HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-2004-0002 RESOLunON NUMBER 02-2004 SERIES OF 2004 nTLE: RENEWAL OF SCIENnFIC AND CULTURAL FACILInES DISTRICT RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT WHEREAS, the SCIentific and Cultural FacIlIties Dlstnct IS a nationally acclaImed method to fund cultural organIzatIOns, and WHEREAS, the SCFD provIdes funding from a one-tenth of one percent sales tax m the seven- county Denver metro area to more than 300 small and large metropolItan arts and sCIence organIzatIOns and does so WIth minImal regulatIon and overhead; and WHEREAS, more than 9 mIllIOn people vIsIted the Denver metro area's cultural mstltutlOns III 2001, whIch IS more than attended professIOnal sportmg events (5.3 mlllIon) or VISIted Front Range Colorado's skI resorts (75 mIllion), and WHEREAS, SCFD-funded organIzations provide entertamment, education and enlightenment for mIlhons of metro resIdents. Cultural organIzatIOns provIde tours and cultural expenences for 2 mIllIon school chIldren annually More than 1 mlllIon people a year enroll m free and pllld cultural classes and actIvIties. An equal number are members of metro cultural organIzatIOns. Nearly 1 mIllIon underserved audIences such as chIldren below the poverty level, senIors and dIverse ethnIc audIences expenenced cultural programs III 2001 In addItion, regIOnal organIzatIOns offer area resIdents more than 100 free days a year; and WHEREAS, SCFD fundmg helps metro cultural organIzatIOns preserve and protect pnceless collectIOns of anImals, art, plants, natural hIstory and hlstoncal SItes, and WHEREAS, the regIOn's cultural organizatIOns and facIlItIes generate more than $1 bllhon a year 111 economIc Impact and provIde more than 7,000 Jobs, and WHEREAS, cultural tounsm generated $139 million in 2001 ,and WHEREAS, the SCFD has been approved by the legIslature and endorsed by voters m two region- wIde electIOns m 1988 and 1994 The SCFD must be reauthonzed by voters on or before 2006, and WHEREAS, the SCFD's modest one-tenth of one percent sales tax equals only one cent on a $10 purchase and m 2004 voters wIll be asked to extend, not mcrease the tax for an addItional 12 years. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY OCUNCIL to support the reauthonzation of the SCIentIfic and Cultural Facilttles Dlstnct and to urge legIslatIve and voter support for renewal of the Dlstnct and the contmued benefits the SCFD provIdes. DONE AND RESOLVED THIS 26th DAY OF JANUARY ,2004 Attest. (- ; \ -.:._/ r /', I ~ ~: \../' _ t "{ ( '-_ ~ L L r Gretchen Cerveny, Mayor ~"~ am nderson, City Clerk