HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-2003-0002 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 02-2003 Series of 2003 TITLE: A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT YOUTH ALCOHOL INTERVENTION PROGRAM WHEREAS, intergovernmental agreements between political subdivisions of the State of Colorado are authorized by C.R.S. s 29-1-203; and WHEREAS, the First Judicial District Youth Alcohol Intervention Program has been established by Intergovernmental Agreement between the Cities of Morrison, Westminster, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Golden, Edgewater, Lakewood and Jefferson County; and WHEREAS, the First Judicial Youth Alcohol Intervention Program provides a mechanism for first-time youth offenders who are referred by schools, social services or families to receive education, intervention and training designed to avert or prevent unlawful behavior and to reduce the necessity for court involvement; and WHEREAS, the parties to the Intergovernmental Agreement wish to amend the same by adding selected marijuana offenses to the program; and WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge wishes to approve the amendment to to the Intergovernmental Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge City Council, that: Section 1. The amendment repealing and reenacting Paragraph 1 of the Intergovernmental Agreement establishing the First Judicial District Youth Alcohol Intervention Program is hereby approved. Section 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and empowered to execute the Amendment on behalf of the City of Wheat Ridge. ~ (),.,.;... DONE AND RESOLVED this !2. '7 day of ~-uj 2003. GED\53027\431858.01 ATTEST' ~~0<':s Wanda Sang, City Clerk GED\53027\431858.01 AN AMENDMENT TO INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN JEFFERSON COUNTY AND MUNICIPALITIES FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT YOUTH ALCOHOL INTERVENTION PROGRAM THIS AMENDMENT to the Intergovernmental Agreement by and between Jefferson County, and MuniClpahtJes for the Establishment of the FIfSt JudICial Dlstnct Youth Alcohol InterventIOn Program entered mto thls~day of ~'-"'A% 2003, is entered mto by and between the CITY OF ARV ADA, CITY OF EDGEW ATER, CITY OF GOLDEN, CITY OF LAKEWOOD, CITY OF WESTMINSTER, CITY OF WHEATRIDGE, TOWN OF MORRISON AN']) JEFFERSON COUNTY, hereafter collectlvely referred to as "Partlclpatmg Members" WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Agreement ("IGA") by and between the PartlcIpatmg Members was entered m Apn12000, and WHEREAS, the PartIcipating Members agree that youth mvolved in the abuse of marIJuana adversely affect the public safety, health and welfare of all PartIcIpatmg Members of the Intergovernmental Agreement; and WHEREAS, the parties shall, in accordance WIth apphcable law, share mformatlOn necessary WIth the goal of ensunng that the courts refer only first-tIme offenders to the mtervention program, and WHEREAS, the parties hereto deSIre to amend thf' IGA for the purpose ofprovrdmg for the establishment of an area-WIde mtervention program to deal in a coordmated manner WIth the problems of youth marIJuana abuse, and WHEREAS, the partIes to thIS IGA recognized the Importance ofparentalmvolvement m combating the problems of youth manjuana abuse and believe It must be a pnonty to encourage parental partICIpation in intervention programs offered to youth. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED by and between each of the partIes as follows. Paragraph 1 of the IGA shall be repealed and re-enacted to read as follows 1 Purpose. The purpose of thIS IGA is to create an entIty that will be responsible for selectmg and overseemg a youth mterventlOn program provlder(s) ("PrOVIder") who shall prOVIde educatIon, mterventlOn and trammg to all first- time youth offenders eIther apprehended by law enforcement officers, processed through muniCIpal or county courts, referred by schools, referred by SOCIal servIce agencies or referred by theIr famIlies. The ProVIder shall offer servIces addressmg youth and family Issues of alcohol use and shall be prepared to expand these servIces to address other youth substance abuse and crime Issues Additionally, all first time youth offenders eIther apprehended by law enforcement officers, processed through mUnicipal or county courts, referred by schools, referred by SOCIal servIce agencies, or referred by their famIlIes for F'\Users\SCOTTy\ Y AIP2ndamend.IGA.Marij .doc marIjuana abuse or pOsscsslOn of less than 1 ounce of marIJuana, pursuant to C.R.S 918-18-406 and/or posseSSlOn of drug paraphernalIa, as defined m c.R.S 9l8-18-426, as currently eXlstmg or hereafter amended, or similar mUIllClpal ordmance VIOlatIons, may be eligible to partIcipate m the FIfSt JudICIal Youth Alcohol InterventIOn Program. It IS wlthm the Partlcipatmg Members' dIscretIOn to divert youth offenders to thIS program. AddItIonal purposes ofthe lst JudICIal Dlstnct Youth Alcohol InterventlOn Program are to provide enhanced tools for enforcement of youth offenses, to reduce the numbers of first-tIme youth offenders who appear m mumcipal and county courts, and to proVIde a means for the coordinatIon of umform youth offender polICIes between the partIes hereto 2 All other terms and condItIons of the IGA shall remalll III effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed thIS Amendment to the IGA to be effectIve as of the date first wntten above, and acknowledge that each origmal PartIcIpating Member IdentIfied herem may execute the IGA indiVidually CITY OF ARV ADA, a Colorado mumclpal corporatIOn By: Ken Fel1man, Mayor Date. ATTEST CIty Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM. City Attorney flUserslSCOTTYW AIPlndamend.lGA .Marij .doc 2 CITY OF EDCEW ATER, a Colorado mUlllClpal corporatIOn By" John Fox, Mayor Date ATTEST: CIty Clerk Approved as to Form City Attorney F \U,elS'.SCOTTY'Y AIP2ndamend.IGA.Man].doc 3 CITY OF GOLDEN, a Colorado mumclpal corporatIOn By" Mike Bestor, CIty Manager Date ATTEST City Clerk Approved as to Form. City Attorney FIUserSlSCOTTY' Y AtP2ndamend.lGA.Manj .doc 4 CITY OF LAKEWOOD, a Colorado mUnIClpal corporatIOn By' Michael Rock, City Manager Date ATTEST City Clerk Approved as to Form. CIty Attorney F '\UsersISCOTTY,y AIP2noameno.lGA.Marij .ooc 5 CITY OF WESTMINSTER, a Colorado ll1UillClpal corporatIOn By. Brent McFall, CIty Manager Date. ATTEST City Clerk Approved as to Fonn. CIty Attorney F IUsers\SCOTTYIY AIP2ndamend. IGA.Marij .doc 6 A~-?ST. \ ~ ~"'\~ \W\~\ \I t....--\ 0"'\~lty Clerk \ F '\UsersISCOTTY\y AIP2ndamend. IGA.Marij .doc CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a Colorado mUnIcipal corporatIOn By' G~eu~ Randy Young, Ity 1a er Date 0 l ("l.{ UlO~ ------ " " ., "" , :..: ~,I )., 'r1t>_""'ttI . 7 ATTEST Town Clerk Approved as to Form. Town Attorney F '\UsersISCOTTYI Y AIP2ndamend.IGA.Marij .doc TOWN OF MORRISON, a Colorado By' DavId Clyne, Town Manager Date' 8 ATTEST' Deputy Clerk and Recorder Approved as to Fonn Cynthia M. Beyer-UlrIch AssIstant County Attorney F \UsersISCOTTYI Y AIP2ndamend.IGA.MariJ .doc COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO By' RIchard M Sheehan, Chmnnan Board of County ComrmsslOners Date 9