HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1997-1570 RESOLUTION NO 1570 SerIes of 1996 TITLE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN EDARC (the "AuthOrIty") AND WHEAT RIDGE MARKETPLACE, a Colorado General PartnershIp (the "Redeveloper" ) WHEREAS, EDARC and the Wheat RIdge Marketplace, a Colorado General PartnershIp entered mto a Redevelopment Agreement wIth an effectIve date of October I, 1994, and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agreement establIshed a publIc-prIvate partnershIp wIth speCIfic oblIgatIons by the AuthorIty and the Redeveloper; and WHEREAS, the costs assOCIated wIth the sIte development exceeded the cost projectIOns for the Project resultmg III the Redeveloper Incurnng an unantIcIpated greater proportIon of the expenses, and WHEREAS, due to the publIc-prIvate partnership EDARC and the City of Wheat RIdge City Council belIeve that there should be addItIOnal compensatIon of$175,000 be paId to the Redeveloper In an effort to create more equality In the obligatIOns of the partners; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the CIty of Wheat RIdge, Colorado. as follows I The ChaIr of ED ARC IS hereby authOrIzed to execute an Amendment to the Redevelopment Agreement between EDARC and Wheat Ridge Marketplace, a Colorado General Partnership to compensate the Wheat RIdge Marketplace an addItIonal $175,000 to be paId WIthIn 10 years from the date of thIS resolutIOn 2 The payment In the second year shall not be paId until Wheat RIdge Marketplace has delIvered to Gordon Hinshaw 4 trees to be planted in hIS yard, whIch cost shall not exceed $1.00000 DONE AND RESOLVED thIS ij!;;day of. ~--/ '- ,< ',r , 1997 ~.-d-cL DAN WILDE, MAYOR ATTEST !I J. ",i4<.--,L It. r Y3.~- WANDA SANG_ CITY CLEThK