HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-2000-0045 RESOLUTION NO. 45-2000 Series of2000 TITLE: A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING A SEPARATE LEGAL ENTITY TO BE KNOWN AS THE "JUVENILE ASSESSMENT CENTER (JAC)" WHEREAS, the intergovernmental agreement between political subdivisions ofthe State of Colorado are authorized by c.R.S. S 29-1-203; and WHEREAS, the Juvenile Assessment Center (lAC) has been established as a separate legal entity by Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of Jefferson; Jefferson County School District No R-I; Cities of Arvada, Lakewood, Golden, Westminster, Edgewater; DIstrict Attorney, First Judicial District; and the Jefferson County Sheriff; and WHEREAS, the JAC will permit and encourage governments to make the most efficient and effective use of their powers and responsibilities by cooperating and contracting with other governments; and WHEREAS, the JAC shall be empowered with authority to lffiprove, construct, mamtain, repair, control, regulate, and operate the Center withm Jefferson County; and WHEREAS, intervention programs and services for juveniles and their families will be handled through a centralized location; and WHEREAS, an agreement with the Jefferson Center for Mental Health will be entered into as part of the Intergovernmental Agreement; and WHEREAS, the agreement with the Jefferson Center for Mental Health will supercede the previously entered into agreement in 1998 for funding and operating the program ("Law Enforcement Fundmg Agreement) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge that: 1. The City of Wheat Ridge desires to be a party to the Intergovernmental Agreement establishing the Juvenile Assessment Center. 2. The City Manager (Interlffi City Manager) and City Clerk are hereby authonzed and empowered to execute the Intergovernmental Agreement on behalf of the CIty of Wheat Ridge. 3. The City Manager (Interim City Manager) and City Clerk are hereby authorIzed and empowered to execute the Agreement with Jefferson Center for Mental Health on behalf of the City of Wheat Ridge. DONE AND RESOLVED THIS 18th day of December, 2000. ATTEST. ~-T ~ "\\ .. I ~ \f(;I1~ ~ ~'Qj\JJ'-J\--'^\ WANDA SANG, CIT,\ CLERK \ ~.,j CIMyFileslRcsoslJAC IGAwpd ResolutIon No. IGA-JAC INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT For The Juvenile Assessment Center THIS AGREEMENT, dated for reference purposes only this 1st day of January, 2001, is made and entered into by and between the COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, a body politIC and corporate (the "County") for the use and benefit of the Office of the District Attorney, First Judicial District ("District Attorney") and Jefferson County Division of Human Services ("Human Services") and the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office (the "Shenff'); JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. R-l (R-1 Schools"); the CITY OF ARV ADA, a municipal corporation ("Arvada"), the CITY OF LAKEWOOD, a rnunicipal corporation ("Lakewood"), the CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a municipal corporatiOn ("Wheat Ridge"), and the CITY OF GOLDEN, a municipal corporation ("Golden"), the CITY OF WESTMINSTER, a mumcipal corporation ("Westminster"), and the CITY OF EDGEW ATER, a municipal corporation ("Edgewater") (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "partIes") and the DISTRICT ATTORNEY, FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT and the JEFFERSON COUNTY SHERIFF as Sponsors as that tenn is defined below WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Part 2 of Article 1 of Title 29, C.R.S permits and encouragcs governments to make the most efficient and effectIve use of theIr powers and responsiblhl1es by cooperatmg and contracting with other governments, and WHEREAS, Pari 2 of Article I of Title 29, C.R.S authorizes governments to contract wlth one another to provide any functiOn, serVIce, or facIlity lawfully authonzed to each of the contractmg umts through the establishment of a separate legal entity, and WHEREAS, Jefferson Center for Mental Health ("Mental Health"), a nonprofit corporation, ("Mental Health") has operated a program known as the Jefferson County Juvenile Assessrnent Program (the "Program") whIch has provided a centralized location for the coordin:ned provision of mental health and other mtervention programs and services for Juveniles and their families who were refen'ed to the Program by the Law Enforcement PartiCIpants (Lakewood, Arvada, Golden, Wheat Ridge, Westminster, Edgewater and the Shenff shall collectively be referred to as the "Law Enforcement Participants"). and WHEREAS, the County Mental Health and the Law Enforcement PartICIpants preViOusly entered mto an agreement in 1998 for fundmg and operating the Program (the "Law Enforcement Fundmg Agreement") and the County. R-I Schools and Mental Health entered into a Partners Agreement dated for reference purposes the 1st day of July, 1997 to proVIde additional funding fOJ the Program (Human Services. the District Attorncy and R-I Schools and Mcntal Health shall collectively be refelTcd to as the "Sponsors"). and (.)-d .\t cILJ\CllikA~sL'ssll;Allllal:::.d()c WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of all of the above-referenced partIes to create a separate legal entity with its own governing board to provIde the servIces previously provided by Mental Health, and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into a new Agreement herein, which supersedes all prior agreements and amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreement of the parties hereinafter contained, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby confessed, it IS understood and agreed as follows. 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS A ESTABLISHMENT OF THE JUVENILE ASSESSMENT CENTER. The partIes hereby establish a separate legal entity to be known as the "Juvenile Assessment Center" (the "Center") whIch shall operate as a governrnental entIty unless the Center Board takes such actIOn reqUIred to convert the Center to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit orgamzation. Prior to such action to convert the Center to a 50I(c)(3) organizatIOn, the Center shall give each party rnore than six (6) months notice of such llltended actIOn. Upon receipt of such notIce any party may terminate its participation without penalty or participate in an agreernent concerning formation of the 50I(c)(3) Such terminating party shall be entitled to reimbursernent of its annual contribution previously paId to the Center prorated from the effective date of termination through the remainder of the year Prior to such conversion to a 50I(c)(3) entIty, the nghts of the parties under this Agreement shall be addressed by an arnendment to thIS Agreement or by separate agreernent executed by all parties who have not tenninated theIr partIcipatIOn. No such conversion shall occur without the unammous consent of all the parties who have not terminated their partiCIpation. B IN-KIND CONTRIBUTION OF CERTAIN PARTIES AND SPONSORS, In consIderatIOn of participation in and access to the Center servIces and programs, each Sponsor agrees to make the following in-kind contributIOns to the operatIon of the Center at no cost to the Center' I R-I Schools - Buildings located at 1200 Johnson Road, Golden, CO 80401 shall be leased to the Center as needed by the Center by separate lease agreernent (the "Center Facilities"), An educatIOn specialist and/or truancy admllllstratorlstudent outreach officer shall he prOVIded hy R-I and sh311 be located at the Center Furmture and equlprnent necessary to support these positions or any other R-I Schools personnel placed at the Center ,hall also be proVIded hy R-I 2. Human ServIces - The County shall install and maintain the County phone system at the Center The County shall provide eqUIpment and furnllure to support any Human Services personnel located at the Center ~ (J' 'J ,\( '\.1 u\'L'lllkA......t'-ssICJAflll'-!I~.Jor 3 Distnct Attorney - The Dlstnct Attorney shall provide a computer sys1em establishing links between and among the Courts, the District Attorney AS400, and the Colorado Crirne Information Cornputer ("CCIC") The District Attorney shall provide liaison and support staff and furniture and equipment to support these positions. C JEFFERSON CENTER FOR MENTAL HEALTH - Jefferson Center for Mental Health shall be a Sponsor if it provides mental health services to the Center D OPERA nON OF THE CENTER FOR THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2001 Mental Health shall continue to oversee, administer and staff the Center through March 31, 200 I. if the Board of Directors has not hired staff or entered mto a contract with another entl1y to oversee and staff the Center during the first quarter of 2001 If Mental Health provides administration and staffing to the Center during the first quarter of 2001, Mental Heal1h shall be paId by the Center a dollar amount calculated by proratmg the amount of finanCIal contributions paid by the parties for the Year 2001 E. It is mutually understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto and Mental Health that this Agreement shall not constitute a change in employment status of any employee of the parties to this Agreernent or Mental Health. Each party shall be responsible for mamtammg workers' compensation insurance for its employees as required by law. and for wlthholdmg and paying all Federal and State taxes for its employees. II. POWERS OF THE CENTER A GENERAL POWERS The parties hereto agree the Center shall be empowered with the authority to Improve, construct, maintain, repair, control, regulate, and operate the Center within Jefferson County, Colorado, for the use and benefit of the parties to thls Agreement and their constituents. B SPECIFIC POWERS. The Center shall be authorized to provide the services identified below to children who are under the age of eighteen and who reSIde in the First Judicial District of Colorado ("Juveniles"), The principal purposes and powers of the Center are 10 I provide a centralized location for the coordinated provision of mental health and other intervention programs and services for Juveniles and their farnilies who are referred to the Center by the Law Enforcement Participants, Human Services, Mental Health. R-I Schools and families living in the First Judicial DIstrict of Colorado, 2. conduct complete assessments of the needs of Juveniles and their famIlIes Including, but not lImited to, screemng for violence potentIal. self-destructive tendenCIes. abuse, neglect and future cnmInal behaVIor, nsk and treatment need factors. 3 make prompt referrals of Juvemles and their families to appropriate communIty services based on assessment and any and aU other pertment mformation. :1 Q-\J -\C\.lll\l'lljkA~~C'isIGAtlll:.lI~ Joe 4 provide crisis intervention for Juveniles and their families referred by the Sponsors, the Law Enforcernent Participants, the courts within Jefferson County and the Juvenile's family and also for Juveniles on probation or in a diversion program (The Center shall utilize a case management process to evaluate the progress of the intervention. Case management shall include developing case plans addressing Issues IdentIfied in assessment and supervising the accomplishment of the case plan.), 5 coordll1ate and centralize the information collected by agencies involved with the Juvemles and their farnilies, 6 p:ovlde rapid dissemination of assessment Il1formation to rnunicipal and state courts, Sponsors and Law Enforcement Participants III accordance with all laws concernll1g confidentiality. 7 assIst WIth deCision-making concernmg arrest, Il1carceration. Il1terventIon. and consequences for Juveniles, 8 prepare pre-sentencing reports for rnunicipal and state courts. 9 if the Center is designated as a shelter by the District Court 111 the First JudiCIal DIstrIct of Colorado or by the County pursuant to Section 19-2-508, C.RS. prOVIde short terrn holding of Juveniles, detained or arrested by Law Enforcement; Juvemles WIth status, ordinance, misdemeanor or felony level charges, Juveniles considered to be "at rIsk" or "runaway", or Juveniles referred to or in the care of Human Services who are not in immediate danger and who pose no threat to themselves or others (Juvemles awaiting placement or family services), 10 apply for and receive grants and other sources of funding and proVIde all services related to Juveniles whIch are authorized by the terms of any such grant or funding awards, II prOVIde ongoing training of law enforcement personnel on changes in the Juvemle code, accessll1g and using Center servIces and detention screenlllg procedures, 12. proVIde screening of Juveniles for Law Enforcement PartiCIpants for eligibIlIty for pretrial placement in Division of Youth Corrections' facilItIes and other faCIlItIes per local or State policy, 13 provide immediate social servICe and mental health servIce access to Juveniles through the FamIly and Adolescent Crisis Team, and 14 have any additional powers that are authorized in wntll1g by all the govermng bodies of the parties. --l- l...nJ i\( \JU\l'1l1k'\sSl'ssJuAl1naJ~.Jllc C POWER TO MAKE CONTRACTS. HIRE, AND FIRE. The partIes hereto further agree the Center shall have the authority reasonable and necessary to carry out the powers se1 forth m this Agreement. Such authority shall include, but not be lImIted to, the authority to contract and purchase all necessary supplies, equipment, materials, and services, including professional services, and further to hire and discharge employees of the Center as deemed necessary to operate the Center. D POWER TO SET FEES The fees, If any, to be charged for services shall be established by the Center and shall be uniform and reasonable. E. POWER TO LEASE PROPERTY. The parties hereto agree the Center IS empowered to negotiate and enter into leases of property that is suitable for providing the services it IS authonzed to proVIde. The initial lease shall be WIth R-I Schools for the Center Facilities. The Center, for the purpose of organizing, administering. and operatmg the Center on the land so leased, will improve, maintain. and operate the buildings and property as provided herem. F USAGE BY OTHER JUVENILES The Center Board by policy approval may permIt other entities than as set forth in II.B 10 make to the Center or to permit juveniles reSIding outside the First Judicial DIstrict to be referred to the Center III FUNDING CONTRIBUTIONS OF PARTIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 200 I. Each party shall contribute to the Center the amounts IdentIfied in Exhibit A. whIch ]s attached hereto and incorporated herein, for the Center's fiscal year 2001 operating budget. The parties agree to conSIder for appropnatlon the amounts cornputed as set forth above by the first day of January, 2001 Full payment shall be made to the Center no later than January 31. 2001 IV FUNDING CONTRIBUTIONS OF PARTIES AFTER FISCAL YEAR 200 I. A. LA W ENFORCEMENT PARTICIPANT'S CONTRIBUTIONS For fiscal year 2002 and thereafter. the Law Enforcement Participants shall pay forty per cent (40%) of the Center's Annual Assessrnent as defined in ArtIcle IX. The annual contributions of each of the Law Enforcement PartICIpants shall be calculated as follows by usmg a formula that is weighted equally by each Law Enforcement Participant's Juvenile PopulatIon and the average of the Law Enforcement PartIcIpant's usage of the Center for the three calendar years preceding the date the preliminary budget is approved (the "Three Year Usage Period'). I Juvenile Populati~n CalculatIon. One-half of the Law Enforcement Parttclpant s annual contribution will be determIned as follows. a. Identify the Juvemle population figure for each Law Enforcement PartICipant hy deterll1111ing the number of Juvemles who reSIde WIthin the Junsdlctlon of each 5 U J -\( '\JU\ Llljk...\~~L'~_~j( ;Aj illJI2_un( Law Enforcement Participant and who also resIde within the First JudICIal District of Colorado The Sheriff's Jurisdiction shall be the unmcorporated portIOn of Jefferson County The Juvemle population figure shall be determmed by usmg the rnost current populatIOn figures available from the State Demographer on April 1st of each year the budget is prepared. b All of the Law Enforcernent Participant's population numbers will be added together and each Law Enforcement Participant's percentage of the total will determine one-half of their annual contribution. 2. Program Usage, The rernaining one-half of the Law Enforcement PartIcIpant's annual contribution will be determined as follows: a. The Center shall keep a record of the number of Juveniles referred or transported to the Center by each Law Enforcement PartIcIpant and theIr respective muniCIpal court dunng each calendar year (the "Law Enforcement PartiCIpant's Usage Number") b All of the Law Enforcernent Participant's Usage Numbers for the Three Year Usage Penod wtll be added together (the "Three Year Total Usage Number") Each Law Enforcement Participant's percentage of the Three Year T01al Usage Number will determine one-half of theIr annual contnbutlOn. B SPONSOR'S CONTRIBUTIONS I The Sponsors shall contribute sixty per cent (60%) of the Center's Annual Assessment according to the following percentages. County 46% (cornpnsed of contributIOns by the District Attorney's Office the Human Services Division) The percentage of each County entity may vary from year to year, but the total contribution of the County for these two entities shall not exceed 46% of the Center's total Annual Assessment. (The Shenff's contributIOn is separately under Article IV, Section A - Law Enforcement ContnbutlOns) R-l Schools 14% v APPROPRIATION AND PA YMENTS BY PARTIES OR OTHER ENTITIES. A APPROPRIATION AND PAYMENT OF FUNDS The partIes agree to consider for appropnatlon the amounts computed as set forth above by the first day of January of the year during which saId monies arc to be expended by the Center The parties agree to pay said amounts to the Center by January 31 of the year dunng whIch saId monies are to be expended by the Center All payments to the Center pursuant to this Agreement are. however. subJect to annual appropriation by the partics hereto m the manner reqUired by statute. It IS 6 (,hJ.\( '\Ju\'t'llik '\<.,:-,(':,:-.!{ "!:\fina12.doc the intentlOlI of the partIes that no multiple-year fiscal debt or other obligation shall be created by tillS Agreement. B CONTRIBUTIONS OF NEW PARTIES In the event that any municipality, other than the parties to this Agreement, subsequently joins in this Agreement, it shall be treated as a Law Enforcement Participant and its share of the Annual Assessment shall be computed, appropriated and paid as set forth above in Part III, IV and V Should any such mUDlClpality be partially within and partially without the territorial limits of the First Judicial Dlstnct, Its population WIthIn the First Judicial District shall be added to the total Juvenile population set forth in ArtIcle IV, Section A,l.b to cornpute the pro-rata shares of the Annual Assessrnent. Such municipality shall only refer Juveniles apprehended within the boundanes of the First JudiCIal Dlstnct to the Center A new muniCIpalIty's program usage shall be estimated by the Center's Board of DIrectors untIl the mUI11C1palIty has been a Law Enforcernent PartIcipant for one full calendar year Once the mUl11cipalIty has been a Law Enforcernent PartIcipant for a full calendar year, the program usage for that calendar year shall be used to calculate usage for the next budget. The next year, the municipality's program usage for two (2) full calendar years shall be used to determIne the municipality's usage for budget purposes. Thereafter, program usage for the new mUI11Clpality shall be calculated in accordance with Article IV, Section A.2 of thiS Agreement. VI BOARD OF DIRECTORS A POWERS All powers, priVIleges and duties vested in the Center shall be exercised and performed by and through its Board of Directors. B APPOINTMENTS The County and each Sponsor and Law Enforcement PartIcIpant shall designate and appoInt onc Director to serve on the Center Board. Each DIrector shall be in regular attendance and participate in Center meetings and activities. The Chief Judge of the First Judicial Dlstnct Court ("the Court") may appoint one Director to scrve on thc Centcr Board. Each DIrector shall servc In accordance with the terms and conditions set forth by the entity that appointed the Director The County and each Sponsor and Law Enforcement PartIcipant and the Court may also appoInt an alternate board member The Directors and alternates for the Law Enforcement Participants shall be appointed by theIr respective chiefs of police or Sheriff The Directors and alternates for Human Services and Mental Health shall be appointed by the respective Director of Human ServIces and DIrector of Mental Health Thc District Attorney shall appoint a Director and alternate The Board of County CommIssIoners of Jefferson County shall appoint the County's DIrector and allernate The R-l School's DIrector and alternate shall he appOInted by the 'lupenntendent of Schools. C ELECTION OF OFFICERS At the annual meetIng of the Board of Directors, the Board shall elect from Its membership a PreSIdent. a VIce PreSIdent (and President pro 7 () \.J A( '\.1 II \'L'llilcASSL'ssICiAI1[l;_d2.Jol' tern), a Secretary and a Treas1lrer, who will assume theIr office at the annual meetmg. These officers shall serve until theIr successors have been elected. The officers shall be elected by an affirma11ve vote of at least a majority of the board of those present and voting. D BYLAWS AND POLICIES AND PROCEDURES The Board of Directors shall have the power to promulgate bylaws and policies and procedures which shall establish the organizational rules and policies and procedures for the rnanagement and operation of the Center VII CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND The Center rnay establish a capital improvement fund with surplus revenues generated by operation of the Center The uses to which said fund may be put include, but are not necessarily limited to, replacement of capital equipment. procurement of new capital equIpment, and expansIOn of the Center FaCIlItIes. VIII. CONTINGENCY FUND ESTABLISHED The Center shall establish a contmgency fund which shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the preceding year's actual expenditures. The money for said fund may be generated from transfers from fees, investrnent mcome, donatIons. grants and other incidental sources of revenue. Said contingency fund shall be used to defray the costs of unantIcipated opcratmg expenses. IX. BUDGET A BUDGET PROCESS, Each year, the Center shall prepare a prelImmary budget and submIt said budget to the Center's Board. The budget shall contam detailed estimates of the operating costs for the subsequent year. The budget shall identify the dollar amount of all revenue sources including the portIon of revenue to be assessed to the Sponsors and Law Enforcement PartIcipants (the "Annual Assessment") The preliminary budget shall be approved by the Center's Board on or before June 1st of each year The approved preliminary budget shall be submItted to each of the govermng bodies of the parties hereto as soon thereafter as possible The governing body of each of the parties may provide comments or concerns on Its Annual Assessment to the Center's Board on or before Septernber I of each year. The Center's Board may adjust the budget based on the comments of the parties. The final budget shall then be approved by the Center's Board and certIfied by the secretary and treasurer of the Center's Board. A final budget shall be submitted to each of the gl)Vermng bodIes of the partIes no later than December 15th of each year that this Agreement IS m effect. B CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE BUDGET The partIes hereto agree to contnbule to the budget based upon the formula contamed in Sectlons III and IV of thIS ::; () \.l -'\( .\!u\'L'nikA........c<,<,[(iAfinaI2,doc Agreement or upon such other basIs as may from time to time be determined by all of said partIes. X FUNDS AND OPERATIONS A. DESIGNATION OF FUNDS The Center agrees that the various monies paid to the Center by the parties hereto, and any rnonies generated by the Center itself, shall be placed into a designated fund, and any expenses incurred by reason of operation of the Center shall be paid from said fund, B CHOICE OF DEPOSITORY All monies belonging to the Center or deSIgnated for use by the Center shall be deposited In the name and to the credit of the Center with such depositories as the Center shall from time to time designate, in compliance with Pan 6 of Article 75 of Title 24. c.R.S C DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS No disbursements shall be made from the funds of the Center except by check. D FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. The Center shall not borrow money nor shall it approve any claims or incur any obligations for expenditures unless there is sufficient unencumbered cash in the appropriate fund, credited to the Center, with whIch to pay 1he same E. SURPLUS REVENUES Nothing herein, however, prevents the Center from returmng any surplus revenues generated by the operation of the Center to the respective partIes hereto in the same proportion that said partIes are required to contribute for mamtenance and operation. F The Center Board shall obtain and mamtam adequate insurance coverage to protect against any claims and liabilities which may anse due to the actIvities conducted by the Center or the Center Board. XI. BOOKS AND RECORDS A RECORD KEEPING The Center shall mamtain adequate and correct accounts of ItS funds, propertIes, and busmess transactions, which accounts shall be open to inspection at any reasonable time by the parties hereto, their attorneys, or theIr agents. B ANNUAL AUDIT The Center shall cause to be conducted an annual audit wlthm 90 days after the end of the fiscal year Such audit shall be conducted by an independent certIfied public accountant. registered accountant, or partnership, or certified publIc accountan1s. or registered accountants lIcensed to practice in the State of Colorado The Center shall tender a copy of saId audit to the governmg bodies of the respectIve parties hereto 9 (Yd .'l.,( JlJ\'Cllil<.'A\~l'ssl( ;AI11l:1J2.uoc C COMPLIANCE WITH LAW The Center shall comply wIth all laws governIng entIties created pursuant to Part 2 of Article I of Title 29, C.R.S includIng, but not lImIted to, the Local Government Budget Law of Colorado, the Colorado Local Government Audit Law and the Colorado Local Government Uniform Accounting Law. XII. REPORTS A. ANNUAL REPORT By May 1st of each year the Center shall prepare and present to the respective City Councils, the Board of County Commissioners of Jefferson County, the Board of Directors of Jefferson Center for Mental Health, the Board of the R-I School DIstrict, the District Attorney, the Sheriff and the Court, a cornprehensive annual report of the Center's actIVItIes and finances during the preceding year B REPORTS REQUIRED BY LAW, REGULATION OR CONTRACT The Center shall also prepare and present such reports as may be reqUIred by law, regulatIon. or contract to any authonzed federaL state, and/or local officials to whom such report is required to be rnade in the course and operatIOn of the Center C REPORTS REQUESTED BY THE PARTIES The Center shall also render to the parties hereto, at reasonable Intervals, such reports and accountIngs as the partIes hereto may from time to time request. XIII. DEFAULT IN PERFORMANCE A. In the event any party fails to pay its share of the operatIng costs when due, or to perform any of Its covenants and undertakings under this Agreement, the Center shall cause written notice to be given to the governing body of the party of the Center's IntentIOn to terminate said Agreement as to such party in default, unless such default IS cured WIthIn thIrty (30) days from the date of such notice. Upon failure to cure said default WIthIn SaId thlfty (30) day penod, membershIp In the Center of the defaulting party shall thereupon termInate, and SaId defaultIng party shall thereafter have no votIng rights as a member of the Center at any regular or speCIal meeting thereto, nor be entitled to representation on the Center's Board of DIrectors. SaId defaultIng party shall thereafter be denied servIce by the Center and shall no longer be entitled to locate any of ItS employees in the Facility Any furniture or equipment owned by said defaulting party but not removed within thirty (30) days after the date of the Center's notice of intention to terrninate shall become the property of the Center unless smd default IS cured within the thIrty (30) day period. Furthermore, such defaulting party whIch IS termmated under thIS section of this Agreement shall forfeit all ngh1, tItle, and Interest In and to any property of the Center to whIch it may olherwlse be entItled upon the dIssolutIon of thIS Agreement. This SectIon IS not intended to lImIt the nghl of any party under this Agreement to pursue any or all other remedIes It may have for breach of this Agreement. B In the event of default by R-I Schools, the lease agreement for the Center Facilities shall terminate and the parttes hereto and Mental Health shall vacate the Center lO t...nJ 4,( '\JU\ L.IlikA<,~('~~IGAflll,-il2.Joc FacilIties sIxty (60) days frorn the date of the Center's nOl1ce of intention to terminate (unless the default of R-l Schools has been tImely cured) XIV TERM, RENEWAL AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT A. TERM AND RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall be in full force and effect for a term of 35 years frorn January 1,2001, and the parties entering into this Agreement shall have the option to extend this Agreement by amending this Agreement pursuant to Section XV or until sooner terminated by a majority of the parties hereto. B TERMINATION BY WRITTEN NOTICE. This Agreement, or any party's or Sponsor's participatIOn m this Agreement, may be tennmated effective by wntten notice from the party or partIes to the Center at least 90 days pnor to January I st of any gIven year ^ny party termmatmg its partIcipation pursuant to thIS proVIsIon, shall not be entitled to any rennbursement of ItS annual operatmg cost contributIOns prevIOusly p31d to the Center. In the event that the termmatmg party is R-I Schools, the lease agreernent for the Center Facilities shall terminate and the parties hereto and Mental Health shall vacate the Center Facilities withm sixty (60) days of SaId tennination by R-I Schools. C TERMINATION OF PARTY fLOSS OF FUNDS Upon termination of a party or Sponsor, whether by default in performance or by written notice, the remaining parties may contmue to participate in this Agreement. The Board of Directors, upon such 1ermination of a party or parties, shall act to adjust the budget or Annual Assessment to accommodate the loss m funds unless the remaining partIes negotIate an amendment to the Agreement settmg forth revised percentages of partIcIpation or the parties agree to terminate the Agreement. D POWERS OF CENTER UPON TERMINATION BY A MAJORITY. Upon 1ermmatlOn by mutual :!.greement of a maJonty of the parties to this Agreement, the powers granted to the Center under this Agreement shall continue to the extent necessary to make an effective dispOSItion of the property, equipment, and assets under thIS Agreement. E. STATUS OF LEASED PREMISES UPON TERMINATION BY A MAJORITY Upon termmatlOn of thIS Agreement by mutual agreement of a maJonty of the partIes hereto, any premises leased frorn R-I and irnprovements thereon located in Jefferson County, shall revert to R-l Schools for its use and ownershIp Any leases with R-l shall tennmate and the parties hereto and Mental Health shall vacate any facilities leased frorn R-I within thirty (30) days of saId termmatlOn of this Agreement. Any cost for liabilitIes incurred by the Center during the termmatlon of thIS Agreement and as an expense of terminatIon shall be borne by each party to the Agreement m the same proportIOn as It is reqUIred to contribute to the current Center funds for operatmg costs. F REMED IES AS TO MENTAL HEALTH If Mental Heal th does not prOVIde mental health servIces for the Center. Mental Health shall no longer be deemed a Sponsor and the term of any DIrector appointed by Mental Health shall be deemed terminated. 11 CJ-\~I -\( "".Il1\'L"lllkAs~es"l( ;.Atllul~.doc XV AMENDMENT This Agreement may be amended at any time in writing by agreement of two-thIrds of the parties to this Agreement subject to the approval of the vanous govemmg bodIes of the partIes. XVI. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE If any provisions of this Agreement or the application thereof to any party or cIrcumstances is held invalid, such Invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the Agreement which can be gIven effect without the invalid provision or applicatIOn. and to this end, the provISIons of the Agreernent are declared to be severable. XVII. COUNTERPARTS ThiS Agreement may be sIgned In counterparts, and each counterpart shall be deemed an original, and all the counterparts taken as a whole shall constitute one and the same mstrument. The Agreement shall not be effectIVe until executed by all parties. XVIII NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES Except as otherwise stated herem. thiS Agreement IS Intended to descnbe the nghts and responsibilities of and between the partIes and Sponsors and IS not intended to, and shall not be deemed to, confer nghts upon any persons or entItleS not named as partIes or Sponsors, Inni1 in any way governmental immullIty as prOVIded in S 24-10-10 I, C.R.S., et. sey and other lImited lIablhty statutes for the protection of the parties, nor hmIt the powers and responsibihtJes of any other entity not a party hereto Nothing contained hereIn shall be deemed to create a partnership or joint venture between the partIes or the Sponsors WIth respecl to the subject rnatter hereof The parties, Sponsors and Law Enforcernent Participants shall be responsible for their own negligent ac1s and the conduct of their respectIve employees WIthout waiVIng any protections afforded by the Governmental Immunity Act. XIX. SUPERSEDES This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior agreements and all amendments thereto including, but not limited to, the Partners Agreement and the Law Enforcement Fundmg Agreement referred to herein XX NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY The Center shall make Its serVICes, facilities, and programs avaIlable to all persons regardless of race color. age, creed, national origm. sex. or dlsablhty 12 ()"J ,\( \JU\'<'l1lk^\,,~('s:-;l< jAfinJ.I~.doc XXI. NO GENERAL OBLIGATION INDEBTEDNESS Because thIs Agreement wIll extend beyond the current fiscal year, the parties understand and intend that the obligation of the parties to pay the Annual Assessrnent hereunder constitutes a current expense of the parties payable exclusively from the parties' funds and appropriated each fiscal year and shall not in any way be construed to be a rnulti- fiscal year debt or other financial obligations within the meaning of Article X, SectIon 20 of the Colorado Constitution; a general obligation indebtedness of the parties within the meaning of any provision of Article XI of the Colorado Constitution, or any other constitutional or statutory indebtedness. None of the partIes has pledged the full faith and credit of the state, or the parties to the payment of the charges hereunder. and thIs Agreement shall not directly or contingently obligate the parties to apply rnoney from, or levy or pledge any form of taxation to, the payment of the annual operating costs. I ~ ,) v. oj A( 'VU\ cnill'As\l'""H iAI iJl;l12.ooc IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement APPROVED AS TO FORM ~3/L Gay B. mme! Assistant County Attorney ~, (,Y~I A( 'v U \'l"lll Ie.? Assess IG A fi llal ::!.ooc JEFFERSON COUNTY, By ~~~~f Richard M. Sheehan, Chair~ Board of County Commissioners Date: / 2-;// ~/o <> 14 {\p'~ A TIEST ST ATE OF COLORADO J ,) , ),---It&:::kn ci I/U"4l\ City Clerk <)'J -\( J\l\"'Il\kA,,,t:\)\C.;tin~\~,JOl.: CITY OF -\RVADA C\ (J\ By-f IJJJ------ Name & Title. Ken Fellm!J.n M!J.yor Date: January 8, 2001 15 \ tJ-~' ~ / ATTEST /J i ~ lc?llf t--. ~~; ~ C4'--I.':,,,, J,- , ---citY Clerk APPROVED AS TO F?RM / ~ (.j 1-\( \.lll\L'1l1k:\~~L,,~1tiAtill~tl~ dol' CITY OF LAKEWOOD ST A TE OF COLORADO ~~--4" __ N e' TItle: Ci-l-y iI1t1.fV:{'3e.L Date: 1-.1 -0/ ,,;-,;:<;:>V~~:/;;;~'r, , h?'"' ".J' .;0<""''' "1'1,~ .1. ~i'".f"'" -' < "~..,, V' fl......;',.... ' ~~. '_:I \~ fi 'I'? .E';~. lC" \. \.~ ~~~~ r 'y \ \" ,;:, rf. -'..,. /.... !.. ') ~ \ ~.. ~ j ti " ~ J.& . _Y,' ~^ !'-."fh ,~"'k '\~ .;;:." v. "" ':...~,Jj '0 I,' , -"r- ~3S:SS-S;5;' - 16 ATTEST CITY OF GOLDEN STATE OF COLORADO ~V11W~<;)) City Clerk '~ ~~;::cZl~ Date ~ ~-rvt.e~ /<:f.--( d6/r() 17 V J.\( ~~Ju\'L'lllk.'\~~L'~~ll;AlllL..d;,Joc ATTEST ~,~~ City Clerk ~~~ () \.1.'\( '\Ju\'1'1l1k~\'~c~sl(;Afi!l;Il~_d()( CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE STA TE OF COLORADO I IS ATTEST CITY OF EDGEW A TER STATE OF COLORADO It~c.J1~ CityC~~ By~J-~ Na & Title. John Fox. Mayor Dare. December 21 2000 . APPROVED AS TO FORM 1) -J ,\( JU\l'llikA\\<..'\\I< l..\till.ll ~_d(lc 19 ATTEST -:;,l(:/-i;P J;jj.11 C ty C erk / APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~t;/~ Office of the CIty Attorney ,- H..\W'Jl. :' _,-,.\~:::'b')\l:-';-F1~ALDOC CITY OF WESTMINSTER BYW~~ Name & Title: IN i 11 i am Chr I stopher, City Manager Date: December 18, 2000 20 Attest. APPROVED AS TO FORM lMA'1A-l j dUAA1UAit; Caplan and Earnest, LLC School District Legal Coull,el Jeffersoll Coullty School Dlstnct No. R. J V-JAl \.\u\'l>l1ikA"~L'>~llJ:'\llll:lJ::,ll()c JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT No. R-I "7 By Jolm e Ie ano, Pres dent, Boa'd of Educatioll J 1-1. () d Date: 21 OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY, FIRST JUDICIAl; DISTRICT aye Thomas, District Attorney, First Judicial District V\.\ -v ,.lU\'l'lllk.l\s;-'l'ss\lJA\JI1..11::'UOl / / --,--, JEFFERSON COUNTY SHERIFF SPONSOR ! J:,.~ r~~ By \ John P e Date: '7 ~>'-o 1,,,--- 20/::0 \}'J.\( ~..Iml'm"LA\,,(:,,\\~ lAllll:.t\:' ll()C .--,.--, -.' . . Exhibit "A" Year 2001 Juvenile Assessment Center Budget By Source of Contribution Source $in2001* % Lakewood 34,404 7.92 Arvada 30,233 6.96 Golden 24,067 5.54 Wheat RIdge 13,983 3.22 Westminster 6,454 1.49 Edgewater 1,610 0.37 Jeffco Human ServIces 108,831 25.07 I Jeffco Shenff 65,064 14.99 Jeffco District Attorney 92,750 21.36 -- R -1 Schools 56,752 13.07 Sub-total 434,148 100.0 Grant/Contract Contract. SB 94 97,513 Grant: YCPI 30,000 Grant: SAMHSA 15,000 Other 5,000 - Total 581,661 -- ::: 4% increase from 2000 (Note The allocatIons for Law Enforcement PartIcIpants are based on usage and the actual cost of services rendered to law enforcement by the Juvemle Assessment Program 111 calendar year 1998 ) ''--' J(. / AGREEMENT Wl1h Mental Health THIS AGREEMENT, da1ed for reference purposes only thIS 1st day of January, 2001, is made and entered into by and between the COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, a body polI\lc and corporate (the "County"); JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT R-l (R-l Schools"); the CITY OF ARV ADA, a mumclpal corporatIon CArvada"), the CITY OF LAKE WOOD, a municipal corporatIOn CLakewood"); the CITY OF WHEA T RIDGE, a muniCIpal corporation ("Wheat Ridge"), and the CITY OF GOLDEN, a mumclpal corpora\lon CGolden"), the CITY OF WESTMINSTER, a mumcipal corporatIOn ("Westminster"); the CITY OF EDGEW A TER, a mUnIcipal corporatIon ("Edgewater"), and the JEFFERSON CENTER FOR MENTAL HEALTH ("Mental Health") (heremaf1er collectIvely refened to as the "paI1ies") and the DISTRICT ATTORNEY OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Jefferson Center for Mental Health ("Mental Health") has operated a program known as the Jefferson County Juvemle Assessment Program (the "Program") and WHEREAS, the County, Mental Heal1h and the Law Enforcement ParticIpants preVIOusly entered mto an agreemen11l1 1998 for fundmg and operatmg the Program (1 he "Law Enforcement Fundmg Agreement") and the County, R-l Schools and Menial Health entered 1010 a Partners Agreement dated for reference purposes the 1 st day of July, 1997 to proVide addItIOnal fundmg for 1he Program ("PaI1ners Agreement"), and \VHEREAS, concun'cnt WIth 1hc exccuiIon of thIS Agreement, an agreement has been executed whICh creates and funds a separate legal entIty for the operatIon of the Juvemle Assessment Center (The "Center"), and WHEREAS, 1here IS no longcr any need for the Law Enforcement Fundlllg Agreemcnt and the Panners Agreement be1wccn 1he partIes for the fundmg of Juvcmlc Assessment Program NO\V, THEREFORE, 10 consideration of thc mutual covenants and agrcement of the panles herell1after con tamed, the receipt and suffiCIency of whIch are hcreby confessed, it 15 undcrs100d and agreed as follows I Ill:.\lI,\III\['-.;ILl-\SSlc ,\1' 1-1"<,11. Ix,.. L GENERAL PROVISIONS A, The Law Enforcement Fundlllg Agreement and the Pat1ner Agreement and any amendments to el1her agreement are hereby telmInated. B Jefferson Center for Mental Health hereby agrees to provide mental health services at the Center C Mental Health shall contInue to oversee, admilllster and staff the Center through March 31, 2001, If the Board of Directors of the Center has not hIred staff or entered into a contract WIth another entity to oversee and staff the Center dUrIng the first quarter of 2001. If Mental Health provIdes admlllistration and staffing to the Cen1er dUrIng the first quarter of 2001, Mental Health shall be paid by thc Centcr a dollar amount calculated by proratlllg the amount of financial contrIbutIons paId by the parties to the Center for the Year 2001. The oversIght adlmnis1ratlon and staffing, of the Center by Mental Health shall be thc same services Mcntal Health provided under the terms of the PartnershIp agreement and the Law Enforcement Fundlllg Agreement or as dIrected by the Board of DIrectors of the Center D Mental Health shall be a Sponsor under the terms of the Intergovernmental Agreemen1 II. TERM, RENEWAL AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT A. TERM AND RENEW AL OF AGREEMENT ThIS Agreement shall be m full force and effec1 for a term of 35 years from January 1, 2001, and the partIes entenng mto this Agreement shall have the optIon to extend thIS Agreemen1 by amendlllg thIS Agreement pursuant to Sec1Ion III or termlllatmg thIS Agreement sooner by a majority vote of the partIes hereto B REMEDIES AS TO MENTAL HEALTH. If Mental Health does not prOVIde mental heal1h serVIces to 1he Center, Mental Health shall no longer be deemed a Sponsor and the IeI'm of any Director on the Center Board appolllted by Mental Health shall be deemed tennInated. 1lI AMENDMENT ThIS Agreement may be amended at any tIme III wntlllg by agreement of two-thIrds of the parties 10 thiS Agreement subJec1 to the approval of the vanous governing bodies of the partIes 2 (' \\1 \ 1I'Ij 1 :\ IS:[ ! \"~f~"\1~TI''; \~ i:: _~- IV SEVERABILITY CLAUSE If any provIsIOns of this Agreemen1 or the applIcatIOn thereof to any party or circumstances IS held mvalId, such mvalIdlty shall no1 affect other provrslons or applIcatIons of the Agreement which can be given effect wIthout the mvalId provIsIon or applIcatton, and to thIS end, the provIsions of the Agreement are declared to be severable. V COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be sIgned in counterparts, and each counterpart shall be deemed an origmal, and all the counterparts taken as a whole shall constitute one and the same mstrument. The Agreement shall not be effectIve untIl executed by all parties, VI. GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY/NO PARTNERSHIP ThiS Agrcemen11s not m1ended and shall not, lImit m any way governmentallmmunny and olher lImited lIabilIty statu1es for the protectIon of the parties. Nothmg con lamed hcrem shall be deemed to create a partnershIp or jomt venture between the paI11es With respect to the subJcct matler hereof VII. MISCELLANEOUS A. Except as otherWise provided herem, thiS Agreement shallmure to the benefit of, and he hmdmg upon, the parties hereto and theIr respectIve successors and assIgns. B Menial Heal1h shall defcnd, ll1demlllfy, save and hold harmless the Cen1er and the olher partIes and the officers, agcnts and employees of the Center and the other parl1es, from and agains1 any and all claIms, damages, lIabIlIty and couI1 awards lllcludlllg costs, expenses (includmg collectIon expenses), a1torney's fees and couI1 costs whIch may anse due to the neglIgence, mIsconduc1 or olher fault of Mental Health, ItS agents or employees m pcrformance of Its oblIgatIons under thiS Agreemenl. This proviSIon shall survive the termlllatlon of thiS Agreemenl. C In performmg thiS Agreemen1, Mental Health acts as an mdependent Contrac1or and IS no1 actlllg as an agen1, servant or employee of the other partIes or the Center No person employed by MENTAL HEALTH shall become an agent, servant, or employee of the other parties or of the Center because of thIS Agreement. MENTAL HEALTH is solely responsible for necessary and adequate workers' compensation insurance. MENTAL HEALTH shall be responsible for withholding and paying all Federal and State taxes and MENTAL HEALTH and MENTAL HEALTH employees are not entitled to unemployment benefits 3 ('ITD.lf'l.ll"\T':IlI- \)"I:':iS,'H":.I-I~ALDO.. unless unemployment compensation coverage is provided by MENT AL HEALTH or some other entity. D Venue for any and aU legal ac110ns regardIng transactIons covered hereIn shall IIc in the Dlstnct Court III and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado This transactIon shall be govemed by the laws of the State of Colorado E. Except as otherWise provided hereIn, this Agreement shall murc to the benefit of, and be bllldlllg upon, the parttes hereto and theIr respective successors and assigns. F The partIes who are govemmental entitIes acknowledge and hereby gIve notIce that the financial obligatIons of the governmental parties under this Agreement, payable after the cUITen1 fiscal year, arc contingent upon funds for thIS Agreement bemg appropnated, budgeted and otherWise made available for each fiscal year thereafter In the event It IS deterrlllned that funds \VIii not be budgeted and appropriated, or otherWIse made aVailable, any govemmental pal1y may termmate theil' participatIon m 1hls Agrecment by giving the other pm11es no11ce of such non-appropnatlOn. For purposes of thIS Agreement, the govemmental pal11eS' fiscal years commence January 1 and end December 31 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement. ATTEST / ~ LJ/v -' it~~~~L.^, Deputy Clerk and Recorder JEFFERSON COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO By ~~ft~ <<- RIchard M. Sheehan, ChaIrman Board of County CommiSSIOners Date />-//9/P<9 APPROVED AS TO FORM. Y- 4 ( TI-\:I'.II' I <II [,\:';1 "l~ FI:\......L [Jlil ATTEST ~I~~ 1 ,., ,-*~fi)iIl1 '.1\, ,C h 'it0Jl Ci1Y jerk I.\W"' 1-'\'II.1:\)_;l:.~S\I' .11-';.\1 [)(II CITY OF ARV ADA, STATE OF COLORADO ~\W--- Name & Title Ken Fellman, Mavor Date, January 8, 2001 5 ATTEST ) /\,. , '- ) ,VC;:(\'[J'---'. --city Clerk " '~, ~ ~ ,cl"'c.L(__ APPROVED AS TO FORM. / , [ ~ Irl-,\W,JI"\I-.:".ILr,,\'.;c\S\1:\1'1:\"\I.jl('( CITY OF LAKEWOOD STATE OF COLORADO BY~~~ --. Name & Title c..,.-f.y /4qna3e.r Date I -1r- LJ I - ,...;,':-<<;:$~~ ,_-r.o 1 A'~,J" '.. 4.~..... ,,,...... ,',;', Lrli; Jt:;~t i!.> . ~ .~~ ~'''.~ .~_ Co $" ",>,(:;1 H t;~.- p. i ""t ' , 'ij.. ~ ' ; ,~ .,:. ,. .... ; \S".:if ,:>;:; \')'-M ., ~g "f'". .r.,(f},i nfi<t )\~ >J...:l'i"___'..\Jf'J. .Y- , ...)':,~~.~s:~- II ATTEST CITY OF GOLDEN STATE OF COLORADO ~~~~v City Clert- '~ ~;~.w~ Date ~~/4-I~() 7 , ,Ii ,;,,)-\11 '\' I ::,'llr \~ "I:S~ \1. -1.1 ~< -\1 ~)( 1'- AITES'T'" "- " , "- " \ r!~~!~S?,(D'\~h ,CiJ.,z'"Clerk, ,J \ \ " I -. , / CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE STATE OF COLORADO ~ ;~"~~'\ ~ (, )'\ , -;, f-~ 'r), \ dd<~ \'(\1,( iV.:J0 ,'] mne & Titk u<;t~':'l ~ "G0~ "" '!; ) Date, J J-,)1--o 0 " f~" ,~J '/ "':','i',\ '/' -.... -' '- .~.--- APPROVED AS TO~ c;C~~ 7Jl Office of the CIty Attoll1ey I \TI~\ll'\Jl 'VL:--:II.LASSL.'.....;\I:>.-I j, \i f)( JC 8 ATTEST CITY OF EDGEW A TER STATE OF COLORADO '-J }~A--~ CIty Clerk' By 2f-d~ N e & Title John Fox, Mayor Date December 21, 2000 APPROVED AS TO FORM ~&- Office of the City Attomey 9 I 11\11-"II-\I,,',L1 \\,1' ;\1:,\1]:,\11)'>< ATTEST: CITY OF WESTMINSTER STATE OF COLORADO 11f:t'IYII,f;/iy City lerk BYW~ Name & Title: Wi 11 i Date: December 18, 2000 City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~ :J!~ Office of the CIty Attorney 10 - .'\E.)_WJI' r:.' ,'c.l.\SS\:..:::i\'.~.A}lAL DOC Attest. '1 () c, APPROVED AS TO FORM. UJL~~ j 1ti tdiUvLW-<-.---- aplan and Earnest, LLC ')choo] Dlstnct Legal Counsel .Icfjcrson County School Dlstnct No R-I II ii' ,11'\11 \ I,',: I, \~ ';I .~:, ~ I r\-I ,:\, I I J< JEFFERSON CENTER FOR MENT AL HEALTH By t/lruuJ', # v;1u:/ /J,.0 ') Name and Tjtle' J.fljJj,-1/,d/(4 r (f c- 0 Date tW('(' /1, ~:) OLiU 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM. ILrA~ c- (- f Attorney for Mental Health ~y~ '--. --.: i ['[E,':;, L' , I, 0 'I,IN ," , ---'-- ~-~~:::... ''->''~ , M[7iXNER~; . , ( r -('~ " "'-" :: '--" COLc''lAOO ; - ~----^ "___ ---1 " '" -...- County of J> ~kex5l5y) } ) ss State of Colorado ) SubscrIbed and sworn to before me tlllS //t!l day of Jj..f !..IIYtbtr , 2000, bv Ii Harnf-i- I.,' HaLt .ru':-"duU-/t6J for the Jefferson Center for Mental Health \1"1' \'" 1\1\"" ..,j ',,~SJON EXI'lJU~, f )JJ/Jurr 2' 1 201)' WItness mv hand and official seal. My comml(sslOn expIres ~f!/l)btf ;ll( 0100,2 a&~A Jt.j '-fV?-e.~~.J....... Notary PublIc 12 I 1-''i'II'\I'II.1\C;Sr:S;~l~II~AI,ll('' Office of the Dlstnct Attomey, First JudicIal Dlstr y aye Thomas Dlstnct Attomey, First JudICwl Dlstnct I j If\II"JI"'!\'[II-\~,:;b~'!';-II:,\1 1)i II