520-545/Highway Users S39,500 S505,50n Tax nl-59n-593/Transfer In $40,000 s540,nna Ca,ital ?rojects Fun~ and; by increasing the Dudgeted oy $79,501 as follows: \ceount ~/DescriDtion 01-302-640/Enqineering Outsidc Personal Services Ol-302-809/Engineering 'lajor Equi'J~nent ql-303-6~~/Streets ODeratinq SUP01ies expenditur{~s in the General ?und !\nount Changed :i 40, rJ'1 'l Revised 19B8 Budget $4'1,000 s9,500 $13 ,[JaG $30,'1(J0 S13'1,nOD P'1ERP.AS, this ar:1endnent ine reases the 1989 General Fund budget to '79,010,971 and the total City of l'lheat "tii'Jc ;)ljd')et as of this tr~nsaction to $15,412,731. 'J(),'7, TC1P.RP.?ORc:.: 1",8 IT RESOLVf,D oy the 2ity Council of the Cit',' of ',Thcilt Rid'1c, Colorajo: A. That the City of Wheat Ridge Annual Budget for the fiscal year 19A9 Je amended as provided in this resolution; and B. The State nivi~ion of Local Govern~ents oe notifi2j of said Z\~endlJents as required JY State Statute. Don? A:,TD RESOLVE!) this 25th :1C1Y of September , 1989. ~~ '),'m ,lil::!e, i\i'lyor !\TTEST: '" ".. { Haneb San], Ci tv Cl(~r:~ .I ,,', '].:6:1: -,v,;Y;';'l,,:,;--]:..i-.::r~\ i-';:(--;~"\';';'M"~"" ):iIi'(~'<<<<-:-;'~,,-. ):;';1" l::.:..:;;"'.-...:\,~ ):.~ . ... ......- DIVISION OF ACCOUNTS AND CONTROL =~ PA.l'AB\11ttI(OUGH ANY BANk OR eMI(ER i'[ I -+87476 J-le8 74 76 STATE OF COLORADO VOID AfTER 6 MONTHS fROM ISSUE DATE FUND 2001 HIGHWAY FUND WARRANT ON lHllJlEASUIU Of THE STATE Of COLCIADO CHARGE TO ACCOUNT OF DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY I., OUT Of ANY MONEYS NOT OTHERWISf APPROPRIATED '.~' " " -'<< \ 'I , r~: CITY OF WHEATRIOGE WHEATRIOGE CO 80033 II" 0 ~ a. 8 7 a. 7 b II" .: ~O 700 58? 2': ~o 005 B~II" CHARGE TO AGENCY NAME DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY NUMBER 402000 PAYEENAME CITY OF WHEA TR lOGE WARRANT IM:O~~~~N~~B;~~ I o DESCRIPTION o E N 4 MILLION GENERAL FUND REVENUES TO HIGHWAY USERS TAX FUND PER HB 1350 REFERENCE CO RVSD STATUES SCTN 2475215 2 AMOUNT . STATE OF COLORADO = TOTAL .. ~g~A~~J~~E~6U:DtND RETAIN NOli NlE([D01rllAIEILlE ,- L/5/ };; .::L (:1 -- ..>